6078038 Warranty Deed & Title Ins. 2615 S. Evergreen @3/22J2�12 0�:40:@9 P� WarraniYgQaed $6�-0� pa9� ? of 4 �Pakane CounlY k'�sF,��eRaJMEt1T. C17Y 4F SPOKRNE �q6��8��$ 1I�Jliltillll�rlJ�I�IlII'lfllllrli�If I11��I1illltli�!III�'�ill'���I1�III I'I�rll� t'�fter cecording returji cioculnent ta: City of 5pokane Valley PuU�ic �7orks I�ep�rtment I 170'� E. S�ra�ue Ave., Ste 30� S��okane�ailey, WA 99206 Dac��inei�t T�tle: Warraart}� Deed Grantoi•s: Timothv �Z. �nd Je�vel 1��. Stoll Grantee: Governrnent, City of Spo�zane Valley Legal Desc��iptiou: A portiaa� vf���RA B225 Ac�ditia�zal Leg�I Descriptiai� is Attaclied an Ex�ibit"A" lX. EXIlIU�6 i4B" af Document AssesSOr's Tax Pareel �Tumber; 45263.0828 WARRAP�ITY DE�I) City Street Addres5: 2615 S. Ever�ceii Road THE GRr'�NTORS, Timothy M. Stoll and Jeti�•el M, Stoll, hustaand and wife, far and iyl �onsideration of 510.(�0 and consideration af mntual beilefits iu hand paid, in lieu of atid �nder k�u�eat oI'the e�ercis� of eminet�t domai��, canvey at�d ��varrant to the Cit� of S�okay�e Valley, a nititlicipal cor�aration of the State of Wasl7ington, THE GRANTEE, far �ublic use foreuer, t��e fallo���inb descril�e�real estate: � � For legal descz•iptio�l atid aciditioiial canditio��s � See Rig11t-of-;lVay Exhibits A &.B attachecl Ixer�eta and made a��art hereof. � SUBJECT TO all easetiients, rest��ictious, cove�iatits and encumbra�lces of reco��d. wL � � � � .° r�',,a, Tt is understoad aild agreed ttfat r�elivery of tt}is deed is hei�eby teudered ai�d that tlie � terms and oUligations Ftereof�hall nat Ueca�ne l�inding upon tl7e City flf S�akane Valley u��less �,,� and until accepted az�d approved hereon izi �vritiug for tlie City of SE�akane Valley, by tlie � Spokane Valley Director af Fublic �'Voi•ks. Also, tl�e ui}dersig�ied hereb�� rec�uests tlie � Assessar aiicl Treasu�•er af saicl Caurity to aet-aver to the ren3aiiider of t1�e �ierein �iescribed � ��ai•cel, #he liet�of all �zt��aid taxes, if a�ry, �ffectilig tli� pi°operty hereby canveyed, as provided A�`'�.a l�y RG�a 84.60.a70. �.� �a Df1.TED tliis�day nf �C�'�� , 2a12 r ° � �� , �.�' `�?.�-�� �� � _ Timot }�l��I. Stoll Je� 1�R. 5#alI Ret�iscd a6rU9 �'age 1 of 2 Pagcs Parcel No. �5263.QS28 I i STATE OF WASHINGTOl� ) � 5S. County�of r�P� f�,�l�� ) I Tlae tmdersigzled rlota�y�l�blic in ai�d far the State of Washiugtoi� does lfereby certify th�t I ICIl01'V Ql'�t�V� 5c��15��lC�OT,��5��idez�ce t�lat Tinzatl�y 1VI. Stol� ar�d Jeti���l 1b1. Stoll sig�iec�this I instrumeiit anci aclui�o��led�ed it to be t�aeir fi�ee and voluntary act far the uses and p��rpases 111�11t10IleC� 111 XIl�111SkIUT1leIlt. Gi�,�en under iYiy�iand and afficial seal this �7�a�of , 2012. , �������„ ��/ ; ,,,`�r�ti�r�,���.6� /�+,�ffii��,J' pl'111t�C�1�3111P4��U���E/l�` /T(. �/'�L-�e� ;, �P��h�5siou'��.�'9{�., Resading at +v'�r� .`' NOTq ���� " h�y Coyainlissiou Expires �2- ,�5'�-/� �r �: _ 4.. _ ;tn�'; �'°UBLIC ! =�� ' � `. �o��zs,�G,�O�..` Accepted anci Appro��ed ., � ... , � �. `''��.�WA5H� ,ti��'` r'f+++����������Yt1 /� nyT p�y, `7 r�,T �IT�r llF' �P111�tiltir�' V a�L;I.L` 1 Depa�-tment of Pul�lic ��Jorks � By: Neil Kersten Director of Pu�l' 4`4'oi�ks I)ate. ' °'� Attest: , '��i,;'tt�,'1--��El ic���.�1��'L� Page 2 of 2 Pages Yai�cel I�o.45263.0828 ���'�''�, � LLC PFi�F�SSIbNAI LAN� SURI/EYORS 619 N. 1�l1DELJA STREET 5POkAHE, WASHINCT0�1 &9202 RIGHT-OF-GVA,Y EXHIB�T A PHOiI� 5(19.42G.2829 Fh}f 5U9.92B.27J6 LEGA�. DESCRIPTION R[ght of Way Acquisition — Parcef 45253.0828 The East 10.00 feet af t'he �J1Jest 30,�0 feet of that partian of Tract 2Z5, VERA, as per �lat recorded in Vofume "O" of Plats, Page 30, recards of Spokane Cou�ty, descrfbed as follows: COMME�lCING at th� West quark�r corne�-af 5ecti�n �6, 7ownship�5 Narth, Range 44 �ast, W.M.; thence Sou�h along t�e 1Nest line of said Section 26, a distance of 925.00 feet to the POI�lT OF BEGINNING; th�nce South 89°53' E�st on a line� parallel wath khe Sout� line nf Tracf 225, VERA, as shawn on the plat thereof, a distance of 9$0 feet; thence North paraflel with t�e West line of said Section 26, a diskar��e of 15p feet; th�nce North 89°53' 11Vest, a cliskance of 180 fee#fa fhe West line of said section; the�ce Sou#h alaa�g the West line or said sectior�, 150 feet to the Point af Beginning; s�tuaie ir� tt�e City of Spo�Cane V�Iley, County of Sp+�kane, State of 1�'tiJashingkon. � d� /� ��� R• � � ��� Q� � ,,.� � �P 28390 q +°r e�x�i• �� � � RIGHT-OF-��IA�c' EXHIBIT B � � � � � � � � � n � � � � � � r�� u�i � � °' W p X z = Z � t�0239'S8"W 150A�' � � � � N � � � N � � 3 ,� N � Z t+l � Q � Cf � u�i O N ¢ � Ly � (�J S O � � C] � a O Q � � � � �f7 r (p � Lil w � N N � z �ri �, � �� �F �°o� N t� N �a N � p�p �� Z � zo NQ2'39'58"W 150,flfl� —���}C ` X o 3,500 S.F. ° 1 T � 1 I � Q lM � N r�oz��g'sa"w �, � EVERGREEN ROA'D � � � �-�°' a l �3( � —� W 1 f �w Z� �I �? �4 �} �`Q �� 1 =' 1 w� � �� � � � ° � � � ���h�N P� � I 1 �� � I F e ° � � � � �,J F I I rn � Y'� � �[[�.� 4� �.I'°� 1 � a '� cs J I � � � �� �. U � � �� Q � 1 ����I� � : ���v���'�r�,�i �� ��� QWNER'S PaLICY �F T�T�� INSURA�IGE �* � � 7+� �- * Policy Numh�r �� �S f J���� y� * lssuetl by Gid fiepu�lic f�a�iorral�tle In�urance Compaml * '� Any notice afcfairn and any aiher nolice ur slr�tenient in writing requieed to be givon to liie * �t * �ompany underthis Pol[ey must be[�iveu 1a 1he Company akt�te address Sllobvr�in Sectian 98 ��t�te Canditions, G�VERED RIS�(S SUBJECT TO T�;E fXCtUSf01V5 FA��vI COVEAAGE,THE EXC=PTIONS E A01!C�'JE��GE CONTWNEO IN SCHEDULE B,A�IC THE CON�ITIDtiS,OLD RE['I IRLIC�1ATIOI�iAL TITL�INSUfi,4�CE COI�PAi�Y,a f�linr�esota torporalion Eihe"Company"!i�sures,as nf 6ate of Pal icy ane,t�the exle nk sialed in Covared Risks 9 and 17,after Daie of Policy,against lossor damage,not exc�ec�irr�thP Ar�n�mt pf Insurance,suskainec�or invurred bythe Insured by rea:or:of: 1.Tit,e�einy vasled uti7ei lhan as stated iit Scll�dule A. P.Any defect in ar lien or encurn�ranc�Q.�the liile.ThFS C�overed�iisk includas hut is nat lim�ted to nsurance a�ainst lass from�. {ay A dafect in t}�e litle ca�.ised hy (iy iorgery,fraud.undue influ2n�e,d�ress,incompetea�cy,incapacity,or impeisonaiior�; (iif faflure of any pa•s�n or Entity to#ave authorired a transf�f Of CO�1VE�nCB; (iiiJ 2 docur�ent aife�:ing Ti lla nul piu��ilycreateil,�xec�ta�J,aviinessed,seale�,acknoti��ledt�ed,notarizs�,or�efivered; (it��failure to performihose acls necessaryto creat�a d�c�ment by�ele�tronic means c�tnonzed by�laur, (��}adu�.�n�ent executed unr�era fialsif:ed,expireo-,nroihe���1�5e in��alid puw2r of ai:orney; (��i�a docurrent noi properly tile�,r2corded,ar incexed in the Pu61ic Recoids includ�ng failure to perform those acls 6yele�trnnic rneans aulf��rized by latv;ar ���ii� a d�fective j�dicial or atlministrative prcceeoing. {�)The I�.en of�eal e�tate taxes or ass�ssments in,posed fln the TitlP bya governr�ental autharit�•due or payaUle,bul u��paicl, �c'Any encraach�rert,encurn�rarse,�riolatiaa,v�rialinn,or aduarse circumstance afiert3nq tha Title tirar kvniild hP iisclnsed�ay an accurate and corr•plete land survey of the Lend. Tha term"�ncroachmen''°uncludes encroachrr�ents af exisii ng irr.provemer�ts Icuate�on ihe�a n� Qnto a�joining land,and encroachmerrts onto tne Land of ehistiug improveR�ents focaEe6 oi�adjoining land. 3.Unmarketable Title. �.�!o right af access t�and fro�n the�end. 5,T�e viclation or en,orce�r�er�t oi any law,or�inance,perm:t,or�cv�rnrrreNal repu`ation{incEud;ng thase relat<ng to buildfng and roi�iny�i�siricii€iy, ieculating,prahibiting,or relating to {a}the occupaney,use,o�enjoyment a`ih�Land; � {b} ehe characler,dime�sians,or location�f any improvement ar�ct�d on th�Lanc; {c�thesubdi��€sian of land;or {d�en�iroRmental protectior� if G notice,descticing ar�y part of 1hs land,is recn•ded in the Public 4E�ords setting forth t€�e viola:ivn or intention ta enforce,hut onlp to ihe exten: af�he v;olatifln areniarcerrent aelerred tu in that notice. OLG REPU6LIC NATIQ,YAi TITLE INSIiMANGE C�MRAMY Issued through the dffiee of: A S�'ock Ca�n�any SPOKANE CDUNN TY7L� ?BOSecordr7usrnreSru�l� Mio,��a�ali,s,�MinnPSS����554L?] �4iNPA{YY +fi11)37i-i P i J NoR�rie�r��c su[�oinG,5utr��ao 3010 N.NOR��AIlDIE S�fREET SPOKAfJE1 N!lISHI1JGTQN 9)201 Gplir���.�sigr,ed.� $y ' Pr�sidPrit ` f. r , ` , �`AUtl�rized,Odficerorngent y� �` A[2es1 �¢,�-�-'��-- �A'`tt 5ecretary � �. QRT Farm 4�9 - --- �1L1l,pr,ne�s Pa'iy ef rdla Imuranaed•17-03 aw�,ERs PaLicv �cheau�e a Of�ice File Nun�ber Palicy Vumber Date af Pofcy Amount oi Insurance premium 179731 OX Q8�35461 March 23, 20i2 at $1,004,D0 $270.�0 8:fl0 a.m. i. Nam�of fnsured; 7H� CITY OF SPOKANE V�4LLE'�, a municipal corporation af t�e �tate of Wash6ngton 2. 'The estafe or interest in the land w�ich is cover�d bythis palicy is: FEE SIMPLE 3. The �state or interest in the land is vested in: 7H� CITY OF SPDKA�1� VAI.L.�Y, a rnunicipal car�aoration �f the S1ate of lhfashingtor� 4. The land referretl Eo in #his Palicy as described as Pallows, 5ee Exhibit A attaclied hereto and made a part h�ereof. �ountersigneci ,`� , �: ti �` � ��'��� '1�,�.f. '�j BY '�, �� _ , c,� � Auiharized Officer or Agent SPOKANE CC}UNTI� TITLE CQMPANY NpR7HBpNK 6UILQING, SUlTE 1U4 *** 1�10 N, h1aAhAANQIE STREET * '�� A.n Agerrt af SPOKAh1E,WASHINGTOh1 99201 :� �� * O�d Republic NatiDnal TELEPHDNE(509)326-2826 ** * ** Titl� Insura�ce Companyr This policy vafiti onEy if 5chedul� B is �6tac�ed, Exhibii A The East i�.00 feet of the INest 30.00 feet o#that por4ion af Tract 225, UERA, as per plat recorded in VoEume '"a" of PEats, page 3U, records of Spokane Counly, described as follaws: COMMENCING at tFte West quarter corner of Section 26, 7ownship 25 North, Range 44 East of ihe V�Villamekte Meridian; Thence Sauth alvng fhe West line of said Section 26, � dislance af 925.�0 feet to the Roint Qf Beginning; Thence Sauth 89°5� East on a line parallel with the 5outh line of Tract 225, VERA, as shown on the plaf thereaf, a distance of 180 fee1; Thsnc� North parallel with the West line of said Section 26, a distance af 150 feet, Thenee North �9°53' West, a distance of 180 feet t� the West line of said section; Thence Souih along the West line of said section, 15€1 feet to #he Point of �eginning; Situate in the Gity of Spokane Va[ley, County of Spokane, State af Washington. i � f OWhJERS P�LICY SCHEDULE B - PART I File Number: 17973i Policy f�umber: OX 6�735461 EXCEPTi4NS �ROM CflVERAGE This pofcy does not ins�.,�re against loss or damage (and ihe Company vrill not pay easts,a[lcrney's fees or expenses},ti�rhich arise by reaso�of: STANDARD E}CCEPTIONS: 1. Richts ar claims ot parties in possession,or claiming possessian, not sho�rn by the Rublic Records. 2. A�ny encroachment, encumbrance, violaiion,�ariation,or adverse circumstance affecting th�Title that vroulo` be disclosed by an accuraie and compiete land sur�ey of lhe Land. 3. Easements, prescriptiue rigMts, rights of-way,'iens or encu�brances,or claims Ihereof, no1 s�own by the Pubfc Records. 4. Any lien, ar right to a lien, !or contribulions lo employ�e benefit lunds, or ior state titi�orkers' comper�sation, ar for serwices, la�or,or material heretofore ar hereafter furnished.all as imposed by la4u, arao noE sho,�m by Ihe Pu6'ic Records. 6. Taxes or special assessm�nts ti��h�ch ar�no[ye�payat�le ar which are not shotiun as existing liens by kiie P;�blic Records. B. Any lian for setiice, insta�iaiion, corne�lion, rr�ainlenar�ce> lap, capaci�y, pr construc[ion or similar charges for seti•rer, a��aler, eleulri�ily, natural g�s or other�utili;ies,or fa�garbage callection and tlisposal not shown 6y the Public Aecords. 7. Unpaiented mining claims,ar:d all rights relating thereio. e. Reservatians and exceolfons in Ihe linited 5lales Patents or in r1c1s aW�:orizing ihe issuance thereof. 9. Indian tribal cades o�regulatior�s,Indian lreaky or aboriginal righls,inciudir�g easements ar equilabfe s°rvilutles. 10. Water rigMs,cla ms or title ia�rrater. SPECIAL �}CCEP710NS: i. LIABIL.ITY TO ASSESSMEN7S, if any, by t�e Gity af Spokane ValEey, 2. LIABILITY TO ASSESSMENTS, if any, by Vera Water& Potiver. 3. �EED QF TRUS�', to secure an indebtedn�ss, ineluding aray interesl, advan�es, or oth�r obligations secured thereby; Am�un#; $195,829.00 Dated: Febru2ry 12, 2{�p$ Recorded: February 2d, 2�08 Recarding No.: 5643446 Grantor: Timothy M. 5#all and Jewel M. Stall, husband and wife Truste�: Rvuth Crabtree Olsen-Jarnes Miersma Beneficiary: Mortgage �leclroni� Registratior� Systems, In�c., as nominee for U.S. Bank, N.p. Aifects: This arza ofher praperty I SCHEI)�L� I3 - coi�ti�9fied File �lumb�r: 179731 Palicy No. �}4 087354�1 4. AGREEMEN7, including the terms and conditions thereaf; Be#ween: Vera Electric Water Gompany And: D.I{. NicDonald, A.C, Jamison and Andrew Good Dated: April 2�, 19D8 Recarcfed in: �oak "H" of Contracts, pa�e 292 For; Prflvisians to provide utiliiies and inciden#al serv�ces 5. EASEM�NT, incluc�ing the #erms, c4venants and F�rovi5ions thereof, as granted by instrument; Recorded: December 7, 196D Recardir�g No.: 750F382B �n favor nf: The Vlfashint�ton Water Pflwer Campany, a corpar�tiqn, iks suGCesSOrs ar�d assign5 For: The purp�se of installing, maintaining, repairing and removing a gas distribuiion pipe fine and appurt�enances thereta, together with ihe righ# to inspect said line and to rema�e brush and trees that may interfere with the construction, maintenance and operation of the sarne END OF SP�CIAL EXCEPTIO�lS NOTES: 1. GENERAL R�AL ESTATE TAXES, (including amoun#s fox Aquif�r, Starm 4Vater, Irri�ation, �raina�e Water, ant! Fland Conlrol, if anya, for t#�e year 2Q12, WHIC�I HAVE BEEhf PAID IN FULL; Arnount. $3,160.95 Tax Accc�unt Nfl.: 45263.�828 Affec#s: This and other praperty END QF NQTES bj5 I �..,..�-✓-.��EJ�.. . . . �irz--.-_T�-._:.:5::.=:s f-1 I � I I ������ 1t;J t1�'�1?'l'jl/'A.�`r��li�`5��.�-'S���CS`�ti'\�} I YI X �—- �` ��, °5,; I� j � 1Y�i , - J. ts�, .— �T� % �� :.- ��-�., .R� � �r1,� O�� xA 9jj\���: '�1� � . �_ .r. .:�.-��.';-""-°�--�v � :�{•--, .'-� ' v�.� �����'���. � � ����iY^ hEl'1_/�`.)h L "I'7J OC)� ��'i �71 fi9 "��- �/'l ���,'dr :` , �; 4 t�1 20' �1a �. � �. �. �g .�,� .� �� � �� �j .��i ' � �;���y `"nrc�i -�..�- �,- `` le`?� -�-__..----ikE4'r F�IGI17 1 .� T 2b�9t� �}�, � - OF 'NAY ..Itd�: -� ��x�y�°_r�'�Et��{��'� :! C) � �. ��' � ;. '-���°az_�_r�`�f. �� w �U'� . �.- ..y r. �l� `�\����551'w�»'�'D".U_7'l!l��ff�i FXIS'tIt�JG f;IG4S"f --� � _°' cp �E�263.i7F32�� � , - OF '�','AY I�NF--�'Y �'N � � � i'.2.<;GQ :S.r, n{:�,ihlt�l�Gf: __ ,�, •� J �.. n � •� ..r. � (+. '�l .. V �- �� _U' _7 _ �j ux v o _ - rs� � - - : . > �:, - - 5� -� � f. ��iY�w�-� - �i,f,�� Ih: F EE� ��� ' '�0' s��7'?�u;�`�.lz�_ti?�c�C���.:_•,..u.,,.,,. --. •- ,__�b...e .._. ,.__ .�a._:,..-.,_.._ .� ._ • .,�.—_..�rY��-,i7- �� -s=�,��z*u9n.�..,�.p -., 34' ��'`f'S�� �l��°P►t1C �_. __ .�� wv �--� ---� --- O �,__. ...� It"�• _ ,. . ..-.. .,��.� � ?�� _ . .�..� .,.��—. ..._ .-`-. /� /1 ..-.,�..�-.-_-.�.,.. "' � � d �"��-; . �__.i.( P4A4 `k�� �. R�.! '`�... _. � � � F'f�l���S�IC]hl�il_ LII�![: :�131KvC�"�)hz��; x �39 p i�. F�€h�7�:1#.� S"fl7[:t:#� Ik1 � � .}r,�/y�� 1i+ I� Ie�' tiI (lfl'``{r� . 1 f � � , ��VI\CliY�� Yf�.�il-���V,L]��}11 i1tJf4r! PItL�IE 5?9.s?&.?�21 FhX �io4.92b.::='r, r -��a.'�6-����:s�:��:-�.=�s����.:r.sa+k�:aasr . . . . :��ti���e"���Fxa>__s.r �ra�rtor�a��t���Q��r�t c�sECr:o� �� ��rourNSit�e �� N�R�H,t�a��� �� .��s�,v�.rr�. fHISS}tETC-1IS FURPJI�HEDFOR II�JFOftM11ATiDfJALPURPO5E5 ����A�jl": �� 01JLY TO ASSI�T IN P�C1PF.'f27Y LOCAT ON_ ❑iP�E3J51dN5 ARE. �'A4\L!� NpTGVP.RAhJTEEO;�tJD'44JSi I�fOTBEREt�EDIFF'GfJ74 * ���TY DETEFNI�lE aCRF�.GE 012 SF3APE. 11115 CG�JIPACIY&SSUh1E5 t�10 N LIAG�ILftY FU��LG55 IVGUtiftED B'Y REASOW OR RELIA'!�E 'I'I'I'L,E � �f��RE��.,. SPOfCANE COUNN TITLE GO��IF�ANY 326-P626 "5ervice Is'llae DifFerence" &.An enfcrcement actian k;aseo on th:e axercise of a go�err�rnsntal pollce po�ver not covered by Covered�'ssk 5 if a notiee fl�the enlorcemeM action,describ:ng any part oF the Land,is re�ordsd in#he Pu6!ic Hecards,cut anly to the er.kent of fhe enforceme nt r�ferred to in that no;ice. 7.The ex��cise of ihe rights af emfnent domain if a notice of tne eaerc�se,describing zny part of tne Land,is recarded ir�the�'u�ii�Hecards. �.Any taking hy a govemrrental�oc�Ythat has Gcc�ured ard is birc#ang on the ri�hts of a ptircFaser for value ti�+ithout Kn�wlec�r�e 9.Tille�ieiaty v�sted vi�Gei[Eian as sta:etl in Schedule A ai Lseing defective ta�as a result of the avoidance in v��hale or in part,nr from acourt ord2r prv�r�ding an alterrtative remed�,of a transter oi all or aizy gare af lhe tiile to or�ny inlersst in ti�2 Land o�curring p�ior to�F�e transa4liun v�sliuy Tille as•s3iowr iti Stili�clule A��cau,�that prior uansfer canstituted a araudulent or Freferentisl transfer under ietlerel k�ankruptcy,sta�e insolver:cy,or si�nilar credilors';ig�7ts lativs;ar [b]oecause ti�e instrument of tr2nsier ves:inc Title as sho4�rn ir�Schedule A�constitutes a preferen;ial tran:sfer und�r f�deral bankru�uy, s#ate nsofvency,or similar creditars`�ights la�vs f�y reasan of the failure of its recoroin�in the�u�lio Records qi�to be time4�,or {ii�to impart notice oi its existence to a�urehaser for tira ue or to a j�dym�r�t ar Ilen credi�ar. 10.�ny tlefect in or lie n orencumbrat�ce arr iha Tit��or att�er maite�includeu in Cav2red Fiisks 1 through 91h�t has bean create�ar attached ar has b2en filed or recor�ed in the Public Aecords subsequent to Date of Policy antl prio�to the reeor�ing c�f iite deed or otner instrument ot#ranster irs the Public Records tha3�•es4s Title as sha�vn in Schedule A. Tne Campan�wili a'se paytha casts,attorneys'fe2s,ar�d sxpenses incuired in defense of any rnatter insured agai nst by this Policy,�iut�nly to tFe ea�ent Frovided in ihe Condiiions. Exc�usia�us F�o� c�r����►�E Ti�e foliowing matt�rs arE expressly excluded frorn 1h�coveraga of �b)nat KnotiLm to thoe Gomganp,not recarded�n 1�e Pu6lic th�s policy,and 1he Company�,ill rivt p�y loss or damaga,costs, Records at Date of Policy,but Known to the'nsured Gla mant aitarneys'fees,or�xpenses thal arise by reasW n of: ar�d not�lisclosad ir�tinrritin�ic•the Canipany by 1fe I iasur�d Clai mant prior to ihs date the If!s�reC Claimant becan'e an 1. {a1 Any law, ordinan•�e, ��rmia,ar goverrJnentaf reg�lation Insur�d under l'nis polic�; {inclutling those relating to builtling an�zonirgy reslricting, (cM is�uliing in no loss vr dama�e to the Insurzd Cial mank; regula'in�,prohibiiino,or re.ating to �d�atkaching or crsated subsequent tu C?ate o#F�licy Ihaav�ver,th€s do�s not modify or IimiEthe caverage provided {iM tha occupaney,�se,ar enjmyment of tne Land; under Covered Risk 9 antl 1 D1:ar {ii)the c#�aracter,dimer�sicns,or f�catian of any �eM resu'ting in loss er d3mac�e tnat�NOUIa not have beer� improvemer�:erected on tha lard: s��stained if t'nQ Insured Claimant had paid vafve for t�ie Ti�le. {iii}tha subdlv�sion of lantl;or (ivJ envir�nrr�ental protecti�n; 4.Aay claim,by reasan�f ti�e aperataon of faderel ban<nspicy,stale tnsolvency,or similar creditors'rights laws,that t�.e transac#ion or:he effect of anyu�olation af tfi�se la4rs,cidinances,ar govern vestina the Title as shotivn in ScheduleA,is mental�egulations. This Ex�lusion 1{aj does n4t modlfy or limit t#�e covarage pravitl�d under Co�rere�i Hlsk 5. {�I a fra�dulertconvey�nce or frauduler�r transf2r:or (bl Any go;�ernmental pol ice potiver. T#iis�xr,�u�ion t(b}dass not {bM a prefer�ntiaE kransler#or any reasor:not state�in Covered moclsfyor limit�he coverag�provirl�d under Cavsred�isk 6. Risk 9 caf tl:is poEic��. 2. Rir�f�ls ef eminPnt dnmain.7his Exclus'�on does n4t modify cr limit ,5,Ar�y i�n nn rh�Titl�#rrr�p�l Psr�tP tar�s ni assessn�ents i:�i�posec� th4�over�g�provided�nder"avered Risk 7 or B. b��eava;nmemaE autha•ily and crealeJ or attaching bet4ween Date of Palicy�antl the date af r�carding of th:e deed or athvr inslr€�meaik 3. Da!ects,liens,en�us�nbranc�s,adv�rs�claims,or otlier rrratters pf tiar�sfer in ttre RuElic lacards tha[v�st5 Title as sl�al,�n in S�h�dulo A. {aP creaied,suffered,assumed,�ragraed te byt�e Insured Cl�irnant; ���� CD�iDITI(}N� AND STIRULAT�ONS 1.i1�FIN4�lON OF TERMS purchase,lease,or lend i f ttiere is a eonirar.tual condiiion reyiiirin[� The tollov✓+ng ter�r�s L�rhen used in tf�is poficy mean: the delivery�f rraricetable�i1Ee, �a�"A�rount of I�surance"�: Th�amount stated in Scheduie A,as nny be inrreased ar decreasad hy endflrsemeni to this poficy,increased 2. CONTIh1UATl�f�UF INSUflANCE t�ySecton Blb),n!d�creased byS�c:i�ns 11 ar:d 12 o'taiese Conditions. The cavErage cf t#�ls policy snall contln4e n farce as of Date of �b�"o�ce t,�ro���}�": The date designated as `dat�o!Poficy"in P�licy in favor of an Insured,but anlyso long 2s the Ir�sure4 re[�ins Sc�eduls A. an�state or interps:in ihe Lanci,or�al�s an obligation secure�b�� (��"EntiEy�: A CO�POEekI0f1,partnership,trust,limited liahility a pur�hasa mane��Martgage gi��er�by a purchas�r fram the Insured, campany,or other s€mllar�agal en:iky, or anly so lan�as the Insured s�ralk have lia6ility�y reaso�af (dJ"Ir�s�re�': The Insured narned in Schedule k v✓arranties in any transfer a�c�n��e��ance of th€1 itle. This polic'�I sl�a[I no4 c�ntinuc in iare in fatinr�f any purchaser fram ih� �i}The te�nx'Insure6'alsr+inc�udes Insured of either;i}an estat�or in,arPSt in the Land,ar[iiJ an {p,�successors t��tfia Ti1le a3 the Ensured by oparati�n of las�r ss a6ligation secured by a purchase n�oney M�rtgage giver�to ti�e distin3uished frorn purchase,includi�g heirs,davisees,surv�v�rs, In�ured. persanal rep•esen;atiues,or naxiork:n; �B��uccassars to an Insu�ed�iydiss�alutiun,merger,consolidation, 3_ NOTIICE 4�CLAIM Ta��GIU�N E3Y 1�5U�1�D��,41MANT distributinn,ni rr;arganiratinn; 7he lnsured shall notifyti�e Company�rpmptlyin�ti��iting�i)in��se ;�;successars ko an lasure�by its car�vers.an to anathar kind af of any liligation as set forlh in Se;.tion�;al of these Condikion�,;�i) Ea�tity; � in case Knor,�Jed�s sl�ali come to an I�sured hereunder of any cl7im (Dj a grant2e�f an ins�,�ie€i under a dEed deGaered without of t11EE or interest that is ac�verse to ths Title,as insured,ano tt�a# paym2n€of e�c:�l valuable cansi��ration conveying the TiUe miy�it cause foss ur da�r�age f�E tivhich U7e Ca�npan��mzy b�li��le �i}if tf7e stocic,shares,memherships,oi othe�e��fi[y byvirtue afthis pcliey,or{iil�if�he Tide,a�'tnsu�a�,is rejectsd as inkeiests af the grantee are���holly-�wned hy the Unmarketa�le Titre. If t��e Com�any is F��ejutlic�d b�,�1h�failure c�f nar�d'Ensured, the Insuiec C!aimant to�provitle prompt not�c�,tha�:o�i�ny's �2}if the granlae tvhally avans the named Insured, liab�ity to the Ins�rrea C!air�ant t�ntler the policy shall be redu�eu �3�if the graniee is�ti�hally o4vned 6y�an afliliated to th�e�te��t of the prejadice. Entity of t�e narned Insured,provide�the aifiliai�d 4. �RODF UF LOSS Entity and the narnad Insure�are bodr�s�holiy•flti�.�ned In ihe evEnt the Compa��y�s unable to dete�nune the an�oun#af 6y the same pe�son or Cntity,or foss or da�rage,the Company may,at its aption,re�aulre ss a�antl it�n (4�if the yrantee is a tr�stee or ber��ficiary o!a Uust at payrnei�t tha[thie Insured Claimant furr�ish a signed p•oof o4 loss. cr2aled�y a vrritten it�stru�nent estaG'ish�d�,y the Tfre�raof oF lass mEist describe t#�e ve�ect,lien,eneum�ianca,o� Insured nan}ed in Schedule A fcr est2te�lannint� piher n�ailer insured agai�s:by ihis pali€y thak constilules the purposss. bas's of loss or dan�a�e anci shall sta��,lo the exient Possible,ihe [ii�Wi�h regard to�A),(�},[GJ,anc{pj reservi�g,hcvraver,all rights bas s of�alculating t�a amau�i of th�loss er tlama�e. and de€ensES as to any sac�essar tttat the�am�any wauld have f�ad � �EFENSE AMD PRUSECUTlOiV Of-l�CTi0N5 against a�y predecessar Insured. {e}'Insured Claimant': An I�sured clair�ing�oss or damaga, I�;Upon v�ritEen r�ques� by the Insuretl,a�o subject ro the op�ons {f}"Knawiedge°�r'Known': Ac_ual lcno�.vledge,not ca�struct�ve �a�=ained in 5ection l of these Condi:ions,the Comp�nV�at its kno��rledge o�n�tice that may 6e imputed ta an InsurEd By reason of ov�rn cost and ti^rirhout unreasora�le delay,sh�ll pravide for t�e the Puhlic Reeores or any aiher Eecords that impatt consiructive tlefense af a.n Insured in li#igation in which any third�arty asserts �ot�ce of matters aifectin tne Titls. a cEaim covared b�+this�I'rcy a�iverse to ihe Insur��.This oblic�skion 8 is lirnited to only tliose stated causes of action all�ging ma;teis (91'Land': �halanddescribed in S�heduleA.�nd zfli�ed i`m�rov�menls insured aga nvt�y:his poliey. 7he�C�mpany s`sa'I hat�e tho right to thak by latv cvnstitute re�l pr�perty. 7he ke€m"land"doss rot salac:caunsel oi its choiee�subjeetta the rigitt of#he Insured tG i�clude any proper�y�eyond the lines of the a�ea descrihed in otjeel Eor reasona�le causel ia represeri the Insuieci as k�thc�se 5che�ule A,m�rany aiyht,ti�le,interest,estate,3r easemar:t in stated causes oi a�tr�n. Itshall not bv 3iable forantl avill not oay abutting streeis,�aaGS,averues,a�leys, �anes,v�ays,or water�ti�ays, kh?fees o�any other counsel, 1 i�e Coi7ipany�vi II�at pay a�y faes, bu�this tloes nok rrrodi(y ar limi t th�exter�t tha[a rig�rt of access to costs, or expenses r�curred hy fhe�nsured in Ihedefense�f lhose and ironi the Land is insured hy�his policy. tauses of a�t onth�t allega matters not lnsure�against by tli�s pal3cy. �h�'hs�ortga�ae": Mortgegs,daed of tr�sst,trustdeed,or other security �b�The Company snall hava the right,in�dditionto ihe options instrurr.ent,in�lutling o�e e��idenced by ekectior7ic n�eans authariied contamed in Secti�n 7 of these Conditions,at its cwn cost,to by latv institute antl prose�ut�any action or proceedi�nr t�dA�ny Ii}"Pu�lic Recvrds': R�cords Established ur.d2r s€ate statutes at other act that i�7 its opieian may l�ne�essaryor dssirable to Date of Nolicy tor the pu��ose ot imparting cansirur���r�natrce ef estat�lish the Title,as ins:�ro d,nr m nrati��ni nr rprf�r,P tass nr matters relatin�to real p-oparty to purcl�ase�s for val�•e and�slthout damag2 ta th�Ins�red 7hv C�mpany rnay take any apprapria:e Knutvledye Ul+ith iespect to Cave€ed Rislc 5�d�, `Publle Aecards' actia�under the tetms oF t�3is pnlir.y,t�helhar ar n�t it shall be liabla to the Insuie�. The ex�ic sa of these ri�hts shall nat f�?an s�a11 also Inc'ude environrnental prakection liens ii'ed in the records at�rnissio�nf liah'Eity or avaiver of any prou�sion nf this po`icy. of the cleik af the Unitetl States C�istrict Gaurt�or the disfrict tivhere li the Company exA�cises its rights un�ier ihis sub.e;,tian,it must the Land is local�d. do so diligemlj�. ��}"7itle": The estate a'inte�est descsrbad in Schedule A. �c�Whenzver[�e Campany�riiiys an ac�ion or asserts a defiei�se �k;i"Un•na�kelable Tit`e°:Title aifected by an allege�J or apperer.t as required or permitted by this policy, [he Con�pany rnay puisue matter[ha;vrould permit a prospective purchaser or IesseE of the th�li[igatiorr io a fin21 detenr�ination by a cour�of corrpet2ni Title ar lender ar�tlia 7itle t�be released from the o6ligation to juris�iction,�n�il expresslyreserves the rig�t,in its sole discrelion,io a�pesl a��y advere judgr�ent or order. Page3 . .. ... . ...... _.. . .. . __ ._... .. . .., .. ,.... .. . . . .,. ._. _ .. � ° � CQN UI TIQN 5 A�p S71P€1LQTI0�1 S{ca n't] S hc1TY OF IN5u�E�CLAIMAh1TT�C[lOY�RATE� pp;iry.In addit�o�, ihe Company�v ll pay any cusks,a.�orReys' €ees, fa}In all eases�vh�re khis poli�y p�irnits ar requir�s Cha Cam�•any and exFenses invurred�y ti�e fnsure�Claimant that urare autho�iaed to{�rosecute or proti�ide for�ha d�fense af any actiun or proceading �y���e C�r�pany up ta t�ietime of payment and Ehat the Company as an��any appeals,rhe lns4ieri sha,i sa�.u�•e to the Company tMe sight oh�igated to pay,or ta sa prosecure er proyide defen��in��e acticn aa proeeedi-�g, �'ii� �a pay aro�harsvise settle with the Insured Claitnant tne loss inclvding tne right t� use,at its aption,the narne or th�Ins�re��for ar dama�e prorida�far under ihis colicy,togethe��vith any cosls, €hi�pur�ase. I�Jhenever reyuesleci k�y t��e Cam�amr,the Insured, aktomeys''fees,and exaenses incurr�d b}�the I�sured Claimant inat at khe Company's ezcense,shall giue the Comaany ali ressonabla ;�l�re aut;�o•ized by the Compa�y up[o the tirr.e o1 payn�ent and tha: aidtiE in s4curir.y eti�idence,oblaining tivitne5ses,prosevu:in�or the Comvany is ohligaied to pay. . defern�ing the activ��or p.•oceeding,ur effecti6ig settfiement,and �ii�ir�any oi�pr lativful actthat in tne opinion af the Campany may Upan the ehercise by t�e Company of either af ihe options pro�ided be necessary or desirable to establish the Titl�or an��other n�atter for I n subsectians{b;[iJ or{ii�,the Company's obligations#a the Insured as insured. If t�e Cor�pany is prejudicetl bythe lailu;�cs'Ili� undar th:s�alicy for the clairred lossor damage,oth�r than tha lnsured tc iurnish th2 required croperation,the Company's c��iiga#ions pay��nks required to be made,sh�ll terminate,including any IiabiUty to[re I nsured under ihe po�icyshall t�rminate,including any oi obliaation ta�lefend,pres�cute,or continus any Htigation. lia6ility or ohligation tn deier�[�,prusecute,or cont+n�3earn,+litigatien, .�niii regard to the rnatter or mattsrs ieauirir,�suoh cooperation. g p�,���MINATION AN�E�iTENT OF LIA6ILITY �bp fhe Company arsay reasonaoly reGuire[he Insured C�airnant to jhis policy is a c�nircet af indemnity�gains�acival naonetaryloss flr s.