12-130.00 Paladin Data Systemspabol �0o SMART Gov, Community Paladin Data Systems Corporation 19362 Powder Hill Place NE Poulsbo, WA 98370 -8720 Tel: 360- 779 -2400 1- 800 - 532 -8448 Fax: 360- 779 -2600 To: City of Spokane Valley 11707 E. Sprague Avenue Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 SMARTGov Community® Subscription Agreement Date: August 17, 2012 Order: 1024 Ordered by: Jon Byrd Required Date: September 17, 2012 Telephone: 509 - 720 -5317 Fax: Contact Person: John Hohman Email: jhohmant�saokanevalley.orq Purpose of this Sales Order: City of Spokane Valley, WA is purchasing SMARTGov Community® Software as a Service (SaaS) - Permit, Planning, Code Enforcement, Licenses, Cashiering, Integrated GIS w /satellite imagery and road map base layers. This subscription includes 5 free "occasional users" which individually average <30% usage during an 8 hour day; and City of Spokane Valley, is terminating the Paladin Data Systems Corporation Engagement Agreement dated July 26, 2011 (the "Engagement Agreement "), that was entered into for the provision of SMARTGov Community System Software on premise licenses (the "Software ") and support services pursuant to which, among other things, PALADIN agreed to grant to City of Spokane Valley for internal business use only, a perpetual, personal, non - exclusive, non- transferable and non - assignable license to use the Software (in object code form only) and the Documentation on the Supported Environment; and In accordance with 4.6 Survival, of the Engagement Agreement, City of Spokane Valley, will promptly cease using and will return or destroy all copies of the applicable Software and Documentation; and Termination of the Engagement Agreement will be effective as of the Start Date of SMARTGov Community ®SaaS. Annual Product Support and Maintenance Fee paid by City of Spokane Valley is effective through February 12, 2013. Beginning February 13, 2013, the Annual Subscription Service Fees will take effect as the Anniversary date for Renewals. SMARTGov Community® SaaS Start Date: TBD Period: 12 months Back -up Availability Date: 15th of each month beginning a month after Start Date. (File will be available each month for download for 72 hours following Back -up Availability Date, after which the file with be deleted.) ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION COSTS: 40 Named End Named End SMARTGov Communityo SaaS $23,250.00 Us- ers' Users 1 Site SMARTPortal $3,260.00 Page 1 Initials — Client ' Paladin 12' p Fradi, o SMART Gov, SMARTGov Community® Subscription Community SMARTConnectors SaaS Transaction Agreement $1026.00 Total for Annual Subscription $27,536.00 PALADIN will migrate all of Spokane Valley's data, configuration, and connectors from SMARTGov Community System Software on premise to SMARTGov Community® SaaS at no additional costs "45 Named End Users will be set up in the system and will be subject to monitoring under Section 2.1(b) and amendment of the number of End -Users and Fees under Section 4.1(b). Schedule of Payments 50% of SMARTGov CommunityTm Total Due Upon Contract Signing $0 50% of SMARTGov CommunityTm Total Due at Start Date $0 100% of SMARTGov CommunityTm Total Due at Anniversary Date for Renewals $27,536.00 Travel and Expenses to be invoiced monthly as they occur Not Any Sales Tax Not Included in the Above Amounts If Tax Exempt, please send a copy of your Tax Exempt Certificate. This Paladin Data Systems Corporation Sales Order and SMARTGov Community® Subscription Agreement (collectively, "Agreement ") is entered into by City of Spokane Valley, WA ( "CLIENT ") and Paladin Data Systems Corporation ( "PALADIN" and, together with Client, the "Parties" and each a "Party ") as of the Effective Date. By signing this Agreement, CLIENT agrees to the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement and in Exhibit A - Paladin Trademarks, which are incorporated herein by this reference. This Agreement is effective as of the last date set forth below (the "Effective Date "). City of Spokane Valley, WA r Signature Print Name c -k - A,�,4 A Print Ti le —� Y - Date Pal in Data Systems Corporation Signature ca Print Name - - -- Print Title 9Isk - Date Page 2 Initials- Client 4 Paladin I& . ono SMART V G®V° Community SMARTGov Community® Subscription Agreement TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. DEFINITIONS As used in this Agreement, the following terms shall have the following meanings: 1.1 "CLIENT Data" shall mean any data, information, records, images or files added or entered into, processed or generated by the SMARTGov Community" by or on behalf of CLIENT. 1.2 "Confidential Information" shall mean any non - public data, information and other materials (whether in tangible or intangible form) regarding the products, services or business of a party (and /or, if either party is bound to protect the confidentiality of any Third Party's information, of a Third Party) provided or accessible to either party by the other party where such information is marked or otherwise s communicated as being "proprietary" or "confidential" or the like, or where such information should, by its nature, be reasonably considered to be confidential and /or proprietary. Without limiting the foregoing, Confidential Information of PALADIN includes the software and all source code, source documentation, inventions, know -how, and ideas, updates and any documentation and information related to SMARTGov Community. 1.3 "Documentation" includes, but is not limited to, any on -line help files, electronic media, executables, report files, data table definitions, system designs, or written instruction manuals regarding the use of SMARTGov Community. 1.4 "SMARTGov Community" shall mean the access and use provided to CLIENT hereunder of PALADIN's SMARTGov Community'" e- government software solutions via Web -based interface, hosted on the Microsoft Windows® Azure Platform. 1.5 "End- User" shall mean an individual registered and identified by CLIENT by name to receive a unique password in order to access SMARTGov Community, including employees, agents, consultants, contractors and any other persons having access to SMARTGov Community by virtue of his or her relationship with CLIENT. 1.6 "EULA" shall mean the SMARTGov Community End User License Agreement, which is located at hftp: / /smartoov.paladindata.com. 1.7 "Licensed Jurisdiction" shall mean City of Spokane Valley, WA. 1.8 "Fees" shall mean the fees, charges and other amounts to be paid by CLIENT to PALADIN hereunder. 1.9 "Modifications" shall mean improvements, additions, changes, updates, upgrades, bug fixes or derivative works relating to SMARTGov Community, including but not limited to the graphical user interface, by whomever made them and whether or not they incorporate or are based on any information gained as a result of this Agreement. 1.10 "Normal Business Hours" shall mean Monday through Friday (excluding holidays) from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Pacific Time. 1.11 "Recommended Equipment" shall mean any hardware or other equipment, if any, recommended by PALADIN to be used with SMARTGov Community as specified in the Documentation and /or on the SMARTGov Community website, currently located at htti):Hsmartgov.paladindata.com. 1.12 "Results" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 3.1. 1.13 "Subscription Services" shall mean the access to SMARTGov Community and those support and maintenance services provided by PALADIN to CLIENT pursuant to the terms and conditions described herein. 1.14 "Start Date" shall mean the date agreed upon by PALADIN and CLIENT that the Subscription Services will be available for CLIENT's use. Page 3 Initials —Client LIA Paladin U 0 Rdbaq -na SMART VGov � SMARTGov Community® Subscription Agreement Community 1.15 "Term" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 7.1. 1.16 "Third Party" shall mean any entity or individual other than PALADIN or CLIENT. 2. LICENSE GRANT 2.1 SMARTGov Community. (a) License. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, PALADIN hereby grants to CLIENT, a non - exclusive, non - transferable, limited license, during the Term, for End -Users to access and use SMARTGov Community in accordance with the Documentation solely for e- government software solutions. CLIENT'S use of SMARTGov Community is limited to the number of End -Users and modules asset forth in the Sales Order, except as provided in Section 4.1(b) herein. In addition, if SMARTPortal (public portal) is purchased under this Agreement, CLIENT may display on its website the public portion(s) of SMARTGov Community, which are the portion(s) of SMARTGov Community available to CLIENT that do not require a password for use. CLIENT agrees that all rights not expressly granted to CLIENT hereunder are reserved by PALADIN and its Third Party licensors or vendors, as applicable. (b) Restrictions. CLIENT agrees that SMARTGov Community contains trade secrets and other confidential and /or proprietary information owned by PALADIN or its Third Party vendors. CLIENT shall not and shall not allow End -Users or other persons to (a) modify, make derivative works, alter any part of SMARTGov Community, (b) copy the SMARTGov Community, in part or in whole, (c) reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or otherwise attempt to derive source code of the SMARTGov Community or other proprietary information from the SMARTGov Community, d) sell, transfer, lease, rent, loan, distribute or attempt to grant any rights to the SMARTGov Community to any Third Party, (e) use the SMARTGov Community to act as a service bureau or application service provider, or to permit access of any kind to SMARTGov Community to any Third Party, or (f) disclose SMARTGov Community or any Documentation, to any Third Party, except as otherwise permitted herein. Furthermore, End -Users may not log into more than one machine at a time. PALADIN may electronically monitor CLIENT's use of SMARTGov Community for compliance with the license terms and restrictions set forth in this Section 2. 2.2 Data. CLIENT grants to PALADIN a non - exclusive license to use CLIENT DATA for the purposes of performing its obligations under this Agreement. 3. OWNERSHIP 3.1 SMARTGov Community Ownership. As between the parties to this Agreement, PALADIN and its licensors shall retain sole and exclusive ownership of, and all right, title and interest in and to SMARTGov Community, Documentation, Modifications all suggestions, ideas, improvements, feedback, evaluation materials, presentations, designs, technology, inventions, know -how, works of authorship, software, specifications, and other materials, information and any other intellectual property made, developed, conceived or reduced to practice by PALADIN (whether alone, or jointly with Client) in the performance of this Agreement (collectively, "Results "). To the extent necessary to effect this intention, CLIENT hereby assigns to PALADIN any and all right, title and interest in and to SMARTGov Community and Results, and shall execute all such further instruments and documents and to do all such other acts and things, as may be requested by PALADIN from time to time to secure and preserve PALADIN's rights hereunder. 