Resolution 12-010 Ext Drainage Easement Mission CITY OF SPOI�A1�7� VALL�Y �PflKAfiI� COUNTY,WAS�IINGTO�I R�SOLUT�ON N�. �2-014 A Ft��OLUTIOi`T OF TH� CITY OF �POKANE V�iLL�Y, �PO�KAN� COUNTY V4'ASHINGTON, �XT�IVGUISHI�1'G DRrIIl'�Iri�G� EAS�I�I�NT AT 13�24 EAST I�TISSI�ON A�v'ENiI�, SPOKAN� VALLEY, WASHINGTDN; AND OTH�R MrhTT�RS R�LATING THGItCTO. V��H�REAS, tl7e City of Spoka��e V�lley, Wasliii�gtoi� is tf�e successor in i��terest to a storm�vatei• draiiiage easeme�rt tEiat ���as �ranted ta Spok�ne Count�= }�ri�r to tlie City�'s Encorporatio►�, t�hicl� bti�•dens pz�aperty o��ied by�AC I�fvestittettts, GL,C; anc� Vti�HEREAS, the ease�Yiatlt in qdiestion is located on 5�oka�te Coiurty Assessar's �arce� nulnber �S151.9031, at 13424 Eask Mission Avent�e, Tlie easemerit �vas recorded on At��us� 31, 19�2, Spoka«e CQUnty�Alzditoi•'s recording inu7ik�er 924831a257, and V4�REAS,t�ie easer�iea�t`vas gra�lted an a vacaut ��arcel to accorumodate storm�vater run�ff for a poi�tioii of Blake Road, btit flie de��elopme��t ptan foi•the �c�apei•ky req�ii►�es thaf the starm�vatei• stivale be i•elocated; a�fc� �rI���tEAS, the Gity of Spokaiie Valley a����i•ovec� a grading and drainage plan for tj�e Spaka�ze �`alley Ca�icer Cet7ter ��id it �i�as detei•mined that ttie relacatec� stor•m�va#ei• ssvale �co��ided tlye requir�cl t�•eatrnent and disposal capacitv ta replace tEYe existing facility°; aud 4'4'HEEtEAS, City staff analyzed tl�e req���st iu terms of future ��eed for stormtivater treattnent atacl clisposal facilities and determii�ed tE�at tI�e e�semecft is not necessary at its currettt locatiot�, foc publjc �iealth, safety or���elfare. N�O�V THERE�ORE, be it resolved by the City Council c�f tlae City� of S}�okane�►��lley, S}�okane Couaity, 'Washitigton, as follo�ti�s; Secfion ]. Reliuc�uishmeut of �asernent BrN��detfing Spoka�ne Coar►t,y AssessD�•'s �arcel ririmber 45151,9031.. The City Caui�eil of the City of S�okane Valle}�, �s the successar i�i interest, hereby relinq��isl�es tiie ease���e�i1 granted foi• stormr��ater tr•eatmei�t a�ict disposal �a�u�pases, S�akane Couuty Auditar's recas•clir�a nn�t�bet•92Q831Q257. Section 2, Aiitlioe•iza#ian foy Citv Matkage�� to Ex�ci�te T,asement Exti�ieuis�intent Docutnent. The Cit��Council of the City af Spoka»e Valley aut��ocizes the City I��anager to e�ecute the Easeme��t Relir�quisl���ient} �ttached as Eahi'ait A to tllis Resalutiori, anc� ali otlie�� doci�ments �iecessai�� th�reto. Sectian 3. Effective Da#e. Tl�is Resnlutioti shall l�e i�l�iill force and effect u��on acioption. Acio�at�d this 4`h cia}�of D�ece�nl�er, 2012. ATT�S�`, CITY OT KA�IE V �Y �-� ` � � � . .- ��� t��,�,;�'-', ���.��'L���ti'ilii✓� ����r.�w.. 5� _�--'`�� _.. ` Cl�ristir�e Baii�}�rid�e, C�ty Clet�k �� � 7'tomas E, Tclwey�, a}�oi• A��pi•o��ed as ta Forit�: � , ,� . r �,. ( . :, :�f , ; �ffi�e af f��e City Atto}°��ey. Resolutioir i2-010 Rel'uiquis�uttent ofEase�tieitt-Spak�u►e Valle}�Ca�3cer Center PagO 1 Of� �x�ibit A AFT�R R�CORDING R�TURI�'TO: Ci�y af Spvlc�ne V�lley C�fy Clei�l� 11707 �, S�rague_Avet�ue,Suite lOG Spalcaiie Valle}°,WA 992Q6 REFERENCE#; GRAP.TOR: Greg�r���.and Kimberly R.7effi�eys GR,�NT��: Gov�r�nnettt,City of Spok�ne V�Iley SHORT LEGAL: CIT'�C7�'Sl'C}I{AI�l�VAI.LE�'BSF D4-D5 -MISSIdN I�'LEDICAL CENTEIt P.�RCEL�"2° AUDITORS #�574934G BK 3 PG 13 & 14 BETNG A PT�r OF NE lf�# ASS�SSOR'S PItOP�RTY'TAX PARCEL:45]51,9Q31 I2ELEAS� OT�AS�MENT KN01V ALL MEN B Y THESE�'RE5ENTS tliat tlie City of S�ok�iie Valley is the otis�ner af a�i easement acqiMired fi•om Giegoiy I�, a�od Kiuiberl,y R, Jeff'i•eys(Gran4oi•)d�ted Airgast 28, 1992 and recocded under Auditoi�'s File Nn.920831{3257,r�cords af Spal�ane Couuiy,'�Vashingtc�n,o�er iiie real pro�ei�y c[esc�•ibed d►erein as fallaws: See�ttached copy af recorde�drainage easement for leba]description of drainage easement Tlie City�oFS��okane V�lley daes lfereGy a�andon and i-elease all riglits acq�ured urlder said easemerit, II�T��'ITNESS �VHEREOF,said carpai�atian I�as caezsed t�tis instntment to be executed tl�is day of .20 B�': �Tike J�cksor�,Cify 14'fa�iagea� 57ATE DF�1'ASHt�1GTC1N ) ) COUNTY OF SPOKAVE ) Q�i tt�is d�y of , 20 , bzfore Eile, tiie u�lciersrg�ied, a I�alary P�i61ic i�� and foi• t�ie State of �L'aslii[agkan, ciuly commissioned aiid s�vori�, perso�ially appeaj•ed tiI[KE JACKS01rs,ta�zte laio�l�ta be ti�e pei�son�i�ho sigtied as City viariager of the munieipll cor�sarat'tan that executed t}te �vithin and foregoin� i��st����ment, aud ack�la+vledged said 'uts�rumant ko Ue hislher fi•ee a«c�r�aluntary act�nd deed actid tlle fi•ea and ��oltuitary �ct �ud deed of tlie City af S��ok�ne ��alley for tiie uses and purposas therein ntentioned; ait�i on oatli statec� that she/he autf►orizect to execute t�ie said instruction on bekialf of said CiF}• of SpQkane Valley. IN l�'ITNE5511'HERE OF T have l�erea�ntfl set nty?aand and vf�'icia�seal the€�ay and y�ea�first a�io4-e �vrptfen. (Signatnre of i�ata�y} (Print or sta���p Eiame of hTotary} I�TOTAIZY PLBLIC iit a�ici far tlie State af�Vashingtoi�, �•esicii��g at; �C�ty=� A�y Appoi�ft�tfa�it Expires: