City Center Concept Master Plan 2009 Draft `�' ' ,r�sx 1 � � ` " � ,:-:' , . .�'�/ ,���� F'�r 1 ;:�MS�M.� h• ,J - i � • � r �����+'`.. � � � 1 � , � � • �. � S�? .�:-�'1�'''A ,�s► �r..�r�, ,x � �` `� ��• '�' �►�,' `����� •s . � •�„ •w;:r� � J � � r . i� .s)3' - .. .�� /1 a '`` . ��//•L t `.� .ti . t } .. .�i� . *.: �+�� .\�. :�. .��� , . y.. '• `',%G +C✓.-7`•- .;�,. � - r .y �/ ri�;}¢� -�, . +s Y' -f.� 4 �`ti �I, ,�����'Y��' t . � . .-. y� :r'. .j�` .� .r���� . ' �, -.J� , .! _ ��� �,�/y�. . .� .:. : y . . . S� �f .�� . . .3� y � � T. ' ' .� "'�• � �` / _ ..7:.�+ :4-: : •�.r� '���!\ ��C:i• . .q �� ,' _ : .'. �-`} : � . •- ., �,• . . . . . ,r;.:�' � . sy ~.` r . +-4 . ��'�' ,L • " ' ' . ,.- . . 4,i . . :►'.�. Ckl� �� •�'i1 �, ,.��� w.,����'t��C� �Y .� ' _ �. � '• S. _ \. `'L.` �F ti`�5.. ` '�~.M.�- �`li � ^ '- �! .l �'��'�i ��ry�. . 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B W A : � i � r � jv ,�P- T�.. �r+A �v.f� ,� 'W, Jw �'K� �. x J5� ! ��JY �� j`r ---. �hx�',:l�, 3..� _,'f . j •-' � f r�'�y; r, rd .� r . � �' �t � p�,fi '-� .� � . �.1�a � .F _ ? . �' . .�2r'�� �'�r '!�: �:�{ .- �� �"�,5.'; �'�� t � . . . . �,�+y�, _ . , • .w ..... ..� . � r�—:_ .:`'.�X .��`+S� �. ���._.� _'"e.. .��n��:.. :J:� �K�_��d�5. .r� ,. °� �'3- �,�1 1�;� $ ERNA � 170 4� I �LLS F,RCHI TECTS �c February 27, 2009 Mr, Neil Kersten, AIA City of Spokan�Valley 7�74� E. 5prague, 5uite 10b S�akane Valley, WA 99206 Re: City Center Conceptual Master SiCe Plan BWA#07-340 L1ear �leil: We are pEeased to submik 10 copies af the City of 5pokane Valley City Center Concept Master Plan February 27, 2009 Draft Version fvr the City'S review a�d comment, This report outlines the desi�n team's wark to date in callabaratian wit� City St�ff, as welf as limited ir�put from University City owneTShip. Tt�e conclusions based an t�is interim report can be summarized as follows: } Ti he University City area was desigr�ated as the �reierred location for a City Centee/City Ha[l ' praject by the f'reedman, Tong & Battomley Destgn Study. After a detaited look at the site and khe stated goals, this remains an exceEle�t site—very suitable far the intended purpase. ► The City Hall facility can easily be accammodat�d at s��eral lacations within the City Ce�ter project, and the preferred location selected is parkicularly well suited based on available � infrastructure, op�n space, proximity to the existing lJniversity City deveCc�pment, and the a�aifiry ta be a catalyst far future City Center developmer�t. ► Early in the planning effort, the 5polcane County Library expressed an interest in bein� a �art of the project. 7he bond issue for the �ibrary project FaiEed to pass and the Library's continUing interest in the project is not cEear; ne�ertineless, the City Center project as illustfated can accommodate a ��ture �ibrary; however, is no[dependant on it. We laak forward to disci�ssir�g this vri�h yau and the City Cnuncil at your convenience. In the interim, please feel free to call tf we can answer any questions. Upon receipt of the CiEy's comments, we car� finalize the re}�ort, 5incerely,. � - '.. r; 'ri - . �� � '.._i i� , � . ,� ,. Gary E3ernardo, A!A Principal - EncL• Concept Master Plan Report 1U7 S H04tARD FOIJRTH �LOOR � SPOI:A�I� 1�IA 99201 S09•838•451.1 FAX 5C19•838.