Resolution 12-005 Amends SHA Members CITY OT SPOKAN�VALL�Y SPOI�AN� COUNTY,WASHINGTON 1ZE,SOLUTION NO. 12-405 A R�SOLUTION OF TH� CITY OI+ SPOKAN� VALL�Y, SPOKAP+I� COUNTY, �'VASHINGTON, AMENDING �ESOLUT�QN Q3-047 AND 1ZATIFYING TH� AUTHORIZATION OI+ TH� ADDITION O�+" ONE N�W M�PVIBER TO TH� BQARD OT COMMISS��N�RS OT TH� JOINT GITYICOUNTY HOUSiNG AUTHQRITY; AND FROVIDING T'OR OTH�R MATTERS PROPERLY R�LATING TH�R�TQ. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCTL OF TH� CITY OF SPOI�ANE VALLEY, of S��okai�e Cou�i�y�, Wasliitigfoii; ti��REAS, the Cit�� of S�okane Val�ey, W�sl�iugton ("Ciry"), is a a�onchartez• cocie city duly orgaii�zed ai�d eAistiug tiiiidei• aiici by virttie of tEie Constitution and ttie la�vs of ttie State of Wasl�ingtoii; and V�I�REAS, the Spokane Valley City Couu�il ("Cou��cil") recognizes the pu'�lic interest in sustaining aff�a•dable I�ousing fo�•the z•esidents of the cit��and the sui•rounding community; and WHEREAS, by Resolukion dated May 13, 2Q03, Co►«lcil recognizec� the �ieed for 1oti�T-income hausing; �vhich resolution �vas updated 6y Resolution 03-047, designating tlie Authority �s a jaitrt city/eo�mty autliority ali�i designating iiames ai�d tecros of tlle five me3��ber Cotuicil o�'the Ai�thority; a�id VVHEREAS, ti�e Spokane Hot�si�ig Authority ("Autliority") l�as pi•ovicied sei•vices witl�i�i tlle city limits of the City of Spokane Valley; a�id WH�REAS, tlie Authority tias ciete��mi�aec3 that a six �nea»ber Boal•d of Commissioiiers �vould inore effectively reflect tl�e needs of tlie Authority and the persons ai�d jurisdictions seived by the Aiitlroriry than the previoiis fi�e inembcr Board of Co�ii�nissio�iei•s; aifd WHEREAS, since t1�e Ciry has been incorporateci a nl�mbar of projects of tlte Autharity a�°e lacatetl �vit�iin tlte boisridaries of the City of Spakane Valley, a��cl ti�e Cou�ity atid ttie City of Spoka��e ltave agceed that the City of Spoka�fe Valley s}toulcl lia��e the ��ility to inake an additiotial Authority Commissioner appoiiftmenf; aud VL�IIEREAS, the Couucil�yishe.s ta eaidorse tIie axpansioit of the Boai•d of tlie Autl�a�•ity. NOW THER��'ORB, IT TS H�REBY FOLJND DETERMINED AND ORDERED as follo�vs: Section l: EXPANSION Or TH� BOARD OF COMMYSSYON�RS OT THE AUT�IORITY The Boacci of Coi�fmissioners of tlze Authority (tl�e "Bo1�•d"} shall ve expanded to six Co»�i7iissioners composed of tiie follo�ving, �vhicki shall gove��ii tfie Autliorit��: Resolution 12-QOS Page 1 of 2 (�) Membershi�oft�ie Board One i�idiviciu�l tivho is directly �ssistecl Uy the Authority,jointly a�poi��fed by tlie IViayor of the City of Spoka�ie, Mayor of tlie City of Spokai�e Valley, and tkie Chair of tlie Spokaiie Counry Baard of Com�f�issionei•s; T�vo indi�riduals ��lio tivark or i•esicle �vithii� tlie City limits of tl�e City af SpokaTie, Wasliington, a4�pointed by fi�e Mayor of tlie Ci!��of Spokacie; Qne itzdit�idual �vl�o �vorks or resides in unincorporatecf 5polcane Couniy, Washi»gton, a��pointed �y tlie Spokane County Boacc3 of Com���issioners; and Ttivo ieiciividuals 1vl�o �vork or reside in ttie City of Spoka�ie Valley, �ppoi�iteci by tlie Mayar of tiie City=of S�o�Ca��e Valley. Tlie remaining provisiatts of Resoliition 03-047 sliall t•ea��aiii unchaug�d. Sectia�i 2: S�V�RABILITY If any one or more of the eovenatits at• a�nerictments ��rovidec� itl this Resolutio�� to be perfarmec� a�� the part of tlie City of Spokane Valley, shall be eieclared by aiiy cflurt of cort�petettt jurisciickion to be contra►y to law, d�en such co�enant or amencirnetrt shall be null aiid void and s�iall be deemed separable fi�azil the re���airii�ag covetiants at�ci ag��eeme��ts of this Reso�i�tioit atid shall in �io �vay af�ect tEte validity of the other provisions of tl�is Resolution. Section 3; REP�ALER All Resolutio�ZS or ��ai�ts fl�ereof in co��flict there�vitlf are, to tlte eYtent of snch coiiflict, )iereby re�eafeci, and sliali lia��e no fiii�tllei•foa•ce oi•effect. Sectiori 4: �rT�CTIV�DAT� This Resal�itian sl�all take effeet immediatel��upon ado�tio». ADOPTED BY THE CITY �.OUNCTL of the Cit�r of 5poka��e Valley, Washingto�� at a regulai•, formal ��ieeting, l�eld oii the 23`d day of Octobei•, 2012. City of Spok ne Valley /� .��� � _ _- :G'f�'-,_.-a � _ �� �.._A r.__� , ���.� Tl oEt�as E. Toivey,Mayor A.TT,�ST: , � f� �; �r � �` ,- ,�. �' -�e _��, ..t�`.`-� _ �Cl�ristine Bainbriclge, Cit�T Cle��k j A�praved as to�'or��3: ;� � y '�., 1 Office o ae City Attorney Itesol�itioti 12-0OS Pa�e 2 of 2