13-019.00 Spokane Rock Products: 2012 Street Preservation Ph 2odne Valle & nl IMI ,t11A 1/1C1VL� CHANGE ORDER TO CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO: 12.027 DEEPASi MEN I Ur rUOLIV vvvl nv -- - -- PROJECT: 2012 Street Preservation Project - Phase 2 CONTRACT DATE: 8115!2012 DONTRACTOR: S okane Rock Products Inc CHANGE ORDER NO: 3 APITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO: 0162 BID NO.: 12 -027 DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES Change Order 3 provides payment to resolve several potential claim issues submitted by Spokane Rack Products In the attached Jan 8,2013 letter, The Change Order amounts are discussed in the attached Jan 18, 2013 City Response letter. Item No Description U, nit Quantl Unit Price Total Sch A -60 Remob for additional pedestrian ramp removal LS 1 $275.00 $276.00 Sch 8 -20 Additional Arrow Boards on Sprague Curbside lanes FA 1 $235.20 $235.20 Sch C -20 Montgomery WB Curbside lane closure FA 1 $123.60 $123.60 Sch D -50 NW Cor. Sprague & University- Removal of unknown footings FA 1 $202.69 $202.69 Total Amount of this Change Order ( Incl. Tax): $836.49 SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION Original Date: 1011212012 Prior to this Change Order: 10/12/2012 Including this Change Order: 10/12/2012 Ori inal Workin Days: 25 Working Days Added by this 00: 0 Working Days including this CO: 26 THESE CHANGES RESULT IN THE FOLLOWING ADJUSTMENTS OF TOTAL CONTRACT PRICE: ORIGINAL TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT _ _ _ _ ........... ................. „..„ ...... 679,475.50 TOTAL PRIOR CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER AMO t1NT ..............-.--.........-_....,................-.,....--_ ......_....,.,........... - -.... $. 12,688.80 TOTAL CONTRACT PRICE PRIOR TO THIS CHANGE ORDER $ 692,064.30 NET THIS CHANGE ORDER -..._...-. .......... . ....... ..._............... 836.49 TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT INCLUDING THIS CHANGE ORDER $ 692,900.79 CONTRACTOR ACCEPTANCE:' DATE: 3 The contractor hereby accepts this adjustment under the terms of the orlglnal contract for all work perfumed, RECOMMENDED BY: r !7��. "— DATE: f'��' l• l-� APPROVED BY: DATE: FOWWOrks APPROVED BY: A112 DATE: City Manager ATTACHMENTS: SRP 119/13 fir & 1122113 COSV Response Itr �lstrrtrtftla»: ORIGINALS TO: Contractor, City of Spokane Valley Clerk's Office, PW Project File COPIES TO: PW Project File P,Ptibl`C WdeASIFUrdidliplD tRr W007) Summary of Original Estimated CN Costs versus Current Bid /Current Estimates 2012 Street Preservation Projects Council Approved Budget = 52,818,883 Phase 1 Street From To Estimate Bid Price Original CN $ 226,481 Change Order #1 Street From Evergreen Road 16th to 32nd $ - To 75,945 Estimate $ Bid Price Change Order B2 (No Cost to City - Paid by Vera Water & Power) Dishman -Mica 16th to 24th $ 462,06 $ 4,000 Change Order A2 Dishman -Mica 24th to 32nd $ 463,582 $ 463,271 * Project scope increased - include ITS conduit & preservation work on parts of 32nd Ave Dishman -Mica 32nd to Schafer $ 233,152 Vista Mission to Knox $ 93,913 $ 96,332 4th DM to Farr $ 102,685 $ 71,196 Change Order #1 $ - Change Order #2 $ 7,739 Change Order #3, $ 48,996 Change Order #4 $ 5,690 Change Order #5 $ 7,133 Change Order #6 $ 21,858 Change Order #7, $ 2,074 Change Order #8 $ 29,835 $ 1,355,398 $ 754,124 Phase 2 Original CN Street From To Estimate Bid Price 32nd University to Bowdish $ 316,500 32nd Pines to SR27 $ 475,345 32nd SR27 to Best $ 190,121 Fancher Sprague to Broadway $ 441,723 $ 417,100 Herald Main to End $ 22,705 Mission Union to Pines $ 86,909 ** University Sprague to Main $ 115,720 ** Argonne Mullan to Montgomery $ 59,746 ** Change Order #1 $ 10,519 Change Order #2 $ 2,070 Change Order #3 $ 836 $ 1,446,394 $ 692,900 * Projects delayed to future years ** Originally proposed to be completed under Poe Contract Other Preserv. Projects Original CN Street From To Estimate Bid Price University Road 4th to 16th $ - $ 226,481 Change Order #1 $ 3,240 Evergreen Road 16th to 32nd $ - $ 75,945 Change Order BI (No Cost to City - Paid by Vera Water & Power) $ - Change Order B2 (No Cost to City - Paid by Vera Water & Power) $ - Change Order B3 (No Cost to City - Paid by Vera Water & Power) $ - Change Order Al $ 4,000 Change Order A2 $ 4,235 Change Order A3 $ 24,515 $ - $ 338,417 * Project scope increased - include ITS conduit & preservation work on parts of 32nd Ave Original CN Current Street From To Estimate Estimate Pines Rd 24th to 16th $ 214,868 $ 104,800 Sprague Ave Park to 1 -90 O/P $ 340,000 $ 214,868 $ 444,800 * Scope of Sprague project reduced. Limits are currently Park to Theirman. Original CN Current Bid/ Estimate Estimate Totals $ 3,016,660 $'''2;230;°241'::; January 24, 2013 Mr. Paul Hatfield Project Manager Spokane Rock Products, Inc. PO Box 3808 Spokane, WA 99220 Public Works Department Capital Improvement Program 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 0 Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ® cityhall ®spokanevalley.org Re: Response to 1 -9 -13 Itr seeking additional compensation 2012 Street Preservation Project — Phase 2, CIP 0162 Dear Paul: I have reviewed your January 9`h, 2013 letter requesting additional compensation. This letter responds to each request in the order discussed in your letter. 1. Payment for placing CSTC around loops at the Fancher / University intersections with Sprague Ave I remember when the pavement had been removed we found the existing crushed surfacing to be in good shape so rather than remove good material that was already well compacted, we agreed to trench in the SB loops and feeds with crushed surfacing top course, 12 inches wide and 6 inches deep on University and Fancher at the Sprague intersections to be paid under Schedule A — Bid Item 12, Crushed Surfacing Top Course, 6" Depth. Upon review of the pay notes we discovered that we had neglected to pay you for the CSTC used in the ITS Conduit trench on Fancher Rd and had a calculation error on the bedding required for University Rd. See the attached paynotes. The corrected quantity for Bid Item 12, CSTC, 6" Depth is: Under Fancher Bakery Pavement Patch Area = 189 SY ITS Trench on Fancher Rd (Sprague to Broadway) = 277 SY Fancher Rd Loops & lead bedding — 85 SY University Rd Loops & lead bedding = 72 SY Revised Total = 623 SY On Pay Application 1 the City paid for 319 SY under Sch A, Bid Item 12. The City will pay $5,076.8 for an additional 304 SY on Pay Application 2. Page 2 2. Hidden Concrete Removal at NW Corner of University / Sprague Removal of CDF and a portion of an old signal pole base that was not shown on the plans was required to construct the pedestrian ramp. The City agrees to pay for this by Force Account and will include the $202,69 Force Account payment submitted by SRP in Change Order 3. 3. Traffic Control Change on Mission Mission Avenue Work was included in the Contract in Schedule C. The bid documents called for paving this street, one half at a time while maintaining traffic both ways on the arterial. To provide more construction room, the City revised the temporary traffic control to allow only westbound traffic during paving operations and issued Change Order 2. The Change Order provided force account payment for the following additional temporary traffic control work: Additional Flagger on Mission Ave, between Wilbur Rd and Union Rd to deter motorists from driving eastbound through the construction zone. Additional signage (8 signs) to create an eastbound detour around the work zone. Prolonged Variable Message sign set up two days to include construction, The attached Change Order 2 Spreadsheet (dated 1- 18 -13), provides for total payment of $1,431.91. Pay Application 1 paid $1,005.96 under CO 1. Pay Application 2 will pay an additional $425.95. 4. Arrow Boards on Sprague The City requested arrow boards be installed in the Sprague Avenue westbound curbside lanes when they were closed 6 days for adjacent grinding and paving work on Fancher Rd and University Rd. The cost for this work is: 1 arrow board x 6 days x $35.00 /day = $210.40 Prime Contractor Force Account Markup (12 1/o) = S 25.20 Total = $235.20 The City agrees to pay for this by Force Account and will include the $235.20 Force Account payment in Change Order 3. Note their was a math error on the Jan 901 letter. 5. Additional Traffic Control Cost on Argonne / Montgomery Closure The City requested closure of the westbound Montgomery Ave right turn lane north onto Argonne on the evening of September 19a' to prevent a large vehicle from entering the curbside patch work area on Argonne, north of Montgomery. Page 3 The attached Change Order 3 Spreadsheet (dated 1- 18 -13), provides for total payment of $123.60 based on Inspector records of materials installed and time to set it up. Pay Application 2 will pay an additional $123.60. 6. Additional Traffic Control for Additional ADA Ramps on Fancher SRP is requesting 2 additional days of compensation for extra traffic control provide while pedestrian ramps were completed after substantial completion was reached. On September 24, with 14 days left in the Contract, the City verbally requested that three existing ramps on Fancher near "T" intersections formed by Valley and Alki be reconstiucted to meet current ADA standards. All the additional work was covered by existing bid items and unit bid prices. The critical path timeline was not controlled by this additional work. Date Company Work Done Contract Days Remaining 9 -25 T. LaRiviere Removed the existing ramps 13 9 -29 T. LaRiviere Finished grinding + Adjusted Utilities 10 SRP Paved SB Fancher at night 10 -4 Winkler Mistakenly placed full reveal curb at ramps 6 10 -9 SRP Had not yet compacted ramp subgrade 3 10 -12 Winkler Placed Ramp Curbs 1 10 -12 City granted Substantial completion 10 -13 Winkler Placed Ramps except 3 portions -1 10 -15 Winkler Placed last three ramp surfaces -3 The reason this work was not completed within the Contract time was the mistake made by Winkler and the delay in removing the incorrect work, compacting. subgrade, CSTC and installing the ramps. For this reason no additional compensation is due for the necessary traffic control, since the additional days were caused by the subcontractor errors and delays. 7. Remobilization for T. LaRiviere on Fancher The sidewalk demo subcontractor, T LaRiviere Excavation, had completed removing sidewalk areas shown on the plans, and demobilized his equipment before the City requested the additional ramps be removed. Please provide documentation of the remob cost. Upon receipt, I will send you a draft of Change Order 3 that includes the additional compensation described above. Also attached are the revised paynotes for the CSTC underpayment, and force account spreadsheets for the traffic control issues. I have also included draft Pay Application 2 for your review that includes Change Order 3, Page 4 Please call me to discuss, if you have any questions. Sincerely, Craig dwoith, P.E. Proje t Manager 720 -5001 Encl: SRP 1- 9 -131tr requesting additional compensation Sch A, Bid Item 12 Paynotes, revised 1/17/13 Change Order 2 — Mission Traffic Control — Sch C -18 Spreadsheet, Revised 1 -18 -13 Change Order 3 — Montgomery Ave Curbside Lane Closure Spreadsheet, 1 -18 -13 t-p-okzizel ROCK PRODUCTS, INC. PO BOX 3808 SPOKANE, WA 99220 -3808 609 244 -5421 OFFICE 509 244 -2155 FAX January 9, 2013 Mr. Craig Aldworth, PE 11707 E. Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Re: STREET PRESERVATION PROJECT #2 Change Orders and Extra Work Clarified Dear Craig, Please consider the following work for additional compensation: Placine Gravel in Loops on Fancher and University The method called for on the plans for loop installation on Fancher and University were modified to benefit both the timeframe and the City's costs. The original plan was for existing subgrade to be removed 6" under the pavement removal and replaced with CSTC. To expedite the process and to cut down on costs, it was agreed to by all parties including the County Signal Depart to allow digging small trenched for the loops and placing CSTC around each loop. if we had done as the plans, the City would have incurred the following costs at planned quantities: #11 Excavation (6 ") (71.5 CY x $20) = $1,430.00 #12 CSTC (6 ") (430 SY x $16.70) = 181.00 Total $8,611.00 We talked about being compensated for the gravel In the loop trenches. I would prefer time and materials, but you were ok with unit rate (Bid Item #12). 1 have attached a sheet showing my calculations of the gravel In the trenches. Based on my figures, the following would be paid based on just the gravel in the loops; University Loops 53.11 Tons x $52.71/Ton — $2,799.43 Fancher Loops 49.65 Tons x $52.71/Ton $2,617.05 Total $5,416.48 ** Bid Item #12 CSTC (6 ") is $16.70/SY @ 1.9 CY /Ton Equates to $52.71/Ton ** Mr. Craig Aldworth, P.E. January 9, 2013 Page 2 So, there was a cost saving $8,611.00- $5,416.48 = $3,194.52 to the COSV from the original plans. Hidden Concrete Removal at University /Sprague Removal Additional work took place to removal to areas of unknown concrete under the sidewalk and back of curb at the NW corner of University and Sprague. The J -box was entombed in CDF and there was an old light or signal pole base. I rented a generator and jackhammer and removed it. These areas of concrete were not shown on the plans. I have attached a force account sheet for $202.69. Traffic Control Change on Mission The original plan was to switch two way traffic to the opposite side of Mission while paving and then switch sides. The road width turned out to be too narrow for two way traffic so it was limited to one way heading west and the eastbound was detoured. The City paid for a partial amount of the traffic control costs of $1,005.96, but the following was not paid for or was below costs: Items Not Paid 5 Signage ($1.50 /Day x 8 Signs) $ 12.00 Barricades ($3.75 /Day x 2 Signs) $ 7.50 Message Boards Staying Up During Paving ($150 /Day x 2) $300.00 Additional Setup by STC S250.00 Subtotal $569.50 General Contractor Markup (12 %) S 68.34 Total $637.84 Arrow Boards on Sprague Concerning the work on the south ends of Fancher and University. We were required to put up arrow boards to do a lane closure on Sprague. This Is not shown on the plans. This was due to paving out on Sprague or working on the ADA radiuses on Sprague. We are requesting being compensated for the arrow boards on Sprague: Date Days Da 9 /10- University 1 $35.00 $ 35.00 9 /11- University 1 $35.00 $ 35.00 9 /25- University 1 $35.00 $ 35.00 9/26- University 1 $35.00 $ 35.00 9 /21- Fancher -Night 1 $35.00 $ 35.00 9 /29- Fancher -Night 1 $35.00 S 35.0 Subtotal $245.00 General Contractor MU (12 %) S 29.40 Total $274.40 Mr. Craig Aldworth, P.E, January 9, 2013 Page 3 Additional Traffic Control Cost on Areonne /Montgomery Closure We were requested and did close Montgomery Avenue for two nights to allow paving on the north end of Argonne and to pave a part of the Intersection of Montgomery and Argonne. This closure was not on the plans. SRP is requesting the following compensation for this closure: Items Not Paid $ Additional Signage (LS) $ 95.00 Arrow Board (1 Day x $35 /Day) $ 35.00 Extra Work of Spokane Traffic Corp $250.0 0 Subtotal $380.00 General Contractor Markup (12 %) S 4 .60 Total $425.60 Additional Traffic Control for Additional ADA's on Fancher We are requesting additional compensation for the days It took to do the ADA's on Fancher. We ran over two additional working days because of the request by the City to put in 4 additional ADA's on Fancher. Using your method for determining the temporary traffic control on extra days, we are figuring the following is due: Sch A #3 Temp Traffic Control Sch B #3 Temp Traffic Control Sch C #3 Temp Traffic Control Sch D #3 Temp Traffic Control Total Number of Working Days Cost Per Work Day $19,500.00 $11,525.00 $ 7,550.00 8,000.60 $46,575.00 25 Days $ 1,863,00 So: $1,863 x 2 Additional Days C= $ 3,726.00 Remobilization for T. LaRiviere on Fancher Please consider a re- mobilization charge of $275.00 for having to come back remove the additional 4 ADA's of Fancher. T. LaRiviere had already demobilized their grading equipment. t Mr. Craig Aidworth, P.E. January 9, 2013 Page 4 Change from burable Crosswalk to .Heat Applied Markings at fancher6praaue The City requested a price from Road Products, Inc. via SRP for removing the crosswalk on the NB and use heat applied. Do you remember, what was discussed on this about compensation? I am thinking it was time and materials. Sincere Hatfield Asphalt Manager PAHJIt Ulu -e2S�� 1.�, STREET PRESERVATION #2 CHANGE ORDER - REMOVING UNKNOWN CONCRETE UNDER SIDEWALK UNIVERSITYANDSPRAGUE WORK DONE ON 9/1312012 OR FICA /FUTA MARKUP DgLCR 1PT10N QUANTIl7E5 PREY WA E +FRI SUTA L &I 29% TOTALABORER oNr 1 $ 33.81 $ 4.71 S 1.56 $ 1L62 $ SL70 E UIPMENT MARKUP DESCRIPTION UANTIITES UNIT COST 21% TOTAL RENTAL FOR JACKHAMMER AND GENERATOR 1 INVOICE $ 124.79 $ 26.21 $ 15L00 TOTAL 5 202.69 A to Z Rental Status: Closed 10903 E. Sprague Ave Z• •2000 phone Invoice #: 106038.1 Spokane, Wa 9920G fax Invoice Date: 911312012 www.retitatoz.com Date Out: Thu 911312012 2:39PM SPOKANE R0('K PP0117, ;f-.• BOX 3808 SPOKANE, INA. 0 Customer# 3301 503 244.5421 VA)( 609 244-2165 Qty i Key Status d412060#31 Returned 1!02111G-1 Returned Must be used with i L', cnru,,',m.)m thao 100' long. 21029000-1 -Ing rental Qty Key i•'E RE'.1-W- PROTECTION PLAN IS NOT INSURANCE: Upon signing PO #: PAUL Returned Date Status 9/1312012 Returned 9/1 312 01 2 Returned Operator: BLANDO, TYLER Terms: N30 Each .1 Pr 1 ce $40.001 $40.00 $50.001 $50.00 911312012 Returned 1 $125 $6.60 911 312 01 1 Returned $600 $6.00 Date Sold Status # Each Price nN SIGNATURE: Printed on 9113/2012 4:32: %i q'p TOTAL: $124.79 PAID: $0.00 AMOUNT DUE: $124.79 1-00-5*30pm Monday-Saturday,Suriday 9:00am-3:00pm Modification #2 Picked Up By: SPRAGUE AND UNIVERSITY Salesman: Stsmart 001 Vlkl.ase pay from this invoice. DAMAGE WAIVER REr4TAI.Pl?c)'-!:C.'**CN;",'t.' i•'E RE'.1-W- PROTECTION PLAN IS NOT INSURANCE: Upon signing Rental: $102.50 this Contract, the Customer ago wes;,, p . '.r .1 ,al to V it of the rental charges on Equipment for the DAMAGE WAIVER. 'lw': Damage Waiver., $12.30 Customer remains liable for -0 d-awaq'�' an-1: I ,+-,der RENTAL PROTECTION PLAN provisions in the Terms and Conditions on had'. page (Fl!ease see number IS on back or Sales: $0.00 READ BEFORE SIGNING: A to Z Re•!:!! =•ic to C, A ir:tx;he Equipment (oa defined In the Terms and conditions on the reverse side) and Customci -,cr+-, j !)!'OlIDITIONS set forth orithe reverse side, which the Delivery Charge: $0.00 undersigned has read and unrjerstariri REJAI.I! !, I do ict fnr-lude fuel and delivery; (2) Customer pays for all Ume j The Equipment Is out Including �--tw, ny t"i" (:-'I This rental agreement supercedes all other purchase I Misc. Charges: $0.00 orders or terms and conditions rmtaln- 1 i, = i -::--emnients or forms; (4) Customer assumes all risk and Is fesponsfible for all damages ;md other ri rt•. -i.: (°) Customer (s responsible for Identifying and marking all Subtotal: $114.80 underground utilities prior to /; in Z Rout w.- i io loc, C%!stnmer assumes full responsibility for any and all damage toany underground utilities. (6) Gusto-1--:!r . - _ : ••. z rotor r,c arty peinift required by state or local authorities Details of the above as well as other chligalions arr. REVERSE.INDIVIDUAL SIGNING P-21 �Vv At' ?'-!lt-V Fli--LtAl F i )r CUSTOMER: (1) AGREES TO ALL OF THE TERMS AND I Spokane County: $9.99 CONDITIONS ON THE RFV(-."NE " It,' (;J-' :"!'At (2) ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT OF THIS EQUIPMENT IN GOOD WORICNO ORrjr-rr.t;: A:P:'I LAR WITH ITS OPERATION AND LISE- SIGNATURE: Printed on 9113/2012 4:32: %i q'p TOTAL: $124.79 PAID: $0.00 AMOUNT DUE: $124.79 1-00-5*30pm Monday-Saturday,Suriday 9:00am-3:00pm Modification #2 p,1PubUatNrxicstCapHa1 ProJedalSlreat Pro ed410102 • preaervaUon Projects gotZ0on1lruegon AdmdNslratlonlPhase 2'Pay EsUmates1CO2 Traft KorceA00wntSpreadsheel `1% C, Atdworth C�tTtfi 10!22!2042 Spokane Y galley. 2012 Street Preservation Project - Phase2 Change Order 2 - Misslon Traffic Control - Schedule C -10 Work Done on Thursday, October 4, 2012 SUB CONTRACTOR LAUOA - Pray. Ways Rat* inct FA Labor Total Labor Trade Name Oslo No ofHoute iAnga FICATWJSUTA 1.0 Rate 201A Pao Rats Told Labor Co. FlogW RegvlarTlmo 5-Sap 0 31.01 4.32 1.43 3e.70 10.00 47.42 378.00 FlaWer OT &Sep 0 40.03 5.48 1.66 47.34 13.79 61.07 305.34 8uboonuaclot Labor Total 694.71 12% Prime Markup 02.19 Total LaborCosl 789.87 SUB 0014TRA07OR EQUIPMENT total EQ Told Egllptnen t qulansnl fleas No. UnNte Unit Qly VA Type Unit Cost 21% pao Rate Cost F250 Ford Tft* GM 23-Aug _ 1 13 HR 13.34 2,80 10.14 206.64 82nicad9s 3T0 0-Sep 2 1 PAY 0.60 0.11 0.61 1.21 St6its STC 5-Sep a 1 DAY 0120 0.05 0.30 9A 8uWontraclorEOTolet 213.47 12% Prima Markup 25.02 8ubeentraelorEg0*3t 209.06 Total PA Cost 1,005.99 -5c 141 Field Note Record (Sketch) Project No. lI11a_? Project _0.21 a — Date Work Completed Contractor 414 r' Inspector! Calculated By Checked By. Station — �TL %.rA1L, aJ �A-r f2- �r44 pad L t A 415 �-i M-vr4 =�AP� 19 * Ir-Iq..