PC APPROVED Minutes 10-11-12.pdf Spoka�ae Val�ey Planxairag Comm�ssion APPROVED Mini�tes Co��ncil Chambers — City Hall, ll707 E. Spr•aguc Ave. October ll, 2012 I. CALL Ta 012ll�R Cl�air Bates called tlle rneetin�;to order �t �:OQ p.tn. II, PLCDGE OI'ALL�GIANCE Co�nmissioners, staff a�ld audience stood for the pledge of allegia�ice Ill. ROLL CALL COMIWIISSIONERS Yrescnt Absent CYTY STAFF Bill �iates -Chair �;; �"' SCOtI KUfltil, Flanniri� Man��,e�` lohn G. Carroll C,� �-- Erik La�nb, Deputy City Attarney Rustin Ha�l f,� f�-- I.oa�i Rarlow, Senioe Planner lZod Hig�;ins �;� I-- Mikc �3asi�igcr, Scuior 1'laiiiicr Steven Neill �,� j•-- k�'red Beaulac f;i i--- Jae Stoy— Vicc Cliair {°- r;� lleanna Ge-iffitli, Secretao-y T�ie Chair hearing na objectian declareci Mr. Stoy's absence was excused. IV. A�'PROVAL QF AGENllA Corn���issionez� Higgins made a ��lotion ta a�pi•ove ihe 4cEobe�• 11, 2012 a�entia 2iS jJl'CSCi1tf;C�. This inotic�n tivas pas5eci unani�i2ously. V. AYPI20VAL Or MINU'FES Commissioner l�eill made a naotian ta a�prove the 5e��tember 27, 2fl12 minules as presentec�. This motion was passed una�iiillously. VI. PUBLIC C�MM�NT '�'lier°e w��s no pt�6lic co�niile��t. VII. COMM1SS10N ItFYOR'I'S Coinmissioners Bates and �iiggins reparted tl�ey had attended a Plar��ling Sllor�t Course offe�•eci by the Dept. of Cot��n�ei•ce October S, Z012. Planning Comn�ission Min��tes [0-] I-12 Page 1 of 8 VIII, ADMtNISTRATIVE RI:PORTS Planning Manager Kuhta reported the advaneecl agend� would be upciateci by the next mceting, IIe also rep�rted durin� ne�f n�ecting Deputy City Attorney r�•ik Laml� wauld he cc�nducting a short ti•aining reg�rdiri,� �'lamiin� Cami��ission inembers using City emai� addresses. IX. C()MMISSION BUSINI:SS A. Un�nished Business: lleliber�tions ,Shoreline Master Prog�•am, Shoreline Enviro�itnent Designations. St•. �'lanncr 13arlow rec�p�eci the events to elate following the pub�ic he��rin�; held Septe�nber 27, 2012. Ms. Barlaw stated durin�; the l�ublic hearing khe Commission liad received ve�°bal and writte�i testin�ony a�ld rec�tiestcd st�ff ask fhc City's outsicie legzl co��nsel to review it a�id Gonlmel�t oz� ii. Ms. Barlow reported Mr. Kisielius reviewed the conunents and �ci��;rally felt t��e City had addressed ���1 of the poizits whECh h�d beeil i•aised by Ptihirewise and the�a• p�rkners. IIowever, staff did feel thcre were t�vo changes wt�icli could be made �asecl �n t�ie cointilents reccived, In the int�•oduction thc su�;gested chan�e would be to add tl�e worc�s, "cr��cl assirre". Fut�irewise rec�uested tQ c�langc the reference of`no net loss' fi•om a goal to a rec�uirement. Mr. Kisielit�s felt tlie refei•cnee sl�ould be consistent with t�ie WAC. New Text: "I�liis is tiecessafy so that tl}�� s_'i�>> 'a�:�3 t�E �-E: ;I�s����l;�;,����=i� will reasan�bly ptotect existir,g ��ses aud shorelir�e ch�racter ��.e�c1 �s�>i��c � c��l���r:a:l��:�-���:k:�:�,����E�-�;eF��-1�3r "No Net Lc�ss" of shoreline ecologica� fi�nciions�,;:; ��i�:, ,+3=. Ms. Barlow stated the ather chai�ge requesteci was ta iY�cl��cie all of tl7e state reqilired ��olicies in tlie aquafic cnvironment section of the report. Staff revie��cd the i•ec���est, conferred wit�i