Resolution 12-007 Accepting SMP Env Designa e�TY oF sro�N�vaLLE� SP�KAN� COUNTY,WASHINGTON It�SOLUTIQPd NO. 12-007 A It�SOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SPGI�AIY� VALL�Y, SP4KAN� CQUNTY, WASHINGTON, ACCEPTING TH� DRAFT ENVIRONM�NT D�SYGNATYONS REP�RT AND MAP I`OR THE SHOR�I,IN� MASTER PROGRAM, AND OTH�R MATT�RS RELATING THERETO. VVHEREAS, the City initiated a Shoreline Master Program Update process iif 2009; and V4�I�REAS, an Octa6er 27, 2009, tiie City Co►uicil revierrred a puf�Iic participation plan foj• tl�e S�ioreline Maiiageme�it P�'ogram Upd�te; ancl WHEREAS, khe p�iblic�artici�ation plan specifies tEte pt�i�lic i�ivolve�Y�ent placi ove�•vie�v; aiid �VHEREAS, the Shorelitie Managemei�t Progca��� Update pa�ocess specifies that individual compoiients of S�ior�eli�ie Maii�geme�ft Progeam Update will be revie�v�d separately and aceepted by Couiicil resoli�tion,recog�tizitig that as each com�o��ent is coc��pleted, it will be used as a base upon�vhich to develop tlie remainder of tlie Sltorelii�e Man�getnent Progcam; and WHEREf1,S, at� Se�tett�ber 14, 2010, tlje �rst compaiie�rt of the Shoreliiie Maste�• Program U�c3ate,the Slioreline Invento�y a���i Cltai�actei•ization Report,�vas accepted by Resolutioii 10-414; ai�d WIIEREAS, ou ALI�LISt 14, 2012, the second component of the Sl�oreline Master Pi�ogra�n Upc�ate,the Goals and Poiicies,�}�as aceE�teci by Resolutioif 12-004; and WHEREAS, the third component of the Shoreline Master Progran7 Up�date is the E3�viro�mient Designatioz�s; a�id WI�FZEAS, aai IVoc�ember 5, 20Q9, the first Slfo��elir�e Master Program Upcfate open house �vas cai�ducted «hei•e tl�e Slioreliue Management Program Update process�v�as explained to interesteci parties; a�id WHEREAS, on Ai►gust 23, 2012, tkie Plantzing Com�nissio�i conducted a study scssion �vliere tlic �nviro�mient Designations a��d Ma�7�ve�•e pa•esez�ted a»d discussecl; and WI�REAS, oi� August 28, 2012, tfie £.nvirojsment Designations atic� Map �vet•e sent ta khe Tecl�nical Revietiv Group for revie�v; and WHEREAS on August 31, 2p 12, the Environment Designations and Map 4vere issued for �ublic revie«, and a �naili�tg sent to all properry o�vners �vithi�i the shoreline jurisdiction that�iatified perso»s of khe scl7edulecl o�en house a�7d �ublic heari�ig; anc� WH�REAS, on Se��tembee 20, 2012, art oper� l�ouse�3Jas ca�idticted �vhei•e tiie Di°aft Etivii•onmeirt Designafio�is aifd Ma}��vef�e discussed with interesfecl part�es; a�id WI�REA�, oii Septeznber 27, 2012, tkie Plan�ii�ig Cammissia�� co�iclt�cted a properly iioticed public�iearing on khe Draft Enviroiune��t Designations; atid WHEREAS, the Planning Commission consiclered �ublic te:stitiiony anci rvrif#e�� cotiu��ents and i•e�ised the docuine►tt to addt�ess ��ated issues a��d co��cei•i�s; aifci Resolutio�i 12-60'7, Acce�tit�g SIVIP ��rvironmei�t Desig»ations P�gel of2 V�rHEREAS, on Octob�r 11, 2Q12, the Plan�tin� Commissioil iinanimously recom�tteuded that tl�e Draft Environtnent Desig�i�tious a«d Ma�, as i•evised b}r the Pla��nin� Co��unission, �e fori�ialfy accepted; and WH�R�AS, tliis Resoli�tio�z infornially accepts the pro}�osed Di�aft E�ivit�oni�}ent Desigrlations �iic� Ma� reeommeridec3 by khe Pla��niaig ComRtiissio�7, aricl it is �citieipated