6078037 Warranty Deed & Title Ins. 2409 S. Evergreen 03l22/2012 02:4�:09 PM 6�78��� Raoording Fee $65.00 Pa9e 1 0[ 4 �arranty 6eed GOVERPaMENT> CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY 5pokane Counly Washington I�I11111111111111IIIIIIIIIII IIIIII1�1111111111�IIIIIIfI llllllllllllll��l�lllllll Afte�-r-�cording ret�►ni documeiYk to: City of Spoka�t�Valley Pu}�lic Works Deparhilent 11707 E. S��rague Ave., Ste 344 Spakane Valley, W�99206 Dacur�ient Title: Wara•�i�ty Deed Gi•autflrs: Lee :�nd �T��dith Cleghorii Grantee: Gov�r•�u�ietit, City of Spalcaue Valley Legal Desc�•iptiou: .h poz•tioit of V�R�r�I20aFT OF�V22QFT B210 Arl�litioual Legal Description is Attict�ed au E.r;l�ii�it"A" �i Exhibit"B" af Doc�nnent Assesso�•'s Tax Parcel Yumber: 45263.010� W�RRANTY DEED City Street Address: 240� S. E��er�ree�i Raaci THE GRANT�RS, Lee Cieghoin atic� Judith Cleghoa-��, hu�band aud i�rife, far and in c�ansideration of S 1 D.00 and consideration O� ITllltllal 17�IlefltS in hand paid, iri liety af and uncier t�ueat of the exercise of enlineiit doanain, conwey and waxz�ant to the City af Spoka�i�; �alley, a municipal cor�oration of tlie St�te of Washir�gtou, THE GR_�NTEE, for puhlic use farever, tt�e fallou�ing described xeal estate: ��� {� For legal ciescription and additional conditions 4;� ` �; �ee Right-of-Way Exhibits A &B �ttached liereta and macie a part hereof. �� SUBJECT T4 all easemen�s, z-e��►-ictiox�s, cavenants and �trcumbrances af�•ecartl, � r+� t-� c;� � ���� It is under�toad and agreed that deliveiy of this deed is liereby tenderecl ai�cl tt�at tl;e . r�y� �� tertns and obligations fYereaf s1ia11 nat beco���e binciing upoti tl7e City af S�jakane V�lley uriless �,;� and uritil accepted and approved her�o�i in ivriling for the Cit� of Slja�Cane Valley, by tlie `"' Spol�ane Valla�� Directar of PuUlic �'Vork�, Alsa, fhe undersig�ied hereby requests the �� Assessar and Treas��rer of said Couzity to set-over to the �•ernaineler af tl}e he�ei�i ciesc�-ibed i.� pa�•cel, the lieii of all i�npaici tax�es, if�rry, affec#itig t��e ��roperty hereby can��eyec�, as pro��ided r� by RG� B�.Gfl,07�. �- , � , D�TED fhis � day of ,r`��,�,l��- �` , 20I2 r.�,�'�'� (_�—c' ,/� � ���� lf ,���ti--�_` G r�i,�'J'�-�'� Lee Clegltc�a-ii llCi tll Cle�llaf'll Rcvised06109 Page 1 of2 Pages ParcellkTO, 452G3.O1Q1 STAT� OF VL�ASHINGTON ) 'J 55. CO LlIlf.�°Of --- � The u�idersigried itotary public in and for t17e State of VVasliington does ltereby�certify tliat I k�low or ha�e sakisfac�ory evidence that Lee Cle�liorii �nd Jndiflx Clegtiarn signed tl7is ins�rument a�1d ackno��vle�ged it to be tlleic free and valuntary act �a�� tl�e uses and pur�ases meritioned in the iustilii7ient. Given�nder my 17and and afficial seal tl7is�day of �C , 2012. �� � f ;I ' �����tiinn�rrrr��� pl"11 �ei� ��lIle � �� �+' Ek�J !,�,''� ��.� M, f., �7 `� f} ,��°���.��.'SgICN��`�.�� +���i�� �\e$LUI�l� c'Xt� �i''.n�jr�ra I�L�{1l����V'�l . -t'p � y �4 �OTA1� ���`� ' My Coriimission Expires/2 �2.��(� �r N� - '� At18k.tiC ;'� . �%��j;'��t�,;�`,:�;��,:� Accepted anci Appraved f�,+��`'����U'ASk''�;��`�t*. ,�������,,, CITY OF SPOI�1�rE VAL�LEY Depar�ti7ient of Ptiblic ��Torks ��: �-� � Nei1 Kersten Directar o#'P«blic �arks Date, �� � ° � Attest: i �tv1�`1��L<r�'i�fLG��.i„1(J Page 2 af 2 Pa;es Parcel�?a. 4�2fi3,O1Q1 LANDTEK L-I-� PiiOFESSIONAI. LAt�D SURVEYORS s�e rr. r�nnEUr� sr�� SPC�1{ANE. WA�iINGTON 992b2 RIGHT-(��'-W�.Y EXHIBIT A PHari� so4.9zs aezi Fhre sos.eza.27as LEGA� D�SCRIP71�h1 Right of Way Ac�uisifion — Parc�l �45263.a�01 That portian of#t�� Narth 20�.OQ feet af Tract 210, VERA, as per plat recorde� in Volume "O" of Plats, Pa�e 3G, records af Spokane County: described as follqv,�s: BEGINNING at the northwest carne�of said Track 210; thence S02°39'S8°E alang tha w�st lir�e vf said Tract 2�0, a distance af 2�a,0a feet to the south line ofthe nort� 2U0.00 feet of said Tract 2'f�; thence N87°32'�49"E ��.fl0 feet along said south line; tt�ence NO2°39'58"1N 169.89 feet to the point �f curve of a 30.00 foot radius cu�ve to the rig hk; t'�ence along sai� curve, through a central angle of 90°12'47°, an arc length of 47.24 feet to the north line of said Tract 210; kh�nce S87°32'�9"IN�4.1'1 feet along said nor#h line to the Painf of Beginning; sikuat� in the City of Spokane Valley, CaUnk}� of Spol�ane, State vf Wasningto�. '� �� f� G� R. � w ��,� �� � �� � � 1839D q d'Q1 8'L�B� fw*�, � I � o � RIGHT-O�'-��JAY EXHIBIT B � � � � � � � � ��� � � � � � m � � ti �� � � N � � � � � F � O a � ¢ _' ' � Q�i �� � � Z Z � � a b � J � � N � �i.�� y,� 4��' '� �� a `� � � C? (!] �t1� � � ��'`- O � � °' C� � � � W � �Q� z o Vl T � � 0.. a NQ���s'SS"w 2ao.ao' M I � � � � +— 4�`¢ �O � 3�' � O � Q O � N � � � W CD li �1 N tij Q, � � � � � � M M �p [aJ 1� or0 ¢ Z � � W S =J �,� �� EL'Q i Q °0 N p'} �O �� N = Q�K}�' f' �a� � [V � o NU2'39�58��W 'i69.89' � 0�2,195 S,F, ° -o � ��20�.DD' 'o� "� o � "' N r�n2��s'�s"w 0 EVERGREEN ROAC► b i � � �— — —� } n � � z�z � ��, J I X�¢ , 4 �� � ���[�,}�� ',J C. �rf�'�`�-1�1 f��i�� � �� �� ��3 � O�WNER'S POLaCY OF TITLE fI�SURA�ICE * * � '�` * �or�,��mb� OX 08735434 � �. � Issuetl�y�Id AepuCli�f�atior!al Title�nsuran�e Company � ** Auy notice of claini and any olher nulice ur st�teuientin wriling requirec�ia 6e giuen to the � �t Com�any under this Paliey must be yiuen ta the Comp���y at tlie ad�ress shown en Section 18 ❑�tlie ConAitians. �aVEREQ RI�KS SUB.IECTTO THE EX�CLUSiONS�R4ht�CflVERAGE,THE EX�CtPTIOhlS FA�VI COUERAGE COh'T�JNED IN SCHE�UL�B,AtJ�TNf v�1M�ITIQNS,�L�J REPUS�IG PdAFIC1NAL T1TLE lNSU�ANCE CONI?A�\�Y,a Minnesot� corporalion[thE"Company"!ins�ares,as of pate af P�licy and,to the extei�t s[ate�i in Covarea�iisks 9 and 1�,afler 6aie of Palic.q, againsE lossor da mage,not exceetiinc�the Amnuntof InsurancE,sustained ar incurretf by tFe Insur�d 6y;ea5on nf: 1.Title oeing sresled oliier li�an as sta�eJ in 5chedulo A. 2.Any defect in or lien or entumbrance on the Tilfe.Th's Covered Ris�incl�des bat is not limiteu t�i�surance against Ic�ss tram: {aM A deReck;r�[h,e Title���.os��.i hy �i;�f�rgery.frau�,undua in(luence,�uress,incon��petercy,incapacity,or impersonation; �ii�fafl�re of any parson or Cntity ta F:ave authorized a transfar or conv�yance; (iii�a da[umeni affectiny TiUe iv�l pio�eilycre�ted,ez�cut�cl,u�itnes�e�,sealed,ackr�+�led�ed.riotari��d,oi delivered; (i�.��fail�r�io pert'arm ihose acts necessaryto create�document by el�ct�on c r�ear�s a�t�orizetl hy lavr, [ui a du!�nie:�t�xECUteJ und�r a ialsifletl,ex�ired,ar atherwise invafid povrer af Gttor�ey; �vi�a daeument rot prape•ly#ilad, �ecorded,or indexed in t�e Fu61ie Recar�s including failure to FerforR�Ihas�acls byelectronic mea�s auttioriaed�y 1a4��;ar [vii} a defe�.tiue ju��i�rial or adminislrat�ve proeeeding. �bl TI7e lier7 af iaal�state tazes or assess,�nents irrposed on rhe Ttle 6y a gcvarnmenial aut�or�ry tlue or paya�le,�rut un�ai�J. {c}Any encrnachnent,enc:imhrance,i�iolaiion,variatian,or�dvesse cir�timstanc�ai�ar,tin�rhP Titla tnar w�iild'nP tlFS�lased by ar�ac�urate and co�nplete land sun��}'o(the Land, The term"encroaehrrent°in�l�des encr:;ac#�menks u`.existing improvenents[o�ateo on tha�and onto a��oinii��land,and siicroachments onia tne Land of e�+istii�g im�roa�ements located on adjoiorin�lar�d. 3.Ur�matketable7itle. 4.Nn right of avicess to and fram the Lan�. 5.The violalicn ar ent�rcernent�t any lativ,or��inance,permit,or goti�emm€;nlal rpgulatian(inclutling thos�refaling to buildi+�g and znning}ies�rie[iiiy, r�egulat�ng,p:ohibiting,ar relating to (a}ih�o�cupancy,use,or enjoti�ment af�he Land; [bi [he�t�aracter,dimensiors.�r locatian af any imp�over�ei�t erected on 1fi�Land; [c�the subtlivision of land;or �d; e:nvironmental�rotec#ion if z notice.�escribing ar�y F�arl oi the��nd,is reca�ded in the Public ReLords settinp farth the t�iolation or inte�tian to e�(orce,h�t anly tn the exten: �f t�e vic9at�on or enfarcerr,ent referred to in that notice. OLU REPl18LIC NATIONALTITLEINSUAANCE GO�APANY Issued khrough the ofFica af; A Stcck C�rnparry SPQKRN� C@�1NTY TETLE pOtivec[�nt�Avancr�+rnirth,Mirnr.�perll,s,lui��nnesal�a5a�4`Fl Ct)MPANY [srz����-r�r r c�oRmanrF�aul�o�r��,surre�oq �oso ra.No��rarao�e sr��r SPf}K�INE,wr�s��wcrora ��ai COant�signad.� f\ BY - . - f'rasidar;f � Ip r y � - - ��``�� � l!'�M G,' t.� �`,�,�`,, V I � r �}; _ _ ` a �� Autfx�tlzed.Officer or Agent pt�,yr ��.i;�-�.:,.;�:,:�{;���{� Secreta �RTFarm 43J9 � -,_..- � 4�TAOr�nore Paliry ol TAIa f-�saran:e 6�1 L06 awr�ERS Poucv Schedule A OHice File Number Policy�lumbar Qale of Poliey Amounl oi Insu•ance Premium 179730 OX U8735434 March 23, 2012 at $1,OOO.dO $270.�D 8:0� a.rn. i. Name of Insured: CITY dF SPDKANE VALLEY, a municipal corparatinn 2, Tt�e estate ar interest in the land w'�ich Fs cDVered by this palicy is: FEE SIMPLE 3. The estate or interest in th� land is vested in: CITY DF SPOKANE VALLEY, a munic�pal corporation �4. The land referred to in this Policy is describe� as folloti+vs: See �xhibit A atiached her�eto and made a part hereof. Countersigned , i-��, � � �' By� ������`v,?�,��,�^;�,4�.��,r, ''1 � . Authorized flffi�er or Agent SPOKAh1E COUI�TY TITLE CQMPANY NORTH�Ah11i BUILDING, SUITE 100 *'� * 1010 N.NQRMAh1QIE STREET * r ** L�n AgBnt Df * L� � (}Id Republic Naiior�al SPQKANE, V'1ASHIh1GTON 99201 ,k �` Title Insurance Ct�rr� fifl TfLEPHONE (549]326-2626 * * ,t p Y This policy valiti anly if Schedule B is attached. I Exhfbii A That pt�rtion of the �J4rth 20[1.0� fee# of Tract 210, VERA, as per piat recorded Pn Valume "D" of Plats, page 30, recards af Spok�ne County, des�ribed as fallaws: BEGINNIIVG at the Northwest carner af said Tract 210; Thence Sou1h 02°39'58" East along Ihe 1Nest line of said Tract 210, a distance �fi 2QO.a0 feet to the South line of ti�e North �00.0�feet af said Traet 210; Thence Norfh 87°32'49"` East 10,a0 feet along saiti Saukh line; Thence Norfh a2°39'58" West 189.89 fee# ta the point of cur�re a� a 3fl.