Ordinance 13-001 Manufactured Homes CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY,WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 13-001 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON AMENDING SPOKANE VALLEY MUNICIPAL CODE SECTIONS 19.40.120, 19.40.140, 19.60.010, 19.70.010, AND 19.70.020 TO ALLOW HOME OCCUPATIONS, ACCESSORY DWELLING UNITS AND RECREATIONAL VEHICLES EN MIXED USE, COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL ZONES; TO ALLOW USED MANUFACTURED HOMES IN MANUFACTURED HOME SUBDIVISIONS; TO INCLUDE RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR MIXED USE ZONES, AND OTHER MATTERS RELATING THERETO. WHEREAS, on September 25, 2007, the City of Spokane Valley (City) adopted Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC)Title 19,pursuant to Ordinance 07-015; and WHEREAS, on October 28,2007, SVMC Title 19 became effective; and WHEREAS, such regulations are authorized by RCW 36.70A; and WHEREAS, the amendments set forth below are consistent with the goals and policies of the City's Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, on October 19, 2012 and October 26, 2012, notice of the Planning Commission public hearing was published in the Valley News Herald; and WHEREAS, on October 25, 2012, the Washington State Department of Commerce was notified pursuant to RCW 36.70A.106,providing a 60-day notice of intent to adopt amendments to the Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan;and WHEREAS,on October 25,2012,the Planning Commission held a study session; and WHEREAS, SVMC 19.40.040, 19.40.120, 19.60.010, 19.70.010 and 19,70.020, as amended, bear a substantial relation to the public health,safety and welfare and protection of the environment; and WHEREAS, on November 8, 2012, the Planning Commission held a public hearing, received evidence, information, public testimony, and a staff report with a recommendation followed by deliberations and provided a recommendation; and WHEREAS, on December 13, 2012, the Planning Commission approved the findings and recommendations; and WHEREAS, on January 15,2013,City Council reviewed the proposed amendment; and WHEREAS, on January 22, 2013, City Council considered a first ordinance reading to adopt the proposed amendment. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley do ordain as follows: Ordinance 13-001 Page 1 of 13 Section 1. Purpose. The purpose of this Ordinance is to amend SVMC 19.40.040, 19,40.120, 19.60.010, 19.70.010 and 19.70.020. Section 2. Findings. The City Council acknowledges that the Planning Commission conducted appropriate investigation and study, held a public hearing on the proposed amendments and recommends approval of the amendments. The City Council hereby adopts the findings of the Planning Commission, specifically that: Growth Management Act Policies I. The Washington State Growth Management Act (GMA) provides that each city shall adopt a comprehensive land use plan and development regulations that are consistent with and implement the comprehensive plan. City of Spokane Valley Goals and Policies 2. The City of Spokane Valley has adopted goals and policies consistent with the GMA and adopted CWPP. Land Use Goal LUG-9: Encourage the development of Mixed-use areas that foster community identity and are designed to support pedestrian, bicycle and regional transit. Land Use Policy LUP-9.2: The prix of land uses allowed in either the Corridor Mixed-use or Mixed-use Center designation should include: • A full range of retail goods and services including grocery stores, theaterslentertairunent, restaurants,personal services and specialty shops; • Public/quasi-public uses • Commercial uses that require large land uses but have low employment density and are auto-dependent, such as lumber yards, plant nurseries, warehouses and auto dealerships, should be prohibited from either Mixed-use category. Housing Goal HG-l: Encourage diversity in design to meet the housing needs of the residents of the community and region. Housing Policy HP-1.1: Consider the economic impact of development regulations on the cost of housing. Housing Policy HP-1.2: Streamline the development review process and strive to eliminate unnecessary time delays and expenses. Housing Policy HP-1.3: Establish development regulations and incentives for greater diversity of housing types,costs and designs,that may include bonus incentives, clustering, and transfer of development rights. Housing Policy HP-1.4: Encourage mixed-use residential/commercial development in designated areas throughout the City with the use of developer incentives and design standards. Economic Goal EDG-7: Maintain a regulatory environment that offers flexibility, consistency,predictability and clear direction. Economic Policy EDP-7.1: Evaluate,monitor and improve development standards to promote compatibility between adjacent land uses; and update permitting processes to ensure that they are equitable,cost-effective, and expeditious. Economic Policy EDP-7.2: Review development regulations periodically to ensure clarity,consistency and predictability. Ordinance 13-001 Page 2 of 13 Neighborhood Goal NG-2: Preserve and protect the character of Spokane Valley's residential neighborhoods, Neighborhood Policy NP-2.1: Maintain