Resolution 12-006 Adopts PC Rules of Procedure CITY OF SPOI�AN� VALL�Y S�O��ANE COUI'�ITY, V4'A�HINGTON RES�LUTION NO. 12-006 A It�SQLUTI�N OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALL��, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, ADOPTING TH� �POKAN� VALLEY PLANNING COMMISSION RULES OF P1�OC�DURE, AND OTHER MATTERS RELATING THERETO. WHEREAS, tlie pi�ovisions of S�okane Valley M�iiiicipal Code Section 1$.10.030 establish tlie rules for tl�e S�okane Valley Planni�lg Com�nission and nlandate that the Plannirlg Conrmissioii shall aclopt l'Lll�5 and procedures as are necessary for tlie coiie�tict of business, subject to the approval of the City Coir�icil; and WH�REAS, tlie PIa�ming CoiiYmission Rules of Proced��re were last revised by the Cou�icil on November 29, 20�1, The Rules establish tlzat they are to t�e reviewed on the odd nt��n�ered years, but that upon the i�ecomiiiendatioji of the City Attorney, propased cl�anges may be brou�ht forward as appropriate; anci WHEREAS, on July 26, 2012, the Piaruling Coir�nission's recommended revisions to the Rules af Procediu•e included inserting a code of ethics, providsng c�arificatio�i as indicated, and enstu•ing t�iat th�Rules reflect current pracfice, NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Co«ncil of tlie City of Spo�Cane VaIley, Spokane County, Washington as follows: Section 1. Aclo�tion of Spokane Valley F'lar�iing Coi�linissiail Rules of �'roeedt�re. T�le Spokaii� Valley City Coui�eil �iereby adopts the Spokatie Valley Planning Cot7iinissio�i Rules af Pracedure dated '�", 2012, whiel� ai•e attacheci hereto and mac�e a part hereo�. Section 2. All uriar Plani�in� Coi�lmissioti Rules of Procedu��e �re repealed. ATly previously adapted ��ersions of the Planning Commission Rttles of Procedu�•e are hereby repealed i�i tlleir entiraty. Section 3. Effective Date. This ResolutioiY shall be in fi�ll force and effeet upon adoptioz�. Adopted tliis 30t�' day of October, 2012. CITY (���OKANE V '��Y � � � {, - �.�_,_:�_, l � ,�._.,_. . � Thomas E. Towey, Mayor � /,-, ,��'�'F�T: , � ; A �•o � d ta fai•ii�: � `� _ j/ .�. . f (! .� �� !l'1-=,-, .t i.�� I � '� `� �Cliz•istine Bainbric�ge, City Clerl� Office f t ie City Attorney � Itesolutioii 12-006 Adopti�ig Pl�c3c�ing Commissioii Rules of Procedtire Pa�e I of 9 City of Spokane Valley Planning Commissi�n Rules of Procedure Adopted by Pla�viirYg Ca�imlissian 02-19-OS Revisecf by Resolut�oa� 10-Q04,2-09-2010 Revised by Resal�rtion 11-010, 11-29-20�1 Revised by Resolutioi� 12-006, 10-30-2012 O11 .�llly 26, 2012, these Re�Ies of Procedure���ere adopked by the �lac�ning CoMtlmission, pe�7ding ay3proval of City Council. ORGANIZATION AND RULES OF FROCEDURE 1. Name T"he "City of Spokaue Valley Planning Co�nmission," lfereinafter i•efe�•red to as the "CQI11t111S510�1�� is an adwisoiy bociy�reated by the City Cou�icil fo��}�ur�}oses co��sistent �vitl7 Spokane Valley Mtinicipal Code (SVMC) 18.10, 2. Lacation Th�Cou�niission offices are located at t}ie City Hall of tl�e City of 5pokane Valley. 