Ordinance 03-033 Adopts County Standards for Road & Sewer Construction } C1TY OF SPOKAIVE V aLLEY SPOI{AiVE CQUNTY, WASHINGTON 4RDINANCT NO. 33 AlY ORDIIVANCL OF THE C1TY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, VVASHIn`GTON, ADOPTIn`G BY RFFER1+rNCE THE SPOKANE COUNTY STANDARDS FOR KOAD AND SEVVFR CONSTRUCTlON AS THE INTERTIVI STANDARDS FUR ROAD ANU 5ENN'T111 COVS l'RUCTIUN OF THE CITY. WHEREAS, the City of Spnkane Valley will incarporate on March 31, 2003; and WHEREAS, the City af Spokalie Valley dcsires to aciopt Standards for Road and Sewer Construction Arithin the corporate limits of the Cify; WHEREAS, Spokane County adopted Standarcls for TZoad and Sewcr Construction efleetive April 3, 2001 wluch inc;ludcd the roads and sewers within the City; WHEREAS, after lhe date of incorporation, lhe City of Spokane Valley intends to review, revise and, as necessary, cievelop its own Standards for Road and Sewer Constniction. NOW, THEREFOIZF, the City Council of the City of Spokaiie Valley; `VaShi11gL011, cia prciain as follows: Section 1.. Standards for Road and Sewer ConstTUCtion. Pursuant to RCW 35A.11.020 and 35A.12.140, the City adopts by referencc the Spokane County Stanciards for Road and Sewer ConstrucTi4n cffective April 3, 2001 which is attAChed hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated hereiu by thi5 reference as presently constituted or hereinaFcer amended as the interim Standards for Road and Sewer Construction of the City of Spokane Valley. Unlcss the contcxt require.s other-vvise, references to Spokanc Cotmty shall bc construed to mcati the City of Spokane Valley and references to County staff shall rcfer to the City Vlanager or designec. Section 2. Adoption of Ottier I..aws. To the extent that any provision of the Spokane County Code, or any other law, rulc or regulation refcrenced in the attached StandEu-ds for Raad and Sewer Cnnstruction is necessary or convenient to establish che validity, enfareeability or intecpretation of the Standards for 17oad and Scwer Conscruction, theu such provision of the Spokane Caunty Cocle, or ather law, rule or regulation is hereby adopted by reference. Section 3. Referenee to Hearina Bodies. When the attachcd Standards t'or Road uid Sewer Construction refers to planning corlunissions, board of appeals, hearing exaininer, or any other similar body; the City Council shall serve in all such roles, but retains the right to establish any one or more of such bodies, at any lime and witllout regard to whether any quasi judicial or other matter is then pendiug. Section 4. Modil'ication of Standarcis The responsibility and authority for developin; recommcndations for modifying and monitoring the effectiveness of the Slandards for Road and Pagc I C:iDocwnents and Settin;sNrcnullertLocal SettingITemporaiy [nicrnct Files10LK1 llOrdinancc No. 33.dtx r' r , SeNver Construction of the City of Spokane Valley may be clelegated to City Council Committee according to Council R.ules. 7"he Council Coirunittee shall work vvith the City Manager; dcsignated stafE and others ta provide for road and sewer developmcnt that promotes the arderly develnpment of the City and serves the best interest of the residents. The Council shall perindically review the Standards far Road and Sewer Constructinn and modify a.nd amend the same from time t4 time, as necessary. Section 5. Unif.'anr Codc - Cnvies on File. The City Clcrk is to maintain one copy on file of the Standards for Road and Sewer Construction adopted by this ordinance. Section 6. Liabilitv. '1"he erpress intent of the City of Spokmle VaUey is that lhe responsibility for compliance with the provisians of this ordinance shall rest with the pcrmit applicant and their agents. This orciinancc aiid its provisions are adopted with the express intcnt to protecl the hcaith, safety; and welfare of the gcneral public and are not intencied to protect any particular class of individuals or organizations. Section 7. Severabilitv. If any section; sentence, c•lause or plirase of this ordinance shall be held to be invalid or unconstihitional by a court of competent .jurisdiclion, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutianality of any other section, sentence, clause or ptirase of this ordinancc. Scction 8. Effeclive Date. Tlus Ordinance shall be in Full force and effecc on the official date of incocporation providcd public,ation of this Ordinance or a summary thereof occurs in thc official newspaper of the City as provided by law. PASSED by the Cily Council tlus _Z/ 47-~' day of February, 2003. ~ Mayor, Michael TaeVleming/ r ATT ' Interim City Clerk, Ruth Mullcr Approved As To Form: / I erinmi ity t\tt ey, tanle}~ i~ . Schwartr Da Publication: /y.v" 27, Zco3 Effective Date: A AAeL& 63 Paae 2 C_'Documents snd SetunaplrmullerlLocal SctlingslTemporary Intemet FiIcs10LK1 110rdinance No. 33.doc ~ _ . . . . , ~ ' ~ . : . ~f : ~ ; : - ' . _ - ' - . e~~~." - . , . ~ . . ~ . , . ' - r ' 1 ~ - ~c.~ r ~ : •\J' ~ , v r- • ..r ' ' . ~ . . . , ' • 1 " ' ~ . ' ' .l~ . :4 ' ' • , ' . f ~ ~ . , r' ` , ' ~ . • , t • . • " ` ' . . - ' • - N~ ~ , ~ ~ ' • . ' . ' , ~ . ~ ~ • ~ . 1. . . . . ° - ' • ~ , . . - . , r . . ' . ' ~ / - . ~,v r: , ~ ~ ~ • _ ~ f . . • - . vad ' ' an- A1=1~, k KASIPO ' ~ ,I~~~,~' _ , ' , • . ' ~ ' ' ~ , : - ~ ' ' " . ' ; . - . : t. ' • . . " ~ . . . . . . . . 6 { - . . , . . . . p ~ I' . . . . ~ . . , . . . , ~ ~ . O U N T Y DtVISlUN ON ENG[lJEERlNG ANU 12QA[3S A DttWON OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPAtiTMENP ' . Au9ust 26, 2003 . Dear Subscriber, - , . As a- subscriber to the Spokane County Standards for Road and Sewer '.Construction manual, several pages are being provided to update sectioris within , your manual(s). Please remove and replace pages as instrucfiecl below. Table of Contents: • . Remove old pages Replace witli new pages TechnicaLBefer_Ence_A • ktemaue-page-A=3-dated-April-1g94 . Replace with page A-3 dated June-2003 1Technical Reference E: Insert new section . Electronic copies are, also available on CD or by download from our Internet site _ at , htt : /www.sookanecountv,ora~enoineer/desian.aso. Requesrs or changes to the subscriber name, mailing address or other contact information can be made by contacting Lori Jeske/Schoonover at 509/477-7446 or by email at Ischoonover@spokanecounty.org. ' . Snce y, . . . Ross E. Ke y, F. County Engineer . Enclosures .t`, . - rnr~• arn+ 1026 W. Rroadsvsy Ave. • Spokane, WA 99260-0770 •(509) 977-3600 FAX: (5051) 477-7655 12nd Flrnrl 477-947R 19rA T~I,,..A TABLE OF CONTENTS ~ ~ . INTRODUCTION 1.00 GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS ......................................................................1-1 1.01 APPLlCABILITY 1-1 1.02 DEFINITIONS ..................................................................................................1-1 1.03 RESPONSIBfLITY TO PROVIDE 1_04 REFERENCES 1-6 1.06 STATE SPECIFICATIONS AND PLANS 1-7 ~ . 1.07 N4N-CONFORMING PRiVATE ROAD ...........................................................1-7 1.08 DEVIATIONS AND REVIEI/V OF DECISION ...1-7 .........1-8 1.10 COMPLIANCE REVIEW 1.11 ROADWAY TYPES ..........................................................................................1-8 ~ 1.12 ROADWAY CLASSIFICATIONS .....1-8 . ~ 1.13 HALF-STREET 1-10 1.14 PRIMITIVE ROADS 1-10 - 1.16 ROAD NAMES ..........................................................................................,.....1-11 1.20 LEVELS OF SERVICE ...1-11 . ~ 1.30 TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY ..........1-11 ~ 1.40 SEVERABILITY ..............................................................................................1-12 2.00 ROAD TYPES & GEOMETRIC FEATURES 2-1 ~ - ..................3-1 " 3.00 NEW CONSTRUCTION DESIGN STANDIaRDS 3.01 COUNTY ARTERIAI.. STREETS :.....................................................................3-1 . 3.02 COUNTY ACCESS STREETS . 3-1 3.03 TYPICAL ROADWAY SECTIM ........3-1 3,04 INTERSECTIONS 3-1 3.05 BORDER EASEMENTS 3-2.- 3.07 SLOPES 3-3 3.08 RIGHI"-OF-WAY 3-3 3.09 CONNECTIONS OF STATE HIGHWAYS ...3-10 AND NEW COUNTY ROADS 3.11 RAILROAD GRADE CROSSiNG ................................................................:..3-10 ~ 3.12 STANDARD ROAD AND TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNING 3-1 0 3.14 TRAFFIC BARRIER 3-10 3.15 CLEAR ZONE . ...................................................................................._..........3-11 3.16 ROAD SURFACING REQUIREMENTS . .......................................................3-11 3.17 CUL-DE-SACS ...............................................................................................3-16 3.18 'CURBS, SIDEWALKS, AND PATHWAYS . 3-16 3.20 CURB RAMPS . ..............................................................................................3-17 3.22 PRIVATE ROADS 3-17 3.23 PRIVATE ALLEYS 3-18 3-19 ._-1.24 DRIVEWAY APPROACHES `.---+.00 3R DESIGN STANDARDS ...............................................................................4-1 1 ~ 5.00 PROJECT APPLICATION AND CLARIFICATION . .........................................5-1 ~ 5.01 APPLICATION PROCEDURE 5-1 ~ 5.02 GENERAL F4RMATTING ..............................5-3 , 5.03 DRAFTING STANDARDS 5-4 5.04 PLAN............................................................~....................................................5-4 . 5.06 PROFILE ELEMENTS . 5-6 5.08 TYPiCAL CROSS SECTION . 5-7 ~ 5.10 DRAINAGE PIAN . 5-7 6.00 tAND SURVEY STANDARDS . 6-1 , - 6.01 REGULATIONS ....6-1 - 6.02 MONUMENTATION 6-1 6.03 HORIZONTAL CONTROL NET 6-2 6.04 TEMPORARY BENCH MARK . 6-2 - 7-1 7.00 BRIDGES AND OTHER STRUCTURES ~ 7.01 PRfNCIPAL REFERENCE FOR BRIDGES 7-1 7.03 OTHER BRIDGE DESIGN CRITERIA 7-1 7.04 RETAINING WALLS AND OTNER STRUCTURES 7-2 8.00 UTILITIES ........................................................................................................8-1 8.01 FRANCHISING PQLICY 8-1 8-1 . 8.02 STANDARD UTILITIES LOCATIONS. p 8.04 SCHEDULING OF UTILlTIES INSTALLATION, ~ RELOCATION AND INSPECTION 8-2 9.00 PERMITS AND INSPECTION . 9-1 ~ 9.01 APPLICATION 9-1 9:02 BASIS FOR CONTROL OF THE WORK . 9-2 ~9.04 ROAD CONSTRUCTION INSPECTIONS 9-2 ~ . 9.06 CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION NOTIFICATIONS AND RECORDS............ 9-3 9.09 COUNTY FORCES & COUNTY CONTRACT ROAD INSPECTION ..............9-4 9.10 RECORD DRAWINGS .....................................................................................9-4 . 10.00 BONDING 1 0-1 10.01. PERFORMANCE SURETY 10-1 10.02 WARRANTY SURETY 10-7 10.03 PERMIT SURETY 10-7 TECHNICAL REFERENCE A A-1 TECHNICAL REFERENCE B B-1 ` 7ECHNICAt REFERENCE C - TECHNICAL REFERENCE D D-1 ~ TECHNICAL REFERENCE E E-1 TABLES AND FIGURES ~ 1 3.01 ARTERIAL AND COLLECTOR STREET DESIGN ELEMENTS .....................3-4 ~ 3.02 ARTERIAL AND COLLECTOR STREET DESIGN ELEMENTS - WIDTHS...3-6 ~ 3.03 ACCESS STREET DESIGN ELEMENTS .3-8 3.15 CLEAR ZONE DISTANCES - SHOULDERED ROADS .............:.................3-13 3.15A HORIZONTAL CURVE ADJUSTMENT .........................................................3-14 ~ ~ 3.16 STRUCTURAL ROAD SECTIONS FOR RESIDENYIAL STREETS PAVEMENT DESIGN ALTERNATE ..............................................................3-15 , . , TECHNlCAL REFERENCE A Traffic Studies and Review Procedures ) A. Name of Project B. Project Sponsor's Name and Address C. Study Preparer's Name, Address and Phone Number D. Date -of Study Preparation ' E. Responsible Engineer's Seal, Signature and Date II. Table of Contents A. Major Sections -B. List of Figures . C. .List of Tables , III. Executive Summary . . A. Site Location and Study Area - B. Development Description -C. Principal Findings , D. Conclusions E. Recommendations 1V. Introduction . A. Purpose of Report and Study Objectives B. Project Description C. Scope of the Report i D. Assumptions E. Methodology V. Existing Conditions A. Transportation Network Description B. - Existing,Zoning . C. Existing Traffic Volumes • D. Accident History VI. Proposed Other Development (Background Projects) A. Background Project Description 1. Vicinity Map . 2. Trip Generation 3. Trip Distribution 4. Trip Assignment B. Pfanned Roadway Improvements - 1. Project Name 2. Description of Improvemenfs . VIL Propased Project A. Project Description ~ 1. Site P1an - ' 2. Trip Generation . 3. Trip Distribution . . Spokane Caunty Standards Page A-3 June*2003 ~ TECHNlCAL REFERENCE E ~ Performance Surety Reduction i ~ . . . PROJECT CONSTRUCTION CERTIFICAT{ON PROCEDURES for . SPOKANE COUNTY • . ROAD, DRAtNAOE, AND SEWER-PROJECTS • . • APRIL, 2402 ' PREPARED BY . SPOKANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS . , in association wiih _ AMERICAN CQUNCIL OF ENGlNEERING COMPANIES OF WASHINGTON SPOKANE COUNTY CON5TRUCTION CERTIFICA710N COMMITTEE . County gtneer . Utllittes Director lea4gy - n &L." k . "Ross Kelfey, P.E. ~ N. Sruce Rawls, P.E. . ' qi/loZ 4118 /2ooz- Date Date , Spokane County Standards Page E- 1 April 2002 TECHNiCAL REFERENCE E PerFormance Surety Reduction ~ ~ INTRODUCTION The Construction Certification Committee is comprised - of representatives of the Spokane C.ounty Public Works Department and the local chapter of the American Council of Engineering Companies of Washington (ACEC). The Committee has been working over the past three years to address issues of concern regarding the construction certification procedures for projects within Spokane County. There has been a major focus by this Committee on the development of guidelines to insure a consistent approach to the technical and administrative procedures during the construction phases of projects. The initial meeting of the Committee was held on February 12, 1999. Meetings were .initially held twice a month and then changed to once monthly. Meeting minutes were `kept and distributed to Committee members and to the ACEC membership as a whole as the work progressed. The committee's first interim report was completed and made available to interested parties (local developers, contractors, and engineers) in June of 2000. Workshops were scheduled and held with the developmenUcontracting community on June 15, 2000, and subsequently on March 21, 2001 to present the interim work products of the Committee and to receive comments on the committee's findings and recommendations. 'The procedures developed by the Committee and presented herein are intended to foster consistent high quality products for the developer, and to facilitate the subsequent transfer of ownership of the finished products to Spokane County. The procedures have been derived from the committee's interim report documents, with consideration of comments received and concerns expressed by the development/contracting community, and have been adopted by the Division of Engineering and Roads, and by the Division of Utilities. These procedures provide the needed framework for effective interaction between the sponsor, the Sponsor's Engineer, and the Department of Public Works. Additionally, the procedures promote adherence to the County's adopted Standards for Road and Sewer Construction. Note that these procedures apply to public and private road and sewer projects. It is anticipated that specific separate procedures will be developed for and adopted by the County for commercial and industrial development projects. _ . Spokane County Standards Page E- 2 April 2002 _ TECHNICAL REFERENCE E - 'Performance Surety Reduction „ ~ GUIDELINES and PROCEDURES Authority of Prior to the start of construction, the County wili determine the specific County reporting needs for a project, and the sponsor will identify the . Sponsor's Engineer and the Project Coordinator. The County will identify areas of particular technical concern and historical probiem areas to the Sponsor's Engineer. The County, has defined the general • . structure for objective measurements and/or tletermination methods for construction acceptability (See Attachment 3). The Sponsor's Engineer is responsible for the reasonable application of those methods to the specific project. County inspectors.will make site visits intermittenfly during the construction of the project to verify progress , and will periodically discuss inspection activities with the Project Coordinator. ' Sporisor's The Sponsor's Engineer shall be a licensed Professional Engineer in ' Engineer the State of Washington. -Inspections are to be performed by that engineer,. or by his/her representative. An outline of Construction Phase Services is presented in Attachment 1 to this document. Project The project sponsor shall designate a Project Coordinator for each ~ Coordinator project. The Project Coordinator shall be responsible for managing ~ the day-to-day operations af the project including traffic control, citizen . concerns, and overall coordination. ThE Project Coordinator' shall be • ' the contact for the County personnel. The Project Coordinator's . responsibilities are separate from 'construction inspection and certification duties of thE Sponsor's Engineer. The Sponsor's Engineer need not be the Project Coordinator, although he/she can be , if tFie developer so designates. Inspection The inspection and construction bondslsecurities will not be reieased Bonding until the project is certified and the project is accepted by the County and written authorization for release is received from the Sponsor's Engineer. ln some cases, partial releases of certain types af construction securities may be allowed by the County Engineer or the Utilities Director. . Pay Requests The sponsor should include review of the construction pay rEquests for percent complete and/or items complete as a part of the engineering services contract. , This is related to the County's requirements for security reductions. The percent complefe or items _ completed will need to be signed off by the Sponsor's Engineer and ~ certified before a financial security reduction is allowed. • Record At a minimum, there will be weekly project summary reports submitted Keeping to the County by the Sponsor's Engineer, even if no work was Spokane County Standards Page E- 3 April 2002 TECHNICAL REFERENCE E \PerFormance Surety Reduction ~ performed. Specific reporting requirements will be discussed at the pre-design meeting and established prior to construction. For some projects, the County will require daily reports to be submitted. Reporting All lab and field-testing reports need to be included in the final . Forms certification package. Test reports that show'failing tests need to have follow-up test reports that show passing tests for the area of failure. . On-site samples need to be used for testing. The use of test reports from other projects to certify work on the project being certified is not allowed. Any nonconforming issues shall be fully documented with subsequent documents on how the issue was corrected. Traffic The Project Coordinator for the project needs to make sure that the Control requirements for traffic control on a project are being properly . handled. Construction Complaints from citi2ens regarding the project need to be documented Complaints by the Project Coordinator-and resolved. Spokane County personnel need to be involved in the process when the County's authority needs to be used to resolve an issue. ~ . Drainage The Sponsor's Engineer will verify that the volume of each finished ~ Swate drainage swaie equals or exceeds the design volume of the swale at a . {nspections , six-inch depth. Additionally, •the Sponsor's Engineer will verify that there is adequate and continuous grade from the road to the swale for the effective conveyance of runoff. The Sponsor's Engineer and the County will monitor the performance of swales during the construction and warranty period for proper percolation. Swales that do not percolate properly will require corrective'work or measures. Utility A sewer inspection policy has been developed by the Division of ' Inspections Uti{ities and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners (See Attachment 4, Resolution No. 9M771). In addition, the Division of Utilities has developed a protocol for the scheduling and review of television inspections, which is Attachment 5 to this document. . . Whenever pipe installation or pipe zone material placement and compaction is underway, the Sponsor's construction engineer, or hisfher representative, shall observe the work on a continual basis. . ~---'Changes . Changes during construction that affect the scope of the project and/or During the accepted individual Iot plans must be submitted for review by the ' Construction County. Minor changes do not need to be reviewed by the County, Spokane County Standards . Page E- 4 April 2002 TECHNICAL REFERENCE E Pertormance Surety Reduction . ~ but must be documented in the daily and weekly inspection reports. Acceptance The County uses these terms in the following ways: vs. ApProval Acceptance: Pertains to construction plans, calculations, and details. Spokane County has not prepared them, and relies upon the . responsible engineer's stamp. Approval: Related to design andlor construction deviation from the . County Standard. County approval is required for all deviations from Standards. Project 1) The Sponsor's Engineer performs an inspection with the contractor Acceptance and as necessary issues a punch list to be completed. After Construction 2) The "walk through" with the County is scheduled as soon as Completion, possible after the Sponsor's Engineer is satisfied that all punch list items are completed. 3) The "walk through" with Spokane County is performed and any remaining deficiency items are noted to a punch'list. If no deficiency items are noted, this is considered the "final walk through". The J Sponsor's Engineer may then submit certified Record Drawings and -Project Certification documents to the County requesting acceptance of the project. 4) The sponsor should consider taking verification photographs . immediately following the "final walk through". The sponsor continues to be responsible for correction of all deficiencies until the Board of -County Commissioners (the Board) accepts of the project. Verification photographs can be helpful in resolving cases of damage by third parties (e.g. utility companies, builders, landscapers, etc.) . 5) The Sponsor's Engineer shall compile and submit a certification , package to the County. The package shall include all related . construction docurnents, one set of mylar record drawings, and a stamped and signed certification statement from the Sponsor's Engineer. See Attachment 3 for an example checklist presenting the . minimum certification requirements. 6) If the engineer's submittal is not received within two weeks of the walk through, or if deficiencies are noted during the walk through, ,.another walk through inspection with the County inspector may be . required. NO NEW ITEMS WILL BE ADDED TO THE LIST AT THIS TIME, UNLESS NEW DAMAGE MAS OCCURRED SINCE THE PREVIOUS "WALK THROUGH". ' Spokane County Standards Page E- S Apri12002 - TECHNICAL REFERENCE E Performance Surety Reduction ► 7) If the certification package is incomplete, or otherwise unacceptable, the Sponsor's Engineer shall be required to provide the missing documents before the County will issue the Notice of Substantial Completion. . 8) The County will review the certification documents within a two- ' week period and issue a Notice of Substantial Completion if appropriate. This Notice of Substantial Completion is conditioned , . _ upon no further deficiencies becoming evident before the Board has . accepted the project. 9) If no acceptance by the Board is required (i.e. sewers, private roads etc,) the Notice of Substantial Completion shall be considered the point of acceptance by Spokane County for the pra}ect, and the start of the warranty period. 10) For projects requiring the Board's acceptance, the County staff ' . will make reasonable efforts to bring the project before the'Board for ' acceptance • within a six-week - period following the Notice of Substantial Completion_ The sponsor will remain responsible for the . condition of the project as documented during the final walk through ~ until forrnal acceptance by the Board. 11) A flow chart of this procedure is included as Attachment 2. . Conflict During the construction process, occasional differences may arise Resolution between the Sponsor's Engineer and County staff regarding the - interpretation, of policies, standards or guidance documents. When . the Sponsor's Engineer does not agree with an interpretatiori made by County staff, the Sponsor's Engineer may appeal to the County Engineer or Utilities Director, as appropriate. The County Engineer or . Utilities Director will review . the circumstances and make a . determination in support of the position of the Sponsor's Engineer or County staff. If the Sponsor's Engineer disputes the outcome of this . • review process, 'he/she may request that the issue be referred to an Engineering Review Panel with a structure similar to that of the panel identified in the County's Standards for Road and Sewer Construction for the resolution of design deviation issues. Record Changes from the originally accepted documents shall be clearly Drawings noted with "clouds." Revised notes, elevations, grades or other text should be lined through. "Clean new sheets" are not desired. Any . changes to easements, need to be clearly shown. on the Record Drawings. The Record Drawings should be marked "Record Drawings.° Spokane County Standards Page E- 6 April 2002 _ TECHNICAL REFERENCE E Performance Surety Reduction ► General Guidance: If a change represents a change from the design . intent or system performance in the judgment of the engineer, then it should be clearly shown. Record Drawings are to reffect the correct location of that which is in the field. Spot elevations (on swales, curb, gutter, etc.) to depict the final grades should be taken and compared with the final design, and differences noted on the Record Drawings. - Elements of the plans that were not built need to have a6esign •change acceptance from Spokane County prior to finai inspection and submittal of Record Drawings. . The County will provide examples of acceptable Record Drawings at . . the request of the Sponsor's Engineer. Warranty , The start- date and the extent of the warranty period shall be as Period and stipulated in the.County Standards for Road and Sewer Construction.' Damage by The County will hold the sponsor responsible for any damage untii Third Parties final acceptance by the Board has occurred. Once the project has been accepted by the Board, the County will hold the property owner, _utility company, builder, etc., responsible for damages that may vccur that are not warranty items. - ~ • . ATTACHMENTS - Attachment 1- Construction Phase Services Outline Attaclimenf 2- Ffow Chart - Project Acceptance Attachment 3- Final Certification Checklist - Sample - Attachment 4- Interim Policy Regarding Sewer Construciron InspecGons • Attachment 5- Spokane County N Inspection Protocol ~ - ~ Spokane County Standards Page E- 7 April 2002 TECHNICAL REFERENCE E _ Pertormance Surety Reduction tATTACHMENT 1- CONSTRUCTION PHASE SERVICES AMERICAIV COUNCIL OF ENGINEERING COMPANIES OF WASHINGTON SPOKANE COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION CERTIFICATION SUBCOMMITTEE Reauired Items to be comaleted bv the Snonsflr's Enaineer: ' 1. Specifrc Certification Inspections A. Roads -Erosion Control. -Drainage ImprovementslTesting. -Embankment PlacemenUDensity Control. -TrencMing BackfilVDensity Control. . -Subgrade Line.and Grade/Density C4ntrol. -Surfacing Line and GradeJDensity Control, -CurUs and SidewalksJMaterial Quality. . B. Sewer ' -Full time inspection and testing during piRe installation and pipe zone material placement. . II. Review and approval of changes to approved plans including approval through the County if . necessary. ~J . 111. Record keeping and weekry reporting to fhe County. ' ~IV, " Contractor pay requests/bond reduction assistance. V. Project acceptance of constcuction (See interim report flow chart). VI. As built survey/record drawings and side sewer (stub) reports. VII_ Certfication repork. Repuired Items that mav be comnleted bv desianated Proiect Coordinator or Soonsar's E+iaineer: f. Pre-Construction meeting. II. Construction staking. 1III. General project administration, coordination, and schedule monitoring. ' !V, Traffic and dust cantrol. V. Response to construction complaints and resolution of compla+nts. Vl. lVlqnurnelltation ' • i ' Spokane County Standards Page E- 8 April 2002 - ~ . \ i . . REF ERENCE E ` . . . ~ . TEC :,e .Surety Reduction Pet'fc.. . pTT'pCHMEN FLOW CHAR'1' ' 2 FTER GONSTRUCTION COMP1-ETION ACCEPTANCE A PROJECT ~ 'Y ~ Coi t~' ~1 ~ ` ~ S r pR ~pu~. . °3 c ' tr• ~ .p , ~t' ~ LiS~ t NC+ . t' T . pREP . - : oard' . ""a o. ~ sfo erg - . AGCE~P ~ ANCE • - MM[ E'~ . + O~~ C < p•.CU e ta iG ~ ~io (r2 Co . . pageE-g Spokane CountY Standards , . qpril 2002 . . . ~ TECHNICAL REFERENCE E Performance Surety Reduction ~ ATTACHMENT 3 - FINAL CERTIFICATION CHECKLIST (SAMPLE) Project: Certiftcate Head Letter. Statement of intent to certify the projed. PE Sfamp and Signature. Record'Drawings Mylar Drawings: ~ . ~ PE Stamp and Signature Lettered certification statement (9.10 Spokane County Standards) • . Project Documents: Daily Inspection Reports: ~ Field Reports; • ~ • lnspection of Asphalt Pavinq: 100% On site inspection durinq pavinq. Compaction Repoits: ' - ~Sewer trench lifts. ~ i Water trench lifts. Utility trench lifts. Crushed Rack Lifts. ~ Materiat Documents: Field and Laborator}r Tests: Field Test Lab Test (Slump, Air Confent, Concrete: Temp.) (Break 7est) Sub-Grade: ~ (Compaction) (Gradation, Proctor) Crushed Rock: (Compaction, Qepth) (Gradation, Proctor) Asphalt: ' (Compaction, 7Mickness) (Rice, Gradation, Oil Content) On Site Inspoctions Of Drainage Ifems: Drvwells: ~ Gutter Inlets: . Cu Iverts: ' . . Sidewalk Vaults: ~ . t7rainaAe Qitches: ~ ~ . , - , Other. I ~ • Incoming / Outgoing Correspondence: ~ (This is a guide line of required doouments, but nai fimited to, for final certification.) Spokane County Standards . Page E- 10 Apri! 2002 TECHNICAL REFERENCE E ~ Pertormance Surety Reduction ~ ATTACHMENT 4 INTERIM POLICY REGARDING SEWER CONSTRUCTION INSPECTIONS, • RECORD DRAWINGS & ENGINEER'S STATEMENT Inspection Requirements These requirements apply to all public and private sewer lines eight inches and larger in diameter, and to sewer service stubs extended from those lines to the property lines of individual parcels. Note that all sewer service lines six inches and smaller in diarrieter, other than those service stubs noted above, will be inspected by Spokane County Division of Utilities. . . On all sewer construction for development, inspections vrill be performed by the Sponsor's Engineer or hislher designated representative. At the request of the sponsor, thc County may provide the sewer inspection services, provided that the sponsor agrees to pay all costs . associated with the County inspections and provided that the County determines that staff is , available-to perform the inspections. The inspection of sewers shall include the items listed below. However, the listing provided ' below is not intended to be all inclusive. It will be the responsibility of the Sponsor's Engineer to determine additional inspection activities that may be needed for a specific project in order to report substantial conformance of the project with the County's standards. 1. Conformance of all construction materials with County standards shall be veritied prior to installation. ~ ~ 2. The sewer trench shall be inspected for proper dimensions and pipe zone clearances prior to placement of pipe. • 3. 7he placement and compaction of the pipe zone material and bedding shall be inspected. 4. The pipe joints shall be inspected visually for proper insertion. 5. Morizontal alignment and grade of the pipe shall be checked for conformance to the standards prior to backfilling of the trench. 6. Sewer service tees and stubs shall be inspected for correct installation prior to aackfilling of the trench. 7. Accurate measurements shall be made and recorded to facilitate the reestablishment af sewer service tee locatioris and stub end locations. The placement of the required stub markers shall be verified. . 8. Manholes shall be inspected for proper materials, location, assembly, and installation. 9. Trench backfilling operations shall be observed and compaction tests shall be performed. Minimum requirements for backfilling shall be as set forth in the accepted plans and/or ' specifications for the project. . 10. Mandrel testing, hydrostatic andlor air pressure testing, and manhole testing shall be . performed fallowing completion of trench backfilling operatians. The testing shall be observed until passing results are obtained. Manhole testing shall be performed on ten percent of the manholes in the project, in accordance with Department of Ecology's "Criteria for Sewage Works Design". Spokane County Standards Page E- 11 April 2002 % TECHNICAL REFERENCE E - Performance Surety Reduction ~ ~ 11. 7he Sponsor's Engineer shall schedule television inspection of the sewer lines through the Division of Utilities once the other testing has been satisfactority completed. The Division of . Utilities will then perform the television inspeetion and review the tapes for deficiencies , requiring correction or repair. -Adopted Via Resolution 98-0771 9/22/98 12. Daily inspection reports shall be prepared, summarizing construction activities, contractor work force and work period, testing resutts, problems encountered, and other pertinent ' information. The praject sponsor or the sponsor's Construction Engineer shall notify the Division of Utilities 48 hours in advance of the start of construction of the sewer system, and shall provide a generalized , schedule for the progress of the work. County inspection personnel will make occasional site visits to inspect the work and do materials testing as deemed necessary. County inspection personnel will address concems and questions to the Engineer of Record. The cost of these , occasional site visits will be.charged to the Construction Permit for the work. 1'he sponsor will bear the cost of all inspections and materials testing. The Division of Utilities shall have access to all construction inspection records and reports. Before the County accepts the sewer system, the Sponsor's Engineer shall submit all consiruction records to the Divislon of Utilities. This shall include but not be limited to Daily Inspection Reports, correspondence, . manufacturers' certifications, and material test reports. - When changes to the design'are necessary, the sponsor shall be responsible for coordinating the proposed design changes with the sponsor's Design Engineer. The sponsor's Qesign Engineer y shall farward two oopies of the proposed plan changes, together with related calculations, to the Division of Utilities for review and acceptance prior to construction. The Sponsor's Engineer shall schetiule, a final inspection meeting between the Sponsor's Engineer, the sponsor, and the Division of Utilities at the completion of cronstruction and testing of the sewer system. Deficiencies found shall be corrected by the sponsor prior to the County's . . acceptance of the sewer. Record Drawinqs & Enaineer's Statement • During construction the sponsor's Surveyor ancllor Construction Engineer shall record any changes to the accepted plans. All substantive changes shall be indicated and noted on the • accepted final sewer plans and the plans shall be annotated as "Record Drawings". In those c2ses where the County provides the inspection services, the County will produce fhe Record Drawings. Side sevrer stub sketches shall also be prepared on the Counry's standard form. As-built elevatians, locations, pipe lengths, and pipe slopes must be verified on the Record Drawings. The following statement shall be lettered on the Record Drawings and stamped and signed by the • sponsor's Construction Engineer on the Record Drawings: "I have reviewed the construction of this sewer system and to my knowledge find it to be in substantial conformance with the accepted plans and Spokane County Standards except as noted." . Spokane County Standards Page E- 12 April 2002 TECHNICAL REFERENCE E Performance Surety Reduction ~ ATTACHMENT 5 SPOKANE COUNTY DIVISION OF UTILITIES , PROTOCOL FOR TELEVISION INSPECTION OF SEWERS In the interest of developing aconsistent methodology for the coordination and review of television inspections, the following steps have been established: 1. PRE-PAVING TELEVISION INSPECTION a) At least two weeks prior to the desired pre-paving television inspection, the Contractor requests . the television inspection through the Sponsor's Engineer. 7he Engineer submits the request (on standard form) to the Division of Utilities Sewer Design Section. (Utility contacts are B. Urhausen~ and G. Repp). b) Server Design Section schedules•television inspection with the Wastewater Operations Section. ' -c) In order for the inspection to take place, sewer mains will need to be high-pressure cleaned, mandrel tested, and pressure tested. In addition, manholes will need to be acc;essible by the TV van. Backfill must be in place around the cone sections of the manholes. If the contractor has placed temporary steel plates on top of the manholes, then the contractor will need to provide - manpower and equipment to remove and replace the plates to facilitate the television inspection. d) Detailed television inspection is undertaken, noting tee locations/stations, irregularities, deiects, - ` etc. e) The Contractor shall pay the cost of the pre-paving television inspection. ' 2. REVIEW OF PRE-PAVING TELEVISION INSPECTION ! a) When the Sewer Design Section receives the VHS tapes and fault log from the Operatians Section, the fault log uvill be reviewed for noted defecfs. The tapes and log will then be forwarded to Engineer for review. . b) Engineer reviews tapes and log, and makes determination of any repairs that need to be undertaken. c} Engineer coordinates with Sewer Design Section Manager for concurrence on repairs that are needed. In some cases, this may necessitate joint review of the tapes, d) After concurrence between the Engineer and the Sewer Design Section Manager, the Engineer will stipulate the required repairs to the Contractor. 3. ACCEPTANCE STANDARDS FOR GRADE DEVIATIONS a) The Standard Specifications stipulate that reverse grades are not acceptable. In the review of . television inspection tapes, the Engineer and the Sewer Design Section Manager will consider . the combined effecfs of pipe joints, allowed variations in pipe diamefer, and grade on any entrapped water appearing on the inspection tapes. 4. POST-PAVING TELEVISION INSPECTION a) After the roadway is substantially complete above the sewer, a post-paving television inspection will be scheduled, in the same manner as the pre-Raving television inspection. . b) This television inspection will be less detailed than the first, and vrill be undertaken to check for pipe cleanliness, and to identify any structural defects that may have occurred/presented since - the initial television inspection. . c) The review of the tapes and concurrence on needed repairs will proceed in the same fashion as identified for the pre-paving television inspection. Spokane County Standards Page E- 13 April 2002 ' - TECHNICAL REFERENCE E Performance Surety Reduction ~ d) The cost of the first post-paving television inspection shall not be charged to the Contractor. The cost of any subsequent television inspections performed to confirm the adequacy af repairs vrill be charged to the Contractor. 5. REMEDY PROVISIONS • a) In the case of a pipeline swale, or other defect, that is identified during the post-paving television inspection, the Engineer and the Sewer Design Section Manager shall determine #he need for repair work to correct the defect. b) In certain cases, in lieu of undertaking the repair, the Contractor may be required to pay the estimated cost of making the repair to the County. Such payment will then be deposited in the County's sewer repair and replacement fund_ 6. MANHOLE INSPECTIONS a) The Engineer- shall inspect the sewer manholes for conformance with Spokane County Standards. Observations regarding the condition of manholes made by the television inspection crew are.to be considered as supplementary information, and are not intended to replace the Engineer's inspection. 7. MAKING CONNECTIONS TO NEW SEWER LINES No connections to the new sewer lines will be allowed until the County has accepted the sewer lines for operation and maintenance. Before acceptance can occur, the Engineer must provide acceptable record ' drawings for the project to the Division of Utilities, together with the requireti Engineer's Statement, Additionalty, the vrarranty period security must be nrovided by the developer as stipulated in the ~ development agreement. Spokane County Standards Page E- 14 April 2002 Spokane County Standards for Road and Sewer Construc:tion 1~1. f cf~+ 71~t!'. • ~ ~ , `h s i ~ ! rwr t ~ ~ f~f.tiw~J'"W~~"j~.Sr ' ~s,~ Qim~~~~Q I~I,anua~' ?r ~ The complete manual indudes the following: • 3" white binder Pickup Mailed • Raad Standards • Gencral Provisions $60.00 $70.00 • Standard Plans . • Guidelines for Stormwater Management ' ~ ^f Pl~a~ns Ort~ly~~~~,_ A 3" whitie binder, indudes the following sections: Pickup Mailed • Road Standards , • General Provisions $40.00 $45.00 • Standard Plans (three sections listed are not sflld 5eparately) ~ _ ~ . ' , ,f ,,~y-~-v<:.;-,:~n .^s~ t ~.G~~c~eli~ es f Stormw~a~er Nna 9,~ emen~t O~ < . . ~.~...a...