Agenda 02/23/2012 �CITI���� � Valle � Y Spokane Valley Planning Commission Agenda City Hall Council Chambers, 11707 E. Sprague Ave. February 23, 2012 6:00 p.m. L CALL TO ORDER IL PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE IIL ROLL CALL IV. APPROVAL OF AGENDA V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: VL PUBLIC COMMENT: On any subject that is not on the agenda VIL COMMISSION REPORTS VIIL ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT IX. COMMISSION BUSINESS A. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 1. APPROVAL OF FINDINGS FOR CTA-06-11,PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO TITLE 22.10, SIGN REGULATIONS B. NEW BUSINESS: 1. PUBLIC HEARING : 2012 ANNUAL COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS X. FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER XL ADJOURNMENT COMMISSIONERS CITY STAFF BILL BATES -CHAIR JOHN HOHMAN,CD DIRECTOR JOHN G.CARROLL SCOTT KUHTA,PLANNING MGR,AICP RusTiN HALL RoD HIGGINs STEVEN NEILL MARCIA SANDS DEANNA GRIFFITH,SECRETARY JOE STOY-VICE CHAIR WWW.SPOKANEVALLEY.ORG CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Planning Commission Action Meeting Date: February 23, 2012 Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent �unfinished business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑information ❑ admin.report ❑ pending legislation FILE NUMBER: CTA-06-11 AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Approve findings and recommendations —code text amendment to Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC). DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: City initiated code text amendment modifying Chapter 22.110 (Sign Regulations)in the Spokane Valley's Municipal Code (SVMC). GOVERNING LEGISLATION: SVMC 17.80150 and 19.30.040 PREVIOUS ACTION TAKEN: The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on January 26 and continued the hearing to the February 9"'meeting. Deliberations were conducted at that meeting. A study session was held on January 12, 2012. BACKGROUND: City Council directed staff to proceed with modi�cation to the signage standards (Chapter 22110) in the SVMC. The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing and considered the public testimony received. Modifications were made to the proposed code text amendment to address concerns identified through the public review process. The Commission deliberated and approved the proposed code text amendment to the City Council with a 7-0 vote on February 9, 2012. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to approve Planning Commission Findings and Recommendation to City Council. STAFF CONTACT: Lori Barlow, AICP, Senior Planner ATTACHMENTS: Attachment A: Planning Commission's Findings and Recommendations Attachment B: Planning Commission's recommended text amendments RPCA Findings and Recommendation for CTA-03-11 1 of 1 FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE SPOKANE VALLEY PLANNING COMMISSION February 23,2012 A. Background: 1. The development regulations in the Spokane Valley Municipal Code were adopted in September 2007 and became effective on October 28, 2007. 2. City Council reviewed the sign regulations on July 5, 2011 and directed staff to complete a comprehensive review of the sign regulations. 3. Information was presented to Council on August 15, 20ll and October 20, 20ll, at which time the Council directed staff to begin a code text amendment to address the following items: a. Develop dimming requirements for electronic signs (lighting standards); b. Ensure that churches are allowed reasonable signage in residential zones; c. Allow properties along Trent and other arterials to have additional sign allowances; d. Eliminate temporary sign fees and permits; £ Develop regulations for the purposes of enforcement to address the following topics: i. Temporary signs should not distinguish between banners,pendants, flags, etc or special events; ii Time frames for displaying temporary signs should be increased; or iii Time frames for temporary signs should be eliminated and replaced with aesthetic standards that would determine when signs should be removed; g. Allow A-frames or sandwich boards for businesses and real estate purposes; h. Allow Multi-family complexes to have wall signs. 4. Staff drafted proposed code text amendment CTA 06-11 using the guidelines that Council provided to staff. 5. In accordance with RCW 35A.63 et seq. and SVMC 18.10.050, staff presented CTA 06-ll to the Planning Commission to consider recommending adoption of the same to Council. 6. The Planning Commission held a public hearing on January 26, 2012 and continued the hearing to February 9, 2012,with deliberations completed at that meeting. 7. Public Testimony received from a business owner and sign company during the public hearing resulted in the following requests for consideration: a. Allow off-premise signage for properties not located adj acent to arterials; b. Allow freestanding signs on properties with any street frontage not just arterials; c. Allow additional signs for multi-business complexes at a ratio of one (1) freestanding sign per 250' frontage and one (1) additional sign for each additional 200' of frontage or fraction thereof. 8. The Planning Commission recommended to the City Council that CTA 06-11 be approved as drafted,with the following changes: a. Allow freestanding signs in commercial and industrial zones at a ratio of one (1)per 300 ft. of street frontage, and one (1) for each additional 300 ft. or fraction thereof; b. Allow freestanding signs in Mixed Use and Of�ce zones at a ratio of one (1)per 500 ft. of arterial street frontage; c. Increase the amount of temporary sign square footage to 32 sq. ft. Findings and Recommendations of the Spokane Valley Planning Commission for CTA-06-11 Page 1 of 2 d. Remove the language that restricts A-frame sign placement to within 12' of the business main entrance; e. Add the proposed offpremise directional sign language proposed by staff without the requirements that"evidence of need"be provided, and increase the sign areas up to 15 sq. ft. . B. Findings: 1. The Planning Commission finds that it has authority under RCW 35A.63 et seq. and SVMC 1810.050 to recommend that Council adopt sign regulations and amendments thereto which are consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan and bear a substantial relation to the public health, safety,welfare, and protection of the environment. 2. The Planning Commission finds the proposed code text amendments are consistent with the applicable provisions of the City's Comprehensive Plan; LUP-14.3: Establish standards for the scale and intensity of commercial, retail and industi^ial signage that protect views and minimize signage clutter while allowing adequate business identification. 3. The Planning Commission finds the proposed code text amendments bear a substantial relation to public health, safety,welfare, and protection of the environment. Public health, safety and welfare are furthered by providing sign regulations that respect the purposes of signs fi^om the perspective of the community and business. The amendment recognizes business need to advertise, while preserving an attractive commercial environment for the public. Conclusions: The proposed City initiated code text amendments to SVMC 22.110 is consistent with the goals and policies of the Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan, and promotes the public health, safety,welfare, and protection of the environment. Recommendations: The Spokane Valley Planning Commission recommends the City Council approve the proposed City initiated code text amendments to SVMC 22.110 (Sign Regulations), as attached. Approved this 23ra day of February,2012 Bill Bates, Chairman ATTEST Deanna Griffith,Administrative Assistant Findings and Recommendations of the Spokane Valley Planning Commission for CTA-06-11 Page 2 of 2 PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO CHAPTER 22.110 SIGN � Chapter 22.110 F. Signs attached to or placed on a vehicle or SIGN REGULATIONS trailer parked on public or private property; provided,that this provision shall not be construed as prohibiting the identification of a Sections: business or its product on a vehicle operating 22.110.010 Purpose,intent and scope. during the normal course of business; 22110.020 Prohibited signs. 22.110.030 Permit required. G. Signs obstructing visibility within any 22.110.040 Number,general regulations clearview triangle as established in Chapter for permitted permanent 22.'70 SVMC; signs. 22.110.050 Permitted temporary signs. H. Billboards except when permitted as provided 22110.060 General provisions in SVMC 22110130; applicable to all signs. 22.110.070 Comprehensive sign plan. L Off-premises signs, exce�t off-�remise 22110.080 Aesthetic corridors. directional si�ns allowed�ursuant to section 22.110.090 Sign location and front 22.110.040.D; setbacks. 22110100 Sign area calculation. J. Temporary signs unless specifically allowed 22.110.110 Maintenance of signs. pursuant to SVMC 22110.050; 22110120 Existing nonconforming signs. K Abandoned signs and sign structures. (Ord. 22.110.130 Billboards. 07-015 § 4, 2007). 22.110.030 Permit required. 22.110.010 Purpose,intent and scope. A. Other than for those uses listed in subsection Signage regulations are intended to promote B of this section, a sign permit is required for all commerce, traffic safety and community identity allowed permanent signs, temporary signs� while improving the visual environment of unless otherwise s�ecified, and billboards. residential, commercial and industrial areas. This code regulates permanent, temporary, and B.Permits are not required for on-premises portable signs. (Ord. 07-015 § 4, 2007). official signs; seasonal decorations;merchandise displays;point-of-purchase advertising displays; 22.110.020 Prohibited signs. national and state flags; flags of a political The following signs are prohibited: subdivision;notice signs,pennants and streamers without advertising copy; symbolic A. Signs which by coloring, shape,wording or flags of nonprofit institutions dedicated to public location resemble or conflict with traffic control service; legal notices required by law; barber signs or devices; poles; historic site designations; commemorative monuments/plaques; gravestones; advertising B. Signs that create a safety hazard for copy affixed to phone booths; donation and pedestrian or vehicular traffic; recycling containers; lettering or symbols applied directly onto or flush-mounted C. Flashing signs; magnetically to a motor vehicle operating in the normal course of business;political signs D.Portable signs; except A-frame si�ns supporting political issues, candidates or ballot specifically allowed pursuant to 22110.OSO.I. measures;replacement of copy on signs otherwise permitted;name plates with less than E. Signs located within the public right-of-way, four square feet of copy area; directional signs except official signs and except bus benches with less than four square feet of copy area; and placed pursuant to an agreement with the City; murals containing no copy. Page 1 of 9 Planning Commission Findings of Fact—February 23,2012 CTA 06-ll C.Permit applications shall include a site plan 7. Tax parcel number where proposed that provides the following information: sign will be located. (Ord. 09-010 § 1, 2009; Ord. 07-015 § 4, 2007). 