3. Office��s Unless otliei•�vise i•ec�Eiired �y a vaczncy iti of�ce, the COI]1Ix11SS10C1 siiall o��gaaiize eve�•y yeac• iii accorciance�vith S�JMC 18.10. A. �fficers of tl�e Co��3mission shall be electecl from its me�fi�ership; the officers slfall be Chai�•, Vice Ch�ii•, anci othei• ap��•op��iate officei•s that ttie Commission tnay c9ioose to apprave atid appoint by tnajority vote. B. Cotntnission n�enlbers must l�ave sei•ved at least o��e fulI calendar yeay to be eligible to be elected as an Officer. C. The Cfiai�• shail preside ove►• tlfe Cottnnissiou and exercise all po�i�ers incidai�tal to tii� offiee, r�faining ho�vever, the fiill right as a member of the Co�il►nissiaii to propose motions, seconci motioras attd}ia��e a vote i'ecoi•ded oii all inatters of tlie Commissioi�. D. In t1�e aE�se�ice of the Cl�air fro�u a�iy meetiiig, ttie Vice-Chair shall ��e.i•forin all tlie duties iricumbejrt u�on tl�e Chair, a��d retair� the full rig�it as a meinber of tl�e Commission in the same maiiner as the Cl�air. 4. Sect•etaiy of the Caminissio�i A, The Directo�• of tt�e Comt�u�ttity Developiuent Departni�i�t or hislher designee shall serve as the Secretaiy to the Co�7�missian. B. The Sec��etaiy shall provide for a cecording of alI Com�nission iiieetings, iuelucliiig public heai�ings aud shall e�lsuee fl�at suct�ma►y tni�itttes of�I1 E��iblic l�eariiigs aud iiieatii�gs �re prepared, a�proveci, and �leci iu tEie public record. C. The Secr�tai-y �vill conduct a�ici i•ecoi•d a i•oll call of tkie Com�nission I��eiiibers �t eacli �neeting, ptiblic liea�����g atid stuci��sessiou. Resolution i2-OQ6 Ac3o}�ting Plat��ii�ig Cott�missiort 12ules of Yrocec�ure Page 2 of 9 5. �lection of Officet•s A, Officars sliall be elected at t�ie �rst regula�• �neetir�g in J�nua�y of eacli year, by rnajority vote of t�ie membecsliip of the �ommissio�t. Tenns of office shall r�m from the �rst dat�uaiy i�ieeting u�itil Decei��ber 31 or ui�til a su�cessor has beeli elected. No Commission ine�i�ber shal! serve moi•e thari hti�o f►ill consectitive terit�s as C�iair of ttie Cominissioii. No Commissioii tnea7ibe►•���all seive as Vice-Cl�air for more tl��n hva full co�fsec�►tive ke��ans. Iu tiie evenk that t}ie Com���issiori I�as �io sitking Clfait° at the �rst regulae meeti��g in .Tantia�y, khe Vice-Chair �vill �reside OVeP fll� COIt117115S10t1 until officers are elected. Tf at the first t•e�ular n�eeti�ig iji Jaii�xar•y, bot}i the Cl�air aaaci Vice-Cliai�° are no longer Commission n�embers, the Secretacy�vill pcesic{e oveo�the meeting utitil Officers are elected. B. A vaca�iey ic� any office�vill Ue filled by a special election, to be held at a coa�venie��t time«ith a majoi•ity��reseiik, In the event tl�at tkie af�ce of Chaii• is vacated, tlie vice-chair sliall setve iii tliat capacity uEitil the reqt�ired spe�ial election is held. Any ttiember of fhe Conu7lission �vho lias set-��ec{ for at least one fi�11 cale»da�•year, is e]igiL��e to fill tlie vacacicy. Ho«evet�, rla memE�er ca�� hold t�vo office positians conct�ree�itiy. G. Quorurti A quoriEm shall corisisk of four or more 3��ecx�bers of t17e Commission aEid no actian ca��be taken in the abseatce of a c���orum except tfl adjourn the meeting ta a suvseqiEent d�te. A qtroi•tMtti must be preseift for al[ meetings. 