PC APPROVED Minutes 10-25-12.pdf Spokane Valley Ylanning Cotnmission APPI�OV�D Min��te� CouYicil Chambers — City Hall, 117Q7 E. Sprague Ave. October 25, 2012 I. CALL TO ORD�R Chaii•Bates called the me�ting to order at fi:(}0 p.��l. II. YLEllGE UI'ALLEGIANC� Coimnissioners, st�ff and audience stood foa• t#�e plecige af allegiance �II. ROI,�. CALL COMMISSIONEIZS Pr•esent Abse�it CITY STAFF Bill Bates -Cflaio• �� e - Joh�i Holi���an, C0171131Llillty I�eVCI01llll�tl� D11'eGtU]' Jc�hn G. Ca��roll r-� �� Cary Di-isl:ell, City Attoriiey Rustin Hall �°- �� Lori Barlo�v, Senior 1'la�uicr Rod Hi�;�ins �-� �� Ma��tin Palani��k, Planni�7g TecElniciatl Steven Neill ��; �� - �'red [3eaulac �� , - Joe Stoy— Vice Chair �;; �;- - Deai�iia Criffitl�, sec►•etary ��earing no objcction Co�nn�issia�iez•s Ca�•rc�ll, I�ig�ins and Hal[ were excused fi-om tiae �i}eeting. I'`J. APPRQVAL QF AGENDA Com���issioner Beaulac moveci to �pprove the O�tober 25, 2�12 a€genda as pz•esented. This motion was p�sseci unanimously. V. Al'�'It(}VAL OF M1NUT�S Co�nmissioner Stoy eYCUSeci himsclf fi�om the vote a�� t1�e approval of the October 11, 2012 minutes becatESe he was absent from t��e ineeting. The �p�roval of those minutes was postponed fo khe �lexk �neelix�g For tlle lack of a qtioi•um. Vl. PUBLIC �COMMCNT There was no public coa��ment. VII. CCIMMISSION REP(7►RTS ."I`lie Commission.ers had no re�o�rt. Plannin;Commissiar� Mint�kes ]0-25-12 Page 1 of 4 WIII. ADMINISTRA'TIVE 1tCYfJ�tTS Direcfo►' Ho}7t�tati inforined tlie I'la�uiing Com�nission on ihe prog�'ess to upciitte t�ie Plaiuiing Commission Rules of Procedtu�e. 1X. COMMISSION 13US11��SS A, Unfiaais�ied 13i�siness: 'i'�iere was iio u�ifinssheci busitless. B. New Business: 1. Public He���ii�g—Skao�•eliw�e M�ster Pi•c��;i•am— Daft Restoratian Plan Cllair Batcs apencd tlie pul�lic�rearing at 6:07 p.m. Senie�r Planner, Lori Barlaw, gave a ��resentatian i•egarding t�ic dr�ft Shoreline Master I'rogra�n Restoration Plaal explai��ing the i'laa�nd its ele�nents. Goninussioner F3ates askeci who set fhe Plan's timeline at�d benelltiaat'ks. 1V1s. Barlow replied the City set the tin�eline. The timeli►le is sel a� a loa�g tecm work�lan. The Plan is also rcq�iired to be reviewed at re�uiar inte�•vals anci th� timeli�ies can t�e adjusted if' they are not being met. Canvnissio�ier Stoy asked who woulc� bc IC�5�70I1S1L7Ie fOI' I11pi71�OT111� PCSt01'h�1vI1 Ms. I3�t•low and Mr. Holunan expiained tt�e City would issue permits a�id follow up and I110I11t01't�le 1VOI'IC, Commissi��iei• I3eatilac asked if the Plan woulci a�aply to tl�e Cei�ten�iial `I'rail. Ms. Iiarlow stateci the Centen�iial Trail is on sfc�te o�vncd property which is currently maintainecl by t}�e City; capit��l improvements are tlie responsibility c�f State Parks. The Flan cic�es iiicl�ide some restoration �rojec4s fhat incii��ectly affect the trail, S��e ci�sci•ibe a sfioreline stabilixatir�n p��c�jcct, currc�itly t�tlder review, tliat stabilized thc slioreline in orcier to ���es�rve the Centennial Trail, Comt��issioner f3c{��ila�; also asked if matchin� funcis would be required ta i�� o�•der da ��restoration pi•oject. Ms. Bat�low disctisscci lio�v the f���ldixlg partiic��s ajid fiinding wo�ild be ap}�roached ��nd st�ted that �natchin� fune�s WOLIIC� 11(7� b�IJlll'SlleC� W1l�lOLlt