RFP Educational Access TV Capital Funding CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Educational Access Television Capital Funding The City of Spokane Valley is accepting proposals from organizations that desire to provide programming for the City of Spokane Valley educational access channel broadcast on Comcast cable television. The City anticipates that$35,000 will be available for funding in 2013. Projected funding for future years will be determined by October 31 of the preceding year. Funds awarded will be limited to amounts needed for capital expenditures,pursuant to Federal law, and will be determined based upon the actual PEG funds remitted by Comcast to the City of Spokane Valley. Organization(s) awarded funds will be required to sign an agreement with the City of Spokane Valley lasting through the end of 2015 and committing the applicant to provide educational programming suitable for broadcast, and to broadcast locally produced programming over the dedicated educational access channels provided by Comcast. A full copy of the required agreement is available on the City's website at www.spokanevalley.org. Copies may also be obtained at City Hall, ll707 E. Sprague Avenue, Suite 106, Spokane Valley, WA 99206. The City retains the right to negotiate additional or different terms to the agreement. Proposals may be submitted individually or submitted jointly by a third party. Proposals must include (1) Certification of Insurance at levels that meet or exceed those speci�ed in Section ll of the required agreement (2) A preliminary Annual Report as specified in Section 9 of the required agreement. The Annual Report shall be based upon the most recent available data or the most recently completed Annual Report submitted to other jurisdictions. The Annual Report shall include a capital budget request for the year 2013 as well as a projected request for all subsequent years of the required agreement. (3) A business model or description of the type of programming cultivated, including programming that contributes towards course credit for certificate/degree attainment, and the benefit of programming provided to the citizens of Spokane Valley and a description and history of the organization. Proposals must be received at Citv Hall no later than 4:OOpm on January 25°—a 2013.Please deliver/mail one ori�inal and three(3) conies of the proposal and any supporting documents to: City of Spokane Valley Attn: John Pietro 11707 E. Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Proposals received after the deadline will not be considered. Proposals will be reviewed by staff with recommendations made to the City CounciL It is anticipated that City Council will make its final funding decision by February 19"'. The successful applicant will be notified by mail within five days of the Council decision. For more information, contact John Pietro at jpietro@spokanevalley.org or call 720-5107. AGREEMENT FOR SERVICES (Entity) THIS AGREEMENT is between the City of Spokane Valley, a code City of the State of Washington, hereinafter "City", and (entity), hereinafter "(entity)", jointly referred to as "parties". WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley has obtained certain channel resources and capital financing as a result of a Franchise renewal with the local Cable Operator, Comcast of Pennsylvania/Washington/West Virginia, LP, ("Comcast"); and WHEREAS, the Franchise documents include the Franchise Ordinance itself as well as one side letter. For convenience, Section 13 of the Franchise Ordinance affecting such aforementioned channel resources is attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein; and WHEREAS, (entity) has agreed to provide educational programming identified in Section 13 of the City's franchise with Comcast as reflected in its Proposal, attached hereto as Exhibit B and incorporated herein; and WHEREAS, the Ciry provided public notice it would accept applications from entities interested in contracting with the City to provide educational television programming for City residents. (Entity) responded by applying to the City for execution of an agreement for such services, and the (entity)proposal appears to be in the public interest; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the terms and conditions contained herein, the parties agree as follows: l. OBLIGATION TO PROVIDE PROGRAMMING. Pursuant to this Agreement, (entity) is obligated to provide educational programming content for the benefit of the citizens of the Ciry. It is anticipated that (entity) will provide educational programming for broadcast over designated educational channels. This section, and Section 2 immediately below, comprise the entire obligations of the City under this Agreement, notwithstanding any other provision. 