2013, 01-29 Study Session AGENDA SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION FORMAT Tuesday,January 29,2013 6:00 p.m. CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 11707 East Sprague Avenue,First Floor (Please Silence Your Cell Phones During the Meeting) DISCUSSION LEADER SUBJECT/ACTIVITY GOAL ROLL CALL ACTION ITEM: 1. Steve Worley Interlocal Agreement,Decant Facility Motion Consideration [public comment] NON-ACTION ITEMS: 2.Mayor Towey January Community Recognition Presentation of Key and Certificate 3.Bruce Rawls, Spokane Sewer Billings,Payments and Liens Discussion/Information County Utilities Division 4.Morgan Koudelka ESRI Interlocal Agreement(GIS Services) Discussion/Information 5.Mayor Towey Council Position#1 Candidate Interviews Conduct Interviews (a)Kevin Anderson (b)Amy Biviano (c)Lewis Rodney Higgins (d)Linda Thompson (e) Samuel P.Wood 6.Mayor Towey Advance Agenda Discussion/Information 7. Information Only (will not be reported or discussed): Greater Spokane, Inc. Quarterly Report 8.Mayor Towey Council Check in Discussion/Information 9.Mike Jackson City Manager Comments Discussion/Information ADJOURN Note: Unless otherwise noted above,there will be no public comments at Council Study Sessions. However,Council always reserves the right to request information from the public and staff as appropriate. During meetings held by the City of Spokane Valley Council,the Council reserves the right to take"action"on any item listed or subsequently added to the agenda. The term"action"means to deliberate,discuss,review,consider,evaluate, or make a collective positive or negative decision. NOTICE: Individuals planning to attend the meeting who require special assistance to accommodate physical,hearing,or other impairments,please contact the City Clerk at(509)921-1000 as soon as possible so that arrangements may be made. Study Session Agenda,Jan 29,2013 Page 1 of 1 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: January 29, 2013 Department Director Approval: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ® new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation ❑ executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Motion Consideration: Proposed "Interlocal Agreement GCB 1358 between WSDOT and the City of Spokane Valley for a Regional Decant Facility." GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 90.48, Chapter 173-200 WAC, Title 33 U.S.C. 1251-1376; Storm and Surface Water Utility: SVMC 3.80; PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Council approval of Ecology Grant application for a Decant Facility, November 2011; Council concurrence to draft an Interlocal Agreement with the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) to build, operate, and maintain a decant facility on the WSDOT Pines location and performing a feasibility study of the WSDOT Pines location for the decant, July 31, 2012; and Council concurrence with verbal agreements with Ecology on WSDOT ownership and operation of the facility, December 18, 2012; and Council concurrence with finalizing Interlocal Agreement with WSDOT, January 15, 2013. BACKGROUND: An Interlocal Agreement has been created by WSDOT and City staff for the design, construction, operation, and maintenance of a decant facility at the WSDOT Pines/Montgomery Road Maintenance Yard. It provides for the material handling, transport, and disposal costs of materials processed at the facility. Under the proposed agreement, the City would design and construct the decant facility on WSDOT property. In return, WSDOT will own, operate and maintain the facility and will invoice the City's share of proportionate operations and maintenance costs for the facility. The Interlocal Agreement term would be for the expected life of the facility of 30 years. The Agreement received final review and approval from the State Attorney General's office. OPTIONS: The Council may approve the Interlocal, deny the Interlocal, or request changes. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: I move to authorize the City Manager to finalize and execute the "Interlocal Agreement GCB 1358 between WSDOT and the City of Spokane Valley for a Regional Decant Facility." BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The total estimated Decant Facility cost in the grant application is $980,000. The Ecology grant is for up to $735,000 (75%). The required local match is $245,000 (25%), which will consist of APA funds ($95,000) and WSDOT funds ($150,000). The City's share of the anticipated annual operating costs for 2014 is $36,500. STAFF CONTACT: Steve Worley, Senior Capital Projects Engineer Art Jenkins, Stormwater Engineer ATTACHMENTS: Interlocal Agreement GCB 1358 City of Spokane Valley Yearly Estimated Decant Facility Costs Cost Factor Cost (Rounded Cost for Agreement Estimated Facility Cost $5,600 $5,500 Estimated Bioswale Cost $2,500 $2,500 Estimated Decant Labor $7,305 $7,500 Estimated Decant Equip $2,361 $2,500 Estimated Haul Labor $6,848 $7,000 Estimated Haul Equip $3,260 $3,500 Estimated Haul Site Labor $4,109 $4,000 Estimated Haul Site Equip $510 $500 Estimated Dump Fees N/A City prefers to be invoiced separately if material must be taken to a landfill Estimated Admin Fees $3,597 $3,500 Total $36,090 $36,500 Spokane Valley Regional Decant Facility Interlocal Agreement 1 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT GCB 1358 2 BETWEEN WSDOT AND THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY 3 FOR A 4 REGIONAL DECANT FACILITY 5 6 This Agreement is made and entered into by and between the Washington State Department of 7 Transportation (WSDOT) and the City of Spokane Valley (CITY), individually"Party" and 8 collectively "Parties." 9 10 WHEREAS, the CITY and WSDOT have a need for a Spokane Valley Regional Decant Facility, 11 hereinafter"Facility,"to process vacuum truck Eductor Material for regulation and operational 12 purposes; and 13 14 WHEREAS, the CITY and WSDOT have mutually agreed to design and construct such a 15 Facility that,when completed will be owned, operated, and maintained by WSDOT; and 16 17 WHEREAS, WSDOT will provide the property for the Facility; and 18 19 WHEREAS, the CITY will manage the design and construction of the Facility with a financial 20 contribution from WSDOT; and 21 22 WHEREAS, in accordance with the terms and conditions contained herein,the CITY has agreed 23 to be the lead for the construction of this Facility in consideration of the WSDOT's agreement to 24 reimburse the CITY One Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($150,000) for expenses associated 25 with its construction; and 26 27 WHEREAS, in accordance with the terms and conditions contained herein, WSDOT has agreed 28 to be responsible for the operation, maintenance, and major refurbishment of this Facility in 29 consideration of the CITY's agreement to reimburse WSDOT for the CITY's share of the 30 expenses associated with its operation, maintenance, and major refurbishment; and 31 32 WHEREAS, the Facility will be available as an Eductor Material Decant Facility for the CITY 33 and WSDOT, 34 35 WHEREAS, the cooperative provisions of this Interlocal Agreement(hereinafter the 36 "Agreement") are in the best interests of the public, 37 38 NOW, THEREFORE, pursuant to RCW 39.34, the above recitals that are incorporated herein as 39 if fully set forth below, and in consideration of the terms, conditions, covenants, and 40 performances contained herein, and Exhibit A, City of Spokane Valley Yearly Estimated Decant 41 Facility Costs, which is attached hereto and by reference made part of this Agreement, 42 THE PARTIES MUTUALLY AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 43 44 GCA 1358 Page 1 of 10 Spokane Valley Regional Decant Facility Interlocal Agreement 1 1 PURPOSE 2 1.1 The purpose of this Agreement is to permit the Parties to jointly use the Facility designed 3 and constructed by the CITY on WSDOT property, as well as share in the costs of the 4 operation, maintenance, and major refurbishment of the Facility by WSDOT. 5 1.2 WSDOT and the CITY individually collect Eductor Material to maintain street, roads and 6 highways and have a need for a permanent Facility to process the liquids and material 7 collected in accordance with environmental regulations. To accomplish this, WSDOT and 8 the CITY will finance, site,permit, design, construct, operate and maintain a joint use 9 Facility that will handle, separate, and process Eductor Material generated by the Parties, 10 hereinafter, the "Project." 11 1.3 The finished Facility will process Eductor Material for each Party. The Facility will 12 provide a decant feature for liquids and a storage and sorting pad for materials collected, 13 including unknown waste,that is in compliance with Federal, State, and Local 14 environmental regulations. This Agreement further provides for contributory funding of 15 the Project by the CITY and by WSDOT. 16 2 DEFINITIONS 17 2.1 "Eductor"means a large industrial vacuum used to clean, temporarily store, and transport 18 material from structures, pipes, ponds, and associated facilities to transfer or final 19 disposal locations. 20 2.2 "Eductor Material"means the solid or liquid debris collected with an Eductor from 21 stormwater structures, pipes,ponds, and associated facilities. Eductor Material does not 22 include waste from sanitary sewer systems. 23 2.3 "Facility"means the Spokane Valley Regional Decant Facility. 24 25 2.4 "Liquid Waste"means liquids which cannot be discharged to surface water, groundwater, 26 or air of the State of Washington as defined by WAC 173-200, WAC 173-201A and 27 WAC 173-400. 28 2.5 "Maintenance and Operation Plan"means the written plan developed for and by WSDOT 29 and the CITY detailing Facility operation and maintenance during the active life of the 30 Facility. 31 2.6 "Major Refurbishment"means any work that is not normally performed on a regular 32 daily, weekly, or monthly schedule. Examples would include repairs and needed 33 replacements of roofing, concrete sections, etc. 34 2.7 "Regulatory Guidelines"means those applicable federal, state, and local regulations and 35 policies that govern the treatment and reuse of Eductor Material. 36 2.8 "Solid Waste"means that waste defined by RCW 70.95.030 (23) and WAC 173-304-100 37 (73)with the exception of wastes excluded by WAC 173-304-015. 38 2.9 "Spokane Valley Regional Decant Facility"means a handling facility designed for the 39 specific intent of providing a place where collected Eductor Materials are processed, GCB 1358 Page 2 of 10 Spokane Valley Regional Decant Facility Interlocal Agreement 1 therein rendering the material suitable for reuse, recycling, composting, or disposal 2 according to Regulatory Guidelines and operational processes. 3 2.10 "Subtitle C Hazardous Waste Landfill"means a permitted landfill that accepts hazardous 4 waste as specified in Subtitle C of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). 5 2.11 "Subtitle D Municipal Solid Waste Landfill"means a permitted landfill that accepts non- 6 hazardous solid waste as specified in Subtitle D of the Resource Conservation and 7 Recovery Act (RCRA). 8 2.12 "Suspect Load"means loads which require special handling or testing due to unusual or 9 unknown characteristics that might indicate the material would be designated as a 10 dangerous waste in accordance with WAC 173-303 or would be unsuitable for any 11 planned land application. 12 2.13 "Working days" for this Agreement are defined as Monday through Friday, excluding 13 Washington State holidays per RCW 1.16.050. 14 3 ADMINISTRATION 15 3.1 The Area Maintenance Superintendent, or designee, for WSDOT shall administer and 16 manage the Facility. The CITY and WSDOT shall share the use of the Facility. Incoming 17 trucks will be handled on a first come,first served, basis. 18 3.2 WSDOT may enter into similar Agreements for access and use of the Facility with other 19 local or county governments with the CITY's prior written approval. The CITY and 20 WSDOT shall share primacy of access and use over all other users that have been 21 authorized to access and use the Facility. 22 3.3 The CITY will restrict its unloading of Eductor Material to that generated from within 23 the city limits of the City of Spokane Valley and which is the legal responsibility of the 24 CITY to pick up and process. 25 4 PARTY RESPONSIBILITIES 26 4.1 WSDOT RESPONSIBILITIES: 27 4.1.1 Provide the property for the Facility. 28 4.1.2 Be the lead agency for regulatory permitting of the Facility. 29 4.1.3 Jointly with the CITY, provide input, approval and acceptance at each stage of the 30 CITY's Project on WSDOT property, including the planning, design, bid, 31 construction, and final acceptance phases. 32 4.1.4 Operate and maintain the Facility. WSDOT agrees to work cooperatively with the CITY 33 in drafting WSDOT's Maintenance and Operation Plan for the Facility. WSDOT will, 34 however, have final say as to the content of the final version of the Maintenance and 35 Operation Plan adopted for the Facility. The Maintenance and Operation Plan will be 36 adopted prior to the acceptance of any Eductor Material at the Facility. WSDOT also 37 agrees to consult with the CITY prior to any future amendments to the Maintenance and 38 Operation Plan. GCB 1358 Page 3 of 10 Spokane Valley Regional Decant Facility Interlocal Agreement 1 4.1.5 The CITY has the right to unload the equivalent of Sixty (60) cubic yards or Six (6) 2 Eductor Material loads per day. 3 4.1.6 Pay the proportionate share of operations and maintenance costs monthly for WSDOT- 4 delivered Eductor Material as determined from actual documented costs for 5 management, handling, and disposal of the WSDOT delivered Eductor Material. 6 4.1.7 Invoice the proportionate share of operations and maintenance costs monthly for CITY- 7 delivered Eductor Material as determined from actual documented costs for management, 8 handling, and disposal of the CITY-delivered Eductor Material. 9 4.1.8 Invoice the proportionate share of major refurbishment projects to the CITY based on 10 annual percentage use of the Facility by the CITY. 11 4.2 CITY RESPONSIBILITIES: 12 4.2.1 Provide materials, equipment, and labor to design and construct the 13 Facility. 14 4.2.2 Provide management of the Project through the planning, design, bid, 15 construction, commissioning, and final acceptance phases of the 16 Project. Obtain approvals from WSDOT at each stage prior to 17 beginning subsequent stages. 18 4.2.3 The CITY may provide WSDOT with input for all proposed major 19 refurbishments planned for the Facility; however, WSDOT shall have 20 the final say as to what work is performed. 21 4.2.4 Pay the CITY's proportionate share of the Facility's monthly costs for 22 CITY-delivered Eductor Material as determined from actual 23 documented costs for operation and maintenance of the Facility and 24 WSDOT's disposal of the CITY-delivered Eductor Material. The CITY 25 also agrees to pay its proportionate share of all major refurbishment 26 costs based on its annual percentage use of the Facility. 27 5 BILLING AND PAYMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION,MAINTENANCE & 28 OPERATION OF THE FACILITY,INCLUDING MAJOR REFURBISHMENTS 29 5.1 WSDOT agrees to reimburse the CITY for the actual direct salary and direct non-salary 30 costs for the design and construction of the Project minus WSDOT permitting, design, 31 and construction support costs. WSDOT agrees to provide up to One Hundred Fifty 32 Thousand Dollars ($150,000) toward the design and construction of the Project. 33 5.2 For Project design and construction costs, the CITY agrees to submit a single invoice to 34 WSDOT for WSDOT review and approval for CITY work completed by June 30, 2013. 35 The invoice shall detail the work accomplished and include a detailed breakdown of all 36 costs being billed. WSDOT agrees to deduct its permitting, design and construction 37 support costs from the invoice and make payment to the CITY for up to One Hundred 38 Fifty Thousand Dollars ($150,000)based upon an approved invoice within thirty (30) 39 calendar days of invoice receipt. GCB 1358 Page 4 of 10 Spokane Valley Regional Decant Facility Interlocal Agreement 1 5.3 WSDOT charges for Eductor Material shall be based on WSDOT's actual direct salary 2 and direct non-salary costs for performing all work associated with the receiving of 3 Eductor Material, its processing and disposal, Facility operation and maintenance. 4 5.4 For operations, and maintenance costs, WSDOT shall invoice the CITY on a monthly 5 basis, and the CITY agrees to pay its proportionate share of Facility operations and 6 maintenance costs based on actual documented costs for management,handling, and/or 7 disposal of CITY-delivered Eductor Material. For Major Refurbishment costs,WSDOT 8 shall invoice the CITY upon completion of the work, and the CITY agrees to pay its 9 proportionate share of the work. Invoices will be addressed to the attention of the CITY's 10 Public Works Director, current address 11707 E. Sprague, Suite 106, Spokane Valley, 11 WA 99206. Should the address change, the CITY shall provide WSDOT with at least 12 sixty (60) calendar days advance written notice. 13 5.5 The CITY agrees to pay all properly documented and approved invoices within thirty 14 (30) calendar days from the date received. Should a dispute arise regarding any amounts 15 billed to the CITY, the CITY agrees to process payment on any undisputed amounts. Any 16 disputed amount will be handled following the process set forth in Section 14, DISPUTE 17 RESOLUTION. 18 5.6 It is estimated that the CITY's share of the cost of routine maintenance and operation in 19 the first year will be Thirty Six Thousand, Five Hundred Dollars, ($36,500) as detailed in 20 Exhibit A, attached hereto and by reference made part of this Agreement. The CITY 21 agrees to set aside funds for payment to the WSDOT for such work in this amount. It is 22 anticipated that actual costs will vary as materials, wages, amount of usage, and other 23 costs are actually incurred. It is also anticipated that these cost may increase or decrease 24 as circumstances change in future years. These costs will be invoiced by WSDOT 25 according to Section 5.4, above. 26 6 ACCEPTABLE MATERIAL RECEIVED FROM EACH PARTY 27 6.1 Each Party shall assure that Eductor Material delivered to the Facility is from normal 28 maintenance and operations of its roadways, culverts, ponds and storm drainage systems. 29 Each Party shall assure to the greatest extent practicable that Eductor Material delivered 30 to the Facility contains only material appropriate for disposal at a Subtitle D Municipal 31 Solid Waste Landfill (for solids) and the Spokane County Water Reclamation Facility or 32 other approved method (for liquids)under applicable local, state and federal laws, which 33 shall for the purposes of this Agreement be considered acceptable Eductor Material. 34 WSDOT shall only be obligated to accept and process acceptable Eductor Material. 35 WSDOT may test incoming loads to identify Suspect Loads. 36 7 MATERIAL REUSAGE OR DISPOSAL 37 7.1 After the Eductor Material solids are separated from the liquids, each Party retains the 38 right to reuse the solids portion of its Eductor Material by hauling it off site to another 39 appropriate location, such as a job site. If not reused by the responsible Party, each Party 40 will be individually responsible for hauling and disposal of its own solids at a suitable 41 site. WSDOT may agree to haul and dispose of the CITY's Educator Material at the 42 CITY's request GCB 1358 Page 5of10 Spokane Valley Regional Decant Facility Interlocal Agreement 1 7.2 Each Party will be individually responsible for any cost associated with disposal of its 2 solid Eductor Material to a permitted land fill,unless such solids are disposed of 3 accordance with Section 7.1. 4 7.3 Should WSDOT find a suitable end use for Eductor Material, it will notify the CITY, and 5 the CITY may agree to participate in that end use. The CITY will notify WSDOT of its 6 preferred reuse-disposal decision. 7 7.4 WSDOT shall invoice the CITY for disposal costs according to the terms and conditions 8 in Sections 5.4 and 5.5. 9 8 ADDITIONAL CHARGES FOR SUSPECT LOADS 10 8.1 Suspect Loads shall only be deposited in a separate designated area reserved for Suspect 11 Loads only. 12 8.2 If the CITY unloads a Suspect Load at the Facility, the CITY shall be responsible to pay 13 all handling, testing, profiling, transportation, and proper disposal costs to WSDOT. The 14 CITY agrees that it will pay the additional costs incurred by WSDOT in dealing with 15 Suspect Loads, including the cost of disposal, if after testing the solids must be taken to a 16 Subtitle C Hazardous Waste Landfill. Invoicing and payment shall be pursuant to Section 17 5, above. 18 8.3 WSDOT will invoice the CITY all additional charges incurred by WSDOT as a result of 19 a CITY deposited Suspect Load in accordance with Section 5, above. 20 8.4 Each Party will retain ownership of Suspect Loads for purposes of documenting and 21 reporting as required by law. 22 9 WSDOT RESERVATION OF RIGHTS IN AN EMERGENCY 23 9.1 WSDOT reserves the right to manage the Eductor Materials of each Party as necessary in 24 emergency situations to ensure unbiased,uninterrupted and compliant operation of the 25 Facility. In the event of an emergency, WSDOT shall (a)provide advance notice to the 26 CITY of any changes to normal operations and maintenance, to the extent practicable and 27 (b)notify the CITY by the end of the following working day of any changes in operation 28 and maintenance, if advance notice could not be provided. 29 10 RIGHT OF ENTRY 30 10.1 WSDOT grants the CITY, it's employees, authorized agents, and/or contractors a non- 31 exclusive right of entry onto the Facility property during normal business hours for the 32 purpose of accomplishing the design and construction of the Facility and only for the 33 purposes outlined in this Agreement. No other rights to the Facility property prior to 34 completion of the Facility for any other purpose shall be allowed unless the Parties enter 35 into a written Amendment prior to any additional use. 36 10.2 Once the Facility is operational, the CITY, its employees, authorized agents, and/or 37 contractors shall be authorized to enter the Facility at any time for the purpose of 38 delivering Eductor Materials and picking up processed solids for the purpose of 39 delivering to another location. GCB 1358 Page 6 of 10 Spokane Valley Regional Decant Facility Interlocal Agreement 1 10.3 If there is an imminent risk of loss of life, health or property, WSDOT may restrict or 2 discontinue access to the Facility without prior notice to the CITY, but WSDOT shall 3 notify the CITY as soon as reasonably possible after discovery of the imminent risk and 4 the temporary change in access to the Facility. 5 11 TERM 6 11.1 The term of this Agreement is from the date of execution of this Agreement and shall 7 continue through June 30, 2043, unless extended by mutual agreement or terminated 8 sooner according to Section 12, TERMINATION. This term coincides with the life 9 expectancy of the Facility. 10 12 TERMINATION 11 12.1 Either Party may terminate this Agreement through written mutual agreement. 12 12.2 With the termination of this Agreement, the CITY agrees to reimburse WSDOT for its 13 cost obligations incurred through the date of termination, as well as all disposal costs 14 incurred by WSDOT for CITY-delivered Eductor Material that remains at the Facility at 15 the time the termination is effective. 16 12.3 If WSDOT terminates its participation in this Agreement, WSDOT agrees to reimburse 17 the CITY a prorated amount of the CITY's funding contribution (a combination of the 18 original grant amount plus the CITY's matching funds)based on the number of months 19 remaining of the thirty (30)year term of the Agreement. 20 12.4 If the CITY terminates this Agreement, the CITY may no longer use the Facility. 