2013, 03-19 study session MINUTES SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING STUDY SESSION FORMAT Spokane Valley City Hall Council Chambers Spokane Valley,Washington March 19,2013 6:00 p.m. Attendance: Councilmembers Staff Torn Towey,Mayor Mike Jackson, City Manager Gary Schimmels,Deputy Mayor Cary Driskell, City Attorney Dean Grafos, Councilmember Erik Lamb,Deputy City Attorney Chuck Hafner, Couneilmernber John Hohman, Community Development Dir. Rod Higgins,Councilmember Mark Calhoun,Finance Director Ben Wick, Councilmember Mike Stone,Parks&Recreation Director Arne Woodard, Councilmember Erie Guth,Public Works Director Morgan Koudelka, Sr.Administrative Analyst Art Jenkins, Stormwater Engineer John Whitehead, Human Resources Manager Chief VanLeuven,Police Chief Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk Mayor Towey called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Roll Call: City Clerk Bainbridge called the roll; all Councilmembers were present. Mayor Towey took a few minutes to publicly thank all the sponsors of the City's Tenth Anniversary/Birthday Party held last Saturday; and he thanked all those who participated and assisted with the event; and he noted the names of those sponsors and people who assisted were shown on the overhead screen. Mayor Towey said that Saturday's event was terrific, was very well attended, and he again expressed his thanks to everyone involved. 1.Public Defender Caseload—Erick Lamb, Morgan Koudelka Senior Administrative Analyst Koudelka reported that beginning October 1, 2013, each public defender attorney will be limited on the number of annual cases they can work. He said Spokane Valley is only responsible for misdemeanors and infractions; that we contract with Spokane County to provide those defense services; and that the annual caseload limit for misdemeanor cases is 400 unless a weighted system is adopted; and he explained that tonight staff is not asking anything of Council as this is a report to keep Council informed of the issue and give details on the limitations and standards for case loads, as well as to keep Council advised of some of the strategies to mitigate some of the limits. Deputy City Attorney Lamb spoke to the purpose of the change and the weighed system, adding that we would be looking at Spokane County's weighed system should they choose to adopt one. Continuing through their PowerPoint presentation, Mr. Koudelka went over the financial impact, including the additional approximate $288,000 cost; discussed opportunities to reduce the impact of the Iimits, especially concerning the Third Degree Driving While License Suspended Charges (DWLS3); said that the City of Spokane has been diverting their cases, which has reduced the impact to their criminal justice system while increasing their revenues; and said we would want to achieve those results as well,and he explained the criteria necessary to have a case go through the diversion process. Mr. Koudelka said that as we make progress, staff will give Council updates; that we currently spend about $900,000 for law enforcement, and said staff is examining that as well; he said the contract renews automatically annually with a six- Council Study Session Minutes 03-19-2013 Page 1 of 5 Approved by Council: 04-09-2013 month termination notice; he further explained that if Spokane County has to hire seven new attorneys, that space will also be a factor;he said we want to explore the whole system, and that we will continue to work with other jurisdictions as all jurisdictions are in the same situation and everyone is aware that something needs to happen— hopefully sooner than later. He also stated that staff will be talking with some of the County Commissioners and County Directors to make sure we can implement some of the changes needed, as soon as possible. Mayor Towey said this would have a financial impact; that we used to have a buffer in the public safety fund but he is aware that has been reduced. Mr. Koudelka said that more information on this will be forthcoming as there are still several issues to consider, including a lot of settle and adjust calculations; that staff will have all the information back to Council well before the deadline, and said the goal is to eliminate this impact or find other resources or additional appropriations; and added that he is not prepared at this time to say we would need a budget amendment as staff currently is working within existing appropriations,and said that a budget amendment would be the last step. 2. Stormwater Capital Projects—Eric Guth Public Works Director Guth explained that staffs goal for the Stormwater Capital Improvement Program is to address top priority stormwater problems and concerns based on "public health and welfare" which can be done, he explained via his PowerPoint presentation, by lowering the risk of flooding, lowering maintenance cost, and by protecting the aquifer. Other information covered by Mr. Guth included explanation of the means of project identification and evaluation, followed by some photos of future projects areas; and ending with the list of priority projects. Mayor Towey asked for Council consensus to move forward with the project list, and Council concurred. 