2. GRANT FROM PEG FEE SOURCE. a. Subject to applicable Franchise requirements for PEG Fee source expenditures that may apply, the City agrees to pay (entity) from the "PEG Fee" resource identified in Exhibit A, a grant of $* for capital equipment and other capital expenditures in accord with the equipment list attached as Exhibit C hereto. The parties agree Exhibit C is a planning document and may be revised, subject to the City's approval and Comcast's review to the extent appropriate, as provided hereafter. For each subsequent year of the agreement the City will notify (entity) by October 31 of the preceding year the amount of PEG funds projected to be distributed, if any. The actual amount of funding available will be determined by the actual PEG contributions provided to the Ciry by Comcast. Any additional funds would be subject to the same requirements as the original PEG Fee grant contained herein. b. With respect to the PEG Fee grant, (entity) is solely responsible for satisfying any expenditures and/or documentation requirements of Comcast set forth in Exhibit A (to the extent applicable), (entiry) shall be responsible for its own acts and/or omissions and those of its officers, employees and agents with regard to any failure to satisfy any applicable requirements set forth therein. Under no circumstances shall the City be independently liable to (entity) for payment of any additional funds in the event of a reduction of money payable by Comcast to the Ciry. Nothing herein limits (entity)'s option to apply for additional PEG funding or creates any obligation on the part of the City to accept such applications. c. Within 90 days, upon request, (entity), after the first year, shall provide Comcast with appropriate documentation showing expenditures for PEG capital use of the previous year's PEG funding and showing the budgeted use of the current year's PEG funding. In the event (entity) cannot demonstrate that PEG funding was used or budgeted for PEG capital needs consistent with Franchise requirements, it is responsible to reimburse the City any reduction in PEG funding obligations by Comcast under Exhibit A under this or any future PEG Fee grant source. 3. PAYMENT. (entity) acknowledges and is accustomed to the practice of being held accountable for achieving deliverables associated with grant funds. Because these funds are restricted to capital expenditures, (entity) understands the City's concern about protecting the grant resource in case of (entity) non-performance. The funds shall only be available for reimbursement following expenditures by (entity). Reimbursements will only be made from PEG funds received from Comcast. The City receives quarterly PEG payments from Comcast. The City will provide (entity) with the current available balance upon request. Reimbursement requests shall include an invoice accompanied by a detailed expenditure report showing payments made. Reimbursement shall be made within 30 days of request. 4. ASSIGNMENT. (entity) shall not assign this Agreement without prior written consent. Any Assignee shall accept all terms and conditions of this Agreement in writing as a condition of the assignment. 5. (entity) ACCEPTANCE. (entity) agrees to provide educational programming of community interest consistent with this Agreement and its Proposal, reserving editorial content control to (entity). To the extent as may be required by law, (entity) agrees to develop viewpoint neutral community access rules for its users. It is not the purpose or intent of this or any other provision of this Agreement to create a public forum or open microphone for the channel. (entity) is an independent contractor for all purposes of this Agreement and not an agent or employee of the City in any respect. 6. SOLE RESPONSIBII,ITY. Except as provided elsewhere in this Agreement, (entity) is solely and separately responsible for all (entity) programming and costs associated with development and preparation of programming. Nothing in this Agreement limits (entity)'s ability to seek protection from programmers or others as between itself and third parties. 7. COMCAST/FRANCHISE REQUIIZEMENTS. Educational Access Contract Page 2 a. (entity) is responsible to meet any technical requirements of Comcast regarding its provision of programming. In case of dispute, the Ciry reserves the right to determine the issue, consistent with the Franchise and this Agreement. b. (entity) understands that the City and Franchisee (Comcast) may mutually agree upon an implementation and enforcement of policy directive and terms of use requirements. c. (entity) guarantees it will assume responsibility for the content of programming it prepares or provides to the channel facilities for broadcast. Clearance for use of copyrighted material shall be the sole responsibility of (entity) and/or the access user. (entity) promises to implement any use requirements required by the City and Comcast related to the protection of copyrighted material. (entity) will likewise require that all (entity) programmers/channel users indemnify and hold Comcast and the City harmless from all loss or liability, including the costs of legal defense from programming or use of facilities, channel(s) or access time by the user. d. Failure to comply with the provisions of this section shall constitute a material breach of this Agreement. e. (entity) shall accommodate Comcast's reasonable needs for use of parental control devises. The Ciry reserves the right to determine any disputes. 