21 13 REGULATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS 22 13.1 Each Party agrees to follow all current and future applicable Federal, State and Local 23 Eductor Material collection,processing,reuse and disposal laws,regulations, and 24 policies. 25 14 DISPUTE RESOLUTION 26 14.1 In the event that a dispute arises under this Agreement, it shall be resolved as follows: 27 The WSDOT and the CITY shall each appoint a member to a disputes board, these two 28 members shall select a third board member not affiliated with either Party. The three- 29 member board shall conduct a dispute resolution hearing that shall be informal and 30 unrecorded. An attempt at such dispute resolution in compliance with aforesaid process 31 shall be a prerequisite to the filing of any litigation concerning the dispute. The Parties 32 shall equally share in the cost of the third disputes board member; however, each Party 33 shall be responsible for its own costs and fees. 34 15 VENUE 35 15.1 In the event that either Party deems it necessary to institute legal action or proceedings to 36 enforce any right or obligation under this Agreement, the Parties agree that any such 37 action or proceedings shall be brought in the Superior Court situated in Spokane County. 38 Each Party shall be responsible for its own costs, including the costs of its attorneys. GCB 1358 Page 7 of 10 Spokane Valley Regional Decant Facility Interlocal Agreement 1 2 3 4 16 INDEMNIFICATION 5 16.1 The Parties shall protect, defend, indemnify, and hold harmless each other and their 6 employees and/or authorized agents,while acting within the scope of their employment as 7 such, from any and all costs, claims,judgments, and/or awards of damages (both to persons 8 and/or property), arising out of, or in any way resulting from, each Party's obligations to be 9 performed pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement. The Parties shall not be required 10 to indemnify, defend, or hold harmless the other Party if the claim, suit, or action for 11 injuries, death, or damages (both to persons and/or property) is caused by the negligence or 12 wrongful act of the other Party; provided that, if such claims, suits, or actions result from 13 the concurrent negligence or wrongful act of(a) the WSDOT, its employees and/or 14 authorized agents and(b) the CITY, its employees and/or authorized agents, or involves 15 those actions covered by RCW 4.24.115, the indemnity provisions provided herein shall be 16 valid and enforceable only to the extent of the proportionate responsibility of each Party, its 17 employees and/or authorized agents. 18 19 16.2 The CITY agrees that its obligations under this section extends to any claim, loss, demand, 20 cause of action, lawsuit, obligation, liability,judgment, award and/or damage of any kind or 21 nature brought by or on behalf of any of its officials, employees or agents (the "Claims"). 22 For this purpose, the CITY,by mutual negotiation,hereby waives any immunity that would 23 otherwise be available to the CITY regarding such Claims under the Industrial Insurance 24 provisions of Title 51 RCW of the State of Washington. 25 26 16.3 This indemnification and waiver shall survive the termination of this Agreement. 27 17 INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR 28 17.1 The WSDOT shall be deemed an independent contractor for all purposes, and the 29 employees of the WSDOT or any of its contractors, subcontractors, consultants, and the 30 employees thereof, shall not in any manner be deemed to be employees of the CITY. 31 17.2 The CITY shall be deemed an independent contractor for all purposes, and the employees 32 of the CITY or any of its contractors, subcontractors, consultants, and the employees 33 thereof, shall not in any manner be deemed to be employees of the WSDOT. 34 18 AUDITS/RECORDS 35 18.1 During the term of this Agreement and for a period not less than six (6)years from the 36 date of the termination of this Agreement, the records and accounts pertaining to the 37 work pursuant to this Agreement shall be kept available by both Parties for inspection 38 and audit by both Parties, and copies of all records, accounts, documents, or other data 39 pertaining to this Agreement will be furnished upon request. Both Parties shall have full 40 access to and right to examine and copy said records, during normal business hours and 41 as often as it deems necessary. Both Parties agree that the work performed herein is GCB 1358 Page 8 of 10 Spokane Valley Regional Decant Facility Interlocal Agreement 1 subject to audit by either Party. Should an audit, enforcement, or litigation process be 2 commenced,but not completed, during the aforementioned six (6) year period then both 3 Parties' obligations hereunder shall be extended until the conclusion of that pending 4 audit, enforcement or litigation process. 5 19 FORCE MAJEURE 6 19.1 Except for payment of sums due,neither Party shall be liable to the other Party or 7 deemed in default under this Agreement if and to the extent that such Party's performance 8 of this Agreement is prevented by reason of force majeure, including but not limited to an 9 unforeseeable or inevitable event caused by nature, fires, strikes, insurrections, riots, 10 embargoes, delays in transportation or inability to obtain supplies. 11 20 AMENDMENT 12 20.1 The provisions of this Agreement may be amended with the mutual consent of the 13 Parties.No additions to, or alterations of, the terms of this Agreement shall be valid 14 unless made in writing and formally approved and executed by the duly authorized agents 15 of both Parties prior to commencing any modified activities authorized under the 16 Amendment. 17 21 DOCUMENT EXECUTION AND FILING 18 21.1 Upon execution, the executed originals of this Agreement shall be returned such that each 19 Party has one executed original. Each Party shall file the Agreement as may be allowed 20 by applicable law. 21 22 AUTHORITY 22 22.1 This Agreement is executed in accordance with the authority of chapter 39.34 RCW, the 23 Interlocal Cooperation Act. The following information is given pursuant to the provisions 24 of RCW 39.34.030. 25 22.2 Unless otherwise specifically agreed to in writing by WSDOT, all property, personal and 26 real,utilized by the Parties hereto in the execution of this Agreement are, and shall 27 remain the property of WSDOT upon completion of construction and acceptance of the 28 Facility by WSDOT. The CITY shall have no ownership interest in the Facility or 29 WSDOT's property upon which it is constructed. 30 22.3 Nothing in this Agreement shall preclude any Party from maintaining and utilizing its 31 own holding facilities. 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 GCB 1358 Page 9 of 10 Spokane Valley Regional Decant Facility Interlocal Agreement 1 2 3 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have executed this Agreement number GCB 1358 4 as of the Party's date signed last below. 5 STATE OF WASHINGTON CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION By By Name: Name: Title: Director of Maintenance and Title: City Clerk Operations Date: Date: Name: Title: City Manager Date: REVIEWED AS TO FORM APPROVED AS TO FORM Name: Ann E Salay Name: Title: Assistant Attorney General Title: City Attorney Date: Date: 6 GCB 1358 Page 10 of 10 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: January 29, 2013 Department Director Approval: ❑ Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ® admin. report ❑ pending legislation ❑ executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: January Community Recognition GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: At the January 15, 2013, Council meeting, Mayor Towey mentioned the selection process for the Community Recognition Program and said that the first presentation would be January 29; with the 5th of the month as the cutoff for the next and subsequent month's nominations. BACKGROUND: As part of our ten-year anniversary celebrations in 2013, the City of Spokane Valley wants to recognize those individuals, organizations and businesses in Spokane Valley that have made our community a better place. Throughout the anniversary year, Mayor Towey and members of the Spokane Valley City Council will honor individuals, organizations and businesses that have had positive impacts on our community. Those selected for recognition will be honored at a City Council meeting and presented with a Key to the City, and a commemorating certificate. Four nominations were received for the January Community Recognition. OPTIONS: n/a RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Mayor Towey will present the Key to the City and a commemorating certificate to his choice from among those nominated. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF/COUNCIL CONTACT: Mayor Towey ATTACHMENTS: CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: January 29, 2013 Department Director Approval: ❑ Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ® admin. report ❑ pending legislation ❑ executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Sewer Billings, Payments and Liens GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: Bruce Rawls, of the Spokane County Utilities Division, will discuss sewer billings, payments and liens. OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: ATTACHMENTS: PowerPoint Presentation Discussion of Sewer Billing, Payments, & Liens January 29 , 2013 Spokane County Division of Utilities Discussion Items Update on sewer account delinquencies Update on sewer billing process Discuss recent problems on E-Bill accounts Discuss liens and proposed actions Payment Status 2011 2013 ❑ Total Liens $2 , 107,000 $3,098,000 ❑ Active liens 1 ,596 1 ,795 ❑ Average lien value $ 1 ,320 $ 1 ,726 SF Residential 85.4 % 91 .5 % ❑ Duplexes 7. 1 % 4.7 % ❑ Commercial 3.5 % 2.3 % As of December, total past due balance-$4 ,609,386 3 Current Sewer Billing Process Bills are mailed in first week of each month Payments are due 25th of the month , or next business day Customers typically get several days of grace after due date Then , 10 % late payment penalty is charged , interest begins accruing at 8 % per annum Can waive late payment penalty and interest for one month , one time Current Billing Process-Cont'd Lien warning letter is sent when an account is 60 days past due, and at least $600 delinquent Customers are requested to make payment arrangements (allow 6-months), or a lien will be filed Approximately 30 days after the lien warning letters are sent, liens are filed Liens are re-certified when account is again 60 days past due, and > $600 delinquent Penalties and Interest Charges Late payment penalties ( 10 % ) 2009 = $457 ,000 ; 2012 = $625, 386 Interest on delinquent payments (8 % ) 2009=$ 199 , 500 ; 2012 = $351 , 170 Re-certification Report #Liens Filed Residential Duplex Commercial Multi-Family Vacant < 10 1595 79 38 18 7 10 16 11 7 1 12 4 1 1 13 5 1 1 14 4 1 15 4 1 16 4 17 1 18 5 19 1 20 1 28 1 33 1 TOTAL 1646 84 41 19 8 Owners of multiple properties with liens Two owners have 7 properties One owner has 5 properties One owner has 4 properties Two owners have 3 properties 32 owners have 2 properties The most significant case is an owner of 4 residential properties with liens totaling > $38,000 Lien Filing Costs Auditor's Office must charge fees prescribed by law $32 to file each lien and $32 to release each lien ($64 total) Estimated annual cost to Division of Utilities- $ 125,000 Lien Costs may not be charged to the sewer account, unless County files for foreclosure E-Bill Accounts Customers attempt to initiate E-Billing Small percentage fail Many (most?) do not open the monthly E-Bill Do not monitor bank account for withdrawals Solution—Utilities will query the E-Bill accounts monthly and send a paper bill when delinquent Proposed Measures-Liens Allow payment plan provisions, when lien warning letters are sent out, up to 12 months Allow partial payments on liens, on request • Lien < $ 1 ,000 --minimum payment of $500 • Lien > $ 1 ,000 --minimum 50 % of lien amount • And agreement to a payment plan • Start foreclosure actions on the most seriously delinquent accounts 11 Recommended Foreclosure Threshold Initiate a foreclosure policy for the most significantly delinquent sewer accounts Set initial threshold for foreclosure based on the amount of delinquent charges and on number of liens filed against the sewer account ❑ 10 liens/re-certifications and $4,000; or ❑ $10,000 with 2 or more liens/re-certifications When multiple accounts with common ownership reach composite liens of > $ 10,000 Under this recommendation , 77 out of 1 ,795 liens would commence into foreclosure for delinquent sewer fees at this time, and collect > $572 ,000 12 Foreclosure Process State law allows County to file foreclosure by civil action 60-days after attachment of lien BoCC resolution to approve foreclosure actions List of delinquent properties attached to summons and complaint $250 filing fee, recovered from properties Serve summons and complaint to defendant property owners Legal prepares a Lis Pendens--recorded with Auditor's office Case goes to a judge Foreclosed property goes to auction 13 Questions? 14 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: January 29, 2013 Department Director Approval: ❑ Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ® admin. report ❑ pending legislation ❑ executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Regional GIS Enterprise License Interlocal Agreement — Spokane County GOVERNING LEGISLATION: N/A PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Approved in 2005 and 2009. BACKGROUND: The City utilizes Geographic Information System (GIS) software for a variety of purposes that utilize electronic mapping, plotting, and measuring geographical data. Since 2005, the City has utilized a regional enterprise license agreement negotiated between Spokane County and Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. (ESRI). This agreement allows the City to utilize GIS software licenses without the upfront purchase cost and also provides greater flexibility by allowing the City to try different types of software and pay for only the amount of time the software is needed. The agreement also includes fees to online and in-person training and conferences. This agreement extends this arrangement for four years. The City's cost is determined based upon the percentage of system licenses we use. The County negotiated a contract that increases a total of$7,000 per year for the entire system, resulting in an annual cost increase of 3% in 2014, 2.9% in 2015, and 2.8% in 2016. The City's proportionate share will increase less than $400 each year if there is no change in the City's percentage of licenses. The County will begin adding indirect costs in 2013. OPTIONS: Proceed to a motion consideration on February 5; acquire more information; pursue in-house licenses, eliminate GIS licenses. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: N/A BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The cost change is less than $400 annually and has no significant impact to the budget. STAFF CONTACT: Morgan Koudelka, Senior Administrative Analyst ATTACHMENTS: Interlocal Agreement (Note: Original agreement between Spokane County and ESRI available from City Clerk) No. /• — 6008 BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF SPOKANE COUNTY,WASHINGTON IN THE MATTER OF THE EXECUTION OF AN ) INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR PARTICIPATION BY ) THE CITY OF SPOKANE, CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, ) RESOLUTION SPOKANE REGIONAL HEALTH DISTRICT, AND THE ) SPOKANE REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION COUNCIL ) IN THE ESRI/SPOKANE COUNTY, WA ) RECONSOLIDATED ENTERPRISE LICENSE ) AGREEMENT NO. 2004ESL6082, AS AMENDED AND ) RECONSOLIDATED PURSUANT TO AMENDMENT 7 ) WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of RCW 36.32.120(6), the Board of County Commissioners of Spokane County has the care of County property and the management of County funds and business;and WHEREAS, on December 14, 2004, pursuant to Resolution No. 2004-1050, the Board of County Commissioners resolved that: (1) Spokane County acquire and use selected ESR1 software, data, documentation, technical support and maintenance, and selected training over a three (3)year period from Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc., 380 New York St., Redlands, CA 92373-8100, ("ESRI")subject to a payment of fees, and under the terms and conditions set forth in Enterprise License Agreement No. 2004ESL6082; and (2) Bill Fiedler, Director of Information Systems, was authorized to execute, at other than a public meeting, an interlocal agreement with the City of Spokane, City of Spokane Valley, the Health District, and the Spokane Regional Transportation Council to receive and use selected software, data and documentation subject to the terms and conditions set forth in Enterprise License Agreement No. 2004ESL6082; and WHEREAS, on December 16, 2008, pursuant to Resolution No. 2008-1115, the Board of County Commissioners resolved that Spokane County enter into an Interlocal Agreement for participation by the City of Spokane, City of Spokane Valley, Spokane Regional Health District, and the Spokane Regional Transportation Council in the ESRI/Spokane County, WA Reconsolidated Enterprise License Agreement No. 2004ESL6082, as Amended and Reconsolidated Pursuant To Amendment 4; and WHEREAS, Bill Fiedler, Director of Information Systems, has recommended that the Board of County Commissioners renew the existing Enterprise License Agreement No. 2004ESL6082 for an additional term, and authorize him to execute, on behalf of Spokane County, the attached, and any future, Interlocal Agreement for participation by the City of Spokane, City of Spokane Valley, Spokane Regional Health District, and the Spokane Regional Transportation Council in the ESRI/Spokane County, WA Reconsolidated Enterprise License Agreement No. 2004ESL6082, as Amended and Reconsolidated Pursuant To Amendment 7. NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, by the Board of County Commissioners of Spokane County that Bill Fiedler, Director of Information Systems, is hereby authorized to execute on behalf of Spokane County, at other than an open public meeting,the attached, and any future Interlocal Agreement for participation by the City of Spokane, City of Spokane Valley, Spokane Regional Health District, and the Spokane Regional Transportation Council in the ESRI/Spokane County, WA Reconsolidated Enterprise License Agreement No. 2004ESL6082, as Amended and Reconsolidated Pursuant To Amendment 7. RESOLUTION--1 ADOPTED this th day ofJanuary,2011 � © OW' , � -. - - Corn is m'� � » 7 All£SI: Commissioner � \. . 3: 4I -s?n7' DnkdaEfkkso — 2 Commissioner (7 1S M/e E) Clerk of the Board 4j'.r.j��0 I : ' ' - • \ \. \ :• • 7Q17 / /aL% RESOLUTION—2 Submit to Clerk of the Board with accompanying paperwork (Resolution,Agreements,etc.) AGENDA SHEET SUBMITTING DEPARTMENT:Information Systems Department CONTACT PERSON_Bill Fiedler PHONE NUMBER:509-477-5766 CHECK TYPE OF MEETING ITEM BELOW: BELOW FOR CLERK'S USE ONLY: 9:30 AM CEO MEETING:❑ 2:00 PM CONSENT AGENDA:❑ Clerk's Resolution No. 1.6-- O BY LEAVE:0 Approved; MajorityPJnanlrnnus Denied:Malorityildnanirneus 5730 PM LEGISLATIVE SESSION;0 Remews1Arnends No. BY LEAVE:Li Publlc Works loo. Purchasing Dept No. SFECIAL SESSION: AGENDA TITLE: INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR THE CITY OF SPOKANE'S, CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY'S, SPOKANE REGIONAL HEALTH_DISTRICT'S, AND THE SPOKANE REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION COUNCIL'S PARTICIPATION IN THE ESRI:'SPOKANE COUNTY, WA RECONSOLIDATED ENTE=RPRISE LICENSE AGREEMENT NO. 2004ESLS082, AS AMENDED AND RECONSOLIDATED PURSUANT TO AMENDMENT 7 BACKGROUND: (Attach separate sheet(s) if necessary): Spokane County Information Services Effector,has requested that the, Director of Information Systems,is hereby authorized to execute on behalf of Spokane County at other than an open public meeting the attached and any Future Interlocal Agreement for the City of Spokane's,City of SpokaneValley's,Spokane Regional Health District's,and the Spokane Regional Transportation Council's Participation in the I I/Spokane County,WA Reconsolidated Enterprise License Agreement No. 2004ESL6082,as Amended and Reconsolidated Pursuant To Amendment 7 FISCAL IMPACT: Positive: Interlocal Agreement allows for the continuation of the cost sharing of the Spokane County RSR1 Enterprise License Agreement with City of Spokane,City of Spokane Valley,Spokane Regional Health District,and the Spokane Regional Transportation Council. REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Approval Si . zo.TURES. (S' ' =s ust be 1 am! = :'. before submitting to the Clerk of the Board). . 1 Ills. . repertm. t )! udifar's —141111% sr 11 3)DIA,get Office 4)Department HeadtfEiected Oficiai or Designated Authority(Requesting Agenda item) Central ` ces Other ❑ This item will need to be codified in the Spokane County Code. IIN TERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR PARTICIPATION BY THE CITY OF SPOKANE, CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE REGIONAL HEALTH DISTRICT, AND THE SPOKANE REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION COUNCIL IN THE ESRI/SPOKANE COUNTY,WA RKCOl SOLIDATED ENTERPRISE LICENSE AGREEMENT NO 2004ESL6fl82,AS AMENDED AND RECONSOLIDATED PURSUANT TO A9 D i j THIS AGREEMENT, is made and entered into the day of �,J , 2013 by and between the CITY OF SPOKANE, a municipal corporation o e State of Washington, having offices for the transaction of business at 808 West Spokane Falls Boulevard, Spokane, Washington 99201; the CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, having offices for the transaction of business at 11707 E. Sprague Avenue, Suite 106, Spokane Valley, Washington 99206; the SPOKANE REGIONAL HEALTH DISTRICT, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, having offices for the transaction of business at 1 101 W. College Avenue, Spokane, Washington 99201: the SPOKANE REGIONAL TISPORTATION COUNCIL, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, having offices for the transaction of business at 221 W. First Avenue, Suite 31.0, Spokane, Washington. 99201; and SPOKANE COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Washington having offices for the transaction of business at 1116 West Broadway, Spokane, WA 99260. The CITY OF SPOKANE, the CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, the SPOKANE REGIONAL HEALTH DISTRICT, and the SPOKANE REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION COUNCIL are listed as "Participating Eligible Agencies" in Appendix A to the ESRI/Spokane County, WA Reconsolidated Enterprise License Agreement No. 2004ESL6082, As Amended and Reconsolidated Pursuant to Amendment 7. For purposes of this Agreement, they are hereinafter referred to as the Participating Agencies." Spokane County is hereinafter referred to as "the County." Collectively, the Participating Agencies and the County are referred to as "the Parties." WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of RCW 36.32.120(6), the Board of County Commissioners of Spokane County has the care of County property and the management of County funds and business; and WHEREAS, Chapter 39.34 RCW authorizes public agencies to contract with one another to perform any governmental service, activity, or undertaking which each public agency entering into the contract is authorized by law to perform; and WHEREAS, the Parties have cooperated for many years in the use of Geographic Information Systems Resources by standardizing on ESRI GIS software in order to jointly build common interagency GIS data layers that have enabled the parties to provide geographic services that have best met the needs of the community white avoiding duplication of effort and cost, and IN'TERLOCAL AGREEMENT--1 WHEREAS, in 2004, the Participating Agencies entered into interlocal agreements with the County to receive and use selected software, data and documentation subject to the Willis and conditions set forth in Enterprise License Agreement No. 2004ESL6082 between Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc.(ESRI), and the County; and WHEREAS, in 2012, ESRI and the County have entered into the ESRI/Spokane County, WA Reconsolidated Enterprise License Agreement No. 2004ESL6082, as Amended and Reconsolidated pursuant to Amendment 7; and WHEREAS, the Parties desire to reduce GIS software acquisition costs and continue to improve the efficiency of geographic services provided to the community; and WHEREAS, the Participating Agencies are desirous of continuing to receive and use selected software, data and documentation subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the ESRI/Spokane County, WA Reconsolidated Enterprise License Agreement No. 2004ESL6082, as Amended and Reconsolidated pursuant to Amendment 7. WHEREAS,the Parties desire to continue further cooperation by agreement; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration for the mutual terms and conditions contained herein the parties hereto covenant and agree as follows: 1. Purpose. The purpose of this Agreement is for the County to provide an opportunity for the Participating Agencies to acquire selected ESRI GIS software licenses, maintenance and other administrative services/benefits as delineated herein and under the terms and conditions of the ESRI/Spokane County, WA Reconsolidated Enterprise License Agreement No. 2004ESL6082, As Amended and Reconsolidated Pursuant to Amendment 7 (hereinafter referred to as "ELA"). Amendment 7 is attached hereto as Addendum A, and incorporated herein by this reference. 2. Participation. The Participating Agencies have been previously authorized to participate in the ELA, and have agreed to abide by the terms and conditions of the ELA applicable to a Licensee by signing this document. ESRI may pursue remedies against a Licensee directly for noncompliance of the terms of the ELA. Rights specifically granted to the County by ESRI are not to be extended to the Participating Agencies. 3. Additional Or Revised Terms. The Participating Agencies agree that additional or revised licensing terms for: (1) upgrades or updates to the Site License Software and Limited Deployment Software or (2) upgrades or updates non-Site License Software terms may be incorporated from time to time. These license revisions/updates shall be provided by the County to the Participating Agencies as they are incorporated into the ELA. Additional or revised terms and conditions for new software, data, documentation, shall be governed by the ELA, and any revised terms found in the then-current General License Terms and Conditions and Exhibit I,the terms of which will be indicated on ESRI's Web site or enclosed in the deliverable's packaging, depending on the method of delivery. The pricelist(s) for non-Site License Software, Data, Documentation, maintenance for non-Site License Software items, training or services may be revised from time to time, but in no event shall pricing contained therein exceed standard INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT--2 commercial pricing. Unless revised via mutual written amendment between ESRI and the County, the annual ELA fee paid by the County to ESRI is fixed for the term of the agreement. The items provided by ESRI in exchange for the fee are identified in the ELA and include selected software (type and quantity defined), maintenance for the defined software, limited virtual campus training and a fixed amount of ESRI User Conference registration passes. 4. Agreement Is Non-Exclusive. The Participating Agencies agree to officially name ESRI as their standard and further agrees to act as a reference for other ESRI customers and potential customers as long as this Agreement remains in effect. Notwithstanding, under no circumstances shall this Agreement be construed or interpreted as an exclusive dealings agreement and the Participating Agencies reserve the right to purchase from third parties any of their requirements for GIS software. 5. Scope Of Services. Services provided by the County Information Systems Department's GIS Division(ISD-GIS) are as follows: a. The County's ISD-GIS Division shall administer and manage the ESRI ELA for the Participating Agencies. The County will have the authority from ESRI to deploy ESRI Site License Software to the Participating Agencies. Additionally the County or Eligible Agencies may order training, services, custom software, and maintenance for standard licenses, or standard licenses for Software, Data, and Documentation separately under the applicable terms of this Agreement (excluding the Enterprise License Addendum Terms and Conditions, E512M) as further described in ESRI ELA Amendment 4. b. The County shall provide Tier 1 Technical Support via a Central GIS Help Desk. The County's ISD-GIS Division shall also maintain the official list of the eight (8) named individuals who may contact ESRI's Technical Support Group directly for Tier 2 Technical Support in Addendum B with at least one individual per Participating Agency. c. ESRI Conference Registrations and ESRI Virtual Campus Web-based Training Seats shall be distributed to the Participating Agencies, based on the percentage a given agency is contributing to the annual payment of the ELA and County ELA Administration Fee. The Participating Agencies will be entitled to at least once ESRI Conference Registrations per year upon request. ii. Distributions of the ESRI Conference Registrations and ESRI Virtual Campus Web-based Training Seats will be based on the methods described in Section 6 c4 under INVOICING AND COST SHARING but summed for the entire year. iii. Spokane County's ISD-GIS Division shall notify the Participating Agencies of its ESRI Conference Registrations and ESRI Virtual Campus Web-based Training Seats allocation for the coming year by January 15th of each year that the ELA remains in effect. INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT--3 6. Invoicing And Cost Sharing. The County shall handle all invoicing associated with the ESRI ELA as follows. a. Make annual payments, year nine ($230.000.00), year ten ($237,000.00) and eleven ($244,000.00) and potentially year twelve ($251,000.00) to ESRI within 45 days of the anniversary date of ESRI ELA of 1 January for the term of the ELA. b. The County ELA Administration Fee will be $5,000 for the administration of ESRI's ELA and include a proportional amount based on Information Systems Department's annual countywide cost allocation rate (Indirect Costs). c. Year nine through eleven (and potentially year twelve) proration's of County ELA Administration Fee and ESRI ELA License Fee shall be based on number of ESRI software licenses keyed to a given agency/licensee. An ESRI software license table will be maintained by the County's ISD-GIS Division and updated on a monthly basis for each licensee. Cost allocation of the portion of the ESRI ELA License Fee that a given agency/licensee would be responsible for will be calculated as follows: i. Each individual ESRI software license will be associated with its associated standard ESRI maintenance fee, except for ArcEngine and ArcGIS Runtime (client) licenses which will be tabulated sans the maintenance fees. See Addendum E for Table of Standard ESRI Maintenance Fees. ii. The sum of the standard ESRI maintenance fees for all keyed ESRI software licenses for given agency will then be calculated. iii. The sum of all agencies standard maintenance fees will be calculated. iv. The sum of each agency's individual standard ESRI maintenance fees calculated in Step 2 will be divided by the sum of all agencies standard maintenance fees calculated in Step 3. The result of this calculation will then be turned into a percentage by multiplying by 100. This percentage calculation for each agency will be generated on a monthly basis. v. The sum $235,000.00 for year nine, $242,000.00 for year ten, $249,000.00 eleven, and 255,000.00 for potentially twelve of the annual County ELA Administration Fee ($5,000.00) and the annual ESRI ELA License Fee depending on the year of the agreement will then be divided by twelve and multiplied by a given agency's monthly percentage calculated in Step 4 and invoiced to that agency on a monthly basis by the County's Information Systems Department(ISD). All calculations for Steps 1-5 will be based on the ESRI software license table maintained by the County's ISD-GIS Division. This table is included in Addendum C. The Participating Agencies shall remit the funds due to the County within 30 days of invoicing. Monthly invoicing for years nine through eleven and potentially twelve begins in January of the preceding year as ESRI requires maintenance payments in advance for software and maintenance. INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT--4 7. Request, Deployment, & Account Procedures Of Newly-Keyed ESRI AGREEMENT Site License Software. the County's ISD-GIS Division shall maintain the official list authorized individuals (one per licensee) in Addendum D who have the budget authority to request additional ESRI software covered by the ESRI AGREEMENT (as defined ESRI ELA Amendment 4). Requests by a given Eligible Agency for additional ESRI Software License must be sent to gissupport(a7spokanecounty.org. Newly keyed licenses will be added for that licensee on a monthly basis to the ESRI software license Table maintained by the County's ISD- GIS Division(as initially described in Addendum C). Newly keyed licenses will be incorporated on a monthly basis into the Cost allocation procedures describe in Section 6 c4 under INVOICING AND COST SHARING. 8. Compliance with Laws. Each party shall comply with all federal, state, and local laws and regulations. 9. Assignments. This Agreement is binding on the Parties and their heirs, successors, and assigns. Neither party may assign, transfer or subcontract its interest, in whole or in part, without the other party's prior written consent. 10. Amendments. This Agreement may be amended at any time by mutual written agreement. No modification or amendment of this Agreement shall be valid until the same is reduced to writing and executed with the same formalities as this Agreement. 11. Anti-kickback. No officer or employee of the Participating Agencies, having the power or duty to perform an official act or action related to this Agreement shall have or acquire any interest in the contract, or have solicited, accepted or granted a present or future gift, favor, service or other thing of value from or to any person involved in this contract. 12. Termination. Either party may terminate this Agreement by thirty (30) days' written notice to the other party. In the event of such termination, the Participating Agencies shall pay for any work completed up to the thirty(30) days or termination date. 13. Severability. In the event any provision of this Agreement should become invalid, the rest of the contract shall remain in full force and effect. 14. Nondiscrimination. No individual shall be excluded from participation in, denied benefit of, subject to discrimination under, or denied employment in the administration of or in connection with this Agreement because of race, color, creed, marital status, familial status, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, Vietnam era or disabled veteran status, age, or disability. The Parties shall comply with all applicable federal, state and local nondiscrimination laws, regulations and policies. 15. Venue. This Agreement has and shall be construed as having been made and delivered in the State of Washington and the laws of the State of Washington shall be applicable to its construction and enforcement. Any action or judicial proceeding for the enforcement of this 1NTERLOCAL AGREEMENT--5 Agreement, or any provision thereof, shall be instituted only in a court of competent jurisdiction within Spokane County, Washington. 16. All Writings Contained Herein. This Agreement contains all the terms and conditions agreed upon by the parties. No other understandings, oral or otherwise, regarding the subject matter of this Agreement shall be deemed to exist or to bind any of the Parties. 17. Administration. No new or separate legal or administrative entity is created to administer the provisions of this Agreement. 18. Agreement To Be Filed. The Participating Agencies shall file this agreement with its Participating Agencies Clerk. The County shall file this agreement with the County Auditor. 19. Non-Waiver. No waiver by any the Parties of any of the terms of this Agreement shall be construed as a waiver of the same or other rights of that party in the future. 20.Headings. Headings are inserted for convenience of reference only and are not to be deemed part of or to be used in construing this Agreement. 21. Compliance With Laws. The Parties shall observe all federal, state and local laws, ordinances and regulations, to the extent that they may be applicable to the terms of this Agreement. 22. Relationship Of The Parties. The Parties intend that an independent contractor relationship will be created by this Agreement. The Participating Agencies are interested only in the results that could be achieved, and the conduct and control of all services will be solely with the County. No agent, employee, servant or otherwise of the County shall be deemed to be an employee, agent, servant, or otherwise of the Participating Agencies for any purpose, and the employees of the County are not entitled to any of the benefits that the Participating Agencies provides for the Participating Agencies' employees. The County will be solely and entirely responsible for its acts and the acts of its agents, employees, servants, subcontractors or otherwise, during the performance of this Agreement. The County does not have the power or authority to bind the Participating Agencies in any promise, agreement, or representation other than specifically provided for in this Agreement. 23. Enforcement Costs. If any legal action or other proceeding is brought for the enforcement of this Agreement, or because of an alleged dispute, breach, default or misrepresentation in connection with any provisions of this Agreement, the successful or prevailing party or parties shall be entitled to recover reasonable attorney's fees, court costs, and all expenses (including taxes) even if not taxable as court costs (including, without limitation, all such fees, costs, and expenses incident to appeals), incurred in that action or proceeding, in addition to any other relief to which such party or parties may be entitled. 24. Maintenance Of Records. The Parties will maintain, for at least three (3) years after completion of this agreement, all relevant records pertaining to the agreement. The Parties shall make available to other Parties, or the Washington State Auditor, or their duly authorized INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT--6 representatives, at any time during their normal operating hours, all records, books or pertinent information which the Parties shall have kept in conjunction with this Agreement, and which the Parties may be required by law to include or make part of its auditing procedures, an audit trail, or which may be required for the purpose of funding the services contracted for herein. 25. Remedies. No remedy herein conferred upon the Parties is intended to be exclusive of any other remedy, and each and every such remedy shall be cumulative and shall be in addition to every other remedy given hereunder or now or hereafter existing at law or in equity or by statute or otherwise. No single or partial exercise by any Party of any right, power, or remedy hereunder shall preclude any other or further exercise thereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have caused this Interlocal Agreement to be executed on the date and year opposite their respective signatures. INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT--7 SPOKANE COUNTY: -01•1,741P7-- ir- - / 74br Date P k livrAl:f34 p c fog Title INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT--S CITY OF SPOKANE: Mayor Date INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT--9 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY: City Manager Date [NTERLOCAL AGREEMENT--10 SPOKANE REGIONAL HEALTH DISTRICT: Date Title INTItI4LOCAL AGREEMENT--11 SPOKANE REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION COU CIL; Date Title Ni ER LOCAL AC REEMENT-12 ADDENDUM A e ri. AmendmentNa.'1 Contract Nn.2O4J4ESL6O8Z �vL aC ve.,Yo-.• L.Rrar1 eras c G23'3-B'CO LISA•TEL F'=R-*e?-212-5.3•F?.x eae-ca-nasa This Amendment bio_71,enured into by and between Spokt3rae Conate,Washington(hereinafter refetTed 10 as "County")and E nip l run mental Syskins Research institute,Inc.(herc:nnfecr rcCented to as'Tani"). WHEREAS.Esri and County entered him an Enterprise License Agreement nfteciive Decerrtber22'4.3104 and Amendments 2,4 5nd 3 extended the term until December 31 y 31]l2 I Agree n rir);and WHEREAS_the parties desire to amend the Enterprise License Terms kind Conditions or the Agrentrienr In(il t plate applicable appendices and(=I)extend Lie term until 1lecembc-3 4'.20I5("Reneutai Te ni )For an additional seven hundred and eleven thaLsand dotlars(S7]I,000); NOW THEREFORE,die pnrries agree to the fallowing: I. Extend the rerun cRMls Agreement from Janney 1",2013 until December 31".2il1.5 unless terminated eat'Tier as provided in Article 7—Team.Termination,rind Expiration("Renewal Tama"). 2. Amend Appendix 13 Software and Deployment Schedule with the stunned Renewal Term Appendix B S4ttwnre and Deployment Schedule,which shall super+edie sn[I apply cl tiring the Renewal Term. 3, Amend Appendix ELA Fee Schedule with the attached Renewal Term Appendix C ELA Fee Schedule,which shell supersece and apply during the RenewaI Term. 4. Amend Appendix D County Annual Deployment Report with the attached 14orsewol Term Appendix IJ County Annual Deployment Report,which shall supersede and apply during the Renewrrl Term. Except as maybe spec=really mndifiiec by this Am^undment No 7,all otter ti nxand conditionsot`the Agreement and any Amendment(s)or Addendum(s)apglstitu',e 11110 ern Its ageemeat beiwcen the taerties and supeteade all prior and contemporaneous agreieuents nrrepn4entatinns,written Pe prat,eurtccrnInd the snbjtxtntaiter sfthis Agreement. IN WITNESS WEI EItEt7F,the parties hereto ha°`'e ettecu:ed this Amendment No-7 es date.Fthe Tart party to eihni beIo v. ACCEPTED AND AGREED: SPOKANE COUNTY.WASHIttiQTO:MI ENVIRO T' SYSTEMS (County) RESEA` HIV' CT' E. (End) krrCOd7ame. rN LL J Aitii = 3 Printad? aye: . aa,xnp:i r ` i` " iikr rttlrneSt9cCb11Q raMS Titl{:' r`r rv6erto fief ystE0.1$V'r?fit& Title L7 e: z —l l . .0 w Date_ rt r r i — 2004E51..6082+TIB Amendment 7 Pncu I r,r+ L2i4i2IiI t INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT-13 ADDENDUM A Cont. RENEWAL TERM APPENDIX B SOf TWA RE AND DEPLOYMENT SCHEDULE County may Deploy the Enterprise Liemn9e Software hip to the trial quail lily o F!kenos in;liemod hoLow timing the f!e".ewal 'fain of this ELA. Table A-I Enterprise l.itert t SIMPeart—Elnli ail red Qubrliries J Totskt Qh'.+Seats Item t,,Be Deployed ArcGIt for Desktop Sortwere(Single Lilt or Concurrent Use) pule(Ar-cVieu').Elandied{ dituel,a-rd Advanced(Arc:i10) irr l mires Arcfi:IS fair Dc lttup F;Almiun Suf1trarc(Single Use or Concurrent Vsa) Sp stial Anatysr,317 Analyst.Consuls stleal Analyst,Network Analyst,Publisher,Sahernaties, nNiFrnifet,' Workflow Manager,and beta Reviewer for Server Software(BasleiStandardeAdvsnord) urtirtmlasi ExLension,S ads'Analyst, a Analyst.and Network Anal at PrOrrriled AreCl.5 Engine gram red AreGIS Engine Extensions 3D Analyst-Spatial Artoiys';G e adainbaae Update,Network.Analyst.and Schematics I wrIbi i flan AreCIS RuntirneStundartt r+!r1N+rft9a AreGIS Runt gte F,x3eailtdrid(Sinitic Gs>e) _ 3D Analyst.Spatial Analyst,fretwork Analyst tirerrnrta Table A-S Enterprise 4ecnse501 ere—L3mitad Quantities Rolled-In 1 y. QIy.+:Sems !tad (Iropplicable) to Be Deployed Tutul Esri Developer Network(ESN)Standrrd anneal b nrlpt10m - v g +sue Date IntcruperaLi1ily Dehkrgp Extension(3 year Term Licenses] _ . 2 Esri M r r ing&Charting-,E,sri Production Man Et - 3 3 f 2r Esri CityEngine Advanced Comm-fen U 2 ArePed - - I' 12 ?miner Nu tuber of Selbse hiplines Named Users par Subscription Annual Credits per Subscription AreGISCnlint Sobscriptwn 2 50 ci,occ Earl Virtu!Campus i - I I MOH Pine t ofe INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT--14 ADDENDUM A Cont. RENEWAL TERM APPENDIX C ELA FEE SCHEDULE The ELA Fee is$711,000.The ELA Fee is in consideration of the Enterprise License Software,ELA Maintenance,Esri Developer Conference registrations and Esri International User Conference registrations. January 1",2013 to January 1",2014 to January 1",2015 to ELA Fee December 31",2013 December 31",2014 December 31",2015 Payments $230,000 $237,000 $244,000 • $711,000 Optional Year(to be mutually agreed to by amendment): January 1",2016 to December 31",2016 Payments $251,000 Number of Esri International User Conference Registrations per Year 8 Number of Esri Developer Conference per Year 2 Number of Tier 2 Support Callers 8 Sets of Back-up Media(upon request) 2 Renewal Term of ELA through December 31",2015 Page 3 of 4 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT--15 ADDENDUM A Cont. 1 pp, I I se il A 0 6 RI. Ez z] -s 1 e 6 4. W ® , E-I C N r k]a a 1 Z w 1 A 2 A t I R O J 1 Et m zz A. h t c - t O V} I�Y G.4 4 r g IN4TERLOCALACRFFME1 T--lfi ADDENDUM B ELGIRLE AGENCY STAFF WHO MAY CONTACT ESRPS TECHNICAL SUPPORT GROUP DIRECTLY SPOKANE COUNTY ESRi Eligible Agency Authorized CustrinterIr Name Individuel Phalle Number tEx pertise Email Aedreas SPOKANE mste €arty' spnkarneauunl4.n 45505 COUNTY M]KE STEWAR1- (509)477-7253 Daub n r Mmin&SSE rg SPOKANE Cis Transportation- rititeWartgS DOkanCC4-klkll:y 6506 COUNTY DAVE RIDEOUT (509)477-7251 Engineering Apps, [r: G15 W b Services.GIS SPOKANE Analysis&Cadas i 1 l{�r"92 COUNTY SHAWNA ERNST (509)477.7531 Apps. semi•ii.glEtI:autantinty.um SPOKANE DARCY GIS Web Services, +lhathr+ss1ti:`ti;s .aCcnti ruti- 6505 COUNTY HATI1AWAY (509)4774142 CITY OF SPOKANE ESRI E]igibleAgency Customers Name .Authorised 1nd;viduai Hawn:Number E.x.ertise Email CITY OF MIKE SMITH (504)625-6457 (Its Lti]:tics 13 M5rnithRSpakaricCity°.r t 6742 SPOKANE CITY OF BILL MYERS (5p9)625-64I8 Database Admin&SIDE bmyerEt'Ci;spokaneeity,org 6742 SPOKAN : CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Under contract w1 Spokane County ISIS-CIS. All ESRI Technical Support will be initiated by Spokane County ISO-01S SPOKANE REGIONAL HEALTH DISTRICT _ ESRI Eligible Away Authorized Custom ail Name Individual Phone Number Lx serti3e L'ntai1 Address SPOKANE F UOICNAL MARK SPRINGER (509).324-144S G[5& Epidemiolog Caz431: uly t-u-w r HEALTI.1 14423 I]IS FRICT SPOKANE REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION COUNCIL - SRI Eligible Agency Authorized Cristomeri Name Individuel Phone Number Expertise Email Address SPOKAtNF- REGIONAL Kevin Shipman (5114)343-63R* G]S&Tsanslurtrttirsn kstnemant'r1:s TRANS FOR T,AT1 Planning 10540 ON DISTRIcr INTERLUCAL ACREEMENT--l1 ADDENDUM C EX4 IFLE; ESRI 2013 ELA Montlily Cost Allocation Splits for Eligible Agencies Itemization of ESRI ELA Site License Fee esm Euulelpsl5e SRI l,oceaee S 22.1).00D 09 Tsar. 5 W36:-150 plsPlul u•laxee S ?1938:.00 Toil/E SRI ELA Fri S 2.14.381.60 TA Al E5Rr ELA Fes n•.{nunn•FreR 5 "61.7"0:60 71,13 1.0 3U' {, ]Monad; .Prerirtei Itemization of€ount5 ,,„,..„n.,.Lnru1 4nunt (4untn-Adm.n (ninny Indirect Tntn1 Ceunt.' Fees& Indirect Costs Torsi, o, 7rt1'C 69 r9 Fte Co5C 1319a0I Frrs:[a:rs SpslantCong.* 5 14,1;A.-0 3137'•. 5 4.14014 S ?]3100-0h S ",15700 $ 11.33"0u C1SN of$94cana S 89.63p.00 .'