~ ~ Pickup Mailed • Guidelines for Stormwater Management $35.00 $40.40 • For additional information please contact: LoriSchoonover Spokane County Public Works Division of Engineering & Roads 1026 W. Broadway Avenue . Spokane, WA 99260-0170 Ischoonaver(alspoka neoounty.org 509/477-3600 ph ~ 509/477-7478fax Download: The Spokane County Standards for Raad and Sewer Construction (excluding Guidelines for Stormwater Management) can be downloaded in PDF format by linking to: bto://www.sookanecountv.orq/enclineer/desiqn.asp z-lun-03 S i { SMPPAPOXANZAI, ~~~Y COUN Si:~rl'~A N I)A R I)~~~ For Road and Sewer Construction . ~ ; , A ====Ik S?om~comy THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC VIIORKS r c.` , SPOKANE COUNTY ROAD STANDARDS ~ . . INTRODUCTION The purpose of this publication of Road Standards is to provide minimum standards for road and storm drainage design elements. The standards provide for consistency in design and construction of road projects. They meet the minimum requirements of the motoring, bicycling and pedestrian public. These requirements include safety, convenience, pleasant appearance, and economical maintenance. The standards also provide guidelines for utility location and installation within the public road right-of-way. This publication cannot provide for all situations. It is intended to help but not to substitute for competent work by design professionals. Engineers and surveyors should bring the best of skills from their respective disciplines to each project. The Road Standards do not unreasonably limit any innovative or creative effort that could result in better quality, cost savings, or both. The County Engineer will judge designs that depart from the Road Standards on the likelihood that such designs will produce compensating or comparable results. _ This manual of design standards was authorized by the Board of County Commissioners per Resolution No. 95-0498 on May 2, 1995 and later revised per Resolution No. 99-0265 on April 6, 1999 and Resolution No. 01-0298 on April 3, 2001. Ross E. Kelley; P. E. County Engineer i . RESOLUTION NO. 0 ti2 9 8 BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON IN THE MATTER OF ADOPTING PROPOSED ) CHANGES TO THE SPOKANE COUNTY STANDARDS ) R E S O L U T 10 N FOR ROAD AND SEWER CONSTRUCTION ) WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisians of the Revised Code of Washington, Secbon 36.32.120(6), the Board of County Commissioners of Spokane County has the care of County prvperty and the management of County funds and business; and , WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of the Revised Code of Washington, Section 36.32_120(2), the Board of County Commissioners of Spokane County lay out, discontinue, or alter counry roads and highways within their respective counties, and do all other necessary acts rzlating thereto according to law; and WHEREAS, pursuan4 to RCW Section 35.75.020, ths Baard of County Commissioners shall establish, lay out, construct, after, repair, and maintain all of the county roads; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of the Revised Code of Washington, Section 58.17.110, the Board af County Commissioners of Spokane County is required to determine that appropriate provisions are provided 1or certain features of subdivrsions, including but not limited to streets and raacfs, and sanitary wastes; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions oi the Revised Code of Washington, Section 58.17.130, ttie Soard of County Commissioners of Spokane County may accept a bond in lieu of oonstruction of ihe required ;improvements prior ta the approval of a final plat (hereinafter referred ta as "the Construction Sand' or 'the f,- Construction Surety"), the terms and amounts of said bond being acceptableta the Board; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of the Revised Code of Washington, Section 58.17.130, the Board of County Commissioners of Spakane County may develop and implement local reguEa#ions regarding said Construction Bonds, as well as bonds for the successful tiperation of said roquired improvemenis (hereinafter referced to as °the Warranty Bond" or "the Warranty Surety"); and WHEREAS, pursuant to Spokane County Code Section 9.14.010, the county enginesr is authorized and directed to prepars, revise, and administer standards describing proper controls for road construction, and ac.cess to, or drain2ge for building sites in conformance vrith these regulations which are considered included as a part of SCC 9.14.; and WNEREAS, the current Spokane County Standards for Road and Sewer Construction were adopted on #he April v", 1999 under Resolution 99-0285 and codified as chapter 9.75 SCC, and WHEREAS, the County Engineer recommends that the attached revisions to the Standards be made; and WHEREAS, the 6oarri of County Commissioners decrrts it to be Rn the pubJic interes# to maintain regulations for the control of road design and construciion, and WHEREAS, the County staff has solicited and received public comments concerning road standards; and - WHEREAS, tfie Spokane County Engineer's Office issued a Declaration oi Non-Significance relafive to ~ the proposed revisions on February 6, 2001; and WHEREAS, the Boand of County Commissioners held a public hearing on the 20°i day of February, 2001 ' to consider the proposed revisions; and THEREFOFZF, BE iT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Spokane County, Washington, that the Board of County Commissioners following consideration of all pubfic testimony deems it in the best interest of the pubfics health, safety and welfiare to adopt the propased revisions; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Baard of County Commissioners concurs w+th the Dedaration of Non-Significance issued February 6, 2001; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Bflard of County -Commissioners hereby adopts tfie following revisions to tfie Spokane County Standards for Road and Sewer Construction: The following definitions are hereby added to Section 1.02 "Definitions": 2. "All-weather raad" shall mean a gravel or paved road described under Section 1.07 "Non- Conforming Private Roads of these Standards and Title 3.05.050 of the Spokane County Code. The traveled way shall have a twapercent crown and, be surFaced with a minimum of four inches of Crushed Surfacing Top or 8ase Course. 16. "Final Approval" shall mean the signature of the County Engineer on the final plat map, short plat, binding site plan, or commercial building permit release, or the County Engineers concurrence for approval of a certificate of occupancy. 33. "Sponsoe' shaEl mean the party identified as the proponent of a development action. The Sponsor f5 responsible for preparing plans and far constructing of infrastruciure to support the : proposed action or project as required by the Standards. 37. "Project AgreemenY' shail mean a written agreement between Spokane County and the Sponsor, in a form aoceptableto the Spokane County Prosecu#ing Attvrney, stipulating obf'rgations of the Sponsor and Spokane County regarding the project (a model agreement is shown in Technical Reference C of these Standards). 38. "Substantial Completion" shall mean that (1) Spokane County and/or any appJicable homeawner association must have full and unrestrfcfed use and benefit of tiie facitities, both from an operatianaf and a safety standpoint; (2) The facifrties must conform to the Condrtions of Approval and ths Standards; (3) and onty minor, incidental repair work, replacement of temporary suastitv#e facilities remains to reach physical completion of the work. 39. "Surety" shall mean a financial guarantee by tfie Sponsor, naming Spakane County as beneficiary, that intrastructure required for a project will be constructed and certified according to the plans and specifications and all applicable Standards. The financial guarantee may be in the form of a cash savings assignment, tetter of credit, or bonding cornpany instrument The language of the surety document must be acceptable ta the Spokane County Prasecubng Attomey's Oifice. Section 1.12 is hereby revised to distinguish the urban arteriat street system from the urban collector street system as shown in attached page 1-9, dated February 2001 attached to this resolution. The following is hereby added to Section Three: 3.03 TYPICAL ROADWAY SECTION ' The County Engineer shall for each application designate typical roadway sections using the widths shawn in Tables 3.01, 3.02, and 3.03 of these Standards. In selecting the roadway section ta be appEied. , the County Engineer wili review and give consideration to certain factors in connection with the proposal, 'including but not necessarily fimited to the functional classification of the roadway, traffic volume, the terrain, density of the proposed or existing develooment, the proposed or existing zoning, the existing roads in the irnmediate area, the cost relationship of the proposed improvements, khe surrounding developments, and other such factors as are deemed significant of the proposal being reviewed in light of public health, safe#y and welfare. Table 3.01 " Arterial Street Design Elements" is hereby replaced by Table 3.01 "Arterial and CollecLor Street Design E(ements", dated February 2001, attached to this resolution. Table 3.02 "Arterial Street Design Elements, Minimum Widths" is hereby replaced by Table 3.02 "Arterial and Collector Street Design Elements, Minimum Widths", dated February 2001, and attached to this resolution. The following is here by added to Section 3.15 2D "Clear Zone": Speed limit 40 mph or less- the clear zone distance is two feet behind the face of the curb. The following is here by added to Tabte 3.15 "CLEAR ZONE DISTANCES SHOULDERED ROADS": Design Speed ~ Des14n AD7 I F[lI Slopes Cut Slopes 6:1 or ttatter 5:1 te 4:1 3:7 3:1 4:1 ta 6:1 or Ratter 5:1 Posted Speed 35 mph or I I 10 10 10 I 10 I 10 10 Iess , The following is hereby added to Section 3.24 9G "Driveway Approaches": 4. In instances where the County Engineer deems, due to either existing or anticipated conditions, that the requirements of the Spokane County Standards for Road and Sewer Canstruction, wifl not provide the proper control of aocess or egress for traffic or safety provide for the traffic using the streeE, helshe may make additional requirements to insure public safety. The following is hereby added to Section 3.24 2"Driveway Approaches": A. Driveways shall be constructed to define tfie access and egress openings in accordance with the Spokane County Standards for Raad and Sewer Construction 2nd Standard Ptan sheets entitled "Cement Concrete Approaches" and " RuPal Raad Approaches". Section 5.00 "Application Procedures" of the Spokane County Standards for Road and Sewer Construction is hereby replaced in its entirety by the new Section 5.00 dated February 2001 attached to this resolution. Section 10.00 of the Spokane County Standards for Road and Sewer Consiruction is hereby replaced in its entirety by the new Section 10.00 dated February 2001 attached to this resolutian. Technical References "C" and "D", as attached to this resolution, are hereby cnade a part of the Spokane County Standards for Road and Sewer Construction. ! i 0 29S APPROVED BY THE BOARD this 3rd day of April, 2001. . . . ~r~ ~S CO BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF SPOKANE, COUNTY, WASHINGTON ~ • 'f ~t~ , • ' ~~~,.r ,r- , PNIL _fP D. HAAR , C AIR ATTEST: - V1CKY M. DALTON CLERK OF THE SOARD M. KATE4 C , CE-CHAIR ~ANIELA ERICKSON JO/~ OSKELLEY / l ~ . . _ TABLE OF CONTENTS ~ INTRODUCTION 1.00 GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS .......................................................................1-1 1.01 APPLICABILITY 1-1 1.02 DEFINITIONS ..................................................................................................1-1 1.03 RESPONSIBILITY TO PROVIDE ..................................................................1-5 1.04 REFERENCES .................................................................................................1-6 1.06 STATE SPECIFICATIONS AND PLANS ............................................:............1-7 1.07 NON-CONFORMING PRIVATE ROAD 1-7 1.08 DEVIATIONS AND REVIEW OF DECISION ...................................................1-7 1.10 COMPLIANCE REVIEW . .................................................................................1-8 1.11 ROADWAY TYPES ..........................................................................................1-8 1.12 ROADWAY CLASSIFICATIONS .....................................................................1-8 1.13 HALF-STREET ...............................................................................................1-10 1.14 PRIMITIVE ROADS ........................................................................................1-10 1.16 ROAD NAMES ...............................................................................................1-11 1.20 LEVELS OF SERVICE ...................................................................................1-11 1.30 TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY ............................................................................1-11 1.40 SEVERABILITY ..............................................................................................1-12 2.00 ROAD TYPES & GEOMETRIC FEATURES . ..................................................2-1 , { -1 3.00 NEW CONSTRUCTION DESIGN STANDARDS . ~ 3.01 COUNTY ARTERIAL STREETS .......................................................................3-1 3.02 COUNTY ACCESS STREETS .........................................................................3-1 3.03 TYPICAL ROADWAY SECTIM ........................................................................3-1 3.04 INTERSECTIONS . ..........................................................................................3-1 3.05 BORDER EASEMENTS ...................................................................................3-2 3.07 SLOPES 3-3 3.08 RIGHT-OF-WAY ...............................................................................................3-3 3.09 CONNECTIONS OF STATE HIGHWAYS AND NEUV COUNTY ROADS 3-10 3.11 RAILROAD GRADE CROSSING ...................................................................3-10 3.12 STANDARD ROAD AND TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNING ............................3-10 3.14 TRAFFIC BARRIER . ......................................................................................3-10 3.15 CLEAR ZONE .................................................................................................3-11 3.16 ROAD SURFACING REQUIREMENTS . .......................................................3-11 3.17 CUL-DE-SACS 3-16 3.18 CURBS, SIDEWALKS, AND PATHWAYS . ...................................................3-16 3.20 CURB RAMPS ................................................................................................3-17 3.22 PRIVATE ROADS . .........................................................................................3-17 3.23 PRIVATE ALLEYS .........................................................................................3-18 3.24 DRIVEVIJAY APPROACHES . .........................................................................3-19 , _ 4.00 3R DESIGN STANDARDS ...............................................................................4-1 ~ 5.00 PROJECT APPLICATION AND CLARIFICATION . 5-1 5.01 APPLICATION PROCEDURE 5-1 5.02 GENERAL FORMATTING 5-3 5.03 DRAFTING STANDARDS 5-4 5.04 PLAN ..................................................................................................................54 5.06 PROFILE ELEMENTS 5-6 5.08 TYPICAL CROSS SECTION 5-7 5.10 DRAINAGE PLAN 5-7 6.00 LAND SURVEY STANDARDS 6-1 6.01 REGULATIONS 6-1 6.02 MONUMENTATION 6-1 6.03 HORIZONTAL CONTROL NET . 6-2 6.04 TEMPORARY BENCH MARK 6-2 7.00 BRIDGES AND OTHER STRUCTURES . 7-1 7.01 PRINCIPAL REFERENCE FOR BRIDGES 7-1 7.03 OTHER BRIDGE DESIGN CRITERIA . 7-1 7.04 RETAINING WALLS AND OTHER STRUCTURES 7-2 8.00 UTILITIES . 8-1 8.01 FRANCHISING POLICY 8-1 8-1 . 8.02 STANDARD UTILITIES LOCATIONS. ~ 8.04 SCHEDULING OF UTILITIES INSTALLATION, RELOCATION AND INSPECTION . 8-2 9.00 PERMITS AND INSPECTION 9-1 9.01 APPLICATION 9-1 9.02 BASIS FOR CONTROL OF THE WORK 9-2 . 9.04 ROAD CONSTRUCTION INSPECTIONS . 9-2 9.06 CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION NOTIFICATIONS AND RECORDS 9-3 9.09 COUNTY FORCES & COUNTY CONTRACT ROAD INSPECTION 9-4 9.10 RECORD DRAWINGS 9-4 10.00 BONDING 10-1 10.01 PERFORMANCE SURETY 10-1 10.02 WARRANTY SU RETY 10-7 10.03 PERMIT SURETY 10-7 TECHNICAL REFERENCE A A-1 TECHNICAL REFERENCE 8 B-1 TECHNICAL REFERENCE C .......................................................................................C-1 TECHNICAL REFERENCE D .......................................................................................D-1 TECHNICAL REFERENCE E .......................................................................................E-1 TABLES AND FIGURES 3.01 ARTERIAL AND COLLECTOR STREET DESIGN ELEMENTS .....................3-4 3.02 ARTERIAL AND COLLECTOR STREET DESIGN ELEMENTS - WIDTHS...3-6 3.03 ACCESS STREET DESIGN ELEMENTS ........................................................3-8 3.15 CLEAR ZONE DISTANCES - SHOULDERED ROADS ...............................3-13 3.15A HORIZONTAL CURVE ADJUSTMENT 3-14 3.16 STRUCTURAL ROAD SECTIONS FOR RESIDENTIAL STREETS PAVEMENT DESIGN ALTERNATE ..............................................................3-15 f ( 1.00 GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS 1.01 APPLICABILITY These Standards shall apply to ali new construction of public and private roads in Spokane County and as far as practicable and feasible to reconstruction, resurfacing, restoration, and rehabilitation of old roads comprising the Spokane County Road System. The Standards are appl clrable to both public and private work on roads within Spokane County. In case of any ambiguity or dispute over interpretation of the provisions of these Road Standards, the decision of the County Engineer shall be final but subject to the review process described in 1.08 °Deviations and Review of Decision". Prior to the issuance of a building permit, a lot, parcel, or tract of land shall have access by a driveway, private road, or public road. 1.02 DEFINITIONS 1. "3-R" shall mean a construction activity that involves the resurfacing, restoration, or rehabilitation of an existing road. 2. "All-weather road" shall mean a gravel or paved road described under Section 1.07 "Non-Conforming Private Roads" of these Standards and Title 3.05.050 of the Spokane County Code. The traveled way shall have a two-percent crown and, be - surfaced w'rth a minimum of four inches of Crushed Surfacing Top or Base Course. 3. °Border" shall mean the portion of a street between the edge of pavement and the right-of-way line or the area between the edge of shoulder and the right of way line. This area is used for curbing, planting areas, sidewalk, utilities, etc. 4. °Border easement" shall mean the areas on curbed roads, between the right of way line and tfie back of sidewalk dedicated as an easement. 5. °Change of Use° shall conform to ths provisions of the Uniform Building Code. 6. °Clear Zone" is used to designate the unobstructed area provided beyond the edge of the traveled way for the recovery of eRant vehicles. 7. "County Engineer" is the Spokane County Engineer, having authorities specified in RCW 36.75.050 and 36.80, or an authorized representative. 8. °Cul-de-sac" is a short street having one end open to traffic and ending with a vehicle tumaround, either permanent or temporary. 9. "Curb Ramp" shall mean a short, depressed section of curb and sidewalk, normally placed at street intersections, designed to facilitate travel of physically disadvantaged persons. , 10. "Design Deviation Review Panel" shall mean an advisory review panel selected by - the County Engineer to review deviation request denials. The panel consists of Spokane County Standards Page 1-1 February 2001 three professional engineers, two from public service and one from the private sector. 11. "Driveway" shall mean private driveways that provide primary vehicular access from a public or private road to up to three lots. 12. "Driveway Approach" shall mean any area, construction or facility between the roadway of a street and private property to provide access for vehicles from the roadway of a street to serve up to three lots, tracts or parcels, except as provided herein. 13. °Engineer' shall mean a Professional Engineer licensed by the State of Washington. 14. "Established County Road" shall mean a road that has been accepted by Spokane County for maintenance with public funds. , 15. "Established Grade" shall mean the profile and cross-sections approved by the County Engineer. 16. "Final Approval" shall mean the signature of the County Engineer on the final plat . map, short plat, binding site plan, or commercial building permit release, or the County Engineer's concurrence for approval of a certificate of occupancy. 17 "Half-street" is an access street completely constructed on one side of the centerline plus the twelve-foot lane on the opposite side of the centerline. . 18. °Hazard" shall mean a side slope steeper than 3:1 (horizontal/vertical), a fixed object, or water which, when struck, would apply unacceptable impact forces on the vehicle occupants or place the occupants in a hazardous position. It may be natural or manmade. 19. "Level of Service" (LOS) is a qualitative measure of traffic flow. Six levels are defined as "A" through "F" with "A" being the best operating conditions and "F" being the worst. (See Highway Capacity Manual) 20. "Private Roadn shall mean privately owned vehicular access route serving more than three lots, parcels, or tracts which do not have frontage on a public road right- of-way. Spokane County does not maintain private roads. 21. °New Construction" shall mean the construction of a new roadway or structure on a new alignment. It also means the upgrading of an existing roadway or structure by ~the addition of one or more continuous traffic lanes. - 22. "Planting Strip" shall mean the space between the edge of the pavement or the back of the curb and the sidewalk. ~23. ryProject" shall mean the design and construction of infrastructure associated with ~ - land development activities. Spokane County Standards Page 1-2 February 2001 24. Project Agreement shall mean a written agreement befinreen Spokane County and the Sponsor, in a form acceptable to the Spokane County Prosecuting Attorney, -i stipulating obligations of the Sponsor and Spokane County regarding the project (a model agreement is shown in Technical Reference C of these Standards). 25. "Public Road" where used in these standards, shall mean an established County road. 26. "Reconstruction° shall mean major construction of an existing road greater than 3- R. Reconstruction includes significant changes in cross section andlor shifts in vertical or horizontal alignment. A project is considered reconstruction if 50% or more of the project length involves significant vertical or horizontal alignment change. 27. "Record Drawings" shall mean the plan set, which is certified to contain a true and accurate representation of the actual field, conditions for the project during construction, or upon completion of construction. 28. °Resurfacing° shall mean the addition of a layer or layers of paving material to provide additional structural integrity or improved profile and serviceability. This includes paving existing gravel roads if the improvement is not reconstruction as defined in paragraph 26 of this section. 29. °Restoration" shall mean work done on pavement or bridge decks to prepare them for an additional stage of construction. This may include supplementing the existing roadway by increasing surfacing and paving courses to provide structural capability, widening up to a total of 10 feet, and installing localized safety improvements. Restoration will generally be done within the existing right of way. 30. °Rehabilitation" shall mean work similar to restoration except the worlc may include but is not limited to the following:- A. Reworking or strengthening the base or subbase B. Recycling or reworlcing existing materials to improve their structural integrity C. Adding underdrains D. Replacing or restoring matfunctioning joints E. Substantial pavement undersealing when essential for stabilization F. Grinding of pavements to restore smoothness, providing adequate structural thickness remains G. Removing and replacing deteriorated materials H. Crack and joint sealing but only when required shape factor is Established by routing or sawing 1. Improving or widening shoulders 31. "Road" and "Street" will be considered interchangeable terms in these Standards. Spokane County Standards Page 1-3 February 2001 \32. "Roadway" shall mean the portions of a street, including shoulders but excepting a" concrete gutters, designed or ordinarily used for vehicular travel. 33. "Rural" shall mean a location outside of the current Urban Growth Boundary as adopted by The Board of County Commissioners. 34. "Sponsor" shall mean the party identified as the proponent of a development action. The Sponsor is responsible for preparing plans and for constructing of infrastructure to support the proposed action or project as required by the Standards. 35. "Sponsoes Engineee'shall mean: Desian Ahase - thE Design Engineer who directly prepared plans and calculations, or who directly supervises the preparation of project plans and calculations. The Design Engineer seals, signs and dates the plans and calculations, certifies that they meet the required standards, and approves the plans for construction. Also known as the "Engineer of Record", the Design Engineer may also act in capacity of the Construction Engineer. Construction phase - the Construction Engineer who directly inspects, or who directly supervises the inspection of the construction of a project to ensure _ compliance to the plans and standard specifications. The Construction Engineer ~ maintains and certifies the Record Drawings. The Constnuction Engineer may have also acted in the capacity of the Design Engineer. 36. "Standards" shal) mean the requirements contained in the "Spokane County Standards for Road and Sewer Construction" 37. "Street" is intended to include any avenue, street, court, alley, or other public passageway within the Spokane County. 38. "Substantial Completion" shall mean that (1) Spokane County and/or any applicable homeowner association must have full and unrestricted use and benefit of the facilities, both from an operational and a safety standpoint; (2) The facilities must conform to the Conditions of Approval and the Standards; (3) and only minor, incidental repair work, replacement of temporary substitute facilities remains to reach physical completion of the worlc. 39. "Surety" shall mean a financial guarantee by the Sponsor, naming Spokane County as beneficiary, that infrastructure required for a project will be constructed and certified according to the plans and specifications and all applicable Standards. The financial guarantee may be in the form of a cash savings assignment, letter of credit, or bonding company instrument. The language of the surety document must be acceptable to the Spokane County Prosecuting Attomey's Office. 40. "Surveyor" shall mean a Professional Land Surveyor licensed by the State of ~ Washington. Spokane County Standards . Page 1-4 February 2001 41 °Traffic Barrier" shall mean a barrier oriented parallei or nearly parallel to the roadway. The purpose of these devices is to contain or redirect errant vehicles from hazards within the clear zone. 42. 'Traffic Impact Study° shall mean a report that documents a study of traffic conditions before and after construction of a proposed development. It addresses any deficiencies in the transportation system, either current or after development, and proposes recommended mitigation to correct those deficiencies. (See Technical Reference A) 43. "Traveled way" is comprised of the through traffic lanes. It is the portion of a street designed or ordinarily used for vehicular travel excluding shoulders, medians, bicycle lanes, or exclusive tum lanes. 44. "Urban° shall mean a location within the current Urban Growth Boundary as adopted by the Board of County Commissioners. 1.03 RESPONSIBILITY TO PROVIDE All development shall include provision for construction or improvement of the road ac- cording to these Standards. The Sponsor's Engineer shall consider the following guidelines in planning transportation systems. 1. Adequate vehicular and pedestrian access should be provided to all parcels of land. - 2. Local access streets should be designed to minimize through traffic movements and excessive speeds. 3. Street pattems and names should be logical, consistent and understandable to satisfy the needs of emergency and delivery vehicles. 4. Vehicular and pedestrian-vehicular conflict points should be minimized. The Sponsors Engineer should use Tee intersections on local access systems. Four-way intersections should be minimized on local access roads. 5. Traffic generators within the project should be considered and the street system designed appropriately. 6. The Sponsor's Engineer should consider bordering arterial routes and should provide design continuity. 7. No direct residential lot access should be allowed to urban principal and minor arterials. 8. When a subdivision has the cumulative effect of creating a total number of lots, parcels, or tracts served by an access road equal to or greater than the number of units shown in the following table, the Sponsor shall provide an additional access road into the development to serve fire district vehicles. The location of the , additional access road shall have the concurrence of the fire district. If the location and layout of a development, in the opinion of the fire district authorities, causes a Spokane County Standards Page 1-5 February 2001 concern for safety, an additional access road may be required regardless of the values shown in the following table. Setting Units Apartments/Attached Housing* 100 (2u/a - 11 u/a 50 (0.25 u/a - 1.99 u/a 30 0 u/a - 0.25 u/a 20 * Privately owned access roads may be closed with a gate. No locking gates will be allowed without approval of the fire district. 9. The Sponsors Engineer shall consider ease of maintenance when designing public roads. 1.04 REFERENCES These Standards are intended to be consistent with the following references, as amended: 1. City and County Design Standards for the Construction of Urban and Rural Arterial J and Collectors adopted February 10, 1994 per RCW 35.78.030 and RCW ~ 43.32.020. 2. Spokane County Subdivision Ordinance Resolution No. 80-0424, dated March 24, 1980. 3. Washington State Local Agency Guidelines. 4. "A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets" published by the American Association of Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO). 5. "Highway Capacity Manual" (Special Report 209) published by the Transportation Research Board, National Research Council. 6. "Roadside Design Guide" published by the American Association of Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO). 7. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan incJuding the Arterial Road Plan. 8. Spokane County Zoning Code. 1.05 NOT USED 1.06 STATE SPECIFICATIONS AND PLANS Spokane County Standards Page 1-6 February 2001 Except where stated in these Standards, design and construction shall conform to the , current editions of the foflowing Washington State Department of Transportation tpublications, as adopted by Spokane County: 1. Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction. It will be referred to as the "Standard Specifications." 2. Standard P(ans for Road and Bridge Construction. 1.07 NON-CONFORMING PRIVATE ROAD A non-conforming private road is an access easement (1) recorded with the Spokane County Auditor (Record-of-Sunrey, easement document, other) and (2) approved by Spokane County (Certificate-of-Exemption issued prior to May 15, 1995, building permit, other) as a private road. Private roads will not be required to aomply with the provisions of these standards if all of the fol(owing conditions exist: 1. The roads are located within easements recorded prior to May 15, 1995. 2. The roads have all-weather surfaces and comply or can be made to comply with the provisions described in Section 3.05.050 of Title 3 of the Spokane County Code, as amended. ,.Private roads constructed according to Spokane County Standards on or after May 15, 1995 and before the effective date of this ordinance shall be deemed as non-conforming and shall not be required to comply with the provisions of these Standards. 1.08 DEVIATIONS AND REVIEW OF DECISION 1. Deviations from these Standards may be granted by the County Engineer in writing upon written evidence from the Project Sponsor that the proposed deviation does not conflict with or modifiy a condition of approval, and 2. deviations are based upon sound engineering principtes, and 3. deviations meet requirements for safety, function, appearance, and maintainability. Desired deviations must be approved before road plans are accepted for residential development. Deviations must be approved before commercial building permits are issued. The County Engineer may apply conditions to the approval of design deviations. The conditions may not have been required in the preliminary plat approval. In case of a denial of a deviation request, the Developer may request a review and reconsideration of the denial. The Design Deviation Review Panel will review the deviation request and make a recommendation to the County Engineer. The County Engineer will then consider Spokane County Standards Page 1-7 February 2001 the recommendation of the Design Deviation Review Panel and render a final decision on ~ the deviation request. 1.09 NOT USED 1.10 COMPLIANCE REVIEW In the event an Engineer or Surveyor submits plans, calculations, or record drawings that are not in compliance with these Standards, the County Engineer may refer the case to the Director of Public Worics for consideration. Decisions of the Director of Public Works may be appealed to the Board of County Comrnissioners. Failure to comply with these Standards will be cause for withholding or withdrawing approval of permits, plats, forfeiture of bond, and/or other penalties as provided by law. 1.11 ROADWAY TYPES The types and widths of County streets are shown in Tables 3.01, 3.02, and 3.03. Standard Plan sheets entitled "Roadway Section-Curbed" and "Roadway Section-Shouldered" show typical roadway cross-sections. Curbed streets shall be constructed on roads within an urban land use classification. The County Engineer may also require curbs in other land use classifications near schools or commercial ~ establishments. 1.12 ROADWAY CLASSIFICATIONS 1. RURAL ARTERIAL SYSTEM A. Maior Collector Arterial - These routes (1) serve County seats on arterial routes, larger towns not directly served by the higher systems, and other important traffic generators, such as consolidated schools, shipping points, County parks, and important mining and agricultural areas; (2) link these places with nearby larger towns or cities, or with routes of higher classification; and (3) serve the more important intracounty travel corridors. B. Minor Collector Arterial - These routes should (1) be spaced at intervals consistent with population density to accumulate traffic from local routes and bring all developed areas within reasonable distance of collector roads, (2) provide service to remaining smaller communities, and (3) link the locally important traffic generators with their rural hinterland. 2. URBAN ARTERIAL SYSTEM A. Principal Arterial Street - The urban principal arterial system serves the ~major centers of activity of urbanized areas. They are the highest traffic Spokane County Standards Page 1-8 February 2001 volume corridors and have the longest trip desires. Principal arterials carry a high proportion of the total urban area travel on a minimum of mileage. - Access to principal arterials may be controlled or uncontrolled. The system should be integrated internafly and between major rural connections. The principal arterial system carries most of the trips entering and leaving the urban area, and most of the through movements bypassing the central city. This c(ass of facility serves significant intra-area travel. This includes travel between central business districts and outlying residential areas, between major inner-city communities, and between major suburban centers. Frequently, the principal arterial system carries important intra-urban and inter-city bus routes. Finally, in urbanized areas, this system provides continuity for a(I rural arterials that intercept the urban boundary. (AASHTO, 1990, page 13). B. Minor Arterial Street - The minor arterial street system interconnects with and augments the principal arterial system. !t provides trips of moderate length at a lower level of travel mobilfty than principal arterials do. This system distributes travel to geographic areas srnaller than those identified with the higher system. The minor arterial street system includes all arterials not classifed as principal. Minor arterials system place more emphasis on land access than the higher system does and offers lower traffic mobility. Such a facility may carry local bus routes and provide intra . community continuity but ideally does not penetrate identifiable neighborhoods. Minor arterials include urban connections to rural collector roads where such connections have not been classified as principal arterials for intemal reasons. (AASHTO, 1990, page 14). 3. COl.LECTOR SYSTEM The collector street system provides both land access service and traffic circulation within residential neighborfioods and commercial and industrial areas. It differs from the principal and minor arterial systems in that facilities on the collector system may penetrate residential neighborhoods, distributing trips from the arterials through the area to their ultimate destinations. Conversely, the collector street also collects traffic from local streets in residential neighborhoods and channels it into the arterial system. The collector street system may also carry local bus routes. (AASHTO, 1990, page 15). 4. ACCESS ROADS Access roads allow direct access to abutting lands and connections to the higher order systems. They offer the lowest level of mobility and usually contain no bus routes. Access roads should be designed to discourage service to through-traffic movement. 1. Industrial/Commercial - Industrial local access streets abut manufacturing facilities, processing plants, or warehousing facilities, stores, dense multiple ~-family dwellings, commercial sources, office and professional buildings. Spokane County Standards Page 1-9 February 2001 2. Residential Access - Through streets, Ioop streets and cul-de-sac streets that provide access to homes connecting to a collector arterial or other residential access streets. These roads do not support through traffic. 1.13 HALF-STREET A half-street is permitted as an interim facility. Half-streets may be used pending construction of the entire street by the owner on the opposite side of the road. On roads thirty feet in width or less, the entire width of the road, except the outer six feet of pavement, curb, and sidewalk on one side, shall constitute a"haif-street°. A two-foot gravel shoulder shall be constructed next to the pavement on the interim side for roads with a permanent width of twenty-eight feet or less. 1.14 PRIMITIVE ROADS (SUMMER ROADS) Primitive roads are existing, rural, low-volume, unpaved, access roads and are designated as such by a sign at all places where the primitive road portion begins or connects with a highway or road other than a primitive road. These roads are not fully maintained roads. Maintenance occurs as needed, on an irregular basis within system-wide priorities, only during the summer months. Snow removal is not performed on these roads. Primitive roads are usually not constructed to proper design standards and do not have waming nor regulatory traffic signs. f 1.15 NOT USED 1.16 ROAD NAMES The Sponsor may suggest road names within a development. Road Names will be reviewed by the County Engineer and modified as necessary to conform to regulations. Road name designations shall be as follows: 1. All streets located outside the metropolitan area shall be called Roads. 2. All North-South streets shall be called Streets. 3. All East-West streets shall be called Avenues. 4. Streets in large subdivisions that do not have a definite directional course shall be called Drives. 5. A dead-end street or cul-de-sac when not an extension of an existing street or a continuation of any future street shall be called a Court. . l Spokane County Standards Page 1-10 February 2001 6. A street that lies diagonally to the east-west, north-south grid system and is an arterial or collector street shall be called a Boulevard. 7. A street that has its ingress and egress on the same street shall be called a Circle. 