Spokane County Countywide Planning Policies 2004 i . . � ..• ' I . .r. F� �� 'y. l. _- t � ' � •l': . � �-'_ .�r• ' � . � r.i. ' . � , r �. ' , ;.. . i- ��r ��(.�. . � �, . I _ . 1' _� tl'r��( . �. Y(• . � `�,� . � 1rr .'... ��. .�i;` � Ls.y�.,., . .-�. � , . . � .��'� -!�oNl .� R • . � �Y� �,� .' �• , � -����,a � .K � • L rti1 • � � - „� .;a , r ��� . - .� . �r .�.�. �.. .. - ' .ialt �� � . , :G � � .,. k l {kh'- .. �. • . l, ' �- � La_ � �� ...,;,r � .`., . � �� .,' � � v;� > , ��'�!t � ��L:,��x� + � � 'a�:4r i , N T, �, . i, ,� ,�,�,�r,.r,� � .:�. .. _ ...��'i - - � 1 , i„1�,..' �' �'r. , , , � . • _. � � y!� if►�9�'�.�. . til� t . i _ , I � f i � : ��1(1�c�1�1� �D�,�l��' , � I . ' Co�r�t �d� � a ��ar�r�r.� �'al�r�c�es ; � � � � � � . ; � � � � � � �� .�n f ���� w ��o���������� r�►���r�,�e��r�� I -�_ �--� -- -- ---- --.,�__:_.�_�:-.-��..� . _�-� _ ��_ _ _ _ _-- �'vr�ntywide �l�anni�g Pal�e��.� fa� �S'pokane C'�unty Ar1o,�lterl: De�e,,,ber 22, t�94 by ��okarre Baard al'C;a4inty C:a��imissioners Resalutioti No. 9�4-I719� Distri6uterl by: Spokane �County Public 'V�orks Department Department af Building �nd Planning 1b26 West Broadway Av�nu�e 5pok�rie} vv� ����a-a��a {54g} 456-22�4 �Pri��tet�: Ori i� nall�printe�lA �une 19�8 Updated: Tectinical Review Comrnit�e�_proc+ess Begin�zing Fel�ruary �, 2a�4 and continuin� tht•ough March 17, 2044_ Steer�ng Com►�it#ee SL�Ucummittee to U�date the Cauy�tvwicle Plani�ing Palicies process be_i��Mav 14, 20Q4 and continuing thrau�h June 21, 2�}0�. •t COUNTYWIDE 1'LANNING p�LICLES FO�R SP4KAPdE COUNTY ii � ���� S�o��ovr�r�. Grawth I�ar�agerner�t Prograrn + COUNTYWID�PLANIYING pQL1CIES I�dR Sl'OKAN� C��INTY TARiI� �]F C�[lN'�'EI�TS TABLE OF GOP�i'TENTS t TNTfF,� �pF AM�NU147:i;NTS iii STATEMENT OF PRINCIP'LES l POLI�Y T�PIC 1-URBAN GR4WTI3 AREAS (UGAS} 5 PULICY TOPIC 2-�CIINT PLAN�TING WiTHiN LJ1tRAi�I GRpWTA ARFA'� UGAS 13 � ) POLICY T[IPIC 3-PROMaTI01� O�I+'CUNTIGU�US AIVD ORDERLY D��ELOPMENT AND PRO�'ISIQN OF iTRBAN SERVICES 15 PQLICY TOPI� �1-PARKS A,N�D DPEN SPACE 21 POLIC�' T[)PIC 5-TRANSPQRTA'i`TQ�T 23 F�►LICY TaPIC 6-SITING OF CAPITAL FACILITIES OF A COi�NTYWiDE OR STATEWIDE NATUR.E 31 P�LICY TOPI� 7-AFT4RD�BLE H{?US1N(x 35 PCI�i,�C'�' TO1'IC S-E�'ONQMTC; DE�EL(]PMEi�'T 39 POLI�Y TOPIC 9-FIS�AL IMPACTS 43 GL{OSSA�RY t�F +CQLII��TYVL'IDE PLAN�FIN� PO�LICY TERI'VIS 4S Drnft: iT id�tc[I 1� tl�e Tee]�ni��l kkevi�rti�Cuin�tielt�c tt���uu h a fi•uccss be "nniu Tebruar�4 20a4 a�zcl cantiriuiti ttu•ou 1i M�rcle i7 2004, Pr�cess�untinne�l #hrou h t�e.Stect�n C�rvtuittve Si�bcun�mittce tn u �cl�te tbc Countv�vide Pl�nning Policies,Uc�innin�May 1�,200� an[t conlinuin�tlu�ou�lt J�Ene 21,zaa�. Page i .� COiJNTYWIDE PLANI'dING Pd�ICiES FO��SPOKANE COUNTY � �`L���i �1��i� �� i�rafil: Lludatecl uy t�tc Tc�ct�nit;a�It�vierv Committee tliroust�a nrocess hesinnin�I'ebrvarv�.�OU4 and cnntinuin� the�nu�t� 1bT�rel� l7,2�104. Procc�x Ct�ntinu€°d fl�t�u�Zi the Stee►Zn�Committec Suhcaiuuiiftce tu iip�l�t�Il�e Countr�vi�e Planning l'alieies,b���nniu�Mav 14,20Q4 and confinui�g tlyrou�h June 21,2�fl4, Page ii d�+te-#�9��� COU�Y'l'Y��'ID�PLANNING PQLICIES�UR SFOKAN� COiJNTY nvn�� or .����vn��rv�� Date Resalution lYo. December 17, 1996............... ..,.....�b-12d� ................................... ............................................. Aprill, ]9�7 ... ...........................................................,..,.,,..,,...,........,..................._.......�7-0297 Se}�tember 30, 1997........................................................................................................9?-Q937 Iudc!�of Ame�ycinaents Dr�ft: Uuclatcd l�y t1�c Tcclu�ical Rcvic�r Con��nil#ee tln•a�Eeh a u��occas fae�inuin�F'eb,x��ry 4,2{I[14�n�l co��tiru�i�t� ti�rou Mnrcl� 17',2404, -Procc.5�e+�`ili��ued thr•�ou�h 1ho Stecrin�Comrniltec Sulacurrirni�lcc!n ul�r�at�thc CaunEv�vi�le Pia���niae Policies.i�egivning Mav 14,20�4�nd coniinuio�tEyraiielf Junc 21,2UD4, Ps1gE iii CdUNTYWIDE PLA�VNING POLICI�S FOR SPOKANE CQUN'I''Y BLAN� PAGE � Di�aft; XT�a[iatecl bv the T��cLnical Re��e�v Cat��inittce tl�rau�h��fi•�cess l�e�iuniug�'eb�`�a��v 4,2UU4;tn[I contini�a�t� thi°ou MArcl�17,2aaa, P�•ocess�ontinued throt�th the Stcejin�Cammittee Subcainmittee ta uudat�the �OI11i�VFV�1��P�il[llllli�POt[CI�3.beEi�tnir�,�.M;iv 14,2004:w�conti��uin�thrau�t�Jur�e 2J.,2�q�4. Y�gC iv June�95��i-P�'in�iqg COUNTYI'�IDE PLANNING POI�ICIES FOR SPOKAN� CO[1NTI�' Count�ide P'1�n���g I'olicies for Spo�a�e County �t�tem�n� of P��ncipl�s Introt�ucti�an T�le Gr•owth Man�g�ment Act (�N�AI mandates that each county de�elop County��ride Plannin� Policies (�V�IPP�) �rhich shall serue a� i` . . . w�•itten policy s��aten�ent,s used s�ale�y f'or estc�blr.shtta� c� co�sntyw�de���rrra�wot�k fror�a wlaic}� caa��t�1 ar�d city c���tp��ehe�s�ve�lans �r{e c�evelr��p�d c�nc�udn�ted. . . . " Tl�e pi��i�ies a�'e it7tei�ded to � guide inte�•ac#ion �etvweez� t��e cities, tawns and cou�ty governtnent anci ensnre consis�ency betv�een individual jtu•isdictions' comprehensive plans. �hile cotnpleting ���e Countyv�ide Planning Polieies ensui•es c�mgliance with th� �e�al tnandates o£GMA, it a�s� offered the t•esidents af Spokane �ount_y ttie oppoY-tuni�y �c� c��eate a broad vision for the �uture �f t�le carntiiunity. Developing tlie Cotxn�ywide Plannir�g Palicies was ar� intense and Iengt�iy pra�ess, wliich, as ���e title suggests, was t�-r�ly a cauntywxde effo��t. The p�°ocess bro��glit together � �ery special inter•est group, people wha s�lare tlle gaal of�rotecting and en�tancing thos� qualities that make Sp��ane C�unty a uni�ue and special plac�e. This �ra�l7p was c�rr�pris�d o�'ir�divid�als fi��odn divey-se background�, including nei�hbo�rhoods, th� bnsiness c�inintanity, tc�l�ttical cxp�t•ts, gavettitnc��t �ffi�ials and the gene��al public. T��e Steet•ing Cotnmittee af Elected �fficia�s �lad the dif�icult tas�C of balancing �ften- conflicting ideas and developing polic�es v�rhic�� px•ovide the greatest bene�t for Spokane Cau�ty and its citizens. Tlu'!DII�T�IQtIt tYl� 1S It10Iit�15 Of�lSt�t111'�� �� l'�S1C1�11�5 c�1lC� ���3r�tlllb �}1�1r 1���5, sever�l themes eznez'�ecl r�vhich vvere discusscd over and �veY• agait�. T11�se beca�ne �he o�vezx����n� p��incipf�s � that guideti the develpp�n�nt of t�ie Cnunt�rvvide �'lanr�ing Policies. Althaugh tlYey may not be �xpcessly stated in any partict�lar palicy, tl�eii• importa�c� is reflected in the overaCl tone alid viewpaint af the policies. Th� �Cotlntywide Plannin� P+�licies ar� intended to be read and inferpreted in their entii•etv ta b��tter r�fl�ct the Drai't; LT�f�1�11'+�[I bV fti4'T[Si:�laIl'A�RL'V1CIV�Oltl[t11���C tE1POtl��1 �1 19Y'DC@59 �}@��1I10111�I�4'Lit'1!i!1'Y�,20Q�:i�►d cuutiutiiu� tlirot�Lh M�r'ch 17.2UUa, Froccs� cuvtinucd throu�h tt�e St�ctln�Cum�ittce.���hevmmitt�:r�.tu tiurJx#e ihe Gouut�vid�Planniu�Paiicies,he�innine M�y 14,20Q� and continuine t�roueh Junc 2�,200�. Ps�gc 1 Jt�ne-��98-�t�nting COUNTY�'VITf�PI,ANNING POLICI�S FOR S�'QKAIYE COUNTY z•p inciples of t�ie citizens and the themes that w�ere c�iscussed during �ammtinity ineettn� �CJTE: THE TECHNI��L REVIEVi� CaMNIITTEE DISCUSSED THE IMPC7RTANC�� �F IN"TERP�'T�TCr TT�POT�IGIES IN THEIR�NTIRETY Al�D NOT C�I� A PIE�EMEAL, OR SENTEI�TCE SY SENTEI�TCE BASI�. Tliese prin�iples, i�d�ntifie� by the Steei•in� Caminittee, ar� sutnma�•ized below with a brief�xpianation of their importanc�, Citiz�en ��rtieip�tinit Citfzcn��rtici�atiou oc�u�•i'�C� #I1Cb2#��1�Ut t�l� �1•c�ce�s �f fot�tniilatit�g �lic Cauntywidc Plan�ing Policies. The Steer�ing Cornrnittee inten�dse� to alsa involve citizens in eveiy aspect af policy implement�tian, The Cauntywide Planrtiing Po�icies speeify numerous respansibilities tl�at the Steet•ing Co�n�nitt�e will neet� to fi�lfill �� }��°�'��+�_��° {e,g,, S�}�C1f}r1I1� ITl]Ti1171�1 I�V��S 4�111'�lc�Il gOV�TIlI11�ll��l 5�I'V1C�5 c�tl� 1•evisitir�� tliem, �s needed, c��ter�ninin� a ciate fc�r subtnittal o�� U�-ban Grativth A,rea [L3GA] �r�posals for new iurisdictions and t�e�vieiav of UG� updatcs aii�l�t� cha��es far existing�riris�i�tic��s�, C1�1Z�I15 Wlll b� �riG011i�aged ta be inuolve�d ir� each of these tasks and others ta� ensure the visian contained in the policies is mainfai�ed in t�le fi�ture. NaTE; UPDATED TO REFI�EGT THE CL]R�ENT CONDiTI��TS O�F THE GDUNTY AIrTD T�-�E INDTVIDLTAL JURISDICTIONS, Pr�at�c#ion of Neigltb�orh�od ��raracter Spokane Cau��y has vve�l-established neig�i�orhoods, each with its un�que identity and cliat•acter. For most citizens, neighborhoad character is one of the p�•imary ingredients �n the�r percei�ed quality of life, Although �•owth in tk�e ���giotl is inevitable, it is t�Ye ir�tent of th�se pc�licies ta maintain �eig�barho�d character and prevent n�ighbol'�1Dbt�S fI•om �ecoining segrnented, fr�ag�nen�ec� or d��•aded by that �c��vtll. Aquifer Pratection IVlost of�he Spokane area is dependent L�pon ttle same large aqu�fer for its drinking watei� supply. PrQtectiotl af that water suppl� is �vita� for b�tll the ecan�inic and phy�ica� �ie�.ltl7 �f t�le area. Ac�uifer prote�ctian is identif�ed in several specific p�olicies, and n�i�nera�is otheY� polic��s sirpp�rt and sh'en��t�ien tl�at philasop�iy. Fot• ex�in�le, the poli�ies c�11 for the constt-uction of infrastr�icture that vvill pi�atect designa�ted aqliifers. DE•ast: U�d:�f�e[I l��#tic'1'rchaticnl Heviefv Consmittee th�•ou�h �t rirdcess he�innin�Fei�rua�'v�,2�1U�;��tl tantinuiu�; tl�rou2li Marcl�f7,2DD4. Yracess contiut�e[f tl��•ou;�v tlr�Stee�7n�Ca�r�mittee S��f�cam�viitcc ta����lr►te 1F�e Couutv►vide Plannin�Poli�ics,bc�innin�May 14,2004 and co�iiuuin�t�rau�h Junc 21,20[l4. PHg� � dtt��„ �n(l��ari�,si��'Ai'�' COUIYTYWID�PLANNING FOLIC[ES FdR SFOKANE CQUI'�TY Fti�1T11C �IY�Z'S1�� S��okane �aunty daes nat cLxrrently lla�ve a wi�e div��•sity af peoples fi-orn dif�erin� e�l�nic, Cil��ll�"�1 dt�racia� ba�ckg�•ounds. Eat°ly iiY tlie �i��cess �f�raf�itig tl�e policies, tl�e i�ripartan�� of encouraging ethnic diversity was recognized. Increased diversity is irnportant to the area's quality of life and econa�nic vitality as i� links with t�1� global economy. U�•bxn ��� Rural Ch�x•�cte�• The ciesi�mation, review, �nd npdate of Urban Growtli Areas (UCrAs) is the m�st signif�cant tor�1 it� t�ae Countywid� Planr�ing �'olici�s f�r Ynana�ing grou�h. Witl�in UGAs, lands wijl be develaped vvit�� an urban character? ��vhile lands outside will remain i•u�•�� or ret�in t��e chai•actez• tlley l�ave toc�ay. In urb�a� area�, land wi11 be �.is�ed intenst�ely and ha�e ad�quate publ�c facilities and set•vice� to si�ppol�t that intensity. In ru�•al al•eas, l�w�r cler�sities px•o�ect the r�ir�al c�l�r�cter ancl avoici th� ne��1 for extensi�e government services arlri f��ciliti�s. �VC�TE: �JPDATEI] Ta REFLE�T CURRENT COl'�DITIONS. Economic Vit�lity The ecflnornic �itality �f S�okane County is bro��gh� about by a callaborati�e �ffor� of the p«blic and �t•i�ate sectoY•s. A he�lttly ecanomy m��intains jo}�s, as well �s creates jc�b �p��c�l-kur�ities, Adcii�iona�ly, it p�•ovides �h� al�ility to �ccess housin� fat• all economic se,gtnents of the camrntinity. A jobs-based econvm� bx•�n�s to�ethez• t���e environmental a�d the economic ir�plications of i�anaged grawth and seeks a balance,� whicll wiil lx�lp sec�u�e a qualit�+ community for fiiture generations. �'riv�t� P��o��ewty Iti�hts Pi�ivate ��ro��e�°��r s�ia11 not b� t�l�an fai' �l1�IlC 115� V►f1t�101it�115t COITI�}�175r�f10l1� �7�4'lll� been made. The praperty �i�hts of lando��r�ers shall be protected �iorn arbitra��� and discriminatai�y actions, Dr�ft: ilnRla#�[I br the Te�°hiiie.�l Revit;tiv C�mmiltee thr�u�h �i��•ocess be�inni���F�t��-uar���l,2UD�4�nr�carytinu�n� tl�rou i M�rcir 17,2404. P�•u�c��cvntintic[l#t�rou�h ttte Ste�i�iry�Comiy�ittee Subcomrnit#ee to uf�[l�t�e the (:ount ide Planuin Pal�cies bc innin Mav 1� 2QQ4 and canlinuin #lu•ou ta,�une 21 2004, S���.' � Y....., 10rR��aTTti�RE1� eouMTjrwrn���,�v�v»�pQ�,ic�s FaR sPv�rr�co�rrrT� BLANI� I'AGE � Di•��ft: Uu�t�.Sl.b'V tllc'1'[�chnic�l Revie��Corrtimittee the�ou�h �t�lrocess be�r�nin��'eba-ua�-��.xOU�#nncl cor�tinuin� tlirou�i�M�rci� 17.2UCI�t. 1'rocess sonti�fue�E ti�rou�IM tfte Steea°in�Comn�ittee Suhcont�t�ittee to urad�ite tlie Cauntv�vicle PlAnnin��alicics,be�inni���May 14,ZOQ4 an�conlinuin�th��au�h June 21.20[}�4, �Rge A �Tu�#�, CaU1V!TY1�'VIDE PLAHNIl'JG POLICI�S F01t SPOKANE CC}UNTY �O11C�T T0131G 1 LTrb an �rowth Ar�e as �LT�A�) INTRODUCTI�N [��er�i�w_�f C"rt°(]�,�1t�1 IVI�11ci��TIl�llt AG� �C7I�'�A� R�C�LIII'EII]�I1tS Tlle Grawth Manage�nent Act (GMA} enca��r�ages development in urban areas r��rhere adequate public facilitie� and services exis� or can be pi•avic}ed in an efficient m�nne��. The Gi•awth�Vlanagement Ac� �(GMA) alsa est�blisltes a goal ta reduce the znapprapriate convex•sion of undeveloped land inta sprawling, law-density developtnent. T��e cancept of Urban Crrowtf� �r'eas {�JC�As} is oi7e Qf tl�� prin�a�°y tc�a�s ta tr�ee� �f�e �o�ls c�f`tl�e Grdwtl� IVlal�ag�i�ie�t Ac� (�MA}. Eacl�jtu'15C�1Ct10ri lllllS� �lI•opose an Urban Growtl� 1`�-ea (LT�A} within �vhicli larban ��'ov�vth s�}�11 be enco�.traged, The Board af Golint�� Co�rn�nissi4ners has the �nal respansibility far designating Uxban Grov�rtl� Areas {UGAs). `Urban ;�t�c�wth' is de�`i�ted �s 4R �r.owth that lnakes intensi�� us� of lat�d far buildings, st���ctut�cs �tld otllcr impe��ineablc s��i•faces to suc1Y a deg�•ee a� t4 k�e i��cc�m��atit�le ��vitlt the pt`icnal"}+ 115� C��SLI��l land for the p�'{}C�l1Gt1Dri Qf�OOd, ottier ag�`1GUltl1I'�� pT0{]IiCt$ OI• �ber, or t�ie extractian of a�inera� z•esotuces" [RC�TV 3&.'70A.030(14)]. U���ian Growtli Areas (UGAs) will incltide s��fficient land and densities to per�nit t�ae ���ban �rowt��that is pi•ojectcd to o�cui� ii� the cauiYty far tl�c iYCxt �.0 ycars. �ach city �itd tcrwn tn tll� cout�ty �nust �e illc���c�ed vvitilir� an i7r•�jan Gi•owtli Ar�a ([7C�'7A}. Larld nx�tside city or town boundaries may aIsa be included u�i�l�in Uz�ban G��owfila Areas (UGAs) ta accolnmadate the 20-year g�•owth projectio�Y. Grawth o�xtside of the Urban Gr�wth Areas �TJGAs} can occu►• �onl� if nat iurban in cl�aracter, Ui•ban Gi•owth Area (UGA) desigtlations a�-e a required eletnent of each jurisdiction's comprehensi�e plan. -,�.����i��. Urban Grc�wth Ax�as (IU�As) ilntst be �d�ptcd prioi�ta �evclopinent of ca�1Y 7 ,Jl].I'f5 fCtl[?1� S Cdll1]]t`C�1�I1S1V� ��i��ll, �`#1i��� �=�#=�r�f� �-���E,,�'1�} r�t'��i: {�i�.{i��.� i��::;�;�?;i}i�l��)�1;�-,-� ���i�l��c�=���€��-�=�1�����ir���=�� �l�c���ti- . I)�'APl: j) }{���C[]�}V�jrl�TI.'C�i111CN� ��YItlEY CIlll1[111t�C�:tbl'Ull h� 1CUCl`.���}� �.IlQlO �'c�n�h 4 2pU� anci�ontiniiin �Ill'OIIQtI��11C11 27.�QQ�. PI'4C�55 COIIt1�UlC{I f�lCOU2t�tlie Stecr�n�Camutitkcc Subeomn�iktcc tv t�u[ta�c tlic Cnunt ►yirlo Pi;ln�iin i Policiea b ,�inniai Ma 14 �004 ruid�untintiin tLr�u 1�Jiene 21 2U��. Policy'i'flpic 1 -Ur�a�i Gru�►�t10.Ar�as{fTGA�) Ftsge 5 '...,.,�n�������t� COTJNTYWIDE PT,ANNING POLI�IES FQR SPOKANE COLTNTY 4vez•view of Cauntvwide Pl�nnin� Policies T��e �ounty�vide P1�r�t�itxg P'c�licies provide th� cii�•ection, p��r�cess and fi�ame�va��k to ar�alyz�, propo�e, mc�difv, a�d eventually adopt Urban Cr��owth A1•eas (UG�s�. Urb�n Gr���th Areas (U�As) a►•e the primaxy to�l �a cc�ntrol sprawl and ensure fhat a�eq��a�e sez-vices and infi�asti'l1C�LlI'� �i'� pl•ovided to d��eloping a���as. Ur�an �Growtli Areas (UGAs) mu�t ac�commoc�ate the 20-yea�• g��wth projection and also incl��de gt•e�nbelts and otlier �pen ��a��, E�ch�jurisdtcti�n lnust alsa protec� sensitive environtnental and v�ril�Iife �labitat a�•�as. A ga�l of the Grawth Managemen� Act (GMA) is for Urban Growth Areas (UGAs) to be consistently planned and designated t1�u'Otl�;�lOLlt t17� GO�lxlt�'. 'F��e Steez�ing Committee af Elected Offi�ials has tlie responsibility Qf recotnmending how tlie popl�latian allocaxion and dish•ibution v�vi�l occ�u•. The Stee1•ing Cr�rrtm�ttee� l�as alsc� enst�re�l cansistency in Urban Gi'o��th Area� �UC7A:�) l�y s����ifyit�g st�nda�•ds fc�r Ur�aa�� Grawth �r•�a (U(�A} C1��111C�t1�21 e�ilC� tlllYll�I1t1TI1 �@V��S C��S�l�r�i�e for tY�a�sp�rtatiori, sewe�•, waler, etc. NOTE; UPDA.TED TO REFLECT Ci.JRRENT COI�TDITIONS, Lar�ds autside af Urban �z•or,�vth Areas �LTGAs� ��ill �iave lo��v d�nsities tliat can be sustained by m�nimal infrasrilictlu•e imprQV�ments such as septic syst�ms, indiwidual wells ari� rixr�l i�oads. Growtil c�iatside ofU�•�ar� Grovvth A�•eas (U�,4s) s�1Ql�1c�r�Qt a1te�• the t�tu•al clYar�cter, degrac�e t1�e enwi�•�rarrient or c�eate a need far �rrban. services. Haw�ver, ar•eas otttsic�e af LTrban Grow#l� Ai•eas (UGAs� must l�e adequately pl�nned in order to accomir�odate fiit�u•e ex�ansions of Urban G�`o�vtl� Areas {UGAs�. C7vex��iew of Urban Gz'flWC�l Ai•ea Desi ��IOri PI•acess �Tr•�ian G��awtli At.'�� D�esi�r��ti�on P�•ocess f�t• 1�er�v Incaz�or.•atec� C�.�ies 1. The Steerin� Committee of E�ect�d Qfficials ��vi�l assi,�n new incoiporated c�ties �n inter�ir� pat�ula�ion alXocatic�n based on tlie fJffice af Financial Man��ement pap�llation �o�•ecasts an�d �revio�i� allocations to �he forrrter unincoiporated are�.. 2. T'he tiew �ity wi11 cc�t�dl�ct a land capacity a7�alysis usi��� tt�e LaY�d [�l�art��.i�y Methodolog,v adopted bv the Steerfn� Co�ntnittee. a. Tlie cit� ��vill first determine land capacitv inside its limi�s and t�ien will examine the eapacit�r of unincorpax•ated UGA's adjo�nan� t��e jurisdiction's bound�rv. D�°ai'l: X)t����ted f�v t�te T�.�lruz�a�Revie�v Canuniftee thraii¢i�a��racess be�inni��P I+`eUe�uftrv d.200�aud continuiu� ttirou h M�re�i 1T 20Q�. Process co��ti:iu�e[I throu h thc Stecrin Cam�ittec 5ubeavumittce to u��ate tltc C�Iil1l�yWill@��Flillilll€YO�1Ci4�,be�im�i�i�PVIav 14, 2Q04 �ucl cantiuuin�tl�rau�h Ji��e 21,20U�. P�oli�v Topic 1 -Ui•b�r��r•u�vth Arcas{IIG�.$) F:tg� G d�° ,r'�;;r�ng COUNTY'�'VII)E PLAI�N7NG FO�LICIES FOR SPOI�ANE C�OUNTY 3. Tlie �evv ci�y will develop the U1•bat� Gr�vat� A1-ea p�•�posal as�at�t of�ts co�73pre}�er�s�ve �l�ntxiri�.�rc�cess. a, The p��opased UGA sha11 }�e presented to the Steet•ing CornmEttee at a pi�blic �x�ee�in�, The n��u citv must,'u� stif� its UGA p�•oposal, slxawin� how the intet�_rrrz �o�ulafian all�cation wil� be accammodated. t}. T�l� G1�V fi1lllSt S11QW �1QW ��1� �i•ea wi11 be ��•ovi�e a fii]1 rar��;e of l�r•���n sez�vices wit�lin khe 20-. eV ar li��te CY�ame �f�he ca�n�x•eliei�sive �la�i. �. All Urban G��owt�� Ateas 1�ing adiacent�o tl�e nev�� ci�v sllall be analyzed and eitl�ea• pi•opflsed as the juris�liction's UGA, a Jaint Flannin� A�•ea �JPA;}, or z�o os�d ta be reinoved fi•ain the UGA and canwerted �o x�ux•al land. d. The citv will sliaw its wo��k�v �reselltil�g its la�d c�acitv an�lvsis, ui��a�l seY�vic� analysis_and oflie�infortnatior�_as_a�pranriate. 4, TIl�' St��[•ing Carnmi�tee will condlict a public hearin og n tiYe_ papul�tion allocation �nd #�e Uri�an Growth Area ����c��'c�t� tl�c {;ar Joint Plannin�a} pi�oposal. a. The Steez��n� Committee will vote on the pr�o.�osa[ and will for�ard a ���commenda�ian to t1�� Board of County Catninissionei��_via mimites fi•om the pl�bl�c hearin�, 5. Tl�e Bo�X�d af Cour�tv Cointnissio�ers will G+andu+ct �. �ub�ic heax°in�,on the �roposcd Urt�atl G��awt17 Ar��, ����ci�c��_�„�4= t1�e �t�o�ascd J�ir�t P�anning �t•ea;; and pop4�lation allocatian. After the ��earin�, the Board will a�prove anc� adopt, modifv or return the pl•oposal to the +�ity fai• revisian anc�`or adoptic�n. a. T�1e ne�v city shall i��lude #he ap�xoved or mc�dified UGA_��r�c��'a�r the JPA in � i�s comprel�ensive �lan. l�. T�ie new UGA vr JPA will becoine ar� a�nendment ta the Spol�ane Co�mt�� Com re�lensiv� Plati b inca oration, P�LICIES U�•�Pi: Uu[ls�te�l bv thc Tt,�th►iic�►1 Itcvieiv Cauimittee t�rati�h a uracess 6c�nni��I+ebx�x�rv 4,2Q0�4 and�ontinsiin� tlir�au ]i Ma►�cli 17,20Q4, Praces5 continiaed tl�tbu�h ti�e Sfeeatir��Con7mittee Subcoi�timiitee ta u�td�tte the C4u��tvwvid�.�'lannin�Pulicie�.6eeinning 1VIav 1�.2Ufl4 and coniinuin�#�yrou��June 21.2�i046 Policy To��ic 1 -U�'iliill G['iliYt�l AI'C',N3(ITGA�� P�ge 7 CC?UP�ITYLi�IDE PLAI+INING PDLICIES FOR SPOKANE CflUNTY U��ba�i I. jJrbat� �rouTt�t ,�+z•eas (�TCr,AS� c�I'� c�l'��S WltI11T! W�]ICI� llz'�?�n �t'pWt�l. Sjl��� �� enca�xra�eci �n�l a��tsicie c�f whicli g�•owth can accl�r only if i� is not �i��ban in n�t��re. Urban Growth Ai•eas (UGAs� sljall include areas and densities sufficie�lt to pe��mit the L��ban ��•owth tl�at is px•o�ected to occur in the county �ar the ,s��cceeding 2Q�-�rear pez°iad �RC'JV 3�.?OA.110�. `Urb�ri �•owt17' refei•s tQ gt.owth tltat m�kes intensive use �f land f�t• t}�e location of �Jill�(�1i1�S, stt'l1G�ll2'es �ncl irr��et'1tte�l�le �t�x`f.a�es lc� sucl� �. c�e�t'ee �s fo �e incotnpatii�le wffh fl�e primary use of suc�i lar�d for tiie prod�ictinn of faod, oti�er a��icultural prodt�cts or�iber, or the extract�an of mi��eral resources [RCVd 36.7[�A.a30�-4) 17 ], Urban grawth shc�uld be located �irst in areas alre�dy cha�•actet•ized by �irban gi•owtli that ttave existi��g ����k�l�c faciiit�'' �i1C� S�1'VEG� G��)�Cl�l�'S �0 ��I'V� SllC�l [��V��CI��TTl�tlt ancl secor�d iz� areas al���ac�y c�iaracterized by u��bar� g��o�v�h t��at will �e se�•ve�i �y a combinati�an a��oth exis�ing pu�lic facilities and selvices and any additi�anal needed ptiblic faci�i�ies and ser��ces that are pz�ovided by ei�her public oz� p��ivate sources. Furthe��, it rs a}�propriate that urban go�ernrnent se�vi�es be provided b�y ci#ies, �nd �.�•ban governmer�t �erviGes should not be p�'t�vide�i in 1-�zral a�•eas [R�W ��.�o�,i i a����, Urban Growth A�•eas {UGAs) include a11 l�nds within existing cities, 111C�L1C�1lI� C1�1�S 1�1 I`ll1'�1 aI'O�S. Urk�an Gi•awtl7 A�•eas may t�e established independenfi of incoi�porated areas, 'UVithin thes� indepe�c�ent LTi•ban Cri�awt�7 Area� (UGAs), �����ail �ovc��t�t�l�irtal sct�vi�ces i��a3� be pi'ovtdee� ��y nth�r t1�,an cities. 2. Tlie detertninatfon and proposal a�an Uz•ban ��•owth Area (UGA) outside existing incax'p(}I•ated limits shall be b�ased on a jurisdiction'� ability to provide �t•ban gaverr�rn�iital s�i•vic�s at t�Ye 7ni��it�ll��t� level �fset'v�ce ���cified hy tl�e St�er�n�; Coit�tnittee. Ju�'ISC�IC�1C�ilS 111,��� esta�iish �}ig}}ey 1eve1 af`s�rv�ce stanclards t� their respecEzve ca�nprehensive plans. The �oC�tipn pf CritiCal areas and natural r°esource lands slial�ld be a prime c�nsiderat�flr� in delineatxn� I�i•l�an Grovath Areas �UGAs). 'U�l�ene�ver possible and D���ft:_[Ju�Eate�bv tl��e'T�cli�tiral Retie�v Cam�ti�it#ee thrau�h a i�rocess be�i��ing I`ebt�arv d.2004 anrl cantinuin� t��irou h Marc!►17 24D4. Process�ontinued th►�4u h thc Stecrin �ou7�nitkce�4ibcoritrnittec ta u �[i�te tlic Co�n�tv�vid�.Pla�min�Falieies.b��i�inityg iMAy 14,20U�t and conti�yuin�tiyrov�fy June 21,20D4. I'o�icy Tupi�c 1 -Urb�n Crt�tivtlt Ai�e�s{[JGAs} Page 8 7.,r.. Tl1ii4 D,�t,i,.� C'OUI�'TY�4'Il}E PLANAIING FOLICIES FOR S�"DI{ANE COUT�IT`Y practical, nahir�al reso�u�ce lands s�iould not be incluc�ed witllin LTrban C'rrowth Aa'e�s (UCAs) unl�ss used as open sp�ce, 3, E�C�1 Jll1•isdiction u�ill ir�itially determiYie land capacity by that partict�lar jurisdicti�n's ability to acco�mnodate gi'OViV��l Wlt�lltl Clll'I'EIxt Gl�� 11I11itS l71' �'Vlf�ll�] unincarparated areas of the co��nty L�sing the Department af Coinmunity, Trade and Ecfli�omic D���lopr�en�'s guit�elines �oz� designating iJrb�n Growth ��ea� ("ISSll�S in Desi��i�tkin� Urban G��owth Are�s �'�t�t I -- I'i•ovi��n�Ad�c{uat� �Ir•��an At�ea L�rt�d �'�r�pply,°' Max�ch 19�2, or as ►•evised, and °`Ttie 11r� and Science o.f Destgtiating Urba�� Grawti� Areas Part II -- Sorta� Sa�g�estians�.foj' Criter�ia a�d Der�sxties�,"March 1�92, or as T•evised). Juriscliction� shall use as p��imaz•y criteria the a�ailability anr� capacity Of 111•t�an ga���•ntn�n�al se�-�ices and public facili�ies, In the event c�f incot�par�tion o�'a new city o�• towt�, the ��c�pul�tion arloc�tion sl��uld be ��€� -evaluated, .-c� < <;'�-��� ?.��:l, and r�-allocated as needed, NOTE: UPDATE� 'TO REFLECT �[T�RENT' �(��]I3ITONS. It� determinin� hc�w rnuch additional populatian can be acco�nin�oda�ed within an �GA,, jt�r-�sd�cttons shot�ld f�rst eneoi�rag� new develapment in areas whez�e all urban g�v�r�ntnent�l s�rvices and public facilitxe� curr•��t1y exist aild s�cc�ttdiy ��YCaur�ge new developrn�nt in ��•eas wher� �11 ��ib�n g�ver•�rr}e��ta1 serwic�es and pu��lic facilities can be pro�ided economically. E�C���11t7SS�1C#1�I1 S�la�l aGC�I171]lOC��t� 1tS ��11' S�laYe of papulation growth based on it� ability ta prdwide t�7•f�art �ovel�ntnental services and public fa�ciliti�s. Ne�� fiilly coz�.tait�e� cr�rt��riur�ities and ina�tec�}alanned resa��ts wil� bc addt��ss�� tl��al��h Spolcane �aunt.y's ���npr�kle�asxv� A1��� a�ld ��aE�ulatic�il allo�a�.i�n piocess. �4 rtf�n�isr.i n�K� r� .tia� nl �r.r yr�+a�-�w� TTrl��M3 1`��•,n�ir41� A*•nnn (TTfTllcl_ NC�TE: D�NE. �4. Each jurisdictian s�all submit ����c��at�:��;�� z,e+.cE•t.�� Y��z4��i'3:r�!� TJrban GroS,�vth Ar�a �LTC�1'�� �011nC��7�ies andlot'1'�;V1S101Y� �� ��18 �7i1Sti11�t�_tD t�l� St��l�ir�g Cominittee, ll�Citl{�111�: NOTE: UPDA�'EI� T� REFLECT CURRENT Ca�D1.TIUI'�S. ll��,�Ft: Uu�ls�tetl I��,h�'i'ecltiniC�E Iie�ie�v Co�nmittcc thr�ou�h a ur�oce�s be�nning Fe:bizi�rv�,200�#Nnl]COnli�rui�7� tl�rai� tt M�t�ch 17 2�Q4. Process cantinued thrau l�tl�e�tcerin Cpmr��ittee SuF�eniumift�ce ta u��late the �oun�v�r�ide�lnatnin�Policie�,l�e�innin�As�y 14.aa��anc�concinuir��tt�rou��aune 2i,2404. Ya[�cy'Ta�aic 1 - Urbnn�tb�rtli A��e�s (UGAs) Pagc 9 r....o,�„��_n;Q�;�;� COUNTY�'VID�PLANIYING FOLICIES�'OR SPQKANE CCIUI'�ITY a. ,�u�ti�cation in the form of its land capacity analy�is an�i tlle ability to provitle �u•Uan �overeirnezttal se�vices an�i pl��lic facilities; b. the amount of papulatian gra��vth wlYicl� could b� acco���tnodated and the analytical bas�s by �,v�iictx tl�is grawt�l fi�l�re was dei•ived; and c. ha��n�icla �.inincoxporated larid is r�quired �a accommodate g��owth, lllGillC�ll]g rnap� indicatin� th�e additianal areas. S. The Steering Committee shall anal�ze eac�i jurisdic�ion's pz•�posed ��:��>��:��. ��„�� �'���E�1=Urban Gi•owt�i A��ea (�TGA} tl�•oug�i the use af a ml�lti-jurisdictional plannfn� Yeam and make i'ecotnlne�datiarls to tl�e Boat•d of Cflunty GommissioYiers for $��.����tvj: �z�;t� (':s�::' Url�an Growt�l Area {UG�} adoptx�n o�• �•�vision. �IOTE: UPDATED TU REFLECT CUi�l�Ll�'I' CQI�DITQN�. �6. VL�hene�e�• pos�ible, ���t�:���i� ��,iel-fi���� Urban �Crrawtli Areas (CJGAs) s��all �iave 1CIE11�1�21�18 �111�S1Gal �OtlliC�at�ies andlor jurisdictianal or special-p�-pase d�sti�ict bot�nda��ies. �7, Each mnnicipalxty must docu�nent that urban �ovenime�ttal servic�s will_be_ptovided witl�in its existir�g ci�y lil�nits prior to tlte desi�nati�r� of an LTrban Growth Ai'�� �UGA� DL1fS1�� 4���1Stlri� Cl�� IlII11tS. To prflp�se an Ui•ban Gr�wt�l A�•ea [UGA} designation �otltside of their existing city lirnits, �ni�riicip��ities �nus� prav�cie � fi�l1 �ar7ge of��1-1�atl gc�vernEneiital services basec� vn e�ch ml�nicipality's c�pit�al facilitF�s e�ernera.i. o�'their �om���eher��i�re Plan, NOTE. UPDATED T� I�FLECT CLJRRE�7T CONDITIO�hTS, SON�E C�TI�S R�LY OiV �CO�TRACTS FOR SERVICES. }S. J�u•isdictions shall �rn�ide far new cotn�erciaUindust��i�l land uses within UG1�s based on methoc�ol�gies or criteri� estab�isllecl �y �}�e Steering Co�n�r�itte� it� cr�oper�fion witli tl�e 5p�l��ine area ���siness co�ru���r�ity ar�d �n cart�jur7ckior� wit}1 a citizen participation process, Tl7e Spokana Caunty Cornpre��ensive Plan vvil� address flltlll•e expansion o�existing coYn�nercia�lindt�strial land uses ��vhich may be loc�ted 011fSl�� Qf UT�}c'lI'l G1'{)Wt�l AI'�� �UGA� �011�€��I�if'rS. [,Ah�2dDED}�IITIg�°BOARD OF'GOI:h"fY COlA�f15SIOh'GRS RESOLVTIQh�6-�ZOS;,4MEA`DED�I34I�7-BOARD OF CO[JitTY CQ�,4v1ISSI0NEitS RESOLL�IOIV�7-0937,] Draflt U�yc,l�te�uY the Teclmical Review C�mmittee tl�a�au��a�ar�ocess bc�ly�nina Fe6����t�v 4,�OU�8llil+�Ullf![11III1L� thro»gin Marc� 17.2004. Proccss eontinueci tilrouQh the Steei�n,�Committce Subcarnmittec to uudaie the �Cou�iv�vicle Plst�ini€��Poli�ies,l�eeina�iu�Mav 1�#,20��sinQ canti��uin�tl�rau�2li Junc 21,2L�Q4 �olicy '1'o�sic 1-�la{i��n�x'�otivth A��ens(UG�is) Y�ge 10 r„%^��� C(1UI'dTY1�ID�PI,AIYNING POLIC[ES I+OR SP+DI{AN�COUNTY �99. Witl�in Urban Growt�i Arcas �UGAs), lands tli�t fall wit��in plannec� l�i�l�-capacity h•ansp�t��tioil cc�rridc�r� st��uld t�e desig«ated far sufficie�it iirtci�sit� af land use to su�po��t the econarriic provision af i�ul�i-triacla� transpor[ation. -�,l�.Each j�uiscliction's coinp��el�ensive plan s��all, a� a minimum, �emanstt•ate the a�ility fo provide nece�sary dotnestie water, sanitaty sewex• and h•ansportatian ii�prav�ineiits �coilcu��ctYt wi�ll ciev�l�p�netlt. S�tiall itn���icipalitic� �tlYase w�t�t a �c��t�lation of 1,0�[l or less) may utilize approved interiti-� �routid dispos�l n�ethods tr�side of Urban Grovvt�l Areas (TJGAsj �intii st�ch time as fi�ll sar�itary sewer services can be made ava�labl�. Each jurisdiction should consic3er long-ter�m service anei maintenance ����«ir�m��i�s when de�ineat�ng Urban Growt�i Areas {TJ�As) and II]��lll� �l1tLll•e land lase decisions, . , NOTE; CO�NCUItR_ENCY ADDRESSES THI,� ISSUE. r�. ��L-C�E�����---�9.,��,.,,-r'�,.,.,,-.,,.r�....,..��.r,y,n��b,-�.,...a.,..,C1C 1-!r�[,� I 1, Vv�he�•e applicable, cotn��•eh�nsi�ve plans ���ould contain land use po�icies which provide pt�a�ection far the continlied viability of Fa��•cllild Air F`orce Base, Spakane International Airpoz�, Felts Fxeld, Deex� Pax°k Airpat� and other publicly owned �iii�p�i�ts witliin �pokane County. 12�. Jurisdictions shonld wo�•k together to �'°=��'^r �„�' ;,��'°.�°�* ..°�'^��"_, netinn�n+ns�f protect natixt�al resouice lands outsid� of Urban �rawth Areas (LIGAs) ar�d to prc�tect c��itica� �e��s and open space witl�in L�rban �irawth Areas (L1�As). N(JTE: (��IGIlVAL POLIC� UN£�EAL�STI�. Rural 13.F: �1--� ���K,�,,.�.,��,a .,�,F�,;,, �t,u T i..�,.,,, r�,.,,,,.��-, n,.�,t, ri 7r-w n�,� 'rhe Co��nty sh�����i �;Q b���ft: U�jA1C[I_�}V��1C TCC�1[11Cfl��CVJCIY COI111111)f��t�ll�(IUCi�a I�rUCeSS k�cP_ir�uiu�T+'C�]tvarY 4,20b4 arud conlir�uine f���ou It iViat�cl�1T,2004. Frflcess cantiuuecl tht•�ou�h tlie Stee�zue Couintittec Subcommiftee ta uudafc ihe Cnunt r�rvidc Pi��miii�Polit;cA,1)CLinniri�M,�y 14,2�If?4����I e�nkinuin�k��rou�t�Ja«o 21,2(104. �alicy Topic 1 -Url�.�si Cra►rih Arcas(UG�s} �Rg� li ��� i"�o���4i�g COUNTYWIDE PLA11iNIN�FOLIC�ES 1�QR SPOKANE COUNTY identify Urban R�serve Ar•eas a�d within those areas �ncolu•a�e densities and land iise -�atterns tliat will be coiicii�cive to futt�re i�rb�r�iz�ti�n. �;�^^,,,,A�° ����;+,°r nn,� A[-471 r _-� . . h1C�TE: CHANGEI� FR�M A NECr14TIVE T� A POSITIVE.. Designated rural lands sl�all have law densiti�s vvhich can be sustained by mir�imal infi�as��icture improveinents s�tch as septic systems, individual we11s ant� rttt�al roads, ��rikh�nrxt �ltering t�ie �•iira� cliaract��•, �'��^.°�';�h *�t� °�s�,•���,°*�} c►r creating tt�� t�ecessity f�r urb�� level �f�eivices, N�`l'L: TH.E TECHI�IICAL REVIEVV CC)MMITTEE FE�T THIS STATEMENT COULD �E NIISINTERPRET"ED AS ALL FC�RMS OF Il'�R�STRUCTURE Il1rIPR��'EI'VIENTS DEGRADE THE ENVIR�NMEI'�IT' TO A C�RTAIN EXTEI�iT. C;luster•ir�� Qi`rural c�euelop�nent Yn�y b� p���nitted a� a tool f��• th� pres�rr�atian of �•et�•a1 op�n space as lan� as it car� �ie der�or�sh�ated �hat tlle rural cl�aracter of the area can l�e snaintained and that urban sel�vices a�•e not required to serve t�ie new developin�nt. `Rut•al' will be c�laracte�•ized b�� one ar inflz�e o�r t��� followin�, a. OZ��ort��nities exi�t for f���inin� ancl fore�try activities ��-tl�s�t do nc�t c�nalify faY• nat�u�al resai�rce land designation. b�, The X•���•al d�esignatian �et�es as a buffer fo�• designated natn��al �'�S�OI�i•�e Iands. c. Sigi�ificant environtr�er7t�l c+�nsit'�.i�i[� ir��lce k��� at•e� ge-r�er•�1�y urtsuita�l.e J'or i��ter�sive �it'b�n tievelo��nent. d. IVlajor pllyszcal �a�7•iers exist to p�o�viding i�rbaa gavernin�ntal services and gublic faci��ties at reasar�able c�st. e, The al•ea is c+or�txg�iaus to other �lesignatec� rural lands or n�tural res�i�rce lanc�s, �, The area has o�itst�nding scenic andlor histn��ic �alue that can be�t be p�•otected by �•l�ral l�n�d �i�es and detisities. Ar�ft; Ur�d�►ted b��e__T_ech��ical Revae�v Com�uiitee tl�i�ot��h s►iy��oces� �e�ir��yinQ Febr��►r��,2(�tl�#�nd corttinuir�� thrau$li Ma��ch 17,20D4. Process continued thrnuQh the Stceelne Canimi#tee Subcammiftec to ul�date�h� Curu�tv�vi�le Plaiinin�Poll�le5,�be�inut�t�11v7;�y �4,20��suAd co�ti�tui���„t��rota�li Ju�te 21.2044, I'�licy Topie 1 -Ue•I�au Gra►vtl�Areas(UGAs) �'age 12 dune ]998 Pitir�tir�g �O[JNTYWIDE PLANNING POLICIES FUR SPOKAI�E COUI'+iTY g. 