Resolution 13-003 amends 2013 TIP CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY,WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 13-003 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, AMENDING THE 2013 TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FOR THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, AND OTHER MATTERS RELATING THERETO. WHEREAS,the Spokane Valley City Council adopted by Resolution No. 12-003, the 2013-2018 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) with such program acting as a guide for the coordinated development of the City's transportation system; and 1 WHEREAS,changes in certain funding sources and project schedules have occurred; and WHEREAS,the attached Amended 2013 TIP incorporates said changes for year 2013; and WHEREAS, the amendments to the 2013 TIP are consistent with Spokane Valley's adopted Comprehensive Plan. NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington, as follows: Section 1. The City Council hereby adopts the attached Amended 2013 TIP for the City of Spokane Valley for the purpose of guiding the design, development and construction of local and regional transportation improvements for the year 2013. Projects and tinieframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances, and are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. Section 2. Effective Date. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect upon adoption. Adopted this 26th day of March,2013. City of Spokane Valley i Tl omas E.Tolvey,Mayor I) C \;(M 1 ett-1111/ _ Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk L" pr p_. to Form: Offic of the City Attorney Resolution 13-003 Amending 2013 TIP City of Spokane Valley Department of Public Works Adopted 2013 Transportation Improvement Program Primary City Total 2013 Proj.# Project From To Source Amount Project Costs 1 0060 Argonne Road Corridor Improvements 1-90 Trent CMAQ $ 120,000 $ 882,000 2 0123 Mission Ave Improvement Project(PE/RW Only) Flora Barker STP(U) $ 89,000 $ 659,000 3 0149 Sidewalk Infill Project Various locations CMAQ $ 65,000 $ 324,000 4 0155 Sullivan West Bridge#4508 Sullivan @Spokane River BR $ 242,000 $ 1,208,000 5 0146 24th Avenue Sidewalk Project Adams Sullivan TIB-USP $ 132,000 $ 258,000 6 0156 Mansfield Ave Connection Project(PE/RW Only) Pines(SR 27) Houk St. CMAQ $ 61,000 $ 1,541,000 7 0154 Sidewalk&Transit Stop Accessibility Various locations FTA $ 22,000 $ 111,000 8 0145 Spokane Valley-Millwood Trail(PE Only) SCC Valley Mall STP(E) $ - $ 559,000 9 Sullivan Rd/UPRR Overpass Bridge Resurfacing Sullivan @UPRR Overpass BR $ 92,000 $ 461,000 10 0159 University Rd/I.90 Overpass Study University 1-90 CMAQ $ 26,000 $ 188,000 11 0168 Wellesley Ave/Adams Rd.Sidewalk project Sullivan/Trent IsenharUWellestey SRTS $ 2,000 $ 570,000 12 0069 Park Road Project 2(RW/CN Only) Broadway Indiana STP(U) $ 20,000 $ 150,000 13 Park Road#1 Sidewalk Project Sinto Ave Indiana Ave SRTS $ 2,000 $ 49,000 14 Park Road#2 Sidewalk Project Marietta Buckeye SRTS $ 1,000 $ 23,000 15 Sprague Avenue Resurfacing Project Fancher Dollar STP(U) $ 249,000 $ 249,000 16 Sprague Avenue Resurfacing Project(EB Lanes) Havana Fancher STP(U) $ 500,000 $ 500,000 17 Sullivan/Euclid Concrete Intersection(RWICN) Sullivan Euclid STP(U) $ 211,000 $ 1,562,000 18 0177 Sullivan Road Corridor Traffic Study 1-90 Wellesley STP(U) $ 27,000 $ 200,000 $ 1,861,000 S 9,494,000 Funded Projects Added Projects Planned Projects City of Spokane Valley Department of Public Works AMENDED 2013 Transportation Improvement Program Resolution 13-003,(March 28,2013) Primary City Total 2013 Proj.