8. ANN UAL REPORT. enti shall present in writing an annual report to the City Council on its yearly activities no later than October 1 each year. A courtesy copy of the written report shall also be sent to Comcast and the City Clerk's Office. The report shall include the following information: a. A financial report including prior year's television programming/production budget and expenditures. b. A summary of all television programming, including hours presented, and weekly programming schedules (may be summarized). Any programming which contributes towards degree/certificate attainment must be separately identified and referenced as "for-credit programming". c. A detailed list of each expenditure the prior year related to the funds provided by the Ciry, including the cost and purpose to which the equipment is being used related to programming. d. A capital budget request for the subsequent year (annually revised Exhibit C). e. Proof of compliance with all Comcast/Franchise requirements above mentioned, including: i. Confirmation that (entity) meets Comcast's technical requirements and a statement that there are no pending disputes regarding the same. ii. A current copy of (entity)'s policies and use requirements if changed from Educational Access Contract Page 3 previous year. 9. TERM/NOTICES. The Agreement takes effect '�, 2013, and expires December 31, 2015; PROVIDED: It automatically expires if the current Comcast Franchise expires or is otherwise terminated or substantially modified for any reason unless extended in writing by the City. It may be terminated without any requirement of showing cause by either party, upon 90 days written notice; PROVIDED the City may terminate the Agreement upon a lesser notice period if it reasonably determines that it is exposed to any loss or liabiliry because of continuation of the Agreement, Additionally, failure to comply with the programming requirements set forth in Section 1 may be considered a material breach subject to termination on 10 days notice. Notices shall be given as follows: To City: City Manager To (entity): General Manager 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 10. INDEMNIFICATION. Each party to this agreement shall be responsible for its own acts and/or omissions and those of its officers, employees and agents. No party to this agreement shall be responsible for the acts and/or omissions of entities or individuals not a party to this agreement. 1 l. INSURANCE. During the term of the Agreement, the (entity) maintain in force at their expense, the following insurance: Workers' Compensation Insurance in compliance with RCW 51.12.020, which requires subject employers to provide workers' compensation coverage for all their subject workers and Employer's Liability or Stop Gap Insurance in the amount of$500,000; (entity), warrants that it is self-insured against liability claims in accordance with the risk management and tort claims statutes, including RCW 492 and RCW 43.41.280 et seq. The tort claims procedure, RCW 4.92.100 et seq., provides the fundamental remedy for all tort liability claims against the Agency and its officers, employees, and agents acting as such and all such claims must be filed and processed as provided therein. 12. BUSINESS REGISTRATION REQUIREMENT. Not applicable. 13. RECORDS. The City or State Auditor or any of their representatives shall have full access to and the right to examine during normal business hours all of (entity)'s records with respect to all matters covered in this Agreement. Such representatives shall be permitted to audit, examine and make excerpts or transcripts from such records and to make audits of all contracts, invoices, materials, payrolls and record of matters covered by this Agreement for a period of three years from the date final payment is made hereunder. Any records relating to this Educational Access Contract Page 4 Agreement may be subject to Washington's Public Record Act, Chapter 42.56 RCW. 14. NON-DISCRIMINATION. No individual shall be excluded from participation in, denied the benefit of, subjected to discrimination under, or denied employment in the administration of or in connection with this Agreement in violation of State or Federal laws relating to discrimination. 15. ANTI-KICKBACK. No officer or employee of the City, having the power or duty to perform an official act or action related to this Agreement shall have or acquire any interest in the Agreement, or have solicited, accepted or granted a present or future gift, favor, service or other thing of value from or to any person involved in this Agreement. 16. NO SEPARATE ENTITY; AMENDMENTS. No separate legal entity, partnership or joint venture is created by this Agreement. This Agreement is binding on the parties and their heirs, successors, and assigns. This Agreement may be amended at any time by mutual written agreement. 