2012, 11-13 Regular Meeting Minutes MINUTES City of Spokane Valley City Council Regular Meeting Formal Meeting Format Tuesday, November 13,2012 Mayor Towey called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Attendance: CM,Staff Tom Towey,Mayor Mark Calhoun,Finance Director Gary Schimmels,Deputy Mayor Cary Driskell,City Attorney Dean Grafos, Councilmember John Holtman, Community Development Dir. Brenda GrasseI, Councilmember Mike Stone,Parks &Rec Director Chuck Hafner, Councilmember Steve Worley, Senior Engineer Ben Wick, Councilmember Lori Barlow, Senior Planner Arne Woodard, Councilmember Mike Basinger, Senior Planner Gabe Gallinger,Development Sere, Sr.Engineer Inga Note, Traffic Engineer Carolbelle Branch,Public Information Officer Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk INVOCATION: hi the absence of a Pastor, Mr. Joe Dumlao of the Spokane Vet Center gave the invocation. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mr. Joe Dumlao,USAF Retired, led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: City Clerk Bainbridge called the roll; all Gouncilmembers were present. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: It was ',roved by Deputy Mayor Schimmels, seconded and unanimously agreed to approve the agenda. INTRODUCTION OF SPECIAL GUESTS AND PRESENTATION'S: nla COMMITTEE,BOARD,LIAISON SUMMARY REPORTS: Councilmember Helier: reported he attended the November 2 meeting with the Lobbyist regarding the Sullivan Bridge; went to the Greater Spokane,Inc. breakfast where Drs. John Mitchell and Grant Forsyth spoke concerning the economy; attended an STA (Spokane Transit Authority) Operation Committee meeting where budget discussion continued; went to the Urban Transportation Council Workshop and heard a discussion concerning transportation corridors looking toward the year 2040; went to a SCOPE Awards Dinner; attended a Regional Health Board meeting and mentioned that Board's process of becoming accredited. Councilmember Grassel: said she went to the Urban planning meeting presented by the City of Spokane; attended the Economic Development Committee meeting with Councilmember Wick and Community Development Director Holtman, and said the final report will be coming to Council in December. Deputy Mayor Schimmels: said he attended a couple meetings with the SRTC (Spokane Regional Transportation Council) group, and mentioned that all the projects rated within the last sixty days now have a zero rating, and said it will be interesting to see what happens; said he attended the Urban Transportation Meeting; and went to a Liaison Board meeting concerning solid waste. Councilmember Grafos: stated that he went to the annual Economic Forecast Meeting at the Spokane Convention Center as Councilmember Hafner reported, with Drs. Mitchell and Forsyth, and reported on some of the mentioned statistics of the current economy; said he met today with Mayor Towey, Mr. Council Regular Meeting 11-13-2012 Page 1 of 7 Approved by Council: 12-11-2012 Hohman and a potential large employer for Spokane Valley, and said they plan to decide where to locate by the end of this year. Councilmember Wick: stated that he went to the legislative meeting concerning the Sullivan Bridge, and then took a tour of the bridge to see the repairs made; attended the last meeting of the Economic Development Committee and said they are working to put the report together for the presentation to Council; said he extended a personal letter of support recommending the Central Valley High School Marching Band to represent our community in the upcoming Inaugural parade. Councilmember Woodard: said he also attended the economic conference with Drs.Mitchell and Forsyth; went to a public workshop regarding the new detention facility and said he testified as an individual about the jail and the detention center;went to the legislative briefing with our Lobbyist Ms. Taylor concerning the Sullivan Bridge; attended the Transportation Corridors downtown meeting concerning the future of our corridors; went to the grand opening of the new Maverick Gas Station; and said the attended three functions honoring our veterans;and in appreciation of Veterans' Day, Council, staff and members of the audience applauded our veterans. MAYOR'S REPORT: Mayor Towey reported that he attended most of the meetings already mentioned; he also went to the Community Health Association on South Pines, and said that 50% of their patients last year were either under-insured or had no insurance; went to the Economic Forecast meeting; the Urban Transportation Corridor Meeting; reported that the West Valley City School is a unique school where students have a lot of control, that they have a Mayor and Council, Judge and Jury; went to the ribbon cutting at Dick's Sporting Goods at the Spokane Valley Mall; and today in two separate sessions here in the Council Chambers, said he was "drilled"by Summit Elementary School Children as members of our staff gave them a presentation on some functions of a City, including information about stormwater,parks and recreation, and bike safety.Mayor Towey then read a National Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week Proclamation,which was accepted with thanks from a member of the Spokane Valley Partners. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Mayor Towey invited general public comments; no comments were offered, 1. CONSENT AGENDA: Consists of items considered routine which are approved as a group. Any member of Council may ask that an item be removed from the Consent Agenda to be considered separately. a.Approval of the following claim vouchers: VOUCHER LIST DATE VOUCHER NUMBERS; TOTAL AMOUNT 10/16/2012 27291-27319 $343,997,03 10/1912012 4111-4114;27320 $63,170.22 10/19/2012 5521-5530 $1,536.00 10/19/2012 27321-37371; 1017120027 $910,121.55 10/2612012 27372-27422; 10131397 $166,275.60 10/29/2012 27423-27443 $37,916.10 11/02/2012 27445-27493; 1030120025, 1031120002 $4,611,480.05 11/02/2012 4127-4130; 4141; 27494-27498 $242,968.29 GRAND TOTAL 56,377,464.84 b. Approval of Payroll for period ending October 31, 2012: $397,131.39 c.Approval of Minutes of October 23,2012 Council Formal Format Meeting d. Approval of Minutes of October 30, 2012 Council Study Session Meeting e. Approval of Extension for Economic Development Ad Hoc Committee Report Deadline It was moved by Deputy Mayor Schirmrrels, seconded and unanimously agreed to approve the consent agenda. Council Regular Meeting 11-13-2012 Page 2 of 7 Approved by Council: 12-11-2012 NEW BUSINESS: 2.First Reading Proposed Ordinance 12-028 Multi-Family Regulations—Mike Basinger After City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it was moved by Deputy Mayor Schimmels and seconded to advance Ordinance 12-028 to a second reading at the December 11, 2012 Council meeting. Senior Planner Basinger explained the proposal as provided in his previous administrative report, and explained that the changes deal with standards for multi-family development when adjacent to single- family development. Mayor Towey invited public comment; no comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation:In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Motion carried. 3.First Reading Proposed Ordinance 12-029 Commercial Vehicles(Trucks)—Cary Driskell After City Clerk Bainbridge mad the ordinance title, it was moved by Deputy Mayor Schimmels and seconded to advance Ordinance 12-029 to a second reading at the December 11, 2012 Council meeting. City Attorney Driskell explained the proposed ordinance, and said that the signs would include "no trucks" and "local delivery only." Mr. Driskell mentioned that a resolution adopting a master truck schedule will be brought to Council separately later. It was noted that for the second reading, Section 7 will reference refrigeration units rather than idling. Mayor Towey invited public comment; no comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation:In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed:None. Motion carried 4.Proposed Resolution 12-007 Accepting Environment Designations Shoreline Master Plan— Lori Barlow It was moved by Deputy Mayor Schimmels and seconded to approve Resolution 12-007 informally accepting the City Council Draft Environment Designations. Senior Planner Barlow briefly explained that the purpose of this resolution is to informally accept the draft environment designations, which would then be referred to as "Council Draft;" and afterwards, we would wait for the remaining elements to be completed, and then all would brought forward together for a final and formal review process as a complete Shoreline Master Plan.Mayor Towey invited public comment;no comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation:in Favor: Unanimous. Opposed:None. Motion carried 5.Proposed Resolution 12-008 Business Route Signage—Inga Note,Eric Guth It was moved by Deputy Mayor Schimmels and seconded to approve Resolution 12-008 supporting the establishment of an interstate business route. Traffic Engineer Note explained that this resolution is in response to the recommendation from Council to establish a business route; she said this route would be between I-90 Exit 185 and Exit 293, and would include sections of Sprague Avenue, Appleway Boulevard, Appleway Avenue, and Barker Road. Mayor Towey invited public comment. Mike King, Commercial Realtor with NAI Black, 17 S Howard, spoke in favor of the motion and said this business recognition will have a direct impact and benefit to the business community. There were no further public comments. There was brief discussion concerning whether the Chamber of Commerce submitted any comments on this proposal,with Ms.Note explaining that she is not aware of any comments; mention from Councihnetnber Wick of the cost involved, and Councilmember Grassel adding that this topic has been ongoing for several years, and she feels anything we can do to support the citizens and be more business friendly is a good use of our funds. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Mayor Towey, Deputy Mayor Schimmels, and Councihmembers Hafiaer•, Grassel, Grafos and Woodard. Opposed: Councilmerrrber Wick. Motion carried. 