'The area l�as limited public faciliti�s, ext�nsian of nrban gov�ernmental services is not �lannec� oz� in-fi�1. at l�ig�xe�r c1e�sA#ies as nof f��stble at� �ecessary� ta 1n�et reg�or�al ne��ls, 14.�.i.Tnplatted prQperty s�iould not b� allovved to be d�veloped to lu•ban d�ensi�kies unle�s and until located witliin an Urban ��•awth A.rea (UGA} bau��dary ar clesi�t�at�d as a mas#�r�lar�ned reso7�. 15�.Extensio� �f��rban governmental services outside of Urban G�•owth �z•�as (UGAs} sh�al��d only be pro��ided to m�int�in existin� levels of�ervice in exis�ing t�rban like �1•eas or for healtl� and safety reasons, pr�vided that st�cl� extensi�r�s are not �n inducement t� graw�}�. Urb�n �z•o�r�th A�ie� Re�visians 16.-�.The Urban Growtli Area �oundarie,s sliall be re�rised at l�ast ave��y �v� years, thc first review being �'ive yea�•s folla�wing the Board of County Coinmissioners' adaptian of the fi�al �Trban Growtl� Area �otmdary in the Cotzt�ty's C�m��`��1�11S1T�� � T�la�x. The �a�ir�ty Cam�ni�sioners shall initiate ��e re�iew process appr•oxim�fely t�n� y�a�• pri�r to th�e ���e-ye�r �nnivei-sary dat�. This p�•ocess sha�l re-ev�luate populatian al�ocation, land qtianti�y analys�s and L���ban service c�elivery. �'���v .�ui i��lic;tic>» tl�t�c�ur;l� ils ������'r,��i►t<�livc, t���,_'a'i��e Steer�ing Committe� of Elected {��f1C1`diS 17A�� 1'�Cfll�St ��1�,����I��'.�,'>�� €�j`�'� sa•�¢� �,d���� ttas ".��,.t.•f1 ��ll'� �i('C'.1`111�r ____ � iri� a ��>iinix .i�i[i �Ga 7:�r��i �L\tF.� _ _ " g {;`�rr�t77rt��t.� r�['l��sl�:�:t��rl O�l�t�i��s init�iate a i•eview ofthe LTrban GrowYh At�ea _ -- -- - ,. _ . __ , b�t�nciaries �r•ior�o tiie sched��l��i tsm�. ��'�;tEf�i��z�r.�-c;i��s�������[�;��s.�:::; :�;�;�:it�; �,r, ��t��1;��;; �+�'��1�: (1L��lEh]DLD 9I30I97-BOAitT]OFCOU�}'PY CO\�[l�dEfiSIb1�I;RS FZESOL[Ti'14N 97-0937.] 17. Iutii_v_icti�al j«ri�c�icti�ns i��a� cnnsic�er �1GA rev►sians as a t�art t�f tl��i�� arulti�� Cc�in��•e�i�ns��r� i'�a�� f�nea�_�z���it ���•ocess. �� ��i•���c�s�cd at��et� r�n��its vvi.�� L» r�vi�;�vcci in #lre f+allo��ri��� s�ec�t���iee at1r� �s cle�ict�ed iir C;li�rt 1_ �ICIA�J�'�4 t��r�e�ic�ir�e:�nt I'f•oce.s:s. • Co�iciiteor�all��t�z�ov�d �meridpnea�ts Yn.�ist �e �'a�wat•cied to tl�� �teerin� Co�ntnitt�e of'Electe�l C�fii�i�ls nc� l�t�r tl��n I^��ove�tlUer 1 Sit� of eacii vear. �I'lie Stc:�ritt�; C;c�i�itt�litc;e �It�tll r.c>>tsir�cr- 1_1�c r�rjtcl�t(iTic_i�r�;��I_�l_�)ll�l�1C Il�;rll'lilE? nttcl tlic;tt. l�r•a�#; Upclset4�f bv thc T�chnical I�evierv Cornmittee tj��•augh a nrr�ce�s l�egiunin�Febtv�i��,�404 and cc►ntiuuin� t�i��ou�U iGYa►�ch 17,2�p4. ��'C}CQ9S CO[1f11111E[�tllYOUg�i the Stecrine Can�mittee Sui�cammittee ta u��dat�e�Ite Coi�ntv►vidc Pl�nnan�Folicies,beginnin�Mav 14,2U0��nd continuir�g thrau�h 3wte 21.2�44, �� I'oli�.y Ta��ic 1 -IIr�t1n Grotivth Areas([IGAs) Pa�� 1� du�+n 7°�:-�;#i�g COUNTY��IDE PLANNING P(}LICIES FOR SPOKANE COUNTY 1��������i�d��_zcc,c�l7itrter�ci21t14)_tl �() �Il(� ]�c�<�ici c�1'�C:t��ti�i� (.'c��i�iiTtssic�ric;��. "1'l�c_;�tc�it�� Goi�irni�te� ��t�il cQUSicier cu�ntil�tive cftects o�'all iJGA pi-o��os71s in i�a�ki�� tll�ir rcc�rt�ia��ii��tioyi. • T'he S�eerin� Committce of EZec c� Officiai� ��ill review Ur���1 �Growtll Are� Ic l��t� s�_es �� lti�i�fi•om �cio�i�iot� of s�l��rca��l�t�s atidlo�� Cam��re��etisiv�; Plat� Atttendineilts foi- �l� i��risc�ictro�i� o�tce� � ve�u �ti� iia l�ter t1��n ttre et��Qfthe ls` ��aartet� �f�lxe_c�leiie���' �e��1 — -- -- � The Ba���cl t�CC�i���r�is�ic�rie�'s wil� c�ai��i�ie�� tlie Steeriri�; Co��aimitfee's UGA rec�r»r�����datioY�s �t a p��blic lieari����io_l�fi��•tliati tii� end of the 2'►`� Oua�•fez• af tl�e c�le�ic�ai• �ea�-. .T�i� B�arc� afGc��r�ty �oirimissiotiers s1i�1] cc�n�i�z- cui�ulative �cfiects of all I1GA raro��o��ls iri tn��Ci�1� tlleir• deci�ipt�. �J'rl��ii G�•awtli - t���t revi��o�ls tmist b a �t�oveci a2�ci ���a � eci b tl�e Baard n�Cc�ut �i)[111H1I�SIt7I1��'S. � U �AI� P� A,mendrne�t P �c��e�s CWPP UGA�JPA Amendment SC�U Recflmmendatio� BoCC Appro�ral j Propasal �eadPine �' By 3J3� By 6f30 '1�11 Ghart 1: UGA 1 J_P�Airzen�r�t��Trt Pracess llr�i't: Uixc��ted I�v tl�c Tccl�nical Rcr�c�v Cr,���mittcc#i��•nu�l�n�»�accs��c�nuiue Fcbivnzy 4,20U��nd contit�uin� fli��ough M3i�ch 17,2004, �rocess co��#inne[I tl���au�l�the Stee�n�a�Camn�iftee Suhcan�mittee ta update it�e Co�4n#.yrv�dc Plnnni��s Policics.hc2inni�ie Mav 14.20Q4�uicl conti�iuine t�trat�gh Juuc 2�,2�Q�. P�licy Topi�1 -EJr�n�Gr•fl1Yt�1 Af'Cfl51[ITGr�S� Pagc 14 �T��r�° 'a�=n��g COUNTY�VIDE PLANI�TING PULICIES FOR SPDK�INE C'OUN'TY T'callcy "I"c�pic 2 Joint �'l�nnir�g wit�in Urban G�o�rth Areas (U+G�is) II�FTRODUCTIC)1'd +�verview of Growtli �Vlana�ement Aet �(GMA} Reqtairements Tlle Gz�owth Manage�nent Act((�MA) reqt�ires the esta�t�lishtnent af Urban Growt&Z ,Areas (U�As) anc� policies for j aint caunty and city planning wit�.ir� Ur�an Growt�i Ar�as (UC'rAs), __-�_�.,__r_�?al c�t=tlie Cit_r�wtli_Cv1��ii{i�=,f�i��c3�1 .l�cst �{7M�) �w ic���»cr�li�a��,. r �t�-r_,cil i1���.re��l�il�it7 the t�l���ni�t� ��ioc:�;�_��17ti. tc, c�t�s����c� c;����i�clira<�ain�� 1��,���v�1�?o7 t:(�lYlllll�lll�L�`i �ci_jt���a�c�_tc��«1�s to �°ecat�ci�e cc�nflic�s. Sp�kane Cat�nty and each jui°isdiction tnust plan joint�y in tlie �st�blishment af�Trban G�•owt�i .�,reas {LTGAs� and for futur�e activity r�rithin �hase a1•eas. T�C�14r 36,_1�:^�.0?0 (1'lairtlii��; Uc��15 _�Ga��l t� 1 l, siates "T��tcal�iei�7�; 11?e -- --�_ __ � invo[��������c,nt aF���iz��ts i�l t_hc_�l�nnin co � �s. � �id ����u�� c�arcii�t�tia�7 bctv����r� c<c���i�ziu���tie� �i�1Cj._IU�:iSC�1Gt1{�114 t(? I��LCC]14(.tle��t�flicts". RCV4�` 3G_7�1A.100 �Cc►ni�r�lle�tsive 1'l���s, Must l�e {.�o r iu�� c� st� tes,"tl��_�;t��nl�rc:lrc;�i�iu�-��la�� of e�c1� cc��u�tv n�- cit tl�_i�t �� acio��ed �n��•��i�nt �o RCW 3�G.?f}A,�4U s��all €�e coor�ii�i t�ci wit�t. �tid coi�sist��it witl�. t1i� cc�dYl�»•eheiisive�l�ns ���_�����r�ual�t to RCUJ 36 70110��0 of otl»r co�xiities_or cities witl� wllicli tl�e �o��ntv or citv h�s i�� vart c�om�nor't�arc�et�s or r���teci z�e��o��al is, �5� es." Fji�Y��.IZt�V� 3G.'7a.�.2�0 3�1 �i CCa«�rtvwicie r�l�.��olicie��st te� llat �1� C:c�iR�ifywi�fe �'l�tu�in� l'���x�ie�in� ��r�'es� " c�lici s fnr 'niitt c t�ntv �t�cl c�fv t�r�nt�itl� ;vi1-lii�l_�at����rl_�ro�v�li�r���� " _I li�;_�.��c�ktlIi+�� C'c7u�7�}!C` yxo ��re11�1�.���ye P1ai� cicfiizcs J�ittt l�latliril�g �-eas as "c����crs r,t'�.s�r�,r��atcc�r.r.s �Ir�fic.-r�� Gy�r��vt11 Ar���'�.s� c�.5�sr ryer�tc� �r cit v ��•loti�vyz fn7��.�tt{��� �c��I�c��� de��ln�t�acrrt l��rt lr�ccr�ec�irz the rrr2rrac���c�r�crt�c.�coc�rtt_v ��h+����c c� �oa��c�`inc��ec�t�la�rr��t� t�r�ocesrs� f��t�a�eert t��c �itr�s�, tc��+1,�s crr�u�th� C;c�l���tv_���ill l�c cc���clr�c��cl. p' � ��,��n�.�i,� �,��F��..�n���za�.,� ,�,�� ����,,,. . ,�„ .,.�.�,, TT 'T.�IITCT [-CTI°CLi �TIZ[T10'i-' LT]I-L {T]-VTIW i9R�N�6/ V/4a�.eV i"� . . . , lr��F ` w.N.�,��r���r��� �w.�L�rsr.�r�ri �e�.iH���1���� t.�,,, . ,.,:,.f:,.,��-��-��i��-���� 'T"11i� �;1�I�'1"LNC'1? �vI(�VF.T� ��C� ��3C)VE. �� NC}['L;: 7'I�E STEF.I�II�1� C�IvLMIT'I'EE S�LJ13COi1�'�NfjTTEE ASI�CD F(�R A 1'�iOkl�� � SPE�CI I��C C}VE[r VI�W {�Fi' G11�1I� REQUII�CM_�N'TS. De��ft: xfllfi�lC1� !lY#Fi�TeClrniCHl R�vi�►v ��rnrnitlee tlir�pij�}� �� Cu'n�c5�I�c�iuniitg Fcl����arv 4.2004 arld corltinuin� thro��M�r�cli 17,2(liW. P,•ocess cartitinue��throu�li the�iecrin�Cnu�miStcc 5uhcmum�ttcc to undate tlte CouutY�►�i[le Pl��ittiiu��olicies,be�t�ini�2�Viav 14.2fID4_�zr[l cozitinnine tliroug��du�te 21.2U04. Fali�y Tal�ic 2 �Taint Planning Tvil3tiu Fa�e l� ��98-���tin�; �'ban G��o��tli A��cas ([TGAs) i v4., r..�,.�ay'd.y . �OUNTYWIDE PLANi�ING P�L�CIES FOR SPOKANE COUNTY C�vervie��v o�Col�nt.ywide Pl�r��ning Po�i.cies The Steei•ing C�m�nitte� af Elected �fficials will be i�esponsibl� to cnsure j�int plannin� within �rban GY•awtl� Areas �UGAs), The Steering Commi�tee will �pecify sta�dards far defning Ur�b�n Growth Ar�as (UGAs}, rr�inimum levels ��service wit�iin Ur�an Growti� Areas (UGAs), distribtition of fiiture �owth, negatiating Urb�n Grawtl� A�•ea �LTGA} desigt»�iQns and m�king t•�commencl�tions i•eg��•d�n� �.Jrbar� Growth Are�� (UGAs) tn tlte F�aa��cl oi'Co�tnty ComYnissi�a�ers. P[}LICIES iri�-ri �t��zirna�� netrlf.��+ n�»r�i1rY �1i8 ■i��*4C�1/Y�irl+iii.. NO'T�: Td�S P�LICY I�S BEEN INTEGRATED �I�I'T�NEV�POLICY �� Ai�1D #�BELQW. 1.�. The�aint pi�nning process sho�ild: ��. ]��cl�icl�all ��r.�rsc�ic i�r7s�j�cent c��e U��E��ii C�i�c��vtIi �r�a �t�cl ,���eci�l P��i��c�� Districts tii�t will be aff�cted bv tl�e ev�nt��al tr�nfifei�enc� a��o�v�ertu���rrt�l � � 5��'V ICt'.S. N(.�'.l'�;: M{.���1�� �!'1;C,,11�1C..1�'i'1�).N I�L)1),I_;.L). �3,a.Recagnize tliat Urban Growth Ai•eas az{� patential annexation areas for cities. c;.�:Ensl�re a smoofh #ransiti�n af`se�'vices amongst existing m��nici�ali�ies and eine��gir�� com�nttnities._ � NaTE: I.T]��ALIS'TIC c:l.�Ens��r� th� �bility ta expand ��r�aan �ovet'r�rner7kal services atid avoid l�t�d us� b�rriers tc� expansian; and � Tlr�►fi� U»[atcd b the Tc��nical RcvitFV Cvnunittcc tl�rou 1�a �r�a�ess ue rinnin �Fe1�,y,�r 4 2{�f�d�u�i conliuui�r �hrou li March 17 2U0�4, Fi•o�css cuntinucd thruu h thc,5dieerin Cummittee Subeommilte�to u�d�1�lite Countwiv�cle Plavnin�Polici+�s,be�innin�MaV 14,2Q�4 a��d continiiin�fihrau�l�Jmie 21,2004. Pulicy Tvpic 2�Ioint�l�ryning��ithin P�ge 1G �.-° ,°=�.�°4�n#�►+g T1rb��t�t•u4rt1�Ar•e�s(II�A�) COUNTYWIDE PLANNING POLICIES FQR�POKAhrE COUNTY NOTE: TJNR.EALISTI� c�, Re��lve issues re �a��,� 1��v�r zanir��;, subdi�ision �nc� atlYer lanrl use ���rava�s in desi�nated joint plannin� at�eas will be coordinated. �nfat�_c�3��r�isrie+in.tti +n ■�.•+�.�s� racxr�oi�inc+ � NC�TF,: RF�LT�VDANT (SE� ��Q►L�G�T�PI�' �� �, Join� plar�ning �nay be �.ccainplishe� p��rsuant t� a� inte�•�c�cal a�re�m�nt entered into betw�en andlor among,iurisdictions ���lcllo� s]�e�i�l__��ti�N�c�.s� clisti i�,fs. NOTE: PREVIt7USLY P�LIC� #1. _ De•�eft;. U��clntc[I bv#fye'T�chnifi�l RevfeTV Carnrnittee#�tz�au�li t►t���ocess �e�irtnin;�F'ebr�u��'Y 4,2i1U4 �tu[i cotstlriuln� f�il'Oil��l 4�'I#117CI1�"T,2UU4. P�•ocess cavtinue[l t�rou�h tl�e Ste�e�°ir��C'a�mitt�e 5ubca�ttmittce ta ut�d�le t�c Cnunty�vicC�Plaunin�Policies,be�ini�in�M;�v �4.20Q4 �i1d cflnti�tiuin�thro��eh Ju�re Zl,2DQ�. Policy 3'o��i�2-Joint Pla��nin��vi#hin Pa�;e 17 dtr,�e-�948�it�li��; iFrl��n Gro►vtit Are�s(UGl�s) COiUN1`YWID�PLANNING pi��ICI�S FOR SP17KA1YE COUNTY �`'c�li�� Topic � I�ramotion af �antiguo�us and Orderly Deve�opment � and Prc�visio�n of Urban Se�vice� �N���nvcTlo�v O�erview �af GrQ�vth �Man�ement Act �GMA�Reqtiirements Tlie Growt[1 Man��;einent Act rec�uires the ��I�ption of C+���txtywide Plarjr�itig Pc�lici�s concernin� the pz�omotion af cantiguous ar�d ord�i•�y developm�nt and ti��� provtsion of �rban servi�es. Tlie Growt�� Manage�nent Act {GMA) estabiishes a gaal af e�couragin� development in u�•ban areas where adec�uate pul�li� f�cilities and serviGes exist ar can ef�cien�l� be pi•�vid�d. Grawt��planning must ensu�•e tliat need�d facilities and service� �re �c�equate to s�rve new c�evelopr��nt witho�it dec��easin� �ur�el7t �cr��ice l�vels belaw 1o�ally �stfibli�h�� minirnum �#anrlar�is. Tl�e Graw��} Nf�r��getne��t Act (GIVIA) requires tha$ adequa�e ui�ban gt�verninental sei�vices and public facilities be available at the time g��ovvtl� occu�•s, commanl� known as conc�u-�er►cy. Realistically, growtli w�uld go �rst to areas with e�isting �►ubli� seivices and facilit�es anc} tllen inta areas in whicl� tl�ose urbar� go�vernrnental se�vi�ces ar�d public facilities cauld b� ef�cie��tly extended, Ovez•vier��r of Co�intywide Pla�Yning Palicies The C���ntywicie Planning Palicies a�idress fou�• gen��•al a�•eas. 1. The spe�ificatian olf�ix�itnurn lev�1 af`service st�����rds. 2. Tlle plannir�g for utilities, open space colridors, critical areas, natu��al resource lands and water maliagement. FQIiCy T4piC 3 -Prptu�pfiUrt 4f[;4�tti�l�nUS Ar�rl Pflgc i8 �t�n^ ,���#�e� Qr�icrly U�r��lp��m�nt�nrl P��r�vifiin�t nf ilrl�a��Scrvicc.� � ---� Drstft: iJ��d�ttctl b��tl�c Tc.��nics�l Rtvi��v Cuntmitke�#�tR�an�h a���'OC+C88�)CEllilllll�FC�11'11R1•F 4,2004 ��d eautirluin� through M���h ]7,2p04. Pi•ncess continucd thrpu�h Ihe Steeri�Cainmit#e+e 3�Ucominittoe to uqclate t3�e Cuunt ti�°i�3e Pt�nnin Palieirs I�e inuin Ma 14 2DU�Hn�l cuntinuin�th�•�u li June 2t 2004. C(IUNTYV�'IDE PLANNTNG POLICIES�OR S�OI�ANG CC�UNTY �. TIYe p��ovision af urban governmental services and public faciliti�s. 4, Tl�� distribiitian ��'fi�ttare �n�owth and pc�pu�ation with�n th� cc�u��ly. Tl�e po�icies call for ��,° a��.,'�,;.,�,.�,,,,+ ,.�., ,,,,,,,,�,n,�:,an ,a.,+„�,,,no YY114'� ,.,,,,,,,�+;�,ro :,,�°n,,,n�,+;,,,., �t,fi+�,rr �,o+,� �a,� ;,,,.:�,�;.,*,.,,,�.} an analysis of the maximu�n capacity c��' regional capital facilities, d�ve�aptnent �f ininimum stand�r�s for urban gavernmental se�vices wa�k�in U�•b�n Grawtl� .A�reas (iJCrA.$) ar��l s�Oe�i�c�tion o�'mit�i�ntxm develo�ment an�i h��nsporkativn stand�rds to �romote efficient l�nci use. NC}'TE: THE ESTA�LI�H_IV�_ENT �F A C'�UNTY1�tl1D� Dl�.'1'1�I3hS�� 1yPP�l�RS T� BE UN�EALIST�C AT �'HIS TIlv�, In order to coordinate population �nd tlie dist�•ib�itian af ser�ices, the County and each city anc� t�r�vn sla�?ul� a�ct�tnmoda�e it� fair sl�a�•e af l�ousing and essential p�iblic facilities needed f��• t��� t•egi�r�. �ma11 cik�e� atld towtjs wi�l �erve as t���e foc�I ���nirYt �ttd fi�tictiotl as tlie "llI•t�ax� cenlei•„ £ar ti�e sl�nroun�xng area, T��e po]i�ies also recagniz� Fairc�iild �4ir Foi�ce �ase as an urban center. POLICI�� 1 . F,�cli ji�riscliclion sh�1� in�l��c�e policies in iis co�n�t°et�etlsi�e pl�r� ta address hov+� ur�ban �ieveloprnent will �� managed to pramot� efficiency in the l�se of land an� �he pi•ovision of urban govet•ninental s�r�ices and p��blic facil�ties, The Ste�z•ing Com�nitte� °'�^'� °n°^;�'s. }zas acce tb �d ��egional minitnum l��el af service standards f�r urban goverrvnental seivic�s witil tlie exceptian 4f palice p�•atect�an withir� �Uri���Y C'7rc�wth At•e�s ([7GAs�. Laca�jtu•isd�cti�nus i��ay c�ho�se l�igller star��ard�. In its co�r��»•e}7erisive p1�r�, e�cti jur'1�C�1Ct1Qi1 S�1�I� 1t1G�Il]CI,�, �l�t �iot �e limit�ed to, level of servic� standards fo�•: a. fire px•otection; b. police �rotection; �c. �ai•ks �iYd t•�c��eatic�li; d, li�r�1•ies; e. p�iblic sewex•; f. pu�lic watei; PoliCy'�'4�3iC 3-Prornotio�i of�o�lfi�uous�r�d Pstge ]4 �.,,,� +nne n�:.�� (�rcicrl �}evcl��mcnt�nd Pravi�iun oi'i�r�a�n Se��viee� �frxfi� i���duted bv t�te Te�t�iiicat Revie�v Camrnittee tliroijsi�a nrocess be�auiv�Tetrni�irv 4.200��md contiu�un� 1'�e'au 1�March l.7 2004. Process couti«ued throu ii the 5lcerin Comr��ittee Subcommittee#n u��ake the Cuu��tvsvi�le Pla�nitys Falicl�s,lre�i�nin�Maw 14,2004 All[1 fOltiltlll�I1S thT011�li JAlle 21,2QQ4. COUNTYVVIDE PI.ANn`ING P4LICIES I'�R SPUI�ANE COU1riTY g. sal�d v�aste disposal and recyclir�g; �i. �t•ans��c�t�tatio�7; and i. schools. :� �c�ka�3e C�n��rlt h�s t�.�� ra ased a Level of���•vice f��• s�ho�l distr•icts t� be acia�t�ci as �at�t of tlie Cam�p�ehenstve Plai�. Indivi�.tial sc�iaol districts deter�nin� their own Level of�e�•vice Standards, However if ati '�irisdictian within S okane Count or S okane Cout�t c��oases to i�� lernent im act fees foz� schQais at an futl�re ti�ne each school dis�rict inust de�elo a cataital faciiities �lan consistent with the GMA. [���*�rnn 12117l95-Bua,�n oF Cauxrr Co�rss[o���zs 12r•..soz.v�r�ox 9G-1205] The Steerin Coinmittee Acce ted Levels of Se��vic� are enerall a� f411ow�: FACILIT'Y LE�EL OF SE�R�IrC� STA.I�TD.�RD LOS Domestic W�ter �tore nrtc_foui�fl� (,1J4��naximt�tn da� demar�d or.