that adc3itional revisiot�s n�ay occur prior to fo�-mal adoption;aud WH�REAS, t11e City Council Draft Envii�oni»ent Designations and Map are a�itici�ated to be for•m�;lly adopted }�y Ordi�la�ice at a later date �s a part of ttie cotnplete Sl�oreline Mastei•Pragram. NOW THEREFORE, be it �•esolved by �he City Cou�tcil of the Cit�� of S�okane Valley, S�okane C011llfy, W�shington, as follo�vs: Tlie City Co�uicil D�•aft Envii•on�r�ent Designations acid Map, akkaclted as Ehlii�it A, are hereby accepted. Appr•oved tl�is 13te day ofNovember, 2012. ATTEST: CITY O �POKANE V - EY � � . - /+_ � ��.�1�.�� !.: �G.=-°.� 7 ���.i�.i�:z� Chcis iiie Ba�nbricige, City Clerk Thomas E, o�vey,Mayoi• �` A��roved as to form, • � �.-� j � 4f�ce�o the Cit�[. ttor�iey Resolution 12-fl07,Accepting SMP En�iroruiient Desiguations P�ge2 of 2 Gity Council Draft Cify of Spakane Valley Nov�mber 13, 20�f2 Shoreline Master Program Exhibit A Environment Designations Ci[-y of Spokane Va�ley �lioi�eline Maste�� Progeam Slioreline Environinental Designations City Council D�•aft Prepared by URS Coiporation IA IntTO[jllCt10I1—EI1VIl•pumental Designatio�fs Shoreline Ei�vironmental Designations (SED) are analogous to zoning des�gnations far areas tivithia� the slYOi•elit�0 jucisdictioti. SEDs provide a uniform basis for applyi�ig policies and use ��egulations �vithin eac�i d�sigriation, Tf��IOZVed Uy LIIl(�el'laylllg ZQllltl�, 1'�C1l1fI'eI11�I1tS. SEDS c3i'P, inteiided to ei�eourage a�propeiate iises ai�d activities rvhile pr•ovidi�ig foi• pt•otectiQ�i anci restoi•ation of s�io��eline ecological fii�fctioaas. It is anticip�ted that z•easoa�able Stc�T1CI�11'C�S, �•estrictioiis, a�td �rahibitions on shoreli�ie de�elopments ��ill be i�istittited as shorelitie t�egulatio�is, This �s necessary so tlfat sliorelitie developnlent�vill reasoj�ably proteet existing uses and shoreline c�iaractei•and assu��e "No Net Loss"of shol•eli�ie ecological functions is acliieved. SEDs are establislied based on e�isting usa pattarns, tlie biolo�ical at�d physical cliarac�er of tlte shoreline, a��d tlie goals anci aspirations of the ca�if►nunity as ex�i•esseci tlii•ough co�7�prehez�sive pla�}s. For the City of S�ok�ne Valle}�, the Inwentoiy atici Characterizatioii Report; �repared by URS +Corp, 2010 provided inforrnatio�i or� slaoreline ecalogical fu�ictions; developmejft pattarns as represanted by existi�ig builciii�g lots, zonii�g a�td land use designatians; anci oii ciu•rent a«d projected uses t��at r�ve►•e lised to ciete�•inixie appro��riate SEDs. Tlie 5�101'0I1112 ciesign�tions are illustrated on t�ie Shorelives Designatiotis Ma�� �vhich is an integi•al part of the Si�o��elii�e Mastei• Prograut. Cl�arackaristics aud ge���era1 inauageineiit policias for eac�i of the designations are gi�en �elo��. They pro�ide t�ie basis for de��elopmeiit of reg�alatioj�s for each SED. 2.0 City of Spolca�ie Valley��ivu•oa�n�ea�tal Desig��ations Th� inforntation �rog�ided for each S�D generally folIo�vs the state classificatian gi�idelines (WA� 173-26-211 (4) and (5}). Tlie stake guidelinas provide a recommeitd�d classification systein. Local govei•ilme�its may est�blish a diffet•eiit designatioii systein oi• may retaiii tlieir ctu�i�er�t environf��ent clasigliatioias(WAC 173-2b-211(5j, 