8. A private road shall be called a Lane. 1.17 -1.19 NOT USED 1.20 LEVELS OF SERVICE The County Engineer has established acceptable Levels of Service (LOS) for traffic at Spokane County intersections. Levels Of Service are used in determining the impacts on the road system by land development proposals. The minimum acceptable LOS are: 1. signalized-"D" 2. unsignalized-"E" 1.21 -1.29 NOT USED 1.30 TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY Prior to a land use action, the Sponsor shall perform a traffic impact study when the project meets the criteria of one or more of the items listed below. A specific scoping by the County Engineer may range from an in-depth analysis of site generated levels-of- service to a cursory review of safety issues. The County Engineer shall determine the specific project scope. The Sponsor shall submit a traffic report signed by a Professional Engineer, licensed in the State of Washington. The traffic impact study shall be performed in accordance with Technical Reference A of these Standards. 1. The County Engineer determines that the proposed development will generate enough peak hour trips to lower or aggravate the minimum acceptable LOS. 2. The County Engineer determines that driveways from the land development proposal have the potential to generate traffic safety problems on the adjacent public roadway. 3. The County Engineer determines that an existing route with a history of traffic accidents will be further impacted by an increase in traffic from the proposal. 1.31 -1.39 NOT USED 1.40 SEVERABILITY If any part of the Spokane County Guidelines for Road and Sewer Construction as established by ordinance shall be found invalid, all other parts shall remain in effect. Spokane County Standards Page 1-11 February 2001 / 'i 2.00 -ROAD TYPES & GEOMETRIC FEATURES / 1. County roads are classified functionally as shown in subsections 1.12. Based on these classifications the criteria for right of way, road width, and other geometric features shall be as stated. Function is the controlling element for classification. Access, spacing, ADT' and DHVZ are merely typical. 2. Terrain is a basis for further classification of geometric requirements. A. Flat terrain is that condition where roadway sight distances, as governed by both horizontal and vertical restrictions, are generally long or could be made to be so without construction difficulty or major expense. The slope of the existing terrain is from 0% to and including 5%. B. Rollinq terrain is that condition where thE natural slopes rise above and fall below the roadway grade line consistently. Normal roadway alignment is restricted some by occasional steep slopes. The slope of the existing terrain is from 5% to and including 15%. C. Mountainous terrain is that condition where longitudinal and transverse changes in the elevation of the ground with respect to a roadway are ~ abn.ipt and where the roadbed is obtained by frequent benching or side hill excavation. The slope of the existing terrain exceeds 15%. ( . Terrain classification pertains to the general character of the specific route corridor. Roads in valleys or passes of mountainous areas that have all the characteristics of roads traversing flat or rolling terrain should be classified as flat or rolling. In rolling terrain, trucks reduce their speeds below those of passenger cars on some sections of roadway. Mountainous terrain is responsible for some tn.ick operation at crawl speeds. In cases where the terrain classification is in question, the County Engineer shall make the final decision. The terrain classifiGation will be determined at the pre-submittal meeting, as described in Section 5.01. 1. Average Daily Traffic 2. Design Hourly Volume ~ Spokane County Standards Page 2-1 April 1999 3.00 NEW CONSTRUCTION DESIGN STANDARDS . 3.01 COUNTY ARTERIAL AND COLLECTOR STREETS Standards for construction of new arteriai roads and reconstruction of existing arterial roads within Spokane County shail follow the criteria shown on Tables 3.01 Arterial and Collector Street Design Elements and Table 3.02 Arterial and Collector Street Design Elements - IUlinimum Widths. "A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets" (AASHTO) sha(I govern all design elements not shown in these standards. 3.02 COUNTY ACCESS STREETS Standards for construction of new access roads and reconstnuction of existing access roads within Spokane Gounty shall follow the criteria shown on Table 3.03 Access Street Design Elements. "A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets" (AASHTO) shall govem all design elements not shown in these standards. 3.03 TYPICAL ROADWAY SECTION The County Engineer shall for each application designate typical roadway sections using the widths shown in Tables 3.01, 3.02, and 3.03 of these Standards. In selecting the roadway section to be applied, the County Engineer will review and give consideration to certain factors in connection with the proposal, including but not necessarily limited to the . functional classification of the roadway, traffic volume, the terrain, density of the proposed or existing development, the proposed or existing zoning, the existing roads in the immediate area, the cast relationship of the proposed improvements, the surrounding developments, and other such factors as are deemed significant of the proposal being reviewed in light of public health, safety and welfare. 3.04 INTERSECTIONS The minimum curb-retum radius at intersections on an arterial road shall be thirty feet. Private curbed roads 24 feet or narrower shall have return radii of 30 feet. The minimum curb return radius at all other intersections shall be twenty feet. Larger radii may be required where truck traffic is a significant factor. Where trucks are a significant factor, the County Engineer shall decide the size of the return radii. The right of way at curb returns on arterial streets shall allow space for future signal foundations. All intersections shall be designed at right angles to the intersecting road, where possible. If a right angle is not possible, the skew angle shall not vary more than 15 degrees from a right angle. At four legged intersections, opposite legs shall lie on a straight alignment where possible. The minimum distance befinreen intersections on a County road shaN be: . Spokane County Standards Page 3-9 February 2001 , ~J300 feet for any road intersecting w'rth a principal or minor arterial. 150 feet for any road intersecting with a local access or collector arterial . Distances are measured from the centerline of the intersecting road to the centerline of the next intersecting road. The cross slope of the higher priority roadway shall be extended through the intersections. The grade of the crossroad shall be adjusted to meet the cross slope of the higher priority roadway. The road approach area is where vehicles store while waiting to enter an intersection, and shall be designed with a nearly flat grade. For public or private roads, the road approach area at a stop-controlled intersection (e.g. stop sign, yield sign, or traffic signal) shall have a downgrade approaching the intersection of no greater than 2.0 percent. An upgrade approaching the intersection shall be no steeper than 4%. The minimum length of the road approach area, measured from the edge of curb face, or traveled way where curbs are not present, is to be in accordance with Table 3.04. For any road classification not listed in Table 3.04, the County Engineer may require a traffic analysis to determine the road approach length. Average Daily Traffic Minimum Road Approach Length (ADT) of Higher ( 2% Maximum Downgrade and 4% maximum Priority Road upgrade) Local Access Streets & Collector Arterials Private Roads ADT< 1000 M 25 ft. I 50 ft. ~ 1000 < ADT < 5,000 ~ 50 ft. I 75 ft. 5,000 < ADT < 7,000 N 75 ft. I 100 ft. 7,000 < ADT < 9,000 ~ 75 ft. I analysis required Notes: (1) Using a threshold of 70 peak hr left tums (2) Using a threshold of 110 peak hr left turns Table 3.04 3.05 BORDER EASEMENTS On curbed roads, with separated sidewalks, border easements shall be granted to Spokane County and shall be described in the plat dedication. Border easements shall include the area from the right-of-way line to the back of sidewalk and shall run the total length of the road on both sides. The abutting property owner shall maintain sidewalks, driveways, and landscaping within the border easements. Spokane County will maintain drainage inlets, grates, pipes, and drywells used for disposal of public road drainage. f Spokane County Standards Page 3-2 February 2001 Fences shall not be constructed inside the easement. The border easement area shall be kept clear of other objects that would obstruct a drivees view. The sidewalk shall be open for use of pedestrian traffic at all times. The easement shall be available for use by utility companies. 3.06 NOT USED 3.07 SLOPES The steepest slope for embankment or excavation shall normalty bE 2:1 (horizontal/vertical). Approval of steeper slopes will require a report signed by a licensed _ engineer qualified in soils testing and analysis. The Sponsor's Engineer shall provide a space between the catch point of the slope and the right of way line on shouldered roads side slope of 3:1 or steeper. This space provides for utility poles, fences, sloped rounding, etc. The minimum distance of this space shall be five feet. Embankment slopes constructed with native soil or imported soil shall not be steeper than an inclination of 2:1 for slopes that are 10 feet or greater in height measured vertically from the slope toe to the crest. Embankment slopes less than 10 feet high may be constructed at inclinations not steeper than 1.5:1, . provided proper fill pfacement and compaction criteria, and erosion control are called for in the contract documents. Steeper embankment slopes for any embankment height, including mechanically stabilized earth slopes, may be permitted by the County provided the Sponsor's Engineer can . demonstrate that the factor of safety against slope instability (global and intemal) is not less than 1.3, and that erosion potential of the slopes will be properly mitigated during construction. Cut slopes in competent native soils shall not be steeper than an inclination of 1.5:1 unless a qualified geotechnical engineer provides approvat for slopes of steeper inclination. Erosion mitigation shall be included in the contract documents. The terrain or design features of a road may require slope, wall or drainage easements beyond the right of way line. The County Engineer shall require easements or acquisition of right of way. 3.08 RIGHT-OF-WAY The road right of way width shall be determined by summing the total of widths of all required roadway elements from Tables 3.02 and 3.03 and applying sums to the Standard Plans entitled "Roadway Sections-Curbed" or "Roadway Sections-Shouldered", as applicable. Spokane County Standards Page 3-3 February 2001 'Urban ~ Minimum Type Urban Arterial System Collector Rural Arterial System Design System Elements' Classification Principal Principal Minor Collector Minor or Major Collector (Controlled Access) (Uncontrolled) Consiruction Curb I Shoulder All All All Shoulder5 ADT All All All All All Below 400- Over 400 2000 2000 Design Flat 55 55 40 40 30 50 50 55 Speed (mph) Rolling 50 50 40 35 30 40 40 50 Mountainous 40 40 35 30 30 30 30 40 Horizontal Curve Flat 1190 1190 575 500 275 765 765 960 Radius2 (ft) Rolling 955 955 500 350 275 470 470 765 Mountainous 500 500 350 230 230 255 255 470 Superelevation I Maximum 4 I 4 4 I 4 8 8 I 8 Grade 3 Maximum 6 6 6 8 8 8 6 6 Minimum 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 Stopping Sight Flat 450 450 275 275 200 400 400 450 Distance (ft) Rolling 400 400 275 225 200 275 275 400 Mountainous 275 275 225 200 200 200 200 275 Intersection Sight Distance(ft) AASHTO Chapter IX "Sight Distance" paqes 739-766 Crest Vertical Flat 150 150 60 . 60 60 110 110 150 Curves4'e'' (K) Rolling 110 110 60 40 40 60 60 110 Mountainous 60 60 40 30 30 30 30 60 Sag Vertical Flat 100 100 60 60 60 90 90 100 Curves°'8'' (K) Rolling 90 90 60 50 50 60 60 90 Mountainous 60 60 50 40 40 40 40 60 See next page for footnotes. TABLE 3.01 ARTERIAL AND COLLECTOR STREET DESIGN ELEMENTS' Spokane County Standards Page 3-4 February 2001 1. In addition, geometric design shall be consistent with "A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Street, 1990, AASHTO". 2. Minimum horizontal curves reflect maximum superelevation rates. Flatter rates require longer radius curves. 3. N9aximum grades may be exceeded for short distances subject to approval by the County Engineer 2%)". 4. Length in feet per percent of algebraic grade difference. (K vafue). L= K x Algebraic difference in grade. Sponsor's Engineer may use method shown in AASHTO pgs. 281 through 295 5. Curbed Rural Collectors shall be designed using Urban Minor standards. 6. Grade differences less than 1% do not require a vertical cunre. 7. Minimum length vertical curve shall be 100 feet. TABLE 3.01 ARTERIAL AND COLLECTOR STREET DESIGN ELEMENTS Spokane_County Standards Page 3-5 Februa,` )1 . . Type Urban I: I. , Urban Artenal System Collector Rural Arterial SYstem System Classification Principal Minor Collector Major and Minor Collector Construction Curb Shoulder Curb Curb ADT All All All All Below 400 400-2000 Over 2000 ;Painted Center/Left-tum Lanes° 12' 12' 12' 12' - ' - I Inside lanes 12' 12' 12' 12' I ,Intermediate lanes 12' 12' 12' 12' I , Outside lanes' 16' 12' 16' 16' 12' 12'. 12' I Shoulder 8' 3' 6' 8' I IiBorder w/ Swale 18' 15' 18' 18' 10' 10' 15' ' ~ lBorder w/o Swale 15' 8' 15' 15' 6' 8' 8' I IIRoadway Width W)d _ I 21anes ^ 44i3 37i3 30' 36' 40' I 31anes 46' 46' ~ 4lanes 56' 64' 56' 64' i~ 51anes 70' 78' 70' - I 61anes 80' 102' - ,I ~ ~ 7lanes 94' ' - . ~ Right of Way width See Section 3.08 See next page for footnotes. TABLE 3.02 ARTERIAL AND COLLECTOR STREET DESIGN ELEMENTS MINIMUM WIDTHS Spokane County Standards Page 3-6 February 2001 Yraveled lanes of a t,yo_iane road are shown as outside lanes. ~ gheet A~~ Z, pistance W is shown on Standard Plan ' cluded• urn lane shall be fourteen feet in width. 3. Parkin9 lanes ►n q. W here raised median ~slan ds are required, the center lane ar 1eft- TABLE 3.02 CTOR STREET DESfGN EI.EMENT ARTERIAL AND COLLE WIQTHS M1NI11AUM Page 3-7 , . okanA C°untY Standards - 5PI ,01 Residential Private f ~ J 1 Classification Industrial/Commercial Roads'° I Minimum , ~ Design All ~ Elements} All 200 and Above Bel°W 200 . I ADT All Curbed Shoulder Curbed Shoulder 5 Curbed Shoulder Construction 20 I' 30 25 30 ~ 35 35 30 25 30 20 Design Flat Rolling 30 30 30 30 20 Speed (mph) 25 25 25 2g 2p 20 ~ Mountainous 215 icfl ~ 415 345 275 215 ~d~ 100 215 Minimum Horizontal Flat 275 215 100 100 Rolling 275 230 135 100 75 Curve Radius2' 6 (ft) Mountainous 165 145 165 ~ 6 g 4 ` ► I (°lo~ $ 8 g 8 12 Superelevation Rate Maximum 0.5 Maxirnurn 8 a 0.5 0•5 Grade 3 0•5 0.5 0.5 0.5 . ~ Minimum 125 F{at 200 150 150 20~ 150 150 125 I 225 225 200 Stopping Sight 200 200 200 125 125 125 Distance (ft) Rolling 150 150 150 ~ ~ Mountainous '~50 qes 739-766 10 Si ht Distance (ftL AASHTO ChaPter lX SiAht O+stancs pa• 30 Ilntersection g 40 30 30 20 10 ~ Flat 40 3~ 30 30 20 ~ 0 10 Crest Rolling 20 20 20 10 . Ve r tiGa l a Mountainous 20 3~ qfl 20 . Curves (K) 50 40 40 ~p 20 Fiat 50 40 qp 30 Sag RoNing 40 40 30 20 20 20 30 Vertical 30 ~8 28 200 esI a ~K~ Mountainous 30 40 40 30 30 + I RQadway W idth (ft)''8 Minimum 20 20 30 I 30 30 20 20 ~ ' Intersection return radii (ft) Minimum -Right of Way Width (ft) See Section 3.08 -`TABLE 3.03 ~ See next page for footnotes. ACCESS STREET OESIGN ELEMENTS Page 3-8 Spokane Counry Standards February 2001 eometric design shall be consistent with "A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Street, 1 . In addition, g 1990, AASHTO". su erelevation rate is shown, minimum horizontal curves reflect maximum superelevation rates. Curves 2, Where p with lower rates require longer radius curves. 3. Maximum 9rades may be exceeded for short distances subject to approval by the County Engineer (+2%). L= K x Algebraic diff~rence in grade. 4. Length in feet per percent of algear shown n AASHTO pgs. 281uthrough 295. Grade differences less than 1% Sponsor's Engineer may use metho do not require a vertical cunre. The minimum length vertical curve shall be 50 feet. 5. Rural access roads with higher speed limits sha{I be designed for no less than the speed limit. ius curves for curbed roads shall be consistent with AASHTO, low speed urban streets standards. g, iUlmimum rad 7. Paved roadway width does not include curb andlor gutter section. g. Inc4udes shared access. g. Private road ft; width based on number of lots served: 3 to 6 lots = 20 ft•: 7 tOh ~Ide of he pn'vatel~oad ay ftPrivate A minimum 10' maintenance and utility easement shal{ be provtided on eac ndated non-attainment areas for suspended particulate shall be paved. Private roads in all other roads within ma areas shall provide an all-weather driving surface. 10. Median islands noses shall be no closer than 20 feet to the public road curb line. TABLE 3.03 ACCESS S7REET DEStGN Page 3-9 Spokane County Standards Feb..tuary 2001 : . , i' 3.09 CONNECTIONS OF STATE HIGHWAYS AND NEW COUNTY ROADS The Sponsor shall prepare and submit to the County Engineer a design proposal, acceptable to the Washington State Department of Transportation (W.S.D.O.T.), of the proposed state highway - county road intersection. W.S.D.O.T. approval of the proposed design must be received before the filing of the final plat. Improvements to the state highway are the responsibility of the Sponsor. The Sponsor may either construct the improvements or fumish to the County Engineer a bond to cover the cost of such improvements. The County Engineer and W.S.D.O.T. will decide the amount of the bond. 3.10 NOT USED 3.11 RAILROAD GRADE CROSSING Standard signs and markings shali be installed at all railroad-road grade crossings. All railroad grade crossing signs and markings shall comply with the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices and ali other applicable State and Federal regulations. The Sponsor shall install flashing light signals and gates, showing the approach or presence of trains, at those railroad-road crossings where studies by the County Engineer show the need of warning beyond that provided by standard signs and l J) markings. r ' 3.12 STANDARD ROAD AND TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNlNG The Sponsor shall be responsible for the installaiion of all permanent traffic control devices, such as, signs, striping and marking. He/she shall submit a signing and striping plan for approval. The plan shall show the types and locations of all traffic control devices, such as, signs, stripes, marking and delineators to be installed on public rights- of-way. Traffic control devices shall conform with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. If the permanent traffic control devices are not installed in a timely manner the Sponsor shall be given a 30 day notice after which time the County will furnish and instail aN traffic control devices on the projects. The County will bill the Sponsor for the work based on the actual 'cost for labor, equipment rental, and materials. If the absence of critical safety devices such as stop signs is causing a present endangerment to the traveling public, the County will immediately fumish and install the devices and bill the Sponsor for the work. 3.13 NOT USED 3.14 TRAFFIC BARRlER Traffic barriers shaN be provided as specified in the Washington State Department of ' Highways Design Manual. A roadway cross section shall be submitted to assure proper , ~ barrier location. The barrier shall conform to Washington State Department of Transportation Standard Plans for guardrail and concrete barrier. Spokane County Standards Page 3-10 February 2001 3.15 CLEAR ZONE The term "clear zone" is used to designate the unobstructed area provided beyond the edge of the traveled way on a public road for the recovery of errant vehicles. 1. On shouldered roads, rigid objects shall be placed no closer to the traveled way than the clear zone distance derived by using Tables 3.15 and 3.15A. The methods described in the current edition of the Roadside Design Guide, AASHTO, may be used. Within the clear zone, all hazards shall be protected by traffic barrier. In lieu of barrier, haZards may be constructed flush with the surface. 2. On curbed roads with: A. Sidewalk contiquous with curb - Rigid objects shall be placed behind the sidewalk. B. Separated sidewalk - Rigid objects shall be no closer than finro feet from the back of the curb. C. No sidewalk - Rigid objects shall be no closer than two feet from the back of the curb. D. Sqeed limit 40 mph or less- The clear zone distance is two feet behind -the face of the curb. E. Speed limit qreater than 40 m.p.h. - The Sponsor's Engineer shall use - the clear zone requirements for a shouldered road. 3.16 ROAD SURFACING REQUtREMENTS All public roads in Spokane County shall be paved. A pavement surFacing design procedure must be performed for all public and private roads. Table 3.16 may be used in place of performing a pavement design for residential access roads. The design life for al( roads shall be 20 years. The design procedure used must be approved by the County Engineer and must consider the following: 1. Traffic Loading - an estimate of the number and types of loadings the roadway will carry for the design life. This estimate of loading must be established by a procedure accepted by the County Engineer and be expressed in 98-Kip Equivalent Single Axle Loads (ESALs). 2. Subgrade Support - a representative value for the stiffness of the native material . on which the road will be built. This value wiN be established by a procedure accepted by the County Engineer and be expressed as resilient modulus (MR). ~ When determining MR, soil sampling is to include: Spokane County Standards Page 3-19 February 2001 i~ A. obtaining a sufficient number of soil samples which adequately represents the subgrade M R, and where significant changes in MR occur; B. constructing a soil Iog to a minimum of five foot depth below proposed subgrade and classify the soil per USC; and C. recording the location of where the samples were obtained, normally by station and offset. 3. Analysis - a procedure for establishing the surfacing deptfi requirements for a given traffic loading and subgrade resilient moduius. This procedure must be approved by the County Engineer. The following procedure is pre-approved: Guide for Design of Pavement Structures, 1993, by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO). Structural pavement design and reporting is to be done in accordance with Technical Reference B. Minimum Thickness: Regardless of the thickness computed by the design procedure, the minimum ~ thickness of road structural section shall be as follows: ~ Local Access: 2" Asphalt Concrete Pavement Class A or B 6" Crushed Surfacing Base Course Arterial: 2" Asphalt Concrete Pavement Class A 2" Asphalt Concrete Pavement Class E , 6" Crushed Surfacing Base Course Rural roads with a traffic volume less than 200 A.D.T. may be paved by means of a light bituminous surface treatment (L.B.S.T.). The L.B.S.T. shall consist of no less than two applications of oil. The gravel thickness shalf be designed according to good engineering practices considering the quality of the underlying soil. The design method shall be subject to approval by the County Engineer. In no case shall the gravel thickness be less than six inches. The Sponsor shall provide funding for an additional application of oil to be placed as a seal coat approximately one year after initial construction. : ` . Spokane County Standards Page 3-12 February 2001 Design Design Fill Slopes Cut Slopes Speed ADT 6:1 or 5:1 to 3:1 3:1 4:1 to 6:1 or flatter 4:1 5: 1 flatter Posted Speed 10 10 10 10 10 10 35 mph or less 40 mph or less Under 750 10 10 10 10 . 10 1500-750 ~ 12 14 I 12 I 12 I 12 1500-6000 ' 14 ~ 16 I** I 14 I 14 I 14 Over 6000 116 18 ( 16 I 16 I 16 45 - 50 mph I Under 750 I 12 114 1*~ ~ 10 I 10 I 12 • 1500-750 I 14 (20 I** I 12 ' 14 , 16 1500-6000 I 18 126 I*'` I 14 1 16 I 18 Over 6000 120 28 I116 20 122 Under 750 114 18 1 *4 (10 I 12 112 55 mph 1500-750 118 124 112 16 118 1500-6000 122 130 I116 18 122 ' Over 6O00 24 132" I118 20 124 60 mph Under 750 118 124 I12 + 14 116 1500-750 124 132* I114 I 18 122 1500-6000 130 I 40; I118 122 26 Over 6000 I 32" I 44" 122 26 128 60 - 70 mph Under 750 120 126 II 12 1 16 116 1500-750 126 136'' 1116 120 122 1500-6000 121 , 42" 20 24 i28 Over 6000 34* 46* 24 30 30 * May be limited to 30 feet for practicality unless a site investigation indicates a probability of accidents. This will be determined by the County Engineer. Must be calculated using the Recovery Area Formula, Figure 3.15A TABLE 3.15 CLEAR ZONE DtSTANCES ` Spokane County Standards Page 3-13 February 2001 SHOULDERED ROADS (In feet from edge of driving lane) ~ r Spokane County Standards Page 3-14 February 2001 IC,:, (Curve Correction Factor)' Degree DESIGN SPEED of curve I 40 ~ 45 I 50 I 55 2.0 ~ 1.08 ~ 1.10 I 1.12 I 1.15 2.5 ~ 1.10 I 1.12 ~ 1.15 I 1.19 3.0 ~ 1.11 ~ 1.05 ~ 1.18 I 1.23 • 3.5 ~ 1.13 I 1.17 ~ 1.22 ~ 1.26 4.0 I 1.15 ~ 1.19 ~ 1.25 ~ 1.30 4.5 1.17 ~ 1.22 I 1.28 I 1.34 . 5.0 1.19 ~ 1.24 1.31 ~ 1.37 6.0 I 1.23 1.29 I 1.36 I 1.45 7.0 ~ 1.26 1.34 I 1.42 I 1.52 8.0 I 1.30 ~ 1.38 ~ 1.48 9.0 I 1.34 1.43 I 1.53 10.0 I 1.37 ~ 1.47 1=; •srops c~Le. ~ then 10 u 1.54 F~ ^ t+lk: `rT1 'Czc = Lc x ICa, where Czc = clear zone on outside of curvature, ft. Recove ry Area Fo rm u la C L ( RECOVERY AREA LANE SHLD. HORIZ. DIST. I CZD-SHLD 3: 1 (Of2 S7~E~p~R,t NOT c~TEEPER Tti?~N 3:1 , 4:1 OR FLAT7ER Slope to establish CZD RA = SHLD +(3:1 slope dist.) +(CZD.- SHLD) CZD = CLEAR ZONE DISTANCE: Use distance for a 3:1 cut slope (Table 3.15) RA = RECOVERY AREA FOR SLOPES STEEPER THAN 3:1, THE EMBANKMENT HEIGHT MUST BE 10 FEET OR LESS , . Spokane County Standards Page 3-15 February 2001 FIGURE 3.15A HORIZONTAL CURVE ADJUSTMENT i , t _ Spokane County Standards Page 3-16 February 2001 Residential Streets Soil Type Per Unified Soil Private Roads Local Access Streets Classfication System (USC) GW I 2 inches/6 inches ~ 2 inches/6 inches GP ~ 2 inches/6 inches I 2 inches/7 inches GM N 2 inches/6 inches I 2 inches/8 inches GC 2 inchesR inches I 3 inchesl6 inches SW 2 inches/6 inches I 2 inches/7 inches SP I 2 inches/6 inches I 2 inches/8 inches SM I 2 inches/7 inches I 3 inches/6 inches SC I Pavement Design Needed ML ~ 3 inches/fi inches 14 inches/6 inches CL N Pavement Design Needed OL N 4 inches17 inches 15 inches/8 inches MH, OH, Pt ~ Pavement Desiqn Needed , Notes: a) Values listed denote asphalt over crushed rock (minimum compacted thickness) {e.g. "2 inches/6 inches" denotes 2 inches of asphalt pavement over 6 inches of crushed rock} b) Values were calculated using the flexible pavement design method by AASHTO, 1993; and assuming traffic loads for residential-type neighbofioods. A 20-yr- design life was used. c) A minimum of 2 inches/6 inches structural pavement section was used in the table. d) When multiple soil classifications are encountered below the planned road subgrade, if the higher-strength soil is at least 2 ft. in depth and is above the lower- strength soil, then the structural pavement section applicable to the higher strength soil can be used only for soil types GW through SM. e) For soil types GW through SM, the upper fiwo feet of roadway subgrade shall be compacted to 95 percent of the maximum dry density, based on the AASHTO T- 180 test procedure. To use this table the Engineer shall acquire soil samples at the project site and classify the soils encountered, in accordance with sampling requirements listed in Technical Reference B. STRUCTURAL ROAD SECTfONS FOR RESIDENTIAL STREETS PAVEMENT DESIGN ALTERNATE TABLE 3.16 r: Spokane County Standards Page 3-17 February 2001 ~ 3.17 CUL-DE-SACS Dead-end public roads shali have a cul-de-sac constructed at the end. Cul-de-sacs are shown on the Standard Plan sheet entitied "Cul-de-Sac Public Roads". In areas not served by fire hydrants, cul-de-sacs shall have a radius of 50 feet. On paved rural roads, a paved cul-de-sac with a 45-foot radius and a 5-foot gravel shoulder may be used. At the end of private roads, the developer shall construct an area for vehicles to tum around. This turn-around area shall be constructed as shown on the Standard Plan sheet entitled " Cul-de-Sac Private Roads 3.18 CURBS, SIDEWALKS, AND PATHWAYS 1. Requirement for all public roads within urban, commercial, and industrial land use zones: A. Concrete curb, gutter, and sidewalk shall be constructed on both sides of the road. Sidewalk will not be required on cul-de-sac roads less than 400 feet in length measured from the centerline of the intersecting street to the radius point of the cul-de-sac. ~ J r This requirement applies to all new roads, roads to be reconstructed, or where there is a change of use of a commercial property. The County Engineer may require sidewalk and /or curb and gutter on one or both sides of the road in rural areas where pedestrian traffic can be expected to occur, including but not limited to arterial roads, commercial uses, industrial uses, schools, parks, churches or shopping areas. B. If roads abutting commercial property have concrete curb and gutter and/or sidewalks for which the following actions are requested: 1. A building permit for a new building, or 2. Change in use of an existing building. The owner shall replace broken or off-grade curb and gutter and/or sidewalks. The project Sponsor shall remove or replace all driveways not conforming to this chapter as directed by the County Engineer. C. Where new concrete curb is to be placed to form a wider road than the existing paved road, the area between the existing edge of the pavement _ and the new curb shall be paved as directed by the County Engineer. Where l the existing curb is removed and replaced at a new grade, the Sponsor shall Spokane County Standards Page 3-18 February 2001 pave the road next to the gutter to match the new grade of the gutter. t.. D. Standard: See Standard Plans entitled "Curbs and Gutters" and °Urban Driveways - Separated Sidewalks". 2. On shouldered public roads, pedestrian walkways may be incorporated into the shoulder of the road. This is done by constructing shoulders wider than those shown on Tables 3.01, 3.02, and 3.03. The Sponsors Engineer shall use the structural section of the shoulder for the walkway area. 3.19 NOT USED 3.20 CURB RAMPS The Sponsor shall construct ramps to provide passage of disabled persons. The ramp shall be constructed in curb and sidewalk at all corners of intersections. Ramps shall be constructed at other crosswalk locations. Ramps shall be constructed as shown on the Standard Plan entitled "Curb Ramp". 3.21 NOT USED 3.22 PRIVATE ROADS A private road is a privately owned vehicular access route serving more than three lots, parcels or tracts wfiich do not have frontage on a public road right of way. Private roads within mandated non-attainment areas for suspended particulate shall be paved. Private roads in all other areas shall provide an all-weather driving surtace. The traveled way of a private road shall be designated as a fire lane under the Uniform Fire Code, as amended. Spokane County will not perform an in-depth review of private road plans, inspect the construction of private roads, or maintain private roads. Private roads may be permitted when: 1. The roads are within a subdivision approved pursuant to 58.17 RC1N and the Spokane County Subdivision Ordinance. 2. A title notice has been approved and recorded with the County that provides for maintenance of the private roads and associated parking areas by owners in the development, and A. A ten (10) foot easement shall be provided for on each side of the roadway for roadway maintenance and utilities, and , Spokane County Standards Page 3-19 February 2001 ~ i . ( . ~ . Spokane County Standards Page 3-20 February 2001 B. Provisiori is made for the roads to be open for emergency and public service vehicle use, and ' C. The title notice shall include language indicating that the county is not responsible for maintenance of the private road, and D. The private roads will not obstruct public road circulation. Private road design plans, drainage studies, drainage plans and appropriate calculations shall be submitted by the Sponsor to the County Engineer prior to construction of the road. All submittals shall bear a certification by the Sponsor's Design Engineer that they were prepared in conformance w'rth and meet the requirements of these Design Standards and all other applicable laws and regulations. Prior to private road construction, the Sponsor must acquire acceptance for any private development drainage plan that impacts the public road rights-of-way. Submittal requirements and procedures shall be according to Section 5.01. The Sponsor shall submit record drawings of private road and drainage improvement construction to the County Engineer. All record drawing submittals shall bear certification by the Sponsor's Construction Engineer that construction was performed in conformance with these standards, the provisions for Section 9.10 and the Guidelines for Stormwater Management. Spokane County does not fumish, install, or maintain signs for private roads including stop signs or street name signs for private roadways intersecting public roads. The owner may install their own signs in accordance with the MUTCD, but must have approval from the County Engineer when installing signs at intersections with public roads. Prior to installing signs at the private road intersecting with a public road, an approach permit shall be obtained. 3.23 PRIVATE ALLEYS Phvately owned alleys may be constructed to provide secondary access to urban, - residential lots. An alley must be sixteen feet wide, paved, and must be located within a minimum twenty-six foot wide easement or private right-of-way. The alley shall connect to a public or private road at each end. The intersection of an alley with a public road shall conform to the Standard Drawing entitled " Cement Concrete Approaches". Prior to final plat.approval, the developer must provide an agreement for the maintenancE of private alleys. Alley design shall conform to the design standards for a private road shown on Table 3.03. Private alleys are designated fire lanes as described in the current edition of the Uniform Fire Code. Spokane County Standards Page 3-21 February 2001 i 3.24 DRIVEWAY APPROACHES 1. GENERAL A. Private driveways provide primary vehicular access from a roadway to up to three lots. Private driveways shall comply with Section 3.0-5.050 of Titie 3 of the Spokane County Gode, as amended. B. Every driveway approach must provide access to an off road parking area located on private property. The driveway shall be of sufficienf length so a vehicle in the driveway does not project into the road right of way, sidewalk, or pathway. C. Public or private driveways in industrial, commercial, multiple family, church, or any like use shall be constructed to allow vehicles to exit without backing out onto an arterial road. D. Driveway approaches shall be constructed to avoid interference with existing drainage inlets, culverts, road lighting standards, utility poles, traffic regulating devices, fire hydrants or other public facilities. The applicant shall bear the cost of relocating any such public facility. The agency holding authority for the particular structure shall decide how the facil'rty will be relocated. 4 E. The total width of all driveway approaches on a road for any ownership shall not exceed 50% of the frontage of that ownership along the road and shall not be more than two in number except as allowed under Section 3.24 1.G.1. Refer to the Standard Plan entitled "Cement Concrete Approaches" for approach dimensions. F. The owner of a driveway approach that has been abandoned, or for any reason has become unnecessary, shall replace it with a stanCard curb and sidewalk that is constructed according to the Standard Specifications and Standard Plans. This construction work shall take place in case of actions listed under 3.24 1.G.1. through 3. G. In single ownerships, if the total width of existing driveway approaches on a road is over 50% of the frontage of the ownership on that road, or any driveway approaches are wider than 40 feet, such existing driveways shall be made to conform to this chaptees provisions in the following events: 1. Any alteration, widening, relocation, or repair of existing driveways in the ownership. - 2. Any construction of additional approaches in the ownership. ( Spokane County Standards Page 3-22 February 2001 3. Where a single ownership is developed into more than one parcel, requirements for driveways may apply to each separate parcel rather than to the entire ownership, if: a. Each parcel shall meet the requirements of off road parking and/or loading as required by the Zoning Ordinance. b. The safety of pedestrians or vehicular traffic is not endangered, c. There is necessity for separate access to the road. 4. In instances where the County Engineer deems, due to either existing or anticipated conditions, that the requirements of the Spokane County Standards for Road and Sewer Construction, will not provide the proper control of access or egress for traffic or safely provide for the traffic using the street, he/she may make additional requirements to insure public safety. 2. NON-RESIDENTIAL DRIVEWAY APPROACHES A. Where existing curb and/or sidewalk is not continuous along the road ~ frontages of ownerships, the Project Sponsor shall construct curb and gutter and/or sidewalk to form a continuous curb andlor sidewalk. The Sponsor shall install any necessary storm drainage improvements directed by the County Engineer. Where a single ownership is developed into more than one parcel, requirements for curbs and gutter and sidewalks may apply to each separate parcel instead of the entire ownership. B. If construction of driveways, curbs and gutters is waived, driveway approaches shall be properly delineated by the permit holder by woaden posts or other means as directed by the County Engineer. The driveway approaches shall be of asphalt concrete pavement from the existing roadway surface to the property line. C. Driveway approaches shall not restrict or irnpound drainage flow in the road gutter line. For shouldered roads with ditches, storm drainage shall be passed under a driveway by a culvert pipe. A suitable warning marker shall be placed at each end of the culvert. The size of the culvert shall be as specified by the County Engineer. A diameter of twelve inches (12") shall be the minimum size culvert allowed. . Spokane County Standards Page 3-23 February 2001 2. DRIVEWAY APPROACH DESIGN ~ A. Driveways shall be constructed to define the access and egress openings in accordance with the Spokane County Standards for Road and Sewer Construction and Standard Plan sheets entitled "Cement Concrete Approaches" and " Rural Road Approaches". B. Driveway approach grades within right of way shall not exceed 8% ( a rise or descent of 8 feet in 100 feet) in the urban area, or 2% ( a rate of rise or descent of 2 feet in 100 feet) in rural areas. DrivEway grades shall not exceed ten percent within ten feet of a county road right-of-way. Drainage from private driveways that connect to a public graveled road shall be controlled to prevent nanoff water from entering onto the public roadway. C. No driveway approach in the curb line shall be constructed, reconstructed or . altered to be within five feet of a street crosswalk or on the curb arc between two intersection curb lines at a street intersection. D. The spacing befinreen driveway approaches in the curb line of ownerships or leaseholds shall not be less than ten feet for commercial uses nor less than fifteen feet for industrial uses measured parallel with the frontage. E. No driveway approach shall be located closer than seven and one-half feet from an interior lot or property line. F. Driveway approaches in commercial zones may not be located closer than thirty feet from the point of cunrature of a curb return. Driveways in residential zones may not be located closer than five feet from the point of curvature of a curb retum. - i Spokane County Standards Page 3-24 February 2001 4.00 3-R DESIGN STANDARDS ` - 1. GENERAL A publicly-funded road project becomes 3-R when the proposed improvement consists of resurFacing, restoration, and rehabilitation of the existing pavement. The purpose of these projects is to preserve and extend the service life of the roadway. They also result in enhancing tfie safety of the traveling public. Projects, classified as 3-R, involve work on an existing roadway surface and/or subsurface. Their purpose includes extending the service life, providing additional pavement strength, paving existing gravel roads, increasing skid resistance, improving the ride of the roadway, and enhancing it's safety. A project may be considered 3-R if no more than 50 percent of the project length involves vertical or horizontal alignment changes. To be considered 3-R, the road cannot be widened more than one traffic lane. All projects that are not qualified as a 3-R project must meet design standards for new caonstruction. Normally, project sponsors make 3-R improvements within the existing right of way. The Sponsor should consider acquiring right of way and/or easements, if practical. Survey monuments shall be perpetuated in accordance with the "Land Survey Standards" sections of the manual. .2. DESIGN STANDARDS: It is desirable that 3-R projects be designed to meet the standards for new construction. However, if for reasons such as environmental concems, social impact, or cost, i# is inadvisable or impossible to meet new construction standards, the Project Sponsor should make a careful analysis of the altematives. The analysis should consider adjacent roadway sections, future improvements, and existing conditions. If ineeting the new construction standards is unreasonable, improvements in roadway widths should still be considered. A. Design Speed - The County Engineer will set the design speed for 3-R projects. B. Super elevation - To provide for the same degree of safety and comfort on 3-R projects as on any other, super elevation, including transitions, should be provided on projects with a design speed greater than 35 mph. C. Roadway Width - The minimum roadway surfaced width (W) for 3-R projects is 24 feet for a shouldered road and 32 feet on a curbed road. D. Ditches - Fill slopes and slope ditches shall not be steeper than 3:1. Flatter slopes are desirable. Spokane County Standards Page 4-1 February 2001 rl E. Alignment - Alignment improvements should be undertaken where the number of accidents is high, and where previously installed warning signs, markings, or other devices have not proven effective. If existing horizontal and vertical alignments are to be retained, a careful analysis should be undertaken to provide adequate signing and marking. F. Clear Zone - For safety, it is desirable to provide a roadside recovery area that is as wide as practical. The designer must give particular attention to the clear zone at identified high roadside accident locations. An adequate clear zone at horizontal curves at the end of a downgrade, should be provided if practicable. The clear zone distance can be determined using Figure 3.16. The Sponsor should relocate utility poles, luminaries, and sign supports or make to break away, if necessary, to provide for safety. G. Bridge - A bridge to be replaced on a 3-R project shall be designed to new construction standards. H. Curb ramps - Curb ramps shall be provided on 3-R projects where curbs and sidewalks are provided. ( Spokane County Standards Page 4-2 April 1999 5.00 PROJECT APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATIONS . 5.01 APPLICATION PROCEDURE Submittal requirements and procedures shall be as prescribed by the County Engineer. The application and certification procedure for public and private road construction shall be as prescribed by the County Engineer and shall generally include, in sequence, the following items: 1. Conduct a Pre-Design Meeting with the County Engineer to reach concurrence on the design parameters and drainage concept, 2. If needed, conduct a joint s'rte visit by the Sponsor's Design Engineer and the County Engineer, 3. Submit and receive approval of any design deviations, 4. Subm'rttal, certification and approval of the plans and calculations by the Sponsors Design Engineer, 5. Conduct a pre-submittal meeting to determine that all the information necessary to evaluate the submittal is present, until the submittal meets basic requirements, 6. Cursory check of the submittal and acceptance of the plans and calculations by the County Engineer, : 7. Construction and inspection by the Sponsor's Construction Engineer, 8. Final inspection by the Sponsor's Gonstruction Engineer and the County Engineer, 9. Submittal of certification and record drawings by the Sponsor's Construction Engineer. The Sponsors Engineer shall schedule a pre-design meeting with the County Engineer. The purpose of the Pre-Design meeting is to identify the major design parameters prior to design, review the general design concepts proposed by the Sponsor's Engineer, and reach concurrence on -design concepts and design parameters. As part of the Pre-Design meeting, applicants shall receive a checklist from the County Engineers Office, which demonstrates the items required by Spokane County Standards minimally necessary for plan review. The meeting minutes and the checklist shall be signed by the Sponsor (or his Engineer), as well as by a representative of the Spokane County Engineer. Additional pre-design meetings may be needed as determined by the County Engineer. A joint site visit may be required to reach agreement on drainage basin limits prior to design concurrence. Proposed design deviations shall be applied for and approved prior to submittal of final road and drainage plans. The design deviation application shall be submitted in a . format prescribed by the County Engineer. Spokane County Standards Page 5-1 February 2001 'The Sponsor's Engineer and a representative of the Development Services Section of . the Spokane County Division of Engineering must conduct a pre-submittal meeting before the County Engineer accepts the design documents for review. The submittal will be checked along with the pre-submittal checklist to ensure that the basic information necessary to review the submittal for compliance with the project requirements is provided. Submittals that do not contain the basic information necessary to review the submittal for compliance with the project requirements will be retumed to the submitter for revision. When the design documents are revised, additional pre-submittal meetings are required until the Spokane County Division of Engineering accepts the submittal for review. The pre-submittal checklist, which includes the minimum requirements checklist from the Pre-Design meeting, will be reviewed at these meetings. If the design submittal is still incomplete, the meeting minutes and any revised checklist will be signed by the Sponsor or his Engineer, as well as by a representative of the Spokane County Engineer. If the design submittal contains all the basic information necessary to review the submittal for compliance w'rth the project requirements, the Division of Engineering will accept the submittal for review. The Sponsor, the County Engineer, and the County Utilities Director shall execute a Project Agreement prior to road, drainage, or sewer plan approval and/or acceptance r`- by Spokane County for the project. The Project Agreement shall be in a form acceptable to the Spokane County Prosecuting Attomey. A sample agreement is provided in these Standards as Technical Reference C. The Sponsor shall obtain acceptance of the plans and calculations from the County Engineer before the start of construction and before recording the plat. The County Engineer may require that a Temporary Erosion/Sedimentation Control Plan be implemented. The Sponsors Surveyor shall comply with procedures for perpetuation of survey monuments in accordance with the "Land Survey Standards" section of this manual. The County Engineer relies upon the certification and approval of the road and drainage plans and calculations by the Sponsor's Engineer for approval of the plat. The County Engineers acceptance of the plans shall not relieve the Sponsor or the Sponsor's Design Engineer from any liability related to portions of the design which are not in conformance with these Standards or do not follow good engineering practice. The plans, basin maps and calculations shall be signed, sealed, and dated by the , Sponsors Design Engineer. The cover sheet of the plan set and the cover sheet of all the calculations shall bear the certification, which reads: . , ~Spokane County Standards Page 5-2 February 2001 "The design improvements shown in this set of plans and calculations conform to the applicable editions of the Spokane County Standards for Road and Sewer Construction and the Spokane County Guidelines for Storm Water Management. The Spokane County Engineer has approved all design deviations. I approve these plans for construction." The Sponsor shall reimburse the County for all costs incurred for pre-submittal meetings, submittal reviews, site-visits, and any other work associated with a developer's project. Costs shall be assessed as outlined on the latest fee schedule adopted by the Board of County Commissioners, and in accordance with the Fee Agreement signed by the Sponsor. For each construction phase, the Project Sponsor's Engineer shall provide construction inspection, which complies with the requirements of Section 9.04, and upon completing the construction inspection shall provide °Record Drawing" which comply with the requirements of Section 9.10 of these Standards. 5.02 GENERAL FORMATTING The general format, number of copies, and application processes shall be as follows: 1. PRIVATE DESIGN: ' Original sheets shall be good quality reproducible, ink on mylar. The designer may submit the original sheets on vellum paper if computer-drawing files are also submitted. Computer files shall be in AutoCAD.DWG or.DXF format. _ A. All plan sheets shall be in size 24 inches x 36 inches. B. First and subsequent applications shall contain two sets of prints of road plans, typical cross sections, profiles, and detail sheets. A drainage plan and drainage calculation shall also be submitted as required in Section 2 of the Drainage Guidelines. A print of the proposed final plat map shall be subm'rtted before plan approval where street layout and lot numbering have been changed from the preliminary plat map. Upon the return of plans for correction, the Sponsors Engineer shall show any changes on a revised print in color. The engineer shall show the date of these changes. The colors of red and yellow are reserved for County comments. C. The first application shall contain a letter signed and sealed by the Sponsor's Surveyor that a thorough search has been made for survey monuments. He/she shafl indicate that all found monuments are properly referenced in accordance with current applicable state laws. A copy of _ references shall be filed in the County Engineer's Office. r Spokane County Standards Page 5-3 February 2001 D. The finai application shall contain the original and two sets of blue line prints of corrected road plans, profiles, typical cross sections, detail sheets, and -drainage plans and calculations. If the Sponsor or his engineer desires the County to retum an accepted set of reproducible plans, the Sponsar should also submit a set of sepia plans. Upon the County Engineers acceptance of the final application, the County Engineer will retain the original, using it to make copies for public inspection and distribution as required. The acceptance of construction plans shall expire hnro years from the acceptance date shown on the plans. tt may be extended for an additional two years at the option of the , County Engineer. Before the extension of acceptance , the Sponsar's Engineer shall revise the plans to reflect current standards. 2. COUNTY DESIGN: Procedures for county design shaN be as required for coordination and for approval by funding authorities. Survey monuments shall be perpetuated in accordance with the "Land Survey Standards" sections of this manual. 5.03 DRAFTING STANDARDS 1. Fonts- Lettering shall be legible to be easily read and understood by the reviewer. The lettering shall be of sufficient size and scale to produce clear, readable images when scanned digitally by an aptical scanner. Submitted plans not meeting these cr'rteria will be returned to the Sponsor for correction. 2. Lines and Symbols- Standard drafting lines and symbols are shown on the Standard Plans entitled Spokane City/County Drafting Standards. Both the City of Spokane and Spokane County have adopted these conventions. All drawings submitted for review shall use these Standards. Symbols and line types for plan features not available in the Standards shall be described in a legend on each plan sheet. Electronic copies of the Standard lines and symbols in AutoCAD Release 12, 13, and 14 DOS/Windows format are available by downloading from the Division's Intemet site. 5.04 PLAN Plans may be comprised of more than one set of project drawings each depicting separate items of work. Plans shall include the following: 1. The first sheet of the plans shall include a project title, vicinity map, an index of plan sheets, the engineer's certification statement, and signature block containing approval signatures of both the Project Sponsor and his Engineer. 2. Road alignments with 100' stationing, reading from left to right, and stationing at points of curve, tangent, and intersections, with appropriate ties to existing road surveys and stationing, section comers, quarter corners, and the horizontal Spokane County Standards Page 5-4 February 2001 control net established by the County Engineer. Stations shall increase from west to east and from south to north. 3. Section, township, and range. 4. Bearings on the road centerline, keyed to an associated plat map. 5. Curve data including radius, delta, arc length, and semi-tangent length, on al) road centeriines and curb returns. 6. Right of way lines, width for proposed road, intersecting roads, and existing road improvements with dimensions. 7. All topographic features within right of way limits or future right of way limits and sufficient area beyond to resolve questions of setback, slope, drainage, access onto abutting property, and road continuations. 8. All existing utilities. 9. All proposed water and sewer util'rties that will be designed and constructed. 10. Ident'rfication of all roads and adjoining subdivisions. 11. A Traffic Control Signing Plan. (See Section 3.12) 12. Existing and proposed drainage features, showing direGtion of flow, size, and kind of each drainage channel, pipe, and structure and other requirements as specified in the Guidelines for Storm water Management. 13. Minimum Scale: 1" = 50'. However, 1" = 100' shal) be optional for development . of lots one acre or larger. Details for clarification may be shown on a convenient scale. A scale of 1" = 20' may be required for urban arterial streets where detail is sufficiently dense to cause a"cluttered" drawing at a smaller scale. 14. A north arrow. 15. As a minimum, one new control monument shall be set at each end of a new road and intermediate monuments as required under 6.02. 16. Project beginning and ending designation with stations. 17. A title block to include: A. The project name B. County Project Number C. Sheet number Spokane County Standards Page 5-5 February 2001 ~ D. Road names E. Road limits - 18. All found and referenced survey monuments. 19. Section and lot lines 20. Standard symbois as shown on Standard Plan entitled Symbois. 21. Beginning, middle, and ending elevations of curb returns. 22. Other data necessary for the specific project. 5.05 NOT USED 5.06 PROFILE ELEMENTS Profile elements shall include 'the following: 1. Original ground line at 100' stations and at significant ground breaks and topographic features based on field measurement accurate within 0.1' on unpaved surface and 0.01' on paved surface. 2. Afinal road and storm drain profile. The stationing shall be the same as the - horizontal plan, reading from left to right. It shall include stationing of points of curve, tangent, length, and point of intersection of vertical curves, with elevations to 0.01'. 3. Profiles for curbed roads shall show the tops of both curbs and the centerline clearly labeled. Profiles for shouldered roads shall show the centerline only. 4. On a grid of numbered lines, a continuous profile shall be shown for both existing and proposed improvements. 5. Grade and vertical curve data, all profiles. 6. The datum used and all benchmarks, which must refer to established control when available. (See Section 6.02) 5.07 NOT USED 5.08 TYPICAL CROSS SECTION Typical cross sections shall include the following: _ Spokane County Standards Page 5-6 February 2001 1. The dimensions of traffic lanes, shoulders, gutters, sidewalks, swales, depths, planting strips, easements, and right of way, etc. 2. The cross slope of all elements, such as, the pavement, ditches, swales, gutters, sidewalks, planting trips, etc. 3. Type of curb. 4. Dimensions of structural section material layers. 5. Retaining walls where required. 6. A separate full width roadway typical section for each street or portion of the street tfiat differs sign'rficantly. Station limits shall be shown. 7. All other data necessary for a specific project. 5.09 NOT USED 5.10 DRAINAGE PLAN A drainage plan is required by Spokane County Guidelines for Storm Water Management. A private developer may submit the drainage plan integrally with the road plan and profile, if space permits. Otherwise, he/she shall submit it on separate plan and data sheets. ~ Spokane County Standards Page 5-7 February 2001 I 6.00 LAND SURVEY STANDARDS 6.01 REGULATIONS 1. Surveys shall conform to all applicable state and local regulations. 2. Prior to any construction within County rights-of-way, a surveyor shall conduct a thorough search for all survey monuments. Any found monuments shall be referenced in accordance with current applicable state laws. A copy of the references shall be filed in the office of the County Engineer. 6.02 MONUMENTATION 1. The responsible surveyor shall set permanent monuments with his/her registration number as follows: A. For placing new or replacement of section corners, quarter corners, closing corners, witness comers, and meander points that have been disturbed or destroyed, the minimum acceptable monument is a 3/4 inch inside diameter iron pipe or a#4 steel reinforcing rod, 24 inches in length. The monument shall be marked in conformance with state laws and regulations. Any of these corners in paved roads shafl be covered by a . ' Spokane County standard cast iron monument case. A/lonument cases are shown on the Spokane County Standard Plan sheet entitled "Monument Case and Cover". B. For placing new or replacement of disturbed road centerline angle points, curve points, and road intersection points, the minimum acceptable monument is a 1/2 inch inside diameter iron pipe or a#4 steel reinforcing rod, 18 inches in (engfh. On principal arterials, monument cases and covers shaft be set to protect the monuments. All monuments in other paved roads shall be set flush with the road surface. C. For placing new or replacement of all permanent monuments not covered above, the minimum acceptable monument is a 1/2 inch inside diameter iron pipe or a#4 steel reinforcing rod, 18 inches in length D. If it is impossible to set the above monuments, the County Engineer may approve an alternative monument. 2. Each monument set according to 6.02 1A through 6.02 1D shall have at least three reference points. The reference points may consist of, in order of preference, cross on curbs, bearing trees, property corners or alternate approved by County Engineer. 6.03 HORIZONTAL CONTROL NET Spokane County Standards Page 6-1 April 1999 ~A horizontal control net established by the Spokane County Engineer shall be the mapping base for all surveys lying within its boundaries. All sunreys done within this net shall conform to the degree of accuracy required under applicable state laws with adequate supplemental information as required by the County Engineer to ensure accuracy. 6.04 TEMPORARY BENCH IVIARK The surveyor shall provide a temporary benchmark along the roadway every one thousand feet. These temporary bench marks shall be based on a datum plane approved by the County Engineer. The surveyor shall submit field notes or sealed statement insuring work according to third order accuracy. Please refer to Washington State Department of Transportation Standards. ~ ~ Spokane County Standards Page 6-2 April 1999 7.00 BRIDGES AND OTHER STRUCTURES 7.01 PRINCIPAL REFERENCE FOR BRIDGES Except as specified below, Spokane County bridges on public roads shall be designed and constructed according to the latest edition of "Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges", adopted by American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) including all interim addenda. Plans and structural computations shall be subrnitted for approval of the County Engineer before construction begins. All new bridges shall be designed to carry an AASHTO HS 25-44 live load or greater. 1. The bridge roadway shall comprise the full width of the road being served. This includes the traveled way, the curb, the sidewalk, the walkway, bike lanes, equestrian lanes, and/or shoulders. Requirements of utilities shali be duly considered. 2. Where typical speed is 35 MPH or higher and significant pedestrian, bike and/or horseback traffic can be expected. The Engineer may require that the lane for the secondary modes be separated from motor vehicle traffic by use of a bridge traffic barrier and further protected by a pedestrian rail at the outer edge. 3. The width of a bridge shall be the greater of the design roadway width or the existing roadway width but not narrower than 28 feet. , 4. Traffic and pedestrian railings or combination traffic-pedestrian railings shall meet AASHTO specifications. 5. Overhead vertical clearances on bridges serving arterial roads shall be no less than 16.5'. Other roads may have a minimum vertical clearance of 15 feet. 7.02 NOT USED 7.03 OTHER BRIDGE DESIGN CRITERIA Criteria under other recognized road and bridge classifications, such as those of the Federal-Aid Rural Area Design Standards, may be applied under conditions deemed appropriate by the Engineer. 7.04 RETAINlNG WALLS AND OTHER STRUCTURES Spokane County Standards Page 7-1 April 1999 , -Analysis and design of retaining walls and other structures constructed within County right-of-way and/or maintained by Spokane County shall conform to the requirements of the current edition of the "Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges", AASHTO. Plans and structural computations shall be submitted for approval of the County Engineer before construction begins. Mortarless concrete block retaining walls shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the National Concrete Masonry Association Technical Report 127 (NCMA TR127). i-, , , ~ , ` i Spokane County Standards Page 7-2 April 1999 8.00 UTILITIES f 8.01 FRANCHISING POLICY Utilities to be located within the County road right-of-way shall be constructed according to current franchise and permit procedure and according to these standards. In their use of the right of way, utilities shall be given consideration only after the requirements of the road are met. These requirements are to provide safe, efficient and convenient passage for motor vehicles, pedestrians, and other traffic. Aesthetics shall be a consideration. As a matter of policy, Spokane County strongly encourages utility ccompanies to place electric lines underground, particularly in urban development. 8.02 STANDARD UTILITIES LOCATIOfdS Utilities within the right of way on new roads shaN be located as shown on Standard Plan entitfed Utility Locations. The locations shown on the standard plan shall be used on existing roadways where topography, utilities, or storm drains do not conflict. Where existing utilities or storm drains are in place, new utilities shall conform to these Standards as nearly as practical and yet be compatible with the existing instal(ations. Exceptions may be approved when' necessary to meet the special requirement of overhead utilities when right of way space is limited in planned unit developments, manufactured home parks, muftifiamily developments and commercial developments. 1. Not withstaRding other provisions, underground systems shall be pfaced at least five feet away from road centerline and where they will not otfierwise disturb existing survey monuments. 2. Underground utilities tfiat can use a joint trench shall have the option of occupying any other utility company's standard location if that company is a participant in the joint trench installation. 3. Any utility company may use another utility company's standard location provided they obtain approval from that company. A copy of the approval shall be furnished to the County Engineer. 8.03 NOT USED 8.04 SCHEDULING OF UTILITIES INSTALLATION, RELOCATtON AND INSPECTION Spokane County Standards Page 8-1 April 1999 ° When possible, utilities, including service crossings, shall be installed or relocated before the start of road construction. If planned road cuts and flls are large or if the focation of road elements cannot be clearly shown in advance, the utility company will coordinate the relocation of utilities with the contractor before construction. Otherwise, such utilities and connections shall be installed or relocated after the subgrade has been completed but before surfacing has been placed. As a matter of policy, Spokane County discourages utility trenching or transverse cuts in Gounty roads. Cutting or trenching roads that have been reconstructed within the previous five years will not be permitted unless it can be shown that altematives are not feasible. Possible alternatives are boring, jacking, relocating outside the paved area, or installing the utility just before reconstruction or overlay of the road. In instances where trenching or cutting is permitted, pavement patching shall include: 1. cutting the existing pavement 2. removal of existing pavement 3. preparation and compaction of subgrade 4. placement and compaction of aggregate base material 5. application of tack coat and construction of the asphaltic concrete pavement "patch" i . This worlc shall conform to the applicable sections of the Washington State Department of Transportation Standard Specifications. On arterial roads, the utility company may be required to backfill the trench in paved roads with Portland cement concrete to within 0.10 feet of finish grade. This requirement may be applied on all paved roads during cool or inclement vUeather. Monumentation: The contractor, according to the "Land Survey Standards" section of these standards, shall protect existing survey monumentation. Spokane County Standards Page 8-2 April 1999 9.00 PERMITS AND INSPECTION f"9.01 APPLICATION Any party desiring to construct on county right-of-way, including connecting a road or driveway to a county road, shall first obtain a permit by filing a written application with the County Engineer. Such application shall be made on a Spokane County form provided for that purpose, and shall include: 1. The name and address of the applicant. 2. The name and address of the owner of the property abutting the road and where the work is proposed. 3. The exact location of the proposed work, giving the road address or legal description of the property involved. 4. A detailed plan accurately showing: A. The dimensions of the abutting property. B. The dimensions and locations of existing or proposed driveways. C. Utility poles. D. Hydrants. E. Road light standards. F. Trees within the limits of the frontage of said property. G. Other pertinent features. 5. The plan shall also show the location of buildings, loading platforms and off-road parking facilities being served or to be served by such driveways. 6. The County Engineer may require, at his discretion, the filing of any other information when he feels such information is necessary to properly enforce the provisions of this section. 7. The County Engineer will not approve a plan nor issue a permit where it appears that the proposed work conflicts with the provision of this standard or any other ordinance or resolution of Spokane County; nor shall issuance of a permit be construed as a waiver of the Zoning Ordinance or other ordinance requirernents conceming the plan. 9.02 BAS1S F4R CONTROL OF THE WORK Spokane County Siandards . Page 9-1 April 1999 "Work shall be done to the satisfaction of the County Engineer and according to approved plans (Section 5.00). This includes work done in the existing, proposed, or future public right of way. It applies to work by a private project sponsor, by county forces, or by a county contractor. It is emphasized that no work may be started until such plans are approved. The County Engineer shall approve any revision to the plans before the proposed revision is constructed. The County Engineer shall have authority to enforce the Standards just as other referenced or pertinent specifications. He/she will appoint engineers, assistants, and inspectors as necessary to control and inspect the work and they will exercise such author'rty as the County Engineer may delegate. 1. PERMIT REQUIRED No person, firm or corporation shall commence work or permit any other person, firm, or c4rporation to commence work on the construction, alteration, repair, removal, cutting andlor paving of any road, alley or other public place in Spokane County without first obtaining a written permit and approved plans from the County Engineer. The Sponsor shall be responsible for the County costs incurred for inspection. The costs shall be assessed as outlined on the latest fee schedule adopted pursuant to Board of Gounty Commissioner's Resolution No. 80-1592 or as the ~ same may be amended. 2. TRAFFIC CONTROL DURING CONSTRUCTION Before commencing work on the project, the Sponsor shall prepare and submit a signing plan to the County Engineer for review and approval. As work progresses, the Sponsor shall revise the signing plan to conform to changing conditions. The Sponsor shall provide fiagmen to control traffic during the project. He/she shall also provide the flagman's protective apparel, barricades, lights, standard signs, cones, and other devices for the protection of the public and maintenance of traffic through the project. . 9.03 NOT USED 9.04 ROAD CONSTRUCTION INSPECTIONS The Sponsor's Engineer or a designated representative shall perform inspections on all road construction generated by a land use action. The County Engineer may elect to perform the construction inspection on public road improvements generated by a building permit. 9.05 NOT USED t `Spokane County Standards Page 9-2 April 1999 \ 9.06 CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION NOTIFICATIONS AND RECORDS {The Sponsor's Engineer shall be responsible to ensure that construction of roads and appurtenances is according to county accepted project plans, County General Provisions, the Standard Specifications, and applicable portions of the WSDOT Construction N9anual. County forces may make random visits to pubfic road construction sites, as deemed necessary. Random visits are to ensure a qua(ity construction inspection process and do not express or imply approval or disapproval of the contractor's work. The County Engineer shall have access to all construction inspection records and reports. The Sponsor's Engineer shall submit all construction change orders that propose , changes to the accepted plans or specifications to the County Engineer for his review and approval. The County Engineer will use a fast-track system for change order approvals wfien the progress of construction makes it infeasib(e to wait for formal approval. If, in the opinion of the County Engineer, the Sponsor's Engineer fails to satisfactorily perform the proper inspection, testing, and record-keeping duties, the County may take action as provided for in Section 1.10 °Compliance Review". Prior to scheduling a final inspection with Spokane County, the Sponsor's Engineer shall: 1. Submit afl construction records to the County Engineer. This shall include but not be fimited to, Daily Inspector's Reports, correspondence, manufacturer's certifications, material test reports, and Record Drawings as required in Section 9.10. 2. Ensure that all previously identified project deficiencies have been corrected. The Sponsor's Engineer shall schedule a final inspection meeting between the Sponsor's Engineer and the County Engineer prior to establishment of the roads by Spokane County. Deficiencies found shall be oorrected by the Sponsor prior to road acceptance. At the time of establishment of the roads by the Board of County Commissioners, the County will assume responsibility for road maintenance and operation. The County will then release the Sponsor's Engineer from responsibility w'rth regard to construction inspection. 9.07-9.08 NOT USED 9.09 COUNTY FORCES AND COUNTY CONTRACT ROAD 1NSPECTION Spokane County Standards Page 9-3 April 1999 Representatives of the County Engineer will inspect road construction done by county ~ forces or by county contract. 9.10 RECORD DRAWINGS During construction, the Sponsor's Surveyor and/or Construction Engineer shall record any changes to the plans. All substantive differences shall be noted on the approved final road and drainage plans and shall be labeled Record Drawings. The following statement shall be lettered on the Record Drawings and stamped and.. signed by the Sponsor's Surveyor and/or Construction Engineer certifying the Record Drawings: "I have reviewed the construction and to my knowledge find it to be in substantial conformance with the approved certified plans and Standard Specifications except as noted." When changes to the design are necessary, the Sponsor shall be responsible for obtaining approval of plan changes from the Sponsor's Design Engineer. The Sponsor shall forward a copy of the approved plan changes, and any related calculations, to the County Engineer. t~ ~ t Spokane County Standards Page 9-4 April 1999 10.00 SU RETY {AW 10.01 PERFORMANCE SURETY 1. Raad and Drainage Improvements The Surety will generally address the construction and instalfation of all pubiic road, private alley, and private road improvements, including but not limited to the roadway, drainage improvements, utility work within County right-of-way, monumentation, construction inspection, and other costs. For commercial building permits, tfie guarantee shall apply to improvements in the pub(ic right-of-way, and drainage improvements, located in tracts or easements on the project site, which serve the public right-of-way. In any case, the Surety shall be in an amount equal to at least 110% of the County Engineer's estimate. In order to obtain Final Approval of a Project (either a Land Use Action such as a Plat, Short Plat, or Binding Site Plan, or a Certificate of Occupancy for a Commercial Project), a private Sponsor must select one of these options: (1) Post a Surety prior to construction; or (2) Partially construct the Project and provide a Surety; or (3) Complete construction of the Project, certify the construction, obtain the County Engineers acceptance of the Project Certification Package, and post a warranty Surety prior to final approval of the Project. The Sponsor is not required to post a Surety prior to Final Approval. However, the ~ County Engineer will only recommend Final Approval if either ihe required improvements have been constructed and certified by the Sponsor, and accepted by tfie County Engineer, or a Surety acceptable to the County Engineer has been posted. The Sponsor may select one of three methods to provide the surety. (1) Post a surety prior to constnuction; or (2) Partially construct the Project and provide a surety instrument; or (3) Complete construction of the Project and receive County Engineer acceptance of the Project Certification Package and post a warranty bond prior to final approval of the Project. The Surety that is posted with the Spokane County Engineer for compliance with this section sha!l conform to the following conditions: a. The surety shall be of a form approved by the Prosecuting Attome)(s Office and acceptable to the County Engineer. The surety amount shall be in United States currency. b. Accsptable surety instruments are: • Cash Savings Assignment, held by a duly chartered Financial Institution; • Letter of Credit issued by a duly chartered Financial Institution; or • Surety Instrument ("Bond") issued by a duly chartered Bonding Company. . ~ Spokane County Standards Page 10-1 February 2001 ( j c. The term of the surety shall be for two years from the date of the County Engineer's Plan acceptance. The surety may be extended for an additional two years at the option of the County Engineer. The County Engineer will then calculate a new surety amount. d. At the discretion of the County Engineer, a cash surety (either a Cash Savings Assignment or a Letter of Credit) may be reduced with satisfactory progress on the project. The surety shall not be reduced below $20,000, or 20% of the original surety amount, whichever is greater. e. A perFormance surety will not be required if the improvements are constructed and certified according to these standards prior to final development approval. A. Performance Surety Prior to Construction The Sponsor may choose to post a surety for the entire estimated construction and inspection cost in order to obtain Final Approval. The County Engineer shall estimate the amount of the surety. The surety shall be structured in two parts as follows: 1. A Performance Retainer of at least $7,500.00 or 10% of the surety amount, whichever is greater, naming Spokane County as benefciary. The Performance ~-1 Retainer shall be in the form of a Cash Savings Assignment or a Letter of Credit. c r ( 2. A Performance Guarantee shall be a separate surety instrument oomprising the remainder of the guarantee amount naming Spokane County as beneficiary. The Performance Guarantee shall be in the form of a Cash Savings Assignment, Letter of Credit, or Surety Instrument. Under this option, Final Approval will not occur until the Design Documents have been accepted by the County Engineer's Office, and an acceptable surety has been posted. B. Partial Construction Before Final Approval The Sponsor may choose to construct a portion of the required road and drainage improvements in order to obtain Final Approval. Under this option, The County Engineer will accept only a Cash Savings Assignment as surety for the portion of the Project that has not yet been constructed at the time Final Approval is requested. The amount will be recalculated from the original surety estimate, to account for such etements as changed quantities, revised unit prices, construction of the remaining worlc through Public Works contracting procedures, project inspection and certification, etc. Under this option, Final Approval will not occur until: r~ 1. The Sponsor's Engineer has submitted Certified Record Drawings and ( associated Inspection Reports for the Project (the "Certification Spokane County Standards Page 10-2 February 2001 I Package") to the Spokane County Engineer for the constnucted improvements constructed to date; 2. The Spokane County Engineer has provisionally accepted the Certification Package; and . 3. The Sponsor has posted a Cash Savings Assignment or Letter of Credit for any remaining road and drainage improvements (public or private), in accordance with the edition of the Spokane County Standards for Road and Sewer Construction (the °Standards") applicable to the Project, and the accepted plans on file at the Spokane County Engineer's Office. As a minimum, the Sponsor shall post the Performance Retainer, based on the original quantities shown on the approved and accepted plans on file at the County Engineer's Office, as amended. Note: The surety for this option shall be in the form of a Cash Savings Assignment in an amount as estimated by the County Engineer. The surety shall include a date ("date certain") for the completion oi the remaining work. The "date certain° must occur prior to the original expiration date of the plan acceptance. The surety shall include a provision that failure to obtain the County Engineer's acceptance of the remaining work by the °date certain" shall constitute a material breach, and shall be grounds for immediate demand by the Spokane County Engineer for full payment of the entire amount of aN sUrety instruments relevant to this Project. The proceeds of the surety shall be used by the County Engineer to complete the remaining work. Any surplus shall be refunded to the Sponsor upon the County Engineer's acceptance of the completed work. The Sponsor shall reimburse the County Engineer's Office for any costs in excess of the amount of the total amount of the surety incurred by the County, including but not limited to constn.iction, inspection, administration, collection agency fees, and legal expenses incurred in securing the surety and completing the work. C. Complete and certify construction before Final Approval The Sponsor may choose to construct all of the required road and drainage improvements prior to obtaining Final Approval. Under this option, Final Approval will not occur until such time as: 1. All required improvements for the Project are constructed in accordance with the accepted plans on file at the Spokane County Engineer's Office; and 2. The Sponsor's Engineer has submitted complete Certified Record Drawings and associated Inspection Reports for the Project (the "Certification Package") to the Spokane County Engineer; and Spokane County Standards Page 10-3 February 2001 I 3. The Spokane County Engineer has accepted the Certfication Package; and ` i 4. The Sponsor has posted a Cash Savings Assignment, Letter of Credit, or Surety Instrument to warranty the construction and materials for any required public road and drainage improvements, in accordance with the current edition of the Spokane County Standards for Road and Sewer Construction (the "Standards"). The term of the warranty surety shall be as described in Section 10.02. D. Reductions in Surety; Surety Release 1. General Any reductions in the surety described in Paragraphs 1 and 2, if allowed by Spokane County, will not apply to the Performance Retainer. Reductions in the surety amount will only be applied on Cash Savings Assignments or on Letters of Credit. In no case will the aggregate amount of surety reduction exceed the amount given by the formula: Total aggregated reduction = 90% x(Tofa! Surety - Refainer) Examples of the surety computations are shown in Technical Reference D. Reductions in Cash Savings Assignments or Letters of Credit will only be made if: , a. The Sponsor's Engineer has submitted Certified Record Drawings and associated inspection reports for the project (the "Certification Package") to the Spokane County Engineer for the improvements constructed to date; and b. The Spokane County Engineer has provisionally accepted said Certification Package; and c. Thz reductions do not exceed the aforementioned percentage threshold; and d. Only for projects, which in the professional opinion of the County Engineer, are making steady progress, and for which plan acceptance has not expired. 