Agenda 11/10/2011 �CITYok�..ne � Val�e � � Spokane Valley Planning Commission Agenda City Hall Council Chambers, 11707 E. Sprague Ave. November 10, 2011 6:00 p.m. L CALL TO ORDER IL PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE IIL ROLL CALL IV. APPROVAL OF AGENDA V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: VL PUBLIC COMMENT: On any subject that is not on the agenda VIL COMMISSION REPORTS VIIL ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT IX. COMMISSION BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS: A. PUBLIC HEARING-CTA-03-11: PROPOSED TEXT AMENDMENT TO TITLE 22, LANDSCAPING B. STUDY SESSION-CTA-OS-11: PROPOSED TEXT AMENDMENT TO TITLE 20, SUBDIVISIONS,RECORDS OF SURVEY. X. FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER XL ADJOURNMENT COMMISSIONERS CITY STAFF 70HN G. CARROLL,CHAIR JOHN HOHMAN,CD DIRECTOR MARCIA SANDS,VICE CHAIR SCOTT KUHTA,PLANNING MGR,AICP BILL BATES RusTiN HaLL STEVEN NEILL 70E MANN DEANNA GRIFFITH,SECRETARY JOE STOY WWW.SPOKANEVALLEY.ORG CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Planning Commission Review Meeting Date: November 10, 2011 Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business �public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation FILE NUMBER: CTA-03-ll AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Public Hearing — Code text amendment to Spokane Valley Municipal Code(SVMC) DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: City initiated, code text amendment modifying Chapter 22.70 (Fencing, Screening and Landscaping)in the Spokane Valley's Municipal Code (SVMC). GOVERNING LEGISLATION: SVMC 17.80.150 and 19.30.040 PREVIOUS ACTION TAKEN: Planning Commission conducted a study session on September 22, 2011. BACKGROUND: City Council has directed staff to proceed with modifications to the fencing and landscaping standards (Chapter 22.70) in the SVMC. On August 25, 2011 the Planning Commission was presented an overview of landscaping standards and outlined proposed changes. The following amendments were presented at the September 22, 2011 study session before the Planning Commission. l. Section 22.70.0208 — Allow fences to be placed on the property line in a flanking yard (corner lot) outside of the front yard setback. 2. Section — Modify language to provide more clarity to the clear view triangle definition and update references to tables and diagrams to ensure this section is administered correctly. 3. Section 22.70.020.F —Define which zones allow barbed, concertina or razor wire. 4. Section 22.70.040.E.9 and Table 22.70-4 — Consolidate all landscape point calculation requirements into Table 22.70-4. 5. Section 22.70.040.J.4—Remove landscape requirement for new signs in developed areas. 6. Section 22.70.040.L.1.e — Add additional flexibility to landscaping requirements for industrial zoned properties. 7. Section 22.70.040N—Provide a landscape point threshold for requiring a landscape architect to prepare a landscape plan and clarifying who will certify the installed landscaping at time of completion. The Planning Commission requested the following items to be modified by staff concerning the proposed code text amendment. 1. Update Clearview Triangle diagrams to show consistency with requirement. RPCA Public Hearing for CTA-03-11 1 of 2 2. Add requirement to barbed wire standards to state; "...not allowed in mixed use and commercial zones adjacent to public right-of-way". Current regulations only restrict similar fencing in mixed use zones adjacent to the public right-of-way. 3. Clarify language in Section 22.70.0404.L.1.e (modifications). 4. Increase the point threshold to require a landscape architect for plan preparation. The amendment is intended to add a threshold for smaller projects to be exempt from having a registered landscape architect prepare a landscape plan. Discussion from the Commission concluded SO landscape points may be too small of a threshold number. A threshold of 1001andscape points is being presented. The Planning Commission inquired about additional items not presented as proposed amendments during the study session. Staff's findings are below. l. Why do barbed, concertina or razor wire fences over six feet in height require a building permit? The Ciry adopted the 2009 International Building Code (IBC) which is the governing regulations for building permit requirements. Section 105.22 of the IBC states "Fences not over 6 feet(1829mm) high" are exempt from permit requirements. The IBC does not specify the type of fencing over 6 feet which requires a permit. 2. Tree staking (Section 22.70.030.G.5.�: The City's Municipal Code Section 22.70.030.G.S.f requires tree staking in parking areas only for duration of 12 months. The City of Liberty Lake and Spokane Counry require tree staking. Concerns of tree staking are focused on improper installation, staking too tight and not being removed. The benefits of staking are protection from human activities, high winds and allowing an unstable or immature tree trunk to mature for a minimum of one growing season. Comments from Steven Neil are included in exhibit 3 of the staff report. 3. Screening of loading docks (Section 22.70.030.�: Loading docks are screened to preserve aesthetic views from the public right-of-way from large trucks, storage areas and materials associated with large scale retail, service, manufacturing, storage, warehousing, hotel/motel and industrial uses. At a minimum these uses are greater than 10,000 gross square feet of building area to require one loading bay. Newly developed sites are designed to allow for truck circulation as well as provide screening when necessary. Challenges that arise with existing sites may use the landscape modification section (22.70.030.L) to request a deviation to screening. OPTIONS: Planning Commission may recommend approval as presented; recommend approval of modified proposal, recommend the proposal not be adopted, or forward no recommendation to City Council. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: The Planning Commission advance a recommendation to the City Council. STAFF CONTACT: Karen Kendall, Assistant Planner ATTACHMENTS: Staff Report PowerPoint Presentation of Public Hearing RPCA Public Hearing for CTA-03-11 2 of 2 FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE SPOKANE VALLEY PLANNING COMMISSION November 10, 2011 The following findings have been prepared by Staff for the Planning Commission in the event there is concurrence with the recommended approval. Background: A. The Unified Development Code was adopted in September 2007 and became effective on October 28, 2007. B. Ciry initiated code text amendment to the Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC). C. The Planning Commission held a public hearing on November 10, 2011. The Planning Commission approved the following amendments to the Spokane Valley Municipal Code, Chapter 22.70; l. Section 22.70.020.B — Allow fences to be placed on the property line in a flanking yard (corner lot) outside of the front yard setback. 2. Section — Modify language to provide more clarity to the clear view triangle definition and update references to tables and diagrams to ensure this section is administered correctly. 3. Section 22.70.020.F —Define which zones allow barbed, concertina or razor wire. 4. Section 22.70.040.E.9 and Table 22.70-4 — Consolidate all landscape point calculation requirements into Table 22.70-4. 5. Section 22.70.040.J.4 — Remove landscape requirement for new signs in developed areas. 6. Section 22.70.040.L.1.e — Add additional flexibility to landscaping requirements for industrial zoned properties. 7. Section 22.70.040.N — Provide a landscape point threshold for requiring a landscape architect to prepare a landscape plan and clarifying who will certify the installed landscaping at time of completion. Findings: SVMC 17.80.150(F) states that the City may approve amendments to the code if it finds; A. The proposed amendment is consistent with the applicable provisions of the Comprehensive Plan; and 1. The Planning Commission finds the proposed city initiated code text amenclment to be consistent with the applicable provisions of the G�owth Management Act, Countywi�le Planning Policies and the City's Comprehensive Plan; GMA Policies a. The Washington State Growth Management Act (GMA) provides that each city shall adopt a comprehensive land use plan and development regulations that are consistent with and implement the comprehensive plan. Countvwide Plannin�Policies b. The Countywide Planning Policies (CWPP) are based on principles developed through an intense and lengthy citizen participation process. One of the guiding principles coming out of that process was the importance of protecting Findings and Recommendations of the Spokane Valley Planning Commission Page 1 of 2 neighborhood character. For most citizens, neighborhood character is one of the primary ingredients in their perceived quality of life. It is the intent of the CWPP to maintain neighborhood character and prevent neighborhoods from suffering the negative effects of growth. Citv of S�okane Vallev Goals and Policies c. The City of Spokane Valley has adopted goals and policies consistent with the GMA and adopted CWPP. i. Goal LUG — 3: Transform various commercial business areas into vital, attractive, easily accessible mixed use areas that appeal to inventors, consumers and residents and enhance the community image and economic vitality. ii. Policy LUP — 4.6: Develop community design guidelines to promote common open space,public art, and plazas in commercial and office developments. iii. Policy LUP — 82: Integrate sidewalks, bike lanes, landscaping, and area lighting in office areas to provide a safe and attractive working environment. iv. Policy LUP — 11.3: Provide appropriate buffering, landscaping and other development standards for industrial areas. v. LUP-14.1 requires the use of performance and community design standards to maintain neighborhood character, achieve a greater range of housing options, and to create attractive and desirable commercial and office developments. vi. Goal EDG-2: Encourage redevelopment of commercial/industrial properties within the City. 2. The Planning Commission finds the p�oposed City initiated code text amendment to bear c� substantial relation to public health, safety, welfare, and protection of the environment; The public health, safety, welfare, and protection of the environment is furthered by ensuring the SVMC is reflective of regional policy and implements internal plans. Conclusions: The proposed City initiated, code text amendments to Chapter 22.70 meet the applicable provisions of the Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan Recommendations: The Spokane Valley Planning Commission therefore recommends approval to the City Council of proposed City initiated, code text amendments to Chapter 22.70 (Fencing, Screening and Landscaping)in the Spokane Valley's Municipal Code (SVMC). Approved this lOtb day of November, 2011 John G. Carroll, Chairman ATTEST Deanna Griffith, Administrative Assistant Findings and Recommendations of the Spokane Valley Planning Commission Page 2 of 2 COD�VIUNTTY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT � PLANNING DIVISION k S�"]''okane � j STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION TO THE ,,,.