and protect the character of existing and future residential neighborhoods through the development and enforcement of the City's land use regulations and joint planning. Neighborhood Policy NP-2.2: Review and revise as necessary, existing land use regulations to provide for innovation and flexibility in the design of new residential developments, accessory dwelling units, and in-fill development. Section 3. Spokane Valley Municipal Code 19.40.120 is amended as follows: 19.40.120 Manufactured Homes on Individual Lots A. Pursuant to the requirements of RCW 35.21.684,the City does not discriminate against consumers' choices in the placement or use of a home that is not equally applicable to all homes. This section applies only to manufactured housing units placed on individual lots. B.Homes built to 42 U.S.C.70 Sections 5401 through 5403 standards (as they may be amended) are regulated for the purposes of siting in the same manner as site-built homes,factory-built homes, or homes built to any other state construction or local design standard; provided, however, that the manufactured home shall: 1.Be a new manufactured home; and 2. Be set upon a permanent foundation, as specified by the manufacturer, and that the space from the bottom of the home to the ground be enclosed by concrete or an approved product which can be either load-bearing or decorative; and 3. Comply with all local design standards, including the requirement for a pitched roof with a slope of not less than 3:12, applicable to all other homes within the neighborhood in which the manufactured home is to be located; and. 4, Be thermally equivalent to the state energy code; and 5. Otherwise meet all other requirements for a designated manufactured home as defined in RCW 35.63.160. C. This section does not override any legally recorded covenants or deed restrictions of record. A"new manufactured home"means any manufactured home required to be titled under RCW Title 46, which has not been previously titled to a retail purchaser, and is not a used mobile home as defined in RCW 82.45.032(2). A"designated manufactured hone"is a manufactured home constructed after June 15, 1976, in accordance with state and federal requirements for manufactured homes,which: 1.is comprised of at least two fully enclosed parallel sections each of not less than 12 feet wide by 36 feet long; and 2. Was originally constructed with and now has a composition or wood shake or shingle, coated metal,or similar roof of nominal 3:12 pitch; and Ordinance 13-001 Page 3 of 13 3.Has exterior siding similar in appearance to siding materials commonly used on conventional site-built International Building Code single-family residences. D.An existing single wide manufactured home may be replaced with a new single wide manufactured home when replacement is initiated within 12 months of the date of damage which represents less than 80 percent of market value,or removal of existing habitable manufactured home. E. Manufactured homes with dimensional features that match or closely match the predominant manufactured home type within a manufactured home subdivision may be placed in the manufactured home subdivision without regard to the age of the manufactured home. 19.40.130 Manufactured home parks. A. Manufactured home parks shall require approval of a binding site plan,which includes a detailed site development plan in compliance with the development standards of this code. B. The site development plan will be reviewed and approved for compliance with ordinances and standards by the Spokane County utilities department, Spokane County regional health district and other appropriate agencies. C.Manufactured housing parks shall not exceed seven units per acre with a minimum of 3,600 square feet per space. D. The maximum building coverage for each manufactured home space shall be 50 percent; provided, that open patio covers,awnings, and/or carports shall not be considered buildings when calculating this coverage. E. Each manufactured home space shall be a minimum of 45 feet in width with direct frontage on a public or private road. F. The minimum setbacks for manufactured homes at park perimeter are as follows: 1. Twenty-five feet from all public rights-of-way. 2. Side yard: 10 feet from park perimeter at the overall site lot side line. 3.Rear yard: 10 feet from park perimeter at the overall site lot rear line. Three feet for any accessory structure such as patio covers, awnings and/or carports. G. Minimutn setbacks for individual in-park spaces: 1.Front and flanking yards: four feet. 2. Side and rear yard: five feet. Ordinance 13-001 Page 4 of 13 3.Accessory structures such as patio covers, awnings, and/or carports:three feet. (Ord. 07-015 § 4, 2007). Section 4. Spokane Valley Municipal Code 19.40.040 is amended as follows: 19.40.140 Home occupations A. Applicability. Any person, group or entity conducting a "for profit" enterprise from a location whose primary use is a residence must obtain a home occupation permit. A home occupation may be established in a residence that has been legally permitted. Businesses may be exempt from the home occupation permit fee, as established by the master fee schedule,if all of the following criteria are met: 1. There are no proposed exterior