2. Substantial Completion The County Engineer may, at his discretion, may further reduce a Cash Savings Assignment or Letter of Credit prior to Final Acceptance of the improvements and Final Plat Approval. This will only occur when the County Engineer determines that the improvements have reached substantial completion. c` Spokane County Standards Page 10-4 February 2001 If the work is substantially complete, and a Cash Savings Assignment or Letter of Credit has been posted for the project improvements, then the surety may be further reduced to an amount equal to twice the estimated cost for Spakane County to complete the remaining wortc if a°date certain" is established. Weather impacts shall be considered in defining the "date certain". The amount of the Cost Estimate shall be determined by the County Engineer. Once the Substantial Completion Surety has been posted, the Gounty Engineer may, at his sole discretion, recommend Final Approvaf to the Board of County Commissioners. The Board of County Commissioners is not legally bound by the County Engineer's recommendation. The County Engineer's recommendation is not to be construed as a guarantee or warranty of any sort that the Board of County Commissioners wifl, in fact, grant Final Plat Approval. This option will not be available to the Developer if: a. The current amount of the Cash Savings Assignment (in excess of the Performance Retainer) is less than twice the estimated cost of completion. b. A Surety Instrument ("Bond") has been posted. c. An initial constnrction surety has not been posted for the project (Paragraphs 10.01(2) and 10.01(3). . d. The Sponsor has existing projects that have not been completed prior to the expiration date of the plan acceptance for the current phase. 3. Surety Release The County Engineer will release the performance surety in full only when all of the following conditions have been met: a. The Sponsor's Construction Engineer submits the required certification that the project has been constructed in substantial conformance with the certified construction plans and specifications. b. The Sponsor submits certified °Reoord Drawings" and project records of all road and drainage improvements constructed for the project. c. The Sponsor has paid all costs incurred by the County in full. d. All monuments have besn reset and referenced by a surveyor. e. (Public Roads only) The Gounty has received a warranty surety or cash security as specified in Section 10.02 of these standards. . Spokane County Standards Page 14-5 February 2001 10.02 WARRANTY SURETY f-.-' The sponsor of a private development shall post a warranty surety for improvements within or serving County rights-of-way with the Counry Engineer before: 1. The acceptance of construction by the County Engineer; and 2. The establishment of any public road(s) by the Board of County Commissioners; and 3. The release of the performance surety. The Warranty Surety shall conform to the following: A. The surety for improvements within public rights-of way shall remain in effect for two years from the date of establishment of the road(s) by the Board of County Commissioners. B. The warranty surety shall be for an amount equal to 20% of the County Engineer's esfimate of the construction costs or $10,000, whichever amount is greater. The County Engineer, at his/her discretion, may reduce the warranty surety amount for projects valued at less than $20,000. For approved, non-standard facilities, the County Engineer may require additional surety up to 100% of the estimated replacement cost of the non-standard facil'rty. ~ C. The Warcanty Surety shall guarantee against defects in road construction, utility . work performed w'►thin the County righi-of-way, andlor drainage facilities as determined by the County Engineer. D. The release of the Warranty Surety for improvements within public rights-of-way shall take place two years from the date of the establishment of the roads by the Board of County Commissioners. Thirty days prior to expiration of the warranty surety, the Sponsor shall retain a professional engineer to inspect the improvements. Any deficiencies noted must be repaired prior to the surety release. If the inspection is not conducted and the deficiencies are not repaired, the warranty surety shall be renewed by the Project Sponsor until the inspection is conducted and needed repair work is completed. 10.03 PERMIT SURETIES A surety, commensurate with the extent of work to be done, shall be posted with the County Engineer before the issuance of a permit to work within public roads. IL i, . Spokane County Standards Page 10-7 February 2001 f. (Public roads oniy) The roads have been established by resolution of the . ' Board of County Commissioners. 2. Sureties for Sanitary Sewer Improvements A. Plats For Plats, Short Plats, or other land use actions requiring public sewer collection system final approval will only be recommended if either the required improvements have been constructed by the Developer, accepted by the Utilities Division (to include Record Drawings), and secured at the warranty amount, or if a surety acceptable to the Uti(ities Director has been posted. If Public off-s'rte Sewer Extension is not required: The Sponsor shall post a surety equal to the amount estimated by the Utilities Department for the on-site sewer improvernents, prior to Final Approval. If Public off-site Sewer Extension is required: The Sponsor shall post separate sureties equal to the amount estimated by the Utilities Division for the on-sfte sewer improvements and for the off-site extension, prior to Final Approval. When the construction has passed the air test and mandrel test, the guarantee « may be reduced to 50% of the initial amount. 1, , When the Utilities Division has accepted the sewer construction for operation and maintenance, and Record Drawings have been approved, the guarantee may be reduced to 25% of the initial amount. This 25% will be held as security for the duration of a warranty period. If either of the initial guarantee amounts exceed $100,000, then the secur'rty will be 20% of the respective initial amount. B. For Commercial Projects: Private Sewer System: No surety is required for private sewer systems. Plans must be submitted to the Utilities Division and accepted for construction prior to issuance of a Sewer Connection Permit. Inspection of sewer construction must also be scheduled through the Utilities Division. Public Sewer Extension required: A surety, acceptable to the County Utilities Director, must be posted prior to sewer construction plans being accepted by the Utilities Division. Sewer connection permits will be issued only when the Utilities Division has accepted , the sewer extension construction for operation and maintenance (subject to a ~ one year waRanty period) and record drawings have been approved. Spokane County Standards Page 10-6 February 2001 TECHNICAL REFERENCE A Traffic Studies and Review Standards .1 Introduction ; Traffic studies or site impact studies are required by the Spokane County Engineer to examine the demands that development may or may not have on the surrounding transportation system. The need for a traffic study shall be determined on a case by case basis. A list of general guidelines and decision criteria are available in §1.30, Traffic Impact Study, of the Spokane County Standards for Road and Sewer Construcfion. This handout has been prepared to provide engineers, planners, and developers with information regarding traffrc impact study requirements within Spokane County. It is not intended to be a textbook or all inclusive of the possible scenarios or requirements that may be encountered during a study. It is believed that by following the guidelines and recommendations made within this handout, the time spent during the application and review process may be reduced. Scoping A scoping meeting should be scheduled with Spokane County prior to starting the field work for the study. During the scoping meeting, the general requirements of the study will be discussed. It shall be the responsibility of the developer/consultant to initiate and coordinate the scoping meeting. Although not required, Spokane County recommends that a joint scoping meeting with all reviewing agencies be coordinated through the projecYs traffic consultant. The following is a list of items that shall be discussed during the scoping meeting and recorded on the Traffic Study Scope Worksheet found at the end of this appendix. 1. Project description . A. proposed land uses (if known) B. trip generation C. pass-by & diverted trips 2. Project phasing and horizon year 3. Anticipated directional distribution of project traffic. 4. Background projects 5. Background growth rate (non site specific) 6. Affected intersections for study Public Participation Two public meetings shall be held within the project study area. A public scoping meeting shall be conducted by the developer/consultant to allow public input to the scope of the project and following study. It is anticipated that with the public scoping meetings, additional neighborhood issues will be brought forward and addressed and/or resolved prior to the public hearing. ~ The second pubfic meeting shall be after the traffic study work is complete and is ~ intended to brief the surrounding neighbofiood on the traffic study results. All costs Spokane County Standards Page A-1 April 1999 TECHNICAL REFERENCE A Traffic Studies and Review Procedures associated with the public meetings (signs, room rental, notification mailing, etc.) shall r+.'. be the responsibility of the developerlconsultant. Public Notifrcation Notice of date, time, place and purpose of the public meetings shall be provided by the following means. ' 1. One publication in Spokane County's official newspaper at least fifteen (15) days prior to the meeting. 2. Adjacent residents, property owners, neighborfiood groups andlor organizations within a four hundred (400) foot radius of the project boundaries shall be notified by a mailing not less than fifteen (15) days prior to the public meeting. 3. Additionally, a sign with dimensions no IESS than four (4) feet in width and four (4) feet in height and lettering three (3) inches in size shall be erected on the subject property fronting and adjacent to the most heavily traveled public street. The sign must be easily read by the traveling public from the right of way at least fifteen (15) days prior to the meetings. This sign shall announce the date, time and place of the traffic meetings and brief description of the project. Proper notification and all associated costs shall be the responsibility of the developerlconsultant. Notification shall be considered satisfied upon receipt of an affidavit provided by the developer/consultant to Spokane County stating the above requirements have been completed. Traffic Study Report The means by which the work of the traffic study is conveyed to others is through the traffic study report. The traffic study report should stand on its own merits. There should be sufficient information and detail to allow the reader to fo(Iow the study step by step and draw the same conclusions as the author. The report shoutd be factually based, written from an impartial viewpoint and report a(( aspects of the traffic study work that was undertaken. In addition, the report should be written such that the lay person, someone not familiar with traffic studies (e.g., political decision-makers and citizens), will be able to understand and fol(ow the process, findings and recommendations. As a general rule, the traffic study report shall include, but not be limited ta, the following. 1. Title Page . J , Spokane County Standards Page A-2 April 1999 TECHNICAL REFERENCE A Traffic Studies and Review Procedures , A. Name of Project B. Project Sponsor's Name and Address C. Study Preparer's Name, Address and Phone Number D. Date of Study Preparation E. Responsible Engineer's Seal, Signature and Date II. Table of Contents A. Major Sections B. List of Figures C. List of Tables III. Executive Summary A. Site Location and Study Area B. Development Description C. Principal Findings D. Conclusions E. Recommendations IV. Introduction A. Purpose of Report and Study Objectives B. Project Description C. Scope of the Report D. Assumptions ~ E. Methodology V. Existing Conditions A. Transportation Network Description B. Existing Zoning C. Existing Traffic Volumes D. Accident History VI. Proposed Other Development (Background Projects) A. Background Project Description 1. Vicinity Map 2. Trip Generation 3. Trip Distribution 4. Trip Assignment B. Planned Roadway Improvements 1. Project Name 2. Description of Improvements VII. Proposed Project _ A. Project Description 1. Site Plan 2. Trip Generation ~ 3. Trip Distribution Spokane County Standards Page A-3 June 2003 TECHNICAL REFERENCE A Traffic Studies and Review Procedures 4. Trip Assignment B. Project Phasing and Timing VIII. Traffic Analysis A. Existing Volumes and LOS B. Future Volumes and LOS without Project at Each Phase C. Future Volumes and LOS with Project at Each Phase D. Future LOS with Proposed Improvements at Each Phase E. Future Volumes and LOS without Project at Complete Build-out F. Future Volumes and LOS with Project at Complete Build-out IX. Other Analysis A. Sight Distance B. Queuing C. Safety 1. Vehicle 2. Pedestrian D. Noise E. Air Quality F. Analysis of Improvement Altematives X. Conclusions , . A. Traffic Impacts B. Needed Improvements XI. Recommendations A. Proposed Mitigation B. Proportionate Share Recommendations C. Other Recommendations XII. Appendix A. Raw Turn Movement Counts . B. LOS Calculation Sheets C. Other Information Provided The above outline provides the minimum criteria for a detailed traffic study report. Where the size/scope of the project or work to be performed would not warrant inclusion of all of the topics above, a shorter report format may be used. In this case, the topics to be included in tfie report would be discussed during the scoping process. Additional Information Spokane County Standards Page A-4 April 1999 TECHNICAL REFERENCE A Traffic Studies and Review Procedures ~ ` Background Growth Rate (non-site specific) - The annual percentage rate of traffic '.vgrowth that cannot be assigned to a specific project. This rate is to be applied to the existing tum movement volumes prior to the addition of the background project traffic or s'rte generated traffic volumes. Background Project Traffic - The total site generated traffic volumes for approved background projects shall be used in the build-out analyses of the proposed project irrespective of each projects anticipated completion date. This is required to ensure that capacity that was available when the background project was approved is still available at the completion of the proposed project. Quicker developed projects will not be allowed to deplete the capacity needs of longer-term development. Level of Service (LOS) - Levels of Service shall be determined in accordance with the methods reported in the latest edition/update of the Highway Capacify Manual, Special Report 209. Pass-by Trips - Pass-by trip reductions, if used, shall be shown and calculated on separate figures. The pass-by rates must be established during the scoping process. Rates and procedures shown in the latest edition of the ITE Trip Generation manual may be used. For those land uses without pass-by trip rates, sufficient documentation supporting the proposed rates shall be provided to and accepted by Spokane County. Peak Hour Factors (PHF) - Peak hour factors shall be determined from the recorded ~ turn movement volumes and used throughout the study. For cases where a peak hour factor was not calculated or was unable to be calculated, the default values contained in the latest edition/update of the Highway Capacity Manual shall be used. Responsible Engineer - The engineer that is responsible for the work of the study and report shall affix his/her seal on the cover page of the report. The responsible engineer shall be licensed in the State of Washington and have experience in traffic/transportation engineering. Right Tums on Red (RTOR) - RTOR movements, if they are to be used as reductions in the study, shall be recorded in the field and submitted with the turn movement counts. The number of vehicles that can take advantage of this maneuver greatfy varies by intersection and area. As v/c ratios increase, fewer gaps will be available to allow RTOR movements and a methodology for use in future year scenarios shall be provided and accepted by Spokane County prior to submission of the traffic study report. Trip Generation - Trip generation shall be based on local trip generation rates for similar facilities provided there has been sufficient study to provide good statistical significance. l, Where local rates are not available, the rates contained in the latest edition of the ITE _ Trip Generation manual shall be used. f Spokane County Standards Page A-5 April 1999 TECHNICAL REFERENCE A Traffic Studies and Review Procedures Tum Movement Counts - As a general rule, traffic counts should be recorded less than one year prior to submitting a traffic study. Older counts may be used provided they are adequately factored to represent current volumes and the methods used in determining and appfying the factors are discussed in the report. Counts older fhan two years shall not be used. Updated Studies - Occasionally traffic impact studies will need to be updated and/or revised. Should this be necessary, all information and procedures shall be brought into conformance with these standards. For example, new tum movement counts may need to be gathered depending on the age of counts or change in traffic pattems, phasing and/or build-out year may need adjusted, etc. Where the revisions to a study are minor and would not warrant the submission of a new report, errata sheets shall be provided along with a notice to affected parties to make the necessary additions, deletions and/or changes. References Guidelines for Traffic Impact Reporfs✓Studies, State Highway Administration, Maryland Department of Transportation. Highway Capacity Manual, Special Report 209, Third Edition. Washington D. C.: . Transportation Research Board, 1985, Updated 1994. _Site Impact Tiaffic Evaluation (SITE) Handbook. Washington D. C.: Federal Highway Administration, 1985. Traffic Access and Impact Sfudies for Site Developmenf. Washington D. C.: Institute of Transportation Engineers, 1991. Trip Generation, Fifth Edition. Washington D. C.: Institute of Transportation Engineers, 1991. Spokane County Standards Page•A-6 April 1999 Traffic Studv Scope Worksheet Transportation Engineering ~ Name °f _ _nnin. Plag File Number S-T-R Lead Planner Date of Scoping Meetina Attended By Description of Project Land . Uses(if m. Project Phasina Build Out Year Public Scoping Meeting: Date Time Place Scope of Studv ❑ Environmental Impact Statement ❑ Full Traffic Study ❑ Other Study/Review Intersections to Studv _ Background Development Projects i Background Growth Rate Pass-by Traffic Rate Site Distance Anafysis Area Transportation Improvement Projects (Planned/Scheduled) Anticipated Directional Distribution of Project Traffic Other Comments / f • Final scope will be estabiished after the first public meeting and upcm reccipt of a distn'bution letter and map from the pro}ect's uraffic engincEx. • Ttiis scoping document fulfills the requimnents set farth by Spvkane County F-ngineering. Additional anaty5is rnay bc reyuired by other t reviewing agencies. 04/99 TEGHNICAL REFERENCE B Structural Pavement Design of Flexible Pavements . IPavement Design Criteria The pavement design criteria is summarized in Sec. 3.16 of the Spokane Gounty Standards for Road & Sewer Construction, wfiich references the AASHTO Guide for Design of Pavement Sfructures, 1993. The structural pavement calculations, soil sample locations, lab results, design criteria and recommendations are to be included in a report prepared by the Sponsor's Engineer. All design factors used are to be listed in the report, including traffic loads projected to occur over the life of the pavement. The report is to be stamped by an engineer, licensed in the State of Washington. The following parameters are to be used in the design of flexible pavements, unless technical justification can be provided wfiich demonstrates that certain other parameters and constants are applicable. 1. The County standard pavement design tife is 20 years for new constnlction, 15 years for pavement overiays. 2. Truck Factors wilf be determined for each vehicle type or the following factors may be used in the absence of other information available: , Vehicle Type Factor (ESAWehicle) School Bus 2.87 STA Bus 2.57 Refuse Truck 1.03 All Other Trucks 0.42 . averaged 3. The Levei of Reliability, R is to be as follows: Local Access, R= 75% All other Public Road Classifications, R= 90% 4. The overall Standard of Deviation (S) is to be as foJlows: New Construction, S= 0.45 Overlay, S= 0.49 5. The Initial and Terminal Serviceability Indexes (PSI) are to be as folJows: ' Spokane County Standards Page B-1 April 1999 TECHNICAL REFERENCE B Structural Pavement Design of Flexible Pavements l1, Road Class. PSI (initial) PSI (terminal) Local Access 4.2 2.00 Minor Arterials & Gollectors 4.2 2.25 Principal Arterials 4.2 2.50 6. The Structural Layer Coefficients (aj) and Drainage Coefficients (mj) for new material is to be in accordance with Table 2.4 and Appendix DD of the AASHTO Guide for Design of PavemEnt Structures, 1993. In the absencs of following the more rigorous design approach outlined in these two references, the following factors can be used: Material ~ Structural Coeff. ~ Drainage Coeff. ACP Class A ~ 0.42 ~ 1.00 . ACP Class E ~ 0.42 ~ 1.00 Crushed Surfacing Top Course ~ 0.14 ~ 0.95 Crushed Surfacing Base Course ~ 0.14 ~ 0.95 ~ ~ Soil Samplina Procedure The Engineer shall obtain soil samples which sufficiently represents the subgrade, and identifies where significant changes in subgrade strength occurs. Normally, the following procedure needs to be followed: 1. Obtain a minimum of 3 samples per job per SCS soil type. Larger projects will require more frequent sampling; 2. Conduct soil borings/test pits to a minimum of 5 ft. depth below proposed subgrade, classify the soil per the USC method; 3. Provide written soil logs; and ' 4. Record the station, offset and elevation of the samples, stationing is to correspond with the road plans. Subqrade Modulus , For structural pavement design of roadways that are not within residential neighborhoods, or not subject to residential type traffic Ioading, an analysis of the Spokane County Standards Page B-2 April 1999 TECHNICAL REFERENCE B Struciural Pavement Design of Ffexible Pavements i'resilient modulus and traffic (oading is necessary. The resilient modulus can be acquired using the fof(owing methods: 1. Contract with a prnrate firm/laboratory to perform the MR testing. Soil samples need to be obtained, and sent to the private iab for testing. 2. Obtain soil sarnpfes and have a WSDOT lab perform the test work. WSDOT wltl not perform the work directly for private developers or oonsulting engineers; however, they will perform the work for Spokane Gounty. This work can be requested through Spokane County if the work wili be for public road construction. Once -Spokane County receives the soil samples, the'County wtU deliver them to a WSDOT lab. 3. Conduct in-situ testing of the subgrade using a non-destructive deflection test methad. The results are to be reported by road stationing. The Sponsor shall acquire concurrence with the County Engineer on the type of non-destructive deflection test method proposed, prior to conducting the tests. 4. Index testing of sails. For certain USC soil classifications, Indexed values can be used to estimate the resilient modulus (MR), in lieu of conducting resi(ient modulus testing. The Index values are listed in the table below. Soil sampling to classify the soil and record it's location, shalf be done in accordance with the Soil Sampling Procedure listed in this Technical Reference. Soil Type Resilient Modulus per Unifred Soil Values (MR) psi _ Ciassification Sy$tem (USC) low-high range(') 15,000 GW 18,000 10,000 GP or GM 12,000 $.ooo sw 10,000 5,000 SP or SM 10,000 Note (1) The gradation and fines content needs to be considered when selecting an appropnate MR value. An MR vatue near the low end of the specified range for SP or SM is appropriate for predominately fine sands or silty sand with a fines cont.ent exceeding approximatefy 25%. An MR value near the high end af the specified range for SP or S(vl soils is appropriate for predominately medium to course sands or silty sands with less than 25% fines. Fines content is the soil which passes a#20Q sieve. For the non-destructive deflection test method a statistical analysis is needed, and is to include a graph of the tested resilient mosiulus values -vs- road stationing (i.e. location). The graph shall be included in the design report prepared and submitted by the Sponsor's Engineer. . . Spokane County Standards Page B-3 . April 1999 TECHNICAL REFERENCE B Structurat PavEment Design of Fiexible Pavements r ~ In certain limited cases, the of non-destructive deflection test equipment which is owned and operated by Spokane County is available for privately sponsored road construction projects. The equipment needs a driveable surface over the proposeci subgrade. County road projects afways take priority. But, if there is an interest in paying for the use af the equipment, please call the Spokane County Engineer's Office to check on availability and make the necessary arrangements. ~ ; t ' Spokane County Standards Page B-4 April 1999 TECHNICAL REFERENCE C Sample Project Agreement SPOKANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING AND ROADS DIVISION 1026 W. Broadway Ave: Spokane, WA 99260 PROJECT AGREEfl/IENT Plats -Short Plats- Binding Site Plans - Building Permits 1. Preliminary PIaUPermit Number•and Name: 2. AGREEMENT Number 3. Sponsor's Name and Address: 4. Site Location/Section-Range-Township: This AGREEMENT is made and entered into this day of , 20 , by and between Spofcane County, a political subdivision of the State of Washington, having offices for the transaction of business at 1116 West Broadway, Spokane Washirrgton, 99260, . hereinafter referred to the COUNTY, and , having offices for the transaction of business at , hereinafter referred to as the SPONSOR, and jointiy referred to as the PARTIES. All references in this AGREEIvIENT to the SPONSOR shall include the SPONSOR and its heirs, successors and assigns. Alt references in this AGREEMENT to the COUNTY shall include Spokane County and its sucoessor palitical jurisdictions. WITNESSETH WHEREAS, SPONSOR's Preliminary PIaU Short Plat No. (hereinafter referred to as the "PROJECT°), containing various conditions of approval imposed pursuant to RCW 58.17 and the Spokane County Subdivision Ordinance, was approved on ; and WHEREAS, the SPONSOR seelcs tv have the road and drainage plans required for the PROJECT approved by the SPONSOR's Engineer and accepted by the Spokane County Engineer, and WHEREAS, the Spokane County Engineer will accept the road and drainage plans for the PROJECT upan the SPONSOR's successful compliance with this Agreement and all conditions of approval, Spokane County Code, other Codes and regulations, and other condiGons of any Design Deviation Rec{uest Approval as deemed necessary by the Spokane County Engineer, . applicable to the PROJECT; and Spokane County Standarcfs Page G1 February 2001 TECHNICAL REFERENCE C Sample Project Agreement f~ . , WHEREAS, the Spokane County Engineer is authofized under the provisions of Spokane County Code Section 9.14.040 to require the posting of a surety or bond to (a) guarantee the performance of conditions imposed on various Land Use Actions, and (b) to warranty the quality of workmanship and materials in ail road, approach, and drainage facility constructinn required by said Section 9.14; and WHEREAS, this AGREEMENT is intended to clarify various elements of policies of the Spokane County Division of Engineering, and to bring to the attention of the PARTIES various requirements of Spokane County Cade and other regulations appficable to the PROJECT; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Resolution No. , the Spokane Gounty Board of County Commissioners have authorized the Spokane County Engineer and the Spokane County Utilities Director to enter into Agreements with Project Sponsors, in which various elements of policies of the Spokane County Divisian of. Engineering, and various requirements of Spokane County Code and other regulations applicable to various Development Projects are darified. NOW THEREFORE, the SPONSOR hereby agrees and binds itself and its legal representatives, successors, and assigns, as follows: TERMS OF THE AGREEMENT: 1. Th1S AGREEmENT is not to be construed in any manner whaisoever as a waiver of any ' Conditions of Preliminary Plat (or Short Plat) Approval, Spokane County Code, other Codes, statutes or regulations applicable to the PROJECT. Such provisions will continue to apply with full force and effect, in addition to fhe terms of this AGREEMENT. 2. The SPONSOR shall fulfill all conditions of approval of the PROJECT, and all other requiremenh of Spokane County Code, other Codes and regulations, and other conditions of Design Deviation Request Approval as deemed neoessary by the Spokane County Engineer, applicable to the project, even if these requirements are not set forth in this AGREEN9ENT. 3. The SPONSOR hereby designates , whose 2ddfeSS iS and whose talephone numbsr is or , as the PROJECT REPRESENTATIVE for this project, who shall be empowered to act within the scope of his or her responsibilitiss as defined taerein, for the undersigned SPONSOR. It shall be the PROJECT REPRESENTATIVE'S responsibility to ensure that the Developer's project timeline is met, through 'oommunicating and coordinating between ths Developer, ihe Design Engineer, and 1he Counry,. to ensure that all Design Standards and submittal reguirements are clearly.. understood and met. The PROJECT REPRESENTATJVE is the primary contact person between Spokane County and all other parties who may need to provide servicQS toward the successfiul campletfon of this Project. The PROJECT REPRESENTATIVE's responsibilities shall include, but not be limited to: a) Project coordination & aommunication to - ensure that the project moves forward in a timely manner, from Project Application through ~ Gonstruction Completion; b) Objectively informing the Developer of the project status, and ~ potential prablems, and working with the applicable parties to anticipate and resolve problems; Spokane County Standards Page G2 February 2001 TECHNlCAL REFERENCE C Sampte Project Agreement c) Ensuring that the Developer's Engineer coordinates canstruction plan changes for appraval through the Spolcane County Division of Engineering, prior to implementing the change in the field as much as possible; d) Coordinating inspection report submittals, construction close-out, bonding issues, construction payrnents, and cerffication, up to and including accsptance of Reaord Drawings through Final Warranty Surety Release; e) Coordinating responses to project-related quesvons or information requests from the Spokane County Division of Engineering; f) ensunng that the Traffic Control Plan is being followed by the Cantractor, g} coordinating neighborhood notifications, and h) resoMng aonstruction complaints . 4. Prior to beginning design, a pre-design conference shal{ be held between the COUN7Y, the SPONSOR, the SPONSOR's Project Representative, and the SP4NSOR's Engineer. ff the PROJECT is located in a Ciry/County Joint Planning Area, a representative of the Spokane City Engineer may aiso attend. This conference is an oppoRunity for the SPONSOR to raise any questions about the Courtty's Design Standards, Canditfons af Approval, or administrative items. The SPONSOR is encouraged to submit questions in writing pdor to the conference for consideration at the conference. 5. Prior to submittal of any design documents, a pre-submittal meeting must be held between the Developer, the Design EngineEr, and the Spokane County Division of Engineering, to ensure that Design Documents canform to the applicable County Standarcis and the Conditions of Approvaf. Inoomplete Design Oor,uments should not be approved by the SPONSOR"S Engineer and should not be submitted to Spokane County for Acceptance. !f the Design Standards are cteariy understood and met, and if all submittal items necessary . to form a compiete and approved submitta) are included, then it is possible for a given project to abfiain Construction Plan or Record Drawing acceptance from the County with a minimum of resubmittals. 6. Prior to beginning oonstruction, a pre-constructian conference shall be held between the SPONSOR, the SPONSOR's Project Representafive, the SPONSOR'S Contractor(s) and the SPONSOR's Canstruction Engineer. A copy of the conference minutes shail be provided to the Spokane County Division of Engineering as part of the constructian documents. 7. The SPONSOR must submit to the Spokane County Engineer, and the Spokane County Engineer must approve in wrifing, any major changes from the approved plans proposed by the SPONSOR, prior to beginning such work in the field. Minor plan cttianges are to be documented in the Project Inspection Daily Reports and Project Summary Reports, which are to be submitted on a weekly basis to the County Engineer. The County Engineer will utilize a"fast-track° system to process changes whan time does not a11ow for processing plan ctianges in the standard fashion. 8. The SPONSOR shall be respflnsibls for casts of any corrective work (construction or warranty) on or off the site to the extent that sUCh correctfve measures are associated with work perFormed and/or not completed pursuant to Spokane County Code Ssctions 9.14.030,.040,.050,.200,.250, and oihers as may be applicable. 9. The SPONSOR shall implement all necessary erosion-sedimentation measureslfaalities to ensure sedirnent-laden water does not enter natural or human-made drafnage faalities and - Spokane County Standarcls Page C-3 February 2001 TECHNICAL REFERENCE C Sample Project Agreement will maintain them until such time as erosion potential has passed pursuant ta Spokane County Board of County Commissioners Resolufion No. 98-0201, as amended. In the event erosion and sedimentation is observed and upon written notice by Spokane County, the SPONSOR shall immediately take corrective actions to prevent erosion on or off thE site pursuant to said Resolution 98-4201, as amendecl. 10. Prior to a rccflmmendation of Final Plat Approval by the County Engineer, the SPONSOR may, at the County Engineer's discretion, post a financial surety to guarantee construction, inspection, and certification of tiie road and drainage improvements required for the PROJECT. The financial surety or guarantee shall be in a form approved by the Spokane County Prosecuting Attorney and in an amount acceptable to the County Engineer. The financial surety or guarantee shall remain in full force and effec# unless and until specifically refeased in writing, or otherwise modified by the Spokane County Engineer. AU financial sureties or guarantees must include a provision that they may not be cancelled or otherwise impaired unless tha Spokane County Engineer has provided expressed written consent to the proposed cancellation or other impairment at least 30 calendar days prior to the desireti date of cancellation. All financial sureties or guarantees must also include a provision that a notice of cancellation or other impairment, or a failure to maintain a financiai surety or guarantee as agreed upon herein, sha11 constitute a material breach and shall be grounds for immediate demand by the Spokane County Engineer for full payment of the entire amount of all financial surety and/or guarantee instruments relevant to this PROJECT, subject thereafter to revision or refund as may be determined appropriate by the Spokane ~ County Engineer. 11. Prior to a recommendation of Final Plat Approval by the County Utilities Director, the SPONSOR may., at the discretion of the County Utilities Director, post a financial surety to guarantee construction, inspection, and certification of the sanitary sewer improvements required for the PROJECT. The financial surery or guarantee shall be in a form approved by the Spokane County Prosecuting Attomey and in an amount acceptable to County Utilities Director. The, financial surety shall remain in full force and effect unless and until specifically released in writing, or otherwise modified by the Spokane County Utilities Director. All financial sureties or guarantees must include a provision that lhey may not be cancelled or otherWise impaired unless the Spokane Utifities Director has provided expressed written consent to the proposed cancellation or ather impairment at least 30 calendar days prior to the desired date of cancellation. Atl financial sureties and/or guarantees must also include a provision that a notice of cancellation or other impairment, or a failure to maintain a financial surety or guarantee as agreed upon herein shall constitute a material breach and shall be grounds for immediate demand by the Spokane County Utilities Director, for fup payment of the entire amount of all financial surety or guarantee instruments relevant to this PROJECT, subject thereafter to revision or refund as may be determined appropriate by tlie Spakane County Utilities Director. 12. The SPONSOR hereby grants the COUNTY and its officials, employees, and agents the right to enter and inspec# the projeci site, and, in the event of any failure to perform terms of this AGREEMENT, to implement such carrective measures as the COUNTY desms ~ necessary. Spokane County Standards Page C-4 February 2001 TECHNICAL REFERENCE C Sample Project Agreement 13. The SPONSOR agrees not to begin construction of any af the road or drainage improvements for the PROJECT, or otherwise disturb the PROJECT site, until the construction ptans for same have been accepted by the Spokane Gounty Engineer for oanstruct'ton, and a permit has been issued for said construction by the Spokane County Engineer, pursuant to Spokane County Code Sections 9.14.080; .110, .234, and other sections as may be applicable. . 14. The SPONSOR agrees and covenants that all of the road and drainage oonstruction for the PROJECT shall be completed no later than two (2) years from the date of the Spokane Gounty Engineer's pEan acceptance. If oonstruction is not cvmpfete on the said date of completion, the SPONSOR wili be in default. ff SPONSOR is in default, Spokane County is authorized to cail upon the financial guarantee in acacardance with the terms and conditions of the financial guarantee to comptete the improvements that are covered by said financial guarantee. Any failure on the part of the SPONSOR to proceed with due diligence and in good faith in the oonstn►ction, maintenance, and/or monitoring work provided herein shall, upon written notice by the Spokane County Engineer, constitute a default af the terms of ihis AGREEMENT. If any extension of time is granted to the plans, an addendum to this agreement must be executed with revised bands being submitted which reflect the most current aonstruction costs that are indexed to the revised completion deadline. 15. The SPONSOR shall be responsible for the proper performanoe, safe conduct and adequate policing and superoision of the project. This responsibiliry shall n4t be lessened or otherwise affected by the COUNTY"s review of plans, specifrcatioRS, or wo+rlc, or by the ` presence at the worlc site of the COUNTY's representative(s), or by the compliance by the SPONSOR- with any written or verbal requests made by said representative(s) (e.g., "punchlists", memaranda, or other communications). 16. This AGREEAr1ENT shall remain in effect and any applicable assoraated financial guarantee (Warranry Surety) shall not be released until the applicable warraniy periosi has expired. 17. The SPONSOR shall indemnify and hold the COUNTY and its agents, employees andlor officers harrnless .from and shall provess and defend at its own expense a'll cEaims, damages, suits at law or equity, actions, penalties, losses, or casts of whatsoever kind or nature, broughf against the COUNTY arising out of, in connection with, or incident to the exeaution of this AGREEMENT and/or the SPONSOR's perfarmance or failure to perform any aspect of the AGREEMENT. Provided, hawever, that nothing herein shalf require the SPONSOR to hold harmless or defend the_ COUNTY from.any claim arising from the so.le negligence of the COUNTY's agents, employees and/or offioers. 18. In the event that any PARTY to this AGREEMENT deems it neoessary to institute legal action or proceedings to enforce arty right or obfigation urtder this AGREEMENT, the PARTIES hereto agree that any such acdon or proceeding shali be brought in a aourt of competent jurisdiction situated in Spokane County, Washington. 