3.2 PALADIN Trademarks. O O O vnea'n SMARTGov Community and SMARTGov' are registered trademarks of PALADIN (the "Paladin Trademarks "). PALADIN hereby grants to CLIENT a non - exclusive, non - transferable, right to use the Paladin Trademarks as long as such use is solely to identify and promote SMARTGov Community, and CLIENT complies with the trademark usage policies and guidelines provided by PALADIN, as may be Page 4 Initials — Cliena Paladin Q ftw4, oo SMART Community SMARTGov Community® Subscription Agreement updated or revised by PALADIN from time to time. CLIENT receives no ownership right in the Paladin Trademarks and agrees not to take any action inconsistent with such ownership. All use of the Paladin Trademarks by CLIENT will inure to the benefit of PALADIN. 3.3 Client Data and Trademarks. CLIENT hereby grants to PALADIN, during the Term, a non- exclusive, non - transferable, license to display the CLIENT name and logo designated by CLIENT for use on the user interface of SMARTGov Community through which CLIENT accesses and uses SMARTGov Community. PALADIN receives no ownership right in the CLIENT Data or CLIENT Trademarks. 3.4 Ad Hoc Report Writer Software. Exago Inc. is the owner of the ad hoc report writer software (eWebReports) that PALADIN uses as part of SMARTGov Community. Exago Inc. requires End -Users to agree to the provisions listed in the EULA. 4. FEES and PAYMENT 4.1 Fees. (a) Subject to Section 4.1(b), Fees for use of SMARTGov Community are based on the number of add on modules and the number of End -Users licensed hereunder. CLIENT will pay the Fees set forth in the Sales Order. All Fees are payable in United, States dollars and are exclusive of any and all taxes. If PALADIN is required to pay any federal, state or local taxes based on the services provided under this Agreement, the taxes shall be invoiced and paid by Client (excluding taxes based on PALADIN's gross receipts or net income). (b) If PALADIN determines based on its electronic monitoring of CLIENT and End -Users under Section 2.1(b) that the actual number of End -Users exceeds the number licensed under this Agreement, then the parties agree that PALADIN reserves the right to amend the Sales Order for any successive Renewal Term to increase the number of End- Users, and the Fees, subject to Section 4.4 herein. 4.2 Expenses. Fees do not include travel, lodging or other expenses related to SMARTGov Community. CLIENT will reimburse PALADIN for all travel, lodging, communications, incidentals and other out -of- pocket expenses as they relate to the services rendered hereunder by PALADIN to CLIENT. 4.3 Payment. PALADIN shall invoice CLIENT, and CLIENT shall pay such invoice within thirty (30) days of invoice date and shall be deemed overdue if they remain unpaid thereafter. All overdue invoices are subject to an interest charge of one percent (1 %) per month, or the maximum rate allowed by law, whichever is lower. In addition to any other rights and remedies of PALADIN hereunder, if payment is past due, PALADIN may, in its sole discretion, elect to suspend SMARTGov Community and any other services provided by PALADIN to CLIENT under this Agreement or any other agreement between CLIENT and PALADIN. CLIENT shall make all payments of Fees or expenses in United States dollars and directed to: Attention: Accounts Receivable This document contains personal confidential information Paladin Data Systems Corporation and has been redacted pursuant to RCW 42.56.230(3). 19362 Powder Hill Place NE Poulsbo, WA 98370 You may petition for a review of our findings pertaining to any redacted or withheld documents pursuant to Spokane Valley Electronic Remittance should be made to: Municipal Code (SVMC) 2.75.080; and obtain judicial review Bank of America pursuant to RCW 42.56.550. Account # REDACTED �� Account Name: Paladin Data.SxS�eAmCCorporation ACH Routing Number.. 1" ACTED Bank Address: 1000 6th Street, Bremerton, WA 98337 A contract or invoice reference number must accompany all payments. Page 5 Initials — Clien Paladin 7 oo SMART Goy,. Community SMARTGov Community® Subscription Agreement 4.4 Right to Modify Fees. PALADIN reserves the right to modify Fees for SMARTGov Community under this Agreement upon notice to CLIENT no less than sixty days prior to the Annual Subscription renewal and before such Fee modification is to take place. 5. RESPONSIBILITIES 5.1 CLIENT Responsibilities. (a) CLIENT shall be solely responsible for the manner in which CLIENT and End -Users use SMARTGov Community, including the requirements for End -Users set forth in Section 11 below. CLIENT shall ensure that only authorized End -Users have access to any passwords provided by PALADIN for use in connection with SMARTGov Community and shall not disclose such passwords to any other individual. CLIENT acknowledges and agrees that it is solely responsible for strictly maintaining the confidentiality and integrity of such passwords and CLIENT shall indemnify and hold harmless PALADIN from and against any liability, damages or costs arising from CLIENT's failure to comply with this Section 5.1. CLIENT shall notify PALADIN immediately in writing if the security or integrity of a password has been compromised. (b) CLIENT agrees to (i) cooperate and consult with PALADIN in the delivery of SMARTGov Community to CLIENT, and (ii) provide and maintain, in good and working order at all times, its own Internet access and all necessary Recommended Equipment, telecommunications equipment, software and other materials necessary for End -Users to access and use SMARTGov Community. (c) CLIENT will have total responsibility for the quality of the CLIENT Data captured and stored in SMARTGov Community. PALADIN will not be held responsible for the quality of the CLIENT Data or any losses that may occur because of incorrectly managed CLIENT Data. (d) CLIENT will not take any action that: (i) imposes or may impose, in PALADIN's sole discretion, an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on SMARTGov Community infrastructure; (ii) interferes or attempts to interfere with the proper working of SMARTGov Community or engage in any activity that disrupts, diminishes the quality of, interferes with the performance of, or impairs the functionality of SMARTGov Community; or (iii) circumvents, disables, or interferes or attempts to circumvent, disable, or interfere with security - related features of SMARTGov Community or features that prevent or restrict use, access to, or copying of any data or enforce limitations on use of SMARTGov Community or data. (e) CLIENT will not use SMARTGov Community to track, store, or otherwise process or memorialize any other governmental entity's data, with the sole exception of importing information pertaining to the Licensed Jurisdiction from any source available to the Licensed Jurisdiction, even if that source contains another governmental entity's data. (f) CLIENT shall have sole responsibility for downloading and storing back -up files as long as PALADIN makes such back -up files available for download in accordance with Section 5.2(c) below. (g) At least three (3) business days before the Start Date, Client shall provide to PALADIN the name and contact information of CLIENT's administrator, who will be responsible for issuing user names and passwords for End -Users and Named Users. CLIENT may change such administrator by providing written notice to PALADIN. (h) CLIENT represents and warrants to PALADIN that it (i) has all requisite legal power and authority to execute this Agreement and to carry out and perform its obligations hereunder, and (ii) is and will remain in compliance with all applicable laws, regulations and rules of any government body or other competent authority relating to its business or performance under this Agreement. 5.2 PALADIN Responsibilities. (a) Subject to the terms and conditions provided herein, PALADIN shall use commercially reasonable efforts to provide SMARTGov Community in material conformance with the Documentation. CLIENT shall promptly notify PALADIN in writing if SMARTGov Community fails to materially conform to Page 6 Initials – Client Paladin I- o o SMART Go . SMARTGov Community® Subscription Agreement ' Community the Documentation, and PALADIN's entire liability and CLIENT's exclusive remedy shall be for PALADIN to use commercially reasonable efforts to provide SMARTGov Community in material conformance with the Documentation. (b) PALADIN shall issue a user name and password, and otherwise provide access to, SMARTGov Community for CLIENT's administrator by the Start Date, provided that CLIENT furnishes information in accordance with Section 5.1(g). (c) Each month, by the Back -up Availability Date set forth on the Sales Order, PALADIN shall make available for CLIENT a back -up file of CLIENT's Data for CLIENT to download for a period of 72 hours, after which PALADIN shall delete such file. (d) PALADIN represents and warrants to CLIENT that it (i) has all requisite legal power and authority to execute this Agreement and to carry out and perform its obligations hereunder, and (ii) is and will remain in compliance with all applicable laws, regulations and rules of any government body or other competent authority relating to its performance under this Agreement. 6.3 Scope. Services other than SMARTGov Community, such as training, implementation, consulting services and other professional services are outside the scope of this Agreement but may be provided pursuant to PALADIN's Professional Services Agreement if agreed upon in writing by the parties. 6. SUBSCRIPTION SERVICES Subscription Services, standard upgrades, and scheduled maintenance shall be provided for SMARTGov Community as set forth at hftp: / /smartgov. paladindata. com /smartgov /supporVoverview.html, and shall be conditioned upon compliance with this Agreement, including payment of annual Fees. Subscription Services do not include, and PALADIN shall not be responsible or liable with respect to, any problems or issues arising from (i) unauthorized or improper use of SMARTGov Community; (ii) modification, alteration or configuration of SMARTGov Community by CLIENT or a Third Party that has not been authorized in writing by PALADIN, (iii) hardware, software, technology or intellectual property which has not been provided by PALADIN pursuant to this Agreement, (iv) telecommunications facilities; (v) any breach of this Agreement by CLIENT, or any act or omission of any End -User which, if performed or omitted by Client, would be a breach of this Agreement, and /or (vi) any act or omission of CLIENT or any End -User that prevents, delays, disturbs or interferes with PALADIN's performance of its obligations under this Agreement. 7. TERM AND TERMINATION 7.1 Term. This Agreement shall commence on the Start Date and shall continue for the period specified in the Sales Order (the "Initial Term "), and shall be renewed for successive periods of equal duration (each a "Renewal Term ") (the Initial Term and any Renewal Terms, collectively the "Term ") unless either party provides sixty (60) days notice prior to the end of the Term of the party's election not to renew the Agreement. Either party may terminate this Agreement as set forth in Sections 7.2, 7.3 and 7.4 below. 