7. Voting A. Tlte affi•mati�e wote of � i�iajority of tliose present sEia[I be necessaiy for tlie acloptiatt of atiy mation ar other geiiei•al matter. B. For the conduct of busitle.ss ciealing rvitlj ivattei•s �vl�icl� �•eq��ire adoptio�i or c�ianges to the City's Compreliensive PIaF�, or for tlie election of officers, at least four affi�•mative vatas inust be cast. Each �7iei�ibez�of tlie Cotn�i�ission is enkitled to one vata. No ��roxy sktal� be allolved. C. No member n�ay partici�ate or�ota on a t��akter unless tl�e ���ember li�s Ueen in atteiidance at all paiblic lieai•ings i•egare�ing s►�cl� inattei• or has listened to tlie recording af the public licari��g anc� revie4veci tlie wcittei� recard of the nlatter in question. S. Meetings A, The�•e shal➢ be at least one regular meetiri� eacli tno��th tivith addikio»al meeti��gs sclieduleci �s necessaiy. Regular meetings shall be schediiled on the 2�id and 4"' Ti��yrsdays of the moi�tli, coiiii�feiici��g �t 6:00 j�.�7�. a�lcl e«c3iifg �iot laker tl�an 9:04 p.m. Meeting ending time can t�e extendeci by a �7��jority vote of tlie Cominission. Meetiiigs may be tESed foi' ge�leral pla�inin� mat�ers, study sassions oi•public hearings as cEescril�ed belotiv, I. Meeti�f s o�i Ge�leral Planriict Matters. General plantii�ig �i�atters to be i�evietivecl by tlie Cominissioii will typicaliy� be p��eceded by a sttidy sessian of tiie Comi��is�ion to dascuss tlie issues tivith Communit�� Developa��erii Department staff. Generally, no testimony from the ����blic sliall be taken at a stuc3y session. 2. Public Hearin� Meeting. A pt�Ulic hearing is a meeking�vl�erein getieral �usiness anc� pt�blic �ieariiig iteitls, such as ttie Co�n�rehe�isive Plan a�ici develapment regulations a��e discussec� and e3ecided. I ftesolu3ion 12-005 Adop€ing Planning Cornmission Rtiles of Procedure Page 3 of 9 3. Sched��fed me�tings may be cauceled or coz�ve»ed at othel• times if cieemed �fecessary by the Cl�air or, i��the a6sence of the Chair, by the Vice-Chair. Notice of cancellakion shall be give�� �ersonally to Comv�issioit membe►•s anc� to the public k�y postin�a notice at City Hall. 4. 'I'he��ecam�»e��dec� order of 1�usiness for meetin�s is: a. Call ta ot•cle�•�y Chair. b, Pled�e of Allegiance. c. Roll call by Seca�eta�y. d. Approval of Agenda. e. Ap�i•nval of nlinutes. f. Public co�7�merik. g. Cottu7iission ���ember reports, fi, Administratiwe re�orts. L �OII111115S1011 b1151i10SS. i. Unfinislied Uusiness ii. Ne�v�i2s�ness j, For ti�e good of tlie order. k. Adjournmeut. B. Coii�missiou meetings shall be �ield in accoi°dance �vitif the ►•equire�ne��ts of the Open Public Meetings A�f, RCW C�lapter�2,30. C. Special meeti��gs afid study sessions may be called: 1. By the i•equest of tlie Chair, or, iti the Cl�air's absence, 6y ttle Vice�Cl�air. 2. By t�ie �vr�itten re€�uest to the Chair, OI' Iri kl�e Chair's abseiice, t0 Y�12 V1C�-CElail', of tl�ree mei�ibers of tlie Co�nmiss�on. 3. By agreed motin�i of tlie Com�7�issio►f. 9. Co��dlact of Hea�•i�igs A. Actio�is for a Commission P�iblic Hearing, Prior to the start of the�t�blic hearirig, the Chai��rtiay reqt�ire tl�at all ��eisons tivisfling to be heard sig�7 ia� �yit}� ttie Seci•etary, giving tlieir nait�es �iid addeesses, tlie age�fda item, aiici «lieth�r they �visli to sa�eak as pro��onent, oppone3�t, oi•othei���ise. Any perso�t�i�lio fails to sign i�i sl�all �vait to s��eak t�ntil a[l those rvho