alterations to the residence or any accessory structures) which change the residential character of the property; 2. Goods and commodities associated with the business are not delivered to the premises; 3.There are no business customers visiting the premises; 4.There are no signs or window displays on the property related to the business; and 5.Any employees engaged in the business must live in the residence(no outside employees). B. Home occupations are permitted as accessory uses, except as indicated by subsection. C of this section, incidental to the property's principal use as a residence, subject to the following requirements: 1.Property shall retain a residential appearance and character; 2. All storage shall be enclosed within the residence or accessory structure; 3. There shall be a limit of two employees not residing on the premises engaged in the home occupation; 4. One unlighted sign placed flush against the exterior wal l of the principal structure not exceeding four square feet in area is permitted; 5. There shall be no window display nor shall sample commodities with the exception of flowers and produce grown on the premises be displayed outside the building(s); 6.The hours of operation of a home occupation are limited to 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.; 7. The home occupation use shall not create electronic interference including, but not limited to, interference with radio, satellite reception, telephone or television reception, nor generate measurable levels at the property line of noise, dust, smoke, odor or glare. The home occupation activity shall not generate solid waste in volume or type which is not normally associated with residential use unless specifically permitted; 8. Loading docks and mechanical loading devices are not permitted; Ordinance 13-001 Page 5 of 13 9. No traffic or parking of vehicles shall be generated by a home occupation in greater volumes than normally expected in a residential neighborhood and any need for parking must be accommodated within the required off-street parking for the dwelling unit; and 10. Uses which are detrimental to the existing residential appearance and character are not allowed as home occupations. C. Specific uses which are not permitted as home occupations include, but are not limited to, the following: adult retail use establishment, adult bookstore or adult entertainment establishment; auto repair; welding or metal plating shops; large appliance/electronics or equipment repair or service; small engine repair; truck hauling and/or tow storage yard; vehicle sales; cabinet making; manufacturing and/or related storage; kennel or stables; wholesale or retail sales; and restaurants/drinking establishments. Section 5. Spokane Valley Municipal Code 19.60.010 is amended as follows: 19.60.010 General requirements A. Nonresidential development shall meet the minimum setback and the maximum height requirements shown in Table 19.60-1. B. Residential development shalt meet the minimum residential development standards for the MF-2 zone shown in Table 19.40-1 with the exception that the following setbacks shall apply (NOTE: alternate setbacks apply to multi-family adjacent to single-family uses or zoning. See 19.60.070 and 19.60.080): Front yard setback: 20 feet Rear yard setback: 10 feet Side yard setback: 5 feet Side yard—Flanking street setback: 20 feet Residential use adjacent to a nonresidential use Side yard(without living space window): 5 feet Side yard(with living space window): 10 feet C. A home occupation may be established in a residence that has been legally permitted, excluding caretaker dwellings. D. Attached and detached Accessory Dwelling Units (ADU) are permitted in all zoning districts that permit single-family dwellings and shall adhere to the appearance of single-family residences. An attached ADU is an accessory dwelling unit that has one or more vertical and/or horizontal walls in common with, or attached to, the principal dwelling unit. A detached ADU is a freestanding accessory dwelling unit that is not attached or physically connected to the principal dwelling unit. Accessory dwelling units shall meet all provisions contained in SVMC 19.40.100, E. Recreational vehicles shall not be used as permanent or temporary dwelling units in any mixed use or commercial zone except in manufactured home parks.Guests may park and/or occupy a recreational vehicle while visiting the occupants of a dwelling unit located on the same lot for not more than 30 days in one consecutive 12-month period. The intent is to accommodate visiting guests and not to allow the recreational vehicle to be used as a dwelling unit. F. Parking areas shall be paved and landscaped in accordance with Chapter 22.50 SVMC. Ordinance 13-001 Page 6 of 13 G. New development exceeding three stories in height shall be provided with paved service lanes not less than 16 feet in width. H. All new development shall provide for shared access with adjacent properties. I. All outdoor trash, garbage and refuse storage areas shall be screened on all sides visible to public views or rights-of-way with a minimum five-and-one-half-foot-high concrete block or masonry wall or sight-obscuring fence with a sight-obscuring gate and two feet of Type II landscaping in accordance with Figure 22,70-8 SVMC. J. The following structures may be erected above the height limits of this code in the Office, Commercial, and Mixed Use zones, provided: (1) the structure is accessory to or part of a building which is a permitted use in the zone; (2) the structure complies with the height limits in the Airport Overlay zone; and(3)no residential use of the structure shall occur above the height limits prescribed in the zone: 1. Penthouses or roof structures for the housing of elevators, stairways, tanks, ventilating fans, or similar equipment to operate and maintain a building, 2. Fire or parapet walls, skylights, flagpoles, chimneys, church steeples, belfries, wireless masts, and similar structures. 