2012, 12-18 Study Session Minutes MINUTES SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING STUDY SESSION FORMAT Spokane Valley City Hall Council Chambers Spokane Valley, Washington December 18,2012 6:00 p.m. Attendance: Councilmembers Staff Tom Towey,Mayor Mike Jackson, City Manager Gary Schimmels,Deputy Mayor Cary Driskell,City Attorney Dean Grafos, Councilmember Mark Calhoun, Finance Director Chuck Hafner, Councilmember John Hohman, Community Development Dir. Arne Woodard, Councilmember Mike Stone,Parks&Recreation Director Steve Worley, Senior Engineer Inga Note, Senior Traffic Engineer Rick VanLeuven,Police Chief ABSENT: Carolbelle Branch,Public Information Officer Ben Wick, Councilmember Chris Bainbridge,City Clerk Brenda Grassel, Councilmember[anticipated to arrive late] Mayor Towey called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. and in remembrance of the victims and families of the recent tragedy at Newtown, Connecticut, asked everyone to please stand for a moment of silence. Roll Call: City Clerk Bainbridge called the roll; all Councilmembers were present except Councilmembers Wick and Grassel. It was moved by Councilmember Grafos, seconded and unanimously agreed to excuse Councilmember Wick from tonight's meeting. It was noted that Councilmember Grassel is expected to arrive late. It was moved by Deputy Mayor Schiminels, seconded and unanimously agreed, to approve the amended agenda. ACTION ITEMS: 1, Legislative Agenda Approval--Mike Jackson It was moved by Deputy Mayor Schiminels and seconded to approve the legislative agenda as drafted. City Manager Jackson said that this agenda has been reviewed several times; that it is the desire to keep the agenda concise; he mentioned of the $19.7 million needed for the Sullivan Bridge, we still lack $4 million; and he briefly went over the remaining items. Mayor Towey invited public comments; no comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation:In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: 14'071e. Motion carried. 2. Mayoral Appointment of Councilmembers to Committees—Mayor Towey Mayor Towey explained the process as noted last week concerning making annual Council appointments to various committees, and said with Councilmember Grassel`s announcement of her resignation, he proposed appointing Councilmember Woodard to the Visit Spokane Board, and Councilmember Grafos to the International Trade Alliance. It was moved by Deputy Mayor Schirnrnels and seconded to confirm the Mayoral appointments of Councilmember Woodard to Visit Spokane, and Councilmembers Grafos to the International Trade Alliance. Mayor Towey invited public comment; no comments were offered, Vote by Acclamation:In Favor; Unanimous. Opposed: None. Motion carried. Council Study Session Minutes 12-1842 Page I of 3 Approved by Council:01-08-13 NON-ACTION ITEMS 3.Development Projects Update—John Hohman Via his PowerPoint presentation, Community Development Director Hohman reviewed past and upcoming development activity; and shared comparative statistics such as number of permits from 2007 to 2012,total revenue, and total valuations, adding that those valuations were higher in 2008 due to Walt Worthy putting$33 million into his building. 4,_2013. . Quick Response Safety Grant--Inga Note Traffic Engineer Note gave some background on the 2013 Quick Response Safety Grant Program as noted in her December 19, 2012 Request for Council Action form and said that the grant applications are due January 4, 2013. She said the goal is to reduce fatal and serious collisions on local roads and streets, and to get it done quickly, and added that the program only funds the construction phase, and projects must be construction ready by July 2013, Ms. Note explained the projects she would like to pursue; that staff is currently working on the preliminary engineering for the sign replacement work funded through the 2011 grant program, and many of the City's regulatory signs are over ten years old and losing their nighttime reflectivity; she said the 2011 funding will not replace all the faded signs so we could request additional funds to continue that program, with preliminary design work completed in-house at no additional cost to the City. The second project, she explained, is the Appleway Trail, University to Evergreen; which did not make the short list for funding through the state bicycle and pedestrian grant program. Ms.Note stated that based on the costfbenefit ratio,WSDOT(Washington State Department of Transportation) recommended we apply, and although there are no guarantees for funding, there are several benefits in applying. Engineer Note said if the City paid for the design at $150,000 and receives $1.8 million on construction funding, we would be paying a 7-8% match on the overall project; and said that the initiation of the design process will help it score higher. Ms.Note also stated that in order to meet the timeline, staff would need to immediately hire a consulting firm to start the design work, and said funding for the design could come from REET funds. City Manager Jackson added if there is Council consensus to move forward, we would apply for the grant, start to spend money on the design work and next year include this as a budget amendment. Engineer Worley mentioned that by moving ahead now, even if not selected, having the design started will put us in a great position for future grants. After brief Council discussion,there was Council consensus that staff move forward. 