211(4)(c}(i)). The existac�g P�storal, Coliservancy, atici Urban SEDs are proposed to 6e changed to ne�v SEDs that reflect tlie findings of tlie 2�10 shoreline i3lventoiy��fd of current shoreline x�ses as«ell as to allo�v for tt�ati�gamatit of tlie shorelines i2nder the ne4v state gfiideli��es. The proposed SED categories are Urban-Conseiv�ncy-High Quality (UC-HQ�, Urba�� Co�7sec•vancy (UC), Shoreli�ie Residenkial--Waterfi�o�rt (SR-W�, S�ioreline ResideE�tial-Upla�id (SR-U), �tid Aquatic {AQ) for those ai�eas �vithiii tlfe ordiria�y liigh �l�ate�• rna�•k. Much of tt�e S��okar�e Rivei• siioreline is dasiguated as UC, «iti� co�ise3�vation areas ideiitified in the 2010 inveittoiy as UC-HQ. These desig�iatioi�s elosely a�ef�ect ttie eaisti��g Pastoral a�id Coiiservancy ciesiguations. T�vo slioreliiie residei7tial environi�ients ha�e beeii ac�ded �la��g ti�e S�ol:ane Ri�er and ak Shelley Lake to ir�clucle those areas curreittly zoned Single Fa���ily Residential a�i�i that have existing single fanjily � � City Council Draft City of Spokane Valley Novemher 13, 2092 Shoreline Master Program Exhibit A Er�vironment bes�gnations residet�ces. Ti�e Sfioreline Re.sidential designation provides a i�ieans to a11o�v for appro�riate residential t�ses for those areas direetly adjace�it to tl�e ���ater {SR-W) anci for tiipland rasidential areas (SR-U). Eacli of the SEDs is describeci more fiilly belo�i�. Eacl� SED includes a pwpose statement, the desig�tation criteria afid basic rna��ageme��t policies. Urban Cnnsejvancy--Higli Qnality��yviroiuue��t(UC-HQ) Pi�r�ose Tlfe pur�ose of the "Urban Cociserva��cy - H�gh Quality" e��viron�rfent is to protect �xisting ecological �tmctions whe�•e tliey occur in lYi�li c�uality eii�iroi�tnents, �vhile allo�ving veiy liiiiited compat�ble l�ses. Higli quality enviro��me�Lts ar� those that iiielude intact ol� minimally degeaded shot•eline futicfioifs sensitive ro human use. These areas j�equire that only veiy 1o�v iutensity uses }�e allo�ved in oi•dei•to uiaintaui etisting ecological fimctioiis. Desig�ratiojt C��rtertcr Assigti ati "Urban Conseiva��cy-- High Qt�ality" envfroninent clesig��atio�i to shoreline areas that �vet•e icle�iti�ed in tlae Tnve�itory as �iigh quality ei�vii•onm�nts exhibiting sigd�i�cant habitat ciiversiry atic] we��e noted on the In�eirtoiy as corise�•vafioj� areas. These areas coiiie close to uieeting flte State's "Nakural" desigeiation bt�t dtie ta existitig deveiopuient irnpacts da not meet a11 the criter•ia to classify tl�em as "Nat�tral". These ai•eas are a�propi•iake for lirnited lo�v iinpact public uses aud for restaration aetivities. This ciesignat�on generally impacts public la�ids - Ouly tlu�ee locations are locatecl on pz•i�ate�roperty. An "Urban Conseivai�cy- High Quality" environ��te�it desig�fat�on is assigneci to stiareli��e ai•eas if any of the fol[o�ving elfaractea•istics apply: (A) The shoreli��e is ecologically i�itact attid is perfoz•mia�g i�npo�•ta�lt, sl�oz•elit�e fii��ct�ons oz• ecosystem-�vide�r-ocess tf�at woulci be cla���aged by hu��ari activity; (B) Tlie sl�oreliaie is considei•ed to j•epresent ecosystei»s a��d geologic types tlfat a�•e of pai�ticular scie[tti#�ie �ncl eci��cafional intei�ast; ar (C) The sltoraline is unable to support ne�v development