�i605 E�"51�1. SER�JAR➢041]LLS.CQPS Summary Introduction & Purpose The Spraglie & A�pleway Corriciors 5ub Area Aiar� identifies the University Ciky area as the pref�rred location far the �ro�osed Ciky Center an� City Hall, Further analysis by the Freedra�an c�esign team and real estate professionals further identified the former University City Shoppin� Ce�iter as a viabfe and available City Center and City Ffall site. This study is inten�ed to acquire additional information about the site, analyze the data,assist tl7e City iro determiniiig the suita�iility of the site as a Ciry Center as well as a potential location for the fe�ture Cit+,r Hall, review possible City Hall locations tNithin the City Center, and establish preliminary budget estimates forthe City Center infirastructure. Universi�y Shopping Cen#er Background Universiry City Shopping Cent�r v�ns inikially developmer�t in tf�e 19�0's and grew into the region's f�rst enclosed rr�all anchored by suc#� rekailers as The Cr�scent anei JC Penny/s. Nat only was it the region's � premier shapping center, it was the Valley's ur�offic�al city center hosting a variety of cultural, hoFiday, anc� promotianal events, As ather retail destinations came on the scene including tl�e re-emergence of 5pokane's ciawntown, fiirst with tf�e Skyw�lk system then Riverpark �t�uare, anc� The Valley Mall along Ir7terstate �q University Ciry went throUgh a s�ries af mades� redeuelop�nent efFarts that had mixed success. Today, the easterly {�artion of the site functions separately as a str�ermarket anchored Cornrnuniry Shopping C�nter� and the westeriy portion of t'he site is fargely ��nder �eveloped and ar,ly partially occupie�i by non-retail uses. Retail pads aEong Sprague include Taco Bell, McDonalds, and l.es Schwab �ire operate independently of the I�rg�r shappi�i� tenter and remain viable, Acfditionally, University City Shapping Center nPVer adapted to the Sprague/Appleway couplet and eontinuPS ta have no presence on or orienkation to Appleway Boule�arcl. It is, by all accounts, a prime redeuelopment appartunity. Project P�anning Backgr�und Conceptual City Center pfanning worl� began in late 2008 anci studied �ario�s v�+ays to implement the basic tenets of the Freedrr�an and Sprague-App{eway Revitalizatior� vis9on: smaller pedestrian frieildiy walkabfe city block�, narrow and slower streets, retail srorefronts up to the sidewalk with on-strPet parking, anci mixeci ��se �uildin�s. Consideration wasgiven first ta skreet grici layouts�+vith einp9iasis on thraugh bEocl< connectivity between Sprague and A�pleway, then to options for o�en s�ace and streetscaping, and fi��ally to �areferred locations for the City Hall within the City �enter. Site Plan Option #Z was the ��referred option both in the short teri�� far efficient City Hall develo�ment as well as for long term, phased City Cent�r development as market forc�s suggest and is the hasis far this report, � Ciiy of Spokane Valley City Center Concept Master Plan �� February 27, 2D09 Draft `� � ' BERNARDO 4`IILLS G G L Q ARCHITECTS PC . � Existing E. Sprague Retail � Propose� Ciiy Center Existing U-City S�te Narrative Report I i NORTH � ENNANC M�N�S � � SPRAGUE AVENUE 7he site plan is organized in part based on tiie I ,;, ,�,. � ass�Pmptions tl7at the existing former C�eS�e�t Building � f will remai�r and be reclevelope� in the future and that _�- ._�-- --� -- - - _"__ _ �'-_�� _ F— '_ .f----.- ---_ -_. - - - . _ • the initial City Center �ound�ries for the purposes of � 416 --�� % � 4�1 �� � � � ` tl�is study are Dartmouth on the west,,4ppleway a�the ,``��-- :-'�' I _ _�_-�; south, Sprague an the nortll, ar�d the recently - � � co�tstrc�cted curved access raacl that bisects the � .� '�I ^ J COftE STREET'A' � I University City Shopping Cei�ter sike on the eask. It is ' � � � � �s'ROw�� I - � 61tOonald�5 ex ected that the Cit Center w+ll ultin�atel ex and ' � Parcel A ( �� Parcel F � � �� p Y V I� N m � 2.46 acres ( �t !;� � � 2.q4 acres �i I z _ . __ beyor�d these initial boundaries in �ccorc�ance with the � ° � �, i� I��� � � � N + , � � 5prag��e-An�leway Revikalization Plan. Although the I � � � _:-� � � � confEguration shotvn asst+mes that k�otl� Appletvay and _ 3 � , � � o IN�ERSECfIbfV �► . ���� � A � � m - �� Spragiie will transitian to tvuo-way traffic, �h� Ciky I � � -�,,_ �i' _ � � ;_. � � �' _ --- � Center layaut and pref�rred focation for City Hall as /��� �i� :t ; , `�\, �z� "� � shawn are not depei3dant or� tf�is either in the slzort � --��i-�� ''-��'� ���a_� ���� ; 3� • ���:�� �� "}� ��+�-� ` �w-y_r_� � ��-r - �- ! � � � term or long term. In Fact, the City Center's � ..