Agenda 08/25/2011 S1TFib Valle K Spokane Valley Planning Commission Agenda City Hall Council Chambers, 11707 E. Sprague Ave. August 25, 2011 6:00 p.m. I. CALL TO ORDER II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE III. ROLL CALL IV. APPROVAL OF AGENDA V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: VI. PUBLIC COMMENT: On any subject that is not on the agenda VII. COMMISSION REPORTS VIII. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT IX. COMMISSION BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS: STUDY SESSION—REVIEW OF THE LANDSCAPING AND SIGN REGULATIONS OF TITLE 22 OF THE SPOKANE VALLEY MUNICIPAL CODE X. FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER XI. ADJOURNMENT COMMISSIONERS CITY STAFF JOHN G.CARROLL,CHAIR JOHN HOHMAN,CD DIRECTOR MARCIA SANDS,VICE CHAIR SCOTT KUHTA,PLANNING MGR,AICP BILL BATES RUSTIN HALL STEVEN NEILL JOE MANN DEANNA GRIFFITH,SECRETARY JOE STOY WWW.SPOKANEVALLEY.ORG 8/24/2011 Planning Commission Study Session Signage and Landscaping Presented by: Scott Kuhta,A!CP, Planning Manager August 25, 2011 Spokane ,�-�valley Purpose City Council directive to review signage and landscaping regulation Familiarize Planning Commission with regulations -. Discuss process to amend code 1 8/24/2011 Overview Review Sign Regulations Chapter 22.1 I 0 SVMC Review Landscaping Regulations Chapter 22.70 SVMC Discuss Potential Code Amendments Sign _;ode History Spokane County Sign Code — 2001 Update • Long process — Sign Committee • Maximum sign size and height generally reduced J Temporary Signs require permit • Portable signs prohibited • Billboard Restrictions -Advisory Vote on Amortization • SpokaneValley inherits County Sign Code Upon Incorporation 2 8/24/2011 Sign Code History SpokaneValley Adopts Sign Code - 2005 • Ad Hoc Committee Develops Draft Code • Similar to County Code for most height/size standards • Lessens restrictions on Billboards — Cap and Replace • Prohibited Signs include all portable signs • No separate distance requirement for multi-business signs— County requires 500 ft • Temporary Signs require permit— similar restrictions • Ad Hoc Committee reconvenes in 2006 to address decorative emblem signs Sign Code History • Code Enforcement • After sign code adoption City actively enforced sign regulations along Sprague corridor • Portable and temporary signs removed • Enforcement now conducted solely by complaint 3 8/24/2011 P errini� Process Sign permit required for most signs Planner reviews site plan Plans Examiner reviews footing or method of attachment ITF 14.f f it II:reestandiII ciJ`'ugIII]s (Poe) Max Height 20 to 50 ft u, III 1 Copy Area BRIGHTEN UP GIFTS 4 YOUR HOME IOOto250sgft a Number per Parcel ...,,,,-, F~°e,�uiii r. 1115 . One per arterial street '1,,i;.-.'...*�N s, ° II 1 frontage ,T.« * Must be located in landscaped area or provide landscaping around base 4 8/24/2011 r.frio su, c lent, Signs Max Height i , - I 7 f 7-771 Copy Area t _i, .1iT f l� .,-,-..... 63- :75 to 150 s ft 3 J i-`�"'r(1 ! - .. ,f i; Number per Parcel ' ` , •-T r�i% '-, ; • % - i Two per arterial street """ ... frontage Must be located in landscaped area or provide landscaping around base \Ail�! Signs OUTLET Wi " frt', ` j�y. if� 4Y UU Wall signs cannot exceed 25% of wall area 5 8/24/2011 Electronic Signs Permitted on same basis as other signs o Flashing signs prohibited I Diji:§jai&Grill r_ = =r= a ;=" rr. f Decorative rci ems , rib- I ps i .. i ` f:! :TME FORD EXPERT P:.Q4:1 T .t � , .h_ r e ----,_____11 .son°.. ;CUSTOMER PARKNO '.L 7 - One per 50 feet of frontage - Lowest horizontal member must be 7' above grade 6 8/24/2011 W� fi:,, ap°p .'TEMPORARY � ti �`inad ���"A E.'tl ^�� _ SIGNS • • NEED A PERMIT Banners �-- 30 days w/single 30-day renewal in calendar yr Pennants, Flags and Streamers with Copy 60 days w/60-day renewal Special Event Signage (search lights, inflatables) c 7 days with up to 4 events per year e� porary sign Exam �pDe s ,.