�0 fool radius cur�re ta the ri�h#; Thence along said curue, thraugh a cen#ral angle of 90°12'47", an arc length of 47.24 feet to the Narth line of said Tract 210, Thence Sauih SZ°32'4�" Wesf G0.11 feet along $aid hlorth fine to tMe Point af 8eginning; Situake i� t�e Ciiy of Spokane Valley, Gour�ty af S�okane, State of Washington. I C�WNERS PflLICY SCHEDULE B - PART I File h�umber: 179730 Pr�iicy Numoer: OK 0873�434 EXCEPTIONS FROM COVERAGE This po`icy does not insure againsk lass or damage{and the Company vrill nok pay eosts,attorney's Pees ar expe^ses}, r=ahich ariss by reason oF: STAN�ARD E?CCEPTIQNS: 1. Righks or clain�s of pari+�s in pos5essi�n,o�claiming passession,nat shov;n by the Pu�lic Records 2. A.ny errctoachmenk, encumhrance, vialakion, variakion, ar ativerse clrcumslance affect�ng 1he Title lhal wo�ild be disclose�i by an accurate and complete land suroey of 1he Lantl. 3. Easemenls, prescriptive rights,rights of-r^ray, liens or er�cumbrances,ar vlaims thereof,no[sEiQ:vn by the Puks'ic Reeords. q. Any lien, or right to a lien, for c�ntrib:.lio�.s to em�doyee be��efit funds, or for state�.•rorrers' campensation, or for services. labor,or material hereloiore or hereafte�+urnished, all as impased by lavr,and not sho�:rn by the Public R¢cords. 5. T�es or speciai assessm�nts v�hich are nol yet pay�abla or which are not shoavn as existing liens k�y ihe Public Records. 6. Any Ilen fo�service, insiallation, conneclio�, mainienance, tap, cz�paciiy, �r conslruction o• similar charges fcr sevrer, vfal°r, eleciricity,nakural gas ar olher utilities.or for garbage�ollection ard disposal not shown by the Public Records 7. Unpalented min ng claims,and a'I ri�hts relaling iherelo, e. Resenrations and axceptions in the United States Patents or In Acts authofizing 1he�ssuance ihereof. 9. Indian tripal codes or regulalions, Indian Ireaiy oe aborigin�i nghts,inc�uding easements or equitabie servitudes. 10. 1�Jater rigMs,clairns or litle to�^rater. SPECIAL EXCEPTfONS: 1. LIABILITY T4 ASSESSMENTS, if any, by the City of 5pc�kane Valley. 2, LIABILITY TD ASSESSMENTS, bf any, by Vera Water& Porver. 3, DEED 4F TRLIST, to secure an indeb#edness, including any interesi, advances, or other t�bligations secwred thereby; , Amaunt: $208,Opa.Oo Dated: Jun�e 4, 2005 Recorded: June 13, 2005 Recording h�o.: 5229662 Grantor; Lee Cleghorn and .ludith Cleghorn, husband and wife Trustee: Jaan H. Andersfln, EVP on behalf af Flagstar Bank, FSB Beneficiary: Mortgag� Electronic Registradifln Sysiems, Inc., as namine� for Faundation Capital Group, InC, Affects. Said prernises and other property SCH�DULE 13-ca�itiiiued File f�umber: 179730 P�licy Na, OX 08735434 4, DEEa aF TRUST, �o secure an ind�bkedness, including any interest, acivances, or othar e►hl�gatians secured th�reby; Amount: $3fl,2$r.00 Dated: February 'i,2fl12 Recorded: Februar�r 6,2fl12 Recording No.: 6a64985 Grantar: Lee Cleghorn ar�d Judith Cleghorn, husband and wife Trusiee: fnland Prof�ssional Titfe Beneficiary: Spokane Law Eniarcement Credik Union Affects: Said �remises and other propertp 5, AGREE{1�ENT, including the terms and c�nditions�thereof; Sefv►►een: Vera Efectric Wafer Campar�y And: D.K. McDonal�i,A.C. Jamison and Andrew Gavd Dat�d; April 25, 19D8 Recdrded in: Book"H" of Contracts, pa�e 292 For: Pra�ris�ons ta prc�vide utilities and inc�denfal ser►�ices 6, CQVENANTS CONQ�ITIONS AND RESTRICTIOIVS coniained in Declaration oi�test�ietians, but omitting any covenants or restrictions, if any, based upon race, caior, religior�, sex, sexual arientatior�, familial staius, marital sfiatus, disability, handicap, national orig'rn, ancesfry, ar saurce of incc�me, as set forth in applica�le state ar federal laws, except ta the extent that said cavenant or restriction is permitted E�y appEicab[e law; Ftecorded: May 2�, 1953 Reevrding Nv.: 624941 B Exe�uteci by; Vera Irrigafion District No. 15 As follo+�s: "Th�Grantor res�rves the right to construct, repair and mamiain o�er and across said premises any ditches,f�umes, pipe Iines and electrical lines, naw existing or hereaffer required by the Grantorfor district service, and the Grantar re§erves an easemen#and necessary rights of way thereon and therein for said purposes; and the Grantor furth�r reserves the right to make reasanable rules and regulations regarding district services to and for said prernises Qr any part or parts thereaf fQr any an�l all distric�purpases." ENti OF SP�CIAL �?CG��TIONS � i . � � SCHLllUL� 13 -crantinuecl File Number: 179730 Policy No. 0�: (1i37�:��1:�f1 NO7'�S: 1. GENERAL. R�AL �STATE TAX�S, (includir�g amour�ts for Aquifer, Starm Water, Irrigation, Drainage Water, and Flood Conirol, if any), for the year 2D12, WHICH HAVE B��N PAI� IN �ULL; Amaunt: $3,221.51 Tax AGCVUnt No,: �15�63.a1D1 Affecks: Said premises and other�aroper#y �N� f7� NOTES bjs i i I � • R%fe.�i. � . . .sZ2�='ai�A'7�F44iC�61'.0..►�£i,tl5..4er...°:�^m���AJ� . . 9�3�'YdElF."'.�i=�"t `���'�`-�-'J - `_ � `� ��.4������1�-1�{!�� .. _ L7_.[_: c � �y-:-_..._._�-..,. -�.� ..- -�...,-..--'..—. _J-. ........ �.-°------------. �r.—.'—°'—�_��,----' � Y��l I t n1,�A II�'�ry I!n V � �. 1-I�fJf`f�JJ�illyF�l. Z-r'4kV1� �7Vf11-��'.I���l�i �} -- _. {31:} N, k,#hDF1�l�t a��3E7:C ;�l�.'K'F�1 f��'r�L�+�.l�:, -.----- __,._.... n .�_. ..:�. _�_,.�_ �__ ;;�'{3;KntvE; 1Yr�5l���PI�iQ�t S?�12t�� .- -T-- - --_- - ,...----_--__.� ..•.,.° �vE3f�32�4`�"E '^�..-.`. PHL��E 5U9326,2925 Fl:ti vU�.9J.6.7!"� C.i �'-� C7 �._..`\ l. T ___ .-�.�-,.,_ � L.., ,a-.