__.-------- --- ._��, � - . _ ? I - .� N :. -��_�- �t-r .__]' ��� �' L r � � � _" � �'�ri �:� ..- _�_�r � r �r�� ' � tr�`�t� ���. j - �'1 c.�r�� conneckivity �7etwee�t 5prague �nd Appleavay l�enefits 418 � � ,y ��� _( _ < � ,�T, �� \�.!j=�496 -- - "�' �r�'- nrn�rican� both�onfigurations, � �-� =�-��:- � � :.� _ � . � � � , .. � �-��: {t + � � I �_, � ConneCtivity behveen Sprague ancl Appleway is an � o � , r - sEE o�Tar�.v��w m � � �t INTHISAFt�R j �`+ - - -- - - ����ortant featur� �s is the ability of the City Center � = Par�ef B �xIST{NG l - ��-�, street grid to cannect in the east-west c�ire�tion fron� � 2,28 aCres OFFICE ( ���� a� � Proposed City Ha11 Site N,r t � c w M � � Parcel E w -� � � �Jniversity Road to the east past Dartmouth ko the west, � �N � � ` �a " The resulting+/- 2,5 acre parcel s�zes are well suited to I � � BUILDING � � �, � , � i � 2.63 acres � � ,; ;; _ � � � E � � G � Q medium scale ur�an mixed use develop�nent tl�at could � "' h4ID BLOCK � � p p � o CROSSdNG TYP. r;!I � . � be accompl'ished in phases by multiple property � f _ _� _� � �- _ __ oivr�ers�developers or clan� as a �arge ov�rall proj�ct by � , � `I �.�._ ` - ----- � � °`�} :,,, ' -1 -(�. � � � . gd - j I a single develop�7ient team. I .�,.—_��.._ _._ 419 - --_ - - �>,�y�,�9 3 ;�� f J�� i J''i'-I�: � i �� � _ , � i s _ �-_ 1 ^ ! . I � 1 . 4 ��\. 1-� _ __ _ _-_ _ .. . - 1'�. �_ � � :__ a 4 . � _-j ::_. - � � � ' ,� _ _._ - ���tur�Lla�,t � I , —. � . ___ � i � - 1.rr`i/�-�,. � �['� � 7- �t �i �a. L 'i� �: � +�jn� � _ . _ - �- -� — -� � '� r:i l I � !s � ��1 �_� I ��,J� lo�j�� J� !� J+I � Il � k � �_f �'•"�; lidi 1 i , --- . _ ��ZO � � - _-� �-� -r��--� - . .. � �-, -� �. i� � _ ,,� �- ,-_ � � . : �� ' s„ �� 485 - - - = ' � � � �� � �. �� � �� �!� I � .� r� � _i_� ._i___ � ' southeasc!ot � `. � � � � �� \ '` � �IS7l G:F'ARKI�IG- � �� � � Parcea C � ,.��� C�� �' Parce! D ; � -� - ;�: � �� IVOT�: Areas anc!dimensions are approxiinate. I ; 1.90 acres ��✓ � ���., , i , , 2.38 acres - ; - -� _ _ _ 73 °�� � -q+ � + � n:, �� � r,�-' � Site plan [ayout f�ased on Preferred �ption#2 I � PE ESU�I f- I - : �� c�_ 1 r�J �� � �-�_� COiVNECfIQN y ' I_ �' � 120SPACE$ `1�,�s1��-' — /� �._ -__ _ � __ ,;,--� -�`,, �. �i�_� � ��t���__- ; - -�-�. - � �� - _ �- �� .�i� _ ---—` - ��. ---- . — �_. — � �--- - - .�` - -_- - . _ _ _ l� ,� � � _ __ `� _ ,+x�� - _ --- -- •---- - �..� '� ,�.� � SO1�TH � �� GATEWAY APPLEINAY B�VD. ENHANC�M�I�TS � City of Spokane Valley Ciky C�nter Concept Mast�r Plan �� February 27, 2009 [?raft (� � ' BERNARDO 4VILLS G G L Q ARCHITECTS PC � . � ! j - - � j , 9 , � __ � + � I 1 � � I . i � — — .i a �—._ � _ i�4'�jr� , !� s� "i r _ - � e� � - - � - -- :��:��. _ _ ! ,4� � ``, .:-__' .. _ ._ _ _" . • - � � � "- - .�� �^t�ri� � + � 4?J`�.` ��° . 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Typical Mid Block Crt�ssing � City of Spakane Valley Ciry Cenier Cancept Masker��an �� February 27, 2009 Draft �� � flERNARDO WILLS G �7 L Q ARCH]TECTS PC � Mid Block Crossings Mid-block cross�nc�s are pfac�d alonc� each a� the City Cor� s�r��t i���e t�ore stEe�E Ty���e Cehter streets to break ���t�e exEx�ns� and len�th of the � r blocl<s to �ro��:le safe and definer.i pedesk�ian crossinr�s, � �` ' ' Eandscape feat��res, ��ossil�le storm drainage bio-filtration swales, and traffic calm inc� features #�rokic�h the use af i7� RC�1�zr� sf�� ��'�'t`? scored or textur�d pa�inc�. These mici-block crossing coulcl also provide pedestrian features such as benches, � lighting, bencl7es, trash receptacles, way-fincling _______ �_____ _____�� r______ features, ancl pramotioi7allnforniat€anal signac�e. � ; , ; , , ,;_�y, , , ,,� ; ; , .