ot' uses ��itltoiit significa�ft ad�erse impacts to ecological fiinctions o�•z�isk to l�uman sa�'ety, �vith the ea,ceptior� of k��e Cez�tei�nial Trail and otE�er existi�ig low irnpact public uses. Ecologically intact sl7oi•eiines can include Iarge reaclfes co�ering multipie prol�ei�ties to sm�ll �reas located �vithin a single pro��e�•ty, aj�d as i�sed here, means those shoreline areas that ��etai�i tlfe ��fajo��ity of tt�eii• riatural sliarelitie fiiiictions, as evidai�ced by tl�e slioreline co���guratioii aiie� tite pt�ese��ce of nati�re vegetation. Generally, but not»ecess�i•ily, ecologically intact shorefii�es are free of strlictural sl�oreline tnoclifications, stiuchares, si�d intensive hwi�an i�ses. 147rrita�e»�ejtl Polieies (A) A�iy use that tivaz�ld substantially ciegrade tlie ecologica! funetions or �tatural chac�actei• of the slfoi•eli��e az•ea sl�ould j�ot be allo��ed. � 2 City Cau�cil Draft City af Spokane Valley hlovember 13, 20�2 Shorelin� Master F'rogram Exhibit A En�ironment designatians (B)The follo�vi3�g nezv uses should not be allowed; • Commercial uses. • Iiidusti•ial uses. • Nontivater-arientecl recreation. (Note: Tl�is does not preclude development associateci �vitl� t}�e Cetttennial T�'ail a�id othei•limited lo�v iinpact public uses.} • Roac�s, utiliry cori•ido��s, ati�i parking areas that can be located o�itside of UC-Hi� c�esignatec� shoz•eli�ies. (C) Sitigle family resicieiftia[ clevelopctie�7t s1�a�l be allo�ved �vitl�in ti�is e►ivi�•omnent if tlte de�isity anel intensity of such use is 1i�7�ited to protect eGOlogical fiinctians and be coirsistent witii tlie pui•pose of tlte environ�tieiit, (D) Scieiitific, histo��ical, cz�lh�ral, edueational r�searcli uses, aiid lor��-intensity «�afer-a�•ie»ted recreatiotial access uses may be alloived �ro�idecl khat�io significant ecological impact on tite area�vill result. {E) Ne«� development o�� significant vegetation removal that �vould s�ed�tce tha capabiliry of ��egetation to perfoi•in �iormal ecological fimctions should z�ot be allo�ved. Do uot allo« the subdivision of�i�opei�ty in a configueatiori that, to achieve its in�encied purpose, �i�ill require significa�ik v�getatiofi i•�mo�al or shoreline anodification tk�at adversely impacts �cologieal fiuictians. (�') Maiaftenance of axisting utility co���•�dor• a��d infi•�structtu•e sfiall be alfo�ved. If existing I�igh q��ality veg�t�ted areas are distu►•beel Uy���aintenance activities mitigation siiall be required. Urban Consei�vancy�nvironment([JC) Puj�ose TJIe pui•pose of ttie "U�•�ia�� Conservancy" envi��onment is to pi°atect atid i•estor� ecological fiia�ctions of ope�� space, flooc�plain and other sensitive lancis ��l�ere they exist in urban and developed settings, �v�tile allol�rilig foi• com��atible �ESes, iiicluding appi•opriate �a�ablfc acces� and i�eci°�ational uses. Desi,g�icrtio�r Criteria Assign au "Ur�ian Conse►vancy" e�ivironment designation to shareline ai�eas appi�opriate and pla�uieci for de�elopment that is compatible�vith maintai�7i»g or restoring the �colo�ical funetions of t}�e a�•ea azad th�t a�•e r�ot ge�aez•ally suitable foi� tivater-depencient uses if aiiy of the follo�ving clfa��actaristics apply: (A)Tltey ai•e suitable for water-related or°tivater-enjoyinent uses; {B} They are open space? flooci plaui ar other sensitive areas that should i�ot 6e inte�isively developed; (C)They have pote�itial for ecological restoration; (D)They retaivi i�tiportaiit ecological fiuictions, even though partially eieveloped; or (E)Tliey have tf�e potet�tial for develol3mei�t tlfat is compatible �vitii ecoiogical restoratio�3. � 3 � City Council Draft City of Spokane Vall�,y No�ember 13, 2012 Shareline Master Prt3;;i�am Exhibit A En�ironment Design::�:ions (F} Areas tivithin shorelii�e jurisdiction that are not ���appeci a�id /ar designated are automafically assigned as "urban conservaiicy" until t�ie shoreiiite ca�� be redesignateci tlirough a master p�•ogi•am amendment. In the COSV, tlie Urba�t Conservaiicy E�ivironctie�tt is located along much of the river dvikh the exceptioti of araas that are eitlfer designated as UC-HQ oa•as Shoreli�fe ResidentiaL As sELO�vn in tlie inveirtory much of the near slioreline (ri��aria��) aE•eas are o�vned by ttie state atid m�i�aged by State Parks. Many�Eplaud areas iu tliis desig�lation ace�rivately owp�ed large tracts. Majrc�gej�ae�it Policies (A) Uses t�iat preserve the nati�ral cliacacter of tlie area or pi•o�iiote presetvatio�i of opeii spac�, flooclplain or sensitive lancis eitiier directly or over flie long tartn shauld be tl�e primaty allo�ved l�ses. Uses tliat result in restaratioi� of ecalogical f��nctions sliould be allo�vec3 if tlie use is othee�vise compatible�vith the p�upose of ttle em`ironment a�id the setking. {B) Sta��d�i•ds shoi�lci be establisljed for sl�oreline stabflization measures, v�getation coi�sei•vatioty, �vater quaIity, anc� shareliue modifications �vitliiai tIie "u�•b�wi conserva��cy" desigriation. These staiidards slisll e��sure tliat new cievelopment does jiot result in a net loss of slior�liiia ecologieal fi�nctions or fiu�ther degrade other shorelin�valttes. (C} P�ib[�c access and pul�lic recreation objectives should b� implemented wilenever feasil�le arid significant ecological im�acts cari be mitigated. (D)Water-orienked uses should be gi�en priority over�ton-�vater oi•ienteci uses. Shoreline Resitlential—Waterfront Ettvironment (SR-W) Pur�t�os�e Tfie p�ic}�ose of the "slioreliiia i�esidential-�vaterfi�ojft" e�fviron�ner�k is to accom�7�odate residentiai uses oii lots evithin existiiig residential areas �vhere tlie lot is immediately adjacent to tha sl�oreline. Desi,g�rcrtio�r Criteria Assign a "sliorelitie resideitkial-�vatei•fi�oi�Y' env3r•ota�ne��t desigi7ation to slioreline ai•eas if they a►•e pt�edott�ivantly single-family or muttifamily i•esidential develo�ment or are planned and platted for resideertial dev�lopment and tivhere the lat is i�ninee�iate[y acljacent to filae sho�•eline . Within tlie Ciky of Spokaiie Valley, areas that are included in this designation include Orchai•ci Av�itue,aiid portians of tlie Coyote Rocks cievelQpf��ent. tl�af�age��re�at Palicres {A) Staa7dards fot• cienszty O]' Itlilllilll1171 fi•ontage �vidth, buffers aiid setbacks, lot coverage li���itatio»s, s�iareline stahilizatio��,veget�tion conseivakio�i, ci�itical area �rotection, ancl tvater quality si�all be set to assure no iiet lass of shor�line ecolagical functions, taki�ig i�rto account the envicoi�mental limitations and sensitivity of