•1.46°e 5 6.F§7,:Q 51370 5 50G VD 2 455111 S 302 27 5pskau]e ct+nnry'Fiesi li llotrucr S 1 700.PO 1.19'n S 116.52 yoka t valley S 7 407,..nn 5,33% S 6s:2-." I 5 14:364.00 140,01314 S 15,33".00 Itemization By Agency 1019 Eslu of ESRI ELA Fee& 3smtth1r f l Msitrrtmet Now ISM ELA Ense ESA/ En re rise Frornlyd E'SEIEL-i 5r (-01IUI'Adman.Fee Tom, 0e A114c1111611 SpI5rs Perrot.3196t1ur Comm-f 66 C4ahrS Fite *Omit Caunt°r $ 1C3 300.1)4 7:.42 i S 1:0,5s3- 3 130.7;'04.97 5 77.134.97 $ 4240.44 5 134,977,41 iCuynESpuLane 3 10.650.00 40 43Se 5 9.3..136.01 5 502.059.48 S '_1.419.48 5 6.963.10 S 103,034.615 SRTC S 3 311900 1 75°e 0 1C 8526 5 4.13535 S 92- Si S 31)'71 0 4.131 Sro .9petest County Ilnahhr?.a]net 5 1 740130 0.00'4 S I ?1427 S ?131.50 5 455 50 5 14612 $ 2.208.311 Spa1•cre feller S '.5120 00 =0:°6 5 9.'_21 111 S 9.993.1I $ 2.895 12 S 09_2 2: 5 10,690.39' 5 ].57,[{0.110 I00.00".* 4 230.0000.11C 5 :}.9.053.50 5 E.:,330 60 0 12.33",00 S ,+51.^20.60 ■ These table values change month to month based upon the number of software licenses requested by the Participating Agencies, INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT..-l3 ADDENDUM C CONT. EXAMPLE: ESE' 2N1l ELA Monthly C°sr Alloeaiiou Splits for Eligible Ageueies Itemization of ESRI ELA She Lireuse F e F.SR1 EL,tapi. ¶,,ra Li¢eiht 5 -- .`"-0? E5?S ELA x roar, 3 n.rSo:.N Tor41LZkIL It $ :5dt44,.09 To to I ESRI EL A.Fora Iefl 2691,5:5!.S4 1.91-I 1.'114. Itelttizorioll of Comm 5lauiL!}' ifi al:9 Er1 31a.nirnnl.lr lnpur Ce nut a' CDints°Aduaiu Caeei,-lrrrtirerr Tont Cmum Fee i Or: ludirect Cosh, Tota s FreS['aar Fer C'osr o 1¢iui Fee 'Colts 5pakaueCoin*. 5 3P.913OCP a3`.Fi S 5.331-.1a S F.300.O4 S 7,3ti0:9+1 S 1.2,660.0 Ciry cf 4c1.4rer 5 MOO 90 35.14'/ $ 491::1 517{ S 3,_®f) 13ye 1 307 7I Siktnne{mum:H[iltt b14rnci S 1.700 00 t 19,r S 144:43 Spe.kaee\ I1e}' S 7900A0 s s3yl S 0.162 $ 54.$3040 OD 011411 S 2:.569•}d Ite�riizn1.5511 By Agency ni4E-.RI of ESRI ELA Fee& i ll 71nuliete iv �nes]apae E BASF t$RXxra Eeeerprise ?porn red E5[tl1<"I..X.Se County Admit',Fee Tntr.1 Maar:A:ion Splifs lerrrasr Arno-4ra C onun°tres €'r.uvn-Fets Spokane Caunty S 143,300.60 52.3_9'9 S 1?a.243O9 S 133_731.35 5 1.433.88 S 1-31;_19 3 I. {it"'of Sink $ IO,d}O.DO a3:P3ei $ 9-.301.01 S 105.153%"r 5 24.533.73 S I.__ `^: SECT{ $ 3,.40;3# I.78°. S -.:49311 $ 4.:64.713 $ 1 C$3.7P $ 357.74 $ -- SpaknieCoeutr Health 0:giicr 3 1.100.6+3 0.36?i S ?.tl.i-i-.18 3 '-'_11.11 5 52'.14 S 143.41 S 2.3366-61 Spoks.arVae+y $ 7.SOO.DO 1.31°0 F 9.80165 $ 19.30313 $ 4U3.13 $ 694.6= $ 10.9!7T.84 5 197,430.01 104.40?b a '77.443.4Q S .$4.991.154 S 11`.;4430 5 26M.,52.90 These table values change month to month based upon the number of software licenses requested by the Participating Agencies. INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT--19 ADDENDUM C CONT. EXAMPLE: ESRI 2015 ELA Monthly Fast Allocation Splits lot Eligible Agencies ItQmioltion of ESRI ILA Site Licer➢se Tpe E SRI Eime.rive Stu Lxteace ¶ 241,440,46 Cau, i x,50;.66 ESRI:EL%sat taus S :6=9.601.60 Tainl1F.R1 EL4 * 4 264601.F0 ToriiEyRIFLAFesn,Ce.6017Feev S r373435'O :4➢`E'rK1 of _1 ntrh h- Frarrsrr i Itenizrtion County ;larnntlanrice tsapar 61111 (Minn' drain Katlmylraditrn Tara!CQu.I' Foes &Indirect Costs Torah cy E'eeo•(aste lei C:oat 13,39.1b h C'♦sss 5p101r1e{•papar :417.90 31.3?9i $ 4.39:.94 $ CU04.0P 5 '.'53..56 5 12,7B3,b0 City arspabar.e S SO 00 OD 56.41. '5 7.217.14 SP.TC 5 ?30040 '..43.a € 313.:1 Yprkntss C'anaalty'tisnl+hUNe1rtsl € 2 '60.05 1.1P 1 S 152.1.$ SRok000VRIle*- € '14040 S•135°a S 706 D' € 11:,53Q OP 1P4.eomi i !:,74340 IletnizRtion By Agency of :01.5 ESPJ •C IELA p� Vanrhty ari ESRI i Fe County fai„aegno;eLori, ESR1El..A$nsr E4kTEL..; Enaeaprlse ?rowed ESRILIA Admin.Fee To-1K, 4ti 4lftcatian SpIiE lorrea±eAmount CavleyFres Cmat,.Eris Staci,a C'cnwr7 S LC3,?08,r0 5:t2,5 S 1:7.512.'1 S 13S 212.71 S 35,11:'x 5 x.393 94 5 143.06 6S f'itaa.r 5pokauae 5 80,650.•:40 4Q.13pn 5 79..566.42 5 1.11825/34 5 27.64:'N. I 7,21+.34 5 112.51533 WIT 5 3.3P0.35 1.75 10 S 4, 3.93 5 4659.&3 S 1.199 8.5 323 21 S 5.3L5.06 Syvir➢i cQnnn-He➢:rh r➢i,mirs 5 36aa i L903.011 S 2.?5 '5 S 5$215 S 02.I? S - '.43.1 42 1p L.su','a11r. 5 '+,9{07.40 401.n 5 9752 9 $ 10.658 23 S Gs.23 $ 06,97 5 11,113.24 5 19T.0S7.44 144.0006 S :14.9CALou 5 :b1J4].4I s 157.;-P1.6G 5 12.'133,60 S 7.365.25 These table values change month to month based upon the number of software licenses requested by the Participating Agencies. INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT-20 ADDENDUM C CONT. EXAMPLE: ESRI 2016 ELA'Moretti(Cost Ailocatioll Spites for Eligible Agencies itemization of ESRI ELA Site L1eeme Fee ESPJ Egitryea:t 51it LaCoWel S :91.049 04 Trxe. 5 _121454 EMU ELA•ataxea 5 2711.16 60 Tara1 ESR.IELAFee 5 ;73.21460 Taira ESRI ELA Fee n'.,Coual Fret S ::f.;.;1.Fti .N10 kSKI tw1110 P! rd•d Itemization of Cutintti �fia ®are1aaeerIna, C.qtary Sannn ?Amin {nil r+3ndirsri SntnlCaantl- ,eF$a Iiidirers C ostS Tara l; ay rte%C aaec Fee 1 Qin 13.14(60 Fees Ca:ri Sprk®tee Cai 5 19.1S4.DO 34.3 7a S 1470 TO 5 5,040. 3 S 9.006:90 5 130015.0 City efs pelmet, $ ;0.0 0,0,0 :•6464'. S ".1-1.i.11 SR7C S 1;1000 14 !. 5 615 61 5polvsae i ena r7 Hestia'mutcr S 1.704.40 1.1964 5 111,7 Sps Mug.l'aYMy f ,904.44 5.5966 5 "19.z2 S 1,11.880.00 106.fRi+1 5 13.164.90 Itemization By Agency of :016 ESIU }lasrlilih' ESRY ELA Fee & c"ovui3 11eir)rtaiaatd Iiipail !.SRI ELA3n+r ESRIELA EYUerprlie PrornYtd £5173 E1. & Admin.Fee Torah ao llsntrra.l 5151Yts lumen Amannt 1anntsLets Comm,-Fees 11041:4111*C viari S 103.+40.350 S,4.2N 5 131,5-82:94 1 14:.'41.6; $ 9-.401,6: 5 4.1'0.^S1 I 1,47.17 !0 Cit.'of'3pulymc 5 94-4501-00 4:.?312 5 142.?3:-03 S 911-41=21 5 34-6 2,26 5 7343 a1 5 118.755 67 ERIC 5 3 5400 t'8Rt S 4.358 26 i s.S3:00 s 1.33500 S 31366 s 5.151 69 *Acme Ccnmh•11en96 Eb■sarrei S I..'4JU0 0 860.6 5 :.16i.44 5 3.348 43 5 641.4; S 154.79 S. 30112 Spa6age tiattru S '904.00 401''. S 10.06'1? S 36.915_''0 S !13'3 S 71032 S It 63?4i7 S 137r1F0.04 10L6.400t S :11.444.40 S .:-;.new, c '6-1616,2 5 13.346916 S 186.31760 These table values change month to month based upon the number of software licenses requested by the Participating Agencies. 1NTERLIOCAL ACREEMEr T-21 ADDENDLM I] ELOIBLE AGENCY AUTHORIZED INDIVIDUALS FOR SOFTWARE REQUESTS (The following individuals have budget authority within their agency to make requests to Spokane County ISD-G]S for ESRI software covered by the ESRI ELA) CITY OF SPOKANE ESRI Custome >~l gible Agene)Name Ateliarized Jndl+ridual Phone Number Email.Address 5742 CITY C SPOKAOF BELL [569)625. 4]$ L}hl}'gt5'Aspokarleeirv'.urk CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY r-5R1 Custamerd Eligible Agene>Name A.al-mrrzed lndr';idual Phone Number Email Address CITY OF SPOKANE MORGAN ( 49')720.5104 VALLEY K000I LKA WWII.r,wdg1kasrr:s.pokair,*!'alley.:t�r-0. SPOKANE REGIONAL HEALTH DISTRICT ESRI Cualarner►i Agr.fie Name .ALitherized Individual Phut Number I Email Address SI K.. I4F RE{3IO1-.Al_ 14423 HEALTH DISTRICT MARK SPRINGER l5[}9)324-1445 nnapriirger;i'sp.:akanrcr>unty_urg SPOKANE REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION COUNCIL ESRI Cuslumer# Eligible Agri Agertey Name rlulhorivad Individual Phone Nnmlaur Email Ad4nrss SPOKANE REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION 411540 DISTRICT KEVIN WALLACE (509)343.6370 lovallaaa_�srtc,5?[g INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT-22 ADDENDUM E MPA PRICELIST E407-4Q12 Section Description Price 1 ArcGIS for Desktop Concurrent Use Licenses Maintenance Primary Maintenance for ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced Concurrent Use License(primary 1st,11th,21st,31st...) $3,000.00 Secondary Maintenance for ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced Concurrent Use U cense(secondary 2-10,12-20...) $1,200.00 Primary Maintenance for ArcGIS for Desktop Standard Concurrent Use License $1,500.00 Secondary Maintenance for ArcGIS for Desktop Standard Concurrent Use License $1,200.00 Primary Maintenance for ArcGIS for Desktop Basic Concurrent Use License $700.00 Secondary Maintenance for ArcGIS for Desktop Basic Concurrent Use License $500.00 1 ArcGIS Extensions for Desktop Concurrent Use Licenses Maintenance Primary Maintenance for ArcGIS Spatial Analyst for Desktop Concurrent Use License $500.00 Secondary Maintenance for ArcGIS Spatial Ana lyst for Desktop Concurrent Use License $200.00 Primary Maintenance for ArcGIS 3D Analyst for Desktop Concurrent Use License $500.00 Secondary Maintenance for ArcGIS 3D Analyst for Desktop Concurrent Use License $200.00 Primary Maintenance for ArcGIS Geostatistical Analystfor Desktop Concurrent Use License $500.00 Secondary Maintenance for ArcGIS Geostatistica I Analyst for Desktop Concurrent Use License $200.00 Primary Maintenance for ArcGIS Publisher for Desktop Concurrent Use License $500.00 Secondary Maintenance for ArcGIS Publisher for Desktop Concurrent Use License $2D0.00 Primary Maintenance for ArcGIS Tracking Ana lystfor Desktop Concurrent Use License $500.00 Secondary Maintenance for ArcGIS Tracking Analyst for Desktop Concurrent Use License $200.00 Primary Maintenance for ArcGIS Data Interoperability for Desktop Concurrent Use License $500.00 Secondary Maintenance for ArcGIS Data I nteroperabil ity for Desktop Concurrent Use License $200.00 Primary Maintena nce for ArcGIS Network Analyst for Desktop Concurrent Use License $500.00 Secondary Maintenance for ArcGIS Network Analyst for Desktop Concurrent Use License $200.00 Primary Maintenance for ArcGIS Schematics for Desktop Concurrent Use License $500.00 Secondary Maintena nce for ArcGIS Schematics for Desktop Concurrent Use License $200.00 Primary Maintenance for ArcGIS Workflow Manager for Desktop Concurrent Use License $500.00 Secondary Maintenance for ArcGIS Workflow Manager for Desktop Concurrent Use License $200.00 Primary Maintenance for ArcGIS Data Reviewer for Desktop Concurrent Use License $500.00 Secondary Maintenance for ArcGIS Data Reviewer for Desktop Concurrent Use License $200.D0 1 ArcGlS for Desktop Single Use Licenses Maintenance Primary Maintenance for ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced Single Use License(core only) $3,000.00 Secondary Maintenance for ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced Single Use License(core only) $1,200.00 Primary Maintenance for ArcGIS for Desktop Standard Single Use License(without extensions) $1,500.00 Secondary Maintenance for ArcGIS for Desktop Standard Single Use License(without extensions) $1,200.00 Primary Maintenance for ArcGlS for Desktop Standard Single Use License(with extensions) $2,100.00 Secondary Maintenance for ArcGIS for Desktop Standard Single Use License(with extensions) $1,800.09 Primary Maintenance for ArcGIS for Desktop Basic Single Use License(core only) $400.00 Secondary Maintenance for ArcGIS for Desktop Basic Single Use License(core only) $300.00 Primary Maintenance for ArcGIS for Desktop Basic Single Use License(core plus extensions) $1,000.00 Secondary Maintenance for ArcGIS for Desktop Basic Single Use License(core plus extensions) $900.00 1 ArcGIS Extensions for Desktop Advanced Single Use Licenses Maintenance Primary Maintenance for ArcGIS Spatial Analyst for Desktop Advanced Single Use License $500.00 Secondary Maintenance for ArcGIS Spatial Analystfor Desktop Advanced Single Use License $200.00 Primary Maintenance for ArcGIS Geostatistical Analystfor Desktop Advanced Single Use License $500.00 Secondary Maintenance for ArcGIS Geostati sti ca I Analyst for Desktop Adva need Single Use License $200.00 Primary Maintenance for ArcGIS Network Analystfor Desktop Advanced Single Use License $500.00 Secondary Maintenance for ArcGIS Network Analyst for Desktop Advanced Single Use License $200.00 Primary Maintena nce for ArcGIS 3D Analyst for Desktop Advanced Single Use License $500.00 Secondary Maintenance for ArcGIS 3D Analystfor Desktop Advanced Single Use License $200.00 Primary Maintenance for ArcGIS Tracking Analyst for Desktop Advanced Single Use License $500.00 Secondary Mai ntenance for ArcGIS Tracking Analystfor Desktop Advanced Single Use License $200.00 Primary Maintenance for ArcGIS Publisher for Desktop Advanced Single Use License $500.00 Secondary Maintenance for ArcGIS Publisher for Desktop Advanced Single Use License $200.00 Primary Maintenance for ArcGIS Schematics for Desktop Advanced Single Use License $500.00 Secondary Maintena nce for ArcGIS Schematics for Desktop Advanced Single Use License $200.00 Primary Maintenance for ArcGIS Data I nteropera bil ity for Desktop Advanced Single Use License $500.00 Secondary Maintenance for ArcGIS Data Interoperabil ity for Desktop Advanced Single Use License $200.00 Primary Maintenance for ArcGIS Data Reviewer for Desktop Advanced Single Use License $500.D0 Secondary Maintenance for ArcGIS Data Reviewer for Desktop Advanced Single Use License $200.00 Primary Maintenance forArcGlS Workflow Manager for Desktop Advanced Single Use License $500.00 Secondary Maintenance for ArcGIS Workflow Manager for Desktop Advanced Single Use License $200.00 Annual Maintenance for Esri Roads and Highways for Desktop Concurrent Use License $2,500.00 ADDENDUM E Cont. INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT--23 3 Esri CityEngine Primary Maintenancefor Esri CityEngine Advanced Concurrent Use License $800.00 Secondary Maintenance for Esri CityEngine Advanced Concurrent Use License $675.00 Primary Maintenance for Esri CityEngine Advanced Single Use License $800.00 Secondary Maintenance for Esri CityEngine Advanced Single Use License $675.00 Primary Maintenance for Esri CityEngine Basic Single Use License $100.00 Secondary Maintenance for Esri CityEngine Basic Single Use License $85.00 4 ArcGIS Engine Licenses Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS Engine Single Use License(without extensions) $100.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS Engine Single Use License(with one or more extensions) $400.00 Primary Maintenance for ArcGIS Engine Concurrent Use License $250.00 Secondary Maintenance for ArcGIS Engine Concurrent Use License $185.00 4 ArcGIS Extensions for Engine Maintenance Primary Maintenance for ArcGIS 30 Analystfor Engine.Concurrent Use License $200.00 Secondary Maintenance for ArcGIS 3D Analyst for Engine Concurrent Use License $150.00 Primary Maintenancefor ArcGIS Spatial Analyst for Engine Concurrent Use License $200.00 Secondary Maintenance for ArcGIS Spatial Analystfor Engine Concurrent Use License $150.00 Primary Mai ntenance for ArcGIS Engine Geodata base Update Concurrent Use License $200.00 Secondary Maintenancefor ArcGIS Engine Geodatabase Update Concurrent Use License $150.00 Pri mary Maintenancefor ArcGIS Schematics far Engine Concurrent Use License $200.00 Secondary Maintenance for ArcGIS Schematics for Engine Concurrent Use License $150.00 Primary Mai ntena nce for ArcGIS Network Analyst for Engine Concurrent Use License $200.00 Secondary Maintenancefor ArcGIS Network Analystfor Engine Concurrent Use License $150.00 Primary Maintenancefor ArcGIS Tracking Analyst for Engine Concurrent Use License $200.00 Secondary Maintenancefor ArcGIS Tracking Analystfor Engine Concurrent Use License $150.00 Primary Maintenancefor ArcGIS Data Interoperebility for Engine Concurrent Use License $200.00 Secondary Maintenancefor ArcGIS Data Interoperabi lity for Engine Concurrent Use License $150.00 4 ArcGIS Runtime Annual Maintenancefor ArcGIS Runtime Standard 25-Pack Single Use Deployment License $1,000.00 4 ArcGIS Extensions for ArcGIS Runtime Annual Mel ntene ncefor ArcGIS 3D Analyst for RuntimeStandard 25-Pack Single Use Deployment License $2,000.00 Annual Mci ntena ncefor AroGIS Network Analystfor Ruritime Standard 25-Pack Single Use Deployment License $2,000.00 Annual Maintena nee for ArcGIS Spatial Analystfor Runtime Standard 25-Pack Single Use Deployment License $2,000.00 5 ArcGIS for Server Enterprise 5 ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Advanced Annual Maintenancefor ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Advanced(up to four cores) $10,000.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Advanced(additional cores) $2,500.00 5 ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Standard Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Standard(up to four cores) $5,000.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Standard(additional cores) $1,250.00 5 ArcGLS for Server Enterprise Basic Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Basic(up to four cores) $3,000.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS far Server Enterprise Basic(additional cores) $750.00 5 ArcGIS for Server Workgroup Advanced Annual Mai ntenance for ArcGIS for Server Workgroup Advanced(up to two cores) $2,500.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS far Server Workgroup Advanced(additional cores-maximum four cores per server) $1,250.00 5 ArcGIS for Server Workgroup Standard Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS for Server Workgroup Standard(up to two cores) $1,250.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS for Server Workgroup Standard(additional cores-maximum four cores per server) $625.00 5 ArcGIS for Server Workgroup Basic Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS for Server Workgroup Basi c-(price per server[core pricing does not applyl-minin $1,250.00 5 ArcGIS Extensions for Server Enterprise Advanced Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS Data I nteroperability for Server Enterprise Advanced(up to four cores) $2,500.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS Data I nteroperability for Server Enterprise Advanced(additional cores) $625.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGls Image Extension for Server Enterprise Advanced(up to four cores) $2,500.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGlS Image Extension for Server Enterprise Advanced(additional cores) $625.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS Workflow Manager for Server Enterprise Advanced(up to four cores) $2,500.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS Workflow Manager for Server Enterprise Advanced(additional cores) $625.00 Annual Maintenancefor Data Reviewer for Server Enterprise Advanced(up to four cores) $2,500.00 Annual Maintenancefor Data Reviewer for Server Enterprise Advanced(additional cores) $625.00 Annual Maintenancefor Esri Roads and Highways for Server Enterprise Advanced(up to four cores) $2,500.00 Annual Maintenancefor Esri Roads and Highways for Server Enterprise Advanced(additional cares) $625.00 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT--24 ADDENDUM E Cont. 5 ArcGIS Extensions for Server Enterprise Standard Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS Data I nteropera bil ity for Server Enterprise Standard(up to four cores) $2,500.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS Data I nteropera bil ity for Server Enterprise Standard(additional cores) $625.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS Workflow Ma nager for Server Enterprise Standard(up to four cores) $2,500.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS Workflow Ma nager for Server Enterprise Ste ndard(additional cores) $625.00 Annua I Maintenance for ArcGIS Network Analyst for Server EnterpriseStandard(up to four cores) $2,500.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS Network Analyst for Server Enterprise Standard(additional cores) $625.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGlS Image Extension for Server Enterprise Standard(up to four cores) $2,500.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS Image Extension for Server Enterprise Standard(a dditiona I cores) $625.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGlS Data Reviewer for Server Enterprise Standard(up to four cores) $2,500.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS Data Reviewer for Server EnterpriseStandard(additional cores) $625.00 Annual Maintenance for Esri Roads and Highways for Server EnterpriseStandard(up to four cores) $2,500.00 Annual Maintenance for Esri Roads and Highways for Server EnterpriseStandard(additional cores) $625.00 5 ArcGIS Extensions for Server Workgroup Advanced Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS Data lnteroperebility for Server Workgroup Advanced(maximum four cores)License $1,250.00 Annual Ma intena nce for ArcGIS Workflow Manager for Server Workgroup Advanced(maximum four cores)License $1,250.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS Image Extension for Server Workgroup Advanced(maximum four cores)License $1,250.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS Data Reviewer for Server Workgroup Advanced(maximum four cores)License $1,250.00 Annual Maintenance for Esri Roads and Highways for Server Workgroup Advanced(maximum four cores)License $1,250.00 5 ArcGIS Extensions for Server Workgroup Standard Annual Ma i ntenance for ArcGIS Data Interopera bilitf for Server Workgroup Ste ndard(maximum four cores)License $1,250.00 Annual Mei ntena nce for ArcGIS Workflow Manager for Server Workgroup Standard(maximum four cores)License $1,250.00 Annual Ms i ntena nce for ArcGIS Network Analyst for Server Workgroup Standard(maximum four cores)License $1,250.00 Annual Maintenance for Image Extension for Server Workgroup Standard(maxi mum four cores)License $1,250.00 Annual Mai ntena nce for ArcGIS Data Revi ewer for Server Workgroup Standard(maximum four cores)License $1,250.00 Annual Maintenance for Esri Roads and Highways for Server Workgroup Standard(maximum four cores)License $1,250.00 5 ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Staging Server 5 ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Advanced Staging Server Annual Maintenance far ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Advanced(up to four cores)Staging Server $5,000.00 Annual Maintenance far ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Advanced(additional cores)Stagi ng Server $1,250.00 5 ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Standard Staging Server Annual Ma i ntena nce for ArcGIS for Server EnterpriseStandard(up to four cores)Staging Server $2,500.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Sta ndard(additional cores)Staging Server $625.00 5 ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Basic Staging Server Annua I Maintenance for ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Basic(up to four cores)Staging Server $1,500.00 Annua I Maintenance for ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Basic(additional cores)Staging Server $375.00 5 ArcGIS Extensions for Server Enterprise Staging Server 5 ArcGIS Extensions for Server Enterprise Advanced Staging Server Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS Data Interoperability for Server Enterprise Advanced(up to four cores)Staging Serve $1,250.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS Data Interoperabil ity for Server Enterprise Advanced(additional cares)Staging Sery $313.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGlS Image Extension for Server Enterprise Advanced(up to four cores)Staging Server $1,250.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS Image Extension for Server Enterprise Advanced(additional cores)Staging Server $313.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGlS Workfl ow Manager for Server Enterprise Advanced(up to four cores)Staging Server $1,250.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS Workflow Manager for Server Enterprise Advanced(additional cores)Staging Server $313.00 Annual Maintena nce for ArcGIS Data Reviewer for Server Enterprise Advanced(up to four cores)Staging Server $1,250.00 Annual Mai ntena nce for ArcGIS Data Reviewer for Server Enterprise Advanced(additional cores)Staging Server $313.00 Annual Maintenance for Earl Roads and Highways for Server Enterprise Advanced(up to four cores)Staging Server $1,250.00 Annual Maintenance for Earl Roads and Highways for Server Enterprise Advanced(additional cores)Staging Server $313.00 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT--25 ADDENDUM E Cont. 5 ArcGIS Extensions for Server Enterprise Standard Staging Server Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS Data Interoperability for Server Enterprise Standard(up to four cores)Staging Serve $1,250.00 Annual Ma intena nce for ArcG1S Data Interoperability for Server Enterprise Sta ndard(additional cores)Staging Servi $313.00 Annual Ma intena nce for ArcGIS Workflow Ma nager for Server Enterprise Standard(up to four cores)Staging Server $1,250.