Resolution 02-006 Adopting Council Rules of Procedure CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 02-06 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WASHINGTON ADOPTING THE CITY COUNCIL RULES OF PROCEDURE. WHEREAS, the Spokane Valley City Council is required pursuant to RCW 35k12.120 to adopt rules which relate to the City Council procedures, order of business, conduct of Council meetings and such other matters properly related thereto; and WHEREAS, the Spokane Valley City Council has reviewed the attached Rules of Procedure and finds them to be acceptable and appropriate. NOW, THEREFORE, be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Washington as follows: 1. Rules of Procedure. The City Council adopts the attached Rules of Procedure under the Council- Manager form of government. For decision on points or order, the City shall be governed by the most recent addition or Roberts Rules of Order, a copy of which is maintained in the office of the Spokane Valley City Clerk. 2. Best Efforts. These Rules of Procedure are designed to assist in the orderly conduct of City Council business. Failure of the City Council to adhere to these rules shall not result in any liability to the City, its officers, its agents and employees nor shall the same result in any invalidation of City Council action. , 1 Adopted thisc /'V day 0de. h,or , 2002. City of Spokane Valley • Mayor 7 Attest: )27,/ Interim City Clerk A:1Resohaian 02-06.doc l Approved as to Form: me •AY City orn,y AAR.csolution O2-06.doc 2 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL RULES OF PROCEDURE Adopted by Resolution Qg (,(, TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. GENERAL RULES 1 1.1 Meetings to Be Public 1 1.2 Respect and Decorum 1 1.3 Quorum 1 1.4 Attendance,Excused Absences 1 1.5 Attendance of City Staff 2 1.6 Attendance of Media at Council Meetings 2 1.7 Journal of Proceedings 2 2. TYPES OF MEETINGS 2 2.1 Regular Council Meetings • 2 2.2 Special Meetings 2 2.3 Continued And Adjourned Sessions 3 2.4 Study Sessions And Workshops 3 2.5 Executive Sessions 3 3. CHAIR AND DUTIES 3 3.1 Chair 4 3.2 Call to Order 4 3.3 Duties 4 3.4 Points of Order ...............................................................................................4 3.5 Questions to Be Stated 4 3.6 Substitution For Chair 4 3.7 Presiding Officer-Powers 4 4. COUNCIL,ORDER OF BUSINESS AND AGENDA 4 4.1 Order of Business 4 4.2 Council Agenda 6 5. VOTING AND MOTIONS 6 5.1 Voting 6 5.2 Motions 7 5.3 Disqualification 7 5.4 Motions to Reconsider 7 6. .RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES 7 6.1 Review by City Attorney 7 6.2 Procedure 7 6.3 Format of Ordinances And Resolutions 7 7. PUBLIC HEARING PROCEDURES 8 7.1 Sign-in 8 • 7.2 Timing;Representation 8 7.3 The Public Hearing Process 8 7,4 Quasi Judicial Bearings 9 8. MAUS AND PRIVILEGES OF CITIZENS 9 8.1 Meeting Participation 9 8.2 Subjects Not on The Current Agenda 9 8,3 Manner of Addressing The Council -Time Limit 9 8.4 Written Communications 9 8,5 Out of Orders' Comments 10 9. FILLING COUNCIL VACANCIES AND SELECTING DEPUTY MAYOR 10 - 9.1 Notice of Vacancy 10 9.2 Application Procedure 10 9.3 Interview Process • 10 9.4 Selection of Council member 10 9,5 Selection or Mayor and Deputy Mayor; Nominations ].0 10. PREPARATION OF AGENDA 11 10.1 Staff Duties 11 10.2 Agenda Items 11 10.3 Timing of Preparation 1] 11. COUNCIL COMMITTEES 12. IL]. Standing Committees 12 12. SUSPENSION AND AMEN-DMENT OF RULES 13 12_1 Suspension of These Rules 13 12.2 Amendment of These Rules 13 ii City of Spokane Valley City Council Rules of Procedure Adopted by: 02-06 These rules shall be considered the Rules of Procedure for the City of Spokane Valley City Council operating under the Council-Manager form of government. For decisions on points of order, the City shall be governed by the most recent edition of:Roberts Rules of Order, a copy of which is maintained in the office of the City of Spokane Valley City Clerk. 1. GENERAL RULES 1.1 Meetings to Be Public : All meetings of the Council shall be open to the public with the exception of executive sessions as defined in RCW Chapter 42.30. 1.2 Respect and Decorum : It is the duty of the Mayor and Council members to maintain dignity and respect for their offices, City staff and the public. While the Council is in session, the Council members shall preserve order and decorum and a member shall neither, by conversation or otherwise, delay or interrupt the proceedings of the Council, nor disrupt or disparage any member while speaking. Council members and the public shall obey the orders of the Chair. Any person making disruptive, disparaging or impertinent remarks or unreasonably disturbing the business of the Council, either while addressing the Council or attending its proceedings, shall be asked to leave the meeting. Continued disruptions may result in a recess or adjournment. 1.3 Ouorum : Four (4) Council members shall constitute a quorum and be necessary for the transaction of business. If a quorum is not present, those in attendance will be named and they shall adjourn to a later time, but no adjournment shall be for a longer period than until the next regular meeting. 1.4 Attendance, Excused Absences : A Council member shall forfeit his/her office by failing to attend three (3) consecutive regular meetings of the Council without being excused by the Council. RCW 35A.13.020 and 35A.12.060. Members of the Council may be excused from a meeting by contacting the City Clerk or designee prior to the meeting and stating the reason for his/her inability to attend the meeting. The City Clerk shall inform the Council of the member's absence, state the reason for such absence and inquire if there is a motion to excuse the member. Upon passage of such motion by a majority of members Council Rules Page 1 of 13 Revised August 2002 present, the absent member shall be considered excused and the appropriate notation will be made in the minutes. If the motion is not passed or the above procedure is not followed, the minutes will reflect that the absence is unexcused. If the City Clerk is contacted and fails to inform the Council, the Council should inquire into the Member's absence and, if appropriate, excuse the same. 1.5 Attendance of City Staff : The City Manager, City Attorney, and City Clerk (or designee) shall attend all meetings of the City Council. The City Manager may report and make recommendations to the City Council and when requested shall participate in Council discussions. The City Attorney, upon request from the Chair or Council, shall give an opinion on legal questions and rules of order. The Recording Secretary shall keep the minutes of the Council, record all Council votes and actions and perform such other duties as necessary for the orderly conduct of the meeting. 1.6 Attendance of Media at Council Meetings : All meetings of the Council and its committees shall be open to the media, freely subject to recording by radio, television and photographic equipment at any time, provided that such arrangements do not interfere with the orderly conduct of the meetings. Television and photographic equipment shall not be placed or operated behind the dias. 1.7 Journal of Proceedings : A journal of all proceedings (minutes) of the Council shall be kept by the City Clerk and shall be entered in a book constituting the official record of the Council. 1.8 Council Seating: The Mayor and Council members shall be seated on the dias according to the position number to which they were elected. The Deputy Mayor shall sit next to the Mayor. The City Manager and City Attorney shall sit on the dins. 2. TYPES OF MEETINGS 2.1 Regular Council Meetings : The Council shall meet regularly on every Tuesday of the month beginning at 6:00 p.m. When_a Council meeting falls on a holiday, the Council shall have its regular meeting on the following day. The location of the meetings shall be the Redwood Plaza, 11707 East Sprague Avenue, City of Spokane Valley, Washington, unless specified otherwise by a majority vote of the Council. 2.2 Special Meetings : Special meetings may be called by the Mayor or any four (4) members of the Council. Upon request, the City Clerk shall prepare a notice of the special meeting stating the date, time, place and business to be transacted. The City Clerk shall notify each member of the Council, either by telephone, fax, e-mail or otherwise of the special meeting. The City Clerk shall give at least 24 hours notice of the special meeting to each local newspaper of general circulation and to each Council Rules Page 2 of 13 Revised August 2002 local radio and/or television station which has filed with the City Clerk a written request to be notified of special meetings. No subjects other than those specified in the notice shall be considered. Special meetings may be called without the notice required in this section, to address emergencies involving injury or damage to persons or property or the likelihood of such injury or damage if the notice requirements would be impractical or increase the likelihood of such injury or damage. 2.3 Continued And Adjourned Sessions : Any meeting of the Council may be continued or adjourned from day to day, or for more than one day, but no adjournment shall be for a longer period than until the next regular meeting. 