6. Motion Consideration: Approval of Comprehensive Plan Docket—John Hallman It was moved by Deputy Mayor Schimmels and seconded to approve the 2013 Comprehensive Plan Amendment Docket. Community Development Director Holman explained the amendments, which include two privately initiated comprehensive plan amendments which were received prior to the deadline; and he re-capped the City-initiated amendments as explained previously. Mayor Towey invited public comment; no comments were offered. Vole by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed. None. Motion carried. Council Regular Meeting 11-13-2012 Page 3 of 7 Approved by Council: 12-I 1-2012 7.Motion Consideration:Approval of University Road Overpass Study—Inga Note It was moved by Deputy Mayor Schimmels and seconded to authorize the City Manager to finalize and execute the contract with Fehr and Peers in an amount not to exceed$229.802 for the University Road Overpass Study. Traffic Engineer Note explained that this study came about from a couple different ideas, one of which was a suggestion in connection with the bicycle plan, to have better nomnotorized access off the freeways, and to have some type of improvement to allow cyclists and pedestrians a safer plan to go back and forth; she said this topic was studied by WSDOT (Washington State Department of Transportation) in the late 1990's in terms of a full interchange, but this current study is of the industrial area. Mayor Towey invited public comments; no comments were offered. Councilmember Woodard spoke concerning so many unfunded projects, and said he feels this project may be premature, or that perhaps the timing is not good; while Councilmember Wick mentioned the City's match is $33,711 compared with the grant of$216,000; and said in order to move forward, we must have a plan; that the plan doesn't bind us, but gives us more data. Vote by Acclamation. in Favor: Mayor Towey, Deputy Mayor Schimmels, and Councilmembers Hafner, Grasse!, Grafos, and Wick. Opposed. Councilmember Woodard. Motion carried. 8. Motion Consideration: Sullivan Rd W Bridge Project,Request to use De minimus Exemption— Steve Worley It was moved by Deputy Mayor Schimrnels and seconded that Council agree that permanent and temporary impacts to Sullivan Park and adjacent state-owned recreational properties resulting from the Sullivan Road West Bridge Replacement Project are "de minims." Senior Engineer Worley said the purpose of this motion is to get agreement from Council and the public that the impacts to Sullivan Park and other state parks related to the Sullivan Road projects are de minimus, which means it will have minimum impacts to the park properties; and he acknowledged City Project Manager Engineer Aldsvorth, and CH2M Hill Project Manager Mr. Dingfield. Mr. Worley said we also now have signed letters from various entities stating that the proposed project will have no adverse affect to their activities. Mr. Worley noted that we must go through the NEPA (National Environmental Policy Act) procedures, and Section 4(f) to determine if the impacts are significant; and afterwards, will go through the State EPA (Environmental Protection Act) Process, then through our own shoreline permitting process, Mayor Towey invited public comment;no comments were offered. Vote by Acciamalion:Ire Favor: Unanimous. Opposed.None.Motion carried Mayor Towey called for a recess at 7:20 p.m., and reconvened the meeting at 7:34 p.m. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Mayor Towey invited general public comments, Jodi Sanders, Sterling Hospitality, Argonne Exit: said that August was a revenue record month; spoke positively of the activities in connection with the HUB and Visit Spokane, and said those organizations need to be funded as it makes a big difference with the hotels, and she asked Council to consider allocating fiords to the organizations which give returns on investments. Liz Beck, Vice President and General Manager of the Spokane Valley Super 8, 2020 N Argonne: said her hotel is unique in that it can accommodate 180 guests and is one of the largest Super 8's in the nation; said Visit Spokane the Fair& Expo Center perform better each year with funds given, and said the HUB and Visit Spokane are a huge factor in funding;and she thanked Council for funding the organizations. Andy Rooney, General Manager Mirabeau Park Hotel: said his business represents over 80,000 room nights a year and is the largest in the valley, that he works hard along with the Sports Commission, the HUB, and the Visitor's Bureau to bring tourism dollars to Spokane Valley and the region, and said he had more sell-out nights this year than since 2005. Council Regular Meeling 11-13-2012 Page 4 of 7 Approved by Council: 12-11-2012 ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS: 9. Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Recommendation to Council—Mark Calhoun Finance Director Calhoun explained that the purpose of tonight's report is to share information and the non-binding recommendations from the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee, for allocations for 2013; and he went over the discussions of this topic from three previous council meetings, including the September 25 meeting when Council by consensus, decided to set aside $80,000 of those estimated $460,000 proceeds for 2013, with $30,000 for CenterPlace advertising costs, and $50,000 to be used for yet undetermined City marketing efforts, leaving $380,000, plus interest, for allocation consideration. Mr. Calhoun reminded everyone that those funds can only be used for activities that promote