2012, 12-04 Study Session Minutes MINUTES SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING STUDY SESSION FORMAT Spokane Valley City Hall Council Chambers Spokane Valley,Washington December 4,2012 6:00 p.m. Attendance: Councilmembers Staff Gary Schimmels,Deputy Mayor Mike Jackson,City Manager Dean Grafos,Councilmember Cary Driskell, City Attorney Brenda Grasse', Councilmember Mark Calhoun,Finance Director Chuck Hafner, Councilmember John Hohman, Community Development Dir. Ben Wick,Councilrnember Eric Guth,Public Works Director Arne Woodard,Councihnember Mike Stone,Parks&Recreation Director Lori Barlow, Senior Planner Gabe Gallinger,Dev. Services Sr.Engineer ABSENT: Rick VanLeuven,Police Chief Tom Towey, Mayor Morgan Koudelka, Sr.Administrative Analyst John Whitehead, Human Resources Manager Carolbelle Branch,Public Information Officer Chris Bainbridge,City Clerk Roll Call: Deputy Mayor Schimmels called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. City Clerk Bainbridge called the roll; all Councilmembers were present except Mayor Towey. It was moved by Councihnerrrber Grafos,seconded and unanimously agreed to excuse Mayor Towey from tonight's meeting. ACTION ITEMS: 1. Proposed Resolution 12-009 Extinguishing Easement, East Indiana --Gabe Gallinger It was moved by Councilmember Hafner and seconded to approve Resolution 12-009 extinguishing the Stormwater Easement at 16621 East Indiana Avenue. Development Services Senior Engineer Gallinger explained the background of the drainage easement that was granted in 2011, and of the subsequent purchase of the property in 2012 by a local developer who requested to relocate the existing swale, at his expense, to better facilitate the proposed project. Mr. Gallinger explained that the current property owner requested the extinguishment of the existing easement, and accepted the dedication of a new drainage easement for the relocated swale. Deputy Mayor Schimmels invited public comments;no comments were offered. Vote by Acclamat on:In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Motion carried. 2. Proposed Resolution 12-010 Extinguishing Easement,Mission Avenue—Gabe Gallinger It was moved by Councilmember I1'afirer• and seconded to approve Resolution 12-010 extinguishing the Stornnrater Easement at the Spokane Valley Cancer Care Project on Mission Avenue. Development Services Senior Engineer Gallinger explained the background of the drainage easement that was originally granted in 1992 to Spokane County, which became the City's easement upon incorporation. Mr. Gallinger explained that the developer of the project on this currently vacant lot would like to reconfigure the easement to accommodate the building, which means the current easement needs to be extinguished and a new easement granted; and he said that we already have a recorded copy of the new configuration. Deputy Mayor Schimmels invited public comments; no comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation:In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed:None. Motion carried. Council Study Session Minutes 12-04-12 Page 1 of 4 Approved by Council:01-08-13 NON-ACTION ITEMS: 3.Restoration Plan Report, Shoreline Master Plan—Lori Barlow Senior Planner Barlow introduced Attorney Tadas Kisielius, with whom the City has contracted as a special counselor to assist with the Shoreline Master Plan. Via her PowerPoint presentation, Ms. Barlow gave an overview of the SMA (Shoreline Master Act) rules to develop a restoration plan; and she noted a correction on slide 3 which shows an open house held September 20, however, she explained there was no open house as this aspect of the Plan presents opportunities that are non-binding; and she said that although this piece did not undergo its own public, open house, there will be future opportunities for public comment. Planner Barlow also explained what is required for restoration planning, gave an overview of the restoration plan, existing and ongoing projects and programs, showed the prioritization methodology, discussed restoration opportunities and implementation plans, as well as the timeline and benchmarks for implementing the restoration plan, and ended by giving an update on the overall process and the steps completed.It was noted this will come before Council next week as a proposed resolution to informally accept the Restoration Plan. 4. Fee Schedule for 2013—Mark Calhoun In keeping with our process of annually amending the Master Fee Schedule, Finance Director Calhoun explained the few changes for next year's schedule as noted in the Request for Council Action form, which included the removal of Schedule C pertaining to the Fire Code , which was as a result of the revised Interlocal Agreement approved by Council last February; and the changes for the Parks and Recreation Department. There were no objections from Council to bringing this proposed resolution forward next week for approval consideration. 5. Street Maintenance Contract Renewal—Eric Guth Public Works Director Guth gave a brief overview of the history concerning this contract and subsequent renewals; said this will be the sixth of seven renewals, and if renewed, would expire 2014; he explained that staff is beginning work on putting out a bid for the year 2015,and said this issue will be included in the business plan for 2013 to develop that bid document. Mr. Guth explained that the current contract is a cost plus contract, which means it is cost plus labor, equipment and materials, and a fixed overhead and profit. He said that staff met with the contractor and discussed the operations for 2012 and suggested changes to streamline the process; he said overall, staff is pleased with the work Poe has done. Director Guth said the proposal for 2013 addresses three areas Iabor, with an increase of 2.22%which represents a pass-on from their union negotiations; equipment rates, which did not change for 2012; and materials costs, which actually decreased; and said given the change in labor with the decrease in materials, the figures are much the same,with only about a $160 increase, or 0.002%. Mr. Guth said this renewal is the same scope and service as in 2012, mentioned that they are physically sensitive in what the City is looking for, and said staff recommends brining this forward at the December 11 council meeting for a motion approval consideration. City Manager Jackson added that the contract was also reduced as a result of opening bids for grind and overlay. Councilmember Grafos said the 2013 cost proposal shows street maintenance wages for 2013; and snow operations are at 90% of the union wages, that in 2012 there was a differential of about $2.30, and he asked why that rate is the same for snow as for street maintenance wages when the contract calls for that to be bid at 90%. Mr. Guth said that might be because snow operations are considered a service and not governed by prevailing wages, but said he will research that for next week. Councilmember Grafos also stated that reviewing the snow removal contract this late in the season doesn't permit for any changes, and said he feels the snow operation should be a separate bid and be done well in advance of the snow season. Mr. Jackson noted that point and said he will separate that, and slate the suggestion for future discussion. 