Pre Incorporation Delegation of Duties Itetn I. Resol�rtions A_ Mayor-Council -Corr�munity 1 Expressing appreciatian to incorporation committee and transition committee •Accepting reports •Certificate af Appreciaiion •Cap Upon Committees at a la#er da#e for summ renor 2 Adoptint�C 3 Calling for I 4 �xpressing B. General Busir 1 Council R� 2 7ime, P[ac 3 Resolution far interim ofFice space and ta all council candidates are �ular meetinqs avor Pro-Tem (Mation) 6 Official Newspaper 7 Designating Enterim D�;posi#ory E 8 Investmenfs in Govemment Poal 9 Petfy Cash Fund-Policies 10 F'inance ProcedureslPo[icies 1'[ Purchasing Policy 12 Moratoric�ms 15 F�nd Advan C. Personnel 1 Empfoyrr II. OrcSinances A. Administration 1 Crea#e Offic Bonds and Oaths G:�LVM1Libf..aketiLegal$ervlc�es City Incorpor�flon.xls CITY iNCORPORATION n ic�pa e Responsibilif.jr Council Meeting Identification Date Completed Stan SMS SMS S1VR SMS SMS SMS SNR SMS SI�R SMS SM8 SNR 1 Resolution 02-01 Resalution�2-03 Resolution 02-02 F2esolutian 02-06 Resalution 02-05 Motion Motion Resolution 02- 04�J111 0 11127I2002 CITY INCORPORATION n �c�pa Item Responsibility CounciI Me�ti�g Identification Da#�Gompieted int Interim rds MaintE 7 Esiablish Office Hours 8 Establish Holidays 9 Travel-Reimbursement ^ 16 Credit Card5 11 [ndemnification 12 Ordinance,on C�Benefits •Retirement, Ir�surance, PTC •PERS or401A -Deferred Compensation --_ _ _ _ B. Finance 1 Pavment of Claims bv Check 4 Auditing Officer 5 Sales Tax(both TAN Tax 92 Leasehold Excise"iax '13 Franchise Fees(L�tility Tax) 94 Interim 8udget 95 Go�ernment Loans 96 B�siness Licenses 97 Sma[I Contract Authorization 99 Interfund Loan{��eetto General 20 Establishirtg Fees far Services Buiiding Services � � 1 Adoption of Cades ai Buildina Cod� n SMS SMS SNR Ci Cauncil SNR 5NR SNR SNR SNR SNR SNa 9 2/312�02 'I 2/'!012042 '1213/2002 �t 2/10/2002 'i 2/1 Q12002 12/3/2002 'f 2/9 012002 i 2/9 012002 12/3/2002 9 2/3/2002 Ordinance Np. 1 Ordinance No.2 Ordinance No.3 Ordinance No.4 Ordinance No.5 G:1LVM1LibtakeSLegal Servlces Ciry IncorporaUonxSs 2 ' '1'II2712002 C[TY 1NCORPORATION Iterra ic�pa e Responsibi[ify Council Meeting Identi�icatio� Date Corrtpieted G:ILVMII..ibLak�lLegal Servlces Clty Incrorporatlonxls 3 11/27/2002 CiTY INCORPORATCON n �c�pa e Item Responsibility Co�ncii Meeting Identification Date Comp[eted G. Miscel[aneous 9 Fire Ser�ices 2 Libra 5ervices III. Contracts A. Attorne Services B. Emplo mentlConsultant Services C. Engineeri�g Services D. Interloca]Agreements 't I'olice 2 Animal Control 3 5treet Maintenance swee in ,stri in ,snow removal 4 Signs&Signals 5 SurFace and Stormwater ^������� 6 Munici al Court -ProsecutionlF'ublic Defender 7 Jai!Services 8 Landmarlcs 9 Plannin lZonin •PermitlTechnical R�view °Hearin Examiner •ComPreFtensi�e Plan Deve[opment This document was prepared by Stanley M.Schwar�, attomey,Witherspoon, Kel[ey, Qa�enport&Toole, P.S. SMS SMS 12/3/2QQ2 12J3/2002 G:1LVM1LitrLakelLegaI Servlces City Incarparatlon.xls 4 11/27/2002