- s"f.-7-f•'-''rtr:_- . v . .77:fialgl -,,,-- 14,474 w =LR. •1:1: it • a \/ 1/Wadi i : t''''-` a ---..*"'74. v ,.(t,• � rS w k..j . -";•,-. 4 •4•`" Ntei •" ' ..,/`,so,r.441k.4. 1. _ L t' ' ;Yy :•._ 14PS D./MA..55[7 E Sahli y ,c Banners Flags and Pennants 8/24/2011 vprohiIA eo owns O Signs that resemble traffic controls • Signs that are safety hazards for cars and people • Flashing Signs ▪ Signs in R-O-W except bus benches and official signs • Signs attached or placed on vehicles parked on public or private property Off-premise signs Portable Signs Prohibited Signs c P ;nrta.b@e Signs Mt Families ! Welcome •.i [a[hw[sY `- PP.FISHfB - 1�I Fi_;� ott „,,,,,,, ,___. __, __ _ imilti, .47.7s1---- -'''',-L---_ ..1. li. • ------1 FPO�/ __ it FiEs gismo 44.5 x it `' COEN FRED STK'" 11. Reader Boards 8 8/24/2011 roh i ft mi ns Porcabne Signs o `M Jt OPEN sum 'al BUY DIAMOND _ SLASS CELLULAR; PHONES vis Lima Get Cash( Now A —Frame (Sandwich) Nonconforming Signs May be repaired but not structurally altered or made more nonconforming Signs removed for repair must be replaced within 60 days. 9 8/24/2011 Aesthetic Corridors Comp Plan designs aesthetic corridors • State Route 27 — 16th south to City limits • Appleway Blvd — South side only, Park to Dishman-Mica • Appleway Ave — Barker to Hodges • Dishman-Mica— 8th south to City limits • 32nd Avenue • Mirabeau Pkwy— Pines to Indiana Limited to monument signs P ten iati Code C is.fg s Temporary signs Landscaping for new signs on fully developed parcels 10 8/24/2011 Landscapingkegulations x - ° , 4 ?�+�"'•o.,01i,„,__' ei: 3• is Y.. . /r ice.:"'w. :.•�.. i.'4.1~ _ x +ti • 4 f ''''''. .,S441- 47-47:015.14;,',--;1...-,-;:i. ,!-c-----4-es-y,-_, ,' 1 �R'� •<�v �"G ifS it .S• L ,�1T- ". . p'T a't 5 i.C[ T„ Y f$ .,. fi • L_an scoping Why Require Landscaping? Reduce visual, noise and lighting impacts on adjacent properties Buffer between incompatible land uses Helps preserve property values Reduce heat effect in parking lots 11 8/24/2011 When is Landscaping Required? ® All new commercial development • Multifamily • Retail • Office • Industrial © Additions to existing buildings exceeding 500 sq ft e Alterations to existing sites exceeding 500 sq ft Landscaping Site Plan LI 1 • II 1•? � P 1 >A •/ I Et • 1 •1 LL / ffi I: L I 1,11_ z___ f•. c „„--, =__ Y—1 12 8/24/2011 Landscaping pin Point S ysgym Spokane Valley only local jurisdiction to use point system Intent is to allow flexibility/creativity for landscape designer Allowance for existing trees Bonus for xeriscaping Has not produced substantially different landscaping plans System Landscaping Point System Table 22.80-4 Landscaping Points Required Size of Developed Area Number of Points Required 0-500 sq.ft. Site points= 10 500-2,500 sq ft. Site points=25 2,500-5,000 sq.ft. Site Points=50 More than 5,000 sq.ft. Site Points=50 plus one (1) point for each 200 sq.ft.of area over 5,000 sq.ft. Parking lots Two (2) points per required parking space and one (1) point for each proposed additional parking space 13 8/24/2011 Landscaping PointValues Table 22.70-3 Landscaping Point Values Minimum Size(et time of planting) Type of Plant Material Deciduous Trees Evergreen Trees Point Value (In caliper Inches) (In feet of height) 8-inch or greater 22 ft.and over 26 7-inch 19-21 ft 24 