1. The location of the affected lot, building(s) and sign(s); 2. The scale of the site plan; 22.110.040 Number, general regulations for 3. A scaled drawing of the proposed permitted permanent signs. sign or sign revision,including size, height, copy, structural footing details, A. Permitted permanent signs shall comply with method of attachment and illumination; the requirements of Table 22110-1.No more 4. The location of all e�sting signs on than the ma�mum numbers of either the site including size and height freestanding pole signs or monument sign 5. For signs subject to spacing structures are allowed per parcel. regulations, the location of neighboring signs on adj acent properties; 6. Approved sign plan,if applicable; and Page 2 of 9 Planning Commission Findings of Fact—February 23,2012 CTA 06-11 Table 22.110-1—Location,Height and Copy Area Requirements Maximum ,-, w � r..� .. 0 °� ° �l +� u Land Use Zoning District � � �o �o � � Additional Provisions i, � �� �� � ^J s�," w �, �, °' �, °' � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �� �� � � 0 0 .� a a a z x � � w � w � w Attached Wall Signs Multifa�ily Complex All Zones � � _ _ _ � Y 1 sign up to 20 sq.ft. Instituti�nali Residential Zones � * * n/a n/a n/a Y *25%of wall area Single�usiness Residential Zones 1 n/a 60 n/a n/a n/a Y All Mixed Use and Nonresi ential Nonresidential � n/a * n/a n/a n/a Y *25%of wall area per building Zones � Freestanding Signs Subdivi ion/Area Name/�ultifamily All Zones 1* 10 32 n/a n/a n/a Y ���,.�..*�..:�� �*..��*�,.�.'*��� 1 per 500 Comple /Institutional i ft.of arterial street frontage and 1 for each additiona1500 ft. or fraction Single Business Neighborhood 1 20 100 n/a n/a 5 Y thereof in Mixed Use and Office Business(NC) Zones; or Multi-Business Complex Zones 1* 20 n/a 100 n/a 5 Y 1 per 300 ft.of street frontage and 1 for each additiona1300 ft. or fraction Single Business Mixed Use and 1* 30 n/a 100 200 5 Y thereof in Commercial and IndListrial Nonresidential Zones. Multi-Business Complex Zones(except NC) 1* 40 250 n/a n/a 5 Y Nonresidential Freeway* All Nonresidential 1 50 250 n/a n/a 5 Y *Adjacent to I-90 only Zones � Monument Signs Subdivision/Area Name/Multifamily All Zones 1 10 32 n/a n/a n/a Y Comple�/Institutional i *Per��street frontage Single Business Neighborhood 1* 7 75 n/a n/a 5 Y Business(NC) Multi-Business Complex Zones 2* 7 90 n/a n/a 5 Y Single Business All Mixed Use and 2* 7 90 n/a n/a 5 Y Nonresidential *Per street frontage Multi-Business Complex Zones 2* 7 150 n/a n/a 5 Y Other Signs Directional All Zones n/a n/a 4 n/a n/a n/a N Name Plates All Zones 1 n/a 4 n/a n/a n/a N - Institutional includes nonprofit,religious or public Lises,such as a church,librarv,public,or private school,hospital,or�overnment owned or operated buildin�,structure,or land used for public purposes. Page 3 of 9 Planning Commission Findings of Fact—February 23,2012 CTA 06-ll B. In addition to the permanent signs allowed advertise �oods, services or events on a site; pursuant to Table 22110-1, a single decorative permanent si�ns shall be used for that�ur�ose. emblem (or standard) constructed of durable vinyl with a thickness of not less than 13 mis for A. A temporary si�n advertisin� a special event, every 50 feet of frontage shall be allowed. The sale,promotion, openin� of a new business or lowest horizontal member of the bracket shall be openin� of a business under new mana e� ment located at a height of not less than seven feet mav be displaved and must be removed at end of above the adjacent grade. use, event or condition. C. Where three or more single businesses agree B.Number of Temporarv Si�ns—No more than to share a single sign structure, an additional 20 one (1) such si�n shall be allowed at an�� percent of copy area shall be allowed up to a time for a use, exce�t as�ermitted below. maximum of 250 square feet. (Ord. 09-010 § 1, 2009; Ord. 07-015 § 4, 2007). C. Si�na�e shall be limited to 32 square feet in siae. D. Off-Premises Directional Si�ns. It is the intent of this section to allow the limited D. All temporary si�ns must be made of durable placement of off-premises directional si�ns by materials and shall be well maintained. Si�ns co-locatin� on an existin� conforming are not well maintained if they are frayed, torn, monument si�n, freestandin��n, or building or broken, or the le�ibility thereof has materially wall. The business locatin� on an existin� si�n deteriorated. Unmaintained si�ns will be must conform to the followin� criteria: rec�uired to be removed. 1. The business must be located on a private E. Banner si�ns must be attached to the fa�ade, easement or local access street; wall or window of the buildin�which includes the business which thev advertise; 2. The business and proposed si�n must be located in a commercial, off'ice or mixed zone F. Additional Banners or tempora .r� s��ns area; advertisin� a s�ecial event,sale,�romotion, openin� of a new business or a business under 3. Text shall be limited to the business name, new mana�ement are allowed by temporary lo�o, and a directional arrow and mav include permit for a period of time not to exceed 30 days certain advancin�lan�ia�e as "next ri�ht"; a maximum of two times � � �n any calendar year. 4. The si�n must be located on the nearest collector or arteriaL If a business has double G. Pennants,balloons, and streamers mav be fronta�e, staff will review this unique situation displaved in conjunction with the special event to determine if two directional si�ns are si�na�e allowed in section F above,but must be warranted: removed at the conclusion of the event or within thirty consecutive da� 5. Si�n area is limited to fifteen square feet; this shall not be construed to allow the on- H. Tem�orar,y si�ns shall not endan e� r the premises si�n to increase its si�n area; and public safetv and shall be removed or relocated � � if the buildin� official determines that a si�n is 6. If the business usin a� n off-�remises unsafe. directional si�n lea�es its location, the business must remove the si�n within siXty da.� �_��"�"�g��"�T`r`'�`�``r°'°��i'�� 22.110.050 Permitted temporary signs. .,i n aa;�;,,r.,i �o,,.�,,,..,... ...�.;��,,. �o Except as otherwise described under this section, ^�+����a ���r tin a�- ���� ������a ��m *�� a�*� no permit is necessary for temporary si�ns. Tem�orar,y si�ns are not allowed to continuallX . Page 4 of 9 Planning Commission Findings of Fact—February 23,2012 CTA 06-ll �PQ�e�=e-��g��g��c'"�e-�e��gl��s not exceed 16 square feet in copy area or seven ra ;r�'�*�'�'°�� � �"��T°a '�� *°m��r�� �;+ feet in height. All such signs shall be affixed to . either the ground or a permanent structure by n" � � �r� �' ° �+ � r°a , �a°�-� rope,wire, or a mechanical device- „io� .w,.;� 7.r„ ,,, o��.,r �,,,.� ..i o r� K O�en House/Directional Si�na�e - A-frame si�ns may be used as open house/directional I. A-frame Si�ns Business will be allowed a si�ns and shall be allowed on each access street maximum of one sandwich board or A-frame to the�ro�erty. Si�ns shall be�laced so as not si�n. These si�ns are in addition to other to interfere with vehicular or�edestrian traffic, temporary si�ns allowed throu�h sections A—H, shall be used only when-the prope , is open for and are subject to the followin�conditions: ins�ection, shall be unlit, and shall be limited in size to 5 sc�uare feet and limited in hei h� t to 3 1.Siae The area of the si�n shall not exceed feet above �rade. (Ord. 07-015 § 4, 2007). nine square feet per side in size and shall not exceed three feet in any dimension. 22.110.060 General provisions applicable to 2.Maintenance Standards: Si�ns shall be all signs. constructed out of materials able to withstand A. All signs illuminated with exterior lighting extreme weather conditions. Such materials shall have lighting confined to the sign, and mav be metal,finished wood, chalkboard, positioned and shielded to minimize impacts to whiteboard or plastic. Si�ns and co�v should the surrounding area(s). Gooseneck reflectors be of�rofessional quality.Permanent lettering and lights are permitted on permanent for the business name and lo�o are rec�uired on the Sandwich boards. Owners of sandwich freestanding and wall signs;provided, that board si�ns shall be required to keep their si�ns lighting or glare does not extend beyond the in an intact, reasonably le�ible, and well property line. maintained manner. Sandwich boards are not B. Electronic signs shall be permitted on the well maintained if an�part thereof is broken; same basis as other signs, subject to the letters or�ra�hics are com�letely or�artiallX requirements of Table 22.11 0-1. All electronic missin� or obstructed; or the le i� bility thereof inessa�e center's (EMC'sl are required to have has materially deteriorated. automatic dimmin� capability that adjusts the 3. Dis�la,�: Si n� s ma,�� onlv be dis�la,� bri�htness to the ambient li�ht at all times of the durin�business hours. If business hours day and ni�ht. Written documentation that the continue past davli�ht hours,precautions should EMC is equi�ed with the automatic dimmin� be taken to place the si�n in a li�hted area. This device shall be submitted with the si�n permit shall not be construed to allow the wirin� of a application. si�n for li�htin� C. A roof-mounted sign may be substituted for 4. Location: Si�ns shall not be placed in a an allowed freestanding sign; provided,that the location which is within the clearview trian�le, height of the sign structure may not exceed the as defined in section 22.070.020.C, or an, o� ma�mum height requirements of the zoning location which will impede vehicular traffic. district in which the sign is located. Further,such si�ns shall not be placed in a manner which will block or otherwise obstruct D. Signs located within the airport hazard area the safe use of sidewalks,buildin� entrances or shall conform to the location and height stairs b�pedestrians. regulations set forth in SVMC 19.110.030, Airport Hazard Overlay zone. � J�. Temporary on-premises commercial signs are allowed without permit when posted in E.No sign shall be erected,relocated or conjunction with the alteration, construction, maintained in a manner that prevents the free sale or lease of real property. Such signs shall Page 5 of 9 Planning Commission Findings of Fact—February 23,2012 CTA 06-ll ingress or egress from any door,window or fire 22.110.080 Aesthetic corridors. escape. A. The standards applicable to monument signs F. No sign shall be attached to a standpipe or fire shown on Table 22.110-1 shall apply to parcels escape except of�cial signs. adjacent to aesthetic corridors designated in the Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan: G. Any sign erected or maintained within five feet of public rights-of-way shall be smooth and 1. State Route 27 (16th Avenue south to free of nails,tacks and wires. City limits); H. All signs shall be maintained in good repair 2. State Route 27 (Mansfield Avenue to pursuant to SVMC 22110110. Trent Avenue); L No sign shall block the view of fire protection 3. Appleway Boulevard (south side only equipment from approach. (Ord. 07-015 § 4, from Park Road to Dishman Mica Road); 2007). 4. Appleway Avenue (Barker Road to 22.110.070 Comprehensive sign plan. Hodges Road); Commercial development, shopping centers, 5. Dishman Mica Road(8th Avenue south to industrial parks,mixed use developments, and City limits); hotel conference centers exceeding five acres in size may seek approval of a sign plan specific to 6. 