19, In the e'vent that any portion of this AGREEMENT may be held to be invalid by a caurt of competent jurisdietion, all other portiorts of this AGREEMENT not he}d to be.invalid shall remain in fuN force and effect, and the AGREEMENT shaJl be modified accordingly to the , mutual satisfaction of the PARTIES. Spokane County Standards Page G5 February 2001 TECHNICAL REFERENCE C Sample Project Agreement ~ IN WITNESS THEREOF, the paRies hereto have executed this AGREEMENT as of the day and year first above written. (Se/ect fhe signature block(s) as appropriafe) SPONSOR: (1) For an acknowledgement in an individual capacity (NAME) State of Washington ) )ss • County af Spokane ) I aertify that I know ar have satisfactory evidence that (name of person) is the person who appeared 6efore me, and said parson acknowledged that (he/she) signed this instrument and acknawledged it ta be (hislher) free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in thE instrument. f--,\ Dated Notary Public in and for tt+e State of Washington. My Appointment Expires: (2) For an acknowledgment in a representative capacity: CORPORATION NAME A Washington Gorporation By: (NAME) Its: (TITLE) ' State of Washington ) }ss County of Spokane ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that lname of qerson) is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknow9edged that (he/she) signed this instrument, on oath stated that (helshe) was authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the (tvpe.of authoritv, e.4., officer. trustee, etc.) of (name of nartv on behalf of whom instrumeni Spokane County Standards Page C-fi February 2001 TECHNICAL REFERENCE C Sample Project Agreement was executed) to be the free and voluntary act of such party for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Dated Notary Pubfic in and for the State of Washington. My Appointment Expires: SPOKANE COUNTY DIVtSION OF ENGINEERING By Title: Spolcane County Enginaer Date: SPOKANE COUNTY DIVtStON OF UTILITIES By Title: Spakane Counry Utilities Director Date: Spokane County Standards . Page C-7 February 2001 TECHNlCAL REFERENCE D Performance Surety Reduction Surety Reduction Examples: Total aggregated reduction = 90 % x(Tota! Surety - Retainer) Example #1: Total Surety = $100,000. Retainer = 10 % x $100,000 =$10,000 as cash savings assignment or Letter of Credit; $90,000 as cash savings assignment, Letter . of Credit or Bond from a Bonding Cornpany. Total of reductions = 90% x(100,000 - 10,OOQ) ' = 90% x (90,000) _ $81,000 (The remaining $99,000 is less fhan the $20,000 (or 20%) minimum nofed in Section 10) At Ieast $20,000 ($10,000 retainer +$10,000 other instrument) will be held until the County Engineer accepts the construction certification Examqle #2: Total Surety = $50,000. Retainer =$7500 (which is greater than 10 % x $50,000) =$7500 as cash savings assignment or Letter of Credit; $42,500 as cash savings assignment, Letter of Credit or Bond from a Bonding Company. Total of reductions = 90% x(50,000 - 7500) = 90%.x (42,500) _ $38,250. (The remaining $1 1,750 is more than the 20% minimum, but less fhan the $20,000 minimum) At least $20,000 ($7500 retainer +$12,500 other instrument) will be held until the County Engineer accepts the construction certification Note: Partial reductions on Bonding Company Surety Instruments will not be allowed. Reductions in cash security will be considered only for projects which, in the County Engineer's opinion, are making steady progress, and for which the plan acceptance has not expired. , Spokane County Standards Page D-1 February 2001 TECHNICAL REFERENCE E Performance Surety Reduction , i' . PROJECT CONSTRUCTION CERTIFICATION PROCEDURES for SPOKANE COUNTY ROAD, DRAINA{;E, AND SEWER-PROJECTS APRIL, 2002 pREPARED BY SPOKANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS in assodation wiih ' AMERtCAN COUNCIL OF EMGINEERING COMPANIES OF WASHiNGTON SPOKANE COUNTY CONSTRUCTION CERTIFICATION COMMITTEE Covnty gineer Utilitles DirectQr Ross ,KeUffy, P.E. ~ N. Bruce Ravvts, P.E. V~///o Z 4' I 8/)_oo Z Date Date Spoicane County Standards Page E- i April 2002 TECHNICAL REFERENCE E Performance Surety Reduction ~ ~i INTRODUCTiON The Gonstruction Certification Committee is comprised of representatives of the Spokane County Public Works Department and the local chapter of the American Council of Engineering Companies of Washington (ACEC). The Committee has been working over the past three years to address issues of concern regarding the construction certification procedures for projects within Spokane County. There has been a major focus by this Committee on the development of guidelines to insure a consistent approach to the technical and administrative procedures during the construction phases of projects. The initial meeting of the Committee was held on February 12, 1999. Meetings were initially held twice a month and then changed to once monthly. Meeting minutes were kept and distributed to Committee members and to the ACEC membership as a whole as the work progressed. The committee's first interim report was completed and made available to interested parties (local developers, contractors, and engineers) in June of 2000. Workshops were scheduled and held with the developmenUcontracting community on June 15, 2000, and subsequently on March 21, 2001 to present the interim work products of the ~ Committee and to receive comments on the committee's fndings and i J recommendations. i~ The procedures developed by the Gommittee and presented herein are intended to foster consistent high quality products for the developer, and to faciiitate the subsequent transfer of ownership of the finished products to Spokane County. The procedures have been derived from the committee's interim report documents, with consideration of * comments received and concerns expressed by the development/contracting community, and have been adopted by the Division of Engineering and Roads, and by the Division of Utilities. These procedures provide the needed frameworic for effective interaction between the sponsor, the Sponsor's Engineer, and .the Department of Public Works. Additionally, the procedures promote adherence to the Counry's adopted Standards for Road and Sewer Construction. 'Note fhat these procedures apply to -public and private road and sev►rer projects. It is anticipated that spec"rfic separate procedures wifl be developed for and adopted by the County for commercial and industrial development projects. ; Spokane County Standards Page E- 2 April 2002 TECHNICAL REFERENCE E Performance Surety Reduction GUIDELtNES and PRQCEDURES Authority of Priar to the start of construction, the County will determine the specific County reporting needs for a project, and the sponsor will identify the Sponsor's Engineer and the Project Coordinator. The County will identify areas of particular technical concem and historical problem areas to the Sponsor's Engineer. The County has defined the general structure for objective measurements and/or determination methods for construction acceptability (See Attachment 3). The Sponsor's Ertgineer is cesponsible for the reasonabls application of those methods to the specffic project, County Tnspectors wiil make site visits intermittently during the construction of tfie projed to verify progress and will periodicaliy discuss inspection activities wifih the Project Coordinator. Sponsor's The Sponsoes Engineer shall be a licensed Professional Engineer in Engineer the State of Washingion. Inspections are to be performed by that engineer, or by his/her representative. An outiine of Construction Phase Services is presented in Attachment 1 to this document Project The project sponsor shall designate a Projec# Coordinator for each Coordinator project. The Project Caordinator shall be responsible for managing the day-to-day operations of the project including trafftc control, citiZen t_ concems, and overall coordination. The Project Coordinator shal( be the contact for the County personnel. The Project Coordinators responsibilities are separate from construction inspection and certification duties of the Sponsor's Engineer. The Sponsor's Engineer need not be the Project Coordinator, although helshe can be if the developer so designates. lnspection The inspection and constnuction bond s/secu rities will not be released Bonding until the project is certified and the project is accepted by the County and written authorization for release is received from the Sponsors Engineer. In some cases, partial releases of certain types of construction securities may be allowed by the County Engineer or the Utilities Director. Pay'Requests The sponsor should include review of the construction pay requests for percent complete and/or items comp(ete as a part of the engineering services contract. This is re{ated to the County's requirements for securrty reductions. The percent complete or items completed wilt need to be signed off by the Sponsor's "Engineer and certified before a financial security reduction is allawed. Record At a minimum, there will be weekly project summary reports submitted Keeping to the County by the Sponsor's Engineer, even if no work was Spokane County Standards Page E-.3 April 2002 TECHNICAL REFERENCE E Perforrnance Surety Reduction ~ performed. Specific reporting reQuirements will be discussed at the pre-design meeting and established prior ta construction. For some projects, the County will require daily reports to be submitted. Reporting All lab and field-testing reports need to be inciuded in the final Forms certification package. Test reports that show failing tests need to have follow-up test reports that show passing tests for the area af failure. On-site samples need to be used for testing. The use of test reports from other projects to certify work on the project being certified is not allowed. Any noncanforming issues shall be fully documented with subsequent documents on how the issue was corrected. Traffic The Project Coordinator for the project needs to make sure that the Control requirements for traffic control on a project are being propedy handled. Construction Complaints from citizens regarding the project need to be documented Complaints by the Project Caordinator and resoived. Spokane Gounty personnel need to be involved in the process when the County's authority needs to be ussd to resolve an issue. Drainage The Sponsoes Engineer will verify that the volume of each finished ~ Swale drainage swale equals or exceeds the design volume of the swale at a Inspections six-inch depth. Additionally, the Sponsor's Engineer will verify that there is adequate and continuous grade from the road to the swa{e for the effective conveyance of runoff. The Sponsor's Engineer and the . County will monitor the performance of swales during the construction and warranty period for proper percolation. Swales that do not percofate properly will require corrective work or measures. Utitity A sewer inspection policy has been developed by the Division of lnspections Utilities and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners (See Attachment 4, Resolution No. 98-0771). In addition, the Division of Utilities has developed a protvcol for the scheduling and review of television inspections, which is Attachment 5 to this document. Whenever pipe installation or pipe zone material placement and compaction is underway, the Sponsor's construction engineer, or his/her representative, shall observe the work on a continual basis. Changes Changes during construction that affect the scope of the project and/or 'During the accepted individual lot plans must be submitted for review by the `Construction County. Minor changes do nvt need to be reviewed by the County, Spokane County Standards Page E- 4 Apri12002 TECHNICAL REFERENCE E Performance Surety Reduction but must be documented in the daily and weekly inspection reports. Acceptance The County uses these terms in the following ways: vs. Approval Acceptance: Pertains to construction plans, calculations, and details. Spokane County has not prepared them, and relies upan the responsible engineer's stamp. Appraval: Related to design and/or construction deviation fram the County Standard. County apprvval is required for all deviations from Standards. Project 1) The Sponsor's Engineer performs an inspection with the contractor Acceptance and as necessary issues a punch list to be completed. After Const►vction 2) The "walk through" with the County is scheduled as soon as Completion possible after the Sponsor's Engineer is satisfied that all punch list items are completed. 3) The "walk through" with Spokane County is performed and any remaining defrciency items are noted to a punch list. If no deficiency items are noted, this is considered tfie "final walk through". The - Sponsoes Engineer may then submit certified Record Drawings and Project Certification documents to the County requesting acceptance of the project. 4) The sponsor should consider taking verification photographs immediately following the "final walk through". The sponsor continues to be responsible for correction of all deficiencies until the Board of County Commissioners (the 8oard) accepts of the project. Verification photographs can be helpfuf in resolving cases of damage by third parties (e.g. utility companies, builders, landscapers, etc.) 5) The Sponsor's Engineer shall compi(e and submit a certificativn package to the County. The package shall inc(ude all retated construction documents, one set of mylar record drawings, and a stamped and signed certification statement from the Sponsor's Engineer.. See Attachment 3 for an example checklist presenting the minimum certification requirements. 6) If the engineer's submittal is not received within two weeks of the walk through, or if deficiencies are noted during the walk through, another walk through inspec#ion with the County inspector may be required. NO NEW ITEMS WILL BE ADDED i"O THE LIST AT THIS - TIME, UNLESS NEW DAMAGE HAS OCCURRED SINCE THE P.REVIOUS "WALK THROUGH°. Spokane County Standards Page E- 5 Aprif 2002 TECHNICAL REFERENCE E Performance Surety Reduction 7) tf the certification package is incomplete, or otherwise unacceptable, the Sponsor's Engineer shall be required to provide the missing documents before the Gounty will issue the Notice of Substantial Completion. 8) The County will review the certification documents within a two- week period and issue a Notice of Substantial Completion if . appropriate. This Notice of Substantial Completion is conditioned upon no further deficiencies becoming evident before the Board has accepted the project. 9) If no acceptance by the Board is required (i.e. sewers, private roads etcJ the Notice of Substantial Completion shall be considered the point of acceptance by Spokane County for the project, and the start of the warranty period. 10) For projects requihng the Boarci's acceptance, the County staff will make reasonable efforts to bring the project before the Boarci for acceptancg within a six-week pe(od following the Notice of Substantjal Completion. The sponsor will remain responsible for the condition of the project as documented during the final walk through i until formal acceptance by the Board. ~ 11) A flow chart of this procedure is included as Attachment 2. Conflict During the construction process, occasional differences may arise Resolution between the Sponsor's Engineer and County staff regarding the interpretation of policies, standards or guidance documents. When the Sponsor s Engineer does not agree with an interpretation made by County staff, the Sponsor's Engineer may appeal to the Gounty Engineer or Utilities Director, as appropriate. The County Engineer or Uti(ities Director will review the circumstances and make a determination in support of -the position of the Sponsor's Engineer or County staff. If the Sponsor's Engineer disputes the outcome of this review process, he/she may request that the issue be referred to an Engineering Review Panel with a structure similar to that of the panel identified in the County's Standards for Road and Sewer Construction for the resoiution of design deviation issues. Record Changes from the originally accepted documents shal) be clearly Drawings noted with "clouds." Revised notes, elevations, grades or other text should be lined through. "Clean new sheets" are not desired. Any changes to easements need to be clearly shown on the Record - Orawings. The Record Drawings should be marked °Record Drawings." Spokane County Standards Page E- 6 Apri1 2002 TECHNICAL REFERENCE E Performance Surety Reduction General Guidance: If a change represents a change from the design intent or system performance in the judgment of the engineer, then it should be clearly shown. Record Drawings are to reflect the correct location of that which is in the field. Spot elevations (on swales, curb, gutter, etc.) to depict the final grades shouid be taken and compared with the final design, and differences noted on the Record Drawings. Elements of the plans that were not buitt need to have a design change accepfance from Spokane County prior to final inspection and submittal of Record Drawings. The County will provide examples of acceptable Record Drawings at the request of the Sponsor's Engineer. Warranty The start date and the extent of the warranty period shaA be as Period and stipulated in the County Standards for Road and Sewer Construction. Damage by The Counry will hold the sponsor responsibie for any damage untii Third Parties final acceptance by the Board has occurred. Once the project has been accepted by the Board, the County will hold the property owner, utility company, builder, etc., responsible for damages that may occur that are not warranty items. ATTACHMENTS Attachment 1- Gonstruction Phase Servfces Outfine Attachment 2-Flow Chart - ProJect Acceptance Attachment 3- Final Certification Checktist - Sample Attachment 4- Interim Policy Regarding Sewer ConsVuctlon InspacEions Attachment 5- Spokene County TV tnspection Protocol Spokane County Standards Page E- 7 Aprif 2002 TECHNICAL REFERENCE E Performance Surety Reduction (D ATTACNMENT 1- CONSTRUCTION PHASE SERVICES AMERICAN COUNCIL OF ENGINEERING COMPANIES OF WASHINGTON SPOKANE COUMTY PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION CERTIFfCAYION SUBCOMMI7TEE Reauired Items to be comoleted bv the Soonsor's Enaineflr: 1. Specific Certification Inspections A. Roads -Erosron ControL -Drainage improvemontslTesting. -Embankment PiacementlDensity Cantrol. -Trenching Backfill/Density Control_ -Subgrade LinE and GradeJDensity Control. -SurFacing Line and Grade/Density Control. -Curbs and Sidewalks/Material Quality. B. Sewer -Full time inspection and testing during pipe installation and pipe zane material placement. II. Review and approval vf changes to approved pians including approval through the County if necessary. II1. Record keeping and weekly reporting to the Gounty. ~ IV. Cantractor pay requestslbond reduction assistance. V. Project acceptance of constntciion (See interim report flow chart). VI. As built surveyJrecard drawirrgs and side sewer (stub) reports. VII. Certification report. Required Items that may be completed bv desiqnated Prolect Coordinator or Sponsor's Enqineer: t. Pre-Construction meeting. Ii. Construction staking. lll. General project administration, coordlnation, and schedule monitoring. IV. Traffic and dust control. V. Response to consVuction compiaints and resolution of complaints. VI. Manumentation i ~ J I Spokane County Standacds Page E- 8 April 2002 ~E ENC cNA~'~ oMp`~T~ON CNt4lcp,1:f~Reducti~n 2 F`Ow Pe~°~an~e gUre Y A,~,AGHME pNgTR'uG.~~p~,1 C C pT~cE AFTER pvtQiECT AGCE . .1 .9'. ; ~ , O ~ t3 44 C3 ~ Q . ~ at 9 s ~ Pa9e E ~ . S~,a,~darc~~ . - ~ TECHNICAL REFERENCE E Performance Surety Reduction . ATfACHMENT 3- FINAL CERTIFICATION CHECKUST (SAMPLE) Project: Certfflcate Nead LEttor: Statemont af (ntent to ceRify the project. PE Starnp arsd Signature. Record Drawings Mytar Drawings: I ~ PE Stamp and Signaturo Lettered certification statement (9.10 Spokane County Standards) Projoct Documents: Daily Inspection Reports: ~ Field Reports: ~ Inspection of Asphalt Pavinq: 1D0°lo On site inspection duNng_pavinq. ~ Compaction Reparts: . Sewer Uench lifis. ~ Water Vench liits. ~ Utility trench lifts. I Crushed Rock Ufts. I Material Documents: Field and Labor3tory Tests: I ~ FiQld Test Lab Test (Slump, Air Content, Corscret.e: Temp_) (Break Test) Sub-Grade: I (Compactian) (Gradatlon, Proctor) Crushed Rock: ~ (CampacUon, Depth) (Gradatinn, Proctor) Asofia1t: ~ (CompacU4n, Thlckness) (Rics, Gradation, Oil Cantent) On Slto Inspections Of Orainago Items: • Drvwelfs: . I ~ Gutter Inlets: ~ Gulverts: I Sidewalk Vautts: I Drainaqe Ditches: ~ Other. I Incoming ! Outgoing Correspondence: ~ I ' (Thfs is a guide Ifne of required documents, but not limited to, for C~nal oertifecalion.) SRokane County Standards Page E- 10 April 2002 TECHNlCAL REFERENCE E Performance Surety Reduction ATTACHMENT 4 INTERIM POLlCY REGARDIWG SEWER CONSTRUCTION INSpECTIONS, RECORD ORAWINGS 8. ENGINEER'S STATEMENT Inspection Requirements These requiremertts appiy to a11 public and private sewer Eines eight inches and larger in diameter, and to sewer service stubs extended from those iines to the property linss of individual parcels. Note that all sewer service lines six inches and srnaller in diameter, other than those service stubs noted abflve, v,rill be inspected by Spokane County Olvision of Utilities. On all sewer constructlon for deveJopment, inspgckions will be performed by the Sponsors Engineer or hislher designated represe»tative. At the rEquest of tlie sponsor, the County may provtde the sevver inspection services, provided that the sponsor agrees to pay aU costs associated with the County inspections and provided that the County defermiRes that staf# is available to perform the inspections. The inspection of setivers shall include the items listed below. However, the listing provided below is not intended to be a11 inWusive. It will be the responsibility of the Sponsor's Engineer to determine additional inspection activfUes that may be needed for a specific project in order to report substantial oonformance of the project with the County's standards. 1. Corrformance of all canstruction materials with County standards shall be verifiQd prior to installation. 2. The sewer treRCh shall be inspected for proper dimensions and pipe zone dearances prior to ~ placament of pipe. . . 3. The pJacement and compaction of the pipe zone material and bedding shall be inspected. 4. The pipe joints shall be inspected visuapy for proper insertian. 5. Horizontal alfgRment and grade o# the pipe shall be checked for conformance to the standat'ds prior to backfi!ling ot tr►e trencta. 6. Sewer service tees and stubs shall be inspectesi for correct installation prior to backfilling of the irench. 7. Accurate measurements shall be made and retaorded to facilitate the reesiablishment of sewer service tee iocations and stub end locations. The placement of the required stub markers shall be verif►ed. 8. Manholes shall be mspected for proper materfats, location, assembly, and installation. 9. Trench backfllling operations shall be observed and compaction tests shall be performed. Minimum requirements for backfilfing shall be as set forth in the accepted plans andlor specifications for ihe project. 10. Mandrei tesNng, hydrostatic andlor air presstrre testing, and manhole testing shall be performed following rompletion of trench backfilling operations. The testing shall be obsen+ed until passing results are obtained. Manhole testing shall be performed on ten percent of the manholes in the project, in acxordance with Department of Ecology's "Criteria for Sewage - WQrks Qesfgn". ' Spokane Counry Standards Page E- il April 2002 TECHNICAL REFERENCE E PerFormance Surety Reduction - 11. The Sponsor's EnGineer shall schedule television inspection of the sewer lines through the Divisinn of Utilities once the other testing has been satisfactorily campleted. 7he Division of Utilities +witl then perform the television inspeciion and review the tapes for deflciencies requiring correction or repair. Adopted Via Resolution 98-0771 9122f98, 12. Daily inspection reports shall be prepared, summarizing construction activities, contractor work force and work period, testing result5, problems encountered, and other pertinent information. The project sponsor or the sponsor's Construction Engineer shall natify the Division of Utilities 48 hours in advance of the starl of construction of the se.wer system, and shatl provide a generalizeti schedule for the progress of the work. County inspection personn@I will make.occasional site visits to inspect the 4vork and do materials testing as deemed necessary. County inspection personnel will address concerns and questions to the Engineer of Record. The oost of these occasional sile visits wifl be charged to the Construckion Permit for tfie work. The sponsor will bear the cost of all inspecxions and materials testing. The Division of Utilities shall have access to all construction inspectian records and reports. Before the Colinty accepts the sewar system, ihe Sponsor's Engineer shall submit all construction records to the Division of Utitities. Thfs shall include but not be limited to Daily Inspection Reports, correspondence, manufacturers' certifications, and material test reports. When changes to the design are necessary, the sponsor shall be responsible for ooordinating the proposed design changes with the sponsor's Design Engineer. The sponsor's Design Enginesr , J shall forward two copies of the proposed plan changes, togeiher with related calculations, to the ~Division of Utilities for review and accepfance prior to construction. The Sponsar's Engineer shall schedule a final inspection meeting behveen the Sponsor's Engineer, the sponsor, and the Division of Utilities at the completion of construction and testing of the sewer system. Deficiencies found shall be corrected by the sponsor prior to the Countys acceptance of the sewer. . Record Drawinqs 8 Enqineer's Staternent During construction the sponsor's Surveyor andlor Construction Engineer shall record any changes to the acceptad ptans. All substantive changes shall be indicated and noted on the aCCQpted final sewer plans and the plans shall be annotated as "Record Drawings°. In those cases where the County provides the inspection services, the County will produce the Record Drawings. Side scwer stub sketches shall also be prepared fln the County's standard forrn. As-built elevativns, locations, pipe lengths, and pipe slopes must be verified on the Record Drawings. The foltvaving statement shall be lettered on the Record Drawings and stamped and signed by the sponsor's Construction Engineer on the Record Orawit►gs: "9 have reviewed the consUuction of this sewer system and to my knowledge find it to be in substantial conformance with the accepted plans and Spokane Cnunty Skandards except as noted " , i Spokane County Standards Page E- 12 April 2002 TECHNICAL REFERENCE E Performance Surety Reduction ATTACHMENT 5 SPOKANE COUNTY DIVIS{Otd OF UTILITIES PROTOCOL FOR TELEVIStON INSPECTION OF SEWERS In the interest of developing a consistent methodology for the coordination and review of television inspec6ions, the fallowing steps fiave been established: 1. PRE-PAVING TELEVIS{ON lNSPECTION a) At least two weeks prior to the desired pre-paving televisian inspectifln, the Contractar requests the television inspECtion ttvough the Sponsor's Engineer. The Engineer submits the request (an standard form) to the Division of Utflit€es Sewer Design Section. (Utility contacts are B. UfiausQn and G. Repp). b) Sewer Design Sectfon schedutes television inspection with the Wastewater Opsrations Sectlon. c) In order for the inspection to take place, sewer mains will need to be high-pressure cleaned, mandrel tested, and pressure tested. In addition, manhales wiil need to be accessible by the N van. Backflif must be in place around the cone sec#ions of the manholes. If ihe contractor has placed temporary steel plates on top of ihe manholes, then the contractor w8f need to provide manpawer and equipment to removQ and replace the plates to facilitate the television inspection. d) Detailed televisEan inspection is undertaken, noting tee locationslstations, irregularities, defects, etc. e) The Contractor shall pay the cost of the pre-paving television inspection. 2. REVIEW OF PRE-PAVLNG TELEVlSION INSPECTlON - a) When the Sewer Design Section recelves the VHS tapes and fault log from the Operations Section, the fault log wi11 be reviewed for noted defects. The tapes and lag will then be forwarded to Engineer for review. b} Engineer reviews tapes and log, and makes determinatton of any repairs that need to be undertaken. c) Engineer coafdinates with Sewer Design Section Manager for concurrence an repairs tlhat are needed. In some cases, this may necessitate joint reView of the tapes. d) After concurrence between the -Engineer and the Sswer Design Sedion Manager, the Eng'rneer wilt stipulate the requtred repairs to the Contractor. 3. ACCEPTAAfCE STANDARDS FOR GRADE DEVIATIONS a) The Standard Specifications s4ipulate that reverse grades are nat acceptable. In the review of television fnspection tapes, the Eng+neer and tfie Sewer Design Section Manager will consider the combined effects of -pipe jotnts, allowed variations fn pipe diamater, and grade on any entrapped water appearing•on the inspection tapes. 4. POST-PAVING TELEVISION INSPECTION a} After the roadway is substantialty comptete above the sawer, a post-paving telavisian inspection will be scheduled, in the same manner as the pre-paving television inspection. b) This television inspection will be tess detaEled than tfie first, arsd will be undertaken to check for pipe cleanliness, and to identiiy any structural defects that may heve occurred/presented since the initial tetevisEan inspection. c) The review of the hapes and concurrence on needed repairs wll proceed in the same fashJon as _ idetttifted for ihe pre-pav[ng televisiort in5pection. ' ~ Spokane County Standards page E- 13 Apr'il 2002 TECHMICAL REFERENC-E E Performance Surety Reduction d) The cQSt of the first post-paving tetevision inspection shall not ba charged [o the ContracEor. The cost of any subsequent television inspeciions performed to confirm the adequacy of repairs will be charged to the Contracior. 5. REIUIEDY PROVISIONS a) In the case of a pipeline swale, or othet defect, that is identified during the posi-paving television inspection, the Engineer and the Sewer Design Section Manager shall d@termine the need for repair wark to correct the defsct, b) In certain cases, in lieu of undertaking ihe repair, the Contractor may be required to pay tfie estimated cost of making the repair io the County. Such payment will then be deposited in the County's sewer repair and replacement fund. 6. MANHOLE INSPECTIONS a) The Engineer shall inspect the sewer manholes for conformance w+th Spokane Gounty Standards. Observations regard(ng the condition of manhales made by the television inspection crew are ta be considered as supplementary information, and are not intended to replace the Engineer's inspection. 7. MAKING CONNECTIONS TO NEW SEWER LINES No connections to the netiv sewer lines wiD ae allowed until the County has accepted the sewer lines for operation and maintenance. Bsfore acceptance can occur, the Engineer must provide acceptable record drawings for the projeci to the Division af Uiilities, tQgether with the required Engineer's Statement. - Additionally, the warranty period security must be provided by the developer as s6pulated in the J developmenl agreernent. ~ . . c Spokane County Standards Page E- 14 April 20Q2 GENERAL PROVISIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS DIVfSION 1 1 DIVISION 2 ...........................................................................1 DIVISION 3 3 ~ DIVISION',4 ...........................................................................3 DIVISION 5 ...........................................................................4 DIVISION 6 fi DIVISION 7 7 DIVISION 8 8 DIVISION 9 9 - , Spokane County Standards Pa9e I January 1995 GENERAL PROVISIONS J. Besides the requirements contained in the Washington State Department of Transportation Standart! Specifications, the foilowing General Provisians will used on all projects, private or public, constructed within Spokane County. These provisions represent additions and/or changes to the Standard Specifications and govem over the Standard Specifications. DIVISION 1 1-01.3 DEFINiTIQNS Section 1-01.3 shall be revised as follows: State shall mean the County of Spokane, Washington a political subdivision, acting through its authorized representatives. Commission ar Washington State Trartsportation Commission shall mean the Board of County Commissioners of Spokane County, an elecied body having authority over Gounty matters as provided by law. A!l references to Commission in the Standard Specifications shaN conform to this definition. Department, or Department of Transportation shall mean the Spokane County Engineer or his authorized representative. Secretary or Secretary of Transportation shall meaR the Spokane Gounty Engineer or his authorrzed representatives. Engineer or Project Engineer shall mean the Spokane County Engineer or hislher authorized represerrtative. DIVISION 2 2-03.3l14yC C4MPACTfNG EARTN EMBANKMENTS Method B. Change 90 percent maximum density to 92 percent. lSpokane County Standards Page 2 January 1995 ~ 2-03.31140 COMPACTION AND MOISTURE CONTROL TESTS Delete these provisions and substitute the following provision: fViaxirnum density and optimum moisture will be determined using the AASHTO T180-90, with Method A or D as appropriate; and AASHTO T-224-90, with the following modifieations: 1. AASHTO T-180-90 a. Notice 8(Nlethod D). Rock wiU not be replaced with soil as part of tfie laboratory determination for maximum dry density and optimum moisture content. b. Oven drying or direct heating wiU be the only acceptable methods of moisture content determination. c. 4ven drying to dry back saturated or very wet soils, at temperature above 140 degrees F. wilt be permit#ed only with frequent mixing. 2. AASHTO T-224-90 • a. Specific gravity for rock will be determined in the faboratory. The fraction of 3/4 . inch material rn the backfifl may be determined in the field by sieving the sample in a wet or moist aonditlon. In-place density will be determined utilizing AASHTO T-238-86. ln-place moisture content will be determined utiliZng AASHTO T-239-90. The Contractor shall provide a safe environment for the compaction control test to be performed. This may include temporarily stopping the backfill operat,on such as the -conveyor belt, backhoe, roller, etc. long enough for the safe completion of the test. (Spokane County Standards Page 3 January 1995 DIVISION 3 ' ~ DIVtSION 4 4-04.3(5) SHAPING AND COMPACTION The first sentence of the first paragraph in Section 4-04.3(5) is replaced by the following: Immediatefy foilowing spreading and final shaping, each layer of surfacing shali be compacted to at least 95 percent of the density determined using the AASHTO T180-90, with Method A or D as appropriate: and ASSHTO T-224-90 with the following madifications: 1. AASHTO T-18Q-90 a. Notice 8(Metfiod D). Rock will not be replaced with soii as part of the laboratory determination for maximum dry density and optimum moisture content. ' b. Oven drying or direct heating will be the only acceptab(e methods of moisture content determination. . c. Oven drying to dry back saturated or very wet sofls, at temperatures above 140 degrees F. wiU"be permftted only with frequent mixing. 2. AASHTO.T-224-90 . a. Speaic gravity for rock will be determined in laboratory. The fraction of'/< inch material in the backfill may be determined in the field by sieving the sample in a wet or moist coRdition.. In-place density will be determined utilizing AASHTO T-238-86. in-place moisture content will be determined utilizing AASHTO T-239-90. The'Contractor shall provide a safe environment for the compaction control test to be performed. This may include temporarily stopping the backfill operation sucti• as the conveyor belt, backhoe, roller, etc. long enough for -the safe completEon of the test. i . Spokane County Standards Page 4 January 1995 DIVISION 5 ;-5-04.3111) JOINTS Section 5-04.3(11) shall be supplemented as follows: JOINING EXISTING PAVEMENT Where new pavement joins existing pavement, this joint shall be trimmed to a vertical face and to a neat line. New pavement shall be feathered at transverse joints as required to conform to the requirements of Section 5-04.3(13) for surFace smoothness. - FEATHERING ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEMENT . Where designated by the Engineer, the Contractor shaU feather the asphalt concretE pavement overlay in a manner to produce a smooth riding connection to the existing pavement. Asphalt concrete pavement Class 'A', utilized in the construction of thE feathered connections to existing pavement, shall be modified by eliminating the coarse aggregate from the mix at the Contractor's plant or the commercial source from which tfie Contractor obtains the mix or by raking the joint on the roadway, to the satisfaction of the Engineer. SC5-04a ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEMENT January 1, 1994 TRENCH REPAIR ,.Disturbance of an existing aspha{t concrete pavement due to trench excavatian of less than six feet in width shall be repaired by the Contractor as follows: 1. Pavement Cutting: The contractor shall cut the existing pavement along the trench edges with equipment approved by the Engineer. Immediate)y before placement of a patch, the existing pavement sha{I 'be cut with a-saw along , rectangular Ifnes as shown on the plans or as directed by the Engineer. The pavement shall be removed to provide a firm, neat, straight, vertical edge. The Contractor shall be responsible for maintaining the edge. Spokane County Standards Page 5 January 1995 . Additional cuts with a saw will be required to correct broken or damaged edges. 2. Pavement shall be removed in an approved manner. 3. Trench depih shall provide 24 inches minimum cover over facility to be placed in . the trench. 3. A tack coat of Grade CSS-1 or RC250 Asphalt shall be uniformly applied ta all edges to be joined and lapping 6 inches over the existing pavement. The lines from the new asphalt pavemeni shall be raked over the tack coat, feathered and rolled or tamped to seal the joint. The structural section of the patch shall be equal to the se'ctjon of the existing pavement. The thickness of asphaltic concr+ete shall not -be less than 2 inches. Asphaltic concrete may be substituted for aggregatebase if compacted {ayers do not exceed .25 feet with adequate compaction. Asphaltic concrete used for patching shall be Class A or B. It shap be fumished, placed and compacted in conformance with the standard specifications. ln inclemenf weather or as determined by the Engineer, tranches located w'rthin the travefed way shall be backfilled witfi 0.10 fest of asphalt concrete pavement over 0.5 feet of cement concrete, over an approved backfill material. Cement concrete shall conta'tn 7.5 sacks per cubic yard of Type III cement. Additives may . be added as approved 1?y ihe Engineer to ensure opening of the road to traffic within 2 hours. ' Repair of a trench over ten feet in width shall be made according to the standard specifications applying to new road constructFon. Road structural section materials and dimensions shall be defermined by the County Engineer. DIVISION 6 SC6-03 STEEL STRUCTURES February 24, 1995 Secton 6-03.3(30) shall be replaced wfth: JACKtNG AND BORING Spokane :County Construction shall be notified (509) 456-3600 at least 48 hours in advance of the start af work. All jacked or bored crossing wip require casing. Spokane CounEy Standards Page 6 January 1995 Casings shall be equipped with grout nipples at the springiine on both sides and at the crown. Maximum spacing between each set of nipples shall be 10 feet. Void spaces outside the casing shall be filled with grout mixture of 1 part Portland cement and 3 ' parts sand (by volume). Grouting shall start at the springline at one end and progress along the casing, altemating sides as grout appears in the grout hole at the crown. The grouting shall then proceed to the grout hole at the crown. Grouting shall be accomplished each day at the end of work for that day. Steel casing pipe shall conform to AWWA C 200. Yield strength of casing pipe material shall be 35,000 psi minimum. Minimum wall thickness shall be 5/8 inch. The Contractor shal( be responsible for selecting the gauge consistent with the over-burcfen requiremerrts, his operation, and requirements of the permitter. Ends of steel casing per sections shall be beveled for fieid butt-welded joints, in accordance'" wfth the requirements of AW WA C 206. Casing installation through soil shall have. a hole diameter that shall not exceed the outside diameter of the casing by more than,1-inch. V!►here unstable soil condition are found to exist, boring or tunneling operations shall be conducted in such a manner as not to be detrimental to the adjacent structures. If-;excessive voids or too large a bored hole resutts, prompt remedial measures shall be taken by the Contractor, subject to approval by the Engineer. A minimum 6-inch thick concrete plug shall be poured at the ends of the casing. The concrete shall be worked around the pipe so that the plug will provide a tight seal. Special care shall be taken during the instaHation of the pipe to ensure that no settlement of adjacent areas occurs. Any such settlement caused by the placement of the pipe shall be the Contractot's responsibility. The Contractor shall repair all areas so affected, as directed by the Engineer, at the Contractors own expense. DIVlSlON 7 . SC7-04 STORM SEWERS JAKIUARY 1, 1994 7-04.2 N9ATERIALS Section 7-05.2 shall be supplemented as follows: Potyvinyi Chloride Pipe conforming to the minimum requirements for ASTM 3033 -or ASTM 3034 may be used as an alterrTate for ooncrete or metal pipe when used as connector pipes between drywelis and catch basins or inlets where the maximum diameter is 15" and cover is 3 feet measured to the finished grade or as directed by the Engineer. { . Spokane County Standards Page 7 January 1995 . SC7-05 MANHOLES. INLETS. AND CATCH BASINS JANUARY 1, 1994 - . . ,7-05.1 DESCRIPTION Section 7-05.1 shall be supplemented by the foflowing: All specifications in this section applying to precast concrete manholes shall also apply to precast concrete drywells. 