� #: � ; � . �.� ���> � r � ��lii r�i >�3 �,� �: . i kS_ � i ,� f '� � �. i� � � 1 ��.,� r ,;� �. S �'II I m �,ry: � i }� � ,�Lst. .' ��. t pk � � i ' I R � ,! � • t� r�y F L41 ��� .1 g ��!, r'��._�j t 1p1�. ` I��.I�41 � F�i, s . _� .� , �, — ; . L ,Y[� �G rl l .Yr-•3 � i +.�-L�.1 l'.�5.1 i— ' ._I.,L—i� I�"Y i"�"1 -L .S*fi _ ��'� '�t__ P ¢ , � � ; , Street Plan Detail �f � I � f ` � � f Sireet tree w14 x4 grate � } 1 � � I ., �,.��, � ���'�;� .� - � � � � _ �: a ..,;'� �;`'`� ,,�- Utilit Zane fi t . f , Y � Yp ) f ���.�`�� `'�- r ��y��"��'� � � � ` ' •C Benches � � -!{ � ��4 . �_ � ��ir�f S +�•� �i/��] E �<-�. � a _ � �,,;°�3��,,� � r��� �,,���'�!`","� . . . � , � � ' �'-�;_ �. ��„ i Tr�sh & recycaing receptacles � '� , �� �•1 �, � 4 y � aptional planting slrip 'F��'rr�.' � ��`��°, I Bike racks �. �. ` ��� � _ � l��i 1;,�1�� News kiosks � ���q ��'� .. � ��`'��i�r�'.;�'� I � � rv�.; � � . .� �.�. _ �t;���� ,,:-,� i ��,:.'.,�}��-± Fire hydrants w � -� � r --22'x 8'Parallel parking space 4 Drinking fountair�s � ,,,., . �� �,'� � � r r�����4,�f�� I �'����'�r%�v�x� �I � . I1 . �j I" i- � la'� S� ,�1 ( F 1 . F ` ���� �S � ��r � ",� ':�; �> Ca � I '��ir1 � � ,,. ,�r� r: � Y.+� � ��` �ar. I , . �f��,����1�, �� ":��`�',° �.�� ( } ���,'.q� � �;�r: '�_ Pedestr�an Zone (5' mm.) '��•'��� f` �� Planting strip � g` a':�' � � ' ��' ''� _ _� °�,' ,��,fi,� � - ` , , Clear sEdewalk width a � �,'� � �.�._ 9+f@s(5�i q�. .. � ..l `.I.'�I' — �i � . .�� � i� 4:�deyF ��' ry ��•� .t � ��`b. _ " � '� I +i9 j' 'a • s,�.',. , � l��lf: t� .r�°� � �1� �� •� :� K ..�Y� . r �� �_- � � c .�� 4-. _ .:��`�� �: ��'1 Flexible Retail Zone (4' typ.} � � � � � _ ' �' � �,� �> � { -- ��i,, ;:� _ Pedestrian-scaie light flxture � }� � '� ; ;,��' „�, Signag� I- t �, � r �a, ,�i� �, �'� °�'4'_�,'' � 1I ,��' � � '� �,: . � � � Cafe seattr�g � I � F I�v�i,: ' ti ' Outdoor display ; � �',`��` �' ��r 7'y� '` � �-- Accent paving at crosswalk ����' �; ; I. �-fj� r1 �. i � /r,l�f �� fa �!� i�L�1+ � �"'1 1 r _�'� f�� � I �, ;���s.-f �1' � � ��' �, ��'`� f r�. t� � I � �; �1 �:�+� �����f r� � I F t �,l�.Ff�� — � � � i� '` S� � X' �.�. t i ��'' 1 �� h � � � t4 1 r{;1 � . � J . -- � � > � � � ;�; ``i�,, �4`�,:> � ��� .'._!;: � _ {F) Dimension ,�er Freedman plan �. � � �� '. � 1�• -�� ' ` " (S) Dimension per Spokane Valley street standards � 9' �5'�6'� 8' � 1 i' 11' � 8' �6'�5'� 9' � �4'�5'�5' � B' � 19' � 11' ���6' �5'�4'� �r—�r������r—�— —,�— ''�'r'�'�'�'�' '�—�—'� � UTILITY ZONE � UTILITY ZONE PEDES�'RIANZONE RETAIL ONEZO�E 7'ypical Mid Block Crossing RETAIL ZOHE Plan and Sect�on View � City af Spokar�e Valley Gity Center Concept Master Plan �� February 27, 2a09 Draft .� � BERNARAD 4�ILL5 � � L Q nRCH�Tecas ac I i E � 4 Q�� 1 � - - - � R�_R - __ . _ � -�-=-,_�'� - --�-- � ��� _ � - -� - - - - _� � � �� � � � � r `� ' t''' �� �� ��- ��1 _ ..� :P � r � � _---- - .— _ __� ��,__ . �..-- -- ,.. �, � - —�_ .__ � . _ �_.. �:-.-_- . , - .- � _ t�� l p� � _ . � �S A� $' 6 � � �1,.:. `� ��`/` L��� ` � �'��� 'a:� p . �,�i -.._ ', ` I ? � �1' � a{ '� �ta '�';,�. 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'_'" -- -r __." - j . ,�A �� � ��"-� 6 i �� t� e� � � i` _�� �_��� E � " � Typical Major �ntersect�on � City of Spnkane Val�ey City Cenier Concept Masker Plan February 27, 2009 Draft , � BERNARDD WILLS �� � G � Q ARCHITECTS re Tyl�ical Street h�tersectians Core Street Type Intersections features bulb-outs and decorative pa�inc� to --�---- Pedestrian - scale light fixture pro�ide enhanced ��eciestri�n safety at crass�ng poir�ts, • raised ii�tersec#ion desic��i for superior barrier-free �78� RC}W� acc�ssiE�ility, and I�ndscape featur�s. _--I� _ � � ,� _ �l y �r 1' � r�,~ i. r, ,`�af`.