# Project From To Source Amount Project Costs 1 0005 Pines/Mansfield Montgomery Pines(SR-27) City-303 S 300,000 $ 300,000 2 0060 Argonne Road Corridor Improvements 1-90 Trent CMAQ $ 129,000 $ 958,000 3 0061 Pines Corridor ITS Sprague Trent CMAQ 3 193,600 $ 1,434,000 4 0123 Mission Ave Improvement Project(PEIRW Only) Flora Barker STP(U) 3 68,100 $ 509,900 5 0133 Sprague/Sullivan ITS Sprague Sullivan/\-90 CMAQ $ 86,600 $ 221,500 6 0141 Sullivan/Euclid PCC Intersection(PE/RW only) Sullivan Euclid STP(U) 5 18,800 $ 139,300 7 0142 Broadway i Argonne/Mul!an PCC Intersections(PEIRW only) Broadway @ArgonnelMullan STP(U) $ 29,650 $ 219,600 8 0145 Spokane Valley-Millwood Trail(PE Only) SCC Valley Mall STP(E) $ - $ 559,000 9 0146 24th Avenue Sidewalk Project Adams Sullivan TIB-USP $ 127,400 $ 245,400 10 0149 Sidewalk Infill Project Various locations CMAQ $ 148,200 $ 402,100 11 0150 Sullivan Bridge Drain Retrofit Sullivan Bridge southbound DOE $ 71,000 $ 283,900 12 0155 Sullivan West Bridge#4508 Sullivan @Spokane River BR $ 168,000 $ 840,000 13 0156 Mansfield Ave Connection Project Pines(SR 27) Houk St. CMAQ $ 97,100 $ 1,963,700 14 0159 University Rd/1-90 Overpass Study University 1-90 CMAQ $ 33,000 $ 244,400 15 0163 Sprague Ave Swale Upgrade Park Rd. 1-90 DOE $ 141,000 $ 373,800 16 0166 Pines(SR-27)/Grace Intersection Safety Project Pines(SR 27)Q Grace Ave HSIP $ - $ 98,100 17 0167 Citywide Safety Improvements(Bike/Ped.) Various locations HSIP $ 70,400 $ 469,900 18 0168 Wellesley Ave/Adams Rd.Sidewalk project Sullivan/Trent Isenhart/Wellestey SRTS $ 4,000 $ 554,500 19 0169 Argonne-Mullan Safety Project(Signal/Bike Upgrades) Indiana Broadway HSIP $ S 110,800 20 0170 Argonne Rd Corridor Safety Project(Signal/Bike Upgrades) Empire Knox HSIP $ - $ 179,100 2i 0171 Sprague Avenue Curb Ramp ADA Improvements Fancher Havana CDBG $ 10,050 $ 110,400 01741 2013 Street Preservation Projects Various locations City $ 1,673,200 $ 1,673,200 22 0180 23 0179 -Argonne Rd Resurfacing Project Sprague Broadway STP(U) $ 49,275 $ 365,000 24 0179 -Sprague Avenue Resurfacing Project Faucher Thierman STP(U) $ 48,600 $ 360,000 25 0179 -Sprague Avenue Resurfacing Project Herald University STP(U) $ 56,025 $ 415,000 26 0179 -Sprague Avenue Resurfacing Project(EB Lanes) Havana Fancher STP(U) $ 83,700 $ 620,000 27 0175 Sullivan Rd/UPRR Overpass Bridge Resurfacing Sullivan ©UPRR Overpass BR $ - $ 286,140 28 0176 Appleway Trail University Evergreen City-303 $ 150,000 $ 150,000 29 0177 Sullivan Road Corridor Traffic Study 1-90 Wellesley STP(U) $ 27,000 $ 200,000 30 0181 Citywide Traffic Sign Upgrade Various locations QRSP $ - $ 100,000 5 3,783,700 5 14,386,740 Projects and timerYames identified 111 the TrP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety or circumstances,and are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in mlking development decisions. Funded Projects Added Projects 2012 Carry Over Projects \Public Vlrorksl Capital Projects\CIP-TIP Funding)2013-2018 TIP1Amended 2013 TIPlAmended 2013 TIP 3/27/2013