7.2 Stop In Service by PALADIN. Upon one hundred and twenty (120) days written notice, PALADIN may terminate provision of SMARTGov Community as a PALADIN offering. CLIENT DATA will be exported and returned to the CLIENT via digital media at PALADIN expense. PALADIN shall return to CLIENT within thirty (30) days of the end of the Term, the prorated remainder of the Fee based on the period remaining in the Term. 7.3 Termination for Cause. Either party may terminate this Agreement by giving to the other party written notice of such termination upon any of the following events: (a) the other party's material breach of the Agreement, provided that the other party has not cured the breach within thirty (30) days after receipt of notice of the breach, (b) the other party becomes subject to any bankruptcy or insolvency proceedings under Page 7 Initials — Clienik 4 Paladin_ o0o SMART Gov, SMARTGov Community® Subscription Agreement Community federal or state statute, (c) the other party becomes insolvent or becomes subject to direct control by a trustee, receiver or similar authority, (d) the other party is liquidated, voluntarily or otherwise, or (e) the other party terminates or suspends its business. In addition, PALADIN may terminate this Agreement if the CLIENT fails to make any payment due hereunder within thirty (30) days after receiving written notice from PALADIN that such payment is delinquent. 7.4 Immediate Termination. Notwithstanding Section 7.3 above, PALADIN may immediately terminate this Agreement upon written notice to CLIENT if CLIENT violates the scope or any restriction on its license under Section 2 or its obligations hereunder with respect to Confidential Information of PALADIN. 7.5 Reinstatement. If CLIENT elects not to renew this Agreement but then later desires to reinstate SMARTGov Community, PALADIN may, at its sole discretion, reinstate CLIENT's SMARTGov Community if the CLIENT pays a reinstatement fee equal to 20% of the then - current year's Fee for SMARTGov Community plus the upcoming year's Fee for SMARTGov Community. 7.6 Effect of Termination. (a) Upon termination for any reason, all licenses granted hereunder shall automatically terminate, and PALADIN may immediately disable and discontinue CLIENT's access to and use of SMARTGov Community without notice to CLIENT. Upon termination of this Agreement for any reason, CLIENT shall return to PALADIN all Documentation and all information and materials that it has acquired pertaining to SMARTGov Community and any other Confidential Information of PALADIN. (b) If the CLIENT decides to terminate their access to SMARTGov Community prior to the end of the then - current Term, PALADIN will retain the balance of Fees paid for such Term. (c) Within ten (10) business days of the termination date, PALADIN will export all CLIENT Data then - stored in SMARTGov Community and ship the information to the CLIENT in a digital format. The cost of exporting and shipping the data to the CLIENT will be paid by the CLIENT, unless otherwise provided, and may be invoiced by PALADIN upon shipment. 7.7 Survival. All rights to payment and the provisions of Sections 3, 4, 5.1(a), 5.1(c), 7.6, and 8 through and including 13 of this Agreement (together with any other provisions that by their sense or context are intended to survive termination) shall survive any expiration or termination of this Agreement. 8. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES 8.1 PALADIN's SMARTGov Community may be temporarily unavailable from time to time due to required maintenance, telecommunications interruptions, or other disruptions. PALADIN may also make improvements and/or changes in SMARTGov Community at any time without notice. PALADIN will not be responsible for any damages that CLIENT may suffer arising out of use, or inability to use, SMARTGov Community. PALADIN will not be liable for unauthorized access to or alteration, theft or destruction of CLIENT's data files, programs, procedures or information through accident, fraudulent means or devices, or any other method. It is hereby acknowledged that it is CLIENT's responsibility to validate for correctness all output and reports and to protect CLIENT Data and programs from loss by routinely executing backup procedures as described in 5.2(c). CLIENT hereby waives any damages occasioned by lost or corrupt data, incorrect reports or incorrect data files resulting from a programming error, operator error, equipment or software malfunction, or from the use of third -party software. 8.2 EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY STATED HEREIN, SMARTGOV COMMUNITY ACTUAL PROPERTY MATERIALS, INFORMATION AND OTHER ITEMS OR SERVICES PROVIDED BY PALADIN UNDER THIS AGREEMENT ARE PROVIDED TO CLIENT AND END -USERS ON AN "AS IS" Page 8 Initials — Clien Paladin °� _ 7- o o SMART Gov" Community SMARTGov Community® Subscription Agreement "WHERE IS" BASIS WITH NO WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND. PALADIN AND ITS LICENSORS AND SUPPLIERS DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, BY STATUTE OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES OF NONINFRINGEMENT AND MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. PALADIN DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THE SERVICES WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED, ERROR -FREE OR WITHOUT DELAY AND SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY LOSS OF DATA. 9. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY 9.1 LIABILITY. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY OTHER PROVISION OF ' THIS AGREEMENT, THE AGGREGATE LIABILITY OF PALADIN FOR DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF SMARTGov COMMUNITY AND SUPPORT SERVICES OR OTHERWISE UNDER THIS AGREEMENT, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO MISTAKES, OMISSIONS, INTERRUPTIONS, DELAYS, TORTIOUS CONDUCT OR ERRORS, OR OTHER DEFECTS, REPRESENTATIONS, USE OF SERVICES OR ARISING OUT OF THE FAILURE TO FURNISH OR INABILITY TO USE SERVICES, WHETHER CAUSED BY ACTS OF COMMISSION OR OMISSION, SHALL BE LIMITED TO THE AMOUNTS PAID BY CLIENT HEREUNDER FOR THE TWELVE (12) MONTHS PRIOR TO THE EVENT GIVING RISE TO SUCH LIABILITY. 9.2 EXCLUSION. EXCEPT WITH RESPECT TO THE DAMAGES ARISING FROM A PARTY'S BREACH OF THE LICENSE AND /OR LICENSE RESTRICTIONS, OR CONFIDENTIALITY OBLIGATIONS OR INDEMNIFICATION OBLIGATIONS HEREUNDER, NEITHER PARTY SHALL BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, EXEMPLARY OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO DAMAGES FOR LOST PROFITS OR SURPLUSES OR LOST REVENUES, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION AND LOSS OF BUSINESS INFORMATION), WHETHER OR NOT CAUSED BY THE ACTS OR OMISSIONS OR NEGLIGENCE OF ITS EMPLOYEES OR AGENTS, AND REGARDLESS OF WHETHER SUCH PARTY HAS BEEN INFORMED OF THE POSSIBILITY OR LIKELIHOOD OF SUCH DAMAGES. 10. END -USERS CLIENT acknowledges and agrees that each End -User shall use SMARTGov Community in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in the EULA. 11. CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION 11.1 Disclosure and Use. The Confidential Information disclosed by either party (the "Disclosing Party ") to the other (the "Receiving Party ") constitutes the confidential and proprietary information of the Disclosing Party, and the Receiving Party agrees to maintain the confidentiality of the other's Confidential Information. The Receiving Party will treat all Confidential Information of the other in the same manner as it treats its own similar confidential or proprietary information, but in no case will the degree of care be less than reasonable care. The Receiving Party shall use Confidential Information of the Disclosing Party only in performing under this Agreement and shall retain the Confidential Information in confidence and not disclose Confidential Information to any Third Party (except as authorized under this Agreement) without the Disclosing Party's express written consent. The Receiving Party shall disclose the Disclosing Party's Confidential Information only to those employees and contractors of the Receiving Party who have a need to know such information for the purposes of this Agreement, and such employees and contractors must be bound by this Agreement or have entered into agreements with the Receiving Party containing confidentiality provisions covering the Confidential Information with terms and conditions at least as restrictive as those set forth herein. CLIENT agrees to promptly report to PALADIN any unauthorized use or disclosure of PALADIN's SMARTGov Community or its Confidential Information. 11.2 Acknowledgement of Confidentiality. Both parties agree that SMARTGov Community, Documentation, and the Fees set forth herein are Confidential Information of PALADIN. Both parties agree that the CLIENT Data is Confidential Information of CLIENT. Any other specific information that is claimed by CLIENT to be confidential must be clearly identified as such by Client, and PALADIN will maintain the confidentiality of all such information marked confidential or proprietary as provided herein. Page 9 Initials — Client Paladin o M ' a SART GOV- Community SMARTGov Community® Subscription Agreement 11.3 Exceptions. Notwithstanding the foregoing, each party's confidentiality obligations hereunder shall not apply to information which: (a) is already known to the Receiving Party prior to disclosure by the Disclosing Party without restriction as to use or disclosure; (b) becomes publicly available without fault of the Receiving Party; (c) is rightfully obtained by the Receiving Party from a Third Party without restriction as to use or disclosure, or is approved for release by written authorization of the Disclosing Party; or (d) is developed independently by the Receiving Party without use of or access to the Disclosing Party's Confidential Information. 11.4 If the Receiving Party is required to disclose any Confidential Information of the other by law, regulation or governmental authority, the Receiving Party will provide reasonable notice to Disclosing Party of such required disclosure and reasonably cooperate with the Disclosing Party in preventing or limiting such disclosure, or obtaining an appropriate protective order or other remedy. If a protective order or other remedy is not obtained, then the Receiving Party may disclose such Confidential Information as necessary for compliance with the applicable law, regulation or governmental authority. Notwithstanding such disclosure, such information shall remain Confidential Information and subject to the requirements of this Section 11. 11.5 Remedies. CLIENT acknowledges and agrees that any breach or threatened breach of this Section 11 or the license and restrictions set forth in Section 2 may cause PALADIN irreparable harm for which monetary damages will be inadequate compensation. Accordingly, PALADIN shall be entitled, in addition to any other remedies available at law or in equity, to immediate injunctive relief without requiring a cure period and without the necessity of posting a bond. Nothing stated herein shall be construed to limit any other remedies available to the parties. 