CQIIIlCI� a�proval. . Seeing iic� one who wisl�ed to testify, C��air I3ates closed the public lie�tri��g at 6:37 p.m. Com�nissioner Stoy moveci to co��tinue the c�c:liberations of the Restoratio�� Plat� to IVov. $, 2012. This nlotion passed uuani�nously. z. ,Study Scssion: CTA-0�1-2012—Yropused Amenclments to Title l 9. Plannin� "1'cclu�ician Marti�i Palai�iitk gave a�i avervicw of tl�e proposecl ame�lcime.ilts to "I'itic Iy of the Spokatae Vallcy Municipal Code regarding the followi�l�: • Fropasing to �Ilow usccf mant�factt�red ]lomes ioi a m���iuf�cturcd �iome sub�ivisian. The c��rr�nt regulation only allows for i�ew manufactui-ed hames ta be placcd ii� inariufactuced hoT�ie subdivision. • Pi•oposi►tg to allo�� �toine occu��atiot�s to accui' itt ��iy resideT�ce tllat �las beeal le�ally pct•iilitteci regardless of the rr�ne. "I'he cc�cic is tlnclear whetller � l�aa��e Planniiig Commission Min��ies 10-25-12 f'age 2 of4 occupatioii ��rol�lci be �crinitteci in � resicience whicl� l�as been le��lly estaUlished in a nozl-residential zor�e. • Praposii�g residc�ltial cievelop�llcnt standards fc�r residential develop�lient i�i thc Mi�eci Usc Coiluncrcial (MUC} and Corridor MiYed Use (C`,MU) zones. Tlie r��ixed use sectioi�s of the code allow for i•esidential ��ses bt�t it does ��at provicie any st�tadards f'oz� devel�pment. '1'h�se static�arc�s woulci b�. lot width- dcpth, density, lot coveragc, SCtI3&C�CS �1L1Ci O�CIl 5�7i1C�I'�C1L�11e1]]�I1tS. � Pro��o�ii�� to �l�ow aix Accesso�•y 17welling Ualit (�.DU} in any re5idcncc that has been legally pez•n�itted in the CMU a�ici MUC zoiies. '1'lic cc�cie ciocs n�t acic�ress if�n ,t�llU would be allowed in a residcrjcc in a non-residenfial zane. This would acidress the AD[1 bei2lg permitted as in a residential rone, �ut waulci nc�t incl«�i�. �car�tdker ciwclling. • Peoposing ta �ro�tide standards for tl�e temporary usc c�f a1i RV, outside of a t3lc�bilc� hc�me p�irk, to occu�• at any residenec tl7af has been le�ally pei�111itted re�a��dless of rone. It is i�erinitted in a reside»tial •r,one f'or at� RV io be occupicc�, for nU t�lore thau 3Q days, tv allow foa• guests af the residcnts. I�awever, tlle code does not address this use in a noii-reside�itial �one. Commissianer Stpy asked if ADUs had stai�dards in and of themselves. Staff replied they dicl, aiid those standarcis woulcl be t�iaintained in thc noia,residcittial zoncs the s�►me as fhey �re in residential zones. Tlie only change propose�l is to allow an ADi1 on� legal residential loi in the�niYed use zones. Caminissia�ier N�ill askeci if an RV is �llowed ta be c�cctipiecl outside of a r•esidec�ce, �vk�o wou�d ���onitor tl�e le�igtlx of tlle siay, Staf�f ciiscusseci code f;ll�C)ICCI11Cilt of thc rcgulatians t��id when the City �vauld respond to � COIlI�]I�11Ilt. T�liS praposed amenclment v��oi��d allow the City to be aule to enForce tlie tirne litnit��tio�� in non- �'esiclenti�l z�nes �is is ct�rrently bein� done in residential zones. The City would only ��espox�d aCter a coz��pl�iz�t l�ad beez� Ni�ade. Conttnissiafler Bca�ilac �vaiited to kEto�� if allowing t�scd �11ant�fact��red homes in a �n�niifachired home subdivisian woulci cause issue witl� co�rei�at�ts, o�• i f' ti�e co��e�aants ovei•-rul�;cl tlie mtinicipal cocic? Mr. 1'alaniuk cx�laincd covcnants are a civil inafter between the home owners 1SSOGk�ltlOIl c�T1C� I1011le owners. The City does not get involved in those types c�f issues. If the hame c�wners ��ssoci�tiol� h��d an isst�e with thc Iloinc, it would be tl�eir respansibility to enforee it tlu�ough civil mea�is. Mr. Palaniuk said the public he�ring oii tlie proposecl a�neiidments �vas sclied�iled fo1• Nove�nbei° S, 2012. 