Resolution 12-013 Master List Commercial Vehicles CITY flF SPOI{AN��'ALLEY SPf7I�,AN� COUNTY,�'ASHIM GTON �soLUTiorr r�a. 12-o�� A RESOLUTIflN OT'THE CYTY OF SPi�KANE VA,LLEY, SPOKAN� COUNTY, �J4'A,SHI\GTON,ADOPTING A MASTER°5NO TRUCKS"AND i�LOCAL D�LIVERY QNLY" SCHEDUL�PLRSUANT T�SPOKANE VALL�'Y l�7LTTNICIP,A�L CODr� S�C`�'ION 9.30.U3U(C), AND QTH�R i4IATTE�RS RELATING TH�R�T�O. WH�ItEAS, tlie City Cauncil adopted Spol:aiie Valley Mi�nicipal Code (SVI��C) 9.30.030�G) fo r•eqiiire tf�at t�ie lac�atioii af sigi7s in tEie Ciry depicti��g tllat"�TO Tr�icks" aaad "Loc�l D�e�iveiy Only" be set fo►-�h in a Mastei•"i�a Truc�:s" and"Local Deli�Rety O11I�'75 Schedt�le;a�ici WH�I�AS,#lie Cify shall liencefoi�th tise a resoli�tion ta estat�lish or modify �4�here "h10 T�°tt�ks'° �nd "L.ocal Delive��T Only�"sig��s shali be pfaced iii ttie City, and V4'H�R��S, the City Senior Tj�affic Enginee�• sliall coiicluct ait eolgirieeritig and ti°affic investigatipn��ursuat�t ta Wasl�i��g#o�i Ad«uuistrative Cade 308-330-2G5(]7), ac�opted t���tl�e Cit��#hrough SVI��C chapter 9.05, fot� all �ro�osed changes to the �Vlaster "No Trucks" anc� "Loca] Deli��ezy O�ily" Scl�edule, �vhich s4�all be i�easoria�le aii�l safe, anci in the izlterest of tlfe liealth, safe�ty� �nd �velfa��e of tlte citizex�s of tlus Cify. :�r(3�'V THEREFQR�, be it resolved by the City Gauuctl of the Cit��of S�alcatie�1'alley, �pokaiie Co��tYty, �Vaslfiiigtan, as follot��s: Sectio�t 1, Ado}�tion of the Master "No Trucks" ancl "Local �7elivei-�� Onl}�" Schec�ule. Tlte Master"No TriicksP' a�iei `'L.ocal Deliver��Oiily�" Scliedule, as set fc�rUi belo�v, is�dapted. Sectiori 2. Repeal. To t�ie eatent that ai�y pM•ev�ous actioifs ta e�tablish "l�a Trucks" or "Local Deliti�ery Ot�ly" signs are inconsistent ivith tl�as� set forth�terein, the3T are repealec�. Sectiau 3. Effectirre Date. `i'lais Re�ol�itiou sl-�all be effective upan adflptio�a. A�pi�a��ecl this 11"`day of Decenil�er, 2012. ATT�S • CITY QF SPOKANE VALL�Y ;� � 7 �� � tu•isti�ie ainbrici�e, Gif}'Cler�C = ° T oitias E.Toti rey, Mayoi• Approved as fo foj�rn: � �� � 1 � Office khe Cit�r A rney Resolution 12-013 M�ster"i�'o Truc};s"aaid�`Lacal Delive��r Only"Sciiedule Page � a�2 MASTER "NO TRUCKS" SCH�DULE �'he following �•oad sectio�7s located in tti� City- of Spoka►ie �'alley shall be restricted to tr��ck travel as �et fortll in Spokane �Talley 1`vfunicipal Code 9.30.030 bv placemet�t of� "No Tr��cks" sigr�, �rrhicli tna}r be�flsted iti conjtinc�ic�n �vith a"Lac�l I]eli�ery� �»ly" sign. Raad Segment{s} Zoue Liniits Locatiou � Jackson�.vatlue �wloittgomei��Drive to Wi�bur Road I 5.19, T25N,, R.44E.W,M. VL'ilbur�Raad Jackson Aveu�ie to Mo��tgo»fei-��Dz•ive S,]9, T25N,, R.44E,W,iVi, Grace Avenue Ba���dish Ro��to SR-27 S.9, T25N., R,4�€E,W.M Buck�}�e AveiiEie Bo�vc3ish Roac�to SR-2? 5.9, T25N., R.44�,W.Pv1 Lily Road SR-29a to Monta�rYle�•y Dri�•e S.12,"T2SIti1.,R,�3 E.W.ivl. Girarc3 F�oad SR-29[}to Montgomel��Dri�•e 5,12,T25N,; R,�3 E.1�V.M. Bosvrnan Raad SR-294 to Montgou�e�y Drive 5,12,T2SN.; R,43 B.W.M. 1Vloi�tgo�ne�y D�•ive Lily Road to Park Road 5,12,T2SN.; R,43 E,W,M, Area bar�lered by Par•�:Rpad, SR-29d, A�•gaune Raaci, a��d �-90 5,7, T25N., R.�4 E.�'V,N]. Vis�a Road Broadtivay Aven��e to Missioii Aven«e S,1 S, T251`�I., R.�3�E,W.M, I�Iissio�i Avetitie Vista Road to Margue�-ite Road 5.18, T25N., R.44 E,W.M. UIax�Arell Avea�ue Wilbur Roaci to SR-27 5.16, T25N., R.44 E,��.1�1 Wilb�u•Road lvlax�vell Avenue to Missioii A��enue S,1 G,T25N., R,44 E.��V.l�� Bi•adley Road SR-240 to M�r�iefta A��en��e 5.�2,T25N., R.43 �.1�V.:�]. Dora Raad SR-29fl to 1'vlatisfield A��enue 5.12, T25N,, R.43 E.�V,Ih. Calema�f Roaci SR-2�0 to iltal� A�ertt�e 5.12, T25N., R.43 E.�'V,M. Park Raad Additi�n �l�}�divisiat7 south af Missio�i Avenue; S,i3, T25N.,R.43 E.�'�,�rl. ti�s�est af Pa��k Roacl,a�id �toi•tl� af I-9Q r Clintoii Roac1 S�rague Ave_�lue to Main A��e�fue 5.15,T25�., R.44 �.�'V,Ivi. 1lriairt As�eiiue �JIGI�OIlaICI R4aC� f0 Cllllt011 ROc�(� 5.15,T25I�l., R.44 �.�V,M. �UeIlesley�Avenue City limits to�vergreen Raad 5.3, T2�i�T., R.��1 E.'►�'.M. Resaiiition 12-013 Master"No Tiucks"and"Local Deli�rery Onl}r"Scltedule Pag�2 of 2