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS Workflow Manager for Server Enterprise Standard(additional cores)Staging Server $313.00 Annual Ma intenencefor ArcGlS Network Analyst for Server Enterprise Standard(up to four cores)Staging Server $1,250.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS Network Analyst for Server Enterprise Standard(a dditional cores)Staging Server $313.00 Annual Ma intena nce for ArcGIS Image Extension for Server Enterprise Standard(up to four cores)Staging Server $1,250.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS Image Extension for Server Enterprise Standard(additional cores)Staging Server $313.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS Data Reviewer for Server Enterprise Standard(up to four cores)Staging Server $1,250.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS Data Reviewer for Server Enterprise Standard(additional cores)Staging Server $313.00 Annual Maintenance for Esri Roads and Highways for Server Enterprise Standard(up to four cores)Staging Server $1,250.00 Annual Maintenance for Esri Roads and Highways for Server Enterprise Standard(additional cores)Staging Server $313.00 12 Other Software 12 Esri Mapping and Charting Annual Maintenance for Esri Production Mapping Concurrent Use License $2,500.00 Annual Maintenance for Esri Production Mapping Single Use License $2,500.00 13 Mobile GIS 13 ArcPad Annual Maintenance for ArcPad Single Use License $250.00 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT--26 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: January 29, 2013 Department Director Approval: ❑ Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ® admin. report ❑ pending legislation ❑ executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Council Position#1 Candidate Interviews GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: At the January 15, 2013 Council meeting, according to Council's approved procedure, Councilmembers selected the following candidates to interview: a. Kevin Anderson b. Amy Biviano c. Lewis Rodney Higgins d.Linda Thompson e. Samuel P. Wood As part of the approved procedure, the candidates will be interviewed alphabetically, and each interview will be a maximum of 30 minutes. Each Councilmember may ask each candidate up to three questions. BACKGROUND: OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF/COUNCIL CONTACT: Mayor Towey/Mike Jackson ATTACHMENTS: (1) Potential Applicant Interview Questions; (2) Candidate Applications Questions for Candidates: Candidates should be prepared to answer any of the following questions, even though every question might not be asked of each candidate. Potential Council Applicant Interview Questions 1. What is the primary responsibility of a councilperson to the citizens of Spokane Valley? 2.What are the most important issues we as a city are faced with today? 3. As a councilperson, one of the most challenging issues we face is balancing the budget for the City. Given that the majority of our revenue is from sales tax and property tax, how would you propose to strike a balance between revenues and expenses? At what point would you support additional revenues to maintain service levels? 4. Please explain what you think the most difficult aspect of being on the council would be. 5. Discuss your ideas on pavement preservation. What do you believe is/are the solutions for long-term sustainability of our roads? 6.How can we determine what the citizens want for the future of Spokane Valley? 7.What do you envision the City of Spokane Valley will be like in ten and twenty years from now? 8. What are the three highest priorities the City needs to address and how do you propose to address these issues? 9.What do you think is the biggest challenge facing the City Council? 10. All total, Councilmembers serve on approximately twenty different boards, committees, councils and task forces. Does your lifestyle allow you to serve on at least three or four outside committees and share these responsibilities? It could mean up to 10 hours per month in addition to your Council duties. Would you be able to serve up to 100 hours per month as a City Councilmember? 11. Do you plan to run and/or actively campaign for the November election for what will be a four-year term? 12.Have you attended City Council meetings in the past? 13.What lessons did you learn from attending Council meetings? 14.Why do you want to be on the city council? 15. What training and learning have you undertaken to understand the form of government into which you would be entering and the legal restrictions and responsibilities of a councilmember under Washington statutes? 16.What do you hope to accomplish as a Councilmember and what do you offer the City? 17. If the majority of the Council took a position that you were against, how would you handle your response to the public? 18.As a Councilmember,what new or different perspective would you bring to the City Council? 19.Are you aware and knowledgeable about the Open Meeting Act? 20. Are you aware and knowledgeable about the Public Disclosure Act? poRgnt Rey CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY 11707 E. Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 (509) 921 -1000 APPLICATION FOR INTERIM CITY COUNCIL MEMBER POSITION# I Thank you for your interest in serving the Spokane Valley community as a member of the Spokane Valley City Council. To be considered,applications must be completed,signed,and received at the City Clerk's office, l 1 707 E. Sprague Avenue, Suite 1 0 6, no later than 4:00p.m. Friday, Januaty 11, 2013, (late arriving mail will not be accepted). Applications may be hand-delivered or mailed. Faxed or c-mailed applications will not be accepted as the original application with the original signature must be submitted. Name: Anderson Emil Kevin (Last) (Middle) (First) Complete Home Mailing Address: 11122 E.35t'Avenue,Spokane Valley,WA 99206 If you have lived at your current address less than one year, please list your previous addresses and state how long you lived at those residences: Complete Previous Address Length of Time at this Address Home Phone: (509)509—928 -3460 Fax: ( ) Business Phone: ( ) Cell:(509)953-7104 E-mail: kands@cet.com Occupation:(if retired,please indicate former occupation)Manufacture gManager, V.P.of Fabrication Business Address: Educational Background:EWU(Chernistiy), Uof W(Chemical Oceanography) 1. Registered voter in the City of Spokane Valley? Yes[X] No[ 1 2. Have you continuously resided within the city limits of the City of Spokane Valley for a year or more? (State law requires a councihnember to be a resident of Spokane Valley for at least a year prior to appointment, and to be a registered voter at the time of application) Yes[X] No [ ] 3.Have you ever been convicted for anything other than a minor traffic violation? Yes [ ] No [X ] 4. If you answered "YES"to#3 above.please explain: 5. Do you or your spouse or any immediate family member (spouse, children, siblings, parents) have a financial interest in. or are you an employee or officer of ay business or agency which does business with the City of Spokane Valley? Yes [X] No [ ] If yes, please explain: Spouse,Journal of Business 6, Is any member of your immediate family currently employed, either full time or part time by the City of Spokane Valley, or currently perform any volunteer work for the City of Spokane Valley? Yes[X] No[ If yes,please explain: Planning Commission 7. Would your appointment create a conflict of interest or an appearance of a conflict of interest? Yes [ ] No [X] If yes,please explain: S. Please list your employment for the past ten years: NAME OF EMPLOYER POSITION HELD DATESOFEMWLOYMENT Retired—Self Employed Woodworking/Contract Labor 2003 to present Energy Products of Idaho Manufacturing Manager 1996-2003 9. Please list the professional affiliations, clubs, social, or fraternal organizations to which you belong or hold office: None 10. Please list your special skills and/or interests: My use of research and rapid assessment has allowed me to manage different operations building equipment for open pit mining,waste to energy, and offshore oil vessels and would allow me to be a Quick Study for items before the Council. I have also successfully published Operation Manuals and Quality Assurance Manuals with my ability to take a complicated subject and educe it down to a workable document. I I. Please list your volunteer experience, and include any volunteer or paid positions held on any governmental board, committee or commission: None FROM: TO: 12. Why are you interested in serving in this interim position as a Spokane Valley City Councilmember? I will bring 30+years business and operation experience in heavy industry which would be another perspective on the Council. This range of experience relates to many of the types of subjects the Council has to review and includes the following; 1)business/facilities addition and expansion in several states. 2)contract administration with both cost plus and multi-year contracts. 3)bid package specification,evaluation, and procurement. 4)negotiating and implementing multiple year union contracts. 5) budget preparation and administration. 6)estimating and bidding large scale projects, both public and private. 7)extensive work with various state DOT regulations and rules to coordinate the efficient and legal movement of goods. 8)exporting of equipment to Europe,Asia,Africa,and South America. 9)providing technical research and documentation for litigation purposes. 13. What are the three highest priorities you believe the City needs to address? How would you propose to address these issues? I believe the position of Council Member is to represent the interest of the taxpayer and I do not seek this position with a list of priorities for the City to achieve. My priorities as a Council Member would be to(1)provide the municipal services the taxpayer expects to the maximum level possible but within the current level of revenue and(2)insure the government does not grow or expand beyond the minimum necessary to provide the municipal services expected without first receiving the approval and funding from the taxpayer. I expect efforts will continue and support the City's efforts to eliminate any government obstructions to business expansion or establishment within the City. 14.Have you ever attended a meeting of the Spokane Valley City Council? Yes[X] No[ If yes,give an estimate of how many meetings you have attended in the past year: 6+most all via SVTV 15. Appointment to the City Council will require your attendance at numerous regularly scheduled and special meetings,which generally occur on Tuesday evenings. Councilmembers are also expected to represent the City of Spokane Valley by serving on various regional commissions, committees and boards. Are you able to commit your time and energy to participate fully as a member of the Spokane Valley City Council. Yes[X] No[ ] 16. References: Please list name,address and phone number: 1. Names can be furnished under separate cover if they will be redacted from publication with this application and the Council packets. 2. 3. Once submitted, applications and related materials become a public record subject to public disclosure,and could be included in several council agenda packets, including the agenda packet for the January 15, 2013 City Council meeting.Interviews are tentatively scheduled for the evening of January 29, 2013. Selected applicants will be notified of the exact date and time of the interview once all applications have been received. Final action appointing a candidate to elective office will take place in the open public meeting, which is anticipated to occur Tuesday, February 5, 2013, No City elected officer shall hold any other office or employment within the Spokane Valley City government. Signature: e a Today's Date: ! = s `\, RECEIVED C€I11� j cikane JAN -- Valley` 2013 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY City of Spokane Valley 11707 E. Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 (509) 921-1000 APPLICATION FOR INTERIM CITY COUNCIL MEMBER POSITION# 1 Thank you for your interest in serving the Spokane Valley community as a member of the Spokane Valley City Council, To be considered, applications must be completed, signed, and received at the City Clerk's office, 11707 E. Sprague Avenue, Suite 106, no later thail 4:00 p.m. Friday, January 11, 2013, (late arriving mail will not be accepted). Applications may be hand-delivered or mailed. Faxed or e-mailed applications will not be accepted as the original application with the original signature must be submitted. Name: Av .p Crl 1)lQJ AT)t, (Last) Middle) f� (First)' Complete Home Mailing Address: 1,00 S '"'YQ''� Fa K vv.— VJ , 0,,49- If you have lived at your current address less than one year, please list your previous addresses and state how long you lived at those residences: Complete Previous Address Length of Time at this Address Home Phone: (Szo9) `Li Fax: ( ) Business Phone: ( ) Cell: (SDy) ZS20 40'00 E-mail: ' r�m�binnho e ym,al). t� Occupation: (if retired, please indlccate former occupation) 6 Ir.S;eei Ic,v ;c, ., . .. G1y.� Business Address: I q/0 S Vivre,y• ) {! ro pr Educational Background: )11 } t (©►t slE{a, oAC'7; �# \Yc - r�1hotSI /79 7 [, Registered voter in the City of Spokane Valley? Yes [ No [ ] 2. Have you continuously resided within the city limits of the City of Spokane Valley for a year or more? (State law requires a cotineilmember to be a resident of Spokane Valley for at least a year prior to appointment, and to be a registered voter at the time of application.) Yes [ .- No [ ] 3. Have you ever been convicted for anything other than a minor traffic violation? Yes [ ] No [ 4. If you answered"YES" to#3 above, please explain: 5. Do you or your spouse or any immediate family member (spouse, children, siblings, parents) have a financial interest in, or are you an employee or officer of any business or agency which does business with the City of Spokane Valley? Yes [ ] No [ v(lf yes, please explain: 6. Is any member of your immediate family currently employed, either full time or part time, by the City of Spokane Valley, or currently perform any volunteer work for the City of Spokane Valley? Yes [ ] No [4" I f yes, please explain: 7. Would your appointment create a conflict of interest or an appearance of a conflict of interest? Yes [ ] No [ If yes, please explain: 8. Please list your employment for the past ten years: NAME OF LMYI LOYER POSITION HELD DATES OF EMPLOYMENT mD Pn\i;no°, )104), Q/ or t v' 3/6o0 dQ.A 7,/„zoo — .340n c-,hS4 ,16)4 A £ ;c.f.S j r, Acco v44-c0+ 1�� 0D7 - s/ 5}t? tAAr <,c1 W In r, Ac cvIV)-60 - 9) 02007 - /40 o7 _ • rJ S cL/d- s 55Nu,)4S -rrev L 1�Y'L a1/400 4 3 eD1 1 f l 94.3 I 1 l4it,.4 f'i lvA,<_1 N 6 nip fill wti m c,4 r.{` 4,11);J1 se{ 1!boo)/r /0/zot) 9. Please list the professional li affiliations, clubs, social, or fraternal organizations to which you belong or hold office: V �4t1 �1novr�Fa.AY — 1h1 4 BLU, ►v.I-I /1;04•,c.el 1!�1�ciA E?;LZps es e,"-- 4 A (,)ct,JL,,i „,„,_ C;e, JC'�}9� 1 d. Please list your special skills and/or interests: 4rwj h 1 I9R J 1hh cmd 1hn -c.� h,an�`��p„►.,-4; rit(Qc1$or-1 DNA C01^d- r.1(4 �r6:1) Ar,ei J)i-5 L.)1 ar it;Ps 461}iwc Pef On/e� 1 I, Please list your volunteer experience, and include any volunteer or paid positions held on any governmental board,committee or commission: I }� v i Adv►silorj (AWN' on ' ��J-- FROM: J/ 2�)0 TO: pros WS JS CM .I'i sti'J /-.I rr �c,,t.� FROM: j40 9 TO: s cktki+1' S . C-04) s),(4,,a Y ow wPR( FROM: 14,109 TO: ).47/2 01n FROM: TO: 12. Why are you interested in serving in this interim position as a Spokane Valley City Councilmember? 74s rs, S Lk. btits i hl 3 oL3h4v owl J 4_ rtxbd-L v'' DJ 400 to l h,c{.e_ Lo j_s, f brlvlj fhe, ; py ra aI1CQ Cnp,c'1 9.At-fL;C ov4 �L Saivr — 0%,V- / Gvv\ )41-,x! 4 s-IirI¢h iL�� fUv, 6(Of' C.Q Yrh`.l � R NUi1 00 li .S b • ` , f 1 . 13. What are the three highest priorities you believe the City needs to address? How would you propose to address these issues? rL .-1— Qktn� V64f,?��' 0t b s it l3li.�s, f i3O)�� � Lr+1 � J S ri ♦ fl L. r cy t ai f tilt 4 ,�(c �"s'• 1 tolr if . / y ( p j r r - -W e Aroin — 44YbhJ inicioj Y c � 1TA0 �ls(e:',L Oa � ( . J f� — 11 Is ) n f 0f I i ]ly 0t4{ b 5 A (cc,V34 Z , at- hs t,0 S4rem tiv.— h '.2 < t f . b r�uJ"a�' , ?o vs-. 1 P41/. V G �,,► 2�✓s / e d L J eAk .privra �s . I1�� ` j dl YA rs 6,,al 61 C i -0 a:4 c in,0 611 Gt i V �S 1-te, b 41 r s 4 ro,V1 i Y�LYLi-i trl■Get r . W� t lS.) 4 31 r 1(r)-- ti:/ s c. {B I kS'fYit ], P i 1 ._.. '`)1y „pi/4U ! 14. Have you ever attended a meeting of the Spokane Valley City Council? i _,Yes {L JNo [ ] .J if yes, give an estimate of how many meetings you have attended in the past year: Z. 64.1f• 15, Appointment to the City Council will require your attendance at numerous regularly scheduled and special meetings, which generally occur on Tuesday evenings. Councilmembers are also expected to represent the City of Spokane Valley by serving on various regional commissions, committees and boards. Are you able to commit your time and energy to participate fully as a member of the Spokane Valley City Council. Yes [ No [ ] 16. Referencc�es: Please list name, address and phone number: 1, if a Vrl e_ 0 riA. , `3oq S {, y,kd;w. Cf 4k S 1, S v0 64— 1/4'113'i S09-110 e97 7 2. o k v i i,&c AttLc, i t, ,i S Add I }, c l a w s,f S D 9 r /3 2i-7.5 /t) 3. 104— •ch IO2 1 E Doti, I{ 9J Ott Jv"d 5D9_411 —gtn7)- Once submitted, applications and related materials become a public record subject to public disclosure, and could be included in several council agenda packets, including the agenda packet for the January 15,2013 City Council meeting. Interviews are tentatively scheduled for the evening of January 29, 2013. Selected applicants will be notified of the exact date and time of the interview once all applications have been received. Final action appointing a candidate to elective office will take place in the open public meeting, which is anticipated to occur Tuesday, February 5, 2013. No City elected officer shall hold any other office or employment within the Spokane Valley City government. Signature: U - Today's Date: 1/7/7u Spokane 4000 Valley 6 IAN r 0 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ciIVor 2013 11707 E. Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 c= 6.01( Spokane Valley, WA 99206 (509) 921-1000 APPLICATION FOR INTERIM CITY COUNCIL MEMBER POSITION # 1 Thank you for your interest in serving the Spokane Valley community as a member of the Spokane Valley City Council. To be considered, applications must be completed, signed, and received at the City Clerk's office, 11707 E. Sprague Avenue, Suite 106, no later than 4:00 p.m. Friday,January 11,2013, (late arriving mail will not be accepted). Applications may be hand-delivered or mailed. Faxed or e- mailed applications will not be accepted as the original application with the original signature must be submitted. Name: Higgins, Lewis Rodney Complete Home Mailing Address: 13707 E. 23rd Court, Spokane Valley, WA 99216 If you have lived at your current address less than one year, please list your previous addresses and state how long you lived at those residences: Complete Previous Address Length of Time at this Address Home Phone: 509-928-5869 Fax: ( ) Business Phone: ( ) Cell: 509-990-4028 E-mail: lewrod @comcast.net Occupation: (if retired,please indicate former occupation) Retired. Please see employment history at end of application. Business Address: Educational Background: Graduated Wallace High School, BS Business (Finance), U of Idaho, various professional courses 1.Registered voter in the City of Spokane Valley? Yes [X] No [ ] 2. Have you continuously resided within the city limits of the City of Spokane Valley for a year or more? (State law requires a councilmember to be a resident of Spokane Valley for at least a year prior to appointment, and to be a registered voter at the time of application.) Yes [X] No [ ] 3. Have you ever been convicted for anything other than a minor traffic violation? Yes [ ] No [X] 4. If you answered"YES"to#3 above,please explain: 5. Do you or your spouse or any immediate family member(spouse, children, siblings, parents) have a financial interest in, or are you an employee or officer of any business or agency which does business with the City of Spokane Valley? Yes [ ] No [X] If yes, please explain: 6. Is any member of your immediate family currently employed, either full time or part time, by the City of Spokane Valley, or currently perform any volunteer work for the City of Spokane Valley? Yes [ ] No [X] If yes,please explain: 7. Would your appointment create a conflict of interest or an appearance of a conflict of interest?Yes [ ] No [X] If yes, please explain: 8. Please list your employment for the past ten years: NAME OF EMPLOYER POSITION HELD DATES OF EMPLOYMENT Please see employment history at end of application. 9. Please list the professional affiliations, clubs, social, or fraternal organizations to which you belong or hold office: El Katif Shrine, Elks, VFW, American Legion, Citizens' Alliance for Property Rights, Washington Policy Center 10.Please list your special skills and/or interests: Local and national politics, economics, retirement planning, personnel management, golf. 11. Please list your volunteer experience, and include any volunteer or paid positions held on any governmental board, committee or commission: • Spokane Valley Planning Commission FROM: 1/12 TO: Present • South Spokane Shrine Club, Treasurer FROM: 10/11 TO: Present • Northwest Natural Resources Committee, Board Member FROM: 6/93 TO: 11/95 • Idaho Council on Economic Education, Chair FROM: 8/92 TO: 11/94 • Jobs Plus, Board Member FROM: 10/91 TO: 6/94 12. Why are you interested in serving in this interim position as a Spokane Valley City Councilmember? The Spokane Valley City Council, over the past three years, has set a course for the city that has held the line on finances while ensuring the services which are required of the city are provided. It is imperative that the person who is appointed has the same goals and vision for the City of Spokane Valley as the council person being replaced. I believe I do. 13. What are the three highest priorities you believe the City needs to address? How would you propose to address these issues? 1. The Sullivan Bridge replacement. That bridge is not only a very important factor in business development for the Valley, it is essential to keeping the businesses already present. In the event that funding assistance for completion is not forthcoming from state or federal sources, I would be in favor of using funds from the city's reserves to complete it. 2. Maintaining the city's sound financial footing. The current state and national economic problems could well mean less revenue from program sharing and grants. Should that occur, it will be necessary to prioritize spending and projects while searching for revenue replacement, without increasing taxes, in order to provide the basic services expected of city management. 3. Business Development. The City of Spokane Valley is already cultivating its reputation as a business friendly community. That must continue. In the event that outside revenue assistance diminishes, the most direct source of new revenue will be generated by business expansion. 14. Have you ever attended a meeting of the Spokane Valley City Council? Yes [X] No [ ] If yes,give an estimate of how many meetings you have attended in the past year: 25+ 15. Appointment to the City Council will require your attendance at numerous regularly scheduled and special meetings, which generally occur on Tuesday evenings. Council members are also expected to represent the City of Spokane Valley by serving on various regional commissions, committees and boards. Are you able to commit your time and energy to participate fully as a member of the Spokane Valley City Council. Yes [X] No [ ] 16. References: Please list name,address and phone number: 1. Brenda Grasse', 1418 N. Woodruff Rd., Spokane Valley, WA 99206. 