17. OWNERSHIP OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY. The Ciry and (entity) hereby acknowledge that this Agreement shall not constitute a "work made for hire agreement" as that term is defined under the Copyright Act, 17 U.S.0 § 101 et seq. Additionally, the City expressly acknowledges and agrees that (entity) shall own all right, title, and interest in and to all intellectual property created or obtained by (entiry) during the time it operates as Channel Manager. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall restrict (entity) from licensing, sublicensing, assigning, or otherwise disposing of (entity)'s Intellectual Property Rights. "Intellectual Property Rights" means all intellectual property rights throughout the universe, whether existing under statute or at common law or equity, now or hereafter in force or recognized, including but not limited to: (i) copyrights, trade secrets, trademarks, patents, inventions, designs, logos and trade dress, "moral rights," mask works, publicity rights, privacy rights and any other intellectual property and proprietary rights; and (ii) any application or right to apply for any of the rights referred to in clause (i), and any and all renewals, extensions and restorations thereof. 18. NO THIRD PARTY BENEFICIARIES. Except to the extent that this Agreement recognizes and confirms certain rights of Comcast under the Comcast Franchise Agreement, this Agreement is solely between the City and (entity), and there are no third party beneficiaries to this Agreement. 19. ENTIRE AGREEMENT/SEVERABILITY. This is the entire agreement. In the event any provision of this Agreement should become invalid, the rest of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect unless agreed in writing by the parties. Dated: CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ATTEST: Educational Access Contract Page 5 Mike Jackson, City Manager Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Approved as to form: Office of the Ciry Attorney Dated: Signed: For(entity) Title: Federal Tax LD. No. Educational Access Contract Page 6 , '� ATTACF�MENT "A" `� � �ecNan 1Z. Rates. 1. Th�rvughaut the term of this �ranchise Agreement and.upon request by the Gity,�he Grantes shall provide an updated rate oard�o the City#hat detaits applicable rates and charges for Cable�ervices provided under this �rauchise Ageement. This does not rec�uire the Grarttee #o file rates and c�targes under tem�orary r�3uctions or waivers of rates and charges in conjunchon with projnotionai campaigns. 2. Grantee shall provide a rnini�nnm of tl�iriy (34} days' wri�ten notice #o the Gity and each Subscriber before ehanging any rates and charges. 3. City may regulate rates for the pra�+ision of Cable �e�-eJice provided over the 5ystem in accordance with applicabla federal law, in particular 47 C.�.R. Part 76 subpaz�N, �:th� event the City � C�IOOSeS t� i'BgUlate iates it S�&Il, in accordaz�ce with 4'1 C.�.R. § 76.9ZD, obtain eerti�eation frou� the FCC, if applicable. The City s1�a11 foltow all applicable FCC ra#e regulations aud shaI� ensure fhat apprapriate personnel are in place to administer such regulations, City reserves the right#n regulate rates I far any fi�ture Cabla Services to tl�e maximutn extent allowed by law. f Section 13. PFG and_Local Pro�ramming: 1. Commencing on the affective date of th�s Franahise Agreement,Grantee shal�znake available one(1}full-tima Non-co�ercia�muIti-jurisdictional�EG Channel{the"Government Channel")for �, future activation and jaint�se by tha Cify,the City of�pakana andior Spokane County for govemrnental �, access pragramnning, The Cziy shall provide Gran#ee with a minir�u�n offorty-five(4S)days prior written n.atiea of an initiat r,aeeting to develop an imgiemen�a.tian plan for ac�zvation of tha Governmen� Channel. 2. Gxantee has histoxzcalty deli�ered a�l PEG Channels available ott i�s Cable System to its customers in tha City whe�her or not such Channets were directly controlled by the City. Cotnmencing on the effecti�e date of this Franchise,and�hraughout the term of this�ranchise, Grantea s}aalI deliver� thvse PEG C�anne�s with�vha�t�e Ci�y has conixacted for serviee,ug to a maximuni o�six(b) Channeis. Grantee shall cont�ue to daliver those PEG Chatutels so lang as the City's cantracts aze valid artd the PEG Channels have content ta distribute. Tha City shall provide copies of all PEG Channel contracts,and contract renawals,to Grantee within thirty(3�)days a�executian. 3. The City acicnowledges tf�at Grantee prot+ides additional benefits to PEG programming needs �iayond the reqairement Iisted above. This is accomp�ished through th�inalusion of o�her regional PEG � progamtz�ing witl�in tl�e regional Channel line-up t�at services t�a�zanchise Area. The Grantee will endeavar to provide fihe Subscribers in the�ranchise Area with the ether regianal PEG Channels sa long as fhe PEG prograanmers offer them for nse on th.e Cable Sys�em. �. AIl pEG Channels provide�to Subscribers under this Franchise shall be included by Grantee subjeot to applicable law. For a�l PEG Channels not under Grantee's contral,Gran�ea shall insure that there is tta znateriat degradation in ttt�signal that is received by Grantee for distributiou by Grantee over the Cable System, 5. The City shall be