Resolution 12-011 Salary Classification Matrix Update CIT'Y OT'�POY�,,NE VALLEY SPOKANE C4UN'TY,WASHINGTON R�SOLUTTQN NO. 12-U11 A R�SQLUTIO��' QT THE CITY �D�' SPOI�ANE VALLEY, SPOKAIVE COUNTY, �'VASHINGTON, A�4'I�I�DI�TG THE 2012 �MPL(}YEE� POSITIpN CLASSiI'ICATION MATRIX TOR THE CITY OF SPOI�A.N��'ALLEY. V4'HEREAS, tl�e Cit�� Cout�cil from time to time must create ne« employee classifications and adopt co�iditions of etn�alay��ie�it far those ne�vly-createci cl�ssificatia�is ta a�tjust its ivorkforce i�t response ta�vnrkloaEl detnaiids; a�fd �14��REAS, khe City Couucil through Orciinai�ce �I2-Q24 adapted t�ie 2013 City budget rvhicl7 inch�ded tlia staffit�g changes associated �4�ith enhanced permittiiig atrd Plat�s Re��ietiv seitiices to tt7e c�istomers of the City; and VVI�REAS, siuc� adoptio�� af 5pokane �'alley Mtuiicip�l Cotie pz�ovision 2.50.70, t�ie Cily� Co��ncil l��s created various ne�v etnployee classiticatio�is job ciescripti���s; and WHEI�AS, tlie� City CoutYCil adapted S�okane Valiey Mu�iici�al Code provisio�i 2.50.070 ���hich, iii part, provides that position classi�cakions ac�d job desct•i�tions s��all �e devela�ed foi• �le��� positians. NO�� THE�E�'C1RE., 6e it resolved by ttie City Co�tncil of tl�c�City of Spok��ie Va�ley, 5��akat7e Caunty, Washitigto�i, �s ��Jlo�vs: Sectio�r 1. Authorizatio�i is g�•a��tecl to amend the 201� Employee Position Cl�ssi�catiot� 2vioutlily Salai•y Sel�edule modifyitig t�ie tit�e of"Assis#ant �laiuzei•" to "Plan�te��," anc� ci•eatitig tl�e �ie��� classificatioi�of"De��elopmei�t Ser�ice�Coordi�aato�°" Gracfe 16, a�id"Fermit Pacilitator"Grade 12. Sectior��. Effective Date. This Resolutioif sl�all be effective�i�an adoption. Adopted khis 11'h day of December; 2012 City af Spokane Valley � � � r .��. �. - ,��? May�or Tom 'Ta�vey` AT T•� r � � �Ci�g�Cler'k, Christi�ie ainbridge -- �ip��a�a�•ed as#� • i: , I Office o ie City Att y Resolutian l2-dl l Classification A4�irix Page 1 of 1 I EMPE�OY�E PQSITION CLASSIFICATiaN ; IVI�hlTHLY SALARY SCi�EDl1LE j � I 2�12 5alary Schedule(Amende€fJ �#Fe ctive'�2N 1120�E 2 ' Positiprt Titfe Gra[1e 2012 Ran e Cii Il�ana er UnclasslFed i]e �it CiE PAana er 21-22 8888.29 - 9286�.08 * Cli AEto�ne 29 8 888.39 - 1'R 3fl5.D8 " Co�munit I]evel� m�nt Diractar 21 8�8a.39 - 11,395.08 " � Firrance f3ireckor �'I 8 888.39 - 19 395.08 ' t'uhlicVVcrks d`re�tar 2'1 8 886.3q - 11 395.08 * Parks�and Recrealion C}irecior 99 7 19�,37 - 9 23t]•7�J k I Hu�an 13eso�rces Mana er 98 6 48p.2� - 8 3d7.29 ` �� Plannin Mana er 9B 6 480.26 - 8 307.29 ' � Buildin Officiai 9B 6480.28 - $307.29 " Senlor En inear-G�itai Pro ects Devela ment 96 6 480.26 - 8,307.29 " ' De u Cft Atlarne 96 6 480,26 - 8 307.29 * , Senlor�� inear-T�aiFc CI�PlanninalGran�s 'i7 5 831.�J1 - 7475.25 * ? Accounti�r Ma?�a er 97 5 831.�i - 7,47C�.25 , Cit Cferk 'i6 5 2�6$.20 - . �728.20 ' � �r� in�er 'i6 6 248.20 - 6 728.20 � Serjlor Plans Exa�n`ner �6 5 248.20 - 6 728.20 ` ' Public Works Su e.i[rtendent i6 5 24$.2D - 6 728.20 * - Ser�iorAdniinistratrveAnal st �GB 5248.2D - �,728.20 _ Senlor Pfaiiner 'r6 5 248.20 - 6,728.20 []avelo ment ServEces Coordir�afor �f6 5 248.20 6 655.20 ' , Asaociate P�anrer i 5 4 72�A2 - 6,a55.60 C�nterAlace Coordinatar i 5 4 724A2 - 6,a55.B� Asslslant�n ir�ear i 5 �4 724.42 - 6[�55.BD IT S ecialisi 15 4 7^�A.U2 - 6 455.80 �n ineerin 7echnician If i5 d72A.02 - 6,L}55.BD CafSl�alabase Administrator i 5 +�72-0.02 - 6 055.60 Human RasourceAnal st i4 4 251.F38 - 5�5�.84 * }�ccountan'�'�ud et Anal�s; 1�4 �,251,88 - 5,450.84 ' AdminlsirallveAna� st 1a 4251.88 - 5,45fl.�i4 Planner 14 �},251.88 - 5,�5a.54 �uildin I:ns ector I[ 14 4,251.88 - 5,450.fi4 Plans Examiner 14 �251.E�8 - 5,450.�4 Puf�lic fnformation Offieer 14 4,251.88 - 5,�5p.64 �nqineerin Tec`�rnician h "14 4 251.88 - 5,460.84 5enior Parmit Snec3alisl 14 4 251.88 � 6,�50.84 Ma9ntsnancelConstruction Ins ector �3-1�1 3 828.38 - �450.64 R�orQalion Coardin8for 13-14 3,826.36 - 5�50.6A ' Cuslomer Ftelai�'onslFacilifies Coordinator 13 3 82&.3B - 4,9Q5.37 Cnde EnForcemenl Oificer 13 3 82&.38 - 4,905.37 I euildin Irs ector 1 13 3,82�.38 - h,805.37 I P�'anttiin TechnlciGn 13 3 828.38 - 4,865.37 De ul�Cil Clerk 12-13 3 445.�Q - �[,��5,37 " Senfor C�r,ler S eclaiist 12-13 3 446.€�0 � 4.905.37 Nurr�an 1�e�ources Tech��ician 12-13 3 4�45.q0 - +�,9�5.37 " Per�nit�aciliiator 12 3 A45.00 4 494.73 Acfminlstrative Asslskant 19-12 3 fl9�.55 - 4 494.78 " Permit S eclallst 11-�2 �099.55 - 4 A94.73 Accounfin Te�hniclar� 19-12 3099.55 - 4�9h.73 Mainfe�ance Wariter 17-�2 3�099.55 - 4 4�4.73 Qffice Assiskant II 10-11 2 789.49 - 3 973.46 Custo:iian 1 a 2 789.41 - 3 973.A6 Off�ce flssiskant I 9-10 2 510.T8 - 3 575.28 *7h2 pay grada&tor�oslllons not represenled by Ihe Unlp�a�e 2,G°lo[otiverthan refiecled abave because theywere not inaeased by Ihv 2.5°h COLA on Janttary 1,2D33