2013, 04-02 Study Session MINUTES SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING STUDY SESSION FORMAT Spokane Valley City Hall Council Chambers Spokane Valley,Washington April 2,2013 6:00 p.m. Attendance: Councilmembers Staff Torn Towey,Mayor Mike Jackson, City Manager Dean Grafos,Councilmember Erik Lamb,Deputy City Attorney Chuck Hafner,Councilmember Mark Calhoun, Finance Director Rod Higgins, Councilmember Mike Stone,Parks&Recreation Director Ben Wick, Councilmember Eric Guth,Public Works Director Arne Woodard, Councilmember Inga Note,Traffic Engineer Morgan Koudelka, Sr.Administrative Analyst Absent: John Pietro,Administrative Analyst Gary Schimmels,Deputy Mayor Doug Powell,Building Official Steve Worley, Senior Engineer Chief VanLeuven,Police Chief Chris Bainbridge,City Clerk Mayor Towey called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Roll Call: City Clerk Bainbridge called the roll; all Councilmembers were present except Deputy Mayor Schimmels. It was moved by Councilmember Grafos, seconded and unanimously agreed to excuse Deputy Mayor Schimmels from tonight's meeting. Mayor Towey announced that due to a schedule change, agenda items one and two will be taken in reverse order. 2. School Beacons—Eric Guth,Inga Note Traffic Engineer Note explained the various opportunities for school flashing beacons grant funding; said the applications are due the end of May, and that these schools only include elementary and middle schools,with the short list at the bottom of her Request for Council Action form in table 2. Ms.Note said this is not a complete list of all schools, but only those staff felt were a high priority for receiving the beacons. She asked Council for comments, and said prior to Council taking action on this item, that she would do more analysis on these and talk to the schools. The various speed limits at the school areas were discussed as well. Ms.Note said that we usually only apply for two or three school beacons at once; that the County would do the construction for these as well as for schools in the County; adding that they have a very busy summer and there are time constraints. It was mentioned this would come before Council for a motion consideration at next week's Council meeting; and there were no objections. 1,Potential Projects for 2014-2019—Steve Worley Senior Engineer Worley said the purpose of this item is to discuss what kind of projects Council would like staff to consider as staff starts to put the first draft of the next, six-year TIP (Transportation Improvement Plan) together; he said the normal procedure is as the current year drops off another year is added to the end of the six-year span, and that adjustments are made as needed; he said this list covers all the projects that were in the previous TIP except for those taken off or added with grants just received. Mr. Worley noted that the update handout distributed today has the correct date on the header, and an explanation at the bottom indicating the total cost column are only shown for the six years of this TIP; and that project costs prior to and beyond these six years are not included in the amount shown; so information missing include costs that were incurred in 2012 and 2013 for projects in 2014. Councilmember Higgins suggested adding another column to help reduce any confusion. Council Study Session Minutes 04-02-2013 Page I of 3 Approved by Council: 04-23-2013 Councihnember Woodard mentioned the bike path project at Greenacres and asked if we received the right-of-way from the County, and Mr. Worley replied that project should be removed or extended into the future, with the probable best choice to remove it and then put back if we can get some resolution. There was further discussion about the other categories, and mention that the last two programs in the safety program are scheduled for 2013 so those would be removed since they will be completed prior to 2014. Councilmember Woodard referenced the Fan• Road Appleway to 4r project, and said if that is already a failed street, he would prefer to let it remain so since funds are limited. There was discussion about the OCI (overall condition index) rating with a reminder from Mr. Worley that those figures are projected for the year 2017. Mr. Worley also brought Council's attention to the "projects with no currently identified local match" and said one of the criteria in drafting the TIP is that it must be fiscally constrained and must fit into the plan within those available resources; that these are projects staff feels are needed but there are more projects than resources; adding if Council would like staff to consider fitting any of those within the six year plan, he is open to suggestions and ideas concerning those projects and