PC APPROVED Minutes 12-13-12.pdf S�o�canc V�II�y Pla�ining Commissiori Ap�r�oved I1�Ii�iutes Co�irtci! Chambers — Cit�� Hall, 11707 E. Spra�i�e Ave. Dece�nbe�• �3, 2012 l. C�LL T(J {}RDER Cl��ir I3ates eallecl the meetir��ko Urcler at 6:00 ,�.n�. II. PL�UG� OT ALL�(7IA\TCE Cominiss�onei•s, staff and au�lie��ce stood far tile �led,�c of a�lc�iance 11I. RQLL CAi,L C011�A�ISSION�I�S Pi•c�cnt �use«t CITY STf1.FF Bill Bat�s -Cllair• �,� � Jolul 1-loiutlan, GD Director Jahn G. Carroll � �,� ScoEt Kuhta, Plannin� Manager Rustin l�a11 �,; � - l�ori Barlo�v, 5enior Ylanner RoCi Hig�ir�s f+� I Steve�l Nci I I ��; � f�i ed �3eaulac �- �� Joe Stoy-- Vice Ch��ir �,� � Dc�r�na Grif'fith, secretary Hca��ii�g alo objcctions, Coi7imissio�lers [;arroll ac�d E3eat�lac �r�ere exc��sed. 1V. AYYItOVAL OF AG�1'�1DA Carr�Tnissiorie�• Stoy �navecC to approve t�Ye agenda as �3R°eser7tcci. Tlte �t�otioti �vas passed un�niiY�ously. V. AYYI�OVAL OF MINUT�S Coi�i�nissio�ier Neill �xlaved ta ap��ro�e f�i� Novetnber 8, 2012 minutes as ��rc�entcd. Tkie �notian �v�s ��assed unanirnously�. VI. PUBLIC COMM�±,N'I' Tl3cre �vas r�o ��iblic camnzettt. VII. COMMISSIO�' 1tCYQ1tTS Coitimissia3icrs I�ad natl�i�lg ta r•epc�i°t. �'I1L AI}�Z1N1S'�'1tA`T1VE 1Z�P(�RT� Comm�uiity I7evelo���7�ent Directar Jaftn Hc�l;man thankcd aat#going 1'lanning C�mi�issianer Rustin Hall. lUir. Hall comtne��ded the c�u�lity of City staff and expressec� his ap�r�ciation anci Planiyin�Cou�nrissiai7 �tinutes 12-3-12,,4pprovcd O 1-10-13 Pagc l of 3 I�c�nar ta be � mcmbcr of tl7c Planning Com�nissEan. C�hair B�tcs alsa thaiiked N9r. H�I] for his effa�•ts. 1X. GDMI�T[SSIaIY�3USI1'���5 A. Un�nis}�ecl Business: "Z'�e COr1l1]ll5S1011 revie«�ec� Findi��gs t111d EZCCOII11�1�I]C{c3l1011 {I[)C%U[ll�[lt fOC CTA°O�-I�, �!7]�Tl[�IIY� Spc�kaile V�lley Mtiriieipal Code (SVMC) 19.�0.12a, 19.40.1�10, 19.�i0.01�0, I�.70.010, a3�ci 19.7D.024 in o��cler� tQ cl�riiy hanle ❑c��:upatioi�s in nonecsidential �aE�es; cl�rify Accessory Dwelling Units {AD[�) in nanresidential zor�es; clarify Recreational Vehicle (E�V) d�se in nonresadential zones; establish r�siclential devCID�7111Ci1t Sle�[1C3i11'(IS ]]l ri01]1'�SICj�Iltic�I 7011e5; est�blis}� standa�•ds for �nan�ifact�u•ed itomes in man�ifactui°eci hoa�c st�bdi�'131DI15. jI!I['. H1��1175 u�oved to approwe the Fi�idings as ��resentc�l. The Co��amissiori voted unanimausly to a��prove ti�e FL[i(I111�,5. �. ���Y�USAlle5*�: SC�7101' PI�IlIl�1' LQl'1 �r�l'�014' �eC� �3 C�ISClI5SlOI1 �1'It�7 tEl� l�lanr7iiag Cpltll71 1 5 5 1 011 OI] Ztl IIICI'Ca5111� tl'011v