Mr. Kisielius. Mr. l�isielius has reconimendee� t�ie 1'lanning Coiilnlission incltide any extra �er�ei•al policies to cover sitt�atians tlie City did not anticipate. I�� t11e aq�iatic envi�•o�iment t�iis w�uld affect a few structures, p�•imarily docks, pie�•s, bridges, «tility carridors. Ms. Barlow reminciecl thc CO111I7]1SStOT1 C�Ul'lll� t}le pU�7I1C Lieacing �he hact included twa ma�s for discussi�n. The first map liad three ciesignations reflected the original dr�ft. The S�C011C� Ill�lp, identifie� as tfie Aitee»ate Dr�ft En��irotu�ietit Desigrlatioi� Map, had tlie staff reeommendatians witli the s�ig�esteci expandec� envii•am�lent�al clesignatioi�s, Slic�rcline Resideniial — Upland, Sl�oz•elinc Residenti�l — Waterfi�or�t, Urb�n Co��servaucy, Urban Conservancy— �Iigl� Qualify, and Ac�uatic, ��nct the cle�ned Ordin�►ry I-Iigll W�iter Mai•k rlear Coyote RQCk. "�'he C,OI111111S51017C1'S tliai�ked Sc. 1'lanner Barlow for her woz•k a�ici dilige�ice a�ici then disct�ssecd a point of order regarding informatican aild tl�e handliug the t3iaiic�i� o�i tlie t�aor. The Convni�sioneis a�reed the fllterii�tive Map and tlie draft �f the Er�vii•�iune��t Desigi�ations presented with the two miaior changes was wh��t t11ey w��lteci moved for�vard. C(3I112111S510i1�1' Cc�T'1'OII convt�enteci he was concerncd the Ux•ba�i Consecvancy — Higli Qual�ty would be confusing fc�r people ancl telt it shoulci be changed fo Nattirt�l. f�owever, he would go alo��g with the Comrz�issic�ii vate. PEatttting Commission Mit�utes 10-I l-l2 Page 2 of8 The vri�7iax�rl�jrc�tioja ti��as "to rrcce��l t{te SJ401'�Ilj1� DL'Sl€,'J7Cl1d0115 C15'�JY0�10.5'�[j". Vule is 0 ija f�r��or, 6 agair�.��l, llae rllotioja fcrlLs�. CO77d1iI15'S'TOl?C')' I3C'C1lfIC1C 1)IO1�L'(I �O i'�C�JJ77)1�771� C�J7J)I'OVCIj �(J I{dE? �.�1r}� �.'Dllf?Cll Of ljle j�TClfj Ei?1'li'Oi71112111 D�57�,=s�alrc�ra.s a��rl tlre �b•aj"t rlltej•ncrti}�e DeST�,rrzcrlia�z t�rcr1� as J»•e.seartecl. 1�{1� vole oa� lhis rrterti�n ivcrs rr��uninrvus rn fat��r, tlae ��tolroj�per,�ses. B. New Business: 1. Public tae���ing on CTA-03-12 proposed amer�[��neyit regarrling setbael� fc�i• multifamily cleveloP���ent�vhen �tcljzcent to single family de�relo�ment. Claurr� Batc�.�� deelal•e�l the �irblic dzecn•it��7 opea�ec� a! G:3�S' ��.1�t. Cominissioncr Carrc�ll cead tlie rules for a �3ublic hearing. Sc. Plaiuier Mike B�siugez•recap�ed for tl�e (:om�iiissioncrs C1'A-03-12, a City initiated code text ameiid�neiit regarding thc setbacks fo�• z��uliifamily development wlreii it is adjacent to sin�le family residential deveiopment. Mr. f3asi�iger statcd cai�ce�•ns in the pasi have been af the bulk and scale of �nultifaii�ily development «rheu it has bcei� adjaccnt to sin�ie family developinent. As a result cauncil asked staFf� to look into ��ossible mitigatian options. Coal�t�lissioneE-s, at tlle stttdy sessio�l, asked ro have noiice sctlt to the develo}�ment community. �taff ciid set�cl a notice to the Spokane Iiorne Builders �1ssUCiatic�n, wha in t�u•n se�it the message to member5�iip. llr. 13�sit�ger said 1�e did receive some inform�tion fi•om one der�eloper and �votild sh�re it witfi tf�c Comi��issiox� iii his presentation. �I�he ��i•�posed ai��e��dr�lent wo��ld set a l:l relational ��eight sctb��ck. Mr. T3asinger explained it would be preciictable fc�a• develaptt�enf ancl easy for staff to ldministcr. Ha�feve�•, a coalcern had Ueen raised t��at it eould create a hardshi�� for soine smaller pro�erties to �levclop. Mi•. 