►��v'a�le�Y PLANNING COMMISSION CTA-03-11 STAFF REPORT DATE:November 2, 2011 HEaxiNG DATE aNn LocaTioN: November 10, 201 l, beginning at 6:00 p.m., Spokane Valley City Hall Council Chambers, Valley Redwood Plaza Building, 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 101, Spokane Valley, Washington 99206. PxoPOSAL DESCxIPT�oN: City initiated, code text amendment modifying Chapter 22.70 (Fencing, Screening and Landscaping)in the Spokane Valley's Municipal Code (SVMC). This proposal is considered a non-project action under RCW 43.21C. PxoPOSAL LocATioN: The proposal affects the entire City of Spokane Valley, Washington. APPLICaNT: City of Spokane Valley APPROVA�, CiuTEiva: Title 17 (General Provisions) and Title 19 (Zoning) of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC). SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Division recommends the Planning Commission approve the proposed code text amendment to the SVMC. STAFF PLANNER: Karen Kendall, Assistant Planner, Community Development Department ATTACHMENTS: Exhibit 1: Draft Language of Chapter 22.70 Exhibit 2: SEPA Determination Exhibit 3: Public Comments L BACKGROUND INFORMATION Ciry Council has directed staff to proceed with modifications to the fencing and landscaping standards (Chapter 22.70) in the SVMC. On August 25, 2011 the Planning Commission was presented an overview of landscaping standards and outlined proposed changes. The following amendments were presented at the September 22, 2011 study session before the Planning Commission. 1. Section 22.70.020.B — Allow fences to be placed on the property line in a flanking yard (corner lot) outside of the front yard setback. Staff Report and Recommendation to the Planning Commission CTA-03-11 2. Section — Modify language to provide more clarity to the clear view triangle definition and update references to tables and diagrams to ensure this section is administered correctly. 3. Section 22.70.020.F —Define which zones allow barbed, concertina or razor wire. 4. Section 22.70.040.E.9 and Table 22.70-4 — Consolidate all landscape point calculation requirements into Table 22.70-4. 5. Section 22.70.040.J.4—Remove landscape requirement for new signs in developed areas. 6. Section 22.70.040.L.1.e — Add additional flexibility to landscaping requirements for industrial zoned properties. 7. Section 22.70.040.N — Provide a landscape point threshold for requiring a landscape architect to prepare a landscape plan and clarifying who will certify the installed landscaping at time of completion. The following table compares surrounding jurisdiction's requirements relating to the proposed code text amendment for fencing and landscaping. The City calculates required landscaping separate from the comparing jurisdictions. Some of the code changes cannot be compared. City of City of City of Spokane Spokane Valley Spokane Liberty Lake County Flanl�ing Propose fence along Must meet flanking Must meet flanking Must meet Yards Pr�Perty line on yard setback. yard setback. flanking yard flanking side yard. setback. B�rbed Wire Propose to be Not allowed except Allowed in RC,LI Not allowed. FenCing allowed in in CB, GC and I and HI on top '/4 of commercial, mi.zed zones. RA allowed fence. May be used use and industrial for agricultural for utility or zones; top'/of purposes. 3 strands institutional uses in fence. Not adjacent on top. other zones. to ROW in commercial and mixed use zones. LandSCaping Proposal to not Landscaping not Requires Requires and S1gnS require landscaping required. landscaping. landscaping. for new signs on a developed site. LandSCaping Remove landscape Yes,but not directly Yes,but not directly Yes,but not Flexibility fOr requirement for new related to industrial related to industrial directly related to Industrial Lots signs on a developed properties. properties. industrial site. properties. LaridSCape Propose exemption Requires Architect No Architect Requires ArChiteCt to landscaping w/out exception. required. Architect w/out requirements made exception. with Director's approval. Page 2 of 6 Staff Report and Recommendation to the Planning Commission CTA-03-11 IL APPLICATION PROCESSING Chapter 17.80 Permit Processing Procedures in the SVMC. The following summarizes key application procedures for the proposal. Application Initiated: September 1, 2011 Issuance of an Optional Determination of Non-Significance September 30, 2011 (DNS): Date of Published Notice of Public Hearing: October 28, 2011 Date of Mailed Notice of Public Hearing: October 26, 2011 IIL SUMMARY OF TEXT AMENDMENT A. FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS SPECIFIC TO SEPA Findings: Pursuant to Title 21 (Environmental Controls) of the SVMC, the lead agency has determined that this proposal does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 4321C.030(2)(c). The Planning Division issued a Determination of Non- Significance (DNS) on September 30, 2011 for the proposal. This decision was made after review of a completed environmental checklist on file with the lead agency. Conclusion(s): The procedural requirements of the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) and Title 21 of the SVMC have been fulfilled by the applicant's submittal of the required SEPA Checklist, and the issuance of the City's threshold determination consisting of a DNS. No appeals were received. B. FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS SPECIFIC TO THE CODE TEXT AMENDMENT COMPLIANCE WITH TITLE 17 (GENERAL PROVISIONS) OF THE SPOKANE VALLEY MUNICIPAL CODE Findings: Section 17.80.150(F) of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC)provides approval criteria that must be considered when the City amends the SVMC. The criteria are listed below along with staff comments. 1. The proposed city initiated code text amendment is consistent with the applicable provisions of the Comprehensive Plan; Staff Response: The City of Spokane T�alley has adopted goals and policies consistent with the Growth Management Act (GMA) and adopted County Wide Planning Policies (CWPP). The proposed text amendment is consistent with the GMA, CWPPs, and the City of Spokane i�alley's Comprehensive Plan. The code text Page 3 of 6 Staff Report and Recommendation to the Planning Commission CTA-03-11 amendment is consistent with the following goals and policies in the City's adopted Comprehensive Plan. a. Policy LUP — 1.2: Protect residential areas from impacts of adjacent non- residential uses and/or higher intensity uses through the development and enforcement of the City's land use regulations and joint planning. b. Goal LUG — 3: Transform various commercial business areas into vital, attractive, easily accessible mixed use areas that appeal to inventors, consumers and residents and enhance the community image and economic vitality. c. Policy LUP — 4.5: Ensure compatibility between mixed-use developments and residential areas by regulation height, scale, setbacks and buffers. d. Policy LUP — 4.6: Develop community design guidelines to promote common open space,public art, and plazas in commercial and office developments. e. Policy L UP—8.2: Integrate sidewalks, bike lanes, landscaping, and area lighting in office areas to provide a safe and attractive working environment. £ Policy L UP—10.2: Encourage a diverse array of industr°ies to locate in Spokane T�alley. g. Policy LUP — 11.3: Provide appropriate buffering, landscaping and other development standards for industrial areas. h. L UP-14.1 requires the use of performance and community design standards to maintain neighborhood character, achieve a greater range of housing options, and to create attractive and desirable commercial and office developments. i. Goal EDG-2: Encourage redevelopment of commercial/industr°ial properties within the City. 2. The proposed amendment bears a substantial relation to public health, safety, welfare, and protection of the environment; Staff Response: The City initiated, code text amendment bears substantial relation to public health, safety, welfare and protection of the environment. The proposed amendment will provide clarity on clear view triangle standards, allow protection of commercial and industrial zoned properties through fencing requirements and expand options for providing landscaping associated with new development in the City of Spokane T�alley. The public health, safety, welfare, and protection of the environment are furthered by ensuring the SVMC implements local and regional policy. Conclusion(s): The proposed city initiated code text amendment to the SVMC is consistent with the approval criteria contained in the SVMC Section 17.80.150(F). IIL STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Division after review and consideration of the proposed ciry initiated code text amendment and applicable approval criteria recommends that the Planning Commission approve CTA-03-11. Page 4 of 6 Staff Report and Recommendation to the Planning Commission CTA-03-11 IV. PLANNING COMMISSION FINDINGS: The Planning Commission is required to adopt findings of fact (Section 17.80.150) when recommending changes to the Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC). At the conclusion of the public hearing for the City initiated, code text amendment to the SVMC, the Planning Commission, by separate motion, has the option to adopt findings of fact. Section 17.80.150(F) of the SVMC provides approval criteria to be considered when the Ciry amends the SVMC. Staff has prepared the following findings for the Planning Commission in the event there is concurrence with the recommended approval. A. The Planning Commission finds the p�oposed city initiated code text amendment to be consistent with the applicable provisions of the Growth Management Act, Countywi�le Planning Policies and the City's Comprehensive Plan; GMA Policies a. The Washington State Growth Management Act (GMA)provides that each city shall adopt a comprehensive land use plan and development regulations that are consistent with and implement the comprehensive plan. Countvwide Plannin�Policies b. The Countywide Planning Policies (CWPP) are based on principles developed through an intense and lengthy citizen participation process. One of the guiding principles coming out of that process was the importance of protecting neighborhood character. For most citizens, neighborhood character is one of the primary ingredients in their perceived quality of life. It is the intent of the CWPP to maintain neighborhood character and prevent neighborhoods from suffering the negative effects of growth. Citv of Spokane Vallev Goals and Policies c. The Ciry of Spokane Valley has adopted goals and policies consistent with the GMA and adopted CWPP. i. Policy LUP — 1.2: Protect residential areas from impacts of adj acent non- residential uses and/or higher intensiry uses through the development and enforcement of the City's land use regulations and joint planning. ii. Goal LUG — 3: Transform various commercial business areas