6-inch 16-18 ft. 22 Large Tree 5-inch 13-15 ft. 20 4-inch 11-12 ft. 18 3-Inch 9-10 ft 15 Medium Tree 2-inch 7-8 ft. 12 Small Tree Single Trunk:1-inch 5-6 ft 9 Ornamental Tree Multiple Trunk (minimum 3 trunks): 5_6-ft. 9 Smallest trunk 1-Inch caliper Large Shrub 5 gallon and 24-inch height at planting 3 Medium Shrub 3 gallon and 12-inch height at planting 2 Small Shrub 2 gallon and 8-Inch height at planting 1 Ornamental Grasses 1 gallon 'h Groundcover 1 gallon h 4-Inch pots 'A Existing Trees Greater than 6-Inch caliper 22 to 50 Landscaped Bern 30-Inch height 10-foot length,3:1 slope 1 per 5 linear ft. Turf Grass N/A '''Aper sgyd Landscape Buffers Table 22.70-2 Buffers Required by Type Zoning Districts R1,R2 Mf-1, 0,GO NC,C, CMU City 1-1,1-2 R-3,R-4 Mf-2 RC MUC Center Planned Residential I I I I I I I Development Manufactured I I I I I I I Home Parks MF-1,MF-2 I n/a I II II II 1 0,GO I I n/a II n/a n/a n/a NC,C,RC I I II n/a n/a n/a n/a CMU,MUC I I n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a City Center I I n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a I-1,1-2 I I I I I I n/a •1-Type I-Full Screening II—Type II Visual Buffering n/a-Not applicable 14 8/24/2011 `type I Landscape Buffer Evergreen 1 Tree Deciduous Shrubs \ 0tw ...1 ,h,1 .�.- ..t n u I maximum �'�}-• u .� 7P V t!,.,1 [Sight-obscuring fence Full Screening 0 Requires 6' site obscuring fence Type II Landscape Buffer Ev ergre In Troe Deciduous Shrub. ; � N1 4 O �� �yh BMs ` Sc !U —✓ 35 feet � �✓✓r — Q t • 0 G _' • • • • ' 15 8/24/2011 Landscapingi1 11--ar'Edn . .rea 4;‘t ,.-1-4.. ,. �Y -}.4 ` 't till; e.:. •_•.,„___ .t.... , tv, ..•, „, . ....:„., .,k, { x iit� �; ,' ---- w i t # .4 +,7 ; , Y f ' �`it J A a •••,f4,,- . k • Landscaping an Parking Areas F4,#,, ,: - tr,it,.,,t , >to rtr • .. irk oi;., S.. f "'4S A i T;Ny'r: T y r�9c;yh i; 2 y Yc. 14'.`;"-i.':::1, V ,..i--?- ! :."-•+c -.:'...,..--*1::',';'.-..,"-,,,'- 16 8/24/2011 -, Areas LT 0 Landscapingin [1---al-kinc, A.,—eas Dtgiv-pir- - .111111,- 1---ileadlivht Screening 0 (5e,...c.payfir \ A - 4,‘ r I : •C=3). 110224. --ams!amo . — • 17 8/24/2011 S trees � Vrees Street trees required within I 0 feet of any public or private R-O-W — 35' on center z a ;y itL �;' 6 rCY...1.yyo_ I ' ,. —� h_i ...........-.....1_- ter y ge7\ Ae uscapi g • 4, --..l- �.. r:r ,,ir .1,4Z,,•;',,.:,ncillire,.....'"W/V4,, ,,k. .„ 5. IN ' .: v.,.., 1,1 _, ;s1 4M, h. o Bonus points for xeriscaping • Reduces use of turf grass • Lowers water usage 18 8/24/2011 Landscape Architect Code requires landscape plans to be drawn and stamped by registered landscape architect Prior to Certificate of Occupancy the registered landscape architect must certify that landscaping and irrigation installed in accordance with approved plans. Landscape viodffic ion Director may approve modifications Only a portion of the parcel is being developed Landscaping would interfere with stormwater facilities or natural drainage Applicant proposes xeriscaping Existing structures or improvements preclude installation of required landscaping 19 8/24/2011 Potential Code Amendments Lower the threshold for landscaping for building additions and site alterations [l Remove landscaping requirements for new storage buildings on existing industrial sites. Remove requirement for landscaping around signs in developed areas Do not require Landscape Architect for small projects `:;.,ode Amendment Process Staff prepares draft amendments PC Study Session PC Public Hearing — Recommendation to City Council O City Council Options • Approve • Deny • Modify • Send Back to Planning Commission 20 8/24/2011 Questions? 21