12. GENERAL TERMS 12.1 Force Majeure. Except with respect to payment obligations, neither party shall be liable for any failure of performance or equipment due to causes beyond such party's reasonable control, including but not limited to: acts of God, fire, flood or other catastrophes; any law, order, regulation, direction, action, or request of any governmental entity or agency, or any civil or military authority; national emergencies, insurrections, riots, wars; unavailability of rights -of -way or materials; or strikes, lock -outs, work stoppages, or other labor difficulties. 12.2 Basis of Bargain. PALADIN and CLIENT acknowledge that PALADIN has set its Fees and entered into this Agreement in reliance upon the disclaimers of warranties and limitations of liability and damages as set forth in this Agreement, and that such provisions form an essential basis of the bargain between the parties and do not cause this Agreement, or the remedies available hereunder, to fail of its or their essential purpose. 12.3 Assignment; Binding Effect. This Agreement may not be transferred or assigned by either party without the express written consent of the other, which will not be unreasonably withheld or delayed, except that PALADIN may, without the consent of CLIENT, assign this Agreement in its entirety to a parent, subsidiary or affiliate of PALADIN, or an acquirer of more than fifty percent (50 %) of PALADIN's outstanding voting capital stock or to a purchaser of all or substantially all of PALADIN's assets. Any purported transfer or assignment in contravention of this Section shall be null and void. This Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties and their respective successors and permitted assigns. 12.4 Notices. Any notice hereunder shall be deemed properly given when delivered, if delivered in person, or sent via facsimile (with confirmation of receipt), overnight courier, certified or registered mail (postage prepaid) to CLIENT at the address listed on the first page of this Agreement or to PALADIN at: Paladin Data Systems Corporation, 19362 Powder Hill PI NE, Poulsbo, WA 98370, Fax # (360)- 779 -2600. Attention Chief Operations Officer. Each party must notify the other party of any changes to Page 10 Initials —Client Paladin P­ V o o SMART GOV, SMARTGov Community® Subscription Agreement Community its address in accordance with this Section. 12.5 Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance with applicable federal law and the laws of the State of Washington, without regard to conflicts of laws principles. The parties agree to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of the Washington State courts serving Kitsap County Washington, and United States federal courts serving Poulsbo, Washington. CLIENT hereby waives all defenses of lack of personal jurisdiction and forum non conveniens. 12.6 Amendment; No Waiver. Except as otherwise expressly provided herein, this Agreement may not be amended or modified and the observance of any provision of this Agreement may not be waived (either generally or any particular instance and either retroactively or prospectively) except with the written consent of the parties. No failure by either party to enforce any rights hereunder shall constitute a waiver of such right then or in the future or any other right or remedy hereunder. 12.7 Headings. Headings and captions are for convenience only and are not to be used in the interpretation of the Agreement. 12.8 Prevailing Party. The prevailing party in any action to enforce this Agreement will be entitled to recover its attorney's fees and costs in connection with such action. 12.9 Independent Contractors. The relationship of PALADIN and CLIENT established by this Agreement is that of independent contractors and nothing in this Agreement shall be construed (i) to give either party the power to direct or control the day to day activities of the other or (ii) to constitute the parties as partners, franchisees, joint venture's, co- owners or otherwise as participants in a joint or common undertaking. Further, nothing in this Agreement shall prevent PALADIN from licensing or providing SMARTGov Community or similar services to any Third Party or from engaging in any development of software or products similar in any manner to SMARTGov Community provided hereunder. 12.10 Equitable Relief. The parties agree that a material breach of this Agreement adversely affecting PALADIN's proprietary rights in SMARTGov Community, including any breach or threatened breach of the license rights or restrictions set forth in Section 2 or the confidentiality obligations hereunder, would cause irreparable injury to PALADIN for which monetary damages would not be an adequate remedy and that PALADIN shall be entitled to equitable relief in addition to any remedies it may have hereunder or at law. 12.11 Export Compliance. CLIENT shall comply with all applicable United States and foreign laws, regulations, regulations, rules and requirements relating to license, delivery, import, export or re -export of technology or content abroad, including without limitation, the requirements under the U.S. Export Administration Act, regulations of the Bureau of Industry and Security or its successor, executive orders, and other export controls of the United States. 12.12 Invoices. The terms, provisions or conditions of any purchase order or other business form or written authorization used by CLIENT will have no effect on the rights, duties or obligations of the parties under, or otherwise modify, this Agreement, regardless of any failure of PALADIN to object to those terms, provisions or conditions. 12.13 Severability. If for any reason a court of competent jurisdiction finds any provision of this Agreement, or portion thereof, to be unenforceable, that provision of the Agreement will be enforced to the maximum extent permissible so as to affect the economic intent of the parties, and the remainder of this Agreement will continue in full force and effect. 12.14 Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in any number of English language counterparts or duplicate originals, and each such counterpart or duplicate original shall constitute an original instrument, but all such separate counterparts or duplicate originals shall constitute one and the same instrument. 12.15 Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire Agreement of the parties concerning its subject matter and supersedes any and all prior or contemporaneous, written or oral negotiations, Page 11 Initials — ClientiO Paladin 3 O FW.&O oo SMART �v Gov . Community SMARTGov Community® Subscription Agreement correspondence, understandings and agreements between the parties respecting the subject matter of this Agreement. Page 12 Initials — Clien� Paladin _ Client#: 75363PALADATA ACORD DATE (MM/DD/YYYY) CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE 04/28/2017 TM THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). CONTACT Nicole Anderson PRODUCER NAME: Propel Insurance FAX PHONE 253-761-3237866 577-1326 (A/C, No): (A/C, No, Ext): Tacoma Commercial Insurance E-MAIL nicole.anderson@propelinsurance.com ADDRESS: 1201 Pacific Ave, Suite 1000 INSURER(S) AFFORDING COVERAGENAIC # Tacoma, WA 98402 Travelers Property Casualty Coo25674 INSURER A : Sentinel Insurance Company11000 INSURED INSURER B : Paladin Data Systems Corp. INSURER C : 19362 Powder Hill PL. NE INSURER D : Poulsbo, WA 98370 INSURER E : INSURER F : COVERAGESCERTIFICATE NUMBER:REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSRADDLSUBRPOLICY EFFPOLICY EXP TYPE OF INSURANCELIMITS POLICY NUMBER LTR(MM/DD/YYYY)(MM/DD/YYYY) INSRWVD AXZLP10P0858804/21/201704/21/20181,000,000 COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE$ DAMAGE TO RENTED X300,000 $ CLAIMS-MADEOCCUR PREMISES (Ea occurrence) 10,000 MED EXP (Any one person)$ 1,000,000 PERSONAL & ADV INJURY$ 2,000,000 GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: GENERAL AGGREGATE$ PRO- 2,000,000 PRODUCTS - COMP/OP AGG$ POLICYJECTLOC $ OTHER: COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT B52UECPR7200SC04/21/201704/21/20181,000,000 AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY (Ea accident)$ X BODILY INJURY (Per person)$ ANY AUTO ALL OWNEDSCHEDULED BODILY INJURY (Per accident)$ AUTOSAUTOS NON-OWNEDPROPERTY DAMAGE XX $ HIRED AUTOS (Per accident) AUTOS $ A XXZUP10P0861904/21/201704/21/20185,000,000 UMBRELLA LIAB EACH OCCURRENCE$ OCCUR 5,000,000 EXCESS LIAB CLAIMS-MADEAGGREGATE$ X10000 $ DEDRETENTION$ PEROTH- WORKERS COMPENSATION AZLP10P0858804/21/201704/21/2018 STATUTEER AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY Y / N WA Stop Gap$1,000,000 ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE E.L. EACH ACCIDENT$ N N / A OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? $1,000,000 (Mandatory in NH) E.L. DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEE$ If yes, describe under $1,000,000 E.L. DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT$ DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below AErrors &ZPL14R1915204/21/201704/21/2018$3,000,000 Limit Omissions/Cyber$10,000 Deductible Retro Date 4/21/2013 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS / LOCATIONS / VEHICLES (ACORD 101, Additional Remarks Schedule, may be attached if more space is required) CERTIFICATE HOLDERCANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE City of Spokane Valley Attn: THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN Luis Garcia - Development ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. Services Coordinator 11707 E Sprague,AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE Suite 108 Spokane Valley, WA 99206-0000 © 1988-2014 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 25 (2014/01)The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD 11of 1of 1 #S2688901/M2688879#S2688901/M2688879NAA01 This page has been left blank intentionally. COMMERCIALGENERALLIABILITY THISENDORSEMENTCHANGESTHEPOLICY.PLEASEREADITCAREFULLY. OTHERINSURANCEADDITIONALINSUREDS PRIMARYANDNON-CONTRIBUTORYWITHRESPECTTO CERTAINOTHERINSURANCE Thisendorsementmodifiesinsuranceprovidedunderthefollowing: COMMERCIALGENERALLIABILITYCOVERAGEPART 4.a.Primary ThefollowingisaddedtoParagraph, (1) The"bodilyinjury"or"propertydamage"forwhich InsuranceSECTIONIVCOMMERCIALGEN- ,of coverageissoughtiscausedbyan"occurrence" ERALLIABILITYCONDITIONS : thattakesplace;and However,ifyouspecificallyagreeinawrittencontract (2) The"personalinjury"or"advertisinginjury"for oragreementthattheinsuranceaffordedtoanaddi- whichcoverageissoughtarisesoutofanoffense tionalinsuredunderthisCoveragePartmustapplyon thatiscommitted; aprimarybasis,oraprimaryandnon-contributory subsequenttothesigningandexecutionofthatcon- basis,thisinsuranceisprimarytootherinsurancethat tractoragreementbyyou. isavailabletosuchadditionalinsuredwhichcovers suchadditionalinsuredasanamedinsured,andwe willnotsharewiththatotherinsurance,providedthat: CGD4250708 Page1of1 Û2008TheTravelersCompanies,Inc. This page has been left blank intentionally. COMMERCIAL AUTOMOBILE HA99 160312 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. COMMERCIAL AUTOMOBILE BROAD FORM ENDORSEMENT Thisendorsement modifiesinsuranceprovidedunder the following: BUSINESS AUTOCOVERAGE FORM Totheextentthattheprovisionsofthisendorsementprovidebroaderbenefitstothe"insured"thanother provisionsoftheCoverage Form, the provisionsofthis endorsementapply. 