�' , , �:,t� �� - `-I-- Street tree wl�'x4' grate ..��1��`:,; � ,,.'` `' ` ��r_.�;rR,M1 �:I J�-�+��(�, - - # hl��sa' �`�- ,�� } -I� �"'1 '` �� � �- � Decorative score pattern at coi�ners, typ. �� , .� �� �� �;;1. � ]I� �t. � �-�,'� ` _ { iw f�ra -. Typical ci4rb ramp per SV City � -J,�� 4.�,•y: ,, � standarcis ��� ����� � �t. - - "`�;r 7" �i c� -- -- _ < <r'?�� - - -'f '�f �,1� 1 �,y l� ,,�,� ' � � .E : , � !W I F s � :�� � r '`�� - �y��.Ir 'F,�.� i �'" _ - � y � j l 1~� ��- —��s '"���y� - -- -�� . � ��J ti S_ .�- �f�. _ � r J'Y'' /\�ti' `i' �'�d'��. ` T, t h`r'd I �--.�������. � � + r i�� -- � �� r ?� ,1'�.. r �,L • � � -.� � }i! � .�� � f ,L 4� ��' r , ' f i _ -L h`� "' i,�t,�J ; ! _�� - ��h :� �, � S �_ �4� � �C 3�.L� ��... � +�� A4�{; }� �. '�++ _ �.. r �-� r.r -��.c _F�.._._;� - __ �'' ��'��I� � �.t�{ `✓„ - �� �' r ---'��--'� -�. �� .; �� •� '. . ��_ , . . � � —�� _� \�d � �, , , - f�. � _ _ f I e,� %l �� _ � �!; `' ` r f ';�r� � 1,• �! �I �`j�'� 4 ` y�. i'� �,.� _� O tional accent a�in � - - ;� ,.t._. - i"� �� ,_,�-_ ,,,;; ,, . f� p � h( Y � {� �`ti, i �: :; ^� �.� at intersection yr � h• �;' � �� ' '}�' Y � �Y / � 'f / �° �w � � '` 'rr ���- Core Street Ty�e J � ` �,: �� ; �� `f < �- , �`: ��:� Accent pa�ing at `---- `.` � �, . � `�4� ya� V �'� F;;' r{ -�� -- _ � 22'x 8' Parallel� �� � parking space K al� ' � � �r �� �< crosswalks, iyp• , � !.�? � -`, r.� �{� ��� f /} �/, FII� �`£� ���'�� '-��'�" 1a � �-�� ,� ,, - _ , � r ,��rc:�'�-=5, � , . _ ; � �` � , , � r� �� �� — . �� �.�, _ ,e �—� ��� ; � + - . ..-. G /� .�• --- - ----�. I:\T��\\ ��.�,�-.. -l�� -�i0 _ _ - �r� ` � � � ��J� i � - �' s���� � � �i _ _ �`` �/''�I !\� -���>.�C - -- - r �'�I�'` ��r�4 � _ t �,#��r �-Ii 4;; t; —L-. } '•�` .F' i . � � v � pr,w n�. l ;' � �.4�. � � "` ' � � �' �'� t �' � �" �`6^:,.I � � .�. 4 �l��� '�^ � '�' n`� �s � / 'l' — - .�T � - , � -f ;. _ � ,k: - .,r� - �, f .�[ l �� r L� r.t� _ , . I - - � I ,a�, . , ,r;� _ , -- — /�: i���1�i _ Y � I I J -- � .._ . ._. . ��. � ;�}; 47 }Y.� f` �_ _" __ _ ` . .. J _ ..�.W . I __—� �'j � �,? �T.= :�L << '. .', ,� � ;�r��.> ; ,; '"y - '��� �s F I�I_ :iL �� �,_�.� � r.t �>.j 1:' >: E� 1 Z'3 e.. _ f ''T�. F � ��' �s� ti ' �t�.,- � �('�r�t -: 1����;��, --� •��' - � �' � 20' Radi us, Typ, l �.. , f���� I .' .` ` "' S �'�1� �`�. � �—i � f � ..-, , ' j Y ,—- - I >rCf� ' . � '� ;�� a : I�r�'I 4 {' t�'�' -°- y . .e i p R - —� - I _ . � I .� Typical Major In#�rsec�ion Plan View � City of Spokane Val�ey City Center Coneept Master Plan �� February 27, 2009 Draft �� � ' $ ERNARDO ti�ILI.S G G L O ARCH[7EC75 P� Ut�lity Ir�frastruc#ure � � City of Spokane Ualley City Center�oncept Master Plan �ebruary 27, 20U9 Draft ' � ' B � RHARDO WII.I.S �� G G L O aacH�recrs Pc �ption 91Tradi�ional Infiltratidn Planters This option i�l�istrates a traciitional c�rassy staronwater swa:le stratecly usin� mul6pl� modest sized kaio-filtration swales Incat�d at key �oints tvi#hin the street ,_ , ,. _ , ._ _ _.. _ _ _ _ c�rid. These swales would be sized in a conventional _ . -- -- - - � - - -- - - ----- - - � - -- manfier to �aor�d the frst %irich of rainf�l� frori� ihe ' stree�s witl� aver�ow directecl ta a catci� basin ar cfrywell � �'� � � ' ��vithin e�ch s�vale with two or more stivales usinc� a � ca�T�mon dry�v�ll. I J � [� f� � This tivould be a relatively inexpensive system, is very 3 . � - � q Li � com�non in the area, antl doesn`# cover any ne�v c�round , , � � ; ir� terms af enc�ineerinc�or des�.c�n� The rlrawb�ck ta thEs � I a�apraach is swales are �anssc�iitfy; ci� not contrab�it� to � 1 ' the City Center vision, and �laces shallow pands of i f � � � water immediatefy adjacent ta �edestrians, includinc� ! yauny chilclr�i7. A variation of this system woufci be to l004< at alt�rnative filtration meciiur��s ta �nhar�ce the �"� .