II] �]U11C�1[7�; �}ei'1111t5 �OC �VC]'S1Z�C� 5�1(}�}5i'Slarti�e stl'uctUres �,�r�lt}7 a small c�4vclling �i�iit intert7�1 to ihe stt•ucture; ��here thc sh��� a��pea�•s to be tije primaiy usc located on a parcel. "I'I7e dep{lt'tltl�tlt I'CCCI1tI� 15SliGCI c1 bLll�dlll�, �7e1']l[llf I�01' c� SElOE) GWtt}1 c� W�1'�� small d�velling �tnit oii the upper Floc�r anc� t�as reccived a �omplaint regarciing the �kruct��re, Ms. Bar9or��1 shot�ed �ict��res of fhe shop, kV{110E1 QYGI°WIl�Il71S [fl� a�ijacent i�ai��es and is aut-of- charac�er far thc ncigl7borlioac�. The Munici�a] Code does nat specifically address tl7ese ty}�es af structures and does nat quantify tE�e area that it�ust be dedicated lo liviij� space in ordcr to me�t tlie cief�nition of prima��y use. Ms. Barlowv� explained thai iE�e following def�iitions liave been ca�lsir�ei•ed collecti�ely to pro��ide skt�ff ��•ith tl�e basis ta tnake a determinakion rcgardir7g ihe use: r�,ccessacy; I�bY�lIl11� U[llt; Princ.ipal StE-uctin�e; r�l�]CI F�l'1[1C'l�fil� US�. CIIC'1'CIIfI}��, stafl' has made tlle inter��r�tation that the �ri�i�ary use allo�ved, +�vhicli is tiie d�velli���, must cons��me ti�c l�rgcst �rea ��ritfii�� tEie siructGn•e iil or�cr to bc consisteni with tiie irtter�t of tl�c code lncl protcct the character af the nei�;laburhaod. ,�, pr�ar adrninistcative inter�retatian rcc�uiced th�t at le�st 51% of the sh•kict��re be the d��elling ��rtipri; hower�cr, subsequent intcrE�f�etatians rec�uired lhe c��ve�lin� portio�� of tkte sfructure t� only meet minir�ium �ui�ciing code requireineuts for a d���cllin�u, ���hich can be as smal� as 30D squ�re feei and iilclude cooki��g, slee�i�Yg a��ci sanitct�•y f3CI�lt1C5. �5. L�al'IC?AY c�iscussed ��atcntial cocie char�ges thal ,��DlIICI ��ddress f�1CSC CII'CllIllStc�I1C�S. I��le iP�illllllll� CO[771T11S51011 c'�,�P���I f�at staff sliould consider ch�n�es to the ;Vlunicipal Cflde. Staff will brief City Council to ctet�ertniiie ii"tk7ey alsc� �gree t1�at a Codc Text Ame�ldment ���ould be ap��rQp�•iate, a�id then follow u�as ncccssaa•y. aL. (�OL�D C)F THI', ORDL+.R There was not17ir1� for tlle gcraci of ti7c or•tier. Planning Commission�•linutes 12-3-12,ll.ppeoa•ed 0i-I 0-�3 Pag�?af 3 XI. AllJOi�RN1VI�NT The being ilo okher �usiness the iit�eti�ig r��as adjaui•ned at 7 p.m. Gake was sei•��ed for �itgoin� Cammis �one�•Rustin EIall. \ �_. �- .�� :� �, �-�'' Bill ��tes, Chairpersan � �.(C�-�1�1�11_� ;_— .7 "��� i /t De�ivia Griffitll, PC S�e•e ar � � Date signed �-l I- 1,.j Plan�iing Commissio�� Minutes 12-3-12 Page 3 aP3