13asingei• tl�eal e�plaiiled t�ie new proposal wliich wo�ld allow a 35 foc,t buildi�lg lie�ght at the 1(� foot mii�innuii setbtick. The setbacks would increase fi�o�n there. A 50 foot tall building wo«Id liave be set b�ck 25 feet. '1'hcre were no further c�uestioals or discussion. The Ch��ir called fc�r aily�iie fi•om tlie �ii�lic to testify. Ilennis Cyapa, 26U2 N Sullivan �Zd.: Mi•. Cra�o stated ��e �vas a develo�er aild he was ilQt opposcd t� t��e change. Mi�. Ci•apo also st�fed he did not fecl thcre was anything �vp•ot�g with the cti��rer�t regt�l��tions and th��i City struggled to apply the standacds con5i�tently. Mr. C�•a�c� recap}��d ]lis request for a Conlpr�;hensive Plat7 atl�endt�le�It o�l jx•o�erty loc�ted on 4�'ncar Sulliv�n. Wlaez� lie ��Zade his req��est for tlie Comprehensi�fc f'lan ametldmen# the Shelley Lake Hoincowiicrs bccaat�e upset. The Shelley I�ake Hoilzc Owiters AssociaEion {I-IOA) gatiiei•ed together and camc to thc Comt�iission ai�ci to the Council and cor��plaineci, therefore ca��si�lg the creation of a developer �greement in tl�e Municip3l Cade in order to mitig�te flic inlpacts. Mr. Cra�o statet� it delayed iiis �roject, dici not 1'eel it was Cair wl-►en lie l��d tried ta accontiliocfatc �•easot��tble deWelopment �vitli the ncighbors, G05t I]ITll Il1011e� ]Il c�lt�I'Iley fees and tiie standards at t�ic tii�ie were adequ�te. Mi•. Crapo then reinii�ded tlie C�nunission ci«riiig tl�e last year's Co�n�rehensive Plan anl�;nciinet�t pi'ocess Mi•. Ai•ger came iil for � Comprchensive I'lai� aa��ex�ctment, very si���ilar to his, �nd citizens bccaiue upset, but they a�•e not as or�anized as the Sliclly Lake HOA aEici Mz�. Arge�� was z�ot re�uired to have a cicvc��per a�r•eetilent. Mr. Ci�a��o stated lie felt t}ie i�ii�es S�lOLlIC� apply to Plae�ning Carnmission Min�rtes 10-1 I-12 Page 3 of 8 everyo��e fairly or the City wouId continue to get resistance against de�elop�i�e��t and tl�ei�e wot�ld bc il� ccrtainty f��• ctetifelopet•s. Mr. Crapo saici wllecher the City stayed witl-� #he curi•ent ru�es, or had new rules, citizens were going ta conlplain when they did IlOt IIICf� Ii�:W CIf:V�IO�)Ill�lll TleXl lt? tal�lZ7, a��d a develo��e►� will ale�er know ���itl� cez�tainty W�lat 1'l]1�5 �le W11L l7e L1S1I1� lf�Il� I'LY�GS a�•c flllowed to cll�nge every time de�elopi�ient is met wiih i•esisiance. M1�. Ct•apa said he felt staff liad �one a good job pre�ari�ig a reasonable cc�ni�i-oinise. Mr. {:rapo said when a devclopet� birys pi�operty for Iiigli dea�sity develop�nent tlley pay more for it, they ex��ect be able to �et more �ut it. Whe�1 asked by a Commissioner, Mr. Cra�o said of t3ie two opiions he wotild pr�efer tlie secc�nd �fic. Ii wo��ld altc��v a 35-foot i�uilc�ing at a 10-foc�t sctb�ck. Hc s�ici, of cot�rse he would prefer ilot to ch�nge fhe regul�tioii at alL I Ie also saicl he did nat feel it would Cllc�tage I�1� I'eS15taI1Ce li] t�l� Cplllllllllllt}r. This aption