PC APPROVED Minutes 11-08-12.pdf Spakane '�'aliey Planning Camm�ssKO�i APPRQVED Minutes �auncil Chambers — C`i�y Ha11, 11707 E. Sprague Ave. �ovembex• 8, 2012 I. CALL TU ORD�R ChaiF�Bates ealled the meeting ta o�•dea• �t 6:a0 p.n�. II. PLEDGE O�'ALLEGIAP�IC� COTT1ri71SSSOII�3'S, staff and a�idience stood foi°ttie pledge o�"allegiance III, R,QLL C�LL COlYTi�VIISSIONERS Present Absent CY'I`Y STATF Bill Bates-Ctia'v � �---- Scai�Kuhta,Planrring mai�ager John G. Cat�•ol! r �--� Erik Lamb,Dept�ty City Attorney Rustin Hall r r Lo���Ba����tiv, Seniar PlalvYec Rod Higgins � r- 1Vlarty Palanit�k, Flaiuier Ste��en Neill � � Fred Beaulac r° N=- Joe Stoy—Vice Chair � � Deanna Griftrtli, secretaiy Hearing no objection, Commissior�ecs Hall and Stoy v��ere excused. TTV. APPR��'AL OF AGENDA Cflmmission�t• Higgins moved to �ppcove the revised agenda as presented. T�115 []1Ot10I3 ���S approved un�nimously. V. APPRO��AL OF �ZINUTES T�le October 25t�' r��ir��rtes v��ill be an�er�ded ta� reflect Carniziission��• S#oy was preseiit. The rnotian v�i�s approved unanitnfltisly to accept the Octab�r 11, 2012 as pa•esented and the ��tabez•25, 2a12 znirxutes as atnerided. VL PUBLIC C�NIM��NT There tivas na public comment. 'VIL COIVIMI55I�N ItEPO�RTS The Commissioners l7ad nofhing ta report PI��u7ina Commission Miiiutes 1 l-D$-12,Approve�i 12-13-�2 Page 1 of 5 VIII. ADMINISTRATIVE RCl'�RTS Plai�ning ���uager Kt�l�ta shai•�d t�1e City l7osted ,�lai�jii7g students �jisitin� fi•an� Australia. ComY�iissi�ner Carr•all asked if�hei'e had beeti any feedbac�C from 'Spaka��e Caui�ty regarding the sitic�g �x•ocess a�� the new Spoka�ie coui7ty jail. Deputy City Attor•uey Erik Lan�b i•eport�d l7e was a�vare t�ie pro�ess liad begun agaiz� but did not hatiTe az�y details. Mr. Lamb stated �ie l�'OIII(� ��f c�Tl l]�lC�at� c�llt� S�TId lt tD t�l� C411]11115S10rie1'S. Ix. con�rnr�issior� r�us���ss A, Unfinis��e�� Business: 1. Findings foe• CTA-a3-12 —Sefb�cics fo�• �iasE[tifamily c�evelo��nenf�vii�ri adjacent ta si��gle faitiily devclopmcnt. Plati�iiiig Man�ger I�ulita stated tlae Pla�irsing Com�uissio�i l�ac� be�n sent the �indi��gs for CTA-03-12 ��ia e�nail �c�e��iausly. Camnirssianer �3�tes statec� he hacl spoken to Mr, Basinber regarding a fy�po in the tcarisn}itt�d copies, �VIr. Ku�ita respauded t��e e��•or h�d bee� co�•rect�d aix�l the Chaii•l�ad a corrected cQpy i�7 fi�ont flf hi�n. Co7�ttzt�.ssiatte�� 1Veil1 »toti�eel t1�e Plcrraiaing Cotrrartissiat� crccept t,�le �rrt�ings and fo��wt�a�•d the�ia ta �lae Gity Coz�t�crl. Co���i�nissior�er Beaulac asked if the cha�i�es in CT,�-44-12 wez•e compatible �Witli tlie setbacks iai the GTA-0�-12, a batch of code amend3nent being presented in the publie ]iearing later in t��e agenda. I�vlr. K�iiita said tlie �TA-03-12 addresses tll� setbacks uPhen multifat�iily is adjacent to si�igle family �•esidential developnient and CTA-04-12 is addressing sitigle �an}ily setbacks ii7 Mixed Us� �on�s, �'J�e vate o�z t17e traotio�� ts trt�crj�rt��oirs ijr fc�voa�, rizotrvn persses. 2. Deliber�tions an tlre Sl�oi�eline Master Pi•ogram Restor•ation Plan — Se�iioz• Flani�e�� Lori Barlo�.v refeeshed the Carnmissiaci�ri tlie process t�a-date re�arding t1�e S�iorelicie Master £'rogra�n's Restaration Plan. Cort�nissioilers Bates and Carrall asked questiai�s 1'��a�'C�ITl� I1DW I'�StOIc�tLOI1 o��or#u�iities were added anci su�tracted fi�om the plan �nd the dates in the tim��ine. Ms. Barlc�w ah��ained: • The restoration opportuuities�vere glea�led fi�am the Ir�W�entory Repork. + Iten�s will be subt�•acted fY•at7� the Plati wlYejl tlie apportunities ta fulfill a restoratian pa�fl�ect beGO17�e a�ailable. • �'he tiizleliiie dates will �e �djusted to fit at t11e fi�ia� adQ�}tio�i of tlle Plati • Items caiu�at Ue add�d to tite plan witliotit dait�g an ��lditiotial Inventory repo�•t, which wauld not be daiie any tii�ie in flze near f�rtut•e. Ms. Barla��v �lsc� explaii�ed restoration �rojecks u�Tr�uld be hanclled differently tlla�i a projeck which would l�appen because of an em�ergency based oil a iiatural disaste�•. Cotrrrr�rssiv�7er �3ecrr�lac rtio��ecl ths �Sl�or�el��7e �tvfrrster Pr�ogrcrj�a Re.rtor�crliara Pfcrn be accepted crs����ese�ated aracl fat�yi��r�•cterl to C'i!y Coi�rrcil fa�� crpJ�r•ovcrf, T�ris ir�otiora �irrrs jJIfSS'BC�2�7?Cli?I1110�l5'�.y. Plan��ing Commissio����linl�tes Page 2 of 5 B. New Bi�siness: Pul�lic Hearing �TA-0�#-12 —Code A�tienclnZents to Title Ghair Bates opeued dle puUlic fi�arinb �t 6: 27 p.rtl, Plaruiing Teclinici�n Marti�l Pal�niuk 11]�iCCE a presentati�n regardiiYg t��� �r�pased arn�ndn7ents to Spokaiie Valley Municipal Cade (S VA�IC) * MR�au�acture[1 Hames in Pvf�iauf�Ghu°ed �Iome�ubdi��isious Issize; Tk�e code reQ��ires all manutact��reci �iames placed on iudividual lots ta be "new". SVMC defii�es "I�ew'° as not peeviously titleci or set on a property. As written, the SVMC ��ould not p�rmit placiiig a "used" manufactured home �vithin a manufact�►red hor��e subdi�,Fisioii. I�atent of A���endme��t: Allau� a "tksed" man�ifac�ured ltaine to Ue placed witl7in a nia�i«facturecl 1zoM�ae s��bdivisioti. T��e an�e��a�i�ent �vould z•equire double-�vide manufacttu•ed liames be placed i�l sl�bdivisions wit�i predominantly� dou'ble-wide homes and wauld �llow sin�le-wide manuf�ctured ho�nes iiY sul�divisions with predominantly single-��ide lion�es. * Honie Qccup�tions Issue: It is uncl�ar w17�#lier a hoine occupatiar� is perinitted i�i � residetice estabLished i�i a no��-►�esicie�itial zone. EIfltize occupations are a permitteci accessaz•y l�se alloti�ved ii7 aIl residential zo�7es. Tlte code provisior�s acidressing ho�ie occl�patia�i is cai�tained in the ces�den�ial section af Title 19 but is not addressed in t��e cainmercial, mixed use, oft�c� or ind«strial SeCtlOT15. CMU and 1�1UC zones alla�v d�vellings and l��ally est�blisliec� dwelli�7gs exist in other no�u�esidential zc�i�es. Inteii# of �linendnient: Clarif}� tl7e status of honle occupatio��s irr tlie nonresidential zoties. TIZe proposed anjendment clar�fies the iss��e by allo�ving a home occu�ation ta occu�•in any residej�c�tl�at has been legally permitted regardless of zone. • Resicleiitial Developiitent in MUC �ncl CMU zones Issue: Mixed use zoiies �erinit sirigle-faaliily aud multi-fa�nily residential d�ev��OpI11�I1� hawe��e�•, t�ie r��ixed use sectio�z af the SVMC daes not co��tain deveIopn�en:t standards for ces�de�iti�l development, These st�ndards include detisity, lot r��idth, �ot depth, buildiiig heigi�t, lat coverage, setback �nci oper� space requii•eiiletits, In the absetYCe of an�� stauda��d the 1�1F-2 zone star�dard �or density has been applied in tlie past tagetller with a Cami7iu��ity Deveiopme37t Director Interpretation witl� respect to s�tbacks. Tntent Qf A�l�endme��t; Provicie a �•esident�al developnient sta�fdard far resic�ential c�evelopment ii� tl�e MUC aud C11�1U zo��e, Tlie �ioposed a�nendment will refer ta t��e I1�iF-2 standar€� contained in SVMC 19.�#0 as tl�e statiolarc� foi•r�sid�ntial developn7�rrt in tl�e MUC and CMU zones, • ACC�SSOh'� D1�r�elling Units Issue: It is unclear wi7etl�er a71 aecessoi•}F d�Felling tir�it is pei•mitted accessax�y �o a single-fatilily residence �stablished iu a �lan-residential zc���e. �ccessoc•y�d��elling units �ADU) are p�z�mitted in �11 tl�e �•esi�ienti�l zaning disti•icts. ADUs are addressed in tlie Planni��g Comanission Mii7utes Page 3 af S resiciential section of Titl� 19 �t�t tl7ey are not addressed in the coin�neicial, I111K�C� LlS�� office, or industria] sectioi�s. CMU and Iv1�.1C zones allow single-family dwelliiigs, Tntent of Aniendment: �larify the status of �►ccessor�T ciwelling units ir� the nonresideNitial zones. The proposed a�neneiment cla��ifies the issne by alla;�iixg an ADU ta occur at any si��gle-faia�il�� a•esidence that lias bee�� lega��y per�nitteci in the NiUC and C1v1U zone. • Recreational Vehicles Issu�: The �ase of Recreational Ve�iicles in association with resic�ential uses is addressed i�� the resic�e�rtial sectian af tl7e SVMC. Resideiiti�l uses are pe��mi�ted in mix�d use zones and also occtu• as legal uses ii�otlier naru•esidential zoz�es. The SVMC do�s not adc�i•ess RV use outside of the reside�itial sectio�i, Intent of Ac���end�nent; Al1Qw tlie i�se of R�s at le�ally �ermitted residerlces i�� noiu•esidential zanes. The proposed a�ilezadrnent establis��es that ��i RV can l�e p�rked at a residence in a noncommercial zoi7e COI1515tellt witli tlie restrietions oti ItV ��se fourtd in t�ie reside�itial zones, Co�7unissio�iez• Neill asked if there has beeti a��y co��iplai,�ts when a used 1nan��factured ha�ne h�d veen movec� i�ita a ma�aufaciureci hame subcii�iisio�i. Staff co�rfirtued t�iere l7ad not been ai7y. Corxunissioner Carroll had a co�lcerti regardiii� excliiding �caretake�� c�wellir�gs �i�a�i HoiYie Occupation specifications. Staff discussed witli tlie Can�missic�n ho�� a caretaker is ��7 e�n�lo}dee of a busiuess and not cfli�sidez�ed elagible ta conduct ayiather l�usiness ai�-site. Co�i�missioz�e�• Beaulac �sked how tl7e RV usage wot�ld be enforced. Staff explaiued the code eilfoi•ee�lient �rocess to tk�e Cammissian, i�eyuiz•ing a com��laint to be r�giste��ed befare tli�e �City woulcl investigate, Davicl Seyfert 514 S Arc — iVlr. Sefret sta�ec� lie was a I�ra�onent for allowin� used manu�actu��ed homes in tli� MH suk�di�zisions. Mr, Seyfei�t stated he 1�as tried to sell sevei•al of lus lots, anc� lias lost appraxit�i�tely 20 sales Uecause pea�jle cat�nat place a�ased kioi7ie ar� t��e lots. IVIi•. Seyfet� said l7e wanted to �na�rove one of the neighbor�ioads. He tore do�n olc� trtauiifaetiu•ed honie ati otie af his lcrts, and tl�en was told by the l�uilditigs and plan��ing dep��-tiYi�nts, sorr}�he wauld have to �sut in a ne��do�ahle u�ide on t�ie ��roperty, Mr. Seyfert said he was former•1�� in the busiiiess af sellii�� mobile �1o�n�s. Mr. Seyfei�t said he feels SOIll�011e WII� �VaT]tS t� I11DV� a �l�ll�e OIl CO a JOt, d�es�l't gell�l'�l�y W717t �!i O�C� Ilall]2, He also s�id �ie felt �3ioving in a used ��oitie �vill al�nost alv�7ays upgcac�� the lots. M�illlf�Ctl1I'�{� �lOUSLII� 15 II1LiC}Y �ett�:l' 110W. I��II'. Seyfert said he hoped tl�at this amendment is passed. Conunissioner Bates asked Mr. Se��fi•et if he ��as a supporter af allovsii�lg a sir�gle wicie M�nufacti�red Hoine in a fVlailufactured Hotlle subdivisiari. Mr. �eyfeit said peop�e da �zat geuerally rnove a doul�le-wide, it is toa hard to do. Pea��le titi�ill mo�e a single-wide is fairl}T e�sy. Rarely will you see a��yone fnove a ciouble-u�ic�a. The older �iotiies do not k�olci lrp to n�oving w�ll ta movi��g, Mr. Seyfret did say he v��ould s�lppo�•t allowing a singl�-witie manufactured homes iii a �n�nu�actur�ci lxome subclivision. Plannii�g Cattt�uissiaE►Miiiutes P�ge 4 of S • r Seeit�g no o�ze else �vlro r��islied to testify, Ghair Bates closed t�i� puY�li� hearing at 6:53 p.in. Cor��rtri.ss•ione�• I3eai�l�re rrrovecl to recornrrre�z� ca�a��r•ai�crl of G'T�-D�-I,2 fo 11ze City C'orrrzcil CTA-G��-.l,Z. Co��7cx�issiaziex� Car�•all stated �ae sti�l I�ac1 �t� �sstie w�itk� tl�e careta�Cer d�ve�lings LlI1C��T flle Il0[lle OCCU17�t1�11S. H2Ldi�ia�g t�o otl�ei• clrseirssiori, t�re Cl�crit� ctalled faa• the t=ote, ��rhich �i�c�s rrrlcrt�ilaloir5 rn favor, ��L�atiarz�asse�' �. GOOD [lF THE ORDER T��ere was nathing for tl�e good af the arder. �i. ADJDi1RN1VI�NT Tl�e bein.g na attaez•business t�ie meeting ��as adjoui�ned at 6:59 p.ra�. � �.._.e._�.-= : � Bill Bates, Citair•pei•son ��--1' /° .t" /, ��J ;�.- -_ ,.�J" _;� ',�."i 1 '� t'__!�,� . 1!c � aa Dea�ina Griffith, PC Seci•et ry Date sigued f�%�r I l�r��l`:� x L,1�-, Pl�tufing Co�nmission A�i�lutes Page 5 of 5