��� hur�dred 800 alla��s �r t�e�ide�atial e uivalent e�• d�a . Emer enc o�� reseive stora � VDIllt11� COl'�51Stc`ttlt Wlt�i t�l� De at�t�nent af Health sfanda��cls. S stem desi far new �canstt�ction must ensu�-e tllat minimum fl�w ��e Llll�cments �can be met principall�r throlkgh the ad�nuate sizin� Qf pipes ar�d the systcinatic de�el�ment �f a �,�•id ��n�i�tent witli the De �ctinerit Qf Health re uir�nient�. Fire fl��v i�ate and dui•a�ion x•equirem�nts ai•�e to be specified by tl�� local fire authnritv or Pub[ic Water Systern Coordina�iotl Act, whichever is more sfl'in ent. Fi�=e h dran�s shall canfoi•in to the American VVatex• Wflrks assa�eiatian standard for Dr Bat�rei Fu�e H_ydranfs, A�WA C542, with liycil•an.t spacin;� d�tci�niiicd bv tl�e lacal fire �l�t�lc�rity. ��'��:� 1��� r�� 11�?inirrauna Level c�f S�e3•vice standa��ds accept�d by the 5'te���tng Carrztriitt�e a Efe�ted'Q aciads�1'�la 3 1996 . Sanitar. �y ewet. Fo�urisdictions in excess of 1,�00 population, public sewer, waste ��at��• collection andlar transpox-t svstems wii� be req��i�•eci whe�•e dens�ties exceed 2 equi�+alen�1�esidential unit� per �cr�. 1'l�t�nin an� ci�sign fQr wastewafer treatttlent ant� ef�luent di� osal facilities will be based on 20- ear �aroj�ect�ons af population �rowth and_ci�rrent water quality ct°iteria as established b � the Vilashin tan S�tate D� artrnent of Policy Tolxic 3 -Fromotinn of Cant��uous.1n�] P��;c 20 +k+n Ue°de�' Der�elo xutent flnd Prdvi��on of Urhan S�t�ices Draff: Y1 tdaletl l� t��e Tecl�uie�l RG3RCw Committ+cc tlie�au U � }rocess be 'nnirt Feb�ti.tar 4 �OOd An�l coi�timiin tlu•oueh March 17,20Q4. Frocess continued tl�ro���tt the Stee��ing Committ�cc Subcommiltce to u�datc the CqU11tYtiY'l[��FI�1T1t11t1C Pi�11C183,k���irruin�Mav 14,2QQ4�wd cautinui�g f1�i'UUt�h dune 21,20d4. COTJNTY�WIDE PLANNING POLIC'IES I'@R SPOK�N� C�UNTY �CdlO�y. Z'i'c�T1S]7[}1'tc`�t1QIl TVIr�lTltalri t�'r�V�l C4I'I'1C�01' �.1TY1� c�S �St��?�1S}l�C� �l � (��C�11� �.e i�nal Trans �t�tation Council, 5ta�-mwater Fnr new construc;f.ian: er�su�-e off-site i�rioff daes i�ot exceed current re-�evela m�nt conditions unless dischar e is to a z•egional stormvwat�er facilitv or other facility approved b r� t.he �urisdictian, �����-���=�f��ci-i��� �4-��=�������������:��,=Y�-����d��-=���= �t€��i-�--t=��ii�=�� ��.�,,.+,,.,.-.� �:,�,.... „ 1�,n . �,�-Q�=���' � � - 'tA 1� A+n ,t_=�rl, ! �11. ` .,l�i...�n,,,� n+.. .,-, ,.,.,�- t,l, �1f. .�.1 � 's � ���,��' ���=�.��_ �-ir�-��-YL����'������s,���--���-�#�}��-�€��i;��ri.l_l I��t�������� 1�llow stormwater discha�•ge to surface and �'��ind waters il]]�e65 1� 15 C��1T101�5t��ated that suc� dischar e will de •ad� water c�ualitv belovv standar�ls. Law En�'arce�nent Each juriscli.ctton �h�ll specify in its �om�rehensive Plan a� l�vel_ofpolice nratect�on trt�at adcl��es�es tl�e saf���� of its citiz�ns. Libi•az•ies Eacti jurisdictivn will s�ecify its own level o�sez-v�ce. �aeks Eachaurisdiction v��ill specifv its awn level �of seivice. Salid V�ast� Soli�d waste processin will meet Fede�•al �nd State re�,ulatians, includin� rnaint2�inin�y rec�u�red facilities licenses. Poli�v Tas�ic 3��Pro�uotian af Cvntig�ious ancl F�age 21 dt�^ '"�°m:=�g Qrcle��ly De��etoE�m��tit �nd Pravision of iTt•b2n 5e�-vices ll��a€t: Ut��lnted Iyy tlie Toch�yi��l�eo�ie���Co�trr►ittee flirau�lr a�►t•ocess be,��nin�T�bi�i;�e-v d.2004 an���untinuin� tlirou�l�Marcli 17,2004, Proecss�a��tinuecl �hrau�lz tLe Steee�n�Committe�c Subcommit#ee to ui�aatc#h�c Cour�t st•idc�l�nniu Policies �c �nuan Ms► �� ,Z�Q'� RI�[I C011tllllllll tt�r�ou li J ne 21 2004. COUPITYWIDE PLAN1VIltIG PO�LICIES I'OR SPUKANE CDUNTY Sh�eet Cleanin� Each 'i�•isdiction vvithin tlie non-attaininent a�•ea sllall d�e�rela an�1 tise a stre�t cl�artin �2�n COi7I'C�1t1��1i1 wj�h S ol��ne C;o��nt Air� P�llutian G�antrol 1'�uthorit �C,AT'CA as t1�e ove��si lg it a��, ta mee� mandated Particulate Matter c�ust standards. Each 'w•isdiction's street cleanin 1a�Y v�ill desci�ibe ttle pro�rams and methos to be us�d ta t°edl�c�e �rticulate matter emissions fi�om aved su�•fac�s. Each lan sh�ll address bi�� no� be limitec�ta the f�llowin�; 1� 5tI•ee� �weepin�; free�l�en�cv anc� t��hnolo�,v to kae e.rnplayed�2� Factors foi' determinin� wh�n an�whea�e t� initiate street s�ee i�ng follflwin�a sandin� event, wtth the a►al�s of �x��ditious removal when sa��tv and mobilit,v requirements have been satisfied. 3, Sanding reductian o� al. 4� �anding tn�t�rials specific�tic�ns to b� employed, 5� Locations, ,��pl�catiax� ����es and ci7�currist�rices fnr use of`c���tni�al de- i�ers and other sandin� alternati�es. G� Ide�itificativia of riorit roadwa s over 15 �Oa avera e dail traffic coi�nt . Fublic Transit J�u'isdictions within #he Fublic Transit Benefit Ar�a �'TBA shall have alicie� car�siste�t with the 1eve1 of set°�ice �do ted bv t�le Spokane Transit Al�tliority Baa1�d af I�irectoxs. �`ire and EmergencY TJl'�i�tl �E'��S ll�t'1.5C��Cl:�.Qr�� 1t] �xG�SS ���,0�0 �o�ul�ti�n. �or S�rvices onc� a � �rlation �f 5 �(l0 ersons is act�ieved s�rall be served bv Fir•e Dish•ict with at least a ,Wa.s�hington .Sz�rvev a�d l�a�ing B�steat� of�nsur�anc� �er'VTC�S Df 2CG� C��SS �? Insurance �tating flr bette�•, For the p�u�ases af GNIA minimum LeveTs of Service Class f c�r bet�ear shall be based on the IS(� Gr•�clir�� Sohec�lile for �nur�i�i��al f�r� pratectioil, 1974 edit.ian �s arn�nc��c� b usin tl�e fire c�istrict fire seivice cornanunicatian, and fire safetv contt�ol portians of the •�ading schedule. The t�tal deficiencv paints identified in fhese potrtions c�f tti� IS� a�• Vi�ashingt�n Suivey and Ratin� Btxreau sched�l� shalI nat �exceed 1 83D oints. A11 j���isdickions, r�ga�•dle�s �f size, sl�all cnsut-e tl��t ne�� c�eveXo�lnertt }�as a Fir� Flavv a«d l�ydrant pla�cin�i�t p�r tlae U��z�t��-a;� [r�t��il�aiio�r�] Fire Code adop�ed b�jurisdi��ion._ Urban areas must be witl�in 5 raad miles a�an o eratin fii�e Policy Tal�fc 3 -Proiuotiou af Cantiguous aud Pa�e �� Jut���n��t-i�r� (}e'deriv Dcvcla�rt�e�t�nd P►�avision of U►�b�rt Se��vices Drafk; T�i��aked b.�`tllC TE�CIIllICAI R�C}'IC}Y CO11i111lfICC f�1C0UT�"�1 fl UI'OCC59 I1C�lll[lILIQ I+�C�]I'Uilly�,�(Ifl4 and Cobtinuing throu L A�a��cli 17 2004. Praeess cantinued tl»•au h the Steeiin Con�mittee�ubcon�mittee to u�t1atC tl�c Cq�in#Y�ti�i[I�Pl�nnin�P01i�iQA,IlC�irrninC M��+14,20{l4 �rt[I eotiliuuiti�t�irnu�U Junc 21.ZU�4. � GOL1N'1'YWIDE PLANNING POLICIES FD�t SPOKANE CiDUNTY sta#ion that p�•avides service with a "Class A'} pnmper, unl�ss stll�ctures are eqlu�ped wi�h �re sprin������� that ��•e i°ated in a�corda�YCC with t�le editian of'�he $Jl�i�����a� lnt�r����7ticj��<�� l�ir� -- - - _ _ Code a�io�ted by tlie jl�risdictiori, a��d is laCated witl,in 5 z�c�ad mi��es af an operating fire station �hat�ravides se�vice with a Class "A"rated um er•, Ur•ban ar•eas shall be sei-ved b a sta�e cer�i��d basic life su�port (BL���y. Urban at•eas s�ioiild he setved bv an oper�tin� }�asic lif�e s�vin� ur�i.t withi� 5 ��iles, and an operatin� advanced life su���rt unit witliin � tni�cs oT' �O 1111I111t�5 I'��I]Or1�e tll]'�� �(7t' tIlOS��llllSC�iG�lUI1S Wl�ll urban areas in e�c�ss of 5 �0� a ulatian� and basic Iife suppar� and advanced �ife sup�oi�t transport sexvice. P�iblic Sciiools Ta be dete�•mined by individl�al school district �FP. (For• �xn e�,�a�rdec�explanation i�e aQ r�din levels n ,set•v�ce. .5��� the S�nk��e Cnuntv 3'tee3•in Co���nrr��ee ��'l�cted f�,��icials Re�ional Min�m�rn� Lev�71 �? 5`er�lcc strn�dur�ds cr�G� ��d h the St�er�in C'o�nmittee 14�a 3 ���6 . 2, Each jurisdiefion and o�her providers �f pub�ic seivices sliould use compatible infarm�tion tec�ino�a�ies to tnonitol� deinand for ui•ban gavernmentai an� regional sei~vices anc� the ef�ci��YCy ofpla�uiing and seivices clelive�•y. ,�;�cr���+�;� L�n'Q����C�S71'�i�C�'L�i' r�iva��{� . � ���L1-�31�r�Cl'�F�]Ci IC� r t� �� NOTE: NOT �EAL�IS'�'IC. �. E�C11�1117SC�1Ct1Qri S�la.11 lI1C�Ut�� pDllCl�S 111 l�S CQIlI�}1'EIl�11S1V� �l�all �O 0y151i1•e that ��Sfl't1Cf1QI1S �0 Te�ional �ransportation ar utility coi�°1C�0�"S &�'E llOt Cl�eated, �[1 �t�dition, eacl�ju�•isdiction s��anld include policies in its �omprehensxve ��1a�} tQ ens���e stts�ainable ��owth beyand tl�e �0-y�ar pl�ri�ning hari�on, 4. E�ch jurisciiction s�i�ll ir��ltitie policies in it�s c�rrapt•���el�si�e plan to �at•avid�e n��en space c�rridors within th� expandin�; urb�n l�ndsc�pe. NOTE: THIS �S SPECIFI�CALLY ADDRESSED UNDER RCW36.70A.160. Pnli�y Tc�laie 3�-Pi'amoli4rti of CqnEig��qus an�l PAg� 23 3e�e-��19S-�t3��tiog (lr��c►�ly�ler�elo��me�nt ancl Pravi�ion a€Uri�:�n �e�•vices Pi•ai"t: Uqd�tetl bv the Technical R�evie�•Co�uYnit#ee i�trau�l�n nruce�s be�rinin�;,�'eF�r�»r.ti°4,2flf}4�r�[I COnlinuin� tln�ou�h M�rc�t 17,�.aoa. Praccss contimieil tE�rou�lt!he Stee��i���Carn��ittec Su�comtziittee fo undate the Cauntwtivicle Pla�ynin$Palicies.be2im�ir��Mav ld.2U0� gu�d euntiuuin�tli�v�u�h Jiine 2�,2�f�44. COUNTYWIDE PLANN�NG PQLICI�+S FDR$P��Cr"�NE COUNTY �. All ju��is�ii�tions sh�ll coarciir�a�te p]ans �� th�t classify, desi�n�te and �arotect natu��al r�esat�rce l��ds atic� �;�itical areas. 6, Each jut•isdiction sl�ouid estab�is�7 progratn� o�• pr�je�ts that de�n�nstt•ate and identify the elelnents �avhich ens�ire c�mpatibility af mixed density resident�al developments (far �xample, �ingle-family, town Iia��ses, d��plexes, �ondaminium�, a�artments). 7. Each jurisdiction's comprehensive plan shall �nclude, a� a �ninitnum, #he �ollowing policies to address adequate fiu•e pro�ection. a. Lim�t gra�vth ta ar�as se�.�ved b}r a fi��e �rc�tectinn distric� or wit��in the corparate li�nits af a �city provic�ing its own tire clepartn�etlt, b. Commei�cial and residen�ial subciivi�ians an� cleuelapinents an� reside�tt�al planned unit develapmer�t� sl�a[l include the provision f�r r�ad access adequate fo1� resid�nts, fii•e depai�ttnen� oz• c�istrict ingt•esslegx�ess and vvater supply for fire pratecti�an. �. Develapment in fo��ested a4•eas tn.��st provide defensible spac� between struc�ure �nd �dj€�c�1it f��els �nd require 11ia1 fir�-rate� rQC�fi�Y� ���a�ci°ials be used, . � j GG 9] � . pL'�T`ti-�Y11YtYfr�iit�■ �y�i�nli ne�r'�r+irrr�n� tirl+litlIIfiOr� nnr� �o 8 nnnnl'inrn.lr�n�'A!Y 1ri �] lsi�anit n1+n/]_ NOTE� THIS �S AI�DRESSEI� IN BACH JURISI�IC�'�ON'S CA,PITAL FACII�ITIES PLAN. �.�. The Steering �ain���i.tlee s}�a111'ecorn�nend to tlt� Bc��td �f�ottnt�r Cominissioners tl�e allocation af pflpt►latian tu jui•i��icti.ot�s based, in ��art, oil cac�i jurisdictian's c�ntributian t4 i•egional hoi�sing go�ls anc� the ability t�a seive special-n�e�s papulations. ��1ivICMIJED I�I��TI96-BOARL30�'CQ[JMTY C0�9ISSIO1�iER5I�E50LUTIOT+f�C3-1��}S;a�rr�En�11/97-Boa,RnoF Cd�.r.v-r r C owu��s s f or�cxs It�soLU-rio�r 97-U297.] Policy To�yic 3 -p►°o�nptinn of Co�ti�uaus aii�l F�ge 24 O�•tlee•i Develo�me�t�u�i�'rov3slan at'Url�an S�e��•ices Dr�ft: Uu[iatcd bv the Technical Review f;an�mettee tln�au¢h;���roees5 �e�innin,�Febi�«ry 4,2Q�� Hnd contim,en� tf�rau h Ma��cl�J.7 2004. Proecss cantinucd tlirou 1�tl�e Stee�ln Cantmittee Su�cflntEnittec#o�i adnte the Cauutyevidc Pl�nuin Pnlicics hc 'anin IVift �4 2U44 tu�tl conti�ui� tl►r u h�uue 21 2DD4, COUNTYWIDE PLANNIN�POLICIES�'QR SPOKANE COUNTY �11 �'innF� i»�•ic..�tA�iAi�Y L.Y'YAIL�i]t8.+• i+t#�.� nrr-roa+vtianf[r �srl�ks�Y7�Af�1•TS,-. .-. .a.�n4-�+in4cv ..ii4�iyi1 ��n . ..�..�..�.�� .,�,..� ..t.. .�f I�T4TE: BETWEEN ,�PECIAL PURPQSE �I�TRI�T Al�li� JLTRISAICTIUN. � nlnt� n �i•l'��an+litM !lf aVYC�+YH[7�t1 1�. F1• ■ '�rv�6r�n�lylln� rs�llr�alltt[s[.� t✓\!+4^n..]e'. nl rlra�•F•1f'Yrl • , i viiis,+vi,�� G. �}a.�r in�..�n 11-itir �t1���+�»nn nrlrr•vr7ArC. tllr r.�n+v�rvn#i��n ■1��11�1 `a. ' ■ lli1� t1AC4 Y1�1A��. !1f•A nt�r�rr�r�4•�n�Ma /lYl !�l' ilfl�nn�tl�f�} Al1Y'i��Mlti�[� m "'' B���kr'E�kk , . NOTE; DC}NE, �N D�CEMBEI�. 15, 1�9�, Al�GrIOI�IALUTILITY CQRRII�QR PLAl� ViTAS PRE�ENTED TD THE GMA STEERING CQMIv�TT�E QF ELEC'��� OFFICIALS �QR CONSIDERATION Al'�1� �A5 SUBSEQUENTLY ADOFTED, ALTHfJUG�I NOT IlVII}LEMENTED. THE Gh�1A TECHNI�AL COMI'��TTEE (�N RE�IOI�AL UTILITY CORRIDORS COl�CI�T�DEI� THA'� (�1'I'O�I�T[JNI`I'IES TCl SHARE CC���TI��}R� NiAY BE LIM.l'1��D. �- RTOTE: REM��7EI3 AT TI� REQUEST QF THE. STEERING COII�NIITTEE OF LLLC'1'�D DFFICIA,T,� AT THE MEE�'IN� OI� 3ANUARY 1S, 2Q�4. Poli�y To�fic 3-Pron�otion os Contlguous and Pt�ge 25 Jun^ ,nao n,.;...:.,.. Oi�cle��ly Develo�yment 3n[l 1'�'oW�sian af Urban�c�vicc� I}�al�t: �CJ ad�tcd l�v ilrc T+ochnec,�l Rcvie�v Con�mittee tlyro� h�► r�ce��ac 'n�nidl �Fe�a�•u�rv 4 2044�nd coniinuin throii I�lk��i�cii 1T 200�. �'��acess cantinuc[l ihrov li flee 5tcc��u Com�uittc�S�rt�cameuit�ec ta u»lttte t�ie Count wi���Pl�tnnir� Pnlicicq �1C �llLilCl Ma � 14 20Q4 wQ cpntinUin tl�rau 1►J��ne�1 2QR4. COUPVTYiWIDE PLA�NI+IING FOLICIES FUR SPOKAn`E COUNTY �C, •�rnCGl�r°�r�nF .,r��in�� itsn��ir�ut��- } n nr� in�a8tn+ri�•�s r�t }i�la t•c�rTinrtt�e. av7n�vr�.e. .yrnnlo�Krn�-�e• ff�on��ii.-y�# nnii+fn_i�L � 1l1iV11�, VUd.JI.bVll.,� kl f1H Aril111li'�1[� At Y`Ah4llri/]� �irnn4-o<»n4-�s• �'MA!]+tN0t1�_i1Q�/�n• f1f1!'1 Q. � � � ? N�TE; �EE ABC?VE. 9.�-V�Tellli+ead proteciion p�ans shoul� be cooi'dii��tcd with �v�ter purvey�rs �nd impleY�ented and u dated as raeeded �y local j�ir�sdictions. �?'I;�: 6;t����ia��; �;';,��f�y���t�;�: T��c�l 'ur�ctic��r��should enco�.ira e and purs�le strategies �€�:. �.c:�ii�-;�;�1�--�t�y ;ii€'�I�(�t�°�$},�l��C} ��;f"i;;t��s::i(;�2;� ly5!1(�1111 s�ti f�lfl:ti(�1(;�:I[}Il �()1_ Wr1�PuI' I'E�OlIPC� 171t`llld�E.'I11�.I1t� which ���il� st�stain projecfed gi�awtl� ra.tes and p�otect �lxe environtnen�. l�l'd'��: �]PDATED T� R.EFLECT �CU�RENT C�l'�DIT��NS. �O,�,Eae�l jur•isdiction shall incl�ade pr�ovisions in it� co�npi•ehensive plan for ��A4'�+;°n �n,� , clistribution c�f�ssent:ial public #'acilities, �, c:+;�^^ ^�+',°.�� �uv�1L41YJ �?:�" �� nrtr�n��+onf� ��ri��n 4y�nr�nr��rfn��rnn ne�r� ir��i•nc.�-r•»n�it•n�!a uatf NO'�E: ��IISED FOR SIIvi�'L�C�TY. GLmiv [�1� ]�7.[�$�7} ■�1�itr�..■rrtinna �n[1y�y4�yvn »r���1vf1 rY1��4rit'. i�s•rtixe�f�� �w�nnn �T��n1 nn n n�r� �U II�JV.� �����lft/ �xS7'1 . GLIl �V\Jl ilJ I L►�f.l N YVAJI� ry� q 1 atT'�n�srrn n�+Of•ttn�'�s�0 +.1 r+lrin��r�_�1C�a 111�i1l�.itllY`+L NOTE: CI�OICE �F �ACH JURISD1CT1aN. 11.�- �.ecc�gnize Fai��ch;ld 1-�ir Force �ase as an t��•ban cen�er witt� a inaj�r influenee an the regianal e�anomy. 12..�Each jirx�isdict�o� in its compre�iensive plan shaulc! prov�c�e policies �hat ��l��o��. t�tc cot�zpatible ii�coipat�ation ot�Ytilities, �r'een�e�ts �tnd npet� sp�ce wit�it�. +catr�rt�an ca�7'idors, Pnlicy Tnpic 3-Prnne�finn nf Contigiiaus�and �'a�e 2G de�^.,�'a°�•.:~«:�^ de�d�:3�� Dc��c3n uuc��t s�cl Pi°avisiou�f Ur6fl�t Se�`vir�es I���s�ft: U y�lr�te[l k► •th�Tet.#�nic�l Review Cumnii�lce�hrnu lo a n°nccsk Uc 'nnin Fel��'unR' �4 ZUU4 ��tnd co�itln in throu h Maretf 17 2004. Fr4ccss continued #hra� h#lic Steei�n Comn�i€#ee Subcommittee to u ctate tt�e Cua��ttvtividc Fl�taniu�Fulicie9,beE:���ning M�Y�d,2f]�?4�n�l Crinfiuui�y�tln�ai��h duae 2I.�QQ�. COiDNTY1�VIUE FLAIVN�]VG POLICIES FOR SPQKANE COUNTY . , B�}r`� , ��� NOTE: TI�E Gl'�IA 'TECHNICAL COMI�IITTEE �N REGIONAL UTILZT� C(7RRID4RS FOUNn THAT OPPt�RTiTNITIES TQ SHARE �ORRIDfJR� I'�.Y BI' L�IT��]. 13�. Eac�ju�{iscii�.tiott shall plan f'c��� ��owth within [�rban Grawth Area� (UGAs� v��l�ich. � uses la��d efficient�y, adds cei�taiitty to capital �ac��ities plannin� and allc�ws timely and cc�ar�linated extension af lu•ban governtuental �etvice�s, public facilities arid utiliti�es �'or new development. Eacl�jurisdictian shall identify intermediate g7�or�vth a.i•eas f6 to 10 year i�icremen�s) r�itl��n its U�rban Growt.h Area ([�GA} or establish palici�s which direct �•ov�rtti consistel�t vvitli land use and capital facility plans. r Poticy Ta��ic 3 -Pronintion of Ca�utiguflus ai�d Pa�c �7 T,.