2.4 Study Sessions And Workshops : The Council may meet in study sessions and workshops (open to the public), at the request of the Mayor, three (3) members of the Council or City Manager. The purpose of the study session is to review and discuss current or proposed programs or projects of the City including the receipt of information from City staff or others provided that all discussions and conclusions thereon shall not constitute binding actions of the Council. 2.5 Executive Sessions: Executive sessions or closed meetings may be held in accordance with the provisions of the Open Meetings Act, RCW Chapter 42.30. The Council may hold an executive session during a regular or special meeting. Before convening in executive session the Chair shall publicly announce the purpose for excluding the public from the meeting place and the time when the executive session will be concluded. If the Council wishes to adjourn at the close of a meeting from executive session, that fact will be announced along with the estimated time for the executive session. The announced time limit for executive sessions may be extended by announcement of the Chair. Council members must keep confidential all oral and written information provided during executive sessions to protect the best interests of the City. Confidentiality also includes information provided to Council members outside of executive sessions when the information is considered exempt from disclosure under the Code of Ethics for Municipal Officers. 2.6 Council Retreat: Annually, the City Council will hold a Council retreat with the City Manager and senior staff in attendance. The purpose of the retreat will be to discuss the goals, priorities, projects, legislation and other matters related to the public health, safety and welfare of the City. The City Clerk shall prepare a notice of the meeting stating the date, time, place and business to be conducted. 3. CHAIR AND D Council Rules Page 3 of 13 Revisal August 2002 3.1 Chair : The Mayor, if present, shall preside as Chair at all meetings of the Council. In the absence of the Mayor, the Deputy Mayor shall preside. In the absence of the Mayor and Deputy Mayor the Council shall elect a Chair. 3.2 Call to Order : The meetings of the Council shall be called to order by the Mayor or, in his absence, the Deputy Mayor. In the absence of both the Mayor and Deputy Mayor, the meeting shall be called to order by the City Clerk or designee for the election of a temporary Chair. 3.3 Duties: The Chair shall recognize Council members when statements, questions or motions are made and permit staff and public participation when appropriate. The Chair shall maintain the order of the meeting by: (1) recognizing each Council member has equal rights to bring matters before the Council; (2) allowing for complete and reasonable discussion of matters; and (3) protecting against embarrassment or annoyance of any Council member, staff or citizen. 3.4 Points of Order : The Chair with the assistance of the City Attorney shall determine all points of order. 3.5 Motions to Be Stated : The Chair shall require all motions submitted for a vote to be stated, discussed and voted upon. 3.6 Substitution For Chair : The Chair may call upon the Deputy Mayor or any other member to temporarily chair the meeting. 3.7 Presiding Officer - Powers : The Chair may move, second, debate and vote subject only to such limitations of debate as are imposed on all members and shall not be deprived of any of the rights and privileges of a Council member by reason of acting as the Chair. 4. COUNCIL ORDER OF BUSINESS AND AGENDA 4.1 Order of Business : The order of business for all regular meetings shall be as follows unless the Council, by a majority vote of the members present, suspends the rules and changes the order: Call to Order. The Chair calls the meeting to order. Invocation. By invitation. Pledge of Allegiance. By invitation. Roll Call. The Recording Secretary calls the roll of the Council and notes the presence of staf. Council members may make a motion to excuse absent Council Council Rules Page 4 of 13 Revised August 2002 • members. Agenda Approval. The Chair shall seek approval of the Agenda. Council members through motion and majority vote may add, delete or defer agenda items. Announcements/Presentations. The Chair makes announcements of upcoming meetings and events and presents proclamations. A proclamation is an official declaration made by either the City Council or the Mayor. Special presentations may also be scheduled at this time. Citizens' Comments. Members of the audience may comment on any City matter. Citizens may also comment on individual agenda items during any regularly scheduled City Council meeting which is not the subject of a hearing. Comments are limited to three (3) minutes per person. [See Section 8.] Council Reports. Mayor and Council members report on Council Committee