PC APPROVED Minutes 03-28-13 Spokane Valley Planning Commission APPROVED Minutes Council Chambers City Hall, 11707 E. Sprague Ave. March 28, 2013 I. CALL TO ORDER Chair Bates called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. II, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Commissioners, staff and audience stood for the pledge of allegiance III. ROLL CALL COMMISSIONERS Present Absent CITY STAFF Bill Bates-Chair x John Hohman, Corn Development Director Joe Stoy—Vice Chair x • Micki Harnois, Planner Steven Neill x • Eric Lamb, Deputy City Attorney Kevin Anderson x Mike Phillips x Robert McCaslin x Christina Carlsen x Can Hinshaw, Secretary IV. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Commissioner Stoy made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. This motion was passed unanimously. V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Neill made a motion to approve the March 14, 2013 minutes as presented. This motion was passed unanimously. VI. PUBLIC COMMENT There was no public comment. VII. COMMISSION REPORTS Christina Carlsen attended the Cities Birthday Party. VIII. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS Community Development Director John Hohman provided an update on the work load items as listed: Planning Commission Minutes Page 1 of 4 1. Mr. Holtman and Planning Manager Scott Kuhta will be putting together a revised advance agenda for the Planning Commission. The City has fourteen pending code text amendments and five to six major planning projects. 2. The Shoreline Development Regulations are not ready for the Planning Commission. The initial drafts that were reviewed are not up to satisfaction. The consultant will rework them so that they're easier to understand and implement. 3. Mr. Hohtnan stated that they will be moving forward with the Comprehensive Plan Amendments by Senior Planner Mike Basinger. IX. COMMISSION BUSINESS A. Unfinished Business: Findings of Fact: CTA-2013-0002, Amendment to the Spokane Valley Municipal Code, SEPA Categorical Exemptions. Commissioner Stoy made a motion to accept the findings and fact CTA-2013-0002 as presented. The motion was passed unanimously. B. New Business: A. Study Session: CTA-2013-0003, Amendment to the Spokane Valley Municipal Code, Amending Manufactured Home Regulations. Planner Micki Harnois presented a brief overview of CTA-2013-0003 as follows: 1. The city initiated text amendment is to amend SVMC 19.40.120 manufactured homes on individual lots,to eliminate new manufactured homes. 2. Listed the requirements of the designated manufactured homes. 3. Presented some pictures of stick built and manufactured homes from 2005, 1998 and 1996. 4. Staff recommendations and proposed amendment. Commissioner Stoy asked if 19.40.120.B.1 would be stricken. Ms. Harnois stated that both 19.40.120.B.1 and would be deleted. Commissioner McCaslin asked if there are any neighborhood covenants as far as planned developments, gated communities. Commissioner McCasIin commented, if there was an empty lot and you put a manufactured home on it, would that erase any covenant? Deputy City Attorney Eric Lamb stated, typically the covenants are between the property owners and not something the city can enforce. He said if it is pre-existing then they have that contract already established. Commissioner Bates asked about how many requests we have had on this and how many double wides are there on individual lots in the City? Ms. Harnois stated calls have come in at least once a week and that the GIS database shows a very extensive list of double wides on individual lots. Commissioner Stoy asked if there were landscaping requirements for residential housing. Ms. Harnois stated that there are no landscaping requirements for residential. Mr. Hohman stated that the point system for landscaping only applies to commercial and industrial. Commissioner Stoy asked if the homes would be required to be Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 of 4 on standard footing and foundations or be able to be on the strip concrete footings. Mr. Holtman replied that it could go either way as long as it is anchored according to the building codes. B. Study Session: CTA-2013-0004, Amendment to the Spokane Valley Municipal Code, Amending Sign Code Regulations. Community Development Director John Hohman presented an overview of topics for discussion for CTA-2013-0004 and presented it as follows: 1. Review of 2012 Sign Code Revision Process. 2. Overview of 2012 Changes, 3. Highlights of 2012 Public Education/Code enforcement Process. 4. Issues with 2012 Code. 5. 2013 Code Revisions. There were some concerns from some of the Planning Commissioners regarding signage in the interior of a business. Mr. Hohman clarified that the sign code change is for the exterior of buildings, not the interior and that the City does not regulate the interior signage of buildings. After discussion, it was decided to look into this as a separate issue in the future, possibly a code text amendment in 2014. Commissioner Stoy asked what penalties are involved when it comes to outstanding issues regarding signs. Mr. Hohman stated that a notice of order would be issued. Once the City does that, there is a five hundred dollar fine. He also stated the City does like to work with the business owners and if they are in compliance, the City will waive the five hundred dollar fine. The impact could be monetary. Commissioner Stoy stated that the suggested code revision for the reader boards says, "Reader boards for certain businesses". Mr. Stoy asked what is going to classify what a certain business is, Mr, Hohman explained that the City does not have any code previsions for that. Typically, most businesses already have them mounted on their freestanding signs or maybe they do not need them, It was brought up as a description of the different kind of business that would usually use them. Deputy City Attorney Eric Lamb stated that if a business does not comply then the legal system is used. Which means additional legal costs, fees can be increased and a lien can be used against the property. The City may also obtain an order from the court to force the business to take the sign down and comply with the City code. Commissioner Stoy asked how the City would control the amount of Temporary Signs. Mr. Hohman stated that the City would stay with the provision, one banner, one reader board, or two flags with copy. X. GOOD OF THE ORDER There was nothing for the good of the order. XI. ADJOURNMENT The being no other business the meeting was adjourned at 7:24 p.m. Planning Commission Minutes Page 3 of 4 Bill Bates, Chairperson Can Hinshaw, PC Secretary Date signed 0 7'/x(/3 Planning Commission Minutes Page 4 of 4