~° ,n°4"`""�':� 1�relcs�iv Devela xn�e�tt aud Provision of Uru;t��ea'vice� D���1`t: �1»�ale[l la �iho Tc�l�nic�l RCviCtiv Cam�y�iticc fhrou U r� �r`acess be 'nnin N'c�r�t1� 4 2U04 xn�cuvti�tuin � tLrou�h Ma��cli 17.20Q4. P��accss cant�mied tlu�au�l:tl�e Ste€Eir��Commit#ec Su�acommitfec to uudate the Cou�it wi[Ic Plan��in Policie� 13c irn�in Ma 14 2004 fuzcl continua�� th��ou l�J�ine 21 2004 Ca�JNTYWIDE 1'LANNING POLICIES FOR SPO�ANE Ci}UNTY Polic� 'Tapic 4 Parks a�xd C]pen �pace ��dTR�QDUC'I`I[?N Ove�•wiew of Grav�t�i IVlanagerne�t Act �GMA, l�equireincnts The Grawt��Manageinent Act {G�VIA} enco�it'ages t��e �•etentian of open space and ti�e de�relt�prnent af pat�ks and recr�eatianal appo�-tunities. �,�Vithin �h�ban Gi�owth Areas �LJGAs), t��e G�•awth Manageinent Act �GMA} reql�ir�s open space cQi�•idars to be identifi�d a��d a�tho�•i�es th�ir pw�cl�ase f�r ��s� �s ��eei�belts, parks �r vvilcllife h�bitat. �R�V� ��.7(1A, 15�� AltlYOUgh the Growt�7 Niana�emer�t 1�ct (GMA) daes not expressly require Cauntyw�de Planning Polici�s o� parks and apen space, tt�e �teering C�rnmitte�e af Elected Officials cht�se to include it as a Coutitywide Planning Policy topic. �verw�ew of�nu��tywide Fl��uli�i�policies In�ludeci in tlie palicies for Parks and �Dpen Space ar� the fallowing, 1 �n�.�hl�nb. .� c•�rnfayv� #.. r,r..-.r•r�:�.i#n rnnin�rl +..�.•1y r.Tr�+�ni+�n z� NOTE� EACH JU�ISDI�TIfJIrI SHOULD 1�LV� �1 LEVF�T, �F SBRViCE FOIt P�KS WITHIN THE�R.RESP�C;TIVE �C�MP�tiII�NSIVE PLA,NS. 1.�. Utilize open space can•idors befiuveen lnajor developments. 2.�: �dentify and pr�tect la�•ge open spac� a�-eas af Y`egioil�l significance. 3.� Develap� parks �nd t�etai� �pen s�ace to lessen the irnpact o�'�iigh-cier�si�y �and uses. 4,� Uti�ize u��lit� cot�•idors as open space and for 1•eci•eatio�al oppa7�t��nities. Dr�i°t; Unclatcd bv tlie Technir_�tl Revietir Currtimittee th�•ai�elr a��rnce.�,�h�c i�uiiug Fcb�tiar.y 4,201�4�nd coutinuin� th�'�u�h M�ix�h 17.ZQOa, Fruc�ss cor�t�nnetl thr���ih ti�e�lecriri�Cmiu�iittcc Sul�contimittee tb u�ltl�t�tb� Countvwicic PlanniYi�Policics,be�inning M�y ld,2444 and c�antin�i�th�°au�h Junc 21,2604. Policy Topic 4-Pflr•l�s aQd Open S��neeP€�ge �S ;.,°•' '°°��.,'�'��� COUNTYWIDE P�L.ANNING PdLICI�S ROR SPOTCANE COUNTY P�DLICI�S 1. T�l� COUIlt� �IIC� ��C�1,Jlll'lSC�1Ctl0]1 Sll�.11 BS�abI1S�1 �"" ;�*°r'�^^' ^^�•°°,�°„+ palicies, standat•ds and regu[ations to plan �"oi• anci acquire parks and open space t�iat fall o�rtside a �nunicipality'S COl'�]DI"�tt' }JQl1IlC�e�1'� �Ild Wlt�llll 1tS UTbar� G�•owtl� At•e� �LFGA). NC�TE, EACH JURISL�I�TI{�IV AhIL� SPOKA3�TiE C�UT�ITY HA�IE A LEVEL OF SERVZCE FC7R P,ARI�S. nyyr� nunr�t�re r�axre�r�r�v�iaf�fn fr� mnir�4ne+� nnr� tsr��nxno �rin�4+xr n��7�� NC}TE; THIS P�LICY HAS BEE�T I�+ITEGRATED WTTH P�LZCY #2 BEL{�W. 2.�. �11�jl�lisdic�ions � sho��l�l coopei°ate to �cl�rttify a��d �arc�t�ct r�gio�Y�l o��t� �pace lands, natural areas and car��idors of enviranirienta�, recreatic�nal ane� aesthetic signi�'icance to farm a fiinct�onal�y and pllysica�ly connected system �rl�ich balances passive and �cti�e recreational u��s. Each aurisdiction shall identif,�pen space cai��idars v�rithin and betw�en u�•ban �t•���rtlY areas. �I��Vsf 36.70A.160). 1111 jt�risc�ictions shal� i�ientify imp�ernerrt�t�a�xt, managernent� �?t'�S�I'V�t10S1 �llC� �onservation si�ategies, throug�i batl�a�egulatory �nd nan-��egulatory te�hniq��es, to protect identified lar�ds and ca1•�•idors, to sl��tain t�ieir nperi space bene�its at�d �i A/'� �n�� �0 on�'n�Flf1[s11�lY �l]t•1Y1tY �F'113 1vM1h1AiYL�tt�'�l�i!\Yl fiinctia�7s. z��'��i-�������--�=��on , Implementatr�n atld tn�na�e�ner�t strategie� s}�auld i��cl��de co��al�oi�atio� and coaa�dinat�on witl� land � tr��sts anci other lanc� preservatioa� or�ani�ations. NOTE: SFaI�Al�iE CO�U�'�1TY ANDIOR EACH JURISDICTT�N HAS TH� ABIL,ITY TO Il��IPLEMENT IMPACT FEES ON AN II�IDIVIDU�,I. TIIV� LINE A�N�D BASIS. 3, racl�ju�•isc3i�ctic��� s}�al� reqtair� t}le devel�pt��e�Yt of pat'ks and open space a� a me�tns tc� �ia�ance the iEnpacts associ�ted with l7igher��d���sit� �i�vela�incnt. 1}rNft: Un+ltt#ce�bv the TE�c�ni�al Rcvi4w Cuu�mittee th��aui:F� � UrQe�ss ba�in�iiiyg Pehil�arv 4,�oa� �u�i�.o��t«�u�n� #h�•ou�1i Ms�rc:F�17.2��4, Fi•o���s cuntinue�l tha'unLh 1he Steerin�(;'pm�riiitCC�_u_l�c�imiZtittce to uUd�tc t�e Caunt �vide Plannin Palicics be innin Ma� 14 200�an[I cnntin�iu th�•�ir h June 2� 2004. PoGcy To��iG 4-P�t�CS��d O�ycu S1��ceP�ge 29 d� CE)UNTYWID�PLA�NNING FOLICIES�aR SFOKA�E COUNTY �.�: Eacll jurisdiction should encourag�e caop�eration wi�h I�oth utilit�es and users fc�t° tll� purpose c��'inclt�ding co�np�til�le passi�e �•ecreational �nd op�n s�ace us�s witll existin� utilities or vahen sitin��er� utilities, 5,�: Each jurisd'rction shall lnake appx�ap��iate pro��isions for �a�•ks and reci•�ation ar�eas. � i DrkiStc U i�lritt��l I� Ihe TeChotiiC�l ReviC7Y Cn�y�mittce flt�ou h� �rocess be '�uyin I�cbt��r "+� �004 �L1iI�URI'![llll[1 thk�ni� =Ia Ma��•c.h l7 2��1�, Procesr�conitnu�rl tlirrru i thc Stcci��i Cantmittee Subeo�rmittee ta u idate the Counf witle Pl�nnin Ps�li�i�s bc innin Ma 14 2004 �nd conti�tuia� tl►�•au l��une 21 2UD4. Puli�v To��ic� -�nrlcs an�i Open Sy��►ceP€�ge �0 det�99�t�'r�nting COiINTYWIDE PLANNING POLI�CiES FQ�SpOKA1Y� �OUNTY Pc�lic�r 'Iiopic 5 Transportation ��vT�c��ucT�ar� �7ve�-view af Gz�o�rtl� Manat�ement Act t;CMIL Rec�u�re�r7ents Regional �rans�ar�tatior� sy�terns incl��de �najoi° higll��vays, airparts and x•ailroads, as well �s bikeways, ���ils and pedestrian systems. Tl�e Growth Mana�ement Act (GI�'iA} encoui•ages a variety o�effici�nt trar�sportatiorr systems in o�•clei� ta reduce sprawl whfle improvi�ig the ef�icient moue�x�ent af���a����, gr�c�ds �nd se��vices. Tl�erefore, �lose co�rdinatian is necess�ry betwe�n tr�anspartati.ori plarmi��g a�3d th� land tt�e element of eacl�j�u��sdict�on's camprellensi�re plar�. Tiie Grawtl�3vTanagement Act (GMA), as well as other sta�e and �edex•a� legis�ation, i•equi�•es transpartatiar� planning ta �ae conducted on a r�gional i�asis. According t� RC�V �fi.7flA, 1oca1 �1����sdi�tic���s itlust �dopt and enfoi•ce ordinances which prc�iiibit +��velopine�t appr.oval xf k�je develc��cnerjt c�z�sc� t17e level o�serviGe on the h°ansportation f�cility to decline be�ow the standards adopted in tha t��anspai�tatioii element af"the comprehensive plan unles� transparta�ion �mpi�ovements or st�ategies to accommoda�e the impacts af development are mad� cancut��et�t with tlle d�velap�nent. The st��ate�ies eould inclad�e increased pl�blic transportatioll setvices, 1'1C��-5�1S1`111g ��'�ograrY�s, dernarid �t�anagetnent. strat�gics and otl�er tt•anspart�ti�n syst�m m�nager7�enk strategies. Ovez�view oF Countywide Planning Policies The Cauntywi�ie T�lar���i1}g T��licies E�rc�p�s� that transpo��tat�oi� planni�� in �pokane County be c�an'1�C� UU� �3� �I"1� �UDk�tl� R�gIQI)al TI'��1S�10�'C�t10I1 C01ltlC1l. COl]9�q11�I1�1�, each j��risdictian's land us�plan s�iould be eonsistent with tl�� ��egional tz•ansportation �yst�tn, Palicy Tfl�aic 5-Te�a�tspoi�k�tinn Di'r�ft: ll yd�ated b tl�e Technic�l Revi��C'ommitte�tl��•au ly a »•acess 6c 'nnin*F�i��•uar 4 �44�attd cnntinuiu. throu lt M��'�tt 1'1 �UU4. Pr�eess co��iuue 1#liiou �t �te Ste�iln Cv¢�mittee Snl�COmrnill�c 1n u �[latc thc Ca�ntv�v�cle Ptannen��'olicies,bc�innin�Mav 14,240� �ud continui�Q tl�►�ou��►Junc 21,20U4. �}�.�,�, �1 i.,..� 1lIf1Q F.�„+�;.,.. COUNT'Y�'VIDE PLANNING FOLICIES FOR SPOKA.I�E COiINTY The policies recagnize tl�e need ta p1•ese�•ve ca���idors capable af�roviding for l�i�l�-c�pacity t��ansportation sucli �s cc�miniit�r I�nes, 1•�il o�` C��C�1C���C�Y1ilS'W��S. T�ll'�ll�l] thei�� cotnprcl��nsi�� �lans, loca�j��.�isdicti�ns will be z�esponsi�le �`oX' p1�ril�ir�g for developiY�eflts alo�ig t�iese co�•ridors tll�t would suppox� ptlblic #ranspartatic�n serwices. Tl�� Cot�n�y�wide Planning Palicies also recogni�e tl�e need to preserv� uuz° existing ��eg�onal h�ansportatxvn syst�Yn. N�w tand developinents woi�ld nat be aliow�d ta loweI� the [evel af service of the existin� h�anspoi�tati�n systetr�. To �GC�rriplish this, develaprr�e�ts v�rould �e �•e�qui����l to pay f�r t�°��nspork�#ion impr•ov�rtr�ents at t11e tiine �f construction or fo idei�tify other t��anspa�-tation sri•ategies to offs�t the im�acts. Tliese st��ategies could i�cluc�e incr•eased public transpox`tation servi�es, rit�e-s�iaring programs �nd othet� alternative p�•ogz•at�s. P�L�CIES 1, Regional fransportatian planr�ing s1�a11 be c�onducted by fhe Spokane Regional TI'al1SpOI'�a't1011 C:flliriCll �SRTC�, The SRTC shall coordinate witli local jurisdictians and tlle Spokanc Ti•ansit Autho��it�r (STA} ta ensure tl�at the regional transpo��tatian plan and lacal jurisdictzo�.'s land «se plans are ca�npati}�le and consistent with ane anotl��r. 2, Tl�e regiona.l trans�o►�tat.ior� plan shall be dev�laped in accardaz�ce with federal and s�ate planning i�eq��irem�n�s in o�•de�• to ensui•e t17at; a. coai•ditiated, compi•eh�nsi�ae and eonsis�ent transpartation plans �•e adopteds b. aii• quality is evaluat�c� �nc� maint�inecl; �ra.�. c, the 5pokane m�trapolitan area maintains eligibility for fedei•al and state funding programs. 3. TP�e re�ion�I tr�nspoit��i�n pl��n �h�ll ir�cl��c�e, in �additio�t to stat� �t�d federa� inandates: Poliey Tu��ic 3T Tr�usportatia�i Draft: U�d ted b tEte Technical Itevie�v Cnm�ttitt4e thyx�u h � �rocess be i��r�in Fcl�r�ua � 2#�04 and c�nti�uin tli�•au i�M ��clt 17 2(lOd, P�•oeey�cantimic�thi•ut� li#�ie�trer+n C'�mmitte�Sul�cr����ntittcc to u idate tlle Couiit vide Planniu Policies l�e '�nio Ma 1� 2�D4 �nd cantinuin tLe'ou h 3urt�21 200�. P�i�e 32 — r,.,,n�nnv n,,:.�#i{I�; COUI�TYWIDE PLANNIYi G POLTCTES�'OIt SPO�AN�C(IIINTY a. alt�rnative modes of trar�spoi�tatiati to tl�e automobile, including public transpoi�tatic�n, pedesh�ia� fac�lities, �ii��eways �nd ai1� ar�d rail f�cilities; b an nneinnnirian+ evallYarion of the eg n�ral envirorym�ntal and econoxYtic iiripac�s af the plan, NOTE; M[�►RE APPROPRIATE �1JORDI�VG. c. coorclinatian wztlx a.a�cl ��s�s ta reduce h'a�nsper��ation de�nands; ci. stand�rds far �cc�ssibility to 1r�aja�r insfii�utions, rilan��factui'i�ig at�d i��dustrial centers and au• and rai� terminals; �. incarporati4n of i�tility easein�nts into h�ansportation coiridors; f, pr'OyISlpilS fQr special��leeds ���pulatiatYS� aud g. access management to i'egional a��terials, 4, Camprehe�►sf�ve plan� sha�ll incl�ide, w17e�e applicab�e, �he maste�•plans of�denti�ed T�najox� i�•�nspor•�ati�n facilities to eo��ul°e tl�at tl�ey arc reas�n�b�y accommod�ted and com��#ible vwith su�•rauncling lar�cl ��ses, 5t�ctl facitities s�iall itYClude, l�t�t not be li�nited to, ait�ports, s�ate lughways, r•ailroads and major freight t�rminals. 5. Lacal jluisdictions shall develop and adapt land use plans tl��t �lav� be�r� cc�nt•dinated tl�r°c�ugh the S�akaiYC Regional Transpoi�atian Louncil (SRTC} t�? ensure � t}1i�#� t}l�� �}1'�S�i'�1� �fiC� �tlll�l]G@ �tl� C•e�ivi�al tra�sp��-tatiar� system, T�lese �l�rns may include high-capacity transpartation corrido��s and slr�ll fi.�lfll air quality canformity and financial��ec�i�ire�nents �f the x-��°y���'A����^° Trnrinr�nr•�.,+,n„ ���;,,;a,,.,�� n,.+_ 3 F�de�•al Trar�spoz�ation Laws and Regulations, th� �Clean Air Act Arnend�nents of 19�� and the� Growt�i I�iana�;ement Act (GhhrIAA). NC�TE: lT�DATED TO 1�FLE�T CUI�RENT �ONDITI�NS. �. Local jui'1SC�1C��(31�5 5�1��I. C��SJ�tlat� Wit�1131 Iat1C� ll'�� p��.t1S ��'�aS t�l�t C�II S�lp�OS'��.?Ub�1G teansp�rtation services. These ar�eas sl�all includ� existing as we11 as new Policy Ta�iic 5-Trs�bsp�rt�t��n Dr�ftt L�pdNtecl Uv t�te'1'eCh»i��l Revie►r�amnriitcc 1�irouCli �t�rnce�R]�c�iniiin�Fe�rutt��k'4,2U04 flrtcl�ontin�tin� th�•ou��� 1V�a�sr�h 1?,�,fll}9. P�'p�e�5�eontinuecl tlirou�h�F�q S#C���n�Cnn�niittcc�u6comtnittoe#o,uUd�t�tl�e Countvs�itle planning Foiicies,be�ina�iu�May ld,200��tu�cGntirtiiiu�Ittraugli Ju�e 2l.20�4. P�ge 33 dt,..�. ,�.���nn�-.a.F,;�� CdUNTY1VIDE FLANNING�'OLICIES FOR SPOKAI�'E COUNTY development. Eac�Y jurisdiction's land nse plan, the regional transpo��tation plan �tid th� Spak�n� Transit A.�xtl�.oz�ity's (�TA} Lc�n RaiY e Transit Flan �A� ���r�'��,�°�* n'�� sliall suppork, c�rn��lerner�t arYd �e cr�nsistent with eac�i Qtt�e��. Nf�TE: UPDA'��D TU REFLECT CCJI�.RENT CONDITIOIVS. 7. In t�ie l�ang terrn, growth and c�iange will necessitat� the designatian of specific transpot�ation cotY�id�r�s �vvhic�i can suppo�t higli capacit�tY•ans�oi-��.tion. These cQt�.-iclors s��all: a. be iden�ified for t�le specific puxpose ofpt•�sei�vit�g the riglat-of-way nee�es�aiy t� iinplemen� a tiigh-capacity transportation systein and to p�•ovide a de�Telopinen�t density t11at ��vill s��ppart sucl� a system; b, b� re�c��nized in e�ch ju3•isdiction's cornprehensi��e plan anr� c�e��lopment a•e���l.atio��s. T��ese plaris and cod�s s1toY�ld provide the ���tli�rity �o e�ta��ish high-capacity t��ansportati�n activity �et�tcr� a�d t��Aba�n villa�e� �laving a �and use pattei� of�nixed use density and intensitxes; c. be inco��porated ir�to capita� facilities pr�g�•�ms to provide a lmified appl�aach for p�•ese1•ving the �ha�•acter and quality of ne��11�Q��h�ods; d, be �valuated to ir�e��tify �attl ilif�rjin and lzltitnate t���ns�ort�tion st���tegie� ���� each corridor; e. en��LU�a�e capital infrastructure investme�t t� fa�cilitate high-capa�ity transporta�ion and suppoi�ting land uses; F, �]� Sllp�]Ol•ted tl�rac�ugl� a pui�lic educ���otl pracess; and g, be planned for a 40-y�ar horizon wi�h a �nancial plan that demons�rates the capabi�ity of development wit��in 20 years. �, Tl�� x��gianal tt•anspc��`tatiotl �l�t� ai�d cain�z-e��ez�sive p1�n �f e��h jiu�isc�ictiorY s���ll include raad�, ai�• a�d rai� se�•vic� that accotntnc�dates the need for fi•eigiit a�nd goods movement. Fuxic,v Top�c 5-TR"fln��lOrtRti4n D�•�ft: U a�l:�te[l b t}�e Tcchnical Rcvac�v�amu,�ttcc r�r�u h� lraee5s l�c ntyin Fel�iv�i 4 2(��14 R�tiCI�Or�tinuiy� tl�t�ou IN fiilar�ls 17' �Q44, Pro�cgx cnn1inucd tl�iiau �tite St�ei7ii 'onutii Subcummittee io �� �€l�te#hc Count vicic planuin Pc�lit��s be 'nn�n Pvla 1� 20Q4 ancl cantinuin 1hrou �t June 21 2U11�. Page 3d Ju�e-��9l3-�r�i�g COUNTI'1�VIDE PLANNING PQLICIES FDR SPQKANE COL�NTY P'lans s�roulcl icleiitif�r specific rautes tliat aa•e, oz� ca��1d be, �uhject to availabl� fiin�in�, desi�med and carishlicted utilizin� � �•�gi�nal st�ndat�d fc�r 1tea�y tr�ick traffi� ta serve th� fnove��7ent of�goa�s fi-om indust��ial and rural areas to t�ze market. Futui•e land uses �-equrring hea�y fi•�ight moveartier�t should be encc�u��aged to locate alol�g fl�ese �•outes. 9. Reco�rni�itig th� need to rnaint�in existing r��l lines �'oz' S11i�1it1�tltS ��CQ[111210C�1t1t�S, �vhich redtic�s the impacts af s�hipp�ng coinmadities by roacls, local jtu�isdictioi�s should protect rail facilities ta tl�e e�ctent possible. .10. Each jurisdic#fon s�lott�c� coox'dinate its 1�oXtsing and tr�nspartation sh°ategies to support �xisting, or develop n�ew, p�xl��ic rnulti-«l�dal t��ails�art�tian systems. 11, Ea�h jtn�isdiction shall address land use designations and site design requirements tl�at are suppQi�tive of and c�arnpatibl� with public tx•ansportation_, ynr'„�;rih, �„�-�°� �ri�i����$:--fC)1=€:��3111�]�_t;:_ �l_. ��['.{�[;'�II i��ll �G�I�� 1°1�1�;��L)4�1"�]CICI�`i �11(� �iC�1Vit;�' C�I1tCCS; �. 11117{-�C IIS�E CI�V�I(J�71I��Tlf� c�llC� --- c. �edesta•i�a� fi•ielidlv aii�i r�ax�mot�t�ized ciesi�ii. f�F-INST;I�TF.D RY T1-1F, STEF.RTNCT [�t�M1V1iTTEE S�JB�;�iViMITTEF n r.n,ann���nr� nnnln r.v�rrl�li r��r�y^.�n nttri nn+�riif�r nan+A�'C' � � �4H�VLS�-liC1_4_f1ASiA�!_1.i4.tY]�1'1�'� AH� � � �l �[}��Ijyy r� YLnYA1't1!%��R1'i f0f7 �nn�n�• v-or_, -�ra NOTE: TNDIVIDUAL �HOI�E FaR EAChT JURi�DICTION. Fr�licy Tu�aic 5Y Tra»s��ortl4fld]ll Drt►ft: U�}dt►tccl bv fi�c Tc�c�nic�l l�evietiti•Cummit#�e thrQULh ��yrae�ss 1�c�innin�FcUruar�4,2004 nncl r,on�inuin� throi��h 1'Mlarcl�]7.2QU4. Fru�c�ys�on#in��e�l thR�ui:Lh ihe Stee��in�Cnm�riittcc���hcom�itic�e to upc�€tt�t�ye CDUit�V1Y1!