2013, 04-04 special meeting AGENDA SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING Thursday,April 4, 2013 8:00 a.m. City Hall Council Chambers 11707 East Sprague Avenue,Spokane Valley,Washington Call to Order and welcome to Cathy McMorris-Rodgers, U.S. Representative for Washington's 5th congressional district, serving since 2005. The district, based in Spokane, includes most of the eastern third of the state. POTENTIAL AGENDA TOPICS: 1.First Ten Years—Mayor Towev a. City Milestones b.Recognition for Past Federal support for projects 2. Great Timing. Contact Washington Legislators and voice support for Sullivan Bridge. — Councihnember Dean Grafos a. We are receiving$8 million from the Federal Bridge Program b. $2 million from Washington State Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board c. $3.5 million from Washington Transportation Improvement Board(TIB) d. $2,3 million from City of Spokane Valley We have requested $4 million from the Washington State Legislature in this session. The project needs to go out to bid in November or we will lose the $3.5 million from the TIB. It would be great if Representative McMorris-Rodgers would be willing to contact Washington state legislators and encourage support of our request. 3.Protect Tax Exempt Status of Municipal Bonds—Mayor Towey There is federal legislation pending that threatens the federal income tax exemptions for State and Municipal Bonds.According to National League of Cities, interest paid on bonds issued by local governments currently not taxed could lose their exemption from taxation. National League of Cities and the City of Spokane Valley opposes any attempt to eliminate or limit the traditional tax exemption for municipal bonds whether as part of a deficit reduction plan, a push for comprehensive tax reform, or as an offset for new spending. 4. Support Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation Protect—Councihnember Ben Wick $37 million to remove at-grade crossings to improve emergency access,reduce noise, and to increase rail capacity and improve traffic flow. 5. Support funding for Community Development Block Grants and other AWC federal priorities- Councilmember Arne Woodard Closing Comments Adjourn NOTICE: Individuals planning to attend the meeting who require special assistance to accommodate physical, hearing, or other impairments, please contact the City Clerk at (509) 921-1000 as soon as possible so that arrangements may be made. Special Meeting Agenda,April 9,2013 Page 1 of 1 Milestones.First 10 years Spokane Valley 2002 • Spokane Valley citizens voted to incorporate • First City Council sworn in • Liberty lake loaned Spokane Valley$50,000 • First employees hired 2003 • Official date of incorporation March 31,2003 • Agreement signed for Law Enforcement with Spokane County Sheriffs Office • Multiple contracts with Spokane County for roads, animal control and others 2004 • Construction began on CenterPlace Regional Event Center • First"official"tree planted in Mirabeau Park • Mirabeau Meadows park completed • City deeded Opportunity Town Hall to Museum 2005 • Citizens voted to annex into Spokane County Library District • CenterPlace Regional Event Center Grand Opening 2006 • Adopted first Comprehensive Plan • Adopted first Parks&Recreation Master Plan • City purchased Spokane Valley Police Precinct Building 2007 • Completed new Mirabeau Springs overlook • Land acquired for new Greenacres Park • First Citywide Business Plan developed 2008 • Two emergencies declared: Valley View Fire and Severe Winter Snowstorm • Number of registered businesses: 5695 2009 • Spokane Valley Arts Council donates"Working the Line"sculpture, Spokane Valley's first piece of public art • City initiated its own snowplowing operations 2010 • Grand Opening of Discovery Playground • First Federal Census count of Spokane Valley: Population 89,755 • Law Enforcement agreement with SCSO renewed 2011 • "Berry Picker"sculpture donated by Spokane Valley Arts Council • City purchased Street Maintenance Shop on Euclid 2012 • Street Preservation Funding dedicated in budget for first time • Grand Opening Greenacres Park 2013 • Dedication of new gateway sign at Appleway&Thierman • City continues history of sound financial condition; estimated General Fund balance: $17.8 million • Continued focus on Law Enforcement,Roads, Community Development and Parks February 2013 ASSOCIATION OF ciliEs WASHING-MN Federal Legislative Priorities Washington cities urge our Congressional Delegation Advance Streamlined Sales Tax legislation to work toward solving the fiscal dilemma facing our • Enact legislation that would grant states the authority nation, Neither party can fix this problem on their own, they need to require sellers, regardless of location, and we seek a balanced approach that relies on tax to collect sales and use taxes owed to them per the reform, spending cuts, and revenue increases. Allowing Streamlined Sates Tax Agreement, sequestration to dictate budget priorities for domestic spending and defense will harm our nation, our state, • Strongly oppose the inclusion of mandatory and our cities. Our cities depend on a strong federal requirements for state collection and administration partnership on health, public safety, housing, and human of local telecommunication taxes. services. Furthermore, Washington State's economy includes significant defense bases and investments that Maintain community development funding would be harmed by indiscriminate cuts resulting from • As one of the most important and flexible federal sequestration. We realize Congress must make difficult funding sources, resume funding for the Community funding decisions; however, please avoid unfunded Development Block Grant (CDBG) program at historic mandates that negatively impact local governments, levels of$4.5 billion. Invest in infrastructure • Resist further reductions to the HOME Investment Partnerships program, • Ensure MAP-2'I successor legislation adequately funds a comprehensive national surface transportation plan. • Maintain funding of the Homeless Assistance Grant program to help those who are homeless or in danger • Promote a multimodal network for the environmental, of becoming homeless, social, and economic development of our country. • Ensure the sustainability of both the highway and Ensure safe communities mass transit accounts within the federal Highway • Support continued necessary federal funding for Trust Fund, programs such as the Community Oriented Policing Provide adequate, predictable, and long-term funding Services(COPS)program, Staffing for Adequate Fire • and Emergency Response Grants (SAFER), and Local for airport capital and development projects. Law Enforcement Block Grants. • Invest in local infrastructure programs, such as the • Fund pilot programs to assist municipalities in Clean Water and Drinking Water Revolving Funds, as a developing creative solutions to combat crime and way to put people back to work. gangs. • Fund communications infrastructure and provide incentives that encourage telecommuting as a Transportation Demand Management strategy. AW,C Contacts • Support partnership between federal, state, and local Dave Williams governments that acknowledge local decision-making Government Relations Director authority. daveW@awenet org = Protect the tax-exempt status of municipal bonds -,-Government-Relations Serena Dolly Resist efforts to limit or eliminate the federal net org Analyst • income tax exemption on municipal bonds, which seenadoayvenetorg will increase local financing costs and decrease infrastructure investments. Association of Washington Cities• 1076 Franklin St SE,Oiympla,WA 98501 •360.753.4137•awcnet.org