into vital, attractive, easily accessible mixed use areas that appeal to inventors, consumers and residents and enhance the community image and economic vitality. iii. Policy LUP — 4.5: Ensure compatibility between mixed-use developments and residential areas by regulation height, scale, setbacks and buffers. iv. Policy LUP — 4.6: Develop community design guidelines to promote common open space,public art, and plazas in commercial and office developments. v. Policy LUP — 8.2: Integrate sidewalks, bike lanes, landscaping, and area lighting in office areas to provide a safe and attractive working environment. vi. Policy LUP — 10.2: Encourage a diverse array of industries to locate in Spokane Valley. Page 5 of 6 Staff Report and Recommendation to the Planning Commission CTA-03-11 vii. Policy LUP — 11.3: Provide appropriate buffering, landscaping and other development standards for industrial areas. viii. Policy LUP-141 requires the use of performance and community design standards to maintain neighborhood character, achieve a greater range of housing options, and to create attractive and desirable commercial and office developments. ix. Goal EDG-2: Encourage redevelopment of commercial/industrial properties within the City. B. The Planning Commission finds the proposed City initiated code text amen�lment to bear a subst�ntial relation to public he�lth, s�fety, welfare, and protection of the envi�onment; The public health, safety, welfare, and protection of the environment is furthered by ensuring the SVMC is reflective of regional policy and implements internal plans. V. RECOMMENDED MOTION: I move to adopt the findings in the staff report and recommend approval of CTA-03-11 to the City Council Page 6 of 6 FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE SPOKANE VALLEY PLANNING COMMISSION November 10, 2011 The following findings have been prepared by Staff for the Planning Commission in the event there is concurrence with the recommended approval. Background: A. The Unified Development Code was adopted in September 2007 and became effective on October 28, 2007. B. Ciry initiated code text amendment to the Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC). C. The Planning Commission held a public hearing on November 10, 2011. The Planning Commission approved the following amendments to the Spokane Valley Municipal Code, Chapter 22.70; l. Section 22.70.020.B — Allow fences to be placed on the property line in a flanking yard (corner lot) outside of the front yard setback. 2. Section — Modify language to provide more clarity to the clear view triangle definition and update references to tables and diagrams to ensure this section is administered correctly. 3. Section 22.70.020.F —Define which zones allow barbed, concertina or razor wire. 4. Section 22.70.040.E.9 and Table 22.70-4 — Consolidate all landscape point calculation requirements into Table 22.70-4. 5. Section 22.70.040.J.4 — Remove landscape requirement for new signs in developed areas. 6. Section 22.70.040.L.1.e — Add additional flexibility to landscaping requirements for industrial zoned properties. 7. Section 22.70.040.N — Provide a landscape point threshold for requiring a landscape architect to prepare a landscape plan and clarifying who will certify the installed landscaping at time of completion. Findings: SVMC 17.80.150(F) states that the City may approve amendments to the code if it finds; A. The proposed amendment is consistent with the applicable provisions of the Comprehensive Plan; and 1. The Planning Commission finds the proposed city initiated code text amenclment to be consistent with the applicable provisions of the G�owth Management Act, Countywi�le Planning Policies and the City's Comprehensive Plan; GMA Policies a. The Washington State Growth Management Act (GMA) provides that each city shall adopt a comprehensive land use plan and development regulations that are consistent with and implement the comprehensive plan. Countvwide Plannin�Policies b. The Countywide Planning Policies (CWPP) are based on principles developed through an intense and lengthy citizen participation process. One of the guiding principles coming out of that process was the importance of protecting Findings and Recommendations of the Spokane Valley Planning Commission Page 1 of 2 neighborhood character. For most citizens, neighborhood character is one of the primary ingredients in their perceived quality of life. It is the intent of the CWPP to maintain neighborhood character and prevent neighborhoods from suffering the negative effects of growth. Citv of S�okane Vallev Goals and Policies c. The City of Spokane Valley has adopted goals and policies consistent with the GMA and adopted CWPP. i. Goal LUG — 3: Transform various commercial business areas into vital, attractive, easily accessible mixed use areas that appeal to inventors, consumers and residents and enhance the community image and economic vitality. ii. Policy LUP — 4.6: Develop community design guidelines to promote common open space,public art, and plazas in commercial and office developments. iii. Policy LUP — 82: Integrate sidewalks, bike lanes, landscaping, and area lighting in office areas to provide a safe and attractive working environment. iv. Policy LUP — 11.3: Provide appropriate buffering, landscaping and other development standards for industrial areas. v. LUP-14.1 requires the use of performance and community design standards to maintain neighborhood character, achieve a greater range of housing options, and to create attractive and desirable commercial and office developments. vi. Goal EDG-2: Encourage redevelopment of commercial/industrial properties within the City. 2. The Planning Commission finds the p�oposed City initiated code text amendment to bear c� substantial relation to public health, safety, welfare, and protection of the environment; The public health, safety, welfare, and protection of the environment is furthered by ensuring the SVMC is reflective of regional policy and implements internal plans. Conclusions: The proposed City initiated, code text amendments to Chapter 22.70 meet the applicable provisions of the Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan Recommendations: The Spokane Valley Planning Commission therefore recommends approval to the City Council of proposed City initiated, code text amendments to Chapter 22.70 (Fencing, Screening and Landscaping)in the Spokane Valley's Municipal Code (SVMC). Approved this lOtb day of November, 2011 John G. Carroll, Chairman ATTEST Deanna Griffith, Administrative Assistant Findings and Recommendations of the Spokane Valley Planning Commission Page 2 of 2 Chapter 22.70 FENCING, SCREENING AND LANDSCAPING Sections: 22.70.010 Purpose and intent. 22.70.020 General provisions— Fencing. 22.70.030 Screening and buffering. 22.70.010 Purpose and intent. The use of fencing and screening reduces visual, noise and lighting impacts on adjacent properties and provides visual separation and physical buffers between land uses. It also serves to protect the health, safety and welfare of the community by eliminating dangerous conditions and preserving property values. (Ord. 07-015 § 4, 2007). 22.70.020 General provisions—Fencing. A. No sight-obstructing fence more than 36 inches in height, nor any non-sight-obstructing fence (cyclone) more than 48 inches in height may be erected and/or maintained within the required front yard of any lot used for residential purposes. B. Any fence or wall, erected or placed behind the minimum required front yard setback line on a flankinq, side or rear yard may be erected or maintained to a maximum height of eight feet above the adjacent grade in residential zoning districts. Lots with double street frontage may have a fence constructed on the Iproperty line around the yard not used as the main point of access (the apparent�ask�a��rear vard). C. Neither residential, commercial or industrial fencing, nor any sight obstruction including vegetation, Iwhich constitutes a hazard to the traveling public shall be permitted on any sa�e�lot in any zone within the area designated as the "clearview triangle" as set forth below: 1. A clearview triangle is a measurement applied at the intersection of two streets��e �n+or�o„+,,,n „f�n alleys, private roads or se�e�sfa-�driveway and a street to ensure unobstructed vision of motorists and pedestrians. Within the clearview triangle, the space between three and one-half feet and seven feet above the street, or three feet above the sidewalk, must be unobstructed and calculated as follows: CTA-03-11(Draft language for code text amendment) 1 Figure 22.70-1 Clearview Requirements Sr'EICi ETA7I�!M bYf'TH[N CLS PdiS?�W TRI.ir'YG1.S 7' . �.�,�_;,,,.� �, I+�4l�Ih�tP.[�+1 ,,°� ,�� j_�_�.. A�„�rt�lL�ITw1 [v�fs.�f ���� �� ssr��s � a. Uncontrolled Intersection. The right isosceles triangle having sides of 50 feet measure along the curb line of each intersecting local access street (or five feet from edge of Ipavement for a street with no curbs), °"°„ ^r^^mm°r^�°' �'r�"°,^,°„ (see Figure 22.70-2); or Figure 22.70-2 Uncontrolled Intersection I. �►�r,�� �-sa�r.-� - -. . : �c��s�r I �or.��as s�r I �c�e . t_._. ����—, _ • . ' c�rr ac}-ir-aF-w,ar ' . �--- . � �EAl"1'I� � i � __ _ _ �'���^ f�} � , _�,�� }/,f r / � r �+; �, ��:, `w, ��, � � � ,� },�i q � ' { �F f � � � f'.� ✓" �:f � .�� � � � N i' ,� �V,. � � �';•± . ;''j ' � �NO C�18 PHE�99Y�,I�E FI S TGM1VA�iFE --* . '�� ' ' �]'Y l.f��IOyI 71-��E C7�YFhE FfDJYCl1MAT � � � 1 � ti ti�� �.z.�._� ��,��, +�r'r+�s�w�'r crrr�r�w*r CTA-03-11(Draft language for code text amendment) 2 50 ft� LOCAL ACCESS STREET �� ,�"j � CITY � �__�F3IGHT-OF-WAY F cn � � PROPERTY p � LINE � U 6 � Note: If no curb is present,measure in 5 feet towards the U I � IE property line from the edqe of the roadway. �W� NOTE' If no curb is o�o i present, measure in 5 feet I� towards the property line � � from the edge of the CITY roadway. RIGHT-OF-WAY b. Two-Way Stop Controlled Intersection. The right triangle having a 16-foot side measured along the curb line of a local access street (or five feet from edge of pavement for a street with no curbs), alley or commercial driveway, and the distance shown on Table 22.70-1 based on posted speed along the side along the curb line of the intersecting street (or five feet from edge of pavement for a street with no curbs) (see Figure 22.70-3); or F� ure 22.70-3 Two-Way Stop Controlled Intersection +1F'IF;AEIF7M1 _ . F 7Gd�� _ � iFR]Y,�i HI�FT rii�UW 9lil�T �� � i _ .. _ ._....., .-,__.a..... .,._.r_.._ ,,..__.s ,� . � e � � , . '-,� i.,^ . � - �.,�1��'^��i!1'F�ff�#r-flF'M�T " . � �� a , � �F'!7L]M!l11TLl! e.�-� � �y � _ . � . .. _ _.� - �,. _ _ � r,. , _ � ��`T� I � ++ : . � [�]=E F�C��4 P�7�[�5'T7M1ff�G TI-E . � � . _._._ �ti �a�r���r n+e�cF n�r�vr�w�r 4.