3. Structures such as silos, feed mills, batch plants, and fixed cranes which are used in a manufacturing process which utilizes vertical processing and storage of materials. 4 Water stand pipes and tanks. K. The following features attached to structures are allowed as exceptions to the setback standards: 1. Minor Projections Allowed. Minor features of a structure, such as eaves, chimneys, fire escapes, bay windows no more than 12 feet long and which cantilever beyond the foundation of the structure, uncovered stairways, wheelchair ramps and uncovered decks or balconies, may extend into a required structure setback up to 20 percent of the depth of the setback. However, they may not be within three feet of a lot line when a setback is required. 2. Full Projections Allowed. In addition to subsection (0)(1) of this section, the following features are allowed to project farther into the required structure setback: a. Canopies,marquees, awnings and similar features may fully extend into a street setback and may extend into the public right-of-way subject to the requirements of the building code and adopted street standards. b. Uncovered stairways and wheelchair ramps that lead to one entrance on the street-facing facade of a building may fully extend into a street setback. c. Uncovered decks and stairways that are no more than 42 inches above the ground may fully extend into a required structure setback. d. On lots that slope down from the street, vehicular and pedestrian entry bridges that are no more than 42 inches above the average sidewalk elevation may fully extend into a required structure setback. Ordinance 13-001 Page 7 of 13 e. Balconies may extend into public rights-of-way as allowed in the building code and adopted street standards. f.Attached mechanical equipment such as heat pumps, air conditioners, emergency generators and water pumps are allowed to project into the side or rear yard setback only. L. Mobile food vendors with permission of the property owner,health certificate and permit. M. Community facilities and public utility distribution facility(ies), except power poles and underground transformers, shall comply with the following conditions: 1.The requirements for landscaping, signage, lighting and other requirements shall apply, 2. Type I landscape screening is required along property line(s) adjacent to a residential use or zone. N. Public utility transmission facility shall comply with the.following conditions: 1.The utility company shall secure the necessary property or right-of-way to assure for the property construction, continued maintenance, and general safety to the property adjoining the public utility transmission facility; 2. All support structures for electric transmission lines shall have their means of access located a minimum of 10 feet above ground; 3. The facilities shall be compatible with the surrounding uses either by distance, landscaping, buffering, or design, as determined by the director; and 4. The height of any structure above ground does not exceed 125 feet. Section 6. Spokane Valley Municipal Code 19.70,010 is amended as follows: 19.70.010 I-1,Light Industrial district A. The Light Industrial designation is a planned industrial area with special emphasis and attention given to aesthetics, landscaping and internal and community compatibility. Typical uses would include technology and other low-impact industries. Light Industrial areas may also include office and commercial uses as ancillary,uses within an overall plan for industrial development. B. Supplemental Regulations. 1, The outdoor storage provisions contained in SVMC 19.60.060(B) shall apply to the I-1 district. 2. Mobile food vendors shall be located on/within designated areas which do not interfere with parking or internal circulation with permission of the property owner,health certificate and permit. 3. Setbacks. a. Front and flanking street yard setbacks shall be 20 feet; and b. Side and rear yard setbacks of 35 feet are required only adjacent to residential zoning districts. Ordinance 13-001 Page 8 of 13 4, The following structures may be erected above the height limits of this code, provided: (a) the structure is accessory to or part of a building which is a permitted use in the zone; (b)the structure complies with the height limits in the Airport Overlay zone; and (c) no residential use of the structure shall occur above the height limits prescribed in the zone: a. Penthouses or roof structures for the housing of elevators, stairways,tanks, ventilating fans, or similar equipment to operate and maintain a building. b. Fire or parapet walls, skylights, flagpoles, chimneys, church steeples, belfries, wireless masts, and similar structures, c. Structures such as silos, feed mills, batch plants, and fixed cranes which are used in a manufacturing process which utilizes vertical processing and storage of materials. d. Water stand pipes and tanks. 