laave sig�teci iti I�ave lfad an o�3��ort�u�ity to speak. At any puhlic lie�tririg, persons �vlio fiave sigued in a�id 1vis1� to be liea��d shafl �e �i�raii �n op��ortu3�it}� to be li�ard. Tlie Chaii', slibject to coticu��rei7ce Uy the majarity of tiie Coi�i�nissio��, may establisli time l�tnits aiid otl�er�vise control presentatiatis. The Chair may changa tlt� or�er of'speakers sa th�t testimony is lie�rd in tlie i�iost iogieal grou��icigs, (i.e., �i'oponetlks, op�oiieuts, acijacent o�vtters, vestecl interests, etc.). B. The Chai�• sliall lI1tI'O�UC� each ageiida item, opei� each public heari�ig, auci atuiounce the fo11o«ring�ules of Order: itesoli�tion 12-OO�i Aciopti��g Ylanniiig Canmiissiai Rules of Frocedure Pnge 4 of 9 1, All comrnents by propnnents, oppone�its, o�• tlae publie sl�all be il�acie fro�tl tt�e speakec•'s ��os�rum, and auy inclividtia[ maki��g cojtiu�ents stiall first give hislher na���e and acic�ress. Tfiis is a•eqtiirec� because aia official recorded t�•ac�script of tlfe�acibIic liearii�g is 6eing macie. 2. It is iiot necessa�y to be a propo�ient or apponent iai orc�er to speak, If yau ca�isider yot�rsetf i�eithej•a proponent rioi•opponent, please speak dui•ing tlie �t•o�onent �ortiaii�nd identify yoursalf�s iieitiier a�roponent itor an oppouent, 3. Aio camments st�all be �i�acie fro��� at�y otl�er locatio�i, and anyone rY�aking "out of order" comme�its shall be subject to removal fi•o�t�t�ie meetiug. 4. We a€sk tltat tfi�r� be no demo��str�tions, a�plause or other audience partici�ation dui-i�ig o1•at the canclusio�f of a��yo��e's p��eseaat�tiioi�. It is dist►•acting to the Commission a�id pe3•sons testifying, 5. Plcas$limit yoYir testitiio�iy ta tliree min�ites. 6. Titese r��les are iittandeci to proffiote an orderly systein of hr�ldiug a�ub8ic fie�ring and to give persons �ri oM���ortuiiity to 6e�seard. C, Wllell t�l� COIll]llISS1011 COI1C�l1Ct5 a I18flC111�f0 1Vhicli tlze A��pearance o�Fairi�ess Doctrine applies, fi�e Cl�aii• (oi• iii tf�e abseiiea of the Chair oi• iii case of a potential vialation by th�t indivicil�al, tl�e V1Ce C�lflll'� l�'1�1 aSIC lf Zlly Cp111iI11SS10I1 It1et71L701'�ii1Q�V5 O�c�lly 1'�c�S01] �V�]1C�1 �VOl]aC� 1'e(1�1111'� SlIC}l inembe�-to e�ci�se themselves pzirsuant to the A}�peara�ice of�'airness Dactrine. Tl�e forii� of tlie anuo��nceme�ft shall 6e as fo1lo��s; All Commissiqn mein�iers should notiv give consic�e��ation as to�vl�et�ter they tlave: 1. A deiatonsfrated bias or prejudice for or against any party ta the proceecli►tgs; 2. A direct or indii•ect fi�ia�icial intei•est in the ot�tcoi��e af the�ai•aceeciii�g; 3. A pi•ejudgment of the issue�3rior to fieai•ing tlie facts oti the record, or 4. Had ex perf�te coi�taet �vith any incli��idu�l, excludii�g staff, tvitll rega�•d to a❑ issue prioj•to the lieari�ig. Plaase r�fer to Sectioii 14(B) �'or more s�ecific informatio�� on Ito4i� to �roceed tvhei•e tfiere has been an ex�aa�te cornmi�nicatian. If�ny Corri��fissioi�member shauld ans«�er in the �ffir�native, then the Conunission n�et�ibers shou�d state tlia reasan for his/he:r ans�ver so khat the Chair may i�tquire of stafF as to���hether a violation of tlte Appearance of Fairiiess Dactriue exisks, CONDUCTING THE PUBLIC HEARING a, The Chaie�vill�nnowice