� ; ' � ' �9 1� ' s.�;�,�� . � ,�� ��� ` �,t� � �a, � ,'� �-� ��� � .'�, treatment oraesthetics. °�. '�ral� J �� �r ,� t.��� . .l , 'r�` '�:; # ��� ; , ;,�' (�. y ���'� �, �-, - - , -�p � . , . ";�-�-_ t . 9 . �t: - _ , � � � ,1� , . � I ( ���ti � , � ��, � ( ��. �' '� � „ . i ti` : S�1 � � �S � �� I -,, � , � � ;' � - , � . �- � �,�• , � -- ,� � ��:� , �� ,�;. � � . .� , L E G E N D Y - � �#� � - - � - -� i. � �,� .� . _ a � , � � , . r '-�•I , � , I , � + � � � �� ' ' ��� '� CR�SS IIVALK @ PLANTER , ' _ � ; i ' ' - - -_ _ .Y 14,-i (DEMANQ BASED) � � � � ' � � i , � f � � � - -, � �i � : ' : I , ` � , ,,,� 8' x �8" PLANTER AREA � ,,'" �` � 1-TYPE "B" DRYWELL f 3 PL.ANTERS , , , , ; � � � � Scale: �"d12a' I Preliminary Infiltration Pianters S�vrm Water Treatment System � City of Spakane Valley C�ty Center Concept Master Plan �� Februsry 27, 2009 Draft �� � $ERNAR�O wILLS G lJ L O �+ftCH1TECT5 AC 4ption 2lTraditional B9o-Fftration Swale� 7o solue the prin�aFy aesthetic shortcoming of Optian 1 (unsjc�htly swales atid safety), b�tdon 2 illustrates a schettie #hat would collect t�e storm�vater in tradifional City star�darcl catcii basins in the streets and ��ipe it to ' one of two larc�e linear bio-flltration swales alor�g Ap�leway. Streets could be crowned to ti�e curk� or � drained to the center. 7his scheme reyuires no City i � Center/stormwater intec�ratian, except the ��lacement a� � �' i catch hasins ir�a�pro�riate spots. 1'he adv�ntac�e of this ;, � ' � scherne is that as a �ractical matter, � m�kes the sw�les i "go arti•ay" as far as �ublic impact iri the Center itself and ' concentrates any maintenance to one or two large � �� swales. The swales eauld be sized to take only ti�e � ���/�Y � � s#reet runoff or increased in size to accon�madate runoff � fror�� th� Parcels 2ssuminc� some percentac�e af , , � , , l , � imperviaus s��rFace for each }�arcel. Additionally, the larc�e swales may pro�icie an appropri�te s�ot to direct � f � � � ��1 �, � snow to from the Gity Center str�eet grid. 1 �� . , �: , � � . � �, 1 i � � �, i , ` �4�, ,� , � , '` � ' 1 � � � � E� I � , r , ! �� aa � ' .�, �� -�-T. � , T�- �. ` � �,�.;' L E G E IV D � _ _ __ , ,�,, r ,--; . _ _ ;�:�. ; �-- _:, � ! , ; ' t ; I � STREET OVERLAND FLOW I` { � ❑ CATCH BAS1N � � ! = �,�_� ; , -, , , �� O MAf�HOLE ' PIPED FLOW ROIJTE �., , � �� `"'-�. . �... , � SWALE BOTTOM �`�"'��"���.. , ----I I .., .��... `�� ��-. . . ,, Scale: 1"=12�0' Prelir�inary Standard �torm INater Treatm�nt System � City of Spokane Valley City Center Concept Master Plan �� February 27, 20p9 Draft �� � ' BERNARDO «ILLS G � L Q ARCNETECTS PC Optian 31Fiiterra System: Tf�is scf�erne illustrates the use of a proprietary prodr�ct ti�at iiitegrates urhan �e� wells wi#h grates and tr�atment af stormwater runoff. The t�umE�er of �ree tvells is based on � predetermined treatment ualue that I I each provides and it's volum� ca�acity. Once the tree I � ; we�l reaches �ts volume ca�aaci�y, �vater oveiflows ta eitner an interconnecteci drywell syste�n, or is ��i�aed ta � bio-filtration swales similar to Option 2, de-�endinc� on the ii " Cevef af ireatment desired. See �v4v���.filt�rra.caii for more information. � � � I h, .�P1�. � .�.��4r'1�'�J� � _ r-ti P1 rs ry ,--�_ f'�r, � 0�� - . . r � I � i I ,� � 1 �'�,14 � � i � � t , I � I , . . � � I L Y"! P9 n ', f�'1�. �1� P�L_-_rL _ �� l�l Y'1 � - - LEGEND I � � f �1 . i _ �. ` �44 � " �--�-- FILTERRA UNIT & TREE / SHRUB � t ; � `, M ; � �,..,; i ) �I i c. . ' I ' ' � ' ' �--.