meetings, other meetings, and activities which relate to City business or Community matters. Action Items. These items are considered separately and may include contracts, resolutions and second reading or emergency ordinances. After an Action item is read, a motion with a second is made, public comment is sought, Council discussion follows and a vote is taken. Consent Agenda. The Chair identifies the items on the Consent Agenda and requests a motion with a second for approval. The Consent Agenda contains items which are of a routine and non-controversial nature which may include, but are not limited to, the following: meeting minutes, payroll, claims, minor and routine contracts and any item previously approved by Council and which is being submitted to Council for final approval. Any item on the Consent Agenda may, at the request of any Council member, be removed and considered separately. Public Hearings/Appeals. The Chair will state the public hearing procedures before each public hearing. Quasi-judicial hearings require that a decision be made by the Council which may include record review of evidence considered and that specific findings be made. Ordinances. The Recording Secretary shall introduce the ordinance by reading its title. Ordinances will generally have two readings at two separate meetings, unless the Council deems it expedient to suspend this rule. Amendments to an ordinance may be made at first or second reading. A record vote identifying Council members shall follow second reading. Four (4) affirmative votes are required to pass an ordinance. Council Rules Page 5 of 13 Revised August 2002 Emergency Ordinances. Public emergency ordinances require a vote of a majority plus one of the whole Council membership, and may be made effective upon adoption. A "public emergency ordinance" is one designed to protect public health and safety, public property, or the public peace; it may not levy taxes, grant, renew, or extend a franchise to authorize the borrowing of money. Resolutions. The Recording Secretary shall introduce the Resolution by reading its title. A Resolution is adoption of a City policy or decision and shall be adopted by a recorded vote of the Council. Staff Reports. The City Manager, City Attorney and City staff may report on issues of interest to the Council, which do not require Council action. New Business. Council members may state matters which should be the subject of future council and staff consideration. Workshop. A workshop allows the Council to receive a presentation, gather and request information and engage in discussion without taking action. The public may attend; however, public comment is not generally solicited. Executive Session. An executive session may be convened that is closed to the public and attended only by the Mayor, Council, City Manager, City Attorney and City staff and or individuals authorized by the City Council. Adjournment. Upon Conclusion of Council business, the meeting is adjourned to the next regularly scheduled meeting. 4.2 Council Agenda : Subject to the Council's right to amend the agenda at any time during a regular meeting, no legislative item shall be voted on which is not on the Council agenda, except in emergency situations relating to the public's health, safety or welfare. 5. VOTING AND MOTIONS 5.1 Voting : Votes during Council meetings shall be conducted as follows: a. Recorded votes (by show of hand) occur on the Consent Agenda, Action Items and Ordinances. b. Unless otherwise required by these Rules or Statute, voice votes shall be taken except at the request of the Mayor or any Council member, a roll call vote shall be recorded by the Recording Secretary. Council Rules Page 6 of 13 Revised August 2002 c. Where there is a tie vote on any Motion, the Motion fails. d. Each Council member shall vote on all questions and matters before the Council, unless a conflict of interest or appearance of fairness disqualifies the member. 5.2 Motions : No motion shall be considered or debated until duly seconded and announced by the Chair, with the exception of nominations for Mayor and Deputy Mayor or appointments to Boards, Commissions and Committees, where no second is required. The motion shall be recorded and, if desired by any Council member, it shall be read by the Recording Secretary before it is debated and, by the majority consent of the Council, may be withdrawn at any time before action is taken on the motion. 5.3 Disqualification : Any Council member who is disqualified from voting on a matter shall be excused from the Council chambers and shall not participate in the debate. The Council member shall state the reason for the disqualification. 