the matter and open kf�e public hear•in�stating tlie date aiici time. b. Tl�e CEiair�vill allo�v staff to desci•ibe tlie matter unde�•coiisidai•ation atid ��lace �nattei•s iti tlje pu}�lie �•eeorcl. c. The Cliair�vill iuqEiire as to�vhether Comii7ission Nnembers l�ave any questions of staff. Tf any Ga�t�missioii m�mber l��s qi�estions, the ap�ropi°iate indivtdual �vill be cecalled. tf. Tlie Cliair �vill allo�v proponents, o�ponents anci the publ�c to offer testi�»any and eviclenee on tlie pe»ciing �7�atter. The Ch�io• may allorv Cammission rnembe��s to ask c�uestions of a��y�erson at the conclusion of tl�eir testimony, e. At tiie co��cl��siaii of the pliblic testimony, t�te Chair �vill ask staff if there is any additional i�ifornjatio��, testi��ioa�y oa•evide��ce to s«b�iait for the�•eco�•d. Resolutiott 12-006 Adopting Pla�i�ii�ig Coni�3iissio�i Ri�les of Proced��re Page S af 9 f. Tl�e Cllall' �Vlll f�18I1 �ltil�t' CIOSO Ol' COI1C1Tllle klle �7UE7ILC �10r�t'ill�. AC��ltlfl11�1 t�St11110I1y may �iot be requasted ai� coi�sidered after the closing of the paiblic liearing, l�o�uevei•, the Ch�ir may decla�-e tkiat ti�e pi2blic heariFig t�ill remain open until a date certain for the purpose of receiviug�vra�ten testirnany or ttiatei'ials. g. The Cl�aii° �vill i�iqtiit•e if tliai•e is a motion by aiiy Co�nu�issiori me���bei•. If a motion is mada, it sf�atl b� in th� forin of an affirivative motion. Af�rmative motions are pi'efarred to preveilt "a����roval by defai�lt" Of fl fc�ll2d 118�c�t1VC IIlOt1013. FO�IO�V1I1� t�le ItlOt1011 c�Cld 1tS SECOI1Cr, C�1SCL1S51011�V11I OCCill'r3917011g COI11I]]1SS1DIl illeIIl}]et'S. h. The CI7ai�•�vill inc�uire if tile��e is any fut�tEier discussion by tlle Commission membefs. i. Tlae Cl�air�vill ir�c�uire if t�iere a��e any ficial commetits or i•ecoinmendatior�s fi•om staf�'. j. The Cliair tivill inquire of tiie Conimissio���nembei•s if they aj•e i�eady fa��the question. k. Tlfe C�iair�vill call for the vote on the�itotio�i. 1, Tiie Chai►•�tiay direct staff to��re��are fi�idi�gs for ap}�roval. D. Pr�-fil�ng of testimony or evidence is encouraged a�td niay t�e delivered to tfie Cominu�iity � Develop�»eaat Depart�7�e�it in advance of a hea��iiig. 10. Agenda, Staff Repo��ts and M'rntr�es for Regrrl�r Meetings. A. Typically, a copy of tt�e agencta for eveiy regl�lar meeti�ig of the Com�nissio�i shall l�e secit to each membei•up to seven days prior to the date of tfie meeting, B. If available, staff re�o�•ts�vill be sea�t to Commission men�bers lvitti the agenda. �gex�clas�nd skaff reports wilf be���ac3e availahle to a�plica�its anci the pfiblic at the same time. I l.. Mini�tes anc� Communications with the City Council. Mi�iutes of all zneetieigs shall be kept �iid the con�plete fiies of �roceeditigs anci actions takeji i�f coir�zectio»the��e�vith shall t�e considered the pu�lic recorcl auct filed with tlie City Clerk. Tlie Secretary sha]] prflvide the Commission members «ritli a set of�i�iuutes of tlie ��revious siieeti�ig. These mim�tes s�tall be considered for ap�aroval by the Coii�itiission at a ragulac•ly $cl�eduled �ublic meeting and, u��on ap�roval, shall becon�e �art of the official record of action of t�ie Commission. Ap}�roveci iuiiiutes shall also be transmitted to the City Clerk for the City Council. 