5.All parking,maneuvering and outdoor storage areas shall be paved. Exemptions: a.Parking and storage areas routinely used by cleated and other heavy equipment as approved by the planning director, b. The planning director may waive portions of these requirements upon recommendation by the Spokane regional clean air agency or the Spokane Valley development engineering division when it can be demonstrated that the proposed surfacing, such as grass pavers or other technology, will not adversely affect air quality, water quality or the integrity of the parking area. 6. The following features attached to structures are allowed as exceptions to the setback standards: a. Minor Projections Allowed. Minor features of a structure, such as eaves, chimneys, fire escapes, bay windows no more than 12 feet long and which cantilever beyond the foundation of the structure, uncovered stairways, wheelchair ramps and uncovered decks or balconies, may extend into a required structure setback up to 20 percent of the depth of the setback. However, they may not be within three feet of a lot line when a setback is required. b. Full Projections Allowed. In addition to subsection (B)(6)(a) of this section, the following features are allowed to project farther into the required structure setback: i. Canopies, marquees, awnings and similar features may fully extend into a street setback and may extend into the public right-of-way subject to the requirements of the building code and adopted street standards. ii. Uncovered stairways and wheelchair ramps that lead to one entrance on the street- facing facade of a building may fully extend into a street setback. iii. Uncovered decks and stairways that are no more than 42 inches above the ground may fully extend into a required structure setback. Ordinance 13-001 Page 9 of 13 iv. On lots that slope down from the street,vehicular and pedestrian entry bridges that are no more than 42 inches above the average sidewalk elevation may fully extend into a required structure setback. v. Balconies may extend into public rights-of-way as allowed in the building code and adopted street standards. vi. Attached mechanical equipment such as heat pumps, air conditioners, emergency generators and water pumps are allowed to project into the side or rear yard setback only. 7. Community facilities and public utility distribution facility(ies), except power poles and underground transformers,shall comply with the following conditions: a. The requirements for landscaping, signage, lighting and other requirements shall apply. b. Type I landscape screening is required along property line(s) adjacent to a residential use or zone. 8.Public utility transmission facility shall comply with the following conditions: a. The utility company shall secure the necessary property or right-of-way to assure for the property construction, continued maintenance, and general safety to the property adjoining the public utility transmission facility; b.All support structures for electric transmission lines shall have their means of access located a minimum of 10 feet above ground; c. The facilities shall be compatible with the surrounding uses either by distance, landscaping, buffering, or design, as determined by the director;and d. The height of any structure above ground does not exceed 125 feet. 9. The following shall apply to all secondhand stores and consignment sales: a. The subject parcel must have frontage on an.arterial;and b.Minimum building size of 15,000 gross square feet(gsf);and c. Limited to a single tenant. 10. A home occupation may be established in a residence that has been legally permitted, excluding caretaker dwellings. 11. Recreational vehicles shall not be used as permanent or temporary dwelling units. Guests may park and/or occupy a recreational vehicle while visiting the occupants of a dwelling unit located on the same lot for not more than 30 days in one consecutive 12-month period. The intent is to accommodate visiting guests and not to allow the recreational vehicle to be used as a dwelling unit. Ordinance 13-001 Page 10 of 13 Section 7. Spokane Valley Municipal Code 19.70.020 is amended as follows: 19.70.020 I-2,Heavy Industrial district A. Heavy Industrial designated property is characterized by intense industrial activities which include manufacturing, processing, fabrication, assembly, freight handling and similar operations. Heavy industry may have significant noise,odor or aesthetic impacts. B. Supplemental Regulations. 1. I-2 allows any use permitted in the I-1 zoning district, except as specifically provided in Appendix 19-A. 2. Mobile food vendors shall be located on/within designated areas which do not interfere with parking or internal circulation with permission of the property owner, health certificate and permit. 