--� TYPE "B' DRYWELL -- PIPI�VG �lETWQRK � �. Scafe: 1"-120' Preliminary F�I#erra Storm 'Wa�er Treatmen� System �[� City of Spolcane Valley C9ky Center Canaept Master Plan ��" February 27, 20D9 Draft ■� � � BERHARDO S'IILLS G � L p ARCHITECTS PC --� ' � , ��-�- � � ; . . � , � � � ,, , , � ; � • , � � �� � ' �� II I ' t ''i �.; I - � I � I � � �, i � � � � . � LE�Ef�D I_...-" �`;,,� ` `� '�� �.t� . � , �,�:;�.a , ' �r.� � ���� "���-��_��;-• ��--��,� , c,�� ;.�: . � —� t C> ,t � �, , . � -r.� + ..x � � � ��� �Y � �.� ; :.r ' �' � � '��' � "a.� ��.� �•.�� , �� ' �s� �� 1,'` GI--� ?C� PROPOSED GAS MAIN � "� 1� ASSUME PE PIPE , � � � ' p TIE 1N T(� EXISTING x a� ��..'��� ��i R ; ' ] SERVICE STUE3 . � ,, -- � , ��i i'�� j ' ', �t�xX�� G�--� EXISTING MAIN I ' r�? . 2� , , I �s� �...�*,'• . �- , - _ _ �� ., �sk' �.;h 3i:• �4�� '�„��.�.��`�d '�i'• � :�' � � } `, . , ` ' �-- � . . . i .. . - . , �. � . - �- . _ , " ���� . 4 —�- G . -� � � � ''� } � V :� ' I U t r� � I ; 0 � �-} '.`ti 1 i I'�� ���' �1 �� �. � �� 1 � � � � , , , � �'s i ; _ ;� �'� i' I I ' ! I . ' I �'ti � ` 51�� � ;` � } � _ � ; i Scale: 1'"=124° Prelirninary Natural Gas Plan � Gity of Spakane Valley City Center Conce�t Master Plan �� February 27, 2009 Draft `� ' BER�SARDO �VILLS G � � O ARCfiITECTS PC ,�-;q i ,,; , D-' 3,�"a ! .:,� , � !' ' ��w� ` ' Zal p � ; a E a' ' � I � � G�� � � i i , i �, r• � , I � I � � j ,� , � �� � � � � , � � . � , � � 4 � " , , - � �, , , , LE�END , ' . � �. , .:.�,:r ,, �.� .'.� ' � 3 � . . � , ,. , ��"�li ? 1i�; ,, , .,, � ; r �� a �� , � ' i �,D'��� I, ' � �� + � X���---11� PROPOSEQ WATER I SIZE �bLJ LI��� . ` ;,� �; �' ASSUME CPVC ; : ' ;�. . i � . b PROPOSEQ WATER � I � � ti TIE - IN TO EXiSTING MAIN , i i , � ' � � £, 2"D ¢"F �--�� PROPOSED FH LEAD & VALVE � ` ASSUME E"'HYDRANT, VALVE � ' � " - & CPVC L�NE I � , �� , ; ; �, . � . . , , . . . � � `,: ,, , .:.�;� , . , , ; ;: � , , � r. �G �- i +.', i . Y � , :� S'� . , Y -. , i , . �i�i. .. PROROSED BLDG. SERVICE ;z� .� . 1 �� ;L,ti.� . .�, � � _ � :� ��:1, ; STUB, DaMESTIC �R F'IFiE '°="'' ' ' ' 5UPPRESSION � t 2�i� -, `; , �` , � , : - '�� , I � � ''''► ! I * _ I ., :� �� 4 � s� � i . � � ti4, 't , � � �� �:.r J „ � J- , - , l � 1+ ,,;.. �, _. , � • ' 1� �. `� , 1 ti y �, . � '� f .,� 2n� n�M� � , � � — 1 — t : �� � Scsle; �"=�20' Pre�iminary Water Plan 1.' City of Spokane Valaey Ciiy�enter Car�cepi Master Plan f� Feb�uary 27, 2009 Draft � � BERNARDO wILLS G G L O ARCHITECTS FG ; ; - , - - _ [;_i I - . � : -- ��' :. `�� ��t�j ; � E �. I � r '�1 � � ;•�.�� E}' . .. i � �` f i ' � ��� �I� j_. i . , , � 1 � . � ''� ; {, ',� ; ' � ' LEGEND , � ; � � � �,� . �� ' ; ' } l , ; �, , ; ) f ) r� � � � - F�� I -�, •�. ,e� .r , �, ,�. � � , i { �� ,, �_. �..,. �. �; , . �� ..� t'} , � #I �rG} , k :1, � �^ ��._.�,�y� � t ; ` � � > . - ' � ' ..' _ �� . , . �,�;, t� � X,X � SEWER MAIN, FLOW DIRECTI�JN � � �� �. i i � '� � �, ���. — I � � � i . � . I ; � PR4P�SED SEINEft MANHOLE I � . � � . I � , � , � ;.,. #�, ;E,-;�' �,t , C� POSSIBLE EXTENDED SVG MANHOLE i'` � ' ; ;� ;�,.�; �� .---.�� _.-°� °�.. POSSIBLE MAlN EXTENSION � I ,I ' ' I � ' : '% `� "�' �- . T:E� POTENTiAL 51DE SERUICE STUB ' '` 6" PVC F�F�ALL � , �..i �, ; i , i, �, r � � ' �, � ���,� , � . � k � �'. � � , �, � . , ; � � � ; � ._�, ���,.F � �� ; �►� � � POSSIB�E TIE IN POINT T0� � Q�--- ' --- 9 PV xP'1rG � ` EXiSTING SERVICE , , , „ , _ _ --. � ; , � . ,, � > _ '.�;i '��,'. , � ; , '�,`�°�' �,, NEW MANHOLE SET IN , � - � '` ` �i i �_��-� - � EXISTING MAIN ; ;' � � � I � � i i � , ,� , � i � � � � I -�� k , � i � �. J� �I �I r�3� � �� dII � ± � '� 1 �. 