5.4 Motions to Reconsider : A motion to reconsider must be made by a person who voted with the majority on the principal question and must be made at the same or succeeding regular meeting. No motion to reconsider an adopted quasi-judicial written decision shall be entertained after the close of the meeting at which the written findings and decision were adopted. This rule shall not restrict the right of a Council member to place legislation on the agenda. 6. RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES 6.1 Review by City Attorney : All Resolutions and Ordinances, shall be reviewed and approved as to form by the City Attorney prior to submission for adoption by the City Council. No Ordinance or Resolution shall be prepared for presentation to the City Council unless requested by the Mayor, Council Committee, three (3) Council members or City Manager. 6.2 Procedure : Ordinances generally require two readings. The first reading will consist of a staff presentation and may include Council discussion. The second reading will occur at a subsequent meeting and will involve a Motion, Second, Public Comment, Council Discussion and Recorded Vote. 6.3 Format of Ordinances And Resolutions : Resolutions and Ordinances shall be in a format determined by RCW 35A.12.130 including the numerical identification. No Ordinance or Resolution shall contain more than one subject which shall be clearly stated in the title. No previously approved Resolution or Ordinance shall be amended unless the amendment sets forth each modified section in full. Resolutions and Ordinances shall be signed by the Mayor and attested to by the Council Rules Page 7 of 13 Revised August 2002 City Clerk. The City Attorney shall sign all Resolutions and Ordinances to approve the form. 7. PUBLIC HEARING PROCEDURES 7.1 Sign-in : All persons wishing to speak shall sign their name, address of residence and indicate whether they wish to speak as a proponent, opponent or from a neutral position on a form provided by the City. Prior to the start of a public hearing, any person who fails to sign in shall not be permitted to speak until all those who signed in have given their testimony, The Chair may change the order of speakers so that testimony is heard in the most logical groupings (i.e. proponents, opponents, adjacent owners, etc.). 7.2 Timing; Representation : The City Council will take public testimony during a public hearing, the public comment period and prior to passage of Resolutions and Ordinances. Persons appearing before the Council should limit their comments to three (3) minutes. Where an organization is appearing before the City Council, it should designate a representative to speak on behalf of its members. 7.3 The Public Hearing Process The Chair introduces the agenda item, opens the public hearing (noting the time) and announces the following Rules of Order: 1. All comments by proponents, opponents or other members of the public shall be made from the podium; any individuals making comments shall first give their name and address. 2. No comments shall be made from any other location. If a person is physically challenged and requires accommodation, the Chair shall be advised. 3. There shall be no demonstrations (i.e. applause) during or at the conclusion of anyone's presentation. 4. These rules are intended to promote an orderly system of holding a public hearing, giving every person an opportunity to be heard ensuring that no individual is annoyed or embarrassed by exercising his/her right of speech. The Chair may call upon City staff to describe the matter under consideration. The Chair calls upon proponents, opponents and all other individuals who wish to speak regarding the matter under consideration. The Chair inquires as to whether any Council member has questions to ask the proponents, opponents, speakers or staff. If any Council member has questions, Council Rules Page 8 of 13 Revised August 2002 the appropriate individual will be recalled to the podium. The Chair continues the public hearing to a time specific or closes the public hearing. 7.4 Quasi Judicial Hearings : In addition to the Rules of Order set forth in Section 7.3, the following rules should be observed during a quasi judicial public hearing. A. The Chair shall announce the matter for consideration and ask Council members to indicate any ex parte oral or written communications with a party, conflicts of interest or any appearance of fairness issues. After all disclosures are made, the Chair will ask if any party to the quasi judicial matter desires to challenge or request a Council member abstain from the decision on the matter. The challenge shall be placed on the record. B. Each party to the appeal shall be given 20 minutes for argument to the Council. Time for rebuttal may be reserved. Interested parties who participated before the administrative tribunal may participate in oral argument. 