1.BROAD FORM INSURED d.Any"employee"ofyourswhileusinga covered"auto"youdon'town,hireor A.SubsidiariesandNewlyAcquiredor borrowinyourbusinessoryour Formed Organizations personal affairs. TheNamedInsuredshowninthe C.Lessorsas Insureds Declarations is amended to include: ParagraphA.1.-WHOISANINSURED-of (1)Anylegalbusinessentityotherthana SectionII-LiabilityCoverageisamendedto partnershiporjointventure,formedasa add: subsidiaryinwhichyouhavean ownershipinterestofmorethan50%on e.Thelessorofacovered"auto"whilethe theeffectivedateoftheCoverage Form. "auto"isleasedtoyouunderawritten However,theNamedInsureddoesnot agreementif: includeanysubsidiarythatisan (1)Theagreementrequiresyouto "insured"underanyotherautomobile providedirectprimaryinsurancefor policyorwouldbean"insured"under the lessor and suchapolicybutforitsterminationor (2)The "auto"isleasedwithouta driver. the exhaustionofits LimitofInsurance. Suchaleased"auto"willbeconsidereda (2)Anyorganizationthatisacquiredor covered"auto"youownandnotacovered formedbyyouandoverwhichyou "auto"you hire. maintainmajorityownership.However, theNamedInsured doesnot include any D.AdditionalInsuredifRequiredbyContract newly formedor acquired organization: (1)ParagraphA.1.-WHOISANINSURED (a)Thatisapartnershiporjoint -ofSectionII-LiabilityCoverageis venture, amended to add: (b)Thatisan"insured"underanyother f.Whenyouhaveagreed,inawritten policy, contractorwrittenagreement,thata (c)ThathasexhausteditsLimitof personororganizationbeaddedas Insurance underany other policy, or anadditionalinsuredonyour business auto policy, such personor (d)180daysormoreafterits organization is an "insured", but only acquisitionorformationbyyou, totheextentsuchpersonor unlessyouhavegivenusnoticeof organizationisliablefor"bodily the acquisitionor formation. injury"or"propertydamage"caused Coveragedoesnotapplyto"bodily by the conduct of an"insured" under injury"or"propertydamage"thatresults paragraphsa.orb.ofWhoIsAn froman"accident"thatoccurredbefore Insuredwithregardtothe youformed oracquiredtheorganization. ownership,maintenanceoruseofa B.Employees asInsureds covered"auto." ParagraphA.1.-WHOISANINSURED-of SECTIONII-LIABILITYCOVERAGEis amended to add: © 2011, The Hartford(Includes copyrightedmaterial FormHA 9916 0312Page 1of5 of ISOProperties,Inc.,with itspermission.) E.PrimaryandNon-Contributoryif Theinsuranceaffordedtoanysuch RequiredbyContract additionalinsuredappliesonlyifthe "bodilyinjury"or"propertydamage" Onlywithrespecttoinsuranceprovidedto occurs: anadditionalinsuredin1.D.-Additional (1)During the policyperiod, andInsuredIfRequiredbyContract,the followingprovisions apply: (2)Subsequenttothe execution of such written contract, and(3)PrimaryInsuranceWhenRequiredBy Contract (3)Priortotheexpirationoftheperiod oftimethatthewrittencontractThisinsuranceisprimaryifyouhave requiressuchinsurancebe providedagreedinawrittencontractorwritten to the additionalinsured.agreementthatthisinsurancebe primary.Ifotherinsuranceisalso (2)HowLimits Apply primary,wewillsharewithallthatother Ifyouhaveagreedinawrittencontract insurancebythemethoddescribedin orwrittenagreementthatanother OtherInsurance5.d. personororganizationbeaddedasan (4)PrimaryAndNon-ContributoryToOther additionalinsuredonyourpolicy,the Insurance When Required ByContract mostwewillpayonbehalfofsuch additionalinsuredisthelesserof:Ifyouhaveagreedinawrittencontract orwrittenagreementthatthisinsurance (a)Thelimitsofinsurancespecifiedin isprimaryandnon-contributorywiththe thewrittencontractorwritten additionalinsured'sowninsurance,this agreement; or insuranceisprimaryandwewillnot (b)TheLimitsofInsuranceshownin seekcontributionfromthatother the Declarations. insurance. Suchamountshallbeapartofandnot (3)(4) Paragraphsanddonotapplytoother inadditiontoLimitsofInsuranceshown insurancetowhichtheadditionalinsured intheDeclarationsanddescribedinthis hasbeen addedas anadditional insured. Section. Whenthisinsuranceisexcess,wewillhaveno (3)AdditionalInsuredsOther Insurance dutytodefendtheinsuredagainstany"suit"if Ifwecoveraclaimor"suit"underthis anyotherinsurerhasadutytodefendthe CoveragePartthat may also becovered insuredagainstthat"suit".Ifnootherinsurer byotherinsuranceavailabletoan defends,wewillundertaketodoso,butwewill additionalinsured,suchadditional beentitledtotheinsured'srightsagainstall insuredmustsubmitsuchclaimor"suit" those other insurers. totheotherinsurerfordefenseand Whenthisinsuranceisexcessoverother indemnity. insurance,wewillpayonlyourshareofthe However,thisprovisiondoesnotapply amountoftheloss,ifany,thatexceedsthesum totheextentthatyouhaveagreedina of: writtencontractorwrittenagreement (1)Thetotalamountthatallsuchother thatthisinsuranceisprimaryandnon- insurancewouldpayforthelossinthe contributorywiththeadditionalinsured's absenceofthisinsurance; and owninsurance. (2)Thetotalofalldeductibleandself-insured (4)DutiesinTheEventOfAccident,Claim, amountsunder allthat other insurance. Suitor Loss Wewillsharetheremainingloss,ifany,bythe Ifyouhaveagreedinawrittencontract methoddescribed in OtherInsurance5.d. orwrittenagreementthatanother 2.AUTOSRENTEDBY EMPLOYEES personororganizationbeaddedasan additionalinsuredonyourpolicy,theAny"auto"hiredorrentedbyyour"employee" additionalinsuredshallberequiredtoonyourbehalfandatyourdirectionwillbe complywiththeprovisionsinLOSS considered an"auto"you hire. CONDITIONS2.-DUTIESINTHE The OTHER INSURANCEConditionisamended EVENTOFACCIDENT,CLAIM,SUIT byaddingthefollowing: ORLOSS–OFSECTIONIV– BUSINESSAUTOCONDITIONS,inthe same manner astheNamedInsured. © 2011, The Hartford(Includes copyrightedmaterial FormHA 9916 0312Page 2of5 of ISOProperties,Inc.,with itspermission.) 5PHYSICALDAMAGE-ADDITIONAL Ifan"employee’s"personalinsurancealso. TEMPORARYTRANSPORTATIONEXPENSE appliesonanexcessbasistoacovered"auto" COVERAGE hiredorrentedbyyour"employee"onyour behalfandatyourdirection,thisinsurancewill ParagraphA.4.a.ofSECTIONIII-PHYSICAL beprimarytothe"employee’s"personal DAMAGECOVERAGEisamendedtoprovidea insurance. limitof$50perdayandamaximumlimitof 3.AMENDED FELLOW EMPLOYEEEXCLUSION $1,000. 6.LOAN/LEASE GAP COVERAGE EXCLUSION5.-FELLOWEMPLOYEE-of SECTIONII-LIABILITYCOVERAGEdoesnot UnderSECTIONIII-PHYSICALDAMAGE applyifyouhaveworkers'compensation COVERAGE,intheeventofatotal"loss"toa insurancein-forcecoveringallofyour covered"auto",wewillpayyouradditionallegal "employees". obligationforanydifferencebetweentheactual Coverageisexcessoveranyothercollectiblecashvalueofthe"auto"atthetimeofthe"loss" insurance.andthe"outstanding balance"oftheloan/lease. 4.HIREDAUTOPHYSICALDAMAGECOVERAGE "Outstandingbalance"meanstheamountyou oweontheloan/leaseatthetimeof"loss"less Ifhired"autos"arecovered"autos"forLiability anyamountsrepresentingtaxes;overdue CoverageandifComprehensive,Specified payments;penalties,interestorcharges CausesofLoss,orCollisioncoveragesare resultingfromoverduepayments;additional providedunderthisCoverageFormforany mileagecharges;excess wearand tear charges; "auto"youown,thenthePhysicalDamage leaseterminationfees;securitydepositsnot Coveragesprovidedareextendedto"autos" you returnedbythelessor;costsforextended hire orborrow,subject to the followinglimit. warranties,creditlifeInsurance,health,accident Themostwewillpayfor"loss"toanyhired or disability insurancepurchased withtheloanor "auto"is: lease;andcarry-overbalancesfromprevious (1)$100,000; loans orleases. (2)Theactualcashvalueofthedamagedor 7.AIRBAGCOVERAGE stolenpropertyatthetimeofthe"loss"; or UnderParagraphB.EXCLUSIONS-of (3)Thecostofrepairingorreplacingthe SECTIONIII-PHYSICALDAMAGE damaged orstolen property, COVERAGE, the followingisadded: whicheverissmallest,minusadeductible.The Theexclusionrelatingtomechanicalbreakdown deductiblewillbeequaltothelargestdeductible doesnotapplytotheaccidentaldischargeofan applicabletoanyowned"auto"forthat airbag. coverage. No deductibleapplies to "loss"caused 8.ELECTRONICEQUIPMENT-BROADENED by fireor lightning. Hired Auto Physical Damage COVERAGE coverageisexcessoveranyothercollectible a.TheexceptionstoParagraphsB.4- insurance.Subjecttotheabove limit,deductible EXCLUSIONS-ofSECTIONIII-PHYSICAL andexcessprovisions,wewillprovidecoverage DAMAGECOVERAGEarereplacedbythe equaltothe broadest coverage applicable to any following: covered"auto"you own. 4.c.4.d. Exclusionsanddonotapplyto Wewillalsocoverlossofuseofthehired "auto" equipmentdesignedtobeoperatedsolely ifitresultsfroman"accident",youarelegally byuseofthepowerfromthe"auto's" liableandthelessorincursanactualfinancial electricalsystemthat,atthetimeof"loss", loss,subjecttoamaximumof$1000per is: "accident". (1)Permanentlyinstalledinorupon Thisextensionofcoveragedoesnotapplyto the covered"auto"; any"auto"youhireorborrowfromanyofyour "employees",partners(ifyouareapartnership),(2)Removablefromahousingunit members(ifyouarealimitedliabilitycompany),whichispermanentlyinstalledin ormembers of theirhouseholds.orupon the covered"auto"; (3)Anintegralpartofthesameunit housinganyelectronic equipmentdescribedin Paragraphs(1)and (2)above;or © 2011, The Hartford(Includes copyrightedmaterial FormHA 99160312Page 3of 5 of ISOProperties,Inc.,with itspermission.) (4)Necessaryforthenormal IfanotherHartfordFinancialServicesGroup, operation of the covered"auto"or Inc.companypolicyorcoverageformthatisnot themonitoringofthecoveredan automobilepolicy orcoverage form applies to "auto's"operating system.the same "accident", the followingapplies: b.SectionIII–VersionCA00010310ofthe (1)IfthedeductibleunderthisBusinessAuto BusinessAutoCoverageForm,PhysicalCoverageFormisthesmaller(orsmallest) DamageCoverage,LimitofInsurance,deductible,it will bewaived; ParagraphC.2andVersionCA00011001of (2)IfthedeductibleunderthisBusinessAuto theBusinessAutoCoverageForm,Physical CoverageFormisnotthesmaller(or DamageCoverage,LimitofInsurance, smallest)deductible,itwillbereducedby ParagraphCareeachamendedtoaddthe theamountofthesmaller(orsmallest) following: deductible. $1,500isthemostwewillpayfor"loss"in 12.AMENDEDDUTIESINTHEEVENTOF anyone"accident"toallelectronic ACCIDENT, CLAIM,SUIT OR LOSS equipment(otherthanequipmentdesigned TherequirementinLOSSCONDITIONS2.a.- solelyforthereproductionofsound,and DUTIES IN THE EVENT OF ACCIDENT,CLAIM, accessoriesusedwithsuchequipment) SUITORLOSS-ofSECTIONIV-BUSINESS thatreproduces,receivesortransmits AUTOCONDITIONSthatyoumustnotifyusof audio,visualordatasignalswhich,atthe an"accident"applies only whenthe"accident" is time of "loss", is: knownto: (1)Permanentlyinstalledinorupon (1)You, ifyou arean individual; thecovered"auto"inahousing, (2)Apartner, ifyou area partnership; openingorotherlocationthat is not normallyusedbythe"auto" (3)Amember,ifyouarealimitedliability manufacturerfortheinstallationof company;or suchequipment; (4)An executive officer or insurancemanager, if (2)Removablefromapermanently youare acorporation. installedhousingunitasdescribed 13.UNINTENTIONALFAILURETODISCLOSE inParagraph2.a.aboveorisan HAZARDS integral part of thatequipment; or Ifyouunintentionallyfailtodisclose anyhazards (3)Anintegralpartofsuch equipment. existingattheinceptiondateofyourpolicy,we c.Foreachcovered"auto",shouldlossbelimited willnotdenycoverageunderthisCoverage toelectronicequipmentonly,ourobligationto Formbecause of suchfailure. payfor,repair,returnorreplacedamagedor 14.HIRED AUTO-COVERAGE TERRITORY stolenelectronicequipmentwillbereducedby Paragraphe.ofGENERALCONDITIONS7.