Agenda 05/24/2012 �CITYok�..ne � Val�e � � Spokane Valley Planning Commission Agenda City Hall Council Chambers, 11707 E. Sprague Ave. May 24, 2012 6:00 p.m. L CALL TO ORDER IL PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE IIL ROLL CALL IV. APPROVAL OF AGENDA V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: VL PUBLIC COMMENT: On any subject that is not on the agenda VIL COMMISSION REPORTS VIIL ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT IX. COMMISSION BUSINESS A. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 1. Deliberations —Shoreline Advisory Group Public Hearing Draft Shoreline Master Program Goals and Policies B. NEW BUSINESS: 1. NO NEW BUSINESS X. FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER XL ADJOURNMENT COMMISSIONERS CITY STAFF BILL BATES -CHAIR JOHN HOHMAN,CD DIRECTOR 70HN G.CARROLL SCOTT KUHTA,PLANNING MGR,AICP RUSTiN HALL RoD HIGGINs STEVEN NEILL MARCIA SANDS DEANNA GRIFFITH,SECRETARY JOE STOY-VICE CHAIR WWW.SPOKANEVALLEY.ORG CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Planning Commission Review Meeting Date: May 24, 2012 Item: Check all that apply: ❑consent ❑old business ❑ new business � public hearing ❑information ❑ admin.report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Deliberations —Shoreline Master Program Update - Draft Goals and Policies GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Shoreline Management Act (SMA) under RCW 90.58 PREVIOUS ACTION TAKEN: A study session was held on March 22, 2012, and a public hearing was conducted on April 12. The written public comment period was extended to April 17, 2012. Deliberations were conducted on May 10, 2012 and continued. NOTICE: Notice for the public hearing was placed in the Spokane Valley News Herald on March 23, 2012. The notice was provided consistent with applicable provisions of SVMC Title 17. APPROVAL CRITERIA: RCW 90.58 and WAC 173-26 define the process for approval of an SMP and require that the document be consistent with the goals and policies of the SMA. BACKGROUND: The City's Shoreline Master Program update team, with the assistance of a Shoreline Advisory Group (SAG), completed the draft Goals and Policies for the Shoreline Master Program Update in July 2011. A public hearing was conducted on April 12, 2012 and testimony was received. All comments have been previously provided for review. On May 10, 2012 the Commission began deliberations with the assistance of Attorney Tadas Kisielius. The discussion led by Mr. Kisielius focused on his review of the draft Goals and Policies. He highlighted areas where the draft goals and policies may be more restrictive than what the DOE Guidelines require, and areas where policy decisions are appropriate based on local circumstances. He also discussed language changes to numerous policies to reflect the statutory standard regarding key SMA concepts of no net loss and critical areas. During deliberations directives were informally given to staff to modify specific policies. The table has been modified to reflect the Planning Commission changes within the Language Recommendation Column. The Commission changes are highlighted in yellow for easy identification. The Commission should be prepared to discuss policies of concern and recommend modifications to the policies, or provide staff with other direction. Due to the amount of material, the Commission should focus on those policies that require further discussion or modification. The Planning Commission has received considerable information at this point. As a reminder, the document under review is the Shoreline Advisory Group Draft for Public Hearing—Attachment 1. When discussing the draft goals and policies bear in mind that all changes will relate to this document. Several public comments were provided on this draft and in track changes form. These changes may or may not be supported by staff or our consultants. All specific comments have been transferred to the comment table with a staff recommendation noted. Hence, the two key documents referenced during discussion are the Goals and Policies SAG Draft for Public Hearing labeled as Attachment 1 and the Comment Table working document. The table is modified after each discussion, and it is intended to replace the table previously provided. The table is identified in the upper left corner noting which meeting it is prepared fo r. 1 of 2 OPTIONS: The Planning Commission may recommend that the Council accept the draft goals and policies as presented; recommend acceptance with modifications, recommend the proposal not be accepted, or forward no recommendation to City Council. RECOMMENDED ACTIONS: The Commission has a motion on the table to recommend that the Council accept the Draft Goals and Policies. The Commission should complete their deliberations and then vote on the motion. STAFF CONTACT: Lori Barlow,AICP, Senior Planner ATTACHMENTS: Previously provided with March 22, 2012 Study Session Materials: Attachment 1. Shoreline Advisory Group Draft Goals and Policies for Public Hearing Attachment 2. Attorney Tadas Kisielius Memo March 15, 2012 Attachment 3. Centennial Properties Comments July 19, 2011 Attachment 4. Doug Pineo's Comments July 22, 2011 Attachment 5: Jacob McCann—April 17,2012 Attachment 6: Jamie Short, DOE—April 12,2012 Attachment 7: Jamie Short, DOE- April 5, 2012 Attachment 8: Nathan Smith—April 12, 2012 Attachment 9: Kevin Anderson received April 17 2012 Attachment 10: Futurewise(1)—April 12, 2012 Attachment 11: Futurewise (2)—April 17, 2012 Attachment 12: Robin Bekkedahl,Avista—April 12,2012 Attachment 13: Centennial Properties—April 12, 2012 New Attachments: Attachment 14: Comment Table—Expanded Modified for May 24, 2012 Meeting 2 of 2 Draft Goals and Po&cies-Comment Table Attachment#14 Pre ared or the Ma 10,2012 Plannin Commission Meekn ;Modi aed or the Ma 24,2012PC Meekn Goal/ SAG Draft Centennial Comments Doug Pineo's Additional Public Comments Legal Counsel Language olic Comments Received Review Comments Recommendation Enhance the City's shorelines Enhance and utilize the City's "use"is always better Futurewise Comments: No change. by establishing and shorelines by establishing than"utilize",and is Shoreline enhancement is implementing goals,policies, and implementing goals, more consistent with the important to economic and regulations which policies,and regulations SMA. However,this development and quality of life. promote a mixture of which promote a mixture of goals statement is about The policy of the Shoreline reasonable and appropriate reasonable and appropriate the SMA's prime Management Act,in RCW shoreline uses that improve shoreline uses that improve directive to enhance and 90.58.020 directs the the City's character,foster its the City's character,foster its protect the natural enhancement of the public historic and cultural identity historic and cultural identity, character,resources and interest.So it is appropriate and conserve environmental and conserve environmental ecology of shorelines of that Goal SMP 1 calls on the resources. resources. statewide significance. city to°[e]nhance the City's The very same sentence shorelines" already includes the phrase"which promote K Anderson comments: a mixture of Enhance the City's shorelines reasonable and by establishing and appropriate shoreline implementing goals,policies, uses",making the and regulations which promote addition of either"use" a mixture of reasonable and aor"utilize"redundant appropriate shoreline uses tbat � and syntactically �+��r;+„��,.�,....,.r,.. � obnoxious. m 0 � ,.�,.i. Page 1 of 66 Draft Goals and Po&cies-Comment Table Attachment#14 Pre ared or the Ma 10,2012 Plannin Commission Meekn ;Modi aed or the Ma 24,2012PC Meekn Goal/ SAG Draft Centennial Comments Doug Pineo's Additional Public Comments Legal Counsel Language olic Comments Received Review Comments Recommendation Coordinate shoreline Coordinate shoreline This sentence already K Anderson comments: RCW 90.58.130 sets No change—the city planning between the City of planning between the City of contains the phrase, Coordinate shoreline planning out the legal has made efforts to Spokane Valley,agencies Spokane Valley,agencies "adjoining jurisdictions". between the City of Spokane standard for involve private � with jurisdiction,adjoining with jurisdiction,adjoining More redundancy. All Valley,private proqertv owners, participation and the property owners, jurisdictions,the State of jurisdictions,the State of constituencies,including agencies with jurisdiction, City has some and will continue to Washington,and the State of Washington,and the State of property owners,are adjoining jurisdictions,the State discretion in do so. The public Idaho into which the river ldaho into which the river already included in the of Washington,and the State of choosing how to review process basin extends,and consider basin extends,and consider phrase"special interest Idaho into which the river basin implement the allows numerous the plans of non-government the plans of adiacent groups". extends,and consider the standard. According opportunities for organizations(NGO's)and/or iurisdiction.propertv owners, plans of non-government to the statute the involvement. The special interest groups. the Citv vision.non- organizations(NGO's)and/or City should"invite" intent of this policy government organizations special interest groups. and"actively is to coordinate with (NGO's)and/or special encourage"the other groups or interest groups. participation of the agencies that may general public, be engaged in private groups,and planning functions. local and state agencies. Moreover,the statute directs local governments and state agencies to take advantage of the opportunity and actively participate. � Thus to some �� degree the City can � choose how it a encourages the � participation of these m various groups. a "Coordination" osuggests a broad U version of participation,but this a is within the City's � discretion to choose � this ath. Page 2 of 66 Draft Goals and Po&cies-Comment Table Attachment#14 Pre ared or the Ma 10,2012 Plannin Commission Meekn ;Modi aed or the Ma 24,2012PC Meekn Goal/ SAG Draft Centennial Comments Doug Pineo's Additional Public Comments Legal Counsel Language olic Comments Received Review Comments Recommendation Ensure that the City of Ensure that the City of The law and rules See Memo section B It is recognized that Spokane Valley Shoreline Spokane Valley Shoreline require that GMA and for discussion of different standards Master Program is consistent Master Program is consistent SMA/SMP provisions consistency with exist between the with the Washington State with the Washington State must be consistent,and GMA critical areas SMA and the GMA. Shoreline Management Act Shoreline Management Act that new and updated regulations. However the intent and Growth Management and Growth Management SMPs must be of the policy is to Act,the basic concepts, Act,the basic concepts, consistent with those of With respect to ensure consistency goals,policies,and land use goals,policies,and land use adjacent(adjoining) consistency with the as directed by the plan of the City of Spokane plan of the City of Spokane jurisdictions. This SMPs of rules. The following Valley Comprehensive Plan Valley Comprehensive Plan phrase should be neighboring change is and development regulations, and development regulations retained. jurisdictions,the City recommended for the City of Spokane Valley is required to invite clarification: ICritical Areas Ordinances, , and encourage and the Shoreline Master participation Change: Ensure Programs of adjacent D...........�..F...a�........t including municipal that the City of jurisdictions. �s. and public Spokane Valley � corporations,having Shoreline Master interests or Program is responsibilities consistent with the relating to the Washington State shorelines of the Shoreline I state Management Act, N aa�4 Growth � Management Act, m I � and to the extent 0 practical the basic a concepts,goals, � policies of the ,� fol lowinq � documents: �a� a L4and use plan of L the City of Spokane � Valley r Comprehensive �3 � Plan�a+�c1 � development � regulations,the City .N of Spokane Valley � Critical Areas U Ordinances,and the �`! Shoreline Master a Programs of � adjacent � 'urisdictions. Page 3 of 66 Draft Goals and Po&cies-Comment Table Attachment#14 Pre ared or the Ma 10,2012 Plannin Commission Meekn ;Modi aed or the Ma 24,2012PC Meekn Goal/ SAG Draft Centennial Comments Doug Pineo's Additional Public Comments Legal Counsel Language olic Comments Received Review Comments Recommendation Ensure that all shoreline uses Ensure that all shoreline uses The SMP Guidelines Futurewise Comments: See discussion of Change oand development are and development are and the SMA itself Ensuring no net loss of critical areas in recommended that �� regulated in a manner that regulated in a manner that require that SMPs and ecological function is the section B of the will replicate the � guarantees no net loss of �acaafees protects no net their implementation cornerstone of the updated memo. It may be language of the � shoreline ecological functions loss of the current of result in no net loss of shoreline master program and simpler and more WAC and eliminate � shoreline ecological functions shoreline ecological is required by state guidelines. clear to simply use confusion regarding �o to the areatest extent function(WAC 173-26- Policy SMP 1.3 calls for the language of the policy intent. o possible. 201(2)(a)). Use of the ensuring no net loss of statutory standard w word"protects"in this ecological functions.The City for protection of Ensure that all `o sentence would make no of Spokane Valley is wise to critical areas. shoreline uses and N grammatical sense. The include it as development are � standard in the law and one of its basic policies. regulated in a � rule also make no manner that z � provision for"to the �araat�ees assures z greatest extent no net loss of �? possible". The standard shoreline ecological a is"no net loss of functions � shoreline ecological � function." Protect the interests of the Protect the interests of the Futurewise Comment: See section C of the public in attaining the goals of public in attaining the goals of Property rights are important. memo. the Shoreline Master the Shoreline Master Policy SMP 1.4 which PC change 5/10/12: w Program,in a manner Program, in a manner recognizes the need to achieve � consistent with all relevant �t#that protects the goals of the Shoreline Afefes4Balance � constitutional and other legal all relevant constitutional and Master Program in a manner the interests @f-t�2 r limitations on the regulation other legal limitations on the consistent with all relevant y�lis in attaining Q of private property. regulation of private property constitutional and other legal the goals of the ° limitations on the regulation of Shoreline Master a rivate ro ert Pro ram,in a -a P P P Y 9 � manner consistent m �, K Anderson Comments: with all relevant � Protect orivate orooertv riahts constitutional and � in promotinq the interests of other legal � the public in attaining the goals limitations on the � of the Shoreline Master regulation of private a Program,�^^� property c a ,.i..,.a,.�H,..i,.,...i c� I'...�4..4�....�....41.... ��i..t�......F � Page 4 of 66 Draft Goals and Po&cies-Comment Table Attachment#14 Pre ared or the Ma 10,2012 Plannin Commission Meekn ;Modi aed or the Ma 24,2012PC Meekn Goal/ SAG Draft Centennial Comments Doug Pineo's Additional Public Comments Legal Counsel Language olic Comments Received Review Comments Recommendation Designate shoreline Designate shoreline This"flexibility"language Policy 1.5 articulates No change. environments for the City of environments for the City of reflects a fundamental one of the Spokane Valley shorelines Spokane Valley shorelines misunderstanding of the fundamental that are consistent with the that allow for flexibilitv and SMA,which requires planning steps Comprehensive Plan land that are consistent with the analysis and planning up involved in the SMP uses,shoreline management Comprehensive Plan land front in the development development and practices,and shoreline uses,shoreline management of the SMP,so that recognizes the inventory within each practices,and shoreline property owners and the importance of the designated area inventory within each rest of the community, inventory to the designated area. Allow for locally and statewide, designation process. flexibilitv in the desicrnation of know what to expect. It is part of the shoreline environments Some property owners required shoreline based upon specific detailed want to have their cake process. I shoreline inventorv within and eat it too: "we want each desianated area BOTH flexibility and It is not clear what certainty-"just tell us Centennial is what the rules are". This requesting in its suggested language is revision calling for also redundant,since "flexibility"in the the SMP planning effort environments. More is already fundamentally explanation or based on the shoreline inquiry may be inventory and analysis beneficial before weighing the benefit of this comment. w For example,the � regulations do allow � for flexibility to some � degree. They allow ° for"parallel .� � environments"that w -o divide shorelands � � into different � sections generally '� running parallel to p the shoreline or � along a physical '� feature such as a `o bluff or railroad right cLi� of way,which allows � for more a stratification of the � shoreline. WAC � 173-26-211 4 c Page 5 of 66 Draft Goals and Po&cies-Comment Table Attachment#14 Pre ared or the Ma 10,2012 Plannin Commission Meekn ;Modi aed or the Ma 24,2012PC Meekn Goal/ SAG Draft Centennial Comments Doug Pineo's Additional Public Comments Legal Counsel Language olic Comments Received Review Comments Recommendation Give preference to those K Anderson comments: Both Policies 1.6 Change: Add policy shoreline activities which Give preference to those and 1.7 reflect most 1.8 to address fulfill long range shoreline activities which fulfill but not all of the priority uses and Comprehensive Plan goals long range Comprehensive policy language from shoreline and the Shoreline Plan goals and the Shoreline RCW 90.58.020, alterations. Management Act policy Management Act policy and as such,the priorities,as listed and priorities,as listed and Policy is consistent discussed below: discussed below: with the statute. IAlthough all of the It is the policy of the City to It is the policy of the City to statutory provisions provide for the management provide for the management of apply regardless of of its shorelines by planning its shorelines by planning for whether for and fostering all and fostering all reasonable incorporated into the reasonable and appropriate and appropriate uses.Policies Goals and Policies, uses.Policies are designed are designed to ensure the if the City is to ensure the development of development of the City's choosing to the City's shorelines in a shorelines in a manner which incorporate some manner which will promote will promote and enhance the aspects of RCW and enhance the public public interest.These policies 90.58.020,it may interest.These policies will will protect against adverse help to include some � protect against adverse effects to the^��"'�^�„�"^^�.,' --�,'",'",� of the remaining key effects to the public health, land,its vegetation and aquatic concepts from RCW the land,its vegetation and life and wildlife,and the waters 90.58.020 to aquatic life and wildlife,and of the Spokane River,Shelly acknowledge the the waters of the Spokane Lake and the Sullivan Road SMA's balanced N River,Shelly Lake and the and Park Road Gravel Pits and approach. For � Sullivan Road and Park Road their aquatic life. example,the City '� � Gravel Pits and their aquatic might consider Llife. including in a new cn policy the language � from 90.58.020 o regarding priority � uses(e.g.,single � family residences, � ports,shoreline w recreational uses, � Q water dependent a� industrial and w � commercial �O. developments)and a the general � recognition of � shoreline alterations. Page 6 of 66 Draft Goals and Po&cies-Comment Table Attachment#14 Pre ared or the Ma 10,2012 Plannin Commission Meekn ;Modi aed or the Ma 24,2012PC Meekn Goal/ SAG Draft Centennial Comments Doug Pineo's Additional Public Comments Legal Counsel Language olic Comments Received Review Comments Recommendation The State Legislature has Futurewise Comments: See comments Change: declared that the interest and Establishing order of use accompanying 5. �revide Increase benefit of all of the people preferences provides clarity Policy 1.6 above. public access to shall be paramount in the and reserves our limited publicly owned � management of shorelines of shoreline areas,only 200 feet areas of shorelines; -O state-wide significance,and from the ordinary high water � therefore preference shall be mark,for those uses that make �a given to uses in the following the best use of these limited � order of preference which:. areas.Policy SMP 1.7 � � 1. Recognize and incorporates the use � protect statewide interest preferences for shorelines of '� over local interest state-wide significance into the 0 2. Preserve the natural shoreline master program � character of the shoreline policies. 0 3. Allow uses that ;� result in long-term over short- J Short—DOE c°�i term benefits 5.Should say"increase" � 4. Protect the instead of"provide"per RCW w resources and ecology of 90.58.020 � Q shorelines N � � 5. Provide public � � access to publicly owned '� � areas of shorelines � `� I `� 6. Increase a'� �.� recreational opportunities for �� the ublic on the shorelines. Page 7 of 66 Draft Goals and Po&cies-Comment Table Attachment#14 Pre ared or the Ma 10,2012 Plannin Commission Meekn ;Modi aed or the Ma 24,2012PC Meekn Goal/ SAG Draft Centennial Comments Doug Pineo's Additional Public Comments Legal Counsel Language olic Comments Received Review Comments Recommendation This additional policy addresses the legal counsel comments regarding policy 1.6. Change: SMP 1.8 Prioritv Uses and Shoreline Alterations Uses shall be preferred which are consistent with control of pollution and prevention of damaae to the natural environment. or are unique to or deoendent uoon use of the state's shoreline. Alterations of the natural condition of the shorelines of the state,in those limited instances when authorized, shall be qiven orioritv for sinale- familv residences and their appurtenant structures, � shoreline 0 recreational uses .� � and other Q improvements a� facilitatina oublic '� access,industrial o and commercial � develooments wh ich � are particularlv � dependent on their a`�i location on or use of � the shorelines.and other development `o that will orovide an a` opportunitv for 00. substantial numbers a Page 8 of 66 of the people to � eniov the shorelines � „r+tio�+.,+o Draft Goals and Po&cies-Comment Table Attachment#14 Pre ared or the Ma 10,2012 Plannin Commission Meekn ;Modi aed or the Ma 24,2012PC Meekn Goal/ SAG Draft Centennial Comments Doug Pineo's Additional Public Comments Legal Counsel Language olic Comments Received Review Comments Recommendation Ensure that the requlatorv This an entirely See memo section No change—Staff burden of enhancinq the unnecessary element. C. does not support � shoreline environment The SMP Guidelines adding the language � protectinq the ecoloqical rules(WAC 173-26- proposed. a functions and usinp the 201(2)(c),(e),(f))specify � shoreline is born not iust bv in detail that shoreline � the propertv owners subiect restoration is a shared � to the Shoreline Reaulations, enterprise with the bulk a but bv the communitv as a of the responsibility 00. � whole with a series of borne by public entities. a a offsettinq benefits and � � flexibilitv in administerina the cn m ro ram. Protect the historic,cultural, K Anderson comments: No change. The scientific or educational sites language clarifies within the shoreline that Protect the historic,cultural, the sites intended to N reflect our community's scientific or educational sites be protected. a unique heritage and create or within the shoreline�"^'•�"^^' � contribute to our collective � sense of place m 0 C� Identify,preserve,and K Anderson comments: No change. The manage shoreline sites and Identify,preserve,and manage principal is intended � structures having historical, public held shoreline sites and to apply to the � cultural,scientific or structures having historical, shorelines to a`�i educational value,and cultural,scientific or provide protection to in ,n develop regulations that educational value,and develop any site with � � avoid,minimize,or miti ate re ulations that avoid, archaeolo ical and N� 9 9 9� a o any adverse impacts to these minimize,or mitigate any historic resources. �..��. resources. adverse impacts to these WAC 173-26- �� resources. 221 1 b. Public acquisition through K Anderson comments: No change. a o gifts,bequests,grants,or Couldn't find in RCW's. Unnecessary �w �'N donations of buildings or sites Public acquisition of private language since the a`�i a l having cultural,scientific, propertv mav be accomplished policy infers the in Q educational,or historical through gifts,bequests,grants, acquisition of private �! a� value should be encouraged. or donations of buildings or property. N C a a sites having cultural,scientific, �'� educational,or historical value �00 should be encoura ed. Page 9 of 66 Draft Goals and Po&cies-Comment Table Attachment#14 Pre ared or the Ma 10,2012 Plannin Commission Meekn ;Modi aed or the Ma 24,2012PC Meekn Goal/ SAG Draft Centennial Comments Doug Pineo's Additional Public Comments Legal Counsel Language olic Comments Received Review Comments Recommendation Discourage public or private Discourage public or private Any building or other J Short—DOE Change: Delete development and development and element of the built Do you really want to Policy. It was not redevelopment activities on redevelopment activities on environment can be discourage redevelopment of intended to any site,area,or building any site,area,or building removed followed by historic buildings? discourage identified as having historical, identified as having historical, ecological rehabilitation development or cultural,educational or cultural,educational or of the disturbed site. redevelopment,but scientific value scientific value unless there However,the SMA to encourage the is a oositive imoact on the requires the inventory of preservation of shoreline's ecolopical such sites and buildings historically functions. and requires generally significant sites. their protection.The This is proposed phrases accomplished in w should not be added. policy 2.1. m Q E � � � Q� ,,;�;��,�� � ��t; r � �-2fA2-9F^ > N � h.., ..��I M N a ��ae Work with tribal,state,federal K Anderson comments: No change. The and local governments as Should be a one time event policy directs o appropriate to maintain an except in the case of discovery ongoing � inventory of all known of unknown sites coordination to ° significant local historic, maintain the � cultural,and archaeological inventory. The > � sites in observance of policy does not u? applicable state and federal require additional a ,� laws protecting such inventories. �.°� information from public �� disclosure Page 10 of 66 Draft Goals and Po&cies-Comment Table Attachment#14 Pre ared or the Ma 10,2012 Plannin Commission Meekn ;Modi aed or the Ma 24,2012PC Meekn Goal/ SAG Draft Centennial Comments Doug Pineo's Additional Public Comments Legal Counsel Language olic Comments Received Review Comments Recommendation Ensure early and continuous - This Policy is No change. This site inspection,consultation consistent with state policy is consistent or evaluation by a law,but the extent to with current permit professional archaeologist in which it is required processing actions. coordination with affected or is more than what Notice is provided to tribes for all permits issued in is required,depends the Tribe upon areas documented to contain on the amount of receipt of a archaeological resources. documented shoreline permit. archaeological sites On-site inspections in the vicinity. occur for the Protection of majority of the archaeological permits,and the resources is tribe is often governed by statute. involved in those It is unlawful to inspections. The disturb archeological tribe may request resource or site additional without a permit inspections through from DAHP. RCW the permit process 27.53.060 The to assure that no statute primarily historical sites are addresses destroyed by discovered construction archaeological activities. resources. However,many local jurisdictions have chosen to include a pre-project site inspection under SEPA authority and/orbecause there are known archaeolog ical � resources in the 0 '� area. Additionally, � the DAHP publishes > a list of locations w a where a permit is m required in advance. o See RCW '� 27.53.130. Thus Q early site inspection � is only required a� where there is in evidence or �O. documentation of aarchaeolog ical � resources in the � area. Page 11 of 66 Draft Goals and Po&cies-Comment Table Attachment#14 Pre ared or the Ma 10,2012 Plannin Commission Meekn ;Modi aed or the Ma 24,2012PC Meekn Goal/ SAG Draft Centennial Comments Doug Pineo's Additional Public Comments Legal Counsel Language olic Comments Received Review Comments Recommendation Locate new public facilities K Anderson comments: No change. The and utilities,including,but not Locate new public facilities and policy would not be limited to,utility production, utilities,including,but not effective if the � processing,distribution,and limited to,utility production, location were ° transmission facilities outside processing,distribution,and determined by the 0 of the shoreline jurisdiction transmission facilities outside of utility. Feasible is � whenever feasible. the shoreline jurisdiction defined in the WAC M whenever feasible and 173-26-020(15). a acceotable to the utilitv Relief from this � provider. policy is found in the � definition. Page 12 of 66 Draft Goals and Po&cies-Comment Table Attachment#14 Pre ared or the Ma 10,2012 Plannin Commission Meekn ;Modi aed or the Ma 24,2012PC Meekn Goal/ SAG Draft Centennial Comments Doug Pineo's Additional Public Comments Legal Counsel Language olic Comments Received Review Comments Recommendation Require new utilities and Require new utilities and This would simply be the Avista chanqes requested: The Planning No change. The facilities that must be located facilities that must be located needless expansion of Require new utilities and Commission SAG was purposeful within the shoreline to be built within the shoreline to be built already bad grammar facilities that must be located questioned whether in adding the low underground,if feasible,and underground,if feasible,and into execrable within the shoreline to be built undergrounding of impact,low profile utilize low impact,low profile at+4i�e orefer the utilization of "bureaucratese". underground,if feasible,and utilities was design language to design and construction low impact,low profile design utilize consistent with the minimize impacts. methods to the maximum and construction methods to The SMA,at RCW �es�iga-a�i the best statutory mandate of The phrase"to the extent possible. '"^^�^�;^���^�^�'^^' 90.58.90(4),states:"The construction and desian ensuring no net loss maximum extent �essibl� department(Ecology) methods to the^�^��n of shoreline possible" shall approve those extent possible ecological functions. acknowledges that I segments of the master The policy is written these methods may program relating to K Anderson comments: to require not always be shorelines of statewide Require new utilities and undergrounding"if achieved. Also,see significance only after facilities that must be located feasible." As noted comments above. determining the program within the shoreline to be built in the definition of provides the optimum underground,if feasible,and "feasible,"this implementation of the acceptable to the utilitv qualifying language policy of this chapter to orovider.and utilize low impact, provides some satisfy the statewide low profile design and flexibility to pursue interest." RCW construction methods to the other options if the 90.58.900 states: "This maximum extent possible. action is unlikely to chapter...shall be achieve the intended liberally construed to results. WAC give full effect to the 173.26.020(15). objectives and purposes Thus,the qualifying for which it was language appears to enacted." This phrase provide sufficient should,therefore,be flexibility to pursue retained. other options if undergrounding is inconsistent with low impact design and the statutory requirement of"no net loss,"more � generally. The o planning � commission could a� consider additional � language to clarify � � that undergrounding � shall not be required a if it results in a net �! loss of shoreline M a ecological functions. � WAC � 173.26.020 15. Page 13 of 66 Draft Goals and Po&cies-Comment Table Attachment#14 Pre ared or the Ma 10,2012 Plannin Commission Meekn ;Modi aed or the Ma 24,2012PC Meekn Goal/ SAG Draft Centennial Comments Doug Pineo's Additional Public Comments Legal Counsel Language olic Comments Received Review Comments Recommendation When existing utilities and/or When existing utilities located The concept of Avista chanqes requested: See Memo Section Change: The intent utility corridors located within within shoreline jurisdiction correcting(restoring, Maintenance and Operation C regarding the was to address the shoreline jurisdiction require require maintenance or other rehabilitating)past Design language maintenance and maintenance or other improvements,the impacts is at the core of, When existing utilities facilities addressing operation needs of improvements,the maintenance/improvement and imbued throughout and riahts of wavs^^�'� requirements to the Utility. The maintenance/improvement should be designed and the SMA and its serric�e�s are located within restore. language clarifies should be designed and implemented to minimize implementing rules. shoreline jurisdiction and the intent. implemented to minimize additional impacts on the READ WAC 173-26- require maintenance or other additional impacts on the shoreline environment aac�-i# 201(2)(f). improvements,the Q ThePC shoreline environment and,if , maintenance/improvement should possible,to correct past should be designed and diseuss impacts caused by the utility. [Should also show implemented to minimize whether to Vegetation Management additional impacts on the remove the Plans should be recognized shoreline environment aac�-i# restoration as maintenance activities. "as °;"'^ ' language deleted,but doesn't.] The L'tility Vegetation Management Plans polieies should be recognized as apply to maintenance activities publie � entities,and K Anderson comments: per the When existing uiilities and/or memo,the utility corridors located within takings shoreline jurisdiction require issue does maintenance or other not apply. improvements,the PC Change 5/10/12 maintenance/improvement Maintenance and should be designed and Operation Design implemented to minimize When existing additional impacts on the utilities facilities and shoreline environment aa�,�# riahts of wavs �,�*'„�"-''�'t'r �,.,��, th,.„«,r+„ �S are located Vegetation Management Plans within shoreline � should be recognized as jurisdiction and maintenance activities require maintenance or other improvements,the maintenance/improv ement should be designed and implemented to minimize additional impacts on the a� shoreline �' environment and,# � {�essil�lee n c o u ra a e d � ,-to correct past � impacts caused by � the utility. �� Vegetation � Page 14 of 66 Management Plans ? should be M �o��n���o��� Draft Goals and Po&cies-Comment Table Attachment#14 Pre ared or the Ma 10,2012 Plannin Commission Meekn ;Modi aed or the Ma 24,2012PC Meekn Goal/ SAG Draft Centennial Comments Doug Pineo's Additional Public Comments Legal Counsel Language olic Comments Received Review Comments Recommendation Give preference to Give preference to This phrase should be Avista chanqes requested: The City's language Change:The intent established utility corridors established utility corridors retained since the SMA Give preference to established is within the range of was to allow equal and rights-of-way for and rights-of-way for and SMP Guideline rules utility corridors and rights-of- discretion provided preference for an � upgrades and reconstruction upgrades and reconstruction (WAC 173-26-201(e) way for upgrades,maintenance to the City for alternate location if of existing utilities and of existing utilities and require that the least and reconstruction of existing ensuring no net loss. the site will result in facilities,unless a location facilitie°.,-a^,„�^��-a'^^�.,'�^^ harmful alternative is utilities and facilities,unless a There is some less impact. The with less potential to impact used,and that location with less potential to confusion over the policy did not intend the shoreline environment is +"^^"^•^'�^^^^,,;•^^^�^^'�^ unavoidable impacts are impact the shoreline intent of the to preclude available. ��^��' ,�^"'^. fully mitigated. environment is available. language in the maintenance. SAGs draft. If the K Anderson comments: SAG's intent is to Can we dictate utility corridor require use of a Give preference to use? location with less established utility potential impact to corridors and rights- the shoreline over of-way for upgrades, � use of the existing maintenance and = utility corridor,then reconstruction of � the policy may be existing utilities and � more restrictive than facilities,unless a N what is required,if location with less � the utility can show potential to impact �� continued use of the the shoreline � existing corridor environment is a� ensures no net loss. available �N If the SAG's intent W was to allow equal o preference to � alternate locations, ° then Centennial's � proposed revision � � appears to delete a` flexibility by allowing 'f? relief from the M a preference given to � existing corridors � and ri hts-of-wa . Page 15 of 66 Draft Goals and Po&cies-Comment Table Attachment#14 Pre ared or the Ma 10,2012 Plannin Commission Meekn ;Modi aed or the Ma 24,2012PC Meekn Goal/ SAG Draft Centennial Comments Doug Pineo's Additional Public Comments Legal Counsel Language olic Comments Received Review Comments Recommendation Stormwater utilities will be Stormwater utilities will be This concept was See memo section Change: Accept designed and located as to designed and located as to discussed at length in C. Restoration is an change proposed to minimize environmental minimize environmental the SAG meetings,and aspiration,but clarify the intent and impacts within the shoreline impacts within the shoreline the law requires as should not be a eliminate jurisdiction.If located within jurisdiction.If located within noted above that requirement to avoid constitutional the shoreline jurisdiction they the shoreline jurisdiction they degraded shoreline constitutional implications since shall require the use of best shall�e�7-ie use e�best areas shall be implication. storm water utilities management practices(e.g. management practices(e.g. ecologically rehabilitated are likely to be biofiltration measures)and biofiltration measures)and to the maximum extent constructed by both landscaping with native landscaping with native feasible. READ WAC private and public vegetation to provide habitat, vegetation#� 173-26-221(a),(b),(c). property owners. Iecological restoration,and aesthetic improvements.All All Stormwater utilities stormwater facilities must stormwater facilities must will be designed and protect water quality,manage protect water quality,manage located as to runoff and address erosion runoff and address erosion minimize control and sedimentation. control and sedimentation. environmental � impacts within the shoreline jurisdiction.If located within the shoreline jurisdiction they shall ce�+iKe t�ie use e�best management practices(e.g. biofiltration measures)and N landscaping with � native vegetation te � '� �U � � ..4�.. ...J N ' � �i�o���� � +�e�eaaeats.All o stormwater facilities in must protect water �O quality,manage ro a runoff and address � erosion control and � sedimentation. Page 16 of 66 Draft Goals and Po&cies-Comment Table Attachment#14 Pre ared or the Ma 10,2012 Plannin Commission Meekn ;Modi aed or the Ma 24,2012PC Meekn Goal/ SAG Draft Centennial Comments Doug Pineo's Additional Public Comments Legal Counsel Language olic Comments Received Review Comments Recommendation Provide a safe,convenient, Provide a safe,convenient, The change Change: Provide a and multimodal circulation and multimodal circulation proposed by safe,convenient, system which will minimize system which will minimize Centennial replaces and multimodal � disruption to the shoreline �+s�+ea neaative impacts the undefined circulation system � environment to the shoreline environment phrase(disruption) which will minimize W� with a phrase that �+sr�t+ea neaative o a has more legal impacts to the '�� interpretation and shoreline �� understanding. environment .� o U(7 Ensure that a system of Ensure that a system of K Anderson comments: See memo section Change: Ensure arterials,scenic drives, arterials,scenic drives, Ensure that a system of B. that a system of pathways,public transit pathways,public transit arterials,scenic drives, arterials,scenic routes,and bikeways routes,and bikeways pathways,public transit routes, drives,pathways, adjacent to and within the adjacent to and within the and bikeways adjacent to and public transit routes, shoreline areas provide shoreline areas provide within the shoreline areas and bikeways appropriate access to the appropriate access to the correlated with the shoreline adjacent to and Spokane River in a way that Spokane River in a way that use^•^����'^^^^•^^•�^'^^^^^^^ within the shoreline meets the needs and desires meets the needs and desires areas provide N of the community as reflected of the community as reflected �"^'^�^^`^'"^^^^�'^^^�' appropriate access � in the Comprehensive Plan, in the Comprehensive Plan, s to the Spokane Q while also preserving while also�ese� reflected in the Comprehensive River in a way that o ecological function of the protectinq ecological function Plan,while also preserving meets the needs '� shorelines. of the shorelines. ecological function of the and desires of the o shorelines. community as �- reflected in the w � Comprehensive H Plan,while also � I �esew+�assurinq a no net loss of � ecological function � of the shorelines. Page 17 of 66 Draft Goals and Po&cies-Comment Table Attachment#14 Pre ared or the Ma 10,2012 Plannin Commission Meekn ;Modi aed or the Ma 24,2012PC Meekn Goal/ SAG Draft Centennial Comments Doug Pineo's Additional Public Comments Legal Counsel Language olic Comments Received Review Comments Recommendation Locate new streets or street Locate new streets or street Terrible word for public No Change. expansions outside of the expansions outside of the policy or regulation. It's Reasonable is ,°� shoreline jurisdiction,unless shoreline jurisdiction,unless a great concept that is defined within the � no other options are available no other options are wide open to arguable definition of feasible. I or feasible.In all cases, reasonablv available-eK and politically expedient � streets should be on the #easil�Ie.In all cases,streets interpretation. The � landward side of should be on the landward reasonableness of the z development. side of development. SMP is to be built in � � � during the planning °_ o process. The phrase � � "feasible"is a foundation � Q of reasonableness,and �`!w is well defined. a a� Feasibility is also a �w higher standard than �� "reasonable". Plan,locate,and design Plan,locate,and design This phrase is not only The revision No change. proposed transportation proposed transportation clear and reasonable, proposed by facilities where routes will facilities where routes will it's required by the law Centennial have the least possible have the least possible and the WAC. READ eliminates language adverse effect on shoreline adverse effect on shoreline WAC 173-26-201. that mirrors the ecological functions,will not ecological functions,wiU-ae� applicable statutory result in a net loss of ^^��'+�^^^^"^^^^' standard for shoreline ecological protection of critical functions,or adversely '��^^'��„^^,^r adversely areas. The standard ,� impact existing or planned impact existing or planned applies whether or °? water dependent uses. water dependent uses. not it appears in the �� Goals and Policies, `4 but to the extent that � o Centennial's '� proposed revision o suggests that it does ,� not apply,the � � revision is H inconsistent with ? state law. For clarity c a the City can choose � to include the � reference. Page 18 of 66 Draft Goals and Po&cies-Comment Table Attachment#14 Pre ared or the Ma 10,2012 Plannin Commission Meekn ;Modi aed or the Ma 24,2012PC Meekn Goal/ SAG Draft Centennial Comments Doug Pineo's Additional Public Comments Legal Counsel Language olic Comments Received Review Comments Recommendation All development within the Futurewise Comments: No change. shoreline jurisdiction area It is good policy to take every shall provide stormwater opportunity to prevent pollution The city currently treatment for all new and and protect water quality. regulates redeveloped pollution Policy SMP 4.5 requires that all stormwater by generating impervious development within the Chapter 22.150 surfaces. shoreline jurisdiction area shall Stormwater provide stormwater treatment Management � for all new and redeveloped Regulations. The � pollution generating impervious Spokane Regional m surfaces.This is consistent with Stromwater Manual � the Shoreline Management Act is adopted by H � policy of giving preference to reference within this 3 uses which prevent pollution Chapter. � and the Shoreline Master o Program Guidelines. � I 'f? K Anderson comment: aDoes this match existing codes � or will we have to create new � ones? Parking facilities for public J Short—DOE No Change. The ° access to the shoreline and Parking should be kept outside policy is consistent � water should be kept as far of shoreline jurisdiction when with the law and " from the shorelines as feasible per 173-26-241(3)(k). supported by the � feasible SAG.Parking a� I K Anderson comments: facilities are not a Y N Public Parking facilities for preferred use and a � public access to the shoreline whenever possible, � � and water should be kept as far even if associated c a from the shorelines as feasible. with public access, a�`—' should be located �a outside of shoreline 'urisdiction. Page 19 of 66 Draft Goals and Po&cies-Comment Table Attachment#14 Pre ared or the Ma 10,2012 Plannin Commission Meekn ;Modi aed or the Ma 24,2012PC Meekn Goal/ SAG Draft Centennial Comments Doug Pineo's Additional Public Comments Legal Counsel Language olic Comments Received Review Comments Recommendation IParking facilities should only Parking facilities should only Locating parking,which Futurewise Comments: The language Ale-slaaa5a TypO be allowed as necessary to be allowed as necessary to is not a preferred or Parking does not benefit from regarding location of correction: support permitted shoreline support permitted shoreline water-dependent or enhance shorelines.SMP parking facilities uses,and not as a primary uses,and not as a primary shoreline use,outside of 4.6,directs that parking should outside the shoreline Parking facilities use,and must be located use,^^�'^, ^'"^'^^^`^�' shorelines whenever be as far from the shoreline as is a policy choice the should only be outside of the shoreline �+^��'^^'`"^^"^•^'�^^ possible is required at feasible,and SMP 4.7, City can make that allowed as N jurisdiction area if other ��^�'� '�^^^•^^�'^`"^• WAC 173-26-241(3)(k). establishes that parking as a reflects the guidance necessary to � options are available and ��^�'^"'^^^�' It is well within the primarily use should not be in 173-26-241(3)(k). support permitted � feasible.l,[A1]�[A2] #easil�le^^ authority of local allowed within shoreline It is based on the shoreline uses,and E communities under the jurisdiction.Our shoreline areas assumption that not as a primary a` SMA to prohibit new are very limited and should be runoff from parking use,and must be �4 parking within shorelines reserved for uses that require facilities can impact located outside of ° consistent with this or benefit from a shoreline shoreline functions. the shoreline � � WAC,and many SMPs location,not uses that can However,the City jurisdiction area if no - statewide do so. locate anywhere as primary might be able to other options are �� parking facilities can. ultimately choose a available and � different approach feasible. �' so long as the � approach is a supported by '� science and can c a demonstrate no net � loss. � Page 20 of 66 Draft Goals and Po&cies-Comment Table Attachment#14 Pre ared or the Ma 10,2012 Plannin Commission Meekn ;Modi aed or the Ma 24,2012PC Meekn Goal/ SAG Draft Centennial Comments Doug Pineo's Additional Public Comments Legal Counsel Language olic Comments Received Review Comments Recommendation Retain unused public rights- Retain unused public rights- Futurewise comments: Centennial's No Change. of-way within the shoreline of-way within the shoreline Public access is a community proposed revision area to provide visual and area to provide visual and value.Policy SMP 4.9 calls for appears to eliminate � physical access to the physical access to the retaining unused public rights- flexibility by deleting m shoreline unless: shoreline unless: of-way as shoreline accesses. one of the available � � The street vacation The street vacation These public owned corridors options to overcome N enables the City to acquire enables the City to acquire are excellent opportunities to the preference for � the property for beach or the property for beach or allow the public to see and retaining rights of ° water access purposes,boat water access purposes,boat access shorelines. way in the shoreline. 3 moorage or launching sites, moorage or launching sites, By pursuing the park,public view,recreation, park,public view,recreation, proposed revision, ° or educational purposes,or or educational purposes,or the City would be L other public uses or the City other public uses^"+� making the policy °' declares that the street or more rigid. � �ii�„�� nii, H��nr � alley is not presently being � used and is not suitable for a the above purposes;or ;or -O � The street vacation The street vacation � � enables the City to implement enables the City to implement j a plan,that provides a plan,that provides � N comparable or improved comparable or improved � � public access to the same public access to the same �Q shoreline area to which the shoreline area to which the �m streets or alleys sought to be streets or alleys sought to be a�N vacated,had the properties vacated,had the properties �a included in the plan not been included in the plan not been vacate vacated Improve non-motorized K Anderson comments: No change. The � access to the shoreline by Is this special emphasis policy reflects a � � developing,where beyond public access community ��� appropriate,pathways,trails requirement? preference and � `o o and bikeways along and priority for non- ��N adjacent to the shoreline. motorized access. � Connectivity between non- �z °i motorized access points is encoura ed. Page 21 of 66 Draft Goals and Po&cies-Comment Table Attachment#14 Pre ared or the Ma 10,2012 Plannin Commission Meekn ;Modi aed or the Ma 24,2012PC Meekn Goal/ SAG Draft Centennial Comments Doug Pineo's Additional Public Comments Legal Counsel Language olic Comments Received Review Comments Recommendation Recognize the importance Recognize the importance The SMA,at RCW K Anderson Comment: The City's No Change: The and uniqueness of the and uniqueness of the 90.58.020,clearly sets Outside scope of SMA? discussion and intent was to require Spokane River Centennial Spokane River Centennial forth the prioritized, °^^^^^��^'"^�^�^^�^^^^^^�' description of the that trail Trail to the City of Spokane Trail to the City of Spokane preferred uses for public access development be Valley,the region,and the Valley,the region,and the shorelines of statewide o�,,,,,r,,..�,,....�..i r.,.�i a,,aH,, provided by the done with the least state, Future trail state, Future trail significance,which r�`„^'c^^'-^^^`�^"^„ `"^ Centennial trail is impact,not minimal development including trail development including trail renders these changes ^^�'`�^^`^`^ ���`��•^ one of the general impact. The change extensions,new access extensions,new access and added language �•^�'�'^„^'^^^,^^'�^^�'"�'�^^'•^'' areas where there is from proposed points,whether public or points,whether public or inappropriate. significant room for language would be private,shall be designed to private,shall be designed to policy choices that significant. have the least adverse have#�-ie-leas4 minimal will allow the City to However,visual impact. adverse impact while at the a�uer�e�as� recognize the access could be same time provide both significant public encouraged as part visual and phvsical access to access already of the design. I the shoreline. available to the Spokane River C�I ThePC within the City. should Much of the diseuss discussion and whether to deseription may be eneourage better addressed in visual the forthcoming aeeess as public access plan partofthe that is currently design. � under development rather than in these .� I goals and policies. H � The purpose of '� Centennial's � proposed edit is not � clear. It appears to be more restrictive ° in that it suggests o that public access '� must be designed to o include both visual � and physical access. When required, � public access does a not always result in � physical access to � the water. Page 22 of 66 Draft Goals and Po&cies-Comment Table Attachment#14 Pre ared or the Ma 10,2012 Plannin Commission Meekn ;Modi aed or the Ma 24,2012PC Meekn Goal/ SAG Draft Centennial Comments Doug Pineo's Additional Public Comments Legal Counsel Language olic Comments Received Review Comments Recommendation Allow new rail lines and the Allow new rail lines and the K Anderson comment: Both policies in SMP No Change. Issues expansion of existing rail expansion of existing rail Outside authority of SMA? 4.12 and 4.13 may regarding rail lines corridors within the shoreline corridors within the shoreline ^"^�^�^^�^�•^�"�^^^^^�""^ be preempted by are outside the jurisdiction only for the jurisdiction ea�y�for the federal law. The authority of SMA. purpose of connecting to purpose of connecting to ^••��'^•^,^,�`��^`"^^"^•^';^^ general jurisdiction However,not all existing rail lines or rights-of- existing rail lines or rights-of- �•�^�'�^`�^^^^'„'^•'"^^��•^^^^ provision of the policies result in way.Construct new rail lines way so lona as thev enhance Interstate regulations as noted within an existing rail corridor the viabilitv of the shoreline '�^^^^••�^"'^^',.,^„ r^^^'•�� ' Commerce in Tadas Kiselius where possible. and its ecoloaical functions. •^�"�^^^,^,�`��^^^^��^';^^ Commission memo. The policy Construct new rail lines within Termination Act of does provide a an existing rail corridor where 1995(ICCTA) framework for possible. provides that the discussion,if the city � jurisdiction of the is faced with this Surface situation. Transportation Board(STB)over rail transportation and the remedies provided under the ICCTA are exclusive "and preempt the remedies provided under Federal or State law." 49 U.S.C.§10501(b). The courts have interpreted this language broadly, frequently holding that the ICCTA preempts the application of local land use laws. See, e.g.,CityofAuburn v.United States, 154 F.3d 1025(9th Cir.1998),cert. denied,527 U.S. 1022(1999). The ICCTA preempts any local requirements that otherwise would be applied to facilities that are an integral part of the railroad's interstate operations. � Applying this test, the STB has specifically held that Page 23 of 66 "zoning ordinances and local land use normi4 ron�iiromon4c Draft Goals and Po&cies-Comment Table Attachment#14 Pre ared or the Ma 10,2012 Plannin Commission Meekn ;Modi aed or the Ma 24,2012PC Meekn Goal/ SAG Draft Centennial Comments Doug Pineo's Additional Public Comments Legal Counsel Language olic Comments Received Review Comments Recommendation Construct,where feasible,all - K Anderson comment: No change—see �.�'N new rail lines so that they do Outside authority of SMA?^ above. M� not compromise the public's �� ability to access the shoreline ' ' �n� safely. ,.�,. „��„,.,,N�,,.�� �.� ..h�r�,^m tH,.�H,..,,r,.,. � (n J Encourage and support water Encourage and support water This is open-ended, K Anderson comment: No change. dependent,water oriented, dependent,water oriented, undefined language not Encourage and support water and water related economic and water related economic related to the SMA. dependent,water oriented,and activities within the activities within the water related economic shorelands of the City of shorelands of the City of activities within the shorelands Spokane Valley that will be Spokane Valley that will be of the City of Spokane Valley � an asset to the economy of an asset to the economy of a the area and that will protect the area.enhance the that � and maintain the ecological viabilitv of the Citv and that will protect and maintain the � functions of the shoreline will protect and maintain the ecological functions of the � environment ecological functions of the shoreline environment shoreline environment Page 24 of 66 Draft Goals and Po&cies-Comment Table Attachment#14 Pre ared or the Ma 10,2012 Plannin Commission Meekn ;Modi aed or the Ma 24,2012PC Meekn Goal/ SAG Draft Centennial Comments Doug Pineo's Additional Public Comments Legal Counsel Language olic Comments Received Review Comments Recommendation Give preference to economic Give preference to economic K Anderson comment: The language in No change. The development within the development within the How do you give preference to policy 5.1 is derived language is not shoreline jurisdiction that is shoreline jurisdiction that is private property without in part from the intended to address particularly dependent on water dependent.water rezoning? language in RCW residential uses and their location on or use of the oriented or water related 90.58.020 which thus the language is shoreline.Encourage new ^��'^•'� -'^^^^�'^^t^^ gives priority to a appropriate. development to locate in range of uses, areas that have intensive �"^•�,,,,�'�^^.Encourage new including"industrial prior use and can be development to locate in and commercial upgraded or redeveloped. areas that have intensive developments which Encourage new economic prior use and can be are particularly development to cluster into upgraded or redeveloped. dependent on their areas of the shoreline whose Encourage new economic location on or use of current use is compatible. development to cluster into the shorelines of the areas of the shoreline whose state." So long as current use is compatible. "economic developmenP' encompasses only commercial and industrial development and does not include other listed uses (such as development of single family homes),then the policy language is consistent with the I statute. Centennial's proposed revisions propose expanding the policy to use three defined terms in the guidelines. See WAC 173-26- 020. See also WAC 173-26-201(2)(d). These types of uses are allowed within the shoreline and are included in the preferred order of uses. See 173-26- 201(2)(d). The guidelines give water dependent uses the highest priority,but provide Page 25 of 66 for other water- oriented uses within tL.n4 i.r.Jor i.f nrii.rih� Draft Goals and Po&cies-Comment Table Attachment#14 Pre ared or the Ma 10,2012 Plannin Commission Meekn ;Modi aed or the Ma 24,2012PC Meekn Goal/ SAG Draft Centennial Comments Doug Pineo's Additional Public Comments Legal Counsel Language olic Comments Received Review Comments Recommendation Development should be - K Anderson comment: Who While the second Change: Clarify that designed to minimize the would determine the reason sentence of the the intent is for uses impacts to the shoreline and level of restoration? policy is consistent not dependent upon � aesthetic through Development should be with the general a shoreline location architectural,landscape,and designed to minimize the preference for water to locate outside of other design features.All impacts to the shoreline dependent uses shoreline non-shoreline dependent aesthetic through architectural, within the shoreline, jurisdiction.This elements of the development landscape,and other design this sentence may was discussed by should be placed inland. features.All non-shoreline be unintentionally the SAG. Encourage design that seeks dependent elements of the restrictive. First,the to restore damaged or development should be placed phrase"inland"is Q ThePC compromised shoreline inland.�^^^��^^^�'^^'^^t"^t not defined and may should through incentives. lead to confusion. diseuss Second,while there whether to is a preference for restrict non- water dependent water uses,the regulations oriented allow for water dwelopment related,water within enjoyment and even shoreline � non-water oriented jurisdietion. uses to be located within the shoreline Development should jurisdiction in certain be designed to locations. See WAC minimize the 173-26-201(2)(d). impacts to the Thus the policy is shoreline aesthetic within the range of through choices the City architectural, could make,but is landscape,and more restrictive than other design what is required. features.Give oreference to water- oriented economic development,while limitinq location of I A1�non- sl-ieKe4i�-iewater oriented�ea�le� elements of the I development� � be-qlase�outside of Q shoreline iurisdiction o unless the site is � inappropriate for � water-oriented uses � or the development � demonstrablv 0 o contributes to the W obiectives of the `o Shoreline � Page 26 of 66 Manacrement Act. '� �Encourage r'i iJocinn 4L.n4 coo4c hi. Draft Goals and Po&cies-Comment Table Attachment#14 Pre ared or the Ma 10,2012 Plannin Commission Meekn ;Modi aed or the Ma 24,2012PC Meekn Goal/ SAG Draft Centennial Comments Doug Pineo's Additional Public Comments Legal Counsel Language olic Comments Received Review Comments Recommendation Historic areas,overlook Historic areas,overlook This may Change: points,structures,and points points,structures,and points unintentionally of public access to the of public access to the suggest that public When oublic access waterfront should be waterbodies�should be access is a is required under incorporated in economic incorporated in economic necessary this SMP.#historic development site-planning. development site-planning component of all areas,overlook shoreline points,structures, development,which and points of public is inconsistent with access to the the SMP and waterfront should be constitutional incorporated in protections. The economic SMP strongly development site- encourages planning. provision of public access,but,as recognized in the � guidelines,public � access is not always o required"due to >, reasons of � incompatible uses, � safety,security,or � impact to the Q shoreline m � environment or due w � to constitutional or a other legal m limitations that may � be applicable." 'w WAC 173-26- a 221(4)(d).It may be o preferable to N acknowledge that o public access is not 'w always required by o using an a` introductory phrase °'? such as"when apublic access is � required under this � SMP..." Page 27 of 66 Draft Goals and Po&cies-Comment Table Attachment#14 Pre ared or the Ma 10,2012 Plannin Commission Meekn ;Modi aed or the Ma 24,2012PC Meekn Goal/ SAG Draft Centennial Comments Doug Pineo's Additional Public Comments Legal Counsel Language olic Comments Received Review Comments Recommendation � Strengthen regional tourism K Anderson comment: SMA No Change. � by expanding and developing scope is tourism facilities �.� neighborhood and regional relative to the shoreline,not ° � linkages and improvements tourism? w� that use the shoreline areas. c`•^^^'"^^� ^"^ ^�"„ c� ,.,�;,.,.,.,.a,�,,,,,,i,.,.;,.,. � � 0 � a°'i i;,.i,..,.,.�..,.,�; (n d' +H..�� +H,.�H,..,.i�,.,,.. Page 28 of 66 Draft Goals and Po&cies-Comment Table Attachment#14 Pre ared or the Ma 10,2012 Plannin Commission Meekn ;Modi aed or the Ma 24,2012PC Meekn Goal/ SAG Draft Centennial Comments Doug Pineo's Additional Public Comments Legal Counsel Language olic Comments Received Review Comments Recommendation Require that the short-term o^^���•^'"^""^^"^�'^•^� This evaluation is K Anderson comment: To some degree, economic gain or eseaea3is-gaiN-ec required at RCW Require that the short-term this Policy proposed Q ThePC convenience of development ^^'�'^��^'^^^�^^' 90.58.020. This policy eseaea�is gain or convenience by the SAG appears should be evaluated against the should be retained. of development be evaluated to paraphrase the discuss long-term and potentially '^^^`^•^,^^�'^^`^^`�^"�� against the long-term and use preference in whether to costly impairments to the ^^^"„�^, ^,^^`^`^`"^ potentially costly impairments RCW 90.58.020 that include this natural environments and ^^'��•^'^^„�•^^^,^^`^^^�' to the natural environments and identifies a poliey, state-wide interest that may �^���'^'^�^•^^ '"^ ^, state-wide interest that may preference for uses delete it,or result. �es�+l� result. that"result in long modifi�it as term over short term deseribed in benefit,""recognize legal and protectthe eounsel statewide interest eomments. over local interest", and"preserve the PC Change 5/10/12: natural character of �^`"�,^``",a the shoreline." See also Policy 1.7. The policy does not e€�e�eleqaae�e reference the eval�atedagaius� countervailing «"^�^^9'^�;,a emphasis in RCW �� 90.58.020on �r^^`�`^'".,a fostering all aaE�ral � reasonable and �.,�.^'^^^�' � appropriate uses staEe-wide-i+�teKes� � and recognition of iha�+x�ay-Kes�al� '� alteration of the � natural shoreline. ° The state policy W goals are applicable, ° regardless of their o inclusion here. As � such,it is within the m range of discretion w to include this policy, �O. delete it,or modify it � a to emphasize other � concepts in RCW � 90.58.020. Page 29 of 66 Draft Goals and Po&cies-Comment Table Attachment#14 Pre ared or the Ma 10,2012 Plannin Commission Meekn ;Modi aed or the Ma 24,2012PC Meekn Goal/ SAG Draft Centennial Comments Doug Pineo's Additional Public Comments Legal Counsel Language olic Comments Received Review Comments Recommendation Promote recreational uses of 5.�7 Promote recreational Public access is a K Anderson comment: The changes No change. � the shorelines to contribute to uses throuqh the use of foundation of the SMA, o�^��^�°Increase recreational proposed by o the economic attractiveness public access of the but is only one of many uses of the shorelines to Centennial would '� of the city. Seek shorelines to contribute to the elements of public contribute to the economic limit the preference � opportunities to partner with economic attractiveness of recreational attractiveness of the city. for recreational uses U � public and private property the city. Seek opportunities opportunities. Seek opportunities to partner solely to public � owners to increase public to partner with public and with public and private property access o recreational opportunities in private property owners to owners to increase public opportunities. The othe shoreline. increase public recreational recreational opportunities in the City may choose to a` opportunities on public shoreline. promote recreational 00. access in the shoreline. uses more a ,n generally,rather �� than just public access. N Promote the identification K Anderson comment: No change. The � � and establishment of water- o•^^�^'^'"^;�'^^'�F^^"^^^^�' Spokane River and �Q enjoyment areas,such as esta�4+sk�ieat�€Establish and its recreational �� parks,view points,beaches identify water-enjoyment areas, opportunities are an O1 °� and pathways as attractions such as parks,view points, economic asset. a o beaches and pathways as Promotion is a �'� attractions means to capitalize cn w on those assets. Encourage shoreline PC Change 5/10/12: industries and businesses to Encourage shoreline � maintain a well kept industries and � appearance and to operate in businesses to � o a manner that will not cause maintain a well kept �'� negative environmental appearance and to mQ impacts to the community. operate in a manner o O that will not cause � �. negative in �,.�„„r.,i a � �� aesthetic impacts to cn_ the communit . Page 30 of 66 Draft Goals and Po&cies-Comment Table Attachment#14 Pre ared or the Ma 10,2012 Plannin Commission Meekn ;Modi aed or the Ma 24,2012PC Meekn Goal/ SAG Draft Centennial Comments Doug Pineo's Additional Public Comments Legal Counsel Language olic Comments Received Review Comments Recommendation Encourage and provide J Short—DOE: Incentives are a incentives for redevelopment Where in the City of Spokane common tool utilized of existing sites that includes Valley would redevelopment to encourage points of public access,areas improve fish passage? development to Idesigned for public provide specific enjoyment,improve fish and K Anderson comment: How features above the wildlife habitat,or improve do you legally provide minimum fish passage. incentives for property owners? requirements of a I Encourage�e code. Incentives +asea�ives-fe�the are usually in the redevelopment of existing sites form of density that includes points of public bonuses,height access,areas designed for increases,setback public enjoyment,improve fish variances,etc. I and wildlife habitat,or improve fish passage.1 Change: Encourage and provide � incentives for °� redevelopment of E �- existing sites that 0 � includes points of a public access,areas � designed for public � enjoyment,and � improve fish and a wildlife habitat� � � Page 31 of 66 Draft Goals and Po&cies-Comment Table Attachment#14 Pre ared or the Ma 10,2012 Plannin Commission Meekn ;Modi aed or the Ma 24,2012PC Meekn Goal/ SAG Draft Centennial Comments Doug Pineo's Additional Public Comments Legal Counsel Language olic Comments Received Review Comments Recommendation New public and private K Anderson comment: This may policy may shoreline uses and New public aa�-�ivate be more restrictive Q ThePC developments should be shoreline uses and than what the should planned and designed to developmenis should be statute requires. diseuss attract the public io ihe planned and designed io attract There are times whether to waterfront. the public to the waterfront. when providing inelude this public access or poliey, attracting the public delete it,or to the water front is modi�j�it as not appropriate or deseribed in required. The legal guidelines eounsel reeognize,for eomments example,that public access is not always PC Change 5/10/12: appropriate or required"due to New public and reasons of private shoreline incompatible uses, uses and safety,security,or developments impact to the should be planned shoreline and designed to environment or due attract the public to � to constitutional or the waterfront,with 0 other legal exceptions as w limitations that may allowed by WAC � be applicable." 173-26-221 (4)(d). p` WAC 173-26- � I 221(4)(d). In a particular,imposing mpublic access N requirements on � private shoreline a uses may not � always have the � re uired nexus. Page 32 of 66 Draft Goals and Po&cies-Comment Table Attachment#14 Pre ared or the Ma 10,2012 Plannin Commission Meekn ;Modi aed or the Ma 24,2012PC Meekn Goal/ SAG Draft Centennial Comments Doug Pineo's Additional Public Comments Legal Counsel Language olic Comments Received Review Comments Recommendation K Anderson comment: How No Change. Incentives should be created do you legally provide Incentives are a to encourage developers to incentives for property owners? common tool utilized � incorporate design features -�-��'-'�-� �--'�- to encourage � into the waterside of the encourage developers to development to � building. incorporate design features into provide specific � the waterside of the building. features above the � minimum � requirements of a � code. I ncentives � � are usually in the > form of density a� bonuses,height � � increases,setback cn_ variances,etc.. Support and maintain the ]Short—DOE: Change: Support existing aggregate mining Delete"maintain". It is not the ^^�'^��°^'^'^the � industry as a significant City's responsibility to maintain existing aggregate � component of the area a private industrial operation mining industry as a a economy. significant � component of the � area econom . Encouraae Economic This proposed Development of the shoreline Policy may fall within Q ThePC area that will enhance the the discretion of the should viabilitv of the Citv as a City,especially in diseuss � whole. light of the other whether to � policies in this inelude this a section that reflect poliey. � other key SMA � conce ts. Page 33 of 66 Draft Goals and Po&cies-Comment Table Attachment#14 Pre ared or the Ma 10,2012 Plannin Commission Meekn ;Modi aed or the Ma 24,2012PC Meekn Goal/ SAG Draft Centennial Comments Doug Pineo's Additional Public Comments Legal Counsel Language olic Comments Received Review Comments Recommendation Areas that provide open Areas that provide open Unnecessary, Futurewise Comments: This policy covers Q ThePC spaces,scenic vistas, spaces,scenic vistas, misleading phrase. Proposed Policy SMP 6.1 several key should contribute to shoreline contribute to shoreline Regulation is also directs"[a]reas that provide shoreline topics discuss aesthetics,natural vegetation aesthetics,natural vegetation required to preserve the open spaces,scenic vistas, including public whether to and,fish and wildlife habitat and,fish and wildlife habitat listed shoreline contribute to shoreline access(view modijy this should be preserved should be preserved throuah attributes. aesthetics,natural vegetation access),shoreline policy to the use of communitv and,fish and wildlife habitat vegetation refleet a incentives. should be preserved[.]"The conservation,and mandatory Shoreline Master Program critical areas. While shall Guidelines in WAC 173-26- shoreline regulations statementas 186(8)(b)require that"[I]ocal often seek to protect weII as master programs shall include these characteristics Centennial policies and regulations to varying degrees, Properties designed to achieve no net loss the SMA does not statements of those ecological functions." require complete regarding The use of"should"in this preservation of ineentives. I policy indicates that protection existing views, of these areas is not always shoreline aesthetics, PC Change 5/10/12 required.To be consistent with natural vegetation, Two approaches are the requirements of WAC 173- or wildlife habitat. suggested for 26-186(8)(b)the"should"must The legal standard discussion. be changed to"shall." allows more flexibility,even with Areas that provide K Anderson comment: respect to critical epeN-s�ases scenic SMP 6.1. Public Areas to be areas. See WAC vistas or,-contribute Preserved(Title change) 173-26-201(2)(c) to shoreline � (the concept of"neY' aesthetics should be in the no net loss preserved standard anticipates consistent some impact). Thus constitutional or the proposed Policy other leaal is more restrictive limitations that mav than what is be applicable.; required. Ensure no net loss of shoreline However,the ecological functions revision proposed by including natural a Centennial vegetation and,fish � completely and wildlife habitat Neliminates regulatory ch..��I.J h.......�....,...J � tools to address a these concerns and -or- � represents the � opposite extreme. A�eas-l1iaY�reui�e w m � �,�--�„���.,M„�,.�,. Q � � , ...J F�4......a..,�I.�I�F.. a � �ia�ita�-sue�ld-�e � Page 34 of 66 Draft Goals and Po&cies-Comment Table Attachment#14 Pre ared or the Ma 10,2012 Plannin Commission Meekn ;Modi aed or the Ma 24,2012PC Meekn Goal/ SAG Draft Centennial Comments Doug Pineo's Additional Public Comments Legal Counsel Language olic Comments Received Review Comments Recommendation Protect existing vegetation Protect the existing Buffer averaging does The policy is Q ThePC and shoreline ecological vegetation and shoreline not work in the SMA consistent with the should function by designating ecological function by context because a net general approach to discuss buffers and setbacks that are designating buffers and loss of ecological ensuring no net loss whether to supported by the 2010 setbacks that are supported function always occurs of existing shoreline include the Shoreline Inventory. by the 2010 Shoreline when it is used. functions. additional Inventory or their incentives Centennial's language that buffer averaaina natural proposed edit is deseribed in veaetation and are specific to difficult to track but legal the area. appears to suggest eounsel using tools in eomments I addition to standard buffers. Many jurisdictions have Change: Protect used a variety of existing vegetation tools to provide and shoreline some flexibility from ecological function the standard buffer by designating concept,while buffers and ensuring protection setbacks that are of no net loss. supported by the Accordingly,while 2010 Shoreline Centennial's Inventory,and allow wording is not for the use of sufficiently clear and innovative may include more techniques and � detailed concepts strateqies while � than is appropriate ensurinq no net loss � at this stage,the of ecoloqical � City can consider functions. - � including language ,� that would w encourage mconsideration of � other innovative '— techniques and � strategies for � providing more > flexibility while � ensuring protection 0 of no net loss, a including concepts N like buffer � a averaging,or � common lot line set � backs. Page 35 of 66 Draft Goals and Po&cies-Comment Table Attachment#14 Pre ared or the Ma 10,2012 Plannin Commission Meekn ;Modi aed or the Ma 24,2012PC Meekn Goal/ SAG Draft Centennial Comments Doug Pineo's Additional Public Comments Legal Counsel Language olic Comments Received Review Comments Recommendation � Acquire and maintain, K Anderson comment: The No change. These � through conservation futures, suggestion of using taxpayer tools are commonly � donations,grants,general funds is outside the scope of used for public r funds,or other sources, SMA. acquisition � shoreline areas containing purposes. � a natural elements especially Acquire and maintain rip vate � worthy of preservation or propertv, especially attractive to the #a#�es,donations,grants, ° ublic,such as beaches, "�^�'^ � p �,or other 4 forest covers,trees,wildlife sources,shoreline areas �N a� populations,vistas and other containing natural elements a�N scenic features. especially worthy of Q W preservation or especially �?�- attractive to the public,such as � a � beaches,forest covers,trees, �Q wildlife populations,vistas and other scenic features. Page 36 of 66 Draft Goals and Po&cies-Comment Table Attachment#14 Pre ared or the Ma 10,2012 Plannin Commission Meekn ;Modi aed or the Ma 24,2012PC Meekn Goal/ SAG Draft Centennial Comments Doug Pineo's Additional Public Comments Legal Counsel Language olic Comments Received Review Comments Recommendation Utilize 2010 shoreline Restoring degraded The concept No Change inventorv to establish shorelines is a principal proposed by recommended. baselines for the functions goal of the SMA and Centennial of using and values of shoreline. To SMP Guidelines rule,so the shoreline Q ThePCmap the extent that a orooertv the Spokane Valley inventory as a wish to owner wants to oreoare its shoreline inventory is, baseline for eonsider the own inventorv.relv upon the appropriately,a measuring no net reworded individualized assessment. description of existing loss is consistent yroposal. conditions,and NOT a with the SMA and baseline for desired Ecology guidance Utilize 2010 future conditions. on this subject. The shoreline inventorv Because the SMA City may also to establish protects the public's consider the baselines for the inalienable rights in the additional concept functions and values shorelines which include suggested by of shoreline. statewide interests,the Centennial though Propertv owners planning process is the exact wording mav provide largely funded by the and mechanics may additional public through the need to be further information to legislature's grants to refined. While a supplement the update SMPs. Owner- shoreline owner may inventorv in funded inventories of not necessarily oreoaration of a individual parcels are prepare its"own development almost never based on inventory"it may be or000sal. watershed level analysis possible to allow an as required in the SMA owner to present and SMP Guidelines. studies and Furthermore,they information specific represent"piecemeal, to their property in uncoordinated preparation of a developmenP', development specifically recognized in proposal.This RCW 90.58 020 as concept is used °inherently harm(ful)". regularly in GMA This proposed language critical areas � is therefore not regulations of many � consistent with the law, jurisdictions where �. SMP Guideline rules,or property owners ° the deliberations of the prepare and submit � Spokane Valley SAG. critical areas reports � that provide more � detailed information '� about the specific L property cn characteristics than �? are included in the � a City's more general � mapping. � Page 37 of 66 Draft Goals and Po&cies-Comment Table Attachment#14 Pre ared or the Ma 10,2012 Plannin Commission Meekn ;Modi aed or the Ma 24,2012PC Meekn Goal/ SAG Draft Centennial Comments Doug Pineo's Additional Public Comments Legal Counsel Language olic Comments Received Review Comments Recommendation Protect and preserve 6.45 Protect and preserve This language is See memo Section Change: ecological viability and ecological viability and impossibly vague, B,regarding the m connectivity through use of connectivity through use of undermining the legal standard. Assure no net loss '� habitat islands and corridors habitat islands and corridors planning process and of A�e�es�a�4 o within the shoreline area. within the shoreline area that ignoring modern More generally,the {�esewe-ecological W are reasonable and that take scientific standing of City may be required viability and a� into consideration existinq shoreline ecology,and to ensure no net connectivity through � and future uses and further,is obviated by loss provided that use of habitat � T development of the area. the planning process the science islands and a�� required by the law and demonstrates that corridors within the ��� WAC. habitat connectivity shoreline area. a � or corridors are �U shoreline ecological functions. Retain existing open space 6.56 Retair�Incentivize the Execrable syntax which This Policy Change title: and environmentally sensitive retention of existing open would lose the intent of appropriately � areas on private property space and environmentally the policy. identifies incentives SMP 6.5 Incentives � through the e use of sensitive areas on private as a possible tool for for Retention of ,°� incentives. property'"•^��^"'"^^��^^^' helping achieve o^^^���•^^^ � +asea�es. SMA goals. There �aa�IsCritical Areas o may be some and Open Space � confusion,however, 0 '� from the title of the � policy which refers � to"resource lands" o (which typically ,n refers to agriculture, > forestry,and mineral � resource lands— � � see e.g.,RCW � 36.70A.060)and the � subject matter, a a which refers to open � � space and critical (n J areas. Page 38 of 66 Draft Goals and Po&cies-Comment Table Attachment#14 Pre ared or the Ma 10,2012 Plannin Commission Meekn ;Modi aed or the Ma 24,2012PC Meekn Goal/ SAG Draft Centennial Comments Doug Pineo's Additional Public Comments Legal Counsel Language olic Comments Received Review Comments Recommendation Development shall avoid and 6.�7 Development shall avei� This language must be Futurewise comments: See Memo section No Change. if avoidance is not possible, retained. READ WAC Avoidance of impacts is the B. The Policy mitigate negative impacts to �essibl�mitigate negative 173-26-201(2)(e),which best defense.We strongly appears to try to steep banks,surface and impacts to steep banks, states that SMPs SHALL support the avoidance polices; introduce the ground water quality, surface and ground water apply mitigation Policy SMP 6.6 provides that concept of mitigation ecological functions,fish and quality,ecological functions, sequencing. "[d]evelopment shall avoid and sequencing. See wildlife habitat,vegetative fish and wildlife habitat, if avoidance is not possible, WAC 173-26- cover,and erosion of the soil. vegetative cover,and erosion mitigate negative impacts..." 201(2)(e). The � of the soil. Other policies also address details of mitigation avoiding impacts.Making sequencing are Mitigation Work:The Report of often handled at the the Mitigation that Works implementing N Forum emphasized the need to regulation phase � avoid impacts on wetlands and rather than in � other aquatic resources to policies. Avoidance, effectively protect these is the highest priority � resources.3 Because mitigation and the first step in � is expensive,avoidance can the mitigation z help developers too. sequence. By o proposing removal � ofthe sentence,the 4 change proposed by � Centennial's may be � vulnerable to the � challenge that it is � inconsistent with a SMA requirements � � Page 39 of 66 Draft Goals and Po&cies-Comment Table Attachment#14 Pre ared or the Ma 10,2012 Plannin Commission Meekn ;Modi aed or the Ma 24,2012PC Meekn Goal/ SAG Draft Centennial Comments Doug Pineo's Additional Public Comments Legal Counsel Language olic Comments Received Review Comments Recommendation Regulations shall assure that K Anderson comment: How This is consistent No Change. the commonly occurring and would a regulation define and with WAC 173-26- Regulations will foreseeable cumulative prove cumulative impacts? 186(8)(d),which anticipate impacts impacts of development do indicates that"(d) from common uses not cause a net loss of t"^^^^�^�^^', ^ ^^�' Local master and create ecological functions of the '^•^^^^^"'^^��^���'^'",^�^�^^^t^ programs shall standards to shoreline evaluate and address the impact. "^^^^'^^^'^^�^^"��^ +'^^^ consider cumulative ^'+"^^"^�^'^^ impacts of reasonably foreseeable future development on shoreline ecological functions and other shoreline functions fostered by the policy goals of the act.To ensure no net loss of ecological functions and protection of other shoreline functions and/or uses,master N programs shall Qcontain policies, � programs,and � regulations that '— address adverse .� � cumulative impacts � and fairly allocate U the burden of '� add ressing � a cumulative impacts � among development � 0 ortunities." Page 40 of 66 Draft Goals and Po&cies-Comment Table Attachment#14 Pre ared or the Ma 10,2012 Plannin Commission Meekn ;Modi aed or the Ma 24,2012PC Meekn Goal/ SAG Draft Centennial Comments Doug Pineo's Additional Public Comments Legal Counsel Language olic Comments Received Review Comments Recommendation Develop a Restoration Plan Develop a Restoration Plan This issue was K Anderson comment: The restoration plan No Change. that will identify degraded that will identify degraded discussed in depth,and is an important areas and provide a areas and provide a settled by the SAG as a SMP 7.1 Restoration Plan on element of the SMP Q ThePCmay framework for restoration framework for restoration group.The proposed Public Land(Title only update. It will ti��ish to efforts to improve the existing efforts to improve the existing language and deletions provide the basis for diseuss the ecological function and ecological function and skews the SAG intent, restoration efforts as proposal. provide a mechanism for provide a mechanism for Ioint and is not consistent a result of joint mitigation of unavoidable and public and private mitigation with WAC 173-26- public and private unforeseeable future of� 201(2)(f). efforts. The development �aa#eKeseea43Je�future restoration plan development while providina presents an incentives for future opportunity to development for mitiqation. balance against the regulatory"burden" of the no net loss standard. The restoration plan should identify opportunities for and progress toward restoration that creates a"net gain" to balance against potential loss of shoreline ecological function in other parts of the shoreline. In that regard the SAG's draft policy appropriately characterizes the approach. The restoration plan should identify existing restoration projects and programs in the City. � As noted in the mitigation sequence, when mitigation is required because a project creates a net loss of shoreline ecological functions and the project proponent cannot accommodate mitigation on-site,a comprehensive restoration plan may Page 41 of 66 provide opportunities for off- ci4o mitinn4ii.n 4i. Draft Goals and Po&cies-Comment Table Attachment#14 Pre ared or the Ma 10,2012 Plannin Commission Meekn ;Modi aed or the Ma 24,2012PC Meekn Goal/ SAG Draft Centennial Comments Doug Pineo's Additional Public Comments Legal Counsel Language olic Comments Received Review Comments Recommendation Provide incentives for Provide incentives for This two-word proposed J Short DOE: Change: Provide projects that include projects that include addition reads like an Uses would be limited to those incentives for restoration and enhancement restoration and enhancement attempt to undermine allowed through the regs/use projects that include components by implementing components by implementing the public investment in table;and restoration and � tools which may include but tools which may include but shoreline inventory, enhancement � are not limited to:modifying are not limited to:modifying shoreline ecological I suggest you allow this components by � the shoreline setback area the shoreline setback and functions,and clear, flexibility,with appropriate implementing tools L that would apply to the buffer areas that would apply predictable standards. sideboards,when the project which may include W restored areas or allowing a to the restored areas or will result in a net gain of but are not limited � greater range of uses or allowing a greater range of ecological function.Restoration to:modifying the m flexible development uses or flexible development or enhancement may be shoreline setback o standards(e.g.,setbacks)on standards(e.g.,setbacks)on required elements of a area that would �% properties providing properties providing permitted activity simply to apply to the restored o restoration and or restoration and or achieve the no net loss areas or allowing a � enhancement. enhancement. standard. greater range of o I uses or flexible N K Anderson comment: ? development � Incentives Again standards(e.g., �� setbacks)on � properties providing � restoration and or °'? N enhancement that a � mav result in a net � ° qain of ecoloaical cn a function. Preserve and protect existing Preserve and protect existing These proposed Futurewise comments: See memo section Change: o•^,��^^,^ ecological functions and ecological functions and changes both lower the Ensuring consistency with other B. aa�-}�Cetesi� ecosystem-wide processes ecosystem-wide processes stated intent below environmental policies is a Centennial's ��Assure no within wetlands,critical within wetlands,critical required standards set practice of good government. proposal to require net loss of aquifer recharge areas,fish aquifer recharge areas,fish forth in WAC 173-26-201 The Critical Areas Element on no net loss only to ecological functions 0o and wildlife habitat and wildlife habitat and the SMA itself,and pages 8 and 9 is consistent the extent feasible is and ecosystem-wide a conservation areas, conservation areas, attempt to introduce the with the Shoreline Management not consistent with processes within � geologically hazardous areas geologically hazardous areas option to eliminate any Act policy of protecting the the statute. Instead, wetlands,critical � and frequently flooded areas. and frequently flooded areas. shoreline ecological natural environment and the the concept of aquifer recharge � Ensure no net loss of To the extent feasible, attribute without Shoreline Master Program feasibility may be areas,fish and ecological function within €ensure no net loss of recognizing mitigation Guidelines which require no net taken into wildlife habitat � these critical areas ecological function within sequencing set forth in loss of shoreline ecological consideration in the conservation areas, � � these critical areas throuah WAC 173-26-201(2)(e). Functions. mitigation sequence, geologically W the use of appropriate when determining hazardous areas � mitiaation. how an individual and frequently � project satisfies the flooded areas. a statutory standard. Ensure no net loss c`4, of ecological — function within these U critical areas Page 42 of 66 Draft Goals and Po&cies-Comment Table Attachment#14 Pre ared or the Ma 10,2012 Plannin Commission Meekn ;Modi aed or the Ma 24,2012PC Meekn Goal/ SAG Draft Centennial Comments Doug Pineo's Additional Public Comments Legal Counsel Language olic Comments Received Review Comments Recommendation Ensure the critical area goals �^^��•^`"^^•�`�^^'^•^^^^^'^ J Short,DOE: See memo section Change: To the � and policies for the Shoreline This language should be Add"to the e�ent practicable". B. extent practicable �o Master Plan are consistent ""^^`^•o'^^^•^^^^��^'^^' retained since it's SMA and the Guidelines provide and consistent with w a with the critical areas goals required by WAC 173- the threshold requirements for RCW 36.70A.480 3-O and olicies contained in the ^^�'^^'�^�^^^^^`^�^^�''^ "^ 26-191 and WAC 173- €ensure the critical T� P the protection of critical areas � `4 Com rehensive Plan. �^^�^•^"^^^�,^°1^^ 26-221 2. area oals and � �, P ���—� ( ) within shoreline jurisdiction 9 N o � policies for the �N� Shoreline Master � N o Plan are consistent U � with the critical �a areas goals and a.� policies contained in �U the Comprehensive Plan. Ensure regulatory protection Ensure regulatory protection This proposed language K Anderson comment: No change. RCW measures developed for the measures developed for the would make the stated Wrong RCW? 90.58.060 o shoreline area assure no net shoreline area assure no net policy both internally references the N loss of shoreline ecological loss of shoreline ecological inconsistent,and adoption guidelines. 0 o functions necessary to functions necessary to inconsistent with the The policy as ��� sustain shoreline natural sustain shoreline natural requirements in WAC drafted is consistent o� resources as defined by resources as defined by 173-26-186 and WAC with law. z� Washington State Washington State 173-26-201 �`! s Department of Ecology Department of Ecology ao guidelines adopted pursuant guidelines adopted pursuant � ° to RCW 90.58.060 to RCW 90.58.060 to the � °� maximum extent ossible Rate wetlands based on the Rate wetlands based on the This language would No change. quality of the wetland and the quality of the wetland and the undermine public Wetlands are ecological function they ecological function they investments in shoreline considered as part �a serve. Develop protective serve. Develop protective inventory and analysis of a larger system. o � measures tailored to the measures tailored to the required by WAC 173- a� ,� wetland quality and function wetland quality and function 26,the wetland � and that consider the and that consider the miti ation re uirements m� � 9 9 � � � characteristics and setting of characteristics and setting of at WAC 395-196-485, �a °� the buffer and the impacts on the buffer and the impacts on the Best Available � � adjacent land use. adjacent land use as to the Science WAC 395-196- a a� specific wetland. 905,and the legislative �? ,� a� intent to protect against a ��� °the inherent harm in an � �L uncoordinated and 3� o piecemeal development a��� of the state's shorelines" z ° RCW 90.58.020. Page 43 of 66 Draft Goals and Po&cies-Comment Table Attachment#14 Pre ared or the Ma 10,2012 Plannin Commission Meekn ;Modi aed or the Ma 24,2012PC Meekn Goal/ SAG Draft Centennial Comments Doug Pineo's Additional Public Comments Legal Counsel Language olic Comments Received Review Comments Recommendation Base wetland mitigation on J Short—DOE: The change would m the wetland rating and ° and avoidance has been be consistent with � require mitigation deemed..." mitigation � sequencing.Only allow sequencing. a compensatory mitigation after K Anderson comment: � mitigation sequencing has Mitigation measures can be Change: Base m ,� been applied and higher extremely expensive and never wetland mitigation � � priority means of mitigation ending since there are no on the wetland :U � have been deemed quantifiable results by which to rating and require � infeasible. measure and judge success. mitigation � � sequencing.Only 0 o n�..�,.,,.+�..,.,�.,.;t;�;,,,.„�,�th,, allow compensatory a.� ����n�+• �na• mitigation after �� ...:+������n� ����,- mitigation a�L ^^ sequencing has � � �f+�•m��������n� ���� been applied and N O ....�......�.. h�..hor ' 'fi� � hoo..�....I�or�l�..rJ h�..ho...r�.�:h� � .L.. a ..F...�4�....i�...,I....�..h...... ^�°^ �a �, �iaueavoidance has a� been deemed �� infeasible. Page 44 of 66 Draft Goals and Po&cies-Comment Table Attachment#14 Pre ared or the Ma 10,2012 Plannin Commission Meekn ;Modi aed or the Ma 24,2012PC Meekn Goal/ SAG Draft Centennial Comments Doug Pineo's Additional Public Comments Legal Counsel Language olic Comments Received Review Comments Recommendation Limit development that would SMP 8.4a The original language in K Anderson comment: The SAG policy cause foreseeable risk from this policy was Limit development that would mirrors the standard Q ThePC may geological conditions to Limit development that would discussed at length in cause foreseeable risk from in WAC 173-26- tii�ish to people or property. Do not cause foreseeable risk from the SAG. The reference geological conditions to people 221(2)(c)(ii) discuss allow development that will geological conditions to to homes only is stated or property. Do not allow pertaining to whether to require structural shoreline people or property. Do not in the law;the rest of the development that will require standards for limit stabilization except in the allow development that will proposed language structural shoreline stabilization geologically structural limited cases where it is require structural shoreline undermines the intent to except in the limited cases hazardous areas. shoreline necessary to protect an stabilization except in the prevent new structural where it is necessary to protect The specific focus in stabilization Iallowed use and no limited cases where it is shoreline stabilization. an allowed�e-aa�ae the third sentence to protect alternative location is necessary to protect an Public access methods on homes,rather existing available. Allow structural allowed use and no are appropriately Allow structural shoreline than structures or homes. shoreline stabilization to alternative location is addressed elsewhere in stabilization to protect existing uses,more protect existing homes only available. Allow structural the SMP Goals and homes^^'���^"^^•^'^^^«^^^� generally,is when relocation or shoreline stabilization to Policies. ^;^'^^^�"'^. Do reflected in the No other changes reconstruction is infeasible. protect existing�ie�esuses not allow structural shoreline statute and in the are recommended Do not allow structural only when relocation or stabilization that will result in a regulations. See to the policy shoreline stabilization that will reconstruction is infeasible. net loss of ecological function. RCW 90.58.100(6) result in a net loss of Allow limited structural and PC Change 5/10/12: ecological function. shoreline stabilization to 90.58.030(3)(e)(ii). Limit development provide access to the As a result,the that would cause shorelines. Se+�ei-aAllow SAG's policy is foreseeable risk structural shoreline consistent with the from geological stabilization that will result in Guidance. conditions to people I a no net loss of ecological or property. Do not function with appropriate Centennial's allow development miticration. proposed change to that will require � expand the broaden structural shoreline the language to stabilization except protect"uses"rather in the limited cases than just"homes"is where it is an expansion necessary to protect beyond the direct an allowed use and authority recognized no alternative in the regulation. location is available. The guidelines for Allow structural stabilization more shoreline generally offer more stabilization to flexibility for protect existing � stabilization �ie�es structures associated with only when relocation structures,notjust or reconstruction is homes. 173-26- infeasible. Do not � 231(3)(a)(iii). If the allow structural Q planning shoreline N commission wants stabilization that will ato explore this result in a net loss of � concept further, ecological function. m additional research = may be required. � m � Page 45 of 66 With respect to the .� � final sentence,the � corv�.���a�� Draft Goals and Po&cies-Comment Table Attachment#14 Pre ared or the Ma 10,2012 Plannin Commission Meekn ;Modi aed or the Ma 24,2012PC Meekn Goal/ SAG Draft Centennial Comments Doug Pineo's Additional Public Comments Legal Counsel Language olic Comments Received Review Comments Recommendation Develop measures that Develop measures that This proposed language No change. a assure no net loss of assure no net loss of adds no clarity or value. � � ecological functions of river, ecological functions of river, m �r�° lake and stream corridors lake and stream corridors �� z associated with fish and associated with fish and a� N wildlife habitat. Integrate the wildlife habitat. Integrate the �a o protection n of fish and protection n of fish and a� �U wildlife habitat with flood wildlife habitat with flood Z�m hazard reduction and other hazard reduction and other �N� fish and wildlife management fish and wildlife management a` �Q provisions. 'Develop provisions. 'Develop �O. �= measures that authorize and measures that authorize and � a �= facilitate habitat and facilitate habitat and �� restoration projects. restoration projects in these � ° areas where a ro riate. Page 46 of 66 Draft Goals and Po&cies-Comment Table Attachment#14 Pre ared or the Ma 10,2012 Plannin Commission Meekn ;Modi aed or the Ma 24,2012PC Meekn Goal/ SAG Draft Centennial Comments Doug Pineo's Additional Public Comments Legal Counsel Language olic Comments Received Review Comments Recommendation Allow new structural flood J Short-DOE: Change: hazard reduction measures only: "using natural,native Allow new structural materials..." flood hazard •Where scientific and reduction measures engineering analysis has only: Idemonstrated it to be necessary,and when non- •Where scientific structural methods are and engineering infeasible and mitigation is analysis has accomplished;and demonstrated it to � •Landward of associated be necessary,and wetlands and buffer areas when non-structural except where no alternative methods are exists,as documented in an infeasible and � engineering analysis;and mitigation is °— •When consistent with accomplished;and � current best management •Landward of � practices,using natural associated wetlands a materials whenever feasible. and buffer areas � I except where no = Note:An example of a alternative exists,as a structural flood hazard documented in an o reduction measure is a engineering 0 � structure placed by humans analysis;and � � within a stream or river •When consistent � waterward of the ordinary with current best � high mark such as,but not management in limited to a diversion or practices,using °'? � modification of water flow to natural,native acontrol flooding. materials whenever � feasible. � Page 47 of 66 Draft Goals and Po&cies-Comment Table Attachment#14 Pre ared or the Ma 10,2012 Plannin Commission Meekn ;Modi aed or the Ma 24,2012PC Meekn Goal/ SAG Draft Centennial Comments Doug Pineo's Additional Public Comments Legal Counsel Language olic Comments Received Review Comments Recommendation Allow removal of gravel for Allow removal of gravel for The Central Premix Futurewise Comments: Change: flood control only if biological flood control only if biological representative at the "Gravel extraction is widely and geomorphological study and geomorphological study SAG meetings never perceived to yield flood control Allow removal of demonstrates a long-term demonstrates a long-term brought this up,and in benefits,but there is little hard gravel for flood benefit to flood hazard benefit to flood hazard general the SAG bent evidence that the perceived control only if reduction and no net loss of reduction and no net loss of over backwards to benefits are real or more than biological and ecological functions.This ecological functions.This recognize the unique ephemeral."5 However,the geomorphological does not apply to the does not apply to the needs of the aggregate adverse effects of gravel study demonstrates � permitted gravel mining permitted gravel mining mining industry in the removal for flood control on fish that extraction has a operations underway at the operations underway at the City of Spokane Valley. habitat and other ecological long-term benefit to time of SMP adoption and time of SMP adoption and What new gravel functions are real and flood hazard approval. approval,or othe extraction opportunities significant.6 WAC 173-26- reduction.does not subsequentiv approved would lie in SMA 221(3)(c)(v)sets the minimum result ara�-aein a qravel mininq operations. . jurisdiction in the city? conditions applicable to gravel net loss of This should be left to mining for flood control: ecological functions, future SMP updates provides that"Require that the and is part of a removal of gravel for flood comprehensive management purposes be flood manaaement consistent with an adopted solution.This does flood not apply to the � hazard reduction plan and with permitted gravel this chapter and allowed only mining operations after a biological and underway at the geomorphological study shows time of SMP that extraction has a long-term adoption and � benefit to flood hazard approval� reduction,does not result in a net loss of ecological functions, and is part of a comprehensive flood management solution." IProposed Policy SMP 9.4 allows"removal of gravel for flood control only if biological and geomorphological study demonstrates a long-term benefit to flood hazard reduction and no net loss of ecological functions.This does not apply to the permitted gravel mining operations underway at the time of SMP adoption and approval."While we agree that the limitations of this policy and WAC 173-26- 221(3)(c)(v)should not apply to � the existing permitted gravel � operations,given the lack of � flood control benefits of gravel o removal and its very real m impacts,the addition � Page 48 of 66 requirement that the removal � be part of a comprehensive � fi,,,,.�..,.,.,.,,.o..,o.,r�„i��t�,,.. Draft Goals and Po&cies-Comment Table Attachment#14 Pre ared or the Ma 10,2012 Plannin Commission Meekn ;Modi aed or the Ma 24,2012PC Meekn Goal/ SAG Draft Centennial Comments Doug Pineo's Additional Public Comments Legal Counsel Language olic Comments Received Review Comments Recommendation Require the dedication and Requiring public access Futurewise comments: The policy is an No Change. improvement of public access �^�Allow for improvement and As our population increases, accurate in developments for water- development of public access development as a we need more public access. characterization of enjoyment,water-related and in developments for water- condition of approval for One of the policies of the guidelines non water-dependent uses enjoyment,water-related and the stated uses in this Washington's Shoreline governing access. and for the subdivision of non water-dependent uses section is a long settled Management Act is to increase Importantly,the land into more than four and for the subdivision of practice statewide,and public access to publicly owned policy acknowledges parcels,with exceptions as land into more than four lies among the core rivers,streams,and lakes.4 the important allowed by WAC 173-26- parcels,with exceptions as principles of the SMA The development needed to exceptions from the 221(4)(d)(iii). allowed by WAC 173-26- (RCW 90.58.020,WAC accommodate growth can general requirement I 221(4)(d)(iii). 173-26-221(4)). This interfere with the traditional when the City proposed language is public accesses that locals provides more not consistent with the have used for years to boat, effective public law. swim,and fish.The Shoreline access through a I Master Program Guidelines public access implement the Shoreline planning process Management Act policies by and/or there are including more specific issues related to requirements for public access safety, in WAC 173-26-221(4)(d). incompatibility and Policy SMP 10.3 captures this constitutional policy and the requirements for principles of nexus public access well. or rough � proportionality. See Memo section B. Thus the policy's reference to the "exceptions" captures the tools � available to the City °� to create a public oaccess requirement � in the development � regulations that is � sensitive to 5 constitutional .� o concerns and r acknowledges the � M existing access o already present a within the City's � shoreline trail � s stem. Page 49 of 66 Draft Goals and Po&cies-Comment Table Attachment#14 Pre ared or the Ma 10,2012 Plannin Commission Meekn ;Modi aed or the Ma 24,2012PC Meekn Goal/ SAG Draft Centennial Comments Doug Pineo's Additional Public Comments Legal Counsel Language olic Comments Received Review Comments Recommendation When improving and When improving and This is a perfectly See Memo Section Change. maintaining existing public maintaining existing public legitimate policy under C. N access points,minimize access points,minimize the SMA and SMP Q ThePCmay � additional impacts on the additional impacts on the Guideline rules,and was ti��ish to � shoreline environment and,if shoreline environment aad-i# thoroughly discussed in diseuss o possible,correct past ^^'"'^ ^^ the SAG.The original whether to � adverse environmental language should be inelude the � impacts caused by the public ��^�'", '"^^��"'�^ retained. restoration � access. . language � I� When improving and � maintaining existing °� public access � �� points,minimize � additional impacts v`�i on the shoreline � environment and,+# Q �essi�Ie so lona as U — it is consistent with � constitutional a � orotections,correct o past adverse a environmental � impacts caused by � the ublic access. Page 50 of 66 Draft Goals and Po&cies-Comment Table Attachment#14 Pre ared or the Ma 10,2012 Plannin Commission Meekn ;Modi aed or the Ma 24,2012PC Meekn Goal/ SAG Draft Centennial Comments Doug Pineo's Additional Public Comments Legal Counsel Language olic Comments Received Review Comments Recommendation Require that public access Require that public access Just as not every No change. measures have a design measures have a design shoreline site is appropriate to the site, appropriate to the site, appropriate for public adjacent property,and adjacent property,and access,and not every general nature of the general nature of the trail or mountain top is proposed development,while proposed development,while accessible to all protecting and providing protecting and providing individuals,this ,� views. Public access views. Public access language should be � facilities should be designed facilities should be designed retained. The ADA � with provisions for persons with provisions for persons recognizes this reality.If � with disabilities,where with disabilities, creating access for all � appropriate. persons with disabilities � were required at all Qpublic access locations, adverse shoreline � impacts would result � which are not consistent � with the prioritized, � preferred uses in o shorelines stated at a RCW 90.58.020 and � WAC 173-26-176 and � WAC 173-26-181. Page 51 of 66 Draft Goals and Po&cies-Comment Table Attachment#14 Pre ared or the Ma 10,2012 Plannin Commission Meekn ;Modi aed or the Ma 24,2012PC Meekn Goal/ SAG Draft Centennial Comments Doug Pineo's Additional Public Comments Legal Counsel Language olic Comments Received Review Comments Recommendation Minimize the impacts to K Anderson comment: This provision,as Change. existing views where the view Could have a chilling affect on drafted,may be is taken from the water or large,new economic slightly inconsistent Minimize the shoreline,public property or developments. with the Shoreline impacts to existing substantial numbers of view protection in views where the residences.Water-dependent 90.58.320. RCW view is taken from shoreline uses and physical 90.58.320 the water or public access shall have addresses shoreline,public priority over maintaining a structures over 35 property or view when a conflict between feet in height that substantial numbers them is irreconcilable. obstruct views from of residences. a substantial Water-dependent number of shoreline uses and residences,unless physical public the SMP allows the access shall have height and when priority over overriding maintaining a view considerations of when a conflict public interest shall between them is be served. As irreconcilable written,the last orovided that the sentence in the water dependent policy suggests that use is consistent shoreline uses will with heiaht �, be given priority restrictions in RCW 3 over view,even 90.58.320. . � '> when prohibited by o RCW 90.58.320. �n This can be � addressed by simply Q � adding,"...provided � that the water o dependent use is a consistent with � height restrictions in � RCW 90.58.320." Page 52 of 66 Draft Goals and Po&cies-Comment Table Attachment#14 Pre ared or the Ma 10,2012 Plannin Commission Meekn ;Modi aed or the Ma 24,2012PC Meekn Goal/ SAG Draft Centennial Comments Doug Pineo's Additional Public Comments Legal Counsel Language olic Comments Received Review Comments Recommendation Incentives such as density or J Short—DOE: No Change. The bulk and dimensional This is an interesting concept. public access plan bonuses should be I'm assuming the forthcoming and forthcoming � considered if development regulations will explain how regulations will >_ proposals include additional you determine what the strive to implement Upublic access beyond that required level of public access this goal. � required by this SMP. is so you can clearly identify a project that goes above and o beyond that threshold. a � K Anderson comment: � Incentives a ain? Preference shall be given to K Anderson comment: No Change. An non-motorized recreational Would you need an ordinance ordinance is not a activities. banning motorized use? required. The policy N will be implemented �o through regulations. � The County Commissioners zregulate boating � o activity on the �'� Spokane River.by a � the Spokane County �� Boating Safety Ordinance. Encourage new development K Anderson comment: No Change. The N to contribute to the creation Encourage new development to policy encourages � or preservation of open contribute to the sKea�ie+�-e� the creation of open � space and/or fish and wildlife preservation of open space space Regulations '�w habitat along the shorelines and/or fish and wildlife habitat will not require this N� through the use of tools such along the shorelines through concept. �= as conservation futures, the use of tools such as a °� conservations easements, conservation futures, c'� �i--° transferable development conservations easements, a� rights,and planned unit transferable development �� developments. rights,and planned unit � `4 develo ments. Page 53 of 66 Draft Goals and Po&cies-Comment Table Attachment#14 Pre ared or the Ma 10,2012 Plannin Commission Meekn ;Modi aed or the Ma 24,2012PC Meekn Goal/ SAG Draft Centennial Comments Doug Pineo's Additional Public Comments Legal Counsel Language olic Comments Received Review Comments Recommendation Legally established uses and Legally established uses and The original language is The City has some Q ThePCmay developments that were developments that were consistent with the law, discretion in the ti��ish to erected and maintained in erected and maintained in the proposed language details of how it discuss lawful condition prior to the lawful condition prior to the is not. READ WAC 173- regulates legally legallt� effective date of ihis Master effective date of this Master 14-055. established estabZished Program,shall be allowed to Program,shall be allowed to nonconforming noneonform continue as legal continue as legal uses. Either ing uses. Inonconforming uses provided nonconforming uses provided formulation of the that future development or that future development or standard under Change redevelopment does not redevelopmentdees+�e� which the City may recommended to increase the degree of allow future accommodate the nonconformity with this ^^^'^•^,�`„,.,�`"`"�^ development or recent statutory program. �egFaFn provides a hiaher redevelopment of change is: Legally decrree of benefit and nonconforming uses established uses restoration to the ecoloaical and structures could and developments function of the shorelines. potentially be that were erected considered,though and maintained in there are key lawful condition prior differences. For to the effective date example, of this Master Centennial's Program,shall be proposed allowed to continue formulation could be as legal arguably more nonconforming uses restrictive in some provided that future applications,such development or as the redevelopment does redevelopment of a not increase the damaged degree of nonconforming nonconformity with structure,because it this program. only allows Expansion,or redevelopment upon reolacement of ore- � a provision of benefit existina residential °� and restoration, structures and their � while the SAG's appurtenant � formulation would structures.shall be � allow for rebuild in allowed if it is � the same footprint consistent with the a without additional master oroaram. m � restoration. In either includinq j case,the City will requirements for no � want to revise this net loss of shoreline '� provision to reflect ecoloaical functions. `o more recent ostatutory changes to � nonconforming use 0 z provisions that � consider pre-existing �i residential uses to a be"conforming." � Page 54 of 66 RCW 90.58.620. � Draft Goals and Po&cies-Comment Table Attachment#14 Pre ared or the Ma 10,2012 Plannin Commission Meekn ;Modi aed or the Ma 24,2012PC Meekn Goal/ SAG Draft Centennial Comments Doug Pineo's Additional Public Comments Legal Counsel Language olic Comments Received Review Comments Recommendation Prohibit new non-water Prohibit new non-water This was discussed in No change. � °� oriented commercial uses oriented commercial uses the SAG and should be z�� unless they are part of a unless they are part of a retained. � ��`—° mixed-use project or the use mixed-use project or the use �i O � provides a significant public provides a�E public a� � benefit,such as public benefit,such as public �� o access and ecological access and ecological restoration. restoration. Give priority to industrial uses Give priority to industrial uses This language is Future wise Comments: In the case of gravel Based on Ecology's in the following order: in the following order: impossibly vague and We are concerned that pits,the guidelines clarification the • First priotiry is give • First priotiry is give could address proposed Policies SMP 12.13 recognize that "It is gravel pits will be to water—dependent to water—dependent ownerships and uses and SMP 12.50 that define the appropriate, retained in the industrial uses industrial uses having nothing to do with existing gravel mines as water however,to inventory,but will � • Second priority is • Second priority is the aggregate mining dependent uses misinterpret determine whether not be addressed, given to water- given to water- industry. the concept of water there will be no net until such a time that related industrial related industrial dependency.WAC 173-26- loss of ecological the pit enters it's uses uses 020(39)defines a"[w]ater- function based on reclamation phase. � • The existing legally • The existing legally dependent use"as"a use or evaluation of final The pits will no permitted gravel pits permitted gravel portion of a use which cannot reclamation required longer be classified are considered pits.and their exist in a location that is not for the site." 173- as water dependent water dependent surroundinq uses in adjacent to the water and which 26-241(3)(f). uses. uses. the shoreline areas, is dependent on the water by Moreover,Ecology are considered reason of the intrinsic nature of has provided further Change: water dependent its operations."The gravel guidance that lakes uses. mines to not meet this created by mining Give priority to definition.They are in their activities need not industrial uses in the location because of gravel be regulated as following order: � resources,not because they shorelines of the • First cannot exist in a location that is state until priority is not adjacent to the water.So reclamation is give to they cannot be defined as complete. There water— � water dependent uses.We do may be no need to dependent m not disagree with policies that make the mining industrial allow these uses to continue uses"water uses � I with necessary measures to dependent uses" • Second � ensure no net losses of and the language priority is o shoreline resources,but they can be deleted. given to ,� � do not meet the definition of water- °� water dependent and so cannot related �`o_ be given that classification. industrial a` uses � T�P N ����!.� a � � � ��ses Page 55 of 66 Draft Goals and Po&cies-Comment Table Attachment#14 Pre ared or the Ma 10,2012 Plannin Commission Meekn ;Modi aed or the Ma 24,2012PC Meekn Goal/ SAG Draft Centennial Comments Doug Pineo's Additional Public Comments Legal Counsel Language olic Comments Received Review Comments Recommendation Prohibit new non-water - K Anderson comment: While water oriented industrial uses Can be low priority per 12.13 dependent industrial Q ThePCmay but can't be prohibited without uses are preferred, wish to zone change. and the City may diseuss choose to whether to discourage new restriet non- non-water oriented water industrial uses,the oriented outright prohibition industrial of non-water uses in oriented industrial shoreline uses in all instances jurisdiction. and in all environments may PCChange 5/10/12 be more restrictive (expand than what is exceytions): required. See,e.g., 173-26-241(3)(f) ?�ek�iF Allow new non-water oriented WAC 173-26- industrial uses only 241(3)(f)Paragraph if the use includes a 3: New nonwater- water deoendent oriented industrial use or naviqabilitv development should is severelv limited at be prohibited on the site, and shorelines except provides for public when: access and/or ecoloqical (i)The use is part restoration,or the of a mixed-use area is phvsicallv project that includes seoarated from the water-dependent shoreline bv another uses and provides a oublic riaht of wav. . significant public benefit with respect to the Shoreline Management AcYs objectives such as providing public access and ecological restoration;or (ii)Navigability is severely limited at the proposed site; and the industrial use provides a significant public N benefit with respect a� to the Shoreline � Page 56 of 66 Management Act's m objectives such as w. ...,.,,;,�,.,,...,,ti�,,. Draft Goals and Po&cies-Comment Table Attachment#14 Pre ared or the Ma 10,2012 Plannin Commission Meekn ;Modi aed or the Ma 24,2012PC Meekn Goal/ SAG Draft Centennial Comments Doug Pineo's Additional Public Comments Legal Counsel Language olic Comments Received Review Comments Recommendation Reduce the adverse effects - This follows one of allowed shoreline element of Ecology's Q ThePCmay modifications and,as much guidance for wish to as possible,limii allowed shoreline diseuss the shoreline modifications in "modifications"in degree to number and extent WAC 173-26-231. whieh The guidelines shoreline identify modifeatio "modifications"as nshouldbe related to limited construction of a physical element PC change 5/10/12: such as a dike, breakwater,dredged Reduce the adverse basin,or fill,but they effects of allowed can include other shoreline actions such as modifications and, clearing,grading, as much as application of possible,limit chemicals,or allowed shoreline significant modifications in vegetation removal." number and extent unless thev are To the extent that necessarv to "modifications"are support or protect part of a class of an allowed primarv "alterations"more structure or a leqallv generally,the policy existinq shoreline of limiting allowed use that is in dancrer shoreline of loss or substantial modifications in damaae or are number and extent necessarv for as much as possible reconfiauration of may be more the shoreline for restrictive than is mitiaation or required under the enhancement � statute,which purposes. . expressly fosters all reasonable and N appropriate uses � and recognizes 0 '� alterations of the �� shoreline. J � The Planning � Commission could � accept the policy as `4 written or add Q � language o acknowledging the '� more general ,°—� Page 57 of 66 recognition of a shoreline alterations. 0 S T..o.....o.�o..roo IL.�o Draft Goals and Po&cies-Comment Table Attachment#14 Pre ared or the Ma 10,2012 Plannin Commission Meekn ;Modi aed or the Ma 24,2012PC Meekn Goal/ SAG Draft Centennial Comments Doug Pineo's Additional Public Comments Legal Counsel Language olic Comments Received Review Comments Recommendation Assure that shoreline Assure that shoreline This language should be This Policy appears modifications individually and modifications individually and retained since it to address the policy Q ThePCmay cumulatively do not result in a cumulatively do not result in a supports and is preferences in RCW tii�ish to net loss of ecological net loss of ecological supported by,numerous 90.58.020 which diseuss the functions by: functions by: sections of both the gives preference to relationship � Giving preference to • r,,'^^^�^'^•^^^^ ^`"^^^ SMA and its uses that preserve between those types of shoreline �}�s�r�e implementing rules. A the natural character prioriry modifications that have ^,^�'�'�^^'�^^^`"^'"^„^ quick read of RCW of the shoreline. It is uses, the least impact on '"^'^^^�m; 90.58A20,RCW also consistent with reusonable ecological function;and 90.58.100,WAC 173-26- language in and � Requiring mitigation of • �requiring mitigation of 181,-186(8),-201 will Ecology's guidelines appropriate identified impacts identified impacts resulting help for starters. at WAC 173-26- uses,and oresulting from shoreline from shoreline 231(2)(d). However alterations. '� I modifications modifications RCW 90.58.020 also � fosters°all Staff comment -No � reasonable and change � appropriate uses" recommended for �o and acknowledges the following reason: o alterations. To the The policy is specific w extent that the policy to shoreline `o deemphasizes the modifications and N priority alterations their impacts; � � identified in RCW WAC 173-26-221 z 90.58.020 and the (1)"...Shoreline o recognition of modifications are z shoreline alterations, generally related to � generally,then the construction of a �4 policy may be more physical element w o restrictive than what such as a dike, '� is required by breakwater,dredged ° statute.However, basin,or fill,but they o that concept may can include other � already be actions such as N adequately clearing,grading, N addressed in Policy application of a 12-19 chemicals,or � significant � ve etation removal" Page 58 of 66 Draft Goals and Po&cies-Comment Table Attachment#14 Pre ared or the Ma 10,2012 Plannin Commission Meekn ;Modi aed or the Ma 24,2012PC Meekn Goal/ SAG Draft Centennial Comments Doug Pineo's Additional Public Comments Legal Counsel Language olic Comments Received Review Comments Recommendation Base shoreline modification Base shoreline modification The two gravel pits The Pits will not be regulations on scientific and regulations on scientific and provide a unique regulated by the technical information of reach technical information of reach situation where the SMP until they conditions for the Spokane conditions for the Spokane existing conditions reach the River,Shelley Lake,Central River,Shelley Lake,''^��'�^' may not provide the reclamation phase. I Pre-mix and Flora Pit o•^^�;�^^�°1^�^°;' best measure for determining no net C�I ThePC loss. As recognized should in the guidelines,"It diseuss is appropriate, gravel pits however,to andDOE's determine whether latest there will be no net guidanee. I loss of ecological function based on Change: Base � evaluation of final shoreline °- reclamation required modification .� � for the site." 173- regulations on � 26-241(3)(f). As scientific and � further noted in technical information � recent of reach conditions 0 '� correspondence for the Spokane � from Ecology,the River;and Shelley o City does not need Lake„-r,,,.�.�c�o.,, � to regulate the pits ^^�'.,-�-��-,-.�'^•^°�' � as shorelines until '� they enter Lreclamation phase. cn Thus the City may M want to consider N N changes to the a policy to address � these two unique � shoreline areas. Plan for the restoration of K Anderson comment: No change. The N o ` impaired ecological functions Public or private property? regulations and �i%��. where feasible and Who would define and restoration plan a� � appropriate,while determine the impaired should address this ��w accommodating permitted function? issue in conjunction uses. with modifications. Page 59 of 66 Draft Goals and Po&cies-Comment Table Attachment#14 Pre ared or the Ma 10,2012 Plannin Commission Meekn ;Modi aed or the Ma 24,2012PC Meekn Goal/ SAG Draft Centennial Comments Doug Pineo's Additional Public Comments Legal Counsel Language olic Comments Received Review Comments Recommendation Allow new docks only for Change to reflect public water-dependent uses, removing the single-family residences,and Gravel Pit from public access on the regulatory Spokane River and Shelley discussion: Lake. The existing gravel pit operations are allowed docks if it is necessary for Allow new docks operations and as permitted only for public operating permits. water-dependent � uses,single-family 0 residences,and U public access on the � Spokane River and � Shelley Lake. �e Y U � � � (O ..II..�.,...J.�I....L��F�f N N Li96966e�—�9F a �� � ��� � Page 60 of 66 Draft Goals and Po&cies-Comment Table Attachment#14 Pre ared or the Ma 10,2012 Plannin Commission Meekn ;Modi aed or the Ma 24,2012PC Meekn Goal/ SAG Draft Centennial Comments Doug Pineo's Additional Public Comments Legal Counsel Language olic Comments Received Review Comments Recommendation Docks shall be allowed only Docks shall be allowed only This proposed language Futurewise comments: Generally,the Q ThePCmay in locations where they will in locations where they will is entirely inconsistent Docks have significant impacts regulations allow ti��ish to not pose a public safety not pose a public safety with the WAC to ecological functions.Public new docks for water discuss this hazard or adversely impact hazard or adversely impact Guidelines. Docks can and shared docks should be dependent and issue. � shoreline ecological functions shoreline ecological functions be an appurtenant use the standard practice wherever residential uses. The SAG felt or process and limited as or process and limited as to a single family home possible where there is a See WAC 173-26- strongly that the follows: follows: on an upland parcel with demand for docks.However we 231(3)(b). conditions of the � Spokane River-only in • Spokane River-only in shoreline,but docks are support the Shoreline Advisory Moreover,the Spokane River,with reservoir areas,where reservoir areas,where not a property right Group's provisions in SMP 12- regulations allow the exception of flow conditions least flow conditions least attached to all such 26 and SMP 12-27 as a docks so long as certain areas,were resemble the natural free- resemble the natural free- parcels. reasonable compromise to they avoid or,if that not conducive to flowing river; flowing river unless balance the interests of the is not possible,to docks. Shelley Lake; necessarv to support a Docks should only be community and the conclusions minimize and Gravel pits;or permitted use; allowed where their of the city's shoreline inventory mitigate the impacts Change to reflect Severely ecologically • Shelley Lake; location does not and research into the feasibility to ecological removing the impacted shoreline areas • Gravel pits;or adversely impact of docks conducted by URS. functions. Gravel Pit from with adequate public • Severely ecologically shoreline ecological Accordingly,the regulatory access impacted shoreline areas function,public language may be discussion: I with adequate public navigational access and more restrictive than access other normal public use. what is required by Docks shall be For many technical and the regulations. allowed only in policy reasons docks are However,if there is locations where they not appropriate on free- a public health, will not pose a flowing rivers because safety concern,the public safety hazard they aren't consistent City may have a or adversely impact with the SMA. strong policy reason shoreline ecological for restricting docks functions or process in certain areas. and limited as fol lows: � Spokane River- only in reservoir areas,where � flow conditions 0 '� least resemble � the natural free- 0 � flowing river; o I Shelley Lake; � ^-��^��^'^ ��,or N •Severely N ecologically a impacted shoreline � areas with adequate � ublic access Page 61 of 66 Draft Goals and Po&cies-Comment Table Attachment#14 Pre ared or the Ma 10,2012 Plannin Commission Meekn ;Modi aed or the Ma 24,2012PC Meekn Goal/ SAG Draft Centennial Comments Doug Pineo's Additional Public Comments Legal Counsel Language olic Comments Received Review Comments Recommendation � Restrict the size of new K Anderson comment: No Change. N N docks to the minimum I do not see size within the �� necessary to serve a RCW's. �o proposed water-dependent cn� use. Require residential Re�iFe-resideatial This language should be K Anderson comment: Encouragement or Q ThePCmay development of more than �'^��^'^^^,^^`^'^,^•^`"^^ retained since iPs Can you require this without a requirement of joint- wish to two dwellings to provide supported at WAC 173- zone change? use docks is a way diseuss this community docks,rather than �^�`���'^^',^,•^'"^•`"^^ 26-241(3)(b),and to minimize impacts issue. I individual docks. �eslFS required under WAC on ecological 173-26-191(2). functions. Policies The SAG felt Y encouraging or strongly that it was o requiring joint use important to limit the � docks are common impacts of docks, � especially in pristine and this was a .� � areas. The policy reasonable and � presented is within common alternative. � the discretion of the U -o City,but may be PC change 5/10/12: � � more than is N required by statute �e Encouraqae � because docks are residential � not a prohibited use development of � and dock sharing is more than two M not required by dwellings to provide N statute. community docks, a rather than � individual docks. � Design and locate new Design and locate new This language should be No change. This 3 development and lots created development and lots created retained since it's concept represents through subdivision, through subdivision, supported by numerous proactive efforts to '�z particularly those located on �'^����'^^^'�-�.�'^^ references throughout minimize the need � �� steep slopes and bluffs,to ,to the SMA and WAC, for stabilization. M�O � prevent the need for future prevent the need for future including requirements �i o o streambank protection streambank protection for consistency with a� � measures during the life o the measures during the life o the other law:READ WAC �� a'� structure. structure. 173-26-191(1)(e),and � `4 WACA 173-26-221 2 . Page 62 of 66 Draft Goals and Po&cies-Comment Table Attachment#14 Pre ared or the Ma 10,2012 Plannin Commission Meekn ;Modi aed or the Ma 24,2012PC Meekn Goal/ SAG Draft Centennial Comments Doug Pineo's Additional Public Comments Legal Counsel Language olic Comments Received Review Comments Recommendation Site in-stream structures to Futurewise Comments: No Change. protect and preserve Proposed Policies 12.43 and ecosystem-wide processes, 12.44 allow instream Based on a ecological functions,and structures.Instream structures conversation with cultural resources,including can have very significance the URS consultant but not limited to fish and fish adverse impacts on the placement of in- passage,wildlife and water shoreline environment and in water structures N resources,shoreline critical water recreation. We should be based on � areas,hydro-geological recommend these policies be localized stream � processes,and natural modified to prohibit instream flow characteristics, � scenic vistas. structures in Natural and not the shoreline in � Conservancy Environments environment. The � and theirequivalent Commission may � environments wish to consider in different in water � structures in � preferential N locations..lf so,staff a will come back with � an additional � recommendation. � Consider the full range of No change to this m public interests,watershed policy. The point is ` o functions and processes,and adequately �m environmental concerns addressed in policy �J when planning and locating 12.43. ? � in-stream structures,with � � special emphasis on � ` protecting and restoring �� riorit habitats and s ecies. Advocate and foster habitat K Anderson comment: No Change and natural system Advocate and foster habitat enhancement projects which and natural uo blic system �� >. restore the natural character enhancement projects which �i;_°� and function of the shoreline restore the natural character � `4 `� rovided the are consistent and function of the shoreline a�� P Y � m m with the Restoration Plan. provided they are consistent �= with the Restoration Plan. Page 63 of 66 Draft Goals and Po&cies-Comment Table Attachment#14 Pre ared or the Ma 10,2012 Plannin Commission Meekn ;Modi aed or the Ma 24,2012PC Meekn Goal/ SAG Draft Centennial Comments Doug Pineo's Additional Public Comments Legal Counsel Language olic Comments Received Review Comments Recommendation Allow existing gravel pit N Smith for Central Pre-mix Q ThePC may operations to continue to comment:CPM believes that wish to operate and expand these are inconsisient with the diseuss this consistent with operational SMP Handbook and suggests issue and permits.Operational uses the following: eonsider the include both above water and ehange below water gravel The existinq qravel pits within proposed extraction,processing,and the Citv of Spokane Vallev below. crushing.Accessory uses continue to be fullv ooerational. include,but are not limited to, "Since mininq operations will Change: ��..,;�,.^,., concrete batch plants,hot not cease in the next few vears, eExisting gravel pit mix asphalt plants,aggregate these aravel oits are excluded operations mav processing and recycling from the iurisdiction of the continue to operate plants,customer service Citv's shoreline plan until and expand (truck dispatching)offices, comoletion of the active minina consistent with maintenance facilities,truck operations and reclamation as operational permits. &equipment parking, required bv an applicable 9qeratieaa��ases stockpiles,scale houses, reclamation olan aooroved bv task�e�iielka-abeve retail product stores,and the Deoartment of Natural �-ke� quality control facilities. Resources. �e�aue4 ���� � ..I��.d.. h��+ ..4 1�...�4...�1 f � nl�..ic L...h m �� � � �� �� �V� it.��,.i,,a��....�..H�,.,.� �'S7 nFF�....� ..4............ �$�-�f�r�e � N �e O �� N �6S-c'#Ff� N �6gp�Kg-� O �as+tilies.Active a aravel pits are not � reaulated as � shorelines of the (9 state until rn � reclamation is �i comolete and DNR a terminates the � Surface Mine � Reclamation Pernit. Page 64 of 66 Draft Goals and Po&cies-Comment Table Attachment#14 Pre ared or the Ma 10,2012 Plannin Commission Meekn ;Modi aed or the Ma 24,2012PC Meekn Goal/ SAG Draft Centennial Comments Doug Pineo's Additional Public Comments Legal Counsel Language olic Comments Received Review Comments Recommendation Existing Gravel Pit Futurewise Comments: See comments to Q ThePCmay Operations are considered We are concerned that Policy 12.13 and wish to water dependent uses proposed Policies SMP 12.13 12.23. diseuss this and SMP 12.50 that define the issuesand existing gravel mines as water whether to dependent uses misinterpret further the concept of water address dependency.WAC 173-26- noneonform 020(39)defines a"[w]ater- ing uses. I dependent use"as"a use or portion of a use which cannot Policy SMP 12.5 exist in a location that is not addresses non- adjacent to the water and which conforming uses. I is dependent on the water by reason of the intrinsic nature of Change proposed to its operations."The gravel eliminate gravel pits mines to not meet this as a water definition.They are in their dependent use: location because of gravel c��^'�^^�^-�^��^'�°�� resources,not because they 9peraEieas-are cannot exist in a location that is ^^��'^���',^,^'^� not adjacent to the water.So �e�eac�e�ases they cannot be defined as water dependent uses.We do not disagree with policies that allow these uses to continue with necessary measures to ensure no net losses of shoreline resources,but they do not meet the definition of water dependent and so cannot I be given that classification N Smith for Central Pre-mix comment:CPM believes that the policy is inconsistent with the SMP Handbook and suggests the following: SMP 12.50 Subsepuent Uses Operational and accessorv uses related to qravel mininq ooerations are oermitted and allowed to exoand after the completion of reclamation. N Ooerational uses include both N above water and below water � qravel extraction,processinq � and crushinq. Accessorv uses � include,but are not limited to, Q concrete batch plants,hot mix � Page 65 of 66 asphalt plants,aqqreqate processinq and recvclinq ..�. ..I�..+o ��io+.....oroo..ii�o/+r�i�L Draft Goals and Po&cies-Comment Table Attachment#14 Prepared for the May 10,2012 Planning Commission Meekng;Modified for the May 24,2012PC Meekng Page 66 of 66