32nd Avenue within the City limits; the proposed development. The director may '7. Mirabeau Parkway(Pines Road to Indiana approve a comprehensive sign plan that allows Avenue). deviations from the strict interpretation of spacing,height and area requirements when the B. Only monument signs as shown on Table following is demonstrated: 22.110-1 shall be allowed with designated A. The plan provides adequate signage for all aesthetic corridors. (Ord. 07-015 § 4, 2007). proposed uses; and 22.110.090 Sign location and front setbacks. B. The plan limits the number of freestanding A. Monument signs exceeding three feet in sign structures; and height shall be setback 10 feet from the front C. The total copy area of all signage does not property line and outside any border easement exceed the amount which would otherwise be provided,that the requirements of Chapter 22.70 permitted. SVMC, Fencing, Screening and Landscaping, (clearview triangles)have been met. Any conditions imposed to secure approvals shall be binding on the applicant, his successors B. Freestanding signs with structural supports and assigns. less than two feet in width,with copy area placed at a height of seven feet or more above Modi�cations/amendments to the approved sign grade,may be located at the property line; plan shall require reapplication and approval by provided,that the requirements of Chapter 22.70 the director. If the applicant and director cannot SVMC, Fencing, Screening and Landscaping, come to an agreement as to a comprehensive (clearview triangles) of the Spokane Valley sign plan or a modification/amendment to the uniform development code have been met. same, the director's decision may be appealed to Freestanding signs with structural supports of the hearing examiner pursuant to Chapter 17.90 more than two feet shall be set back not less than SVMC. (Ord. 07-015 § 4, 2007). 10 feet from the front property line or border easement. Page 6 of 9 Planning Commission Findings of Fact—February 23,2012 CTA 06-ll C. All temporary signs, except inflatable signs, Figure 22.110-3 shall be located at least five feet from public rights-of-way. � � � D. Inflatable signs shall be set back at least 10 ,[� feet from public rights-of-way. ���� E. All signs shall meet the vertical and �� horizontal clearance requirements of electric _ � utilities. �� ---- _ � - _�- �'�.� ` i�1 I; _, -�� D F. All new freestanding signs shall be located in �� a landscaped area in accordance with SVMC g 22.70.030(�. Landscaping should ensure that signs are not blocked or obscured by trees or bushes. (Ord. 07-015 § 4, 2007). B. The sign area of a freestanding sign for a single business shall be calculated as shown in 22.110.100 Sign area calculation. Figure 22.110-2. The sign area of a freestanding sign identifying multiple businesses shall be A. Sign area for wall signs shall be no more than computed by adding together the total area(s) of 25 percent of the two-dimensional area of a all signs as shown in Figure 22110-3.Refer to building's elevation, excluding eaves and gables. Table 22.110-1 for minimum and maximum Refer to Table 22110-1. height requirements. Figure 22.110-1 C. The sign area for multiple-sided signs shall be calculated as follows: ������� ��� ���� 1. The total sign area for a two-sided sign shall be calculated using a single surface of a sign with messages on both sides; 2. The sign area for a three-sided sign shall be the sum of all surfaces where two or more signs share a single structure; Figure 22.110-2 � �� 3. The gross surface area of both faces of a � V-shaped sign; �'�� g 4. The copy area of a monument sign. � k,1_u�irrun H�ight D.For irregularly shaped signs, the sign area is }��r�m�m H�;�nt calculated by enclosing the extreme limits of the sign by no more than four rectangles. The sum of the area of the rectangles shall be the gross �,�� ,5 surface area. The maximum allowable area is � � reduced by 10 percent for the second and each � subsequent rectangle used in the calculation, ���� � � illustrated below. F.iazirrtn Hcig�l °�� � 1. Conventional Measurement. Total area=a :-�t k.: �'��r��� $ �� times b. •— ► 3df.'.�'' � �3 ��4���:,����4 age 7 of 9 Planning Commission Findings of Fact—February 23,2012 CTA 06-ll 2. Sum of Rectangles. Total area= (Area A+ all the requirements of the permit have been met. Area B +Area C+Area D). (Ord. 07- (Ord. 07-015 § 4, 2007). O15 § 4, 2007). 22.110.130 Billboards. 22.110.110 Maintenance of signs. A.New billboards shall be prohibited;provided, A. All signs shall be maintained in good repair. however, that e�sting billboards may be The director shall have the authority to revoke replaced at another location with a structure and any permit for signs that are tattered, torn, faded copy area of equal or smaller size in mixed use or otherwise in disrepair, and may require the and nonresidential zoning districts except(NC) removal of flags,pennants and streamers which Neighborhood Commercial zoning districts as are torn, discolored or in disrepair. follows: B. All signage shall be maintained by the 1. Replacement billboards shall not business owner, or person in possession of the exceed the height limit in the property on which the sign is located. underlying zoning district,with a Maintenance shall be such that the signage maximum height limit of 50 feet in any continues to conform to the conditions imposed zone; by the sign permit. 2.No replacement billboard shall C. Any damaged sign structure shall be repaired exceed 672 square feet in copy area; within 30 days of notice. 3. Any replacement billboard may not D. Any signage which has been damaged to such be placed less than five feet from the extent that it may pose a hazard to passersby property line.No portion of the sign shall be repaired or removed within 48 hours of shall extend beyond the property line; notice. 4.No billboard may be located within E. Any abandoned sign shall be removed by and 1,000 feet of another billboard on the at the expense of the property owner within 60 same side of the street. Any days of notice. replacement billboard shall be offset from any billboard on the opposite side F. Any abandoned sign support structure shall be of the street by not less than 250 feet. removed within 36 months by the owner or Offset distance shall be measured from lessee of the premises upon which the sign is a point perpendicular to and along the located. (Ord. 07-015 § 4, 2007). alignment of the roadway; 22.110.120 Existing nonconforming signs. 5. The owner of the billboard shall file Any permanent sign made nonconforming as a a complete inventory of all billboards result of the adoption of these regulations may located within the City,including date be repaired,but not structurally altered or made erected,height, size and location; more nonconforming in any way. If the sign is removed in order to make repairs,it shall be 6. Issuance of a permit for billboard replaced within 60 days, or any nonconforming replacement shall be accompanied by a rights are terminated. Thereafter,the sign shall permit for the destruction or removal of conform to the requirements of this chapter. the billboard to be replaced; and Notwithstanding other provisions of this section, 7. Any billboard that is not replaced any sign or signs for which a temporary permit within 60 months following the has been issued by the City shall be permitted to issuance of a demolition/removal remain at the location or locations authorized by permit shall not be replaced. the permit for as long as the permit is valid and Page 8 of 9 Planning Commission Findings of Fact—February 23,2012 CTA 06-ll B. Replacement billboards shall not be permitted along designated aesthetic corridors. (Ord. 07- O15 § 4, 2007). Page 9 of 9 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Planning Commission Review Meeting Date: February 23, 2012 Item: CheCl�all that apply: ❑consent ❑old business ❑new business �public hearing ❑information ❑ admin. report ❑pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: 2012 Comprehensive Plan Amendments —Public Hearing PREVIOUS ACTION TAKEN: On February 16, 2012, the Planning Commission was briefed on the 2012 Comprehensive Plan Amendments (CPAs). BACKGROUND: On February 16, 2012, the Planning Commission was briefed on the 2012 CPAs. The Planning Commission received public testimony on the proposed amendments. The Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan includes an annual amendment cycle that runs from November 2nd to November lst of the following year. Applications received prior to November lst are considered by the Planning Commission in late winter/early spring of the following year, with a decision by City Council in late spring/early summer. The Planning Commission will review the following CPAs and make a recommendation to City Council. City Council may choose to adopt the individual amendments as recommended by the Planning Commission, disapprove the amendments, or modify and adopt the proposaL If the Council chooses to modify a proposal, they must either conduct a public hearing or refer the proposal back to the Planning Commission for further consideration. The Community Development Department received seven (7) requests for site-specific Comprehensive Plan amendments for 2012. Sites approved for a Comprehensive Plan amendment will automatically receive a zoning designation consistent with the new land use designation. The 2012 Comprehensive Plan text amendments include amendments to four Comprehensive Plan Elements: Chapter 2 - Land Use, Chapter 3 — Transportation, Chapter 4 — Capital Facilities and Public Services, and Chapter 7 —Economic Development. The amendments may also entail minor changes to other elements referencing the proposed amendments. STAFF CONTACT: Mike Basinger, AICP, Senior Planner ATTACHMENTS: (found in the yellow notebook) Exhibit 1: 2012 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Exhibit 2: Draft Staff Reports 1of1 ������. " '` Department of Community Development " Varle � '`��. , ! }. � ,3'_.. Planning Division � , i�; 2012 Com rehensive Plan p Amendments Public Hearin g February 23, 2012 �����_ " '` Department of Community Development " Varle � '`��. , ! }. � ,3'_.. Planning Division � , i�; Com rehensive Plannin p g The Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan (SVCP) lays out a vision for the future of Spokane Valley during a 20-year period and responds to the requirements of the Growth Management Act (GMA) ������. " '` Department of Community Development " Varle � '`��. , ! }. � ,3'_.. Planning Division � , i�; Pu o s e o f Annual Amendments � • Ensure the plan is consistent with: — Community's vision — City Council policy — Other City plans (e.g.TIP) • Opportunity to accept public requests . • Reso ve un oreseen circumstances �����. " '` Department of Community Development " Varle � '`��. , ! }. � ,3'_.. Planning Division � , i�; . � � . � - . , � � 1 � � 2012 � Docket . , , . - ������.. " '` Department of Community Development " Varle � '`��. , ! }. � ,3'_.. Planning Division � , i�; Comprehensive Plan Amendment Process ■ Comprehensive Plan amended annually ■ November 1 St 2011 cut off for applications ■ Planning Commission (PC) conducts Public Hearing (2/23/12) ■ Public Hearing Continued (3/8/12) ■ PC recommendation to City Council (late Feb/early Mar) ■ Council makes final decision (end of April) ■ Appeals to Growth Management Hearings Board ■ Site-Specific Map Amendments ■ Zone Change with Comp Plan Amendment � 1 , i � 1 i � �"� , r_. �-'�,��:q. � � � � �� : - �J:i - �. � i���mu.