convention and tourist travel for Spokane Valley, and that the ultimate allocation decisions rests with Council. Mr. Calhoun also noted that the notebook containing each applicant's grant request materials was distributed to Council earlier. As noted in Mr. Calhoun's Request for Council Action(RCA) form, those applicants included the HUB Sports Center, Spokane County Fair & Expo Center, Spokane Regional Sports Commission, Spokane Valley Heritage Museum, Valleyfest, and Visit Spokane, formerly the Spokane Regional Convention and Visitor's Bureau. Mr. Calhoun further explained that those applicants gave a presentation to the Committee on October 17, 2012. Mr. Calhoun said the Committee felt that CenterPlace should be required to make a presentation as the other applicants did; and that Valleyfest is a community event that should be funded by the City through the economic development funding process instead of through the Lodging Tax Funding process; he said Committee members discussed the merits of each application and how the funds should be distributed, and whether they (the Committee) should re- allocate that set aside $80,000. Ultimately, the majority of the Committee members recommended that the funds be made in two tiers: one including the previously allocated$80,000 for City purposes, and the second showing recommendations of ways to use those $80,000 funds; he explained that the chart on the RCA shows one tier allocating $380,500 to the applicants, and the second tier allocating $444,500 to those applicants; and that the data included an average recommended allocation to CenterPlace of$8,000. Finance Director Calhoun explained that each committee member gave their recommendations for each applicant, but did not ultimately vote on the final allocations. Councilmember Hafner said he noted, as included on the RCA, that some of these organizations received funding from the Outside Agency funding process; and that for this current process, committee members Doug Kelley, Lee Cameron, and Jeff Fiman recommended no funds for the Museum and for Valleyfest, and he asked if there were some rationale for those decisions. Mr. Calhoun said he didn't recall any conversation concerning not funding the museum, but that the three felt strongly that Valleyfest should not be funded through lodging tax, but rather though the outside agency process of this city. Councilmember Grassel added that for those agencies which were not recommended for funding, it was because the committee members felt these funds should be directly related to hotel nights; she said they acknowledged that the verbiage in the state statute does not require that but if the fund wants to be replenished each year, it should be given to those agencies that create that opportunity for hotel nights; and also recognizing that two of the three had received funding from this City's outside agency funding process. Councilmember Hafner added that it is should be clear that Valleyfest is not a City activity, but is a separate nonprofit organization. Mayor Towey said the allocation decision is set for the December 11 council meeting; and at a previous meeting, Council concurred to set aside a certain amount of money to facilitate some of our own tourism; and said he realizes that those who applied for these funds, do a tremendous amount for our community but he feels it was wise that Council determined to set aside discretionary funds as many things occur through the year related to tourism; and he mentioned Visit Spokane's regional visitor's guide and the extra cost for this City to advertise in the guide and be included on their map, including things like Discovery Playground and CenterPlace; or for banners through Visit Spokane, Councilmember Grassel stated that over the years, there was a frustration by the committee as they feel there wasn't a connection between their time-consuming work of going through the applications and hearing the presentations; that Council Regular Meeting 11-13-2012 Page 5 of 7 Approved by Council: 12-11-2012 they requested in future that CenterPlace also come before the committee and make a presentation to clearly specify how they will use the funding and to help identify if there are times they may be marketing the same way as Visit Spokane, or how they might partner with the Sports Commission in order to have a better use of the funds and identify where they could do some joint marketing. Regarding the funds Council set aside, Councilmember Grasses said we need to be cautious so as not to duplicate efforts, but to involve the Sports Commission, and Visit Spokane as we heard from the hoteliers tonight, they do see a return on those investments, and they want us to use those funds in a way that will help those groups that work together to bring in events into our city that bring in those hotel nights. Further, Councilmember Grassel said her bigger concern is we are seeing a reduced amount of funding this year, and we also lost the tourism funding from Washington State; and we need to be careful on how we spend the funds; and that concerning Valleyfest, we have worked to try to move some of the funding because Valleyfest does not generate hotel nights, which is a concern of the committee; that Council has tried to move