the shoreli��e area, tlae ievel of infi•astructure ancl services available,e�isting zoniz�g aaxd other cotnpre�iefisive pla�ming considerations. (B) Multifamily and multi-lot residential and recreatiojta] develo�a��ezits should pravide public access �nd joint use for commi�tiity recreatioiial facilities unless appropriate public access is available as cietermi►�ed by a Publ�c Access Pian. � 4 City Council Draft City af Spokane Walley No�ember�3, 20�[2 Shoreline Master Program Exhibit A �nvironrnent Designations {C} Access, t�tilities, at�d public se�vices sliotild be available and adec�i�ake to serve exis�ing needs anc6b�•planned fiiti�re develo�me�it. (D) Maiiageme�it policies foi• direct access to the �va#er, dacks, a�td shorelitie stabilizatio�i tecl�niqlres shall be includecl for ti�is desigi�ation. Shoreline Residei�fial—U�lanci ��tvironment(SR-i� Pt�r�ase The pucpose of#he "shoreline residential-uplancl" enviroifinent is ta accommodate i°esidejftial uses ►vithin existing resideutial areas thaf are separated frorn tl�e shoreli�ie by okher pi•opei-ties Desi,grrarto�r Cf�iteria Assign a "siior•eli�fe residential-upla�td" envit•oiunent desigi�ation to siioreline areas if t�iey are predominarltly single-fai�iily or inultifaniily resideiitial cievelopi�fent oi• are platii�ed and platted foz• residential developr�lei�t a�7ci tkiat are sepai•aked fi�am the shoi•eline by eithei• st�te pat•ks land anc3/or by lots c3edicated as opea� space, for eaa���ple lofs maE�aged by a neigtiboi•hood associatiot�. Within tl�e Cit�T of Spokane Valley, areas located �vithin this designation include existing reside�itial uses icicl�iding tlis Green�cres neigliborhood ar�d Shelley L,ake. Mancr�e�xerrt Policies (A) St�jidai•ds tl�ak take into consideratio�� that these pi•operties are separated fi�om the ��ate�•fronk fo�• density or minimum fi•ontage �vidtl3, buffers and setbaeks, lot co�erage liinitations, v$�etatio�t conservafion, critical area protection, aaxd �vater quality shall 6e set to assiu•e no net loss of shoi•elin� ecological fiiuctions, taking iiito account tl�e environmental limikations and seEisitivity of the shoi�eliiie u�laiqd are�s,tlie leval of itifi�ast�•tictur•e a��d sezvices a�ailable, existi�fg zoi�i�fg and other comprel�ensive�lani�i�zg considerations, (B) Multifainily atid nuilti-lat residential aiid rec��eational developrnents should provide public access ta tlfe adjacent�ublic latids unless app��apriate puk�lic acc�ss is a�aila�le as determitted �y a P�iblic Access Plait. (C) Access, l2tilities, and public services should 6e available a�id adequate to serve existir�g neetis aiid/ar plantied fl�ti�re de��elopmeiit. Aquatic" �nviron�ne��t{AQ) Ptv�ose The pur�ose of the "aquatic" eirvironme��t is to protect, restore, and manage the unic�ue characteristics aiid t��soiirces of tkie areas wat�r��-arci of tlia or�iinary 13igfi-�vate�•��tark. DeS1g7tCll1071 CYitel�ia Assign a�� "aquatic" e�tvironmetft designation to lancis �vater�vacd o� the oi•dinary higEt-��ater mar•k. � � City Co�mcil Draft Clty of Spokane Valley November 13, 2012 Sharelin� Master Program Exhibit A �nvironment designations Mrrjragef�iejzt�alicies (A} AIIo�i� ile�v �ver-�vater• sti•uctures only for �va;ter-ciepe�fdent uses, sirigle family i•esidential