�bmit to e�:arrina!ion under oa.h Gy any a�thorizetl te�reseniative damage suslained or incur�ed t�y the_Insur�d"laimant��+hc has suffe�ed of[ne Compan�+and to piaduce for examrnatian, inspecti�n,and I�ss or dani�y�b•�reasan qf�7atters i nsured agsinst 6y Ih s pol icY. c�pying,at sue�reasanable ki:nes ar�d places as rrray be designated �a�The extent of Ilability of th,e Ca�n�any ior I�ss or daRrage�°�sder by the authorited representative of the Company,ail ia�oids,in �his Folicy shall not exeeed ihe lessar af 4vhakever m�oium m�in[air.ed,ineluding b�eks,]edcers.,checks, (il the�mount a�Insuran�e, or mem�orand�,correspondenc�,reports,e-ma�ls,dlsts,tapes,ard [�i]the differe�ce bet��:eon tha valu�of thE Titla as,nsure��and the viaeos whether hearinr�a�?ate b�iore nr aitar�ate of Pol!cy,that value of the Titie suhject to the iisk insuie�against oythis poGcy reasanably pertain to ihQ loss o;dam�ge. Further,if requested hy �6�If tha Cor�pany pursu�s its rights un�er Seciio�5 of these ar�y aut�rorized ep�esantative c�f tire Compan},U:e Insurec�Clainrani Cond:tiors and is ur�su�cessful in estahlis�ing the Titls,as i�sured, shall grant its permiss�an,in titiritinn,far anyauthariz�d representatiue �i�the,4�a��runt ot Insurance shal:be lncreased by 10°ro,=nd ot the CQmpany to�xvm ne,irs�ect,anr�cppy af af these records {;i]the Insured Claimant shall have#he ri+�ht to ha��e tha loss or in the custody or conir�l�f a khird parly that reasonably pertair�td dama��e tletermin�d either as of tl�e date the clairn�ti'as ma•�e by the Eoss o�damage. Ail infarmation designaled as�or>li�iential by ;�,e Insured Clal rn�nt or as of tne date it is sst�led and paid. t�e lnsuredClaima�t provided to the Campan°��•uruan[to this ;c}In�dd:tion to tkie extent o#hiaail�ty under�aj and(b},the Co7�pany 5action shal•n�1 be disclosed to others unless,in[he reasonable vr�ll also pay those cost5,attarneys"fees,antl�xpenses i�acurred in judgment of the Cnmpany,i'is necassary in the adrnin�stratior�n-' a�cordanca with Secliflns 5 a��d 7 of th�se Corad:tions. tha claim. Faifure of the Insurcd 4".�aimant fo submiC far ertaminatior� untler oath,produce any reasona6ly requested informaiinn,or g.LIMIFATIDAI QF LIA�I LITY gr2nt pe�mission tQ seUure reasonably necessary informati�n frtm {al E#tne Company estab`ishes the TitIE,ar removes ttt=alleged lhird�arties as requiratl i1 ti�is subsecticn,urless�rohl hited b}� defect,lien,ar encum6ranee,or cures ih��ack of a right a#access Ia��J ar goi�err�mental regulation,shall terminate any liability of the to or from the Land,or cures the claim of Un�arks�able Title,all a; Compan�y�nder this palic�y as to that claim. insured,in a reas�nably diligent ntanner byarry methotl,inc:utlin� litigation and the c�mr�lelion of any apGeals,it sf7all have ful9�s� 7. O�TfaNS TO PAY 4R OTHEf�WISE SETTLE CIA�MS; per�ormed iES abl�r�alions with r�s�e�t ta that�ratter ar�shail eol YERM�NAiION OF LIABILI7Y be�iable f�rany loss or damage caused k�the Insured. En case of a claim undett#i�s pvlicy,the Coanpany shall have the (�I In the�vent nf any li'.igatian,incl udfn�litigation by t'ne Campany follorving ad�ii:iona!ap�io��s ar���1ith th,e Carrp�ny's consent,t€�e Com�any shall have no liabilir.v [aJ To Pay orTe�tder Paument o€tha Amouni oF Insurance. {or loss ar darnzge until theFe has been a final�e#ermi�tion by a To pay or tender p�aymerit o�the Arrount of Insu�an�e under this eou�;af cornpeke nt jurisdic�ion,and disposit+on or a!I appeals, policy kcgether avith anV costs,atlor�ays'fees,anc�x�enses aoverse[�[he Title,as inswed, incurred by the Insured Claima�t that vlere?Ut�9f12E��•ths vo��p�ny up to the timE ot payn�ent or ter:d�r�of pay�Ent��d ti�a1 iGl The Company shall n�(b�liahle far Icss cr damage to the Insured for liability v�8unt�nly assumeA byti�e Insused i�settlft�r� t��e Comp�ny is oblig�ted to pay, any c!airr ar suit�rrithaui tke piior vr tten cansent wi th2 Con,pany. U�on thQ ex�rr.ise hy tl��nm�any ollhis aplian.all liahill�yand obligat�ors cf the Com�any to the In�ur�d under this pollcy,olher 10.R��UCTIE7N QF INSLfRAhlCE;REDUC�ION OR 7�RMINATION than tc;r�ake the payn�e��require�in this subsection,sh�11 tenr�nate, pF LIABILITY inclu��ing any liability ar obli�ation to cefena,Frosecute,ar contin- qll payments undarti�is pnlicy,excep:payme7ts mad�fcr tosts, ue any litigapon. aiFomeys'fees,a�d expenses,shall reduce t�re,�maunt o:`lnsurance {h}To Pay or Otherr�se Settle V�'ikh Fa�iles Qlher Than tha Insured by�i�e amount oi ii�ie F�ayrnent. oi VVirn t#�e Insu►Ed Claim3nt. �iJ To pay or�the�.,rise settie with ot�e�partizs 1or crr fn tha naria of an Insure��C air�arn any cla�m i nsur2d agair�st untler lhis Paq2 s . � I ` CONa171UNS Af�Q STIPULATIONS(san't) 11.LIABILITY NQNCUNIUI_A.TIVE policy,this policy s�all be�onsarued as a tivhole. The Amoim!of Insurance sh211 oe reduced by any amount the Campany �bi��y�c�aim of loss oi darnage t�at arises out of tiie stati�s ui the pays under any po"icy Irssu�i ng a ft�ortgace to which e:tce�tion is tak�n Title or by any a�tion asserting such claim shall be reslricled ta tliis in Schetlu�e B ar to which the Insured has agreed,assurr.�d,or ta�en policy. . sub�e�t,or tiv�h'eh is ex�cut�ed by an Insured after Date o�Pclicti�and �c)Any�amendm=nt of ar e�dorsement to lh3s��olic+�m�st be in tirr'hich is a char�e or iien o�tne Tit€a,�nd Ihe arrount so paid shalf 62 writing and Guthenticated by an aut�crited person,or expressly daemed�paymant to t�e Insured ur�de-this policy. inco�pora�:ed tr�Schedufe A af ih's�iolicy. {d�Ea�h endarsen3enk to t'�i�polir,y iss�red at any�ime is rr�ad�a 12.PAYMENT�F LOSS part oi tF�is palivy ancl�s s�ib�ect to a11 of ils terms and pr��r+s�ons. 1Nher Ilabil ity and the extent e#lass or damage have t��en defi nitely Except 4s the endorsement e�p�essly�tates,it does not�i1 rco�`if�� tixed ir�accorda7t�t��it�these Canditions,tlie�ayiueiu�li�ll 6�iiiatfe 6nyaf tEie terms and prov'rsions o1 tl�e pol'icy,�ii}inod:ty any��nor within 30 days. endorser�nt,!iii�exfe�d kha Date of PQlicy,nr{�v)increase the 13.R�GHTS OF R�COVERY llPON PAYNEEh�1T OR SETT�EMENT ���unt of Insurance. (al4Vhenever th�Gom�any shall h�ve settled and Gaid a c.aim 1S.5EYERASILITY uRder thls palicy,ii shall b3 subrogated and entitled m the rights of �n tha event any pravision ot Ehis policy,i�vrh�le or in pa�t, is neld the InsuracJ Glaimant in t��e Title and all athe�riyhts and�emedies in��alid orunenTOrceable under a�plicabla lat�r,the policy shall ba ir.res{a2ct Co Ehe claim that th�Ins�red Cl�imant��as e�ainst any neerred not to iR�lude lhaf pro4'isian or s�e�part'r�e`tl to be invalid,hut perso�or praper':y,t�the e�rteni o`1he am�aunt af am�lass,cos's, al6 other�F�rovisinns shall�err�in in full force ard effecl. a;torneys'iees,a�d expenses paid by the Company. If requesled b°r tne Company,:he InsuredClaimart shall sxecuta documenfs ta 7�,CHa[CE�F EAW,FORUhfI eviderce th�tansfer#u the Cnmpany oi ti!esa rignts and remedies. (a1 Ghc�ice aF�ativ: TIi2 Ir•suretl ac�no�vlecges tite�omF�any has The Ins�.red Glaimantshall permit the�vorr�pany to sue,comaromise, �ndertUrift��the ris'<s couer�d h��this po6icy antl c�eterm•ned t�e or settl2 in the nar�,e of th,e Insured Gla.�mant aR�to use the nasne �,���yurnt�arged theref�r in relia�3ce upon k�s la5r�af#ectin;�irterasts of 1he InsEired Claimant i�anyi�ansaetio;�ar litigatian irovo€vinc in r�af�ropert�anc applica�l�ta the interpretation,righ�s,rernadies, these rights a�d rerr�d�es. cr enfarcemW nt of policies af litle insuranc��of th�j�risdiciion if a paymen:on a.count of a claim does not tully covar ihe lo5s of +,�ere the Lar�d is locat�d. the Insured�laimgnl,the Ccmaam�shall defes the e�ercise of its 7hereto-re,the court or an aTbitrator sk�a11 apply the lativ ot;h? right to recov�r until afier the Insured Claimant shell have recovered jurisdictioi�v�here the La•id is l�ocated to de:ermina t�.e��alidity u! iks foss. clai�ns against the Ti[le tnat are a��werse to the!ns�tred�ntl io (�}The Cam�ary`s rignt or'subrogatian inclu�'es the righ[s of the ini�rpret and enforce tha tein�s of ihis policy. In neither case shall Insured#a indemnsties,guaranties,other palicies o�insarance,or the court or arbitcator apply i:s conHicts of!aw prir.ciples lo deter- bonds,not�ti�thskand€ng any terms or canoitiens contained in those mir.e the appli��ble law. ins4ruments that address subrogation sight�. [b}Chaice of Forum: Any I itivatian or ather prcceeding brought by 14.ARBITRATIQh1 the Insured against ths C�rr��any must t�filed only in a state or fedaial cour ta�thin the Lniled 5tates o1,4meeica or its territo-ies Either the Ca+rpany or ihe Insured ma���emand:I�a;1h2 clair��i haairg apprapiiate jurisdic#ioo controversyshall he su6mittsd co€rbit•aEian puruant to the Title �nsurence Arbilratian fiules of the Arrerican Land TitleAssaciatian 18_ItilO�ICES,WHERE 5EN'f ["Rules°}. Except as pio�iced in the Aules,there shvPl be no joinder q,�y r�ali�e of claim and any ather notice or st�ternant in tvriiing ar consflli�at�on v,nth clain�•s or co�#rov2rsies of otf�er persor�s. req�irsd ta be giver�to the�rrpany under this�olicy must be given to Ar€�itr�ble re�atters may include,aut are not limitad to,any conlraue'sy the C�mpany at 4GQ Se ond Av�nue South, i�9ir�nea��lis, ordain�betweenthsCom�nyan�thelnsu�edarsingautoforrelat,ng ��in��sota554J1-2�99. ta t�is poiicy,any sen�ice in connecGon�vith its issuance or 1ha breach af a policy prouisiar�,or to any other contro��ersy or claim arisirig out Qf tl°e transoctfon gi��ing rise to l�is policy. All arbitrable matters whe�r the Am�um of Insura�ce is$2,�0O,OOD or less sF:all be a��itraie�3 at the option of eitF:erthe Campany or the insure�. All arbiira6le maike•s tvhen the Arr.ount of Insurance is'in excess of 52,00{1,000 shall be aibitrated on y�.�hen agreeaT to 6y both the Company znd ihv Ins<red. Arhitr�rtio�pur�u3nt±o tni� pcaliey and under t�a�u�es shall be binding upon the paroes. J�dgn7ent upon th�avrard r�n�ered�y ihe ArbNratar[sJ may be entered in anycvu�t o`competent jur sdiciian, 15.LIAB�I.kTY LIMITED TO THIS PDLICY;POLIGY EiVT�RE C��I- TRACi (a1 This policy tog�ther with a`I endaisements,if any,attaGh�d�o it 6y the Company is t�a entire policy and contract hetv,��en the Insured 2rrd the Company. I n�nterpreting any pr�•v:sion of this PaSe 5