Ordinance 06-011 Amending SVMC 10.30 and Adopting Crossover Matrix (As revised .[uly 14, 2006 to correct scrivener's errors) CITY O:F SPUKANE VAT.:T.,TY SPOKANE COUNTY, ~'1'ASHINCTON QRI) i\'.aNCE NO. 06-011 AN ORDI,1'A\`CE OF THE CT.TY Oli SPOKANE, VALLEI', SPOKANE CUUNTY, WASA~Ii\'GTON, AMEN'DTi~'G SYUKAt\`E VAT.,i.,EY MUiYICIPAL CODE (SVMC) 10.30.060 13Y 12IsYEALI~\'G A SF CT1U\' OI+ TTf.~ YH.ASE 1 DFVELOYMEi\`T REGULATIU\'S SPECIETCALLY SECTION T, .REV15lUN TO 70NING MAI' DESTGNA:1"IONS, I1~7CL.UDTNG URBAN RESIDENTIAL CATEGORIES iV1ATK[X, URI3Ar~T CO~~'iMERCi.AT.I[l~'DUSTRIAI., CATEGO121ES MATR.TN, RU12AL CATEGORIES MATI2IY, Rl~,SOURCE LAND CATTGO121ES MATR~L4' A.I~'D SECT101\' II 7.ONE 12CCLASSTFTCATlOa\' rV'PLICATTONS, AND ADOPTING THE 2006 COAZPI2EHENS[VE FLAN IA71'LEa~tE~NTATTON MAT12Ia TO .REPLACE TI~Ir ABOVE IDEi\'TITTED ItEYEALED SECTION\~ OF TFIE PHr1SE I DF,VELOPMENT REGULA'1'lON5; AND AMENDING SECTION 1.4.416.000, NUMBER OF USES PER LOT. ~'1'L-[ERIAS, the City of Spokane Valley has amended $VMC 10.30.010 by repealing the interim comprehensive plan and adoptinc the City of Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan; and ~VHEItEAS, the City of Spokane Valley is in the process of amending its existing development regulations to be consistent with the newly adopted comprehensive plan; and ~VHFR_E,AS, the Growth Vianacement Act (RC~V 36.70C et seq.) requires that land use applications be consistent with the newly adopted comprehensive plan; and ~VHEELEAS, clarification is needed to identify which existing zoning classifications are consistent with which newly adopted comprehensive plrui designations; and ~ViIrRFAS, same minor chances to existing zoning code classifications and regulations are necessary to ensure full compliance with the newly adopted comprehensive plan NO~V, THERrrORT, the City of Spokane Valley hereby ordains as follows: Section 1. SVVIC 10.30.060 is herby amended by repealing that portion of the Phase I Iacvelopment Regulations specifically identified as Section 1, revisions to zoning map designations, including urban residential categories matrix, urban commercial/industrial categories matrix, rural categories matrix, rESOUrce land categories matrix and section ll zone recltrssification applications said provisions attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. Section 2. .SVN1C 10.30.060 is herby fi~rlher amended by replacing the aforementioned repealed provisions by the adoption of the following: Section One: The purpose oPthe following matrix is to apply current zoning regulations in a manner which will be consistent with the 2006 Comprehensive Plan. The current zoning regulations, with minor adjustments, will remain in effect until the adoption of the City of Spokane Valley Development Code implementing the 2006 Comprehensive Plan. Section T~~ro: Nothing in this matrix shall eliminate or affect the cnforeeability of conditions of approval or other special requirements of prior zoning amendments or land use permits. Urdin,ince.06-01 I C;rosso~•er Matrix Page I of 3 `i Section Three: The previsions of this crossover matrix shall not apply to any application deemed vested prior to t:he date of adoption of this ordinance. Section Four: Application for amendments to zoning classifications, planned unit developments, variances, conditional use permits or special permits allowed by specific. zoning categories shall be deemed in compliance with the comprehensive plan if t:he requested or relied upon zoning classification is consistent with the listed comprehensive plan designation. Section Five: Application for development permits other than those set forth in Section Four above shall be granted if the requested use is consistent. with the current zoning classifications and all other applicable regulations whether or not they are. consistent. with the listed comprehensive plan category set forth in the matrix or the 2006 Comprehensive Plan Map. Section Six: Coro . rehensive flan Im lementation matrix Conlprchensive Plan implementation i1~Iatris ..Coro flan Cate ory lm lementin Zones ,....,-._.-,-M._-...W... Low Densrt Residential Urban Residential-3.5 Ult-3.5 Urban Residential-7"` ~LJR-7*~ Medium Density Residential j Urban Resrdentral-7 (UR-7) Urban R.csidential-12 Uft-12 .................g.... ~ _....................................................(...................j.......................... Hi h Uensi Residential ~ Urban Residential-22 UR-22 Office Urban Residential 12 (UR-12) (Limit to office uses only) Urban Residential 22 (UR-22) ([.:irnit to office uses only) R~lixed Use* Urban Residential-12 (UI7-12) Urban Residential-22 (UR-22) Neighborhood Business (B-I) ~ Community Business (B-2) I Li ;ht lndustrial (I-2) Corridor Mixed Use* ` Urban Residential-12 (UR-12) Urban Residential-22 (UR-22) Neighborhood Business (B-l) Community Business (B-2) •Li ht Industrial (1-2) ............................._W-......................................................... Neighborhood Commercial Neighborhood Business (B-I) Communit}~ Commercial Conununity iusiness (B-2) Regional Commercial ~ Regional Business (B-3) Light lndustrial Light Industrial (I-2) •l.feavy industrial ~ Heavy lndustrial (l-~) Q ......