would allow latitude ta the builder auci the dc�eloper. Mr. Ci•a��o agaisl, st�ted; �•ega�•dless of the clian�e, lie still wotwld like to see the standards �pplied evenly anci fairly ta everyoiie and predictability in the ►•eg�ilations is key to cievelopers. C1�crir Bcrle.r closecl 11ar,���itblic l�ecrri��g al 6:SG J3.frr. Coz�lmissiaz�e��Neill tl�er� z•equested to �sk Mi•, Crapo t� c�ucsfion. Ci(Ji)1))1153'1Oi12i' CCII')'OII r�1o��ed to 1•eopefa �17e pttl�lic l�ecrrij�g. Tlais ��tutro�� wus .secu�7c%cl cr3tcl tlte i�vt�,l 7t�c�s� a►j7crnirt�c�rr.sly�us.seel. The I�irblic l�ecrj•ij�g�1�{rs reopet7ecl crt 6:56�.jar. Mr. Cra�o ret�zrned to fhe po�iunl. Coiiunissioner Neill asked if thei•e cotild be a third o�tion for s�nallec parcels which would �e difticult to develop utit�er the new standard. Mr. Crapa respc�ndcd th�it he fett thcre is uc�thiiig wron� with ct�rrent stane�arc�. The thir•d o�tian would i�e currerit re�;ulations. Mr. Crapo saici, agai�l, he feels the ��rable��� is tliat regardless cl�e st�i�daz•ds single �ai��ily �iomer�wl�e�•s ace �iot �oing to be happy �vlien multifainily development liappe��s �iext to thei�i. Mt•. Ci•apa said lie would like to be coo�erative with staff, and will go along r�rith wi�icll ever o��iioii is pro��osed. W��vn asEced if` h�: had spoken ��vith other ctevelol�crs regarding tlic p��oposal, lic indicated he h�c�. When asked about those responses fie had received fi�am them Mr. Cra}�o stated he woulc� z�ot speak far any otlier developers. Mr. C�•apo saici afte�•discussi�n he ho��cd thc CanunissiUn woulci loak at fhc pi•oposttl from ciiffez•cnt angles. Cc�il�7iissi�ncr Bates asked Mr. �3asir�gcr if t�ie Develope�� Agreeme�its were i�l tk�e CQai�p��e��ensive Plaz�. Mr. I3asin�eR• a��swered yes there t�rc policics in the Ca�n�relleilsive I'l�n whicli support it, btit tlie Municipal Code is where tt�e �;uidance foz• ti�e deve�o�er agreeme�its are loc�ted. Mr. Basiilger �ils� s��ic� he llad mcntioneci at thc stuciy sessic�n tliis propos�il (15 foot option� VVOLl1Cl not work for alI propei•ties, especially the sn�aller o��es. Th� pur�ose c�f the jn•opos��l is to add some conficicncc ir� our regulation5 whic�i �vot�ld mitigatc tlie impact� of multifai�iily developi�ient w�ien it is adj�:cent to single failiily develop��lerit. I-�e remi�ided tiie Commissia�l t]Ze City woulc� 1[!ce to try and �ir�t eitter into develo�er agreei�lei�fs. Staff�voi�ld suppo��t cither o�tion. Both proposaIs have a relakional seti�ack, but rJption 2 wQUld allow sz»alle�• pa•ope�•iies io deveio� a little easie�•. Co�iimissio�ler Hall stated the poinl Mrt•, Ccapo is Yi�aking is thas tyl�e �af regi�ilation woulci makc ctcvclopiiig illc�rc prcdictabIc. Mr. Hall asked staff's opinion if this cha�i�e v��ol�id ���ake developing mare predictable? Wa�►ld it z•esolve the p�•oblei��? Mr. Planning Conunission MinlGlcs l0-I I-12 Page 4 of 8 B�singer replicci whe�a i» co��junclion wit}a Comprehetlsive Plan a�Yletidn�enfs it should do that. Conv7iissioiicr Higgins sta�eci tl�is cha�ige alsr� makes tt7e Ciiy's position, in st�bseq��ent Con�pre�iensive Plan hearings, dcfcnsible. Mr. Higgius pointed out tiepct�d�tbility is gor�e witt� developer a�reements. I Ie said if tllis cllange I�elps avc�id that, Iie supports it. Ch�iir�3ates closed the public heai•ing at 7:I S p.m. Coinmissio�icr CttI'1'OII �lS�CC[� COIl]I1llSS1011�P' Hall if, as �M� az•cliitect, tl�e pa�oposals 11ave at�y iss��es he can see. Mr. �I111 stated he c�oes not l�ave a�roblein with eithcr option. �.077711715',5'1017ei' HUl� )71UVE'C� �O 1'GCUI)1711C'.17C� f!])1J1'()VCPf Of�.ATf�-��.