�_ �'�� Vd?��'ti��,y.�'F°��'�t,, ��'����� � a --- , � �, �� � .n.rn �P r ° ■�1 �.� " ' �s� :, i '�'� . � ar��ae.��aass� �rr�rr��r� - - - � �� � � '9, � u� �'�, ����r.r�,��� "� ' I� � � � re'ii����, ������: '� ' �,-� - 4�"__ °0�: '-- ��,��� ..��.. �li Elil � � � �,� ,� ,�ib - - ' .. .. �-EY�cc1411;: �i��Rf w.. �r� _ ! , .. 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Planning Division � , i�; � � , � , � � I Application Description: Privately initiated map amendment Proposed Amendment: Low Density Residential to High Density Residential Applicant(s): Scott & Sarah Creighton 815 S. Marigold Spokane Valley, WA 99037 ������. " '` Department of Community Development " Varle � '`��. , ! }. � ,3'_.. Planning Division � , i�; �: �F ' t Vicinity Map � �� � ��`� 4 .�"�. ��� �+q�,.' `'' _ �. . � , �- .� �. `�`� �, � . �� �: � = 1� .�, , � �" � , ' = ,r . � �� � � • � .Ql'. � � .�� �r ,���� � k r � � � � � � � r � i � � � � _ , � '� � � p�r � � '' 1 .v..sy - _ � �+��w. - � - - .. .�' �r �.]�1�2- —�.. _ _ — : �--�, �� �. � C'P_�.-t)1-121 � _�' �. . i �.; �s � ' � � r . .,, _ � � � -�-�-. . ;�4 � ' , �I� nr � � ( , �� � .. � ��� � , 1.+� �" �' ,`— .�� �� _ � '�r, .�' _ � � . �, i . . _ ,r B ;.,. - � . 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Planning Division � , i�; CPA-Ol - 12 Subject Property �%��' , � / i � � � � �� . �� , , , . , . ,, , , :, , � �,: ,'.,��`;I � ,! k'� �� " / ~ �F�� � "� �.",�'.' � �����I' `i� � � - � ���� > '`�� .. ...� � .i ���`' � - - �,�;i, > � ��' - �`�1 - �•�`.�� ��- `�Y -_ - _-_ _ � —� ��� ���� �; � � � '�, ' r.:!��i � f4-:i ��_��� - �'� �I{� � - .��ys,�A� S�:' _ y.. ' � �/ I l I 1 � ��.�T+ �� ' - ;• � ■ I4 � � �f � �j I � �' ■ I � +.� � p � �� �� �.� � �e :�� _ .1R T� ,� � x�. � ��� a � ,,i, � �, , ..-�.. � � ��,' �;� � ��� �,,,� - � ,_. � / ���I���� � ����� I��b�.'.� ,: � � � aS q 1f4 \ f:`�`��,n�� 11 . -. . ���� � � � � r ��� � �'�S°f dpi� . . � 3'J:n�n, �, �Qs � ��� � �y�: t �y �� `y N��X i� y��'� �����I� � i� �°�l1 � ���' ' �� � ��' � {�. � i I �� ,`"S��'d � � � ������� d�"�`AJF*e�i� � a"� y ��•�c, �^��P� ,�� �� � � ;�� � / �f k-�. ��s.. OS r;�r�r�,'��. k,��ir..'� �i°�� F �'1o.k,�'�t���tl ,i�,� . .. :'...��tfi�..���.,:� ` � ������. " '` Department of Community Development " Varle � '`��. , ! }. � ,3'_.. Planning Division � , i�; CPA-Ol - 12 _ � ��.. �=_�'' � `T `� ����� � �s4�..�,,'�`f�Aa , � �F � � ��;�;., �1 . � _ — �'.�, ��F� . � ' ��� � _�'' -� Y _� �s 3�'°� � ;� Y• �, � � r��. �� �� ' �- � ---- -=�- - - ��� ���, ���_��:�. � °�' �-��-�' - - �,� _ _ . _ . , -r- _ �� _ �:� . r� -- E� ��,����n� - ` " Department of Community Development ti = �►�ti�r�e�' Planning Division � � ;`''i�,. � '� I. /' ±J ti% Comprehensive Plan = �J � � � � � n� _ - '�_ - l �1J s j � ��p1V ���SY � l �r��l��1 � � �^ � ``�°�•-':;=°`,.'• rti�k l 1It i'� I :� , �� �; t � ; (=)li�-� _' C�P�.-01-12 :� - - .- � ��+ ...�.�__ C.. `^ `f:z` Y,,,.°".f`'^ �� ���11������- �����. " '` Department of Community Development " Varle � '`��. , ! }. � ,3'_.. Planning Division � , i�; _ _ - . -- — ___ - -J .__-- _- - ��,; Zoning = _:� _-_ � `� __— � --:,� �__ ��� � � — _ - -— ._ ;�l1 I � - _ '� � �' � � �� _ - � _ — _ -' — — I I - --_ — _ -'� 1 -_ - — � ia' - - — — r, .__ — . -- — — �-- �. �,�!-il������ Cr�st_- -_ _ - �-'``��: '� ��.�t -- _— -_ -- — - .-;,- — -- --- - --—_— - -- > � — _ -- — — - :��l�il� - -- 11�i Y, � L � � (�li�-e � C'P��-D1-12 � r � i ��a'l�e�zti��, �kle4'k�<<v ������.. " '` Department of Community Development " Varle � '`��. , ! }. � ,3'_.. Planning Division � , i�; � � , � , � � I Application Description: Privately initiated map amendment Proposed Amendment: Low Density Residential to Mixed Use Center Applicant(s): Monty Lewis 11006 E. Sprague Avenue ' Spokane Valley, WA 99206 �����. " '` Department of Community Development " Varle � '`��. , ! }. � ,3'_.. Planning Division � , i�; ��' '� :' _ _ � .� h n«� � � , ;� '�, ;��� Vicinity Map -�. ��;, _ � � ' ,�``�`'�i ��� � n � �:� $ ! �°� � -�r' _ , �' " �� t� ;:� � � i��'- �'+�' �'�' �� +� L, � �� �.,� ;,;�,, �� _r�. � ,_ Inrtiana _ � -� ,+� t °�r i� �'_, � - '�- , , � e . '.' � � . - ,_� � I;. _'i ' - , . r _ � .�� � ` `¢,� �9�'� '�`'��4 ���� �,�" { 'S J�� � '��� �� i _� ��,�� � � �.. +� ' � i � �sl�(�1�1i _ •�� � r �� `� �` ?��,� � !'` r� r" �� r � ��,a� - �� ��I f�—� �� �d _��T �,�y f r ' � � � � ..x � ���� � ` � , yT I � r " I_ ��� �������.. ,�r �q ♦�1 �,� �� I ��?t� � 'T►,y���. �T. '"� ._1 k , � � ' i ��:- rt.-no-y,. • i / �..�yey.�j��'� ..� ��:Yi; � � ■ ��� �• �. ��� � �Rilr t -9'_"� ._ —. . ,. ., ' �".�e' t*. _ 4 L��- � ��y_ '�� ' � j � � � � � y�� ����r I�����k' ���li ` �s I �. W� � T' �� �� \�� �R�s -.�.i''I �[F� i` ��Y��.. a r � . ,, '� � ' "� � � �d � ,I� �T� �I�,� :.-- ��, .• . t 1 r� - . , , � _ "�a.. �. � � , - _�, . `� �. 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" '` Department of Community Development " Varle � '`��. , ! }. � ,3'_.. Planning Division � , i�; CPA-02- 12 . k� l I��� `I��+.�1�' q . �s C'�,�E ����'s,� 4���r p�r � �"'�t��' , �. ��; ���r� a t �J � ' " r' '�� � ��'�k. L� 1b 'EF Yl���ff 2� M �F '?�-.+�, � 1�F �y'�Fr �.� � , :5'�1� r X� i� _ . � �� °"�� � +�` s �� � __`� ..� 4.' }��. �.'` � ` '. -+. � !'S� y+�����1�� . ' ��� � ��¢y — p ` ���1' ' 1�� .� ' d` I"y�^ •� n �+d �t � � Y '�� �`+,� r, *�-�-,4-� { „�4 , . _, s= � •'.� _ : 1 t a.t .+.:.�7�'tz`-r'��. Y�b �� I � ��'s, � � .���... ��.� . ,�,. � �'--• � _ f �i���h�l.�.. _ �p��..r. � �� � t 1T�,."s � r" ��Y �`' - ,_. � I . � ' { �r� --- '. �+.:'�� 'e' ' "�'����,� �f �_-�,�-;��f ._. .. _.T..� . �ro^3.2� ---- � ,��' y��'��� � . .. � �� � ... . .���� �- �� � �;; I �� �. �-_� _ I II' _� ��«�. �r 71..ee �7I� , �an III I II„ �I - ., 3�� � -�_ ��� .�, ���oP�� -�—�—��•` `� � � - - - _ :_ � ��� � � � 4F�,:�;�.��.y �, : - =� � � - --- - -- ' �.,i ___.__—.� _ . _ - _ �" ������. " '` Department of Community Development " Varle � '`��. , ! }. � ,3'_.. Planning Division � , i�; CPA-02- 12 Looking Southwest Looking Southeast _ . _, . -� � ,�;. ��M .�_� ;.—��o...� �_ � � � _ - w � --r�� ��� �'`'�` - "'.",,.�,.,,,;;.,':-�°�r--` - - : w: - - � t�,�;�; ���� - _ r..: ' .:..i,...� hi - ---�.,,.l.b�� _�--= - - -- _ - ._� �' '� , ..�; .��, '�� ;�,r - ` �����. " '` Department of Community Development " Varle � '`��. , ! }. � ,3'_.. Planning Division � , i�; _� 'J � ti J J ' Comprehensive Plan `� � � r������.����i�, - .��JC>Itarr� Rr`��f�r. ti N�1���t � CP�i-02-12 ;�u��ru�ta ��; � � . �' {}��i-1.Iistii��ir :�1�i�4s�i���i� —� Il-�ts5�ii �` � � J � � L C9 •�! �`-� � c� ;ti- ]�''�{]x 1'`r'��� � t._.����ti��� �7 a�����1 I ��,����n� - ` " Department of Community Development ti = ti�lle � '<:�. - ;� �►� _�' �., Planning Division � , i�;. ,; Zoning � � �� x���� �� � � � � ,: �� �� , � Iticii<�i��� �,; x _ � - ,' — -r � ���C�14:'JIl � ,-r i � i P f Nc��'� i� �`F C�P�'��-12 � - �� ,yea��l��l:z- -- _� — – :;� – _ r __ -_ � --�� (�lt�__l_Ii��i:oi� — _- � �- --- �j -- -_ . // - / 1��t:���'c.li I 1 `�1��� � -- - � � �t�:l� -� f- _ _ _ -::;�I — - _ ,.,., , - �'i7ar��-==. :-� -- ������.. " '` Department of Community Development " Varle � '`��. , ! }. � ,3'_.. Planning Division � , i�; � � . � . � . � i Application Description: Privately initiated map amendment Proposed Amendment: Low Density Residential to Neighborhood Commercial Applicant(s): Ibrahim Farraj 805 N. Park Rd. Spokane Valley, WA 99212 �����. " '` Department of Community Development " Varle � '<''�. , ! }. � ,3'�,. Planning Division � , i�; r' _� L. �,G �; _ yN�,� _� '��'' � �� _ �� ��.�-�r� Vicinity Map '� '�� _ . _ �,.� ` i p .,.. . . � �. _- _ .. � �1 ` � ._ - � . .,�����7.��,r, ...� ;� . ;;y�. 1r .. � � �Ir---- � L"i�l��Cl �,,�'i s r ,�,' �� �"� yw. ■ - ' � ��P11Cgtllli.l�. � �� r �=:�t 1i���(-y•j�.,�1�'�...` � ' _lIiddle� ; .s` /.."r ; ��J � §�"r �y�' h ,�.;� _ � � �_ . ; . ' , �e.__.`��� y�T F� ':+���.' � . _-� - ,�' � - . _ . .. , - �"'`� �r� ���s.' - � _. -. � _�, _ - J �:.. � r --' �r .�� , ��Y��.���' '� �,�''� y �;������ „�" � °La,�.��fle,��.�"��r;l� � -i, -�.���^-�n� �I �. r o- �« , r.a y���� �' .�J I� ..�� _ .le J � � ■y-��« � �,� . ,� ��� ' � ��y�--- � �, .� �j�� _ __ _ _ 'i 1 R�a�TSii��� ..r ,. , �- �� � i� ... i _. a�*, �a� �.-�r �"- ����—�� v • �-.�' -- yr7; +�` '�= � �,�- k. -� ^� ,ti; � � � ''�" Y CP�-a�- � � �;� N' � ���, - ,�r.�y - � _� ,�s � �1"�; � M� . �" � ��`,` �`^r�� ", '�'" �` � _� �`�� ;# �� �� �c� � _ - .s`. , ,s. :[ ����. -,. �, . � i t ,. ._ �. ; � , '`;�rt � k ., , � a ' � �� ; ° ���� � • � ���I,_.a, � '=�� ` ' p r�,, s � �, �{ � a �' ��' , �, ,�� .��i �,. - __ - -- J - . ���{�i kini�A,4 �31'(r'at111 I� - - -- z - � 1Cj1�'�3�� `����1� y� �� � � - �_ � t _._,� 1 i ' ��`�� .�•+��' � w �i� �p -i" a�r� � � ' ������Y������� .�'-���-_ .� �� ��. sa . �M i y' ° - �� .,. ,��-=-_- �- �' ��► '�i��".y'� �� � � .�.: ` ` �` ���` �� ����� .. " . t g� �t�4 ' � —��', + � y� �x� �r� '�t��. �� r � F �`��� .���i',;.'!�� � ��l � -[ �`I', �}}�� .� . `��"^:�� r _ !yl,T '�.. �rT°�". � - ��� _ �. i.� ,.�� �� '��y�� P i , _ _ _ ` 5.� YY y� . In` . � ._. ' ... � �� .�.y �� rA ' 1� �T �.. ���-�'� �y � 1" �--: / k * ' " •. : j �.�- � J '� �� !�� y, . +� . �� ����* �� � ��• . �� � �, �tl I � . '. � �=T�^.��.,-� e."j� � M�� r, ` . �� � �� I� � �` � i' ,°� 't��� ' � � �' �;r��': ` ' �s f � ��� �� �� 1�- ��. ��� #� �qr �� ;�i l� �` �-� � i �„��i���_Y�' � — � ��-� =�� ��' � �`� � �I;- r.. �� ~ r a ������. " '` Department of Community Development " Varle � '`��. , ! }. � ,3'_.. Planning Division � , i�; CPA-04- 12 -�. ;,,.,: L+�, '':} � �' • } �:�,� ��ay -.;> ti. � N •�.� _Y,v y,� ��Y ������� • � ��'��° �,.l.. .r.� .. -, ... �iT Y. . ���"N 1'''m..,�'����L L i" .- - , . �` .��� � '�w` P ��� �-. -._ ,�� � •y� � ` , .' .�A . ..., �" �'•�Rr: ui �. 'i 7 t � n � �W � . {(. s d � ,tlGx '' .. u �•.r,`, �� R.¢,,� .,,._ r'��d :}viy���'�1�",,�' .t � � � , . " F H e'��'�x , �*�L,,+ i 'k� ��K�� ��. � �� ,� - � �"� �+ � , � a t r�-�� r �� ! �� �� i6�� fi � � '���' ',,`,�' i�,[�� ���y���. W'�bM � �: ��� � r� � «+�R' �9"���r��t'� �!!�� R �,p ;.�:� _.�I i. - �y,_ ���•. ' . ' k ! '� ��/ J •I ' , p i ��� � i ,� 'iw,o.r. � � ��if} ,+�p! . �',' . _ ; I ' '. � ' '��� �.',�;� � ��il. .- . � � �"""'�� ������. " '` Department of Community Development " Varle � '`��. , ! }. � ,3'_.. Planning Division � , i�; CPA-04- 12 Looking South .� <� r1' � �k� � � F*� � ��� � Looking Southeast �� � � �., � . i.° _ -� �- c��� - - �u�/ � � _t _ r-e- I ��~ - � _ .i, : _ �,�'""'9-,- - � - - -� --T��� ��-«^' ._-- -..�__ _ �-- __�.___,-___- ������. " '` Department of Community Development " Varle � '`��. , ! }. � ,3'_.. Planning Division � , i�; � [`atc - Comprehensive Plan P�rl—:Fii:b;�ri p ro�,—v l �= f �� .... r, .. ...�� ' � _ � I �,la`-3����1� - °_ �___ �.,.. I l __ � - ° _ l ..........°..........� � ��1-(1"ciilll �1ti - - - --- i . .� � �����. " '` Department of Community Development " �Varle� Planning Division � � ;`''i�,. � '� s �' ,��1�� Zoning __ -��������i���� - - - --- �. _ _ _-_ ___ _ _z , � _.� , � - --_- --- PiE�; R,:�.3�1 - - - - _ - -, `-� - � �_ 1 __ ~` - �+;r;] - -- --. .-- r �.�-= - - - -:F - _ � - I ` - ._ `_•_,I ���-' >> — �_ �C'P��-D�-�2 ;� — — -- _- -- �i�'�'�i'elt�.a� E3io�id���i v � I — — - -- ������.. " '` Department of Community Development " Varle � '`��. , ! }. � ,3'_.. Planning Division � , i�; � 1 ' 1 ' � ' � 1 Application Description: Privately initiated map amendment Proposed Amendment: Low Density Residential to Office Applicant(s): Land Use Solutions & Entitlement 9101 N. Mt. View Lane Spokane, WA 99218 �����. " '` Department of Community Development " �Varle� Planning Division � � ;`''i�,. � '� � : . . - � _ -r,� _- � ._ ., III... � 'i � _ _. • • • y I �. ��;,� ;p � � •� -. �, Vicinity Map ��_�,��� �� -,� ; r F� �,�;, � - Y .