3. 13rainstorming; �hould used manuf'actured homes �Oe allowed on inclividual lats? Ciu•re�ltly t17e SVMC only allows new manufactured homes to be placeci ran an i�ldividual lot in all residcilti�il diskricts. State law does iiot e�llow for discrii��in�tion between a stick bi�ilt home atld a man��factured Iloz��e on �ia izlciivicival lot. "I'he City has l�ad requests tc� aflow t�seci liames to be placed on individual lots. Staff presented a comp�rison to ten Of}leI' �lll'iSEIfCtIQt1S (C1leney, Ellensburg, Libcrty Lake, I'�illm��n, Spc�kaiie, Spokane Cou�ity, Spokane Valley, 'Wenatcliee, Walla VW'alia, an�i Yakima), Pla�ining Corii���ission Minut�cs 10-25-12 Page 3 of� or�ly one allows used manufactured hor7les (Spok�tne County), one (Liberty Lake} s�}eciiies " si�7�ilar to surro�a�iciin�" �'he Comi7�issioners a�ld sta�'f cliscussecl the stil�ject. Tlie follaw�it7g to��ics wei•e discussecl: Manufactw�ed lioiiies can be affordable �tousing, and pro�erty o�viiers should be allowed to put wl7atever type ot' t�o�i�e they �,va�1t an i��eir own lots, as long as it is cicccnt looking. Kit liomes elo not qualify as a i�lanufacturcd home. �t�ff providec� tli� st�te definition wliich s��ecif�e:� tliat a mat�ufactui•ed 11ome is buili on a per�l�a�lent cllassis, and transport�d i�l one c�r n�ore sectic�rls. Should �n allowance, sucli�s a size or age liitlit bc conside��ed? �c�tlie discussi�n follc�«+ec� that noteci tl��t m�nufacturcd hornes dic� }�rovidc �1� �ffor-dable housing o�tion, wliile otller goals i�i the Com}�rehensive Plan direct tl�e City to proteet ihe chat•acte�• of ti�e �leig}�borhoods. The��e could be places ix� il�e City wherc ik might not fit to havc a used I11�LIlE1f�1Cfl1A'CC� IlOI11C. MI'. BC�1LlI�1C I11Cllt1011eC� t�l�it allowing a used inanufactu�•ed liome on an indivi�ival lot cotild diminis�� tlte property value of the sui•t•ot�ndin� h��i�es. M��. Neil[ iioted tl�at indiviciu��l l�t c�wuers cat�se; prc�perfy walue to be diminished if they do not take care af their lots. A 11S�C� maiit�factured lioN�le would not i�ecessarily di���iz�is�� tlle ��z•operty value jt►5t by beiii� placect c��i a lot. �;vcrythin� becoiilcs a useci eventu�lly. 1VIt•. Be�t�l�c mai�ltained the wron� home in a izeigh�iorhood co��ld clevastate sotz�e i�ei�;hborhoads. CoNYi��ussionea• T3eaulac suggesteci tliai this topic be bro�ight back after the n�.w yc�r, �V�1C11 fl]C I1�W CO111i11L551�O11C1'S Wel'e ]]1'G5�I7t, and tliat information be included regai•c�icig how Liherty Lake enforced the requirement of "similar to surrounding." All Coti�tnissio�icrs' agrced with this suggcstion. No motioil v��as made. X. GFJOD (?F THE ORDTR Thet�e was nc�thin� for t�lc good af the oi`cicr. Xl. ADJOURNMENT Tiie bei�l� no other btESiness the meeting was adjourned at 7:34 p.m. "4 . ,� � \ � �,C��, F3i11 I3ates, Ch�icperson � lle�t a Grifftth, PC Secreta � Datc si�jiecl�jJ"]�,�. c� �p�— Planiti�tg Commission Min�rtes 10-25-12 Yage 4 of