8. DUTIES AND PRIVILEGES OF CITIZENS 8.1 Meeting Participation : Citizens are welcome at all Council meetings and are encouraged to attend and participate. Recognition by the Chair of a person desiring to speak is a prerequisite for an orderly and effective meeting. It is expected that all persons will deliver their comments in a courteous and efficient manner and will speak only to the subject under consideration. 8.2 Subjects Not on The Current Agenda : Under agenda item "Citizens Comments" persons may present any item they wish to discuss with the Mayor and Council. They shall first obtain recognition by the Chair, state their name, address and subject of their comments. The Chair shall then allow the comments, subject to a three (3) minute limitation per speaker, or other limitations as the Chair or Council may deem necessary. Following such comments, if action is required or has been requested, the Chair may place the matter on a future agenda or refer the matter to staff or a Council Committee for investigation and a report at a future meeting. • 8.3 Manner of Addressing The Council - Time Limit : All remarks shall be addressed to the Council and not to any individual member. No questions shall be asked of the Council members, except by permission of the Chair. 8.4 Written Communications: Interested parties, or their authorized representatives, may address the Council by written communication in regard to any general matter Council Rules Page 9 of 13 Revised August 2002 concerning the City. The written communication may be submitted by direct mail or by addressing the communication to the City Clerk who will distribute copies to the Council members. The communication will be entered into the record, if requested by the party. 8.5 "Out of Order" Comments : Any person whose comments have been ruled out of order by the Chair shall immediately cease and refrain from further improper comments. The refusal of an individual to desist from inappropriate, disparaging or otherwise disruptive remarks after being ruled out of order by the Chair may subject the individual to removal from the Council Chambers, a recess or adjournment. 9. FILLING COUNCIL VACANCIES AND SELECTING MAYOR AND DEPUTY MAYOR 9.1 Notice of Vacancy : If a Council vacancy occurs, the Council will follow the procedures outlined in RCW 35A.13.020. In order to fill the vacancy with the most qualified person available until an election is held, the Council will distribute and publish a notice of the vacancy, the procedure and deadline for applying for the position. 9.2 Application Procedure : The Council will draw up an application form which contains relevant information. The application form will be used in conjunction with an interview of each candidate to aid the Council's selection of the new Council member. 9.3 Interview Process : All qualified candidates who submit an application by the deadline will be interviewed by the Council during a regular or special Council meeting open to the public. The order of the interviews will be determined by drawing names. To promote fairness, applicants will be asked to remain outside the Council Chambers while other applicants are being interviewed. Applicants may be asked to answer questions submitted to them in advance of the interview and questions posed by each Council member during the interview process. The Council members will ask the same questions of each candidate. Each candidate will then be allowed two (2) minutes for closing comments. Citizen comments will not be solicited or received. 9.4 Selection of Council member : The Council may recess into executive session to discuss the qualifications of all candidates. Nominations, voting and selection of a person to fill the vacancy will be conducted during an open public meeting. 9.5 Selection of Mayor and Deputy Mayor; Nominations : 9.5.1. Selection of Mayor. The Mayor will be elected by the Council members. Council Rules Page 10 of 13 Revised August 2002 1. All Council Members will be given the opportunity to make a nomination for Mayor. No second is required. 2. After all nominations are made, the Council shall vote on the nominees, collectively. 3. If one nominee member receives four votes, that person shall be declared the Mayor. 4. In the event all candidates receive less than four votes, the two candidates with the most votes, will advance to the final vote. In the event of a tie between candidates, the Council shall vote to break the tie. 5. The final two candidates shall be voted upon by the Council, with the person receiving the majority of votes becoming the Mayor. 6. The Mayor shall serve for a two (2) year term from the date of this election. 