� P--J I*e 1:1 Norm item No. Item t n fs Quantify gas fance a q yep � Field Note Record (Sketch) r ��� p� � � Project No. _0114La Project ?�f� '� Date Work Completed Contractor_ g Inspector_ -- Calculated By .IT`°' CheckedBy Station North ol '4 s . 6 (� 44 � `( � 1 � r 00 Field Note Record .(Sketch) ' Project No. Project Qty h7' - a Date Work Completed Contractor--, � Inspector .Calculated By. Checked By Station �tt,L; �j Jp/ 4. • y��4jli�� f 1-W Uiv ' l-6 � ; , Item No. Item TiC?(t L i -x A. -4a ?-.v r units Quantity aAxedanc a Field Note Record (Skefch� Date - ! !� i 1� Project «— Inspector & . � c F - Project No. Contractor-;-, Work Completed Station Calculated By_ AA �Lo�T — CheckedBy '0 11W ,�d riiv Y - >11 r 14 Ltd- - ,��� �'�� _ ; _;._-- : - --- -• -�:. -, bE, 54 195 Y- I item No. E item Units Quan* Ba anaea AO L 6(A PAPubric WorkslCapital ProjectslStreel Projects10162 - Preservation Projects 20121Construction AdminlstratlonThase Way EstimaieslCO 2 Traffic Force Account Spreadsheet Change Order 2 - Mission Traffic Control - Schedule C -18 Work Done on Thursday, October 4, 2012 SUB CONTRACTOR LABOR Prev. Wage Rate Ind. FA Labor Total Labor Trade Name Date No. of Hours fringe FICAlFUTAlSUTA L &I' Rate 29% P &O Rate Total Labor Cost Flagger Regular Time 4 -Oct 8 31.Of 4.32 144 38.77 10.66 47.43 379.47 Flagger OT 4 -Oct 5 39.09 5.45 1.81 46.35 13.44 59.79 298.96 Subcontractor Labor Total 678.42 12% Prime Markup 81.41 Total Labor Cost 769.83 SUB CONTRACTOR EQUIPMENT Tolat EO Total Equipment Equipment Item No. Units Unit Qty Unit Type Un8 Cost 21% P &O Rate Cost Message Board STC 4 -Oct 1 2 DAY 150 31.60 181.50 363.00 F250 Ford Truck STC 4 -Oct 1 13 HR 13.34 2.80 18.14 209.84 Barricades STC 4 -Oct 2 1 DAY 3.75 0.79 4.54 9.08 Signs STC 4-Oct t0 1 DAY 1,.50 0.32 1.82 18_15 Subcontractor EQ Total 800.08 12% Prime Markup 72.01 Subcontractor EgCost 672.07 Total FACost 1,431.91 P:1Public WorkslCaprlal Projects%Street Projects10162 - Preservation Projects 20121Constructlon AdminlstrallenThase 21Pay Estlmates= 3 Traffic Force Account Spreadsheet Change Order 3 - Montgomery Ave Curside Lane Closure Work Done on Wednesday, September 19, 2012 Rcharhda 0 - Itam 2n SUB CONTRACTOR LABOR Prev. Wage Rate Ind. FA Labor Total Labor Trade Name Date No. of Hours fringe FICAIFUTAISUTA L &I" Rate 29% P &O Rate Total Labor Cost Flagger Regular Time ig-Sep 1 31.01 4.32 1.44 38.77 10.66 47.43 47.43 Subcontractor Labor Total 47.43 12% Prime Markup 5.69 Total Labor Cost 53.13 SUB CONTRACTOR EQUIPMENT Total EQ Total Equipment Equipment Item No. Units Unit Qty Unit Type Unit Cost 21% P &O Rate Cost Arrow Board STC 4 -Oct 1 1 DAY 35 7.35 42.35 42.35 Ch. Devices" STC 4-Oct 14 1 DAY 1.00 0.21 1.21 16.94 Signs STC 4 -Oct 2 1 DAY 1.50 0,32 1.82 1.0 Subcontractor EQ Total 62.92 "Assumed 1 device at 10 feet x 14 = -140 feet 129E Prime Markup 7.55 Subcontractor EgCost 70.47 Total FA Cost 123.60 T LaRiviere Equipment & Excavation 560 W Canfield Suite #400 CDA, ID 83815 Phone: 208 - 683 -2646 Fax: 208- 683 -0793 Bill To: Spokane Rock Products, Inc. PO Box 3808 Spokane, WA 99220 INVOICE WOW wirm sopss.fssfs wrrinc se"o -sal . wv. Invoice: 285521 Invoice Date: 10/1/2012 Project Details: 2012 Street Preservation Phase II Spokane Valley, Washington layment Terms _ Contract Number Invoice Due Date let 30 10/31/2012 Description Extra Mobilization for Extra ADA - October 1, 2012 Description Quantity UOM Unit Price Bill Amount Extra ADA Mobilization 1.0000 LS 275.0000 275.00 Subtotal Amount 275.00 'T' Indicates a taxable line Total Invoice Amount Due 275.00 Page: 1