12. Reco�•ding af Meetings Whenever possible, proeeediugs of all p�iblic heariugs, iueetings, study sessions aud �tiy s�ecial rneetiugs siiall be recorded a�icfi retained. 13, Sfateinent of Etltics 1 Code af Conduct A. Stateme��t of Ethics. It is here6y recoguizecl and established that high moral a�iel ethical standaecis of Comit�ission memUers ai•e vital ac�d esse�itial to �ravide �rnbiased, o���� auci lroiiest conduct tivithiif all �}iases �nd levels of ga�rer»i3ient; that ruIes of ethics �ee I�elpful ici guiding Con�miss�on members to eliax�inate or ��i°event a�tual or ��erceived conflicts of iutare.st in public of�'ice, and to improve �nd ele�Tate staiidai•�s of pEiblic se�•vice so as to ��romote and streilgtfien tlie confideiice, fait�i aiid trust of ttie people of tiia Cit��of Spakati�Valle}f in t�ieir local governm���t. B. l��te�•ests i�� Co�titracts Pi•ohil�ited; Exce�Stioi7s. No Commissio�� �77ert�bex• shall be be�ie�cially iizteresteci, directly o�• i�idirect���, in a�iy co�ltract �vhich may be tnacie k�yr, tlirougli, or uitcEe�• tE�e supeivisio�� or di►•ectioii of any Spokane Valley Resolulion 12-OOb Adopting Plan��ie�g Co�iutjissio�i Rulcs of Procedure Page G of 9 Giry en�p[oyee, in �v�aale or in substantial part, oi•tivhicti may be iiiade for tlie benafit of ltis or liei• office, ar accept, <iirectly oi• i�idieectly, any camperfsation, gratuit�� or r�e�vai�d in con�iectiou ��ith s�teh cotttract fi'oi�i atiy person bejtefcially iiiterested tkie��eiii. The foregoing s�iall not apply to the exceptiotis s��ecified ii�RCW�i2.23.030�vliic�i ace ineor��orated liereiri as if fu11y set foi�th. C. Coriflicts of Interest 1. A Coiiflict of IEiterest includes: a. �a�gagi�rg in a t�•aclsactioii or activity �vfiich im��airs, or �vould to a reasotiable person a�pear to impair, tlie Commission membei's independence of jucigment or action in the l�ei°#'ornaance of ttieir official di�ties; b. A Commissioti matnber liavi�t� a fiiancial or otii�i� �rivate or personal interesk in a�ry �7iattel� ���on �vhicli tlye member is rec�uired to act in t��e dischar�e af his oi• he�• official ctuties; c. A "Prafessional Conflict of L�teresY' inclucias auy real or perceived conflick of interest ca�iseci by circu�nstatices sue�i as a Commissiaii meiiiber's e�ilployi�tent, ��ast oi• a�resent. Where kh� Comtliission �uem�er's employer or professional acti�riry is o�ily tangentially r�elated to a matte�• before ttie Coii�miss�on, recusal �ieed not occ4�r• if the Com��lissio�i metnber can reaso�ia'�ly co��clucle tltat ttie C01113eCtI0Il is, or �vas i�emote and inconseqiaential. If a Commission iitember is required to i•efrain fi•om deliberation o�• pa��ticipatiori by l�is/her em�loyer beca�ESe of a real or �erceived conflict of ieiterest, then the Conunissian i��einbei•wil� be allo«led to i�ecuse or�vittidra�v fi•om tlfat deliberation. 