Resolution 12-009 Ext Drainage Easement Indiana ciT� oF s�al�v�v��L�� SPOT�A�1� COUN�Y,WASHINGT4N R�SQLUTIaN NO. 12-009 A R�SOLUTION OF TH� CITY OF SPDI�An'G VALLEY, SPOKANE C�JUNTY �'�ASHINGTON, �XTL'�'GLJISHIlWG DRAIi�TAG� EAS�M�NT AT 16621 EAST INDrANr� AV�NU�, SPOK.�N�- �'ALL�Y, WASH[NGTON, AND OTHER 1��ATT�RS R�LATING TH�R�TO. V,fIIEREAS, tl�e City of Spokane Valley, ��asl�it7gtfln �vas granted a stor�invatei• ti�•ainage easelnen� as pat•f of ilie� Indiana Avenue Extensiai� Praject #0122, wlfich burde�is praperty o�vneci b�� ENJ0�5'! THE RIVER, LLC ETAL; and 'WII�REAS, the easem�uf in question is located on Spokane Cout�ty Assesso�•'s parcel i�ut��ber 45131,0112, at 1Gf�21 �ast Indialza Ave�aue. The ease�ne3tt ��°as recorded an Februaiy 1, 201 i, S�ok�iYe Couirty Auditor's recording ziumt�er 5975650, and WHEREAS, the easement �vas gra�tted to acc�m�nodate star�n�vater treatment anel disposal facalities for a portiou of tpie Iit�iana A�e�YUe E:�keifsion Project #0122; 6ut tkie de�Telo��ment plan fa�• t��e propei�ty rec�uires tl}a�tl�e s�vale be relocate�d; a�id WI�REAS, tlie Cit}� of SpokaN�e Valley a�pi•oved a grading and drain�ge p�an far tl�e BeacLi Hot�se Apartments a�id it ti��as deter�iiiiled �tiat the relocaked skortn�vater s4v�Le �yroviciecl tlie t•equir�d treatmeiit and dispasal ca}�acity ta t•e��lace the existing facility; and WHEREAS, City staff i�as analyzed t�te req��est iu terrns of firt�ire need for starmzvater treatinent and disg�osal facilities a�td deternunec3 that the e�semeiit is not necessary at its current facation, for puhli� hea�tli, safety or�velf�ce. hTQ`1V T�IEREFQRE, be it resolved b}r the_ City Cauncil of ttie City of��aok�ne �Talley, Spokat7e Cauttty, �yashington, as follos��s: Sectian 1. Relin LlI5j11Tl�ilt Of Es�S�lll�llt Blll•denin S �olcane Cot���t Assessat�'s arcel nu�nbei• d5131.0112, The City Con�icil of tlie Ct�° af Spokane Valley�, as fl�e suecessoi- in iE�ter�st, liereby relinc�uisl�es ttte ease�y7ent �rauted foi• storrriw��ater treatmei�t and disposal purposes, S�okarye Caunty Auditor's recorditlg numlaer 5975C�50. Sectia�i 2. Atiflioz�iz�ttioti fot� Cit�F 1�Tan��er fa Execut� Easenzet�t �xti�iguish�nent Dacument. Tiie Ci#y Go�rncil of ttle Cit}�of Spa4cave �Talley� autliorizes flie Gity Manager to e�ecute t�te Easeinent Relinquisfiment, attac}led as Elhibit A to t�iis R�salutioii} a�id all other dacui�ie�rts necessaiy tl7ereta. Se�tian 3. Cffective Date. '�'his Resalutiaa� shall be in fi�11 force at7d effect upan ac�optian, Aeioptec3 tttis 4'h day oFDecernber,2012. ATT��`i'; CITY OFj POKANE�1�-LLEY} % �'� � / ,/� � ����t.:a��_ � �tC,i�� �C. F1 �! .✓� �� — � C��ristine Bainbridge; City C1 �� T ia���as E. To vey, Iag�ai• �_ Approved as to Forin: '� , , / �;;, � � , � ,,r . !, Of�ice��'the Cit��Attai�iey Resolution 12--009 Relinquishment of£asemcnt—�ea�1�fiause Apartments,Indiana A��enue Page 1 af] E�hibit � AFT�R R�CORDING RET�JRIV TO: City of S�olcaue Valley City Clei�lz 11707 �. Spi�ague, Suite 1a6 S�ol�ane Valley,WA 99206 REFERENCE{�: 5975650 GRAhTOR: Cen#ennial Pro�erties,Inc. GRAI�T��: Govermnezit;City ofSpoka�ie Valley SHO�T LEGAL: BACO\'S A�DITIOI�T TO GREEh�ACRES;PTN�F BLRS 33, 34 R�35 L4'G ELY DF L�r L?AF;B�G;4T PT Ol��SLY RfIV L�OF\�ISSTON AVE 1�73.6FT M,�L,FR NE CdR SEC 13-25-44;TH S40DEG35MI�1355L�S�V 382.8�1FT;TH S 54DEG�3A�T30SDSti�'250.74F"T;TH Sfi1DEG18MI\26SDS`V 179.�i3�"T;TH S7D�G47I'+�[N3 y SDS��' 112.3FT It�1lL TO I�ITER L1rITH S LN SD SLK 35 r4ND TERM LN DESC.;exc ros��for Iitdiait�&:Steeit Parktva}' ASSESSOR'S PROPERTY TAX PARCEL:45131,01 I2 R�LEAS�OF�ASGM�1yT KN05V ALL MEN B�'THESE PR�SENTS tliat tlie C'rty of 5po��ne Valle}�is tlie o�vner of��� easeiilent acqi4ired fi�oni Cenlennial PE-o�ei�ties,Inc.(grantor)c�ated Februa��y 2, 2011 and recorde�i,lind�r Aitditar's Fi�e No. 5975650,records of Spokane County,��Tashi��gton,over#he real pra��erty describeci therei�i as follo�vs; See attacEied I.egaf Desc�°iptian a�id Exifii�it for Drainage Eas�inent#1 Tlte Cit�t of S�okane Valley does hereby abandon and release all rigkrts acquired uncier saici ease�neut. II�T�'�'ITNE55 1VI�REOF,said cor�or�tian has c�used this instr�u7ient to be executed this clay of ,20 B'�: V1ike Jacksaiti,Giky h�iau�ger STATE�F��'ASHI�GTON } ) COUItiTTY OF SFOKA�IE ) O�i tt�is ciay of ,20 , before me; the wiciersigiied; a�otary PubEia in and for t�►e State of ii�'asliiiigtan,duly ct�cnmissioned and s�vorn,perso��ally appaared I��llKE.JACK50N to r7te C;��otij�ta 1�e tiie��ei-s��7 wlio signed�s City h�anagei�ofthe ro��«icf�al corpor�tion tliat executed t��e wit'hi�i and foregoing iitistruirieiit,aiul ackno�vledged said i�3strun�ent to Ue his+�ter�ree and voh�ntary act�ncJ deed a���l the fi•�e auc�wohuitary�ct �ud deed of the Citv of Sp�al:ar�e Valley for ti�e uses a�ici pur��oses ti�erein mentioned; end o��oath stated that slie,'he autliorazed to eaecute tEie s�id i�istruction on behalf of s�ie�City of Spoka�te Val�ey. I�T�VITi�'ESS�VkTER�OF T have faei•euuto set nty-h�nd�nd official se�l the day aeld yea�°��st above tivritte��. (Signature of Notary) (Pri��t or sta�t�p naut�of\�ofa�•y) NOTr'�R�i'Pi1BLIC iit and for the State of l�lashington, residing at C�1�') yIy Appointment Ex�ices: