Ordinance 05-015 Amends SVMC Title 10 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY,WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 05-015 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, RENUMBERING VARIOUS PROVISIONS OF THE SPOKANE VALLEY MUNICIPAL CODs TO INCLUDE THEM IN ARTICLE 10 OF THE SPOKANE VALLEY UNIFORM DEVELOPMENT CODE,PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY AND EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley proposes to include all development regulations within Title 10 of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code as the Spokane Valley Uniform Development Code; arid WHEREAS, the proposed development regulations must be submitted to the Washington Department of Community Trade and Economic Development pursuant to WAC 365-195-620; NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Washington, ordains as follows: Section 1. The Spokane Valley Municipal Code Title 2 Chapter 2.55 Planning Commission is hereby renumbered as Title 10 Article II Section 10.02.01 of the Spokane Valley Uniform Development Code. Section 2. The Spokane Valley Municipal Code Title 10 Chapter 10.35 Article 1 Section 10.35.010 et seq. Hearing Examiner is hereby renumbered as Title 10 Article fl Section 10.02.02 of the Spokane Valley Uniform Development Code. Section 3. The Spokane Valley Municipal Code Title 10 Chapter 10.15 Article 1. Buildings and Construction is hereby renumbered as Title 10 Article III of the Spokane Valley Uniform Development Code. Section 4. The Spokane Valley Municipal Code Title 10 Chapter 10.15 Article Il. Excavation, Fill and Grading is hereby renumbered as Title 10 Article IX Section 10.09.05 of the Spokane Valley Uniform Development Code. Section 5. The Spokane Valley Municipal Code Title 10 Chapter 10.20 Article VI. Floodplain Hazard Areas is hereby renumbered as Title 10 Article V Section 10.05.01 of the Spokane Valley Uniform Development Code. Section 6. The Spokane Valley Municipal Code Title 10 Article III Chapter 10.30.150 Zoning Code Compliance is hereby renumbered as Title 10 Article 1 Section 10.01.20 of the Spokane Valley Uniform Development Code and retitled as"Enforcement and Penalties." Section 7. The Spokane Valley Municipal Code Title 10 Chapter 10.20 Article V. Commute Trip Reduction is hereby renumbered as Title 9 Chapter 9.15 Spokane Valley Municipal Code. Section 8. The Spokane Valley Municipal Code Title 10 Chapter 10.10 Article i Storm and Surface Water Utility of the Spokane Valley Uniform Development Code is hereby renumbered as Title 3 Chapter 3.30 Section 3.30.090.of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code. Section 9. The Spokane Valley Municipal Code Title 10 Chapter 10.05 Article III Right-of- Way Vacation is hereby renumbered as Title 10 Article iX Section of the Spokane Valley Uniform Development Code. Ordinance 05-015 Code Renumbering Paee 1 of 3 Section 10. The Spokane Valley Municipal Code Title 10 Chapter 10.05 Article I. Road and Sewer Construction is hereby renumbered as Title 10 Article EX Section of the Spokane Valley Uniform Development Code. Section 11. The Spokane Valley Municipal Code Title 10 Chapter 10.05 Article II. Construction Work and Activity within Right-of-Way is hereby renumbered as Title 10 Article IX Section of the Spokane Valley Uniform Development Code. Section 12. The Spokane Valley Municipal Code Title 10 Chapter 10.20 Article I. Environmental Regulations is hereby renumbered as Title 10 Article V Section 10.05.20 of the Spokane Valley Uniform Development Code. Section 13. The Spokane Valley Municipal Code Title 10 Chapter 10.20 Articles [[I and IV. Critical Areas arc hereby renumbered as Title 10 Article V Section 10.05.25 of the Spokane Valley Uniform Development Code. Section 14. The Spokane.Valley Municipal Code Title 10 Chapter 10.20 Article II. Shoreline Management is hereby renumbered as Title 10 Article V Section 10.05.30 of the Spokane Valley Uniform Development Code. Section 15. The Spokane Valley Municipal Code Title 10 Chapter 10.25 Subdivisions is hereby renumbered as Title 10 Article VIII of the Spokane Valley Uniform Development Code. Section 16. The Spokane Valley Municipal Code Title 10 Chapter 10.30 Article I. Comprehensive Plan is hereby renumbered as Title 10 Article IV Section 10.04.01 of the Spokane Valley Uniform Development Code. Section 17. The Spokane Valley Municipal Code Title 10 Chapter 10.30 Article II Section 10.30.060 Zoning Code Adopted is hereby renumbered as Title 10 Article IV Section 10.04.02 of the Spokane Valley Uniform Development Code . Section 18. The Spokane Valley Municipal Code Title 10 Chapter 10.30 Article H Sections 10.30.080 Non-conforming Uses and 10.30.090 Non-Conforming Buildings and Structures are hereby renumbered as Title 10 Article IV Section 10.04.05 of the Spokane Valley Uniform Development Code, deleting references to Section 14.508.060 of the Spokane County Zoning Code. Section 19. The Spokane Valley Municipal Code Title 10 Chapter 10.30 Article IV Sections 10.30.610 Zoning Map(s) is hereby renumbered as Title 10 Article IV Section of the Spokane Valley Uniform Development Code. Section 20. The Spokane Valley Municipal Code Title 10 Chapter 10.35.170 Article II Application Review Process, Authority to adopt interim application review procedures for project permits, is hereby renumbered as Title 10 Section of the Spokane Valley Uniform Development Code. Section 21. The Spokane Valley Municipal Code Title 10 Chapter 10.20 Article l Sections 10.20.020, 10.20.030, 10.20.040, Article II Section 10.20.070, 10.20.080, 10.20.100, Article IlIl 10.20.120, 10.20.130, 10.20,140, 10.20.150, Article IV Sections 10.20.170, 10.20.1 80,1020.190, 10.20.200, Chapter 10.25 Section 10.25.040, 10.25.050,10.25.060, 10.25.070, Chapter 10.30 Article 1 Section 10.30.020, 10.30.030, 10.30.040, 10.30.050, Article Li 10.30.110, 10.30.120, 10.30.130, 10.30.140, Article IV Section 10.30.620, 10.30.630, 10.30.640 and 10.30.650 relating to the adoption of other laws, reference to hearing bodies, copies on file and liability arc consolidated in Title 10 Article 1 Sections 10.01.10 through 10.01.13 respectively. Section 22. Severability. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance shall be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or Ordinance 05-015 Code Renumbering Page 2 of 3 unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance. Section 23. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect five days after publication of this Ordinance or a summary thereof occurs in the official newspaper of the City as provided by law. PASSED by the City Council this 22'd day of March; 2005. IL 1Y6 w a dt Mayor, Diana Wilhite ATTEST: ity Clerk, Christine Bainbridge Approved as to Form: C G l Deputy ty Attorney, ry Driskell Date of Publication: "—/O 5-- Effective Date: C/—(p -65 Ordinance 05-015 Code Renumbering Page 3 of 3