�-1�, CICII'I�� 1'GlCltl(J11C1� .5L117C1CIC C15 I)70CIIf1�C�PO 2S�00�ffJl'i)11lj(1 �O Il?� �'ily Ca���2eil. Commissioner Ncill statcd he s��p��orted khis artl�:ndmeiYt. He said he bc�lieved it would i�elp witii snlaller prope��ties and witli the City's res�onsibility to t11e citizens. Hc saici he tl�ought it wc�ula h�.l�� lo alleviate son�e o�� tl�e i7asl�back to so�71e of the issues the City��as had regnrding devclo�me�it in thc past. 1-lc fclt it haci good balancc. Conuiiissioner (`arroll s�larcd hc was ���rt of the 1'laiuti�tg Coitvt�ission whcn Mr. Crapo's Coinprehe►isive Plan was in subrnitted for approv��l Mr. Carroll 531d �1� th�tiglit the Caa�irzai�sir�n clid c�ot f�ave tlje taols to lielp z»itigate tlle is�t�es. He said he felt tliis would proposal was �ruc�rc eveti w��y tc� dcal witii tliese issue5. Commissione�� �Iall said it would be nice if people would realize when thcy btry properky neat to an ol�en s�3�ce it is possible cievelopznea�t will be cor��izig eventually, bt�t they don't. �Iowever, lie felt the aiiienduient was a good coin�rotiiise. Con�r��issioner I-Iiggitas th�nkec� M��. Crapo for his eonunents, finciin�; them very edtiicatio�ial. Coi�uni�sioncr �3atcs also thanlccc� Mr. Crapr�. Comi�lissioner 13atc5 conti�iued saying �3e felt this would not salve all of tlie City's probleins. We need the to�ls tc� ruake goad deeisio��s. We siill have �� ways to go. M�•. Fiakes ciicl not want to ta�Ce an}�thing away froill the curre�it propasal; he felt it was a gooc� regizlation change. Mr. �3ates stated he Celt ti�e City needed to in�prove in the conun��i�ications area, He said �ic fclt tllc coinmunication, wilen it camc to Couip��cflensivc Pla�l atnendittcnts, between t�ie City, developers and the neighborl�oods neecls to be improved in order to try and n�itigate t�ie pro�lems we are conti�itially deali�ig with. Mr. Bates stateci he intendcd ta support tlie propc�sct� T17e vote oia the »rotian ti��crS G li?fCIVCJI', 1�1e !]tOIlIJ11�7C15SGtI 1�12[1171t11fJ11Sl}�. Commissian took a break at 7:30 and returned at 7:40 2. Shidy scssion Sho�•eline Mastci•1'i•�geam —l�estor�tion Ylan. 5��. �'ta�lz�e�• Le�z�i BaR•low »lade � p��esea�iatioz� �•ega��dia7g tl�e Slioreli��e Mastet� Pz•ograi�l R2StOP3t10I1 PIaI7. IVIS. BaPIOW stated tEiat tlie SMP Restoi•�tion I'laii �i•�owides a fi•anlework Ioi• yesto��ation �aseci on tlle inventary atld char�cteriiation report, idelitifies potential sites and oppo��tunities for ��es�oration and �rotection and provides guidance for caz�rying out z•estoz•aiiou it� a cot�lprehensive �iianne�•. Ms. F3arlow stated the Restoration Plai� is a rec�i�ieecl element of the WAC. Jucisdictions ��hic�i have im�aired sliorelines f�lt�st prepare a plan. Based c�n thc iCity's irlvei�tory we Planning Co�z�mission Minulcs l0-I I-12 Pagc 5 of S k�iow 4ve have iiiipaii•ed sites. So�ne eYam��les a�•e bailk eY•osir�il, c�egr�cicd habitat �vitfl large eoneentratians of tloxious weec�s, clearcc� and disturbed areas, erocling gtilly sl�pcs, c;t'c�sion fi`om hcavy foot traffic, DC�E metals cIear�-t�p sites. 