'JI � 1 . t ' 14 1,� l - � r ' A I � ' 1� I . +•. ` � � . � � � l 1 - 1�� i 1��� '' ' � - � �� � I i . . . ! I t ` - � � ' I 1 � l � Scale: 9"=120' � Preliminary Sewer Plan c City of Spokane V�Iley City Center Concept Master Pian �� February 27, 2a09 Draft `� � BERNAR []0 4�ILLS G G � Q ARCH[TEC75 PC Budget Estim�te (�ity af S}�c>kar�e V�illey �it� c�ry rrari Spokane Valley,WA Conceplual Design Phase Fehruary 27,2009 Markup Descripiion pe�cenfage GC Gene�d Cor;d tions 6'/c GC Overhead 3% GC Pro'd 4fo 1°!for lhe lvls 0'.i� EscalaTiui($m�lhs lo m tl p�nl of constri�ttcnJ ��pi/ Total Markups 14.507, olrctl casS IVOS Ucscr:pGon �N U uf L1 ;lUTA E�tCndcd Wrth OH&P G•Buildinp Sitework G70�Sfte Preparatlon G1070�Si:e Prep Cisar 2nd Giub S�ie 214275 sqft 5 0.65 5 56.713,75 S 12,267,24 . Gra9esce 2�4?.75 sqp S 003 S i7,t4200 $ 15,627.59 FJemd•Sion and re!cxalion z4'orrar� 1 ipsm S i5.040.W S FS.000.00 5 17,175.0� Nazarticusmaeria'sa"a:rance i i�sm 5 l0_004,00 $ i0.Q0000 S 71,450.pD Spo3s p�e remova a1�cef C i [psm 5 3p,p4Q.40 S 20.000.00 S 22,900AU G20�Si�e Im,proti°fmCnl6 � G2010•Irrpro:^ernents p�anler slr'ps 1245 sqft 5 5.00 S 6.225.90 S 7,127.63 La�dscaAng �d:00 Sqfi 5 425 5 113.CCO.fYJ $ 129,385.d0 trr�3a''cn Syslem P6:00 sqft 5 �.75 S G7,800.40 S 7i,b3i.00 Landscaanglrees 100 each 5 30R.GD 5 a6,P�0,06 S 34,350.00 Tr�:Grrle'Vav'I 50 each S 1,Sf10.00 5 75.�DD,QO S 85,575.00 CurbBGvlfer 4383 Inll S 7294 S 52.65S,Oi9 $ 60,291.12 ,Siripvrg 2FO1 }nil 5 0_35 $ 76T.� $ 879.25 pa�.inq 81710 aqft 5 3.00 5 ?75.730.Q0 $ 35�,023.85 'A,r.ing Palchs(or pid,ties `s�W sqh 5 8.00 S CO.QQQ D� $ 45,804.00 Dra;rageswa'es 720CiQ sqfl $ 3,00 5 3b.000.00 $ 41,220AR Ccncre;e S�dE:ia'ks 7435+J SQfi $ q.54 S 334.575.CKJ $ 361,Q88.58 Pa�rcrs i2d5 sqf� S 9_75 S i�.V38.75 S 13,898.87 �7v,e'IS w ma�ho'�5 15 each $ 4.O�O.DO 5 Fi0.090 6;7 $ fi8�,70D.00 Oema'��sh ex'sGng b'dgs 12t sqfi S 4-DO S 5Q(}.p00-pp 5 572,SOD,OD Calchba5�ns 23 exh $ 1,5300Q 5 420�OG0 5 48,d90.00 Sp'ip'AflSp�Fe 7702 Inll 5 � 35.00 5 61,670.00 5 10,612.15 BusShekEVS 0 each S 15000.00 5 - $ - 6ke Ra=kS 1 Ip5n1 5 9.40Q.00 S 9,040,00 S i0,�3Q5.00 Siefu�nsn:nqsa"a�,anta S Ipsm S 35,00000 5 35.00000 $ 40,D75.00 Strsiqnageaot:a�v_2 i I,�sn� S 25.00�.06 S 25.6d0_W 5 28,625.Qp G30•Site�deciranica4 Ulitisies S"GPVCv+�leri�ne 35;5 InfE S 45,40 5 1b1.370.00 5 i84,76$.65 6'CPVC vraicv I�nc 703 lnh S 38,00 S zG.904.00 S 30,805.08 4'CPVC tivaler Ln0 103 Infl 5 30_Op $ 3270.9+7 $ 3,744.15� 2'CPVC watei tne 2ap Inq S 75.Q0 5 3 990.06 5 4.4b5.59 FireNyd�enl9 93 E3 S 2,pDp,00 S 26.OB�.(1p 5 29,rro,ao Oema�sh f ie hyd�ar�ts 3 ea 5 150.00 5 450.OR $ 515.25 Oemctshunde:grvandvt�'tes SO4 In0 5 3.00 S 2472p0 $ 2,76f.T4 Saridary se.�er man ho-:es 7 ea $ G,0'�Q.M 5 dz,000 m S 48,090.00 6's3n'tarysEner i207 Infl 5 35.00 5 A2245,00 S 48,370.5� I 8'5anlarysEY�e: i2A5 Inll 5 40.OD $ 44,249.G7 $ 57,06fj,80 70'san�tarysK+.er 332 Infl 5 48.U7 S 35.935.00 5 4$,24832 nppirraf Serre�kne t�m a�'urrar t fpsm 5 30.0�0 0o S 30 000.op S 34,359.40 l:r:�4'na;�r�ga5 I ne �r1 Inil $ 15.00 S kA,GSO G:1 $ 16,55$.70 G40-Site ElecHical USilities G4410•El�tircal y�isinhUi en PEft d�ign I�na ROar o':i�rhead po,vcu lo undcrgro I Ipsni g 124.6�0_p0 $ tE4,Op0.p0 $ 210,690.00 Franl are�head lo undstgr��d 1 Igsm 5 48 O;A.00 S 4�B4Otr6.06 S 5-0,960.00 Rex In�ericr sVeet igh!N� 1 Ipsm S 114 750.00 S t 14.750 00 S 1 a1,386.75 Ste in�csia po�rct d•slnbul�en 1 Ipsm S 64,4pp.04 S 64.4�0.00 S 69,700.OD S��einler�prcomrt�.u��'�ca��onsd�slrl 7 Ipsm S 88.906.00 $ SS,OGQ.40 S 'IQ0,7FiD.00 Orerhea�i pev;er I ne dem�^,icn 8 each pc�e S 1.2�0.00 S 9,Gp0.Chl 5 i0,992.00 cso•ar,er s�rc co��t��csivn sqn s • 5 So6lolal 5 3,173,888.93 G100-Scope Conlingency(20%.) S 634,77774 Grand Tota1 Sife Development $ 3,8a8,666.72 � Cify of Spokane Valley�ity+Center Concept Master P�an �� February 27, 2009 Draft �� � BERNARDO WILLS V V L O ARCHITECTS PC