509-924-3836 2. Ronald L. Allen, 3031 W.22"d Ave., Spokane, WA 99224, 509-838-3834 3. Debie Keesee, 1613 S. Blake Rd., Spokane Valley, WA 99216 509-838- 8960 Once submitted, applications and related materials become a public record subject to public disclosure, and could be included in several council agenda packets, including the agenda packet for the January 15, 2013 City Council meeting. Interviews are tentatively scheduled for the evening of January 29,2013. Selected applicants will be notified of the exact date and time of the interview once all applications have been received. Final action appointing a candidate to elective office will take place in the open public meeting, which is anticipated to occur Tuesday,February 5, 2013. No City elected officer shall hold any other office or employment within the Spokane Valley City government. Signature: December 28, 2012 Summary of Experience Employment • International Society of Mine Safety Professionals, Executive Director, 9/02- 8/06 • US Postal Service, Distribution Supervisor, 12/99-9/02 • GeoTemps, Marketing Consultant, 12/95-12-99 • Coeur d'Alene Mines Corp., Manager of Administration, Director of Government Affairs, 7/90-11/95 • Nevada Mining Association, Executive Director, 2/87-7/90 • Sunshine Mining Company, Manager of Administration, Assistant to the COO, 3/81-5/86 Other Relevant Information • Attained the professional designations of: 1. Certified Financial Planner-CFP (not current) 2. Professional of Human Resources-PHR (not current) 3. Chartered Life Underwriter-CLU • Small business owner: Aurum Business Services (current); Sequim Valley Farms, Inc. (seed farm); Associated Planning Consultants (personal financial planning) • Business Consultant: Easy Systems, Inc., (bank teller software, board member) • Pension and Employee Benefits Specialist, Safeco Insurance Co. • Extensive financial planning (personal and small business) experience. Education • B.S. Degree, Finance, University of Idaho • Merrill Lynch Account Executive Training Program • Kennedy Banking Trust and Estate Planning School • Grant Writing for Professionals Course • College for Financial Planning, Certification Course (CFP) • American College, Professional Certification Course (CLU) • Society for Human Resource Management, Professional Certification Course (PHR) SlfIIY'1?F�� d -�; I hill ' ` 5 Ulf III CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY J/IAI 20f: 11707 E. Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 (509)921-1000 APPLICATION FOR INTERIM CITY COUNCIL MEMBER POSITION # 1 Thank you for your interest in serving the Spokane Valley community as a member of the Spokane Valley City Council. To be considered, applications must be completed, signed, and received at the City Clerk's office, I 1 707 E. Sprague Avenue, Suite 106, no later than 4:00 p.in. Friday, January 11,2013, (late arriving mail will not be accepted). Applications may be hand-delivered or mailed. Faxed or e-mailed applications will not be accepted as the original application with the original signature must be submitted. Name: ThOin S( '1 J"J /V 1--' (Last) (ibt'ciclle) (Firs Lt) I/ r Complete Home Mailing Address: / /3 e 4j7V) h,(h4/46-zer J�/_)'`J�Z° ! il�iae�f// l i // (65 If you have lived at your current address less than one year, please list you(precious addresses and` ltfte how long t 11 +'9 you lived at those residences: Complete Previous Address Length of Time at this Address flame Phone: (691) IP& -7d 1 Fax: (5* gacA - 77J ,( 4r2d c'I'c. Business Phone: ( ) 0 9— Y3 r 3 Cell: W) ,W—g i4V6 E-mail: ��CI *Iv�m-�sm 7/ G t S . 40)-1"7 0-e,rS5nit-O Uhd.r { 1 6( . � .- 7e.' (�r 1; V Occupation: (if retired, please indicate former occupation) Cr, f Ifrec�U _ _ /.9E1 4". ✓ /112al2 dfbs FA.1e-e w .2C/S E'' 4, ./ ci.s5/YC, / / Business Address: d _ , -'11 - -/.0 c'f■ _ ,i` " . 07- .2- *YGJ Educational Background: CM/Mt //rte .5. IF Ito _at., 4 e-, , i9 h&iYrit'S/ 4- / Yl1 5 m. / � if/ I. Registered voter in the City of Spokane Va ley? Yes IX 1 No [ I L44 fir 2. Have you continuously resided within the city limits or the City of Spokane Valley for a year or more? (State law requires a councilmember to be a resident of Spokane Valley for at least a year prior to appointment, and to be a registered voter at the time of application.) Yes [)(] No [ ] 3. 1-lave you ever been convicted for anything other than a minor traffic violation? Yes [ ] No [X-1 4. II you answered "YES"to 113 above, please explain: 5. Do you or your spouse or any immediate family member (spouse, children, siblings, parents) have a financial interest in, or are you an employee or officer of any busht ss or agency which does business with the City of Spokane Valley? Yes [ICJ No I [ryes, please explain 1 1 /1 / 5 C °t;, K. - - (. L/ ice- 4 /i : .G a 'kit r r Y!Cq.v'ea .- clttl Y✓.r jf/i lf"�g 420r' .P Of -1--Ae o]rr�d lit O- - 64,V3.°'' -Fc.9c.0[f f�z('aseirrr, 6. is any member of your immediate family u'tiirently employed,either full time or part time, by the City ofk(4%,:„7720''-z Spokane Valley, or currently perform any volunteer work For the City of Spokane Valley? Yes [ ] No [)Q x If/1GrvF.,--5ffa / 74-J)is 1`5 On 1 67/We/026>n '� e ilia`j 4 ,i ad 1i 4t C.y�j i.%.iC t .4d/-74 dcyl�n e0/ .0 fj/5'c/t ce /.71". l! If yes, please explain: _ T 7. Would your appointment create a conflict of interest or an appearance era conflict of interest? Yes [ I No XI If yes, please explain: 8, Please list your employment for the past ten years NAME OF EMPLOYER POSITION HELD , OF EMPLOYMENT e, (r ter splon• 4.45- eeilibXe rrneii k-Xecy7' " areCtOr '//i//9 93 1-0 6t4/ WL . (/4-eL'/ 1s/y &dr kel Ill 44' 411C/41 es- /r7, ief g/- i'n G/ud,/7 // t°i�J'/`,5 mci ern //1 -11,106P- 7)�' Moh/ 4w,6 9, Please list the professional affiliations, clubs, social, or fraternal organizations to which you belong or hold office: ffkiSlzr 1+n r9. or. -2c 55t/asf.rye f}6Eese G/0/erc eoio �;r�— tiiec f9r- cs'ir-!3—t.pA tthq" W r '' y ev'eeK Ch Ndre-ri //i 17er— Ki'y/esrd''ei^ f` S." _, - —_ • —✓l? i�b a .;301 . 19-60e1141- 41Ea" r r�. f,,,. ID, Please list your special skills and/or interests: ski-e//,1 6,,r,,rn„iv"/ y//viz„yf gavis ob.e t' 4,4-4,04 y fb/ic air si, t lethG(OgiicJ&i�5 5 f rro adl/it�nc 5k!// , 1'2/ nuiAL T V�.:r y uonkl;/7tt'at/ r-f-D ff49rrc,-fi,7j 0cir rr ty c' Spol Ly ,11�i// �, interecfedael enA&f lit;illecVlinrQ4/./yinr/e1s/e?, ”?I 1. Please list your volunteer experience, and include any volunteer or paid positions liekl eifi any governmental' %.zy board,committee or commission: rs Y,- f'erf. ai/1 c figs1f 66(64 Mr;41 r;/4—/4 - -to /t d1S FROM: 9009- TO: ` p/t) 0060 0 OA bi/5 �% i 'e , /Nt cC., FROM: `I'O: tdOrk vYr C/vs-`V/ £cJ FROM: TO: 1'e r l 1-r 5 J Jl /fc t,Sf f�/ Li or/FROM:°�f IV a UcW I( t 4-,--ae m cr* r '/O,f//` �' .5cJ arils a o r jaisto;Ph 121 12. Why are you interested in serving in this interim position as iit-' pokanc Valley City Councilm tuber? Chridter'1 emi,',2 .'. l / SG/.0Is ,ra m 5 e ra.0 6,44-G17 y o -4_ I Il <1 //G4e._. /,fart 5/are _i to as lryso d- �r Lc l°!/t5 / i e,-c . 74d/',gt to - ,p. r'1 .477E - ie.. L i il f1t' Str l .ocec l a-n • yeir5 "2 cc.) V2/I��/,?9O,X eft', CC y�, . e- , o )y /20.5 i ?' k ., 4 spec i/$ e i fs''e r c .'i>l '2 #- 45 9r 4 7-e klai %Or 94-rh 4rcf/7 • 51 -/-A re/' 4,/,//44'51/Pr Al 'r' 129l-�-. / /� 2 d 1A -- I'2 /7 il ferdec h a e,-�ad k1 � '6( hr L(1 'Gl'� . 0-1 153 wt-5 -For 44, Cf4y f hid am / /` n *0 p. 1 p,' /77 -te, /ear4 - u, 'j 4 ' y ep 15 nee-rissG7i, /75 a, �p � 7 W /'fly ma,"/V cvr��toe- 7 .5 v j,oc5 s-wc , at/pro/75 DG( ', 56lfto 4 4e4"/" S`rfre55-S I c c v . /R/"e, "yid/,y , ii -i1,'vi 5 . 13. What are the three highest priorities you believe the City needs to address? How would you propose to address these issues? 1 fill/ .971e ' -"r-nave /t),,r/cy.6/ c// /v/ i Ch,'e•re /?/c k !/9/r/E'a 4,41 dmd Pi` 'oe ,>--i r D 54 .s.c r• 1 ■ c /%riir - 8.11 -17; ' Sir{1 drvtg v-Teje ll, )Ss-lrS'j 4-n A eTpiee/16+1 roc -6rze. m Shp' tee-D7 744e l>'/74/r6Y-S-4/ , p.P ,1/44, r 6-0Y0/e-64,,,e, Vaiquatl Pa ,c e u.I i'- ti2e,.Sp ka- -t' Co,„i ty s/ f'{7ts- orKre cam. -7--,-5 aa`Gfr r 5 ,A is e / cr e-s < 9 /2 9 Cct' lo 5h- -r r-� piiii -far Ws.A, ,s- C ens re f`-tr 2 i S if/ SCOPE (ncl/ate�(" ei 'f07-74407/�d ila, «.`r)rs(4' �k no /land,- !a- cc( c rid g -/ Cfu5✓o ' l WI/ 9/ ei.? ` ese/' "'c e 1(✓01 �' [f i 2 i'OYYl t�t 5 pPt d apt+'.' Ct 1r r E4Xift pre F ire /i a./',s # {S�ii67.ai .. }� {� f��/'+'r d4 Y dart: - / / T tS ica.,'1Gj/r ( /1/.7 s47fe s-free Cfn, eae2174 f all '740 irei f fr 7 1''•7 e c-r,-.' U ads s o M v y ‘,61. 74774 7r?,%'/'r7 74-4 477-23-/1 A 4 --T he ' i 0 7� 0'7 o I`�s ed/ ti /7,aci /''(rr, G ets 0/ f0 �l74/i�7 iii 5-/oe. 5 /i /6/,s-,--1-; ©7C PI V e 5-f i/7 y /n 'OA i fl 7 4 9 i'.7 r•- /h 7r-rr's 'u r?"-t ifrAe, uie iI'/So ,,,,,y....7,-,) ow s,-r' ,--v e Aeze-e_. . e4PC c '55-M5 i'k- 314/ea) ks I- 'e-e/ P; 5-&-i' '?&'?4F" .S .S/'&, '1 S. a l //'1 6,� .arc f- f -f i e 5 / t �7ii7 r't e, r e t, . - -c'-/t/i/ 5i / /rt' iit2 6' UYj ?, 5.-.0- /64'70917-7(5. Appr° �/ ac'srS-f t e,ztf - -_V1276 Sko`lied U crdacrgtn ' re5arr- c /�,r r4�"nrfed bfy ' �- /i- - . f -e4-s 45 6 Fe/Y, , /{/c+1JJ?U1/ 7 d'7�I/ %5 /vet^ �'�JC t/� /t.+ � 3 rCOlrOM rG c��v/. -,--ii�,�.i�, The. ��'f'r7r,`7`�i nt Pt-47c / ,, // l! .J i f ... t- up-/`ca/ -.Co D t e 54 ./,/171/7 ,,-D feL5 s c4dtS,o V/' '/7,reo- a l<, l c&.r i-er ©n �1,, n-s/7y 1-6,c15/1 ]5 c,^r'tr'r� '' 414 /G4s�+`[ ° a., mwyi {� Y�€�s`f pcy �/ 14. Have you ever attended a meeting of the Spokane Valley City Council? 1� e s [-1 No [ ] op rt1n,tie s If yes, give an estimate of how many meetings you have attended in the past year: 4 inee//,l -�vrfir�-urc iQ��7f- /O veil III r �1r�i/, success IS. Appointment to the City Council will require your attendance at numefona regularly sched tlet and special meetings, which generally occur on Tuesday evenings. Councilmembers are also expected to represent the City of Spokane Valley by serving on various regional commissions, committees and hoards. Are y u able to commit your time and energy to participate fully as a member of the Spokane Valley City Council. Yes [ No [ ] 16. References: Please list name, address and phone number: I. S r"i{ �2zf'e > /7e2Ot/ich floc) 40. 7411or) 417?-69/7 2. Ca' /1)e/lii/'1+°-a vo/6 5 SL/ncr-esi 9v,70 -?/9e Speleetiik vazzdv,c0,4 WO, 3. Perif9 &)///y l/, / e tv"/� K Q16 53.5--?.5"151 �J sp /cc-r tln/I 4,Gun99 o, Once submitted, applications and related materials become a public record subject to public disclosure, and could be included in several council agenda packets, including the agenda packet for the January 15,2013 City Council meeting. Interviews are tentatively scheduled for the evening of January 29, 2013. Selected applicants will be notified of the exact date and time of the interview once all applications have been received. Final action appointing a candidate to elective office will take place in the open public meeting, which is anticipated to occur Tuesday, February 5, 2013. No City elected officer shall hold any other office or employment within the Spokane Valley City government. Signature: /I4(J 0 .1 e /'6.. /) Today's Date: f. sot Valley CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY 1 1707 E. Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 (509) 921-1000 APPLICATION FOR IN`I1 RIVI CITY COUNCIL MEMBER POSITION# 1 Thank you for your interest in serving the Spokane Valley community as a member of the Spokane Valley City Council. To be considered, applications must be completed,signed, and received at the City Clerk's office, 11707 E. Sprague Avenue, Suite 106, no later than 4:00 p.m, Friday,Januarys 11,2013, (late arriving mail will not be accepted). Applications may be hand-delivered or mailed. Faxed or e-mailed applications will not be accepted as the original application with the original signature must be submitted. Name: Wood ]? Samuel (Last) (Middle) (First) Complete Home Ivlailing Address: 1520 S David St, Spokane Valley,Wa 99212 IC you have lived at your current address less than one year, please list your previous addresses and state how long you lived at those residences: Complete Previous Address Length ofTinre at this Address Home Phone: (509) 533-0702 lax: ( ) Business Phone: (50/) 534-20 00 Cell: (5 CI 998-8323 E-mail: Occupation: (if retired, please indicate former occupation) Real Estate Appraiser Business Address: Same as Above Educational Background: BA Business and Journalism , Registered voter in the City of Spokane Valley? Yes [x ] No [ ] 2. Have you continuously resided within the city limits of the City of Spokane Valley for a year or store? (Stale law requires a councilmember to be a resident of Spokane Valley for at least a year prior to appointment, and to be a registered voter at the time of application.) Yes [ X ] No [ ] 3. 1-lave you ever been convicted fbr anything other than a minor traffic violation? Yes [ ] No Ix ] 4. If you answered "YES"to#3 above, please explain: 5. Do you or your spouse or any immediate family member (spouse, children, siblings, parents) have a financial interest in, or are you an employee or officer of any business or agency which does business with the City of Spokane Valley? Yes [ ] No [ X] if yes,please explain: 6. is any member of your immediate family currently employed,either full time or part time, by the City of Spokane Valley,or currently perform any volunteer work for the City of Spokane Valley? Yes [ ] No[X] If yes,please explain: 7. Would your appointment create a conflict of interest or an appearance of a conflict of interest?Yes [ ] No [X If yes, please explain: 8. Please list your employment for the past ten years: NAME OF EMPLOYER POSITION FIELD DATES OF EMPLOYMENT Self Employed Real Estate _ 1998-Present 9. Please list the professional affiliations, clubs, social, or fraternal organizations to which you belong or hold office: NAIFA-National Ass of Independent Fee Appraisers /SHBA-Spokane Home B SAID-Spokane Ass of Realtors/Member missions board of my Church 10. Please list your special skills and/or interests: Analytical /managerial/writing/organizational 11. Please list your volunteer experience, and include any volunteer or paid positions held on any governmental board,committee or commission: Carnhope Irrigation District FROM: 1992 TO: Present CDBG FROM: 1995 TO: 1998 Police Advisory Committee FROM 1992 TO: 1995 FROM: TO: 12. Why are you interested in serving in this interim position as a Spokane Valley City Councilunentber? I am interested in city Politics and the well being of city government. I fell well qualified to serve based on past experience in business and my experience on city and county boards throughout the years . Being a Real Estate appraiser and a small business owner I an acutely aware of the issues that impact property values and small businesses and local builders and developers . I would like to be apart of the solution to some of the issues. 13, What arc the three highest priorities you believe the City needs to address? How would you propose to address these issues? - 1/ Jobs and economy Help create a healthy environment for the job creators . The tax relief incentives are a good way to draw interested companies . Improve Communication by workshops and brain storming about problems and needs . 2/Development Simplify the process and work with builders and developers closely on what can be done to make it easier/Ex:Spokane Home Builders Ass . 3/ Zoning is a very important part of preserving property values and not allowing commercial properties to encroach on residential property. 14. I-lave you ever attended a meeting of the Spokane Valley City Council? Yes[ No [ ] If yes,give an estimate of how many meetings you have attended in the past year: 7-10 15. Appointment to the City Council will require your attendance at numerous regularly scheduled and special meetings, which generally occur on Tuesday evenings. Councilmembers are also expected to represent the City of Spokane Valley by serving on various regional commissions, committees and boards. Arc you able to commit your time and energy to participate fully as a member of the Spokane Valley City Council, Yes [ xl No [ I 16. References: Please list name,address and phone number: Rick Scott-Scope director-921-1000 2 Andy Hoye-Data services- Arne Woodard-City Council 3, Once submitted, applications and related materials become a public record Subject to public disclosure, and could be included in several council agenda packets, including the agenda packet for the January 15, 2013 City Council meeting. Interviews are tentatively scheduled for the evening of January 29,2013. Selected applicants will be notified of the exact date and time of the interview once all applications have been received, Final action appointing a candidate to elective office will take place in the open public meeting, which is anticipated to occur Tuesday, February 5, 2013, No City elected officer shall hold any other office or employment within the Spokane Valley City government. Signature: d. / r Today's Date: 01/09/2013 Sound Appraisal 1520 S. David St Spokane Valley, Wa.99212 509-534-2000 Cell: 509-998-8323 Email ad dress:sampwood rtr soundappraisalmgt.com Professional Employment History: 1989-Present Wood and Wood Realty Owner/Broker 1996-1998 Blue Apple Appraisals Certified Residential Appraiser 1998-2006 Washington Mutual Bank Certified Residential Appraiser 2006-2012 Sound Appraisal Management Owner/Certified Appraiser Professional Associations: President of Local Chapter of NAIFA Chairman of the Carnhope Water District Member of local MLS Education: 1965-I970 Undergraduate in Journalism WSU 1995-1996 BA in Journalism EWSU Licenses: Certified Residential Appraiser in Washington Real Estate Broker in the state of Washington Major Clients: Home Street Bank Academy Mortgage American West Bank Eagle Home Mortgage Citimortgage LSI Landsafe Mann Mortgage Guild Mortgage DRAFT ADVANCE AGENDA For Planning Discussion Purposes Only as of January 23 2013; 3:30 p.m. Please note this is a work in progress; items are tentative To: Council & Staff From: City Clerk, by direction of City Manager Re: Draft Schedule for Upcoming Council Meetings SPECIAL MEETING: February 5,2013, Executive Session 5:00 p.m. 1. Discuss applicant interviews February 5,2013,Study Session Format,6:00 p.m. [due Mon,Jan 28] ACTION ITEMS: 1.Appointment of Interim Council Applicant—Mayor Towey (15 minutes) 2. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance, CTA 04-12 Code Text Amendment—Marty Palaniuk (10 minutes) 3.Motion Consideration: ESRI Interlocal(GIS Services)w/ Spokane Co—Morgan Koudelka (10 minutes) NON-ACTION ITEMS: 4.Multi-Family Zoning—Mike Basinger (15 minutes) 5. Split-Zoning—Mike Basinger (15 minutes) 6. Disaster Response Procedures—Cary Driskell (20 minutes) 7.Accomplishments Report for 2012—Mike Jackson and Dept Directors (60 minutes) 8.Advance Agenda (5 minutes) 9. Info Only: Stormwater Projects [*estimated meeting: 150 minutes] SPECIAL MEETING: Wed,Feb 6,2013, 9 a.m.to approx 11 a.m., Spokane County, Council Joint Meeting Spokane County Risk Management Office Conference Room, 1033 West Gardner Avenue Agenda: Presentation from Department of Ecology Regarding Solid Waste February 12,2013,No Meeting(City Legislative Action Conference ICLAC1 in Olympia) February 19,2013, Study Session Meeting Format,6:00 p.m. [due Mon,Feb 11] 1.February Community Recognition,Presentation of Key and Certificate—Mayor Towey (5 minutes) 2. Proposed Amended 2013 TIP—Steve Worley (15 minutes) 3. Library/Park Update—Mike Stone (15 minutes) 4.Advance Agenda (5 minutes) 5. Info Only: (a)CMAQ/TA Grant Projects,(b)Dept Rpts; (c)Planning Comm Min Jan 10 (d) School Beacons [*estimated meeting: 40 minutes] SPECIAL MEETING Feb 26,2013 Winter Workshop 8:30a.m.-5:00p.m. [due Tues,Feb 19] Council Chambers (Note:no evening Council meeting) Tentative Topics: Ten-Year Anniversary Work Plan 2013 City Hall Manufactured Homes Zoning Business Route Signage Council Goals Solid Waste Legislative Agenda City Funding Opportunities: Outside Agency;Lodging Tax Council Meeting Processes Misc. Items:Appleway Beautification Thurs, February, 28,2013 (time TBA) — City Hall at the Mall Draft Advance Agenda 1/24/2013 3:53:47 PM Page 1 of 2 March 5,2013,Study Session Format,6:00 p.m. [due Mon,Feb 25] 1. CMAQ/TA Grant Projects—Steve Worley (15 minutes) 2. Sign Code Discussion—John Hohman (30 minutes) 3.Advance Agenda (5 minutes) March 12,2013,Formal Meeting Format,6:00 p.m. [due Mon March 4] 1. PUBLIC HEARING: Draft Amended 2013 TIP—Steve Worley (10 minutes) 2. Consent Agenda(claims,payroll,minutes) (5 minutes) 3.Motion Consideration: CMAQ/TA Grant Projects—Steve Worley (10 minutes) Sat,March 16 2013, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. —Spokane Valley 10th Anniversary/Birthday Celebration March 19,2013, Study Session Meeting Format,6:00 p.m. [due Mon,March 11] 1.Advance Agenda March 26,2013,Formal Meeting Format,6:00 p.m. [due Mon,March 18] 1.March Community Recognition,Presentation of Key and Certificate—Mayor Towey (5 minutes) 2. Consent Agenda(claims,payroll,minutes) (5 minutes) 3.Motion Consideration: Amended 2013 TIP—Steve Worley (15 minutes) 4. Information Only: Dept Reports;Planning Commission Minutes April 2,2013, Study Session Format, 6:00 p.m. [due Mon,March 25] 1.Advance Agenda (5 minutes) April 9,2013,Formal Meeting Format,6:00 p.m. [due Mon,April 1] 1. Consent Agenda(claims,payroll,minutes) (5 minutes) April 16,2013, Study Session Meeting Format,6:00 p.m. [due Mon,April 8] 1.Advance Agenda April 23,2013,Formal Meeting Format,6:00 p.m. [due Mon,April 15] 1.April Community Recognition,Presentation of Key and Certificate—Mayor Towey (5 minutes) 2. Consent Agenda(claims,payroll,minutes) (5 minutes) 3. Information Only: Dept Reports; Planning Commission Minutes April 30,2013, Study Session Meeting Format,6:00 p.m. [due Mon,April 22] 1.Advance Agenda OTHER PENDING AND/OR UPCOMING ISSUES/MEETINGS: ADA Transition Plan Governance Manual Appleway Landscape Improvements Interlocal Agreement,Purchasing Arts Council PEG Funds (Education) Bidding Contracts(SVMC 3.—bidding exceptions) Public Safety Contract,Proposed Amendment Budget,2013 amendment Revenue Policy, Cost Recovery Budget workshop for 2014(early June?) Solid Waste Analysis CDBG(spring 2013) Speed Limits(overall system) Coal Train EIS Regional Transportation Issues Crime Reporting TIP(June,2013) Future Acquisition Areas Gateway,Regional MOU *time for public or Council comments not included Draft Advance Agenda 1/24/2013 3:53:47 PM Page 2 of 2 Greater '` 801 W. Riverside I Suite 100 Spokane,Washington 99201 P:509.624.1393 Inc�rp®l (CCJ / 1... :509.747.0077 greaterspokan eincorporated.org January 22,2013 Honorable Tom Towey, Mayor Mr. Mike Jackson, City Manager 11707 E Sprague Avenue,##106 Spokane Valley,WA 99206 Mayor Towey, Mr.Jackson, and members of the City Council: Greater Spokane Incorporated is pleased to submit its 2012 third quarter report of activities to the City of Spokane Valley. This report includes information on the following: ➢ Recruitment Activities > Business Retention, Expansion and Assistance ➢ Project Summaries The report also includes copies of various marketing materials that were distributed during the quarter. If you have any questions about the report, please give me a call. Sincerely, 2 Robin B.Toth VP, Business Development Greater Spokane Incorporated Attachment Robin Toth Vice President, Business Development rtoth@greaterspokane.org Greater 841 W. Riverside Spokane 4 ' Suite 100 Incorporaied „, Spokane,WA 99201 P: 509.321.3636 F: 509347.0077 greaierspokan€.org The Spokane Ju17C and Chamber— Integrated to accelerate regional economic prosperity •, . ! SPOKANE VALLEY SEE SELECT SITE 2012 Q4 Report • ■ Wins RESULTS 2012 4th Quarter • 8 Wins • 3 Wins- Pyrotek, Puget E, Paw Print Genetics • 325 Jobs/$14.5 million payroll • 75 Jobs/$3.5 million payroll • $22 million annual economic impact • $140 million annual economic impact • $553,924 in state and local tax revenue generated • $ 3,858,707 in state and local tax revenue generated • $15.6 million in capital investment • Successes • $774,000 Spokane Valley tax revenue generated Recruitment • Working 90 qualified leads; 20 Clean Tech, 17 Aerospace, 8 Health Sciences, 13 Business and Professional Services, 11 Manufacturing,8 Advanced Manufacturing, 6 Others, 5 Information Technology, 2 Distribution/Logistics • 11 proposals sent-25 Spokane Valley properties included • 1 recruitment win (Spokane Valley) • 10 inbound visits from Utah, Nebraska, East Coast, and Washington • Assisted Caterpillar Logistics Services with formal grand opening January 10, 2013 • Advantage Spokane emailed to 3,300 site selectors • www.SelectSpokane.com (2282 page views), 341 Spokane Valley properties listed • Economic Development Directory had 303 inquiries for Spokane Retention & Expansion • 2 expansion wins • 10 visits to businesses to Spokane Valley businesses • 4 Business Assists to businesses in Spokane Valley • 16 Workshops-small business issues and government contracting • 2 government contracts for$1.7 million in Spokane Valley ,• Projects ■ Economic Development Advisory Group meeting on port district ? _ , "S �: r • Aerospace site selector visit 1 " ; " ■ Jubilant expansion discussion • McKinstry Innovation event • Educated local small businesses on HUBZone changes ,p1 .I41;Ir"•I it �I li 1 I_I.,:-r i wr' 1 � Ill 3vii� l ;i}�i,. a I l: ,•I, ;�4+r,I.i tl) C C3, C r f 1F'Y� 4 C E Q. N A g a o CO = CO ni '16 s s C co 0 Q Tv, o g J V ek, 0.) L d C N c al O a N O o CO CL 'ris L C TT C 110 o o L ® 0 cI o _ 01 z Y a N O _ w a C O CO a > m �n C _ < a R V L m a) N al = n m m Z fl • cq CL MI CI' ' C a o �, 2N Ce 6 d• W O a a (7 CO DO CO • ' " c-, N N v 6 U L3 t o N o m c v E S' LL a o $ m n CD E t3. 