�C P1e�IlI11R�FO�ZCICS,Ue�inoin�Mav 1�#,200� �uid coiifinuin�throueli June 21,2004. P�ge 3S T�",^.. ,n��n:�;�°,'��'4� COUNTYWIDE PLANI+IING POLICIES FQR SPOKANE COUNTX l�, Eac��jlu�isdictiarl sl�ould supp�art tlie us� af telecolnmu�ications technologies fox� telecoi�in�itiY�g, te�esl�opp�ing �nd vicieo carrfe�'et�ciilg as �lternative� to �eliicle ri�avel. 13. Each jti�risdict:ion's transpartation facilities sha��l be planned wi�hin the context of cfluntywide, mu�tico��nty and bistat� �ir, land and water t�esaurces ari� shall not c�llse aT Corita�ibut� to exceec�ing fec�et•al or �tat� envirc�nmentai quality standa��ds. 14. Eac�jui•isdictfon sl�a�� strive, thl'OLl��l �I•ansp�rtation systean strategies, to opkitniz�e t�7e use of and triaintain exisfing raads #a minimize t�ie canstn�ction costs an� impacts assaciate�: with roadv�vay facility expansion. 15. ln �ccorc�ance with regianal minimum 1eve1 of s�t•vic� st�ndards speci�ied ioy the Stee�ing Ca�nini�te�, eac�l j�uisdiction sl�all estak�lish roadway standards, level �f serviG�e stan�l�rds an� met��odoX�agies and functian�l road classification scheines to enstu•e consistency t�u�oughout tlte region a�d to suppo��t tl�e �is� of a1te1•native h•ansport�ti�n tnod�s. 1�. Bach jiu�isdiction s1�a11 address enet•gy cansurnptionlc4nserva�ion by: a. designing transp�rtation i�nprove�nents far altei-n�t�ves to xh�e sin,�le-�ccupant ve��icle; b. lacating an�i ac�opiir�� c�e�igri statl�l,�l•ds fi�r �tew developmen� ta suppo��t pedestt'1�11 OI' 130111T10�01'1ZeC� �1'�V��; c. prov�di�ig r�egulatoiy and �nancial incentives to proYnote effor�ts of the publie and pri�ate sector to cot�serve energY; and �i, r�����ingthe rn�m�ez� ofveh�cl� �t�il�s #ravel�d and nuir��e�° �f�ehicle trips, Policy Topic 5-Transportm�tiau De�a#'f� llndnted bv thc Tct�hnira[R��ae►v Cr�rtitmiit�e thraueh a Z►r�eeRn c�ginning�c�i�«ry 4.�UU�Art(1 fiarif�llll�tl$ throush Mat�l�17.2UD�, F�°�ccss coiNint�ed throu�h tl�e Steerir��Cnnn�iittcc�ubcommittce tu url�f�te thc Cau�ifv�vide Pl�nnin�Policics,bc�ir��iit�M��� ld,20Q�an�i cfl��tireuin�ftu•oi�gEr June 21.2DD�. 1'�gC 3fi r...,u_u.�«GTono n;�[tt�i�t�g I COUNTYWID�PLANIVII�G POLICI�� TOR SP�OKA.N� CUUNTY 1?. Tl�e t�anspoi�tatior� el�rnent of each jurisdiction's co�npre�lens�ve plan, wllei•e h�ansit setvi�e exists, will it�clude le�vel of servic� standat•d� �ar �ransit �•out�s and sei°vices, Fa��},juriscii.ci.ic�r� �vil1 coo��dir�ate the �evel of sei•�vicc standards v�ith all �djacent juz•isdretic�ns anci appropriate agenci�s. I`1(�TE; UPDATED TO �EFLECT CTJRItElVT C�NDI'FIOI'`TS. 18. Eac��a�i�•isdiction shall t�se its adopted Ie�vel af se�•vic� sta�da��ds to evaluate �c�ncu�-�•er�ce fat� long-range h�ansp�rtation �lannin�, dev�l�pmer�t review �nd pro��•arnrni�t� of tea�7s��c�rt�ti�n ittvestrnents. 19. Tl�e anntial p��ocess to upda�te and approve the Six-year• Transpa��tatian I�npz•ovement Program �TIP) b� the Spok�ne Regianal T1•ansportation C+ouncil (SRTC) s�iall i�e LlS�C� �� �?1`li}T'ltl��1'��?1�I1�1 �r�I]SpOI'f�tlp�Il 1ITl�'lI°avemen�s and p�rc�g-�•�ntning regional transpartati�n revcnue�. 20. Tr-ansportation elements o�camprehensiv� plans� sliall reflect the pz•eseevation and inaintenance of h•anspoi�tatian facilities as a lli�li prtarity to avoid cos�ly replacement and �o ineet p��blic safe�y objecti�es in a cos�-effecti�e mat�ne�. 21, Eacl�j���•isdi��tiol�, �poka�l� RegioiYal Transpartatian C�un�il (SRTC) �nd flth�er transportation agencies shall identify significar�t regianal andlor c�untywide laiid ac�uisit�or� Y�eed� �ar tx•az�sportation and establisl� a process for p��ioritizing and siti�g the location of transportatian coi-�•idars and facilities, Po�icy Tojyic 5-Tr���A�orts�tin:t De�flft: U�d�fcc1 6 tl�c Tcchizicn�Revic3v Cgr►ymittee tl�rau h n trnce�s be nt�in Fe �var��{ �DD4 Find�onEinnin j t�rough M�a��cli 17.�170�. Process continued th�'ou�t�tlte Ste�rin�Commit#ee Su�cani�nittcc tu undxte the Cae�ntYrvitle Pi��nin�Poiicecs,bcgiiinin�IV�av 14,2UO�l su�il continuing i�tiroi��ft Fune 21,2i)04, Pagc 37 J�nc-19y8 P��r►ting COIINTYI��JIDiE P�ANNING POLICIES FOR SPOKANE �'OUPdTY BLANI� PAG� � Draft: U��dakcd 6v tli�Tccl�nical Rc►ric�r�Com�ttiticc tlirouali �u�'aCess I)e�iuuitt�1�'ellrl��t°Y�.�004 aricl eontinnin� tt�rou�h M�rcti 1'J*2004. Prnccss coi�tinued thra►a�h tbe S�ee�'in�Con�mittee S�hcouimittce to undat�tbe Cnunivtivi[Ic Pl�niti�i�FolieiGS,hG�inuin�Ma�1�,ZOD� flll{I CDllfIClllIllQ t�ll'OUQII rILlE1Q 21,2004, _ _ -- — ---- - — PAgC 3�S 7..,,n �nna n..:.,+:..n cour�TYwm�r��►rrrr�c ra�,icrES�a�spo�,r�� cou�r� P�1icy Topic C 5iting af ��,pital Facx�x�ies of a ��unty��ide or �tat��vide 1\Tature I�r�nn�rcTrc�r� �ve3�vie��v af Gro��vth Mana�emer�t Act.[GMA Rec�t�irements F�i�lic capital facilities af a county or �tatewide nature gener•ally ha.we charact�risti�s wl�i��i tygi�cally make them ciifficult to site, SuGll characteristics �nay incl�rde, foa• exatnple, the nuinber of jurisdictians serv�e�l by th� facflity, �lae si�e of ttie facility c�r t��e facility'� �]Ot�11�1�I lI"T1�7��'�5 SliC11 c�S T1Q1S�, adar•, traf�c or pal�a�tion. The Grow#h Management Ac� �GYvTA) rccagniz�s fhose d�fficu�ties typically encounterecl in attempts �o �nd 1oca�ians foi `essential public facilities,' such as aiipai-ts, colleges an� 11t11V�rsities, ca�°r�ct.i�nal facilities, solid waste statians, ma�or hig�iways ai• fi•eeways, ll]�c�tl�Ilt SLI�St`cil7C� c��)115� tI'�c'�t.�Il(1�1t i�ll�� 111�I1f�l �1.�c3�t}1 �c`�G1�1�1�� �111� �I'C}ll�'! �lbl]1CS. TI1C I �71'OWf�7 IVI�11���Ill�11t A�CX ��N�A� r�C�l1lT'�5 t�l��t 'COlaI3t�V4`1(�� P�c�i1111fl� PCI�ICI�S �(�C��'�SS ��1� Ile�Cl �Q Slt� fll�5� I1�C��SSaZ'� f��C1�1�1�5 f�lI"�lig�lOA� f�le C�Urit�' 1ri ari �C�L11r���e 1Tla�ltleY' �T�C1 �pecifically prvhibits l�acal comprehensive plans �nd �ievelop�nen� re�ulatians fi•otn pa�ecluding t�Yese uses �i•om t�lei�� cominunities. (]�!e��v�er� of Ca�intvwide PlaiYnin� Po�icie� The Coun�ywide Plan��ing Palicies sh•ess tl�e necessity af act�ve citizen involvement in siting decisi�ns and the need �o ca�•efiiLly c�nside�• transpor�atian, sike design �nd otllex• seivice ne�ds when e�alttatin� patentia[ locations far ess�ntial pt�blic �'acilities. Finally, fhe palicies erYCOU�•age major ��stitt�tiot�� stech as colleges and hospitals ta de�elop `rri��stei• pl�ns' that c�in be �c�opteci as elem�ents of l�ca1 carn�ai�ehensiw� plat�s. Policy Ta��ic G-Siting af C��ait�F�c�litics I'age 39 d�e��S�r-i�ug af n Caur�ty�v��le or Si�te�vir�e NAt�rr•e De•afkc iJ�slat�rl h tlic Tcclmicsi Itcvicr�•Cmm�tittcc tl�roii h a yrocess 1�� 'nnin Febru;tr d 2004 Rn[1 continui�i tltrpu l��I�IRe�CIt 17 2004. P�'aCC98 CbIltlllllC� tlll'OU h t�c Stcei�in Coro�llittee Suf�co��mittee to u zlate tl�e Couiytv�ti�ide PJnu�tin�Policies�Ueginning l'V�[aY 1�,20Q4 w[1 cnntiuuin�thtx�uQh dune 21.2004. C(3UNTYWIDE PLANNING POLICIES FOR SPOKANG COTJNTY P(3LICICS �I . F�1�}].�lii'1S(�1Gtl0il SI1Ql�j� �I]GCli�t"a�� I��gianal institl�tion�l facilities to prep�e a �naster pl�n fo be adop�ed as an ainezzc�tlient ta the jtuisdic�ic�n's co�nprehensive plan, Prepa�-ation of the fnastei� plan sho�ld incltrde a public parti�ipatifln process and the plan shauld be co�npatible and cansis�ent witl� t��e ju�•isdiction's cotnpreh�nsive p�az�, 2. Lc�cate esselltial �ublic faciliti�es based o� the S�okane C�e�nf,v I�e�hOn�l Siti��� I��•ocess fo�� Essential Pu�lic Facilities ada ted Febx�� 4 2�03. � `T'ltin nrifn��ir. c+1�.�11 l-. � � � �r..1�ir�n 7t�y�- tte�#� �vn ��svltfo� i�r�• .. .� rin��tii+;`wtiti n�#ls�c��_£nai7�i�i�� . � �'Y n*� lftsi�y�}��ir f1 Yf1LYYf nr�r� �iif�1ro �nni��+�ac+• �'—iRT7trYVZiCC71��TS[I2I�—CtinTT 3 fti n r�i��e�rn �v�ern�s�nfv�on� c�f�•n4�ur�[r' �. ' ri �hraNilwli�i4iftrix�i�II r'lYL1n�Si�i�i� rtii• *nii• nrzn�•a rti�ci�+on� nnr7 . . V�7� CCil�l II+HAY• l�lt4lL�1f1A1'A�11�T1[� [�llA� �S[�• � a #a+ntliYrlrtl+�n#fnn±'+Q[]c�+�+1+� ['�n+•rlina[}• CS-q.7i�T�JV�[ATiC71TiIG� . a r ivv.>> E nsm�ln����+sr r1t [.iinv5�r��v�.rt v�..�-.��n i�nn�l����on nrtiiY ��i�N1in t+�s+iri.AAC�`_ . � ■ fLSlllilflFtili#[T A� A1+01•-Yll1F1116 [���'LSL:� �/7Y9� S N(�TE; UPDATED T� REFLECT CLJRRENT CONDI'I'IOI`�IS, � ��„o„+;.,� ri„�,i„� �.,,.;7:+,��, �,�,,,,�n ;,,,.;��i��F{�c�i j�t�•isdictio�Y sl��ll m�ke �� ' pz'ovisi�ns in its compr�hensive plan foz� esser��ial �}�blic fa.�il'rties cansist�nt with ttie S akane Count Re ional Sit.i�� Pra�ess �ax• Esser�tial Pu�l�c Facilities. �t�av,.:�„� r-��,�,,,�+�oa}n ,a;n�,.:k„�,.,,, Ffllicv Topic 6-Siting of C���itttl k`acilities P�gc d0 of t�Count tivide oi�St�,fe�vil�e N�ttui�e Ur�ft: Y1 ac��tccl b ll�C'I'C�hniC31 RC�iG�W iCs�mmittce k�ra� h �t ��•oe ss I�e 'niSi� l+el�j � �4 Z0��4 an�!cuutiuuin r thi•au � 1Vlarc}�17 2Da4. Praccss caniinucd t�rou i�the Ste���r� Co�iyu�ittcc�u�eammittee tu u�d�rtc.th4 CountvFVide Pl�n�io�Palicies,i�e�i�nnin��av 1�,20U4 tu��couti�tuin2 th��au��t,�une 21,��a4. COCJNTYWIDE PLANNING POLICI�S FQR SPOKANE Cf}U]'dTY hTOTE; UPDATE� TC7 REFLECT CURREI�T C�NDITION�. 3.4, Eac}� ji�a�asc�xcti4z� shax��cl xdex�t:z�`y ir� its cornpt�el�ensive ��l�u prntectiv� mcastiu�cs ta pr�vent incompati�Ole land uses from encroacliing upon essenCial pu�lic facilities. �,�, Each jurisdiction's c�ain�arel�ensivs plan shall id+enti�'y tlaose specific local faci�ities �� that art•e essential �ublic facilities �c�r�sist�nt with t:he Spokane Countv Regiona� Sitir�� Pr•a�ess fo�• Esser�tial Pl�l�1i� Fa�ilitie�, The cotn��'ehonsi�c pla�n s��all alsa i�i�n�ify pi�blic f«ndi�ig priaY•ities ��x� t�i�se faciliti�s to �etter reca�nize tlie significance �f each facility's s�r��ice�s) and its re�ations�up to the local area's �ov�th an� �evelopinent. I�OTE; LTPDATED TC7 P�.EFL�CT CL]R�i�EaNT C�4NDITI(JNS. Pa1i�y To��ic G-Siti»�of C`apita�Facilitieg Page 41 d�tH°'d°�n.a.,+:.,n of� �aiintyividc nr 5t�tcTV��lc Nai�i��c pr;a#'t: UUdatecl �tv tfte Ttx:hnic�l Revie►v C+�mrt�itle�t�tkx�ui:�t kt u��a�.e�s beei�tr�i���Tel�ra,��-y d,20bd�t»1 e±)��tinuin� ihrc�u���n�a�rch 17��r1n=�. �'t'o�:es+��a��tinue�l th�°ur�Lh#he Steerin�C�ummi�kec Stil��r�mrnittcc tn updatc thc Count�►�•itle Pl�nnine Polic3es,be�inuinQ M�y 1�,2�Q4 flnd Garl#inui�lg fi�irougit Jiine 21,ZU04. C�TJNTYWIDE PLANI+NING PQLICI�S FQR,SPOKANE COi7]'�TTY �LA�I� PA�E �' Draft� �n+lated 1�5�thc Tc^t;huical Revie�v Conymiite€kl�rou�h A��raccss Uc�nuine Ceb�`u��'r�.ZU{}4��ncl�onti�nuin� fla��ou h M ��cit 17 2Qff4. P�'OCLSS COI1�111LI@[���li�ou i�tj►e Sfeci�n Carrtrttittee S�iucomn�itkee ia u�d�te the Co�rn#�vide Fls►�tia�inQ Palieies, be�ioniu�ll���v l�i,�1��1�Andl CUnlirtl�in�t11COU h J�ne 21 20Q4. F�t�e 42 r...,., innQ n�.:,.t:,..� ___-_ �__�__"_""n CqUNTYWID�pLANNING POLIC�S F�R SPOKANE COiJNTY Pol�c�r Topic 7 Affn�c�able Hvusin� Il'�"'I'RUD�UCTIOI� C�verview c��Gr�wth Iviat�a�em�nt Act (GMA. Ree�uiretnents Th� Gi�c�wth IVranagem�nt Act �GMA} stresses the irnpc�i•tance of housing �y �•equiring local go�vernments to include it as an element in ttieir comprehensive plans and req��iring that affa��dable �iousing be addressed ir� Countywide Plann�ng �'�li�ies. �oals within t��e Grow#h M�nagement Ac� (GMA) encaurage the availability of affc�rdable hausing to all economic se�ments of the popiilation �nc� pi•ese�•vatian of e�i.stir�� }}cr��sir�g stock. The Gx-a�vt�l Mar�ageinent Act +(GM�) �oals also pt�amote a v�i•i�ty of i•e�identia� c�ensities aYrd hou�ing types, discaurage urban �p�awl and encouf�age a fai�• and eff�ci�ent permit process for developinen�. The Growth Ma�agement Act (GIVIA} does no� define tl�e t�rm `affordable ha�sin�,' but its use in t�i� Act indic��es that it sl�a�ild �e broacl�y coY»#r����d t� r�fer to a wide i•��l�c af hausin� types at va�yi�g costs cap�ble �af ineeting tlie n�eds af a�� ecor�o�r�ic s�gmeyl#s of the commlr�ity. � The hoi�sing element in each jut�isdictian's compreh�nsive plan mt�st, at a minimum, include the fallowing, a. A� inventory and analysis of existiYig an�i �rojecterllaousirt�g r�ee�s� b. A statement of��als, policies and objectives for the preservation, improvement a�d developrnent of housing. c, Identifica�ion oi�su��`tc�en.t 1at�c� for ho��s�il�, including, but nat limi�ed �a, �ovePnY�ent-�ssisted l7al�sing, ha��sing �`uz' �O�'-111�',C�TT7� ��,tT1111�5, in�t�ufactlu•ed housing, multifamily hc�using, gr•aup homes and fost��• cai•e faeilities, Poliey Ta��ic 7-Affprcl�ble liousing Dr�ft: �1�d��te�l b �thc Technical Re►�ie�v Committee ihro� h a truces�ue�ir�nin =Fel�r���r �4 �OR4 �r�d cnntiuuin thrau h M�rch ]T 2QU4� Pracess canfinue�l tlirat� l�tlic Stcerin �ummittee�u�ac��ramiilcc to u id�tc thc Cot�nt svitle Planuin Policies be 'nnin Ma 14 2�Q�,aud continuin t�ebu '�3ur�e 31 20Q4. , P�igc �3 r..,,., ten�n�.:.,f:,� COUNTYL�IIDE PI.ANNING P[7LICI�S FOR SPOKAIV�+C4UNTY d. Adequat� �rovis'rons fc�r existing and projected housing needs af all ��onatnic se�ments of tlie c�mmu�iity, Tltese legislative rec�uirements, tag�t�ler with the Caunt�wi�e Plai�tiin� Polici��, provide a con�istent fi•amework for tlie Coi�nty an+d each city and town as they develop tlle housing ele�nents of theii• cornpr•ehensiwe plans. l'�V�rvie��v o�C�untvwide �l�ruiin� Pol�cies `Affo�•dable lYausing' applies to a wide range of housin� t�pes at varying costs wl�i�clx can rneet the r�eeds �f a diverse comzntznity. Tl�e ix�arketplace is gett�ral�y capable of lne�tir�g the housing d�mands of the upper income seg�rnent of the popu�ation, The�cfore, the pz�imai'� �OCUS b�t�"1.�5� �70�1C1�S 15 Otl II1�C�i�ri1S111S �Q 1T1CI•ease the avail�bility of affardable h�using far �ni�ci�le- an�� lowe�•-i��carrie f�nu�eltolds. Such mechanisins m�y i�tclu�� i•e�;ulatary refo�•m, incl��sionary zaning, tnixed ttse develop��tents, it�centives far increaseci hausing densities and o�l�er incentives tQ encourage a va��iety of housing typcs fo meet the needs of a divea•se papulation. Tlze affai•d�ble ho��sing palicies prowide a frainewa��k b�whicl� each j�u•isdiction can 17e1p meet th� aver�ll Iia�r�irag needs of S��c�k�ne �ou�lty in a �aiz�, cansistent �r�c� ��orc�inafec� f��shion. 7.'hey cill'�C� �c���l�}4lI'15C�1CL1011 C(3 �GCQiT1C1lOCl�t� c� WIC�� Vr`1Clet�J O�C�$V��Q�]1T1E11� 21I1�I housing types; they call for consistency i�a deve�opment regu�at�ons a�d standai•ds witl�in IJrban C�z�owth Areas �LJGA�j and tliey encourage x�eform of regulations whicl� are u�necess�ry crr costly bar��iez�s to the pravisian of affordable llausing. F�LiC`IL� €.1, Each 't�i•isdictioii's catn rehensive lan sliall s eca the strate ies �or attainin its T affordable l�ou�in ob'eck�ves. These sh�at� ies shou�d include a �iiverse inix of 1zo�tsin�tv��s and prices including low-incoine �io�isin�. N��`F.: MO�ED F}�C�M P�LIC�Y' #6, I7UE TO �C?FtT1�NC�. Palicy T��fic 7-Affa�•ds�l�le I�uiisi»b Dr;ift� U �l�tcd 6 th4 T�+:Itni�al Revie�►• Carnmi�keC tl�rnu 1�x �roecss l�e 'mtiu Febru�r 4 2DD�attd cantiui�in t�iruu h MA��:h 17 20Q4, �'xacess eonli��ucd tlzrn�� li ilrc Stce�i�� Camr�tiattee�e�bcamn�ittee io u adxte the Cauntvrvicle P�annin �'olic�es be `nnin Mav 14 200�ancl co�itinuin ihe•ou h June 21 2004. F�ge 44 r.,,.,, inn�n,.:.�+:� COUNTY�i�IDE PLANNIN�G POLICIES FOR�i'��ANE COill'+T'I`Y �.2. E�C�I�LII'15(�1Ct10I1'S Cf}1ri�I'�I1��15iVe �}ISII SYlall 111C111C�@ �QI1�1�S �nC� S�I•ate ��'es to rotnate �ccessil�i�it �o s�i•vicefactivit centers 'obs �nd �ibli� trans ��-tation for ��ecial-needs papulati�ns. l�C�T�: �O'��I� �R(�I�I pQLICY #7, DUE T[� IMP�R'I`�NGE. :i, ��I1 ju��i�c��cvli47���,�l�c�t�lcl c,st<�l��i�,lt�;c�iz;�i�tc�it rc�icic��tifil cic�-cl����i���,���_rc;�;���r�tityns f7�lc� _st�anclarcls witl��rl Ur��n Gr�owtlt A�'e�s. t�]QT�: PRI:VIQU,SI.Y- l'4T,T�'Y#�1 {,�r,E �3�1.()�S7►T�, REVISEI� 11�i� RI:- ll�`�i`sfi'CT[l 1:3Y '["1-fi� �'I'l�11'I�.1L�� C=;�MMTTTF,� �iJ[3C(��[`I'T')�F. . , , � rr r� NC1TE: vr�����.�sTrc �.4. E�ch jurisdiction's develop�nent policies, regulatians ar�d standards �� ,�y°^^,,,.nn� +�,�^,.o_.�},�,�sho�ild rovide for the o ortunit to ci•eate affordable housin in its ca��mtinit�, such �olicies inav inclL�de re ��lato�y tools such as in.clusio�ar zonin erfo�'mancelim act zonin xnixed--t�se deve�o ment and incentiv�� for increa�it� c�ei��ik to r�nj���te e�tcr cli�oice an� affai•daY�le housiYi . �ffard�ble �ic�us�ng in its co���n«nxly, T',o �^y1r=�.;,,n 1tin,,,oinJ.- i.�r.Ltn nr,n�, �.a � c,,,.��n ,.,,,,,,, ,,,,.,,,,,�.,,.,, �, Annonn�r�r r��irollyrirr i�n�fni ��'�}�$t���'�'.�. A L�IJnfllltnA�'l�'1�a1'1 �ilAtYlLSt+ AYY_YYI�f3�1�1 l.,r�. t L4PIA�Y�l�!{ !1 iitfll1f511"�� Fl/1'LYIA 41!]4'�F[l � (-lf�ny 4�rv�an .