�'.I &-�' : �. . 9 .. ,.:`'' + ..:� _ �� ���k '��`�X� � �r s{i _ � III I 4'n. �+. �' � a ��� �'� � '_�.� .. i.- "�'�'�� : �4 ' - - ,,s�.�_ Fr �F .� .f.�A �� � ' +y�4 � +� � ! i nr� �f i ,�-'�:� `�{-^��^�`� r,l� �,,R�� � ' l� � ' �.era- ' . � .. a�. . � I� I , r � i � . ,_,7 . f t raF ��� � �' * — "� _ � i��''�Ilei.f � ! ! -y. „�n:�_ . ��"i,/,t� — �.. - --�'inta��-� ,�" �-�� _ _ ;� �: �° ��','"�',��� -�..s, � _ 4int _'�_Y- �: � , �� �-.� �,�� � .� �e �� � �y.;.. +` ��e + � � `-: '"` �`,�� rr as _ �- �� ,�] w s„ ,� '�L,,' i `�c�a•r•� c��`� ���� � t�l:�' ���� .Y,;11i �rs�s � . ' �, !. . ,�+� y�' 'lR '� _ . t �=`.��1,��RL'��• — ^ fF' �� �.� Ftf rP'� �i S �� � — rR�'� ''�r ." r��. ��. � � ���� �''.11 ��� Y . a.11f�s .rf �i= �yr' �l ° � . � 7� � ryryry��� �':. 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F — �t' ,T F ' ' � �` � � � [ ��.-7 .!'� ` � y s ' ,� �� '�_�� .�;�' ..�,�`` ° �- , �`"�`>�' �C • .'�" �,. �* ,. . �� � s t w. , �• . � � � � r� ������.. " '` Department of Community Development " Varle � '`��. , ! }. � ,3'_.. Planning Division � , i�; CPA-06- 12 .a,� ; ,�, _ ._ . 31 �f` _ �. �l� -'- � - 1, �,�� �_Y�� � , ���� �� � �4: �.,f� � , �i'" ' s� �Y �,Y - :,�. �. 1�, - I __ � 1�i� _ ` i– �- — _ ' �fi a ,� ��y� �� �'�II;,. . . . � . � _. . � . . � • -a ' ` M p � ��"�j�1 .e�� •�* ^ .. .. �� j^ ���'' « ���� '�'k � y ��� �'r,. t ` k. �.� _ _ �. � 14 'r r,�fidi� �..p ,+�' � - '�rT � .�� ''r, �" i' � � ` � _�°_-�' � � � ,�,. _-— „"�' ,._,.. �.�• -•,o r+ • . (�; _ =:: ������.. " '` Department of Community Development " Varle � '`��. , ! }. � ,3'_.. Planning Division � , i�; CPA-06- 12 : ,�� �� , t *F�� k rA. �, ��k, ., � .�''� �; ` �'+,�:. �, xr. , ,",�,; i�.�;5'� St .I r� ' . �� . � i� — ...� �...�-����� —�o • �.t, � ,.�4" i�,�,t�`.. _ ,1 f.— � .��3��..1'._��� ...� .. -'i ,A, ��.--��,�_ �:. , . .��.'iiwa..t:.. .r. . . . _ ..: �-...I�Ci"* �.;..� . . � � � . �� ������"��T�3� �f��.� • � .. �4� �-. .� � ` � II.. � ����� .,. � - •����ar�_���A �"'�� < . .,�. , , �� ; - � _ -�t i ��M � ;` �� �. - __ �e�: � � �k�n;,�' ' � �� �� � '�i�, ' ' rn � ;��` I�� 6 .!�� q� a `.. `"%. - r �g, � P �S��:s '7-t(yr_"c',^.-+y�w � •� �.. i � '�;i.. �.1l�F -�._. 1 ���.:'i V•'�It.�,� .+y��ir� `��� s p` - „ , ,. . _ ,�__ \ ��" _ _ ,SX�� �, .�.,� - �:;�.... � 1 , i � 1 i � �"� , r_. �-'�,��:q. � � � � �� : - �J:i - �. �����""'���s`' :,� ���'���� --- ��������,,,.�'' �:,�.�.�_!'��� ,_,��.��'�I'���;� � . . . � i-� �,�� � � , ���"'; � �� �;� .. � �..�''� 11�� � � �,.�-� ,. � � � � 1� � : }�f�J .��� . . . . � . r � 1�J�J'�J�r��J��,�.J►/l� ���+� . � �i►'. . . . .�� .. � . . % P' . . . ... . i . . . . � � �� �� � s � � ��,,��� � r� ��+' ��� �j _�+"'�r�����,+r� ,.�•'�' � i ���.���_�_�� �____�����. � � � 1 u . ����� � _ ��� ��� � ��� ��� ■ ��������� I � ,,,, ,,, � � � �` � � � ■■■������ ���' r ,I � � � r� � � i �� � �� � r � 1 , i � 1 i � �"� , r_. �-'�,��:q. � � � � �� : - �J:i - �. � .- r �- ������.���-��:������ � ����� ='`'�=��i � � � � � ��;��.:�� � ����- � �����-■■■ �� � •�-=� J•�-"�! � l�'�"���./'.�r��'".�� �••-..`���-� ��� � :F :"' � � �� � �� „ I ��.�►� � � � � % � - -�ff�"'��'�� " � :� . ��� � � �� � ���� �� .� � .- ���� � � ����� � � , �� _.-'� 1 ■� �� ` �_� ■■■ ■�■ �■ ■ -� 11�■■ ■■■■■■■n � � �■■■ ■■■■ � ■■ �.� � . � � � ■...■■■■■�■■■■� ■i � � � � � � � � - � - i .� � �; .������ _■■ _ � � 1 , i � 1 i � �"� , r_. �-'�,��:q. � � � � �� : - �J:i - �. � -- �� , . -._ - ---- � � ��� � ---- �� ����..��_.��__ _ _ � -- �� . . :: ���R�,�� M � j - - -- - - � - .. .� ■iw � � i � ir� �� ��t,lIM t.lN � �I���M�Mi i� _ _ � r '� �!`����r' � ��i�i , ,� � � - — ]� ���1�■� � ���� � � _ �-- � 1 I���Q �- � � ���i� a ' - !�r����r�� � ��I�■■ '� , �-,� �� � ��I.� e 11 �:1�1L��.1-.�� � ��;..� � ��''' '� � _ � .— � � ��,. 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'� 7L ��` A� �s �� . �. - ', '1 � ,7y ���'� � , -�.�R ."� y� ■j 7 ����� I�� .�� , I u . i� i■i X�'�t ��. �� ��` � ��� � � �� � �� _ Ai '.8� 9b I� ,�!r�.'�t��' � ��� _ ����'�11{�1�1� . ,w �, . � ��1� ����.��"� � .� I� 11f ...y¢ � . . ti��� — - ,��� �� �■11,■�1��1 �J. � �, M a ■ ��� - — - — a ='- �==■I�������::�I�..i� �' I�' � ������.. " '` Department of Community Development " Varle � '`��. , ! }. � ,3'_.. Planning Division � , i�; � � , � , � � I Application Description: Privately initiated map amendment Proposed Amendment: Office to Community Commercial Applicant(s): Sonrise Land, LLC 11219 East Sundown Drive Spokane Valley, WA 99206 �����. " '` Department of Community Development " �Varle� Planning Division � �f;`''i�,. � '� "��'�n.�""�� � i�'. ��.-�'-- ��s� Vicinity Map � ��s `= j x Y�.` � �'' � . :��,. - - � ,..a� � , ._ __�'` . __�. _ y .yr� - : -�, ,� � -_ . r� - �� , • � - - - - .►�+ ,� �� - � _'"'° �� , �i`'.� : � ,�`� _�'� � . 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Planning Division � , i�; CPA-03 - 12 , � � ��� �. ��"�t �� .; �� �� Subject �, � � , ��.� � .,�-s. � �:�?� , r ` `� Property � r 6�� �. �y r. �' _ v� � r���,� vn. � 'l �j s� ,�G� � �r ; � � _ �'.' � _ ' � Y� . I� �+ L� � �.,���.. � r�-.i�r,rSfiE � < � -� � ._... . . .. .: � fi�. .. �:l.i..- .. . _' -w.w,� --. � � - _4 -�-4'�.-�". - , ."�-._. ,.�n��N/�IB1ack 32�-3575 �� .-�-'� . � ' ._ - . .�c .:i- - -_ .. . _ .' ' � �s . M - � , _. _—.1 R ��,�:,� .. r ,'r � �'. 4i' . _ .qw't ��`'�'. 1}� '�i+� � .V4'� - ] # ��:.i �e� rj��5�' �� C ��A f .,��,� � I I � +�C w;�. '.;e� — — __- { �I.��I �� .�: � � � , �.� . �� �'��� �ei d�f a' �' -_- - . � _ t7k " _ j ,i _ _ _ _ _ ..:�5 — �.� _.�_ _ _ . ������. " '` Department of Community Development " Varle � '`��. , ! }. � ,3'_.. Planning Division � , i�; CPA-03 - 12 Looking North T '� :, _ .�, �.l�. ��. ���'- . �- � y ti *��� ��� �f �'e. � ;�_ „� ,�• ,�� ,�'�;,x r'. �il���pC � ,,.:��� �rsF,�'.�. . �C"J��fi.-.._.�� ;�� ., � �g R�. _��'wm+..ie �_T�+�ba!'.rtF y'.'r4�^ �yob.•_. �...u`— .:.. ��. � -.� .�. �� -... - : r*- ,r..� 9 t ' tt � � � - ,1�F'� '� ,'� •. —�r ' � , :9t737 �_, . :i ,t _ ` � , _ . . u�rna���� _- �� R f � RC�7� � � ��,� .��f.� i',." s�.-' R� ii�1a!�� I..� � n ��!�, �y����rr I�� ,^ +� 'B • 1 � " ., 4�,, � u,1'� ;,:.�-�-' ,� 2 Y � �' < � . . _. '� �` er._. .wwi.. li y��mt u�:.'� � rn._�� _ � �'YC i R�+.My ^k�V� . _ •F� _ ► �����. " '` Department of Community Development " �Varle� Planning Division � � ;`''i�,. � '� Comprehensive Plan r:�:���,it:���; 5 -- � �. (_ �'_�_I}�_1? :'���ile�yi•���.. . �il �.-,';-,� . . . . . . ... � _ I 1 ` 4 �_i�-f•-�r_�" ' r'_"r� .s'r I i � � "�� _ � � r � �_� % �� i i i I irl� _ '', � , ��. Pioueei� anrl �.�" r - r� � r � �� f�„r_� R�111�]174�� -- I � , � i �y � :i ,' ;_' r1�kl ,� '^' , , —ti r .T � � _ '- �J � �y � � _.___.__ �a� _ J _ � '�`f�ll+.� - -e I -�� J � �!; �� �� T —� � ------ � _ � � �. J � �/1 � ___�_ :T' � _ I J'1 i � � � I '`"� I'.J � �- — �:al1�:r_��It��� �����. " '` Department of Community Development " Varle � '`��. , ! }. � ,3'_.. Planning Division � , i�; Zoning c��-a�-�� r��-t�� �.��t��� � _ -- �Pi�uee�•:iud - - Rainbc�3i - � - - _-- J - --- ---Ir. _ ���'�C1 .'���,1- . i - _ _ f_ _ _ r,. - --- -- - �I _y _ - � � -_ r - r-� ��. -_ ' J ������.. " '` Department of Community Development " Varle � '`��. , ! }. � ,3'_.. Planning Division � , i�; � � , � , � � I Application Description: Privately initiated map amendment Proposed Amendment: Medium Density Residential to High Density Residential Applicant(s): Land Use Solutions & Entitlement 9101 Mt. View Lane Spokane, WA 99218 �����. " '` Department of Community Development " Varle � '<''�. , ! }. � 3' . Planning Division � , i�; ���� ' f�!.[^� . � �. ��': , a.. ".......� ''"_� - � ..'.ti . . r :,i.�y 1 �� f`.*�_ ..�3�� � -�_�-_��.a _�. t�f _��". , Vicinity Map ����Y � ,_..y-... �. ��� .^ S� , � �. , -,;' � fl � , � ` �. � .,� .�, t� Walmart �� ` ,�, 4 � - _. � , �� . �"`"�-.�-�,.,,- _ ,'� �i ` .���'^ �': . � �`� ,T��'` `�'" �� _ - . _ � �_ .�,, -._��_ Y�' s- zR A qy �{ �- I �R �{t,.til �,~���� S�-� � ¢ � ��� s ^ �'� �� � -� `l ]� . . . . . ' � �'�S_ .. . f � .. �� +d;.�.� �r 5 r � ' � �'�+,� . Lowes f\Q�I J � � '�' ti. �.'r; � `t. • f� t:.�=° r �r ; ` � �` �' C� � a_ � �. � _ ,.� ... _ �� �� - ` . ` . f . � _ - _ �..+c..+..t � _. :_ � � �� �Y" � . ��'�.r { -,� .-- � - _ �� _ +rrt_r...._.�.� . " ���a� ' �: ., :.4' - Y.- � . '' � � G _�. ..4 ' � -y.t�+L= ` .� �� � �,,.. _ � � . .. - - ' � �Y � i. �,����'�� f��',�� - � �. i f is. a. . . -' ..�� � a � . 1 - -' _ . 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Planning Division � , i�; � � , � , � � I Application Description: Privately initiated map amendment Proposed Amendment: Office to Community Commercial Applicant(s): Ronald Steiger 7917 East Gunning Drive , Spokane, WA 99212 �����. " '` Department of Community Development " Varle �''`��. , ! }. � 3� . Planning Division � , i�; _ _ •i.i... .) i. .',y y � —. 'y� :'f•� ..•4 . . . _ , �r�,,._-_ ` - �F} Y Z� k " ' � ��_ �f�� �e .. ���+�.� a � , +� -_ -, - Vicinity Map �����- -- —� - �� t;, - . � � _ ._ . � �,� -;��_ "���,� �,:�,� " �LL'-_ �, � . . .i ��r��i�,����:� _ '��,� �#.��~�,���` ' �� �_ .e��•�++�•` ..`�'f'� '. r- �,;+ . �:��wt � a � � i i ,. ;�3 �'��� '.e 'S�r� ."��;,`+x�c� �� � a#` ��.*:�1.,, � t�}-�`�'_ — � ,4 ��� _ _A`-'��� '�►�" � ,, � ���� ` } �� .y ;� � i� , �i � '����,�l � . -,-' �' � , " - - � + , � ,� , „ j � r� • l _ ' , - o� M1' a���'� � ','��'r , , � � �.� �,,� , . r , • ��, Walmart • ,����- `;�s . ' - L L „� 1� P. . � .:a �� , im '_ � ' ' ��9 +� .�}' T'�_ ;. -� � � ,�. 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L : Ar f'�� ���� Y'rrw� I f � �4,� f' rf 4{ ����� rr�, r� Y_ y [� � �`!', �41 ~' A yA - ��[,�� i" 10 �'" �� ��-' n�- L4N����1rT�i�l��'1r11rcl?I�!*�' �-� ��1�7 r�_,.•�ie.:`�,�"TY '4� ��� ���`"r s ��i�]f���lld���r��,� �� ��"�-��. ,�;,�.�_ 4._ � �' . _ . + _ e __ —� . 4, - - r.�� � - - - � � ` _ Y * +� ��,�F � � � �e '�`�� � ��'� r �����1"�'11a1�1'-�� �� �, � r etl �4,1Sit4 , _ �� � � . �_� .,. � G j �_3 , �Y .F� ��i? ��lyy �i -�� � �_ - !�+f.' �� �. �� � vY ������. " '` Department of Community Development " Varle � '`��. , ! }. � ,3'_.. Planning Division � , i�; CPA-07- 12 Looking at Amendment Properties . d {.;_ �..,. , ::: : _ _ �� — � ----- �- � --- --� � - .+.��+Qy� �._e._ „� ��� _ -.E _ I_� _ � c � ` ' � �.i���� � $ � :;�'�" �;"��r 'i4 , {��r � f�� /3'4�� T���.,�� �' �f i � 1 � •��� � ` � ��(�* �• .. �' � � �� �� ��, y � ~ �''f, ^ ,ti L��i� f: L7 �Y�,. �!. 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Planning Division � � ;`'',i�;, , '� r Comprehensive Plan ,;; ����l�l 4. -���rcl�«:�_y- � L�i;��ti�lt�;,i� C�P4-07-12 _ �� � � _ - ,� �� � ���T ii�E��-fa'�z'lcl- � ` � ; � � ' !---_�.; o , � i i - � � � � � Pigtiee�i�tl � �. � I �i ��iiiiL�i«- �Y _� '_� .�-- �114i � J J a "��°�'i .3 �J r, � � ^: �— _ :/': �.�_____ ,� �' �. � ` j� � �' � ^ - ..� � � � U: � � I � - _��l le_y`����a_y � �'- �<<31-1��r��Y L_ �� �:--- -� _ � : �. � � -- ������. " '` Department of Community Development " Varle � '`��. , ! }. � ,3'_.. Planning Division � , i�; - r � �; � �� �-� Zoning ,�: � "t���..,�t� _ ������t��-�,�- ; , � -- - . I � d d t� .�� __ — � . . , � C�P_�-D7-1? _ _ _ � s� -.� — � - ��,iin��l�+�I�j �. _ � - -- - _-._ ..;ki N1� Ai71�. � r _. J - +�f y ' :' - -_ - •"^�. �1:l l il�l 1t15 F''r• _ ..' -- - 2�,� � xs�,; _ � - i y; _ -- - ; . . ..