1V1s. 13�t�low saici the WAC identifies items the Restoration Plan �71ust actciress, which inclu�ie the follo�ving. Ici�ntify degradcd�ireas, i�i�paii-ed functions a�ici sites r�vith J�crtez�tial £or ecol�gic��l restoration, ; I:stahlisl� oaez�al] goafs �nci prioritie.s far restor�tion of degraded areas �nd impaircci ecological fiinctions. Identify existing and �ngoing �r�jects and prograi�is. � Identify additiona� prajects �ind prc��rams to meet restoratian gaals. Identify timelines ���Zd benciunarks �o�•im}�lenienting restaz'atiot� j�t'ojects anci progra�ns aiid acl�ievin�; local i�estoratio�a goals. P��ovide loz�z��ecllaz�is�n5 ar stratcgies Ms. �3arl�4�r t�ieil went on to explain each of t11e elet�let�ls c�F t��e Pl�tn. Scctia« 1 — lntracluetio�i: lt is �n over�iew of the req�ii��ements a�ld liow thc �lan is irlteii�iecf to wark in the SMP upcjate ��rocess. It provides the City contert for the ��lan �vl�ich includes collab�rativc ��lanning, rcgulation, preservation of I�igh quality sh�reline aieas, and aidin�; cocnnnmity efforts to i�esloz•e cie�racied ��rtions of t�ie City's shoi•elines. The City �iid ��esioration part�ici�s are iiitcnded to woi•k togethei• oi� sec�i�•iilg fi�nding to ii�iplcment tlie plan and attain the timelit�es and bemchr�iarks in the plan �s fiuiciirig allows. In this sectio�i tliere is alsa an ove�•vicw of tl�e require���ents, and ho�v tl�e plan is intenctecl to �voric. Sectio�l 2 Restocatic�n Go���s and Su�uorting Policies; This seciio�� iciei�tities tl�c restoratio�l goals and �olicies a1�d r�fers bacic ta the goals anci policies in tlie overall SMP. It sl�mmarizes ciegi�aded sl�oa•elinc; ai•e�s anci fiinctions, pi•ioritizes restoi•a�iori o��poriu�aities, pcioritiz�s restoration possibilities witl� tlie greaiest benefit, establishcs a iinplei�iei�tation strategy, l�elps to idei�tify oppol•tunitic;s which contribute towards slioreline �•estoi•ation eflorts, anc��nanitor i�estoration activities. Sectiox� 3,_I?xistinK aiid On-�r�, 1'rojects �nd Progra�ns: Summai•izes c�istir�� factors liiniting tlie fi�nctionality of the sf�or•elir�e ecosysteiu. Limiting Factars are t�iings which in�pair the ecosystei7l processes a�ld limit the capacity of' thc f��n�.tic�ns. They �rc cnviraiuiie�itzl variables whose preseiice, ab�ence or abtincinnce restricts the condifions. Tl�ey coukd be thin�s present like no�iot�s �i�eeds, or �ddin�, shade trces. 'I"I�is section identi�es the liitiiting factors a»d causes and Ili�l�lights e�isting arld oiigoing projects and progr�ms tfi�t may acldress fhose issues. l.ast, it identifies adclitio�ial projects and programs needec� to achieve shoreline r�skor�tion goals. li addresscs wl7ei•e fl�e ga�s �re a�td �vhat c�n tl�e Gity do about tliem. f�ar eYample, even 117ougi� �ve knaw there is a prag�•an� to clean up the toxic rnetals sites, oftei� the projects do not include �e�,et�i�lOtl. I f1fS �vill allo�v t�s to �gure o�rt�i�herc the g�E�s are ancl