�. — __ � ,�F0,11,�=- _. .-.r _. .;,�_ :..��- •-- _��,,�. �,.:;-�--=F--•.- +i�a�7'3�'4�"f' i �1�19,as� _._, � - ���c-'- .'J'- _.� ,� � -; � 3 : - ' � --�-sc•�a,,�,.. � � � - _ r�:;�,.00 _ 1 �—!��.xa � I � � 1�� � _�sc�}� ._ � � � � � I � 7_ �� . � j^' 4Q� z 1 i �.. - IB � C� ��i � !„ I � � �;; 451G;3.01 Cl1 `D• ''. F'ri �-� � u' 0 °'(: - ;,�;} i°� u; 'fl,fif}�i S.F. R��1S,�I�y[3Lf< °" �r l+� � _.�-- '} {S �:i �r�..,__f�_.� 1.�, �� ...hY�, �l'=ri . ��� U � n -= �." scr��.E fr� ���:�� -_; ��-� . F.� ^ � ��" o . c„ �3 _�q _�-^- ra v.; r�s ���; � +�� �—Ni�YI ftlG�i-!- o i v �.. �v �..l�� U� 1V�1'{ ll��l� / ' 1 �� � I� R ��� '`�j�3.2����<v� � �,�rr���_�_��s�.r:r:z..;� t:xl�IiWG >�' ,� ( ''' � � �'-.__�".I'� s%I G!i"f Or cv �, `� `� ,�';-�- (`` h'l.�;Y Lli�c- - `��~ � � ��{ '� . a-���+>Jr�`;,fi• � ����' �,�...-�,���.� ,? [ - �. ���'�� .�� , :'r ;�i13.'� 1 D� l G� � ` � ' .��;,�E= �f ` � ; ��37'37.'44�F ._ll[1hOQ' ,�r-„�..-.���.�=�:� �_ ' ��+�,..�`�z� 1���� ,�.� � i �_ _ .---+u���=�i�:r.-��,w•;-.�:,,j��-�.� �'�$�� �''� �+d, 2�39� ir��1�,. I �,{ ,�,°7-.t�t rhjf' 1. ry ' ��J�_ r��°'_f,_1_1���i;,� �# 7 � •�i;�\155�\\14�.'�fllC�l/1`!/llC•.'lYlI1!' � i � t L*,f-3-.=�°°�..e�se:vrexa,:_PiL�.tESk���F�. - K'ori�' . ... 'hi�°`�ff�ti� -:s"-' �=J n eo�T�4N�fi�r��SW �un�-rs�oe s�riar� �� _,'rovnvsit�r�25 ,Manir�naiv�� �� �,�;,�sT,v�.rr. � � THIS SKETCH 15 FURf!l�HE�FQF2 IIJFDZh1�FIi7CdAL PUF2.1'C:SES ONLY TO ASSIST IN PRGPEFfTl'LCJGATIOiJ. ❑IPAEWSIQNS F,RE („°���,h�ft: �CJOT GL1RRAf�fTE�D kllD ti1J5�I�OT BE fZELIEp U?Ohf TC J �C"11 V Id p�TERMIV�ACREAGE OR SHAoC. 'fH15 t;�JNPA11YA55Ul�!ES NO �t�l�'�TTV N tIABILIT'Y`VR LG55 INGURREC BY RE�ASV�ti OR RELIP.f�CE � ��JUtV 1 .L � ThIEREDN. ��^� SP01{ANE COU NTY TITLE C dM PAf�Y 326-ZF�26 •,5ervice Is Tl�e Diff�renee•• 6.An enforcvment activn trased on the exe�cise of a gavernrnentsl police pawer not co�rerec by Co��eretl Risk 5 if a noti�e of the enfofcemant acti�n,��sscribing any part af the land,Gs iecorded in the Publlc�leLords,but only in tha extant of th�enforcement referred ta in that notic�. � 7. fhe exErcise af t�e rights of eminentdomair•if a notice of Fh�exercise,describint�any part oi ihe i_and, is recartl2d in the P�blic Racords. 8.Any tak�r}g hy a go�rernrnenlal 6odythaf nas oe�urred and is�inding an the rig�ts af a pu'cha<.er for value wiihout KnovJl2dga. 3.Title b�iny vested oiher than as siated io 5chedule A or�eing defective �a�as a resultoFtYe zvoijance in�ti�h�lE nr in parl,or froma ccurE ord2r F�ro�,riding an alternative remedy,ed a kransfer of all or any part of the:itle[v or any interest i n ihe Eand tccurring prsor kc�he transa�.�iun vasting Tille as sliuv�ii iu 5G1ie�lufe A b�cdusa that prior transler canstituted a fraudulent aa prafe�er:lial transfer under federal ban'�ruptcy,state insolvency,�r sirnilar creditors'rights la4vs:or ;b}becaase the instrum�rrt�,flransfer vesting ritle as sha�Jdn ir�Schadu°e A constitutes a prefEr�ntlal transfer undsr federal bankruptcy, sta`e insoluancy,or similar cre�itars'rights fat�s by reason of the failure of 31s recording in t�e Public Recvrtls iil to he timely,or (li}to impart n�tFCe of its�xlster�ce to a purchaser fcrval�e or ia a judyr�tent�r lien eredltor. 1C1.Any de4eck in or lien ar encumbrance on the Title or oEhs�matker incl uded in Covered Risks 1 k�cauoh 9 that h�s been craated ot�tlached o�r€�as be2n filed or recor��d in the Public Reco•ds subsequent to Daie of Folicy anc p•ior to the€ecor�in�of thede2�o•o#hsr�nstrument of traasfer i n lhe P�blic Aecards ihat wesls T9t`e as shosvn tn Sche�ule A, The Corrpan��titi�ll also payth�costs,attarnays'fees,ar.tl expenses inc�ired in deie�se of any rnauer insured a�ainst bythis Pclicy,�ata�ly ta the e�tent provided in the Canditinns �}[Cl.USIONS F�OM CflVERA�E Tlie fcllawing matters ere expressly exduded fram ihe coti�eragE of ;E)not Knoivn t3 the Campany,not recorded'n the Puhlic this poli�y,znd if��Compa�y vrill not pay lass ar damage,cosE�, Records at Date of Pal'icy,hut Known to the Ins��red Clairnant attarne��s'fees,o�ex��enses khat arise b��reasvn v!: and n�t tlisclosed in writin�#a the Cflm�ar:y�y t�e InsurecE CEaimant p�iar to the date the Insured Claimani became an 1. �a}p,ny la�rr,ordinance,permi�,ar gouernrnsntal rec�ulation �nsuretl under this palicy; �including those relating to b�il�ing and zoning)restricting, [c]resultin,in�o loss er darrtage ta the Insurad Claimant; regulaling,p•oh�biting,ar reletirg ta [dJ aitaehing ar created s��bse�a,uent ro Date oF Policy fhowavar,t�is c�oes not rnodify ar limit the cc•w��age prov'd�d [i}the accupancy,use,or Enjoyment�1 ti�e La�d; under Coue•e�Aisk S an� 10];ar fiil th�character,di�ns�sians,or loczcion of aay [e)r�sultin�in lossor damage that woul�f n�t have bPen im�rrovem�nt erec[ed Qn th�Land; sustaiaed if the fnsuled C�aimani had paid value fcr tlre Ti�1e. [iii�the suhdiuis3nn nf land;or (ivJ er�virvnrnerrtal prate�tion; 4.An}r claim,by reason of th�naerak'son af fe�eraf ban'�ru�tcy,state i nsolti�Enc��,or similar credi:ors'riohts laws,that the trar�saekion or the eifect�f any�iolation of ihese latvs,ordir•ances,ar govern vesiing the Title as shotivn ir Srhedul�A,is mental r�gulations. i his Exclusion 1(a}does�ot mcdiFy oi limit th� caveiace oravided under Cave�ed Risk 5. {a}a fr�u�ulen�c�nueyance r,r fraudulent transfer;or {b�Any go��emm�ntal pa�ice po�ti�er. 7his Exclusian 1{b�does�to[ {b]a pieferantial transfer for any reason not stated in Coti�ered modify or limit ihe coverag2 prcvidetl unJer Cove►ed�is�6. Ris't 9 o-f thls�olicy. ?..Riuhts nE Pn�inen*rio-main.This Exclusion does notmo�ify or limit 5.Any i;Rn nr�tliP Titl�fnr r�a I�:s�at�t,�xps nr assassn'enls iinposec� t'ne eoverage pravided�nder�overed Risk 7 or S �ti�5overnmar��al aulhorirr and cr�ate�or attaching bet�ti�ean t7ate of Policy an�the date nf recording of[h�deed ar athar instrumeni 3.�efec:s.li�ns,encu€nbrances,adue�se claims,orotl�e�rr�tters of kranafe�i�the�uh1 ic Racc�rds jhat vests Titie as shavm in Scnsdul e A. {a)crealed,suffered,ass��med,or a�ree�te by the Insure�l Glaimant; Pa�r 2 h CQNDITIOiVS ANf} 5`TIPULATfONS 1 f}EFIhJ1T101+t OF TERMS purciiasa,lease,or lenc�if tltere is a caniract�al candiiion requirir:[� Thr follo��ing tearrs Lvhen used is�this policy mean: ihe delive�y of marketak�le title. �a}"Arrount of I�surance'�: The arnoun'stated in Schedufe A,as rrfay be I n�reasad or decreas�d�y endorsemen;to this policy, ir��ieasetl � CONTINUATION QF INSURAHICE �iy Sectio.�B�b�,ol decreased hySec[ions�i and 17 of th�ese Conditions The covera�e of this palicy shall cantir�ue i n foree as of�ate of �b�"�ate of Policy": T'�e date designated as"Date af Pofiey"in Policy in fatio•of an Insure�,�ut anly so long as the ln.��rea retains 5chedule A. an estate oi i�terest in the Land,or holds ai�atligation secureo ��� fc�"Entity°: A�orporation,partnership,krust,limit�d fiabslity a purct�ase moneY��a�tgage giti�en by a purchaser�tom ih�Insur9d, company,or other similar legal e�tity+. aronly so lon�as the In�t�red shall hava lia6�lity b,+reason of v�rarranties in any tra�rsfer o�'conveyance of the Tiile. This polic�� �d}"Insure�': Th�Inst�ree narned ir�S�heduleA. sha:l not cnntinua in forc�in iati+or of any purc�aser f�❑rr tlie ►il�he terrn'Insured"als�includes Insured oFeithe�[i�an e�tate nr intarest In t�p 9_and, a;�ii�an (Af sr�cc?ssars to the Titie oi;he Insured 6y ap�ration nl lav,ras atrliGation securad by a�urchasa money�rlarig�g�given kc the dist�r�gulshe�from purchase,includi��heirs,devisyes,s�n�ivors, Insured. personal rep,esantatiaes,or next arlcin; [B}succesvflrs to an fnsu�ed bydissalution,merger,eo�s�Rdation, 3. NUTIC�[�F GLAIM TO BE G IVEN BY INSURE�CLAIMANi' distrEhufion,or rer�rgan�ration; TY�e Insured sh:all notiFy ti�e Corr�any promptly in et�ritinr��i$tn case [C)successars Co sn I naured by its conversion 10 another kind of of any liiigation as sek�ortli in Sectien 5�;a�of thase Condition�,;iij Entity: - ir�case Kno�rffedge shall come*.o en Insured hereunde�of any�laim �p� a grantee oP an I�s�red under a dee�delia�red tivitEtout a#titla or interest that is adverse to t�e Title,aa ins�irprl,and[hai paym�nt of a�tual valu�ble c�nsid2raCion tonveyin�thP Titl2 n�iyhl cause 13ss or darra�e for aahic3i 11t=Camaany may be IizhPv [1)ii tiie stc�ck,shares,mem9er�hips,n�other eq�iiEy �y vit#ue ef this palic�i�,or(i�iJ if the Ti;le,a�'insuEed,is reje��ted as inteies�s oF the grantee are�,vholly o�vneci k�y t#le Un�narketable Title. If the Company is�rejutlic��by the ta Ju'e af narr�d Insured, the Irsured ClaimGnt tn�rovide prompt not:ce,the Cornpany's l+abilitti�to the Ir�s��re�C aimant untler the policy shall�e reduced �2�ii the g�aniee tvhall}�o�,vns the nam�lnsured, to thE eHtent e.f the Frejudice. {3�if#he grantee is���holly-o��+med by a n af�ilia#ed En`.ily of the namedlnsuretl,pravided the affillated 4. !'ROiIF aF�OSS Enti�y and the nameo Insureo are�oth vah�lly-at�.�ned In ti�e e��nt ihe Cor�pai7y is unable tc dete�rnine t��e amuunt oi byihe same�erro�t ar[ntity,or loss ordamage,th�Campany r�ay,atits option,re�u�re as a condtion 14�ii the g�antee is a trustee orbenefi�iary af�Vust o#payrnent t�at tl7a Insure�l Cl2iinant iumisi�a signed pr�of of IoSs. cre�ieo by a written i�strurneni established Cy the The praof c�f Iess r��ust describe the eefect,lies�,enc�r�branc�,oi Insured named in Schetluie A fcr estat2�lanning olher mat�er insure�against by this p�licy that cc�nstitutes t�e purposes. bssis oi lass or dar�ac��and sfi�al!stale,to tha extenc possihle,the ;ii�i+"dith reg2rd ta�,AI,���,�C�,ana(aj reserving hovreved,all rights basis oi calculating�he arraunt of th�loss ar damage. and tlEfenses as�o any s�ccessor t�at tha Com�any��rould have ha� against any predecessor lnsured. 5. DEFENSE ANR PR4SECl�TION UFACTI4N5 fe�'Insured Claimant': An Ins��ad claiming loss or damage. I�;°U�on vrri�te�reques��r th�Insured,antl su�ject to tt�e opbo�s If�"Knowl�dge°❑r'K�oavn'; Act�a'kno�^1ledge,n�1 construstiva con'ained in Se,t�on l of these Condi�ions,the Company,at its knov�ladge c�r notiee Elrat may be'�m�uted to an I�sured�y reason of ov�n eost and�.vithout unreasonable delay,shall pravi�+�for the the Pu��ic Recortls ar any other re�ords that impart cons�ru�titi•e defense of an Insured in litigatien in whic6i any th�r�party�asse�ts no�lce of mattets�ffeetin the Titla. a cfairn covered by t�is�,oliey aduerse to ti�e Insured.This ac�liga:ian g is lirnited lo on':y thos2 skated ca.�ses of action allecing matEers �g�"Land": fiE landdescribsd in Scheciu�eA,and sfli�ed irnpraveri�e��s insurad aga'nst by th€s policy. 7ha C�mpa�y shall hava the r�g+it ta that by latv constitute real�rcpert��. The ternt"lar:�"eaes no: sel2et c��ursei of its c�oiee�sub;ect to ihe right af th�Irsured to In::lud2 any pro�erty beyord the lines of the area described ir� �tjecl�or reasonabEe caussl to reprasenl sh�laswe�i as[u il7nse Schedule A,nGr any right,title,i�k�rest,estat�,oi easemant i� stated eauses o`a�tian. It shal!nat t�iiabls far and���ill not pay abuttir:g streets,roads,avenues,alEeys,lanes,ways,or waterv�•ays, tM fees oi any akher cnunsei. ���e Cei7ipa�y����II not pay anq iees, but ihis doss not modify or limi�the extent:ha:a rightof acces�:o costs, or expenses:ncurred k�y the€nsured in the tlefersa o1�hose and frcm ihe Land is Ansured by this�nlicy. causes of a�i.anihat allege matte�s not insursd aeainst by this po!icy. �hM"h4ort�a��e': f�lorlgage,dee:�of tiust,trust deed,vr athar security 1b; The Cc�mpar�y snall have the right,in aoditlan to the aptions insErument,in�lUding ane evi�enc�d by el�tior�ic means aut�torized ���1��ned in Seet��n 7 af these Conditians,at its ovrn cast,to by la4v. institute and prosecute any actian ai procaetlir�er to do any (i}'Pualac fiecards': Re�ords esiaClished urder staie stat�3es at other�ck that in it�opinion may he necessary or des��able t� l3ate of Nmlie for tt�e tir ose o#im art�n consiructi^re notice ot esia6lish the Ti?I2,as insEFrPd,nr�n nrpvpnt nr rpt�ur,�Inss nr m�tters relat'ng to real pc�erty to�urcltiasers tor value and titi�ithout damage 1n th�Ir�sured. Th�C:�m�any may taice anyappraprial� Krov�letlyP Witn respect to Co�lerad Risk S�dL `Public flecords' action under the te�ms o(this policy,wnether or n�°it shall ae liable ta tk�e Insuie�. The exeic�se of these iights sha'I nat bs an sf:al�also includ�snvironmental protectiar�li?ns tiled inths recards admission of liab'iitynr tvaivEr of any pral�sion nf tl7is policy of the deik of the L nit�d 5tates�iskrict Court fcr the tlistrist whera If tf3s Compzny exe�cises its rights u��ier this s�,b�ec�io,,:t must th�Laiad is lo�aked. tlo so dilipenll)�. �j¢'"Title" �he estate or°nterest d�scribed in Schedule A �cJ NJhenever t5e Campany briiigs an actiUn or asserls a defensa �k}"Un�nasketable Title" T�tle aff�ct�d by an allaged ar apperent as require�l ar permitted by�his palicy,the ComNany may pursue matter that vroultl�errnit a prospeclive purclraser or lessee o#the the lili�ation ia a final datermination by a c�ur[af�ampet�nt TiEie�r I�nder an t�ie Title ta he re eased�rom#ne obligation io jurisdic�ivn,�n�ik expressly�aserves the righi,in i�s sole discreti��n,to appeal any adverse judgment or arder. Page 3 GaI�QITEUN5 AN�S71Plf LAT(ON5(can't} 6. UUTY dF1NSUf�ED CLA1MAf�T TO GDOPE�iATE polir_y.In addit'�o�t,the�orr.panyt+,'il�r�ay any costs,attorneys'f�es, (al In all cases w6�aie:l�is�oiicy p2rrr:its o�req�ires the C�rnpa�y and ex�enses inci�rre�hy Ene�nsured Claimant tnat twere authc�ri�ed io prosecute or pro�ide�c•i Ihe�efense of 2ny action or proceed�ng �Y 1���omparry up to ihe time of pa�ment ar.d that the Cornpa�y�i� ar�d any�ppeals,th�Ins�red shall secirre to th2 Cor�pany th•e right Q��igated to pay,o� 10 so presecute or provide defer�s�in t;�saction or proeeeding, �'�i1 Ta payaroti�erwise:ettla titi�iih the Insured CE�imant tne loss inc�uding ti�e right t�use,at its o�tien,the narna flf the Insured tec or damage pro�ridsd ior under ti7is policy,tagether witn any cosls, ihis purpose. ti1lh�er�e�.�er�aquest�d t,y th�Cam��any,tl�s Ins�re;i, att�orne�ys'fees,and ex:enses incurred by the Insured C!aimant:ha: at the Compam�s expense,shell gi�de th4 C�mpany all reasonable �rfpre aul�ari�ed by�i�e Co�r�pGny up ta the time af G�ayment ant!that aid(;}in securing etiidence,ol�taining�rritnesses,prusecUting or th�Company is obligatEd Cc pay. . defendir�g the action oi proceeding,or aifecting set�lement,and {ii�in ar�y oti�er lati�d�kl act thai i n tFe opinian oi the Campany ma�r �pai�the exercise by th��ampany of either af tfie aptions provided be n�cessaryor desirabl�t�a esiablish the TI�I�or amr other rr,atler fQl in su'�sections{b;[i}or lii�,tfae Company's o�rligatians#a the Insured as ins��red. If t�e Compan��is prej�diced by ttie failure af ttie untle�this policy for ihe claimeo loss or damoge,ather tt�an the Ins�red ta iurnis#�the requiretl coo��•ation,the Camp�ny's obligatians �ayrren1s required to be made.shafl terrninale,in�l�ding any liabil ty lo the Insu�ed under the_policyshall terminale,incaadirg any or ablioation to defentl,pr�secute,or continua a�y 1�tigation. liahili�yflr obligakion tn defen:i,prosecuF�,ar�ontinue any IiNgation, 4v�th ragard:o the rnatter or matt�rs requiting such caoperaiian, g,pETERMINATIDN ANL}�?LTENi OF L�ABILITY {bw The Compar�y ir,ay reasonaCly require the Insured Clairnant to This palicy is a contract of indemrtity aaainst act��al m�n�tary lass or suh,��it to