+ '°�,�J' �,• '�• cRr�a�r��r,,r c�tiarrc tr�� CTA-03-11(Draft language for code text amendment) 3 TABIE 22.70-1 'CHROU�H S'CREET cuRs � � ��RIGHT IOF-WAY �n F ------- � � -- Io PROPERTY � LIhIE T �W� NOTE If no curb is �j,i present, measure in 5 feet � • � towards the property line from the edge of the CITY roadway, RIGHT-OF-WAY Table 22.70-1 — Two-Wav Stop Controlled Intersection Posted Speed (in MPH) Distance (in Feet) 25 70 30 95 35 110 c. In cases including, but not limited to, arterials with posted speeds in excess of 35 miles per hour, one-way streets, steep grades and sharp curves, the City traffic engineer will determine the appropriate measurement; or d. Yield-Controlled Intersection. For intersections of local streets with 25 mile per hour speed limits, the right triangle having a 35-foot side measured along the curb line or edge of pavement of the yield-controlled street, and an 80-foot side measured along the curb line or edge of pavement of the intersecting street. Triangles for yield-controlled intersections on collectors or arterials, or streets with speeds higher than 25 miles per hour, will be determined by the City traffic engineer (see Figure 22.70-4); or CTA-03-11(Draft language for code text amendment) 4 Fit� 22.70-4 Yield-Controlled Intersection - F°�. •� 90 FT, ;,. �Up-I �_�_. . ��9� , �,-�t1�13 . � . , -,. . . . — . '� . �'! �'` . � � � �� ��k� ' 4 k �`�—.. : . .. : . . �.t�� 5 . . . .. . . . .. . � — — �i'����,V�L'� � s �� . f `� t � . � .; ��� �,�•0'�i � ., �� _ _ T - �ry,_.. �`. . .�_ .,� � � �, �.-�, � s� {�1't'f�IT�-iY�Y �#1"�fiC�l'f�AY 80 ft THROU�H STREET CLTRB �i �—CITY � � - --------•�GHT-OF-WAY m � �� PROPERTY LINE �� a � • � � CITY RIGHT-OF-WAY e. All-Wav Stop Controlled. The trianale determined bv the Citv traffic enaineer usina AASHTO siaht distance reauirements for all-wav stop controlled intersections: or f. Signal-Controlled Intersection. The triangle determined by the City traffic engineer using AASHTO sight distance requirements for signalized intersections; or g. Noncommercial Driveway Serving Three or More Residences. The right isosceles triangle having sides of 15 feet measured along the curb line of the street and the edge of the driveway (see Figure 22.70-5). CTA-03-11(Draft language for code text amendment) 5 Figure 22.70-5 Noncommercial Driveway ,��r. - �rr. _ '� • �� -��T ,. � f .:,a . . _ •., �.,. �, �.. T� .- ��IT Fh�F11-0F�WAT � . , � � f- ` ' w ' `�'R�'�'f L� 4� � 'f, , �-k j� \.. ..�:. _.. . _ ����} �{ _> ._ _ . i � M1� - � .k �'�,. . . �r .. '1 ��' � � . P �.. . 1t . x;�� i �-� �+�.. . � I .. � k �� �. �1.� . . � 'C}� 15ft �STREET �� °� CITY � _ _�RIGHT-OF-WAY ¢ � � � PR4PERTY � � LINE � � n i � E- a o�o� �� � � CITY RIGHT-OF-WAY D. Exemptions. Clearview triangle regulations of this chapter shall not apply to: 1. Public utility poles; 2. Trees, so long as they are not planted in the form of a hedge and are trimmed to a height of at least seven feet above the street surface; 3. Properties where the natural ground contour penetrates the clearview triangle; and 4. Traffic control devices installed by the City. E. Fences in nonresidential, commercial, mixed use and industrial zoning districts shall not exceed eight feet in height. CTA-03-11(Draft language for code text amendment) 6 F. Barbed�e, concertina or razor wire may be used for security purposes in mixed use, commercial and industrial zoninq districts in the absence of a residential component only on the upper one-quarter of the fence �^ �^�'��°+r,�� �,,.,;.,n ,�,�+r;,.+� garbed�e, concertina or razor wire shall not be permitted in any residential zoninq district (except for confininq animals, see Section 22.70.020.G and H) or in anv commercial and mixed use zoning district adjacent to any public right-of-way. G. In anv residential zoninq district, barbed wire fences mav be used to confine animals, if the parcel meets the requirements contained in Section 19.40.050. H. Electric fences may be used for the confinement of animals; provided, however, that: 1. The fence is marked with warning signs at least 24 square inches in area located every 150 feet; and 2. The electric fence is located not less than 24 inches from the property line; and 3. Access to the fence is limited by conventional fencing or enclosure. II#. A combination of sight-obscuring fences and landscaping shall be required between incompatible land uses as established in SVMC 22.70.030. IJ�. Fencing shall not block the view of fire protection equipment from approach. (Ord. 07-015 § 4, 2007). 22.70.030 Screening and buffering. A. Applicability. The provisions of this section apply only to multifamily and nonresidential projects. B. Type I — Full Screening. 1. Where required for full screening, a sight-obscuring fence shall be installed consistent with the requirements for a clearview triangle. The fence shall be at least six feet high and 100 percent sight obscuring. Fences may be made of wood, ornamental iron or aluminum, brick, masonry, architectural panels, chain link with slats, or other permanent materials, berms, walls,vegetative plantings, or some combination of these. 2. The required fence shall be further screened by a mix of plantings located within a five-foot buffer strip that are layered and/or combined to obtain an immediate dense sight-obscuring barrier of two to three feet in height, selected to reach six feet in height at maturity as follows: a. A mixture of conifers and deciduous trees, planted at a distance of not less than 35 feet on center, with a maximum of 50 percent of the trees being deciduous; b. Evergreen shrubs shall comprise at least 75 percent of the plantings, planted at a distance of not less than six feet on center; CTA-03-11(Draft language for code text amendment) 7 c. A minimum of 24 points of landscaping shall be installed for every 25 linear feet of buffer area; d. Plantings used for full screening adjacent to public or private rights-of-way shall be located outside the fence or security system. Figure 22.70-6 Example of Type I Landscaping with Sight-Obscuring Fence (Not to Scale) ��,+_*,!�i�eea�i rre�e �-�=iil4aexs; :.,r��,�x�� I ,� .. i `'� °••e ��} �,.'`�s.,:�.. k { �-t . .� ., .- - —,^d - � , �I� �4� ..fx.�` .,� e�x�l .�-^s���� ~tIr \� ~~�{� �.-�.'�����+� '":.���i �s�{1` ;#� ������rJ^ � ��`� �, �r � '� ���. . ���y _s,��� , k�� � -. *� �d .� �'.� e� ��' +�' � � _ �� 61 k!.�fl'�I If 17 •° '71�' Y.�•} _ h� �f L . �� � .�:'l�'! {7�.•�r•LiPIiYl�S`IY:l' 3. All trees and shrubs shall be planted and maintained in accordance with the standards of the IAmerican °°°^^;°+�^^ ^f "'��r°°r„m°^Standard for Nurserv Stock. All newly planted trees and shrubs shall be mulched and maintained to give a clean and weed-free appearance. � '��_y r - 4;y�y `�.� '��� �y. ;, * 1�1_hN'I'IF{Ci til I}i'I'L1121'. r� 5 �„���,y {r� � a � r��++ir:�—� / � n �, � � ". I i�i�:i�i:,�i�i�i,trr iz ir�i rr��r-�v.�t- *�Il i l l'I'.{IH S'I'R�.�{'I'INC i I 7 iNt-L: Figure 22.70-7 Type I Full Screening C. Type II —Visual Buffering. 1. Where required to minimize the incompatibility between adjacent land uses, a visual screen of not less than five feet in width which may consist of fencing, architectural panels, berms, walls, vegetative plantings, or some combination of these shall be installed as follows: a. A mixture of conifers and deciduous trees, planted at a distance of not less than 35 feet on center, with a maximum of 75 percent of the trees being deciduous; b. Evergreen shrubs shall comprise at least 50 percent of the plantings; c. A minimum of 18 points of landscaping shall be installed for every 25 linear feet of buffer area. CTA-03-11(Draft language for code text amendment) 8 2. All trees and shrubs shall be planted and maintained in accordance with the standards of the American o��,,,.,�+,,,n „f r.�„r�or,,.,,on �� ,. „f�.�hf.�h ;� n f,�o ;n +ho n��nn;nn �'°^°�i;Standard for Nurserv Stock. All newly planted trees and shrubs shall be mulched and maintained to give a clean and weed-free appearance. Figure 22.70-8 Example of Type II Landscaping Euei�re�n Tr�� 6�ciduo�us Shiubs � 5 li r� . � _ � � � R � �, � � � � � � � !' � ��� � .. J � ��� � � � � � � ---�� ,� T�� �� �� '9S t�t; _��� � s "-�, �� m�r�,T ���it � _ � 3 �, r�� � � �~ �� � � � � � � ��� 3. The buffer shall run the entire length of the abutting lot line(s). A natural, undisturbed wooded area at least 20 feet in width may substitute for landscaping. D. Full screening and buffering are required for land use classification as shown on Table 22.70-2. Table 22.70-2 —Buffers Required by Type R-1, R-2, MF-1, NC, C, CMU, City Zoning Districts R-3, R-4 MF-2 O, GO RC MUC Center I-1, I-2 Planned Residential Development I I I I I I I Manufactured Home Parks I I I I I I I MF-1, MF-2 I n/a I II II II I O, GO I I n/a II n/a n/a n/a NC, C, RC I I II n/a n/a n/a n/a CMU, MUC I I n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a City Center I I n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a I-1, I-2 I I I I I I n/a I —Type I Full Screening II —Type II Visual Buffering n/a—Not Applicable E. General Provisions— Landscaping. CTA-03-11(Draft language for code text amendment) 9 1. Applicant may use any combination of planting materials to meet the requirements of this section. Points are assigned based on the following: Table 22.70-3 —Landscaping Point Values Minimum Size (at time of planting) Type of Plant Material Deciduous Trees Evergreen Trees Point Value (in caliper inches) (in feet of height) 8-inch or greater 22 ft. and over 26 7-inch 19—21 ft. 24 6-inch 16— 18 ft. 22 Large Tree 5-inch 13— 15 ft. 20 4-inch 11 — 12 ft. 18 3-inch 9— 10 ft. 15 Medium Tree 2-inch 7—8 ft. 12 Small Tree Single trunk: 1-inch 5—6 ft. 9 Ornamental Tree Multiple trunk (minimum 3 trunks): smallest 5—6 ft. 9 trunk 1-inch caliper Large Shrub 5-gallon and 24-inch height at planting 3 Medium Shrub 3-gallon and 12-inch height at planting 2 Small Shrub 2-gallon and 8-inch height at planting 1 Ornamental 1 gallon 1/2 Grasses Groundcover 1 gallon 1/2 4-inch pots 1/4 Existing Trees Greater than 6-inch caliper 22—50 Landscaped Berm 30-inch height; 10-foot length; 3:1 slope 1 per 5 linear ft. Turf Grass n/a 1/4 per sq. yd. 2. Landscaping must equal or exceed a minimum number of points based on the size of the lot, parcel or tract and the number of parking spaces. CTA-03-11(Draft language for code text amendment) 10 Table 22.70-4 -Landscaping Points Required for Development, Additions or Site Alterations I Size of Developed Number of Points Required Area I �-���. �e-ps+��s - 1-9 I 500-2,500 sq. ft. Site points =25 I 2,5018-5,000 sq. ft. Site points = 50 IMore than 5,000 sq. ft. Site points = 50 plus one point for each 200 sq.ft. of area over 5,000 sq. ft. IParking�e�s Two points per required parking space and one point for each proposed additional parking space 3. An additional 10 percent in the number of points shall be required adjacent to the following aesthetic corridors: a. State Route 27 from 16th Avenue South to 32nd Avenue and Mansfield Avenue to Trent Avenue; b. Appleway Boulevard (south side from Park Road to Dishman Mica Road); c. Mirabeau Parkway from Pines Road to Indiana Avenue; d. Dishman Mica Road from 8th Avenue, south to City limits; e. 32nd Avenue within the City limits; f. Appleway Avenue from Barker Road to Hodges Road. 4. Points for required full screening or visual buffers shall be in addition to the points required to meet landscaping requirements of this section. 5. A maximum of 25 percent of required landscape points may be claimed within the street right- of-way. 6. A minimum of 60 percent of points shall be used for landscaping in the front and side yards. 