Resolution 12-008 Business Rte CI'I'Y OF S�'OKANF, VALLT:Y SPOIfANT COUNTY,WASHiNGTON RCSQLUTION NO, 12-QQ$ A I�SOLUTION QF TH� CITY OF SP{lI{APd� VALL�Y, SPQKA.N� COUNTY, WASHINGTON,SUPPORTING T�l� �STABLiSHM�NT UF AN INT�RSTAT�-90 BUSIN�SS ROUT� I"OR SPRAGU� AV�NLd�,APPL�WAY B()ULCVARD, API'L�WAY AV�iVUC,A1`�ID BARKCR ROAD i3F.TWI+,F,N rXIT 285 AND TX�T 293, �ND ()THER 1'VIATT�RS RELATING TI�ERET�. WI-IEREAS, the City Cc�unci] eecagnizes that the Sprague Avenue corridor, �vlaich includes both Spraguc Aveniie a�id A��ple����y Boule�Jard, E�arallels I-90 and has many busii�esses of interest to the traveling ��ublic; �t�3d WI(EREf1S, the S��ragiie Avenue corridor at a�ie tinic li�d �il I-90 Busi«ess Route designatio�t; and WHERCAS, the City is ��illin� to �a}� for �ie�c�3tes to I-9p sigi�age, ineluclii7g iilstallatioei and ongoin� m�i�itena�ice of "return to free�vay" atid t�•7ilbl�zer sigus, and is �4�iICi��g to reimbiu�se �VflSlllll�f0[l Statc De��a��tmeE�t Of Tr���sportatia�� (WSD�Tj fioe staff time etpe��scs incurred through �1�e process; �ncl Wf IEREAS, the City t'�eogilizes tli�t tEie logic�l eiid��ai»ts of a�� I-90 Business Route t�rould �ae ��Et 285 �Sprague ��enue) and F;�it 293 ($arker Ro�d), and 'vVHERF_,AS, the City eecognizes thak the l�lisiness route application ���ill be hanc�lec� by WSDOT and pracessec� tlll'OII�TIl thc Federal I[igEi�vay Acimii�ish�atioa� (rHWA) and the A�tieri�ai� Assoc�atioe� of State Highw�}�Transportatio�� OfFicials{AASHTO)for a��proval beforc ��iy sig�iage c�a�i be modified. NO1�! TIIEREFOR�, be it resolverl by th� Ciky Coui�ci[ of khe City of Sp7okane Valley, SE�okane Cot�nty, VVasl�iiigto►�, as follo�vs: Sectioai 1. �stablishin�an I-9fl I3usi�acss Route iii Spokane Vallev: tJpan tfte appro�al of WSD�OT, FHWA, a��d AASIIT(�, lhe sections c�f Sprague Avetj�Ee, A��ple��-ay BoulevaE•cl, Apple�va}� Avenue, and Barker kflad beriveen I-90 E�it 2�5 and E�it 293 tvill be designated �s thc Spok�ne Valley I-90 F3t�sincss Route, Secfioii 2. F;ffecti�re Date. This Resolutioi� sli�ll be effective upo�� adoE�tir��t. AdoE>ted this 13`�t day ofNovembei•, 2012. City of S}�6��ne Va�le}� r a.�>_j i .s'�' �. �-�c..=� -, Mayor Tho�tlas E. To«�e}f ATTES'Ii/ � rF �. �� � , , r'�_t , `�', ' -''- ' r.c_<: i'�' 1 Cit��Clerk, Cku•istine Bainbridge�1 - � App�•o��ecl �s to T'oi�in: , . ..� ; /_ � � <�-�, f �zv1��� l C�rf ice a£,�1e City A#tq ney E�esolutio►i 12-008 I-40 Busincss Roate P1gc 1 of 1