what Council feels is important; that he will then take those comments into the draft TIP and bring a subsequent presentation to Council in about a month, and he reminded everyone that the TIP is a planning document. There was a concern voiced by Councilmember Hafner concerning Bigelow Gulch and the effect that project will have on Sullivan Road within our city limits.Mr. Worley said he will follow up relative to the County's project and see if we can have any input concerning the project's phase as it connects with our City limit. Councilmember Wick asked about the Mansfield Avenue Connection project as it is not on the list, and Mr. Worley explained that the hope is to get to that constructed this year, although most likely would have to be placed on next year's construction plan. Councilmember Wick also mentioned the Barker BNSF Grade separation and said he would like to see that move along at a higher priority. Mayor Towey agreed and said after the Sullivan Bridge, that should be the top priority and said he thinks bridging the valley will be an important topic of discussion, including revenues for such a project. City Manager Jackson stated that the intent is to come back later for a comprehensive discussion on bridging the valley since it includes more than the grade separation. After other discussion concerning some of the projects, Council voiced a preference to keep Mission on the existing list for sometime in the future, and that Park Road, Broadway to Indiana can be postponed a little.There were no other suggestions for future projects. 3. S okane Regional Trans ortation Council Interlocal Agreement—Eric Guth Public Works Director Guth briefed Council on the changes to the interlocal; and said staff would like to have a motion conic before Council next week if Council concurs. Councilmember Wick noted that our City is not mentioned on page 5 as the other entities are, and mentioned that one smaller city's population hovers between 5,000 and slightly under 5,000, and that the way this is written, it may have to be revised again in the future. Mr. Gutli responded that the cities are noted as new voting members. There were no objections to bringing this next week for a motion for Council's consideration. 4. Overview of Gang Enforcement and Property Crimes--Chief VanLeuven Chief VanLeuven stated that Sgt. Kittilstved will give a presentation concerning gang enforcement, followed by a presentation from Lt. Nowels concerning property crimes statistics; and said that they are not here to make us paranoid,but to make us aware. Sgt. Kittilstved went over the Spokane Violent Crime Gang Enforcement Team's mission; that they exist to educate and make citizens aware of the influx of gang violence in Spokane Valley; he talked about gang recruiting and gave some crime statistics. Lt. Novels followed with his property crimes presentation, which included statistics, crime trends, comparisons, and examples of sonic of their "emphasis," such as vehicle prowling, and commercial burglary. Mayor Towey called for a recess at 7:55 p.m., and reconvened the meeting at 8:05 p.m. Council Study Session Minutes 04-02-2013 Page 2 of 3 Approved by Council: 04-23-2013 5.Public Safety Contract Addenda—Morgan Koudelka,John Pietro Senior Administrative Analyst Koudelka and Administrative Analyst Pietro explained that Spokane County and Spokane Valley are proposing a modification to the cost methodology used to determine the City's share of indirect cost paid through contract,which affects our contracts with the County for Animal Control, District Court, Department of Emergency Management, Hearing Examiner, and Pretrial. They explained that the purpose of this modification is to improve the way costs are calculated and not to examine the service itself; and stated that this does not include Law Enforcement and Detention Services as those were recently negotiated in 2010 and 2011, and incorporate the indirect rate change. Mr. Koudelka and Pietro explained the indirect rate change and what overhead costs include, and that the indirect rate is the method used to assess those overhead costs. One of the reasons for the change, they explained, is that the County previously used an indirect rate that used a base of salaries and benefits, which meant that they could only be reimbursed through grants for overhead costs related to salaries and benefits; they said that the equipment grants were applied 100% to the equipment provided under the grant with no portion going to overhead;the equipment grants other than the salary portion require central services support such as accounting and auditing, and that moving to a total expenditures indirect base allows the County to recover a portion of indirect costs on equipment grants. They explained further that the County has indicated that they want to use one indirect cost plan for all users including Spokane Valley; and they went over the difference in calculations, which included an explanation of the use of hourly weight factors in the district court contract; and ended by explaining that the proposed change would be effective beginning 2010; and all combined, our City could see a cost saving, which would likely be offset by anticipated increase to Public Defender costs as a result of caseload standards, Mr. Koudelka said if Council feels comfortable with this information, this could be brought forward for a motion at next week's Council meeting. There were no objections. 