7-05.2 MATERIALS Section 7-05.2 shall be supplemented as follows: `Special Backfill for Drywe!!s" shall meet thE-requirements of section SC9-03.12(4)A . 7-05.3 CONSTRUCTION REQUtREMENTS . Section 7-05.3 shall be supplerttented as fo}lows: METAL FRAMES AND GRATES , Cement concrete or clay brick adjustment blocks shall be placed on grouted to provide the proper a{ignment and grade for the frame and grate. Any existing frame and grate that is removed and not reused shall be placed within the right-of-way where directed by the Engineer-and shall remaimthe property of the County. Where "Metal Frame Type 2" are to be constructed +n existing curbs, the ezlsting curb shall be sawcut and remaved. The curb shall then be repoured around the cast iron hood. DtVISfON 8 SCB-04 CURBS, UTTER, AND SPILLWAYS JAtdUARY 1, 1994 8-04.3 CONSTRUCTION REQUfREMENTS Section 8-04,3 shall be -r . Csment Concrete Cross Gutters shall be.constructed at locations shown on the pfans in accordance with the standard specificatfons, these special provisions, and the standard . . t., , plans. - ~ Spokane County Standards Page 8 January 1995 _ ,i 8-04.3(1) CEMENT CaNCRETE CURBS, GUTTERS, AND SPILLWAYS Section 8-04.3(1) shail be supplemented as follows: The curb and gutter shall be water tested by the Contractor in the presence of the Engineer and any irregularitiss causing water to stand shall be corrected by the Contractor at his expense. Ali costs incurred for the gutter water test shall be incidental to and included in the unit contract price for "Cement Concrete Curb, Type B" 8-04.3.2) EXTRUDED ASPHALT CONCRE7E CURBS. AND GUTTERS Section 8-04.3(2) shall be supplemented as follows: Asphalt Concrete Curb, Type C shall be monolithically placed with the asphalt concrete wearing surface. . DIVISION 9 9-03.12(4)A SPECIAL BACKFILL FOR DRYWELLS - Section 9-03.12(4) shall be supplemented as follows: Special backfiU for drywells shall consist of washed gravel conforming to the following gradation: Sieve % Passinq 3° 100 1" 20 U.S. #200 5 max. All percentages are by weight. A minimum of 90% of the aggregate, by weight, shall be ,unfractured,.naturally occurring material. . ; Spokane County Standards Page 9 . January 1995 ; . . i I STANDARD PLANS TABLE OF CONTENTS PLAN TITLE LAST DATE A-1 Roadway Section - Curbed 1111/00 A-2 Roadway Section - Shoulders 5l15/95 A-3 Curbs & Gutters 4124/03 A4 Urban Driveways - Separated Sidewalks 5l15/95 A-5 Curb Ramp 4/28/03 A-6 Traffic Island ' 4I24103 A-7 Cement Concrete Approaches 4124/03 A-8 Rural Road Approaches 4I22/98 A-8a Rural Driveway Approaches 4/24103 A-9 Bike Ways & Pedestrian Paths 5/29/98 A-10 Cul-de-sacs - Public Roads 5/8198 A-10a Cul-de-sacs - Private Roads 4/22/98 A-11 SidevWalk Retaining Wall 4/24/03 A-12 Retaining Wall 4/24/03 A-13 Entrance Steps to Abutting Properties 5/15195 A-14 Monument Case & Cover 4l22198 A-15 Utility Locations - Curbed Road 11/1/00 . A-15a Utility Locations - Shouldered Road 11/1l00 A-16 Street Name Signs 11/1/00 A-17 Symbols 5/15195 A-17A Drafting Standards 4/24/03 A-176 Drafting Standards 4/24/03 • ' A-17C Drafting Standards 4/24l03 . ~A-17D Drafting Standards 4f24/03 ~ A-18 Roadvvay Construction Payment Limits 4/24103 B-1 Precast Drywells 4124103 B-1 a Precast Drywells Placed in Swales 4/24103 B-2 Precast Drywell Details 5115/95 B-3 Precast Drywell & Inlet Details • 5129/98 B4 Catch Basin Type 1 4124/03 B-5 Concrete Inlet Type 1 4/24/03 B-6 Concrete Inlei Type 2 4/24/03 B-7 Catch Basin & Inlet Installation 4/24/03 B-8 Curb Inlet Type 1 4/24/03 B-9 Curb Inlet Type 2 4/24/03 B-10 Metal Frarne, Type 1 5/15/95 B-11 Metal Frame, Type 2 5115I95 8-12 Metal Grate, Type 1 5115I95 8-13 Metal Grate, Type 2 5/15/95 B-14 Metal Grate, Type 3 5J15195 B-15 Metal Frame, Grate & Solid Cover - Type 4 4/22198 B-16a Concrete Slotted Cover w/Ring 4122198 B-17 Grate Guard 5J15195 B-18 Concrete Gutters 4/24/03 B-18a High Volume Driveway Approach 5115195 B-19 Inlet Installations 4/24/03 B-20 Swale with Modular Block Wall 4/22/98 . l • 0 PLAN TITLE LAST DATE U-1 Manhole Types & Depths 11/15/99 U-2 Manhole Type I-48 11115/99 U-3 Manhole Type I-60 11/15/99 U-4 Manhole Type 11-72, II-96 11/15/99 U-5 Manhole Type III-48 11/15199 U-6 Manhole Type III-60, III-72, 111=96 11/15199 U-7 Manhole Type IV 11/15/99 U-8 Reducing Slabs 8 Manhole Step 11/15/99 U-9 Manhole Placement in Signalized Intersection 11/15/99 U-10A Sanitary Sewer Manhole Exterior Drop Gonnection 11/15/99 U-10B Sanitary Sewer Manhole Interior Drop Connection 11/15/99 U-11 Typical Channel Detail 11/15/99 U-12 Interior Drop Channels 11/15/99 U-13 Main Line Sewer Clean-0ut with Cast Iron Ring & Cover 11l15/99 U-14 Manhole Ring and Cover 11115I99 U-15 Standard Service Connection 04/21103 U-16 Side Service Connection Record Drawings 11/15199 U-17 Typical Pipe Casing Detail 11/15/99 U-18 Typical Pipe Casing Detail (Concrete) 11/15/99 U-19 Shallow Connection Detail 11/15/99 U-20 Manhole Invert Elevation Detail 11/15/99 . d' _ % - . y p~ 4 ~S(yEMt BOfiPER pn► r . 4 tw-w)/~ SVr ! + ~.u~wt ' tr-►rl/'s (sa "Oic s) sa xoI[ s 2Y - ' sEC TAaU ► - gE HOiE t ~ y~ NOIE • Y ~ TYE u QJRB 2t 5EE TAOLf 5E[ ND1Y 7 " 21 x \ \N ~r , IJMJ[tiY~ ' ' \Z~`~ • O ~J nPE -5- OiRB 1\ ` 5E( NOlE 6 ,•~YENi CJDNG cljq0 ....-PAVEMLNi. 50C NOtE3 I Q L CRUSNED WApNC 1W CQ1RSE TYYC • f3iUS.E0 WAMC BASE 0"V . ~ BOfiO£R ~ti{ GENERAL NOTES . . . . p~ . r a_s' s uw cCuexi co►e~n 1.PAVEuEH~ uA BE A9PHrLt Car~cREiE OA P~n • AS OETEitlts!!ED 8Y iME COUNTY f1tGN~~ ~~O ~FACINC . ~,'b•~ ~ J~\ CRUSHM C~HC T~ g~~~GONQSf TWCX ~MESSESl~4~KL Bf OE1Ut~~ BY iRAFf1C . E lOAOS Ht0 Sdt Y~LLti ~ k0 S1EE~R ~'V'~ RAt103 CONG 90EW~ MTCM SLO~'ES itia S1iiE SLO~S A S SHALL alS REPOQf ANO M~'Rd~ (IYP.) 1 g10'tM UM1f55 RfCOM1tFJ+0E0 8Y . • ED BY . . er iN£ CauNtr EnCwEf31. [XCAVA110N YOPES NICNcR MA+~ 8' v++u e[ oErE~" CONTIGU0U5 SIDEWAIK ' gpu,5 lrtsru+a SEE NOTE 6 a_ -Mr v+w. e¢ Scow++ a+ co"sTsaucna+ v~~as ►i¢aA►+ Is prw+reo. AAE itCOISREtk U-+r "►'f" u-o • s, 11NEiiE iFiT-TUFN 6µE5 , . "M ~SW up~x wn+ TrvE u apE uSED u- tY fNGum• 51DEWALK ' - USEO pnY IM" MPatOVEO 8Y ME OOU' 4~ 'S+`- ~ G SNA►.l 8£ A BICf1L1RAt10N SWAI.£. RSE 15tD1Yi ~Ap rri'E 7. IF PLnriStriG STAtPS ~AE uSEO AS 5►IAIL SL 1d ►Ct1. RCSiUENt~al '5' N]N ~ry OP fl10D OB.+ECZS. ACCf 5S ~ b• MlN Q REFF~ Tp C{,[M 20kE SFCTIOI Fat lOC1~ WTEP-seCltQKS. . . . ` d1t4ER ~ Q. YMEN RAlSEd ►jEOl AtlS IR£ COllt1NUW5 gRµs, K01 H£ 1.E55 M~'N . . .o..uw . 514£E T . stAko010Ct1RBED A~' SPOKanfE CouNTY APPROVEp' ROADWAY SECt10N ' ~`3s; DEPARTt+iENT OF PUBLIC,WORKS °a°'n"im ypKw[, YA t92t0 tA-Si00 A KC14 ` ' • _-y--"'.-- ~ , . ~h - • v~' ' M ~ . ' • _ i . No~t . • CM*SIE ' - . ~ ~ ' ~ ~,p~,cc s~~°"c ~"sc o~►~''~ Y• . ~ ,LoR ~ M y - ~ r . ~ ew GENERAL N~jES CKR at„„uw cac,a " ' 3. ec v °VM ~~a ecr~~*,ru~ ~ . e uxN~aM+~"~°',tsscs ~ ~w► ""b1~ FoA aMa~ z. G►~ ~,"ts' ,u R 'aP"'°~'tc vAO et ~iu+o `o►,~ ~ ~ot ~t ~ s~ s,c~s'~°~ ~r ~p uxt'►" sour VE tt h/ AL oMlC1~tL W~• , ~ ~~r-~ „ ~ l~" Z - • s ~t ttrr %ppRO~q, OK N1'f " t ~ ~ r,ppKS ~ n . ' r-• ~ . ~ Vr , 0£PZH . . . tr + ppYEMtNt R°1 . . . t~ \ ~ • ' ° : , . ~ ~/8' e' S ' , e ° : Q' ♦ iO . /.F ~ . . - ~ u+ ' 1► 1/17 2 S/d' 9• ° \ ~ " ' ~ . 1 q 1 1~ 1~2. pp\'cMENI ~CO CR~iE ~ 7857 C,V' l.F. . ~ puX10S'( POR'RW:4 ~b• : co ~E~ IN~GR 004IS P~uR~ENERAI. N~T.. E=- • - si • y ~ , .12 8~ t. P0 1L ~ppNFARµI~ TO ~ ~~4 A a.1~ ~ . U-►`'S ~ ~ „~s roa rnxriuA z „~cs ~~N~lTY . O.OS602S 8E Pu'' MATGH S£E NO~ S 2' ~ L~ ~0 p µ OR 1 H[ AppU ABLG SpCE~WES ~ ~t~irUl WN£R 1 TLANO GEN.T•y5. 'i NEIJ - ` BE ~~'~~~t CURe S AppUEO 1~ jNE `O ~ C£MEHl SNM~ 9£ cpnfORU co EKiS~14C CUK~~ 0.012 ~pNT~7Y ' 4. NPOxy ~~N15 ~ SE 9' 26 flF TM QYµ , g..-~ y~~i~`RD E~Ry SPEGAI G 5, 10 8 ASES h1M rPFR ~ USEA CER. E ~ . ~L ~yht't ~ SU Yt/~AJ~ ANO 227- ~ TO EKaW~t A . 12' e: 9Tx une+oea cuaa g~,►.cEO 9g vt ~M11 Bf A Saf ~WCR[tt- . .~g1 ~y~` ~ ~ • _ ' '„~•',j.'; ~ ~ 7, E%APt1~~ S~ pARA~N Pal (EPOxY ~ PORnAN~ - SEE SoI.`4, c~~~~ L ~UIIER ` • ao~asti i ~r. _ s~ vARiES = avra+n~ ' cowCaE~ CONCR .e c.Y • j~' n5ptt ' ov~+nrt - o.o2ia~ RS ~..3 E C~~ CURgs GU ~ _ ~~a 23125 ppPRpVEd ~~,trrr - 7Y JEE 1401E 5 QEPARI~ 9sf Cd~U8UN +~~°°°S ^ w N c i ~W ca ~ N cs+i . J GENERp~ N~TES a ~ u.ti~~ =p ADd'NOAL c0410 OF w"~ n"ss 3°°° jamt ~t~' r+~" ~~wocs `NTwm. Oa' ~ • • ~ ~~n fc~ ~ u ~,,tutt► ~~9~ ~,a 10 B ~ txtcA+w E°0`' tvar V. ~ N~ ''"y`ew~a A ' soc a scoo ca ~ ~Q~. " a` _ . ~ ~ ~ ~ yos t~wA~ ~Y ec rn°t ~M a m ~"~fr cw°"w`' er CKM* ~~s? ~t c,ot~~ ~~~s1 ~ a. t.atc A toca. s A S. SF1 . , , . " 10 sa . n.►ro ~N~y„ c' r S~,C,~ON~ EN510N ~Ag~F e,ro"cn p- A S.1loN sw+a~) . (DRN~~'~ s • p ~ , • v~ . . _ - ~w~ SIDEWAi.K ~ _ ~ t~e►~ . ,S ~ ,14• i~ ' P ' ~ ~ . Rr J~.'•oN~M~ ~ e, ~ µ ' , ,a...,....• ~ aa Eff NAJC S aA--„ ' ♦ ~ 1 ` , . . . PiRtE ~ ScNm 5~ ~ PSA~p SQ.~`NX URBli1r flilIV~ 1(s AR~~, - spaK ~ PuBV~ r~oo K5 of DEp ~WEW . . r~ ~ ~ ~ J~ ` ~ f •'~oF `~~~~Ly~ ~d jL O~ • ~ . DE'OALK PAr ITLW ,s~, .a-~ g wr~ntH _ p TSFW~ • ~ ~j o .-GfitikGt~.~~ w~Sisrv+G vA~cPU~iwCKcn Q ~?:1 tZ:~ ' ~ 0c YEtl6~, W GC~ ,SIe• E~iv~i+sw~a a, ~it~u5~Q, saEC. 0-ti..~p) w~uiN~ PATTER~h (ZiF) J ~ ' p~3~ a e Ct_ DE(al PAY ►1£k.-~ J ` B i RAMP ~ 9Dt4uLM j ~ P.AY ITEy "1Q vh,' EY7Fl1~ ~'~'r IT~A4 •S,Q'- + ~ PI.AN .~a WYlA6it PAY IfCU ` F?y . 1Yi5 Ai ^ pAY (1EN anCK Of CURD. qIRB Rrµu ~-7rA ~ f PAY ITEM, .~ttGH4 UEKGSrhS r' ' QESIGN 1.IMx• Y . PM1.AN oAeK ar cUaa Q~S1Gtd ~A'. . 3ig'y z;?l~ ~+F• 5f~. ~ ~ 51a ~ ' fypg ACIN~~! 7/16 ~ Y~ -~~-'8~ • 12 SLbPE AIR%~ ~ r.7axa ^T ~ pptviES `--0- y p,TED B ,~,L . . .r~- • ~~aiHC t~) S~CTION B^ 1 RU N CWafiiJ1NR PAi7£FH t1E . ~ ~beIeerOMLt E Ho,F 1) SECTION A_A F=c~` 6E14ERAL N47ES, OF ORN 15qE'iNE CUi&~ R~' OAGK 'N0.LK FYPE; ~ CUitBNAGC ►~4.E'75'SNALL DE ~ Y ifE 4'~ p" 4 RAUP - i. t~iEi~ H. WARNRtf P~ti£RN6 ' lH~ •TftUNCATED UWdk: a. 0€~CT~THAS ~MLL P.Ct~I~' (TYFY} 9f.u~eEtEt~Nypi~5.e.uD SPl.armv sNClAN. { 1 St1Ail 8E ~a^ctlFtEA W{N ~ q ~~Gq A OR flSVECtAI vROaSltlt~S CO++iR+~CT PU~M'S CR 1Y. ~ SLOaE MAX. DC IgU~.ATiU nY ~ tX1LQfl RASAPS :STt' µn~jylAL C±7 A11 ~~q£5. \ glti'ANS+OP~ JQSN~ TNQ ROAUN'AY. iAC£ ~Er~O~ ~~~PS AT 11iE ST.~f ADJ,1CENi T . 'A 5. ~hNERE CONSTe1ltr_fl ,6N 5~!J6HT Cilr'{8- . ~..~cH I UUEt~'=a~5 R~~IN 11!£ S~M,i AS SN6'+~ E A,_a., tpi d CUR9 "1A 111C+3U 9~~"i ~Rg,NNUp~~lCClEO aA~ ~F TflP UF'CURR QE' {TYP) P~ 4EFt tJ. _WpUf ~N ~ q[ 9ACK Cf R~~ INC19ENiM. ` ~ I r 7' ~p cUR9 ~bND PAY IT£W. CiJf20 ADJRC~~ 19 RQA9 L ' ~'~0:1 SibP£ ;i1X e• 6 .t SritEi ~-cu~xa FAC~- ,ti~TION 5I'ANf)ARD A=~ 6pPROVE.a~ CURB RAMP ,~n•:w,~ a ~rT g«n~~ pqy rs A~' 2_'t+~+t~t-CL- . gF'OK;ANE GqUNTY• , PU9~.iC._;v~'4yK5 ~ S~ t t ~ . E ~ DE~!A~ o5aso tso~~ ,7i.:cm. uy1,„~ u tY1 ~ ! R . ~6.69: ~£pZMEN x Qvc VRS~~ANO t ~ 3' ISI.AN~► c:~5 0 wlTMa OCKET Yf~UtK ACEMENS ~Em 1SlAN~0 t~ ATME~~ pfTA{L) n~ ~ FO~~GRA~~ASE 20 ISO 1 µ ~+,57' ~ •r~ -'R.; i;': .r'" AGP 4 DF~ ~ 'r~~_►-r~ : z,5 z,.os 4,70' tSVdq 8'1♦ CON~UG'ItON 5ECT10Nn ~ 4tt4 4b~~ SPE~~' ' n ~8 i,,.~ iOSAt pF E Vsf~E, a T."sE ~ $tt~ r ~5• i 2'~4•73 48 2' atrc tFRt~~~ ~ ~3 w,•E ~ j4 5114 SABI.~ ~~4.27 t 82.63 521.26 TMSUWV. E ~K~srt. AR~A ~ 58.?t 11 192.59 175.~8 sROOU~o ~tF~ io tt~E At AREA g'1 27s' S3.72 ►+osES `~nu'•~ rv~'pv'~FS- t0t 55.5 y 67 tgl~+a iN ~1 ~RS ARE~ Fl 6~ gT J~'~- PrvEU~N► CoW, vWos. 1REA~FNT 1~ GE 4F. ~ ~R0t0V1~ ~ "o' S"''"i' Be SAA+aseu evxn cp,0"" ' s pn~# ~ic 6 EV1. ~ v ~E''' ' • ~ TtpE 'M'~ ~ pt RowarY tsEE P,ttl Z' !I'l1, pAYf►AEN~i0P ~ _j%saJB~+ + ; t . . : . , ' . . . • , . . .~~02•_o'c`c F~27G M~n= • t4 57f.E1L qor 9tt6~ . . . . ~StNNUARD D . ' ~pFfIG ~ <yyKPNCiE~ ~,OR OR)`VE1' ROV~ . . ~cREG++tf uN~Y ~ n ~uns~. ~~E UBl►C 'NoRKS 14y~+) .n-sooo, OEPARY ,vxo . ~ ec - ~ ' , 1 ~ r• ~ - m GENERAL NOTES SJB- EXPANSION JIXNi t, E7eFANS1DM JWNT kATFR1AL SFtM.I 6E ~-N-r-. ~ OPavEWA~ APFRO CxE5 0 R 0' tN tnOiH. 51UEWALK GRAO 1' N ► . , , K ~ OIMENSION TABLE 2. cxP AR E0''~JONnokA~ o~R1wAV ARCA, . . . - [115iANCES ~ 3. GONGRETE FOA ORIVCIYl~YS SHNA BE s" PORTLAND rAriCAEtE CEkENt CqMM.M TtPE ~ ~ASS 300Q AR ENTRAIKEO. ~ SECTION A-A , ~ I ,g' i 30' ► Au EXrEaNAt Eac~s ro eE (DRAINAG£ S~VAi.£) rno•,Eueo w,n+ 1/4- a,,O,us eocsR. NS 5. S~EN'MK TO 8E SCORC0 ~ 3rg' E%PAMAOt~1 J03H 0 eE INSTAI_lC0 3f8' E~AroSI~ ~IEACN -S1DEWALK OEWALK~ 5lDE Oi' A CURB RE~N ANO AT LOCA1t4NS 3I8 E%Phf19ON .IkDWT 3/9' E1~Af<4N JqNT MMENE SIDEWAA.K iN1ER5ECT5 OMEe2 SIDEWALKS A~ 8-1 % ` ORIM4A1r5 ANO CUftBS. ` y' 4W. B. LXPANSiON J01`7T SNALL BE PlACc6 TO MhX £NSURE COMPLEIE SfPANAt10N OC CbNCnE1f• T. T!{E CWNiY £NG1KiER REOUIRE l~AN u~tMUM, ~p£SiRt N i!1 SlOEWM.K i ► . TRAFFIG `rDIU►~ES lttDlGAtE IT tS '►+ARRANIEO. CURO FACE 8, SEE SHEEt A-5. (CURA RAMR5) N-CUFtO FACC 1'~'~_ A~ ~ ~ ~ 8 -J STANDARD APPROACH 9 eONSTRV '~EDRJ~TEALL~'CURB DRQA~OCAn4NS E* SIOEwALx 70 lNSAJRa. STOR6IWATER ROW AIQNC CUSTER g, LIIfE REGA.RDLE55 Of SIDEWAI.K CONSTAUCTION. -StDEwAK 10. 95% COUPACTION UNDER APPROACHES b•~ siorLWAU( CRAD 927c COU.PAC710N UN9ER SIDEWALKS _ 2% ~ ~4, . . - . . C4' •P'ORilANO TRAN5ITIOW IKRCA ~ CEµCNT COPtCRETQ SEGTION A-A, Rh'~ so' FROJECiLO 9DEW~LK ~'IAIN 1 TypF 'g' CURB AND GU Cdtl1DE S►tII'hN (SG£ STANOARD PIAN'S 0 ~/2 !1P fOR 07KCR CURB DESGN5) MAX. r•-- 7F"--" •ttl YAX % 1.5' ~ . t• • `6- 1a1+J, PGRTlANO ~ ~ ~ concR[SE CEUEKT S ~ Kf . Btlq(ENEID EDGE OF WPROACH Ta rmL OEpirt 4F CURO S7ANDARD APPROACW. 1/2• UP MAJt- SECTION B-B. (Iso~ETRIc %AEw} No srALE ` eHxsr ] 47AAtDARD A_ 7 . SPO'3CANE COUNTY e~TROVEO in ~~EµT Cpp~CREIE APPROACHES • ~ ~ . . dEPARTMENT OF PU6UC~%~YaMKS o+,Q SPdunl, vrw 9f2to G~ 1 . - . 1 - ~ ~os• 10 . A` NO~E~ I ' ~ ' ~~T ~cF.at~ 1S ~}qf4Gis~ Ed "cau~► VAn c~ ~ P~vtE11ENt ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 8 ~ o ~ ' ~~s ~p ~rit cKCar'GEa. M ~,O ~ a1tf~W~ • R J'1'~ EOGE ~ P P. j I&LE COWECZttIr, R4A4 R CO~I.ECTOR tiR~ER~A~ , µAJ~ . . SO 10w 1 ~i OF PA~~~NT • . 1 _ . • ~ . Rl~ _ _ V1,~l~e►~ . ~,s~ caWECnNa RoAD - RpAOS _ ACCESS . t~A1NOR ECTOR ~ av~ra RoTi.n XP~of - ' - J~ppRQ ~ . . ' SPOK~E AUBUC ~ KS y ~~°'r,..~ i ~ 1 ~ . . ~ - _ ~ R~w ~o' ~ _ ' _ - _ - - _ - ~ ,~Q~~, . x~ . ' ,~-r.~ c~o~.o . , ~~o~, ,~2% 2% ~AAX - =~-qa ~ ~ . ~ ~ Oy ~ . ~ OF C~~N~Y o M~x\ ` . EpGE Rp AO RIw ~ pRIVATE ~RIVEWAY . GENERA~ ~~~E~ GR A~E ~F RuR AL _ ~ppF, c.~`+li nAVi S MAY BE , ' ~{AU~ A j~ [At~+~ EN ~iNC£R 'hM~E • - _ • ~ ~,p~yiREO ~ ~ ~~R . ~~RGCR ~Q ~ . ~ovN~.~ R°A~ 1 ~ ~ , o' ~ ~ ~ LIt~E ► ~ 10 , " ~~-rcH F~.o ~ ~ _ = __1~^ _ ~~VJ _ _ - -.j" ~ , - - - • ~OGE o~ P ~ G Av~~ ~ 'T Et~ _ ` pR ED~~ ~ ~ ~ R f 16' MIN~P!'UtW1 pIPE W1Tht ~ 12"~+IN. d~~`' ~N~S~ . 4: ti 6EVECOVE~. 1 ' ~IIN. _ s~* 1.Q SEE N~~E T~ pklvEwAY • - n-~a ~uR IVA_ ~ 5iAh1~~APpROACWE5 ` :--t~. «r~..> RURAI. QR~WA APPROV~~' ` ~ ~r Sb'~KAt~E p 0U ~KS ~~,~~~;J DEP~,~M~NjaL~ _ ~ . ~ , ~ np MAY ~ Q~.' C31C • SHARED USE PATHWAY . . r*/VtT SIIbPf J • r uNC ~ ..s ~ ` roM w,r var a~~p ~t eo►~iK • 81KE LANE _ . o . ~ r ~ vmEStAfAN ~ - nsu~~ ~ qxtw ~N ~p 1 ► ~~c co~nea. oc~a ver [D ~ 4, cu"r CWCR*t . aIKE RovTE , • ~ . . ~ sKM ST/jtDAAU- A-9 c,p~MtE C~kN APPA giKE kfAYS ac PEDfSTR1J~N P+~'MS F ~ DEp~~ NT OFPU9LtC VMKS a°'~wu~*„r-•- . ~ . ~ • • • . . - , ~ ' - 1 f ~ h * t ~ ~ ♦ 9 p~~a 1 C~ 1 Ol.~t~t • _~F"". { ~ 1 . ato Q ' 3,4 • ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~o "1 . . ~ s 3, ~J4 Jo4-45*'~ R/'M ~o V+ S~ ; Cl h ~ ; o.~ -I t MpORARY FU►-~- CUL-~E_ p . i ~Y.4S -Wi~ Fw=CU~"DE-SbC ' ~ . OFFSE~ GuL~ ~ t• , . ~ * ER GEN Al" a„ n.s o i~ ~ow+ °L Y ~ b~ ' t. ~~R~ ~p ox -'S1,G' ol D ~ ..~i 2 MCg~1FK~~rm~"s ~ . pAs 10 o oY 111E emott •Yr4`J5~y{~ ~ ' s ~ 00 Offs'~T CUL-~E'SAC , ~ ~ ~ yue~ca er T£NtppRA . ~ ~ ° ~TM r,Or~~~ ~ovDW IY ~ r W~yT'W~ 5t~ uP 8V~ Rp~s 1 CUL_QE_SACS- ~FPRo~ 1 gPO~i ~ p~gUC ~ KS p' . ~rp~~E~, Mia ~ , ~ • S~ ~ ~ ~ wy A ■ 7d`\ 4 a . ALTERNATE TURN-AROUNDS ~~~~i pxvo"t . . ~ ' C ~ ~y ' toa OF Ci1A1i£l \"66- NoTE . SIANDARD CUL-DE-SAC , mc USE OF s1~++oum' ~ `_p~_~~_p{~VATE ROADS 1tE.b: . SpOKWE NTM ~pTM fl ~ a pusto~BU'e'-r°° ~ DEPI►~~~ WS . / GENERAL NOTES SL[Evt 4- IYp : . ~ Ass 5000. nr sxu~ - • _ ~ " _ . : 1. ut coKatcTe sn~LL eE c~. • . > 25' ~~S, .ia 1, x Y-0, REDAR ~3~i'. p~ pNp~ ~y£VtAtX. G REO'D. 19' '•r~; _ tin' PREVOLOEO JOINT FILIER LV hAl1. A1 VAXIhiUM r i~ ~p 2TWIJE 1R~WSVf occvR R5Et AS PANA EDM wa/w+ a£►nto wtRE FIESFt •r TlIN dF +'x4' RE1Nf0f-0OWG V~`Ll 8E A G1R RFACES. RECES~D PANEL a. CUSS 1 SURfACE 1REATMENi ON ALL EXROSED WAIi ~ YAl"fRIA4 RUSN PANFI 5. ALL BACXf0.L 0E1Wfl WAIL SN1~LL 8C PREF 6R1JJtti~' CRN7uLAF ~ FUR fENGE D~TS SNALL BE CENTE~a A" ~EC~E➢ EY m~ ENGtt~tEER. 2 pp ThLLCR FCOUtRf ArENCE OR AS OaRECS[0 Br 1HE B~6WEER. ~NifAtiME OF W1u - 6. 5L£EYES - W7~L45 2 ~-6 BhCNf6i AND No 0f `K~ 7. TruS wAIL SMOOLH flh1511 (k~ i5 OE9GNE0 TO BC USCO vniFE A lEVf1 PJ1C£ 51yRGtiAR[E. 3/4' [1t/Wff E pyC 5i-vvf . _ tOPSGL Y S00 \ 11- SIEEVE i0ft PUIUs'L f£NCE ~ poSf pLJ,CEUEKT. COHSTRUCT 1J2' ORAW NOLE AS SHaW:6 w WELDEp vARC UE~i~" ~•t,~. • > ? , GEOrs»+tKm SLEEVE f0R FENCE POST ON . 2 FlLtEi► f/.HRIC jOP OF WAIL i 3' I.D, vlEFP NOI.ES ACUCH BQM9 FACE (I~LTERNAIE) P►~C 'K yALV SY~T.EIAS CNF9LL ~ •w.• r~''• ~ 4U91.E ~ t 2- PR£NOLnED JOtNT RLIER IN NOCORDANCE RAy}1 BA , YA~ FOf~ Y:A11.5. 12~ ~ pp~l,y~( M41FRE 9i0NGJ ON FlAN + IYDi aAUO ~EMS CWt'[StE1f N41li (AASMTO N 215). FAStENF~ TO Of<S S10 • ~ CA1R9 'AHERE SHONN OH Qi.ANS. ym{ ~d CALy. NAlLS 8 O.C. -1 r j,1_,.. D T: 1V. . • • ~ STRUC'fED t~ r ~ •~ti' . ' • ' IAENT TO 8E CON .3' ' - . ~ AL'YERNATE FAC£ TFtEAZ SPECfAI vfSlONS. , ~ PRO 5~C~ ~NT N'~ERE DESIGNATED IN + ~ 1' ~'r r•+ (ppUONM) ~ SM pANEI t5 TO N1iN SNEAR iCEY t4' . ~Z• I ~ ' 1 1I • # RpUM1 BOMO fQ"-fIN,SHFA ~fACE 0~' FLU i--~ SI►It-'LAtE THE'i~L/aN OF RWCN 6OAR05. USE fORU uNER. KEY d£iNL ti- y!-~ 11f~ ~ ' , n►mn. SNEC~ TYPICAL SEGTIOM , - =stNVOARo= A-tt SPOatANE COUNTY APPROVE ' . c 51QEWAlK RETA1PiING WALL N~•~g=w OEPAStTMENT 4f PUBLIC+»W0RK5 0~°'."•••.••.-~ ~~,rE, .a. rnw 1sc91 t ~ ~ • • ' • 9LEfVE , GENERAL NOTES 14 % )'-a' REBAR 8 Rf0'0. 1. ALL CONCRETE 0.ASS 4000. 2. kl EDCES i0 BC 3/4' MA14FER. 7, TQPSdI gpp 3. GdCQfiETE TMICKNESS. S1RltC1URAl DEiA45, SIZE AND M111$ER OF REUii0RCE4D17 SHAIL 6 BE OFiERUWED BY ENCiNfER. y 3' 1.0. • 12* 4. 1/2' Pflt-1[06DED JOW7 fILLfR IN 1YAI.L AT 11AxiMUM PVC SLEEVE 1.5' CENTERS. JOINT SYIALL OCClR4 Ai PANEL EDCf IWO ~ fCA iENCE POST. CONTINUE IR,NJSVEltSELY 1TCRpUC11 SIDEWMK 4.: 2' CLR-- i/z• aRur+ noLE s. sLCEVEs roa RHCt Posts sHALL eZ w+TCaw `t'. _~~~~~C . AS DIRFC7E0 BY ENCINEEB. 'AALlS Y-8' OR TAL6ER . REOUtRE A fEI:[L OR AS OCUCIED BY ENGINEEp. I flLtER FABiLC •i' CRAV0QL BApti1LL • ~ , FOR WA►lS. •I_~- 3/4' i'ANEL RECESS ~ ~ t --~3' lD. Y1EEP HOLES 7~"C ON 10' GL}11FA5 6ALV. SiEA Qi PVC ~ 1/2' PRFL0.11ED .10{NT fRIER FAS7ENED TO QNE SWE : t N11N 4d G&Y. NAILS 6" O.C. ~ , .3`j~• ~ . . „~--~~a~.:✓.. - . T. . 0 8 ' j•' - . :.l _ ~ n '7 i.~ 44 ~ ~O RECfSSfD PAN0. r . . . . . ' . FWSM PAIAEL `Y i/2' CLR . TYPICAL SECTION FACE TREATMENT ON WALL • .s..,.., SPOKANE COUtdTY AppROVE . eFt58i OEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ~n =STMiDMO- Vau~c. u voma .C:ca► m-.teoo w~S{ RETfUNINC WALL A-12 , • u,~ti~~ - ~ , . ; ZiPE 3 . s . • rtPE Z ► ~ ~ YlJ~1 . ~ ~ E ~ ~4 • ~ ` , . -1 > : ► ~ ~ ~ " • ' . - • - E141RAHC.E 5ltpr' Up4 . ~ . • ,MTM AEY1~tNtNC _ ~CE S,VEPs u? . -o' ~ E~'~►~"cE sIVs ' 8R EtE~N~ GENE ct ta asti px n SS~y~o ~~j, ~TM .s n v,.'""s~s Kxx ~ ~V ~S w eC Kan + ~pO ~n+ a ~ , ~.u wsTS ~ , ~M AO. ~El• ~ 314 qI~ ppyRl 00 t0 ~ - , ~ MOi MAJP Its, . - "~j= ~ ~ N~~ ~ OWj,~L1~,1,O ~ BL t~L ~ j, iHC ~ • ~ ~ ' / Al AMl ~ 's YlJIY tOt1• t' ~ • / ~ r' ~ ~ #~V s ~dy[M Rtl4i~ S Br 'G^►~ ~ v~t°" ILE t~ ~ ~iwr+'~~ss~~f W~ aF s - ~~c~u ~ w w~Ld,• ' ~ . . SNLC~ ~ I►-13 1N PROPERt►ES ~ PRO~~ • EN =ANC£ 51EPS 10 A~ ~ AP . ~ pOKANE uBt► COU~ VA)RKS ~ DEp na:~.t 11.1x+ • _ y- . . ~ NolES . GENER AL . o~ ~55~ ENttRE ~ S(A1 ~~J.Ct A~~, MupDt t5F N~~00 ~pVER I PLAN NE11+~ Of ~~NSt NfC~~. gl1R~Y e - . ~ .r~ o' coN of ,ot~ ~ , Pc^ ~ ~ J~So y{ BE s R[K~ ~~y"6ER 4 Sro~ p~-c-`,t, ~c►[~- , ~r~: r• ~ ~l ~ pN W - •,r . ~~tp• 1 • ` „ + : ~ .i ~ . . „rr . . . ~--~;jj4 ~oN QF 4 ~ ~ ~r3~ ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ t 314r 4 ; 4 4 ~ SU~' Na E ~ . , r • . uaKu • . • 1~1' • b[~'.~'~'~~Y ~ ~ ~ • ~ ~ ~ ~t- ' 1 • ' DEP~' att. rtua► ~+a : . . . ~ a c►+b ~ . ; , ' L i r 3000 CON~fiE y • # q~SS awrTO` ' ~ ' ~d ~w~ + yrac~ CE ~pRO U~ ~ ' ` SAµpLE R~FE~EN +~,AERI ~ ~tcs ~vk{ GO►~~~ ~ ~ • ~ ~ . ft7P ,t BY ' y . 5i~ ~ CO~R (to gE fiN'[ C1~SE . y~,sv~YOa) S£CSION r. N~"v~+ . APPRO o: ~ ~OF Pua~~,_ xs ~ - . o~'~,~-~`~•~-t ' . r 0 ES , T GENER A~ Na - , n+s n~*°yr~u~~'a`~ t DE , y OC►~11~~~a,pEwM ~ ~w ~£pK#~l~+s. . pwNERS • ~ ~ ~pEpf57 ALL BE ~ . AJSI ~ HogTM pa ENS' I SCUtH po ~ rikCE Rlw EISEMENT ~ ~ pOIE ' Ft/W q• ~_d . e . + ~ • I ` ~ ~ • ~TY 5''~ { . ' 1 ~er.. 9 • ~ . p X •a , . . ~ ~ Z.,Q• Wti. ICPOMA AND ' ' • 1 ' a SE CoAE 'i_.•• ' o ~ . M~tEP ~f {.Y. ' . ~ ~ j,ctfUC . T'-ur UN- CAS ' 1 . ti..r [►,ECiRiL 57CAy ppAW ttt[o►w" ~ . ~.v. • ~.Mi"~ ~ . ~ 951SLT . • , ' 13ED U'ftur( `OCAno , . . 4APPFtto COUNlY ~~KS ,.,.~.L• ~ ~ PUBLIC DEQ ~ p!!o A k-y~lY PC~t t . . . r.---~- ~ • , . • ' • . ' R/w • . SCUT't . f" ~ ~ ~ i~ . d.c 0 . . ' ~ IN1. . ' SCE [l~OtL 3.Ib y `d~ ~ . `o s + Z,_d Y24. . . Wo CAS CLEC1ReC . =•.0 µW ~ ~ . . . . t~'~~ ~9 ~O A O . E►EC1R1C SjORw COAM . • ~ 6 ' • . GENERAL . . . . loc` Ocwg FOa ' J"Sijjws C Uw~S ►u~ . 2. l~ MAM~~ qfiES~~EC~g' . Owiv$ 10ski'U' 8L uOC-410 s, WLEp+ , a/w . • ttesT SjP.ND ~~LDERED ROAD } y _ . ' Ap~RO . r~ Uj1U'~ LOCAT101'15 ~ • KS N ° _ y 4 DEP Aa,~E 14+1 ~A ~ p gu w~ . ~ , ~ R ' GENERAL NOTES ~ 22000, 1. 9fiiS SHALI vEEI SPECWZCATK~N5 iOR fuf +'lAlE AL.UU*f31N. 0.63' t►uC1C. ALODfN£ tsaa oR EUUAL ~ 2. 1HF SiCN SURfACE SHAti, Bf YMITE 1.ETTEpg OH A ftiEEN BACXGROUHD. IM11TE lfitERS MM GRCEN BAGrcGppU"o ~ VARiCS 91ALL ti£ EliQ11EEA GRADE RETApR£flECilb£ SNLETWC PUBLIC ROAOS ' 3. LErrERS sI"u eX A eLaK rYrE ►a+t. . ME R0A6Wwr 1A8E1 11AT BE OWTiED FOSt 'SIREEY, ROAOWAY LABf~ S£E MOTE ~ R 1 1/4• 'ROAD', AND 'AYEHl7F". NLL Oi}tER ROADWAYS SMµ,1 W aUOE TMf ABBNEN,IIED lABfl (I.E. - COIAi f- C T. ll OpvE - OR. ETC,) ROADWAY LABEI SHALL 8E Uppfp CAS[ 5. sIor nvsrAuAnoN ~ALL ca4raA,a to tsiE cvaaENr tnina+ oF rnE U.M.C.D. ~ en ur a G - . . . , VARIES • • . , i PU6lIC ROADS . . . R_ 2 1/`, rr~~ ~2' - r . PRIVATE ROAD T 22000 3 c MAINLINi LN TYPICAL SIGN INSTALLATION _ t4• i j VMIES PRIVATE ROADS ~ sPacaNE cauNrr APPROVED: STANDAFtD ` 9NEBT ~~.T OfPA~R~FENT ~'~PU9Ufl_XWbRKS ~*~y!g~e~R STREET NMAE SIGNS A-l 6 t3KE tkfDtN ~,u BE aECwReo A1 ~ T. Z4^`~n 'v ~ Y t.-^ B • `~LWASNINGTQN . ,+o~:. ~S mE pRAMANCS tfMt tap +aF ~.[i waES EN 7a~~~ ~ a~til 'mm` ► Z1 O~°~s' ~ ~N0, ~Q fAR. ~Y. ~NTY LCNE ~E ~ a~ .r~ SrREEt CEr+tEaur+E C~p~ NIIT. INDIC C~P~A~ UN1T. 24N. ~~~d .~62 ~r=+ ~r~~ • R~~~~•~~~ ewsnhc - oos.ll- 1HE 51~tE. Ct7U2~lY 8 ~ • 1..23N. ' SdWNSHiP OR RA11GE uµE _ q fYY 90l1NDxRY PRO~oSEp .8 ExignKG .2 ~ SECTON uNE • ,4 ,4 r4G.~ 11; Sf,CnON UNE ~AgEf~EttT k pfR1a1? U►~ -2 ~ ~ ~ rar --4 t ~ ~ 'IRl►C~ .2 a°r a,~ ~ . 1/16 ~c~pN txNE CORttER .6 ~ Rldt RUW. ~ .2 ~ ~G'iION . C-1 1oua .2 .2 °ou Mtil.N'~ 1RACK 0-voir RMLROAD. ~.r EXtSrNG af1Y 'lfEi4 L~ .2 a~• , rn^) ,...mr~.~ pR SE~R u~x~ ,2 , i T OR C-B• • .6 a~~a• CUt be FItL S~.OPE ra a^ .2 ~ ~ ~ ~ Ex15~NG tNLE ~ .4 ' . NEw ~ ffi 1j~~iaORawttER ,2 a.' a+~ ~NCE LtNE Lw+n . .Z T~~_•` _ tNtEt ~ ~.8. w/ •4 ■ , ~ gEC110N .6 ane•~ E%ISitNG CUARO RA►l .2 ~PE 1 fRAUE ~ G Wl/E, NTER t?F ■ L`O,m,~, ~ c.e. .2 PROP~'~D CUAflO RAII ,2 N EW INLES & G R1►ZE O E. ,2 110NUt~EHt ~ ~E 2 fRl~►1E T 2 Q j .2 VAUL EX15itNG G~1R8 L r, a ELEC'MtC1u. p W.11/w►.V ,4 ~ . ~,EPHflNE RtS~ . . HEw CURB TE, WATER ►~ETER ~N'~ .2 0 BUtIOtNG ~ CULVERZ •4 SPRtNKLER HEAD . .Z R ~ ~ . .2 " 4 T fiRE: N`fORA'Nt .2 04 BRIDGE DRJUhAGE FLD''~ lltlE ' •Z -t ~t Y .2 iEtEPNONE GieiE URUrr POLE ~ .2 ^~r`a~• ~uAtfa ~E we~ 2 unutY Po~ ~TM/a ~ pyERHEAO ifIEPH A9LE U11LIN POl£ wn'ICNt .2 - usstw~ uNL}ERGRO~►MD El.EC'MtC C .2 0 . (~N1~~S ~~S Z MtAtpR UNE ~ . 5 1REE5 ) ~tNU un .'Z OCL PfPE LINE Eg +51iRilBS O tuK~~' . ~~e[tfi~ _..-o CI►S PIFE Ur!E StOR/a 1~ ~s't--^f---` a'~' ~GAs SE~R U~ pft dl TIWIt . swt a 4~~t7 . 'K ~ rwo mc ORAtNACE ~ ' .2 Lam S~ ~Y sE~ uRE .,,r,. ~JN"fY AQP~R04£D 5,w►1,, ~wE. ~ot u►+E . TM~ puS.i~.'~S - PRo'Earr ~ DEP~~,,,,, n~ ~ ~.'QI~ • e LINL" TYPL' .7 DES:'At?TION UNE L7 KAME LAYER LINETYPES oesrRIrnaw LIH: lT HwE LA1ER Lw~Trvf vs n•~v •SPEG Li. SANEIYPE a~7►~o "SPEG tT. _ w~~vcuZ~nn. a■aa.a twc.) cnwn 4 mrnanXs +awma a sa.c tCp ttran.t f~1 tr+. a ca+a rv-aa-Jww--w 40.0-tnG d sl-[ 0*+1 .1 Cortriwt a-HSD-~O►-~w ee[An~c OV) I cwtrwws 7v-Mst-03bW oYIIDIMS/OINMd([]I 1 CDIDLI0111 7-{3.NI.[t1f.lw 0."7Aq(D[M[SIUd) 1 •OCd S"~~1'1-Q1N-tM PIMIIO lKb/dllMR ITb7 S COI7M.CUl RdM-11O-1M Ww'•'JR CCD 1 CM iY~pdq. tae.~. awau fW + m~va.oa v-ens~-asaw cwTaa Racd : cam ~ 9OLLQ (~~0/J 1 fdiWt3 -~AO-1M CmmW Iti~4SftlJ 1 - ._R lYe.A1~-Il7tilM OO:AIIb' lu0 iLIY ([f) t OLC 11'Rfti(61.V1 NRfjfr uNAnni wo aw nc tv-a.cr-F+o-tr YICo-I94 1 I-O 9-MlId'67-Lo GSMIfI (/GYMLMO l GBfIMA6 Sl-LLI-YIQaMr ~•m¢ trwl ► aw+~wwA v-.u..'.or-w t.ttx.1 (r[r0a.'+1 a R-tl-r s.-c~r-mvrr W.a0we 4-4 U.) 7 RwMwf Y-YO~4i7-u~ - - - - - - - - - - - - lK I K.MOQ L~Y[Nr[at-.vj anuc ua pvl s cx.w.as !7-w.. u. .mc+n m tn/ . oa~ zv-Peon-tm-w .aamy mcm a a. v-arr~cm-w r.oran uK (r+o.) 4 carwws swmww-uI loa... u~ 3 ae. ' v-a,r-m-u+ wqrto.do wt 4 c0ar.40J: n-mc•bm•ul &amt-IC4 (PO I vv v-w.-[at~tw ~c►ranw/►wa~r~a~ 1[V : rw sv-w~a_raM~ •aKr_ma (noh t a J wnawws v-+t-roo.Ar aa.v.m,wi►usno~e C" . rm w-.wM-nwo-aai • • a•KLSwT-ISK R,) I o.~ Y-QAW6I-WI - - - - - - - - - MQ-Gf-YY CG) 7 tmn t tar-~ v.Ha~o... . . 1 f P 3 _r-v--... Cm.7 . " ' sr- r . .ew eowran[-calo0 I m~ 9-cut-mi•w 1•••••••.••.••....•I ~-w-ra-v M1rmu Acas) i •nv.u 9r-uear-tmi_4. oowrta-cuc+JI4+9 t a a eo"won ViP6~V-4M y..........4lU,UW ewi_a.a. tu.11C Aoc[aq I •.na. r.-i . . N awnimn.ux tc+l I s~.s~ v-aw•ms.w ~nor vt ~ =i sv-QCi-[en-w cvnMC..u pRVI I a2 ec-uous v-¢xf-ar.Aw _ _ awrta acew w[ ~ aarm W-mc~.pn-u■ I1K ~1 1 O I Z1.D1 9-A4.CT.lM Ri[D1SF QCSOM IR 1 q?6K7 IM-I[Sl-OQ/ir ORQIp1L1 Qml1'.ft1/ 11-0 1 OTW II-TlfKw)Atl AAI~/lCWPt/~OV4~1~1( 1Yl ! iiAQ tY~=770~CtJ1~{r GRfQ/C(CI m1tORK (AV) 1 O:W 4-722~-Aa~IM AAit/coIw1Y/GLR'Rkl[ lri 4 t~~R Sw73}D-MCY'-Or ftt. - e.1mwlea."mu" - _ O~ .n~^scl 1 a~x-~3S ■..c/~.rsR~ zitDwu st,~l~' .weww, . s RIM1IM fnn - us[ BM/.a swvcv ar(num[ zrasv-tm-or 116DlK (fJ) / ~A9I V-ItiD-(tfi~{M • • • MYPh O,.[n~ T OMq S~~PK•C61.W r[ia :CQ I ' .I'IA Y-RMC-O47iw uaR-W m,t v Ur ■ 'xr cvrra.(n1.4r ~CriQ PQI 7 'Rw 4-~[K-A➢o-W m6uUCif711[11V1 l O~ MOUhpRO►-Im " I[Yl 1 • wt v-wn-mi-w ar.alw.II. tvoor) i • rva r-arod+v-tw aCSCrGVTCn WCR~a 7 ~x[ V-uR-00-1r rn.r..x.~ I EX75TNG LrnirtRC . R10Riv I YM91 9~;A~071~{/~ Alv CA4( IM[MSKM I.Wull W.NM.3173-t11 \ "M111740 1 'nn V-Mft-4piM ly ~ iIIN70M (OI6) H-Rr-1LUyw tr-.uaa~v-u, lIn....a .u IrO t •cm c-.4L-aos-w ~v- nurc I04n41 ict4wa +ru tn.v) 7 •r.n r-.u~o►-ur n - - - - TWM Cw+Ki tSS ~y °'°"~',,••'u" . ~ PNL-IM ~ C6~1WWL 4-7R-iC7iM n7'S11- /PtZ WM IIRT 93 1 teo t( i ZT~R~-111Yib 0[d !l[ ~ [MTMlO6 7-4DCIT-0BfyM 4Y - - '4f (LW Qm 6 Gt'lbJ~if~l1~ eou " + Crw.ouf v-cm.stsl-w p- w M1 Z=1 Yy e5 0.e) I cxn/uaa 9-uti-as7Aw rovS I►Onu) I ~ W-~u+-~ttYav .►clw ar+Am « q I w~ roKR tvAay tr-Kt-[ui-w rrtnCI au"z To! a ww, up 6e1 t7t • mr~a~ v-~.c-~so~-i■ =.Yv¢- *~Q c a-ar-sisMw + tm.aD V -ewO1[Kl-w "R`- - - - 1~ ~I ~ ~ S s)-0.w_]75~-~► ~R1QIO~1 enoa iMV) I sroft aA.ua aai nu cuuu saucf. 400 3 cu~viuws r_~.x-oo~•~„ .r mAm[ r.ce.a) g~ n-.w.Aa.v-v' cvar iaWt. <pqat 3 ca.vaws 77-9C-RW4M t---- au^°mt larc) E ~ n-aa.-3333-w ~ rnCi ~n_~r rNri1C K~P WmC) I cLlwCUf ~.tt. Cun 0= .a- 9-s7y-ms-V+ ' I 141[ lJ[ (C* 1 OJ~'o4WS V~SY~.(/y4.W ryWA Oy MK VII 0.YIRM/YM~QM ~ D7 r i1 CK [4) 1 4D'AC 4-YKl-O6fdN X26 - nm ' 4R [a97/FID ~ ]py.) OC - COURR Y[IITA=11 !!C/1C7Q ~ CDIIMUOf7 Y.Kii.4?7MlM ►K - '0.tWT. OlO-Ot Mw - KRIl 6K O. OVGIK WV R.w - D.atfA L•SYUrt LLT GIW lwf~~ SMO') ° 1 •COVtwe~O~lS Y{1fi~C614M . K- YWNY ~ uTM ua-tu t~~ ~ ~ • cu+twuous t-tN-oar-tN Mort: w vvrf ¢+w.-o .[aac w. wswwti.~a~c nsoI,aw iImic To aucn u"wc rna v aw.u . ~5 90M ACfi /DlN mNZ aSLlvia StR11GS reSl t3M r119 M t[M4A 'C. Mt f[#'KI CpQVR1 1i'165 YGMIIG RDGUf DR LiTi[II'e `ll CALACD P.wca ran wsaurroa d oww*G ma swaia rw aa aua.aae • - vcC.i wmt-o2Atm snwa u!s ROU7Ml* tw[Nr[ ~ AA[( 11[11 pt(Y LN .I wmYAl7 9FfCV41 fp RM7Y (7Cwta .T Y M,PVyt (iQr at' MoQ 1 1 1 1 ; ~ ~ 1 1 1 Y ~ , ~ I 1 1 1 + tl0.1QA7? 14T ICx0. IAPPR. 1 1~qN ~ FlLE No. SPD17-A.B.C.D.DYlG SPOKANE COU~lTY APPi~OVED• STANOARD SHEET . DEPARTMENT OF PUBUC WOftKS couNn'"~-eWE_H r~<< SPOKar~. W0. 99260 (soe) a»-~.oo o~~: fY~1,~,,,,o.-,,,~,,, DRAFTII`~G STANDARDS A-17A i'LUf UAIG: i7J-11-95 0 CHANNELIZATION SYMBOLS SIGNALIZATION SYMBOLS ~ gYN3pL ' OESCRIPflON UNpE BIACK LnYVt SY/IDOL OESCRIP1t0'N LIhE BIOOC UrER E7Q'ST. 6ROP. ' hi~/~.TMar. MST. PROP. :LL"" .tru~ onua.qcr r+~/c~r v-su-~ssssv . V+pV W ~ Np ED,~ A-OYr~~13}'NY f KWl Qft-K TAR/fa-J7 tI-SQ-1II3-Sfll fzwl0l 06/OO -O-Iiii-tN CP/VIIOII ♦ ~ MpY. tN[ SIY~R 0~0~'IbIDr tI~OVM~II11~lN r `YXCI~ ~8]~ MC 1 ~6 lm/1~ A.9n~3]]}~51V I ~f6 1~I1 ~It ♦ i Q p~}t:1y~ ~Qp~ TIR ~ ¢ m/Cm Tf-7Q-1111-iYY •mJcw n-o~w-wrm - ~Q Pmtim.. Mceza tl~ vo/~ v_snrlusrn DcKXc. WMat ~ ~ R ~,.~.o ~ ~.,m. II.a.».~►u.,,,, ~.,s ~ AA-4 --c V.S/Dvw ._m_3333-m .rr.m. Lo.,s ~ wsv a-sa-n~s.r ~ /~11~ som tlC/Cfp a-dw~nu-m r' iMl~ M sDw ~tQS/tas A-vC-1\U-siw Dli~ •Ifi ~ ~ ~ ~ ~n lpy/ICV A-i1-311Yf+r n_ ..usr D 0 m T 0 O Tr_yn-am_rn i'I~rOn /l~W O1~y✓ T~[ l 4 N 7~/1e]~ II-91-111YSnI t.Nrt.ri n-fnra~s.r e:wseu e.s[t ~w „-aa.wa-n. lRt7.1A~CtOV 616/O119 A-WW-377YM CAS[7 "LN97 II_Y0.-ii,l>ftY ~ ~/I ID1~1Of1 hqq~ QA/R~ II~OVU•111Y~l1y O O ~ t rcu ~Gi vn v-w-as7sswi Y ~ Q Q r[ ~i M II-f4-7373-9- r.., tui aa~ n+~v~. s-uur-wa-rn ) vc wvrt • n./~rr v_ca.auisoi Y ^ '4pf Nw Yavl QVI.iA A-dw-AD-zri . % d' /rmt •m~'rai ~ •wM► v-an-aaas-ea a-our-aw-sw ?C ~ nar rcac n.c me,/nar v_m-3xL3-s- A ~ ~-----Q, saxicac.+.c.• iv~a/~ar o-sariaa-sw l~~1 ~;,UI ILIhA~~ ~ dLaa A~OY~MSAFSr YL _ aGr Mt TR a• lOl/Sq,' v.p0.~Sl1D~s~ 'ort~ Iy~J ~ WIFSAAD(f MIV~ P4p" 9-MM-111YlN rM ~T4 1L/f1AY 0.91-1LIYSry u r . . . LASfD YNIRRl 11.400.0 • ~ LM[ KARRS nR 1 OY1IcLmo P-tlY1r173Ym G- L QA~OC'@6 iR/'AO n~OQ~7LU~31r n • {V[ YYKLlf 1OC. O02/6.-Qp e-0WI-11}1-['IY ~ 1y as-y4~~i OGNC~ V-520,7311-6N 1 OP~V KW C==C C= WQlE WER/l' ii/iaP C-AU-]]D-SlY fr r. M~Mx1W11 f1W~l ~ 1~-SQ-3W~i1Y C~• • ~[I/d19~ -TP~ w.. } K."[ 1xM M(n0 TM/TM I►.9G.11],l.f'N . ~ YG O6Ipwp - 77Y oS'• T91/IIYv if-9C~7l1J-2- mopCf lm/wr A-90M-1173-1- c ~ TMMIIsai n.vw.ux~.sa J1 ..1.. owac rmr iso"ru► oo[ ron iaAsv o.av-3333-sn - u@ RAtYQ3 80- !bt O~ 4Ld~~P4O iC4,L W Y.Nt I RmLLt uc c.sr~v - sw - ` INO_ 1?A1E IEY 10[P.!A'& FILE Ma STD17-A,B,C.D.OWC SPO}CANE COUNTY APPROVED: STANOARO SHEET DEPARTMEN7 OF PUBLIC WORKS cWWY 'u A_17B ~ao,c.NE. WA. 99260 tso9>.n-ssoo oA,E:y~1,0~ 3 DRAFTING STANDAROS PLqT OATE: 03-11-96 e l ~1 • SURti'EY SYM BOLS REFERENCEGENERAL J sn.~ea. nESCeIancw tAear~ u.ve eLocx Lnra NOTATION YM$OLS ~ TTi..TOR./ FOUND/ • ~i~~TMn E~ST. PROP, SYU90L C£SCHPP11W1 (A[i8R) UNf BLOCK L,AYER e.v.p sr.r.n ••cu ►an I.~f 1n u.H+M cv.cmwsu-i,r ~IST. PR~OP. cuU 49 + + uAN leh 1/3 rd/o+ BEfORE You DIG nou wW~w txt 1n ssc,~s+o w-~ni-~-i++i 456-8000 c,u: arvt .w o~ r uu or-ua-.ww-s+y ri • WI RK (1/2 A/S" f~-C.~1~1L1~LT1 9R L1LL NWOG [~67dCIV1 U~s LS1 Y Nt. NOLICt KD4pICD - ~y~ 6yR w7WlM7 fN uQI WCI 1!= gC/iyV 9wCE_310-{1v ~ . rr. O~w ~•f (vA.a/ 0~wy th srw/sw.s sv-ca-aau-[.r Qa+-[■o nnt:t .aa~. I ~cAn o+-ras-ntor-sn ~ or[np.o tt ~oq ~ scr MtoM-l7il-svi ~ I °`M-3=2'"" . O rrtusmnd PM" 1 Mn o~lm-a]y-s~u ticra ar.~ aia aaro: a+m 3 sx+ sv-me-ssu-siv a v~e o~amen a.zaw- rw - rm 14 1~4 1~ ~ aau~ ° r.i a.xi 4 2 4~=~w w+rt~ :/J :sr,Ksa s+~sct-aau-rn w v.v _ rn - rua K.eca nrrr~~ccs 1 S owu~ mncR tn cous.'+v ar-~•- •-•y -w us arr - rw na 1 p ~ mmo 1p saciivv sr-nsusuas+r ia[r~'/r~i " aw sv-777~.-aw-sw /aco arrw arec• 7/1 s.c.scv m a. M,~ ~ ~ .,~cu meet r0 in c+~cls.o sy-sccl-u.,~sw O • fa qn~c ISD ~/1 50/9ur W-a91-A717-seu . 7ot [uws04 1/2 s3/SLL► sv-cta-]va-rn i234) ~i / •asa ~ rnn a.anrs7as-s,n ~ 0.9h•tc+/ - »t, uu pmAo4 - nA SANITARY/STORM SETrYER SYIvIBOLS s»Mea OESCRIPTION (A83R) "r e:ocK urER ~ ° ~•p• E)asr. aaav. 'n}~7 nr /~w l~G. i5 723K a~J Gw.u, a~ :awnw. ~ ~xr sr~rort-osc-rn aca • ~~Oui (cs) yf aaols~ ss-s:s-uis-m 25 .°'r 0f rw s uw s+~-~.o~i.a-sa~ O- • sw s[.ra umun[ (so.0 w sr+yns- u-nn-a7~~rev rwc r. e.w Ca) In m/.am eo-sa.-am.tn C" uro. sm.r aqs~ • STV-~a- • PAM .n mcrsv 9-ar+-u23-5w i~ ~ :Te~r aeu~ •1~Ktc C~) lmftJ~ m-zmP-1333-sw / ~o. 0 s~ati a.,n a+.cumn ~n auc./~~ s~-i+a-aursu mm m mun w- .ui (N 1/7 m'/ow ~aa-sss~rn raaon xa OLCa. 00 t.mc s.-rx.,-uil-m u.ue s~a,r-ius-rn • ti.i{ii36 _ia. wra[ w~a6~- ~ uAlw'n s9-~4JUY~ ' a 56-7Mt/1214$'1 `~lji aaa uuar i an ss-cmm-aa-sn ~ XQfi W11m?i9uCRYI ] Z70V iD.W1C~M0'-PII NOTES 1. ilsfl Q=OOti00C RA -M K~IW W 5MQ~11K11f[ AWIlpl -MO IAL H 7S IMl 1 LWmEli WOfd l+[1VM MOt amr w 5451 ilNkOM 91~ R'IKLD d A lLMlo M M VSt ds,/Ma - iJi7 Rs+ P4 + . ] MERl VM P Yd1-CAII LL'1O0.S MIO Mit* V Y0WKW1[O UCIP GVMCK l 16t V.1L[\ VJC%I Alm WIN' . "YKlS fpl j(rG 10129W YKKl k+0 M1TiMGl a l... - w usrm~ vK ~mSN -E[11 lK ~d lM1 W4 K I107L1 ►j'Mi Sj[C 1 67! 'd W! p1YMAM1f M BllA~l 7 G9 KOt101 POMTt 3 ~ ♦ nl a t~~uU iao 4. Ll1I117O V4 l'Rn ?I[L/ M(AlY l8I7'lW RL . r. 01w urcim nM owccew rm x rQ.rtv A+ aoo a w.xn twu .t sor ~a[ lanoi+L+rt a T'! 6 CWPWR LKTIRS YC R- IfIC W t011'MS N fiS V[W. 4- . fOerAl[ wilm 6 q MY" R.Cftf AL'J1G CD/tMdA Uq At r6lOR uSrnt moa 9AOC-0 <-PK7J lmM. /iMC[ ~ a! A DGK I/OS9il ItWt+K WwRAI p 0.5 rnvvzD o~.aM.~ w aD ccW~+ M~~Rl ~n 6 KLCD w Mi Rwi Pama n[ rt~A II[tiTftXTt M tasl.s A.uiav n as tounw w wwu a-ax noaa usi/'isl v maa uo ~mAcuaf o aunc [mat.; M1hw1: 1u{L tv 6I5 ' Kt.wM: ~wl n p7~ 0[ACSYCM 6il~i'JI~ W 61 Wl[p ACaD LO.I L. QI R *49'e FlLE No. STD17-A,B,C.O.DWG eaia.cc 0; ricr. SPOKANE COUf~TY APPROVEO: STAND~~RU SHEET pEPARTMENT OF PUBUC WORKS cou+vrr~a,cIN ERA-17C ;POetaJE, WA. 992&D (509) 477-J6o0 OATE: 4y2y0j RAFTIt~lG S7AN~ARDS PtoT DnTE: 03-11-96 0 ge~ g Q %~~~~~,i~~►~ a~~~r 8~ ~~g~ ~ n~~o~~ a ~ rZO xA X x Y xxY C/) ~ D c e A~ e a s a e ev ,q oorn CO -g~Z~ Pp ~n~ ~ ? • ~3E3~~ ~ s~ ~a~$~~ ~ jO fo1TnC RAMZ Kt rOM ~IMb r ~ r a Y '0 ~o . Ao 14 3 p x '1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ci! b ~ P ~ ~ • ~ ~ P ~ i ~ Q Y l' ~ Q ~ 1 ♦ 4 a 0 7 ~ `I ~ ~ ~ 7 ~ • Y ~ m~ z (n i S S$ S 5 S a a S s~~~ ~ D caa..a ~c.twt va nrt. .d l O ruira uu Nava t Pa Z V) sb ~ p ~ € ~ j n G S ` 7 ~ a4 pvZcoT1 ~ Z a~ y r D ~ v a n a a a q v a a q ~ : 7p rC~ 41, ~ 4m r • . ~ ~ t EMBANKMiMT (TYPICAL) ~t EXCAVATIaPi (TyPICAL) fEXISTING G120UND - CURB TYPE 'A" QR 'B' StDEWaU(~ FINISN GRqpE ~,•A.C 2' .P. ~~EXCAVATIOM 92, VqR1ES pAY LIMITS - , • , /i , , ~ ~ ~ C4,FAPAC7I~N ~ . - - r r . . , EMBAN;th4EMT PAY ~1]dIT$ 95% 6' 95J6 COJ~IPACTIOIV TOPSOII/SOD ~.6' 929 COMPAC7i0W -CEl'MPAC7tON' CRUSHEn SURFACING BASE COURSE, SEE NOTE 1 SUB CRAUE 1 ~EIOW 2' EXISTIN'G GROUNO Z~ COMPACTION ' . ~ PAYMENT uM1T5 FOR ACP • RER INCM, PER SpUARE YARD ~ -.t pAYACEtdT Uh9►TS FOR CRUSH£0 SURFACIfVG lr STANpAftD BIO 17EMS: AspHALT co~,cRFTe PAVEMEn,r GENERAL NOTES CRUSHED SURFACING BASE COURSE- PER CUBICpYD~ PER SQ.YD. CRUSHED SURFACI~lG TOP COURSE- PER CU81C YD. CEMENT CQNCRETE SiDEt~rALK, PER S0. Yp. ~F ~~ASURED BY C.Y., MEASUREME~It CEMENT CONCRETE CURB TYPE p ~"'~~L COh4P~1CTE0 IN PLACE AS ROADbYAY EXCAVATION INCL. WAUI. , PER C.Y. • ~'~R TYPICAL SECTIOIJ. E►.96ANKMENT COMPACTIOM , AER C.Y. TOPSOIL TYPE A. pkR C.Y. S00 INSTALLATIOiV , PER SQ.YD. . SPOKANF CQUiYTY - • ~ DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC YlORK9 aiwPROVE ' j samctiv~ ra ~azw tsc~a .n,xoo ~ STANO~tRD ~ s~, ROADWAY CONSTRUC71pN PAYMENT UMITS A-18 RmEU. BnRRf1 OR Arcw oAsw wau GENERAL NOTES c~ ~ l. GRAVEL @ACKFIU, OUlW11TY fOR DRTk~LS : ItON-SF{RINK pIpE ' . rwt - 30 aeIc Y~os w,wuvu /42 roNS. WATERPROOf cROUT NOTE: 71rP£ 'e' - aq CuBIC vAROS YIHUl1L / 56 TON4. PVC PIPE ADA,PTE(t5 AND CASKET MAY YMYT OR AS SP£pF7ED ON ROM PlavS. - ir Iti SnAPE AHp SIZE AS il,LU$TRAIEO It/ DETNL BT ACCEPTAHLE ALTER'NATE RI m 2. SPECIAL BAdtF4A YAigRIAL i06t DRYWELLS SHAII CONS151 af* ACCORDNiCE vaTH A,$,T_M.-C-128, wASNED CRAVEI CAAOEO FR04 1' TO 3' txTH A uA7QU3lM Of Sx PASSInC tl¢ U.S. ao. 200 SCREFN, A5 uEASURCD 0Y wFlf:Hi. ASNET A LLA%ILLVY OF 10x pF 1NE ACCRECAtE, AS MCASURm Br WOCHt. F`~VC IWAPTER ~iBee N A°ui ~v occ R~c ur°~ R~civACOEuA;c~~°" , PVC ADAPTER - 3. coMMrTC Su,e sr,Au ee wnss 3000 coNtaF«. (SAND COLLAR) ♦.SEE STANOAFA PlANS SMEETS 8-2 ue0 8-3 i0R PRECASi C01tCRFlE DETMLS. 5. AD.AJSTMENT BLaLKS SWAI,I, HE CEHiNT COPtfiRE7E. gp~ 6. VRCCAST RISER YAY BE USEO 01 C4YdIHATION SEE~ISHpp T_~R1~ (PAVELIENT~~ N7TN OR IN UEU OF ADJUSDMC BIOCNS. n..n....,..,.....rn..,. +............rriui...i..........i.i...iiii MNEN PYC FIPE IS U~D A PYC MIMTER SHAl1 6E INSIALL£Q. }±~YORTNt IN PLAQ V 8. PIPES SNMI EE CROUtED INTO DRYWELlS vn1M NON-S►RINK 6RWT. ~ • ORTARED ADJUS(MENT a r r_'_; N1NG5 Y Y. 10 CdKR S 4' GONC. SLAO, p•_p~ i1MSnE0 tltAOf SEE GENfR~ (PAYfL4NT) ~ O NOTE 3 I 1 L iii~~.i~~' ii'i... ~ H S-1 { E_•,: ••~ORTM IN PIACE ; ~ ~~fi ptP£ xv- ORT/1AID ^I . . ~ F~'• ADJlJ51N.fNT RWCS ~a 0 o f • CQwC. SlAB, CP O O o SEE GENERAL }~J ''~-SEE a01E T ~ NoTF 3 .l c SEE GEN, r ~ NOTE 1& 2 r GRA4F'L I ` SEEPAGE PdATS. ...2x- r, ~LET P{PE BAflCFILL. SEE DETML. SMT. 8-2. SE GEN. ~ ~ a~ 0 ~i:j ~ AkNtC UHEH t+OEie ✓ Q E-- ~ BRIII. ~c~'~E E 7 1S~~p o • ~ 4 5EE l1fiN~~1E2TSB-2.6! ABRIC LlNER T} .1 P,, I ;1 ; • n. . F', ~ l i '•z~ar : 'y~ ! - r..:.1' ; p:s'~ i °`;iP:t:• ~isn,aeEO • oIsruAeeo DRYWELL - TYPE 'A' DRYWELL - TYPE 'B' A SPOKANE COUNTY qppRpyEp; STANDARO= CS A c'.-n ca~4 FI trs DCPARTMEPIT OF PUBIIC N/0RK5 -TM ~~~F~ ~l zvacva, w~ 49no (suo) 4n-xa PRECAST DRYY~£LLS B-1 t----~ . ~ i ORYYIELL BARREL OR GENERAL NOTES N' CATCH 9ASIN wAU _ ATEJ2PROqF ~ 1. CRAVEI gApCFRL ql►ANTIT' FCR DRri1£LLS : H'ON-S?iRINK :"tPf (TYP.) - ~ TrP[ 'A' - JD CUS1C YARUS IAININUN ~ 42 YONS. CRQUT NOTE: TYPE "B' - 40 CUBAC YARDS MINWVL / 36 TONS, I P~+C WPf ADAP7'tt5 ~wD GASKCi MAr vARr OR AS SPEGFIED ON RO,~D PLAMS. ~ ~ W SHAPE ~wD StZf A5 illVS~atEO W OETAIL AIE T- SPEGAL BACKFIl1 MATERIAL FOf~ ORYlIELI.S SHALL CAN.~iISi OG I ACCOnDBYANC£ACC1N1TNEPiA$A.ILSE,t,ALTY.-CE~N-42d IN W115~CE0 GRAV~ GR.AL~Ep FROA1 1' 70 3" YAM A IAA%14U11 OF S~G PASSL4C ME U.S. Nw 200 SGRf.GN, AS MEASUPrED BT N£IGHT. -~ASKET A MA7dYUM Of 107C Of n,e ,~cwTe, AS ~A9URFA 8Y R£ICHT. 'NC ADAPiER MAY 6£ CRVSHEp pfi {'RAC7URE0 FOCK TItE PEMMHVOG 90x PVC ADAPTER SHtill BE tUTURMLY OCCuRPoNC UhGRACTUREO NAIERiAI. , W S~iAtaOAR~ S►'ECifOiCAR SSUR 3vABUtY AS OUillttED (SAND COLLAR) SEE STANDARD PlAN4 SNEETS 8-2 AsfO d-} PoR PRECAST COnCRC7E 4ETAt15. GtiAT~ iYPE AcORTAR N PL~CC 5. AOJJS7MENi BLOCKS SHALL BE CEIIENT C0.vCRETE. PAY L[uITS B. PAECASi RISER MAY EE USED W COUIBINATION u£TAt FaAuE x17H OF IM UFU OP AD.AJSiLY4 DLOCKS k CRATE 7. N4iFN PYC RPE IS VSED A PV[ A9AP1[R SHALL B£ lvS7ALLE0. •~"a TOP SOiI t~rt~-MORIMdD ADNSiY=tiT d PIPES SHALL DE GR9UTE0 INTO URYWELLS N77N NON-SIRWN GRIOUT. q1NCS - - I:` - ~ F[ YAl: t FRA►~F TYPff 4 nPC , ~ GRAVLI 9ACKf1{,l q'_p' 1AORTAR IN PI.ACC 70 BE CONPLETEiY ~ o COvE~ED v1TM fABRiC NLET PIPE ~ ~ raP sOrt ~~.':~~S~ +NLr,T RINGS O p O r CRALEI 9ACKi1lL ,t4 t~ rf V b 10 BE CCMPIETELY - ~ • N01E 7 ~ GOti£RE9 Mt1H \-SEE e~ N FAa3RIC , NO1E 1 ~Nlc 2 N W \ ~A`~4 :I SEEPnCE PORiS, /'idlET PIPE OACrtflLl,. S-FE DCTAIL, 4NL 8 -7. ED {G~ ~ r,S,< UNER caAvEll . $AGCnu. (~I O ~ ~.SeE H £ 7 r I O O ~ . + a :1 SE ~ju CE9tEE1'B-L ~ :i ~:t A9RlC uftSR • ,rj : ~:.r r •.~wz~.,:.4•, ' ~ ` :@:.~~'•:'- ' ~p.~'':~: Sp tSiUR8E0 SNDiSTURBED WL DRYWELL - 7YPE 'A' SVWALE t DftYWELL - TYPE 'B' SWALE . . ~lI~__ i ~ SFOKANE COUNTY APPROVEp;, srter.Y t tl ele'As,, e lcs~t i~§fn NO F~I~H ranair ~ n~enn„ OEPAftTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS STANDARD- ~J~. S~I~y, AP?R. r~F~`~ mxvc, ~w o~tw 009) .n-yeao are , PRECAST DRYWELLS PLACED IPI SWALES ~ g-10 r-r ou. r-r aA- GENERAL NOTES r 3- wc +~nu~e~s iun co rts At aoa~c[o+ a12 i ~ ~ (nr.l sa .L a~a cRAoc .a oan u~+c.1 rooT a y,u,L . j ~ ~ M rdEl 12E&I Mi. 1 a_ i roLZR.Mt' ~ nrQOr~s /om oR•rua ra~Tt r. (rs.) T 1~9 QE~;] EFNI 1, -J. ~M.) . Ip E1 m 1~ ~ L 1 fA0/ SaAN[l ftttl0n SMALL A UMIntU4 Ot t 110e5 Or ~ ,t 1C ~f ED I : r 1~ ~ ~ y~ r OIIaW0.C[ F0111S MOI~qD if1( qR a wUNUM ►cecnccpa ncc B,uua _ _ C' ~ FEH~ J; ~ (M.) . . - - - - - 1 ' . mi 011A""x ~a' DRYWELL BARREL I I/r CkIMAM (ELEVATION) 14'A" udi Vu►r DRYWELL BASE (ELEVATiaN) . • Iff. ♦~1/4 t" ~>>p• (,.p.)+ ~ \ ; 1 a. I 7/4*1 5 3/4•~ ORAMI NOLLf 5 ` ' 11 1 n' . ' a ,~j=- (r,,.) SECTION C-C . j O ~ ~ C p C p m DRYWELL BARREL - BASE DRAIN HOLE DETAIL Ut (PLAN) (PIAN) SECTION D-o DRAfNAGE PORT sPauwF couNn APVaovEo ~ OEPART11Et-IT OF PtlBUC rMORKS • sT~►+0~0 sr+tcr „a,,,c ,x.,,w Ma;PRECASf ORYwEII OETAlLS B-2 . , , ~ • , GENERAL NOTES . 1. ooaa[l[ Imrs sruu e['coHStta►ctcn M W-aaakra wIN asnU c 478 (M91T0 YIYO) ~ ~un~ c aao uH.[ss ort[~insE s►eo+w or~ a~ws oa Noim w nHE v~aatcf srtaK. vROMs0+5. 1 • b ~ 1 1/Y t s = 1/Z' l i~-- t I/i' cu~ t~+~cu 24' 1-/3 RESAII 3 7_2• 1-p PEBM ~ vR IECAT SECTION E-E SECTION F-F SECTION C--C onaarcrt ; ~ ~ t.-,• . ~ ~ i • - ~ V-O'I 4 S S' n ~ 2 1/1' ] 1/1' S 3 r~~ ~ • ~ } ~ j ; ~ 1n* 4.[M ~ 2-/3 ItEEeJlll I'-1o' ~-N rtce~n . 4$' _ I SECTION E-E SECTION F-F SECTION 0-p CONCENTRIC CONE ~ ' , r-~o- ~ • r-~ in' , f ± ~ o - - E :7 ~ r E I3 RM.Aa C C ^ ' ►AFCAfT -1 Sr 1~-~0" PFtWECAST Y. OONCJ!