ea�ar�tinafioit untler oath ay any a�tfrari�e�re�res�ntative damaye sustainedar inc�netl byths Insured Claimant w+ha has su#E�red of the Campar�y and to pfaducs for examtnaiioi�, irs�ectia7,and loss or dam�ge by reason of matiers'i nsurEd ag�inst by lhis polic�r. c�apying,at sua�reasanabla kimes a�d plaees as rrra��be designate� {a}The e�ent of IiaCility of th:e Gampany 1n�loss or can��age undar by the autt�orized reprasenlative of t�e Compai�y,all�e,ords,in ihis policp s�all rat exc�ed 1he lesser of 4�rhatever rr�eclum rnaintain�d, inr,luding boeks,lad�ers,checks, {i]the Amo��nt al Insurance, or me�aoranda,cnrrespondence,repor�s,e-mails,dis<s,tapes,and {ii}ttre difference beh{+oen the value og the '-i:le as r�sured and the viaeos whethe•6earing a dat��eiare ar after Q�ta of Policy,4hat yalue af the Tiile subjec�:o tha rlsk insuie�againstbyt�is poi cy reasonah9y pertair�ta lhe loss ar da�tage. Furth�r,if requested by (b)If tha Company putsuES i?s iights under Section 5 of these any authcrizEd�epresentalive cf the Com,�ny,tha Insured Claiir:aiat �o��itiors an�is unsuccess`ul in�stablishing tne 7itle,as insured, s`�all orant its parrnisson,in titi�iFing,for anyautharized representakive NI th�Amo�nt ot li�s«rance shall he increasad by 10°��,anri ot tne Campan�+to examine,ir�speet,ana capy all of tnese reco•tls (�i}ti�e ensured Claimant sh,a�l have the ri�ht to nave t�e las,cr ii:the tus[ady or eartral of a khirs#parly.ha:reasonably pertain ta dar�age�eteimfn��either as nf tiie date ihe clairai was made�y the loss or d�mzge. All inforrr.:tio,7 d�signated as confident�al€�y 1ha Irsured Claimant or as of ths daka ii:s settla�and paid. th�Insured Ciairr.ar;t providatl to si7e Corr:p�ny purst�an[to thls (c�In�ddition ca the extent of liability��naer{a}�nd���,tl�e Company Se�lian s�all nok be disclased to�thars unless,in the�easonable Y�iIE aGse paythose costs,aUame�s"I�es,and exper�ses incu•rad in ju�gment of 1ha Camp�ny,it is n2cessary i n the adm�nistra<ion of ac��rdanee�.�r+th Secti�ns 5 and 7 of Il��ese Con�iitions. thecla�m. Failure of ifiie Ins�re��C aima�t to s��b-nii for examinatian ur�tler aath,prc�duce any teasoria6ly requested infarrnalion,or y.����TA710N OF LI.481L1�Y grant o�rmission#o sGcure ie�sonably neces�ary i�lormabon frorn [aJ�f the Cornpany establishes i�e Title,o�remoues the atfeged third pa€ties as required i�th s subsectinn,unless prol7ibiied by oefect,lien,ar encumbran�s,or cures the lack af a rig��t af a�c�ss lasv or governmFntal r�gulat on, shall termin�te an�y Piabilayo uf the ka orf�om the Land,or cures[he claim of Un�narketaole�itle,all as Campany unc�er th�s policy as to that clai�r. insured,in a reaso�ably diligent manner�y any met��d,inr,luding 7. OPTI(]NS 70 PAY OROT�I�.RWISE SETTLE CiAIIVfS; liti�ation ar�d the co,�pletlan af any sppeals,it st��l3 havE fully 7ERMINATI�N OFtIABILITY perfarmed its oCli;ations�.+dith tespeci to t�at matter an�i shall not be liatle lor any loss or darnage caused ta the Insure� In case of a claim under thfs�ollcy,the Com�aany shall have the ,k�)In t'�e evenl of ar�y liti�ation,inclutling litigat�on by t'r�e Campany follu�ving additional ap['�r��is: ar t�rith th°Company's con�ent,the Campany�hall have nn liab:lity (aJ To Fay ar Ten��er Payrrer#oF the Amount af Insurance faf I�s�oi damage�ntil ttrere has been a finai determirratiot�by a " To�ay or terder payment of th�e€�m�ount of Insuran;e ueder this Gourt af compeient juristlicti�n,and dispo�ition of al�a�•peals, ,policy tpgethar w,th�np cosis,attornays' iees,an�expanses adver9e tv the 7itle,as irsured. incurred by t'ne Insured Clairrant ihat d•rere authorized 6y the �c}T�e Cornpany shall not be liahle for loss or dam2ga w the Company uo ta the tiri�e of paynaent or[erader a#pa�mer:t and that Insured far liabiliiy�.�olun:�,rily assumed b�the Insure�in settlin� the Compan}�is o�ligated to pa)�. any clairr or suit�dti�tl�aut ths priot wrikken consenk of tha Com�any. Upon the exercisQ by the�orrpa n}�•of this optior�,all iiability and obligaLans of t�.e Comp2ny t�,th?Insured under this paficy,otl�e� �a.RE�LICTIUN�QF INSU�ANCE;REDUC�ION�R TERMINATIOh� than to makethe payment reaulr�d in thissuhseciion,shall tern�inate, pF LIABILfTY includir�y any liability or obl igation to tlefe�tl,p-osecuEe,or contin- ,411 payments un�e�this�alicy,except paym�nts made'or cosks, ue an3�lit�gation. aitomeys'fees,ano ex�enses,shzll reduce the Amount a}�nsurance {b}To Pay or Olhei��vise$ettle tivi�n Parties Othar 7han the I nsure.d hy the a��unt of the�ayr}enF �;With the Insured�Claimarn. �i� Tc pay or othznuise settle wikh other par�ias for ar in the nama of an Insured Claim.�nl any cia�m insuied agaimt under this Pzsr a I C�N�ITfONS ANI}STIPUlATIONS�con'1} 11.iIABIIITY NQHCUM�JL�TIVE palicy,th,is p�licy shall he conslruetl as a�.vhoie. 7he Amour��of Insurance shall t�e reduced by any a�o.