Agenda 07/26/2012 S�'TYol�ane p Valle � Y Spokane Valley Planning Commission Agenda City Hall Council Chambers, 11707 E. Sprague Ave. July 26, 2012 6:00 p.m. L CALL TO ORDER IL PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE IIL ROLL CALL IV. APPROVAL OF AGENDA V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: May 7, 2012 VL PUBLIC COMMENT: On any subject that is not on the agenda VIL COMMISSION REPORTS VIIL ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT IX. COMMISSION BUSINESS A. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 1. Proposed amendments -Planning Commission Rules of Procedure 2. Deliberations - CTA-02-12 Proposed Amendments to Chapter 19.120 Permitted Use Matrix B. NEW BUSINESS: 1. PUBLIC HEARING-CTA-01-12,PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO 19.120 ALLOWING ANIMAL SHELTERS IN THE CORRIDOR MIXED USE ZONE. X. FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER XI. ADJOURNMENT COMMISSIONERS CITY STAFF BILL BATES -CHAIR 70HN HOHMAN,CD DIRECTOR FRED BEAULAC SCOTT KUHTA,PLANNING MGR,AICP JOHN G.CARROLL RUSTiN HALL RoD HIGGINs STEVEN NEILL DEANNA GRIFFITH,SECRETARY JOE STOY-VICE CHAIR WWW.SPOKANEVALLEY.ORG CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Planning Commission Review Meeting Date: July 26, 2012 Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent � old business ❑ new business ❑public hearing ❑information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Planning Commission Rules of Procedure Update GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Spokane Valley Municipal Code PREVIOUS ACTION TAKEN: Study Sessions on June 14, June 28, July 12, 2012 BACKGROUND: On May 7, 2012, Stan McNutt facilitated a special Planning Commission meeting which focused on Planning Commission procedures, appearance of fairness, conflict of interest, public records and open public meetings. This agenda item allows for follow-up discussion on the topics presented,with specific attention to potential changes in the Planning Commission Rules of Procedure. On June 14, 2012,legal staff presented proposed changes to the PC Rules of Procedure. The Commission suggested a few additional changes,which have been incorporated into the attached draft On June 28, staff presented further changes to the Rules of Procedure. The Commission identified a couple more items that needed revisions. On July 12 the City Attorney presented a version which had all of the suggested changes, some clean-up of language, formatting and a couple of additional changes to the language. A clean and strike-though version ha�e been attached. OPTIONS: N/A RECOMMENDED ACTIONS: Move to recommend adoption of the Rules of Procedures as presented. I move to �ecommend app�oval of the p�oposed changes to the Planning Commission Rules of Procedu�e to the City Council. STAFF CONTACT: Scott Kuhta, AICP,Planning Manager ATTACHMENTS: 1. Planning Commission Rules of Procedure—Draft Changes a. Clean Version b. Strike-through Version 1of1 City of Spokane Valley p1 2 11 11 1 11g C0111T111SS1011 �rmT��c n� nv nr��r�r ro Rules of Procedure Adopted bv plannin� Commission 02-19-OSTrra.,�oa nti �� �nnti Updated by Resolution 10-004, 02-09-2010 Updated bv Resolution 11-010, 11-29-2011 Updated by Resolution 12-???, ? - ? -2012 We, the members of the Planning Commission of the City of Spokane Valley, State of Washington, pursuant to the City of Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC) 1810, do hereby adopt and � submit to City�Council for a�roval the following Rules of Procedure: ORGANIZATION AND RULES OF PROCEDURE 1. Name � �The "City of Spokane Valley Planning Commission,"hereinafter referred to as the "Commission" is an advisory body created by the City Council for purposes consistent with SVMC 18.10. 2. Location � �The Commission offices shall be the City Hall of the City of Spokane Valley. 3. Officers Unless otherwise required by a vacancy in office, the Commission shall organize every year in accordance with SVMC 1810. A. Of�cers of the Commission shall be elected from its membership; the of�cers shall be Chair, Vice Chair, and other appropriate officers that the Commission may choose to approve and appoint by maj ority vote. � B. �Commission members must have served at least one full calendar year to be eligible to be elected as an Officer. � C�.The Chair shall preside over the Commission and exercise all powers incidental to the office, retaining however, the full right as a member of the Commission to propose motions, second motions and have a vote recorded on all matters of the Commission. � D�. The Vice-Chair shall, in the absence of the Chair from any meeting, perform all the duties incumbent upon the Chair, and retain the full right as a member of the Commission in the same manner as the Chair. 4. Secretary of the Commission � A. The Director of the Community Development De�artment or his/her designee shall serve as the Secretary to the Commission. B. The Secretary shall provide for a recording of all Commission meetings, including public hearings and shall ensure that summary minutes of all public hearings and meetin�s are prepared, a��roved, and filed in the public record. C. The Secretary will conduct and record a roll call of the Commission members at each meeting, public hearing and study session. I Updated and Approved by Council�7-�7-2012� Page 1 of 8 5. Election of Officers A. Officers shall be elected at the first regular meeting in January of each year, by majority vote of the membership of the Commission. Terms of office shall run from the first January meeting until December 31 or until a successor has been elected. No Commission member shall serve � more than two full consecutive terms as Chair of the Commission. No Commission member shall serve as Vice-Chair for more than two full consecutive terms. In the event that the Commission has no sitting Chair at the first regular meeting in January, the Vice-Chair will preside over the Commission until officers are elected. If at the first regular meeting in January,both the Chair and Vice-Chair are no longer�Commission members, the �'������ �'�m���°��� Secretary will preside over the meeting until Officers are elected. B. A vacancy in any office will be filled by a special election, to be held at a convenient time with a majority present. In the event that the office of Chair is vacated, the vice-chair shall serve in that capacity until the required special election is held. Any member of the Commission who has served for at least one full calendar year, is eligible to fill the vacancy. However, no member can � hold two office positions concurrently. 6. Quorum I �A quorum shall consist of four or more members of the Commission and no action can be taken in the absence of a quorum except to adjourn the meeting to a subsequent date. A quorum must be � present for � all meetin�s. 7. Voting A. The affirmative vote of a majority of those present shall be necessary for the adoption of any motion or other general matter. B. For the conduct of business dealing with matters which require adoption or changes to the City's Comprehensive Plan and the election of officers, at least four affirmative votes must be cast. � Each member of the Commission is entitled to one vote_��No proxy shall be allowed. C. No member may participate or vote on a matter unless the member has been in attendance at all � public hearings regarding such matter or has listened to the �recording of the public hearing and reviewed the written record of the matter in question. 8. Meetings A. There shall be at least one regular meeting each month with additional meetings scheduled as necessary. Regular meetings shall be scheduled on the 2nd and 4"' Thursdays of the month, commencing at 6:00 p.m. and ending not later than 9:00 p.m. Meeting ending time can be extended by a majority vote of the Commission. Meetings may be used for general planning matters, study sessions or public hearings as described below. 1. Meetin�s on General Plannin� Matters. General planning matters to be reviewed by the Commission will typically be preceded by a study session of the Commission to discuss the issues with Community Development Department staf£ Generally, no testimony from the public shall be taken at a study session. 2. Public Hearin� Meetin�. A public hearing is a meeting wherein general business and public hearing items, such as the Comprehensive Plan and development regulations are discussed and decided. 3. Scheduled meetings may be canceled or convened at other times if deemed necessary by the Chair or,in the absence of the Chair,by the Vice-Chair. Notice of cancellation shall be given I Updated and Approved by Council�7-�37-2012� Page 2 of 8 � personally to Commission �4members and to the public by posting a notice at Commission offices. 4. The recommended order of business for meetings is: a. Call to order by Chair. b. Pledge of�4allegiance. c. Roll call by�sSecretary. d. Approval of Agenda. e. Approval or amendment of minutes. f. Public Ecomment. g. Commission�4member��reports. h. Administrative�report. i. Commission�business. i. Unfinished�business ii. New�business � j. For the F�good of the 9order. k. Adjournment. B. �Commission meetings shall be held in accordance with the requirements of the Open Public Meetings Act, RCW Chapter 4230. C. Special meetings and study sessions may be called: 1. By the request of the Chair, or,in the Chair's absence,by the Vice-Chair. 2. By the written request to the Chair, or, in the Chair's absence, to the Vice-Chair, of three e� �members of the Commission. 3. By agreed motion of the Commission. 9. Conduct of Hearings � A. Actions for a��Commission Public Hearing. Prior to the start of the public hearing, the Chair may require that all persons wishing to be heard � �sign in with the Secretary, giving their names and addresses, the agenda item, and whether they wish to speak as proponent, opponent, or otherwise. Any person who fails to sign in shall wait to s�eak until all those who have si�ned in ha�e had an o�ortunity to do so. � -m;**°� *� � �'� , �*:' �" *'���° .�'�� � °� .� '��� ° a��° � . At any public hearing, persons who have signed in and wish to be heard shall be given an opportunity to be heard..- The Chair, subject to concurrence by the majority of the Commission, may establish time limits and otherwise control presentations. The Chair may change the order of speakers so that testimony is heard in the most logical groupings, (i.e., proponents, opponents, adjacent owners, vested interests, etc.) � B. The Chair shall introduces each�ke agenda item, opens each�ke public hearing, and announce�the following Rules of Order: I Updated and Approved by Council�7-�7-2012� Page 3 of 8 1. All comments by proponents, opponents, or the public shall be made from the speaker's rostrum, and any individual making comments shall first give his/her name and address. This is required because an official recorded transcript of the public hearing is being made. 2. It is not necessary to be a proponent or opponent in order to speak. If you consider yourself neither a proponent nor opponent, please speak during the proponent portion and identify yourself as neither a proponent nor an opponent. 3. No comments shall be made from any other location, and anyone making "out of order" comments shall be subject to removal from the meeting. 4. Demonstrations, applause or other audience participation during or at the conclusion of anyone's presentation are prohibited. It is distracting to the Commission and persons te stifying. 5. These rules are intended to promote an orderly system of holding a public hearing; and to give persons an opportunity to be heard ,.��o;,.,. ,.��„��;.00 � ,.� C. When the Commission conducts a hearing to which the Appearance of Fairness Doctrine applies, the Chair(or in the case of a potential violation by that individual, the Vice Chair) will ask if any Commission member knows of any reason which would require such member to excuse themselves pursuant to the Appearance of Fairness Doctrine. The form of the announcement shall be�as follows: All Commission members should now give consideration as to whether they have: 1. A demonstrated bias or prejudice for or against any party to the proceedings; 2. A direct or indirect financial interest in the outcome of the proceeding; 3. A prejudgment of the issue prior to hearing the facts on the record, or � 4. Had ex parte contact with any individual, excluding ��m����*�-�*���° staff, with regard to an issue prior to the hearing. Please refer to Section 15(B) for more specific information on how to proceed where there has been an ex parte communication. If any Commission member should answer in the affirmative, then the Commission members � should state the reason for his/her answer so that the Chair may inquire of staff am���°*���*��� as to whether a violation of the Appearance of Fairness Doctrine exists. CONDUCTING THE PUBLIC HEARING � a. The Chair will announce� the matter and open� the public hearing stating the date and time. � b. The Chair will allows staff to describe the matter under consideration and place matters in the public record. � c. The Chair will inquires as to whether Commission memberse�s have any questions of staf£ If any Commission member has questions, the appropriate individual will be recalled. � d. The Chair will allow� proponents, opponents and the public to offer testimony and evidence on the pending matter. The Chair may allow Commission members to ask questions of any person at the conclusion of their testimony. � e. At the conclusion of the public testimony, the Chair will ask� staff if there is=any additional information, testimony or evidence to submit for the record. I Updated and Approved by Council�7-�37-2012� Page 4 of 8 � f. The Chair will then either close� or continue� the public hearing. Additional testimony may not be requested or considered after the closing of the public hearing, unless the Chair declares the record open until a date certain for the purpose of receiving written testimony or materials. � g. The Chair will inquires if there is a motion by any Commission member. If a motion is made, it shall be in the form of an affirmative motion. Af�rmative motions are preferred to prevent "approval by default" of a failed negative motion. Following the motion and its second, discussion will occur�among Commission members. h. The Chair will inquire�if there is any further discussion by the Commission members. i. The Chair will inquire�if there are any final comments or recommendations from staff. j. The Chair will inquire�of the Commission members if they are ready for the question. k The Chair will call�for the vote on the motion. l. The Chair may direct staff to prepare findings for approval. D. Pre-filing of testimony or evidence is encouraged and may be delivered to the T'°��•-*�°��* �� Community Development Department in advance of a hearing. 10. Agenda, Staff Reports and Minutes for Regular Meetings. A. Typically, a copy of the agenda for every regular meeting of the �Commission shall be sent to each member up to seven(�}days prior to the date of the meeting. B. If available, staff reports will be sent to �Commission members with the agenda. Agendas and staff reports will be made available to applicants and the public at the same time. ll. Minutes and Communications with the City Council. � �Minutes of all meetings shall be kept and the complete �les of proceedings and actions taken in connection therewith shall be considered the public record and filed with the City Clerk. The Secretary shall provide the Commission members with a set of minutes of the previous meeting. These minutes shall be considered for approval by the Commission at a regularly scheduled public meeting and, upon approval, shall become part of the official record of action of the Commission. Approved �4ininutes shall also be transmitted �� �� ,���'°��° to the City Clerk for the City Council . �i.o r,,,,�� � �..�i. �i. <<rr-rv n� cnnu nrr� �r r�v r_nv�nrrnrrr� �,� ���������,����� �, rnnn r�n.r n-rTn�r r a n rrr r n r » 12. Recording of Meetings � Whenever possible, g�roceedings of all public hearings, meetings, study sessions and any special meetings shall be recorded and retained. 13. Statement of Ethics / Code of Conduct A. Statement of Ethics. It is hereb,��nized and established that hi�h moral and ethical standards of ' , Commission members�s are vital and essential to provide unbiased, open and honest conduct within all phases and levels of�overnment that rules of ethics are helpful in�uidin� Commission members to eliminate or�revent actual or�erceived conflicts of interest in�ublic office, and to I Updated and Approved by Council�7-�37-2012� Page 5 of 8 improve and elevate standards of public service so as to promote and stren�then the confidence, faith and trust of the people of the Ci .t�pokane Vallev in their local�overnment. B. Interests in Contracts Prohibited; Exceptions. No Commission member shall be beneficially interested, directly or indirectly, in any contract which may be made by, throu�h, or under the supervision or direction of an�pokane Valley City employee, in whole or in substantial part, or which may be made for the benefit of his or her office, or accept, directly or indirectly, an.�pensation, �ratuity or reward in connection with such contract from any�erson beneficially interested therein. The fore�oin� shall not a�ly to the exce�tions s�ecified in RCW 42.23.030 which are incor�orated herein as if fully set forth. C. Conflicts of Interest 1. A Conflict of Interest includes: a. Enga �i�n� in a transaction or activitv which im�airs, or would to a reasonable �erson appear to impair, the Commission member's independence of jud�ment or action in the performance of their official duties; b. A Commission member havin� a financial or other private or personal interest in any matter u�on which the member is required to act in the dischar�e of his or her official duties; c. A "Professional Conflict of Interest" includes any real or perceived conflict of interest caused by circumstances such as a Commission member's em�lo, m�e��ast or�resent. Where the Commission member's em�lo, e��rofessional activitv is onl,�� tan e� ntiallX related to a matter before the Commission, recusal need not occur if the Commission member can reasonably conclude that the connection is, or was remote and inconsequential. If a Commission member is required to refrain from deliberation or participation by his/her emplover because of a real or perceived conflict of interest, then the Commission member�will be allowed to recuse or withdraw from that deliberation. Conflict of Interest Procedure: Everv Commission member who has a conflict of interest shall publicly disclose the conflict at the next ��Commission meetin� after the Commission member discovers the conflict. If a discoverv or determination of a conflict is made durin� a Commission meetin� the Commission member shall �ubliclv disclose the conflict at that time. The nature and extent of such conflict of interest shall be fully disclosed, and a summary of the same shall be incorporated into the official minutes of the Commission proceedin�s. If a Commission member feels that they cannot be unbiased because of any conflict of interest, the Commission member shall recuse themselves from further proceedin�s on the issue. Such Commission member shall make a public statement disclosin� the reasons whX the Commission member believes they are€ee�s disqualified, and state the,��are recusing themselves from the issue. The disqualified Commission member will then leave the Council Chambers until such time as the issue at hand has been dis�osed of in the re�ular course of business. If there are other matters on the a�enda, then the disqualified Commission member must return to the Council Chambers to participate in the other matters as soon as the Commission ends discussion of the matter in which the disqualified Commission member has a conflict of interest. D. OtherProhibited Acts. Commission�4members ��+'�� r�~~~,�����~ are prohibited from: I Updated and Approved by Council�7-�37-2012� Page 6 of 8 � 1. Acting in a manner; which would result in neglect of duty, misfeasance or malfeasance in office. 2. Acting in a manner that intentionally disrupts Commission meetings. 3. Missing three s��or more consecutive, regularly scheduled meetings or study sessions� riiiS�}�Si��irr°c°r;•"•� 1� �€�i"vc'�r-��`o`�r�'r°cTir€�' C�a3c�;r;•.�+'T�°. 9£�rv� W1t�lOUt SUC�1 absences being excused by the Commission. The Commission reco�niaes that consistent and re�ular attendance of ineetin�s by all members is inte�ral to fulfillin� the purpose of the Plannin� Commission. All members should attend all meetin�s and kee�absences to an absolute minimum. If a member is absent, then �after role call by the Secretary '�° '�° ����� ��*'�° �'���;�� r���;��;�r m°°*;r� the Chair shall inform the Commission of the member's absence, state the reason for such absence, and inquire if there is anv objection to excusin� the member. If there is an objection, the Presidin� Off�icer shall make a motion to excuse the member. If the motion is seconded, a vote shall be had, and the outcome of the vote shall determine whether the member shall be considered excused. If there is no objection, or a motion to excuse the member is not seconded after an objection was made, then the member shall be deemed excused. If the Chair finds that the Commission has inadequate information to determine whether the absent member should be excused, and the �erson is not�resent, then the Chair should defer any determination of whether to excuse the member�endin r� ecei�t of more information. A Commission member's absence is excused if they have recused themselves from a matter that is bein� discussed durin� the meetin�, and the recusal is due to an actual or perceived conflict of interest. 4. Using his or her position to secure special privileges or exemptions for himself, herself, or others. 5. Directly or indirectly receivin�, acce�tin�, takin�, seekin�, or solicitin� an, hin� of economic value re�ardless of the amount, as a �ift, r� atuit,y, or favor. ' > > > , , , � 6. En�a�in� in or acceptin��private employment or renderin� services for an�person or en�a��in� in any business or professional activity when such emplovment, service or activity is incom�atible with the �ro�er and faithful dischar�e of his/her official duties as a Commission member, or when it would require or induce the Commission member to disclose confidential information acquired by reason of such off'icial position.�`�g „�,,,o,,,�.o,.��;� „r ��o r�,,,,,.,.;��;,,r 7. Disclosing confidential information gained by reason of his or her membership on the Planning Commission or using such information for his or her personal gain or benefit. 8. En�a�in� in any meetin� that violates the Open Public Meetin�s (OPMA). OPMA strictly forbids any meetin� of a quorum of the Commission durin� which any City business is discussed. The OPMA�rovides that Commissioners maX a. meet informally in less than a quorum and discuss Citv business, and b. meet in a quorum if City business is not discussed. I Updated and Approved by Council�7-�37-2012� Page 7 of 8 However, Commissioners are encoura�ed to be mindful that such meetin�s risk creatin� the appearance of violation of the OPMA and such meetin�s should be a�oided. ,� �,.�+�;,.+ ,.r rr+,,..,,�+ . , , , ,.oa �.. i.,,� ,.o�.,;� �„w. �.,,.�;,.;�.,�;�„ „ „�;�„ „r �i.o w..,��o,. , • 14�. Appearance of Fairness A. The Commission shall adhere to the applicable requirements of the �Appearance of€Fairness �Doctrine, RCW Chapter 4236. B. During the pendency of any quasi judicial proceeding,no Commission member may engage in ex parte communications with proponents or opponents about a proposal involved in the pending proceeding,unless the Commission member: 1. places on the record the substance of such oral or written communications; and 2. provided that a public announcement of the content of the communication and of the parties' right to rebut the substance of the communication shall be made at each hearing where action is taken or considered on the subject. This does not prohibit correspondence between a citizen and Commission members if the correspondence is made part of the record, when it pertains to the subject matter of a quasi judicial proceeding. (RCW 42.36.060) 15g. Review of These Rules of Procedure The �Commission shall review these rules of procedure on the first anniversary of their adoption and the odd numbered years thereafter. Pro�osed chan�es u�on the recommendation of the City Attorney may be brou�ht as a�ropriate. Any amendments identified by the � Commission or the City Attorne�shall be forwarded to the City Council for review and ratification. KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENT: That the undersigned Secretary of the Spokane Valley Planning Commission does hereby certify that upon review and majority vote the above and forgoing rules have been duly adopted by the members of said Commission. BY: � Secretary of the Commission Au Date: I Updated and Approved by Council�7-�37-2012� Page 8 of 8 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Planning Commission Review Meeting Date: July 26, 2012 Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent �old business ❑new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation FILE NUMBER: CTA-02-12 AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Continued Deliberations —Amendment to the Spokane Valley Municipal Code DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: City initiated text amendment to the Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC), Chapter 19120 (Permitted and Accessory Uses) matrix affecting numerous uses in commercial,mixed use, office, and industrial zones. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 36.70A106, SVMC 17.80150 and 1930.040 PREVIOUS ACTION TAKEN: Planning Commission conducted a study session on June 28, 2012 and a public hearing on July 12, 2012. BACKGROUND: Staff presented CTA-02-12 to the Planning Commission at a study session on June 28, 2012. The Planning Commission held a public hearing on the amendment on July 12, 2012. During deliberations, the Planning Commission requested additional information relating to cremation facilities and allowing office uses to locate in the MF-2 aone. Staff provides the following information for the Commission's consideration. Crematories Spokane Regional Clean Air Agency(SRCAA) states that there are currently thirteen crematories (human and animal) located throughout Spokane County, three of which are located in the City of Spokane Valley. These facilities undergo rigorous permitting processes with SRCAA prior to operating. The cremation units consist of two chambers, the second of which, called an "afterburner", eliminates any residual odor or other emissions associated with cremations. It should be noted that the capacity of these units is based on weight and when a unit is overloaded, noticeable emissions can occur. Due to the potential impacts created by crematoriums, Staff recommends no change to the proposed amendments at this time. Office uses in the MF-2 zone In response to testimony given during the public hearing, the Planning Commission requested additional information relating to the location of o�ce uses in the High Density Multifamily Residential District(MF- 2). Section 22 of the Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan (see attached) discusses issues relating to comingling office and multifamily zoning. The intent of the Comprehensive Plan was to identify areas currently developed in predominantly office uses and to create development standards specific to the office zoning classification. This exercise identified specific areas in the city such as Evergreen corridor north of Sprague Avenue, Mission east of Pines (Valley HospitaUmedical area), and the intersection of Pines Road and Broadway Avenue. These corridors offer continuity for business owners and provide access to major arterials to support appropriate accommodations for traffic circulation. Residential uses are permitted in 1 of 2 Office zones if located above the first floor. In addition, the Garden O�ce district provides a buffer between low density residential uses and higher intensiry commercial uses. The description of High Density Residential in section 2.51 of the comprehensive plan makes no mention of office or commercial uses in this zone. Chapter 19.40.080 outlines the intent of the MF-2 zone as a "transitional zoning between higher intensity land uses, such as commercial and office, to medium and lower density single-family neighborhoods." Based on this analysis, staff recommends no change be made at this time. If a change of this nature is desired, several areas of the Comprehensive Plan would need to be amended. Entertainment/recreation facilitv,indoor. Staff has reevaluated the proposed changes to the entertainment/recreation facility, indoor and has prepared an alternative for the Commission's consideration. As an alternative to the Conditional Use Permit, staff proposes that these facilities be allowed as permitted uses in the Heavy Industrial zones with special conditions. Recommended conditions of approval would be that the proposed site take access directly from an arterial and all required parking is contained on-site. Further, the proposed site must not be located adj acent to potentially hazardous land uses, such as petroleum storage, foundries or other explosive storage. NOTICE: Notice for the proposed amendment to SVMC was placed in the Spokane Valley News Herald on June 22 and June 29, 2012. Notice for the proposed amendment was provided consistent with applicable provisions of SVMC Title 17. APPROVAL CRITERIA: SVMC Section 17.80.150(F)provides approval criteria for text amendments to the SVMC. The criterion stipulates that the proposed amendment(s)must be consistent with the applicable provisions of the Comprehensive Plan and bear a substantial relation to the public health, safety,welfare, and protection of the environment. OPTIONS: Planning Commission may recommend approval as presented; recommend approval with modi�cations,recommend the proposal not be adopted, or forward no recommendation to City Council. STAFF CONTACT: Christina Janssen-Assistant Planner ATTACHMENTS: Staff Report Permitted Use Matrix Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan - Chapter 22 Land Use - Chapter 2.51 Residential Proposed language Chapter 19.70.020 2 of 2 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING DIVISION S`pOk�.rl+� PUBLIC HEARING STAFF REPORT TO THE Vall��N PLANNING COMMISSION CTA-2�12-0��2 STAFF REPORT DATE: July 3, 2012 HEAx�1vG DATE A1vn LocAT�o1v: July 12, 2012, beginning at 6:00 p.m., Spokane Valley City Hall Council Chambers, Valley Redwood Plaza Building, 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 101, Spokane Valley, Washington 99206. PROPOSAL DESCRIPTION: City initiated text amendment updating Chapter 19.120 (Permitted and Accessory Uses) of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC). APPL�cANT(s): City of Spokane Valley APPxovAL Cx�TEx�A: Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan, Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC) Title 17 General Provisions, and Title 21 Environmental Controls. STAFF PLANNER: Christina Janssen, Assistant Planner, Community Development Department REVIEwED BY: Scott Kuhta, AICP,Planning Manager, Community Development Department AT'rACx1v�E1v'rs: Proposed Text Amendment A. BACKGROUND INFORMATION In early 2012 the Spokane Valley City Council requested that staff perform a review Chapter 19120 SVMC(Permitted &Accessory Uses)with a focus on the Corridor Mixed Use and Garden Office zones. Specifically, evaluating existing uses listed in the chapter and proposing additional uses which may be appropriate in these zones. As staff began the review process, a number of other updates were identi�ed; either updates to zones other than CMU or GO, and general format updates to help make the matrix more user friendly. The following is a brief discussion regarding the proposed changes. City Center: Remove the category of"City Center"as there is no longer any land within the City zoned City Center. Appliance sales/service: Proposed as an allowed use in the Community Commercial zone. Auction House: Proposed as an allowed use in the Light Industrial zone due the availability of structures large enough to accommodate this type of business. Manufacturin�: Relocate all manufacturing categories from their current alphabetic location in the code to a general"Manufacturing" section within the code for easier navigation. No changes are being proposed to the locations where these uses can locate within the City. Automobile/truck/RV/motorc,��aintin�, re�air,bodv and fender works: Proposed as an allowed use with conditions in the Community Commercial zone. An appropriate use in this zone provided that it be located within an enclosed structure. Staff Report and Recommendation CTA-02-12 Barber/beaut, s�p. Proposed as an allowed use in the Garden Office zone as these businesses are typically smaller in size and do not generate traffic or noise in amounts that would be disruptive to the adjacent residential uses. Bicycle sales/service: Proposed as an allowed use in the Garden Office zone as these businesses are typically smaller in size and do not generate traffic or noise in amounts that would be disruptive to the adjacent residential uses. Boat sales/service: Proposed as an allowed use in the Corridor Mixed Use and Light Industrial zones where other automobile sales are currently allowed. BrewerY,micro: Proposed as an allowed use in the Neighborhood Commercial zone. A growing trend, these small tap breweries typically serve the neighborhoods where they are located. Buildin� Su�ly&Home Improvement: Proposed as an allowed use in the Corridor Mixed Use zone. Candv& Confectionarv: Proposed as an allowed use in the Garden Office and Office zones as these businesses are typically smaller in size and do not generate traffic or noise in amounts that would be disruptive to the adjacent residential uses. Cemetery and crematories: Proposing that these uses be separated and that crematories be contemplated separately due to potential issues with crematories in residential zones. Proposing crematories as an allowed use in the Community Commercial, Regional Commercial, Light Industrial and Heavy Industrial zones. Church,temple, mosque, s,���ue and parsona�e�. Proposed as an allowed use in the Garden Office zone. Small congregations are regularly locating in spaces which were formally small retail or office spaces. These uses are allowed in all other zones within the City with the exception of the industrial zones. Clothes,retail sales: Proposed as an allowed use in the Neighborhood Commercial zone. Smaller, boutique type establishments appropriate to serve the surrounding neighborhood. Dru� Store: A dated term,proposing to rename this item"Pharmacy", a more widely used term and relocate it alphabetically within the code. Dwellin�, townhouse: Proposing to remove this from the Neighborhood Commercial zone where residential uses are not allowed. This change corrects an error in the code. Entertainment/recreation facilities,indoor: Proposed as a permitted use in the Light Industrial zone and with a Conditional Use Permit in the Heavy Industrial zone. These uses, which include indoor soccer centers,batting cages, etc. are growing in popularity and typically locate in large,warehouse type facilities commonly found in industrial areas. Essential Public Facilities: Proposed as Regional Siting in the Corridor Mixed Use zone. This amendment would make it possible for the County to consider parcels aoned CMU when contemplating uses including,but not limited to,hospitals,regional transportation facilities,inpatient facilities, etc. Exercise facilit��ym/athletic club: Proposed as an allowed use in the Office zone. Small scale fitness facilities that locate in strip commercial or office space such as Curves, Anytime Fitness, or the like. Page 2 of 5 Staff Report and Recommendation CTA-02-12 These smaller facilities do not generate tra�c or noise beyond what would typically be expected in the Of�ce zone. Hobb. S�p. Proposed as an allowed use in the Garden Office and Of�ce zones as these businesses are typically smaller in size and do not generate traffic or noise in amounts that would be disruptive to the adjacent residential uses. Home furnishin�s,retail sales: Proposed as an allowed use in the Neighborhood Commercial zone. These smaller,boutique style stores serve the neighborhoods where they are located. Market, outdoor: Proposing to change this use from requiring a Temporary Use Permit to an outright permitted use in the Mixed Use Center, Corridor Mixed Use, Community Commercial, Regional Commercial,Parks and Open Space, and Light Industrial zones. Outdoor markets are growing in popularity and often are functional for longer than the 6 months the Temporary Use Permit currently allows. Mobile food vendors: Allowed with conditions in the Neighborhood Commercial zone. These small businesses,which serve the neighborhood where they are located,would need the permission of the property owner and the Health Department. Music store: Proposed as an accessory use in the Garden Office zone. Of�ce & Computer sales: Proposed as an allowed use in the Neighborhood Commercial zone. Smaller, neighborhood scale businesses as opposed to "big box" office retail(Office Depot). Photo�ra�hic Studio: Proposed as an allowed use in the Garden Office and Office zones as these businesses are typically smaller in size and do not generate traffic or noise in amounts that would be disruptive to the adjacent residential uses. Print Shop: Proposed as an allowed use in the Neighborhood Commercial zone. Small scale businesses serving the neighborhoods where they are located. Radio/TV broadcastin�studio: Proposed as an allowed use in the Light Industrial zone due to the large equipment required for this type of business. Recreational vehicle sales and service: Proposed as an allowed use in the Corridor Mixed Use zone where other types of automobile sales are currently allowed. Specialized trainin�/learnin� schools or studios: Proposed as an allowed use in the Garden Office zone, these types of businesses which can include dance,martial arts,music, or other similar uses do not generally produce traffic or noise which would be harmful to nearby neighborhoods. Taxidermv: Proposed as an allowed use in the Corridor Mixed Use zone. A. BACKGROUND INFORMATION 1. APPL�cAT�o1v PxocESS�1vG: SVMC Chapter 17.80, Permit Processing Procedures. The following summarizes application procedures for the proposal. Page 3 of 5 Staff Report and Recommendation CTA-02-12 Process Date Pre-Application Meeting: N/A Application Submitted: N/A Determination of Completeness: N/A Determination of Non-Significance (DNS): N/A End of Appeal Period for DNS: N/A Published Notice of Public Hearing: June 22&June 29 Posted Notice of Public Hearing: June 22 C. FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS SPECIFIC TO THE MUNICIPAL CODE TEXT AMENDMENT 1. Compliance with Title 17(General Provisions) of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code a. Findings: SVMC 17.80150(F). Municipal Code Text Amendment Approval Criteria i. The City may approve Municipal Code Text amendment if it finds that(analysis is italicized): (1) The proposed amendment is consistent with the applicable provisions of the Comprehensive Plan. Staff Comment: The proposed amendments are consistent with the applicable policies of the Comprehensive Plan. They maintain the intent of the code while allowing for greater flexibility for businesses wishing to locate in the City of Spokane T�alley. Below are the relevant policies fi^om the Comprehensive Plan: LUG-3: Ti^ansform various commercial business areas into vital, atti^active, easily accessible mi�ed use areas that appeal to investors, consumers and residents and enhance the community image and economic vitality. LUP-4.2: Integrate retail developments into surrounding residential areas with attention to quality design and function. LUP-8.1: Allow commercial, residential and recreational uses in conjunction with permitted uses in Office designated areas. (2) The proposed amendment bears a substantial relationship to the public health, safety, welfare, and protection of the environment Staff Comment: Public health, safety and welfare are furthered by providing flexible development regulations while preserving the character of surrounding neighborhoods. 2. Finding and Conclusions Specific to Public Comments a. Findings: As of July 3, 2012 no written comments have been received. Page 4 of 5 Staff Report and Recommendation CTA-02-12 b. Conclusion(s): Adequate public noticing was conducted for CTA-02-12 in accordance with adopted public noticing procedures. 3. Finding and Conclusions Specific to Agency Comments a. Findings: Staff has received no agency comments as of July 3, 2012. b. Conclusion(s): No concerns are noted. B. OVERALL CONCLUSION The proposed City initiated Municipal Code Text amendment is consistent with the Comprehensive Plans policies and goals. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Planning Division, after review and consideration of the proposed City initiated code text amendment and applicable approval criteria recommends that the Planning Commission approve CTA-02-12. RECOMMENDED MOTION I move to recommend approval of CTA-02-12 to the City Council; or I move to recommend approval of CTA-06-ll with the following changes...... Page 5 of 5 d td7 O 'a 0 R y R R C � C Schedule of Permitted Uses y � o �'� •� '� '� Q � ,, � o � o v � v R v 0 � > Reference Conditions y Appendix 19-A .a v -a v v � � � � o � y v rn v N U w� ' y v � rnE E E rnE Y R � x Q N O N . R '� �y O O O N O R G- � N I � � � � � � z �U U� C9 O zU UU �U av� s 711 Adult entertainment establishment S S Chapter 19.80 SVMC 453 Adult retail use establishment S S Chapter 19.80 SVMC 311 Agricultural processing plant,warehouse P P �� n�.,..�rr.., ..��r�,.r„�;„„ $ � 481219 Airstrip,private P P 62191 Ambulance service P P R P P P P P � 54194 Animal clinic/veterinary P S P P P SVMC 19.60.040(B)(1) 311613 Animal processing facility P S S S S S S 112 Animal raising and/or keeping S S Excluding NAICS 1122, Swine.SVMC 19.40.150. 81291 Animal shelter P P 31161 Animal slaughtering and processing P 45392 Antique store P P R P P P � 448 Apparel/tailor shop P P R P P P P P � 443111 Appliance sales/service P P R P P A A Only if manufactured/ � assembled on premises. �� n.,.,i��..,.o�.., ..��r�,.r,�r�.,,. � g I 45392 Art gallery/studio P P R P P P P P � �� n�.,h�ir„i�.,ri.., .,��t�,.r,,.;„„ $ � 333 Assembly—heavy P 334 Assembly—light P P P P P P P P P 623312 Assisted living facility P P P P 4533 Auction house P P P P � 4533 Auction yard(excluding livestock) P P 1152 Auction yard,livestock P 3361 Automobile assembly plant P 922 Automobile impound yard P P <revdate>(Revised 3/12) 19-1 441 Automobile/light truck sales and service P P P P � 4853 Automobile/taxi rental P P R P P P P P � 811121 Automobile/truck/RV/motorcycle painting, S S P P P Enclosed structure only. repair,body and fender works SVMC 19.60.050(B)(3). 4413 Automotive parts,accessories and tires P P P P P P � 31�g1 ❑��o., .,.,���,.r� ..��r�,.r��.�.,,. � R � 445291 Bakery,retail P P R S S P P P A A Floor area limited to 10% of Gross Leasable Floor Area(GLFA)not to exceed 1,000 sf. � 52211 Bank,savings/loan and other financial P P R P P P P P P P institutions � 8121 Barber/beauty shop P P R PA P P P P P I �gl ❑�rro., oh���i,��.,,.r.,,�.,��r�,.r��.�.,,. $ $ P P P P P P 721191 Bed and breakfast P P P 11291 Beekeeping,commercial P S S S 11291 Beekeeping,hobby SVMC 19.40.150(C) � 4511 Bicycle sales/service P P R P P P P P P P 336611 Boat building,repair and maintenance P P � 441222 Boat sales/service P P P P � 4512 Book/stationery store P P R P P P P P 3121 Bottling plant P P � 71395 Bowling alley P P R P P � 722 Brewery,micro P P R P P P P P P P � 3121 Brewery,winery and/or distillery P P R P P P P I �� o.,.,.,,,,,, ..��a.,,.���.�,,,. R R � 4441 Building supply and home improvement P P P P � 445292 Candy and confectionery P P R P P P P P P P � 71399 Carnival,circus T T � T T T T 3219 Carpentershop P P P P 561740 Carpet and rug cleaning plants P P 811192 Carwash P P S P P P P SVMC 19.60.040(B) <revdate>(Revised 3/12) 19-2 S okane Valle Munici al Code 7132 Casino P P R P P � 454113 Catalog and mail order houses P P P P P P P 72232 Catering services P P R P P P P � P P P P 8122 Cemetery�^�'^�^�.,��'^��^^ p � 451112 Ceramics shop P P R P P P P � � rh,.,,,�,..,i,,, ��a.,,.���.�.,,. R I P P P P P P 813 Church,temple,mosque,synagogue and P P R P P P P P � parsonage 4481 Clothes,retail sales P P R P P P � 49312 Cold storage/food locker P P 6113 College or university P P R P P P P � 517 Communication service/sales P P R P P P P P � �34� r,.,,,,,,��„�,.,��,.,,�,. „��a.,,.���.�,,,. R R R R I S S S S S S 921—922 Community facilities S S � S S S S S S S S See zoning districts for � conditions. P P P 8134 Community hall,club,or lodge P P R P P P P P � P P P 6232 Community residential facility(6 or less residents) P P P 6232 Community residential facility(greater than 6 residents,no more than 25) 56173 Composting storage/processing,commercial P 54151 Computer services P P � P P P P P P P � 2373—238 Contractor's yard P P P P P 623 Convalescent home,nursing home P 44512 Convenience store P P A A P P P P P �g r,.�.,,,.��,..,,,,�,,, ,.ii., ��a.,,.���.�,,,. � � I Crematories P P P P � P P P P P P 6233 Day care,adult P P R A P P P A A � C C C C P P 624410 Day care,child(13 children or more) P P A A P A A P P P P P P 624410 Day care,child(12 children or fewer) P P R A A P P P A A � 4521 DepartmenWariety store P P R P P � nn��� � R R R �4 R R R R R I 19-3 <revdate>(Revised 3/12) � 8123 Dry cleaners P P R A P P P P 812332 Dry cleaning,laundry,linen supply plant, P P commercial 3211114 Dry kiln P S S S 814 Dwelling,accessory apartments SVMC 19.40.100 814 Dwelling,caretaker's residence S S S SVMC 19.60.060(B)(1) � P P 7213 Dwelling,congregate P P R P P P P P 814 Dwelling,duplex P P � P P P 814 Dwelling,multifamily P P R S S SVMC 19.60.020(B) P P P P P P 814 Dwelling,single-family P P S S SVMC 19.60.020(B) � P P P 814 Dwelling,townhouse P P R R 334—335 Electrical/electronic/computer component and P P P P P P P system manufacturing/assembly I � Cmorrnln}h�nflc nfln niif�n}�irinn g g � 713 EntertainmenVrecreation facilities,indoor P P R P P P P C � 7139 EntertainmenUrecreation facilities,outdoor P P R P P P P 5323 Equipment rental shop P P P P P 8113 Equipment sales,repair,and maintenance P P P P P � 7222 Espresso/latte retail service P P R P P P P P P P � R R R R R R 92 Essential public facilities R R R R R R R Chapter 19.90 SVMC � A A 71394 Exercise facility/gym/athletic club P P R A P�4 P P P A A I �'� Cvnlnci.�om niif�n}�irinn g 493190 Explosive storage P P P P P P P P 814 Family home,adult P P P P P P P P P P 814 Family home,child P P P P 441222 Farm machinery sales and repair P P P 112112 Feed lot P 311211 Feed/cereal/flour mill P P I �r� co.r;i��o..., .,��r�,.r,�.�..,, g � 81292 Film developing P P R A A P P P � 44313 Film/camera sales/service P P R A A P P P <revdate>(Revised 3/12) 19-4 S okane Valle Munici al Code 4531 Florist shop P P R A A P P P P � � c,.,.,�,.,.,���,.�... ��a.,,.���.�„��� � I 44521 Food sales,specialty/butcher shop/meat P P R S P P SVMC 19.60.040(B)(3) � market/specialty foods 484 Freight fonvarding P P 447 Fueling station P P P A P P P P 81221 Funeral home P P P � C��..,�r��.o.,, .,��r�,.r��r�..,. � � I � r_.,.,,,,.,,�,,, ��r.,,.���.�,,,. � � I 453 Gift shop P P R A A P P P A � S S S S S S 71391 Golf course P S P P Chapter 22.60 SVMC C C C C C C 71391 Golf driving range/training center P C S P P Chapter 22.60 SVMC 49313 Grain elevator P P 44422 Greenhouse,nursery,garden center,retail P P P P P P 1114 Greenhouse,nursery,commercial S S P P SVMC 19.60.050(B)(3) 4451 Grocery store P P R S P P SVMC 19.60.040(B)(3) � 44413 Hardware store P P R S P P SVMC 19.60.040(B)(3) � 562211 Hazardous waste treatment and storage S S SVMC 21.40.060 4812 Heliport P P 4812 Helistop C C C C P 45112 Hobby shop P P R P PA P P P � 442 Home furnishings,retail sale P P P P P � 6221 Hospital P P P P P R R R R R R 622210 Hospital,psychiatric and substance abuse R R R R R R R R 622310 Hospital,specialty P P R P P P A A � 7211 Hotel/motel P P R P P P P � 312113 Ice plant P P � '^^�^'"��,- '`'�,'""'"� g I 45322 Jewelry,clock,musical instrument assembly, P P R A P P P P P � sales/service 81291 Kennel,indoor kennel,doggie day care facility S S S S P P See zoning districts for conditions. 19-5 <revdate>(Revised 3/12) 54138 Laboratories(Bio Safety Level 2) P P P 54138 Laboratories(Bio Safety Level 3) P P P 54138 Laboratories(Bio Safety Level 4) P P � 62151 Laboratories,medical and diagnostic P P R P P P � 44419 Landscape materials sales P P P P P A A A 812310 Laundromat P P A P P P P � 4453 Liquor store P P R A A P P � 561622 Locksmith P P R A A P P P 3211 Lumbermill,sawmill,shingle mill,plywood mill P 33271 Machine shop P P P I � nn�,.h�..oi.,,�,.h�..or, ..��r�,.r��.�..,. $ $ 236115 Manufactured home fabrication P P S S S S S 814 Manufactured home park SVMC 19.40.130 45393 Manufactured home sales P P P � Manufacturinp � 336411 Aircraft manufacturinp P � 33522 Appliances manufacturinp P P � 32412 Asphalt planUmanufacturinp P � 31181 Bakerv products manufacturinp P P � 33591 Batterv rebuildinp/manufacturinp P P � 339994 Broom manufacturinp P P � 325 Chemical manufacturina P � 3342 Communications epuipment manufacturinp P P P P � 339 Cosmetic and miscellaneous manufacturinp P P � 322226 Emerv cloth and sandpaper manufacturinp P P � 32592 Explosive manufacturinp P � 3253 Fertilizer manufacturinp P � 311 Food product manufacturinp/storaae P � 337 Furniture manufacturinp P P � 315 Garment manufacturinp P P � 32591 Ink manufacturinp P <revdate>(Revised 3/12) 19-6 S okane Valle Munici al Code 333 Machine/machinerv manufacturinp P P � 327 Manufacturinp.nonmetallic metal products P P � 3391 Medical and laboratorv instrumenVapparatus P P P manufacturinp Mineral product manufacturinp,nonmetallic P � 32411 Petroleum and coal products manufacturinp P � 32511 Plastic and rubber products manufacturinp P � 314991 Rope manufacturinp P P � 325212 Rubber reclamation,manufacturinp/fabrication P � 33995 Sipn manufacturinp/repair P P � 32561 Soap and cleaninp compound manufacturinp P � 31411 Textile manufacturinp P P � 56292 Tire.recap and retread manufacturinp P � 321 Wood product manufacturinp P P � � nn�..��r�,.r,�.�..,, or�ii�,..,,or�i.,r,.,���,.r� g � I 453998 Market,outdoor P� P� � P� P� �P P� � 621498 Massage therapy P P R P P P P P � 3116— Meatffish canning,cutting,curing and smoking P P 3117 �-� nn,.,��,..,i.,,,,�i.,h,...,�,..,,� „�i.,..,..,..,���� R R R ��r� � 42345 Medical,dental,and hospital equipment P P P P supply/sales 6214 Medical/dental clinic P P R P P P P P � 621 Medical/dental offce P P R P P P P P � 332 Metal fabrication P P 332 Metal plating P 332 Metal processes,hot P nn�,,....,i,.,.,���,.�,,, ��r.,,.���.�,,,. .,ii�,. R I 212 Mining P 722330 Mobile food vendors S S S S S S S S S S S SVMC 19.60.010(H) � T T T T T T 236115 Model home units 19-7 <revdate>(Revised 3/12) � 71211 Museum P P R P P P P � 45114 Music store P P R A A P P P � A A 561 Office P P R P P P P P P P � 45321 Office and computer supplies P P R A P P P P P 999 Off-road recreational vehicle use P P 1113 Orchard,tree farming,commercial P P 32211 Paper/pulp mills P � 4859 Park-and-ride facility P P R P P P P P 522298 Pawnshop P P P P � 812 Personalservice P P R P P P P P � 45391 Petshop P P R A P P P � 44611 Pharmacv P P A P P P P P I �� Do}rnloiim�n(1 n �I nrn(liin}c m niif�n}�irinn � � 54192 Photographic studio P P R P,4�4P P P P � �� � 326199 Plastic injection molding,thermoset P 326199 Plastic injection molding,thermoplastic P P P P P P 326199 Plastic injection solvent molding P � 491 Post office,postal center P P R P P P P P P P 221 Power plant(excluding public utility facilities) P � 56143 Printshop P P R A P P P P P P 323 Printing,reprographics,bookbinding services, P P commercial � 48849 Public pay parking garage/lot P P R P P P � S S S S S S 221 Public utility distribution facility S S R P P P P P P P P See zoning districts for conditions. � S S S S S S 237 Public utility transmission facility S S S S S S S S S S S See zoning districts for conditions. 71399 Racecourse P P P P 711212 Racetrack P P � 5151 Radio/TV broadcasting studio P P P P P P 4821 Railroad yard,repair shop and roundhouse P <revdate>(Revised 3/12) 19-8 S okane Valle Munici al Code 7212 Recreational vehicle parWcampground C S SVMC 19.60.060 44121 Recreational vehicle sales and service P P P � 56292 Recycling facility S S S P P P P P P P P 51511 Repeater facility P P P P P P 7222 Restaurant,drive-in P P P P P P 7222 Restaurant,drive-through P P A C P P P P 722 Restaurant,full service P P R A P P P P P P � 452—453 Retail sales P P R A P P P A A Limited to items � manufactured on the premises. 71399 Riding stable C P P 33122 Rolling mill P �1-4�&1 �iag R � � �'� DiiL.L.orronl�m�}inn niif�n}�irinn/f�hrin�}inn g I P P P P P P 6111 Schools,public and private,K through 12 P P R P P P � P 6114 Schools,professional,vocational and trade P P R P P P P P P � schools Showroom P P P P P P 4533 Secondhand store,consignment sales P P R P P P S SVMC 19.70.010(B)(9) � � �i�rv� iif�n}iirinrvlr��� g g I rm�mao�mm Jrr 33995 Sign painting shop P P P P P �1 � � 56292 Solid waste recycling/transfer site S S S SVMC 19.60.060(B) 6116 Specialized training/learning schools or P P R P P S P P Adaptive reuse of � studios existing structures only. No expansion allowed. P P 49319 Storage,self-service facility P P P P P P 493 Storage,general—outdoors S S S S P See zoning districts for conditions. Tank storage,LPG above ground S S S S S S S S SVMC 21.40.060 � 213112 Tank storage,critical material above ground S S SVMC 21.40.060 213112 Tank storage,critical material below ground S S S S SVMC 21.40.060 3161 Tanning,curing of hides and skins P 19-9 <revdate>(Revised 3/12) � 7224 Tavern P P R P P P � Taxidermy P P P � S S S S S S 5172 Telecommunication wireless antenna array S S S C S S S S S Chapter 22.120 SVMC � C C C C C C 5172 Telecommunication wireless support tower S S S C S S S S S Chapter 22.120 SVMC I �� Tov}�lo m niif�n}�irinn � g � 711 Theater,indoor P P R P P P 711 Theater,outdoor P P P P Ir�g� T�.,. ,,,�. .,,�.., ��a�,.���.�,,,, g � S S S S S S 5179 Tower,ham operator S S S C S S S S SVMC 19.40.110(A) 221119 Tower,wind turbine support C S S S S S SVMC 19.40.110(B) � 4851 Transit center P P R P P P P P C 7213 Transitional housing 441222 Truck sales,rental,repair and maintenance P P 445—447 Truck stop P P 81142 Upholstery shop P P P P P 49311 Warehousing A S P A P P Adaptive reuse of existing structures.No expansion allowed. � � R � 56292 Wrecking,recycling,junk and salvage yards C S SVMC 19.60.060(B) P Permitted Use A Accessory Only R Regional Siting T Temporary Permit S Conditions Apply C Conditional Use Permit <revdate>(Revised 3/12) 19-10 2.2 Land Use Plan Spokane Valley's land use pattern(the physical location of uses) e�sts as a result of development administered by Spokane County until incorporation of Spokane Valley on March 31, 2003 and to a far lesser extent the subsequent development under Spokane Valley's jurisdiction. As shown in Figure 2.1 below,the maj ority of land is designated residential(57%)under this Plan. Of the land designated residential, 50%is designated as Low Density Residential with densities up to six dwelling units per acre. Nearly 20% of the land area is designated as Heavy and Light Industrial. The remaining land is designated as commercial, office, or public/quasi public. 2.2.1 City Center Plan This scenario presents concepts and strategies for creating a definable and vibrant "City Center" for the City of Spokane Valley. The purposes of creating a Spokane Valley City Center are: 1. Create an identifiable city center that is a social and economic focus of the City; 2. Strengthen the City overall by providing for long-term growth in employment and housing; 3. Promote housing opportunities close to employment and services; 4. Develop land use patterns that support the development of a more extensive regional transportation system,whatever the ultimate configuration may be; 5. Reduce dependency on automobiles; 6. Consume less land with urban development 7. Ma�mize the public investment in infrastructure and services; 8. Provide a central gathering place for the community; and 9. Improve the quality of design for development throughout the City. There are several reasons why a definable,vital City Center is important to Spokane Valley's future. These include: 1. The development of a more intensive, multi-use city center is a natural step in Spokane Valley's evolution. Most new urban areas start out as bedroom communities. Retail and commercial uses then develop to serve the new residential population. Office and industrial activities next begin to locate at key transportation crossroads, adding jobs and strengthening the employment base. Spokane Valley has experienced these evolutionary phases and is now ready for a defined City Center. 2. Economic Development — Spokane Valley has an opportunity to transform itself from an essentially residential community with retail and service based economy to a sub-regional economic center with an expanded, more diverse employment base. 3. Community Support — A survey of Spokane Valley area citizens prior to incorporation overwhelmingly indicated that the lack of identifiable "downtown" and a community gathering place was of concern to a maj ority of respondents. Community support was tested again when the city conducted a statistically valid survey in the spring of 2004. The support to create a City Center was reiterated throughout the community meetings held during the development of the comprehensive plan and the city's informal community survey. A discussion of the results of the city's survey is included in Section 2.10. The following could be components of the City Center: 1. Location: Generally located along the Sprague/Appleway corridor. 2. Size: Between 300 and 400 acres in size. 3. Streets: New streets could be added at every 200 to 400 feet to create an internal grid street system to provide an urban atmosphere. 4. On-street parking would be provided on internal grid streets. 5. Ground floor retail on both sides of streets. 6. Building out to the edge of the right-of-way and include wide sidewalks to encourage a lively street scene. 7. Office/Employment uses provided in high visibility locations with adequate parking and adjacent to pleasant surroundings such as open space,retail shops and services. 8. Multi family housing that is safe, secure, and located so that it is buffered from traf�c noise and provides a pedestrian friendly streetscape with connections to parks, schools, shopping, services and transit. 9. Civic/public uses such as city hall, community library, performing arts center, city center park, green space or other public uses that would attract people to downtown over an extended portion of the day. Other characteristics of this land use scenario include the following: L Neighborhood/community retail centers - current land use patterns dictate that residents travel to the Sprague Avenue corridor to access some of the most basic goods and services. This scenario would provide for smaller scale, less intensive retaiUcommercial centers in the south end and northeast portions of the city. Potential locations for these centers would be focused at intersections of arterials at the periphery of the city, such as Highway 27/32nd Avenue, Dishman Mica Road/Bowdish Road and Barker Road/Boone Avenue. 2. Off'ice aoning districts —currently, there is no specific aoning district or comprehensive plan designation for professional office uses. The county has used the UR-22, Multi-family aoning district as its office district, which has resulted in a number of issues related to reaones and appropriate development standards. Areas that are currently developed in predominantly office uses would be re-designated to an "Office" comprehensive plan designation and aoning districts developed to implement this plan designation would include development standards to implement the policies of the comprehensive plan. Specific areas in the city include the Evergreen corridor north of Sprague Avenue; Mission east of Pines Road in the Valley HospitaUmedical office area; near the intersection of Pines Road and Broadway; and other areas identified through the land use inventory process. 2.5.1 Residential The demand for and development of single-family housing is expected to continue for the foreseeable future. Single-family development will occur as in-fill development of vacant or under developed lots scattered throughout e�sting neighborhoods, and as subdivisions on vacant tracts of land. To address future housing needs, the Land Use chapter encourages new techniques for developing single-family housing. Such techniques include clustering, planned unit developments, lot size averaging, zero lot line development, accessory dwelling units and special needs housing. Low Density Residential The Low Density Residential (LDR) Comprehensive Plan designation addresses a range of single family residential densities from one dwelling unit per acre up to and including six dwelling units per acre. This designation would be implemented through a series of zoning designations as described below. Implementing zoning for the LDR designation will include a series of zones allowing a range of minimum lot sizes. E�sting lot sizes and community character will be strongly considered when developing the City's zoning map. For example, areas such as Rotchford Acres and Ponderosa will likely require minimum lot sizes close to an acre in size. These large lot developments currently allow for horses and other large animals and have a distinct character that should be preserved to the greatest extent possible. The majority of the LDR designation will provide for densities ranging from four to six dwelling units per acre. Typical lot sizes will range from 7,000 to 10,000 square feet. Some areas designated as LDR still lack necessary urban services and infrastructure,mainly sanitary sewer facilities.Upon provision of urban services, such as water and sewer, and transit services, an increase in density in some areas may be warranted. However, the City will adopt strict criteria to evaluate zone changes to ensure that future development is compatible with the surrounding neighborhood. Medium Density Residential The Medium Density Residential designation represents an opportunity to provide a range of housing types to accommodate anticipated residential growth. The increase in population, decline in average family size, and increased cost of single-family homes have created increased demand for new housing types. The Land Use chapter encourages the development of housing types, such as duplexes, townhouses, and condominiums in existing multi-family areas and within mixed-use development in commercial areas.City of Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan Adopted April 25, 2006 (Updated 04-26-2011) Chapter 2—Land Use Page 13 of 35 Multi-family uses, in large part, are in areas currently zoned for multiple-family development. Zoning will allow densities up to 12 dwelLing units per acre in the Medium Density Residential designation. Opportunities for new development will occur through redevelopment and build-out of remaining parcels. Multi-family residential zones should be used as transitional zoning between higher intensity land uses such as commercial and office, to lower density single family neighborhoods. Additionally, Medium Density Residential areas should be located near services and high capacity transit facilities or transit routes. Residential design guidelines that address design and appearance of multiple-family developments should be considered. The primary goal of residential design guidelines is to develop multiple- family housing that is reflective of the community's character and appearance. High Density Residential This designation provides for e�sting multi-family residential development developed at a density in excess of 12 units per acre. Additionally, High Density Residential(HDR) designated areas are also located in areas near higher intensity development, such as a City Center. HDR provides housing opportunities for younger, lower income households in the City who may not yet be able to afford a home of their own. Moreover, this designation provides housing options for people looking to "downsize"from a single family dwelling on an individual lot, or for those known as "empty- nesters"whose children have moved out of the household and a large single family home is no longer needed. Generally, this designation is appropriate for land which is located adjacent to the arterial street system served by public transit, and is in close proximity to business and commercial centers. 19.70.020 I-2,Heavy Industrial district. A. Heavy Industrial designated property is characterized by intense industrial activities which include manufacturing,processing,fabrication, assembly, freight handling and similar operations. Heavy industry may have significant noise, odor or aesthetic impacts. B. Supplemental Regulations. L I-2 allows any use permitted in the I-1 zoning district, except as specifically provided in Appendix 19-A. 2. Mobile food vendors shall be located on/within designated areas which do not interfere with parking or internal circulation with permission of the property owner,health certificate and permit. 3. The following structures may be erected above the height limits of this code,provided: (a) the structure is accessory to or part of a building which is a permitted use in the zone; (b)the structure complies with the height limits in the Airport Overlay zone; and(c)no residential use of the structure shall occur above the height limits prescribed in the zone: a.Penthouses or roof structures for the housing of elevators, stairways, tanks,ventilating fans, or similar equipment to operate and maintain a building. b.Fire or parapet walls, skylights, flagpoles, chimneys, church steeples,belfries,wireless masts, and similar structures. c. Structures such as silos, feed mills,batch plants, and�xed cranes which are used in a manufacturing process which utilizes vertical processing and storage of materials. d. Water stand pipes and tanks. 4. All parking, maneuvering and outdoor storage areas shall be paved. Exemptions: a.Parking and storage areas routinely used by cleated and other heavy equipment as approved by the planning director. b. The planning director may waive portions of these requirements upon recommendation by the Spokane regional clean air agency or the Spokane Valley development engineering division when it can be demonstrated that the proposed surfacing, such as grass pavers or other technology,will not adversely affect air quality,water quality or the integrity of the parking area. 5. The following features attached to structures are allowed as exceptions to the setback standards: a. Minor Projections Allowed. Minor features of a structure, such as eaves, chimneys, fire escapes,bay windows no more than 12 feet long and which cantilever beyond the foundation of the structure,uncovered stairways,wheelchair ramps and uncovered decks or balconies, may extend into a required structure setback up to 20 percent of the depth of the setback. However, they may not be within three feet of a lot line when a setback is required. b. Full Projections Allowed. In addition to subsection(B)(5)(a) of this section, the following features are allowed to project farther into the required structure setback: i. Canopies,marquees, awnings and similar features may fully extend into a street setback and may extend into the public right-of-way subj ect to the requirements of the building code and adopted street standards. ii. Uncovered stairways and wheelchair ramps that lead to one entrance on the street- facing facade of a building may fully extend into a street setback. iii.Uncovered decks and stairways that are no more than 42 inches above the ground may fully extend into a required structure setback. iv. On lots that slope down from the street,vehicular and pedestrian entry bridges that are no more than 42 inches above the average sidewalk elevation may fully extend into a required structure setback. v. Balconies may extend into public rights-of-way as allowed in the building code and adopted street standards. 6. Community facilities and public utility distribution facility(ies), except power poles and underground transformers, shall comply with the following conditions: a. The requirements for landscaping, signage, lighting and other requirements shall apply. b. Type I landscape screening is required along property line(s) adj acent to a residential use or zone. 7. Public utility transmission facility shall comply with the following conditions: a. The utility company shall secure the necessary property or right-of-way to assure for the property construction, continued maintenance, and general safety to the property adjoining the public utility transmission facility; b. All support structures for electric transmission lines shall have their means of access located a minimum of 10 feet above ground; c. The facilities shall be compatible with the surrounding uses either by distance,landscaping, buffering, or design, as determined by the director; and d. The height of any structure above ground does not exceed 125 feet. (Ord. 09-017 § 1, 2009; Ord. 09-010 § 1, 2009; Ord. 08-026 § 8, 2008; Ord. 08-017 § 1, 2008; Ord. 07-015 § 4, 2007). 8. Entertainment/recreation facilities, indoor shall com�lv with the followin� conditions: a. Site must take access directiv from an arterial street. b. All required�arkin�must be located on the same�arcel as the buildin /�use' c. The proposed site must not be located adjacent to potentially hazardous land uses, such as petroleum stora�e, foundries or other ex�losive stora�e. �����. " '` Department of Community Development " Varle � '`��. , ! }. � ,3'_.. Planning Division � , i�; Plannin Commission g Continued Deliberations July 26, 2012 ��A-Q�-1� Pra��os�� �mendments �o th� Spokane Valley Municipal Code �����. " '` Department of Community Development " Varle � '`��. , ! }. � ,3'_.. Planning Division � , i�; x � � � � � _ � � Schedule of Permitted Us�es � � � o � ��' � � � a � ��rence condnians cn Appendix '19,A � � -°a m m z � � � o � � � � m � r� r� � r r� � x � �� m � " � E E E "a5 E � � T x L.L L.L d GS O V� . �L 6S O O d 6S O l4 Q N e[ e[ e[ e[ � � a � �s t_s � c� � a � � �s e[ � a us — — 8923 ❑r,�dean�rs P P F A P P P P 812332 ❑ry cleaning.laundry.linen suppty plarrt, P P commercial 3211114 ❑ry kiln P S S S 81�7 ❑�.velling.accesso r�apartments S'�+ru9�19.4C�.966 81 A ❑�r;elling.caretaker�s residence S S S 5'�+MG 19.&G.C�&DfBI[11 P P J.213 ❑r;elling.congregate P P F P P P P P 814 ❑�,velling.duplex P P P P P 814 ❑�rrelling.multifamily P P R 5 5 SVI47C 19.6G.026(Bl P P P P P P 814 ❑�,velling.singlafamily P P S S 55,'�v9G 19.6G.L�2C�(Ll P P P 814 ❑�rtelling.to�r:nhouse P P R R 334—335 Electricallelectronic.+computercomponeritand P P P P P P P sy�stem manufacturing?assembly �e €..,�,.,,, e a.-.�-.e.-_=,..,a�...� � 713 EntertainmenNrecreationFacilities.indoor P P P P P P - = - - _ -- - - _ " 7139 EntertainmentirecreationFacilities.outdoor P P F � P P 5323 Equipmentrentalshop P P P P P 8113 Equipmentsales,repair.and maintenance P P P P P 7222 Espresso?latteretailservice P P F P � P P P P P R R R R R FZ 92 Essentialpublicfacilities R R R R R R R Ghapterl�.GGSUP,IC A A 71394 ExerciseFacility?gym?athleticclu6 P P R ,4 Pf+ P P P A A - ° _ F 49319D Explosivestorage P P P k� P P P P 814 Family home.adult P P P P P P P P � P 81� Family home.child P � P P 441222 Farm machinery sales and repair P P P 112112 Feedlot P 311211 Feedecereal?Flourmill P P 3'r�'> _ _ _ . P 81252 Film developing F� P F A A P P P 44319 Filmfcamera.salesiservice P P R A ,C P P P ������.. " '` Department of Community Development " Varle � '`��. , ! }. � ,3'_.. Planning Division � , i�; 19.70.020 I-2, Heavy Industrial district B. Supplemental Regulations 8. Entertainment/recreation facilities, indoor shall com�lv with the following conditions: a. Site must take access directiv from an arterial street. b. All rec�uired�arkin� must be located on the same �arcel as the buildin_/g use c. The �ro�osed site must not be located adjacent to�otentiallv hazardous land uses, such as petroleum stora�e, foundries or other explosive stora�e. ������.. " '` Department of Community Development " Varle � '`��. , ! }. � ,3'_.. Planning Division � , i�; • � uestlons . ������. " '` Department of Community Development " Varle � '`��. , ! }. � ,3'_.. Planning Division � , i�; x � � � � � _ -� � Schedule of Permitted Us�es � � � o � �' � � � a = � ��rence condnians cn Appendix 99y4 � � � � � � � � � o � � d � � a� m r N C�'7 � L.L L.L d x G7 O Vi . �L � GS 8 8 O GY 8 4q a r N �2 �2 'L � V C.7 � C7 � Z C.1 C.1 C.7 CC C.1 a VS _ 711 Adutt erRertainmerit establishmerit S S Chapter 19.84 SVMC 453 AduR retail use establishmer�t S 5 Chapter 19.80 SVMC 311 Agricuttural processing plarrt, warehouse P P �� n�v...ari.,,a.,��sa.�+��.�.,�, R 481219 Airstrip,private P P 62191 Ambulance ser�ice P P R P P P P P 54194 Animal clinicJveterinary P S P P P SVMC 19.60.040[B)(1) 311613 Animal processing facility P S S S S S S 112 Animal raising andlor keeping S S Excluding NAICS 1122, Swine.SVMC 19.40.150. 81291 Animal sheRer P P 31161 Animal slaughtering and processing P 45392 ArRique store P P R P P P 448 Apparel�tailor shop P P R P P P P 443111 Appliance saleslservice P P R f� P A A Only if manufactured! assembled on premises. � R R 45392 Art gallerylstudio P P R P P P P P -� n�..,r.ew.,ie.-hr.,.e.,��fe..���. R 333 Assembly—hea�y P 334 Assembly—light P P P P P P P P P 623312 Assisted living facility P P P P I 4533 Auction house P P P �" 4533 Auction yard(excluding li�estock] P 1152 Auction yard,livestock P 3361 Automobile assembly plarR P 922 Automobile impound yard P P ������. " '` Department of Community Development " Varle � '`��. , ! }. � ,3'_.. Planning Division � , i�; x � � � � � _ -� � Schedule of Permitted Us�es � � � o � �' � � � a = � ��rence condnians cn Appendix 99y4 � � � � � � � � � o � � d � � r.i r� � � r� � x � �� m � '-' � E E E 'm E � m T x CC CC CC CC �2 �2 'L � V C.7 � C7 � 'L C.1 C.1 C.7 CC C.1 a i17 _ N 441 �AutomobileAight truck sales and service P P P P 4853 Automobilehaxi rerrtal P P R P P P P 811121 AutomobilehruckJRVlmotorcycle pairrting, 5 '= P P P Enclosed structure only. repair,body and fender works SVMC 19.60.050(B](3). 4493 Automotive parts,accessories and tires P P P P P P �n� R R 445291 Bakery,retail P P R S S P P P A A Floor area limded to 10% I of Gross Leasable Floor Rrea(GLFA]not to exceed 1,000 sf. 52219 Bank,savingsAoan and other financial P P R P P P P P P P instdutions 8121 Barberaheauty shop P P R 1�' P P P P P o ae„e..,�e�„ e e R R P P P P P P 721191 Bed and breakfast P P P 11291 Baekeaping, commarcial P 5 5 5 11291 Beekeeping, hobby SVMC 19.40.150(C] 4511 Bicycle salesJservice P P R §3 P P P P P P 336611 Boat building, repair and mairrtenance P 441 222 Boat saleslser�+ice � P P � 459 2 Booklstationery store P R P P P P P 3121 Battling plarrt P P 71395 Bowling alley P P R P P 722 Bravwary,micro P P R P P E� P P P P 31 21 Brewery,winery andlor distillery P P R P P P P �5894 ° ° R R 4441 Building supply and homa impro�amant P P P P 445292 Candy and confectionery P R �_ �, P P P P P 71399 Carni�al, circus T T � T T T T 3219 Carperrter shop P P P P 561740 Carpet and rug cleaning plarits P P 811192 Carvwash P P S P P P P SVMC 19.60.040(B] ������. " '` Department of Community Development " Varle � '`��. , ! }. � ,3'_.. Planning Division � , i�; x � o � � � � � � Schedule of Permitted Us�es � � � � '� �''� '� °i __ �' `o �, 3 � �a �, � Reference Canditions cn Append'Ix '19,A � � ,-°a_ m m L � � � o � � � m m r r� r, � r r� cy x � � ar � t' a� � � � 'a� � � � T x LL L.L � GS O V� . �L 6S O O d 6S O 1Q Q {y �C �C �C �C � � x � � c> > ca � x � � � �C � a cn s s 79 32 Casino P P R P P 454113 Catalog and mail order houses P P P P P P P 72232 Catering services P P R P P P P P P P P 89 22 Cemetery and s�a�eKies P 451112 Ceramics shop P P R P P P P -� ra ri.e...�..ai e R P P P P P P 81 3 Church,temple, mosque, synagogue and P P R F^ P P P P parsonage 4481 Clothes, retail sales P P R � P P 49312 Cold storagalfood lockar P P 6113 College or universdy P P R P P P P 517 Communication servicelsales P P R P P P P P -� r,...........;._va e e e e R R R R 5 S S S 5 5 921—922 Commundy facildies 5 5 � S S 5 5 S S S S See aoning districts for conddions. P P P 8134 Community hall, club, or lodge P P R P P P P P P P P 6232 Community resideritial facility(6 or lass residerrts) P P P 6232 Commundy resideritial facildy(greater than 6 residerrts,no more than 25] 56173 Composting storagafprocessing, commarcial P 54151 Computer services P P R P P P P P P P 2373—238 COf'RY9CtOY'S y+ard P P P P P 623 Convalescerit home, nursing home P 44512 Convenience store P P A A P P P P P "' R R Crematories P P P P P P P P P P 6233 �ay care,adutt P P R A P P P A A e e C C P P 624410 �ay care,child(1 3 children or more) P P A A P A A P P P P P P 624410 6ay care,child(1 2 children or fewer) P P R A A P P P A A 4521 �epartmerrtivariety store P P R P P nn�nn 9r�g-siara R R R A R R R R R ������. " '` Department of Community Development " Varle � '`��. , ! }. � ,3'_.. Planning Division � , i�; x � � � � � _ � � Schedule of Permitted Us�es � � � o � ��' � � � a � ��rence condnians cn Appendix '19,A � � -°a m m z � � � o � � � � m � r� r� � r r� � x � �� m � " � E E E "a5 E � � T x c[ c[ c[ c[ � � a � � cs � ' c7 � i � � � � � atn _ `~' 8123 Dry cleaners P P R A P P P P 81 2332 Dry cleaning, laundry, linen supply plarrt, P P commercial 3211114 Dry kiln P S S S 814 Dvwelling,accessoryapartmerits SVMC 99.40.100 894 D�welling,caretaker's residence 5 5 S SVMC 19.60.060(B)(1) P P 7213 Dwelling,congregffie P P R P P P P P 814 Dwelling,duplex P P P P P 814 D�+elling,muttifamily P P R S 5 SVMC 19.60.020(B) P P P P P P 814 Dwelling,single-family P P S 5 SVMC 19.60.020(B) P P P 894 D�welling,townhouse P P R R 334-335 ElectricallelectronicJcomputer componerrt and P P P P P P P I system manufacturinglassembly �F? F...e�.. ..I.-,Fh e.-..J�.e.-..J..e..e� ..,e....ie.�+..�:.-... 713 Errtertainmenthecreation facilRies, indoor P P R P P P � {; 7139 Errtertainmenthecreation facildies, outdoor P P R P P 5323 Equipmerit rerrtal shop P P P P P 8113 Equipmarit salas,rapair,and mairitenanca P P P P P 7222 EspressoAatte retail service P R P P P P P P P R R R R R R 92 Esserrtial public facilities F', R R R R R Chapter 19.90 SVMC A A 71394 Exercise facildyJgymlathletic club P R A �:- P P P A A � G....�,.�:.,e ...e e R 493190 Explosive storage P P P P P P P P 814 Family homa, aduR P P P P P P P P P P 814 Family home, child P P P P 449 222 Farm machinery sales and repair P P P 112112 Feed lot P 311211 FeedlcerealJflour mill P P �s re.+;i„e. ...e e R 81292 Film developing P P R A A P P P 44313 Filmlcamera saleslservice P P R A A P P P ������. " '` Department of Community Development " Varle � '`��. , ! }. � ,3'_.. Planning Division � , i�; x � � � � � _ -� � Schedule of Permitted Us�es � � � o � �' � � � a = � ��rence condnians cn Appendix 99,A � � � a+ m � � � � o � � a+ m m � r.i r� � � r� � x � �� m � '-' � E E E 'm E � m T x [C_ [C [C [C � �2 2 � V L..7 � L.7 � 2 {..1 {..1 L..7 [C {..1 a i15 1 N � 4531 Florist shop � P P R A A P P P P � 3�4 R 44521 Food sales,speciattylhutcher shophneat P P R 5 P P SVMC 99.60.040(B)(3] marketJspeciatty foods 484 Fraight forwarding P P 447 Fueling station P P P A P P P P 81221 Funeral home P P P �3� ° ° ° R R o r�a�.�..a.,+ R R 453 Gift shop P P R A A P P P A 5 S S S S 5 71381 Golf coursa P 5 P P Chapter 22.64 SVMC C C C C C C 71391 Golf driving rangehraining cerrter P C 5 P P Chapter 22.60 SVMC 49313 Grain elevator P P 44422 Greanhouse, nursary,gardan carrter,retail P P P P P P 1114 Greenhouse, nursery,commercial 5 S P P SVMC 99.60.050(B)(3] 4451 Grocery store P P R 5 P P SVMC 19.60.040(B)(3] 44413 Hardwarastora P P R S P P SVMC 18.64.040(@)(3] 562211 Haaardous wastetreatmerrt and storage 5 S SVMC 21.40.060 4812 Heliport P P 4812 Helistop C C C P 45112 Ho66y shop P P R °, � P P P 442 Home furnishings, retail sale P P �' P P 6221 Hospdal P P P P P R R R R R R 622210 Hospital, psychiatric and substance abuse R R R R R R R R 622310 Hospdal, speciatty P P R P P P A A 7219 Hotelhnotel P P R P P P P 31 2113 Ice plarit P P 32581 Ink manufacturing P 45322 Jewelry,clock,musical instrumerrt assembly, P P R A P P P P P saleslservice 89291 Fiennel, indoor kennel, doggie day care facility S S S S P P See aoning districts for condRions. ������. " '` Department of Community Development " Varle � '`��. , ! }. � ,3'_.. Planning Division � , i�; x � � � � � _ -� � Schedule of Permitted Us�es � � � o � �' � � � a = � ��rence condnians cn Appendix 99,A � � � a+ m � � � � o � � a+ m m � r.i r� � � r� � x � �� m � '-' � E E E 'm E � m T x CC CC CC CC �2 �2 'L � V C.7 � C7 � 'L C.1 C.1 C.7 CC C.1 a i17 _ N 54138 La6oratories(Bio Safety Level 2] P P P 54138 Laborffiories(Bio Safety Level 3] P P P 54938 L&I50Y&tOY185(Bio Safety Level 4] P P 62151 Laboratories,medical and diagnostic P P R P P P 44419 Landscape materials sales P P P P „. I# I# I# 812314 Laundromat P P A P P P P 4453 Liquor store P P R A A P P 561622 Locksmith P P R A A P P P 3211 Lumbermill, sawmill,shingle mill, ply+woodmill P 33271 Machine shop P P P � e e e e e e R R 236115 Manufactured home fabrication P P S S S S S 814 Manufactured home park SVMC 18.44.134 45393 Manufactured home sales P P P Manufacturinq 336411 Rircraft manufacturinq P 33522 Appliances manufacturinq P P 32412 RsphaR plarrtlmanufacturinq P 31181 Bakerv products manufacturinq P P 33591 Batterv re6uildinqJmanufacturinq P P 339994 Broom manufacturinq P P 325 Chemical manufacturinq P 3342 Communications equipmerrt manufacturinq P P P P 339 Cosmetic and miscellaneous manufacturinq P P 322226 Emerv cloth and sandpaper manufacturinq P P 32582 Explosive manufacturinp P 3253 Fertilizer manufacturinq P 311 Food product manufacturinpfstoraqa P 337 Furniture manufacturinq P P 315 Garmerit manufacturinq P P 333 Machinelmachinerv manufacturinq P P ������. " '` Department of Community Development " Varle � '`��. , ! }. � ,3'_.. Planning Division � , i�; x � � � � � _ -� � Schedule of Permitted Us�es � � � o � �' � � � a = � ��rence condnians cn Appendix 99,A � � � a+ m � � � � o � � a+ m m � r.i r� � � r� � x � �� m � '-' � E E E 'm E � m T x CC CC CC CC �2 �2 'L � V C.7 � C7 � 'L C.1 C.1 C.7 CC C.1 a i17 _ N 327 Manufacturinq. nonmetallic metal products P P Mineral product manufacturinq, nonmetallic P 32411 Petroleum and coal products manufacturinq P 32511 Plastic and rubbar products manufacturinp P 314991 Rope manufacturinq P P 325212 Rubber reclamation. manufacturinqJfabrication P 33895 Sipn manufacturinqhepair P P 31411 Textile manufacturinq P P 321 Wood product manufacturinq P P �� nne.,��.e e e . . . � . R R 453888 Market, outdoor ,. 629 498 Massage therapy P P R 3116— MeatJfish canning, cutting, curing and smoking P P 3117 3391 Madical and laboratory instrumaritlapparatus P P P manufacturing 42345 Medical, derrtal, and hospda]equipmerrt P P P P supplylsales 629 4 MedicalJderital clinic P P R P P P P P 621 MedicalJderital office P P R P P P P P 332 Metal fabrication P P 332 Metal plating P 332 Metal processes,hot P nn�.,e.vi e e e R 212 Mining P 722330 Mobile food vendors S S S 5 5 _ 5 S 5 5 S SVMC 19.60.010(H] T T T T T T 236115 Model home units 71211 Museum P P R P P P 45114 Music store P P R A A P P P A A 569 Office P P R P P P P P 45321 Offica and computar supplies P P R A �a P P P P 999 Off-road recreational vehicle use P P ������. " '` Department of Community Development " Varle � '`��. , ! }. � ,3'_.. Planning Division � , i�; x � � � � � _ -� � Schedule of Permitted Us�es � � � o � �' � � � a = � ��rence condnians cn Appendix 99,A � � � a+ m � � � � o � � a+ m m � r.i r� � � r� � x � �� m � '-' � E E E 'm E � m T x CC CC CC CC �2 �2 'L � V C.7 � C7 � 'L C.1 C.1 C.7 CC C.1 a i17 _ N 1113 Orchard,tree farming, commercial P P 32219 PaperJpulp mills P 4859 Park-and-ride facildy P P R P P P P P 522298 Pawnshop P P P P 812 Personal ser�ice P P R P P P P P 45391 Pet shop P P R A P P P 44611 Pharmac�+ P P A P P P P P 3�4�4 � � � � � R 54192 Photographic studio P P R ;. , P P P �25�4 � � � � � R 3269 99 Plastic injection molding, thermoset P 326199 Plastic injection molding, thermoplastic P P P P P P 326199 Plastic injection solverrt molding P 481 Post offica,postal caritar P P R P P P P P P P 221 Power plarit (excluding pu6lic utildy facilities] P 56143 Prirrt shop P P R A P P P P P P 323 Pririting, reprographics,600k6inding services, P P commercial 48849 Public pay parking garage�lot P P R P P P S S S 5 5 5 221 Public utilFly+ distribution facildy 5 5 R P P P P P P P P See aoning districts for conddions. S S S 5 5 5 237 Public utility+transmission facility 5 5 S S 5 S 5 S 5 5 S See aoning districts for conddions. 79399 Racecourse P P P P 711212 Racetrack P 5151 RadioFTV broadcasting studio P P P P P F 4821 Railroad yard,repair shop and roundhouse P 7212 Recreational vehicle parklcampground C S SVMC 19.60.060 44121 Recreational vehicle sales and service � P P 56292 Recycling facility 5 S P P P P P P P P 51511 Repeater facildy P P P P P P 7222 Restaurarit, drive-in P P P P P P ������. " '` Department of Community Development " Varle � '`��. , ! }. � ,3'_.. Planning Division � , i�; x � � � � � _ -� � Schedule of Permitted Us�es � � � o � �' � � � a = � ��rence condnians cn Appendix 99,A � � � a+ m � � � � o � � a+ m m � r.i r� � � r� � x � �� m � '-' � E E E 'm E � m T x CC CC CC CC �2 �2 'L � V C.7 � C7 � 'L C.1 C.1 C.7 CC C.1 a i17 _ N 7222 Restaurarrt, dri�+e-through P P A C P P P P 722 Rastaurarrt, full sar�ica P P R R P P P P P P 452-453 Retail sales P P R I# P P P A A Limded to dems manufactured on the premises. 79 399 Riding stable C P P 33122 Rolling mill P �,-.�r a,...e...e e R R �� o..hhe..e e e e e R P P P P P P 6111 Schools,public and private, F5 through 12 P P R P P P P 6114 Schools,professional,vocffiional and trade P P R P P P P P P schools Showroom P P P P P P 4533 Secondhand store,consignmerit sales P P R P P P 5 SVMC 19.70.010(BJ(9) �399� ° ° ° ° R R 33885 Sign pairrting shop P P P P P 32561 Soap and cleaning compound manufacturing P 56292 Solid waste recyclingRransfer sde 5 5 S SVMC 19.60.060(B) 6116 Speciali�ed training�learning schools or P P R �". P S P P Rdaptive reuse of studios existing structures only. No expansion allowed. P P 49319 SYorage,self-service facildy P P P P P P 493 Storage,general-outdoors S S S S P See xoning districts for conddions. Tank storage,LPG a6ove ground S S S S S S S S SVMC 21.40.060 213112 Tank storage,crdical material above ground 5 S SVMC 21.40.060 21311 2 Tank storage,crdical material below ground 5 5 5 S SVMC 21.40.060 31 61 Tanning, curing of hides and skins P 7224 Tavern P P R P P P Taxidermy �, P P 5 5 5 5 5 5 5172 Telecommunication wireless aritenna array 5 S C S 5 5 5 S Chapter 22.120 SVMC C C C C C C 5172 Telecommunication wireless support tower 5 5 S C S 5 5 5 S Chapter 22.120 SVMC �,� ° ° ° ° R R ������. " '` Department of Community Development " Varle � '`��. , ! }. � ,3'_.. Planning Division � , i�; x � � � � � _ -� � Schedule of Permitted Us�es � � � o � �' � � � a = � ��rence condnians cn Appendix 99,A � � � a+ m � � � � o � � a+ m m � r.i r� � � r� � x � �� m � '-' � E E E 'm E � m T x CC CC CC CC �2 �2 'L � V C.7 � C7 � 'L C.1 C.1 C.7 CC C.1 a i17 _ N . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. 711 Theater,indoor P P R P P P 711 Theater,outdoor P P P P 56292 Tire,recap and retread manufacturing P S S S S 5 5 5179 Tower,ham operator S S S C 5 S 5 S SVMC 19.40.110(AJ 221119 Tower,windturbine support C S 5 S S S SVMC 19.40.110(B) 4851 Transit cer�ter P P R P P P P P C 7213 Transitional housing 441222 Truck sales,rerrtal, repair and mairrtenance P P 445—447 Truck stop P P 81142 LJphalstery shop P P P P P 48311 Warehousing� A S P A P P Adaptive reuse of existing structures.No expansion allowed. 0 5nr.,.,.a.,.,.r��.-h.,,e ��fe.-h��. R R 56292 Wrecking, recycling,junk and salvage yards C S SVMC 19.64.464(B) CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Planning Commission Action Meeting Date: July 26, 2012 Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business � new business � public hearing ❑ information � admin.report ❑ pending legislation FILE NUMBER: CTA-01-12 AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Combined study session and public hearing —Amendment to the Spokane Valley Municipal Code DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: A privately initiated text amendment proposing to amend Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC) 19120 to allow animal shelters in the Corridor Mixed Use (CMU) zone. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 36.70A106; SVMC 17.80150 and 1930.040 PREVIOUS ACTION TAKEN: None. BACKGROUND: The applicant,John Pederson, Spokane County Building and Planning Department had preliminary discussions with staff regarding the proposed text amendment,prior to a formal submittal. The proposal is to modify Appendix 19-A, Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC) Chapter 19120 to either allow animal shelter(s)in the Corridor Mixed Use (CMU) Zone outright or to allow Animal Shelters as a permitted use subject to the following special conditions; 1. Animal Shelter owned and operated by a public entity; 2. No outside dog runs; 3. Soundproof structure to meeting requirements of WAC 173-600; and 4. Comply with parking, landscaping and signage requirements in SVMC Title 22. Draft code text language to Appendix 19-A (SVMC 19120)has been included in Attachment B of the Request for Planning Commission Action(RPCA)representing the privately initiated proposal. Staff's recommended draft code text language follows in Attachment C of the RPCA. NOTICE: Notice for the proposed amendment to SVMC was placed in the Spokane Valley News Herald on July 6, 2012 and July 13, 2012. Notice for the proposed amendment was provided consistent with applicable provisions of SVMC Title 17. APPROVAL CRITERIA: SVMC Section 17.80150(F)provides approval criteria for text amendments to the SVMC. The criterion stipulates that the proposed amendment(s) must be consistent with the applicable provisions of the Comprehensive Plan and bear a substantial relation to the public health, safety,welfare, and protection of the environment. OPTIONS: Planning Commission may recommend approval as presented; recommend approval with modi�cations,recommend the proposal not be adopted, or forward no recommendation to City Council. STAFF CONTACT: Karen Kendall, Assistant Planner ATTACHMENTS: A. Staff report with exhibits B. Privately initiated proposed text for Appendix 19-A (SVMC 19120) C. Staff's recommended text for Appendix 19-A (SVMC 19120) D. Combined study session and public hearing presentation CTA-01-12 RPCA for combined study session and public hearing Page 1 of 2 ATTACHMENT A COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING DIVISION �`pok,arle �T�Il�� STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION CTA-01-12 STAFF REPORT DATE: 7uly 18, 2012 HEAx�1vG DATE A1vn LocAT�o1v: July 26, 2012, beginning at 6:00 p.m., Spokane Valley City Hall Council Chambers, Valley Redwood Plaza Building, 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 101, Spokane Valley, Washington 99206. PxoPOSaL DESCxirTioN: A privately initiated text amendment proposing to amend Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC) 19.120 to allow animal shelters in the Corridor Mixed Use (CMU)zone. APPLICANT(S): John Pederson, Spokane County Building and Planning Department 1116 West Broadway Avenue; Spokane, WA 99260 APPxovAL C�TE�A: Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan, Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC) Title 17 General Provisions. SUMMARY oF RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Division, after review and consideration of the submitted application and applicable approval criteria, recommends the Planning Commission modify the proposal to allow animal shelters in the CMU zone subject to a conditional use permit. STAFF PLANNER Karen Kendall, Assistant Planner, Community Development Department REVIEwED BY: Scott Kuhta, AICP, Planning Manager, Community Development Department ATTACHMENTS: Exhibit 1: Text Amendment Application Exhibit 2: Supporting Documents A. BACKGROUND INFORMATION 1. APPLICATION PROCESSING: SVMC Chapter 17.80, Permit Processing Procedures. The following summarizes application procedures for the proposal. Process Date Pre-Application Meeting: June 20,2012 Application Submitted: June 27,2012 Determination of Completeness: July 2, 2012 Published Notice of Public Hearing: July 6, 2012 and July 13, 2012 Sent Notice of Public Hearing to staff/agencies: July ll, 2012 Staff Report and Recommendation CTA-01-12 2. PxoPOSAL nESCx�PT�o1v: The applicant, John Pederson, Spokane County Building and Planning Department,had preliminary discussions with staff regarding the proposed text amendment prior to a formal submittal. The proposal is to modify Appendix 19-A, Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC) Chapter 19120 to either allow animal shelter(s)in the Corridor Mixed Use (CMU) Zone outright or to allow Animal Shelters as a permitted use subj ect to the following special conditions; a. Animal Shelter owned and operated by a public entity; b. No outside dog runs; c. Soundproof structure to meeting requirements of WAC 173-600; and d. Comply with parking, landscaping and signage requirements in SVMC Title 22. The following is a summary of the applicant's reasoning as stated in the text amendment application and through verbal discussions. See Exhibit 2 of staff report for supporting documents. a. Uses with greater intensity allowed in CMU zone are light assembly, auto and truck sales, retail,hoteUmotel, grocery store,hospital,restaurant with drive-thru, gas stations and convenience stores; and b. Public quasi-public uses such as college/university, church, school(k-12), community hall, post office and college/university; and c. CMU zone is located along major transportation corridors such as, Trent Avenue (SR-290), Pines Road (SR-27) and Sprague and Appleway Avenue; and d. Access to a major corridor will facilitate easier access to future facility by protection officers and public looking to adopt. In addition public transportation services will be easier accessible to use for staff and volunteers; and e. Current regional animal shelter(aka: SCRAPS) operations include pet adoptions,pet licensing, spay/neuter vouchers, animal protection, education programs, free dog training and behavior consultations with literature and crematorium used only for shelter animals; and f. There are 3 e�sting veterinary clinics/boarding facilities located in the corridor mixed use zone (CMU). Draft code text language to Appendix 19-A (SVMC 19.120)has been included in Attachment B of the Request for Planning Commission Action(RPCA)representing the privately initiated proposal. Staff's recommended draft code text language follows in Attachment C of the RPCA. B. FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS SPECIFIC TO THE MUNICIPAL CODE TEXT AMENDMENT 1. Compliance with Title 17(General Provisions) of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code a. Findings: SVMC 17.80150(F) Municipal Code Text Amendment Approval Criteria i. The City may approve Municipal Code Text amendment,if it�nds that(analysis is italicized): (1) The proposed privately initiated text amendment is consistent with the applicable provisions of the Comprehensive Plan; Analysis: The proposed amendment is consistent with the applicable policies of the Comprehensive Plan. The amendment would maintain the intent of the code, while expanding the uses within the corridor mi�ed use zone for greater flexibility and Page 2 of 4 Staff Report and Recommendation CTA-01-12 business/job placement. Below are the relevant policies fi^om the Comprehensive Plan: LUG-9: Encourage the development of Mi�ed-use areas that foster community identity and are designed to support pedestrian, bicycle and regional transit. LUP-9.2: The mi� of land uses allowed in either the Corridor Mi�ed-use or Mixed- use Center designation should include: • A full range of retail goods and services including grocery stores, theaters/entertainment, restaurants,personal services and specialty shops; • Public/quasi public uses • Commercial uses that require large land uses but have low employment density and are auto-dependent, such as lumber yards, plant nurseries, warehouses and auto dealerships, should be prohibited fi^om either Mi�ed-use category. EDG-1: Encourage diverse and mutually supportive business development and the expansion and retention of existing businesses within the City for the purpose of emphasizing economic vitality, stability and sustainability. EDP-1.8: Encourage local organizations engaged in business retention, expansion and recruitment. EDG-S: Collaborate with governmental agencies and the business community to promote a sustainable, strong, diverse and healthy regional economy. (2) The proposed amendment bears a substantial relation to public health, safety, welfare, and protection of the environment Analysis: The amendment bears substantial relation to public health, safety, welfare and protection of the environment. The proposed amendment will provide services to the community for private and/or public animal protection and adoption of dogs and cats. The CMUzone would provide a centrally located facility on a major transportation route for citizens, employees and volunteers to access. b. Conclusion(s): The proposed privately initiated text amendment is consistent with the approval criteria contained in the SVMC. 2. Finding and Conclusions Specific to Public Comments a. Findings: No public comments have been received to date. b. Conclusion(s): Adequate public noticing was conducted for CTA-01-12 in accordance with adopted public noticing procedures. 3. Finding and Conclusions Specific to Agency Comments a. Findings: No agency comments have been received to date. b. Conclusion(s): No concerns are noted. Page 3 of 4 Staff Report and Recommendation CTA-01-12 C. OVERALL CONCLUSION The proposed privately initiated municipal code text amendment is consistent with the Comprehensive Plans policies and goals. D. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Planning Division, after review and consideration of the submitted application and applicable approval criteria, recommends the proposal to allow animal shelters in the CMU zone subject to a conditional use permit. An animal shelter is a large scale facility providing food and shelter to stray, rescued and owner surrendered dogs and cats. For comparison, the local animal shelter SCRAPS provides shelter to dogs and cats, pet adoptions, licensing, animal protection, educational programs, free dog training classes, and free dog houses to low-income residences. Additionally the facility may have an associated crematorium as an accessory use. Dog runs or individual kennels for an animal shelter can range between 75 and 100 compared to local boarding facilities which provided up to a maximum of 50 dog runs. Noise and odor may be possible concerns to neighboring properties and a conditional use permit process would allow nearby residents opportunity to voice their concerns. The CMU zone allows a mix of retail, light industrial and residential uses ranging from a single- family home to apartments. Additionally, areas zoned CMU are often bordered by a mix of residential zoning. To alleviate potential impacts a conditional use permit would allow the tools to evaluate the proposed shelter and associated uses as well as notify the surrounding neighborhood and establish appropriate mitigation measures to ensure the use is compatible. Draft code text language to Appendix 19-A (SVMC 19120)has been included in Attachment 2 of the request for Planning Commission Action(RPCA)to represent the privately initiated proposal. Staff's recommended draft code text language follows in Attachment 3 RPCA. E. RECOMMENDED MOTION I move the Planning Commission recommend approval of CTA-01-12, to allow animal shelters in the CMU zoning district subject to a conditional use permit, to the City Council. Page 4 of 4 � ', EXHIBIT 1 � � ,r. DEVELOPMENT CODE TEXT ���s. � � SCITYOI�.I1e ��� AMENDMENT APPLICATION � � �, SVMC 17.80.150 �i V�.11�� Community Development— Planning Division � 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 509J20.5310 ♦ Fax: 509.688.0037♦ ptanningCspokanevalley.org I, � STAFF USE ONLY � Date Submitted: `� /� Received by: t1 Fee: . /..��� PLUS #: ��t�/Gc..' File#: ��T,��-,��/07- ����. ; PART I - REQUIRED MAYERIAL �� ��r � � **THE PLANNING DIVISION WILL NOT ACCEPT YOUR APPLICATION IF THE REQUIRED MATERIALS ARE NOT PROVIDED** ' �i4J� F� f ��l� ❑ Pre-Application Meeting Request(include copy of staff worksheet from meeting) I ❑ Completed Application Form ,pOK.�NEVAt_LEY pEpARTMENT OF ❑ Application Fee �a�M����p���P�'�� I ❑ SEPA Checklist: One(1) copy of completed State Environmental Policy Act(SEPA) , Environmental Checklist, including option Non-Project Action supplemental form. (Note: Any previous environmental documents that are relevant to this project should be inc/uded and may be adopted by reference.) ❑ Notice of Public Hearing packet for 400-foot notification. (P/ease note: DO NOT submit the , notice of public hearing packet until you have been contacted by the City. Addresses must be ' currenf within 30 days of the Planning Commission public hearing.) ; PART II - APPLICATION INFORMATION APPLICANT NAME: Spokane Count I� MAILING ADDRESS: 1116 West Broadwa Crr�r: Spokane $TATE:WA ZiP:99260 j PHONE:509-477-2265 FAx:509-477-2274 CELL: EMAIL: �I SECTION(S�OF CODE PROPOSED TO BE AMENDED(INCLUDE CODE CITATION): 19.120.010. A�pendix 19-A i �I SUMMARY OF REQUESTED CODE AMENDMENT(S): Amend A�pendix 19-A to allow Animal Shelter in Corridor � Mixed Use Zone as a Permitted Use(P)Amend Appendix 19-A to allow Animal Shelter as a Permitted Use, subject to conditions (S). Animal Shelter would be a regional animal control factilitv owned and � operated by a public entity. � PL-08 V1.0 Page 1 of 3 �I i� i i ( 1 Spol�ane -� ,,���alley� TEXT AM�NDMENT APPLICATION � � I REASON(S�FOR CODE AMENDMENT(S�: Table 19-A does not allow Animal Shelter in Corridor Mixed Use I Zone Spokane Countv Regional Animal Protection Service (SCRAPS) seeks re-location to site zoned Corridor Mixed Use and text amendment would facilitate relocation of a reqional animal control facilitv owned and operated by a pubiic entity. I IS THE PROPOSED AMENDMENT CONSISTENT WITH THE APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Yes PolicY LUP-9.2 states "the mix of land uses allowed in Corridor Mixed Use should include Public � Quasi Public Uses" SCRAPS is a public use. ! �' � �� ,�� I DOES THE PROPOSED AMENDMENT BEAR A SUBSTANTIAL RELATION TO THE PUBLIC HEALTH,SAFETY,WELFARE, I AND PROTECTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT:Yes, re-location of SCRAPS facilitv necessarv to serve citizens of �I Spokane Reqion and to facilitate regional animal control facility I i i i PART III - AUTHORIZATION Ii (Signature of applicant) II I, �� C7L�� ✓�'�/��� , (print name) swear or affirm that the above responses are made truthfully and to the best of my knowledge. , � �l�`��' � (Si ature) (p e) � NOTARY � STATE OF WASHINGTON) i ss: COUNTY OF SPOKANE ) i SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this oc�� day of � , 20 �Z ' ' PL-08 V1.0 Page 2 of 3 , i II i ��� ,,.�� �wa� � � � i Spokane j Valley� TEXT AMENDMENT APPLICATION � NOTARY SEAL ��� � I OTARY SIGNATURE � Notary Public in and for the State of Washington I Residing at: � l� � � ```���t�P���ta��� �O/ ! i � �� �,P..,,,,.R/�, �� My appointment expires: � /� l� i `�t�\���g$ION��,A,���'�,+�� ,/ I i. r a Q" '' :Q :v� 9�cn:� : I� • N�TAFiY � � ' : � ; �cn�; PUBLIC :z� !, •. .•'4 . oi9� �'�.°;;os!�4;:'���,,� II °'.;�OF WAS�,\``�.�� i ���fflifill\� I i i I I � I � I I I i I i I I � I i ', PL-08 V1.0 Page 3 of 3 I; i�l Chapter 19.120 PERMITTED AND ACCESSORY USES Page 1 of 13 , �__ i � Chapter 19.120 i PERMITTED AND ACCESSORY USES I I Sections: 19.120.010 General. I 19.120.010 General. i Printinq instructions Uses are classified using the 2002 North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) published by the U.S. Census Bureau based on category and subcategory. Subcategories include all uses not identified separately by specific number. Uses may be permitted, be subject to conditions, or require conditional or temporary use permits as shown in Appendix 19-A, the schedule of permitted and accessory uses. j � � � � I � R- R- R- R-MF MF Schedule of Permitfed Uses Mixed Corridor City Garden 1 2 3 4.� -1 _2 NAICS Use Mixed Center Office Appendix 19-A Center Use 711 Adult entertainment establishment � 453 Adult retail use establishment I Agricultural processing plant, I 311 Warehouse I, 336411 Aircraft manufacturing � 481219 Airstrip, private 62191 Ambulance service P P P 54194 Animal clinic/veterinary P i 311613 Animal processing facility i . ', S S S S S S 112 Animal raising and/or keeping a 81291 /�nimal shelter ,,� �� 31161 Animal slaughtering and i processing � i http://www.codepublishing.com/WA/SpokaneValley/spvall9/spva119120.htm1 5/24/2012 ' . . . . ... . ...... . . . i Chapter 19.120 PERMITTED AND ACCESSORY USES Page 1 of 13 I — � Chapter 19.120 � PERMITTED AND ACCESSORY USES Sections: � I 19.120.010 GeneraL 19.120.010 General. Printing instructions ` Uses are classified using the 2002 North American Industry Classification System i , (NAICS) published by the U.S. Census Bureau based on category and subcategory. '� Subcategories include all uses not identified separately by specific number. Uses may be I permitted, be subject to conditions, or require conditional or temporary use permits as shown in Appendix 19-A, the schedule of permitted and accessory uses. R- R- R- R-MF MF Schedule of Permitted Uses Mixed Corridor City Garden 1 2 3 4. -1 _2 NAICS Use Mixed Center Office I Appendix 19-A Center Use , 711 Adult entertainment � establishment I . ,I 453 Adult retail use establishment � 311 Agricultural processing plant, warehouse � 336411 Aircraft manufacturing 481219 Airstrip, private 62191 Ambulance service P P P 54194 Animal clinic/veterinary P I I 311613 Animal processing facility � , S S S S S S 112 Animal raising and/or keeping � 812�91 Ptinimal shelter � � � � � ` '� 31161 Animal slaughtering and ' processing I � http://www.codepublishing.com/WA/SpokaneValley/spvall9/spva119120.htm1 5/24/2012 i i ( � � �� i �`i � � 'i � .y : � ,=' ' - _ . _ �I BUILDING AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT IO26 WEST BROADWAY AVENUE I SPOKANE, WA 99260 i I June 25, 2012 Scott Kuhta, Planning Manger City of Spokane Valley 11707 E. Sprague Ave,Suite 106 Spokane Valley,WA 99206 I i RE: Text amendment to SVMC , � Dear Mr. Kuhta: � � The Spokane County Board of County Commissioners is pleased to submit the attached application for a � text amendment to the City of Spokane Valley Municipal Code. More specifically,the proposal is a text amendment to Appendix 19-A to allow an Animal Shelter in the Corridor Mixed Use Zone as a Permitted I (P) use. Or,as an alternative, allow an Animal Shelter in the Corridor Mixed Use Zone as a Permitted use subject to conditions(S).The animal shelter would be owned and operated by a public entity, not allow outside runs,the structure housing the animals will be soundproofed to meet the requirements of Chapter 173-060 WAC, and will comply with the parl<ing, landscaping,and signage standards of Spokane � Valley Municipa) Code. ; This text amendment has been initiated by the Board of County Commissioners as provided for under Section 17.80.150(2)of SVMC and :s consistent with the amendment criteria of Section 17.80.150(F)as ' follows. Amendment of Appendix 19-A is consistent with the applicable provision of the Comprehensive Plan in that the Corridor Mixed Use designation is intended to enhance travel options and encourage I development of locally serving commercial uses. Policy LUP-9.2 provides more specificity regarding the „ range of land uses allowed in the Corridor Mixed Use designation and states that"the mix of land uses allowed should include a full range of retail goods and services and public/quasi-public uses. , By way of background, uses currently permitted in the Corridor Mixed Use zone that are of similar or li, greater intensity,scope,and scale of an animal shelter include light assembly, auto-truck sales, ' department stores, hotel/motel,grocery store, hardware store, hospital, drive in restaurant, and convenience store. Uses currently permitted in the Corridor Mixed Use zone that are public or quasi- � public in nature include a college/university, church,schools(k-12), community hall club/lodge, and post office. Given the above comparison of uses currently permitted in the Corridor Mixed Use zone it is apparent that an animal shelter owned and operated by a public entity is similar to and of the same or 'il JCHI.T PEDERSQII, DIRECTOA �?F PL!tI�NING ° RAN�Y VISSIA., C.B.O., DIRECTOR(JF BIJII.I�ING c� CODE ENFORCEMENT � PHONE; (509) 477-3675 • Fnx: (509) 477-4703 • TDD: (509) 477-7133 • WWW.SPOKANECOUNTY.ORG�SP ° BPHELP�SPOKANECOUNTY.ORG i I lesser scale and intensity that the wide range of uses permitted in the existing zone, is a public use and � , therefore consistent with Policy LUP-9.2 � i In addition,the proposed amendment bears a substantial relationship to the public health,safety, i welfare,and protection of the environment as approval of the text amendment would allow relocation of the current Spokane County Regional Animal Control facility to a new location that provides greater I public access via Trent Avenue,will facilitate consolidation of animal control services by a regional entity in partnership with participating jurisdictions and will have no adverse impact on the environment as ; subsequent site development will comply with all applicable development standards of SVMC. li i We look forward to working with the City of Spokane Valley in this regional effort and appreciate your I flexibility in scheduling the text amendment for a Planning Commission study session and public hearing on July 26, 2012. If you have any questions about the text amendment application or need additional information please contact me at your convenience. � ; I Sincerely, �' �I i ohn Pederson ' I Planning Director � C: Board of County Commissioners III, I , ; I ! C i I � � i I i 1 I EXHIBIT 2 S 4kane Valle Veterinarian Cfinics-Boardin Services Mauntain �mpire Vet Ser�ices�Julia's Ju�rgle ��619 East Sprage�e Avenue, 5uites 1& 2 Spakane Val�ey,Washingta�n 99215 {5��� 922-fi7.9�. �'Bocrrding uvith�'�1 dc�g rur�s and�(�cvC cages/kenne�s Pet Vet Has�itaN and Wellness Cen�er 51�Sauth Sullivan Raad Spflkane Valley,W�S�ington 99iJ37 45(!9} 928-73$7 *Bc�ardr'ng wit�h 6 rr�►�s/IO kenr�ets for sma�!dogs/cats-soor�e extra r�om for busy haFrday weeks Qr weekends(per F?ocheNeJ Pvnti Veterinary Hospital z5407 East Wellesiey Avenue Otis Qr�hards,Washingtan 99D27 ��09) 922-7465 *8varding with 36 dog r+�ns and 10 cat c�rges/kennels Spvkane ValPey Animal l�vspital I4306 East Sprague Avenu� Spa'�ane, Washmgton �9216 {5�3�9��-7.��� *6�ardrng vvi�l� �4 dog rur�s ar�d to#crl crf�"1 cages/k�nn�ls far cats{'per Ke�ly) Vailey Vefierinary Clirric 73�2 East Sprague Avenue Spokane,W�sf�ington 992�.� {a�9� 926-42Q6 *BQardrr�g with tata�of 9 dag runs a►ad 9 cages/kenne�s for cats{per Sr�rah] 5pakane Vallev �ommercia! Boardin�; Kennels Cattage lCenne� 220 Sauth Custer Raad 5�olcane Valley, INashington 99z1� (5a9}534�-2939 *14 dvg runs DnggYland 3.17�.� East Mvntgomery�rive, Unit C-1 5�okane Valley, Washongtan 992C16 t5f}9j 9��4-5��3 *�6 d'ag rur�s/4�crt'kenr�els Flintioc�C Ceruntry Kennels 175�5 East Cataldo Aven�e Spakane Valley, Washin�on 99D16 *5�dog runs/�7 cr�t kenne�s[4 car�be made int�dvubles) Je��ne's Dag�ie Daycare and Pet Hatel 178(]9 �ast Appleway A��nue Spokane Valfey, lNasf�ingtan 99a15 �5C19� 924-2817 *3a dag runs Paradis� Pet Resar# 1��420 E�st Jacksan Avenu� Spakar�e Valley, Washingtor� 99Z�6 *45 dag rur�s/6 car kennels VIS�TING SCRAPS �����aunry�P��p� C�UR MISSION �,a �� Building a more �' 's�.,'"'� � � hun�ane com�nunaty, '�"i%`, '�} �� C R p ��,� � �'. f ro�ecting�dG�lI2C S[dfety and \, �,� ensuring animal welfare thror�gb ��^ + �� � �tq' compe.ssionafe, NoMh �'!'�,,� �Q`�� retjionsave,�rof`esaional p @ enforce�nent oflaws nnd rDtPt�1d 1iublic palicy. 7rent SCRl�PS feeds the hungry,.rhelterS the Gameless,andgiver abandanerl�ets the chanee they deserve o Eudid z n "Proteeting People,Protecting C)UR COl"vIMITMENT = sc��?s Pets,and 5'aving Lives." 7 SCR�4PS ser�er the unincorfrorated areal of S�aknne _ Counly,the Citzes - � of Spakczne Y'slley, Z,abertyLake, � `� Millwood,Gheney , and Faard�ild g���p� Air Foree Bafe. - 2521 N FEora Road '� '� �y SgokaneVal]ey,WA9921fi ��` � _ "".°• (569)4'77-2532 - � ,�` - ,�;�' www.spokanecounty.orglscraps ' ^ ��:��;,� Hours �^�+"��r � y�,�w� — - �� •,��• Monday through Saturday t�i,�. ;F. Noon�5_30 LI��IiS� ��;� �Ne are closed Sundays _ �'°pet. . ,�� SAVING LIVES... SPECr� SERV�e�s Pet Adoptions �,M CLiecic our w�bsiYe, `° wwru.spoklsrecountY.or�lscr�ps for information on how you can�olunteer? Pet Rel3nquishment(Limited Jurisdictian) Licensing(Limited Jurisdiction) e e a� a • s A � • • • r o 4 � • • + Do you ha�e room in * Spay/Neu#er Uouchers(�imited Jurisdiction' � your facnily fos ane more? � � If so,SCRAPS has many • �-�ur,a1 pxotection • amazing adoptable petsr r e • e e o • • s • • a • • s a • v Educational Programs �o'We�escue pets in nccd,prevent ani- mal cruelty and champion neglected oU� F�QG��� F'ree DogTrainizag Classes and abused anirrtals, SCRf�PS Behavior Psogram helps pet awners Frce Behaviar Consaltations 8c Litarature ��We protetY people from tl}rough free group trainnig classes and Free , dangerous pets and pers from Behaviot and Breed Informational Handouts rzEe Dog Houses for Pets of Low- dangerous people. auailable at SCRAPS or an-liz�e. „ �� SCRAFS also assesses�ack�anirnal's behavior � `� � �; Income Residents �s Anima!car�and protection services include: 'when they arrive at the sheTter ' �' �'�1 • 241zoEU emergency service in ardex to property place them � _�_� ; 1 �;'� ° �.;�'a°' • Anicnal cxuelry�nvestigations in t#�e right Fiozne. ? ''�d � '�fi�� ?:'� �'t � • Aniznal welfare checks �l� � g� � P r i -�r�,. � . 'I, �q' • Responding to animal bites, Free DogTraiz�ing Classes: �,-� � ��3 a�,, '�►" "� �, i�}�'.,^, do s at lar e,and harkin 5CR.�°iI�S offers th.ese classes 3-4 __ "-' '�j "�����,,,.. ,, ,'� cor�plainrs�. � times per month. Please call ahead '-�� `��,;, � � _ to sched�e your class at 477-2532. �� �= �" v�`;;"`` ��� - -F . ' -„� C�.f '� ��"�.,�ti � � �� �;����. �... . . . , _�"`'� � :... _� -� w � : e�. . �I-i� WE ARE � � -� ��"{��� �=:�-��. a �o a� � , r Xf�,.,� - , '��f�{�(�F ��\] - � ` � '�--� � .1���'��: 8t.4[ .t '�I�(f�5;.����'r.J.'4 .�� r,.�uE V+. �}o ' ���i 71 1w L/O� � �����'A .��• � �+� ;� � .. . _ _P - N-' - - A r�n Hnw vnY r r�a� �i�� n .. � -� �. �_,� A'!VlM�►L PROTECTION SCRAPS Animal NUMBERS �/ Protection �#'ficers SCRAPS i �V� PET • Fnr Spol<ane County(unincorporated),and the Q_ Cities oF Cheney.NiiUwoad,Liberry Lake and �'�� Aaimal Proteccion Officers are deputized SpokaneValley call 477-2532 ��� ��� by the Sheriff and carry commissions to enforce anima9 laws. SPOK/�N[MA�.CARE • For Ciry of Spokane rall:534-8133 The majorizy of xhese laws concern dogs and cats, but officers are re ared eo deal OTI-��Xt T�WNS& CITIES � P P Q�iR��f� witf� a wide variety of anima[s and emer- • Far Roelefard eal1:291-4716 ,��,���'`� � �rf��,� gencizs. • For the Cicy of Deer E'ari<call:276-$802 ,�'a �� • For the Cicy of Niedical Lal<e call:565-5003 + � �fficers are equipped with leashes, snares, • FarAirway Heights cal1:294-3707 ��� �� tranquilizer g�tns and ot4�er specialized • For Fairchild AF6 cal1:247-5493 equipment. (�,� SCRAPS Lost pet Hotline:477-8100 � ��. ,ra � �� Our Officers Provide: '�''�.��,4 ;�`+ • Rescue of sicic and injured animals 5P0!KAN[MAL SPQI(a4NE 1-iUMAI�[E '=f9�!���'.�+� 7[0 North Napa SOCIET1f • Invescigation of doglcaL 6ites pffice;534-8i33 b607 Ncrth Havana � 'There rs mare to ownrng a dog • Cpntrol of vieious dogslcats Losc Pec 232-2234 C}�G�;467-4235 . Picit up o4 deceased dogs/cacs or cclt#fTQII f0ad water . Impoundmenu of stray dogslcats MISSION STATEMENT: � tl�ld OCCasiona! • Investigations of animal cruelcy eomplaints eui7ding a rr�are humarte communrty,protectrng •. -�..+M��`c � b!'USfli�7g. • Essuance of citations for infractEons and/or publlc sefety and ensuring enimal welfare through Gompassionate,responsive,prafessional misdemeanors enforcemerat of�ows and public policy. , . Aceing as expert wiznesses in court cases � - • Assisting ochei° law enforcemenL agencies ,1 " with animal rela[ed problems SCRAPS is a progressive regional municipai animal care and proxeccion age,�cy based ouc of Spolcane Cvunry. ,i • A5si5ting ci[izen initiated cases with fieid Servirvg c6e un9ncorporaced areas of Spolcane Counry, - If1V2Stlg&Cio�ls the Cixies o(SpolcaneValley,M�]Iwood,Cheney and Liber[y �I'� �'-� - � �/� Lal<e,SCRP,PS meeu the animal coneroE,protection and • Educating CItIZeIl5 WIZh r9gdrd Lo anifT3.a� ¢are needs oT horh people and pets in the cammuaity, laws and humane treatment of animals SCRAPS hu depucixed animal prateceipn olfcers excensive[y crained ta en(ar�e animal laws and respar�d tu You should also know your responsibilities to emergencp simations.SCRIIPS is also active in educational and communiry outreach programs. SCRAP5 is also the artimal,.your neighbols and fhe lAw.'� de6icazed to its continued invesSment kn innovative behaviaral programs co enr�ch the Gves of shelcer animala and w promore adoption. _ i SPOI�ANE A�av4u�ut C4TJNTY �11/hy was r�y pet Licensing. ������� `ry� Tr A`7�,�+ Petlicensin s„9,"I A��1V1�L LtiY�' w7 picked up? {dogs and cau) is mandacory in alf areas of Spo-�o�� Animais may be impounded when [<ane County wiehin 30 days of �e�� Gruelty: It is unlawFul ta physically mistreat Chey; acquisition of a pet or when [he pet any animal either by deliberaCe ahuse or by ne- reachas 6 months of age. It is required that glect,ar 4ail to furnish adequate care,shelter,and • Are deemed dangerous, the license be attached to a substansial collar medical attention. Are running�t large,beyond an and worn by the pet at all times. � owner's premises,and are not 149'lirnal Bites: Any dvmestic animal(dog or �e��red by a]eash. Animal At Large: Peu must be con- cat} which bites�r otherwise breal<s che sItin of crolled as a courGesy to vthers and far their any person will be isolated and quarac�ctned for . Have inj�tred or 6itCen a person proteetion. rabi�s o6serw�cion for ten da s at the owner's Y or another animal,and continue Dogs: The caunty ordinance specifies �hac all expense. to remain a threat to people or dvgs must be Icept confined to your propeny anim2ls. or be on a leash when off your property. ��b�e5: Rabies is a iatal disease to peu and humans. It ks transferred thraugh saliva in animal • H�ve been 5ubject to CCUeI tre�t- Cats: It is unlawful fot- a cat to run at large bites.Atl pets 6 monchs of age or afder are to be ment as defined by RCW Title I b. without beirag spayed or neutered,or to be on curres�tly vaceinated against rabies. private properry without permissian of the �/ i� prqperty owner. 1 Qu C�h '�1e��]f Dangerous I�nimal: Any ar�imal which attacIrs, bites or physically threatens a person or You can hel SCRAPS roteet ubiic I�isturbing !'edestrians: �c is un�av�u� anather animal without provocation could be P P � for an owner to allow their dog Lo distur6 peo- considered dangerous. If a dog is declared to be safety and ensure animal welfare 6y: ple fawfully on public ways 6y snarling, 6arlcing, dang�raus by SCRAPS,the owner of the dog will A6iding by all anirnal laws. �rowling,or jumping at or toward such people. have to meet specific canditions incfuding,6ut not � fimited ta,liabilicy fnsurance and a speeial lcennel to . Spay and neu[ering pets BaYkIfllg: Howling,whining,barking or malc- house the animal. (cal!for inform�tion on o�tr ing o�her oral noises in such a manner as to disturb an erson or rou s of ersons to an 5pay1 neuter Voucher program). Y p g p p EXOt1C Animals. A person may not own, unreasonable degree is prohibi[ed. possess, I<eep, harbor, bring into the state, or • Enrofling your pet irs obediente have custody or con�rol of a potencially dar�ger- trainirrg, (SCRAPS has free dasses!} I11 HEat: Any dog or cat atcessible to other ous wild animal. Far list of prohibited ar�imals, animals,while in heat,for pw•pnses pther than and specifie civil penalties and fees �isit • Reportt�lg animal[ruelty to cancrolled or planned breed'sng is in�ioiation of www.spolcanecounty.orglscraps. SCRAPS_ the animal ardinance. � • - - Pruvately Inituated Proposal: D � - � � x U O R N 1C � "O C = Schedule of Permitted Uses m � o ��� �c�� �� a ` � � `o c ,°Q d 3 d � d O s � Reference Conditions rn m APpendix 19-A � � -o m m s E � E o E m d a� m Z a— N M s1' = N CJ X C N � � �E E E 67� aY.. 16 J = � li li Q N O o� R m O O O m O t6 Q � N � � � � � � z �UU� C9 O zU UU �U arn - _ W 81291 Animal shelter P P P � P �ermitted Use A Accessory Only R Regional Siting T Temporary Pertnit S Conditions Apply C Conditional Use Pertnd Or � � x ."—� o m ,�m R c -c c Schedule of Permitted Uses y � o �'� � � '� a = A endiX 19-A � ° c .°Q °/ 3 °f c 07 0 � � � Reference Conditions rn PP aa� v_ d m sE EE oE m � m � N 1`� � lL LL Q x m O N ltl '� N O O O N O N 4. a— N � � � � � � z �c� U� t9 O zU UU �c� arn _ 81291 Animal shelter 5 P P SVMC 19.60.080fA1f51 I P Permitted Use A Accessory Only R Regional Siting T Temporary Permit S Conditions Appty C Conditional Use Permd 19.60.060(A)(4) 4. Indoor kennels,doggie day care facilities and kennels associated with veterinarian clinics; provided,that: a.There are no outside runs or areas; b.The strucfure(s)housing animals is adequately soundproof to meet the requirements af Chapter 173-060 WAC; c.One parking stall provided for every 10 animal confinement areas;and d. Compliance with noise standards for a commercial noise source as identified by WAC 173-60-040 has been demonstrated by the applicant. 5 Animal shelter(s)shall complv with pro�isions contained in SVMC 19.60.080(A)(4) in addition to the followinq; I a.Shelter must be owned and operated bv a public entitV;and b.Comply with all standards of SVMC Title 22. CTA-20]2-0001 code text amendment—PRNATELY INiTIATED PROPOSAL Staff's Recounmendation: y � D x U O R w l4 �6 C '6 � 7 II Schedule of Permitted Uses N � o �'� '_'� '� Q � � � `o d � d d O s � Reference Conditions m u� APPefldlX 19-A -6 � v_ a�i m s � E E o E ur � � a`�i Z J 2 � w r� � ii u_ Q x m `o v, �n '� 'm o 0 o m o m a � w � �� � � � � � z �U U� C7 O zU UU �U au� � C) 81291 Animal shelter C P P � P Permitted Use A Accessory Only R Regional Siting T Temporary Permit S Conditions Apply C Conditional Use Permit � I CTA-2012-0001 code text amendment—STAFF'S RECOMMENDAT[ON ������.. " '` Department of Community Development " Varle � '`��. , ! }. � ,3'_.. Planning Division � , i�; Plannin Commission g Stud Session and Public Hearin Y g July 26, 2012 Privately Initiated Code Text Amendment Appendix 19-A (SVMC 19.120) (CTA-01 - 12) �„��k�n�.�, ` ' Department of Community Development ti = ��Valie�� Planning Division � � ;`''i�,. � '� B ack round - - � x�� � - - g ��,- w � -� �. .. Spokane County is proposing a PRIVATELY � ,�,���,�,� � ., ,����� 8.� :� ' INITIATED text amendment to ALLOW ANIMAL � ���+� °� � �s��� f� ������ SHELTERS in CMU ZONE. ' ��'�'��� �"�-";���,*'� � "`����"�� � ' '�` � ���� ,. . 1*#,�� d' Animal Shelter is a large scale facility providing food , ��,' ► %,�; � rs a ` and shelter to stra rescued and owner surrendered � �'� t-�r �� � ' Y� : � ,�� , ��J'y ,' dogs and cats while promoting adoption. ;: ��±�',�t � � ���,�� .�`��;`:� � �' Services offered at current animal shelter located in . � , ,��,y�,� Spokane Valley; �i;�►�,��+���`��'��. , h �; �� !i'����� �:� Pet adoptions; -�#������sa������, ����"°'r ' �'� Licensing; �,�����,������������ ��;;. . ' ��.�,�. �:� Animal protection; ` �,�����'�"�# ���':` ,���:` .�. �`��'��'��"�'��°�*�'*{�$����+�:: . Educational and training programs; , �;'4 �,�,. { #�,4x��,*,V N� .�. .*� "" s� .,+.� � �:� Free dog houses and spay/neuter vouchers; and "`�:������'� ` ♦♦♦ . �#�6.d���,4 . . .t ��ay5 �'I. _' . Accessory use, crematorium. �,:� �.���, :�,����::-� s ,�..:��F�' " `�*�.:'�!s's'�:. _:. � Animals visiting the shelte� await thei� owne�s �et�ieval o� adoption.... Protection Officers will bring in dogs running at large, deemed dangerous, injured or bitten a human/animal and/or being treated cruel. S'"�ikan� � Department of Community Development - ���r�e�� Planning Division � � ;v';�,. � � Zonin Ma g p .� #�_� �y��f * ?3 'ir 5.asax wamcca -!cm+ �f �■ — ys J��1)la'� � _ �`.-rmw1� ` Nf$; �n'� •ra �`tia _ ! - ��; 7 l'�L`� 9 .. .:t'�=', , � 7�t � 1..+ " j �I i @`i 7 .4ti ti�� L.FiI'I'u�rU�• � j��e � � d � �y � �~� �� l ��d ' ' ..����.i. ., ar :F'.��, ' � ' �` ': „�„ � Euc {_'. ; RZaJAl,�.. kn !r . � � + :;�.� +'.f .5'�� ' r IVI� L L'`JU' �] O.,G g l i.,�_ redenc,�. � . ,,.! : ."' �u i ..� �.� .:.... h�.Qi s � i m� '�r ert r� �'`�� . i ` II...:Il::i5i 7 . n i'J ��)° f. .�� . . ; ...°Y� � `� "Vd:I S S I C fl�5'a � "�. � � - r:•i,�r:�c..,.�.v � L I B E -i�:�iisri�:i�� . - ... '� IV E ���:,� _ _ ; - .�� +b � .i;.r:r{:_ . ..�r �I:.: - - — fL [.'C'.' ..ny 't ... �'"�c — _ - — = _ '; SPOIiANE VALLEY � L . - A: - :�:11I'�. i ii'��. � � i T l — T '.� ., •,. ,r L � ' ... �.� r. vnI1L"y'S - - .... ��:�r�l".•.i' •. `./frM� - _ - �prague A�enue �ay P�` q •,,�.,Qi F �44 �C ��K, - `e . " „ � p �F�:�;� t :�.:�:.: a ��.�, - �.s �," _ P'P �'�°�,���;,� J 3 � : '� r� �� - _ - Y �. ,.r�r, ��..�u �< - � ��., _ _ �� ,' ❑ _� t � �m .m., �� ta� ' _ - — '.F"'... �r �r � � - ., a � � ., J` . . � G•� •,�; � � � ,.. ♦ � a. _ .- . ,. = 1 `�+. �.: -T� • F I ""_ � �.. �� �. � ,� :,Pints F�oad..�SR-�.7) "�� Gt'�:�, ��.r_ C1 `-.. r"� y fi 3�� � „_ : .,. .. -_. --.� � ` � r`�"' �i'''J4 ��tn: �L� r?. - �° ..�f � i's T ` _; ��' ,� � s� � � �aN` t a� � .. - . :i`r °�I.�+�' � �._. 2 '° - - _ �'`�=.'� _z�ct�'V'�-- ,� -S� 1 r �,�,�k�n���_ ` ' Department of Community Development t "� - �'alic, � <:v. � � �', , - Planning Division � ,, ;�;, P�o osed Amendment � Proposed OPTION 1 : � � � � � �� � � � � 5chedule af Permitted lJse� �; � � � � � — � i = ` � a t o m o m � m� � �'' Reference�andi�car�s s� Appendlx 15-A � � � `w w t' E � � 'a � � � �ro � cv t) a+ � ` y 'o c.r Ea � � �,, � � �y � 2 � CY M � BL El � � 41 O N d'�4 97 � Ci � 41 G f0 a r N (�° [�° � �" � � ,� � Q 7 i� � {ry �,7 Z i_7 f 7 P_7 � P_7 � f!a S $���� Animal Shelter � � � k� PermittedLlse ,4Accessor10nf}� R Ftegional Siting , '`--. w �� �=- � . TTemporar!Permit _____---- - ,� , _ ---------- :S GonditionsApply ; , ` ; "�� CC�nditionalUsePermit; '- --------- -----------------------------j------- _� � � F -----------------_ __------ _ � . "3r� ��•`�` � :.� ... �':"' �.. ■ �{,,-r . r,c HI. � � • �r' -,A �RE � �:�'i �`�!„ �� ,� �. x. �� I� I�� � �' �;�•.M � � � ., � `� ; �� � � �FT�� ' ��' � � �p �k I� `... 4 •� ��I �� _* �� ._"_ +' � - Allow in CMU d �'� w:� .h.�. .�._ ; •- . ,� :"� r�`^� � �.-,�,:,;;�. � _� �.� � � :�'a ,;_,;. �—�s Spokanc: � Department of Community Development "� - ��'I��lle � � .t, � �3, - Planning Division ;-";�,. P�o osed Amendment p Allow in CMU Proposed OPTION 2: with conditions � � � � � �� � � S�he�dule af Permitted Uses y � � � � � a - ` o �, �, Referenee�ondnians us ,4ppendix 1�-A � � � � � � Q � � �, � � � cv [? d � � y � u � � �y � s � c = r av � � ti ri �C � ar � H r`o m � o 0 o cc n �y � � � � � � a � csr� � zc� c� c� � c� � r� _ 81291 S P P S'.ih1G1w.'c�u.C�B��i.'�'i5': Animal Shelter P Permitted Llse A=�ccessor;Onty R Re i i y i TTemporarPPermiti ..,,�...,�°-------i i----------------........ . ... --------� 5 Gonditions.Appl, CConditionslLlsePermitj � -- ------- --------- --------- -------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -------- --------- ---------�. _ _ -----' --- ;� ��.�}�.Q�1���`�� 4.Ind�or kennels, doggie day care facilities and kenn�ls associated with veterinarian clinics;��,that= a.There are n� o�rtside r�ins ar areas; b.Th� structurers) h�nusing animals is adequately soundprQOf to me�t the requirements of Chapter 173-06� WAC; e �ln�raarkine� �tall nrnuirl�rl fnr�v�r�r 1 fl anirr�al rnnfin�rri�nt ar�a�- aneJ d.C�mpliance ti�rith n�ais� standards f�r a c�mmercial rr�ise source as id�r�tified �y WAC 173-64-f�40 has be�n derrr�onstrated byth� applicante �. Animal shelter{s} shall ��omplyi�vith pravisi�ns cantained in 8'Jf�9C 19�6�.08��.qif4}, in additi�n t�the fnll�l�ring; a.Shelter must be o��rned and �oR��ated by a public entity; and b.Camplywith all standards of SVf��1C Title�2. .. �„��k�n� ' Department of Community Development ��►� = ��Valle�� Planning Division � � ,�''`i�;. � ' Recommendation � � � � � � �� � � � � Schedule af P�rmitted Uses �, � � � � � _ � a = ` a � � ,� r� �, �' Reference Conditians v3 Append'Ix19-A � �, m a� �u � � � � o � � �' G, �, r N � 9} � � 47 � E. Ri � � � �1 '� ` E�C J = r CY M � LLL LLL � � 47 O Vi C4 41 G GP O q} O FG ES r (.y � � �° Q.° �2 �2 � �2 � {) � Q� �} � {) {} {5 [�.` {7 CLCI! 3 $��g� ' Animal Shelter � p � P PermittedLlse A.AccessoryDnh} R F2egionalSiting TTemporar}^Permit _ ----- --- , S Gonditions.Apply C�onditionalLlsePermit Potential impacts to surrounding neighborhood can be addressed in CUP; Allow in CMU ❖Noise; subjectto a ❖Odor; conditional use ❖Buffer to adjacent to residential uses, if permit any; and ������. " '` Department of Community Development " Varle � '`��. , ! }. � ,3'_.. Planning Division � , i�; • � ues lons .