2. C�nflict of J�atez�est P�•ocedu�•e: Eveiy Cotnmission member ��Jho has a confliet of iifterest s�iall �niblicly disclose the conflict at the next Ca�funissio�i tneeti�ig �fter the Commissiof� membe�• cliscove�•s the conflict. If a disco��e�y or detertninatioit of a confliet is ii�ade c[l��•ing a Commissio�i n�eet��ig, fhe Comrnission memi�er sl�all publicly disclose ttie co�jflict at t1�at time. The natur� antl extent of such confli�t of interest si�all be fiilly disclose�, and a sum���aiy of tfie s�me sitall be iaicorparatec� into t�ie official minutes of fl�e Co»�itiission p��oceeciings. If a Commission member feels t���t they caui�ot t�e tu�biased because of �ny conflict of inter•est, the Cornr��ission »ie�ifbei• sliall recirse tliemselves fi•oiii fi�i�tE�e�• r}t•c�ceedings oit t�ie issue. Suc17 Com���ission �nembei• sliall make a ��ublic stakei��ent disclosii�g tlte i•easoiis lvliy the Coitritiissiot� inembe�� b�lieves they are ciisqualifieei, anci state tl�ey are recusing then�sel��es ft•om the issue. The disqualified Comi��ission memk�er tvill ttren leave the Col�nail Cliambe�'s �tntil such time as tlte issue at hand �jas veen disposeci of iii the regul�r course of business. If tliere are othel��natters on ttfe age��da, tl�ea� ti�e disqualified Co»�n�issiox� n�ez�lber• must return to tlie Coueicil Chambers ta partici�ate in tlie ather m�tters as soon as the Co�nmissio» ezzds discussio�i of the matter i�i rvhich the i�isc�ualified Conunission mem6er lias a conflact of interest. D. Other Prohibitaci Acts. Commission rnem�ers are proitil�ited fi�o3n: 1. Acti�ig iii a iilaur��r u=I11C11 lVOLl1C� I'�SU�f in negiect of ciury, misfeasance or malfeasance in office. 2. Acti�jg in a i�iantier tlt�t inteutianalty disE•u�ts Calnmissiori meetufgs. 3. Missing three or more coiisecutive, regularly scheduled meetings or studyf sessians lvithout such a6senees b�ing excuseci f�y tl�e Commission. ]Zesolution 12-006 Ac€opting Planning Commission 1Zules of Procedure Page 7 of� The Coj�titn'rssion recognizes tliat coa�sistetit �ncl i•egular attenclaiice af ineeti�ags by all me����ers is ititegE•al to fiilfilling the �ei���3ose of fl�e Planriitig Commissian. All meinbers should stcive to attend all meeti��gs and leeep absences to ari a�asol€tte n�i»in�um. If a n�et��ber is abse.tit, then after roll call �y the 5eci�etaiy, tlie Cliair sl�all ivform the Co�nmission of the memt�et•'s abseiice, state the reason for such absence, anci inqitiee if there is at7y ot�jectioti to eacusing the me�tiber, If tltel�� is a�i objection, the Presiding Officer shall ���ake a motio�i to exctise tl�e meinUei•. If fl�e motioii is secoti�ied, a ��ote shall be tafce�i, a�td the outco�tie of tlfe vote shall deteei�iine �vhether the iliernber shall Ue catisiclered excusect. if thei�e is no objection, ar a motiori to eacuse the rYiember is not seconded after an oi�jection �vas made, tl�en�he rt-�e�3�ber s�i�ti be deeined exeused. If'the Cl�ait� fi�tcis tliat th� Com►nission kias inadeqi�ate infoi•mation to det�rmiiie �,vhetl�er the abse��t ��zembei• s1�o�Eld be eACUSed, anc! tite �eesori is not presetit, tffen tli� C�iair shoulci defer atly determination of�vhetl�er to exctise tkie meiiiber pencliug recei��t of more informatia�f. A Commissio» �ftet��ber's absence is e�cused if they h�ve recs�sed theii�selwes from a inatter t�lc3f IS �eltlg fI1SC1155@C� C�IIY'1i1� ttl0 II]eetlllg, r�I1C� tll� 1'ECllSal IS CIL]B �0 all aCtllal Ol' �JeI'C�iVe{� coriflict of intarest, Tl�e of�cial minutes fa�� each meeting shall ii�cl�ide a r�iiiving tally of the atte���ia��ce for tl�e c�irrent