how �ve fill them. Sectic�ii � Yrioritization Metllotiolo�y: This strate�y was put in �l�ce to address how #a �i•ioritize pi•ojecis fot• rest�t°ation tivhcn it became }�ossible to coa��}�leie tliem. '1'fic scoring i'actors �rc: Ease of property acqa�isition, sl�ade �eilefit, 5cale of restorltion Plattning Commission Minutes 10-1 1-12 P�gc 6 of 8 acti��ity, role witl�in the context af st�t•rou»ding l�abiiat ��lalrix a�lc1 c;ojlsistc:ncy tivit�t othei• SMP goals. SGC�1011_S I'Z�SfOP�itl(7i1 O 3�70I'kl]I11�1C5: �I'��cre are t«ro types of restoration o��porlunifies. Qne is �n�o�ramjnatic opportuclities (wi�ich are nof site specific) such as public ecittcation progratt�s, shoreline re�ulaiic��ls and enfo�-cement, shoreline mainten�nce, couservation fuft�res and stormwater sta�idarcis. Tl�e secoz�d oppe�i'fut�ity is sife specific op�o�•tunities: W1ieM•e ilie s�ie cvi�lci be restared to a pro�erly fi�nctioi�i�ig condition. `l�f�c capportunities ai�e ��ol�intai�y. I�Ieither of the opporiunities are a requii°ei7le��t. The city is nat obligated to fund any of ihe restai°�kioi} oppoi-tunities. However, tlie city is retluiE'eti to proactivcly identify restorafion pa��tners and pursue fuuding oppoi-tunities — this requires staff in�ol�et��etlt. Ms. [3at'lo��r gavc an example of how the pro�rat�� cauld wot�k. T}�e Czty IS [:Lll'1'CIltI� WOI'1{1T1�T 4V1t11 State Parks Dept. to stabili�e tl�e x�ivei• bank east of�loi•a Road. Tlle City would look ai ti���lttt IS lIll�J��ircci bascci oii tlie �l�i� and then look at wl�at is }�ossible i�� sor��e of thc conceptull a�pi�oaches. The C�ity has partnered r�ith ihe Sfate aeici has clesigned the repair project for the state to iii7plemeni. S�C�1011_G Itll�l�l]1�I11i1110I1 I�IaIl: �l'his sectic�n �iddress an impleii�entation plan whicli identifies pa��tners, pote�ltial fuiiding �atirces, timeli�les a�rci bcnc�imarks. 'l�his sectiool ]las a list o('o�'gatlizatiails whc� havc in tlie pasf demonstrated ati interesl in protectittg tl�e City's sI�arelines. Tllere i� alsa a list or ��o�siblc fiindiitg sotu•ccs tiv]iich are ��ossiUle if a projcct sllould becc�tne available foi• restoratiot�. Tiineline and bench�narks for impleuienting r•estoration ��la�l are alsr� ii�fhi5 sectior7. Section 7 Monitorin�, Maintenance ane� Acla�ative Management: `l'he ptrr�ose of tEiis sectio�l is to provide steps foi• monitc�i•iiig tlie successfiil i�npleineutatiot� of t11is ��lail arici kc� havc a process foi•inonitorin� site s�3ecific pi•ojecis. This sectic�n also ic�entifies a�l alternative str�tegy if restoi•ation benchmarks arc not �net. Ms. Barlow said t��e }�ublic llearin� foi� the Restai�ation Plan is sclieduled for Octot�er 25'�" 2012. S��e told the Cc�m»iissi�ners the ilcxt elements of the 5MP to co�i�e beforc tI1�1T1 �VOL11C� 17C tI1C PLlbI1C ACC�55 P1�lIl, the�i the regiiiations. Cc�illmissianei� 13eaulac asked Ilow successful coealcl a i•estoratioyi plan bc in �i� urban jurisc�ictio�a, es�eciall}� �vllen 5«rrounctin�jt�risdictions do i�ot take care of thei�� issues as tile City i� ctoi�ig. Pvls. Ba��low responded each jtu•isciiciion i�i the state of W�shi�l�;tan v�rho ha��e shorelines of�itie statc ai�e rcc�tured to have a restaration