4a.Decant Feasibility Study—Steve Worley[added agenda itend Senior Engineer Worley gave a brief update on the results of work taken place since July concerning the decant project through the efforts of Public Works Director Guth, City Engineer Jenkins and other stormwater staff, as well as staff from WSDOT, and said some WSDOT staff as well as Mr. Jenkins are here if there are additional questions. Mr. Worley displayed three slides, one showing the four possible sites for the decant facility, one showing the preferred concept, and the last slide setting out the current versus the proposed disposal costs. Mr. Worley said the interlocal agreement would tentatively be brought for Council approval consideration in January. Mr. Worley said that WSDOT would own and operate the facility on their property,they would provide $150,000 for a match, and we would design and build the facility and pay our proportionate share to operate and dispose of material, and said if there is concurrence from Council to proceed with the final design and location, staff will work to finalize the grant agreement with the Department of Ecology,which is needed in order for them to get us the money to pay for the design and construction. If all goes well, he explained, the facility would be built this summer and operational either late summer or early fall. There was Council consensus for staff to move forward as described. At 7:00 p.m.,Mayor Towey called for a recess; he reconvened the meeting at 7:10 p.m, Council Study Session Minutes 12-18-12 Page 2 of 3 Approved by Council:01-08-13 5.Procedure to Fill Council Vacancy—Mike Jackson City Manager Jackson explained that due to Councilmember Grassel's announced resignation, we will begin the procedure for her replacement; that the same procedure will be used as in the past, with the objective to having a new councilmember prior to the February 26 workshop. Mr. Jackson mentioned possible questions for candidates, and said that this process will come before Council at the January 8 council meeting for a motion to consider approving the procedure, as well as deciding upon what questions to ask candidates. 6.Advance Agenda—Mayor Towey Deputy Mayor Schimmels mentioned a meeting he and Councilmember Grafos attended regarding transportation funding and TBDs (Transportation Benefit Districts); and it was determined that since additional data is anticipated later, we will wait to schedule an administrative report on that topic until more information is available. 7.Information Only: (a) Sullivan Road Bridge and(b) Department Monthly Reports were for information only and were not discussed. 8. Council Cheek-in—Mayor Towey Mayor Towey announced the proposal to start a monthly community recognition program as part of our ten-year anniversary celebrations for the year 2013; he explained the proposed process of making nominations, voting, and of the recipient receiving a key to the city. Mayor Towey asked if there were any objections to proceed with this program, and none were noted. 9. City Manager Comments Mike Jackson City Manager Jackson said that the work on the Gateway Sign lights progresses and should be accomplished by the end of the year. 10. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Review Performance of Public Employee [RCW 42.30.110(1)(g)] It was moved by Deputy Mayor Schimmels, seconded and unanimously agreed to adjoin?' into Executive Session for approximately ninety minutes to review the peifornrance of a public employee, and that no action will be taken upon return to open session. Council adjourned into Executive Session at 7:24 p.m. At approximately 8:56 p.m., Mayor Towey declared Council out of Executive Session, after which it was immediately moved by Deputy Mayor Schimmels, seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn. [It was noted that due to scheduling conflicts,Councilmember Grassel did not attend the meeting.] ATTES Tomas E. To vey,Mayor h istine Baitabridge, City Clerk i Council Study Session Minutes 12-18-12 Page 3 of 3 Approved by Council:01-08-13 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: December 18, 2012 Department