'O i ro C 4-■ C E r) ca .0 E I O flu U (n t a U C C a n 0 E o O E a, c 0) E v• A E ° c a c O C to fa U co• c EL oi To p• o� c� N aj > o).2 a o a Q ca i ip Y -c 13 m ¢ °- o' c*) C N u p b °NU a d m �ba,ad � � doh 0 rn � rS i O 0 N a Y am �'C b -c aN 0 U 0 vy.m >.o m o •c G3 o a O C a) N - a, 0%Umx�E ti m0Qit coo 00000'c h,.03 ❑ `pia o c ci '' o O ct mco . c n 0 .,C L. ..-• ovoi-U43~¢ a�z E o o Q C C� : [-39 Y. [JC nu `E 4-;0) O a = c o m c E o } Q 0 C R] E.-7 Y Y-,U Al m N., U y L O . O O O .O Y d 0 G N a7 E O N aoioa'® oal- ,,,ccviniyL .`> a ui .�«'cr,.'a«_ o c.N ate, E p 1- aaaaac(nGnI->j>35 taw 0j0000m00 0 -, . o w 8 = a a> p o E ' 0) Ca D U m er � y2 o. -6 'd N C CO gy�p♦♦ m m e o Q C�C 0 0 C O a1 y , U -, G 'r C L G V A co n3 p C tt3 [tf 6 0 c°ii CJ m .c o Y t m_ �'cel Q @ C O 0 C7 d O 0_(/j m CD c r U b a O E C7 u U O p 0 C r 0 0 0 h 0) N m i °n c- as ° m' o O C O al ,- 6..67 m 67 a) > L ,C m o m d O r o 'r [7 c y N a ."'' u Vl O . 0 `- o a C c c 0' " ° c ° `� ' a, - 4) n ptt0 0 - r 4 r c 2 C o ns m m D u m m ca t'a E'� 0 C 0 � `m E - E' E 0 t •N w (b lEap m D cc dE cu c O 0 (50 � o 'p = a� .Ta W ! Oti co L J U E•1° =t - c d-o5o200 o ° ° 0 C rD �?O Qa .E.-_ _0 a•> ac QU a-of�i Ura=Z 0 m m 0 O o C72.%YJ 2 zZ Q ... E o2 as � T V � N 3 O '- N ° 0 b C 0 C C N v. , ` Z Q [o U C7 Q :u (3 03 c� D E ° c O Y p U c O O a 1 a 0 w E U C R .G (2•i O . v 0 v. ti o o a a; c 5 U co m Ca E E •o p E E 2 s M y 2 ) U y O -O p (n N a a• a N c Q) m e E s E 0 a n w ? •a' a � 's o m 2 a 0 - m ? g a F 3 (� 3 s v e U ^L^' o Z b > 1 o. •(a > 0o t c 5 eci a 3 m b w ca o 0 ,^n U o rW m v m C G) a a 0 a' C CO O` Z ¢ C o U Q '�aD r a V] 3 0 `� U y o (tl (b E• y 0 o N C). V! E § 5 w L id •7 '� V O i n v E c cd Z o rn 3 •E r..1 § —o 3 U o rn o 0 .-. W o 3 C7 m 3 C) F.ocoto' 3 A2arco 'f? 3 aamaui ? 3 cnnx�' = U a? 3 F � � 3 � av3 3 T 3 EI CD o Z c x C a (a a U I m a d ui E 7 V IL U 7] 1 in co 3 ti r ti N G o u- 0 C11 O C [ ,c ) :13 ‘7' 0 J c rn N O a, V) p C C 0, p 0 0 a p U Ou ' a W E e 'fA a C7 ci = CV p 0 C a 4 C y m s L p - _ v $ v c m e 7us 0 • -0 5 o n i m o a O O U ai & d 2 u [ N Q 2 c c d 6) ca rn O >, m a c a ciM 3 LL •m E Z N amm a c r) ] ° a c co ° ❑ °) u O ° v) C OV 0 O Q Li; _, o ,- o3 2 x o o ° ° Q 9 j ? E 3 a ° a m a n . a 3 O c m O. 1 o • o n o a 3 o o'. ° N 0) (7 in W U ❑ ,4- o ro a •-a O Y 3 3 O. J co Go La 3 r. 000• 0000 0) k. a 01 c o a a) 0) L >- cv m a) IC2"1 v ( 0 I ,- E 0) as 0) U CV c 2 'o En CO a� a- 0 0 co >- O 0 ci �. a) 2 0 Q O Z U >- O U O O m C ['V Z3 w 0 t Q ZO i cp a] 0 U D C C a) , 0 o a) C 0 o co cu c m m o Z z C ., Z a o -J U) C c co 3 a 0 a O > , ci L. a os t 0 co z • • Economic Deve � •. en o Economic growth • • stimulates prosperity i i 1 _ i� Growing Jobs & ETEEEUS taff assistely expandonnected us Business I n nest m e nt with incentives that bI7j project. We are now our community --this helps all of About GSI's Economic Development Program us." - Terry Judge, Hofstad Competition to attract, assist and retain businesses in communities and metro areas across the U.S. is fierce. Today,more than ever, Did You Know? that competition extends around the globe. Communities that have a solid economic development strategy;adequate funding; • GSI's economic development pro-business policies; available,affordable land and utilities;and a work accounted for more than skilled workforce are positioned to compete successfully. 5,700 new jobs and$760 million in annual economic Your business creates jobs, invests in the community and generates impact over the past five years. economic growth. Your GSI membership supports our role to ensure the Spokane region competes successfully. • Our successful work in Results that Matter business expansion, retention and recruitment added$12.2 • In the last five years alone, GSI has assisted more than 50 million to the local tax base in companies to relocate to our community, expand their business, the last five years. or remain in our region. In that same time period, our economic development efforts have resulted in$173 million in construction impact. Let us know how we can • We're working in partnership with Spokane International Airport help your business! and local municipalities to ensure we have sites ready for aerospace or other manufacturing facilities(with appropriate Contact us at infrastructure and completed environmental reviews), bringing new 509-624-1393 or business to Spokane. info@greaterspokane.org • We're working with partners on the expansion of the Academic Health Sciences Center and full four years of medical school at WSU Spokane,which will create approximately 9,000 new jobs and$1,2 billion in annual economic impact in our region by 2030. Greater “: Spokane --=. Create Something Greater Incorporated ' .� + [ • I $1'.. { j Working with Partners to Create r - a Region of Opportunity , To compete successfully, it takes a team. GSI convenes the right people at the right time for the a . t1�' '� — , �► right projects. We partner with many agencies and jj. organizations including Spokane County,Washington State,and our surrounding cities. What Does This Mean to Your Business? Programs--Be sure to attend our economic updates • Creating more jobs through expansions and and the annual Good Morning Greater Spokane program relocations means more people working and more focused on Economic Development. dollars circulating through the community. That has a positive impact on nearly all businesses,from Interested in the Groan Economy? Attend our Annual day care centers to appliance stores,from CPAs to State of the Green Economy program in June, meet key landscape companies. leaders, learn about new opportunities,and develop new relationships. • Adding dollars to the local tax base helps keep residential taxes down,as local governments need Aerospace Consortium- If your business is part of a strong tax base to provide basic and emergency the aerospace industry,check out our Inland Northwest services. Aerospace Consortium(INWAC)www.inwac.com. • Commercial construction projects put even more Stay Informed people to work;some may be your customers or your • Sign up to receive GSI's news briefs on Industry and suppliers. Economic News and Public Policy and Workforce. • Success breeds success. We seek companies that • Visit www.inwac.com and www.cleennw.org to learn can do well here. They tell others about their success more about the aerospace and clean technology and recommend the Spokane region as a great place industries in our region. for business and a great place to live. • Attend our Candidate Forums—ask candidates how GSI Invites You to Get Involved they will help ensure a strong economy! We invite you to be informed and get involved in ways that help us create opportunities for your business. • Read our Business Barometer when it arrives in your Inbox each quarter and share it with others! Expansion &Retention—How is your business doing? We may be able to assist you with your expansion project, identify incentive programs,workforce options, and help facilitate site and infrastructure needs. Want to Know More? Committee Groups—We have several committees For more information or details on how you can get involved, that may be of interest to you including the Economic contact Robin Toth,Vice President of Business Development Development Advisory Group,the Manufacturers at 509-321-3636 or rtoth @greaterspokane.org, Roundtable,and Cleen NW. Connect, Drive. Acvocate Greater Spokane Incorporated 801 W. Riverside Ave.,Suite 100 Spokane,WA 09201 4Cc°(tjr ' . 509.624.1393 greaterspokane,org Spokane - Incorporatocl (,2,/ ,„ GSI's 2012- 2013 Economic Development Program is sponsored by CH2M HO and Spokane Industrial Park. Photography courtesy Beautiful BI-1W1 and 1'Jagstafi b Y 1119%!1144kA ,4 _ , ai. ,,•.‘' 'o ',.. .,'„.3. .......,*,,,_,„„ ,..,,.,;,,...., .. .,,,,, i \,, if drs1 . • . 10,'• ',,, . .7•,,h ''''-111 -.1.4.1".....„. -4-Aik-lat /.1 t Fv .� � _ -' - X11 if I 11, 1 :r "1 1 1M. .., ...1 • ��" f._ 1 �s .4:4'7 tom" !"•, �? ,4 Y` — _Y• 2013 State Agenda Create Something Greater Greater Spokane Incorporated represents 1,200 member businesses, employing over 100,000 individuals. Together with our members,we will advocate in partnership with the Greater Spokane Valley Chamber of Commerce and the West Plains Chamber of Commerce to protect and influence policy that supports small businesses and a prosperous business climate for our entire region. Greater iik Snokane ---.., Incorporated 1,1 Connect, Dri p ve, Advocate .3 / - ., �. , , Business Climate IOppose Business Tax Increases-GSI opposes efforts to increase taxes on businesses including the elimination of tax incentives for manufacturers and i '.,'_; extending surtaxes on business&occupation tax rates. 1,. k\. �,,,, i !� Workers Compensation-GSI supports the effort to further reforms in work- ^ f ;I; ) ers compensation with a stronger structured settlement bill&opposes policies r +'! ,,, that increase premiums on employers. {7 Unemployment Insurance(UI) GSI will continue the fight to lower the cost r ': of the state's UI system on employers by opposing policies that increase premi- �'� ,' urns and create Ul system inequities. Health Care Costs to Small Business-GSI opposes policies that increase business costs for providing health care coverage to its employees.GSI recog- nizes the volatility in the implementation of the Federal Patient Protection&Af- fordable Health Care Act and will monitor the states efforts to establish policies that insure an efficient,cost effective system. Business Regulatory Environment-GS]will continue to advocate for reform• :;., "' ' i.•,,•;.. - to the state's regulatory policies including streamlining permitting and regulatory processes,adhering to its statutory purpose and eliminating regulations that are j ` ��- burdensome to business expansion. Af Transportation Iii North Spokane Corridor(NSC)/Francis Ave.to 1-50(US 395)-$750 !!! million for the design and construction of the NSC from Francis Avenue to Interstate 90. GSI works year-round with I-90/SR 902 Medical Lake and Geiger Road Interchanges-$40 million the business community to for the design and reconstruction of the 1-90/SR 902 Interchange, and advance policies that improvements to the 1-90/Geiger Road Interchange. enhance our region's business Climate. 1-90 Sullivan Road to Idaho State Line-$85 million for the design and reconstruction of 1-90 from Barker Road to Harvard Road that includes the reconstruction of the Barker and Harvard Road interchanges. Through the past decade, GSI's advocacy efforts have SR 904/Four Lakes to Cheney-$15-18 million to widen SR 904 from a produced more than $90Q two lane highway to a five lane highway between Four Lakes and the City of Cheney. million in funding for projects that enhance the Central City Line Modern Electric Trolley-Spokane Transit Authority economic vitality of the (STA)requests support for its Washington State Department of Transporta- tion Regional Mobility Grant application that will provide$500,000 for the Inland Northwest. preliminary engineering and design of the Central Cily Line. West Plains Transit Center-Spokane Transit Authority(STA)requests$8•` r. d "". million in the 2013-2015 biennium for the design and implementation of the ' �.. , West Plains Transit Center near exit 272 at 1-90 and SR-902. i Sullivan Road West Bridge--$4 million to replace the existing two lane bridge with a four lane bridge to improve traffic flow in a critical industrial zone, reduce congestion,and accommodate pedestrian traffic. jM. 'i ' I . 1 - Higher Education ) i WA State University(WSU)Graduate Medical Education - 4,4, /I }y ' Requests$5 million in the 2013-2015 biennium for the continued expansion , of medical education and biomedical research on the Spokane campus, , / • and$2 million in one-time funding to purchase the scientific instrumentation " needed to support modern instruction&research. ---"I --di). tr7 , WA State University(WSU) Paul Allen School of Global Animal Health ir Requests$7.2 million to employ new faculty and staff to address issues in emerging disease surveillance, the spread of antibiotic resistance,zoonotic � disease transmission, and vaccine development. / '-, , j►--- Eastern Washington University(EWU)-Requests$4.5 million for the , 4i design of a new science building to provide the needed capacity to meet the - ,., increased demand in science and engineering degrees, and$7,5 million for illir the design and construction of a modernized water upgrade system needed , ' for the university to remain in compliance with fire protection and public \It / ''+• , ,health requirements. J /, f _ Community Colleges of Spokane(CCS)-GSI and CCS support fund- , ;,, ing for increased enrollments in high-demand programs, investments in the (, t' P.i ,t Center for Assessment and Acceleration of Certificate/Degree Completion, ,� ' +, o efforts to align workforce development through career placement, and capi- . , tal improvements at both Spokane Falls and Spokane Community College P. r' campuses. j, w` ' Economic Development t - t Spokane Public Facilities District(SPFD)-The SPED and other districts in ,y the Association of Washington State Public Facilities Districts are seeking a K_1L2 Education 15 year extension of the state sales tax credit of.033%authorized by the WA State Legislature in 2002, Spokane Valley Tech Administrative Council WA State University's Applied Sciences Laboratory(ASL)-Requests an Seeks$2,5 million for the completion of increase in state operating funds from$500,000 to$1.2 million to address phase two construction of Spokane Val emergent opportunities in new tools for improving applications in defense, ley Tech. The construction will include alternative energy,energy conservation and bio-medical research. the addition of 19,000 square feet of in structional and program space needed Fairchild(FAFB)Preservation &Community Empowerment Project 1 to serve students in Spokane Valley and As a member of the empowerment project,GSI will support the unified effort students across the region. among the City of Airway Heights,Catholic Charities Spokane, Community Frameworks, and Habitat for Humanity to reduce residential density within K-12 Education and Funding FAFB's Accident Potential Zone II (APZII), GSI endorses classroom flexibility and creative innovation.As the busi- Waste to Energy Facility-The City of Spokane requests support of a re Hess voice for public education, 051 newable energy designation for electricity generated at Spokane's Waste to advocates for the maintenance of levy Energy facility. equalization funding and for full funding of state matching funds for construction Statewide Economic Development Initiatives- GSI seeks the continued projects critical to our rural and local state support of economic development initiatives including the Economic school districts in eastern Washington. Development Commission, Innovate Washington, the Joint Center for Aero- space Innovation Technology,the Aviation Biofuels Task Force,Washington's - 24 ttli1111N11RP %. II Strategic Reserve Fund,the Washington Military Alliance and the Governor's - 1, t: '''.\.. Office of Regulatory Assistance, 4 ,: Spokane Area Workforce Development Council(SAWDC)-051 and ' . , ' . . SAWDC support continued investment in programs to increase the skills of x our workforce and provide businesses with the talent they need to grow. - r , . =1";;7" i f�' i t Community (,) r ,- s . Mobius Spokane-Seeks$200,000 for the delivery of Science,Technology, Engl- . ' I"„' ; t neering,and Math(STEM)education programs targeted to upper elementary and r a• , tt '' ,_` ; middle school students in low-income and rural school districts. 1 .' lil6 s-;l Hf1jtF '-, Spokane Public Radio-Requests support to secure a$1,5 million Department - of Commerce-Building for the Arts grant to renovate and construct new studios ._,.. within the Spokane University District at Browne Street and Pacific Avenue. Spokane Public Library-The City of Spokane is requesting legislative support to have increased flexibility to form a municipal library district which requires specific authorization from the state. ,,:. -•-1-:e'.-.:', 5. 4:;.;1!-1.'" `>;_" +, F Eastern Washington State Historical Society(EWSHS)INorthwest Museum of ;•-., �,3sw* ; = r, ,/ Arts and Culture(MAC)-Seeks 2013-2015 general fund support at the current ,s j 'ntj� , ''' `'' -'� A. y�9 '• level of$3 million to sustain the EWSHS/MAC charter to serve as trustee of the If.; l ` k .._ , - - . State of Washington to preserve, maintain,exhibit, and provide public access to �;'t>,T :�- 'p f ` '' • materials of historical and cultural significance.• "' ` e ;'` -r`. .". "r 4' Washington Slate Parks-GSI supports adequate state funding for Washington '''_ - i''`s: _ ".:---:.-.;..r.'''' State parks to continue to provide safe open areas for outdoor recreation. p p p ; _ Mt.Spokane Ski and Snowboard Park-Requests$500,000 to address infra- -.t.;,,. : r Yif ,t* ',�` structure improvements in utilities, roof and siding, and for improved ADA access. t = ' Spokane Low Income Housing Consortium-GSI supports the Spokane Low . ; ' `' ti.,': `, ...fir Income Housing Consortium's request for a 2013 state capital budget allocation ( '- _ .` ' . - -• from the Washington State Housing Trust Fund (HTF). Spokane Valley Partners(SVP)-Seeks$225,000 to replace roofing, an aging heating system boiler, and to remodel the kitchen that will be used for cooking and nutrition classes.The food bank served 48,755 individuals and 1,705,050 pounds of food in 2012. 2013 State Government G'L T[R SFUK±l4E VALLEY Jay Insfee Jeff Holy �� �J �/�M E Washington State Governor(D) 6th District Representative(R) ur COMP r xcr Andy Billig Kevin Parker 4-VVFSTp/C7lnS 3rd District Senator(D) 6th District Representative(R) chamberotcomn,erce Timm Ormsby Bob Morton 3rd District Representative(D) 7th District Senator(R) Greater Marcus Riccelli Joel Kretz Spokane ' -. 3rd District Representative(0) 7th District Representative(A) Incorporated _c.-�re� Mike Padden Shelly Short c-,:.so�a��.� 4th District Senator(R) 7th District Representative(R) Photography provided by BHWI,oomir c Larry Crouse Mark Schoesler Bonuccelli,NHS,Spokane International Airport,and 4th District Representative(R) 9th District Senator(R) WSU Spokane.. Greater Spokane Incorporated's 2012-2013 Matt Shea Susan Fagan Public Policy program is sponsored by. 4th District Representative(R) 9th District Representative(R) Lydig Construction Michael Baumgartner Joe Schmlck vA•AV.lydig.com 6th District Senator(R) 9th District Representative(R) Sunshine Disposal and Recycling wwCd.sunshinedisposal.com _.. —.--- - _. Advocating for business with a strong unified voice I www.twitter.com/GSIPoiicy I www.yourpolicyvoice.org :, * 31zStroot Presented by GSI's Small Business Advocate Sponsor: Connect. Grow. CREDIT UNION Build Your Business NUMERI Fall 2012 Featured Speakers: October 30 I A Conversation With... ..°.; Don Poffenroth, President of Dry Fly Distilling Inc. I 7:30-9:00 a.m. I $25 GSI Members and $50 Non-Members r November 1 I Women of Influence �, Elaine Couture, Providence Sacred Heart Medical Center&Children's Hospital; Linda Elkin, US Bank; and Patricia McRae, KHQ TV 7:30-9:30 a.m. I $20 GSI Members and $35 Non-Members November 15 I Online Marketing -Taking the Next Step aye-- Chris Reilly, Unleashed Online Marketing and Ed Reese, Sixth Man Marketing kl\ 8:00-11:00 a.m. I $30 GSI Members and $50 Non-Members Chris Majer, November 29 I Getting the Media's Attention! Mobius Founder Melissa Luck, KXLY; Addy Hatch,The Spokesman-Review; and Kim Crompton, Journal of Business 7:30-9:30 a.m. I $20 GSI Members and $35 Non-Members r Winter 2012/2013 l� December 4 I A Conversation With...Chris Major, Founder of Mobius ' 7:30 9:00 a.m. $25 GSI Members and $50 Non Members �/ January 8 I Use Video to Create a Social Enterprise for Your Organization Frank Swoboda, Corner Booth Media Iv 8:00-11:00 a.m. '$30 GSI Members and$50 Non-Members January 17 I A Conversation With...Tyler Lafferty, Co-Founder of Seven2 7:30-9:00 a.m. I $25 GSI Members and $50 Non-Members Patricia McRae, KHQ Inc. President February 12 I iBandits - Keeping the Bad Guys Out of Your Business Kelley Ferguson, Numerica Credit Union 1 7:30-9:00 a.m. I $20 GSI Members and $35 Non-Members i c „I II. • I Register at events.greaterspokane.org Chris Reilly Unleashed Online Marketing CEO Biz Street -= Create Something Greater Greater Spokane Incorporated : : PTA{ Government Contracting Growing Your A Business Through ,� Government . / Contracting r ., =L.:•" About GSI's Government Contracting Program PTAC �Y l~r. ! i , � Want to sell to the government,but are overwhelmed by L s: registrations and certifications?Would you like guidance on . solicitations or bidding? Eastern Washington Procurement "Greater Spokane Incorpo- rated's PTAC program has Technical Assistance Center(PTAC)works to maximize the provided enormous support to number of capable U.S.companies participating in the my business, helping ensure . government marketplace by providing your business with an my success in government �,'r,r understanding of the requirements and marketing know-how contracting." � r to do business with the government. r' , Yvonne Wells 7 PTAC Provides FREE Assistance Able Spaces, Inc. • Determination of key markets for your products&services • Government contracting f01 classes i _ • Interpretation of solicitations Contact Us >�-t • Assistance with government registrations and certifications For government contracting sf;r?