7. A minimum of 25 percent of required points shall be used for evergreen plantings. 8. A maximum of 25 percent of required points may be used for turf grass. (Turf located within the street right-of-way is excluded.) CTA-03-11(Draft language for code text amendment) 11 oholl r �c nf 'I(1 r� in+c• onrl 10. The type and location of vegetation shall not interfere with utilities and the safe and efficient flow of street traffic. Approval by the appropriate City departments responsible for street and utilities shall be required. 11. Any turf grass planted in the street right-of-way shall be excluded from turf point credits. 12. Street trees are included for point calculation. 13. All plant material planted to meet the minimum requirements of these regulations shall be in a healthy condition at the time of planting and shall meet quality standards set forth by the American Standard for Nursery Stock. 14. Turf grass shall be planted, seeded or re-seeded as necessary, watered and maintained in such a manner as to completely cover all exposed areas of soil after one full growing season. 15. No disturbed ground shall be left exposed. Grass and other approved and appropriate ground covers or mulch shall cover all nonpaved and nonbuilt developed areas. 16. Landscaping may be included within stormwater facilities, providing it does not impede on functionality and is consistent with stormwater guidelines. F. Street Trees. .., '��, 1. Street trees shall include deciduous trees planted in or within 10 feet of any public or private right-of-way, planted at a distance of not less than 35 feet on center in sleeves designed to direct root development as shown in Figure 22.70-9 of this chapter. CTA-03-11(Draft language for code text amendment) 12 Figure 22.70-9 Root Barrier for Trees Planted Near Walkways � � 4.�-��" - I � ., r��,�x+���,.�c .�` � �; , �� . ��.......... �_�-� ��-������,�a _�* , . i{ . � �-�e . �• ..� ��� ' � � ���.0. .r . ' w-'� ,� —�—�, �h1,..�+:7t�+/w��huFr.E F,�5C1T�A1e�9E ;�'.� I� ,, }-. t t1� } ?- r' ! . 1 1 l�.Cx�T �3�4F?�.I�R �C?R i�U4TiT4N� 71��C� MI�.4�' �lR��W�.Y'r'� __._ _,._�__�_._._ .. �-- —'" .. �S�Y 5S5 kC�+..66 2. If construction is adjacent to any local access, collector or arterial, at least one medium tree shall be planted for each 40 linear feet, or fraction thereof, for that portion of the development abutting the right-of-way. 3. Where overhead utility lines are present, use appropriate street tree species as specified in Appendix 22-A, Recommended Planting List, in subsection O of this section. G. Landscaping Requirements for Parking Areas. 1. Headlight Screening. Where parking lot design includes spaces which allow vehicles to park perpendicular to public rights-of-way or structures located on adjacent parcels, headlight screening shall be required. Headlight screening should not exceed 30 inches in height for the length of the parking area. ;aa'�e..�� f � � _ {+�k �. � r F -�!�i � � `.,,.r+�PK:r{-� r.. .-���sr,�a Rr#��.r•w�Y Figure 22.70-10 Headlight Screening 2. When a parking area abuts residentially zoned property along any interior side or rear property line, Type I full screening is required. 3. A maximum of 10 percent of the number of required parking spaces may be replaced with landscaping. Ten points of landscaping shall be required for each substituted parking space. CTA-03-11(Draft language for code text amendment) 13 4. A minimum of 25 percent of required points for parking areas shall be evergreen plant materials. 5. Amount and Location. a. Each parking lot island and/or peninsula shall be a minimum of 130 square feet with a minimum average width of five feet; b. Each parking lot island and/or peninsula shall contain a minimum of one medium tree; c. The distance between any parking space and a landscaped area shall be no more than 75 feet; d. All parking lot planting areas shall be protected with concrete curbs, or equivalent barriers. Bumper blocks shall not be used for boundaries around the landscaped area; e. All landscaping must be located between parking stalls, at the end of parking columns, or between stalls and the property line. Landscaping which occurs between the parking lot and a building or recreation area shall not be considered as satisfaction of these requirements; f. Each tree shall be planted a minimum of two feet away from the outside of any permanent barrier of a landscaped area or edge of the parking area. Trees shall be staked for a period of not less than 12 months after planting; g. Ground cover or grasses shall be planted to cover each parking lot planting area within three years from the date of issuance of the certificate of occupancy. All ground cover shall have a mature height of not more than 24 inches. Loose rock, gravel, decorative rock or stone, or mulch shall not exceed 20 percent of the planting area; h. Space devoted to required parking lot planting areas shall be in addition to any required front, side, and rear yard buffer requirements; i. Stand-alone parking lots shall require three points of landscaping for each parking space and shall be exempt from other landscaping requirements. 6. Any construction within or expansion or reconstruction of existing parking facilities in excess of 500 square feet shall be required to come into compliance with the requirements of this chapter. 7. Parking areas limited to commercial loading and truck maneuvering are limited to provision of street trees along public rights-of-way, planted at intervals no greater than 30 feet on center. 8. Modifications to protect drainage features, easements, or facilities shall be allowed. CTA-03-11(Draft language for code text amendment) 14 9. The requirements of this section shall not apply to parking garages or parking decks, or display areas for automotive and equipment sales and rentals. 10. Proposals requirinq ten (10) new parkinq stalls or less are exempt from landscapinq points found in Table 22.70-4. H. Landscaping Required for Common Open Space. 1. Fifty percent of the required common open area shall contain irrigated plantings. I. Screening of Loading Docks. Off-street loading spaces and apron space should be screened from view of the abutting streets for a minimum of 35 feet: 1. By a combination of permanent architectural and landscape elements such as walls, berms, trees and shrubs with a mature height of at least to the height of the top of the dock door but no greater than 12 feet above the truck dock apron; and 2. Shall, when viewed at a perpendicular angle from the street, screen the loading spaces completely, except for driveway opening(s). J. Landscaping Requirements for Freestanding Signs. 1. New freestanding sign structures serving a new development shall provide a landscaping area as follows: a. Structures on Slab. A landscape border of 18 inches or more measured from the edge of slab for monument signs. b. Single Pole Structures. A landscape border not less than 32 square feet in area located 18 inches or more measured from the edge of footing if flush with natural grade, or 18 inches from the pole, provided the footing is covered with not less than 18 inches of soil. c. Multiple Pole Structures. A landscape border not less than 60 square feet in area located 18 inches or more measured from the edge of footings. The landscape border may be placed adjacent to the poles provided footing is covered with not less than 18 inches of soil. 2. New freestanding sign structures located within 208 swales areas require no additional landscaping. Footings shall be installed in such a way that the biofiltration function of the swale is not diminished. 3. New freestanding sign structures located within existing developments where landscaping meets the requirements of subsection C of this section require no additional landscaping. CTA-03-11(Draft language for code text amendment) 15 4. New sign structures on a fully developed site �^��" r ��� �n++� „h�o,.+,,,n Ll r,f+hfo �o�+,,,n.are exempt from landscapinq. 5. Points for landscaping of sign structures may be used to meet the minimum requirements of this chapter. K. Xeriscaping. 1. The number of required points may be reduced by up to 20 percent for use of recommended xeriscape planting materials combined with decorative hardscape. Xeriscape planting materials need fewer waterings than typical lawn grasses and can tolerate, resist, or avoid drought after they are established. They have attractive ornamental features and are relatively easy to grow. Xeriscape planting materials have not been invasive in local growing conditions. 2. Use drip or trickle irrigation. 3. Mulch with three to four inches of shredded or ground bark, well-rotted compost, wood shavings or chips at the time of installation. � L. Modification of Landscaping Requirement. 1. The director may approve alternative landscaping proposals where: a. Only a portion of the parcel is being developed; b. Landscaping would interfere with the adequate storage, conveyance, treatment or control of stormwater runoff or would interfere with the maintenance of stormwater facilities or natural drainage systems; c. Applicant proposes xeriscaping in conformance with subsection K of this section; d. Existing structures or improvements preclude installation of required landscaping and irrigation systems as prescribed herein. e. Additions or expansions on developed Industrial zoned properties mav be exempt from landscapinq requirements, where it is shown that the installation of landscapinq is not feasible. 2. Where applicant proposes to preserve existing healthy trees, a credit may be applied to points for required landscaping; provided, however, that not more than 25 percent of the total points may be located within the public right-of-way. Credit may be approved as follows: CTA-03-11(Draft language for code text amendment) 16 Table 22.70-5 —Credits for Tree Preservation Size of Preserved Deciduous Tree* Height of Existing Preserved Conifer Landscape Points Applied 6-inch caliper 16— 18 ft. 25 7-inch caliper 19—21 ft. 28 8-inch to 10-inch caliper 22—28 ft. 30 10.1-inch caliper to 15-inch DBH 29—32 ft. 35 15.1-inch to 20-inch caliper 33—36 ft. 40 20.1-inch to 25-inch caliper 37—40 ft. 46 Over 25-inch caliper >41 ft. 58 3. The decision of the director regarding modification of landscape requirements shall be final unless an aggrieved person appeals that decision to the hearing examiner. M. Installation, Maintenance, and Enforcement. 1. Prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy, person(s) who prepared landscape plan � n,�+oro,� ��n,��„�no �r,.h;+o,.+Will certify that the irrigation systems and landscaping have been installed in accordance with approved plans and specifications. 