3.Appleway Landscaping—Eric Guth Public Works Director Guth gave an overview of and background about the issue of Appleway Landscaping, I-90 to University Avenue; he mentioned different classifications of potential landscape areas as well as estimated cost to improve by area type; he said only 26% of the project is grant eligible, it is primarily a landscape project, that only water quality improvements are needed and that issue was addressed with the couplet project constructed by the County. Mr. Guth said improvement options include (1) market led, (2) combination where the City works with frontage owners to encourage improvements, and(3)City led,where we would find funding,and design and construct the projects. Councilmember Grafos, as noted in his handout, said that we could do all of the above on the projects, and have it split off into three sections (1) Dora to Park; (2) Park to Dishman Mica; and (3) Dishman Mica to University; he said it makes economic sense and is important to start, although he added he would not want to do it all especially with all the other projects we have like Sullivan Bridge. Mayor Towey said the feels there are two different categories; that landscaping is totally different from stormwater, adding that he likes the idea of working with the County and businesses; but said he is hesitant about funding just landscape; and would prefer to work with the owners and find out what they want and to work with those owners rather than just trying to fund the projects ourselves. Councilmember Woodard said perhaps the three sections could be split out over several years, and as we get started, it could provide momentum for owners to assist and get involved. Mayor Towey added that if we were to beautify the whole corridor, Dora to Dishman, we could end up spending from three to five million; that business could come in but who would pay for the maintenance of that beautification. Mr. Guth said typically if the project is within our right-of-way, we would maintain it, but like Enterprise, they put in the project, spent the capital and they maintain it. Councilmember Wick asked about having a plan which might enable us to apply for grants, and Mr. Guth said he would have to research that. City Manager Jackson stated that whether we could use grant funds for such a project would depend on the grant opportunity; but that we are not aware of any grants specifically to fund landscaping, as most grants are for larger plans like sidewalks or road improvements. Councilmember Hafner suggested that since this is Council Study Session Minutes 03-19-2013 Page 2 of 5 Approved by Council: 04-09-2013 the first time he has seen Councilmember Grafos' suggestions, that perhaps staff could examine this further and determine what the cost would be for each segment, then compare that with the other projects and added that such a project could take away from other more important projects. Councilmembers appeared to agree with the idea of breaking this project into phases, and no Councilmember voiced an objection to Councilmember Hafher's suggestion. Councilmember Woodard stated that he was not feeling well and asked to be and was excused from the remainder of the meeting. At 8:10 p.m.,Mayor Towey called for a recess;the meeting was reconvened at 8:22 p.m. 4. Economic Development--John Hohman,Mike Jackson City Manager Jackson said that this topic was on the Council workshop agenda, but due to time constraints,was not addressed;that the idea was to discuss the continued promotion of the City's success stories, like the Permit Center, and to campaign to help highlight what we're doing with projects such as road preservation. In response to a question about recommendations from the Ad Hoc Committee, Mr. Jackson said those have been combined in this topic, and said we want to make sure we are all moving toward the same direction; and said discussion tonight includes some of the short term as well as long term goals, and whether Council wants to give some general direction on how to move toward those top five short term recommendations from the Ad Hoc Committee. Mr. Jackson continued with the PowerPoint presentation, which listed several of our economic development partners; he said staff has met with almost all of those and it takes a great deal of time to continue to meet with those partnerships. Community Development Director Hohman added we have identified several partners we feel are key to our continued success and have been working through issues such as what kind of staffing effort does it take to provide a healthy relationship; he said