3. The following structures may be erected above the height limits of this code,provided: (a) the structure is accessory to or part of a building which is a permitted use in the zone; (b)the structure complies with the height limits in the Airport Overlay zone; and (c) no residential use of the structure shall occur above the height limits prescribed in the zone: a.Penthouses or roof structures for the housing of elevators, stairways, tanks,ventilating fans, or similar equipment to operate and maintain a building. b. Fire or parapet walls, skylights, flagpoles, chimneys, church steeples, belfries, wireless masts, and similar structures. c. Structures such as silos, feed mills, batch plants, and fixed cranes which are used in a manufacturing process which utilizes vertical processing and storage of materials, d.Water stand pipes and tanks. 4.All parking,maneuvering and outdoor storage areas shall be paved. Exemptions: a. Parking and storage areas routinely used by cleated and other heavy equipment as approved by the planning director. b. The planning director may waive portions of these requirements upon recommendation by the Spokane regional clean air agency or the Spokane Valley development engineering division when it can be demonstrated that the proposed surfacing, such as grass pavers or other technology, will not adversely affect air quality, water quality or the integrity of the parking area. 5. The following features attached to structures are allowed as exceptions to the setback standards: a. Minor Projections Allowed. Minor features of a structure, such as eaves, chimneys, fire escapes, bay windows no more than 12 feet long and which cantilever beyond the foundation of the structure, uncovered stair%vays, wheelchair ramps and uncovered decks or balconies, may extend into a required structure setback up to 20 percent of the depth of the setback. However, they may not be within three feet of a lot line when a setback is required. Ordinance 13-001 Page 11 of 13 b. Full Projections Allowed. In addition to subsection (13)(5)(a) of this section, the following features are allowed to project farther into the required structure setback: i. Canopies,marquees, awnings and similar features may fully extend into a street setback and may extend into the public right-of-way subject to the requirements of the building code and adopted street standards, ii. Uncovered stairways and wheelchair ramps that lead to one entrance on the street- facing facade of a building may fully extend into a street setback. iii.Uncovered decks and stairways that are no more than 42 inches above the ground may fully extend into a required structure setback, iv. On lots that slope down from the street,vehicular and pedestrian entry bridges that are no more than 42 inches above the average sidewalk elevation may fully extend into a required structure setback. v. Balconies may extend into public rights-of-way as allowed in the building code and adopted street standards. 6. Community facilities and public utility distribution faeility(ies), except power poles and underground transformers, shall comply with the following conditions: a. The requirements for landscaping, signage, lighting and other requirements shall apply. b. Type I landscape screening is required along property line(s) adjacent to a residential use or zone. 7.Public utility transmission facility shall comply with the following conditions: a. The utility company shall secure the necessary property or right-of-way to assure for the property construction, continued maintenance, and general safety to the property adjoining the public utility transmission facility; b. All support structures for electric transmission lines shall have their means of access located a minimum of 10 feet above ground; c. The facilities shall be compatible with the surrounding uses either by distance, landscaping, buffering, or design, as determined by the director; and d. The height of any structure above ground does not exceed 125 feet. 8. A home occupation may be established in a residence that has been legally permitted, excluding caretaker dwellings. 9. Recreational vehicles shall not be used as permanent or temporary dwelling units. Guests may park and/or occupy a recreational vehicle while visiting the occupants of a dwelling unit located on the same lot for not more than 30 days in one consecutive 12-month period. The intent is to accommodate visiting guests and not to allow the recreational vehicle to be used as a dwelling unit. Ordinance 13-001 Page 12 of 13 Section 8. All other provisions of SVMC Title 19 not specifically referenced hereto shall remain in full force and effect. Section 9. Severability, If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance shall be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause, or phrase of this Ordinance. Section 10. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect five days after publication of this Ordinance or a summary thereof in the official newspaper of the City of Spokane Valley as provided by law. Passed by the City Council this 5th day of February, 2013. Mayor, Thomas E.Towey ATTES r: ity Clerk, Christin- Bainbridge I Approved as to Form: Office of e City orney. Date of Publication:February 15, 2013 Effective Date: February 20, 2013 Ordinance 13-001 Page 13 of 13