-���ir��in�rin N�T�: HQUSING TYFE PFR SC7�TAL CH�OTCE OF J�iJR�SI�I�TI(�N. PC�LIC� #3 AND PC}LICY #2 COI�IBIN�D FOR BREVITY. puli4y'�trpic 7-Affurtl��ule Hausin�; I�r��ft. U a�l�ted b the TeCh�aics�l Revi��ti���mmiliee 1�i��nu �i a n•nc�css Ue 'nnin �ebrurt� -4 2UQ4 ar��!c �ttinuia tl�ruu��i M�rcli 17.2{�i?4. �'R'aces�contin4ie[I th�-otiCh�ItC SEcci�n�Comuti�#ee SuuCOnti�tit��C tU i�ll.(l.t�t� h�r Cotintv►vide Plannin�F'akicies,betainning Mav ld,2Q04 an[I cu��tinaing tUrfluQli Jur1e 2],�004. 1'�ge �5 dt�+� CQi7NTYWIIIE PLt�NNING POLICIES�QR SPOKAN� COitNTY � ) 9 } f��r�Ji 1'���'�"$�IIL7STi rmon4or n��nir+rs r�ttr�.�rr�ni�la �Aiin�r�n 5. Each jtuisdictioii s��all ensur�e that standa��ds in existing or fi�t��ce development regulations facilitate re��abilitation, res�oration and i•elocati�or� af existing sh�uctiu•es or n�w constr��ctian af af�ordable housing. � , y �. �� ., � . :,�.F.l,�. ho„�.-��„�..,.�;��, � }��r���ntir�rr 1�3r�on n+��� �r�inae. i��n1»r-�iy�rr 1Axsr_i�}l�A143d_L3L3»r,++yrr ,,. ? VCL�7111�. 7 ? PNLfAie1� 4fA6�i� 11l1ri11�A�'1/lt1{1 �.G, In can�unctian witll other policy topics, coordinate housing, tz•ansportation, and econamic develo�mer�t strategies to ensure tha� su�ficienf latid and dcnsities for af�a��dable ktousing are provided in lacatio�s reac�ily acces�ible �� employment centers. NOTE: ADDED� TI�I�i�P�RATIOI�. Palfcy T�pic 7-Af�'c��•�li�ble A�uying D��s�ft: i�a�l�tetl b tll�T�Chn�Cnl RCViCS1��'nrr�millce lfti°n�i li � it•ncess be �nrii�t £��i�a;�r �# 20�4 t�cl contimiin tl�rou }�Nf��►�i� 17 24f}4. Frace&s conlir���crl thrnu h tl�c StGCr��u Comit�ittee S�bCOmmitlee to u � e the Count_yti�i�s I'la�tning Paticies,i�e�innir�g Ma� ld,2D04 �n[I�ontinuin�fln�nu�lz J��ne�],200d. Pag� 4G �t�t�98-F�+r�it�g CflU1�TTi'�VIDE PLANNIlY�G FdLICIES FOR SPOKANE COUIVTY ��. EaC�1�LlI•isdiction's eamprel�en�ive plan and de�relopznent regulatians sl�a�ll recogni�� and inco���z�ate the rn�ndates of fcd�ral and state faii• housing la�as, 1�ar�ticu�ax•ly as ti7�y relate ta siti��g ar�d dev�lo��il��nt �f housir�g fo�� special-needs pop�alations. � Policy Tal�ic 7 �Affn2�daUlc Housing D��aft: ift�datc�i 1ay tt�e Tocl�nic��Reviie►v Corotrtitlee t1���8rr��� � I.�rocess�e�iuuin�Fel�rti�rv 4,ZO��H1�[I COtl�lli4111i� tlu•aueh i�Za��cli 17,ZOU4. Process co�tt�nue�! th�`ou�;tt thc Skeerin� Commi#t�c Su�cu���mittee#o�n�dAtc tl�o Couatvwyidc Plannins Falicies.�e�inning Msy 14,2Q04 �trtcl continuine t��r�u�h durte 21,200�. Pagc �7 �,•�n�,�-i�►g CO[TNTYWIDE PLANNING POLICIES FUR SPOKANE�COU11iTY I'olic� �''op�� � Ecanamic I)eveXvpment I1VTR�DiJCTI+ahT (�verview of Gro��vth Maiia�etilei�t Act (Cr�A) Rcquit'ements The Growt�i Ivlanagein�nt Ac� �GNIA) establisl�es o�erall gaals for ecanamic ciev�loptnent tliro��ghau� tlle state and requires the topic to be addresscd as part of the County�7ide P�anning Pol�cies. a'��g�i. ��T°�-'� ��n�� n„#} a,,.,�1=.�r�n,rlin�.r.n ;,, �'� N�TE: UPDATED TO REFLECT CU�I2ENT CONL�ITIOI'�TS. RCV� 3b.7�0�.070 7 — EC�JNUMIC DEVELaPMENT ADLED AS A REQUIREIV�N�F. The Gt�owth M�nagement Act �GMA} �sta�lishes t[le follor�ring as ecanomic devel�prn�nt �oals for the St�te of�ashin��ton. RC'IrV.36.7�1�,Q20(5�, • Encourage cconatn�c developinent t�1�t is consistent wi�h adopted camp�•ehensive plans, • Pramote economic app�rtunity fflr all �itizens of the state, e�pecially far l�nempl�yed �nt� c�isac�v�ntag�d persons. • Encourage �z•�r�th in areas expe�•iencing insufficient econo�nic �t�owtl�. • Ensure econo�nic gro�vtl7 occurs within the capacities ofthe state's nah�z�ai ��esaw•�es} public servic�s and public faci�ities. Tllese �oals, to�etl�er vaith tli� County�vide Planning Palicies, will pi•avic�� g«ic�ance to individual jurisc�ictia�s as t�1�y develop t�e ecoriomi� development elements af theu campr�hensi�e plans. Pc�lic�° Toraic R-F�o��umie Deve2apmerit Ilr�aft: �111[l_A�CfI 1k�Y t��C TCC1�n�CAI RCYieYV ComEnitlo�tlirnuEl�a_prnccrs hcHinniu�F�h�v�ti°.y �,�OU4 and covtinuiti� thrn�u�l�NI���h 17,200�, I'r�cCSq Cnr�tir�UCil fiirp���lt#1zG Stccriu��mumiifcc Subco�mittcc t4 iq1[In#C 4hC Countv�vide Pla»ninQ Palicies,be�irr��inE May 1�,2U04 anci cat�tinuing throu�l�Juuc 21,2004. I'�ge �8 T�",~.. �nz�ze-D':i�#ie�� CQUNTYWID�PLANNING POLIC�S FdR SPOKANE �'OUI�iTY ��erview o�Coui�t_ywide Plannin� Palicies T�ie �otuitywide P�ai�li�ig Policies establish averall diz��ction f�r e�anoini� developmen� efforts in tlze z•e�ian, both p�iblic and private, a�i� also provicle g�.iidance to individua.l jt�risdictions as they develo� tl�eir com�rehensive plans. T�i� policies call �o�• grea�er caoperatiax� t�etween tl�e private sector and govei•nment in �neasuring bath the perf�rmance of t�ie local ec�onomy anc� tll� rel�tionslli� �O�twcen e�on�fnic developmen� �]'�.C� �}CeS�1"Vc�t10�1 0�tll� ��'��'S �I1Vll'C7II1Tl�llt c'�.I�C� C1llctll��r' O�IIf�. The poli�ies sxr�ss the T1CC(� t0 I11�111t�111 [�0'4"�f�1f0�'VI] ��701rC�t1� �S � 1'et�ll c�I1C� Gllitlll�al hub. �n �ddiiio�t, f��e policies indicate � need for a r�gianal (Vv'ashingtfl� and Idaho} approa.ch to the critical environmental issnes of water and air quality and tl�eir• potential influe�ce on tE�e region's �c�nornic dev�lopinent. �ina7ly, t}�e policies provide sp�cific �uidar�ce regarding those t�pical areas to be �dc�•essed i�. t��e ecanamic devel�pment �1em�ent of each ju�•isdiction's cvmpreher��ive �lr�n. POLICIE� � sr�ir.� yr�nliir�nez ��.�E_ne�_nct� �:rv�:+ar� Mr.• 'S�ZCLG1YZiip=LTC[G.7��i'v . . y � . �} � rrxnr�nl r.r�r� �iFr��4�dn• ) n +Ho i�nr�fri�innfi�-.r` ��rs:rnllo��n j�n»c.ttnrr +.� r�},rvr�.,y-! nnr�+�nmin irrr��sv�F�� v, � , n_i•nn���Ln�1 rn#o+�F�rtr� n�rn#art�an nnt�ntn#as9F i+!F� nnmvt�a�n�+ir �Qn�rnn• nr�.-� 9T1ZI7. VV11a111ylLS�a' {,k�T�RlT .'�Ir][�ntti/�r11'1AHk� +H/l� A1'ht]A+ t'fl}31'Q[�at1�'o� Policy Ta��ic� �Economic pevclvpment De�rift: U��datec!bv tl�e T��l�oic�l Revi�►v Contmittee 1#�rat��li a ur�c�csq hc 'imins I+'ebrunr�4,2004 n�tcl conti��in� tlirot��l�1'Vlarcl�17.20[}�1, Pt•r��.�:�s cuntinue�l #lir�ou�h Ihe Ste�rin�Cn�nrrtit#cc 5�hcammitioe to��d_�tte the COUIIfYSi'11�C PI€i11I111iQ FU�lC1C$e F�eeinnin�Mav 14,20Q� and eu�ztin��ir��tliy�ou2h Ju�fe 2l,2004. P,9gC �3� r.....,inn4 n..:.,*:..r. COi1NT'Y�'VID�PLA1��N�NG P{]LICIES F�R SPOI{ANE +GOi1NTY r�aT�: �-wa�E� so �ra�rrl� Is ca�rsls��r�T w�Tx ���. ��cvv ��.��r�.��o��}. 1. Include �n eco�nomic de�reloprnent element in each j�risdi�tio�'s comuc'��1��1SLV`� p1�17 that �stablished lo�al o� als, polici+�s, objectives, and provisi�ns foi� econc�inic rrawt�7 and vitalitv and a hi h qlaality of life. T�i�e eleinent sha11 include; a. a summaryo uf the local e�conotn� such as pop��lation, eznp�oYment�p�, r�al1, sectors. br�sinesses. sales, and o#her info��atton as appn ratariate; b, � sur�lnar� of the �lreti�k��s afi�cl weaknesses �f tlYe local econatll� de�in��l as t�e cornmet•cial and indu�trial sectc�r� a�c� su�porting factar� sltch as latid usc t�-anspartation, ��til�ties, educatian, wc�rk force���ousi�i , and natural I cultut•al xesou�•�ces; ar�d c. an iden�ification af r�alieies, pz•agrams, ail� �.3TQ]��vtS �O �OSt�r eca�otnic gi•o�h and develc� �nent �n� to addi�ess fi�ture needs. A cit tl�at has cho�en to b� a t�esidential c�rnit���rzit is ex�t�� t fi•o�7Y t�lc eGOnomic develo ment elemer�t z�ec�«iremerat or the GMA. 2. Jitrisdictions � sh+�uld adop� in the�r compreh�nsive �lans ec�nflmic developiner�t poltcies which vvill lielp �ratect the enviror�un�n� as a key econo�nic value in the regi t�n, � . �eepe� rn.-r.,l n+i rur�e �vo�r�; ��cx a�r�sDl��rlo�v v�LL�a�v��,a� �xE� o�rr �ca�rc��c DE4�ELOF�ENT STRATEGY THAT �OMRKS F�R THAT CITY OR COUNTY. . . j x t►�'�nv�n�ynrr �r��v+nn��*iin��1�•0 f�amnr�r�n n�anrtn.���n m+��tr�-� PoliC�' To�]iC R- F�GO�t4miC�?e►'��oprnen# llr�fl: �Ild�l�tl 11Y the TeChni��l Rovie►v Carninit�c�tlirou�lr a�i��ncc,gs hc�nuin�Te��u���v A,2UU�€�n�i Covtinuin� thr•auel�1�Ta��cli 17,2044, Pr�aee�4 conli��u�t1 i3ir�c�iz��i xlic Stcc�ln�Cnuiuiittcc Su6committee to utytl��te tf�e CouutY+ri�le Plhnnin�Policie�,I�c��uning May 1�,2004 and ca2stinuin�tlirou�l�June�1,�044. Fflge 50 �....b�.,..�aoo�nt;[�+g C�UNTYWIDE PLANNING POLICIES �'OR SPOKANE COUNTY ���fy���+���}�� .n�r'� �r. nnf'e'�N�ihN AA��i1��n�ai�A 811AH/\S4ti1A �L1il�1 fil4Vl6}'�� !lf'1� II 7. p Ya1Y]r1�Rt11'rldlt+ ITl1./3�[�_�ft'1�_H�ll-�;TL��I1-1�Z}.p_�;1��4sn�'n nnn�ni` �A AtiitlaA�.�iL4i.nl.tn�'A VirJ 14d F.f n+�nr.��srrr�ar�4 nr.n�n rtr� n nniyt-L{inir�r�n �ot�n� 7 n.ainnonl� nnY�r�finn nr�.a f�o �+nfn rt�T�n��.n NC}TE: P�LICIES #3,4,5 AND 5 REMQ�IED �Y TECHNXCAL REVIE�i�V C�MMITTEE; REDUNDAN'I' OR N�T A�HIEVABLE, :3, `1'lie �i��i�ii� C;oni�r►ilte� 51�a��lt� ticsuc c��ti+a��s_fr�r� i-� 1{1�1c�� �Ia1111�t1 511C�1 �� �sTtal�li�lim�ti� of� re i� lai�ii�z associ��iorl with adi�ceiYt counties ai�c� the St�t� of I�lalio, hT(�"I'I? i�1-?�,I�ST?I�? �'t�I;iC�Y #;�{ A1���J'�, �.4. 1Vlaintair� t}�e integrity c�f d�wnt�wtts �C`c�tltt'�l ����sii_����.T)���i��ct4:} �ts �:c;�lte�rs F�7z� `' � . `; ,f ,;�r> > {.: � � ;, �.�;� r�tail, l�usiil�s� ai�c� cult��ra� acti�vity. i.T� Ys�.e.�f.. ..r .. NOTE; IT IS l�CO�1VI�ED �'HERE, A�E NIAl`dY IMPC)RTAI�IT RETAI�. CENTER.S IN SPOKI�NE C�OUNTY, 'I`D �NCLUDE THE SIVIALL TO'U4�'NS � h�EV�'L� INCORFORATED C�T'IES. 5.5. �ach jui'1SC�1�t1b11 S�lOU�C� ��S1gI1��� SIt�S �[?1 1TlC�l1St1'1c�I c�llC� S�1•vic�e emplo�rers to en�c���rage th�ir• lQCati��� thi��ugh�ut ��i•b�n areas in px�oxitnity to l�ausin� anrl r�grc�nal transpot�tatian facilities (including p��blic transportation). tt�Y9��161 r�i�aa +n n11n1z, �ni+ �„+�.t+n..r�rsz�nLna�a+tiA� �..:+E, ;+,rl„�,i-.•;.,1 „�aR �..�. NC�TE; AI]EQUATE �ND[7�TRIAL L�I� IS ALREADY DESIGNATED. Pol�cy To�oie R-Ec4»art�ie Dovelot�mC��l DrAT#; XI �lakcrl Ir t}�C T��linie�l Itcvictiv Cnrnjt�ittcc tlarou lt� �e•accsa 6e 'nnirt F��trt��rv 4 21�Ud��[i c n inuin t}�rnu 1i M�rcl� 17 20b4, Prnecs�cnntiriuctl tiu�ou li 1Eec Stcei��i Ca�untittee S��ucon�r�titfiec# u �cl tC it Cauntv�vide Pl�nnin2 Polieies.beeinniu�1VIav ld,2Q�4 ;uid continuin��hrou�h.T��e 2],2f}Q4, �,tge 31 � COUl'+�TYWIDE PLANIYING PQLICIES I+OR.SPOKANE COUNTY -�9,6. Sp41��tie Colinty shauld inaintain cammercial ag��icult�ra! areas to protect the long- terxn viability o�'a�•icult�u•e as an itnpo��ant �leinent of th� lc�cal ecanoiny. P�licy To��te 8-Econotuic Develo�yment Ue•;�ft: U 7date��b tl�c'T Iynical ReWie4v Ca�mittcc thra���h� ��•oce.�s bc 'm�i�� Fc�jv�� 4 Z01�4€�ntf�ont�uu�� t�trol� l� M�r �17 2004 Pracess cvntin�ic+l tl��•uii l�t�te Steer•iri Canrn�ittcc�uhco�un�ittee 1u u ltlnte tl�e Cou��tv►�ide Plauuin Palicies 6e 'nnin May 14 2004 and con#ia►uin lhrou h June 21 Zf}��#. p��� �+�r 7...•c. 1flOH�.:�;s.li..� � COUNTYI'VID�E PLANNING PDLICIES FUR SpOKANE COUNTY �fl�1C!� �Q�1C � F'1��d� �iY1�l�C�S ��T�a�ucT��r� Overvie�� c�f G�•�wth Mana�ement_�c�Gl'vL�, I�.e�t�iz•e1�ner�ts Tlre Grovvth 1Vlarzagement Act (GMA� req��ires �hat Co�intyv��ide Planni�,� Policies " . . . address an analysis af the fi�cal impact.'' The Act, vowever, does not c1a�•ify n�or define t�ie s�ope of tlie re�lti��ed ��.ancia� anal�sis. The type af ana�ysis is left to the discz�etia� a�tlie County, �c�ties and towns, �o be de�"inec� witlYin theu• Cai�ritywide planning Folicie�. O�verview af Coun� wide Plann�n Palicies The purpQS� of fiscal impact ana�ysis is to assess th� Y•elative �asts of p�'aviding u�{�an gove�•nme�atal services to areas cansisten� witl� t��e �lans ele�reloped by eacl�j�aris�licfiion. Th� Co��ntywidc Plannin� Policies esfiablisl� overail direction for fi�cal impact an�lysis �s �]Ll�'1��I1Ct1011S �C�0�7t t�l�ll� ctiinp�•eh�tlsi�c pl��s. Tlie� c�ll for t'evenue-�ha�•in� �nd �o�peration betweei�jurisdlctions t� help firiance shared n�ads and lnaintain levels of service, T��e polici�s re4uire an exatninatian of infrasn•ucture costs �nd impacts cat�sed by develapment, along�awith tl�e ca�ital r�eso�urces a.vai�able to accom�nodate gr�awtli. Finall�r, ttle palicies p�•ovide �pecific gui�ance for cant���cting ar� a�n�lysis of camprehen�ive �l�n �l�ments st�ch as c�pital facilities, Urb�n �rowtli Are�s (UGAs), �ac��XSing and orclei�ly developtnent. POLICIES rt . T+"r.nt.: nn�»��•1..�r�_r�nr�nil�. r�o�rolnr.monf_in_�rti_�-so .�.+�1.�;�lora YYl1+�'11f11 7Ti•lti.. !'1�-,�ii:+Cn�si°�[i� n� �i nn�i �»��fnra�n�artr'i a . .'QC . . . . �CL . .n,�. ±k'n 7 Palicy To�yic 9-Fisc�l impflcts Page 53 r„�°v..�-�nQ��=:r�iag Di•�ft: il a�lalc�l h tltC'FeCliniCR1 Rc��csv Commiftcc t�n�ou ��� �i•r�cc�s I�c 'nni�i Feb��i1�'V 4 2004�s111 Cd�l#��llfltl tlyrnu�l�M�rch ]7,20+Dd. Prnccrs cmttinucd tlirn��eh tl�c Stcci�inQ Com�itt�ee Subconuyuttee to u�t��:tte tl�e Countvsvide P�flnui�i2 Paltcics,l�c�i�►niu2 M�ix 1�#,ZQfl4 smcl coutin�ziu�tlta'au�l�June�1,��IU4. CQUNTYWIDE PL�INNING FdLICIES FdR SPOKAN� CCIUNTY a a f� 4 . 1.�---La�li jurisdiction shal� id�ntify, wrthin th� capital facililxes elerner�t of its compreh�nsive plan, capital resaurces that will b� avai�abl� �a accotnmodate the additi�onal deve�opment which is an�icipated vvithin Urba� Grawth �reas ([�GAs}. � te' ny1rn} r�r�� ni�nna n��r g�iPi�����}r� i��•�n+t r�a„a1r,r.f��ni��. b� � . a T t1Yl/1riP�6 nHf11•AA t1dOf71� ArilY 1l^I/1111�/11Y1 r1JVAT1+0/Y �AS]alC�' F1T Gi�1`�IIAa NOTE: P�LICIES #3 r'�ND � N� LOI�TGER APPLICA�LE. - ,},r:, l . . , �: =—:',<<�.��!��t�€�..<� vl��c�.�A��t€�-���e=�����-���4j.�:�����1=��-���1����+������tal,.��t���?E�,����t�,�yF ��,_ �d�: � . . ;:� ,i�,E if��;t����t���x�t-����i±-��-��a����c-�i�€�i€�u��,��it��i��---��9����C;-����. N(�TE: TECI�ICAI1 REVIE�' �Oh�Il�+�II3'TEE CI�A�GED TI-� W�RD "FORM.UL,A" '�(� METH���GI..Y, STEERING COMMITTEE SUBCOh1iMMITTEE L�ELETED EI�T�ftE P�L���I. Il��iPACT FEES ARE A1���SS�T] IN �T`ATE LAVt�. '��n4�r.s1 �nns�a#tin�ti��ar�rr 1^..if r�rti� 1irntCGCrCCT: C .� n �rar�ai•n� worra+»�an• . y Q��LiVr*n� i._ �n11 rnnraa� �. � �T�� . a � rh�al�n/n� i•�}��1-'��V��'f"� 1 �. " i'__ . _"' l"'_� � � J Policy To��ic 9-�sc�l In�pacts PAg� S� T..,,�,.1 aCSQ D..:.,+:� �1'�ff: �Utir�tecl by tite'I'eCS�ni��l Re��esv Comm9ttee#h�'!7l1�11 ���trp�ess be�int�ii�s:.Pebtlia��'4.����.'IIII� C011t1I1lI11iE �lyrou�h M�rclt 17,2UU�. Yt•otess co�tinuecl tltroii�Es ti�e�kee�'iu;�Cotnmittee Subco�umittee ta u�9date thc Countvti}'t[!e Pl�ntti�t�Pol�cics,�c�iunin�Mav 14,204d tut�t cpn in�iitis tiu•ougl�June 21,200d, CC1iTNTYWID��'LANNING P41sICIES I+OR SPOKANE CQi]A1T3' NUTE: P�LICIES #6 ANI) ? 1�I�E ADDItESSED IN �I�IIDUAL JLTRI,�DICTIONAL CAPITAL F��ILITIE� PLANS, Pfllicy Topic 9-�'iscal IEUp�cts PTge 55 d+��►� ,00�n.2„�,,Q Draft; U ida#�tl h �11L'TGCLlllll`H���VI 1V COIIIftI1��C���1Ynu i► n raecsa Lc 'rrnin Felli �r 4 2004 ar�d ctr�#iuuin throu h Marcl�17 200�. Pru�exs canlinue�l t#�t•au � Ihc Stcce�n Conlmitte2 SubcouSml#tee to u �date tbe Connfv�vitic Planui��Fuli4ies,I�eC�nni�;�iVCfly ]d,20�1�3 and coufiuuin�1hR'ou�l�Ju�e�1,_2UD�#. G1v�sar�r Countyvvia�e Planning I�olicy Terms Alecess m�nagement - �he conti�ol�ing oi� lnanaging of access alon� a��tez•iaZ �•oadways far th� pui�aos� af impi•QVing av�rage tx•avel s�eeds and i����°�asing t�tc capacity o�t�le t�oad. Access+oY�y dwelling unit - a dwelling unit that i� a building, �art a�'a building, or stt�ictur� «rhicl� �s s�ibardina�e ta, and the use of which is incid�ntal ta, that of fhe main t�uilding, stru�cttu•e or us� on the same lot. ,Acler�uate ��irk�lic facili�ies - facilities wl�ich lyave t�te cap�city to s�x-�re dewelopiner�t witlYO��t d�creasing level� of ser�ice bel.o��r �acally esta�Ii���ed mitli�t�►uit�s. Affordab�� housing - adequate, apprapr•iate shelter cost�ng no more (including basic utilities) t17an 30 p�r�erit of a househ�old's gross rnonthly incair�e, .