6078038 Warranty Deed & Title Ins. 2615 S. Evergreen @3/22J2�12 0�:40:@9 P�
WarraniYgQaed $6�-0� pa9� ? of 4
�Pakane CounlY k'�sF,��eRaJMEt1T. C17Y 4F SPOKRNE �q6��8��$
1I�Jliltillll�rlJ�I�IlII'lfllllrli�If I11��I1illltli�!III�'�ill'���I1�III I'I�rll�
t'�fter cecording returji cioculnent ta:
City of 5pokane Valley
PuU�ic �7orks I�ep�rtment
I 170'� E. S�ra�ue Ave., Ste 30�
S��okane�ailey, WA 99206
Dac��inei�t T�tle: Warraart}� Deed
Grantoi•s: Timothv �Z. �nd Je�vel 1��. Stoll
Grantee: Governrnent, City of Spo�zane Valley
Legal Desc��iptiou: A portiaa� vf���RA B225
Ac�ditia�zal Leg�I Descriptiai� is Attaclied an Ex�ibit"A" lX. EXIlIU�6 i4B" af Document
AssesSOr's Tax Pareel �Tumber; 45263.0828
City Street Addres5: 2615 S. Ever�ceii Road
THE GRr'�NTORS, Timothy M. Stoll and Jeti�•el M, Stoll, hustaand and wife, far and iyl
�onsideration of 510.(�0 and consideration af mntual beilefits iu hand paid, in lieu of atid
�nder k�u�eat oI'the e�ercis� of eminet�t domai��, canvey at�d ��varrant to the Cit� of S�okay�e
Valley, a nititlicipal cor�aration of the State of Wasl7ington, THE GRANTEE, far �ublic use
foreuer, t��e fallo���inb descril�e�real estate:
� � For legal descz•iptio�l atid aciditioiial canditio��s
� See Rig11t-of-;lVay Exhibits A &.B attachecl Ixer�eta and made a��art hereof.
� SUBJECT TO all easetiients, rest��ictious, cove�iatits and encumbra�lces of reco��d.
� �
� �
.° r�',,a, Tt is understoad aild agreed ttfat r�elivery of tt}is deed is hei�eby teudered ai�d that tlie
� terms and oUligations Ftereof�hall nat Ueca�ne l�inding upon tl7e City flf S�akane Valley u��less
�,,� and until accepted az�d approved hereon izi �vritiug for tlie City of SE�akane Valley, by tlie
� Spokane Valley Director af Fublic �'Voi•ks. Also, tl�e ui}dersig�ied hereb�� rec�uests tlie
� Assessar aiicl Treasu�•er af saicl Caurity to aet-aver to the ren3aiiider of t1�e �ierein �iescribed
� ��ai•cel, #he liet�of all �zt��aid taxes, if a�ry, �ffectilig tli� pi°operty hereby canveyed, as provided
A�`'�.a l�y RG�a 84.60.a70.
Df1.TED tliis�day nf �C�'�� , 2a12
r ° � �� , �.�' `�?.�-��
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Timot }�l��I. Stoll Je� 1�R. 5#alI
Ret�iscd a6rU9 �'age 1 of 2 Pagcs Parcel No. �5263.QS28
� 5S.
County�of r�P� f�,�l�� )
Tlae tmdersigzled rlota�y�l�blic in ai�d far the State of Washiugtoi� does lfereby certify th�t I
ICIl01'V Ql'�t�V� 5c��15��lC�OT,��5��idez�ce t�lat Tinzatl�y 1VI. Stol� ar�d Jeti���l 1b1. Stoll sig�iec�this
I instrumeiit anci aclui�o��led�ed it to be t�aeir fi�ee and voluntary act far the uses and p��rpases
111�11t10IleC� 111 XIl�111SkIUT1leIlt.
Gi�,�en under iYiy�iand and afficial seal this �7�a�of , 2012.
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;, �P��h�5siou'��.�'9{�., Resading at +v'�r�
.`' NOTq ���� " h�y Coyainlissiou Expires �2- ,�5'�-/�
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;tn�'; �'°UBLIC !
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�o��zs,�G,�O�..` Accepted anci Appro��ed
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r'f+++����������Yt1 /� nyT p�y, `7 r�,T
�IT�r llF' �P111�tiltir�' V a�L;I.L` 1
Depa�-tment of Pul�lic ��Jorks
Neil Kersten
Director of Pu�l' 4`4'oi�ks
I)ate. ' °'�
Attest: ,
'��i,;'tt�,'1--��El ic���.�1��'L�
Page 2 of 2 Pages Yai�cel I�o.45263.0828
���'�''�, � LLC
PHOiI� 5(19.42G.2829 Fh}f 5U9.92B.27J6
R[ght of Way Acquisition — Parcef 45253.0828
The East 10.00 feet af t'he �J1Jest 30,�0 feet of that partian of Tract 2Z5, VERA, as per
�lat recorded in Vofume "O" of Plats, Page 30, recards of Spokane Cou�ty, descrfbed
as follows:
COMME�lCING at th� West quark�r corne�-af 5ecti�n �6, 7ownship�5 Narth, Range 44
�ast, W.M.; thence Sou�h along t�e 1Nest line of said Section 26, a distance of 925.00
feet to the POI�lT OF BEGINNING;
th�nce South 89°53' E�st on a line� parallel wath khe Sout� line nf Tracf 225, VERA, as
shawn on the plat thereof, a distance of 9$0 feet;
thence North paraflel with t�e West line of said Section 26, a diskar��e of 15p feet;
th�nce North 89°53' 11Vest, a cliskance of 180 fee#fa fhe West line of said section;
the�ce Sou#h alaa�g the West line or said sectior�, 150 feet to the Point af Beginning;
s�tuaie ir� tt�e City of Spo�Cane V�Iley, County of Sp+�kane, State of 1�'tiJashingkon.