responsible for ali progra�nming requirements�or the Government Channel, including but not limited to schedu�ing,play6ack,#raining,staffing,copyright clearances,and equipment, maintenance and repair,uniess responsibi�ity fa:r adzninistering the Gn�emment Channal has been designated to a third party,which sha11 then become respansib�e fo:r alI programming requirements under #lxis section. � 6. The Gzantee shall provide tha PEG Channels as parf of the Cabie Service provided to any Subsoriber,at no additional charge. If Channels are seleeted tluough a znenu syste�,the PEG Channels Ordinance 09-034 Cvmcast Cahie Franchise Paga 9 of 27 � , . shatl be displayed as pra�niuently as co�►mercial prag�rarr►ming choices offered by Grantee. Comaast will us�reasonable effor#s to minimize the movement of City-designated PEG Channel assignments and maintai�t cammon Channet assi�men#s for compafible PEG pro�ramining. 7. At such time as tha Grantee converts its Basia Cab1e Service Tier from an analog to a digitai format,tke City's PEG Channels will be carried on the digi�al platf'orm and Grantee shaIl instali,a#its sole cost,such headend equipment tQ accoma�aodat�such Channal's. Such PEG Channe(s shall be � accessed by Subscribers through use of standarci digital equipment compatible with Grantae's Cable �ystem. �I S. Witl�ir� ninety (90) days of Grantee's accepf.anes of the Fxanchise, Grantee vvill remit to the City as a capital contribution in suppnrt of PEG capital requirements: (1) onv hundred fifty thousand dollars ($150,40U) and (2) an amvunt equal to thirty fi�e cents ($0.35) per �ubscriber pez mont�a ta be paid to the City on a qua.t�edy 6asis far �b.a Life of the Franchis�. Grantea wiIl recoup the inifial one hundred fifty�ousand doliars($15Q,tlpU)in an amount equal to tr�venty fiva cen�s($U.ZS)per Subseriber per month un#il the amount is recovered in fuli. To ba elear,during the reco�very period,t3�e Grantee will re�it#o the City an amount equal to ten cents($0.10)per Subscriber par month nntil tha recovery af the initial PEG capitxl contribution is campleted, A�er campletion of�he initial PEG capital contribution recovery,the Grantee will remit the sntire thirty�ve cents (�0.35) per 5ubscriber per month to fhe City until the fifth year of the Franehise. Upon tha �fth year an�iversary date of the�ranchise term, if the Grant�e aecepts the full continuation of the ten(10)yeaz term,the Grantee wiI1 rreinit to tha City,�vithin ninety (90) days of �he anniversary date, another upfront PEG capi#al contribution payznenk of one hundred�fty thousa�d dollars{$150,QOOj,vcrhich tviI�be recovereci,recouped, and remiited#o tt�e Cify in the same manner as the irii#ial PEG capital cantribution paymen�, The City shail allocate all amoun�s under tlzis subsection to PEG capi�al uses exclusiveIy, Grantee sha11 not be responsible for paying the PEG capital contribution witlt respect to gratis or bad clebt accounts. Consisfent with 47 C.F.R, § 76.922, Gzan#s�may, ua ifs sola discretion, add the cost of the PBG capitaI contributinn to tha price of Cabie Ser�ices and to eolleat t�e PEG eapital con4ribution frorn �ubscribers. In addition,consistenf with 47 C.F.R. § 7b985, all amaunts paid as#ha PEG capitai contribu�ion may be separate�y stated on Subsoribers' bilIs as a City of Spokane Va�ley �EG eapital contribution. Upon Grautee's w�riiten request and due as agreed upon by both partias,the City sl�all provide#ha Grantee with documentation showing expenditares far PEG capital use of the previous fiscal years' PBG capifial contributian atid showing t�e budgeted use of the current year's PEG fitnding. 7n the event the City cannot demonstrate that PEG capital funding was useci ar budgeted for PEG capital needs,Grantee's PEG fi�nding€tbtigations gaing fa�-t�ard shall i�a reduced by an equivalent amount. 9. Within ninety (90} days of request, the Grantee shall pxovide att estimate of costs associated wi� tha construction and activation o�ana re�urn path capable of transmitting Video Progra�nming ta enable the distribution of the Cit3r's speci�e government acoess pxogramming to Subscribers on the multi- ,�urisdictianat PLG C�an_nei. Tfie rei-�rn line shall run from a loca�ion to be determined by the Cit}r tv the Grantee's Faoilities. Within�uo hur�dred seventy (270) days nf the City's directive, fihe Grran#ee shaiI Consfruct and aetivate a return Iine in accordance with the cast astimate proviously pravided. The City agrees to pay t�ie casts n�the retuttt line wi�hin sixty(60)days of Construction/ac�ivation and reeeipt of an invozce from the Grantee. Sec[ion 14. Tnstitutional Network Cannections. Ugon req�est of the Cify, the Grantee shalt . is��vestiga�e and provide the City a plan wifh a cost estimafe based on either a managed natwork or the most cc►st effioient connection utilizing current technology �o accammodate the City's reasonable broadband capacity needs for a nnn-com�nercial connaetion bet�veen fihe City's facilities. Far the pUCpOS�S 0��1S 3CGt10I1, non-co�amercial r�eans prirrate network communications from and among the Qrdinance 09-034 Comcast Cal�le Franchise Page 10 of27