- theapplicabledeductibleshowninthe POLICYPERIOD,COVERAGETERRITORY- Declarations,or$250,whicheverdeductibleis ofSECTIONIV-BUSINESSAUTO less. CONDITIONS is replaced bythefollowing: 9.EXTRAEXPENSE-BROADENED e.Forshort-termhired"autos",thecoverage COVERAGE territorywithrespecttoLiabilityCoverageis UnderParagraphA.- COVERAGE -of SECTION anywhereintheworldprovidedthatifthe III-PHYSICALDAMAGECOVERAGE,wewill "insured's"responsibilitytopaydamagesfor payfortheexpenseofreturningastolencovered "bodilyinjury"or"propertydamage"is "auto"toyou. determinedina "suit," the "suit" is brought in 10.GLASSREPAIR-WAIVER OFDEDUCTIBLE theUnitedStatesofAmerica,theterritories andpossessionsoftheUnitedStatesof UnderParagraphD.-DEDUCTIBLE-ofSECTION America,PuertoRicoorCanadaorina III-PHYSICALDAMAGECOVERAGE,the settlement weagree to. followingisadded: 15.WAIVEROF SUBROGATION Nodeductibleappliestoglassdamageifthe glass is repaired rather than replaced. TRANSFEROFRIGHTSOFRECOVERY AGAINSTOTHERSTOUS-ofSECTIONIV- 11.TWO OR MOREDEDUCTIBLES BUSINESSAUTOCONDITIONSisamendedby UnderParagraphD.-DEDUCTIBLE-ofSECTION adding the following: III-PHYSICALDAMAGECOVERAGE,the followingisadded: © 2011, The Hartford(Includes copyrightedmaterial FormHA 9916 0312Page 4of 5 of ISOProperties,Inc.,with itspermission.) Wewaiveanyrightofrecoverywemayhavec.Regardlessofthenumberofautosdeemeda againstanypersonororganizationwithwhomtotalloss,themostwewillpayunderthis youhaveawrittencontractthatrequiressuchHybrid,Electric,orNaturalGasVehicle waiverbecauseofpaymentswemakeforPaymentCoverageprovisionforanyone damages underthis CoverageForm."loss"is$10,000. 16.RESULTANT MENTAL ANGUISH COVERAGE Forthepurposes of the coverageprovision, Thedefinitionof"bodilyinjury"inSECTIONV-a.A"non-hybrid"autoisdefinedasanautothat DEFINITIONS is replaced bythefollowing:usesonlyaninternalcombustionengineto movetheautobutdoesnotincludeautos "Bodilyinjury"meansbodilyinjury,sicknessor poweredsolelyby electricityor naturalgas. diseasesustainedbyanyperson,including mentalanguishordeathresultingfromanyofb.A"hybrid"autoisdefinedasanautowithan these.internalcombustionengineandoneormore electricmotors;andthatusestheinternal 17.EXTENDED CANCELLATIONCONDITION combustionengineandoneormoreelectric Paragraph2.oftheCOMMONPOLICY motorstomovetheauto,ortheinternal CONDITIONS-CANCELLATION-applies combustionenginetochargeoneormore except asfollows: electric motors, which move the auto. Ifwecancelforanyreasonotherthan 19.VEHICLEWRAPCOVERAGE nonpaymentofpremium,wewillmailordeliver Intheeventofatotallosstoan"auto"forwhich tothefirstNamedInsuredwrittennoticeof Comprehensive,SpecifiedCausesofLoss,or cancellationatleast60daysbeforetheeffective Collisioncoveragesareprovidedunderthis date of cancellation. CoverageForm,thensuchPhysicalDamage 18.HYBRID,ELECTRIC,ORNATURALGAS Coveragesare amended to addthefollowing: VEHICLEPAYMENTCOVERAGE Inadditiontotheactualcashvalue of the "auto", Intheeventofatotallosstoa"non-hybrid"auto wewillpayupto$1,000forvinylvehiclewraps forwhichComprehensive,SpecifiedCausesof whicharedisplayedonthecovered"auto"atthe Loss,orCollisioncoveragesareprovidedunder timeoftotalloss.Regardlessofthenumberof thisCoverageForm,thensuchPhysical autosdeemedatotalloss,themostwewillpay Damage Coveragesare amended asfollows: underthisVehicleWrapCoverageprovisionfor a.Iftheautoisreplacedwitha"hybrid"autoor anyone"loss"is$5,000.Forpurposesofthis an auto poweredsolely byelectricity ornatural coverageprovision,signsorothergraphics gas,wewillpayanadditional10%,toa paintedormagneticallyaffixedtothevehicleare maximumof$2,500,ofthe"non-hybrid"auto’s not considered vehiclewraps. actualcashvalueorreplacementcost, whichever is less, b.Theautomust bereplacedand acopy of abill of sale or new lease agreement received byus within 60calendardays of the date of "loss," © 2011, The Hartford(Includes copyrightedmaterial FormHA 9916 0312Page 5of 5 of ISOProperties,Inc.,with itspermission.) This page has been left blank intentionally. Client#: 75363PALADATA ACORD DATE (MM/DD/YYYY) CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE 04/28/2017 TM THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). CONTACT Nicole Anderson PRODUCER NAME: Propel Insurance FAX PHONE 253-761-3237866 577-1326 (A/C, No): (A/C, No, Ext): Tacoma Commercial Insurance E-MAIL nicole.anderson@propelinsurance.com ADDRESS: 1201 Pacific Ave, Suite 1000 INSURER(S) AFFORDING COVERAGENAIC # Tacoma, WA 98402 Travelers Property Casualty Coo25674 INSURER A : Sentinel Insurance Company11000 INSURED INSURER B : Paladin Data Systems Corp. INSURER C : 19362 Powder Hill PL. NE INSURER D : Poulsbo, WA 98370 INSURER E : INSURER F : COVERAGESCERTIFICATE NUMBER:REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSRADDLSUBRPOLICY EFFPOLICY EXP TYPE OF INSURANCELIMITS POLICY NUMBER LTR(MM/DD/YYYY)(MM/DD/YYYY) INSRWVD AXZLP10P0858804/21/201704/21/20181,000,000 COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE$ DAMAGE TO RENTED X300,000 $ CLAIMS-MADEOCCUR PREMISES (Ea occurrence) 10,000 MED EXP (Any one person)$ 1,000,000 PERSONAL & ADV INJURY$ 2,000,000 GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: GENERAL AGGREGATE$ PRO- 2,000,000 PRODUCTS - COMP/OP AGG$ POLICYJECTLOC $ OTHER: COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT B52UECPR7200SC04/21/201704/21/20181,000,000 AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY (Ea accident)$ X BODILY INJURY (Per person)$ ANY AUTO ALL OWNEDSCHEDULED BODILY INJURY (Per accident)$ AUTOSAUTOS NON-OWNEDPROPERTY DAMAGE XX $ HIRED AUTOS (Per accident) AUTOS $ A XXZUP10P0861904/21/201704/21/20185,000,000 UMBRELLA LIAB EACH OCCURRENCE$ OCCUR 5,000,000 EXCESS LIAB CLAIMS-MADEAGGREGATE$ X10000 $ DEDRETENTION$ PEROTH- WORKERS COMPENSATION AZLP10P0858804/21/201704/21/2018 STATUTEER AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY Y / N WA Stop Gap$1,000,000 ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE E.L. EACH ACCIDENT$ N N / A OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? $1,000,000 (Mandatory in NH) E.L. DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEE$ If yes, describe under $1,000,000 E.L. DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT$ DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below AErrors &ZPL14R1915204/21/201704/21/2018$3,000,000 Limit Omissions/Cyber$10,000 Deductible Retro Date 4/21/2013 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS / LOCATIONS / VEHICLES (ACORD 101, Additional Remarks Schedule, may be attached if more space is required) CERTIFICATE HOLDERCANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE City of Spokane Valley Attn: THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN Luis Garcia - Development ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. Services Coordinator 11707 E Sprague,AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE Suite 108 Spokane Valley, WA 99206-0000 © 1988-2014 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 25 (2014/01)The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD 11of 1of 1 #S2688901/M2688879#S2688901/M2688879NAA01 This page has been left blank intentionally. COMMERCIALGENERALLIABILITY THISENDORSEMENTCHANGESTHEPOLICY.PLEASEREADITCAREFULLY. OTHERINSURANCEADDITIONALINSUREDS PRIMARYANDNON-CONTRIBUTORYWITHRESPECTTO CERTAINOTHERINSURANCE Thisendorsementmodifiesinsuranceprovidedunderthefollowing: COMMERCIALGENERALLIABILITYCOVERAGEPART 4.a.Primary ThefollowingisaddedtoParagraph, (1) The"bodilyinjury"or"propertydamage"forwhich InsuranceSECTIONIVCOMMERCIALGEN- ,of coverageissoughtiscausedbyan"occurrence" ERALLIABILITYCONDITIONS : thattakesplace;and However,ifyouspecificallyagreeinawrittencontract (2) The"personalinjury"or"advertisinginjury"for oragreementthattheinsuranceaffordedtoanaddi- whichcoverageissoughtarisesoutofanoffense tionalinsuredunderthisCoveragePartmustapplyon thatiscommitted; aprimarybasis,oraprimaryandnon-contributory subsequenttothesigningandexecutionofthatcon- basis,thisinsuranceisprimarytootherinsurancethat tractoragreementbyyou. isavailabletosuchadditionalinsuredwhichcovers suchadditionalinsuredasanamedinsured,andwe willnotsharewiththatotherinsurance,providedthat: CGD4250708 Page1of1 Û2008TheTravelersCompanies,Inc. This page has been left blank intentionally. COMMERCIAL AUTOMOBILE HA99 160312 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. COMMERCIAL AUTOMOBILE BROAD FORM ENDORSEMENT Thisendorsement modifiesinsuranceprovidedunder the following: BUSINESS AUTOCOVERAGE FORM Totheextentthattheprovisionsofthisendorsementprovidebroaderbenefitstothe"insured"thanother provisionsoftheCoverage Form, the provisionsofthis endorsementapply. 1.BROAD FORM INSURED d.Any"employee"ofyourswhileusinga covered"auto"youdon'town,hireor A.SubsidiariesandNewlyAcquiredor borrowinyourbusinessoryour Formed Organizations personal affairs. TheNamedInsuredshowninthe C.Lessorsas Insureds Declarations is amended to include: ParagraphA.1.-WHOISANINSURED-of (1)Anylegalbusinessentityotherthana SectionII-LiabilityCoverageisamendedto partnershiporjointventure,formedasa add: subsidiaryinwhichyouhavean ownershipinterestofmorethan50%on e.Thelessorofacovered"auto"whilethe theeffectivedateoftheCoverage Form. "auto"isleasedtoyouunderawritten However,theNamedInsureddoesnot agreementif: includeanysubsidiarythatisan (1)Theagreementrequiresyouto "insured"underanyotherautomobile providedirectprimaryinsurancefor policyorwouldbean"insured"under the lessor and suchapolicybutforitsterminationor (2)The "auto"isleasedwithouta driver. the exhaustionofits LimitofInsurance. Suchaleased"auto"willbeconsidereda (2)Anyorganizationthatisacquiredor covered"auto"youownandnotacovered formedbyyouandoverwhichyou "auto"you hire. maintainmajorityownership.However, theNamedInsured doesnot include any D.AdditionalInsuredifRequiredbyContract newly formedor acquired organization: (1)ParagraphA.1.-WHOISANINSURED (a)Thatisapartnershiporjoint -ofSectionII-LiabilityCoverageis venture, amended to add: (b)Thatisan"insured"underanyother f.Whenyouhaveagreed,inawritten policy, contractorwrittenagreement,thata (c)ThathasexhausteditsLimitof personororganizationbeaddedas Insurance underany other policy, or anadditionalinsuredonyour business auto policy, such personor (d)180daysormoreafterits organization is an "insured", but only acquisitionorformationbyyou, totheextentsuchpersonor unlessyouhavegivenusnoticeof organizationisliablefor"bodily the acquisitionor formation. injury"or"propertydamage"caused Coveragedoesnotapplyto"bodily by the conduct of an"insured" under injury"or"propertydamage"thatresults paragraphsa.orb.ofWhoIsAn froman"accident"thatoccurredbefore Insuredwithregardtothe youformed oracquiredtheorganization. ownership,maintenanceoruseofa B.Employees asInsureds covered"auto." ParagraphA.1.-WHOISANINSURED-of SECTIONII-LIABILITYCOVERAGEis amended to add: © 2011, The Hartford(Includes copyrightedmaterial FormHA 9916 0312Page 1of5 of ISOProperties,Inc.,with itspermission.) E.PrimaryandNon-Contributoryif Theinsuranceaffordedtoanysuch RequiredbyContract additionalinsuredappliesonlyifthe "bodilyinjury"or"propertydamage" Onlywithrespecttoinsuranceprovidedto occurs: anadditionalinsuredin1.D.-Additional (1)During the policyperiod, andInsuredIfRequiredbyContract,the followingprovisions apply: (2)Subsequenttothe execution of such written contract, and(3)PrimaryInsuranceWhenRequiredBy Contract (3)Priortotheexpirationoftheperiod oftimethatthewrittencontractThisinsuranceisprimaryifyouhave requiressuchinsurancebe providedagreedinawrittencontractorwritten to the additionalinsured.agreementthatthisinsurancebe primary.Ifotherinsuranceisalso (2)HowLimits Apply primary,wewillsharewithallthatother Ifyouhaveagreedinawrittencontract insurancebythemethoddescribedin orwrittenagreementthatanother OtherInsurance5.d. personororganizationbeaddedasan (4)PrimaryAndNon-ContributoryToOther additionalinsuredonyourpolicy,the Insurance When Required ByContract mostwewillpayonbehalfofsuch additionalinsuredisthelesserof:Ifyouhaveagreedinawrittencontract orwrittenagreementthatthisinsurance (a)Thelimitsofinsurancespecifiedin isprimaryandnon-contributorywiththe thewrittencontractorwritten additionalinsured'sowninsurance,this agreement; or insuranceisprimaryandwewillnot (b)TheLimitsofInsuranceshownin seekcontributionfromthatother the Declarations. insurance. Suchamountshallbeapartofandnot (3)(4) Paragraphsanddonotapplytoother inadditiontoLimitsofInsuranceshown insurancetowhichtheadditionalinsured intheDeclarationsanddescribedinthis hasbeen addedas anadditional insured. Section. Whenthisinsuranceisexcess,wewillhaveno (3)AdditionalInsuredsOther Insurance dutytodefendtheinsuredagainstany"suit"if Ifwecoveraclaimor"suit"underthis anyotherinsurerhasadutytodefendthe CoveragePartthat may also becovered insuredagainstthat"suit".Ifnootherinsurer byotherinsuranceavailabletoan defends,wewillundertaketodoso,butwewill additionalinsured,suchadditional beentitledtotheinsured'srightsagainstall insuredmustsubmitsuchclaimor"suit" those other insurers. totheotherinsurerfordefenseand Whenthisinsuranceisexcessoverother indemnity. insurance,wewillpayonlyourshareofthe However,thisprovisiondoesnotapply amountoftheloss,ifany,thatexceedsthesum totheextentthatyouhaveagreedina of: writtencontractorwrittenagreement (1)Thetotalamountthatallsuchother thatthisinsuranceisprimaryandnon- insurancewouldpayforthelossinthe contributorywiththeadditionalinsured's absenceofthisinsurance; and owninsurance. (2)Thetotalofalldeductibleandself-insured (4)DutiesinTheEventOfAccident,Claim, amountsunder allthat other insurance. Suitor Loss Wewillsharetheremainingloss,ifany,bythe Ifyouhaveagreedinawrittencontract methoddescribed in OtherInsurance5.d. orwrittenagreementthatanother 2.AUTOSRENTEDBY EMPLOYEES personororganizationbeaddedasan additionalinsuredonyourpolicy,theAny"auto"hiredorrentedbyyour"employee" additionalinsuredshallberequiredtoonyourbehalfandatyourdirectionwillbe complywiththeprovisionsinLOSS considered an"auto"you hire. CONDITIONS2.-DUTIESINTHE The OTHER INSURANCEConditionisamended EVENTOFACCIDENT,CLAIM,SUIT byaddingthefollowing: ORLOSS–OFSECTIONIV– BUSINESSAUTOCONDITIONS,inthe same manner astheNamedInsured. © 2011, The Hartford(Includes copyrightedmaterial FormHA 9916 0312Page 2of5 of ISOProperties,Inc.,with itspermission.) 5PHYSICALDAMAGE-ADDITIONAL Ifan"employee’s"personalinsurancealso. TEMPORARYTRANSPORTATIONEXPENSE appliesonanexcessbasistoacovered"auto" COVERAGE hiredorrentedbyyour"employee"onyour behalfandatyourdirection,thisinsurancewill ParagraphA.4.a.ofSECTIONIII-PHYSICAL beprimarytothe"employee’s"personal DAMAGECOVERAGEisamendedtoprovidea insurance. limitof$50perdayandamaximumlimitof 3.AMENDED FELLOW EMPLOYEEEXCLUSION $1,000. 6.LOAN/LEASE GAP COVERAGE EXCLUSION5.-FELLOWEMPLOYEE-of SECTIONII-LIABILITYCOVERAGEdoesnot UnderSECTIONIII-PHYSICALDAMAGE applyifyouhaveworkers'compensation COVERAGE,intheeventofatotal"loss"toa insurancein-forcecoveringallofyour covered"auto",wewillpayyouradditionallegal "employees". obligationforanydifferencebetweentheactual Coverageisexcessoveranyothercollectiblecashvalueofthe"auto"atthetimeofthe"loss" insurance.andthe"outstanding balance"oftheloan/lease. 4.HIREDAUTOPHYSICALDAMAGECOVERAGE "Outstandingbalance"meanstheamountyou oweontheloan/leaseatthetimeof"loss"less Ifhired"autos"arecovered"autos"forLiability anyamountsrepresentingtaxes;overdue CoverageandifComprehensive,Specified payments;penalties,interestorcharges CausesofLoss,orCollisioncoveragesare resultingfromoverduepayments;additional providedunderthisCoverageFormforany mileagecharges;excess wearand tear charges; "auto"youown,thenthePhysicalDamage leaseterminationfees;securitydepositsnot Coveragesprovidedareextendedto"autos" you returnedbythelessor;costsforextended hire orborrow,subject to the followinglimit. warranties,creditlifeInsurance,health,accident Themostwewillpayfor"loss"toanyhired or disability insurancepurchased withtheloanor "auto"is: lease;andcarry-overbalancesfromprevious (1)$100,000; loans orleases. (2)Theactualcashvalueofthedamagedor 7.AIRBAGCOVERAGE stolenpropertyatthetimeofthe"loss"; or UnderParagraphB.EXCLUSIONS-of (3)Thecostofrepairingorreplacingthe SECTIONIII-PHYSICALDAMAGE damaged orstolen property, COVERAGE, the followingisadded: whicheverissmallest,minusadeductible.The Theexclusionrelatingtomechanicalbreakdown deductiblewillbeequaltothelargestdeductible doesnotapplytotheaccidentaldischargeofan applicabletoanyowned"auto"forthat airbag. coverage. No deductibleapplies to "loss"caused 8.ELECTRONICEQUIPMENT-BROADENED by fireor lightning. Hired Auto Physical Damage COVERAGE coverageisexcessoveranyothercollectible a.TheexceptionstoParagraphsB.4- insurance.Subjecttotheabove limit,deductible EXCLUSIONS-ofSECTIONIII-PHYSICAL andexcessprovisions,wewillprovidecoverage DAMAGECOVERAGEarereplacedbythe equaltothe broadest coverage applicable to any following: covered"auto"you own. 4.c.4.d. Exclusionsanddonotapplyto Wewillalsocoverlossofuseofthehired "auto" equipmentdesignedtobeoperatedsolely ifitresultsfroman"accident",youarelegally byuseofthepowerfromthe"auto's" liableandthelessorincursanactualfinancial electricalsystemthat,atthetimeof"loss", loss,subjecttoamaximumof$1000per is: "accident". (1)Permanentlyinstalledinorupon Thisextensionofcoveragedoesnotapplyto the covered"auto"; any"auto"youhireorborrowfromanyofyour "employees",partners(ifyouareapartnership),(2)Removablefromahousingunit members(ifyouarealimitedliabilitycompany),whichispermanentlyinstalledin ormembers of theirhouseholds.orupon the covered"auto"; (3)Anintegralpartofthesameunit housinganyelectronic equipmentdescribedin Paragraphs(1)and (2)above;or © 2011, The Hartford(Includes copyrightedmaterial FormHA 99160312Page 3of 5 of ISOProperties,Inc.,with itspermission.) (4)Necessaryforthenormal IfanotherHartfordFinancialServicesGroup, operation of the covered"auto"or Inc.companypolicyorcoverageformthatisnot themonitoringofthecoveredan automobilepolicy orcoverage form applies to "auto's"operating system.the same "accident", the followingapplies: b.SectionIII–VersionCA00010310ofthe (1)IfthedeductibleunderthisBusinessAuto BusinessAutoCoverageForm,PhysicalCoverageFormisthesmaller(orsmallest) DamageCoverage,LimitofInsurance,deductible,it will bewaived; ParagraphC.2andVersionCA00011001of (2)IfthedeductibleunderthisBusinessAuto theBusinessAutoCoverageForm,Physical CoverageFormisnotthesmaller(or DamageCoverage,LimitofInsurance, smallest)deductible,itwillbereducedby ParagraphCareeachamendedtoaddthe theamountofthesmaller(orsmallest) following: deductible. $1,500isthemostwewillpayfor"loss"in 12.AMENDEDDUTIESINTHEEVENTOF anyone"accident"toallelectronic ACCIDENT, CLAIM,SUIT OR LOSS equipment(otherthanequipmentdesigned TherequirementinLOSSCONDITIONS2.a.- solelyforthereproductionofsound,and DUTIES IN THE EVENT OF ACCIDENT,CLAIM, accessoriesusedwithsuchequipment) SUITORLOSS-ofSECTIONIV-BUSINESS thatreproduces,receivesortransmits AUTOCONDITIONSthatyoumustnotifyusof audio,visualordatasignalswhich,atthe an"accident"applies only whenthe"accident" is time of "loss", is: knownto: (1)Permanentlyinstalledinorupon (1)You, ifyou arean individual; thecovered"auto"inahousing, (2)Apartner, ifyou area partnership; openingorotherlocationthat is not normallyusedbythe"auto" (3)Amember,ifyouarealimitedliability manufacturerfortheinstallationof company;or suchequipment; (4)An executive officer or insurancemanager, if (2)Removablefromapermanently youare acorporation. installedhousingunitasdescribed 13.UNINTENTIONALFAILURETODISCLOSE inParagraph2.a.aboveorisan HAZARDS integral part of thatequipment; or Ifyouunintentionallyfailtodisclose anyhazards (3)Anintegralpartofsuch equipment. existingattheinceptiondateofyourpolicy,we c.Foreachcovered"auto",shouldlossbelimited willnotdenycoverageunderthisCoverage toelectronicequipmentonly,ourobligationto Formbecause of suchfailure. payfor,repair,returnorreplacedamagedor 14.HIRED AUTO-COVERAGE TERRITORY stolenelectronicequipmentwillbereducedby Paragraphe.ofGENERALCONDITIONS7.- theapplicabledeductibleshowninthe POLICYPERIOD,COVERAGETERRITORY- Declarations,or$250,whicheverdeductibleis ofSECTIONIV-BUSINESSAUTO less. CONDITIONS is replaced bythefollowing: 9.EXTRAEXPENSE-BROADENED e.Forshort-termhired"autos",thecoverage COVERAGE territorywithrespecttoLiabilityCoverageis UnderParagraphA.- COVERAGE -of SECTION anywhereintheworldprovidedthatifthe III-PHYSICALDAMAGECOVERAGE,wewill "insured's"responsibilitytopaydamagesfor payfortheexpenseofreturningastolencovered "bodilyinjury"or"propertydamage"is "auto"toyou. determinedina "suit," the "suit" is brought in 10.GLASSREPAIR-WAIVER OFDEDUCTIBLE theUnitedStatesofAmerica,theterritories andpossessionsoftheUnitedStatesof UnderParagraphD.-DEDUCTIBLE-ofSECTION America,PuertoRicoorCanadaorina III-PHYSICALDAMAGECOVERAGE,the settlement weagree to. followingisadded: 15.WAIVEROF SUBROGATION Nodeductibleappliestoglassdamageifthe glass is repaired rather than replaced. TRANSFEROFRIGHTSOFRECOVERY AGAINSTOTHERSTOUS-ofSECTIONIV- 11.TWO OR MOREDEDUCTIBLES BUSINESSAUTOCONDITIONSisamendedby UnderParagraphD.-DEDUCTIBLE-ofSECTION adding the following: III-PHYSICALDAMAGECOVERAGE,the followingisadded: © 2011, The Hartford(Includes copyrightedmaterial FormHA 9916 0312Page 4of 5 of ISOProperties,Inc.,with itspermission.) Wewaiveanyrightofrecoverywemayhavec.Regardlessofthenumberofautosdeemeda againstanypersonororganizationwithwhomtotalloss,themostwewillpayunderthis youhaveawrittencontractthatrequiressuchHybrid,Electric,orNaturalGasVehicle waiverbecauseofpaymentswemakeforPaymentCoverageprovisionforanyone damages underthis CoverageForm."loss"is$10,000. 