�,i�• c�uali�y cai��`o��Ir�ity � a rt�ecl�aui���� fo�� ei�suri��g that transpartation activities (plans, pz•o�°aYns ant� pro�ject�� ax•� �•e�iewed a�d evaluat�d far thcir impa�ts on aix� quality prior ta fiinding ar approval. A►uailable ��ublic facilitie� - m�ans tliat faci�ities c�r se���zces are in plaee ar tha� a �nancial coinmitment is in pla�c� ta provide the facilities or services wit�iin a sp�cif�ed ti�r�e, �r� t17e case Qf t1'�ilS]}(}C'��tl(7I1� ��1� ��l�Ci�1�C� t11]1C 15 51X �'��'S �'017� t�lE t1177� Q� ��V�10�111�I1�, Cariying c�pacity - t�le finite liinits of fh�e environXnent, our physical i�esaurces and government's ability ta respond to growfih. Clusteri�lg - a developin���t dcsign teclu�ique tl�at c�ncentt�ates builc�ings on �pai•�io� c�f a �it� t� a:11o�� tt�e rema�niz7� lat�d to l�e u�ed for recreatian, comman apen sp�.c�e, ag-��icultural uses, pz�esex-vat�on of�n�i�•onmentally sensitive €eatures or p�•eserved far fut�iz'e develapment. COII'�Ill@I•ci�l agricultiit•al - agricultux�e primarily c�e�oted ta t[�e cam�nercial prod��ction of�rnrtic��ltttr�l, �iticultural, flal'1�ll�tlll•al, daa�y, ap�ary, ve�et�ble or �niznal proc��icts or of COUN'TYWID�PLANNIiYG POLTCIES FQR Sl'OKAN� COUNTY be�7�ies, grain, l».y, sh•a�v, tur�, seed, Clu•isttnas t��e�s not subje�t to the excise tax imposed by RCV� $4.33.100 tt��aug�i 84.33.140 or ]ivestock. ��►nc��t•rentl�oncu�•��encr� - means that adeq�iate public facilities are availa��e wl�en tlie ser�rice demands of d�v�lop�nent occur. This definition includes tli� two concepts �of "ad�quate public facilities" and of"available pu�lic facili�ie�" as de�"ined above. Con�es��o� �arxcirn� - tl�e ap�li�afion c�f pt•icin� to canta•ol demand �o� raad an�. park�ng ��se in cangest�c� areas. Cri�ical areas � includes tl�e fal�a�wing areas ancl ecosyste�ns. a. �Vet�an�s. b, Areas with a critical recharging e�ect vn aguifers used for po�abl� wat�er, c, Fish �nd wildlife habitat conservation areas. d, F��equently ff�acied areas, e. Geolagically ��azarc�ar�s are�s. �es�gnated aqui�e�r - aqu�fers des�gnated by Spokane Ca�m�� in coaperation wifh the D�eparttnent of Ecology (DaE) to be p�•o#ected fram t�usin�ss and zesidential pallution. Eq�i��ble di��ribution � t}}e all��atic�n nf pc�}�ulatio��, �ssentia� pu�lic �`a�cilities, aff��'C���l�.� �101�S1Il.�, el�., ��y �he Steering C�mmi�te�, hased u�oi� cach Jt�t��sdiction's ability to pY•ovid� ur•ban gov�rnmental sei-�ices and p�iblic facili#ies and land availability. The t�rrri `fair shai�e' has the sa�ne meaning as equitable dishibution. Essent�al public facilities - incl��des those facilities that az�e typically difficl�lt ta site,. such �s �irports, c�lleges, tu�iv�rsities, coiY�ection�al �a�ilities, �olid v�aste st�ti�ns, majoi• Ill��i�'V�`fS QI' �[�eeways, ir�-��}�.�1�13t SL1�St�l1C� �Y}115C �I�eatinen� facilities, �nental l�e�lth facilities and �rol�p holnes. Fair share - see definition for `ec�uitable �istribution.' �'un�tional roa�l ciassificatinn - t1Ye division af�ligllv�a�s, roads and �treets tnt� �r�iips havin� sirni�at• �f�aract�ri�tics Qf�t•c�vidi�ig tra��s�oi�tation i��ability andl�r �and access. GLO�SARY- p�ge 57 r••,,^Q..n "���=�i�rg �Cnu2►t�vit�c P���u�ing Fnlicy Tc»nF Drfli't: [��datcd�i �tl�c Tcchnical Rcv�ic�v Committcc ihrou li fl yrocess�e 'ne�in Febi'unr4 4 2Q04 Il(�f01if111 in th�•o�� l�MA�•clf 17 2004. Praccys continucd throu l�t�e�tee�7n G�immittcc Subcammitl�e tn u date tbe Count tividc Planni�� Folicies be 'nn�n Ma 14 20Q� ��atl eo�i�iiiuin tt�r•oa h�une 21.200�1. Cf}UNT7i'WIDE PLANNING POLTCI�S FDR SPOKAATE COUNTY Geogxaphic �nfarm�tian �ystein (�IS) - a comp��ter system that stor�s and linl�s nongraphic �.haracteri�tics or geogz•ap�iica[ly related d�ta with grapl��c tna� feat�r�•es. A �T� sy:�te�r� allows for a wid� range o#'infoz�n�tian processing a�d c�isplay opex�ations, i��clu€�ing tlie prod�ECtiozi o�rnaps, anatysis �iYd lnadcling, G�•o�vth Managen�ent Act (GI1��A} - a ser•ies af laws passed by the Vi�asl7�n�ton State Legislatu�e in 199�-91 tl�a� requi�•e cities �nd ca�nties to plan for• and man�ge �row�h and �levelopinent, High�caE�a�ity transportation - ii��i�ides hig11-o�cu�ancy ve��icle lanes, rapid �Y•arzsit [light vr heavy rail], b��sways and com�nuter �•ail. High�-ca���city transportatian �ctivi�y cente�• - a canc�ntrated area v,�ith an adequate mix and in�ensity of land uses and services tv sLipgnr� lligl�-capacity transpa�•�ation. Inclusiana��y �onrn� - re�ilations which increase hous�ing �tio�ce k�y providtn� the apportuni�y to c�nstr«ct rnc�re affc�rd�ble, dive�•se and econo�nical ho��sing t� meet tl�e needs af low- and ir�oderate-income families. Ja�i�rt I'lan�i����_�1►�'��1�_�,�I'�c�S C�t;S1�li�L�CI �iS Ul'��fl �i'1'�[lW�LI AC��15 'rlSS�lET11�{L tO $� citv o�° t�v��ri fc�i'�ll���l��� lll'Il�1Il [��;V4:IC)�]I12{;11� L�ll�,,�(1Ci���[� ld➢ 111� �1i1111CC?C)fll'���t� C(}1I11tY� CC�i�['C�Illil��4� �1�c111t1131�r i�t•�7C�S5 �7��°Vf'�Tl t�l� G1�7��, 1C)W115 i�tlC� �11� �(?llll��{ l'V1�� �C C�I1C�ElC��C�," Jurisdiction - t��e gav�eY•nment o�Spokane County andfor• a� in�o�•pa�•ated city a�dlo�• tou�n 1oc��ed with�n Spakane County. Level af scrvic� - an establis�iec� lninimum c�p�ci�y o:�p��b1i� facilities c�r s�i�v�ccs tElat must be provided per uni# af deinand o;• othei' �ppropriate ineasii�e of need. L,o►�-inco�ne housing - hausing tl�at is econamically feasible fa�• families w}rose incame level is ca�egoi'ized as lt�v�witl�iti tll� standa�•ds set b�► �lle Departme��t af Hot�sing an� Urb�n I��v�Iop�r�ent �HTJI`J), `L�w inco1ne' is defilred a� SU% ar less afthe �nedian f���ily incame for � ��rticular m�r•l�et area. GLUSSAIZY- PagE 58 i..�� t4o4�,a..+:w., �uu retytivi�le.Plhnning P�li�.y Terms �1a�t�#`t; i����IHtecl bv the Tet:ftnic�l Revieti►'Ct1m��tiilte811�E'oUL1E i�I)�•ncc5s hc�nuing Fcbi-ut��°y�L�,Uf}�#t�ittl tontinuln� tl��•�s��h Ms�A�ch 17.2004. �'�'UC���fOn#in�i@il flirqlFCft 1F�C $fC��`ii��Cnmmittcc Sul�c�n�r�itiee#cl uiltl�te fhe Countvtivide Pl�nnin�Policies,�i+��in�dnS M�y 14,200��u►d Contirteung throliQh JunC 2l,20a4. I COUNTYI�VIDE PLANNIIVG FOLICIES FOR SPdI�AN� COUNTY Master �lanned i•e��rt - r�eans a self cantairled and fi�11y integt•ated plarit�ed unit devel�prnent in a s�tt�n,� of si�nific�tnt n��ural amenities, with pritnary facus an. d�stinatian resort fac�lities �or�sisting of slloi•t-tei-�n visit+�r �ec�ir�modations assaciateci with a r�t�g� of dev�Ioped o��-site it�do�r or� c��dtdoor recr�eational �acilities. Mixec�-use c�eveiopment - t�e de�elop�r�ent in a catnpact urban forin of a tract of land o1• buildir�g or stl�t�cture with two c�r �nor� different uses, sucll as, b��t nat litnited �o, resid�ntial, office, �nanufact��ring, retail, pl�blic or entertai�ment. Multi�ui•isc�ictional ��lanniug te�m � an establi�l�ed �roup of plannin� p�•c�f��sionals that represent eacll j�irisdiction r�itl�in Spokane County for the purpo�e of supporting t�ie Spok�ne County Stc�r�ng Comtnitte� in issues related to the Cauntywide Pl�nning Policie�. Multimo[l�l tra�spt��'t�t�o�n - mea�s a h�ai�s�ortati�n systerra cor��isting of rn�ny tr��ei clioice� c�� rnoci�s. Municip�lifjr - an incorporat�d city or town, �Vatu�•al resatrrce lands (r�source lands) - land� not already clia��actei•ized by ��rba� g�•�Q'W�}l W��1C�1 }1�V� �QIl�-l�l`I�"1 S1�i11�1�G�I1G� �(?I° t��e carr�me��cia1 T)E•oductiar� of food c�r nther ag1°ici�ltur�l praclucts, ti�nber �r th� extr•�ction of��i�l��•als. N�w �e�elo��rnenti - the i�npz�ove�r�ent o�vacant land with utilities, r�nads, stor�n drainage facilities and att�er� feat��res. Ne}v fully �cQnta�ne�� comlr�uni�y - is a c�evelopr�z�nt ��rc�posed foi� lc,catioil nutsidc of"tl�c existing desxg�ated U�'b�rt C_�x•ow#l�. .At'eas wlaic�� i� cf�aract�rized �y t�r���n de��sities, ��ses az�d seivices �nd meets the crite�•ia of�C�N' 36.'laA.350. l��w use - any c�ange in �and t�se tay canstruct�on or exparision ar a new or existing buildin� o�' StI°LlC�lll'0. �pen s���ce carricao�rs - ��r�c�s urat�aix� anc� �elwe�n ur�ian gr•owth ��°eas us�efii] fnc z•ec�•eation, wildlife �Yabffat, n�aiis a�d con�nectior� of critical areas. GLOSSAR,Y- ��ge 59 r...,., �nna n..:,,�:.,.. Cnunt�wvirt�Pl�nniri��'oli�y Ter�n4 Drnfi: iT€�d,�te[I�av!}�e Tec�uri�1 �tevic�r Camu3iitee th�,ouc1►����•ocegs��c�����r����rcbt�a�y 4,2�Od as�d conti��uiu� 1ltr�u�tt rVI�1i�cL 17,2U04. rrOCC54 COniinUC[� Il�r�uSY�t��C�ICCi�i�ti�Cmm��iflCC SUl�enrnmiltcc t�l ulltlatc 1hc Cuun#v�vide F�an��ing Potieics,ueEiuuin�M;�y 14,2{104 avc) coutiuuin�tlirou�h Jtme 21,2D0�. CD�UNTYV�IDE PLANIYING P�LIC[ES FflIt SPOKANE COUNTY Perfot•mancelimpact 2or�ing - a zoning cat�go�y tlla� �oes not specifically pr�s�ribe a t�se b��t leaves th� means far acltieving the classific�tion or go�l tl��a�x�lt estab�ish��l standarcj s. Pub�MC facilities - incl�ida, but �r� not �irnit�d to, streets, roads, l�ighw�vays, sidewalks, st1•eet and road lig��tin� systerns, teaffi�c sigi�als, domesti� ��vater systems, stor�n and sanitary� s�we�• systeins, parks and rect•eational facilities and schaols. Pu�alie se��vices - incluc�e fir� pro�ectian and Sttppressioi�, �aw e���o��cer�ient, p�u�1�c rt�.e�1t��, edi�cation, recrea�ion, enviranmental pr�tecti�n and other ��v�rr�mental ,�ervices. R.egional - c�un�yvwide activities iz�volving t��e j��z•�sdzctions and, wlle�i applicable, the sp�cia� purpase dish•icts witliin Spokane County; �nay al�� include �djacez�t cot�nties in V�'ashington State andl�i• �daho Stat� as indicated in speci�ic policies. Regiar��l a�-ter•ials - r•�ac�s anci s�i�eet� an the Fec�er�l F«r�ctianal. Classificatiart Systerr7 �vl�ich are designa�ed as Intersfa�e, Principal ar�Uli�oe' ar�erials (regionally significant callector au�terials may alsa be incltkded). R�gian�l institu#ia�nal facilities - includes all those facili�ies defined as essential p�iblic f�ci��ties �k�ove as we11 as �naj�r}�ea1t1� ca�•e facilities a��d major i��o�u�trial �aa��ks, Region�l transportatio� ���n - means the t��nsportation plan for tlie a�egionally designated transpai-ta�ion system whicli is produced by the R�gional Transportat�an plant�ing Organization. Regior�al T�•a��sp�rt�tion �l�nni�g �rganization {�TPO} - the �ro�unt�ry ar�aniz�tion confo�•itli��� t�a RC�47,8(�.��� cc�r�sistir�� of lacal �oves•n�n�rlt:� withiil a�•egiai� containing flne or mo��e catinties whic�i have common transpo��tation int�rests. Revise�� Cvi�e of W�shingtan (RCV4') - �egislatiQn that has been pa�ssed by the State and docuine�ited i�� t11e form of a code. I���c��v�y at�nd�rcis � ll`llilllTllifll St�fiiClai�ds for �ti'��� [�.�V��O�]]tl�fl�, ir��cludin� cight��f ��aay? s�•eet wi�dth, bike lanes, cu�•bs, side�valks, Xandscaping, dc•ainage, etc. GL'�SSARY- PRge GO r,..,,. �nn�n,.:.,�,;,,,, �'ounty�vide Ptanning P�nlicv Tc�•mq lla'�!'t: Ul��fl���1 bv the Tcchuical Rcvicrv Cnmmitt�c tlarnuel�a�iracess heEiunin�F`ch�vAry 4,��04 Rll{I C011tYlllllll,Q tl�i'ou�l� M�t�'��t 1"7.����. P�'qccs�con#i�aucd#�irnu�li ttic Stcc�3ng Comutittcc 5ut��on�nEittee to u��d�ie tlye Count�-sv�de Plannin�Palicic9,beginning Mav 14,Z004 ;tnd continuing t�roue�u Junc 21.2004. COU]'�TYWIDE PLANNI�IG POLICIES��R S�OKA�C(IUNTY Rural �aucis - means all lands wiiich are not within an Urrban Gro��vth Area and axe no� d�signated as natu�•al r•e�out•c� lands having lang-tei•ln com�nercia� si�n�ficanc� far pr�du�tian of agl•i�ultu�•a1 pr•ad��cts, tim��er or the extractioii o�f inine��als. Shall - indic�ates that an action specified in a p�licy statetnent is mandatary. ShQU�d - indicates that an �ction speci�e�i in a policy statement is disca°e�ion���y, Single-r��zn �ccupancy (SR�) - a ty�� of housitYg �h�t is c�n�i���nly one ��oam with coo�ing facilities and private or sharec� �atl�raoin facilities, Exa�ttple� of SR(� tu�its are founc� in residence hQt�ls and apartments. Speci�l �ut•pQSe dtstric� � a district created by �ct, �3��1t14ri 02 VQt� �7� tll� I'e5ld�tltS within a de�ned area �o�• a specif�c p�ir�ose wit�� the pawei° to le�vy taxes. Sz�ecial-neecls popu�a�ions - grdups af individuals whc�, b�rea�on of���, pliysical, mental or othe�� cllaracteristics, r�equire nontraditiorial living arrangements and, in some instances, are not able ta ope�at�e a inotorizecl vehicle. S,��k�ne area busines� �.am�nuni�r - a di�ez°se �•oup af local ar�ea bi�sinesses and �r�anizatians s��ch as the E�c�natnic Develvptnent Cauncil, Momentum �nd the Chainber of Cammerc�. Spok�ne Reg�onal Trans��orta�ian Cauncil (SRTC) - fhe ��egional transportatian plar�tning orgar�i��tion {RTP{)) that has been d�signat�d by th� Gowei�at• for S�pokane County. Stccrin� Committee af�lecteel (?ff��ialslSteerin� �Qmm�ttee - a t�ody �ampas�c� of 12 elected ofr�cials fram,�l��isdiGtions t��raughc�ut Spo�.ane County establisl�ed by ir►ter•�ocal agreement, with t11e �esponsibility af develaping and car�rying out the Gourity��ide Plan�ing Policies. Torvn h�uses - � sei-i�s of'single-fa�nily �v�elling iznits �tt�checi to t�ther single-fam�ly d��ve�Iin�;s, each 1�� � c�rn�n�� �all. GL.C}SSARY- �Pge �i1 dt�t°1 nnQ n..:.,+:.,,� Connty4ricle Planniug Folicy Tern�s Ilt�aft: Ui�datcei d�v#he Tectinicfll Re��ieiv Cmnniittee t�e�au� K urq�css f�eannin�F�.br��x��v_�„2+�[1�#�n�l co��#i��t�i��� thruti�h Mx��:li 17�2004. Fr•ocess continue�t�raus�tl�e Stcc�iu�Cummi#tee z5�ib�on�mittee to��iy�lxte the Cou�ttv��•ide Pl�iirtii�ls Polic�es,b�e�ioiii��Mai�14,Zaa� ���o���a��;«g t�,r4u��t Juvte 21,200�. C4UNTYWIDE PLANNING F'OLICIES FUR SPOKAN�CdUIVTY Tx•ansf�i• o�'D��relo��rnent Righfs {TI]�R) - the t�•ansfer of t�ie right to develop or build from land in one zarting disti•ict to land in anotlier dist�ict w��ere �ucl� trat�sfer is p�+���r�itted. Trans�a��tatian Ym�rovem�nt Program (TIP) � a scl�edule of proposed �i�anspoi�tati�� imprav�tnents �ithin a specific tirne pe��iod, Ui•ban c�nte�•furban villa�e - a nei�hbc��•h€�od, cc�mmunity ar town that tias an adeq��ate mix o�'[a�n� l�s�s a�ld s���vic�s tc� �u��pn��t l�r�al l��eds, Urban gavcrnmental �ervices - include those govel�nmental sei�vices ��istorical�y and typica�ly deliveced by ci�ies and include sto��m and sanifary sewer systems, dozn�stic wat�r systems, sh�ee�-eleaning services, �re and palice pratectian seivice�, pablic tt'ansit services and ath�r public utilities associated witl� l�rban ar�as and r�ormally nat assaciafied with nc�nurb�tn �reas. Ue�ban Gi°flwth Ai•cas (UGAs) - a�•e az•eas �vifl�in wlli�h ti��ban growt�s sllall be encauraged and outside of w��ich gr+�wth c�n o�cur only if it is not urban in nature. Ui•ban Growtli Areas (UGAs� sllall inch�c�e areas and d�nsitie� sl�fficient tc� �ermit the u�{i��n gr�owt�l that �s pi•oje�ted to occur in the county far the succ�eding �Q-yeax• pe��iod. �1rb�n R�se��ve A�•e�s - thasc la��ds ti�rhiclY tr7ay��e de�ig���t�ed witl7it� the r��ral elerneztt c�f Spokane County's Catnprel7ensive P�an l�aving the potetttial fo1• fnclusian witllin an Urban Growth �•ea �(UGA) as expansion of U��ban Gro�n�fh Areas {iTG�s) is deem�d r�ece�ssary ta me�t land availa'�ility 1'�C�llll•eine�ts of fi�t�.u•e Washington State Office of Fir�ancial Management �fl.F.M.) pnpt�lation prc�j�ctians. Selec�ion c�f land� as Urban Reserve Au�eas sliall utili�� the criteria fo� LTrban Grawth Az•�as (UGAs) �at�nd within the C�rowtil Mt�nt���ment Act (GMA� (Chapter 36.74A RCC]�J�. Utiliti�s - �neans en#e�pi�i�es or facilities serving the p��blkc by means o�an integrated systern af collec�ic�n, tratrsmissic�n, distribution and pr�ocessir�g facilities ttu�ough tnare o�• less perman�nt plYysic�l connectians bctvveerr t�le p�ant af tl�e sez�ving entit� and tiie prernises of the c�ustoYner, Included are systems fc�r the aeliv�i�y of�atl2ral gas, e��ct�icity, telecommunic�.tions s�e�vices and water and for the dis�osal of sevvagc, GL�S�ARY- P�ge G2 r•,••°,�,�ti�r��itt#�g (;p�11ttY`y�[j�FIARllillg PA�IC)�Terms Draft; �T[�d�#c:d b_v thc Techyyic�Revle7v G`ommittee thrDU�11 �t1r0�+�S9 u��innin�Fehr`�f�t'Y�.xOD4 and cautenuin� t_lu�oueh M�k�clt 1T.2(lU�. F�•oeess coutiu�«ti t�e'ou�t�tc St�eecnn�Cammittee Sul�cantinulf�e t�ui�d�tQ tite Cauntvrvitle�'lannin�Policies,b�i�nin�:Mav 14,2U{14�ucl cantinuid�ti�rau�l�Juue 21,2Q{�4. I COUNTY�VIDE PLANNIl�iG POLI�I�S F�R.SPOrKANE COUNTY W ellh�ad protectioa areas - designated a�•�as sui�ounding v�vells that supply water t�o a pn�al�c vvater syste►n diat rec�uire pr�tection froln cantaininants. VYill - l�as th� sain� mean�ng as tl�� tci�m `sl�all.' GLfl�SARY- P�ge 63 r,..,., rnna nu;..�� Count��tividc P�Rnning Policy Tc�'i114 1Jr;1ft: U�aclated�y thc Tecimie�l Rcvic�v Cpmmilkcc ihrp�i�h�prpeess bc�irinin���brp�rv 4,2I104 N�I{]C4n�i�lUi�t� 1�ra1��l�t17£►i°�ll 1?.2131i4. Proccsq continucq!#l�rnugh #hc�lccri�i�COnrmiitcC Sl�il�OtnwiltcC fn l�l��I�l�C lhC Cou»t��vitle Pl�nnine Policics,beeinuin�Mav i4,2004 and continuing tln�ough June 21,200d.