2. The director may authorize a delay where planting season conflicts would produce high probability of plant loss. In the event the director authorizes a delay, a limited access agreement, not to exceed six months, may be issued to complete the installation of required landscaping. Maintenance of landscaping shall be the responsibility of the property owner. All landscaping required by this chapter shall be permanently maintained in a healthy growing condition. Trees that become diseased, severely damaged or die shall be removed by the owner. All trees removed under this section shall be replaced in accordance with the approved landscaping plan for the property. Lack of maintenance shall constitute a violation of this code. a. Tree guards are to be used around the base of each tree in lawn areas. b. Trees are to be planted a minimum of four feet from any curb stop whenever possible. c. Landscaping must be maintained to allow fire protection equipment to be seen from approach. CTA-03-11(Draft language for code text amendment) 17 d. All landscaping must provide for a three-foot clear area around all fire protection equipment. Figure 22.70-11 Example of Suggested Shrub Planting � C1 �' � �� � �'Dk�l!���J��R�+1f� � � �� �L..'Iti'�AJ�JL�I� �-� � l.�iJ��C..N � "� I �� ���IF��PI�+�F� � ial.l�. �'ATC��T�I P � ` ���1� +�l1� i������� � � 4 ����� Figure 22.70-12 Example of Suggested Deciduous Tree Planting � �—�- --�' �l�+l'f aC�TF►Ai 7�'I��F RG+�° �� b,#�i I'��VE�1 w1�1 11`�E � I'fAW"��3 uR��?� � ,� � I' �G1i,�tN �%tEEafp - F'�: M�ii15Uv�CA yfAF.,� �_-� �T+!�+`,F,`,� �'k 1° ,} � p�4'Fh�ih�lr� ��`i Pi�ar4.�. II`�G�NJ+�' �4�E PRI�+t ��'��ArC�PIIS.�hI� I SF��+���Y�Fi�Sf�'+�,!'iG*'�� Q�,��'Sd�'��OIE.1'I�'� �.�U:,e:�r „�,!�P��#T I � . �--� .I �a I `-. s��r�f�P�+�r�n��r�a� ' — ; �� f , w,arc�,+.r�� �� �srn�+���°c� —, - � � .a .. , x�u.��,. CTA-03-11(Draft language for code text amendment) 18 Figure 22.70-13 Example of Suggested Deciduous Tree Planting �' - .`� � �. � � �' � � � ,,� rr �` �� � ', ��\ �r � � � �-. _ �� � r � � �.4Y�M[�t#�ld+At1F,T��W�1 �— °—u1JY hVf�i I�Y��IJtG{IYI EA�I F�G 7�� � _; '+l�1i91Lf�1'J�'+fliS�Tll��9f 4'�f 4��6 A$1�-� �� �L�MhT6A�L'ldi�x � f P�lM�14�5�D�4'i�lR��4�R u�''�1�R � Pl+tl4Gf b�Y��1'�iF]��'[1 Gt A7 6�1i! �a�GIh4�E '� iILC,� �"��� ��, �-` — LY��8�1l4it�,4�!l�94�F �oF RS46e rJ4�s�rri�Irtne� ������ . � �-� ._ '� �:=afl�er,nb�]aTi� � + ° Y,,� . � y '�]Cri35f�MC�2l71u�11N1 �°d��*'-}� "k�� _ °#'k' ..h $i�." _.p�J��CP {9P{��LL'�`3�iL�G 4rt.,fEWYE �*} �, f� +�ti.w � nvti1���P.MS�•Fa747��R�[?�LFF141E1W4. ��tei'��c�,t'S" ��4��""-'t 4, �`+�,'� *�.. � ^` ,�*•�'� �,Y��.y�,, �,t�'`�'�4 ���. �,. +'wu�e4rt�x�Yal�tu�€rto >��'*� �f�'`'��'ti -�`� ��s"?��,�'- -�RE��TD�S+rE91�#aP�EMI� r`._ , c �r .�,�.�����,.�t.,�. 4�-*�� .^� � - GeTfLf1F CTA-03-11(Draft language for code text amendment) 19 Figure 22.70-14 Example of Suggested Conifer Tree Planting ,.�� � .��� �.,�� �� S�'��� �SlI ;, �. MULCr P�,4GE� +I�.�� � ��3'�n.,'���a+'R�wi �i �,��il:i�'. ra�Il�S"�v!. �.+C�] � f hYJLGti*�-r�[]b�k1�,1H p, a�"�Il�"I n a��pit� `>1[iA. �r���`�4`A�v4C ►�a�77VG�C�IC�17:��� �A_ ��, ���, F���u���wirr� ?1'�L4111N�;i,179 Rlil ���I ���N r P�IP�i i,R�Df I i -�� -I`- I . r 4� �� - � : � . . . ,. .,--�' . 1 CXI�a�F�5Clt}�� II.#W11M(r�-J�. I ��W-I.Glk, �, N. Landscaping Plan Requirements.�A landscaping plan shall be prepared and sealed by a registered landscape architect when proposal exceeds 100 landscape points. All landscape plans shalla�include the size and type of landscaping materials, the dimensions of the tract, and a point calculation showing compliance with this provision. O. Recommended Planting Species. Refer to Appendix 22-A. (Ord. 07-015 §4, 2007). CTA-03-11(Draft language for code text amendment) 20 ����� �-� Department of Community Development e►��, �_ Varle � <::,,, y'w � � ,�'_.. Planning Division e , i�;. � Plannin Commission g �"'u ic �a��rc November 10, 2011 Code Text Amendment of Chapter 2 2 .70 ������ ��� �an�isca �� � � � ������. Department of Community Development � e►��, �_ Varle � f.Y# yw � � ,�'_.. Planning Division e , i�;. � ac roun �- , ._., � , . � _ . � ,, City Council -'y�� " �` y . -' �`�T �� tt�;� t'� � directed , .� x� r ��!' ��H- � .� �.� .� �- staff to ��P � '-� . ♦ � modify ` ,� _ � ''� , �� .;��f ;�;� � � ;� fencing and ,. � ,' ` ' ' , � �_'M�x��� '� � �. landscaping "� '� ` :` �-�' - : + �� t �l' � � tj�` �, ' �� f' � �-`: standards in � � _ '� n� � ��1�`�: ` - ;�� '' �9 ���. "� ft��'-?� Chapter , • - -._. - �.,,...�.,."":�` � .,,,.,,,.�,,,,�.�dle'%�•.�+� 22.70. �.`� . . � � August 25, 2011 presented an overview of `�� landscaping standards with proposed changes outlined. September 22, 2011 held a study session to review proposed changes. ������. Department of Community Development � e►��, �_ Varle � f.Y# yw � � ,�'_.. Planning Division e , i�;. � �''O OSe Amendments a� Clarify fence height on Flanking Yards; .a� Correction to Clear View Triangle tables and definition; .a� Clarify which zones allow barbed wire; � Streamline landscape point calculations; .a� Remove landscaping requirement around signs in developed areas; .� Provide more options to modify landscape requirements; and .a� Establish threshold when a Landscape Architect is required. ����� �-� Department of Community Development � e►��, �_ Varle � <::,,, y'w � � ,�'_.. Planning Division e , i�;. � ences section 22 .70.020 �a�''� . � � y- �E ��!.4� '2� ^ '-F.�r T I 1��. .. _' ,y ;.��.� •-n.. , �.�,� �,� �y�. � , ; , •nti f �,z ,�:• a � a �.�'. . �� t�,L '� _ � � ����.� r .T t, r� ti .� / ,..fa . - G, ;T �� s _ d � _ �'�'' #�,r , �f s � ' ,yy� ,� �"� y �� �-C �'Jf� A ,. v "�^�. y*I�,Cq � . .;}��.��t � r� .. , ,,u �ec � i �tt#S ,.��:�!'. :r '�.'It .. i '1 i � ^1• , n�. d';�. S: - � % �,��,-�� �� :'�� , 4 .,� � 1",�, 1.- '.. _ ��., �, r � ,, ,� � . �•�,' � 7 z i i'1� �o- .��� . .. � ' ' �.' 4 .� � '�4'f" yi` ..'-,� � �. . -. .. : e. ,_ ._ _n.. � , . , .. . .. .., 1 n . _ . ' �.:..... . �:::x'�-' 7 �� . l ' - � � .._ s i. � ..�`:, 1 �, ��' T-� -'�� ...._.._ -.__�, ? - .,.w — , � ;_ .i_ -;,k'� - �--_.. .. IY ..� .._. - _ _ _ I i't ._w_.�� �i-.. .._. � 1P '_ --'."- ".-�} � � � ` �y . ` � . . .= I.l..:��Y„�i41•�,_��.0�,I�r�,yr` . . . J i5�, 5 � �., . _ .. �� --"��4 _ _ 1 ;�� � r �w„ � �� . _ _ � q r� ,;;: � r , � ' � ��� 3 ft non-sight obscuring „ _� � �-s•- ,. � � ,. ,�� � M � �,� � " . I � � Y , � . , �. �. -, , � _ � .. S�i...�tiY ,�J ��. .r. _3,. Y�µ•A���A��: ' .. �.�_ ?' f_ � �t9j1+ °" . . . . � ' �`� i�,�..v f��r*r � �; "`�� .. '���. ,i� :+!`� i t _ . � "S' �a.. � .. �� T' .«'-�a�' .J � � s� w , �py` � -'- �}� ��� � {�.�,� /F} '" . �� ��I. �p,��"{1I' ��� r�, � ,�,+ �Y�� . } -�. ,,,k•,µ y �.,,: *, � »w.C�`.�,p +,�c ., �� ". ."C' ,� ��' ._ +�K��� ti � �d�.�n��.."',r � �'r� r.W,Y•r �����.f'�,�,;,�� " h �"�ri�L r,'�,.x'/.- �. ���r � ,� � s-W'�pl�� � � �>O� :�'' i'.. y� r'.'F* x'�y� �.y.l�p r/x[�dl� ��� '1 x► � - ti "' ,� u t �r6�` 3 r -''�r ,,,Y`,;a.M1x '�`� - �` .i�� � �-.r a�: •�"*rr �� �._ �� u T �, � 'C� �ti 5s+k �:� /;i �. . :�, ' ., �`T' ,�,y .*�'"� :rr't �, r`� . ,w ;r E - ~��.;r� � .�' �''�,�"' aP. ; ,�_,�y,� :� . --;. .�+:.. .;� . =,i��.,ir.�..�.��. � "y '...s'F�, .-.....r.�- :? X� � • .f.d .-„ �:��. "1��$. ������ �-� Department of Community Development � e►��, �_ Varle � f.Y# yw � � ,�'_.. Planning Division e , i�;. � ences section 22.70.020 F I�n k i n g Flanking Yard l��rd _ �� � � - .�., � � �� Definition: " :y� .�- �� _ ; � � � � � Where two ' ��. o . �� .� � '_ -� � streets intersect � ,. ` �, �-.; ' r* . �� - - �� ���� � ►C (corner lot), side -� � _ ' � " ° � �i � � 15 ft front yard � '� �.�:°� :� , � .� yard of a lot .; �8�� . setbackline � adjacent to � � �a r street and � � .� - � . perpendicular to � °� ,�r . . ,�� � _ �� the front ard. " " � � � � . ,-,. ��� � � � �� ..�`�. � • ' ._ �, aY�.� . � ° _ .., �- .- 0.�1 - � �j� -�. � � �[, � � �` � .;�-.. � � " r � Y � �. _ _ *_:�'4 _ ' ; ; ����� �-� Department of Community Development � e►��, �_ Varle � <::,,, y'w � � ,�'_.. Planning Division e , i�;. � ences section 22.70.020 ���t�rVl�W ��i�1�1���; 22.70.020.C. Neither residential, commercial or industrial fencing, nor any sight obstruction including vegetation, which constitutes a hazard to the traveling public shall be permitted on any�e�e� lot in any zone within the area designated as the "clearview triangle" as set forth below: 1 . A clearview triangle is a measurement applied at the intersection of two streets �° �'�� �~�,�� ' �alleys� private roads or �����°���' driveway and a street to ensure unobstructed vision of motorists and pedestrians. Within the clearview triangle, the space between three and one-half feet and seven feet above the street, or three feet above the sidewalk, must be unobstructed and calculated as follows: ������. Department of Community Development � e►��, �_ Varle � f.Y# yw � � ,�'_.. Planning Division e , i�;. � ences section 22 .70.020 �lea�vi�v� Triangle: Figure 22.70-2 Uncontrolled Intersection 22.70.020.C.1 .a a. Uncontrolled �° � Lacai,acc�ss sfi�E r cu� Intersection. The right °� CITY isosceles triangle having � _ < <�RIGHT-OF-WAY sides of 50 feet measure � � „� PROPER'TY along the curb line of � � LIr� � each intersecting local � � � access street (or five feet ° � �W� NOTE� If no curb is from edge of pavement q�a,� present, measure in 5 feet � towards the property line for a street with no �}� °' from the edge of the curbs)�e� �cIT�r �°�a���' RIGH'I`-4F-WAY (see Figure 22.70-2); or ������. Department of Community Development � e►��, �_ Varle � f.Y# yw � � ,�'_.. Planning Division e , i�;. � ences section 22 .70.020 Table 22.70-1 ���q�'VI'1��11�'' �1"IE��°1E,,���': Table 22.70-3 —Two-wav Stop Controlled Intersection- v�„�,� r„r+,-„��,,,� Figure 22.70-3 Two-Way Stop Posted Speed (in MPH) Distance(in Feet) Controlled Intersection 25 70 T�� ��.��-1 30 95 'I`HROU�H S'I`REET` C�_TRB 35 110 �— CI'I`Y � � Q RIGH'I`-OF-WAY �n E- - ------- � o -- PROPER'P� � LINE �j -TL�-7 NOTE� If no curb is • '�'"j,� present, measure in 5 feet � � towards the property line frorn the edge of the �gry roadway. RIGH'P-OF-WAY ������ �-� Department of Community Development � e►��, �_ Varle � f.Y# yw � � ,�'_.. Planning Division e , i�;. � ences section 22 .70.020 ���E1�'VI'1��11�'' ��'IE��t,,���': Tables 22.70-4 & 22.70-5 Figure 22.70-5 Noncommercial Driveway Figure 22.70-4 Yield Controlled Intersection 15 ft � STREET c� $O f.t °� GITY _ _�FiIGHT-OF-WAY 'PHF�dU�H S'tREET GURS � � PROPERTY � � LIhIE � � 4�—CIT1' � � � --------- RIGH'P-OF-WAY Q i � � � � �Q PROPERTY iz � LINE o�Q� � la � � CITY +�j RIGH'P-OF-WAS' � � CITY RIGHT-OF-WAY �����. Department of Community Development � e►� _ Varle � f.Y# yw � � ,�'_.. Planning Division e , i�;. � ences section 22.70.020 Barbe� Vl�ire: 22.70.020.F ~--�----�.-�_-��-�---� . . . �T-=�- -�" _�==--�=_-__�__"=---:-- =_- Barbed �e, concertina or razor wire may . � , be used for security purposes in mixed use, �=������ � � '������� ����,�'� ,��...�. commercial and industrial zoninq districts in �°'��` Barbed wire �; - � �� , :As,��.�t���,�s�...��,�� the absence of a residential com onent onl �-- � p . Y �� ��� �-�.�:.�:ti on the u er one- uarter of the fence +� --�:��� ; :� -�.�. ,K-:���. pp q l � � , q � 1 �: + � � ..2[" c. , � ... , . . . . . . Ba rbed �e, _ r, +r .� � i7 �z �>. concertina or razor wire shall not be '�x: ����r k . ����, �r � �� �° tx-: permitted in any residential zoninq district �oncertina wire .