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�- * Policy Numh�r �� �S f J����
y� * lssuetl by Gid fiepu�lic f�a�iorral�tle In�urance Compaml
* '� Any notice afcfairn and any aiher nolice ur slr�tenient in writing requieed to be givon to liie
* �t * �ompany underthis Pol[ey must be[�iveu 1a 1he Company akt�te address Sllobvr�in Sectian 98
��t�te Canditions,
RE['I IRLIC�1ATIOI�iAL TITL�INSUfi,4�CE COI�PAi�Y,a f�linr�esota torporalion Eihe"Company"!i�sures,as nf 6ate of Pal icy ane,t�the exle nk sialed
in Covared Risks 9 and 17,after Daie of Policy,against lossor damage,not exc�ec�irr�thP Ar�n�mt pf Insurance,suskainec�or invurred bythe Insured
by rea:or:of:
1.Tit,e�einy vasled uti7ei lhan as stated iit Scll�dule A.
P.Any defect in ar lien or encurn�ranc�Q.�the liile.ThFS C�overed�iisk includas hut is nat lim�ted to nsurance a�ainst lass from�.
{ay A dafect in t}�e litle ca�.ised hy
(iy iorgery,fraud.undue influ2n�e,d�ress,incompetea�cy,incapacity,or impeisonaiior�;
(iif faflure of any pa•s�n or Entity to#ave authorired a transf�f Of CO�1VE�nCB;
(iiiJ 2 docur�ent aife�:ing Ti lla nul piu��ilycreateil,�xec�ta�J,aviinessed,seale�,acknoti��ledt�ed,notarizs�,or�efivered;
(it��failure to performihose acls necessaryto creat�a d�c�ment by�ele�tronic means c�tnonzed by�laur,
(��}adu�.�n�ent executed unr�era fialsif:ed,expireo-,nroihe���1�5e in��alid puw2r of ai:orney;
(��i�a docurrent noi properly tile�,r2corded,ar incexed in the Pu61ic Recoids includ�ng failure to perform those acls 6yele�trnnic
rneans aulf��rized by latv;ar
���ii� a d�fective j�dicial or atlministrative prcceeoing.
{�)The I�.en of�eal e�tate taxes or ass�ssments in,posed fln the TitlP bya governr�ental autharit�•due or payaUle,bul u��paicl,
�c'Any encraach�rert,encurn�rarse,�riolatiaa,v�rialinn,or aduarse circumstance afiert3nq tha Title tirar kvniild hP iisclnsed�ay an accurate
and corr•plete land survey of the Lend. Tha term"�ncroachmen''°uncludes encroachrr�ents af exisii ng irr.provemer�ts Icuate�on ihe�a n�
Qnto a�joining land,and encroachmerrts onto tne Land of ehistiug improveR�ents focaEe6 oi�adjoining land.
3.Unmarketable Title.
�.�!o right af access t�and fro�n the�end.
5,T�e viclation or en,orce�r�er�t oi any law,or�inance,perm:t,or�cv�rnrrreNal repu`ation{incEud;ng thase relat<ng to buildfng and roi�iny�i�siricii€iy,
ieculating,prahibiting,or relating to
{a}the occupaney,use,o�enjoyment a`ih�Land; �
{b} ehe characler,dime�sians,or location�f any improvement ar�ct�d on th�Lanc;
{c�thesubdi��€sian of land;or
{d�en�iroRmental protectior�
if G notice,descticing ar�y part of 1hs land,is recn•ded in the Public 4E�ords setting forth t€�e viola:ivn or intention ta enforce,hut onlp to ihe exten:
af�he v;olatifln areniarcerrent aelerred tu in that notice.
Issued through the dffiee of: A S�'ock Ca�n�any
SPOKANE CDUNN TY7L� ?BOSecordr7usrnreSru�l� Mio,��a�ali,s,�MinnPSS����554L?]
�4iNPA{YY +fi11)37i-i P i J
NoR�rie�r��c su[�oinG,5utr��ao
Gplir���.�sigr,ed.� $y ' Pr�sidPrit
` f. r , ` ,
�`AUtl�rized,Odficerorngent y� �` A[2es1 �¢,�-�-'��-- �A'`tt 5ecretary
� �.
QRT Farm 4�9 - ---
�1L1l,pr,ne�s Pa'iy ef rdla Imuranaed•17-03
aw�,ERs PaLicv
�cheau�e a
Of�ice File Nun�ber Palicy Vumber Date af Pofcy Amount oi Insurance premium
179731 OX Q8�35461 March 23, 20i2 at $1,004,D0 $270.�0
8:fl0 a.m.
i. Nam�of fnsured;
7H� CITY OF SPOKANE V�4LLE'�, a municipal corporation af t�e �tate of Wash6ngton
2. 'The estafe or interest in the land w�ich is cover�d bythis palicy is:
3. The �state or interest in the land is vested in:
7H� CITY OF SPDKA�1� VAI.L.�Y, a rnunicipal car�aoration �f the S1ate of lhfashingtor�
4. The land referretl Eo in #his Palicy as described as Pallows,
5ee Exhibit A attaclied hereto and made a part h�ereof.
, �: ti �` � ��'��� '1�,�.f. '�j
BY '�, �� _ , c,�
Auiharized Officer or Agent
1�10 N, h1aAhAANQIE STREET * '�� A.n Agerrt af
SPOKAh1E,WASHINGTOh1 99201 :� �� * O�d Republic NatiDnal
TELEPHDNE(509)326-2826 ** * ** Titl� Insura�ce Companyr
This policy vafiti onEy if 5chedul� B is �6tac�ed,
Exhibii A
The East i�.00 feet of the INest 30.00 feet o#that por4ion af Tract 225, UERA, as per plat
recorded in VoEume '"a" of PEats, page 3U, records of Spokane Counly, described as
COMMENCING at tFte West quarter corner of Section 26, 7ownship 25 North, Range 44
East of ihe V�Villamekte Meridian;
Thence Sauth alvng fhe West line of said Section 26, � dislance af 925.�0 feet to the Roint
Qf Beginning;
Thence Sauth 89°5� East on a line parallel with the 5outh line of Tract 225, VERA, as
shown on the plaf thereaf, a distance of 180 fee1;
Thsnc� North parallel with the West line of said Section 26, a distance af 150 feet,
Thenee North �9°53' West, a distance of 180 feet t� the West line of said section;
Thence Souih along the West line of said section, 15€1 feet to #he Point of �eginning;
Situate in the Gity of Spokane Va[ley, County of Spokane, State af Washington.