-'` --. E "`� - .'11 l�=i-- ^ �� j �- - � __ _.�_ fj - .r � --� -_-- _ !� J — � � _.. J � - �� � ,� - � - G ;f;. � � � � _-_-- if �.��✓" - � _ _ � 3��.. ._�- 4r rll�ja�:a,y 1'arll�«����,� - -- -- I _ - __- � � 1 � _ �����_ " '` Department of Community Development " Varle � '`��. , ! }. � ,3'_.. Planning Division � , i�; Cit Initiated Text Amendment Y • CPA-08- 12 (Chapter 2 : Land Use) — Updated population estimates • OFM's population estimate for 2011 = 90, 110 — Updated Figure 2. 1 LU by Comp Plan Category — Revised Potential Annexation Area Language — Update Map 2. 1 to reflect approved changes ������.. " '` Department of Community Development " Varle � '`��. , ! }. � ,3'_.. Planning Division � , i�; Cit Initiated Text Amendment Y • CPA-09- 12 = :=�a ;� � _,� _ -: . - y�� �� . _� � � �kNa, `` — (Chapter 3 — Transportation) ,��f � _��� _� �` ��'�__ puAssni r � . .-.�% — tiaz � — Delete non- ��--�:� zariyof��no� ,�. �- ��� - ,� � �� - - . i � .��� �y�l_ - - _7 ', motorized � �,F�.�� � � � -=��' , �.�,.. 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Planning Division � , i�; Cit Initiated Text Amendment Y • CPA- 10- 12 (Chapter 4 — CFP & Public Services) — Updated 6-yr TIP — Updated Population Proj ections (Table 4.4) — Updated facility and service data • Community Facility Finance Plan (Table 4.6) • 6-year Sewer CIP • Fire Department Capital Proj ects Plan (Table 4. 11) • Parks (Table 4. 13, 4. 15 & 4. 17 ������.. " '` Department of Community Development � " Varle � '`��. , , � ,3'_.. Planning Division � , i�; Cit Initiated Text Amendment Y � • CPA-07- 12 (Chapter 7 7 --- -� �, �� i .� , i a , � ' r��-� �,��� ``�� �-.r�'��� . � Cin�oi - � -�_�'� a�.4 _ , Economic Dev.) -�.��.,�s , � -- � ;� , ��'� ��,e �'=-� . ��'� �� .. _—__ .�. {��" E�FS�1� I° � 'z� �rok'' ; I..., ■ Tanau£]�-, ^�� � w �_ � ��.�_I.0 �(�` �� �i�� - °k x"" u 1:"` � �' + '� � a ,�r+' . . x� �-�e� a fi� �. *� _ ��� �. 1. �5.� � I �!�. k �� y � — Updated entire - u� '���=������ ,�a r�����a �°� �,, � a�I,�._ ___ � '`�.` ��r�- g"��--_ ���-'i. 'F��°%'� ¢, ti7 ' �V � �'m °a�.., t`' '��' �- � J�Q� � !. �"� Ya�_- _`�°L-,� A.- �� { I � � __ Ii. 1� .a'x � • � � �� � �� � � Economic ,.��~� ,� � �� �: �.��-; ���` � �:�m y �� �' I �` ,:� q _:, _, ; �-�.�:'�� �. �� --� -�°,.. �.� _ -� - � _ • �'� � �� !� �� � r,� � Development � ' -�-� :�`��:�' �`����' . ,�- n, � . .� : � �� ����' ;i � � > " ,� -•. � — � b '�„ ...a- ! - �'�`'Ys. ,y'�`���°'SFlr e��� . 14a �+'*, s�ui � r �,�■ � _§ Cha ter ��:=�.�:a 4��� � ���s�r���„#� � �� ����u�r� �� �� �� � �'�_� ._ � � i��`�....✓ ��i ��I�_���I',�j f Jt �� F�I I 1.11J I � . � ��,- � �.Y� ` � *'�� �'���� �4 . „� . s i I �� i ti - --' s' 1'_.�.��.i;�. .,r .�'�������� �pry �iT� ��,i:.s : .. y __. _� '�:� x - � I���y�� .�'.�.*7� �,'.' � . � �� _ a .� � � • � `• � _� `" ���-�� � . , � -- � 2� — Updated Map 7. 1 ���,y�� F� ��q- n.� . ---- . �--- -� - . - :§ ,}.�li.e� I�F��7� � Development ,6�- �� ��.� � �,� �:� � ;_ __ , � ' � . "�� �- ACt1Vlt�1 —� �R_ �- 1; �Ef. y _ �;� �_� �� r. �:: `� C� r ;_-�- - — - �.i.:s�= --- _ ._, � - ������. " '` Department of Community Development " Varle � '`��. , ! }. � ,3'_.. Planning Division � , i�; Public Hearin is scheduled for g Februar 23 2012 Y � ������. " '` Department of Community Development " Varle � '`��. , ! }. � ,3'_.. Planning Division � , i�; 2012 Com rehensive Plan p Amendments Public Hearin g February 23, 2012 �����_ " '` Department of Community Development " Varle � '`��. , ! }. � ,3'_.. Planning Division � , i�; Com rehensive Plannin p g The Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan (SVCP) lays out a vision for the future of Spokane Valley during a 20-year period and responds to the requirements of the Growth Management Act (GMA) ������. " '` Department of Community Development " Varle � '`��. , ! }. � ,3'_.. Planning Division � , i�; Pu o s e o f Annual Amendments � • Ensure the plan is consistent with: — Community's vision — City Council policy — Other City plans (e.g.TIP) • Opportunity to accept public requests . • Reso ve un oreseen circumstances �����. " '` Department of Community Development " Varle � '`��. , ! }. � ,3'_.. Planning Division � , i�; . � � . � - . , � � 1 � � 2012 � Docket . , , . - ������.. " '` Department of Community Development " Varle � '`��. , ! }. � ,3'_.. Planning Division � , i�; Comprehensive Plan Amendment Process ■ Comprehensive Plan amended annually ■ November 1 St 2011 cut off for applications ■ Planning Commission (PC) conducts Public Hearing (2/23/12) ■ Public Hearing Continued (3/8/12) ■ PC recommendation to City Council (late Feb/early Mar) ■ Council makes final decision (end of April) ■ Appeals to Growth Management Hearings Board ■ Site-Specific Map Amendments ■ Zone Change with Comp Plan Amendment � 1 , i � 1 i � �"� , r_. �-'�,��:q. � � � � �� : - �J:i - �. � i���mu.�_ �'�� Vd?��'ti��,y.�'F°��'�t,, ��'����� � a --- , � �, �� � .n.rn �P r ° ■�1 �.� " ' �s� :, i '�'� . � ar��ae.��aass� �rr�rr��r� - - - � �� � � '9, � u� �'�, ����r.r�,��� "� ' I� � � � re'ii����, ������: '� ' �,-� - 4�"__ °0�: '-- ��,��� ..��.. �li Elil � � � �,� ,� ,�ib - - ' .. .. �-EY�cc1411;: �i��Rf w.. �r� _ ! , .. ' ��,�. 4 , ---= .�.,� � ,��� .� * - +�r:� � 'Y• � �- u11 ;���� �� � �� '�' '�� � - _- - -__ :: m:,,;' ' o ni;�Nt ���������, . � _ � , .�:�, I �' ' �I..�i� en� e -+�+"'LL .li �� �� ��� �r�����`�li-lIgP�}°,�,,��.°� s�� ?i t� „�s�"j'� Y ,�` .`II 9: a5 e � � , � �,� 4 S_ 3.�� a �.'� ���.�»� �'c3�r ��i FC � i +�15,�!�rV � � i �h���. � _ 4� a�'�:?'' z p pEr�y�i Exr�y+3��� �ry`�r-r-1������ il Il�ril� II II15� ���� f e .q 5 �� e. , . rr7�J 9R� �r- : e n� a m � ll�• IL n�r�7f�i : wi ! C �� f��.. �ji�''711e.11m ��'� �i`S Fneiiii����3� -s�rr�L��l3't �� ' . r��l� �F � .:? ,�.. �r�. . M�'.' ..� �i 7�e71 �iK_�. d �e F c �': � ° 3 n g--'�E � � E a�: .r�e9 i1�sP��" — - r k�:.]s�� I�i,�I,.c.�i�.'�II�P liicii��ni�i�i J�a�:���� i�f������ �� : '� ���. l=11 ifl�":4G�i$ mlf i747 i� J�` - � ����IIII_ II ••••_a UYF�� llnllm �, 1 ,7. �9 � � �� �•f eiq � �IIII ,� ���P�Y�I 711 WI +�,� y�IIII i� :s n�PS �i:im i. � � € nu �i��i � ., ��,�� I 'T' � : il�� I� �, � ,-.���-; �IIx�� ° ��ili I �nr � ._ mf� a' �im.- '���-�IIIIICd� . i 1 i i o � �:� - "��` '�1�$1111C�•-"x � �_o� s' ^;���� I II�I�IMI I p�In i7�511 r. 7 `� ���j qq , it�Jlll:bi������.°� ��7sali�`�I�al��6"�11s�ii�.11l��11111111. C'AIF�IIliO� �5'Ce:E��l��iC������°miFc:'r��J`�.��i�1�1��-�m�Kqii'dll9�.�. - - .e p ��v'Y -��'-�, 79l4yq'�Et u un.':11.�2i " 1411��-i'�.k9'-��. r'll I �'llly I �"'_p��I� �lNM`r� � , - I f ��'+�� ��lk �[� °���', � P��,"' � 1Ir,:� �r t9-"rt� � ------ . �u R' �. 1�+r "?,.`a �9 �� di�� . � ' a 4 �� -�• �� _ :�r���. +�..�s`�F-..`�^W!���`-�i.��. �+�''�.�',uzw''----�=� h.�i�i�:ti ���'�'�,`qJ���4'��� ;s .'.."�1P1 ,��. .� -�—�' .. �u�� �issk��:����������e NN�.���. � ���E � nl�.-, V fl.h ��� �'4.�`1�f i,ill I f� +fA�" �a � a� � I �r`� '�I'' � ' -�II . . . t�a I� F■ Ip I f � ����" a� �iy° ���;°!R°J.�9�7 '.e���� . .III�f e� .. ��� Illf 1•,- 11I�,��,,. #�."n"�1G4".�'S ��,, �il[� l ���S��IIIR�: A� � '��ll�nJ !'T�.C'" CI�'. �rZP �� w �1'�es,,,,,�r . � t 1 111,,, t'�e.. � ',C'! -a��R � � �7 �, '�� ,�q�- ��9 Y � - °d1W�d�`Rx�HUY��R ���,1�"��"�'s� - �� g+..� �� n`�� !1 .e� a =' ��� L �'7...5' i��i� ILS.i �i � -� � �� �. I° 97y"f�� e q� ��t��l� Ja li .i cs rrs_!� ■C i Ir � I����� 4- r � IIIl7lI9V : .� IUI1111C �,r° � .� 7u F"0�'ihr� �lllf��G IIII � 11■ e yl� 1.u Y ��.IIII�IJ� �7�.�tg � � �� -��Illllfi � ii � ➢!JC �.. � �I �� � .1+■fIN � p'�-Sd" �=i�1�l'�' �11�' � `' ���Y�C� . �� 1■0 . `���...����:: � ill� �s �1I�� } �.�'I� ■`j j IYSA� +�^v 31A1: 6�+�'�hl r� � � �''�',ti4�1L���� d:�.� :',�` ; ■ r � r�r `IIIN �, ��'� 3�#1��r�Y�.�� .uu{. ���Iir7�� - '°R ��`°#RL!!H"� '_� ���� IL.i 7 �x.:7 � r�,-a� Tn� , � t�r.� +�JVid ; �'��e� �'�e i R��� �in� x�`F� `��3� , �_ �^' - • � � l � .. `, _�l��b�T�, .�CE �p��.�h.d`iL ��C���i . ..�G 1 7 1� 1'�■ � r C rC"".�1 � �S�',� ..#. � � T—r �y���Ka'I. _�d`v"�t.ti � �dii. '� '�� ja ��t��::� r Y p_���� i�a .��'���'__� ' T"�i!. e�� ������.. " '` Department of Community Development " Varle � '`��. , ! }. � ,3'_.. Planning Division � , i�; � � , � , � � I Application Description: Privately initiated map amendment Proposed Amendment: Low Density Residential to High Density Residential Applicant(s): Scott & Sarah Creighton 815 S. Marigold Spokane Valley, WA 99037 ������. " '` Department of Community Development " Varle � '`��. , ! }. � ,3'_.. Planning Division � , i�; �: �F ' t Vicinity Map � �� � ��`� 4 .�"�. ��� �+q�,.' `'' _ �. . � , �- .� �. `�`� �, � . �� �: � = 1� .�, , � �" � , ' = ,r . � �� � � • � .Ql'. � � .�� �r ,���� � k r � � � � � � � r � i � � � � _ , � '� � � p�r � � '' 1 .v..sy - _ � �+��w. - � - - .. .�' �r �.]�1�2- —�.. _ _ — : �--�, �� �. � C'P_�.-t)1-121 � _�' �. . i �.; �s � ' � � r . .,, _ � � � -�-�-. . ;�4 � ' , �I� nr � � ( , �� � .. � ��� � , 1.+� �" �' ,`— .�� �� _ � '�r, .�' _ � � . �, i . . _ ,r B ;.,. - � . ' � :��� ' � `* ' � � � .e� � — �t. €•_ � � ,�-�` � �! `- _,�; _ ��_�- - - 'r._+' ..� ,� , � e�� � �� �������`"=� ;f ' ' r+�1 a � � '��� �� ..; r� r �'� , ��` — M� -•-- .�� �',w,,.-•n�. � , ,�.; �� '� .r '' �. y,r � Yc �:'' °' ' ��' �.� r -' ���� ,�� � . � Q7",. ��—�•I ��:✓� } ,� ` y_^�•�� � �'. J ... ' . , �r � �t � ■ r� � � �' � �� � � �IA r �� , � � �- � � �� ��'��;�,. .. - �t ,a. � �" ���. *.,'' ,�, " � � ,�f�,V � �`t;, � ��' �' - �•.� _'�'. '' - - s�� � �'alle�-��fa�- �� „�� � �� - -� _ � � ���,.�:- � . �. . � -�T-�� �. �� -� � � � °*� � I � ,P . .. ' _� i ,,�,' �� d e� .� � � 1 � 'r�� N�� I �� ������i ��l ������.. " '` Department of Community Development " Varle � '`��. , ! }. � ,3'_.. Planning Division � , i�; CPA-Ol - 12 Subject Property �%��' , � / i � � � � �� . �� , , , . , . ,, , , :, , � �,: ,'.,��`;I � ,! k'� �� " / ~ �F�� � "� �.",�'.' � �����I' `i� � � - � ���� > '`�� .. ...� � .i ���`' � - - �,�;i, > � ��' - �`�1 - �•�`.�� ��- `�Y -_ - _-_ _ � —� ��� ���� �; � � � '�, ' r.:!��i � f4-:i ��_��� - �'� �I{� � - .��ys,�A� S�:' _ y.. ' � �/ I l I 1 � ��.�T+ �� ' - ;• � ■ I4 � � �f � �j I � �' ■ I � +.� � p � �� �� �.� � �e :�� _ .1R T� ,� � x�. � ��� a � ,,i, � �, , ..-�.. � � ��,' �;� � ��� �,,,� - � ,_. � / ���I���� � ����� I��b�.'.� ,: � � � aS q 1f4 \ f:`�`��,n�� 11 . -. . ���� � � � � r ��� � �'�S°f dpi� . . � 3'J:n�n, �, �Qs � ��� � �y�: t �y �� `y N��X i� y��'� �����I� � i� �°�l1 � ���' ' �� � ��' � {�. � i I �� ,`"S��'d � � � ������� d�"�`AJF*e�i� � a"� y ��•�c, �^��P� ,�� �� � � ;�� � / �f k-�. ��s.. OS r;�r�r�,'��. k,��ir..'� �i°�� F �'1o.k,�'�t���tl ,i�,� . .. :'...��tfi�..���.,:� ` � ������. " '` Department of Community Development " Varle � '`��. , ! }. � ,3'_.. Planning Division � , i�; CPA-Ol - 12 _ � ��.. �=_�'' � `T `� ����� � �s4�..�,,'�`f�Aa , � �F � � ��;�;., �1 . � _ — �'.�, ��F� . � ' ��� � _�'' -� Y _� �s 3�'°� � ;� Y• �, � � r��. �� �� ' �- � ---- -=�- - - ��� ���, ���_��:�. � °�' �-��-�' - - �,� _ _ . _ . , -r- _ �� _ �:� . r� -- E� ��,����n� - ` " Department of Community Development ti = �►�ti�r�e�' Planning Division � � ;`''i�,. � '� I. /' ±J ti% Comprehensive Plan = �J � � � � � n� _ - '�_ - l �1J s j � ��p1V ���SY � l �r��l��1 � � �^ � ``�°�•-':;=°`,.'• rti�k l 1It i'� I :� , �� �; t � ; (=)li�-� _' C�P�.-01-12 :� - - .- � ��+ ...�.�__ C.. `^ `f:z` Y,,,.°".f`'^ �� ���11������- �����. " '` Department of Community Development " Varle � '`��. , ! }. � ,3'_.. Planning Division � , i�; _ _ - . -- — ___ - -J .