staff will get together and analyze the needs and bring that information to a future council meeting; he said the idea is to have free-flowing ideas and make sure we are participating as much as we should, and said staff is working now to identify specific needs. For example, Mr. Jackson explained, we have been trying to set up a meeting with GSI(Greater Spokane, Inc.) to develop a recruitment package for our city and include all the important demographics; identifying the needs such as retail,but said we will have to allocate time and resources for this endeavor. Mr. Hohman added that staff is working to put together a cooperative meeting the end of April with the Chamber to discuss bringing development into the community; and that staff is also researching permitting software to open up to the public so that we are ready for the upcoming construction season.Mr. Jackson said that although we have some Council representatives who attend some of these meetings, he is considering assigning specific staff from among our planners, to partner with some of the agencies on a regular basis. Mr. Jackson also pointed out that all the Ad Hoe Committee recommendations are included in tonight's council packet materials. As shown on their PowerPoint slide 4, Mr. Hohman said staff spent many hours analyzing this and coming up with a short list; that several are ongoing activities we currently do, such as participating as a regional tourism partner, although he said we will look to strengthen that area; he said we have moved into promoting our City as a business-friendly community, as noted in the recent ad campaign, and that campaign appeared to have worked well, and he said we want to continue that. He said we also want to promote access to the Spokane River and that the Shoreline Management Program's Access Plan works toward that goal. Director Holunan explained that Certified Site Programs promote "shovel-ready" properties; he said we want to have a rigorous system set up so it won't just be another step to go through, but result in properties being ready for development, which would include not just water and sewer availability, but also consider such things as traffic or stormwater requirements; he said we want to make it so properties can come in and look at structural plans and shorten the timeframe required for a permit, thereby allowing the property owner to really market the property. Councilmember Grafos suggested Council Study Session Minutes 03-19-2013 Page 3 of 5 Approved by Council: 04-09-2013 expanding the partners in that regard, to include such entities as the Traders Club and Spokane Home Builders; and Mayor Towey remarked that the key component is in the marketing. Mr. Jackson stated that we are in the process of trying to define the program; and as the 2014 business plan is developed,we will start to initiate at least some of these concepts; he said in 2014 or 2015 we will have to extend our horizons a little and will do that through the business plan process. Mr. Jackson explained that we spent$75,000 last year on those promotion items listed on slide 5; he said there are still a few remaining billboards;that we spent about $15,000 on production and have some other ad ideas that are not yet ready; he said staff is proposing for 2013 initially to take that same $75,000 figure for further ads; he said the agreement with MDI (Marketing Directors, Inc.) ended last year and City Attorney Driskell is preparing a document to extend that agreement; and he estimated a cost of about $200,000 to continue the ads throughout the year; he said we have some funds budgeted, but would return to council for a budget amendment for the remainder. Mr. Jackson asked Council for suggestions or comments on the promotion. Deputy Mayor Schimmels asked about the status of the freeway signs and Mr. Jackson said we continue working with WSDOT(Washington State Department of Transportation), and that Public Works Director Guth will be giving an update later. Director Hohman mentioned that former County Commissioner Mark Richard is now President of the Downtown Spokane Partnership, and said they're looking at putting some personnel on that task so when the wayfinding sign issue starts to progress, they will be involved. Councilmember Wick suggested continuing promotional ads for the permitting center, but also include roads and public safety. Councilmember Grafos agreed with the need to promote public safety as people need to know we live in a safe community, and he said that we spend a lot of our money on public safety. Councilmember Hafner agreed with the need to promote Spokane Valley as a safe city, as well as promote our road preservation and good schools, and mentioned the new Tech Center as an ideal opportunity. Councilmember Higgins asked about the idea of using cable television and Mr. Jackson said he can discuss that with MDI as part of their expertise is in identifying