12-197.00 Transpo Group: Pines Rd ITSMd11M1�i O'hs1�1f0t1'' Supplemental Agreement p p g Organization and Address The Transpo Group Number 1 11720 118th Ave NE Suite 600 Kirkland, WA 98034 Original Agreement Number 11 -036 Phone: 425- 821 -3665 Project Number Execution Date Completion Date CM-0027(012) 2/6/2012 10/31/2013 Project Title New Maximum Amount Payable Pines Rd ITS $ 199,763.00 Description of Work Provide construction support services The Local Agency of City of Spokane Valley, Washington desires to supplement the agreement entered into with The Transpo Group and executed on 2/6/2012 and identified as Agreement No. 11 -036 All provisions in the basic agreement remain in effect except as expressly modified by this supplement. The changes to the agreement are described as follows: Section 1, SCOPE OF WORK, is hereby changed to read: See gttgrhad Fxhihit R for the ;come of work added finder this qu nleme ntal agreement 11 Section IV, TIME FOR BEGINNING AND COMPLETION, is amended to change the number of calendar days for completion of the work to read: Cnmpjetinn .rate is reyicecl to October I I e 7011 III Section V, PAYMENT, shall be amended as follows: The total maximum amrnmt pn)Eahle is iinchnnged hjE this lementa1. Agreement as set forth in the attached Exhibit A, and by this reference made a part of this supplement. If you concur with this supplement and agree to the changes as stated above, please sign in the appropriate spaces below and return to this office for final action. By: Brian Burkhard, Vice - President B, l r Consultant Signature DOT Form 140 -063 EF Revised 9/2005 Approving Authority Signature f, l 7.6 -Z_ Date 60 11-01 Exhibit B —Scope of Services Client Name: City of Spokane Valley Project Name: N Pines Road ITS ImprovementsAmendment #1 Exhibit Dated: November 15, 2012 TG: 09257.00 Scope of Work The following describes the key work elements addressed in this amendment for additional design and construction support services: • Task 6 — Construction Support Services for N Pines Road Subtask 6.1 — Responding to Requests for Information (RFIs) after project award Subtask 6.2 - Change Orders Subtask 6.3 — As -Built and System Documentation Task 6 — Construction Support Services Subtask 6.1: Responding for Request For Information (RFIs) Transpo will provide responses to requests for information (RFIs) from the contractor for the N Pines ITS Improvements Project. It is anticipated that RFIs will be routed through the on -site Project Engineer and provided to Transpo in a written format. Transpo will work with the City and contractor to provide resolution to the RFIs. Assumptions: This subtask includes responding up to 20 RFIs Subtask 6.2: Change Orders Transpo will review any change orders, if any, proposed by the Contractor. In addition, Transpo will prepare change orders, if any, resulting from unforeseen conditions such as unanticipated utility conflicts. Subtask 6.3: As -Built and System Documentation Transpo will prepare a set of as -built drawings based on redlines submitted by the contractor and field observations. The as -built drawings will be prepared based on accessible components reflecting location of equipment as constructed. Transpo will not be providing oversight during construction activities, therefore items such as foundation depths or conduit installed encased in concrete or buildings will only be recorded based on information provided by the Contractor. As- builts will be prepared in 2011 Autocad format using standard conventions to indicate changes from the original design drawings. Submittals Included in this additional scope of services in one submittal of as -built plans to be completed after final installation and testing of all components. Transpo will provide three (3) review sets of plans prior to finalizing the as -built drawings. Upon review, Transpo will provide six (6) sets of as -built plans. Submittals will be in 11 X1 7 format and an electronic PDF version and a 2011 AutoCAD version will be provided. Assumptions • The duration of the construction management services is expected to cover construction work to be performed in spring and summer of 2013. • Review of Traffic Control Plans is not included in this scope of services. • Fiber cable data will be provided with graphical presentation for strands and splices by another party, after installation • Transpo will not be providing oversight during construction activities. • Other parties will perform the following tasks: Equipment, Material and Plans Review Review product data sheets for the ITS components and materials for general conformance with contract requirements. As noted in Specifications, the Contractor has the option of providing alternative equipment subject to review and approval by the Engineer. Should the contractor submit alternative equipment, another party will review the equipment for general conformance to the system requirements. Should alternative equipment be provided, the contractor will ultimately still be responsible for ensuring overall functionality of the system using the alternative equipment. Review Warranties, Manuals and Shop Drawing submittals as required by Specifications. Responses to all reviews will be provided to the City to be returned to the Contractor. Review ITS Device and Systems Testing Review the testing procedures and results for testing required in the Contract Provisions. Testing is anticipated for the following elements: • Fiber Cable Testing • Attenuation Testing • Optical Time Domain Reflectometer (OTDR) Testing • Compliance Testing • Validation Testing • CCTV System Testing • Bench CCTV Test • Local CCTV Test • TMC CCTV Test