File Number: 17973i Policy f�umber: OX 6�735461
This pofcy does not ins�.,�re against loss or damage (and ihe Company vrill not pay easts,a[lcrney's fees or expenses},ti�rhich arise
by reaso�of:
1. Richts ar claims ot parties in possession,or claiming possessian, not sho�rn by the Rublic Records.
2. A�ny encroachment, encumbrance, violaiion,�ariation,or adverse circumstance affecting th�Title that vroulo` be disclosed by
an accuraie and compiete land sur�ey of lhe Land.
3. Easements, prescriptiue rigMts, rights of-way,'iens or encu�brances,or claims Ihereof, no1 s�own by the Pubfc Records.
4. Any lien, ar right to a lien, !or contribulions lo employ�e benefit lunds, or ior state titi�orkers' comper�sation, ar for serwices,
la�or,or material heretofore ar hereafter furnished.all as imposed by la4u, arao noE sho,�m by Ihe Pu6'ic Records.
6. Taxes or special assessm�nts ti��h�ch ar�no[ye�payat�le ar which are not shotiun as existing liens by kiie P;�blic Records.
B. Any lian for setiice, insta�iaiion, corne�lion, rr�ainlenar�ce> lap, capaci�y, pr construc[ion or similar charges for seti•rer, a��aler,
eleulri�ily, natural g�s or other�utili;ies,or fa�garbage callection and tlisposal not shown 6y the Public Aecords.
7. Unpaiented mining claims,ar:d all rights relating thereio.
e. Reservatians and exceolfons in Ihe linited 5lales Patents or in r1c1s aW�:orizing ihe issuance thereof.
9. Indian tribal cades o�regulatior�s,Indian lreaky or aboriginal righls,inciudir�g easements ar equilabfe s°rvilutles.
10. Water rigMs,cla ms or title ia�rrater.
i. LIABIL.ITY TO ASSESSMEN7S, if any, by t�e Gity af Spokane ValEey,
2. LIABILITY TO ASSESSMENTS, if any, by Vera Water& Potiver.
3. �EED QF TRUS�', to secure an indebtedn�ss, ineluding aray interesl, advan�es, or oth�r
obligations secured thereby;
Am�un#; $195,829.00
Dated: Febru2ry 12, 2{�p$
Recorded: February 2d, 2�08
Recarding No.: 5643446
Grantor: Timothy M. 5#all and Jewel M. Stall,
husband and wife
Truste�: Rvuth Crabtree Olsen-Jarnes Miersma
Beneficiary: Mortgage �leclroni� Registratior� Systems, In�c., as
nominee for U.S. Bank, N.p.
Aifects: This arza ofher praperty
SCHEI)�L� I3 - coi�ti�9fied
File �lumb�r: 179731 Palicy No. �}4 087354�1
4. AGREEMEN7, including the terms and conditions thereaf;
Be#ween: Vera Electric Water Gompany
And: D.I{. NicDonald, A.C, Jamison and Andrew
Dated: April 2�, 19D8
Recarcfed in: �oak "H" of Contracts, pa�e 292
For; Prflvisians to provide utiliiies and inciden#al
5. EASEM�NT, incluc�ing the #erms, c4venants and F�rovi5ions thereof, as granted by instrument;
Recorded: December 7, 196D
Recardir�g No.: 750F382B
�n favor nf: The Vlfashint�ton Water Pflwer Campany, a
corpar�tiqn, iks suGCesSOrs ar�d assign5
For: The purp�se of installing, maintaining, repairing
and removing a gas distribuiion pipe fine and
appurt�enances thereta, together with ihe righ# to
inspect said line and to rema�e brush and trees
that may interfere with the construction,
maintenance and operation of the sarne
1. GENERAL R�AL ESTATE TAXES, (including amoun#s fox Aquif�r, Starm 4Vater, Irri�ation,
�raina�e Water, ant! Fland Conlrol, if anya, for t#�e year 2Q12, WHIC�I HAVE BEEhf PAID IN
Arnount. $3,160.95
Tax Accc�unt Nfl.: 45263.�828
Affec#s: This and other praperty
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����A�jl": �� 01JLY TO ASSI�T IN P�C1PF.'f27Y LOCAT ON_ ❑iP�E3J51dN5 ARE.
* ���TY DETEFNI�lE aCRF�.GE 012 SF3APE. 11115 CG�JIPACIY&SSUh1E5 t�10
'I'I'I'L,E � �f��RE��.,.
"5ervice Is'llae DifFerence"
&.An enfcrcement actian k;aseo on th:e axercise of a go�err�rnsntal pollce po�ver not covered by Covered�'ssk 5 if a notiee fl�the enlorcemeM
action,describ:ng any part oF the Land,is re�ordsd in#he Pu6!ic Hecards,cut anly to the er.kent of fhe enforceme nt r�ferred to in that no;ice.
7.The ex��cise of ihe rights af emfnent domain if a notice of tne eaerc�se,describing zny part of tne Land,is recarded ir�the�'u�ii�Hecards.
�.Any taking hy a govemrrental�oc�Ythat has Gcc�ured ard is birc#ang on the ri�hts of a ptircFaser for value ti�+ithout Kn�wlec�r�e
9.Tille�ieiaty v�sted vi�Gei[Eian as sta:etl in Schedule A ai Lseing defective
ta�as a result of the avoidance in v��hale or in part,nr from acourt ord2r prv�r�ding an alterrtative remed�,of a transter oi all or aizy gare af
lhe tiile to or�ny inlersst in ti�2 Land o�curring p�ior to�F�e transa4liun v�sliuy Tille as•s3iowr iti Stili�clule A��cau,�that prior uansfer
canstituted a araudulent or Freferentisl transfer under ietlerel k�ankruptcy,sta�e insolver:cy,or si�nilar credilors';ig�7ts lativs;ar
[b]oecause ti�e instrument of tr2nsier ves:inc Title as sho4�rn ir�Schedule A�constitutes a preferen;ial tran:sfer und�r f�deral bankru�uy,
s#ate nsofvency,or similar creditars`�ights la�vs f�y reasan of the failure of its recoroin�in the�u�lio Records
qi�to be time4�,or
{ii�to impart notice oi its existence to a�urehaser for tira ue or to a
j�dym�r�t ar Ilen credi�ar.
10.�ny tlefect in or lie n orencumbrat�ce arr iha Tit��or att�er maite�includeu in Cav2red Fiisks 1 through 91h�t has bean create�ar attached ar has
b2en filed or recor�ed in the Public Aecords subsequent to Date of Policy antl prio�to the reeor�ing c�f iite deed or otner instrument ot#ranster irs the
Public Records tha3�•es4s Title as sha�vn in Schedule A.
Tne Campan�wili a'se paytha casts,attorneys'fe2s,ar�d sxpenses incuired in defense of any rnatter insured agai nst by this Policy,�iut�nly to tFe
ea�ent Frovided in ihe Condiiions.
Exc�usia�us F�o� c�r����►�E
Ti�e foliowing matt�rs arE expressly excluded frorn 1h�coveraga of �b)nat KnotiLm to thoe Gomganp,not recarded�n 1�e Pu6lic
th�s policy,and 1he Company�,ill rivt p�y loss or damaga,costs, Records at Date of Policy,but Known to the'nsured Gla mant
aitarneys'fees,or�xpenses thal arise by reasW n of: ar�d not�lisclosad ir�tinrritin�ic•the Canipany by 1fe I iasur�d
Clai mant prior to ihs date the If!s�reC Claimant becan'e an
1. {a1 Any law, ordinan•�e, ��rmia,ar goverrJnentaf reg�lation Insur�d under l'nis polic�;
{inclutling those relating to builtling an�zonirgy reslricting, (cM is�uliing in no loss vr dama�e to the Insurzd Cial mank;
regula'in�,prohibiiino,or re.ating to �d�atkaching or crsated subsequent tu C?ate o#F�licy
Ihaav�ver,th€s do�s not modify or IimiEthe caverage provided
{iM tha occupaney,�se,ar enjmyment of tne Land; under Covered Risk 9 antl 1 D1:ar
{ii)the c#�aracter,dimer�sicns,or f�catian of any �eM resu'ting in loss er d3mac�e tnat�NOUIa not have beer�
improvemer�:erected on tha lard: s��stained if t'nQ Insured Claimant had paid vafve for t�ie Ti�le.
{iii}tha subdlv�sion of lantl;or
(ivJ envir�nrr�ental protecti�n; 4.Aay claim,by reasan�f ti�e aperataon of faderel ban<nspicy,stale
tnsolvency,or similar creditors'rights laws,that t�.e transac#ion
or:he effect of anyu�olation af tfi�se la4rs,cidinances,ar govern vestina the Title as shotivn in ScheduleA,is
mental�egulations. This Ex�lusion 1{aj does n4t modlfy or limit t#�e
covarage pravitl�d under Co�rere�i Hlsk 5. {�I a fra�dulertconvey�nce or frauduler�r transf2r:or
(bl Any go;�ernmental pol ice potiver. T#iis�xr,�u�ion t(b}dass not {bM a prefer�ntiaE kransler#or any reasor:not state�in Covered
moclsfyor limit�he coverag�provirl�d under Cavsred�isk 6. Risk 9 caf tl:is poEic��.
2. Rir�f�ls ef eminPnt dnmain.7his Exclus'�on does n4t modify cr limit ,5,Ar�y i�n nn rh�Titl�#rrr�p�l Psr�tP tar�s ni assessn�ents i:�i�posec�
th4�over�g�provided�nder"avered Risk 7 or B. b��eava;nmemaE autha•ily and crealeJ or attaching bet4ween Date
of Palicy�antl the date af r�carding of th:e deed or athvr inslr€�meaik
3. Da!ects,liens,en�us�nbranc�s,adv�rs�claims,or otlier rrratters pf tiar�sfer in ttre RuElic lacards tha[v�st5 Title as sl�al,�n in
S�h�dulo A.
{aP creaied,suffered,assumed,�ragraed te byt�e Insured
1.i1�FIN4�lON OF TERMS purchase,lease,or lend i f ttiere is a eonirar.tual condiiion reyiiirin[�
The tollov✓+ng ter�r�s L�rhen used in tf�is poficy mean: the delivery�f rraricetable�i1Ee,
�a�"A�rount of I�surance"�: Th�amount stated in Scheduie A,as nny
be inrreased ar decreasad hy endflrsemeni to this poficy,increased 2. CONTIh1UATl�f�UF INSUflANCE
t�ySecton Blb),n!d�creased byS�c:i�ns 11 ar:d 12 o'taiese Conditions. The cavErage cf t#�ls policy snall contln4e n farce as of Date of
�b�"o�ce t,�ro���}�": The date designated as `dat�o!Poficy"in P�licy in favor of an Insured,but anlyso long 2s the Ir�sure4 re[�ins
Sc�eduls A. an�state or interps:in ihe Lanci,or�al�s an obligation secure�b��
(��"EntiEy�: A CO�POEekI0f1,partnership,trust,limited liahility a pur�hasa mane��Martgage gi��er�by a purchas�r fram the Insured,
campany,or other s€mllar�agal en:iky, or anly so lan�as the Insured s�ralk have lia6ility�y reaso�af
(dJ"Ir�s�re�': The Insured narned in Schedule k v✓arranties in any transfer a�c�n��e��ance of th€1 itle. This polic'�I
sl�a[I no4 c�ntinuc in iare in fatinr�f any purchaser fram ih�
�i}The te�nx'Insure6'alsr+inc�udes Insured of either;i}an estat�or in,arPSt in the Land,ar[iiJ an
{p,�successors t��tfia Ti1le a3 the Ensured by oparati�n of las�r ss a6ligation secured by a purchase n�oney M�rtgage giver�to ti�e
distin3uished frorn purchase,includi�g heirs,davisees,surv�v�rs, In�ured.
persanal rep•esen;atiues,or naxiork:n;
�B��uccassars to an Insu�ed�iydiss�alutiun,merger,consolidation, 3_ NOTIICE 4�CLAIM Ta��GIU�N E3Y 1�5U�1�D��,41MANT
distributinn,ni rr;arganiratinn; 7he lnsured shall notifyti�e Company�rpmptlyin�ti��iting�i)in��se
;�;successars ko an lasure�by its car�vers.an to anathar kind af of any liligation as set forlh in Se;.tion�;al of these Condikion�,;�i)
Ea�tity; � in case Knor,�Jed�s sl�ali come to an I�sured hereunder of any cl7im
(Dj a grant2e�f an ins�,�ie€i under a dEed deGaered without of t11EE or interest that is ac�verse to ths Title,as insured,ano tt�a#
paym2n€of e�c:�l valuable cansi��ration conveying the TiUe miy�it cause foss ur da�r�age f�E tivhich U7e Ca�npan��mzy b�li��le
�i}if tf7e stocic,shares,memherships,oi othe�e��fi[y byvirtue afthis pcliey,or{iil�if�he Tide,a�'tnsu�a�,is rejectsd as
inkeiests af the grantee are���holly-�wned hy the Unmarketa�le Titre. If t��e Com�any is F��ejutlic�d b�,�1h�failure c�f
nar�d'Ensured, the Insuiec C!aimant to�provitle prompt not�c�,tha�:o�i�ny's
�2}if the granlae tvhally avans the named Insured, liab�ity to the Ins�rrea C!air�ant t�ntler the policy shall be redu�eu
�3�if the graniee is�ti�hally o4vned 6y�an afliliated
to th�e�te��t of the prejadice.
Entity of t�e narned Insured,provide�the aifiliai�d 4. �RODF UF LOSS
Entity and the narnad Insure�are bodr�s�holiy•flti�.�ned In ihe evEnt the Compa��y�s unable to dete�nune the an�oun#af
6y the same pe�son or Cntity,or foss or da�rage,the Company may,at its aption,re�aulre ss a�antl it�n
(4�if the yrantee is a tr�stee or ber��ficiary o!a Uust at payrnei�t tha[thie Insured Claimant furr�ish a signed p•oof o4 loss.
cr2aled�y a vrritten it�stru�nent estaG'ish�d�,y the Tfre�raof oF lass mEist describe t#�e ve�ect,lien,eneum�ianca,o�
Insured nan}ed in Schedule A fcr est2te�lannint� piher n�ailer insured agai�s:by ihis pali€y thak constilules the
purposss. bas's of loss or dan�a�e anci shall sta��,lo the exient Possible,ihe
[ii�Wi�h regard to�A),(�},[GJ,anc{pj reservi�g,hcvraver,all rights bas s of�alculating t�a amau�i of th�loss er tlama�e.
and de€ensES as to any sac�essar tttat the�am�any wauld have f�ad � �EFENSE AMD PRUSECUTlOiV Of-l�CTi0N5
against a�y predecessar Insured.
{e}'Insured Claimant': An I�sured clair�ing�oss or damaga, I�;Upon v�ritEen r�ques� by the Insuretl,a�o subject ro the op�ons
{f}"Knawiedge°�r'Known': Ac_ual lcno�.vledge,not ca�struct�ve �a�=ained in 5ection l of these Condi:ions,the Comp�nV�at its
kno��rledge o�n�tice that may 6e imputed ta an InsurEd By reason of ov�rn cost and ti^rirhout unreasora�le delay,sh�ll pravide for t�e
the Puhlic Reeores or any aiher Eecords that impatt consiructive tlefense af a.n Insured in li#igation in which any third�arty asserts
�ot�ce of matters aifectin tne Titls. a cEaim covared b�+this�I'rcy a�iverse to ihe Insur��.This oblic�skion
8 is lirnited to only tliose stated causes of action all�ging ma;teis
(91'Land': �halanddescribed in S�heduleA.�nd zfli�ed i`m�rov�menls insured aga nvt�y:his poliey. 7he�C�mpany s`sa'I hat�e tho right to
thak by latv cvnstitute re�l pr�perty. 7he ke€m"land"doss rot salac:caunsel oi its choiee�subjeetta the rigitt of#he Insured tG
i�clude any proper�y�eyond the lines of the a�ea descrihed in otjeel Eor reasona�le causel ia represeri the Insuieci as k�thc�se
5che�ule A,m�rany aiyht,ti�le,interest,estate,3r easemar:t in stated causes oi a�tr�n. Itshall not bv 3iable forantl avill not oay
abutting streeis,�aaGS,averues,a�leys, �anes,v�ays,or water�ti�ays, kh?fees o�any other counsel, 1 i�e Coi7ipany�vi II�at pay a�y faes,
bu�this tloes nok rrrodi(y ar limi t th�exter�t tha[a rig�rt of access to costs, or expenses r�curred hy fhe�nsured in Ihedefense�f lhose
and ironi the Land is insured hy�his policy. tauses of a�t onth�t allega matters not lnsure�against by tli�s pal3cy.
�h�'hs�ortga�ae": Mortgegs,daed of tr�sst,trustdeed,or other security �b�The Company snall hava the right,in�dditionto ihe options
instrurr.ent,in�lutling o�e e��idenced by ekectior7ic n�eans authariied contamed in Secti�n 7 of these Conditions,at its cwn cost,to
by latv institute antl prose�ut�any action or proceedi�nr t�dA�ny
Ii}"Pu�lic Recvrds': R�cords Established ur.d2r s€ate statutes at other act that i�7 its opieian may l�ne�essaryor dssirable to
Date of Nolicy tor the pu��ose ot imparting cansirur���r�natrce ef estat�lish the Title,as ins:�ro d,nr m nrati��ni nr rprf�r,P tass nr
matters relatin�to real p-oparty to purcl�ase�s for val�•e and�slthout damag2 ta th�Ins�red 7hv C�mpany rnay take any apprapria:e
Knutvledye Ul+ith iespect to Cave€ed Rislc 5�d�, `Publle Aecards' actia�under the tetms oF t�3is pnlir.y,t�helhar ar n�t it shall be
liabla to the Insuie�. The ex�ic sa of these ri�hts shall nat f�?an
s�a11 also Inc'ude environrnental prakection liens ii'ed in the records at�rnissio�nf liah'Eity or avaiver of any prou�sion nf this po`icy.
of the cleik af the Unitetl States C�istrict Gaurt�or the disfrict tivhere li the Company exA�cises its rights un�ier ihis sub.e;,tian,it must
the Land is local�d. do so diligemlj�.
��}"7itle": The estate a'inte�est descsrbad in Schedule A. �c�Whenzver[�e Campany�riiiys an ac�ion or asserts a defiei�se
�k;i"Un•na�kelable Tit`e°:Title aifected by an allege�J or apperer.t as required or permitted by this policy, [he Con�pany rnay puisue
matter[ha;vrould permit a prospective purchaser or IesseE of the th�li[igatiorr io a fin21 detenr�ination by a cour�of corrpet2ni
Title ar lender ar�tlia 7itle t�be released from the o6ligation to juris�iction,�n�il expresslyreserves the rig�t,in its sole
discrelion,io a�pesl a��y advere judgr�ent or order.
. .. ... . ...... _.. . .. . __ ._... .. . .., .. ,.... .. . . . .,. ._. _ .. � ° �
CQN UI TIQN 5 A�p S71P€1LQTI0�1 S{ca n't]
S hc1TY OF IN5u�E�CLAIMAh1TT�C[lOY�RATE� pp;iry.In addit�o�, ihe Company�v ll pay any cusks,a.�orReys' €ees,
fa}In all eases�vh�re khis poli�y p�irnits ar requir�s Cha Cam�•any and exFenses invurred�y ti�e fnsure�Claimant that urare autho�iaed
to{�rosecute or proti�ide for�ha d�fense af any actiun or proceading �y���e C�r�pany up ta t�ietime of payment and Ehat the Company as
an��any appeals,rhe lns4ieri sha,i sa�.u�•e to the Company tMe sight oh�igated to pay,or
ta sa prosecure er proyide defen��in��e acticn aa proeeedi-�g, �'ii� �a pay aro�harsvise settle with the Insured Claitnant tne loss
inclvding tne right t� use,at its aption,the narne or th�Ins�re��for ar dama�e prorida�far under ihis colicy,togethe��vith any cosls,
€hi�pur�ase. I�Jhenever reyuesleci k�y t��e Cam�amr,the Insured, aktomeys''fees,and exaenses incurr�d b}�the I�sured Claimant inat
at khe Company's ezcense,shall giue the Comaany ali ressonabla ;�l�re aut;�o•ized by the Compa�y up[o the tirr.e o1 payn�ent and tha:
aidtiE in s4curir.y eti�idence,oblaining tivitne5ses,prosevu:in�or the Comvany is ohligaied to pay.
. defern�ing the activ��or p.•oceeding,ur effecti6ig settfiement,and
�ii�ir�any oi�pr lativful actthat in tne opinion af the Campany may Upan the ehercise by t�e Company of either af ihe options pro�ided
be necessary or desirable to establish the Titl�or an��other n�atter for I n subsectians{b;[iJ or{ii�,the Company's obligations#a the Insured
as insured. If t�e Cor�pany is prejudicetl bythe lailu;�cs'Ili� undar th:s�alicy for the clairred lossor damage,oth�r than tha
lnsured tc iurnish th2 required croperation,the Company's c��iiga#ions pay��nks required to be made,sh�ll terminate,including any IiabiUty
to[re I nsured under ihe po�icyshall t�rminate,including any oi obliaation ta�lefend,pres�cute,or continus any Htigation.
lia6ility or ohligation tn deier�[�,prusecute,or cont+n�3earn,+litigatien,
.�niii regard to the rnatter or mattsrs ieauirir,�suoh cooperation. g p�,���MINATION AN�E�iTENT OF LIA6ILITY
�bp fhe Company arsay reasonaoly reGuire[he Insured C�airnant to jhis policy is a c�nircet af indemnity�gains�acival naonetaryloss flr
s.�bmit to e�:arrina!ion under oa.h Gy any a�thorizetl te�reseniative damage suslained or incur�ed t�y the_Insur�d"laimant��+hc has suffe�ed
of[ne Compan�+and to piaduce for examrnatian, inspecti�n,and I�ss or dani�y�b•�reasan qf�7atters i nsured agsinst 6y Ih s pol icY.
c�pying,at sue�reasanable ki:nes ar�d places as rrray be designated �a�The extent of Ilability of th,e Ca�n�any ior I�ss or daRrage�°�sder
by the authorited representative of the Company,ail ia�oids,in �his Folicy shall not exeeed ihe lessar af
4vhakever m�oium m�in[air.ed,ineluding b�eks,]edcers.,checks, (il the�mount a�Insuran�e, or
mem�orand�,correspondenc�,reports,e-ma�ls,dlsts,tapes,ard [�i]the differe�ce bet��:eon tha valu�of thE Titla as,nsure��and the
viaeos whether hearinr�a�?ate b�iore nr aitar�ate of Pol!cy,that value of the Titie suhject to the iisk insuie�against oythis poGcy
reasanably pertain to ihQ loss o;dam�ge. Further,if requested hy �6�If tha Cor�pany pursu�s its rights un�er Seciio�5 of these
ar�y aut�rorized ep�esantative c�f tire Compan},U:e Insurec�Clainrani Cond:tiors and is ur�su�cessful in estahlis�ing the Titls,as i�sured,
shall grant its permiss�an,in titiritinn,far anyauthariz�d representatiue �i�the,4�a��runt ot Insurance shal:be lncreased by 10°ro,=nd
ot the CQmpany to�xvm ne,irs�ect,anr�cppy af af these records {;i]the Insured Claimant shall have#he ri+�ht to ha��e tha loss or
in the custody or conir�l�f a khird parly that reasonably pertair�td dama��e tletermin�d either as of tl�e date the clairn�ti'as ma•�e by
the Eoss o�damage. Ail infarmation designaled as�or>li�iential by ;�,e Insured Clal rn�nt or as of tne date it is sst�led and paid.
t�e lnsuredClaima�t provided to the Campan°��•uruan[to this ;c}In�dd:tion to tkie extent o#hiaail�ty under�aj and(b},the Co7�pany
5action shal•n�1 be disclosed to others unless,in[he reasonable vr�ll also pay those cost5,attarneys"fees,antl�xpenses i�acurred in
judgment of the Cnmpany,i'is necassary in the adrnin�stratior�n-' a�cordanca with Secliflns 5 a��d 7 of th�se Corad:tions.
tha claim. Faifure of the Insurcd 4".�aimant fo submiC far ertaminatior�
untler oath,produce any reasona6ly requested informaiinn,or g.LIMIFATIDAI QF LIA�I LITY
gr2nt pe�mission tQ seUure reasonably necessary informati�n frtm {al E#tne Company estab`ishes the TitIE,ar removes ttt=alleged
lhird�arties as requiratl i1 ti�is subsecticn,urless�rohl hited b}� defect,lien,ar encum6ranee,or cures ih��ack of a right a#access
Ia��J ar goi�err�mental regulation,shall terminate any liability of the to or from the Land,or cures the claim of Un�arks�able Title,all a;
Compan�y�nder this palic�y as to that claim. insured,in a reas�nably diligent ntanner byarry methotl,inc:utlin�
litigation and the c�mr�lelion of any apGeals,it sf7all have ful9�s�
7. O�TfaNS TO PAY 4R OTHEf�WISE SETTLE CIA�MS; per�ormed iES abl�r�alions with r�s�e�t ta that�ratter ar�shail eol
YERM�NAiION OF LIABILI7Y be�iable f�rany loss or damage caused k�the Insured.
En case of a claim undett#i�s pvlicy,the Coanpany shall have the (�I In the�vent nf any li'.igatian,incl udfn�litigation by t'ne Campany
follorving ad�ii:iona!ap�io��s ar���1ith th,e Carrp�ny's consent,t€�e Com�any shall have no liabilir.v
[aJ To Pay orTe�tder Paument o€tha Amouni oF Insurance. {or loss ar darnzge until theFe has been a final�e#ermi�tion by a
To pay or tender p�aymerit o�the Arrount of Insu�an�e under this eou�;af cornpeke nt jurisdic�ion,and disposit+on or a!I appeals,
policy kcgether avith anV costs,atlor�ays'fees,anc�x�enses aoverse[�[he Title,as inswed,
incurred by the Insured Claima�t that vlere?Ut�9f12E��•ths
vo��p�ny up to the timE ot payn�ent or ter:d�r�of pay�Ent��d ti�a1 iGl The Company shall n�(b�liahle far Icss cr damage to the
Insured for liability v�8unt�nly assumeA byti�e Insused i�settlft�r�
t��e Comp�ny is oblig�ted to pay, any c!airr ar suit�rrithaui tke piior vr tten cansent wi th2 Con,pany.
U�on thQ ex�rr.ise hy tl��nm�any ollhis aplian.all liahill�yand
obligat�ors cf the Com�any to the In�ur�d under this pollcy,olher 10.R��UCTIE7N QF INSLfRAhlCE;REDUC�ION OR 7�RMINATION
than tc;r�ake the payn�e��require�in this subsection,sh�11 tenr�nate, pF LIABILITY
inclu��ing any liability ar obli�ation to cefena,Frosecute,ar contin- qll payments undarti�is pnlicy,excep:payme7ts mad�fcr tosts,
ue any litigapon. aiFomeys'fees,a�d expenses,shall reduce t�re,�maunt o:`lnsurance
{h}To Pay or Otherr�se Settle V�'ikh Fa�iles Qlher Than tha Insured by�i�e amount oi ii�ie F�ayrnent.
oi VVirn t#�e Insu►Ed Claim3nt.
�iJ To pay or�the�.,rise settie with ot�e�partizs 1or crr fn tha
naria of an Insure��C air�arn any cla�m i nsur2d agair�st untler lhis
Paq2 s
. �
I `
11.LIABILITY NQNCUNIUI_A.TIVE policy,this policy s�all be�onsarued as a tivhole.
The Amoim!of Insurance sh211 oe reduced by any amount the Campany �bi��y�c�aim of loss oi darnage t�at arises out of tiie stati�s ui the
pays under any po"icy Irssu�i ng a ft�ortgace to which e:tce�tion is tak�n Title or by any a�tion asserting such claim shall be reslricled ta tliis
in Schetlu�e B ar to which the Insured has agreed,assurr.�d,or ta�en policy. .
sub�e�t,or tiv�h'eh is ex�cut�ed by an Insured after Date o�Pclicti�and �c)Any�amendm=nt of ar e�dorsement to lh3s��olic+�m�st be in
tirr'hich is a char�e or iien o�tne Tit€a,�nd Ihe arrount so paid shalf 62 writing and Guthenticated by an aut�crited person,or expressly
daemed�paymant to t�e Insured ur�de-this policy. inco�pora�:ed tr�Schedufe A af ih's�iolicy.
{d�Ea�h endarsen3enk to t'�i�polir,y iss�red at any�ime is rr�ad�a
12.PAYMENT�F LOSS part oi tF�is palivy ancl�s s�ib�ect to a11 of ils terms and pr��r+s�ons.
1Nher Ilabil ity and the extent e#lass or damage have t��en defi nitely Except 4s the endorsement e�p�essly�tates,it does not�i1 rco�`if��
tixed ir�accorda7t�t��it�these Canditions,tlie�ayiueiu�li�ll 6�iiiatfe 6nyaf tEie terms and prov'rsions o1 tl�e pol'icy,�ii}inod:ty any��nor
within 30 days. endorser�nt,!iii�exfe�d kha Date of PQlicy,nr{�v)increase the
13.R�GHTS OF R�COVERY llPON PAYNEEh�1T OR SETT�EMENT ���unt of Insurance.
(al4Vhenever th�Gom�any shall h�ve settled and Gaid a c.aim 1S.5EYERASILITY
uRder thls palicy,ii shall b3 subrogated and entitled m the rights of �n tha event any pravision ot Ehis policy,i�vrh�le or in pa�t, is neld
the InsuracJ Glaimant in t��e Title and all athe�riyhts and�emedies in��alid orunenTOrceable under a�plicabla lat�r,the policy shall ba
ir.res{a2ct Co Ehe claim that th�Ins�red Cl�imant��as e�ainst any neerred not to iR�lude lhaf pro4'isian or s�e�part'r�e`tl to be invalid,hut
perso�or praper':y,t�the e�rteni o`1he am�aunt af am�lass,cos's, al6 other�F�rovisinns shall�err�in in full force ard effecl.
a;torneys'iees,a�d expenses paid by the Company. If requesled
b°r tne Company,:he InsuredClaimart shall sxecuta documenfs ta 7�,CHa[CE�F EAW,FORUhfI
eviderce th�tansfer#u the Cnmpany oi ti!esa rignts and remedies. (a1 Ghc�ice aF�ativ: TIi2 Ir•suretl ac�no�vlecges tite�omF�any has
The Ins�.red Glaimantshall permit the�vorr�pany to sue,comaromise, �ndertUrift��the ris'<s couer�d h��this po6icy antl c�eterm•ned t�e
or settl2 in the nar�,e of th,e Insured Gla.�mant aR�to use the nasne �,���yurnt�arged theref�r in relia�3ce upon k�s la5r�af#ectin;�irterasts
of 1he InsEired Claimant i�anyi�ansaetio;�ar litigatian irovo€vinc in r�af�ropert�anc applica�l�ta the interpretation,righ�s,rernadies,
these rights a�d rerr�d�es. cr enfarcemW nt of policies af litle insuranc��of th�j�risdiciion
if a paymen:on a.count of a claim does not tully covar ihe lo5s of +,�ere the Lar�d is locat�d.
the Insured�laimgnl,the Ccmaam�shall defes the e�ercise of its 7hereto-re,the court or an aTbitrator sk�a11 apply the lativ ot;h?
right to recov�r until afier the Insured Claimant shell have recovered jurisdictioi�v�here the La•id is l�ocated to de:ermina t�.e��alidity u!
iks foss. clai�ns against the Ti[le tnat are a��werse to the!ns�tred�ntl io
(�}The Cam�ary`s rignt or'subrogatian inclu�'es the righ[s of the ini�rpret and enforce tha tein�s of ihis policy. In neither case shall
Insured#a indemnsties,guaranties,other palicies o�insarance,or the court or arbitcator apply i:s conHicts of!aw prir.ciples lo deter-
bonds,not�ti�thskand€ng any terms or canoitiens contained in those mir.e the appli��ble law.
ins4ruments that address subrogation sight�. [b}Chaice of Forum: Any I itivatian or ather prcceeding brought by
14.ARBITRATIQh1 the Insured against ths C�rr��any must t�filed only in a state or
fedaial cour ta�thin the Lniled 5tates o1,4meeica or its territo-ies
Either the Ca+rpany or ihe Insured ma���emand:I�a;1h2 clair��i haairg apprapiiate jurisdic#ioo
controversyshall he su6mittsd co€rbit•aEian puruant to the Title
�nsurence Arbilratian fiules of the Arrerican Land TitleAssaciatian 18_ItilO�ICES,WHERE 5EN'f
["Rules°}. Except as pio�iced in the Aules,there shvPl be no joinder q,�y r�ali�e of claim and any ather notice or st�ternant in tvriiing
ar consflli�at�on v,nth clain�•s or co�#rov2rsies of otf�er persor�s. req�irsd ta be giver�to the�rrpany under this�olicy must be given to
Ar€�itr�ble re�atters may include,aut are not limitad to,any conlraue'sy the C�mpany at 4GQ Se ond Av�nue South, i�9ir�nea��lis,
ordain�betweenthsCom�nyan�thelnsu�edarsingautoforrelat,ng ��in��sota554J1-2�99.
ta t�is poiicy,any sen�ice in connecGon�vith its issuance or 1ha breach
af a policy prouisiar�,or to any other contro��ersy or claim arisirig out Qf
tl°e transoctfon gi��ing rise to l�is policy. All arbitrable matters whe�r
the Am�um of Insura�ce is$2,�0O,OOD or less sF:all be a��itraie�3 at the
option of eitF:erthe Campany or the insure�. All arbiira6le maike•s
tvhen the Arr.ount of Insurance is'in excess of 52,00{1,000 shall be
aibitrated on y�.�hen agreeaT to 6y both the Company znd ihv Ins<red.
Arhitr�rtio�pur�u3nt±o tni� pcaliey and under t�a�u�es shall be binding
upon the paroes. J�dgn7ent upon th�avrard r�n�ered�y ihe ArbNratar[sJ
may be entered in anycvu�t o`competent jur sdiciian,
(a1 This policy tog�ther with a`I endaisements,if any,attaGh�d�o it
6y the Company is t�a entire policy and contract hetv,��en the
Insured 2rrd the Company. I n�nterpreting any pr�•v:sion of this
PaSe 5