pla�1, aiid each of thc oilicr jurisdictic��ls are slsai-ing a �i�ce of tlle t•ive�•. The City c�n only �ss«me they are sl�aring siniilar issues. Mr. Kuhta also ii�c{ie��ted tlie (�ity's situation provides mc�re vl�l��l•tunity foi• restaration Uecause most of tlie shoreline ��l�ng the river is publically awneci land, so pari►3ershi� is easier. Pi°iv�itc �roups also help out, for instance tl�e�•e is a g��oup who just lielpcd arc�unci thc Mir�be�tt� Par-k area, helping to c�elirae foot paths a�id cle��ning up tlie area. Ms. Barlow anci Mr, Kul�ta nained cxain�alcs of otlier cities wiiere shoreline resto��ation l�as occurrcci in highly inclustrialized, urban areas. Mr. Jcal�ol Pairoiich, wifh UIZS Corpo�atio�i s�iared with tl-►e Co►nt�lissio�t tl�e City ht�s good sllorcline here, but it still �ieeds ta tr�ck no �iet loss o��ecalo�ic��l fuuctions. Mr. 1'atrouch said the base iine is il�e ix�ventory, if nothing chaiig�d tlie simple wear ai�d tea�� along tlle tr�il WQUIC� 1'(:(�llll'C I'C5fC7I'e1f1011 Cff01"�5. COI11111t5S10Ilel' Bec1C1IaC aS�CCC� lt t�12 Plannir�g Co�nmission Mir�utes 10-1 1-12 Pagc 7 c�f 8 City can't �ct the fu�Idir��, woul�i we woulcl revect to pul�lic educatio��. Mr. Pai�otich respaiideci tlie (�ity wot�lcl do the site specific restoration at sa�lle tinic as prograninlatic oppartul3iiies. Both efFarts w�uld be doi�e at the sa�ne tii��e. Commissioner Neill asked if a be�ic�u�iark were ap�rolching�i�d t�ie City w�s not �;oin�; to achieve it wauld ii put ihe eiiy in a position to have to firnd a sho��eline project over �not�lcr �icdicated proje�;t, likc strcet l�r�.scrvati�n. Ms. Liarlow said �le�, the city wot��d not be reqiiired to fimd shoreline restoration. She further cammentecl the Uiologist, Noah Herlockcr�, wlic� �vi•oie tt�e City's restocation plan, Il�iS �Cell 1'eC0�11!'LeC� aS I1c�V111� WI'1ttell 50111e Of t�le UeSt T�S�01'at1011�l�c�I15 c�l'OLiIlC� t�l� 5t�te. Tjle Q1c�I1 1S Wl'lttell C�O�S IIOt obligate lu�lds �bove �iid beyol�d ��iotiYer priority ��roject. The resloratiot� plan will noi farce the city to hire someone to keeg traek of the shareline restoration projects, Staff will keep track and dacuEa�e�it pa•ojects �nc� it�co��poa�ake when �ossiUle i•estoratioxi coiicepts identified iii tl�e pl�u. Commissioner �lall asked if staff could foresee a�ly possible conflicts iii pote�atial parti�ex•s. Sta�f t�espot�dec� tl�ere could be sa�71e — every �r•oup l7as atl agen�a aucl there cot�ld bc E� conflict, in tllat casc they may not bc a go�d �artiier fo1• that �art�cular �roject. �Iowever, with most �otential part�iers tl�ere are commonalities. Staff discussed how projects wauld come inta tl�e City aud be revievved to deterinine if ii requires an ez�viroiin�ental review and if these would be a ��atential foz� x�esto�•aiion in tl�e project a�1ci �til"rI1C:1'lll��70SSl�lllfl�:5. X. GOOI) OF`1'H� ��2llI:R Commission�rs Cat•eoll and I Ii�gins will nat be ak�le to �tttend the {�ctober 25, 2012 meeting. Xl. AllJOURNMENT The being no c�kher bt�siness tlie meeting was �djourned at 8:37 p.m. � - - .��.� _ �. --�- Bill Bates, Chairpersoii �� Deann Gri�fith, PC Sccr�;tary ��1fL 51�IleCl � ��� Plan�ii�i�Commission Minutes 10-] I-12 P�tge 8 of 8