the market. Councihnember Higgins also suggested in addition to having a focus on the Spokane River, to include other amenities such as golf, skiing, fishing, and our abundance of nearby lakes. City Manager Jackson added for those reasons and more, this is a great location in which to live; and said we have to have the program that stands behind the advertising so we need to be selective and careful about what we promote while not diluting our message by overdoing it, and said that is where MDI can assist us. Councilmember Wick also mentioned the residential aspect of our city and Councilmember Hafner added that there are certain basics that a family looks for when considering a move to a new location. At approximately 9:00 p.m., it was moved by Deputy Mayor Schimmels, seconded and unanimously agreed to extend the meeting for one hour. 5. Proposed Changes to Spokane Valley Municipal Code 2.50.060 Regarding Physical Exams — John Whitehead Human Resources Manager Whitehead explained that the City has consistently required pre-employment physicals for all prospective employees regardless of duties assigned, and that this change would allow the Human Resources Manager the flexibility to determine if a pre-employment physical would be required, based on the duties of the position. There were no objections to proceeding with a first reading of an ordinance to make the suggested changes. 6.Proposed Resolution Specifying Insurance Plans—John Whitehead Human Resources Manager Whitehead explained that with Council's ratification of the Collective Bargaining Agreement last December which included a description of the benefits provided to regular employees, it became necessary to modify the resolution specifying insurance plans so that the resolution would mirror what was approved in the Bargaining Agreement. Mr. Whitehead said this resolution would Council Study Session Minutes 03-19-2013 Page 4 of 5 Approved by Council: 04-09-2013 not change what is currently being used for insurance, but merely updates the resolution to make it consistent with that Bargaining Agreement. Councilmember Wick said that he realizes the benefits afforded to Council and those afforded to staff are different, and that he would like to discuss the idea of having the same benefits for all. City Manager Jackson explained that if Council would like to discuss the plan, the best time would be during the 2014 budget discussions. Mayor Towey asked if there were any Council objections to placing this on the next Consent Agenda, and no objections were raised. 7. Advance Agenda—Mayor Towey:There were no suggestions for changes to the Advance Agenda. 8. Council Check-in—Mayor Towey: There were no comments. 9. City Manager Comments—Mike Jackson City Manager Jackson said that the Lodging Tax Bill was passed by the House so it remains under consideration as the Senate moves to vote on the issue. EXECUTIVE SESSION: It was moved by Deputy Mayor Schimmels, seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn into Executive Session for approximately thirty minutes to discuss pending litigation, and that no action is anticipated thereafter. Council adjourned into Executive Session at 9:11 p.m. At approximately 9:30 p.m., Mayor Towey declared Council out of Executive Session, after which it was moved by Deputy Mayor Schimmels, seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn. _dee� ATTEST: - Th•mas E.To ey,Mayor imp Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Council Study Session Minutes 03-19-2013 Page 5 of 5 Approved by Council: 04-09-2013 Agenda item #3 3/19/2013 LANDSCAPING/STORMWATER PROJECT APPLEWAY BLVD. Proposed phase in of project: Start date 2013 DORA TO PARK RD: Existing remnants, existing dry land swales, existing dry land grass areas. a. Irrigate existing dry Iand swales b. Irrigate/convert existing dry land grass areas c. Northwest corner — contains welding company, etal. Work with owners, help with license agreements, begin property acquisitions if needed, apply for available grant funding. PARK RD. TO DISHMAN MICA: a. Irrigate existing dry land swales — city owned properties southside of Appleway blvd. b. Irrigate/convert existing dry land grass areas — city owned Properties southside of appleway blvd. c. Northside of Appleway blvd. Park rd. to Dishman Mica: Contains new carmax property, Thrifty Auto Sales, Gus Johnson Ford, Appleway Chevrolet, etal. Work with property owners, help with license agreements, begin property acquisitions if needed, apply for available grant funding. DISHMAN MICA TO UNIVERSITY: a. Irrigate existing dry land swales -- city owned properties b. Irrigate/convert existing dry land grass areas — city owned properties. c. Work with property owners, help with license agreements, begin any property acquisitions if needed, apply for grant funding. }}� / 7 /..L 'I S�1t] se` f f kk p1F )• 1 }.}J,' t.. 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