docks,�ubaic access, or ecalogical restoration. (B} Pert��it#ittg foi' activities atid sh•uctt�t'es �vitliin tlie aquatic environmeilt sha11 comply��itli all state a��d fecleral ]a�vs, includicig coordi�iatioii�vit�i applicable agencies, (C) The aquatic enviroiiment sliall allo�v for�ublic use o��public�vatei�vays . (D) The siza of ne�v ovEr-�vater st��uctures sho��ld�e limited to the�7�i��imum necessai�y to su�pol�t tlte stt•ucture's intended use. (E) In order to i•educe khe iin�acts of sllo�•eline cievelopment atid increase effective use of�vater resoui•ces, nn�ltiple use of over-tivater facilities should be encouraged. (F) A1l cievelopments and uses oEi »a�igable�vaters oi•thei��beds should be located and designed to rninimize a��tez•fei•ence tvith sut�face tiavigatiofl,to consider impacts to pub]ic tilietie�s, a�nc�to allotiv for the safe, unobst��cted passage of fish a��d�vi1�11ife. (G) Uses tl�at ad��ersely impact#lie ecological fi�tactiotis af fi•eshwater habitats sliould iiot be alloived aacept�vliere necessaiy to achieve t�je objectives of RCW 90.58.02a, and then only�v�ieu their i�n�acts are �nitigated acca��cii�tg ta tlfe sequence describe�i it�WAC 1'13-26-201{2)(e) as�iecess�cy to assu�•e tio net loss of ecolo�;ical fimctiotis. (H) Shoreli►ie uses aiid modifieations shonld be clesigned anci managed to pc•event ciegradatioti of tvatar c�uality and alteration of natt�ral hycirograpliic conditiai�s. {I} Local goveriiments sltauld resea�re shoreliiie space for slioreline prefez•red��ses. 5��ch planning s�io��1c�co�iside�•u�land and in-tivater uses,�vater quality,iiavigatioii, preseiice of ac�uatic vegetatio�i, critical liabitaks, aestlietics,}�ublic access and vie«rs. � 6 City Council Draft �Cify af Spokane Valley No�emher �13, 2012 Shnreline Master Program Exhibit A Environment DesignatEans 3.0 Baci�ground—Existing �;�ty af Spoltane V�lley�iivi►•onuiental Designations Most af tlie S�okane River sliorelines ha�e an existing SED of Pastoral. Tlfere are four areas �vithiu the Ciry that due to existiiig uses l��ve been designated as Conseivaucy, Tlvo of these areas are associated «itli railro�ds; tlte atl�er rivo are Sullivau Park and Mirabea�i Park. S�ioreliiies iri tl�e �i•�cliai•d Avenue �rea are desig�tated as U�•ban, The s��orelines arou�id Shelley Lake �re designated entirely as Conseiva��cy. The gravel piks �vere not desig�iated in the curj'ent Shoreliiie Master Program, tt�o«g1i the Sulli��an Roac� grave pit l�as a sl�oreline�ermit, The Pastoral and Conseivancy c�esignatians a�•e both pz•otective o�the naha►�a1 ei�vii�o�imejft ancl limit rna��y uses. A deseription af eaeh of t�ie curre�it envieonmental ciesigiiatio�is is provicied belo�v as tivell as � su�ni��ary of scarile of tl�� i•elevaiit Gaals and Policies containeci ii� Chautez• $ af tl�e City�ompre�iensive Plau. Tl�e P�storal Area Desi rig atioii Tlte Pastoral area is intended to ��rotect and maintain those sliorelines «hich ha�e histarically beeti subjeet ta limited I�urnaii i�iterfe�•enee aiicl have preseiveci tlieir nariii•al qualit�= as «�ildlife tiabitat and places of sce�aic E�ea�ity. These aeeas aee apprapi•iate foz• passive agt•icultural at�d t•ec�•eational uses. A�•eas r��ost a�jpt�opriate ace: I) opeif spaces tised for liwestock