9.5.2. Selection of Deputy Mayor. Each Council member shall be given the opportunity to submit a nomination Deputy Mayor. After all nominations are made, the Mayor will call for a vote on the nominations in the order they were made. Voting will be by a recorded vote. As soon as one nominee receives a majority vote of four (4) votes of the Council, that Council member will be declared the Deputy Mayor. No votes will be taken on the remaining nominees. The term of the Deputy Mayor shall be one(1) year from the date of election. 10. PREPARATION OF AGENDA 10.1 Staff Duties : The City Clerk, under the direction of the City Manager, will prepare the agenda for each Council meeting setting forth a brief description of each item to be considered by the Council. 10.2 Agenda Items : Subject to Rule 6.1, an item to be considered by the City Council at a regular meeting may be placed on the agenda by the Mayor, a Council Member or the City Manager. 10.3 Timing of Preparation : The agenda will be put in final form by 2:00 p.m. on the day prior to the Council meeting. Agendas and supporting materials will be distributed to the City Council 24 hours before the meeting. Agenda materials will be available at City Hall for the media and public before the meeting. Nothing contained herein shall prevent Council members, or the City Manager from adding a matter to the agenda during a regular meeting. Council Rules Page I I of 13 Revised August 2002 11. COUNCIL COMMITTEES 11.1 Standing Committees : There shall be four (4) sub-committees of the Council. Council members shall submit their request for committee appointment to the Mayor. A. Finance Committee. This committee shall consist of three (3) Council members appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council. The Finance Committee has the responsibility to review and report its recommendations on the annual budget and such other matters that relate to the financial affairs of the City. The City Manager and Finance Director shall attend and provide administrative support to the Finance Committee. B. Public Safety Committee. This committee shall consist of three(3) Council members appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council. The Public Safety Committee shall review, and make recommendations to the City Council on issues related to the public health, safety and welfare of the citizens of City of Spokane Valley including, but not limited to, considering and reviewing programs, plans and other non-personnel activities involving police and fire services as well as other public safety activities of the City. The City Manager and Police Chief shall attend and provide administrative support to the Public Safety Committee. C. Community and Economic Development. This committee shall consist of three (3) Council members appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council. The Community and Economic Development Committee shall review and recommend to the City Council matters which relate to the orderly growth and development of the City. The City Manager, City Director of Planning and Public Works Director shall attend and provide administrative support to the Community and Economic Development Committee. D. Public Works Committee. This committee shall consist of three (3) Council members appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council. The Public Works Committee reviews matters which relate to public works, including but not limited to, the infrastructure and public improvements owned, controlled or operated by the City. The City Manager and Public Works Director shall attend and provide administrative support to the Public Works Committee. E. Members of the standing committees shall be appointed for a one (1) year term at the first regular City Council meeting in January of each year or as otherwise deemed necessary. 1.1.2 Other Committees: Appointments to Boards, Commissions or other Council Rules Page 12 of 13 Rcviccd August 2002 Committees not under the direct authority of the City Council shall be according to rule of such Board, Commission or Committee unless determined otherwise by the City Council. 12. SUSPENSION AND AMENDMENT OF RULES 12.1 Suspension of These Rules : Any provision of these rules may be temporarily suspended by a majority vote of the present Council members. A motion to suspend the rules of order shall be limited to the item or matter under consideration. 12.2 Amendment of These Rules : These rules may be amended or new rules adopted by a majority vote of all members of the Council, provided that the proposed amendments or new rules shall have been introduced into the record at a prior Council meeting. Council Rules Page 13 of 13 Revised August 2002