__-- _- - ��,; Zoning = _:� _-_ � `� __— � --:,� �__ ��� � � — _ - -— ._ ;�l1 I � - _ '� � �' � � �� _ - � _ — _ -' — — I I - --_ — _ -'� 1 -_ - — � ia' - - — — r, .__ — . -- — — �-- �. �,�!-il������ Cr�st_- -_ _ - �-'``��: '� ��.�t -- _— -_ -- — - .-;,- — -- --- - --—_— - -- > � — _ -- — — - :��l�il� - -- 11�i Y, � L � � (�li�-e � C'P��-D1-12 � r � i ��a'l�e�zti��, �kle4'k�<<v ������.. " '` Department of Community Development " Varle � '`��. , ! }. � ,3'_.. Planning Division � , i�; � � , � , � � I Application Description: Privately initiated map amendment Proposed Amendment: Low Density Residential to Mixed Use Center Applicant(s): Monty Lewis 11006 E. Sprague Avenue ' Spokane Valley, WA 99206 �����. " '` Department of Community Development " Varle � '`��. , ! }. � ,3'_.. Planning Division � , i�; ��' '� :' _ _ � .� h n«� � � , ;� '�, ;��� Vicinity Map -�. ��;, _ � � ' ,�``�`'�i ��� � n � �:� $ ! �°� � -�r' _ , �' " �� t� ;:� � � i��'- �'+�' �'�' �� +� L, � �� �.,� ;,;�,, �� _r�. � ,_ Inrtiana _ � -� ,+� t °�r i� �'_, � - '�- , , � e . '.' � � . - ,_� � I;. _'i ' - , . r _ � .�� � ` `¢,� �9�'� '�`'��4 ���� �,�" { 'S J�� � '��� �� i _� ��,�� � � �.. +� ' � i � �sl�(�1�1i _ •�� � r �� `� �` ?��,� � !'` r� r" �� r � ��,a� - �� ��I f�—� �� �d _��T �,�y f r ' � � � � ..x � ���� � ` � , yT I � r " I_ ��� �������.. ,�r �q ♦�1 �,� �� I ��?t� � 'T►,y���. �T. '"� ._1 k , � � ' i ��:- rt.-no-y,. • i / �..�yey.�j��'� ..� ��:Yi; � � ■ ��� �• �. ��� � �Rilr t -9'_"� ._ —. . ,. ., ' �".�e' t*. _ 4 L��- � ��y_ '�� ' � j � � � � � y�� ����r I�����k' ���li ` �s I �. W� � T' �� �� \�� �R�s -.�.i''I �[F� i` ��Y��.. a r � . ,, '� � ' "� � � �d � ,I� �T� �I�,� :.-- ��, .• . t 1 r� - . , , � _ "�a.. �. � � , - _�, . `� �. C'P�-!l?-4 �`�'` '�"� ` ,� � E �' � '�� '; �.� � �• �� �`r e�� � rt'� �`+�'� ��';�. _ �_ �, � � � '�_ �� f . •ty �.�}'+,�`'f ! ��►- • ?��F surusss �,. �.`Ya���'� 8 :i .`. .� ,� 'i �`�a"�- +� � '�'`•+w! '� �-'�`� .�f�, � �� � ,��,� ,r_. � , � k s � � � '=a' + rt+ �, A '� � � r �+�� '. ' �: ,'�,��."e. ��.� �..,u. — ,.��J� rw� .� � „ �� � _,�.� � � �}l�l .'4�}5. !�lir�icii7 = 1�I�55'tnn -^�.�'` �„��`I�`� 4'rnr� — i�° - ' +r'��'�� ;� ��� t"� � '� � a { _ p � �'^{ �?Y �*�'���. r����^y r�y�� � � �t~��� � ,_' i �r����/ ��!'�■ +..y�.l . � �{a.. _�iP� �{� ,� •�� �,�F' �, ' (,�'""" . �� r , r�- .�,� � �"`� �,��—,�;���';�d' �. � f`•' � 1��1L41['�� ,�����; �r,-' �' . �,,. � - � �r ��..� � � � ;'� n ,�.�� . ��,} � �� 1 �"`!��P, I �� ,; TN.� � rF�'i . � � �� . � - � . _ . , � . � .i . > . � r, + . a- # .',�iy � _� � t � -_ '— �. �;. � �_t'��' k—�� .����� �'�.:�r. . �: _ , `� �� _ _ ' _ _ — - �I -x— F` r.+y � 'F'� < -- —� �`� �°� ,������ - . k_ r � ��� �� .�'�'Il�,i ������. " '` Department of Community Development " Varle � '`��. , ! }. � ,3'_.. Planning Division � , i�; CPA-02- 12 . k� l I��� `I��+.�1�' q . �s C'�,�E ����'s,� 4���r p�r � �"'�t��' , �. ��; ���r� a t �J � ' " r' '�� � ��'�k. L� 1b 'EF Yl���ff 2� M �F '?�-.+�, � 1�F �y'�Fr �.� � , :5'�1� r X� i� _ . � �� °"�� � +�` s �� � __`� ..� 4.' }��. �.'` � ` '. -+. � !'S� y+�����1�� . ' ��� � ��¢y — p ` ���1' ' 1�� .� ' d` I"y�^ •� n �+d �t � � Y '�� �`+,� r, *�-�-,4-� { „�4 , . _, s= � •'.� _ : 1 t a.t .+.:.�7�'tz`-r'��. Y�b �� I � ��'s, � � .���... ��.� . ,�,. � �'--• � _ f �i���h�l.�.. _ �p��..r. � �� � t 1T�,."s � r" ��Y �`' - ,_. � I . � ' { �r� --- '. �+.:'�� 'e' ' "�'����,� �f �_-�,�-;��f ._. .. _.T..� . �ro^3.2� ---- � ,��' y��'��� � . .. � �� � ... . .���� �- �� � �;; I �� �. �-_� _ I II' _� ��«�. �r 71..ee �7I� , �an III I II„ �I - ., 3�� � -�_ ��� .�, ���oP�� -�—�—��•` `� � � - - - _ :_ � ��� � � � 4F�,:�;�.��.y �, : - =� � � - --- - -- ' �.,i ___.__—.� _ . _ - _ �" ������. " '` Department of Community Development " Varle � '`��. , ! }. � ,3'_.. Planning Division � , i�; CPA-02- 12 Looking Southwest Looking Southeast _ . _, . -� � ,�;. ��M .�_� ;.—��o...� �_ � � � _ - w � --r�� ��� �'`'�` - "'.",,.�,.,,,;;.,':-�°�r--` - - : w: - - � t�,�;�; ���� - _ r..: ' .:..i,...� hi - ---�.,,.l.b�� _�--= - - -- _ - ._� �' '� , ..�; .��, '�� ;�,r - ` �����. " '` Department of Community Development " Varle � '`��. , ! }. � ,3'_.. Planning Division � , i�; _� 'J � ti J J ' Comprehensive Plan `� � � r������.����i�, - .��JC>Itarr� Rr`��f�r. ti N�1���t � CP�i-02-12 ;�u��ru�ta ��; � � . �' {}��i-1.Iistii��ir :�1�i�4s�i���i� —� Il-�ts5�ii �` � � J � � L C9 •�! �`-� � c� ;ti- ]�''�{]x 1'`r'��� � t._.����ti��� �7 a�����1 I ��,����n� - ` " Department of Community Development ti = ti�lle � '<:�. - ;� �►� _�' �., Planning Division � , i�;. ,; Zoning � � �� x���� �� � � � � ,: �� �� , � Iticii<�i��� �,; x _ � - ,' — -r � ���C�14:'JIl � ,-r i � i P f Nc��'� i� �`F C�P�'��-12 � - �� ,yea��l��l:z- -- _� — – :;� – _ r __ -_ � --�� (�lt�__l_Ii��i:oi� — _- � �- --- �j -- -_ . // - / 1��t:���'c.li I 1 `�1��� � -- - � � �t�:l� -� f- _ _ _ -::;�I — - _ ,.,., , - �'i7ar��-==. :-� -- ������.. " '` Department of Community Development " Varle � '`��. , ! }. � ,3'_.. Planning Division � , i�; � � . � . � . � i Application Description: Privately initiated map amendment Proposed Amendment: Low Density Residential to Neighborhood Commercial Applicant(s): Ibrahim Farraj 805 N. Park Rd. Spokane Valley, WA 99212 �����. " '` Department of Community Development " Varle � '<''�. , ! }. � ,3'�,. Planning Division � , i�; r' _� L. �,G �; _ yN�,� _� '��'' � �� _ �� ��.�-�r� Vicinity Map '� '�� _ . _ �,.� ` i p .,.. . . � �. _- _ .. � �1 ` � ._ - � . .,�����7.��,r, ...� ;� . ;;y�. 1r .. � � �Ir---- � L"i�l��Cl �,,�'i s r ,�,' �� �"� yw. ■ - ' � ��P11Cgtllli.l�. � �� r �=:�t 1i���(-y•j�.,�1�'�...` � ' _lIiddle� ; .s` /.."r ; ��J � §�"r �y�' h ,�.;� _ � � �_ . ; . ' , �e.__.`��� y�T F� ':+���.' � . _-� - ,�' � - . _ . .. , - �"'`� �r� ���s.' - � _. -. � _�, _ - J �:.. � r --' �r .�� , ��Y��.���' '� �,�''� y �;������ „�" � °La,�.��fle,��.�"��r;l� � -i, -�.���^-�n� �I �. r o- �« , r.a y���� �' .�J I� ..�� _ .le J � � ■y-��« � �,� . ,� ��� ' � ��y�--- � �, .� �j�� _ __ _ _ 'i 1 R�a�TSii��� ..r ,. , �- �� � i� ... i _. a�*, �a� �.-�r �"- ����—�� v • �-.�' -- yr7; +�` '�= � �,�- k. -� ^� ,ti; � � � ''�" Y CP�-a�- � � �;� N' � ���, - ,�r.�y - � _� ,�s � �1"�; � M� . �" � ��`,` �`^r�� ", '�'" �` � _� �`�� ;# �� �� �c� � _ - .s`. , ,s. :[ ����. -,. �, . � i t ,. ._ �. ; � , '`;�rt � k ., , � a ' � �� ; ° ���� � • � ���I,_.a, � '=�� ` ' p r�,, s � �, �{ � a �' ��' , �, ,�� .��i �,. - __ - -- J - . ���{�i kini�A,4 �31'(r'at111 I� - - -- z - � 1Cj1�'�3�� `����1� y� �� � � - �_ � t _._,� 1 i ' ��`�� .�•+��' � w �i� �p -i" a�r� � � ' ������Y������� .�'-���-_ .� �� ��. sa . �M i y' ° - �� .,. ,��-=-_- �- �' ��► '�i��".y'� �� � � .�.: ` ` �` ���` �� ����� .. " . t g� �t�4 ' � —��', + � y� �x� �r� '�t��. �� r � F �`��� .���i',;.'!�� � ��l � -[ �`I', �}}�� .� . `��"^:�� r _ !yl,T '�.. �rT°�". � - ��� _ �. i.� ,.�� �� '��y�� P i , _ _ _ ` 5.� YY y� . In` . � ._. ' ... � �� .�.y �� rA ' 1� �T �.. ���-�'� �y � 1" �--: / k * ' " •. : j �.�- � J '� �� !�� y, . +� . �� ����* �� � ��• . �� � �, �tl I � . '. � �=T�^.��.,-� e."j� � M�� r, ` . �� � �� I� � �` � i' ,°� 't��� ' � � �' �;r��': ` ' �s f � ��� �� �� 1�- ��. ��� #� �qr �� ;�i l� �` �-� � i �„��i���_Y�' � — � ��-� =�� ��' � �`� � �I;- r.. �� ~ r a ������. " '` Department of Community Development " Varle � '`��. , ! }. � ,3'_.. Planning Division � , i�; CPA-04- 12 -�. ;,,.,: L+�, '':} � �' • } �:�,� ��ay -.;> ti. � N •�.� _Y,v y,� ��Y ������� • � ��'��° �,.l.. .r.� .. -, ... �iT Y. . ���"N 1'''m..,�'����L L i" .- - , . �` .��� � '�w` P ��� �-. -._ ,�� � •y� � ` , .' .�A . ..., �" �'•�Rr: ui �. 'i 7 t � n � �W � . {(. s d � ,tlGx '' .. u �•.r,`, �� R.¢,,� .,,._ r'��d :}viy���'�1�",,�' .t � � � , . " F H e'��'�x , �*�L,,+ i 'k� ��K�� ��. � �� ,� - � �"� �+ � , � a t r�-�� r �� ! �� �� i6�� fi � � '���' ',,`,�' i�,[�� ���y���. W'�bM � �: ��� � r� � «+�R' �9"���r��t'� �!!�� R �,p ;.�:� _.�I i. - �y,_ ���•. ' . ' k ! '� ��/ J •I ' , p i ��� � i ,� 'iw,o.r. � � ��if} ,+�p! . �',' . _ ; I ' '. � ' '��� �.',�;� � ��il. .- . � � �"""'�� ������. " '` Department of Community Development " Varle � '`��. , ! }. � ,3'_.. Planning Division � , i�; CPA-04- 12 Looking South .� <� r1' � �k� � � F*� � ��� � Looking Southeast �� � � �., � . i.° _ -� �- c��� - - �u�/ � � _t _ r-e- I ��~ - � _ .i, : _ �,�'""'9-,- - � - - -� --T��� ��-«^' ._-- -..�__ _ �-- __�.___,-___- ������. " '` Department of Community Development " Varle � '`��. , ! }. � ,3'_.. Planning Division � , i�; � [`atc - Comprehensive Plan P�rl—:Fii:b;�ri p ro�,—v l �= f �� .... r, .. ...�� ' � _ � I �,la`-3����1� - °_ �___ �.,.. I l __ � - ° _ l ..........°..........� � ��1-(1"ciilll �1ti - - - --- i . .� � �����. " '` Department of Community Development " �Varle� Planning Division � � ;`''i�,. � '� s �' ,��1�� Zoning __ -��������i���� - - - --- �. _ _ _-_ ___ _ _z , � _.� , � - --_- --- PiE�; R,:�.3�1 - - - - _ - -, `-� - � �_ 1 __ ~` - �+;r;] - -- --. .-- r �.�-= - - - -:F - _ � - I ` - ._ `_•_,I ���-' >> — �_ �C'P��-D�-�2 ;� — — -- _- -- �i�'�'�i'elt�.a� E3io�id���i v � I — — - -- ������.. " '` Department of Community Development " Varle � '`��. , ! }. � ,3'_.. Planning Division � , i�; � 1 ' 1 ' � ' � 1 Application Description: Privately initiated map amendment Proposed Amendment: Low Density Residential to Office Applicant(s): Land Use Solutions & Entitlement 9101 N. Mt. View Lane Spokane, WA 99218 �����. " '` Department of Community Development " �Varle� Planning Division � � ;`''i�,. � '� � : . . - � _ -r,� _- � ._ ., III... � 'i � _ _. • • • y I �. ��;,� ;p � � •� -. �, Vicinity Map ��_�,��� �� -,� ; r F� �,�;, � - Y .�'.I &-�' : �. . 9 .. ,.:`'' + ..:� _ �� ���k '��`�X� � �r s{i _ � III I 4'n. �+. �' � a ��� �'� � '_�.� .. i.- "�'�'�� : �4 ' - - ,,s�.�_ Fr �F .� .f.�A �� � ' +y�4 � +� � ! i nr� �f i ,�-'�:� `�{-^��^�`� r,l� �,,R�� � ' l� � ' �.era- ' . � .. a�. . � I� I , r � i � . ,_,7 . f t raF ��� � �' * — "� _ � i��''�Ilei.f � ! ! -y. „�n:�_ . ��"i,/,t� — �.. - --�'inta��-� ,�" �-�� _ _ ;� �: �° ��','"�',��� -�..s, � _ 4int _'�_Y- �: � , �� �-.� �,�� � .� �e �� � �y.;.. +` ��e + � � `-: '"` �`,�� rr as _ �- �� ,�] w s„ ,� '�L,,' i `�c�a•r•� c��`� ���� � t�l:�' ���� .Y,;11i �rs�s � . ' �, !. . ,�+� y�' 'lR '� _ . t �=`.��1,��RL'��• — ^ fF' �� �.� Ftf rP'� �i S �� � — rR�'� ''�r ." r��. ��. � � ���� �''.11 ��� Y . a.11f�s .rf �i= �yr' �l ° � . � 7� � ryryry��� �':. 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Planning Division � , i�; CPA-06- 12 : ,�� �� , t *F�� k rA. �, ��k, ., � .�''� �; ` �'+,�:. �, xr. , ,",�,; i�.�;5'� St .I r� ' . �� . � i� — ...� �...�-����� —�o • �.t, � ,.�4" i�,�,t�`.. _ ,1 f.— � .��3��..1'._��� ...� .. -'i ,A, ��.--��,�_ �:. , . .��.'iiwa..t:.. .r. . . . _ ..: �-...I�Ci"* �.;..� . . � � � . �� ������"��T�3� �f��.� • � .. �4� �-. .� � ` � II.. � ����� .,. � - •����ar�_���A �"'�� < . .,�. , , �� ; - � _ -�t i ��M � ;` �� �. - __ �e�: � � �k�n;,�' ' � �� �� � '�i�, ' ' rn � ;��` I�� 6 .!�� q� a `.. `"%. - r �g, � P �S��:s '7-t(yr_"c',^.-+y�w � •� �.. i � '�;i.. �.1l�F -�._. 1 ���.:'i V•'�It.�,� .+y��ir� `��� s p` - „ , ,. . _ ,�__ \ ��" _ _ ,SX�� �, .�.,� - �:;�.... � 1 , i � 1 i � �"� , r_. �-'�,��:q. � � � � �� : - �J:i - �. �����""'���s`' :,� ���'���� --- ��������,,,.�'' �:,�.�.�_!'��� ,_,��.��'�I'���;� � . . . � i-� �,�� � � , ���"'; � �� �;� .. � �..�''� 11�� � � �,.�-� ,. � � � � 1� � : }�f�J .��� . . . . � . r � 1�J�J'�J�r��J��,�.J►/l� ���+� . � �i►'. . . . .�� .. � . . % P' . . . ... . i . . . . � � �� �� � s � � ��,,��� � r� ��+' ��� �j _�+"'�r�����,+r� ,.�•'�' � i ���.