��� (except for confininq animals� see Section 22.70.020.G and H� or in any commercial =--�� �` �r,� ' � A � \ and mixed use zoning district adjacent to '� ,f ��� �;� �i ' any public right-of-way. ,�; � Razor wire �����`;`��. Department of Community Development e►�� �_ Varle � f.Y# yw � � ,�'_.. Planning Division e , i�;. � ences section 22.70.020 Bc�rbed 1N`ire: 22.70.020.G � G. In any residential zoninq district� , �,� � ��� ,���.,_... , .�i�� t ba rbed wi re fences � �� �, - � �` �-� .`� : ' � � � •.. may be used to 1 � , ::�,,� - confine animals if the ' � ' ' ` ����� � ��� �� �� ; � ��. r � � i �i ,� I • ,, parcel meets the . �+� .* +�• .,.� .r -�� :�� , iM1�����,7 , ; , ,,, � . , • � l•� _ � i , � , �:�i�iE�� y n��, �' r requirements h -�`` � , ;�:k _ ��: ��� �,�', �� `��. : �,. _�` . , � « �� �lk LL� ���,`* . . . � ' - ,+ .*� r � � +I '��r,' contained in Section .�'�•M_ '`�; �, � } ,s�, `� ,� ; , ,� :; ,, � ' �� r ,;. � � ��. •1*' '+ .' � _ ���AY.�'�j���dYt�p�.g��r.�5 y� �.{J�, .i ",�'. I , 1 I �O O�O � i��� ' ni����. � .g ,�t SjX��' ti�'�'Sl_ `�`��i�•�� ,i.'�4 `r 3 • • • 6 T ;y; �' s a y � �,o;w. ",wr G k �'� �.����.v:.�HY.�r��a+a.�m�� a'�t /h•,� ,, . ����� ��. Department of Community Development � e►��, �_ Varle � f.Y# yw � � ,�'_.. Planning Division e , i�;. / � a sca � se�tion ZZ.�o.o30 � �an�l�caping for �ign� �� d�ve��►��d �rc�p��t�e�� i ,l � 22.70.030.J.4 New �� � ' sign structures on a o;�n � fully developed _ -- -, _ site ' ' , �-, `�� - �_, I � - �+.t ,,,�� ; �` � . . . . ��r;;., i F '�+�'�.�—— �; , a ' 1 i _ _ J�=�; � r / ��� � ' ..4'� f�� ��1►/\/��'�AN � A+ �'��!'� � � _ I� _ � �I �ec�i-e�. a re exe m pt = ���- -- � from landscap�c� - � � a -- -- ������. Department of Community Development � e►��, �_ Varle � f.Y# yw � � ,�'_.. Planning Division e , i�;. � O�vervie�vv o �an sca e Points � � �� ������ � .� .,� ,� � Table 22.70-3 ' - . � . . � , :=� �- � ;, ,� -� (not comprehensive list) � ��'��" ~ ��'���`` � 4 �,� r� r r" ~ y.,3+j Large Tree (range) � � �`��� � - :.� � ,_� ,� � ' - ,���:�,` ; Medium Tree . ,: ;`� � - �4 � . � , 'R � �i' �'� Small Tree + �"- _ �ny _ ,..� � . �� a_ �_�,� �* � ;� �. Ornamental Tree � � ' � �t'� Large Shrub - ; �`�- - �;��� ,'` � �'� - ,��� ��-� �-�... �, ,, - , �_ � ,� , ;,, {_ : , Medium Shrub l� f i ��� � �� � � `�� �� R 1 ,�6 j� M��y� r��.���_ � II � ��. 1 ��'�4�������{ `•_' } k:'. 6�� Small Shrub � at���� ,��,�;, 4 T s�� x�y,� ::�, - .. � ��;�., Ornamental Grasses 1 gallon , � � .,: Groundcover 1 gallon or '/4" pots 1 /4 — 1 /2 � � - � ������. Department of Community Development � e►��, �_ Varle � f.Y# yw � � ,�'_.. Planning Division e , i�;. � Ca u ti Points. . . . ,� �+� � I medium Tree (1 x 1 2) = 12 pts ..,,, , �� � �' � � .ar I� s .�, �+` ' � :� � 4 Large Shrubs (4x3) = 12 pts � �'r�,4� �" m '-��� � � �� � � 9 Medium Shrubs (9x2) = 18 pts L '��� �. , � -�' -�r-, i� ��i''' ` �� Y ', �`�� 1 = � ,, �" __ � � � � � 4 Ornamental Grasses (4x/2) 2 pts � ... �'� _ 6 � _: ,: ,.s°�;' E �� Total = 44 points � - -�-� �. ��: , . .. . . = . :.•,,;,,� .�,:. , , -,.�f �. .� . �. :. , ,�. ,� - - r... : �-- ��,� i , �� � �..� �,„ t ��� ��:� ,,� °`,-.� �: i�� r � _... ��x� : r � �. �.- �� w _ ; t ° t ' � .' °� 3 . . T, �'' � l � � � �.}a '.' - � .:� ' - '"�` ..�r� . � '.w-- `e.. _: �. - '.k' ,�4 J -`C.�!'t ��� "q�j '�.� "�. Fh'°� � \�, �,� �, Y • "t j[ + Y ... � +� - k:_� .. . ,. • 'y -_ -* 'i. ,� ss�, �y _tfRt'" 4.-: --.e i�.: �1�, �Z' '_ w'� . � r♦ 1 � ���q� i��, t . 'i�.e.=�-n�f�At�3# � _� �• `-,. .T �? �S�•,E � �.: -� � ' � � �:: � � _ _��`���� `� a �, ".�. a,{. „�x. �� �, � � a, ,_��� --�. �a�, .,, � � � _ 1 Mr � -'.l .. �,,r \ �S.��. a F 4�p � ' � ' - � l � � e � , f.��._ L . 7 , o� S � ` �.M M �` � � i N�i .t ff� �;p �� � X� ..+� ^ x,�t `�4�` .�L � .,,� '��� 1,�ea ,4 �1'�e1 + � ..o w .�,e tti � ., � . »..�ik ��� ' :�s l "+F)�. ��Y�r�4,, k� �� s * Y,'�4 yJ}� y �p� }y.�'� •�• ,'�5 YL U e�� . Y � �' f ,1 � ` � 1•.. � � � 47. 1 �;P..w &:T' �.. .M.`,. .�� y,�_ t .r �L'c � �a ,�. �_. ������. Department of Community Development � e►��, �_ Varle � f.Y# yw � � ,�'_.. Planning Division e , i�;. / � �G� SCG� in Section 22 .70.030 �e m ove: Remove a II of Table 22.70-4 — Landscaping Points Required 22.70.030.E.9.a-b and incor orate Size of Number of Points Required for Development, p Developed Area Buildin� Additions and/or Site Alterations into Table 22.70-4 z �nn �� �+ �+�r,,;r+� _ � n - r-...-- AC�d: 500 — 2,500 sq. ft. Site points = 25 2,5018— 5,000 Site points = 50 22.70.030.G.10. sq. ft. Proposals requirinq More than 5,000 Site points = 50 plus one point for each 200 ten ( 10) new sq. ft. sq. ft. of area over 5,000 sq. ft. parking stalls or Parking� Two points per required parking space and one point for each proposed additional less are exempt parking space from landscapinq points found in Table 22.70-4. ��r�,����� �-�� �� Department of Community Development � e►��, �_ �ti'�r�e� Planning Division e � `''`i�,. y'� '� / � (� SCG� �1�L Section 22.70.030 �� - � - - �,. Lar�d�capir�g ., : ,�� � - - �� :F � ,� �� - - _ ___ � m � ;�. ��.<...,� � r—,a���,, _� � � ; `� � � _ 4'�.. Mot�rfi�ai'i�o�s� ��� � �� t �' , , � ��: � _ -_ �};r �za � :� , � � _ :� � � �• �.' a �; — , _ , � r � � , ; .�MCf�E' ,, :.: 22.70.030.L.1 .e. ''� . ""J � . �"` � � LL s �: _ ;; ;,�, Additions or ` ti " "� fi'�``'�` � � "��'°. - � . �� _ _ � � F :� � expansions on f ;, : ��,§_ � _ { t�,� _ � � ,� ,�: �x ,�, - � - : _ ,_ .. � , . � �,_ �.: y ,� �_ developed Industrial � '' _ - �rF.s_ ` f, A �:�"� �- 'F F�� n�� � j _ _ , � �`& ' � zoned properties E � - ' �R � � ���� W� � ' ' ` � � 4 � may be exempt from ��"`'�T" E�"� " ��' � R _ ��� } -_ �y: y �ri � �.: �F M . � , � landscapina �,. � __ �.: ��` , , , ., 'y�;..". S1.p�.w,� . _ � � ' _" f . .. . . requirements, where �=j � - ��' - �, ` ' v �• ' .;AE� . ��. it is shown that the . _. .-- _ - '.�w �,�, - t - �_ installation of .����µ � ,,� � Industrial zoned site. landscaping is not - � 4,0 0 0 s qu a r e f o o t n ew bui l di n g � Located in middle of lot without any feasible. vegetation and possible water. ��r�,����� �-�� �� Department of Community Development � e►��, �_ r���r�e� Planning Division e � `''`i�,. y'� '� / � (� SCG� �1�L Section 22.70.030 Land��ca�� ��c��s: 22.70.030.N. Landscaping Plan Requirements. �e A landscaping plan shall be prepared and sealed by a registered landscape architect when proposal exceeds � �� landscape points. All landscape plans shall � include the size and type of landscaping materials, the dimensions of the tract, and a point calculation showing compliance with this provision. 22.70.030.M. 1 Prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy, person�s) who prepared landscape plan ' ' will certify that the irrigation systems and landscaping have been installed in accordance with approved plans and specifications. S""�iok�ti'�lle � p . . . y p �... # ��y� ;_ De artment of Communit Develo ment � w� Planning Division e .,, i�;. � " / � (� SCG� �1�L Section 22 .70.030 � ; - - ��� -�. � . . . . ,-, _: _ - I ; , � G , , "i � I � � ! . � � I � �� � : , a ;. � - . � ��:�:��n� �.: �ant���c�pe • _ . Y � E � ��+ - �lan: #� � - ' r�,�� ���� . '��5 � ; , � ., Pre ared b � - � . -�`��'�7' . f�:� . �, . - p Y �_ �F -� ,,,. � �-.� �� -,.��, . : - _ . , �. � . � ��,... i ��. � a Registered � -.._ ._ . � $�_! ._ ��,�� r� `�ti - � �` -��- � _� � �� ��� ��` --- , � 3 a}_ _ e; ! �i '..� Landscape ' _ . � °-� �� . t!. z �-- � i �-- � W - Architect. _ �� �. � .. � �__ _ ��. ' r - _ �� _. .__ ,_. �._._ _ -- - . � �� ..,. ��. .� �:.. -- _ ..., ` _..�` - v-4'� -- �, . _. ..�-��. - `�.�..:� � •r� - — �. . . ... — — - . . . _ ! �a,.� �� •� - - � ��__. ` ��, '�.�,. � �i j� � � �_ . `� ._. _ �.,,,n_ .�,�., �o--�- '� t�—. � .ir — ��. _ ._f �� ,.-u,•.r,. - .- � . +r . e �___. _ '__` � �^� JiL.YIYYa. ���r ������ �-� Department of Community Development � e►��, �_ Varle � f.Y# yw � � ,�'_.. Planning Division e , i�;. / � �arisa,ns � . . . . . . . . . � , , , . , . . . . . _ . . . . . Propose fence along Must meet flanking Must meet Must meet flanking property line on flanking yard setback. flanking yard yard setback. side yard. setback . : . . - . Propose to be allowed in Not allowed except Allowed in RC, LI Not allowed. � commercial, mixed use in CB, GC and I and HI on top '/a and industrial zones; top zones. RA allowed of fence. May '/a of fence. Not adjacent for agricultural be used for utility to ROW in commercial and purposes. 3 strands or institutional uses mixed use zones. on top. in other zones. . . . . . : Remove landscape Landscaping not Requires Requires � requirement for new signs required. landscaping. landscaping. on a developed site. . . . . . Propose exemption to Yes, but not directly Yes, but not Yes, but not � � landscaping requirements related to industrial directly related to directly related to . . . made with Director's properties. industrial industrial approval. properties. properties. . . . . - Propose exception for Requires Architect No Architect Requires Architect smaller projects. w�out exception. required. w�out exception. ��r������ �-�� �� Department of Community Development � e►��, �_ 1�ti'�r�e� Planning Division e � `''`i�,. y'� '� / � u ic �r�en s 1 . Cc��n��r�#� �rar� t�uv►in A���ciat�� Land�ca�e Archi#e�ture� LL�: a. Restrict barbed, concertina and razor wire adjacent to residential zones. b. Have a 3rd party certify completion of landscaping. c. Modify the Type I and Type II screening calculations. �. Co m r���#� #r�r� �►#�v�n N�i I I: a. Adding guidelines�instruction for tree installation. b. Propose re-wording of Section 22.70.030.G.5.f. (tree staking in parking lots) c. Add a list of recommended trees. 5���� - Department of Community Development �r ::aY# ��y� _ �Varle��, Planning Division e . � " i�7' � Sur�r�r�r�ar . . . . . .�i� Flanking Yards; �Streamline point � Clear View calculations; Triangle ,a�Landscaping and signs; corrections; and „�Options for landscape .� Barbed wire requirements; and located. ,�When a Landscape Architect is required. CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Planning Commission Review Meeting Date: November 10, 2011 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing � information ❑ admin. Report ❑ pending legislation FILE NUMBER: CTA 05-11 AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Study Session - Amendment to the application and drawing requirements for boundary line adjustments. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC) 20.80.030 (F) Application and drawing requirements. Allow the Community Development Director discretion when requiring a Record of Survey based on the complexity of the adjustment as follows: 1. A record of survey of the property may be required by the Community Development Director. The need for a survev will be determined based on an evaluation of the number of parcels, leqal descriptions, appurtenances, disputed or apparent lines of ownership, and setbacks. s�i°" ho ^^mn�o+o� fnr h,,,�,,,��r., m,�ad�,�s��e�z�ts �,,,����s�a-i�s fr��t#�e�cTs�+q^ ���erx�e�z�t„ +h�-R,�-;�� p;�e�t�;�^,,,�If required, �the survey must be completed by a professional land surveyor licensed in the state of Washington. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 36.70A.106; SVMC 17.80.150 and 19.30.040 PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: None BACKGROUND: The proposed amendment would allow the Community Development Director discretion in requiring a record of survey for boundary line adjustments. Currently the SVMC requires a record of survey for all boundary line adjustments. Less complicated boundary line adjustments can be accomplished without a record of survey. Projects with two or less parcels, simple legal descriptions, no complicating easements or appurtenances, owner disputes, or setback issues can be correctly completed without the expense and time of a survey. The text amendment would allow the Director to require a record of survey when the project warrants. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: No action recommended at this time. The Planning Commission will conduct a public hearing and consider the proposed amendment on December 8, 2011. STAFF CONTACT: Martin Palaniuk, Planning Technician Attachments: Staff Report PowerPoint Presentation � � 1 , Plannin Commission g Stud Session Y N ovember 1 �►��i, �U 11 Text Amendments to the Spokane Valley Municipal Code ����� Department of Community Development � e G_ �Varle���„ Planning Division � � �:` y� . ..' ;�'�' - �. . Description of the �ode Text Amenc� ment � i� - � Amend the application and drawing requirements for boundary line adjustments ( BLA�. The text amendment will allow the Community Development Director discretion in requiring a record of s u r vey f o r a B LA. ����� Department of Community Development � e G_ �Varle���„ Planning Division � � �:` y� . ..' ;�'�' - �. . Why is the �mendment Necessary� � � - - - � Currently, a record of survey is required - for every BLA. Less complicated projects can be accomplished without a su rvey. - � AI low the d i rector to eva luate the project and determine whether a survey is required. ����� ' Department of Community Development � e G_ �Varle���„ Planning Division � � �:` y� . ..' ;�'�' - �. . Backg round In�ormation � i� _ . - . . � A BLA is exempt from Do not require survey the subdivision process Spokane County under RCW 58. 17 Cheney Airway Heights Record of Survey not Liberty Lake required by state law May require survey for a BLA Spokane Require Survey Millwood 1 • � i i 1 • i , �,� . . � i r_. _ .„�,�'"``�. �, _ ' � 1 1 - � ��.. .. i -_..ay .- • • • . • • • • • . ,. Number of Parcels Involved Legal Descriptions Easements and Appurtenances Property Owner Disputes / Apparent Lines of Ownership Exiting Buildings / Setbacks ����� Department of Community Development � e G_ �Varle���„ Planning Division � � �:` y� . ..' ;�'�' - �. . � Complexity . . - . . - . - . : Increases number of legal description changes Increases number of lines being moved ����� Department of Community Development � .:t .. y� . �Varle���„ Planning Division � �;'''`# � f� � Example: Num �er of parcels � � _. _Lot 1 ; Lot 2 Lot 3 ��.�,• � I � �� — --- �+ � y t��@'�;r { 9a,lfH LJ�IE I+I��III F#:F�F'°i�� 3� �-- —� 63{t�p' � �9�'S6"��� PER ��1TCi.AU C�FF� +�3�39} � Original Boundary '� � � � Lot 4 � � P.a:��BL, "�- � � � ,� � ' � m . H{t�7 =� ���.�^�. C��'r� 0...� ��i�..l �'��� �`ti i ,•? �- E�?w���F 1�' fiiul �� "kL�4�lf! �W�RE Pa�PER �. P�4t�. �'�[Gl. � + 9�91JhG,�R'� 4AFa. L� '3*�I�', PE3� 'I� � T�'+"' T� M ��°�ii°?�" � ±a ___�__�_�_._�— m u�a.a.._�____.___'_ O I T� 3� R�3Cti�U� � � N �}4�25�� E' � li p.±[+�L -, I Original - � e� i�� � Boundary � p�ac�� ��° �.�.�E ��„�.�� `- �L i = Lot 5 '��� t�_ C - � � � � � w �;.�'�i• a�• +�,�° #.I_.F�,.," �, �N] �iE 6f 7ti±lE {S] 3 �C4E� OP T'e�E M :�3 � 1il,�:i .!,} " � E�' 5 i ■ � f�. 9.�' i a� c��4•.��° u•i�ivl{ I ����� - Department of Community Development � e G_ �Varle���„ Planning Division � � �:` y� . ..' ;�'�' - �. . � Complexity - . . . - . . : Lot and Block Aliquot Parts Metes and Bounds ����� Department of Community Development � .:t .. y� . �Varle���„ Planning Division � �;'''`# � f� � Example: Lot and Block � � - _ _ Lot 6, in Block 1 of Kathrine's Subdivision, as per plat thereof recorded in Volume 4 of Plats, Page 78; situate in the County of Spokane, State of Washington. -��:��:. — ,__... �. � le`�� mcoiunorv � � .... . � , ___ _... :_ '_ .. � .. .� °5 � --f ,�—, —�. . . . . . ._.�._ . ..,. � , —.� �..,. .. ... . .., , ,, . : --- . _. ...�.:,,.--'_�--���.._ . _._ � ar e�N 4�ae ��,<,f'� v—_ � �i II .., � � „_�- z,-:m��a. � I _., , � . , ���� . , � � , �, E�MEN I I .'-'. .' . ..e__ __.. ,i .«,�..�o�._.._..�..�......�.ner.....�c,...e.��in. "wm--r n.,....� Ig '�i li m. m..o,..m.e � .ee�n...a....».we....s�.w..m..�..""..°.:.. _id�y I i fNGNE£WSGERTFlG . �� . �..,.a.em...w.�...�.� . ����wm. ,. .�,� , �F ��i:.. .. - �,..��".,.`»...�...m�` .....a �� �,..,.,;.. ' � � 4��. Em.. 3.. `— ��� II�'��� _ S I i -: w' ��il�� , S� ��I , � ' ��.�,.a�.�r. ___._ J.�Y�. . '�, ...,�...., j I� �'s s isiorv �I' ����� ' Department of Community Development e►�� Varle �'�r. y� .. � ,.3,',�, Planning Division � ,`"i�;- _ Example: Aliquot Parts _ � _ � � LEGA�'L � �E * " �IE E��T ��5 F��T Q�f 1FiE ��RTFI 27�.� ���T �OF THE ��I�TFi ��3,8� ���T 4F TF�A�� 1�fi OF PLAT �!�_ 4 OF 1+I�ST FA�MS East 205 feet of the North 270.00 I�RI�,�T�D T��C1�, �S PEE� PLAT THEFCE[�F R`E�fJ�2�E� G�i VC1L41k�� feet of the South 423.80 feet "0° �F RLA�S, PA�E 5�; �iTUATE IN �l-f� �C4�1N'�Y L�F ���I�a4N�P �T�TE �F �A�HfNGTQP,I- �V 29��.�,��'.2d`�6'2 a' , __._ �i...,. .__. � �� �'�,�� ' . ., , , . � � � North 270.00 feet of the South 423.80 feet � i � � F '��� � � � � , jc Il�, F. "� � �!� South 423.80 feet � � �v� I� � $�,. Not to scale �1`� - " � �. !�I ����� Department of Community Development � e G_ �Varle���„ Planning Division � � �:` y� . ..' ;�'�' - �. . Example: Metes and Bounds � �m - - _ �'ARCEL "�i" 7�T �t�F�fii�h1 �?F �`I�ACT �� C��' l�L�,T '°�" G�E�IA�I�� I��p�ATIQN I�I'�TRICi� �C�C�R��M��i �'0 P�� R��O���f3 16+1 ''�31., "�" ��' I�L,�k,TS, PR�E �1, �P�i�N� C(�!l�iY, WASl�IN���+1 �CDR� P,ARTICUL.ARLY QE��EiIB�E3 A� �4�L�?'4N�; . CQh�MEI�CIN� AT �-I� N�F��-I�A,S1` ��3F�P�ER 4F �AID Ti�ACT 3�; ���c� ,��n�� °��� �a�-� �.�r�E �� ��aa ��T �� Si3�J�H C�Q`D{�'37'" E��, 1�3:72 �EET TO T�IE �2UE �C�INi �F ��GIt�NI�M�G: 7HEN�� C+�N'�I��11h�G AL.O�i� SAID EAST LINE �C�IiTH Ott"�'37" EAS'T, 1��.4� FEET T� T�IE N�RTH LINE �DF 1'1-1E �C�lJT� 3 A�f��S �F �FI� I�QI,TH �/� ClF SAID TR�4��° 33; �'HE�ICE ALC��J� �9� �t��T'�i LII�E. NC�l�TH �9`5�"11" W�S'i`, 1 fi�.32 �'EET; TN��I�E �IOF�['H �0�'37" +WEST, 136.35 FE�T, TF�EN�E S(�L�T�I $9"53'�1" �A��� 13Ei.3� F��T 1`� 1�IE PCl1h1� p� CURVAT�JR� 0�' A ��.�}CD �{?�3T RADI�JS ���1JE �C�h1CAVE TO �HE ��OU�H�V'E�T� TH�NGE �{�IJTH��L�d F�..fi�h�� SAiC3 �l�f�'V� ThIRc���H A C��1T€�tL �0.�iGLE ��' 89'52'33" AN AFtC �E�7AN�� b� �7',(lM6 ���f Y� T�1E T�l.lE }��I1�1' f�F ��CINI��N�; ���i�l�� I� ��� '�'i� �� ������" �l�4L'�..�r ��� �� ��{�����, ����� �}� ��������� �U����'� �'� �� ���`�W�� ����'{ �4����� Q� �����. ����� - Department of Community Development � e G_ �Varle���„ Planning Division � � �:` y� . ..' ;�'�' - �. . Complexity � � � . - - . . . . . - . - r Utility easements Ing ress�Eg ress easements ������ ' Department of Community Development � e G_ �Varle���„ Planning Division � � �:` y� . ..' ;�'�' - �. . Example: �asements � �� - - � '� F �� I° � � � ��$� ������- �, �.�. I ��.��� , � I � � _ ��.c�•--.�—:�aoa� � i �� � ��1 i � �— Ingress/Egress Easement ,.�� � � �.� � ¢ � � �� r�� � �� � � � ���' � C I. �#8sr5t�`7 6'E i 4� o' I 7�.O�i' 7S}.4�0' �' � P'AI►/Al'E� � i.�' ��,�` �.7' �;�1 � k�11Ej1'Y� � � � * � � I � � � � I �� � � � � � � � � I � �.s� � ° �� � Utility Easement PAR�EL A FARC�L � �'�T��`" � s.,� s� �.�o sF ���',��— s�.��} �,� i� i�,�� �.o�a' � c� } r�e ��t�89"5t�'iB€ArRIF�G3��.6�} �7 � },a,# ��-7 ��_ � �'1'�� A'I1'L4 T F�R �L �EBII� � '�/�.�P� � I ������ ' Department of Community Development � e G_ �Varle���„ Planning Division � � �:` y� . ..' ;�'�' - �. . � Complexity � . . - . - . . - . . . . - - . . - . : Li nes of a p pa rent owne rsh i p (fences� Ing ress�Eg ress easements Encroachment ����� Department of Community Development � � Varle '�r. y � ,.3,',�, Planning Division � ,`"i�;- _ Example � � � _--_ , ���,�r��y a�� _� � _-- ��_ _ _ �� ., w _� ,-� �.�_�� a_ _ i� ti_ �= � , x. "` � � �'�` z �-�. .�' g � � ?��e +' ' � � �.-' ,,,. �. '' �' A arent lines of , 12ti4€: � _ 1 �� � ��'�' �� p ownership �' , �, �- s � p '.4. � -U�� �� ��s�� � Fr� c-. �� �'° --r.�.�.�. _ 1� C �.[ V A L L E�Y'�" *�-• —} T ' ` �� � �: I�°T.—�-a. " _ ; � . . �..'�,I�� , � .�:� v� ' S P � � _"L '!F' �� � � Encroachment � - ���� � y� � . � ,��' � ,� � � . ..�F � .. . , , � �..-...� . { J � .4. ' � . _ ' �,' t� r��y�. ,��, .a����'e � �' ..�`N�' p*�� � � ` - - r {� � +� .�i.i p T ^ � . '.F] � G' 1�j CJ]�Fd.Q��� � �� � �' 1 �i ., r , � •'' u�JRii...�_. ����� Department of Community Development � Varle �.::t# u� � ,.��, Planning Division � ..,, i�;. Example � ��� � � � � _ a $� � ,�� � , ..� � , , ,�k .� � .- 'z" r ��r � ,^ , � �` 1 ♦� 1' y 1'� ..c ��'-' ��'�� `�' ' I 4 r��,r-� .. r. �t � -,; . . ,�,*,••�'�'-.:t., � 4 � ���'`-���..;., - Original Boundary � °� � -�" ��' ; �,r�'�� `I�' �� j'�� --. ALLEY ` �° � =-�" � �r S,f' soz..`N��'?� M1, ,,� � ,,. ,w: � -"-; x .� C • ' � � , :'.fi15 ' $�{ ' ` � f � � �. Encroachment ��i�'�`� �, i� � � ;� r► � ��. i � r 1 ��F . � S�a�Fh Rr�•„rw,�� s'- ' �.. � � ���v_���'� �.i.�'. � y ' - 1 ����� Department of Community Development � e G_ �Varle���„ Planning Division � � �:` y� . ..' ;�'�' - �. . � Complexity . . . . . . . r Determined by zone Safety issue as they relate to fire Could be difficult to determine ����� Department of Community Development � Varle �.::t# u� � ,.��, Planning Division � ..,, i�;. Example: �etbacks � � ivoy i��� n� �_�FChiCC CORhi£fi IS �D�H AVEIU�LIE 3.4' EqST DF LL1T CDRtJER ON �f NOR?H LQ'1' LIN� TPOB f' N89'I T32"W SR.OQ' 7_S.D�J' 75.Oa' �FEtJCE CORNER E5 {]�D�'�� �CORMER �y OF LQT �- f NOR711 L�T I.iNE � � r � - � 55—�� SS 5.6` ' � Required 5 foot Side Yard � � � � � a ,� zs Setback x �" �.3° I � - I pARCEL A _rr-� W � 10,499 S.F. o N � v- x � ¢ ..T}1E 4V�ST 2 n � PAR�EL B� �5,. ._ � g �a.MSS s.�. 3 w i•1 N / a � T FEhlC�E C01?NER IS °a � 8.3� hfORTH dF � � . � LOT C9RM1iER, 6.2' � � WEST 4F 2(?T LItJE FENCE CORNER €5 �_� � 9.3' NCIRTH OF LOT CORNER, 0.9' EAS�OF LOT LfNE �� � Y –��-0-- 1" 901T ��.ao' �s.ofl' as.00� j1 1/2° IRON P1PE � 58S'17'32"E �1 WITN NO IQ. ° �--- . ...,. ___.� ����� - Department of Community Development � e G_ �Varle���„ Planning Division � � �:` y� . ..' ;�'�' - �. . Cu.���wt 'C.. � � A record of survey of the property shall be completed for boundary line adjustments to show distances from the existing improvements to the new property line. ����� Department of Community Development � .:t .. y� . �Varle���„ Planning Division � �;'''`# � f� � ��� �ser� �, ��� . �d m e n t � � � A record of survey of the property may be required by the Community Development Director. The need for a surveX will be determined based on an evaluation of the number of parcels, le�al descriptions, appurtenances, disputed or apparent lines of ownership, and setbacks. . If required, �the survey must be completed by a professional land surveyor licensed in the state of Washington. ����� Department of Community Development � e G_ �Varle���„ Planning Division � � �:` y� . ..' ;�'�' - �. . _ ti n � ues o s .