6. Street Sweeping Contract Renewal—Eric Guth Public Works Director Guth explained that this contract is similar to Poe's, and this renewal will be the sixth of seven possible option years and the amount will stay the same, which has remained the same Council Study Session Minutes 12-04-12 Page 2 of 4 Approved by Council 01-08-13 since 2009. Mr. Guth explained that staff met with AAA Sweeping staff to discuss the 2012 overall performance and any suggestions for improvements, one of which is to enhance communication and putting the mapping of the street cleaning on our website. Mr. Guth said this contract shows a slight increase of 1% from last year, which only affects the hourly rates and which increase is well under the allowable CPI, and overall, the contract remains the same as last year's, and said he would like to move this forward next week for a motion consideration. There were no objections from Council. 7.Argonne Road Safety Project, Memorandum of Understanding_—Inga Note Standing in for Traffic Engineer Note, Public Works Director Guth explained the proposal for the Argonne Road safety project, and of the Memorandum of Understanding with the City of Millwood for the design and construction of that project;he noted the project cost is fully funded by a HSIP grant. Mr. Jackson added that the agreement is pretty straight-forward, and they would like to add this to next week's consent agenda. There were no objections. Deputy Mayor Schimmels called for a recess at 7:10 p.m., and reconvened the meeting at 7:21 p.m. 8, Position Classifications--John Whitehead Human Resources Manager Whitehead said that this is mostly a housekeeping item as with the adoption of the 2013 budget, the matrix would be changed to reflect the position classification changes connected with the restructuring of the Permitting and Plan Review functions, which were explained earlier in the year, and that they would like to add the resolution amending the classification matrix, to next week's consent agenda. There were no objections from Council. 9. Animal Control—Morgan Koudelka Senior Administrative Analyst Koudelka reported that staff met several times with members from the County staff in working on the draft agreement, and said the mark-up copy represents the latest changes, which are still being discussed so the agreement is not yet finalized, Mr. Koudelka went over the highlights of the agreement and said this agreement will work with or without the participation of the City of Spokane, and said the County indicated they would make it work either way without an impact to our costs; he said staff determined this is still the best option; that the City of Spokane is working on some issues associated with start-up costs, and he is hopeful they will participate. Mr. Koudelka said in response to Councilmember Hafner's concerns with the twenty year contract,they examined the issue and were not able to come up with an acceptable annual cost with a shorter time period; and said there will also be no settle and adjust, but if revenues come in higher than expected, those revenues or additional savings will be taken into account when considering subsequent year's budget. Mr. Koudelka explained that they are looking at all the animal control resources in the area and are now focused on SCRAPS with no changes at this point, but will explore any possibilities that would reduce costs and make this more affordable at this time. There was some discussion about the service and the cash reserves, and Mr. Koudelka explained that the services will be the same, the hours of the shelter will be increased from what they were, but that services could change according to community needs; that they wanted some flexibility and all those things will be taken into consideration by the Board and Nancy Hill to ensure we are getting the best service for the most efficient price. Mr. Koudelka stated that there will not be an automatic CPI; that they continue to work through the last few items, and are waiting for Commissioner Mielke to get back into the country, and after discussion with Mr. Mielke, the contract will be brought back to council for adoption consideration, and said if we run into any "road blocks" he will let Council know; adding that if they are not able to work out the terms of the contract, there are other options to consider. There was further discussion concerning the items listed on page 18 of the contract; grandfathering in our regulations concerning the number of animals or animal breeders; the idea of having a citizen on the Board, and comment from City Manager Jackson that this agreement will not change our regulations and Council Study Session Minutes 12-04-12 Page 3 of 4 Approved by Council:01-08-13 will not take away Council's authority over Spokane Valley's regulations, Mr. Jackson said once negotiations are complete,this will come back to Council for approval consideration. 10.Advance Agenda—Deputy Mayor Schimmels Councilmember Wick said he has invited several people to come to next week's meeting concerning his upcoming report on the Economic Development Ad Hoc Committee, and asked about the possibility of him giving that report earlier in the meeting. Mr. Jackson said he and the City Clerk will look into that possibility. 11. Information Only. The following items were for information only and were not discussed or reported: a. Department Monthly Reports; b. Decant Feasibility Study, and c. Planning Commission approved minutes of October 11, and October 25,2012. 12. Council Check-in—Deputy Mayor Schimmels Deputy Mayor Schimmels read a "Certificate of Municipal Leadership" recognition, which was sent to Councilmember Grasse] upon her completion of the AWC (Association of Washington Cities) leadership training program,and congratulations were extended to Councilmember Grassel. 13. City Manager Comments—Mike Jackson City Manager Jackson said in the past on certain occasions at Council's discretion, City Hall has been closed on Christmas Eve, and noted this year Christmas Eve is a Monday. Several Councilmembers indicated they would be in favor of putting such a motion on the next council agenda for approval consideration. Mr. Jackson also noted that sometimes grant opportunities come in on a very short timeframe, and that Washington State Department of Transportation has announced a potential safety grant,with applications due early January; and said that will likely be forthcoming to Council soon. It was moved by Councilmember Wick, seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m. ATTES omas E. Towey, Mayor :111 N. idati -ad h.- hristine Bainbrid e, City Clerk Council Study Session.Minutes 12-04-12 Page 4 of 4 Approved by Council: 01-08-13