funding used for Valleyfest from the outside agency grant; and said she designated we could give some additional funds for a total of$25,000 this year. Councilmember Grassel said at the meeting, she asked what Valleyfest was doing with the $19,000 they received from the outside agency grant, and said it was stated that they were using it for economic development, and yet the application for outside agency funding said "the specific element for which we request funding is the marketing and advertising of Valleyfest for the Pacific Northwest Region; in order to accomplish this objective, this marketing message must be carried to the regional audience in the northwest and beyond;" and Councilmember Grassel said this is why she believes this Council granted those funds; and when she asked the director that day how the funds were being used, Councilmember Grasse] said the answer was economic development, and in explaining that, the director told Councilmember Grasse) that they were going to use those dollars they already received, to entice businesses along the Sprague corridor to participate in Valleyfest, through a banner/flag program. Councilmember Grassel said her concern with that is, she doesn't think that is what this Council's intention was for those dollars; that Council gave them specifically to use for marketing Valleyfest; and said it wasn't her intention for Valleyfest to use the funds for economic development of Sprague businesses,but was supposed to be used for marketing Valleyfest. Councilmember Wick remarked that although Valleyfest is not owned or operated by the City of Spokane Valley, it is the feeling of many that the festival is the community event; and said he takes ownership in the event feeling that it is a city-type event, and very centered on the valley, and is synonymous with our City; and that regardless of where the funds come from, it is a festival that celebrates and symbolizes our City and our community; and said he would like to make sure people realize we don't operate it, but feels we should be a major sponsor and that there are so very few of those opportunities, that he would hate to jeopardize this event. Councilmember Grassel said she agrees with that which is why she supported allocating funds to them from the outside agency funds. 10. Drainage Easements:a.Beach House Apts; b. Cancer Center—Gabe Gallinger Engineer Gallinger gave the background on these two drainage easements, as noted in his November 13, 2012 Request for Council Action form, and that in the one case, the current property owner requested the City extinguish the existing easement and accept the dedication of a new drainage easement for the relocated bio-infiltration swale; and in the second case, that of Mission Avenue, that the developer would like to reconfigure the easement, therefore the current easement would need to be extinguished. Should Council agree, Mr. Gallinger explained, these issues would come before Council at the December 4 meeting for consideration of a resolution approval to extinguish each easement. There were no objections from Council. 11, Advance Agenda—Mayor Towey Mayor Towey mentioned that there will be no meeting for the next two weeks, and that he will miss the December 4 meeting as he will be in Olympia attending a Mayor's Conference. Mayor Towey also noted that the Spokane Valley Tech, in collaborating with the East Valley School District and other area Council Regular Meeting 11-13-2012 Page 6 of7 Approved by Council: 12-11-2012 schools, has asked for a letter of support as they are applying for a grant to help with the NEWTECH Skill Center in Spokane Valley. There were no objections from Council. INFORMATION ONLY The following items were for information only and were not reported or discussed: (12) Street Maintenance Contract Renewal; (13) Street Sweeping Contract Renewal; (14) Mailing Inserts; (15) Community Minded Television Report; and (16) Greater Spokane, Inc 3rd Quarter Report. CITY MANAGER COMMENTS none It was moved by Deputy Mayor Schinunels, seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 8:11 p.in. ATTES : `Thomas E.Towey, Mayor c� f. Chris ine Bainbridge, City Clerk Council Regular Meeting 11-13-2012 Page 7 of 7 Approved by Council: 12-11-2012 GENE iZ A .! F U 11 IT 4IC COMMENT SI b V` N SHEET SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE November 13, 2012 GENERAL CNTIZEN COMMENTS YOUR SPEAKING TIRE WILL GENERALLY BE LIMITED TO THREE MINUTE: Please sign in if you wish to make public comments, NAME TOPIC OF CONCERN YOUR COMPLETE TELEPHONE PLEASE PRINT YOU WILL SPEAK ADDRESS ABOUT + - - -- --, - - •-r-k 1-CAr d 1,-(\e. - A Au, g(723 E s$for 19. 1. , 3 a-3 f 141rssrun f4v-,-- q( $` ca 1$ 3,04-0 KkA -I- L, d nc V �& Wi �°1` r0 � � Q / k .—neik.i u a, q-6,2-ra 9a?- ?fig IN c L sC)A. lemJr `po t .1°. _._A' N o ii= - o /I up to.,SL. 111,,, ,J. Se ailf Zq(--'too() 14111010 Eliseo.Dumlao @VA.GOV •,i i,+,�' 13 ` 1 1: r. � r (IeteraiF Eliseo"Joe"Dumlao OTFYOEE Readjustment Counseling Tech SPOKANE VET CENT Eli 13109 East Mirabeau Parkway Main:509-444- 387 Spokane Valley,WA 99216 509-893-4743 tiwrv.vetcenter.va.gov Fax:509-444-8388 Please note that Office inJoll]tat/On is entered on this form, it becomes a public i'eco 11 subject T'o public 4.115c1osiue.