16.RESULTANT MENTAL ANGUISH COVERAGE Forthepurposes of the coverageprovision, Thedefinitionof"bodilyinjury"inSECTIONV-a.A"non-hybrid"autoisdefinedasanautothat DEFINITIONS is replaced bythefollowing:usesonlyaninternalcombustionengineto movetheautobutdoesnotincludeautos "Bodilyinjury"meansbodilyinjury,sicknessor poweredsolelyby electricityor naturalgas. diseasesustainedbyanyperson,including mentalanguishordeathresultingfromanyofb.A"hybrid"autoisdefinedasanautowithan these.internalcombustionengineandoneormore electricmotors;andthatusestheinternal 17.EXTENDED CANCELLATIONCONDITION combustionengineandoneormoreelectric Paragraph2.oftheCOMMONPOLICY motorstomovetheauto,ortheinternal CONDITIONS-CANCELLATION-applies combustionenginetochargeoneormore except asfollows: electric motors, which move the auto. Ifwecancelforanyreasonotherthan 19.VEHICLEWRAPCOVERAGE nonpaymentofpremium,wewillmailordeliver Intheeventofatotallosstoan"auto"forwhich tothefirstNamedInsuredwrittennoticeof Comprehensive,SpecifiedCausesofLoss,or cancellationatleast60daysbeforetheeffective Collisioncoveragesareprovidedunderthis date of cancellation. CoverageForm,thensuchPhysicalDamage 18.HYBRID,ELECTRIC,ORNATURALGAS Coveragesare amended to addthefollowing: VEHICLEPAYMENTCOVERAGE Inadditiontotheactualcashvalue of the "auto", Intheeventofatotallosstoa"non-hybrid"auto wewillpayupto$1,000forvinylvehiclewraps forwhichComprehensive,SpecifiedCausesof whicharedisplayedonthecovered"auto"atthe Loss,orCollisioncoveragesareprovidedunder timeoftotalloss.Regardlessofthenumberof thisCoverageForm,thensuchPhysical autosdeemedatotalloss,themostwewillpay Damage Coveragesare amended asfollows: underthisVehicleWrapCoverageprovisionfor a.Iftheautoisreplacedwitha"hybrid"autoor anyone"loss"is$5,000.Forpurposesofthis an auto poweredsolely byelectricity ornatural coverageprovision,signsorothergraphics gas,wewillpayanadditional10%,toa paintedormagneticallyaffixedtothevehicleare maximumof$2,500,ofthe"non-hybrid"auto’s not considered vehiclewraps. actualcashvalueorreplacementcost, whichever is less, b.Theautomust bereplacedand acopy of abill of sale or new lease agreement received byus within 60calendardays of the date of "loss," © 2011, The Hartford(Includes copyrightedmaterial FormHA 9916 0312Page 5of 5 of ISOProperties,Inc.,with itspermission.) This page has been left blank intentionally. Page 1 of 2 EBUF!)NN0EE0ZZZZ* DFSUJGJDBUF!PG!MJBCJMJUZ!JOTVSBODF 04/30/2018 UIJT!DFSUJGJDBUF!JT!JTTVFE!BT!B!NBUUFS!PG!JOGPSNBUJPO!POMZ!BOE!DPOGFST!OP!SJHIUT!VQPO!UIF!DFSUJGJDBUF!IPMEFS/!UIJT DFSUJGJDBUF!EPFT!OPU!BGGJSNBUJWFMZ!PS!OFHBUJWFMZ!BNFOE-!FYUFOE!PS!BMUFS!UIF!DPWFSBHF!BGGPSEFE!CZ!UIF!QPMJDJFT CFMPX/!!UIJT!DFSUJGJDBUF!PG!JOTVSBODF!EPFT!OPU!DPOTUJUVUF!B!DPOUSBDU!CFUXFFO!UIF!JTTVJOH!JOTVSFS)T*-!BVUIPSJ\[FE SFQSFTFOUBUJWF!PS!QSPEVDFS-!BOE!UIF!DFSUJGJDBUF!IPMEFS/ JNQPSUBOU;!!Jg!uif!dfsujgjdbuf!ipmefs!jt!bo!BEEJUJPOBM!JOTVSFE-!uif!qpmjdz)jft*!nvtu!ibwf!BEEJUJPOBM!JOTVSFE!qspwjtjpot!ps!cf!foepstfe/ Jg!TVCSPHBUJPO!JT!XBJWFE-!tvckfdu!up!uif!ufsnt!boe!dpoejujpot!pg!uif!qpmjdz-!dfsubjo!qpmjdjft!nbz!sfrvjsf!bo!foepstfnfou/!!B!tubufnfou!po uijt!dfsujgjdbuf!epft!opu!dpogfs!sjhiut!up!uif!dfsujgjdbuf!ipmefs!jo!mjfv!pg!tvdi!foepstfnfou)t*/ DPOUBDU QSPEVDFS OBNF; Willis of North Carolina, Inc. GBY QIPOF 1-888-467-2378 1-877-945-7378 )B0D-!Op*; )B0D-!Op-!Fyu*; c/o 26 Century Blvd F.NBJM certificates@willis.com BEESFTT; P.O. Box 305191 Nashville, TN 372305191 USA JOTVSFS)T*!BGGPSEJOH!DPWFSBHFOBJD!$ 20303 Great Northern Insurance Company JOTVSFS!B!; 20281 Federal Insurance Company JOTVSFE JOTVSFS!C!; Dude Solutions, Inc. Chubb Indemnity Insurance Company 12777 JOTVSFS!D!; Dude Solutions Intermediate Holdings, Inc. Smartware Group, Inc. JOTVSFS!E!; Paladin Data Systems Corporation, 19362 Powder Hill Place NE JOTVSFS!F!; Poulsbo, WA 98370 JOTVSFS!G!; W6072285 DPWFSBHFTDFSUJGJDBUF!OVNCFS;SFWJTJPO!OVNCFS; BEEMTVCSQPMJDZ!FGGQPMJDZ!FYQ JOTS UZQF!PG!JOTVSBODFMJNJUT QPMJDZ!OVNCFS )NN0EE0ZZZZ*)NN0EE0ZZZZ* MUS JOTEXWE DPNNFSDJBM!HFOFSBM!MJBCJMJUZ 1,000,000 1,000,000 10,000 A 35951753 ATL11/09/201711/09/2018 1,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 1,000,000 BVUPNPCJMF!MJBCJMJUZ B 7359154711/09/201711/09/2018 5,000,000 VNCSFMMB!MJBC B 7987873911/09/201711/09/2018 5,000,000 FYDFTT!MJBC XPSLFST!DPNQFOTBUJPO BOE!FNQMPZFST(!MJBCJMJUZ Z!0!O 1,000,000 C No O!0!B 7174508311/09/201711/09/2018 1,000,000 )Nboebupsz!jo!OI* 1,000,000 ATechnology Errors & Omissions35951753 ATL11/09/201711/09/2018Per Claim Liability:$2,000,000 Aggregate:$2,000,000 Priv Rem/Notify Cost:$100,000 EFTDSJQUJPO!PG!PQFSBUJPOT!0!MPDBUJPOT!0!WFIJDMFT!!)BDPSE!212-!Beejujpobm!Sfnbslt!Tdifevmf-!nbz!cf!buubdife!jg!npsf!tqbdf!jt!sfrvjsfe* Named Insured: Dude Solutions, Inc. dba Facilitydude Dude Solutions, Inc. dba Schooldude General Liability: Blanket Additional Insured SEE ATTACHED DFSUJGJDBUF!IPMEFSDBODFMMBUJPO TIPVME!BOZ!PG!UIF!BCPWF!EFTDSJCFE!QPMJDJFT!CF!DBODFMMFE!CFGPSF UIF!FYQJSBUJPO!EBUF!UIFSFPG-!OPUJDF!XJMM!CF!EFMJWFSFE!JO BDDPSEBODF!XJUI!UIF!QPMJDZ!QSPWJTJPOT/ City of Spokane Valley; Attn: Luis Garcia BVUIPSJ\[FE!SFQSFTFOUBUJWF Development Services Coordinator 11707 E. Sprague, Suite 108 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 ª!2:99.3126!BDPSE!DPSQPSBUJPO/!!Bmm!sjhiut!sftfswfe/ BDPSE!36!)3127014*Uif!BDPSE!obnf!boe!mphp!bsf!sfhjtufsfe!nbslt!pg!BDPSE 16075886 691649 SR ID: BATCH: BHFODZ!DVTUPNFS!JE; MPD!$; BEEJUJPOBM!SFNBSLT!TDIFEVMF Qbhf!!!!!!!!!!!pg 22 BHFODZOBNFE!JOTVSFE Dude Solutions, Inc. Willis of North Carolina, Inc. Dude Solutions Intermediate Holdings, Inc. QPMJDZ!OVNCFS Smartware Group, Inc. Paladin Data Systems Corporation, 19362 Powder Hill Place NE See Page 1 Poulsbo, WA 98370 DBSSJFSOBJD!DPEF See Page 1See Page 1 FGGFDUJWF!EBUF;See Page 1 BEEJUJPOBM!SFNBSLT UIJT!BEEJUJPOBM!SFNBSLT!GPSN!JT!B!TDIFEVMF!UP!BDPSE!GPSN- 25Certificate of Liability Insurance GPSN!OVNCFS;GPSN!UJUMF; Technology Related Injury includes violation of person's right of privacy or right of publicity -See attached policy page attached, item B.3. Media Liability-Included BDPSE!212!)3119012*ª!3119!BDPSE!DPSQPSBUJPO/!!Bmm!sjhiut!sftfswfe/ Uif!BDPSE!obnf!boe!mphp!bsf!sfhjtufsfe!nbslt!pg!BDPSE SR ID:16075886 691649 W6072285 BATCH:CERT: Page 1 of 2 EBUF!)NN0EE0ZZZZ* DFSUJGJDBUF!PG!MJBCJMJUZ!JOTVSBODF 05/15/2018 UIJT!DFSUJGJDBUF!JT!JTTVFE!BT!B!NBUUFS!PG!JOGPSNBUJPO!POMZ!BOE!DPOGFST!OP!SJHIUT!VQPO!UIF!DFSUJGJDBUF!IPMEFS/!UIJT DFSUJGJDBUF!EPFT!OPU!BGGJSNBUJWFMZ!PS!OFHBUJWFMZ!BNFOE-!FYUFOE!PS!BMUFS!UIF!DPWFSBHF!BGGPSEFE!CZ!UIF!QPMJDJFT CFMPX/!!UIJT!DFSUJGJDBUF!PG!JOTVSBODF!EPFT!OPU!DPOTUJUVUF!B!DPOUSBDU!CFUXFFO!UIF!JTTVJOH!JOTVSFS)T*-!BVUIPSJ\[FE SFQSFTFOUBUJWF!PS!QSPEVDFS-!BOE!UIF!DFSUJGJDBUF!IPMEFS/ JNQPSUBOU;!!Jg!uif!dfsujgjdbuf!ipmefs!jt!bo!BEEJUJPOBM!JOTVSFE-!uif!qpmjdz)jft*!nvtu!ibwf!BEEJUJPOBM!JOTVSFE!qspwjtjpot!ps!cf!foepstfe/ Jg!TVCSPHBUJPO!JT!XBJWFE-!tvckfdu!up!uif!ufsnt!boe!dpoejujpot!pg!uif!qpmjdz-!dfsubjo!qpmjdjft!nbz!sfrvjsf!bo!foepstfnfou/!!B!tubufnfou!po uijt!dfsujgjdbuf!epft!opu!dpogfs!sjhiut!up!uif!dfsujgjdbuf!ipmefs!jo!mjfv!pg!tvdi!foepstfnfou)t*/ DPOUBDU QSPEVDFS OBNF; Willis of North Carolina, Inc. GBY QIPOF 1-888-467-2378 1-877-945-7378 )B0D-!Op*; )B0D-!Op-!Fyu*; c/o 26 Century Blvd F.NBJM certificates@willis.com BEESFTT; P.O. Box 305191 Nashville, TN 372305191 USA JOTVSFS)T*!BGGPSEJOH!DPWFSBHFOBJD!$ 20303 Great Northern Insurance Company JOTVSFS!B!; 20281 Federal Insurance Company JOTVSFE JOTVSFS!C!; Dude Solutions, Inc. Chubb Indemnity Insurance Company 12777 JOTVSFS!D!; Dude Solutions Intermediate Holdings, Inc. Smartware Group, Inc. JOTVSFS!E!; Paladin Data Systems Corporation, 19362 Powder Hill Place NE JOTVSFS!F!; Poulsbo, WA 98370 JOTVSFS!G!; W6161323 DPWFSBHFTDFSUJGJDBUF!OVNCFS;SFWJTJPO!OVNCFS; BEEMTVCSQPMJDZ!FGGQPMJDZ!FYQ JOTS UZQF!PG!JOTVSBODFMJNJUT QPMJDZ!OVNCFS )NN0EE0ZZZZ*)NN0EE0ZZZZ* MUS JOTEXWE DPNNFSDJBM!HFOFSBM!MJBCJMJUZ 1,000,000 1,000,000 10,000 A 35951753 ATL11/09/201711/09/2018 1,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 1,000,000 BVUPNPCJMF!MJBCJMJUZ B 7359154711/09/201711/09/2018 5,000,000 VNCSFMMB!MJBC B 7987873911/09/201711/09/2018 5,000,000 FYDFTT!MJBC XPSLFST!DPNQFOTBUJPO BOE!FNQMPZFST(!MJBCJMJUZ Z!0!O 1,000,000 C No O!0!B 7174508311/09/201711/09/2018 1,000,000 )Nboebupsz!jo!OI* 1,000,000 ATechnology Errors & Omissions35951753 ATL11/09/201711/09/2018Per Claim Liability:$2,000,000 Aggregate:$2,000,000 Priv Rem/Notify Cost:$100,000 EFTDSJQUJPO!PG!PQFSBUJPOT!0!MPDBUJPOT!0!WFIJDMFT!!)BDPSE!212-!Beejujpobm!Sfnbslt!Tdifevmf-!nbz!cf!buubdife!jg!npsf!tqbdf!jt!sfrvjsfe* Named Insured: Dude Solutions, Inc. dba Facilitydude Dude Solutions, Inc. dba Schooldude General Liability: Blanket Additional Insured SEE ATTACHED DFSUJGJDBUF!IPMEFSDBODFMMBUJPO TIPVME!BOZ!PG!UIF!BCPWF!EFTDSJCFE!QPMJDJFT!CF!DBODFMMFE!CFGPSF UIF!FYQJSBUJPO!EBUF!UIFSFPG-!OPUJDF!XJMM!CF!EFMJWFSFE!JO BDDPSEBODF!XJUI!UIF!QPMJDZ!QSPWJTJPOT/ City of Spokane Valley; Attn: Deanna Horton BVUIPSJ\[FE!SFQSFTFOUBUJWF Development Services Coordinator 11707 E. Sprague, Suite 108 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 ª!2:99.3126!BDPSE!DPSQPSBUJPO/!!Bmm!sjhiut!sftfswfe/ BDPSE!36!)3127014*Uif!BDPSE!obnf!boe!mphp!bsf!sfhjtufsfe!nbslt!pg!BDPSE 16165679 710479 SR ID: BATCH: BHFODZ!DVTUPNFS!JE; MPD!$; BEEJUJPOBM!SFNBSLT!TDIFEVMF Qbhf!!!!!!!!!!!pg 22 BHFODZOBNFE!JOTVSFE Dude Solutions, Inc. Willis of North Carolina, Inc. Dude Solutions Intermediate Holdings, Inc. QPMJDZ!OVNCFS Smartware Group, Inc. Paladin Data Systems Corporation, 19362 Powder Hill Place NE See Page 1 Poulsbo, WA 98370 DBSSJFSOBJD!DPEF See Page 1See Page 1 FGGFDUJWF!EBUF;See Page 1 BEEJUJPOBM!SFNBSLT UIJT!BEEJUJPOBM!SFNBSLT!GPSN!JT!B!TDIFEVMF!UP!BDPSE!GPSN- 25Certificate of Liability Insurance GPSN!OVNCFS;GPSN!UJUMF; Technology Related Injury includes violation of person's right of privacy or right of publicity -See attached policy page attached, item B.3. Media Liability-Included BDPSE!212!)3119012*ª!3119!BDPSE!DPSQPSBUJPO/!!Bmm!sjhiut!sftfswfe/ Uif!BDPSE!obnf!boe!mphp!bsf!sfhjtufsfe!nbslt!pg!BDPSE SR ID:16165679 710479 W6161323 BATCH:CERT: EBUF!)NN0EE0ZZZZ* DFSUJGJDBUF!PG!MJBCJMJUZ!JOTVSBODF 210203132 :03:03131 UIJT!DFSUJGJDBUF!JT!JTTVFE!BT!B!NBUUFS!PG!JOGPSNBUJPO!POMZ!BOE!DPOGFST!OP!SJHIUT!VQPO!UIF!DFSUJGJDBUF!IPMEFS/!UIJT DFSUJGJDBUF!EPFT!OPU!BGGJSNBUJWFMZ!PS!OFHBUJWFMZ!BNFOE-!FYUFOE!PS!BMUFS!UIF!DPWFSBHF!BGGPSEFE!CZ!UIF!QPMJDJFT CFMPX/!!UIJT!DFSUJGJDBUF!PG!JOTVSBODF!EPFT!OPU!DPOTUJUVUF!B!DPOUSBDU!CFUXFFO!UIF!JTTVJOH!JOTVSFS)T*-!BVUIPSJ\[FE SFQSFTFOUBUJWF!PS!QSPEVDFS-!BOE!UIF!DFSUJGJDBUF!IPMEFS/ JNQPSUBOU;!!Jg!uif!dfsujgjdbuf!ipmefs!jt!bo!BEEJUJPOBM!JOTVSFE-!uif!qpmjdz)jft*!nvtu!ibwf!BEEJUJPOBM!JOTVSFE!qspwjtjpot!ps!cf!foepstfe/ Jg!TVCSPHBUJPO!JT!XBJWFE-!tvckfdu!up!uif!ufsnt!boe!dpoejujpot!pg!uif!qpmjdz-!dfsubjo!qpmjdjft!nbz!sfrvjsf!bo!foepstfnfou/!!B!tubufnfou!po uijt!dfsujgjdbuf!epft!opu!dpogfs!sjhiut!up!uif!dfsujgjdbuf!ipmefs!jo!mjfv!pg!tvdi!foepstfnfou)t*/ DPOUBDU QSPEVDFS Mpdlupo!Jotvsbodf!Csplfst-!MMD OBNF; GBY QIPOF DB!Mjdfotf!$PG26878 )B0D-!Op*; )B0D-!Op-!Fyu*; Uisff!Fncbsdbefsp!Dfoufs-!Tvjuf!711 F.NBJM BEESFTT; Tbo!Gsbodjtdp!DB!:5222 JOTVSFS)T*!BGGPSEJOH!DPWFSBHFOBJD!$ )526*!679.5111 JOTVSFS!B!;Obujpobm!Gjsf!Jotvsbodf!Dp!pg!Ibsugpse31589 JOTVSFE JOTVSFS!C!;Uif!Dpoujofoubm!Jotvsbodf!Dpnqboz4639: Evef!Tpmvujpot-!Jod/ 2577612 22111!Sfhfodz!Qbslxbz-!TUF!221 JOTVSFS!D!;Fwfsftu!Obujpobm!Jotvsbodf!Dpnqboz21231 Dbsz!OD!38629 JOTVSFS!E!; JOTVSFS!F!; JOTVSFS!G!; DPWFSBHFT EVETP13 DFSUJGJDBUF!OVNCFS;SFWJTJPO!OVNCFS; 27529587YYYYYYY UIJT!JT!UP!DFSUJGZ!UIBU!UIF!QPMJDJFT!PG!JOTVSBODF!MJTUFE!CFMPX!IBWF!CFFO!JTTVFE!UP!UIF!JOTVSFE!OBNFE!BCPWF!GPS!UIF!QPMJDZ!QFSJPE JOEJDBUFE/!!OPUXJUITUBOEJOH!BOZ!SFRVJSFNFOU-!UFSN!PS!DPOEJUJPO!PG!BOZ!DPOUSBDU!PS!PUIFS!EPDVNFOU!XJUI!SFTQFDU!UP!XIJDI!UIJT DFSUJGJDBUF!NBZ!CF!JTTVFE!PS!NBZ!QFSUBJO-!UIF!JOTVSBODF!BGGPSEFE!CZ!UIF!QPMJDJFT!EFTDSJCFE!IFSFJO!JT!TVCKFDU!UP!BMM!UIF!UFSNT- FYDMVTJPOT!BOE!DPOEJUJPOT!PG!TVDI!QPMJDJFT/!MJNJUT!TIPXO!NBZ!IBWF!CFFO!SFEVDFE!CZ!QBJE!DMBJNT/ BEEMTVCS JOTSQPMJDZ!FGGQPMJDZ!FYQ UZQF!PG!JOTVSBODFMJNJUT QPMJDZ!OVNCFS MUS)NN0EE0ZZZZ*)NN0EE0ZZZZ* JOTEXWE DPNNFSDJBM!HFOFSBM!MJBCJMJUZ FBDI!PDDVSSFODF% Y 2-111-111 OO B7189815799210203131210203132 EBNBHF!UP!SFOUFE DMBJNT.NBEFPDDVS% Y 2-111-111 QSFNJTFT!)Fb!pddvssfodf* NFE!FYQ!)Boz!pof!qfstpo*% 26-111 QFSTPOBM!'!BEW!JOKVSZ% 2-111-111 HFO(M!BHHSFHBUF!MJNJU!BQQMJFT!QFS;HFOFSBM!BHHSFHBUF% 3-111-111 QSP. 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