PC APPROVED Minutes 02-14-13 Spokane Valley Planning Commission APPROVED Minutes Council Chambers — City Hall, 11707 E. Sprague Ave. February 14, 2013 I. CALL TO ORDER Chair Bates called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Commissioners, staff and audience stood for the pledge of allegiance III. ROLL CALL COMMISSIONERS Present Absent CITY STAFF Bill Bates-Chair r Erik Lamb,Deputy City Attorney Joe Stoy—Vice Chair r Scott Kuhta, Planning Manager Steven Neill r F Kevin Anderson r Christina Carlsen r Robert McCaslin r r Cari Hinshaw, secretary Commissioner Neill was excused from the Planning Commission Meeting. IV. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Commissioner Stoy made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. This motion was passed unanimoUSly. V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner McCaslin made a motion to approve the January 24, 2013 minutes as presented. This motion was passed unanimously. VI. PUBLIC COMMENT There was no public comment. VII. COMMISSION REPORTS Commissioner McCaslin stated that he attended his father's memorial in Olympia. Chair Bates stated that applications are being accepted by March l2m for the vacant Planning Commission seat. Planning Commission Minutes Page 1 of 3 VIII. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS Planning Manager Scott Kuhta reviewed the Commission's Advanced Agenda. IX. COMMISSION BUSINESS A. Unfinished Business: There was no unfinished business. B. New Business: Planning Manager Scott Kuhta provided an over view of CTA-01-13, a proposal amendment to allow Townhouses in the Neighborhood Commercial zone. Mr. Kuhta reviewed the proposed setbacks and maximum height standards for Townhouses in the NC zone, specifically that the standards in the R-4 would be used. The following sections would be amended if approved: 1. 19,60.070 Supplemental Permitted Use Regulations. 2. Table 19.60-1 Commercial Development Standards. 3. Table 19.40-1 Residential Zone Dimensional Standards (in feet). Commissioner Carlson asked about lot coverage standards, Mr. Kuhta stated that the NC zone does not have maximum lot coverage standards and that the open space, storm water, parking and setbacks would limit lot coverage. Commissioner Anderson pointed out that the R-4 zone requires a minimum 5-foot setback while the regulations in 19.40-1 specify a 6-foot minimum setback and asked which one is correct. Mr. Kuhta responded that the 6-foot setback would be between the Townhouse buildings and the 5 foot setback would be from the adjacent lot. Mr. Anderson then asked why the definition of a Townhouse states that it must have 3 attached units while the standards in 19,40-1 says 6 units attached together. Mr. Kuhta responded that the two sections must read together, that a Townhome must have at least 3 units attached by definition and not more than 6 units attached per the standards in 19.140-1 Commissioner Anderson then inquired about the zoning difference between a Townhouse and a duplex. Deputy City Attorney Erik lamb stated a duplex is a single building on one lot. A town house is a separate lot and separate ownership. Chair Bates had concerns that if a developer came to the city and wanted to put townhouses in a Neighborhood Commercial zone that we would have to go thru this whole process again. Mr. Kuhta reassured Chair Bates that once the permitted use is put back in the code, then the property owner would only need a building permit. Commissioner Anderson was curious why the legends are different colors on the Municipal map and zoning maps. Mr. Kuhta stated he will take a look at that and make sure it's consistent within the map. Commissioner Carisen made motion to allow Townhouses houses in the Neighborhood Commercial Zone as a permitted use. Planning Commission voted unanimously 5-0 to recommend approval of CTA-01-13. Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 of 3 GOOD OF THE ORDER There was nothing for the good of the order. X. ADJOURNMENT The being no other business the meeting was adjourned at 6,25 p.m. ctk,, Bill Bates, Chairperson itAcelige-4"— Cari Hinshaw, PC Secretary Date signed c› gf/,1 Planning Commission Minutes Page 3 of 3