�nt the Campany (�}Qny claim af Icss or damage tiiat arises out of tl��s status of�he pays under any polic�ir�suring a Mortgage to tkiiich except:an i�ta<en Tltle or oy any acli4n 2ssertin�such claim shall be restrictetl ta this in Schedule B or ta which tne Insured has agreed,assurred,or taken palicy. , sub;ect,or ti�rhich is exacuted by an Insur2d afier O�te of Policy a�rd (��p,ny amendmant of ar end�rsenrent to this policy must be In ti���hic�r is a char�e��r lien or�ihe�itle,and ihe an�ounk sa paid shall ba �ti�riting and aut�enticate��fiy an a�thcrized person,vr enpressGy deen,ed a p�yment ta the In4ur�d u�derihis ptilicy. incorp�ra[etl I�ySched�fle Aof[h�s paliey. �oJ Each endarsFmEnt to ihis poli,��iss�ed a;any time is�ade a 1�.PAYM�fh1T OF LOSS pari ci tnis p�licy anci is>u�ject io all of its terms and F�oaisions. When li�bi'ity and Ihe exte�t ot loss or damagE have bean Geiiniiely E;�cepl as t�e onclorsemsnt ex�ress�y�tatss,it doas n�t�i;�madily fixe�in�ccordanc�l�,�ith ihes2 Ca�di�ians,tf�e payniNnl siiall��iiia�e anyaf lhe terms a�id pravhs+ans of t�7e po1 cy,lii)rnadt�yany prior tia�ith�n 3fl days. �ndorserrent,`iiiJ exte�d;he�ate of Po-licy,or[iv�increase�he Am�uni of fnsusance. 13.RIGHTS 0�R�COVERY UPOM PAYMEE�T gR SETTLEMEh�T {a�1'Vhenaver tne Co�pany shall hav�setkled an�paitl a claim 16.SEVERAB3LITY u�der iliis policy,it sf�all be suhrogated artl entitled ta th�rights of �n the evant aay�rovisic•n of t�is policy,in ti�rhole or in part,is held the Jns�red C€aima�t in the Titfe and all ot�er rig�ts and rem��ies invalid or uneniareab'e under a¢pEicable Eaw,the policy shall ae in resp.c:to t�e clai'n that the Insured CEalmant has a[�ainst any �{�ymed not to indude khat provislon or such�art held ta be invalid,hut parsan or pro�eit��,to the extsnt of[ne amount af anyi�ss,costs, all 4thei�pra«siars shall rerr�ain in full}arce and efie�t j at:arneys'fees,a�rd expenses p�id 6ytfie Company. If req�aste� by khe Comp�ny,lhe Insured Cla',rnant sha11 exe�ute�osuments to 1�,CFiFIIC�OF i.AW;FaRUM evi�ence the t�ansie•to the Cnr�pany of ihese rigf�:s anJ remetlies ����r�p�ce o€Latv: The Ins��ee�ackmwledges tne Campany has -he Insured Ctaimantshall�errrit the Cam�any to sue,co�npromise, underwritter�ihe risks cos�ersd 6y this policy anc�tlatermined ihe or settie in the n2rne af the Insure�Claimanl and to u.s tne na:�ne prem�um cna�ged therefor in relian°a upon the law aifec6ng ir�terasTs of the Insured Cl�imant in ar.y transactian or litir�alion inuolving in reaf praperty�and applicable 10 ti�a interpretation,tights,remed es, 1[�ese rights and rernedies. �r enforcemeni ol pnlicf�s af title insurance of the juristliction If a pa��ment on accourn of a elaim doe�not fully co�,�r tha foss of �,Sfi�re the�and is lucated. Iha Ins�red C;aimani,�ne Compeny shall defsr#he exercise af ifs Thereiore,the c��rt or an arbitratorshall apply the la4vo#Ehe right to re�o�+ar until after the Insurad Clairrent shall haUe recovere� jurisdiGtion�Jlhere the Land:s lucaied:o�eterm r�Q the va{itlity�f its loss. claims ayainst the TiUe tnataro aa�rerse to th�Insured an��o Ibi 1he Co-�par��s rigl�t of subrogation inc�utl�s th�rights of th� interpret and enforce the terms o1 kFis policy In i�either cas�shall Insured to in�emnities,guara�ties,other poll.ies af insuraRCe,or ttae�ouit or aroit€ator appl�,sits conflieks of law prin�iples to�eier- b�nos,not�vithstand ng a�y terms or�vnditions contained in those rnir.e the zpp}ira61�la�v. ir�sUuments t�at address subrogatian rights. {bJ Chaice o'F�rum' A.n�!f;tigation or pther precee�ing brougt��t b�� the Insurad 2gainst the Campany must e,e filad only in a state o: 14.ARBITRATION federa!cawt t+�ilhin th�L'nileu�S[ates of America or its territaries Elther the Corr�any or the Ir�sure�may dem�n�tEiat�he claimor havino epp�op��ale jurisdieiian. controti�ersy shal��e suemitte�to arbitra:ion Qursuant ke ti�e Title #nsuiance Arbitration Rules of tne Arreric�n Land Title Assaciatian i8.HUTlCES,WHEfl�SfN7 {"Rules"). Except as p•ovided Fn the Rules,thare shall be no joir.der q�y noue�of claim and any�ather natice or sratemenc in�vriting or c�3nsnlidaiinn��1ith claims or contrc•versies of o;hsr persons. ��quirea tn ba g vaa to�he Corrpany unJer tnis palicy�rusS be Uiven to Ar�i1r�61e matkers may incl�de, bGt are r�ot limited to,any con:roversy the Company ak 4fl0 5econd Avanue Sauth, Mlnneapalis, orclaimbat�veent�eCompanyandth�lnsutetl2iisingau;ofarrelatirg i�alinnesota 55�01-24�9. to t�is policy,any s2��vir_e in c�nnectias�tiviifi iks Fssuance oi the�ieaeh of a�liey aioaision,or to a�y oEher oontrovers�+ar cla�m ar�sing��rt oi tl�a transaetion givir��rise io thi�poli�y. All arbitrable n-ak#ers w�h�n the�maunt of Insurence is$2,d�0,coa o�ie,s s�,�u ba arbilraied�t the optian of eithertire Conpany ar tha Insured, All arbitrable�natters tivhen t��e Amaunt of Insurarace is in excess of�2,OO�,G00 s'�alf be arbikrater�only t4tien agre2d io by 6olh the Campar�y and the!nsured. Arbitration pure��antta li�is�alicy 3nd und�r tha Rule�shall ba bindin8 upan the parties .:udgrrenk upc�r�the av�rd rendere�6y t��ArEitratar�s� maybe entered sn any�urt of�onpeieni jurisdicti�n. 15.LIABILITY LiMlTE�TO TH15 POLICY;POLICY E�ITIRE CON- T�tACT 1a17�is policy toge[her with all enearse�nents,if a�y,attacl�e�to it byr the Cvn'�Zany is the enrire�;ol�cy and contract batween the Ins�red and the Compan��. In inkerpreiing any�roL�sion of Ihis Pd�s I