caIenc�ar year for e�ch Comn�ission member, includiirg the number of excnsed a��d u�lexcuseel absellc�s. 4. Usiifg l�is or �ier position to secure special pl•ivileges or exe�nptiai�s for• himself, lfe�•self, ot• others. S. Directly or iiSdirectly receiwing, accepting, tafcin�, seeking� Ol'SOIICItlri�all��llll�,Of 2COT10131iC value regardless of tlie amotint, as a gift, gratuity, or fa�or, fi, Engagit7g ii� or aCCepting private employme3�t ar rei�de�•iiig sei�vices for any �erson or engagiiig in aily business o�• pi•ofessional aetivity�vlien such e�7�ployinent, se►•vice or �ctivity is iiicoinpatibie �vitlf the proper aiid faitiifiil discl�arge of ljis/laez• of�cial c�utfes as a Comrnissioj� metYiber, or �vlien it �i�oiilc3 reqt�ire or itidt�ce the Colrimission membei• to clisclose confidenti�l i��formation acqt�ired by z�easoe� of such aff�icial position. 7. Diselosing CQIlf1C�0fltic�� inforination gaineci l�y reaso�i of his or hei• me�nbe��sliip on tlte Commissiotf or«sin� sueh informatioi� for his or her�erson�l gai�� ar benefit. 8. E��gaging in a�iy �tieeting tliaf violates tlie Ope�i Pi►blic Meetings Act (OPMA), Tlie O�MA strictly forbids �►�}'1118Et111� Of c� C]llpl'Uti1 Of�Ile COIIlIl11SSL011 (Illl'lll� �V�lICIl c�Il� C1L�' �7USlll�SS is discussec�.Tlie OPMA provicles that Commissioners may: a. �neek �tifo��Enally i�a less thati�qlior��m a�id clisctiss City husiness, aiicl b. meet i�l a q�io�'�ittt if City business �s i�ot d�scussed, Hotivever, Com«�issioiiers are e�icouraged fo be zfTiiidfi�l tltat s�ich nieetings risk creating the a�pa�raiiee of a violation of die OPMA�iici sucli nieeti�igs sliauld be avoic�ed. 1�. A��pea�•ance of Faie���ess A. 'I'he Coriu7�issio�f sfiall ad�iere to tfie ap�licab�e �•ec�uire»fents of tlie Appear•aiice of �'airness Dac#rine, RCW Chapter 42,36. B. Dui•i�ig the peticjency of any quasi juci�cial p►�oceeding, no Comtnissioi7 iuember t��a}r eiiglge i�i ex pai•te co��m�i�nications with �i•opone�fts or op�o[lents abouk a proposal ilivolveci in the pending po�oceeding, utrless tlie Co����nission �nembei•: Resolution 12-006 AdoE>ting Plannuig Covunission Rules of Procedut'e P�ge 8 of 9 1. �laces on the record tlae si�bstance af such o;°al or�vr�tte►�com�nunicatiotiss atid 2. pro�icled tlfat a �ublic a�inouncement of the content of tfie communicatioci anci of the ��rties' rigirt to rebut the subst�Eice of fkte comiuu«icatian shall ve �nade at each hea��ing where action is talcen oi' cotisit�ered on t]�e st�bject, Tfiis does not pi•ol�ibik corresponcle�ace bet�veeu a citizeii anci Can�missiotl metnbers if�lie corres�onde«ce is made ��art of the record, �vhen it �aertaitis to the siibject matteE�afa c���asi judicial pi•oceeding, (RCW 42.3G.Of0) 15. Review of T�iese Rules �f Pe•ocec�ure The Comtuission sl�all ��eview these ri�fes of proceci�u•e o�i the fii•st at�uiversary of tlieir adaptia�� and the odc� numbered yeat•s the��eaftei•. Propos�d changes upori t�ie i�ecolnmenc�atiou of the City Attorney may be bi•otight forward as appraI�riate. Ai�y ame�idine�its icletitifiecf b�� tlie Co�timission or the Ciry Attorctey sl�all be fo«��arcfec�to the Cit��Council t'or revieev a�ul ratifieatio�i. Resolution 12-U06 flciopting�']�n»iiig Commissiou Rules oFProcedure Page 9 of 9