Director Approval: ❑ Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information / admin. report ❑ pending legislation ❑executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Spokane Valley Regional Decant Facility Update GOVERNING LEGISLATION: ROW 90.48, Chapter 173-200 WAC, Title 33 U.S.C. 1251-1376; Storm and Surface Water Utility: SVMC 3.80 PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Council approval of Ecology Grant application for a Decant Facility, November 2011; Council concurrence to draft an Interlocal Agreement with WSDOT to build, operate, and maintain a decant facility on the WSDOT Pines location and performing a feasibility study of the WSDOT Pines location for the decant, July 31, 2012. BACKGROUND: A draft Interlocal Agreement has been created by WSDOT and City staff for the design, construction, operation, and maintenance of a decant facility at the WSDOT Pines/Montgomery Road Maintenance Yard. It provides for the material handling, transport, and disposal costs of materials processed at the facility. Under the proposed agreement, the City would design and construct the decant facility on WSDOT property. In return, WSDOT will own, operate and maintain the facility and will invoice for the City's share of apportioned operations and maintenance costs for the facility. The Interlocal Agreement term would be 30 years. The City hired a consultant to evaluate the feasibility of a facility at the WSDOT Yard. The consultant's work is substantially complete. It appears highly feasible to build at the WSDOT location and is within the order of magnitude costs of the available funding. Staff would like to proceed with finalizing the Ecology grant funding and proceed with final design. OPTIONS: n/a RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Concurrence to: 1) Proceed with Final Design, 2) Finalize Interlocal Agreement with WSDOT and bring to Council for Approval in January 2013, and 3) Finalize grant agreement with Ecology. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The total estimated Decant Facility cost in the grant application is $980,000. The Ecology grant is for up to $735,000 (75%). The required local match is $245,000 (25%), which will consist of APA funds ($95,000) and WSDOT funds ($150,000). STAFF CONTACT: Steve Worley, Senior Capital Improvements Engineer Art Jenkins, Stormwater Engineer Eric Guth, Public Works Direct ATTACHMENTS: PowerPoint Slides POSSIBLE DECANT SITES a' WSDOT PINES RD MAINTENANCE FACILITY Montgomery Vlbr- P w or awn or — - —•r _ I-90 er — r r r Pines eastbound off ramp m Preferred Concept MONTGOMERY DRIVE Ji r —•_• . �� -tip f__z �M J-4M TO5ThOUND 1-90 —,- t SCHEMATIC SITE PLAN LEGEND: wYMtT c l7J d lT Natt 1lT CE1k'MrC8'ri4:T P11AO,r 11011 f 9ND:R - 1/44 174.0'Parrc f7IJA Pt,.purl., .� WCT.1+7!,1N"tunfrw CinD INC171171LCX tea,. • «�.r av PVr+•�.scc-rnwm oftioC1C+TE NY•T Cf VAAT 60.PA PY.. smart-Mrr APAaCOtkr!N:69A9!P111•2• .(r=+ph l4JC Mum I-M( +4'+=CW17..,9.f( +CCr4CC9s1nCt lTw+nrr P rt^G: WALE%DRAG ICE tYAt;, SCHEMATIC SITE PLAN KEYNOTES: 01 ...GsA.a ,arrMv'+P4.:.1/41/41+1/4. 011115L M1A..bst SILFP t_'JI rAA',ritlt 0,0117110 L.7.04 1 i 1 9+CT3..1/4,1 9Mnr14'it'.M9 nary 1a vet vATA 71;Ti nr,m,n MAO r afc'Cts r.Ll TE3` 11/4P10 C1/41/4.PYtk71/4•.Ldir 06.1.Z 111147P Y1M7 rvgArrli.e T+�i P-.>,' • Mbpj+XYTC AY'L ikPXiClAr 1e1 s1'1,41-''.01,54C0."k(I yTTE f_Aa'f:]1+eV L rrf:TM1 p ▪A100,7VATt T7,T07A16Y Mott, fit% iKRtYVT1n;r.e+iAtOR 0 mums;1(tsT r.ffmr. mac`.1r}r[xrt MTM 1C10alem O'ALL!111E 1/411/47 CRATE rpq Tft+lMi1/4TE009CY'l 9CE STIR ACI' .2E,0P1tdCr 010E 'f]wercu 4.1.7`0 MOOT NO M J'PEM.':J• ".V 4.7 1ir91'91C91:$dPP10/19.1.14 71XI y1tVAE3 g Krum ii{Ct}!IG.i11n+=IS IMO 45v lF IiT+N7kr;Iff if[_wrif11'.AIIIIt 1'.Y 1)1 S.€ u I I¢VAC'C1SL r 17a�VYCTCs E1PjE'Win.#AiP'COI CURtn /h dr,.ltrrt.et0 COVTM9l AVIA gltYar7Vwm-19,,Trw.Prill3 Srf Wu, rV&'H1C 5CniE n 7 •C •Y-It' ▪54.110[CLL'TML Igt 0CCA1'710 roLL-v cArf_rV C9JC1,1l.'}:7l g A1PAC•MY.TB-Tr ALMIMLAPPt 154E11CM.,4Y •I Yi7e ntr.-arr 1JrT:PMnT Pest 93 WJA'EAHli IA:LT••dhI1E]9+Ci'r 01 'j1T}M11I"+1,TT ir9 l'h rr CVMAT{, C,.r',pro 07A'49VFEhA4C"17 Wert Ps11st rACIJ!"+E1T+'J5 301751.6L.%WWI Rf1T■rra Pl T T.wlaVEAl:TtX.Sunup 1f1 'MTCC'wa, rr 1 E1Yrta 04wta∎A, inRV■\S 0ult0 I31.EP£0t w017 WC.T7U irefwlml LOT OPTION SCHEMA C SITE PLAN Average Material Disposal Costs Lunen t vs :Pro nt 109 loads/year a:vingg raft- a of 250% to 550 % per Load. Pellets Soak Charge Haul to Landfill Landfill Dump Fee • $260 $160 Proposed Decant 1-x-9-1 ad-s yr $250/load Pellets: $0 Soak Charge:$0 Decant Facility Chg Haul to Landfill Landfill Dump Fee Decant (109 loads/year) $0 $0 $130 $70 $50 Proposed Decant 300 loads/yr DOT Borrow Fill $120/load Pellets:$0 Soak Charge:.$0 Landfill Dump Fee:$0 Decant Facility Chg Haul to DOT Fill Decant (300 loads/year) $0 $0 $50 $70 $0