12-148.00 WSDOT Sidewalk Infill Phase 1Washington State Department of Transportation Local Agency Agreement Supplement Agency Supplement Number City of Spokane Valley 1 Federal Aid Project Number Agreement Number CFDA No. 20.205 CM -9932 040 LA -7578 (Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance The Local Agency requests to supplement the agreement entered into and executed on 9/14/2011 All provisions in the basic agreement remain in effect except as modified by this supplement. The changes to the agreement are as follows: Project Description Name Sidewalk Infill Project - Phase 1 Termini Various Description of Work ® No Change Length 1 Mile Phase 1 of the project includes construction of sidewalk and restriping to include a bike lane on Pines Road from 16th Ave to 23rd. Reason for Supplement Requesting Construction Funds for Phase 1 Construction and adding PE funds due to an error on the original cost estimate and prospectus. Does this change require additional Right of Way or Easements? ❑ Yes ® No T f Wk Type o or Estimate of Funding (1) Previous A reement/Su I. (2) Supplement (3) Estimated Total Project Funds (4) Estimated Agency Funds (5) Estimated Federal Funds PE a. Agency 79,775.00 19,725.00 99,500:00 19,900.00 79,600.00 80 % b. Other 14,019.00 14,019.00 14,019.00 c. Other Federal Ald d. State Participation 1,000.00 1,000.00 200.00 800.00 Ratio for PE e. Total PE Cost Estimate (a +b +c +d) 80 775.00 33 744.00 114,519.00 34,119.00 80,400.00 Right of Way f. Agency .Other Federal Aid h. Other Participation Ratio for RW i. State j. Total RNV Cost Estimate (f +g +h +i) Construction k. Contract 313,796.00 313,796.00 62,759.00 251,037.00 I. Other 116,826.00 116,826.00 116,826.00 80 % m. Other Federal Aid n. Other Participation o. Agency 42,790.00 42,790.00 8,558.00 34,232.00 Ratio for CN . State . 1,000.00 1,000.00 200.00 800.00 q. Total CN Cost Estimate k+l+m+n+o 474 412.00 474 412.00 188 343.00 286 069.00 r. Total Project Cost Estimate e ' 222,462.00 The Local Agency further stipulates that pursuant to said Title 23, regulations and policies and procedures, and as a condition to payment of the Federal funds obligated, it accepts and will comply with the applicable provisions.