~......J.............._...-....--.........:........................... Public/ uasi Public Underl u1 /.ones Remarn Unchanged - UR-7* = 6 units Qer acre s Provisions of Chapter 14.416 - Number of Uses Per Lot does not apply to properties within these Comprehensive Plu1 desibnations. Ordinance 06-01 I Crossover Matrix Page 2 of 3 Sect-ion 3. SVMC 10.30.060 is further c?mended by the fi•~Ilowing amendment of the adopted zoning code section 14.16.000 as follows: 14A16.000 Number of Uses 1'er Lot There shall be no more than one (I) residential dwelling unit per buildable lot unless specifically permitted by tJ~e -r_one. There shall be no more than one (1) primary use per buildable lot unless specifically permitted by the zone except. as e~cmpted in the Comprehensive Plan Implementation Matrix. Primary uses shall be defined as the following: I . Residential use; 2. Business/commercial use; 3. lndustriaUmanufacturin~ use.; ~l. Public and semi-public use; and 5. Alining. All other uses shall be considered secondary to these primary uses and will be allowed unless the zone prohibits them. Section 4. Severabilitti~. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance should be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality ofany other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance. Section 5. Etrective Date. This Ordinance shall be in frill force and effE;ca five (5) days after publication of the Ordinance, or a summary thereof, occurs in the official newspaper of the City as provided by law. PASS1?D by the City Council this 25`h day of April , 2006. Mayor, Diana Wilhite A 4 ~ity Clerk, Christine Bainbridge Approved as to T O ice aft e City Attorne Date of Publication: O5/OS/O6 Efrective Date: 05/10/06 Ordinance Q6-fll 1 Crossover Matrix Page 3 of 3 Sp•o~ane Val]~ey S 1707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ? Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ? Fax: 509.921.1008 ? cityhall®spokanevaUey.org memorandum 1`0: Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk From: Mike Connelly, City Attorney Cc: Dave Mercier, City Manager; :Nina :12egor, :Deputy City Manager; iV[arina Sukup, Community Development Director Date: 7-14-06 Re: Correction to Ordinance 06-01:1. Chris: Aitached is a revised copy of Qrdinance 06-0 l l . This ordinance was passed by Council on the 25th of April, ?006. The first change is a footnote that was contained in the original matrix but inadvertently left out in the revised matrix. The footnote providES an explanation for the UR 7~' designation listed as an implementing zone for the Lo~~~ Densit}~ Residential Category of the Comprehensive Plan. Spccif cally, the footnote should read: - UR-7* = 6 units per acre The second change is to con•cct a spelling error contained in the paragraph immediately preceding the matrix, "pan" should be "plan". These col~•ections are set forth specifically on the ordinance attached. t CTTY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE i\'O. Ufi-011 AN O:[tJ)1NANCE OF TIIE CITY OF Sl'OKAs\'E. VALLEY, $POICANE COUNTY, WASHINGTOl~', Av1ENDING SPOKANE VALL EY MUNICIPAL CODE (SVMC) 10.30.060 BY REPEALING A SECTION OF THE PHASE 1 D1±.VFI..OPMENT RECULATiO\'S SPECiFiCAi.,LY SECTION I, REVISIO\' TQ 70\rl~\i`G MAI' DESIGNATIONS, li\'CLUllING URBAN RESIDE\`TIAL CA'ITGO:I.2~[ES MATIZIK, URBAN COMMI;RCIr1LlTNDUSTRiAL CATEGORT_FS MAl'ILLX, RUIZr1L CATEGORIES 1VI.ATIZIK, RESOURCE [,AND CATEGORIES MA"1'12IX AND SECTION iT 70NE RI•~CLASSIFICATIO\` r1PPLTCA I'10~\'S, AND ADOPT]NG TIIE 2006 CON1Plt_H~HF:NSIVE PLAN INIPLF,viF.i\'7'ATION MATRI7~ TO REPLACE THE ABOVE IDENTTFi.F..D RF.PFAL.ED SECTIO\' Ol' T:EiE PHASE 1 DEVFLOPMT.i\'T REGUi~ATIOi\'S; AND A1191~NDING SF,CTION 14.416.000, NUMi3rR OF USES PI?I2 LOT. Wi•IF,REAS, the City of Spokane Valley has amended SVMC 10.30.0]0 by repealing the interim comprehensive plan and adopting the City of Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan; and WFIERFAS, the City of Spokane Valley is in the process of amending its existing development regulations to be consistent with the newly adopted comprehensive plan; and WHEREAS, the Growth Management Act (1tCW 36.70C et seq.) requires that land use applications be consistent with the newly adopted comprehensive plan; and WHEREAS, clarification is needed to identify which existing zoning classifications are consistent with which newly adopted comprehensive plan designations; and WiiE12EAS; some minor changes to existing zoning code classifications and regulations are necessary to ensure full compliance with the newly adopted comprehensive plan \'OVti', TITERF..FOFt.N,, the City of Spokane Valley hereby ordains as follows: Section 1. SVMC 10.30.060 is herby amended by repealing that portion of the Pha_sc 1 Development Regulations specifically identified as Section 1, revisions to zoning map designations, including urban residential categories matrix, urban commercial/industrial categories matrix, rural categories matrix, resource land categories matrix and section II zone reclassification applications said provisions attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. Section 2. .SVMC 10.30.060 is herby further amended by replacing the aforementioned repealed provisions by the adoption of the following: Section One: The purpose of the following matrix is to apply current zoning regulations in a manner which will be consistent with the 2006 Comprehensive Plan. "1'he current zoning regulations, with minor adjustments, will remain in eiTect until the adoption of the City of Spokane Valley Development Code implementing the 2006 Comprehensive Plan. Section Two: hbthing in this matrix shall eliminate or affect the enforceability of conditions of approval or other special requirements of prior zoning amendments or land use permits. Section Three: The provisions of this crossover matrix shall not apply to arty application deemed vested prior to the date of adoption of this ordinance. <7rdin~nce Qb-l)I I Crossflver ~~9atrix t'ase 1 of3 Section four: Application for amendments to zoning classifications, planned unit developments, variances, conditional use permits or special permits allowed by specific zoning categories shall be deemed in compliance with the comprehensive plan if the requested or relied upon zoning classification is consistent with the listed comprehensive plan designation. Section l=ive: Applic::rtion for development perrnit<s other than those set forth in Section l=our above shall be granted if the requested use is consistent with the current zoning classifications and all other applicable regulations whether or not they are consistent with the listed comprehensive plan category set forth in the matrix or the 200ti Comprehensive Pan Map. Section Six: Comprehensive Plan Implementation matrix Comprehensive Flan implementation Matrix Comb Plan Catc~o•t;Y.....___ ....................Implementin~7ones Y ~ ) Low Caensit Residential Urban Residential-3.5 UR-3.5 ..............-Urban R.csidential-7* (UR-7*) Medium 17ensity Residential Urban Residential-7 (UR-7) _ Urban-Residential- 12 (UR-12~.............................. ......................_g._ y I-li h faensit Residential Urban Residential-22 UR-22 Office Urban Residential 12 (UR-12) (Limit to office uses only) Urban Residential 22 (UR-22) (Limit to ofi tee uses only Mired Use* l rban Residential-12 (UR.-I_) Urban Residential-22 (UR-22) Neighborhood Business (R-I) 1 Conununih~ Tusiness (B-2) Li ~ht Industrial (I-2 Con-idor Mixed Use'" Urban Residential-12 (UR-12) Urban Residential-22 (UR-22) Neighborhood Cusiness (B-1) Cotnntunity Business (B-2) L.ight.Industrial (I-2) Neighborhood Commercial ~ T'cighborhood Business (B-I) Communit?~ Commercial Community Business (I~-2) Rc tonal Commercial Rc tonal Business I3-3 ......................p _..................................i...-. Light Industrial ~ Light Industrial (I-2) 3 t-lea~ry Industrial Heavy Industrial (I-3) Y g J Public! uasi Public Underl in Tones Remain Unchanged Ordir?;tnCe 06-011 Cmseover Matrix Page 2 of'3 * C'ravisions of Chapter 14.416 - 'umber of Uscs Per Lot does not apply to properties within these Comprehensive Plan designations. Section 3. SVMC 10.30.060 is further amended by the following amendment of the adopted zoning code section I X1.416.000 as follows: 14.416.000 Number of Uses Per Lot There shall he no more than one (1) residential dwelling unit per buildable lot unless specifically permitted by the zone. "there shall be no more than one (I) primary use per buildable lot unless specifically permitted by the zone except as exempted in the Comprehensive Plan Implementation Matrix. Primary uses shall be defined as the following: I. Residential use: 2. Businesslcommcrcial use; 3. lndust:rialimanufacturing use; 4. Public and semi-public use; and 5. Mining. All other uses shall be considered secondary to these primary uses and will be allowed unless the zone prohibits them. Section 4. Severability. if any section, sentence, clause or phrue of this Ordinance should be held to be im~alid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affet;t the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause. or phrase of this Ordinance. Section S. effective Dale. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect fve (5) days after publication of the Ordinance, or a summary thereof; occurs in the official newspaper of the City as provided by law. P,gSS~D by the City Council this 25'r' day of April , 2006. • Mayor, Diana ~Vilhitc A S r City Clerk, Christine 3ain ridge Approved as to Form: ~..k\ Office thrre City orney Date of Publication: ~ .7 ~ ~o Cfi'cct:ive hate: - /y - ,~~~p Ordinrrnee 06-011 Crossover Matrix Pale 3 of 3