2012, 09-11 Special Mtg for Exe Session MINUTES City vf Spokane Valley City Council Special Meeting Tuesda;�,September 11,2012 AttendancE: Coancilmembers: Staff: Tom Towey,Mayor Milce Jacl�son, C�ty Manager �� Gary Scl�immels,Deputy Mayar Cary Driskeli, Acting City Attorney Dea��Grafas, Councilmem�aer Brenda Grassel, Councilinember Chuck Hafner, Councilmember Ben Wick, Cauncilmember Arne Woodard, Councilmemt�er EXECUTNE SESSI�N: Mayor To�vey called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. It was then rrtoved by Deputy Mayor Sehrmn�els, seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn into exe�utive session for approximately frfty minutes to discuss Acqufsltian/Lerr,�e of l�eal Estate, and that no action is anticaperted upon r�etu�n to open session. Council adjourned into e�ecutive session at approximately 5:(}3 p,rn. At approximately 5:56 p,m. Mayor Towey declared cou�.cil out of Executive Session. It was moved by Deputy Mayor Schirnmeds, seconded and unanin�ously agreed to adjourn. T'he meetin�adjourned at 5:57 p.m. W, � �.. ..-�''i' ` �,.. �Thomas E. Tov�rey, Pvlayor �- ATTEST:, �� . ;; �` . : � � -� i` ` ,r` " �,,. �'y /� � � �`Christine Bauibridge, City Clerlc � , Special Meeting,Council Minutes:09-11-2Q12 Pa�ge 1 of] Approved by Council: 09-25-2Q12