£1[ ~ h li ~a CONCN:EiE . . . , 'c~~~ 1.~1ti ~ • 1 ~'a~~~ ~ . F . 0 - BENDING RISER, TYPE 1 RISER, TYPE 2 SPOKANE COUNTY APPROH~d.~ ~ aeeers OEP/UtT1.lENT OF PUBUC WORKS =m STAlrowep siarr • Nm w-moo oA PRECAST ORYWM dr INLET DETAfLS B-3 ' ~ r ~ GENFRA,t- N0 1EJ. ANCE Nt1N ASiM C 17H (AASN10 M 199) ~ AST1A C 69D • IN ~~"Ct SPEGtt PRO'NSIONS. B ` B~~ ~ p{,~K5 OR NOjfD 11AUM AF4EA a= 0.12 SAUARt CA1Q1 BA4N SHldl fAORIC HANKC A 497 (hA5t1(Q Y 221}. tFNLESS O~~~M~ ~ TO REBAR ~LDED CfWPLY 10 A5~ ~ l- AOCE F~r M OTB 8£vPIJ~CEDI~ti D~D lYi'M~ i5' ~ 1S SMAII t1AYE A WALL 1 ~ xN 7g, KK~~ 1_ AS ~ INC►~S P~ j~~ pp KKOCK w~RE FABRtC V~'~' at FuRNIVED +Mnt G► ~putS SNU~ BL a~D' a rapW it Of 10 1 C~+E53 ~ 2' llftiW111~. MAKIMUU OI7.M$TE ? KNOCKOUTg ~Jdl DE ~p ~ ~CTORY S~I M11N PPUEU KNOC%dU~ PWS CAt~ 4ASIN WAtI Vtt~E35. T£F Otl~►[ETER ~ ~~,LL BE ~ST~ £ Qu A ~ t MOLE 4~ IS EOtiN. TO ~ . ~5 ~~q~p~11 GR FlWSNED GRA9E 10 lx£ P1PE WVERT 5'~0'• E ~ND SECt~ON 5H~ NOT %CEEO t/R JR' Fxn . me w~x o~vn+ u ~ SECRON FGSER I+J~1WG SU61F1m$ ~ TME pRECA41 8A`~ G~'l~ e ' STAIVQARD SPEQFlC1~t10W• ACC~'N~' YAM N0. 3 tN~y~Yp}{tl~ @ARS L) I 7, 7HE TAPER ON 1NE `~E5 ~A~£ SMALL 8E lN G flT. ~ Auf ~N4 J{ ~ BJS~N FR. gg fINt51tE~ t0 A55~lRE WN-R~m g, CATC~ CE D0~1N OR CASS {ttTO DE1NL RtSER ON . 51tii B't. 5~ M~ Gil~lE LAY BE 1Li5TIJLl.ED '1diN FI~N8E tNST~fl• IHK CAWT. ~St[R ~ ~'C P{PE IS USED. A F4C ~Q ~ BwStN. ~M WJ~ICRP3~DOF NON g~ 10. VMEN P INiO C TCH . ti'-LD (ri1W.1 oyC ,DXpTER SHALL BC CR'OUTED PLAN . i No. a s►ses tTymc,,L1 tvcancu.l . -4- V -r----io. . S (~GXL) / Kt40CK0Ul a0. 3 Bl3~ ~ (,&ROCU) ~ ~ - m ~ - n 0 h, l7r l ~ 1. L_~ ~ ~ L - t-- ~ , . . z _ Z. . -~-~--2. 1 . >1• 1 I ~'~f0 I SEC~ON + ~ Y-6• • StANOARD---'~ 8-4 SEC-n0N A' A PRO CATCN BASIN ~E 1 ~ COUNT`! AP VED: , gpOKANE KS "ri PUBLIC D~~P~MEN t•rA) 1 ~ . - ~ ~ ~ENER AL 94 475 ALL 8.t A~,A$~iQ iu 139) ~p giZE ~ N~~ + 1. ~CD O~C ~LE55 ~ a L~ ~ i ! ~ tisn► ~o m ~t LpCA~ION P1J,N5 ORIs~ cs'MK 40 - K & S~aew z ~ paa~~°" ~c s~.a %4A,.L eE x y s sau,,na+. 1 z ~ e, B~ ~ t~ R~15.~_ oRn,~s ~ Ug~~~p Ca~~ Ee~ ; CO►tP/kc~,jERNA1E iKt RMAN \RE1` U0 ~ µE AP~ Cfool ae~.Y ,I~°gy,~All, .u. ~ (D + p . ~ °~~~'~~~a uiz K ~"a+ ~ 3U IBE PLACED CDIITR NO E 6ESNL SHS• d't. ~ i otVE 14 uS'I.D• A A ~ ' ~ , ~l O e~ ~ 9• ~wll 8 MSSALLE~ ~iEU tNtB NQN~SMl.~1KK CROU7' O~ ~ ~ ~ ' 1 f3 ^ O ~ ' ~ 6, tNIE~ vim ~t "M W,',MRPRO~oES 0114 ~ iv ~ 1 CpNCA£~ OtA Atl 4 IS -SM)k1,l ••r' 27 ..5 0~~~'K0 ~ W ~~S~tY i N ~ Y 'q• f i. u~ u rn A~ 14 NpMG D1A~'RAM _ swpp''"o ' KN~oul ~ PLpN z0~~~~ 1 a 13 tav f i °F - ~ ` "s ' ~ stE N01E 8 m 3. 1 ~ ~ (yui.~ \:1 f ~ `.a ~ .I ~2'-2. b' ~ ~ , ~~2' _ ~y~a-~ ' Z~tO • $fCTION 2 I -~'-Id g-5 SE~~'ION A- A . CONCRE~ ~ AP~'R0~ OK A~O~ COPUUN ~1 TY, n 0~~ s'a j 8~1C ~OEP ARUi0N i414~ " • ~ ~ . ~ - . ~ - ~ GENER A1- NOS,Ruc,to 1N N8 tAASN~~ ON 9) 1. ~CApl$GE80 ua t~ pRO~CI `'QEC~~ . P5 aµ li0tto 0 iH ~tFiCA4) ~ ~ 1 A P4tdY~S10MS• gE gEI 6N K0. ) Bl~PS Z ~ r 2. ~~tt~ ° ~%DA~• 'hELOED ~ WyV C ~ f~~ ~ SO REgNR• (HOR~ZONlAL) LEVEL , A - ~ EA l~D7 1. pf. O~t~ ' ' A~ a~'~•f "j ~ 1 A5 OCEVN~ ~ AL A I,Nt1lUTA WELDEQ ~t vnRE FABRtC ~ fpp1~~M~0 ~TY Np1 ~ ' C' ~ - AgIrE . . g~Ap£ 1Kt]{ES ~ FABRtC SNA1.1. (A 51iZ0)XN00S~~" cot~D 'AR A S ~ qr Snl 0-1 ~ 3 9 n ' 4. •~t~ p$. lN ~µCqEiE OppUlEO x r,Rt1U rIO2- 5, AA ~ . g z•_ x" • ~ w++~ lp PLAN . ~ ~ ~4- ~ TOP FR6ri~ ~ ~ 91~t5 iLrOLAL) I 2 ~ J~.~ ~ ~ 2 y~ y+ 1 tti PIPE Y twK.} SEC.nON ~ ~ r- ~a• . st~+~ur~D . ~ CONCRf.~ 1N~I 2 S~CT~ON~ " . spo"va' F Pva~{c 1~~ ~ • . ~ " GENERAL NOTES 1. TME TOP OF GRATE SM111L 6E IHSTMl.ED 1' - ' LO'tiEP iF[AN THE PRO.IECIEQ CUTTEA CRADE. (KSO SEE STD, PLAN 8-I8 GUTTER DEPRESSION VLiAIL) 7. SHE PRiCAST CONCRETE WLET SNALL BE PiA[Efl Or+ 11tE SAME GRAM AS THF WRO. 3, RISER TYPE 2 70 QE USEO HtTH CA1 `(,ry 8AS74, Y FAAI1E YYPE 1 J p 3 /RAY.f 1Wf 2 Q ~i W ~ Q ~ PROJECTEO ROAO w ~ - ? _CROSS SLOPE Q ~ 2 PROJECTED ROAD ? CRO5S SLOPE ' ~ ' ~ ~ MORTARED CONCRETE . ADJUSTING RISERS ~ ~ ~%Ci~, ~ ~ i':~ (MIkLUU4 ON£ PoSER, ~ SEE NOTE 3) _ . ~ ..t ~ a ' . ? ~ - ' 10" (MIN.) PIPE u ' . . z 10" (MlN.) PIPE - - - ~ - ¢ U s , • ~ . . . y' . ~ . . . . . . . :.t . .:l,: r . ~ . , : . I 2'-6- - - • . . . . . . ~ 2'-10' ~i CATCH SASIN & INLET TYPE 1 CATCH $ASIN & INLET TYPE 2 y ~ SS'OKANE COUNTY ~ .e...~ APPROVfO. STANDARD = ~ OEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC Y10RKS =mr :+wativc..~.~ 997E0 (ycu) .?r_~~ o~n~CATCH BASIW dc INLE7 INSTALLATION B-) ~ Hm a.m ..+a,.. .►--r'- ' ~ ~O Mu9TEDS 90 ~,a rc~ ~ r.s ~'w~sE p~ paaws s. FOS4D. ~ L7TlE PRD~~l SP~ 70Q S'JRiXCt 10 BE SROOV Ug£LEO 9A1~1l Bf r a Ex~+~~,:•h~"os toceR• '~7 sNr►+, ec saowx ~ ' A~.EAG~ CuFke giN. - ~ aRa~ ~ Q 5. ► Cz, OSiA►NAGE ~ - MIN. A1.~~ ~ cuRg RND CE►AEN~ GUM C0OCR£ n ' ~~C~lt?N B~$• ~ . ' ' . . CURB~~"ET ' rt►-aLJ ~ SNS~ ~ I B~$ . r ► ~ $TANONRQ CU28 INLETTYPE ~ pppROVE `xP0 OiG NNflsRs~s pEAFtj~ MEN 5 _ ~ / ~ _ N- sm" TRUt'fE0 W leCp6c SapE Nsw 1... ~ 1. ~TM A5~ C 8~N pNyPlAKS ~~tEQ 5• ~ AASE S10K~ SAYEw~tlc ~NLy~ pR4~ ~ OROW FINt5KE0. trE 5GE STM~~) 2. TGP SuRfhC£ ~p SNJ,~1- 8C 1 lt'8E . rq~TSER fl~'M UNE S a~ gt~ iEp~l+i E9CC5_►~0 RpOlUS ED i y~RBl~tiE1 "LL a~"E0 Mrn J/4 , ' _ - - - - ♦ ~M ~UC~N 1~ m rSEC11014 M e.W +A aca+~ R°' ~ ~staae C"~ . ~ S~ocw,.u~ SEE cn.E~ PAY t11~ITS ' . ' lj 5 G51P $Oi►t S~OES ~g 4T'tpICAL ~ C9NCRP~ uufTS ~ s lo,H~ V SADEWALK ~ ~PRC M~D~ . P~~LIW ' g. R lar av " psi `CN'4 • RAoIus GUS,ER ie.ow u:+EJ` ,10N pET Ai~ DEPRES 1 p.oF¢ ~1+'t17• Y-~ Y ,n . ~ ♦ • ~ 4• • 'o `''..~-`~xaet~.g~ ~ ; ' --°.4i-- ~ " . ( ~ G S£ oN A- A g#,cac nf wra.K ~ , N . }i? ~+r - ~y~7Q7ST'F'~J%<v, v.vq, ~ GRAflING ~ETAI~- : ~n' taa~ W AaE ftSpM R£~EASE. pUYLET S , gKF~ • SE~~ON 8-8• FEBA S"cuas"r ~ stu+or~aa . E a .,m c~ CIJR~B ~NI"E~ CURB W~Et TYP t7UN1Y ~oy~T~~~" e~. 04 T ~o PUB~~ nT~R~oS °rr.' pEPARTMEN ~ M p 1~ yroc~ en. • ~ ,p~ u.,,,pEP~ ~ P OlN A~ ♦ . . r r+r"~ • , ' . ' ' . ~ N A NpTFS oR++'a 1 t!'' anr xo►+ n+E 7N~ ~ ycNl. ~ 90. LA~Dt SO• ~d~NG 10 ~ ox~AM wx4-a+. • • F~+ l• ; , ~ so u1a+ a"9M ~~i+'c~cif p►►~['`~. - 3, ~i'.~ si[ fT°' p.~3 ► 7• ~ IJE rpt ~ t4 i. ~f'~`►4 t1 ~~a~ ~ ~ S wS,Kp. ~tl t-~i. ~ ~ ~~jp. ~ i ~ K ~ ~ {i01 p~{l,L, • f , ~ .'t . ~ - r-~ j/+' ~lewo ~ SANG taa. ~ • , aD ~1,• , . ~ • • r•+J+' ~ ~cn ~ _ - sTAxw-R* .tYpE i , 4tEY~`- fR/`1aE~..►„ - fRAME - S`lPE _ ,~S . pfP~~~ r . 16 , + ~ GENERAL NOTES , • ~ ciur wok ca+r so ►.s.1.u. o" 70 z' n A307. cpeoc ~ i usi W" CA, C04 , ~sm. r~+~" ~ [ ~ r/rt. • ~ ti- Rao. _ . ~6 Be ~ . 3/4' nt toit~E N+. • ; Fon aa.h aI,m.s sre sla. n. Ve.' tars ~ 6+1[[~ E-11 OR E-14. n,a .A9u . ,~+o Rtauam, scc s►~ECt a-,~. 1nEW E-E ,,,0~ Wn L 00-It a ~ ~ ~p• , ' . r • 1. r ~ ~Id' • } ! ` ,r~. ~"n• -'~C"'n ~ - - i - ~ ~,,,.=r" t 3~~_ - - SEC~oN ~Lj 3l.. , . sECnoN s-e V y_t ]l~• ~ FROt'ti ~2 _ ~E . ! i~4/•• ~ CUARO SIOT OE7A1L, 3 ~ I . rWO~~rn•) • t►+at+~ Boni tooS ~ r , c-sl`iucs ----'------r~cs. 1 1 ~E A0 ,mo~4..~n' 1 S ^ ...1 y . ~LO Y-1 sf' - _ ~ ~ ~i p , { ~r ~ l l~• 1 t/8~ SLL Ms V-4 = TANG 0£TAIL -tfl Li A.pj MS '9~T. (tYr. 3PLACEV w,r.w 7YP E • snecr E - ~s Fft OCIAA ME ^ 2~ Sru+o~o ~ e-~~ ` uES~ FRlWE. iYf'E 2 HOOD APPROYEQ SppltANE CWNiY ~ y ~ KS f~ ~ . f..PN~R ~~N,,,T ~UBUc 0 t~, Coot°u;io ~i [~rsa~sED ' ~ ~J4;~~~ ..o'. 'i s!r ~ ~~~,p R ~-~a ~ ,~~cKa►t "s ~ ~c~ ~ _ . 4ws. a ~~r~c~° ~'&can°"'tcE Y stonu K~,►~rt t~~ a.~ ~W*m A ~t~l D-t41iL0. y W,KCy1~11 Idl_ 'O.►~ ~ IrrItSLa,! ~j'jjL,Q„ IiAY it ~ ~ ~ Fd► CE1ML itt ► ► 1 SEtS. C~L , • ' ir' ' ' . ~ ' . ' s • ql' € ~ ♦ ' S~CZ►ON A ~ . ~ ~P ►as ",k"' . C 1 . 4 SECT~ON 1s ~ 1 , . 2 f e DETAII ~r•» VANE s»ra~ 21 3 %t="L , 9_12 ~ 5/e s ~~t*% t ~ ~ St R lE 1,fpE 1 - . 3 XPPaaVED . ~ CA~N'f Y ,~p~KS SPQ Z pf PU8 w.~ pEP a ~ \ ✓ t1• IL (M.) an CauLm DISURWrfL i/7' NoRux I ~ ~ ~ ta eAu ~~e• I ffN,ERAL NQTES 4--1 3/4` . 1. tHE ►oADS 'nHs 90[ ro wae• SmqL tAr MORug t e/t• 8t EuB055ED oN TNE tOP pf TN( To DNe SECTtON F-F • cuae s+a ~"or~"n+iMcs~°~rLauiwcnrc . l neauf sH.u 6E VIAr 11M Cowtoauwc . ro A.s.1,11. A48-92. piAM ]Q. TN( ce,►T[ sNAu ec arcixt sRar cowoauwc , so A.s.tx. A536-e4, u+&K eo_3~s-06. . n[ rnwc si+ui et Mu~ir.cnuAto 1 s/~. , [rlOSSED di dA1L • B AaORDAqCY MoM STD. RW, C' ` J 4. .ctouea is ►+ar Pcnurtm~ "i"' 1 i A4 Ml KitRMAIE I PAGS 1 Ih' i 3/4' ~ O i ~/t•a/~'.i/~'n.i } ,1/a• ~aca~utr usr wnm t~+[ au►R ' , o r,~ f yA, ~ U U b F i F . . ~ . ~ • ' ~ G ~ r ava+NC (rri.) . GRATE SPOKANE COl1NTY • APPROYED ~ DEPARTIIENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ca+n ST/WDnRO R[E~ ~ "O1""L N„0 ~-"'0° a2~ UEtAL GRATE. TYPE 2 _ B-1J r A-1 ' ~ I ~ ~ • GENERAL NOTES 1. i}K NJWC Or lfl[ YOWACIUREII t_ A1e TN[ D1110CZION OI /L071 9MKL S[[u00dfF0 ON M[ TOP RINIAC[ ~ Gr UC?I GRAIE. L(TiG1Mi0 TO BZ I ~ 11[SESilD 111i'. 2R/W[ PW,l 6C QiAY fiON C0W?OauwO TO A.S.T,Y, A48-10. ~ CIIAOC Sa 11[ CRA1E 91AU BE DUC1L[ YtOfl C0130RlONG TO AF.T.Y. AS]6-14 OR1.OE W-SS-O/. 3.TGI[AA1►CE. E~P At ItO1EG0.~• - ~ ~.[OCCS l/1ALL HAYR 1/W RAWJ. I ~ , 1/~' l1ALIE11 011 OOUDt[iL D~BtJM ~ S 1NE /'11wL •9MAt1 D[ YA"ACAlRLO w AtC00.DAkCi rtN ETMaARO PLAN • •-IL a.1KlO1C K MdT iEi%a11E0. L-~• _ ~ Y .'i_~~' 1J~~. r ~ . L TOP VIEW ' - - SEE SLOT DETAIL SECYION A-A ~ ' : sis- ' 'L . • ./r .2 s e • , T r isa- 2 s :s • -:s r ~ : 1/4' TO PADS BOLT-pOWN t//' TO tAD - ~ ~/a• (iac~a• +o•.-ti/~e7 s i/s'R. SLOT DETAIL a/~~~. • SECTtON 8-B SfE VANE VANE DETAIL, DETAIL . R w►w w SPOKANE CWNYY APPRO anur STANOAAD OEPARTIIENT Of PUBLIC WOttKS ~ ~ ~ ►IETAL GRATE TYPE 3 ' • ~ - . --~-~-~i•' ~ GENERAL NOTES a/ir i. nw+c srw.L ec cxur Saa+ ca+rony.+o 1 M A-cf3 .Iaw~i4ee n;c~ CRAIX a~i, cnNrnaurec 1/2' Sa-4 cur -4 ~ ~h~ to Xs.t.u. A536-84. cuss eo-ss-oe. COVER SKID DESIGN DETAIL - F.-ih• 1' ~'Y`~'~ ~~~"y~o~ ~ S"''~L , nic ca+srnuciww aLAn& ir sHALL s 7 SECTION J-J Nat ee us[n Ar A axte Lr+F. - S a- , ~ /a 4 J. DRAMAGt SLOTS 91ALL 8E PLAZEA 11 C.a PAIRALIEL t0 tNE OWECROM Qf FL61N. , S. iTT tOLERnMCL 81W.1 8E t/e't. ~ - L NLtOWG IS H01 iFfiulTf[D. ~ sn't----•-- ~ ~ ae ~ne' - - I . ~ e s 4• ~ ~/a:' ~ za 3/i• L 34 l.nr 3/4-t4 h h-i' --I F•+' s• 3i16• SEC710N A-A SECTION H-H . f''. s~e• LI_ . . ,~T, 3%r > >/e• ►/~•-.1~ . ~ . S£CTION 8-8 . A A • : ~ ~C NOH-9uD PATiERM cr on ~COr rW1~iAK f T t0 ( lY sa• O~P' ~ ' j~-(~ ' ~ ~ , e , ~ ~ ~ pc~Aa; C • • • , ~ y.~ i. . ~ I.AEEIEL , 'Stop4' J Wi. uoair Iu u: GRATE - TYPE 4 FRAME - 1'YPE 4 SOLID COVER . YlN. YhEICFti 118 IBS. I A .rr M SPaKANE COUNTY APPROVE • aitccr ' A ~ DEPAR11dENT OF PUBUC W'OR!(S STANDARO 6lETAL FRAME, CRAIE dc SOIID C01rER - TYPE 4 B"~S . 1 a• Is 1/4._01 stor '"°'K A 4 . 1 SL07 SPACING t PGAN . . ~ 2 nfoowt t ~ • REpAt PLACEMENT v ~ d.. . . ~ . ~ GENERAL 140TES N ~ssm v~c°L"1'°" ~,Y ~ u~ sECnaN A-A sE P~~*• 2. 4SOC P.8•1. !~t FJ~tRlN'~ 00'~ ' .r-- ~ g-IBo , Q~p GQVER W/RiNG ' APPRO • , CONCRETE . } ,ppK'ANE P wppit5 ~ DfP~Y~,~,1 n~ 'w-..w r. ~ • - ..r 1... ` '1 • - t~ r.. . • GENEftAL NQTES ' ~.o • ~n~ ~D cs~ 1 "`a~ ~ - ~ ~~Nj f~C~ 3. ~t; 00 '+c~~ ►+'pus 'rE'~D00 sKrsl tAidGi~~• ~y +~MM MgT~SC Y ~6~ ~ 'Mfuws ~s r.c~ . SLOj Oro& ~ ,t~' Zj~ "vt►~ PO t• . ~~C~►~ ' at►c"L SH SL qR E~~ DEFp,t- T f B ' BA~ EN p pETAIL . ~ . _ ~ . J/& S gARS t*• ~ • . y ~ • . ~ , J~ PW 1 s~'r18~Rs Er,tD Xt'A2 T SIM ~ ~ ~ SEf OAR S SK{f! :1 po ~j `JS~ ta~ 1 ` , t . ENDEOCTAX ~ J~ttS 4 y sA ~ ~ pf't,+II Sir ~ t~ 4 rRAXfE sEr~~~ " TYPE Z ~AME • GRA jr GUqRD . ~ s ~ ~STANQi►R~ ~RA~ A'RD . GAJ ~ ►,ppRO~ • 1 • COU~~Y RK • S pF PU9 OEp~ . GENERAL NOTES 1. TNf qlTTER DCPRE'SSIOM SNAtL 6E COtdSlRIJCiED Of ASPIIALT CONCR£iE SLOPE 6AEAK° XHEfl£ NO COMOiETE GUTfER IS SPEdflED. A.C. TwGIO+cS5 SHNd, BE iNC i IY YU1 SJWE AS SPEqiIED F'OR 1HE ROAD. GUTTER DEPRESSION ~ss oa "E"? caRr~+¢ra s►+Au ~ I s' A-r ! s-' . . C11R8 FACEf ` ) ' r'a.. t .rl e•.. CONiRACTION .lOf.YTS Il' OEPRES90N E.CR -d*-CAEE 1 CASE 7-~ (CURB ONII~ ~ame e cuTrea) ~ 1/2' E7tPAN57oN m E.CR. JOINi (TYG.) `-im-O COLDJI INT a CROSS GUTTER TYPE 2 A`r,~nt~~} 'r~~,~t,',~, . . 3' 1z• CROSS GUTTER TYPE 1 1 1-5 '•s i , A~pE VAr71E~ I1 3/8. I 6 1 ~ i.~., PAVE6IENY SUFiFRG'c rl 3/8' B' GONC. utn. ~i6GC•l.tY.KR- t-• CkN15HEp SuaFApN6 B' COMC. 10 REV6. dESH. TOP CIXfR4E (Ofi B,ASE C'OURSE) ~ L 6x8 ~ SEC710N A-A SECTION 1376 . . SPOKANE COUN7Y APPROVED: - STANDARD = sHgCt - OEPARTMENT Of PUBLIC WORKS Cm"m^ ~ CONCRETE GUTTERS 8-18 , SPOtINC. 11'A f9M0 (SC91 ~Y1~3l00 CATEf~~~ •,.eY~ ~ / M W~ YAYI r - t . GENERAL NOTES,- , rnc a►r= a~spa+ v+,u et 1ltfRE K ~C~n . fpCC►#0. AC 11sLXMES4 SNUi 9[ 11+t ' $wE Ai Sr[OfIW /dt itt RGm rdltiuw CUL►f1 CCWM[R S►~ul DE qASS 500~. 30 M~. ~ ~ • cufq k CUTnw • . • ' . - a "VE ; - NIGH VOLUME DRIVEWAY APPROACH ......K et+cc* ~ STANOlUtO - = g-iNl r gspl(1Wf COUNTY `l1~PA0YE0 H,CH VOWIfE 6A~VEWAY AP?ROACW tiUalE~j ~PUBUC M~ORKS two,~~.s~rsc ~ - F GENERAL NOTES . ONNNAGE SWAL£ ~ • 1. N4/ERf SPfCIF40 ON ME PLANS, A SOUD CDVER I -SoLip ~Q~ $NALL BE USED W UEU OF A UiATE. SEE NOTE 3. • . . . Z. "D" SHALL BE A MINIMU4 0F 10*. 'L', AN9 'D" SNALL BE SkONai ON PLAltS b; =Y% ~ ~•j~ S' SHALL BE 2R Ltlli. UNLE55 OTHERMAS£ ON OONCfETE ON 1NE PL/HVS i` WLET 3. WIET 91ILLL 8E RAI5ED 6' ADOYE iNE FS.OWUNE 9F .L' Mi DRMNACE SWALE UNLESS OTMERvnSE 5►t0'm+ ON ' v~ I•; iKE PLANS Y ODNE ' i 4. ORYWELI$ PUCfD IN RGMWAY SHALL 8f W.aCEO IN . b, ' CENIER ON TRxfFIC LME. A MWIAtUY OF lS' FROu CATGI BASIN OR INLET. e S~~ S, N41EN PYC WPg IS USED. A PHC A9APiER SHALL 8E WSTAiLCD. oarw;LL INLET TO DRYWELL B,RR0. ' t B. pVC AOAPTERS SMAtl 6E fX20UiED INTO INLETS, CATCH BAQ`PS R ORYN£LLS 3 7. PVC VIPE tNSTALLED UNOER ROAOWAY SHALL HAVE 2' VSNIA{UN 001ER. TYPE ♦ CRATE ~ . SEE NOIE 1 ~ B. El$OW'S uP Tq 49' MAT BE USED iaft COfMEC170N AT CATCH BASIMS Ec WLETS. S0.1D CONER - . . 1?y7~`Y~'" - . :t t~ r• : ~~i f~•a CoKE •i ^i cATqi BASIN ~ 'A •I. . ` r..• a' s-~ coKC \--oRVxEtL BARREL • : \ `-O~ SpaR~TOR w1ENE ORYYVELL SWALE DRYWELL INSTALLATION REGUiAfO ON PLMlS, • ee►RRfI CATCH BASIN TO DRYWELL T~M~R SPOKAnE COUNTY APi'ROVEO: ~ g7ANpAqp 9H~CT DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC MfORKS COVNTVF?e INLET INSTALLA110NS 8-19 sraua. wti onsa . (sw) .ir-aeao i i . _ . J . UopULpR BLOCK WAU- . , vv+aTM+ ~ t ~ ~ _ ' w ~~D ~~R '(OPS IRR dtI. . ' - L '►G SWA.LES HYDRt?SEED A~ GA'~4 SWAIES " NON- , ODULAR BLOC4{ W ALL CTIQN ~~TK ~ ~ . . SWALE SE • ' • r+ . ' ann~T ' g_20 ' ~TM Moa ~ e ~ wru- . - ' m,Pi RO O + SWhtF M4E COpU9lSAINC~ ~y~KS : . ' ~~j ~ DEP~~w , ~ ~ MANHOLE MIN. OEPTH -MAX. STEPS MAX. PIPE SHEET ZYPE TO 1. E. DEPTH SIZE (I.O.)* N0. _ I- 4U 6' 25 ' YES 2 1" tJ - 2 I-60 9' 25' YES 36" U-3 II-72 25' YES 42" U-4 II-96 12' 25' YES 60" U-4 . . IQ-48** 4' 6' NO 21 " U-5 III- 60 6' 9' YES 36" U- 6 M-72 7' 9' YES 42" U- 6 III-9 6 8' 12' YES 60" . U- 6 LQ 8' 25' YES +z" MIN. U-7 PIPE SIZE *MAX. P1PE SIZE MAY 8E i..IMITED 8Y PIPE CONFIGURATION. *•MANHOLES LESS THAN 6' IN DEPTH MUST 8E APPROVED BY SPOKANE COUNTY SEWER OESIGN MANAGER . T.. .K ,;,1'ii~ ~ Vr►+~~aAPPROVED:--, dIC STANDARD sHEet _ unun~ aE . MANHOLE TYPES & OEPTHS U--1 ` 0A~:9 . . SPOKANE COUNTY - , ~ . DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS - . I A i , Y I K. I . I~I N soaxANr- wA. _(S09) 47-7-3604 au+c Awo covEx SEE U-14 ~ Aaurn.ENr sEC'naN/cokcnETE - l- BRtCK OR CONCRETE CRAOE RINGS Q?~ • ~ NONSHRINK WATERPROOF CROIlT 8E7WEEN ALi. RiNGS ec FRN/E STTiIKE OFF E%CESS uQRTAR, sMooni a+ wSoE rNO oursIoE Q 24" T ~ AOJuSnrEtrT SECnoN. ~ ~ ~ , 1 GASKETED PfiEGISt CONE ECCENTRIC UNLf55 I OTFIERWISE SPECIFlED E STEPS (SEE NOTES) N (L C.4 W ' CASKETED PRECAST 2 ~ . RISER SECT10N5 - ~ S 48 1 ~ f LOwE57 STEP SFUl1 9E A AAAX1NU11 OF 16' AB4Ye THE SNELF. . f ~ CONSTRUCT IN FlQO CHANNF-L & SHQ.F TO THE CR6wN OF THE WPE. SEE U-il. SEE K4TE ~ RpNFORC7NG STEE1 _ (FOR PRECAST WE 1MrTH INTEGRAL FtISER) MO~~ 0.15 S0. W./fT. IN EACM 09RECTlON , . . ~ ~ : FOR 48' 6bl ~ - ~LL MlN. • . v • 1 ~ • ~ PRE-GST BASE MAT}I INTECttAL RISER PLAC£ rlPtD COIJPACT 6' Of CSTC I t6" M!N'-~ C0MPACT TO 90x ---I,'-o~-- . • FOR SEPNiATE fJIST IN PU1CE ONLY SfPARATE GIST IN PUAC£ OR SEPARATE PREGL57 BASE - '0' RtNC REtNFORCINC 57EEL (FOR SEPARAI': BASE ONLI) 0.23 5a. tN./FT. IN EACM 04R£CTION FOR 48' Otk , oESIcN AssuuPnoNs ' HEIGHT: e' TO 12': SOll 8EARINC VALUE EOUALS 3300 //FT.= (IAN.) No~ RECASi B~SF ''10~ HDf~IT: BYER 12' T~ 25': 501L BEAR~NG vALU£ EOUAlS ]800 //R.~ (wN.) i. uMmoLEs m eF co+srnucTm w ncooaaAMM "sw AAS+ro U-199 (Asn+ c47e) uMss oTMEr+nM S+o++M oN vw+s oe wotEO iN • ME STMwAAG 57EOmGna+s. Ar+O w AC.COaAANCE wn1 alRAENi wSDOT/Aov+w STMOMn SPEaFlCAT1at5, i nl1 ttEDcFOr+CfD GasT w rLACd CoNfJ1ETL 91A1L BE MSS 4000. NON-RIINFCRCE0 Ci1NC9RE W CNANN0. AND 91k7f 91W. 8C ClASS 3000 ALL P9tEfJ1ST OONCRET$ 91A11 BE f3.A55 4004 1 PREGIST BASES S►IALL 8£ fUR1IISlKD IKiH CllTOUTS OR IOiOQCOl1TS. MtOOt0UT5 91ALL HAVE A WALL TSAOQIC:a3 Of 2- 1iDIBNL. a. KNOOtOUT CR WTOUt HOSF 92E t4 EOuAI TO PtPE OuTER GNwETFR PL4l4 uMaClF WAl1. 7f11CKNESS. WJOWL PIPE SIZE IS 21' FOR 48' LMINOIF. (HAX. PIP'E 9ZE 4AY 8[ ULE7LG (3Y P[PE CCM/1GV1tA79N.) LINWUY OtSTANCS El[TWEEN Md.E$ IS e. 3. ALl BASE REJNfCRCNG 94ALLl MJ►VE A A11NWU11 YIELD 4SilEliCTf1 OR E4.000 P9 Awn BE vucm w nHE uvQ£a ►uv ar niE eASE wrn V IiIdI11UY C1.fARANCl. 6, NO STEPS SNALL 8E PI.ACW 171 Tf1E AOJUST1iFJNT SECTUGH. 7. ALL YANlOLES 91A1.1 HAVE SSEPS W,v~ an~ wAnno~ oPOa~c 4+xs eE oEna+~c o~cnr o~n Txc iN+~xr as n~c'uRCxsr n~a.Er a~. Q. USE A-IOK. KOR-N-SFi►L WSERTA iEE. OURASEAI ia, GR APPROVED EOUAI YA»cOIE AOAATONA APPROVED: STANOARD St~E.'f ununEsEXR TCA - ' MAfVHOLE TYPE I-48 U-2 y OATE c1 , i ► i ~ ~ SPOKANE COUNTY OEPARTMENT OF PUBUC WORKS ~ NU. ! b7TM~7_i (;KU. I A7R.I • I SPauu.c, wA. (sas) 477-3e0+ RlN'G ANO CONER / SEE u-1a pDJUST?A£NT SECTtON/C4NCRErE ~ BfUCK aR CONCfiETE CRAOE RINCS ' Q Z ( NdN5RR1NK WATERPROOi CR4tJT BETWEJJ All RING5 dc FRA11E. • ,i N ~ r6„ STRIKE OFF EXCESS MORTAR. SJOOT1~ QN iNSIDE MiD OUTSIOE ~ ' ^ ~ fl T OF /►OJUSTl.iFNT SEGTIdN. GilSKETED PAEGlST GONE ECCENTRIC U111ES5 OTHERWISE SFEiGtFIED • ~ ' STEPS (SEE NOTES) J i . N CA57CE7ED FRECAS? . z a wsat SCcnans . ~ O REDIJCWG SUB ' SEE u-8 ~ . tOwE57 S1EP SMALL 8E /1 WXtUUM 4F t 8' ABOVE THE SMaF. ~ 60' , CONSTRUG7 GN~tNPtE1. & SHRF g TO ME cAOwN OF THE F1PE SEE u-i i. Z _ , . . ~ IIQRTAR ~ REINFORC►NC STEEL a, Fl!„L (FOR PlZECAST BItSE W1TH INTEGRAL RISER) . , 0.19 50. M./FT. IN E/1CM GIRECitON • , FOR 60' OUl ~ FRE-CJlS7 BASE W1TH INTECRAL RISFR 8° MIN. . .1 . , ~ ~ . ° PIJtCE ANO COAIPACT 6" CSTC ~6~ MIN. ~ ~ G0MPACT TO 90X . • FnR sEpuz►rE c,AsT ' -4 1 '-Ol-- w vuc¢ oNLY sEPAw►tE asr w PLAC£ OR SEPARnrE aRf_CAST BASE RdNfQRGWG STEEL (FOR S£PARwTE BASE ONLY) . • 0.19 S0. IN./FT. t1i FACH pJRECTiON FaR fifl' D1A. OE51GN ASSUMPTIONS PREa4W aASE .rOrrt NQCFR: 8' TO 12': S011 HEARWC vALUE EQLAAL.S 3360 //R= (atiN) NOTES HE1GiiT: OVFJt 12' TO Z3': Sa1l 8Er1RINC vnLUE £OUnl.s 3800 //FT.= (yiN.) t. MumoLEs tc ec cowsttRUcim o+ Aocoacrwcc wnH AASMro M-199 (wrn c47e) uNLcss onHvewss sHa~ a. aANs aa moisa tN Tffi STNtOMD SPEpi1GT10TtIL ANO W AC[OROMICE vNT11 C1ARDiT WSD0T/AP11A STiW6ARO SPEQFiGA110N5 - L ALt RQN/OQCED G4ST N FIACE CdlCRET£ SMALL SE MSS 400Q KCW-41EWf011CED CGNCRCTE W Q1ANNf1 /WO 9/ELl SMALL BC 0.i.SS 1OOa ALL vRECwsr corcCRClE s+wu eE auss .aoa. ZvRECAsr ewQS suu ec cuRxrsNm wn+ c„TOUSS a* p+oacouts. wcaocouts SMALL ru►%f A w.u naaarFSS a 2' un+niw. ♦.IQiOOCWT 00t GIJTOUT MRE 9ZE IS EWAI 7'O RPE OU1YR CLAYETER PUJS MANM0.E rfK.l TMICIQNESS MA)QINY R?E 9ZP 4S 36 FOR 60' 1lAMNOLE (YAIf. alnE 9ZE YAY 9E UHTED 9Y PfPE CQNi1GURAliaM.) WKWUY OtSTANCE 9FTWEE?/ MOLES IS Lr. 3„ ALL BASE REIMFCRONC SMALL MAVE A MNNUY t1E1D STRfNGT11 Ol 60.000 P9 MIO 0E PlACEO Pl ME uPPEA NAIF OP 7H£ BASE w111 ' 1' IUi1AW 0.LMANCC 6. NO STEPS FtAtl B[ DIACEA tN h1f AD.JUSTIIf?If SECitOH. f. Al.l Ww14ClES 9lAi.l kAVE $TEPS R c0 a. TME YAJtHCLt OPOCNG SMALL BL OAtQITCG QUlECTIT OvQ1 iML tNMl 0/ 711[ IwRGEST D4.CT P(PG _ 9. USE A-laK. XQi-M-SEAL uiSERTA TEE. Dti1tiA-SEAL m. CR ArPRdvED EOUrL 11AtWOlE ADAA10st C . nq fff~: a ~ vraaMAMv-m APPROVEO:~ STANDARp gHEEr unun~ a roa - - MANHOLE TYPE I-60 U-3 ~ qci SPOKANE C4UNTY 8/99 I WF I G. REPP i ~AooEO M3+. TMJMAKcc cx+ eo,rror aARREL, DEPARTMENT 0F PUBLIC WORKS N(7. IUATEI K. PPK.I REVISION saOcuce. wA. (509) s"-Jao• , Si ~ D cov~ ~ ADJUSTNENT SFC110N/CONCRETE 8R1CK aR CONtRETE CRAOE RGtGS _ NONSHRINX WATE1tPRO0f GROUT 6'# BEiVlEEN ALL RINGS & FRAAAE ^ I STRIKE OfF ExCE55 wOR7AR, L SMOOT}1 ON fN S I a" e AKO WTSFDE • ~ I GF Ao,usnUENr sECnoN, ' 24' a X GASKETED PRECaST GQrtE ~ ECCENTRIC UNLE55 OTHERWISE SPECtF1E0 N r . ~ ~ 5iEP5 (S££ riOT~ . a ~ ~ ~ ~ . n a W N ' Z p ~ REdUdNC SU1B 48• G/SKE7ED PREU~ST . 2 SEE U-8 RISER SECTlONS ^ ~ SEE NOTE 9~ • ~ LOwEST STEP S►ull BE A cD N WAXI►iUY OF 16 A80VE iHE SNELF. ~ ~ • 7Z ~ OR 96" ~ CoNSTRUCi IN FlELD CwwNEi. ec SFIELF TO flHE CROWN OF THE P1PE. ' 3' MIN. I SEE u-t 1. ~ RflNFORCtNC SFEzi MQRTAR • I (FQR PRECAST BASE WI7N INTEGRAL RISfR) Fl~ ~ 0.24 5Q. IN./FT. tN FACN QIRECTIQJ~1 ~ FOR 72' OI~ 0.29 SQ. tN./FT. W EACH D7RECTIQN FOR 96' OIA. . - r • . • ~ • ~ ~ . . ~ PRE-CASi BASE WITH INTEGRAI RlSER PU►CE ANO C811?ACT 6' QF CSTC . Q-72-9" 1.11N.~ , 611N. II ~ i'iol COLPACT TO 90X -96-12- WN_ • • FOR S£PARATE UAST S£PARATE CAST W PIACE OR SEPARATE PRECA57 BASE , IN PIAC£ ONLY . 0~ RINC RdNFORGNG SiEEL (FOR SEPARATE 61~SE ONLY) O.JS SQ. IN./FT, iN FJ~CH OIR£CTtON FaR 72' i7v. 0.39 SG. lN./iT. IN EAGH OIRECTtON FOR 46" Du.. aESIcN assuuanoNs PRECAST BASE JOINT HEIGHT: 8' TO 12': SOII 9F-ARING VALUE EQUAIS 3300 j/Fr2 (NIN) NOIES M£IpIT: OVER 12' TO 25': SOfL BEARINC VAUIE EOUALS 3800 i. M,va+nLES ro BE CONSiRUCtLD wACCCdiOA+KE wnM Aa5NT0 w-199 (ASn C.ra) u►+tFSS anIEre+wst si+own a vi.rws oR Natm'w TNE STANOMO SPEQf1G►Tt4MS. AKD WAOCORO/WCE MTM GUMQiT W500T/APWA STANOARO SP'CCsF7CAT10NS 2AJ.• RMFOaCFD GSt w PucE COKCRETE 9{ML BE CASS 4000. HON-REI1+FCitCED CaNCRETE iN oUUwEl A►W SlE1f 9uA.l 8[ a.AlSS ]ooC. NJ. PRECAST CONCJICTE 9fALL BE CLASS 4000, I PRCG►ST BASES SNN.I BE NANt91ED tMM CUTOUTS CA IOtCCXOUTS KNOCKGU75 SNALl NA1K A YAAtl 1NIOCHESS Oi' 2* YWWUII. KNOOtOUT OR CUTOUT KOLE 92E !S EOllAL TO PiPE OUtFR OiAYEiER PWS IJAMIOI.E WALL 1MCXNESS YAMIUN i1PE 9ZE IS 42" F'OR 77' MwNNCtF, 60' FOR 9a' MAntaE. (Mw%. Pr?E SIZf wwT 8E UL71FD BY PiPE CCHi1GUAwflOn.) ultxNUN qSTANCE B:ETWEEN KOLF_S 14 E'. s Au eASE aa►cFaaaxc 94Au ruvs A un,2uw rao sraoccr+ or eaoao asi u+o e[ vtuM w ncE uvw;A HALF cr THE eASE wn+ 1' W►tl11UY GIEARAlICE d NO STEFS SNALL 8E PIAC£D W 1N! AOJJSS4ENT SECl10l1. 7. ALL MANNOLES 91ALL NAVE 57EPS • O* 3 2HC YANMOlLL apfldltG SxMI. aLr OFM:NTED Op[EC1LT OVE1t THC aVENT 0r ME WIGCST FN(,[T PIRF- 9. USE A-ICK. KOR-N-SEAL INSEATA 1EE OuRA-SEAI p4 OR APVROvEO EGUAI MµNOIE AOAP117R • ` APPROVEO:~'. STANOARD SF{EET Unun[i Mx MR MANHOLE TYPE II-72, II-96 U-4 oATE'GS SPQKANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBUC WORKS SpCKAwE wA, (309) 47'7-3604 ~15~UN ~ NO. I~~j E3Y i CKO. a"Tl RIKC AND COVER SEE u-ta I AOJ115TMFM SECTION/GQAtCRETE ~ BRiCK dR CONCRETE CStADE RiNCS NONS?tRINX WATERPROOF GRQUT ' 2 2 9ETWEEN ALL RINGS 6c fRAMF. v cv ~ STRIKE OFF EXGESS M00iTAR, I sMoon+ Oa, IHsIOE AND ouraaE 4+ oF AQ.usnra+r sFCna,r. ~ •~--a ~ f ~ . . 48 - SEE U-8 5LAB . y x ~ . ~ • L in ~ . ' • . ' • GASK 2 ~ ~ ~RISEASECT10N5 ~ . a ' 6J SEE NOTE 8 CON57RUCT IN FlE1U CMMNF1 l~ dc ST1EtF To TkE CRawN ar THE P1PE SEE U-11. NORTAR • ~ ~ • REINFORCiNG STEEl FTII ~ - (f'OR PAECA57 BnSE W1T'H INTEGFLIL RtSER) i" MIN. 0.15 S0. IN/fT. IN EACM ~ s' MIN. 01RECTiQN FOR 48 DLl I PLACE AkD CaNPACT 6' OF CSTC SEPARATE GST IN PLACE COMPACT TO, 407G Ofi SFPAftA7E PREGAST BASE * FOR S~PARATE GIST PRE-GlST BASE ' • lN PLACE OHIY MITM INTEGRAL RISER , • b" RII~tG RQNfORCINC STEEL (FOR SFPARATE BASE ONLt) 0.23 SC. iN./fT. IN EACH 01RECTtON FOR 4a' OtA. PRECJISf BASE JOINT DE5[CN /~SSUMPTIQNS ' NflTES 5'-4' TO 8': SOiI 'BEAAINC YALUE EOUAlS 3300 //FT3 (MITd) 1. IlAN40LF5 TO 88 CCMSTAtJClLD M ACCORDMICE MTX M91T0 4-199 (A3TY C 470) UNLESS OTHIIiYASC 9WNM ON PIaMS Oil MOTO IN TML STIwDMO SpECWICAna+S. /w0 W ACCORD+wCE wM Ct1RRENT wSDOf/^PwA STANQMO SPEG71FIGT10N5. 2. ALL RDNFORdD CAST W PLACE Cd/QtETE 91ALL BE MSS 4004 NQM-RFJNFQiCED CONCltElE Ui 04ANN0. AND SHE1F 91114l. BL GASS 30~0. ML PRCCwST GOltCREIE 91At1. OL n.A55 4000L ].PIiEGST 9ASE5 SHALL 8E FURlMSMm WT/ NTQJiS OR IOtDOCOl7TS KN00(OV15 9ulL MAVE A 1rAll TnOMESS Oi Y YWWalL. ♦.1WDOKOUT CR CSlTOUT ItOIF 92E 6 EQVAI TO PIPE OU70 OIAYETER PWS w/WNC1.E YMLL 71eG7CNESS YA701NY P1P[ 9ZE IS 21- Fdt 40' YANMiQL (YA1L P1P£ 512E YAY 8E U]YTED BY PIQ£ GMflWRAltOl.) YWWAJL OfSTANLE BETWEEN MOlES IS E-. s Au eASE rr.OWa+mec 9+Nt HAvE A wHINIuu rW srner+cn+ av ec.aco as Au+o ae PLACn w mE uaPER nNS ar ncf ai►st wtH , . t' OKUuu atAaAWX R. 0. U5E A-IOK.KBA-N-SfI►L DISFRTA TEE. OURA-SEAL W. OR APPkGVED ECVAI 1tAlWOIE AOAPTOR. ~ M \ • k4~etY e/]ClOill~`~~eD~O-m APPROVED:~ Bk ' STANDARD SHEE'I' ununE~ oiR cTOR -p~AA~1HOLE TYPE III-48 U-5 OATE: ~ ! i ~ ► i SPOKANE COUNTY ~ OEPARTTAENT OF PUBUC WORKS ~ NO. IDATFJ BY~ CKO_ I APM1 REVII~N i sRO►cAME, wA. (sos) +77-3e04 e R1NG .A►yD COVER SEE u-ta ' AO.IUSTMEPJT SECTION/COxCRETE 2 BRlCK OR CONCR£TE GRADE RwCS O. CL W SEE V-8 94" w w O NONSHRINK WATERPROOF GROUT O O ~ i • BEWE-:N iy.L RlNGS dc FRANE. STRIKE OFF EXCE55 MQRTAR, SUdOT}I ON INStDE ANO QUTSfOE OF AOJUST1JENT SEC710N. c, "(n ^ . 60". 72". OR 96" sTEPs (sEE NoTEs) w w w LO'+VEST STEP 9MA11 9E A iv, ur,XlwuM QF 16' nBOVE THE 5►+ELF. Z Z Z CONSTRUCT . i 5 5 04ANN0. ' I SEE NOTE 9 io AND SHELF i~i~ • . SEE U-I1 f ~ - Q1 jo I I I I ~ REINFORCING STEEL , I . I I (FOR PRECAS'f BAS£ 1M►111 [NTEGRAL RtSER) ' ~ ~ I I f Fo1R oo. osi Fr IH EAC►1 OtRfCT10N 0.24 SQ. IN./FT IN EACN OIREGTION MORTAR ~ ~ ~ 1 I ( FOR 72' OtA. ' FlLL ( . . - - 0.29 SQ_ 1N./fT IH EACFI CIAECTUON . . r . . . . FOR 96' 01A. _ L ' . . . • • FRE-GST BASE wfiH INTECRAL RLSER IIT-60-8' MIN. 6rMIN.' PLACE AND t061PACT 6' Of CSTC COA/PACT TO 90X ~ / • III-72-8' I.IIN. fOR 50' DUl -0~ ' E-96-12' 1~lN. FOR TT' Qc 96' 01.~.~2-0~~ • FOR SEPnRnTE G►ST gEpARATE CAST IN A{.ACE QR SEPARATE PREGAST 04E IN F1JACE OKLY . b' R[NC RONFORC[NC STE0. (FOR SFPARATE BASE aNLl) 0.19 SQ. W./FT. W EACH Q1fiECT10N WR BO' OIA. . 0.35 Sa. ►N./FT. W EACH OtREGT1oN FaR 72' OIA. 0.34 54. W./FT. !N EACM 01RECT10N FOR 96' 01OL ' 0£51GN ASSUµPT10N5 PR£GST 811SE JOINT NDCMT: 8' TO 12': SOIL BE/1RINC VALUE EOUMS 3300 j/FT' (WIN) . NOTES 1, MANMQLFS ?O BC CON411iUC'TED IN ACCGFONNCE MTM AASHSO Y-199 (A5iU C47Q) UNLESS OTMERNKC 9/0MN QN PW1S OR /tOTED W T}1E STANQARO SPEGFICJ►EaNS. An0 94 ACOOROANCE OiN Q1RRf11T tirSpOT/APYfw SiANDMO SPEMG110►t5. 2. All REiNidtCED GST W FLACE CaMOKTE SHAII BE ClASS 4000. NON-RDIiFORCED CONQiM W CKAMNEl µ0 SNELf 91ALL BE QA55 30M ML PREGIST COMQtETE 91M.L BE GJ1.SS 4000. 3. PREGST BASES SHALL BE NR/U91ID WTH QITCUTS Qt KM00(OUTS KNOdCOUTS 91A1t. MAK A MtALL 1MOWE55 Of Y uW6NA1. a. KN0f7C0UT 011 131T0UT MOId 9TE IS lOUAI TO P[Pf OUlO! OtAMLM Pl.L'5 MAW/Old NALL TflLXNESM YApMW PIPC 4LC 1$ 3e FOR e0' YANMaIE 42- FOR 72- YAIWOL,E, 60- i0A 46- YANHOLE. (YAX GIPE 9ZE YAY BE UWSEO 8Y PIPE COMF1QlRATIWf.) YDIAIUY OtSTANGE emco+ Maes is e'. S. A,11 gA5[ Rk]NPp1tploG 91AtL W1%E A W11HUY YIflO 57RE71G4N 0/ e0.0130 P4 ANO 8E PUGED W 1f1E UPPFR MAif OF TFIC BASE SMSH 1' YWOIl111 QEARANCE. 6.ALL 4AM34OlES SNALL NAME STEPS i~l OL ~p NO STEPS 91A1L Bf PlACED W TNE AOJUSN.ENT RrNC B. n(£ uw►wOtE ocO+ar6 SxAu. BC oseEriTO oueCCRr Ovflt n+E rrrfRT 0f nHE WscES7 iNLL'i vwE S. USE A-IOX, NOR-N-SEM_ WSERTA TEE. CURA-StAL OR AFPROVED EQt1Al U ANM'GlE ADAPIOR• y 3 nwo rrfrQr~~t ~evcRCS ~rmioo~ vnxau~u~ ' APPROVEd: STANDARO SHFET unurFS ou+ cTaR MANHOLE TYPE III-60, III-72, IIl-96 U-6 OA1E: iIII-511 , SPOKANE COUNTY OEPARTMENT OF PU6UC WORKS $POKANE, WA. (509) 477-3604 I N0. 16=6Y ! CKf7. I A~~.I M IUN ~ ] RWG AND CdvEA I SEE U-t♦ ~ AWuSTI.tENT SECTZON/COPtCREfE BRIp( OR GOkCRETE GRAOE RINGS X z I tdOMSNRfNK WATERPROOF GROUT BE'TWE£N ALL R1NCS dc F'RAME. STFtIKE 0F'F EXC£SS MORTAR, sMoo7H oN INSIOE u40 dilTStaE I 7'- OF I►OJUS114ENT SEC110N. in I T GASKETED ECCEMRtc ~ _T_ CONCRETE PRFCAST CQKE _ . ~ . . • --T- srUIs (sEE norts) . • . . ~ . . N r~ . • WISKETED PFECAST , Rt5F1t SECTiON5 . + . WELD RQNFORCING STEEL AT JOtNTS ~ f. . +I ~ • ~1+C4N. 0 k NORTAR fAl.ET (IYP.j~ . . A ~ JUCTION A-A NOiES ~ 1. uwcNa.es ro ec coresMaxhn w Accacfl~nc[ wnm ♦8' QLk R6ER MS?/TD M-199 (AS7L C47D) UNLE55 OrAFRwM 91D1w SECTIOFt GRAfTED ON PUNS CR rcaTID N fHf STrwowao 59EaF1Cwaore; - TO PIPE B1' ANO aACCORDANtE wnr w580T SEC e-02.1 FA8ft1CJ1rOR. ~ 7. I4.L PAECAST CCPttRE7E 91ALt 6E c~,I►55 4004 i w. KA+o+cLEs sxAu HAvE sMvi , 4. NO StFPS SHALL Bf PLACEO YI 1kC A0.USTAiEIiT pWG i AN ECCENTRlC CCNt 91ALL BE pEOU'~AED. AIORTAR FlU.ET AU AROUNO 11 R. CDD t A REINFORCED CQNCRETE RiPE _ a2' uiN. Ola APPROVEO:STANDARO SEiEET UnUnE, ~ TOR MANHOLE TYPE 15Z . OAT~ U_7 1 SPOKANE COUNTY - i i j i i DEPARTMENT OF 'PUBLfC WORKS _.:N0. I DA 'i td H Y I C}(U. I Arrh.l Kt VISION . SvOx,+++E wk (5c9) 477-3e04 • e #6 BARS 0 7" CENtERS ~ 80TH OIRECTfONS 80TfOM FACE 2" CLR I ~ ) A (TYP.) I is~gA~ I # 6 BAR ,4" ~ 48~ - COPOIYMER POIYPROPYLENE PlAS71C , w . ;41N. GRADE 60 Sl'EEL REINFORCEMENT U,I ~t r-j . SECTION A - 12" „ L 2" CLEAR ' ~s ToP s~ae MANHOLE STEP #5 BARS , 0 6" CENTERS ~4 BARS 0 6"CC (TYP.) BOTH DIRECTIONS 0TTOM FACE ~ BOTTOM FACE 8 2° CLR ~ (TYP.) , / 2,s ; ~ ~ CLEAR #5 8AR 48.. ~ 2" CLEAR . 8"--~ . 72" TQP SLAB ' f ~ #4 6ARS 0 6" CENTERS 48" TOP SLAB 2" CLR ( 6aTT4M FACE (TYP.) \ ~5.. 24~ 5,~ L 4 24 I-2" CIEAR f 1 a~~..~ 4 8AR ~ c0 # 8 f CLEAR ~ 60" TOP SLAB GRADE RING rc~.~ .m".mv-A. APPROVEO:~I~ _ REOUC NG ~~LABS & sHEET ' UTIUTIE QI C70R U_ 8 o~~:" , MANHOLE STEP SPOKANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS sPax N0. ~UA1E1 E3Y I~Kp. IA~.1 ~~r . I ~wE, k~. (sos) an-3ea • 1 e ~ I I N W ~ ' MnNHaLE Is LocATED I ~ I ( ~ 6EHIN0 SZOP/U1AIT UNE V V T-i1 . / / UMIT UNE I \ ~ . R/W SIOEYIAUC ~ - . (ROSSIVALK - - ~ BIKELANE . ' Ct1R8LANE < . ~ ~ - - - - - - - ~ - - - - C:) ~ S5- INStOE lAN£ < TURNLANE OF STREET Q - - - L, ~ Q - - - - . ~ INSIOE LANE ~ > ~ i . . Ct11R8U1NE BiKEUwE ~ ' - - - - - - = amffi - ~ ' - _ SloEwnllc ~ CROSSwAIrc - ~ ~ ~ - - - R/W ` • UMIT I ~ ~E • ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ y • 4 • . I ~ I f$OR►t ~C_ ~wTJ tcnwcs aito[coi APPROVED:tJ L(Z- STIINDARD SEIEE't u71vn~~ ToR MANHOLE PLACEMENT IN SiGNALIZEO INTERSECTION U_g oArE ~9 . , i i SPOKANE COUNTY . OEPARTMENT OF PUBUC WORKS - spo,cAKF, +rA- (509) ,n-seo+ rctV151UN N0. IUAitl E3Y ! CKD. !Ar►'K.; ~ _ 0 . r~ NOTE: THIS MANHOLE MAY BE USED IN SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES . UPON APPROVAL 6Y THE SPOKANE COUNTY SEWER OESIGN MANAGER . ~ fi, MIN. • ~ 11 c-~ICA Q - - - ~ / \ADAPTER. ' R MORE DUCTILE PIPE (CIASS 50) INSIDE EDGE OF ACCESS ORENING OUO B~ARING. ' • NECT TO SEWER ' WITH APPROVED PIACE A LENGTH OF DUCTILE IRON ~N ~H E PIPE (FIANGEO) CUT tN HALF IN uNE wirF+ rHE INSIDE EDGE OF ACCESS OPENING. O.t.P. TEE FllE OFF ALL SHARP EDGES_ (CL 50) • ( FL SHEIF SEE U-1t (TM~ ~ J,INT ~ :E O.I.P. (CL SQ) I ~ X I /INNOTE5 I g< ERT OF DROP CONNECTION 5' t~iM. (7~rP.) LL 8E NO LOWER THAN (ENCasEO) ING LINE OF OUTLET PIPE CONCRETE BLOCK cLa55 '3ooa" POURE HOLE SHALL NOT BE iN PLAcE. I ~ M, I BACKFILLED UNTIL INSPECTED O.I.P. 90 BENO V~ I BY UTIUTIES ENGINEER (CL 50) . • ~ ~J ~ _ - - - - ~ i~r c o GROUT * . - DUCTILE IRON DROP CONNECTION i•~~'9 . • fo~wn snflro01 ~,rr.ao.,mnn-,n APPROVED:-A~ SANITARY SEWERD MANHO~E S~ ' u~►u D~ ECTO~i U- i 0A ' oAre: C ~'-r . EXTERIOR DROP CONNECTION SPOKANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT Of PUBUC WORKS NU. I K. SPCU,wE. wn. (5o9) 477-3604 .1 NOTES THIS MANHOLE MAY BE USED IN SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES - UPON APPROVAL BY THE SPOKANE COUNTY SEWEft DESIGN ~ MANAGER. MODIFICATIONS TO THIS DETaiL MAY 8E REQUIRFD, OEPENDING UPON THE SPECIFIC INSTALLATION. ' RINC IJiD COvER ~ SEE U-14 AOJUSTIIENT SEC'T1aTl/OONCRETE BRICK aR C014CREfE CRADE RINCS NONSHRWK WATERRROOF GROIlT ~ gETWEEN ALL RMS dc FRAAAE n c+r sTRI►cE -OFF ExCEsS MattrAJz. SI/OOTH ON IN90E ANO OUT510E OF AOJUSTIAENT SECTION. ' ~ . r C00GRET£ PFiECAST'CGONE ' ~ . ~ . . 48' I (TYP.) STEPS (SEE NOT6) - ~ FL-T-- ~ ~ ow CORE ORILL HOtE ANO INSTAt.L ~ KOR-N-SEAL I~ANMOtF AOAPTER CUT OUT TQP HALF'--' ~(NO SU@S1ITUTES) OF PiPE ; ~ INS7ALL P.V.C. TEE BAC1C fH9DE ' P.V.C. ORQP PfPE ~ ~ . KOR-N-SEAI MANHO[.E ADAPTER ns sHOwri so THAr vERncaL . -r-- - SEC11aN OF P.V.C. OROP PlPE . • CAN 8E SECURED TO INSIOE QF ' AAANHOLE WAIL MATH STA1NlESS 90' STEEL STRAPS. MINIAIUAI 9UPPQRT: i"WIDE x I/8- 1NIqC ---INSTALL P.V.C. BENO TO OIRECT S?N15. 57L STRAP O 3' O.C. ~ FLOW ODWNSTREAM IN SEGVREO T0, MH_ WALI WiTH \ • MMINOLE CHANNEL 1 /2'Y2' S7TOLS. STL FASTNERS. ~ NOTE: AODITIONAL ANCNORS iJAY 8E . . . REOUIREo oEPEr+atNC oN THE sPecrRcs oF n+E IHSTnw►noH. a~NilCo . • • . . 'rjldMAt ~iliC~ lO~C1 !I 00 \'lTafl~.a~tl-~~ APP R 0 VEO:__&ff? STANDARD 3HEEf UTUT11% Taa SANITARY SEWER MANHOI.E U-1 OB ~ ol► rl . INTERIOR DROP CONNECTION SPOKANE COUNTY ~ ' ~ • ~ DEPARTMENT OF PUBUC WORKS . % NO. i0A 1718Y I C i A . I ~ptAtJ[, WA. (509) 477-3004 . ~~I UN • J 0 , 6" RAD. m~ UPSTREAM SWEEP (TYP.) SHAPED . MORTAR V~ FILLET s i i MATCH ~ A CROWN OF A ~ . ' )-2% PIPE (TYP.) ~ . . . ~ PLAN SECTION B-B - v - N OTES : . 1. THE SHELF ANO CHANNEL 2% 2% • SHALL HAVE A SMOOTH FINISH. , . 2. CONSTRUCT SHELF TO THE . CROWN LINE OF PIPE. . . • ' 2,. RAD. (TYP.) . S ECTI O N A-A ~ APPROvED: 9aY sTANoaRo sxEEr ununL~s o~a cTaR IYPICAL CHANNEL DETAIL U-1 1' OATE:C I ' SPOKANE COUNTY ~~,Y~ ~ ~•i ~ DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ~ NU. IUAtEI 9 I CKO. IA~'~'K ~aN ~aKU~c. ww. (~os) .n-3ea. . ~ I I A , q ° ~ B ~ A8 N 2%-- ~ _ ~ ~ - f - ~ 2? N .k ~ I . I SLOPEO OOWNSTRFAM ~ SwEEP (NP.) . . P~AN . PLAN (LATERAL DROP) (THROUGH DROP) NOTES t. THE SHELF AND CHANNEL . SHALL 1-tAVE A SMOOTH FINISH, : 2. MAXIMUM PIPE SIZE IS 15" DIA. . UNLE55 OTHERWISE SPECIRED. ~ nv , , . . ~ . ~ . , 2% . ~ ~ . - ~ - • • _ ~ . . +~M C o L- 2° wAD. (nrP.) i t SECTION A-A . SECTION 8-8 l~W ~ fp trr.*c.mo-n APPROVED: N i Q sTavo~o s~r ununes o~ croR INTERlOR DROP CHANNELS U-12 ` DATE: 1 t SPOKANE COUNTY OEPARTAAENT OF PUBI.IC WORKS ` ` - _ - • spcuru+E. wA. (309) 477-3e04 ~DATErl~Y I CKD. IArrK•~ ' ~ - e ~S/s» • • ~ ; - - ~U 3/4' SOUaRES N SPACED 3/4' j ~ HEIGHT 1/8" ~ 7~!•' . 1 1 4" , . / o a a o a CAST tRON COVFR ' ~ ~ 0 rCASf RING - • . I I ac CdvER 2.-0. 1 /e' RAISEO FlNISHEO -t /2' wtOE 1" GRaOF J~~~- j z U~y BOROER ~ ~ •=L~ 10" , Z . . 0 ~ ~ GRIPPER - 6. P WC 3/a" MIN. 12" D41. J L a ADJ~IST. SECT{ON MIN. . . • ~ 8~ ; FIBRE JOINT 15' PACKING OR - CONCRETE 1 ' . EOUAL. ' CL. 3000 ( t en ) ' CAST IRON RiNG , PouREO IN • PLACE. . ~ 6" . MIN. • 8• 45' BEND , . . • ~MIN. . f 6. A Q~. a . . f tiAIN. , . SECTION A-A . • lb , P1PE MA7ER1Al • . AS SPECIFIED q ~ l . 45' BENO_ OR SFWFR l'i„EAN-OUT . i--• . 0~ f - lb . f 8" DlA. PIPE • . _ I UNOtSTUR6ED ~ SOIL BASE • rea~ ' LF-In 179M .srua..env-u APPROVED:iZ- MAIN LINE SEWERNCLf~4N-OUT WITH s~ " "T""`~ CAST {RON RING & COVER U- 13 v _ oA~''` . SPOKANE COUNTY OEPARTMENT OF PUBL.IC WORKS NO. IA LI Y f K . ~ SPGxa+e. wA. (50) ,7'7-l~so. + J . -I Ft~~N ' i 0 °s~D , ro j" NON-SKCD PATtERN ~ Ta BE GST INTEGRAL o O A.S.T.M. A48 ON TOP OF COVER. 3' TO q. OF ct• 30 PICK HOLE p CRAY IRON (1' OtA.) . B ~ B BLIND PICK NOTCMES v' A _,.,Rt~+ A I ` ~ ARE NOT ALLOWED L SfE NOTES A.S.T.M. A536 CL.' BO-55-06 . oucTiiE iRON DUCTILE IRON COVER T MIN. WEIGHT 118. LBS. rl CAST IRON FRAME ~ 2s 1e° ( s,. s ~ MIN. WEIGHT 168 LBS. - - - i ~ . z ~ 27~" _ I 2a ~y. I ~ 26XA" - 0 24° CA„ » m v ~ _ r L D Z0 4.. 1 26 ~1" '1 1/4' SQ. le ;u 0 34 A" 3/16' ~z o o ' r~ 1-1/2- S4. j.~ D rn . S E C T I O N A- A COVER SKID DESIGN DETAIL . ~ z rn ;0 NOTES: e C O 1. THE wORD SEWER SHALL BE EMBOSSED oN EACH 4. PROPflfETARY MANHOLE COVERS WITHOUT BOTTO~M RIBS W C SANiTARY MANHOLE COVER WITM 3/16' RNSEO LETTERS. ARE ACCEPTABLE, PROYIOED THEY AIEET THE STANDARD ~j r Z 2. 11MIKOLE RINCS M!D COVERS SFiALL BE IN ACCORDANCE SPECJFICATIQNS REQUIRENENTS FOR "METAL CASTINGS". --I o n-( WITH ST/WDARD SPEC{FlCATIONS /WD AIEET THE STRErtGTH 5. ALL AUWHOLES N07 IOCATED WITHIN PAVED PUBUC Ran05 ~ REOUiRE1JENTS OF ffDERAL SPECIFIGTION RR-F-621E. SHALL HAVE 80LT dOWN LOCKINC, MANHOLE RINGS, +;0 C N~ 3. 1U71NG SURFACES SFiALL 8E FlNISHEp TO ASSURE NON- AND COVERS. - ROCKING FtT WITH M1Y COVER POSITION. . ~ ~ . ~ , ~ 0 _ , EXISTING GRaUND ?AY UMITS FOR "SIOE SE'+VER PIPE° 6" DEPTN (MAX.) SEE NOTE 2 ~ SIoEWALK ROADWAY ij~ij~ij•~ij~ijzl/j~li,~~%~~ x~~1/~ij~i~ ~ Li ' i\~r\~i\~i\~i\~i\~i\~~\~ ' i~ • ~~~~~~~\~i> 2"x 4" BOARD 32" IONG WtTN--~~ 18" LENGTH OF 1/2" REBAR SEE NOTE 3 SECURED ro roP PaRTtar~. ~ GLUE ON CAP. "OEEP 50CKET" 45' BEND (ORIENT DEEP SOCKET U?) MINIMUM 12" BETWEEN FITTINGS SERVICE TEE f ' MIN. (UNGESS OTF(R` ` 29° EtdO OF S7U8, IPIVERT ELEVATIOJJ eRWTSF NOTEp AT TFiIS POINT AS SF{01YrV ON ) CONSTRUCTION PLANS 45' BEND + PAY UMIT FOR "SIDE SEtivER RISER" ~ • PVC SIDE SER+/iCE SEtiV'ER • ~ 22 1/2' 8EN0 C01dNECT1aN PIPE (TYP.) ~ 45' BEND SERVICE TcE SERVICE TEE ~ { 45- + TYP E "B " TY°E ,A>> SERVICE TEE ~ ~ NoTES TYPE "C" 1. INSTALL PiPE Z0NE MATERIAL (BEDDING) PER SPECIFICATIONS. 2. THE SIOE SEWER Plr'E SHALL EX7END TO THE POINT SH01h'N ON THE PLANS. THE ENGINEER MaY fuRTriER ExTENO THE SIOE SEtivER PIAE TO M,vNTAiN a 1:1 SIOPE FROM EXIS7iNG OR PLANNED IMPROVEMEN7S. 3_ ALL SIDE SERVlCES TO BE INSTALLED AT A IAINIMUM OEPTli QF 8' 'MT:-tIN THE RiCHT OF WAY. UNLESS APPrZOVED 8Y THE SEWER OESJGN MAN'AGER. 4. THE RECORO ORAWiNGS FOR EACH INDIVIDUAI STUB SHALI INCLUDc T'NO (2) HOR120NTAL TIES TO i}tE TOP 0F THE RISER. IN AOOITION, THE SEWER M.AINLINE STATION AP10 90' \N a. COFFSET 01$TMlCE TO THE RISER PIPE SHALL $E PROVIOED. THE DE?T}i AND INVFRT }W °o~ ELEVAT10i'J REOUIRED ON THE RECORO DRASYING (SPOKANE COUNTY STp. SHEET U-16) _ SNALI R£F'ER TO THE PIPE INVERT AT THE BOTTOM aF THE SERVIC€ CflNPlECT10N RISER. 5. ALL CONNECTIOiNS SHALL. BE TYPE 'A" UNl.ESS Oll-IERWISE NO'i'EED. Yobv~cs nnnroa~ \41AMvAit1AU-9Z APPROVED:.1112l~Rf,~ SfANDARQ SHEET Ut1U11E5 DIRECTOR SERVICE CQNNECTION U-1 5 oA~: ~-2r~ L~3 ~ ~ ~ ~ ► ~ SPOKANE COUNTY _7-41U4(u.3 6 e r ser pt e~ retateu note$.DEPARTiviEPlT OF PUBLIC WORKS 4 O. i DAi''ti` MYI CItO.j7WRj .I~'~D~1~1 , ~ sPaocaaE, wk (509) 477-3604 fV > CONTRACTOR ig >0 INSPECTOR m m COMPAMY ` NORTH DATE INSTALLED X R+ ARROW . TEE ' . - . STUB: DIA. TYPE 'T LENGT)i z x . CENTERLINE STATION LINE N0. . F . • STA. Of AHD OIRECTION TO NEAREST MANHOLF ~ n ~ . 5 INVERT EI Z O 70 m DEPTH FROM NATURAL ~ m GROUND TO ST'U8 C) ~ . LOCAL B.M. ELEV. m OESCRIPTION OF • LOCAL B.M. m ~ D o~ lam Z Z~ NOTE: k1AKE TIES TO PERMANEWT SURFACE FEATURES SHOWN QN PLANS ? V U''C) m . , A Z p ~ ~ ' . PlPE GRADF t-' D 0PROJECT NAME: - FT. BELOW THESHOLQ z rn REF. DRAWING N0. HousE TYPF co ~ ~ Z FILE NUMBER: REMARKS ~ PARCEL: ~ 0 C STREET: . , (A I ~ y ADDRESS: CASING END OF CASING • ~ . . CARRIER PiPE 2' MIN. 18" MAX. FiLL SPACE WITH BROWN SAND OR '~L`~ oTHER ACCEP.rABLE ` ~ . MATERIAL ~ - - ~ ~ (MAX. PRESSURE ~ = 20 P 51. ) ~,,•SKIp GROUT SEAL ALL PIPE SEAL DETAIL AROUND END, FORCE - N.T.S. GROUT INTO CASING GROUT FiTTINGS AS REQUIRED BY ENGINEER rk COMMON FOR STAINLESS 1/4" NOTCH . BOTH PIPES STEEL STRAP ~ OF CASING P1PE CARRIER CARRIER PIPE PIPE BEIL OF CARRIER ~ PIPE , ASING PIPE-/ 6~ ~ 6 SKIO 3S• 6" 6' I ~ PRESSURE TREATEO FlR SK[DS FOR ENTIRE ' • IENGTH OF PlP£UNE T}IRU CASINC - a1dtT AT BELLS. FASYEN TO CARRIfR PIPE BARR£L NATH CQNTiNUOU5 CQNTACT CEMEN7 BQNO ANO 3 STAINLE55 STEEL STRAPS PER PiPE BARREL NOTCH 9Ct05 1/4' OEEP FOR STRM5 AS SHOWN. CREOSOTE TREA7E0 w000 lS PRdHIBItEp. CO1dMERQAIIY FABRICAT'E0 CA51NG SPACERS APPROVED BY T1iE ENG3NEER MAY BE USEO IN UEU OF TliE FlR SK105. aM t00 TYPICAL PIPE CASING DETAIL N. T. S. . , APPROVED:--aWZ STANOARO SHEET . ununcsopEcrm QAiE: TYPICAL PIPE CASING DETAIL U-1 % Y-' ~ISI~ SPOKANE COUNTY OEPARFMENT OF PU6LIC WORKS 'NU.lDAlTIbYIK . IAPiMI SPOxMCE wA. (50) a77-3604 ~ \ fND Of CASING VPOQD WEDGE 80' CASiPtG Cii0U1 SEAL ALI. AROIJNU . ' ~~N~ ENO. FdRCE CROIJT v1Tp uN~ cr►9nc PaPE BEU. ~pAtER prpE CA9NG aR iUtyNII, uNER r L2 CARRIER ~ 400 obo ~3 PA4ED P[PE. WVfRT wV£itT j Qbo~ CaRRiER PIP£ FlLL M1NUlAR + PAVFA SPAC£ W/BLOWN ICW. WVERT ANUI.AFt SAkO GR OT11ER . BACKFlLL MATERIAL ACCEPTABLE MAiFA1l4. t0 PIPE SPFUN0.[NE. (AIAX. PiiE55URE ~ SECTION A , so v9) PIPE SEAL 0-1- UMITS OF UNDERCROSSING (lENG7H vAR1ES) • ~ ~ . Vf - N • . _ . • Q ~ . 2 . W W ' m INVERY'A' GROUT FITi1NG5 AS ~ ~ REOUIRED BY ElzON£ER y\ ~ INVERT 'e' - - _ = sLaPE ~ P1PE SEAL CASING OR 1 5EE OE7AIL TUNN0. UNER - - (TYP. EACN ENO) +~N R ~ • STAN D ARD SHM, APPROVED:-L-U TYPICAL PIPE CASING DETAIL U-18 UT"J o crc(CONCRETE) o"„'~ ~ Ci SPOKANE COUNTY ~ pEPAR7MENT OF PUBUC wORfCS , N ~~N ~ sPanc,wF. wA. (Sa9) •n-3eo• ~ , NU. A Y ( CKU. MPPR- ' i l"._ \ . . ~ PROPERTY LlNE . CURB STREET ~ 2"X4" MARKER- WITH RE6AR - G I 1=I ! 1= ' .~~SEE SERVICE CONNECTION , DETAIL(U-15) . 5.0' : ' PLUG ' W MlN. ' . wnrER . 18" MIN. ~ r f 1 G STUB I.E. SHOVYN ON PLAN \-45'EL80W , . . _ , • . % . . NOTE: - TO 6E INSTALLED ONLY W171-i A S1GNE0 WAiVER ' FROM THE PROPERiY OWNER. • -SHALLOW CONNECTION NOT TO SCALE i * Aaru /d~~ ~ ~soaauotv-n APPROVED~ sTavonRO S= - un, o cTOS SHALLOW CONNECTION DETAIL U-. 1g OATE; ~ SPOKANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBUC WORKS i, NQ IUAitl 8Y I Cl(D. IAF'PK.I ntV15iUN SPOKµTL wA_ (509) 477-3e04 , 0 1 - , 1 r. ~ MANHOLE I.E. IN PER PLANS CHANNEL PROJECTIQN OF GRADE ~ BOTTOM \ - , ~,y_' • • - . . - . _ . ~ (iN) = (ou7) . I.E.• OU7 PER PLANS PROJEC110N OF GRADE ~ . l MANHOLE I.E. DETAIL , NOT TO SCALE NOTE: INVERT EL£VATIONS SHOYVN ON Pl.ANS 5HALL BE CALCUTATED BY PROJECTING PIPE GRAOES TO CENTER OF MANHOLE. THE EI.EVA'f10NS OiFFERENCE BETYVEEN THE INLET dc THE• DISCHARGE INVERT SHAI.L 8E AT IEAST .OS' ON CHANNELS WITH LESS THAN 45' BEND AND AT LEAST .1' ON CHANNEIS WfTH 45' BEND OR GREATER REGARDLESS OF GRAOE. UNLESS APPROVED 8Y SEWER DESIGN MANAGER APPROVED:--&-lg- STANOARD sHEET urunj~a craa MANHOLE INVERT ELEVATION DETAIL J-20 : oATE'!9 SPOKANE COUNTY OEPARTMENT OF PUBUC WaRKS . IDATLJ Y . .I svacAxE. wA. (sos) 477-3e04 I