`, • Marketing assistance to help reach key markets assistance.contact Leslie Miller. f1 --1 <, • Specifications,standards and drawings Manager at ptac @greaterspok rne. i� a • All other areas of selling to the government org or 321.3641. Service Coverage Our service area covers - 12 counties:Adams, H„ :' Asotin, Douglas, e„, 1 Ferry, Garfield,Grant, , ,, Lincoln, Okanogan, �'/ ). ,,�, Pend Oreille, Stevens, ' ” Spokane,and Whitman. I Our professional staff ,, 1 works with businesses of all sizes and across ,,.,, °"" •+ ,� nearly every industry. U — Isla-6 U. OA EASTERN WASHINGTON pi-Ac Create Something Greater Greater Spokane Incorporated 4 ,M Hub Zone Opportunities: And id You Know... I Am I E'h i le? • In Washington State, Stevens,Ferry, • ALL prime contractors with federal • Must be small business by SBA and Pend Oreille Counties are contracts above$650k(commodities) Standards www.sba.gov/size designated HUBZones by the US or$1.5M(construction)awards are • Owned and controlled at least Census Bureau? required to have a Small Business 51%by a US citizen or Community • ALL government agencies are Liaison Officer who manages their Development Corporation,an required to set aside 3%of all federal small business plan that includes agricultural cooperative or an Indian contracts to certified HUBZone goals for HUBZone company usage? Tribe. companies? • Fairchild Air Force Base is looking for • Principal office located in • That Certified HUBZone companies more HUBZone certified companies? HUBZone. get a 10% bidding preference on all • Your company(with the principal • At least 35% of employees must government contracts? office located in Stevens, Ferry or reside in a HUBZone. Pend Oreille County)can meet the criteria for certification? in t Does this We Invite You to Get Involved Mean to Your On the Web-Visit us at gsiptac.org and B1.1 S ness? washingtonptac.org. I i. Follow Us—Find us on Twitter • Explore potential new markets for your products " 4.0 _ at www.twitter.com/EWA_PTAC r..'and services. ; and on Facebook at www.facebook.com/WA.PTAC • We'll assist you in finding specifications, standards and drawings necessary for �; Classes—Learn more at our solicitations and help you understand contract T 7:0.' government contracting classes, clauses,terms,definitions and requirements. Videos—Take a look at some of • Our professional staff provide quality the PTAC videos for perspectives procurement/contracting training classes and from our award-winning PTAC conferences. clients,which you'll also find on our website. • We offer small group meetings with agency and '""''" prime contractor purchasing representatives. rir If ' One-on-One--Give us a call and ' '''J set up a time to meet, and learn • Our customized software program is available to �`'' how we can help your business. you, providing comprehensive bid and proposal opportunities. Greater Spokane Incorporated,which serves as a Procurement Technical Assistance Center (PTACL is funded in part through a cooperatdre Greater Spokane Incorporated agreement from the Dept.at Defense(DOD) _- ,- I Through a program administered by the Defense r 1 B0 W. R)vereEdO Ave.,Suite i 00 Logistic Agency[OLA}. The content of any written 1 materials or verbal communications of PTAC does Spokane,WA 99201 not necessarily reflect the official L'ierss of,or Imply kr11.1 509.6241393 greaterspokane.org endorsement by the DOD or DLA. ri El5th Annual Economic Forecast PREPARING FOR THE NEW NORMAL Greater PRESENTED BY: JOURNAL Spokane QF BUSINESS p lnkr rated Dr.John W. Mitchell Principal—M&H Economic Consultants Dr.Mitchell received a BA degree from Williams College and his MS and PhD degrees from the °" "'° University of Oregon. He is a fellow of the College of Arts &Sciences at the University of Oregon and a member of Phi Beta Kappa.Dr.Mitchell was a professor of economics at Boise - State University for 13 years.He served as Chief Economist and Western Region Economist for U.S.Bancorp for 25 years and is currently the Principal of M&H Economic Consultants. Dr. Grant Forsyth ChiefEconomist—Avista Corp. Dr Forsyth is the Chief Economist of Avista Corp. Before coming to Avista in 2012,he was Professor of Economics at EWU U for 13 years, Prior to EWU in 1999,he worked for nearly three years in the Czech Republic as an academic and private sector economist. He received his BA in Economics from Central Washington University,his MBA in Finance from the University of Oregon,and Isis PhD in Economics from'Washington State University, He also serves on the Governor's Council of Economic Advisors and the Spokane Mayor's Council on Economic Policy and Forecasting. When: November 7, 2012 Time: 7:30 to 9:30 am (Doors open at 7:00 am) 0 Where: Spokane Convention Center Integra Telecom Ballrooms—334 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. Cost: $35 Includes Breakfast O (on or before November 1st) $350 Corporate Recognition Table for Ten tin $50 Late Registration (starling November 2, 2012) e REGISTER ONLINE AT: events.greaterspokane.org MAJOR SPONSORS: Qnesautellleg 11 Inland Northwest sank dF rF3ng/IDENCE _ StCU 4t L U N D T N O S M E R .f EASTERN Health Care Business Barometer Greater t 1 t•, i F '''Ce�.� � r fir•— 9 r i1 ..� rp� 3rd Quarter, 2012 A quaiteriy publication from Greater Spokane Incorporated "1 Positive Signs Across Many Sectors Encouraging numbers in real estate and employment, along with modest increases in retail trade sales,signal that the area economy is improving. But local economists warn about the consequences if America goes off the"Fiscal Cliff.°' "Maintaining growth going forward is contingent on Congress and the administration being able to reach a deal,"says Avista Chief Economist Grant Forsyth. "I am most concerned about Congress because it is now harder on both sides of the aisle to get members to go along with deals that are made by leadership.There is not a lot of room for Congress to maneuver, regardless of party affiliation. "There is a real risk of unintended consequences the longer it takes to address tax and budget issues at the state and national level," says Steve Scranton,chief investment officer for Washington Trust Bank. "Uncertainty creates inertia, and once inertia sets in it can be hard to get the economy restarted." Sales Up and Home Prices Stabilizing "We are finally seeing some stability in home sales and prices, which has been a critical component missing from the recovery," Spokane County Single-Family Home Sales says Forsyth. Year Units Dollar Sales Price Units sold were up nearly 11% and dollar volume was up 21% Sold Volume (000) Average Median for third quarter 2012 compared to the same period last year.The 2010 03 1,010 $190,042 $188,160 $167,500 average sales price increased 9.3% and the median sales price 2011 Q3 1,155 $194,666 $168,542 $157,500 was up 6.3%. 2012 03 1,279 $235,603 $184,208 $167,500 Source: Spokane Association of Realtors "Home sales continue to be slow, but moving in the right direction,"says Shaun at. Higgins, managing principal of The Oxalis Group LLC, and a longtime observer of the regional It is hard to know how many homes have been held off the economy. "Unit sales for single-family homes have risen for three consecutive third quarters.That's created a significant increase market by consumers and financial institutions waiting far prices in quarterly dollar volume and has returned median home prices to increase, says Forsyth. As these homes go on the market,he to the same level as third quarter 2010--$167,500. Home prices believes it will keep price increases modest. He also notes that in took a dive in the third quarter of 2011, dropping to a median of the Inland Northwest,as well as nationally,the home market has 157,500,so it is terrific news to see them rising again." improved more in urban areas than in rural markets. Scranton says that both nationally and in Spokane, "the worst is Continued behind us. But we are heading into the traditionally slow winter season for home sales. The real test will be the strength of the housing market next spring." 6 Better News for Employment "I am veery encourager]by the employment numbers for third carried things out as far as 2015 to 2017 '. quarter,' says Doug Tweedy, regional economist, Washington State labor market&economic analysis. 'especially by the A leading indicator is initial claims for unemployment insurance. increase in private sector jobs.' For the second quarter in a row,Tweedy says that claims are at pre-recession levels. He also points to an increase in private -Spokane saw an increase in tire labor force anid the sector employment in the third quarter, based on reports of unemployment rate is down, so we are seeing a true company payrolls, as a positive indicator "We have seen a real improvement."says Scranton. "Nationally, and in other parts of surge-3,000 private sector jobs in Spokane County-which is the state. lower unemployment rates are based on fewer people a 1.5% increase."Tweedy forecasts employment will continue to looking for work,so this is clearly a plus for Spokane." increase at a slow and steady pace. For third quarter 2012. the labor force grew by nearly 0.5%, a Looking back, Higgins says, "Spokane reached its highest level little more than 1,000 people, from the same period in 2011. while of employment in May 2008.when we had 221,500 people employment rose by 1%, or 2,200 workers.The unemployment employed here. Our lowest level of employment since then was rate fell from 9.1% to 8.0% for the same period. in January of this year when we had only 199,600 employed -- the worst January employment level since 2004. Fortunately, the Forsyth points out that there has been a pick-up in the service short-term picture is more positive,' sector, which is needed because it is such a large part of our employment base in this area. Tweedy says that many jobs being produced in our area are at "mid-level."An analysis of those currently unemployed shows`a "Looking at the last 12 months, Spokane continues to trail high degree of transferable skills for the available jobs. However, the state arid the Puget Sound area, but we are now showing these jobs are in industries that often require a high level of significant gains—and,importantly. beating the national number;" education and workers tend to assume they are not qualified says Higgins. 'That makes me more positive about prospects based on their perceptions of that industry. If we can work with for 2013. I believe we might return to pre-recession job levels by job seekers to better match transferrable skills to job vacancies, mid-to-late 2014 or early 2015, rather than previous outlooks that we will further reduce unemployment.' Spokane County Civilian Labor Force li 1,lpemp_19y.tnent Statistics Year Spokane County Civilian Labor Force Spokane County Washington State United States Total Employed Unemployed Unemployment Rate Unemployment Rate Unemployment Rate 2010 Q3 231,043 209,827 21,217 9.2% 9.4% 9.5% 2011 Q3 224,177 203,730 20,447 9.1% 8.9% 9.1% 2012 Q3 225,213 205,947 19,267 8.6% 8.2% 8.1% Source:Washington State Employment Security Department;U.S.Bureau of Labor Statistics Retail Sales Are A Mixed Bag "The county's taxable retail trade sales for third quarter rose Forsyth characterizes retail sales as 'pretty weak." He says 2.8% from a year ago.That's an increase of S25.6 million. Given consumers don't have a lot of spending power, which creates the quarterly inflation rate, it likely means people are buying ongoing problems for state and local government. An important more, not just paying more,"says Higgins. "This is an especially question is how government will continue to restructure if sales good number given the current employment numbers. I would don't pick up. II will be very difficult to run city and county have anticipated something in the neighborhood of S17 million. government without increased sales tax revenue." and I am encouraged by the higher level of spending." Scranton says. 'The growth in retail sales is positive, but slow, and still indicates that the average consumer has seen no real Spokane County Reported Taxable Sales salary increase. The positive growth is due mostly to higher Year Taxable Retail Trade Total Taxable spending on food and gas." &ales 2010 03 $877,566,038 $1,847,335,815 Local business people are"cautiously optimistic"about the 2011 03 $898,875,241 $1,935,065,491 upcoming holiday season. according to Scranton. "But the 2012 C.13 5924,442,418 $1,954,827,277 resurgence of layaway plans at major retailers points to a Source:Spokane County realization that consumers are being careful about their spending and it's a miffed lag " Continued The gain in total taxable sales, which includes retail trade, but also covers virtually every end-use purchase in the state, was less robust It was up$19.8 million for third quarter 2012 compared to a year ago, which is only a 1% increase. For non-retail trade numbers. there was actually a slight decline, Higgins says this indicates continuing slow times in key fields like construction. "in Spokane-County tae, revenues from these sources are likely to continue to struggle given the recent numbers relating to building permits. ' Permitting Down Significantly Permit valuations were down much more significantly than the `' number of permits, which the economists say is due to the drop if llKiil 1 & W:i, y Building Permit_ in large public projects because stimulus funding is no longer available. Year Total Permits Total Valuation 2010 03 4,925 $124,445,483 "Permitting is being affected by the potential for going over the 2011 03 4,455 $236,549,018 Fiscal Cliff,"says Scranton. "Businesses are not committing to 2012 03 4,349 $174,630,024 large projects because of the uncertainty. Permitting activity will Source: City of Spokane, City of Spokane Valley,and go one way or the other in first quarter 2013, based on what Spokane County statistical reports. steps Congress takes.' j` A strong component of largest privately funded projects County,30%. even though the number of permits was up 11%. In A 9 p y the city of Spokane, valuations were down 21% white number of continues to be multi-family housing, particularly apartments. permits was down 7%. according to Forsyth. He points to the increased need for rental housing due to stringent mortgage requirements and In the City of Spokane Valley, both permits and valuations foreclosures.along with banks'willingness to finance this type of were down significantly-27% for permits and nearly 25% for construction as reasons for this trend. valuations. For Spokane County overall(cities&unincorporated county) Ui{iile permits were down in the third quarter, Forsyth believes the number of permits dropped 2.4% for third quarter 2012 they will probably be up for the year overall. He adds, 'Welt and compared to a year ago. while valuations dropped 26%. Karen Worthy's hotel protect in downtown will be a big and very The largest valuation drop was for unincorporated Spokane welcome boost to the local economy." Airport Trends Remain Consistent "The pattern has been pretty much the same for the last several -- quarters," says Todd Woodard, director of marketing and public Spokane International Airpo ' to is ics relations, Spokane International Airport. "Our passenger and Year Total Total Total Cargo cargo numbers are down slightly from a year ago. but with the amount of capacity lost, we are doing fairly well." Operations Passengers (tons) 2010 03 22,091 893,252 11,587.8 Total passengers are down 2.5% for third quarter from a year 2011 03 20,303 857,758 14,961.1 ago, with 21,000 fewer passengers.Cargo is down 1.7%. 2012 Q3 17,947 836,774 14,707.5 Source:Spokane international Airport "Our focus has been on improving-the customer experience. I` Our new mobile website makes it easier to navigate with smart "Going forward,we are kicking off a robust regional advertising phones and tablets, particularly to find what's needed when effort in 2013 to hopefully draw more passengers to Spokane." people are arriving or departing-- real time flight information, says Woodard. The airport is also partnering with GSI and airport maps, plus contact info for airlines and rental cars,"says Spokane Community College in "Air Spokane"an economic Woodard. "The cell phone waiting lot was also recently moved to development initiative to help grow the aerospace industry in a more convenient location." Spokane. Inflation Fate Moderate Third quarter inflation is running 1.47%over the same period _ --. last year. Consumer Price In�de " "That's pretty moderate and I think it's likely to stay on a Year CPI Annual Percent Change moderate track,"says Higgins. "despite the.likelihood of short- 2010 Q3 0.31% term spikes due to supply Issues like the West Coast refinery 2011 Q3 3.76% closure, and the longer term impacts of the national drought on 2012 03 1.47% both food and fuel prices." Continued Source: U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics 11.111.111111111111111111MIMIL- __, 110 Scranton points out that the inflation rate is not an accurate reflection of the impact that many consumers are experiencing. "If a larger share of your income is going for food and gas, or if you are paying for college,you are dealing with a much larger increase than 1.47% in your personal budget." Scranton adds, "The real test of the inflation rate will be when housing prices and employment increases and spending takes off, but that's probably a couple of years down the road." "Nobody really expects a lot of inflationary pressure. For now,this rate is within the range that the Federal Reserve finds acceptable to continue their current monetary policies,"says Forsyth. Closing Thoughts and Observations Grant Forsyth:The traditional drivers of growth in Spokane are strained, so we need new growth options. Potential game-changers— if Boeing puts the 737 assembly facility here or if Fairchild is chosen for the tanker expansion.Getting both would be an even bigger, positive shock to the local economy. Steve Scranton: I may be cautious overall,but Spokane's fundamental jobs improvement is an important indicator of future spending growth.The basics still apply`—consumption makes up 70%of economic growth in the U.S. Doug Tweedy: Looking forward, the issue of succession planning for aging workers is going to become a key issue. More than 20% of our workforce is 55 or older. Shaun Higgins:The most recent GDP estimates show the economy overall picking up some steam in the 3rd quarter.But the most significant economic event is likely to be the initial and lingering after-effects of Hurricane Sandy.There will be a construction boom and a likely nation-wide increase In costs of items needed in the direct impact areas,with a counterbalancing drop in the cost of goods for which demand drops in the short-term.Any loss of refineries will be significant in terms of nationwide gasoline prices,and any significant loss of East Coast building goods and paving manufacturers, prefabrication, electrical supply and sanitation supply manufacturers will ripple across the nation. t..'fmtlio'itah Barometer Writer. Dabhie Rauen,Legendary Hills communications EASTERN rin WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY start somethingbrq . Data assembled by the Institute for Public&Economic Analysis at Eastern Washington University Connect. Drive, Advocate maw.n Greater Spokane Incorporated Greater 801 W. Riverside Ave.,Suite Spokane r „„r_,`F4110. Spokane,WA 99201 Incorporated ti',;% r E_A ; , I dd 609.624.1393 greaterspokane.Drg Create Something Greater E N a) c CI) ,-.Q Q 'V Q M n� . =° 3 a m W - T O -}�, vj O .° "M Z ca CO CD o 0 1, O L r O ,® z ¢� L S C 1 Q CD-- Z ''. 41417, E CO CO t Y+a) ° . ollitir.. : ;OVCC _ CO (/) LO N CV �`.' ' CD co CV , . , C../ ,z L E _ p a� © -o i, c 3 c\I co U t Z3 o No f�► O Z G E t 'r 0 CO ,^ 1- 99.. i0 , 1- U .mood 1. Greater 801 W.Riverside,Suite too,Spokane,WA 99201 ........5,.,�+ Phone:5°9.624.1393 or Spokane �� Fax: 5°9.747.0077 Incorporated TM ‘vwrV.greaterspokaneincorporated.org 2012-2013 Board of Trustees--Greater Spokane Incorporated Chair Chair-Elect General Counsel Jeff Philipps Michael Senske Bill Syrnmes Rosauers Supermarkets Pearson Packaging Systems Witherspoon Kelley Treasurer President&CEO Immediate Past Chair Kurt Walsdorf Rich Hadley Tom Fritz Bank of America Greater Spokane Incorporated Inland Northwest Health Services Trustees: Ellie Aaro Mark Aden Jamie Aitken Beacon Hill Events DCI Engineers KREM TV&KSKN TV Jay Allert Dr.Rodolfo Arevalo Barry Baker Aslin-Finch Co Eastern Washington University Baker Construction&Development Dave Black Kent Caputo Carrie Cheshier NAI Black Kalispel Tribal Economic Authority Travelers Mayor David Condon(Ex-Officio) Elaine Couture W.Stacey Cowles City of Spokane Providence Health Care The Spokesman Review Scott Dietzen Phil DiPofi Dr.Michael Dunn Clifton LarsonAllen Northwest Farm Credit Services Northeast Washington ESDiot Ezra Eckhardt Jon Eliassen Linda Elkin Sterling Bank Red Lion Hotels Corporation US Bank Roger Flint Bill Gilbert Kristin Goff CH2M HILL,Inc. Deaconess Hospital Wendle Motors Rob Gragg John Guarisco(Ex-Officio,GSVCC) Craig Hart Crown West Realty MDI Marketing Hart Capital Management Michelle liege Latisha Hill (Ex-Officio,WPCC) Dr.Christine Johnson Desautel liege Communications Avista Community Colleges of Spokane Tom Johnson Terry Judge Larry"(ranter STCU Hotstart,Inc. Spokane International Airport Tyler Lafferty Mike Marzetta Dr.Thayne McCulloh Seven2 Altek,Inc. Gonzaga University Patricia McRae John Moloney Marcelo Morales KHQ TV Moloney+O'Neill Jubilant HollisterStier Scott Morris Col.Brian Newberry(Advisory) Brenda Nienhouse Avista Fairchild Air Force Base Spokane Symphony Orchestra Commissioner Shelly O'Quinn(Ex-Officio) Dr.Brian Pitcher Tom Quigley Spokane County Washington State University Spokane Kiemle&Hagood Company Coleen Quisenberry Dr.Shelley Redinger Steve Robinson Quisenberry Marketing&Design Spokane Public Schools Spokane Rock Products Jan Schmidlkofer Lisa Shaffer Ben Small K&N Paw Print Genetics Central Valley School District Peter Stanton Tim Stevens Larry=Swartz Washington Trust Bank Triumph Composite Systems Lydig Construction Dr.Beck Taylor Mayor Tom Towey(Ex-Officio) Mayor Tom Trulove(Ex-Officio) Whitworth University City of Spokane Valley City of Cheney Jim van Loben Sels Bruce Williams Mike Wilson Arbor Crest Wine Cellars GeoEngineers,Inc. Providence Health Care Kyle Windhorn Walmart Greater Sol W.Riverside,Suite too,Spokane,WA 99201 Spokane -�_� or� Fax: 509.747.0077 Incorporated w rvsvw.greaterspokaneincorporated.org 2012-2013 Board of Trustees—Greater Spokane Incorporated Chair Chair-Elect General Counsel Jeff Philipps Michael Senske Bill Synnmes Rosauers Supermarkets Pearson Packaging Systems Witherspoon Kelley Treasurer President&CEO Immediate Past Chair Kurt Walsdorf Rich Hadley Tom Fritz Bank of America Greater Spokane Incorporated Inland Northwest Health Services Trustees: Ellie Aaro Mark Aden Jamie Aitken Beacon Hill Events DCI Engineers KREM TV&KSKN TV Jay Allert Dr.Rodoifo Arevalo Barry Baker Aslin-Finch Co Eastern Washington University Baker Construction Sr Development Dave Black Kent Caputo Carrie Cheshier NAI Black Kalispel Tribal Economic Authority Travelers Mayor David Condon(Ex-Officio) Elaine Couture W.Stacey Cowles City of Spokane Providence Health Care The Spokesman Review Scott Dietzen Phil DiPofi Dr.Michael Dunn Clifton LarsonAllen Northwest Farm Credit Services Northeast Washington ESD1o1 Ezra Eckhardt Jon Eliassen Linda Elkin Sterling Bank Red Lion Hotels Corporation US Bank Roger Flint Bill Gilbert Kristin Goff CH2M HILL,Inc. Deaconess Hospital Wendle Motors Rob Gragg John Guarisco(Ex-Officio,GSVCC) Craig Hart Crown West Realty MDI Marketing Hart Capital Management Michelle Hege Latisha Hill (Ex-Officio,WPCC) Dr.Christine Johnson Desautel Hege Communications Avista Community Colleges of Spokane Tem Johnson Terry Judge Larry Krauter STCU Hotstart,Inc. Spokane International Airport Tyler Iafferty Mike Marietta Dr.Thayne McCulloh Seven2 Altek,Inc. Gonzaga University Patricia McRae John Moloney Marcelo Morales KFIQ TV Moloney+O'Neill Jubilant HollisterStier Scott Morris Col.Brian Newberry(Advisory) Brenda Nienhouse Avista Fairchild Air Force Base Spokane Symphony Orchestra Commissioner Shelly O'Quinn(Ex-Officio) Dr.Brian Pitcher Tom Quigley Spokane County Washington State University Spokane Kiemle&Hagood Company Coleen Quisenberry Dr.Shelley Redinger Steve Robinson Quisenberry Marketing&Design Spokane Public Schools Spokane Rock Products Jan Schmidlkofer Lisa Shaffer Ben Small IC&N Paw Print Genetics Central Valley School District Peter Stanton Tim Stevens Larry Swartz Washington Trust Bank Triumph Composite Systems Lydig Construction Dr.Beck Taylor Mayor Tom Towey(Ex-Officio) Mayor Tom Trulove(Ex-Officio) Whitworth University City of Spokane Valley City of Cheney Jim van Loben Sels Bruce Williams Mike Wilson Arbor Crest Wine Cellars GeoEngineers,Inc. Providence Health Care Kyle Windham Walmart