g�•azi��g a�ld ha►ves#ing of ito3i-ciiltivated cro��s; 2} stioi�eiiites eviiicli liave pliysical limitatioiis �viiich tivould preclude �ermatient skructtrces, s«ch as flood�Iains, �neaiidering sh�eam ways, cliffs, a�id steep slope areas subject to landslides; and 3) �vildlife habitats and areas of beauty �vliose ecological systems �vill only tolerate limited human i��terference. Beca�ise the areas are not suitecl for perma�tent stilzchii•es, they are valiied �vildlafe are�s wllich pi�ovicfe fo��grazir�g and "�.vild t�ay" for• dispersecl-l�se oiatdoor rec��eation. M�nagement of tl�� area sliould 6e cfesigned to prevent the loss or reductio�� ofthe�vetland area�nd to restriet de��elopment from fiaza�•do�NS areas. Tha Coiise�vancy A�•ea Desi ng atio�i The Cotiseivancy Ar�a is desig�iaked in Spokane Valley foi• tl�e pu�pose of mai�itaining tlie existing charaeter of shQreliite resoueces tivhile pi�oviding for non-inte�isive uses. Those uses tEiat are preferred in ti�e Co��servancy Area are those whicl� may utilize the natural resources on a sustained-yielct basis, These i�ses 1T1CILlC�� }�assi�fe agriculti�ral activity� t1171��1' �lal'kr05t111� 011 a susk�ined yiald basis, and diffuse outdoor recreation. The Canse��vaEicy Area is desigiiated to pratect ageicultural la�id from �ncroacl�ment by ur�ian uses ��lrile �arovidin� for t•ecre�tion «herever recreation «�ill �iot i�itea�fere «�ith agricultural �ractices. Na»perma��ent kinds of structures and uses �vhicli «ill �fot �•eci��ce the qfia�itity o►� qt�ality of tlfe pliysical a��d k�iological resoEirces of the area are to 6e given prio��iry i�� the Conservancy Area. The Conse�var7cy A��ea is intendec� to proiiibit i��tensi�e use of areas lfaving pl�ysical hazarcis, sevea•e biopizysical limikatioiis�vliici��vot�ld iiot be a����ropriate for rural oi•urban s�ses, a�•eas�rotie to fI00C�311�, a�fd areas tivhich cal�not pro�ide adec�uate �vater su��ply or setvage c3is�osal for inte[isive ackivities. The Urbaci Area Desi tig akion The Ut°bait Area clesignakioi� is intendeci to accammodake compatibEe �vater-de�enclent and �vaker- oi•isiited uses in slroreline�reas. Tlfe llrban Area is to be ma��aged so thak shoreline deve[opments will enha�iee ancl maintain the sho►•elir�e foz• a �i�ultiplicity of uses. Tl�e Uz�6an Area is �Iesignated in Spokane V�Iley to encot�rage t�ie redevelo��rient of exist�ng ��rbai� ai�eas and to contc�ol the � 7 City Couneil Draft Cify af Spokane Valley November 93, 2012 SMoreline Master F'ragram Exhibit A En�iranment Designations expansio�� of urbau uses in char�cteristically rural at•eas of the County. Those tirt�ari �ises �viiic�i are tivater-de�e3�tlent and cau provide visual and/o�� safe access to tlfe ��aterfront are to be given priority for sho�•eline locations. �� a �f,+� �'1 I � '.I�Va� ,+ 'r..f II a o �.... , . I �' '},�,. �.�:�Y ± ��,, ��7*i`� , '��II � � il �i�;f� 't"�� � i�Ea��i�;;' r` �j,�>{ ll� tY' ,�r� � Y y t.,. ��+�,.' �:� � � � - . .. I � r'�d u � �y�� � i � r I'I, I � t�l G , * �- � fr . y1 R !��a ��¢ �f'�r��, �'a�'f" rr'" . 1 n , t �°,�',, �� � � +i i r t '�° H i N.tl 1 A �11�-. 1 v p . a .� , � � , � u . � .'id i�n gE 5..� � 1 ,F� i ` �.I� klwyUa k¢)1�' f`4�.,�. .y,1�� i. . 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