���_�_�� �____�����. � � � 1 u . ����� � _ ��� ��� � ��� ��� ■ ��������� I � ,,,, ,,, � � � �` � � � ■■■������ ���' r ,I � � � r� � � i �� � �� � r � 1 , i � 1 i � �"� , r_. �-'�,��:q. � � � � �� : - �J:i - �. � .- r �- ������.���-��:������ � ����� ='`'�=��i � � � � � ��;��.:�� � ����- � �����-■■■ �� � •�-=� J•�-"�! � l�'�"���./'.�r��'".�� �••-..`���-� ��� � :F :"' � � �� � �� „ I ��.�►� � � � � % � - -�ff�"'��'�� " � :� . ��� � � �� � ���� �� .� � .- ���� � � ����� � � , �� _.-'� 1 ■� �� ` �_� ■■■ ■�■ �■ ■ -� 11�■■ ■■■■■■■n � � �■■■ ■■■■ � ■■ �.� � . � � � ■...■■■■■�■■■■� ■i � � � � � � � � - � - i .� � �; .������ _■■ _ � � 1 , i � 1 i � �"� , r_. �-'�,��:q. � � � � �� : - �J:i - �. � -- �� , . -._ - ---- � � ��� � ---- �� ����..��_.��__ _ _ � -- �� . . :: ���R�,�� M � j - - -- - - � - .. .� ■iw � � i � ir� �� ��t,lIM t.lN � �I���M�Mi i� _ _ � r '� �!`����r' � ��i�i , ,� � � - — ]� ���1�■� � ���� � � _ �-- � 1 I���Q �- � � ���i� a ' - !�r����r�� � ��I�■■ '� , �-,� �� � ��I.� e 11 �:1�1L��.1-.�� � ��;..� � ��''' '� � _ � .— � � ��,. 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'� 7L ��` A� �s �� . �. - ', '1 � ,7y ���'� � , -�.�R ."� y� ■j 7 ����� I�� .�� , I u . i� i■i X�'�t ��. �� ��` � ��� � � �� � �� _ Ai '.8� 9b I� ,�!r�.'�t��' � ��� _ ����'�11{�1�1� . ,w �, . � ��1� ����.��"� � .� I� 11f ...y¢ � . . ti��� — - ,��� �� �■11,■�1��1 �J. � �, M a ■ ��� - — - — a ='- �==■I�������::�I�..i� �' I�' � ������.. " '` Department of Community Development " Varle � '`��. , ! }. � ,3'_.. Planning Division � , i�; � � , � , � � I Application Description: Privately initiated map amendment Proposed Amendment: Office to Community Commercial Applicant(s): Sonrise Land, LLC 11219 East Sundown Drive Spokane Valley, WA 99206 �����. " '` Department of Community Development " �Varle� Planning Division � �f;`''i�,. � '� "��'�n.�""�� � i�'. ��.-�'-- ��s� Vicinity Map � ��s `= j x Y�.` � �'' � . :��,. - - � ,..a� � , ._ __�'` . __�. _ y .yr� - : -�, ,� � -_ . r� - �� , • � - - - - .►�+ ,� �� - � _'"'° �� , �i`'.� : � ,�`� _�'� � . 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Planning Division � , i�; CPA-03 - 12 , � � ��� �. ��"�t �� .; �� �� Subject �, � � , ��.� � .,�-s. � �:�?� , r ` `� Property � r 6�� �. �y r. �' _ v� � r���,� vn. � 'l �j s� ,�G� � �r ; � � _ �'.' � _ ' � Y� . I� �+ L� � �.,���.. � r�-.i�r,rSfiE � < � -� � ._... . . .. .: � fi�. .. �:l.i..- .. . _' -w.w,� --. � � - _4 -�-4'�.-�". - , ."�-._. ,.�n��N/�IB1ack 32�-3575 �� .-�-'� . � ' ._ - . .�c .:i- - -_ .. . _ .' ' � �s . M - � , _. _—.1 R ��,�:,� .. r ,'r � �'. 4i' . _ .qw't ��`'�'. 1}� '�i+� � .V4'� - ] # ��:.i �e� rj��5�' �� C ��A f .,��,� � I I � +�C w;�. '.;e� — — __- { �I.��I �� .�: � � � , �.� . �� �'��� �ei d�f a' �' -_- - . � _ t7k " _ j ,i _ _ _ _ _ ..:�5 — �.� _.�_ _ _ . ������. " '` Department of Community Development " Varle � '`��. , ! }. � ,3'_.. Planning Division � , i�; CPA-03 - 12 Looking North T '� :, _ .�, �.l�. ��. ���'- . �- � y ti *��� ��� �f �'e. � ;�_ „� ,�• ,�� ,�'�;,x r'. �il���pC � ,,.:��� �rsF,�'.�. . �C"J��fi.-.._.�� ;�� ., � �g R�. _��'wm+..ie �_T�+�ba!'.rtF y'.'r4�^ �yob.•_. �...u`— .:.. ��. � -.� .�. �� -... - : r*- ,r..� 9 t ' tt � � � - ,1�F'� '� ,'� •. —�r ' � , :9t737 �_, . :i ,t _ ` � , _ . . u�rna���� _- �� R f � RC�7� � � ��,� .��f.� i',." s�.-' R� ii�1a!�� I..� � n ��!�, �y����rr I�� ,^ +� 'B • 1 � " ., 4�,, � u,1'� ;,:.�-�-' ,� 2 Y � �' < � . . _. '� �` er._. .wwi.. li y��mt u�:.'� � rn._�� _ � �'YC i R�+.My ^k�V� . _ •F� _ ► �����. " '` Department of Community Development " �Varle� Planning Division � � ;`''i�,. � '� Comprehensive Plan r:�:���,it:���; 5 -- � �. (_ �'_�_I}�_1? :'���ile�yi•���.. . �il �.-,';-,� . . . . . . ... � _ I 1 ` 4 �_i�-f•-�r_�" ' r'_"r� .s'r I i � � "�� _ � � r � �_� % �� i i i I irl� _ '', � , ��. Pioueei� anrl �.�" r - r� � r � �� f�„r_� R�111�]174�� -- I � , � i �y � :i ,' ;_' r1�kl ,� '^' , , —ti r .T � � _ '- �J � �y � � _.___.__ �a� _ J _ � '�`f�ll+.� - -e I -�� J � �!; �� �� T —� � ------ � _ � � �. J � �/1 � ___�_ :T' � _ I J'1 i � � � I '`"� I'.J � �- — �:al1�:r_��It��� �����. " '` Department of Community Development " Varle � '`��. , ! }. � ,3'_.. Planning Division � , i�; Zoning c��-a�-�� r��-t�� �.��t��� � _ -- �Pi�uee�•:iud - - Rainbc�3i - � - - _-- J - --- ---Ir. _ ���'�C1 .'���,1- . i - _ _ f_ _ _ r,. - --- -- - �I _y _ - � � -_ r - r-� ��. -_ ' J ������.. " '` Department of Community Development " Varle � '`��. , ! }. � ,3'_.. Planning Division � , i�; � � , � , � � I Application Description: Privately initiated map amendment Proposed Amendment: Medium Density Residential to High Density Residential Applicant(s): Land Use Solutions & Entitlement 9101 Mt. View Lane Spokane, WA 99218 �����. " '` Department of Community Development " Varle � '<''�. , ! }. � 3' . Planning Division � , i�; ���� ' f�!.[^� . � �. ��': , a.. ".......� ''"_� - � ..'.ti . . r :,i.�y 1 �� f`.*�_ ..�3�� � -�_�-_��.a _�. t�f _��". , Vicinity Map ����Y � ,_..y-... �. ��� .^ S� , � �. , -,;' � fl � , � ` �. � .,� .�, t� Walmart �� ` ,�, 4 � - _. � , �� . �"`"�-.�-�,.,,- _ ,'� �i ` .���'^ �': . � �`� ,T��'` `�'" �� _ - . _ � �_ .�,, -._��_ Y�' s- zR A qy �{ �- I �R �{t,.til �,~���� S�-� � ¢ � ��� s ^ �'� �� � -� `l ]� . . . . . ' � �'�S_ .. . f � .. �� +d;.�.� �r 5 r � ' � �'�+,� . Lowes f\Q�I J � � '�' ti. �.'r; � `t. • f� t:.�=° r �r ; ` � �` �' C� � a_ � �. � _ ,.� ... _ �� �� - ` . ` . f . � _ - _ �..+c..+..t � _. :_ � � �� �Y" � . ��'�.r { -,� .-- � - _ �� _ +rrt_r...._.�.� . " ���a� ' �: ., :.4' - Y.- � . '' � � G _�. ..4 ' � -y.t�+L= ` .� �� � �,,.. _ � � . .. - - ' � �Y � i. �,����'�� f��',�� - � �. i f is. a. . . -' ..�� � a � . 1 - -' _ . 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Planning Division � , i�; � � , � , � � I Application Description: Privately initiated map amendment Proposed Amendment: Office to Community Commercial Applicant(s): Ronald Steiger 7917 East Gunning Drive , Spokane, WA 99212 �����. " '` Department of Community Development " Varle �''`��. , ! }. � 3� . Planning Division � , i�; _ _ •i.i... .) i. .',y y � —. 'y� :'f•� ..•4 . . . _ , �r�,,._-_ ` - �F} Y Z� k " ' � ��_ �f�� �e .. ���+�.� a � , +� -_ -, - Vicinity Map �����- -- —� - �� t;, - . � � _ ._ . � �,� -;��_ "���,� �,:�,� " �LL'-_ �, � . . .i ��r��i�,����:� _ '��,� �#.��~�,���` ' �� �_ .e��•�++�•` ..`�'f'� '. r- �,;+ . �:��wt � a � � i i ,. ;�3 �'��� '.e 'S�r� ."��;,`+x�c� �� � a#` ��.*:�1.,, � t�}-�`�'_ — � ,4 ��� _ _A`-'��� '�►�" � ,, � ���� ` } �� .y ;� � i� , �i � '����,�l � . -,-' �' � , " - - � + , � ,� , „ j � r� • l _ ' , - o� M1' a���'� � ','��'r , , � � �.� �,,� , . r , • ��, Walmart • ,����- `;�s . ' - L L „� 1� P. . � .:a �� , im '_ � ' ' ��9 +� .�}' T'�_ ;. -� � � ,�. 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L : Ar f'�� ���� Y'rrw� I f � �4,� f' rf 4{ ����� rr�, r� Y_ y [� � �`!', �41 ~' A yA - ��[,�� i" 10 �'" �� ��-' n�- L4N����1rT�i�l��'1r11rcl?I�!*�' �-� ��1�7 r�_,.•�ie.:`�,�"TY '4� ��� ���`"r s ��i�]f���lld���r��,� �� ��"�-��. ,�;,�.�_ 4._ � �' . _ . + _ e __ —� . 4, - - r.�� � - - - � � ` _ Y * +� ��,�F � � � �e '�`�� � ��'� r �����1"�'11a1�1'-�� �� �, � r etl �4,1Sit4 , _ �� � � . �_� .,. � G j �_3 , �Y .F� ��i? ��lyy �i -�� � �_ - !�+f.' �� �. �� � vY ������. " '` Department of Community Development " Varle � '`��. , ! }. � ,3'_.. Planning Division � , i�; CPA-07- 12 Looking at Amendment Properties . d {.;_ �..,. , ::: : _ _ �� — � ----- �- � --- --� � - .+.��+Qy� �._e._ „� ��� _ -.E _ I_� _ � c � ` ' � �.i���� � $ � :;�'�" �;"��r 'i4 , {��r � f�� /3'4�� T���.,�� �' �f i � 1 � •��� � ` � ��(�* �• .. �' � � �� �� ��, y � ~ �''f, ^ ,ti L��i� f: L7 �Y�,. �!. "� . ��'' i�:',.�``�i. .,x-,• t',r` 'a M�(- � _ -rt :�!'�^��' _ �' �f . �' �� � . ��u� . .� '_ ' p �� - � ,r �. �• keeP I � E �� � � � '��eur _ � �,� � �•� � '�'' l4r F'f�,�;, "�' ° �.�� �a.' � . F��a4'� . .���. .� �., .-. "� .i'.. j a.. '/%� i � �� E� � ,,,�{ ��_ �����. v � .a�+ iB"'" + -: '�9`. �.. �"' .. � � �� �d ^' y�� i i� . 's � � s � •�� . .p F �� i ' �Ii�A�°�:I�' . � �' �"a '�•� �f p��V 91��,. �� ������. " '` Department of Community Development " Varle � '`��. , ! }. � ,3'_.. Planning Division � , i�; CPA-07- 12 Looking North __ ,— � r2055 — � ���, � _��� ; _ y� �� � _ ` _ � ���� ��, _ .s�e - � - _ _ -- *� �L r � �. ,.r..:l.�� � ��� -� _ ' � -_ _ ��� • �a���� r. _.�.rn..�• - r 4- .r r.. � ��';- � .,�.-- - .�_. �i� - _ -- _-_p� _ - __ —._.._ ��.: . � +�'� ��, � �. _ ,�-:-. ' �!�'' ` 3_.:, � �� ������� ;� - �-._. � �� — s .` � - w� - ' -- , � - ----�-- ��—--- _�.��.�:+`-�+�..,+ih�.+r£+s:+'� � r-a� #.�# -, �����_ " '` Department of Community Development " �Varle� . Planning Division � � ;`'',i�;, , '� r Comprehensive Plan ,;; ����l�l 4. -���rcl�«:�_y- � L�i;��ti�lt�;,i� C�P4-07-12 _ �� � � _ - ,� �� � ���T ii�E��-fa'�z'lcl- � ` � ; � � ' !---_�.; o , � i i - � � � � � Pigtiee�i�tl � �. � I �i ��iiiiL�i«- �Y _� '_� .�-- �114i � J J a "��°�'i .3 �J r, � � ^: �— _ :/': �.�_____ ,� �' �. � ` j� � �' � ^ - ..� � � � U: � � I � - _��l le_y`����a_y � �'- �<<31-1��r��Y L_ �� �:--- -� _ � : �. � � -- ������. " '` Department of Community Development " Varle � '`��. , ! }. � ,3'_.. Planning Division � , i�; - r � �; � �� �-� Zoning ,�: � "t���..,�t� _ ������t��-�,�- ; , � -- - . I � d d t� .�� __ — � . . , � C�P_�-D7-1? _ _ _ � s� -.� — � - ��,iin��l�+�I�j �. _ � - -- - _-._ ..;ki N1� Ai71�. � r _. J - +�f y ' :' - -_ - •"^�. �1:l l il�l 1t15 F''r• _ ..' -- - 2�,� � xs�,; _ � - i y; _ -- - ; . . ..-'` --. E "`� - .'11 l�=i-- ^ �� j �- - � __ _.�_ fj - .r � --� -_-- _ !� J — � � _.. J � - �� � ,� - � - G ;f;. � � � � _-_-- if �.��✓" - � _ _ � 3��.. ._�- 4r rll�ja�:a,y 1'arll�«����,� - -- -- I _ - __- � � 1 � _ �����_ " '` Department of Community Development " Varle � '`��. , ! }. � ,3'_.. Planning Division � , i�; Cit Initiated Text Amendment Y • CPA-08- 12 (Chapter 2 : Land Use) — Updated population estimates • OFM's population estimate for 2011 = 90, 110 — Updated Figure 2. 1 LU by Comp Plan Category — Revised Potential Annexation Area Language — Update Map 2. 1 to reflect approved changes ������.. " '` Department of Community Development " Varle � '`��. , ! }. � ,3'_.. Planning Division � , i�; Cit Initiated Text Amendment Y • CPA-09- 12 = :=�a ;� � _,� _ -: . - y�� �� . _� � � �kNa, `` — (Chapter 3 — Transportation) ,��f � _��� _� �` ��'�__ puAssni r � . .-.�% — tiaz � — Delete non- ��--�:� zariyof��no� ,�. �- ��� - ,� � �� - - . i � .��� �y�l_ - - _7 ', motorized � �,F�.�� � � � -=��' , �.�,.. 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Planning Division � , i�; Cit Initiated Text Amendment Y • CPA- 10- 12 (Chapter 4 — CFP & Public Services) — Updated 6-yr TIP — Updated Population Proj ections (Table 4.4) — Updated facility and service data • Community Facility Finance Plan (Table 4.6) • 6-year Sewer CIP • Fire Department Capital Proj ects Plan (Table 4. 11) • Parks (Table 4. 13, 4. 15 & 4. 17 ������.. " '` Department of Community Development � " Varle � '`��. , , � ,3'_.. Planning Division � , i�; Cit Initiated Text Amendment Y � • CPA-07- 12 (Chapter 7 7 --- -� �, �� i .� , i a , � ' r��-� �,��� ``�� �-.r�'��� . � Cin�oi - � -�_�'� a�.4 _ , Economic Dev.) -�.��.,�s , � -- � ;� , ��'� ��,e �'=-� . ��'� �� .. _—__ .�. {��" E�FS�1� I° � 'z� �rok'' ; I..., ■ Tanau£]�-, ^�� � w �_ � ��.�_I.0 �(�` �� �i�� - °k x"" u 1:"` � �' + '� � a ,�r+' . . x� �-�e� a fi� �. *� _ ��� �. 1. �5.� � I �!�. k �� y � — Updated entire - u� '���=������ ,�a r�����a �°� �,, � a�I,�._ ___ � '`�.` ��r�- g"��--_ ���-'i. 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