6.Advance Agenda—Mayor Towey Mayor Towey asked Councilmembers if they were considering attending the AWC (Association of Washington Cities) Annual Conference June 25, and that Council can discuss later if there would be a Council meeting June 25t, Councilmember Wick indicated he was planning to attend the conference. Mayor Towey asked Councilmembers to please Iet Administrative Assistant Sue Passmore know if they plan to attend the conference, so we can plan accordingly. 7. Road Preservation Phase 2;this was for information only and was not reported or discussed. 8. Council Check-in—Mayor Towey There were no comments. 9. City Manager Comments—Mike Jackson City Manager Jackson remarked that Representative McMorris-Rodgers will be here Thursday for an 8 a.m. meeting with Council, and that he will send out his list of topic ideas to Council, such as our city's anniversary, a general list of federal aid we have received in the past, Sullivan Bridge, protection of the tax exempt status of municipal bonds, the Barker grade separation project, and that CDBG (Community Development Block Grant)funds are in jeopardy. It was moved by Councilmember Grafos, seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 8:51 p.m. 4111. ATTES ,T-Lomas E. owey,Mayor 0 • IR ■ L. hristine Bainbridge, pity Clerk or Council Study Session Minutes 04-02-2013 Page 3 of 3 Approved by Council: 04-23-2013 Agenda Item# 1 City of Spokane Valley Draft Department of Public Works Six Year Transportation Improvement Program ProjectsListed by Category for the 2014-2019 Six-Year TIP Dollars In Thousands Arterial Improvements Project Name Description Start Year City Coat Total Cost Mission Ave.-Flora Rd.to Barker Reconstruct to a 3-lane section with 2014 $74 $548 Rd.(PE/RW) curb,sidewalks,bike lanes and stormwater facilities; Mission Ave.-Flora Rd.to Barker Widen&Overlay to a 3-lane section 2015 $683 $3,416 Rd.(CN) with curb,sidewalks,bike lanes and stormwater facilities Park Road#2-Broadway to Indiana Reconstruct to a 3-lane section with 2017 $408 $3,027 (RW&ON) curb,sidewalks,bike lanes and stormwater facilities Total: $1,165 $6,991 Bridge Projects Project Name Description Start Year City Cost Total Cost Sullivan Road West Bridge Reconstruct and widen west 2014 $1,786 516,880 (southbound)bridge Barker Road!BNSF Grade Construct Grade Separation at 2019 $101 $750 Separation(PE&RW Only) Barker/BNSF RR!Trent(SR290) Total: $1,887 $17,630 Congestion Improvements • Project Name Description Start Year City Cost Total Cost Argonne Road-190 to Trent Revise Signal Phasing,Add NB 2014 $79 $582 Right Turn Lane at Montgomery, Intersection Improvements at Knox Sullivan Road Corridor Traffic Study- Conceptual Planning for Sullivan 2014 $11 $80 1-90 to Wellesley Road corridor improvements Total: $90 $662 The'Total Cost'shown are only for the six years of this TIP. Project costs prior to and beyond these six years are not included in the amounts shown. Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances,and are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. Monday,April 01,2013 Page 1 of 7 City of Spokane Valley Draft Department of Public Works Six Year Transportation Improvement Program ProjectsListed by Category for the 2014-2019 Six-Year TIP Dollars in Thousands Pedestrian/Bicycle Program Project Name Description Start Year City Cast Total Cost Spokane Valley-Millwood Trail-SCC Construct Shared Use Pathway on 2014 $0 $440 to Evergreen Rd(PE) abandoned Railroad Right-of-way Appleway Trail Phase 2-University Construct Shared Use Pathway 2014 $75 $75 to Evergreen(PE) along abandoned Railroad Right-of- Way Park Road#1 Sidewalk Project- Construct sidewalk along east side of 2014 $59 $433 Sinto Ave.to Indiana Ave. Park Road from 200-ft S.of Sinto to Indiana Ave.and 165-ft gap on Mission Ave.east of Park Rd Sidewalk Infll Program-Phase 3 Complete gaps In sidewalk system 2015 $0 $3 throughout City,ADA upgrades Bowdlsh Sidewalk-8th to 12th Construct sidewalk along both sides 2015 $82 $601 of Bowdish Appleway Trail Phase 2-University Construct Shared Use Pathway 2015 $270 $2,000 to Evergreen(RW&CN) along abandoned Railroad Right-of- Way Appleway Trail Phase 3-Evergreen Construct Shared Use Pathway 2016 $335 $2,480 to Corbin along abandoned Railroad Right-of- Way Greenacres Trail-Sullivan to E City Construct Shared Use Pathway on 2018 $148 $1,095 Limits(RW&CN) abandoned railroad right-of-way Spokane Valley-Millwood Trail-SCC Construct Shared Use Pathway on 2018 $303 $2,240 to Evergreen Rd(RW&CN) abandoned Railroad Right-of-way Total: $1,272 $9,367 The'Total Cost'shown are only for the six years of this TIP. Project costs prior to and beyond these six years are not included in the amounts shown. Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances,and are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. Monday,April 01,2013 Page 2 of 7 City of Spokane Valley Draft Department of Public Works Six Year Transportation Improvement Program ProjectsListed by Category for the 2014-2019 Six-Year TIP Doliars In Thousands Safety Program Prolact Name Dasoriptlon Start Yaar City Cast Total Cast SR-27(Pines)&Grace Ave. Safety Improvements,Add left turn- 2014 $0 $523 Intersection Safety lane Argonne/Mullan Safety Project- Signal/Bike Safely Improvements 2014 $0 $102 Indiana to Broadway Argonne Corridor Safely Project- Signal/Bike Safety Improvements;. 2014 $0 $164 Empire to Knox City Project#0170 Total: $0 $789 The'Total Cost' shown are only for the six years of this TIP. Project costs prior to and beyond these six years are not included in the amounts shown, Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances,and are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. Monday,April 01,2013 Page 3 of 7 City of Spokane Valley Draft Department of Public Works Six Year Transportation Improvement Program ProjectsListed by Category for the 2014-2019 Six-Year TIP Dollars in Thousands Street Preservation Projects Prefect Name Description Start Year City Cost Total Cost Adams St Resurfacing Project-4th Pavement Resurfacing&ADA 2014 $27 $195 to Sprague upgrades Evergreen Road Resurfacing- Grind/Overlay;OCI:35.07 2014 $1,066 $1,066 Sprague to Mission Mullen Road Resurfacing-Dishman Grind/Overlay;001:35.56 2014 $297 $297 Mica to Broadway Sprague Ave Resurfacing-Argonne Grind/Overlay;OCI:33.28 2014 $98 $725 to Herald Sullivan Road Resurfacing- Grind/Overlay;OCI:32.49 2014 $43 $316 Broadway to Mission Dishman Mica Resurfacing-Sands Grind/Overlay;OCI:34.43 2015 3376 $376 to Thorpe Mission Ave Resurfacing-Argonne Grind/Overlay;OCI:33.68 2015 3497 $497 to Herald Mullen Road Resurfacing-Broadway Grind/Overlay;OCI:33.38 2015 $325 $325 to Mission Sprague Ave Resurfacing-Vista to Grind/Overlay;OCI:34.04 2015 391 3670 Argonne Sullivan Road Resurfacing-Sprague Grind/Overlay;OCI:31.2 2015 $113 $840 to Broadway Appleway Blvd Resurfacing-Vista to Grind/Overlay;OCI:33.37 2016 $1,260 $1,260 Dishman Mica Dishman Mica Road Resurfacing- Grind/Overlay;OCI:33.67 2016 3296 $296 40th to Sands Dishman Mica Road Resurfacing- Grind/Overlay;OCI:32.58 2016 $219 $219 Thorpe to S City Limit Evergreen Road Resurfacing-1-90 GrindfOverlay;OCI:30,43 2017 3300 $300 to Indiana Sprague Ave Resurfacing-Flora to Grind/Overlay;001:32.76 2017 $63 $469 Corbin The'Total Cost shown are only for the six years of this TIP. Project costs prior to and beyond these six years are not included in the amounts shown. Projects and limeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances,and are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. Monday,April 01,2013 Page 4 of 7 City of Spokane Valley Draft Department of Public Works Six Year Transportation Improvement Program ProjectsListed by Category for the 2014-2019 Six-Year TIP Dollars in Thousands Sprague Ave Resurfacing-Park to Grind/Overlay;OCI:31.58 2017 $87 $892 Vista Sprague Ave Resurfacing-Sullivan Grind/Overlay;OCI:31.46 2017 $101 $750 to Conklin Total: $5,259 $9,243 The'Total Cost'shown are only for the six years of this TIP. Project costs prior to and beyond these six years are riot included in the amounts shown. Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances,and are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers In making development decisions. Monday,April 01,2013 Page 5 of 7 City of Spokane Valley Draft Department of Public Works Six Year Transportation Improvement Program ProjectsListed by Category for the 2014-2019 Six-Year TIP Dollars In Thousands Street Reconstruction Projects Project Name Description Start Year City Cost Total Cost Broadway @ Argonne/Mullen Reconstruct Intersections In concrete 2014 $6 $42 Concrete Intersections(PEIRW Only) pavement Sullivan 1 Euclid Concrete Reconstruct intersection in concrete 2014 $7 $52 Intersection(PE) pavement Euclid Ave Reconstruction-Flora to Full Road Reconstruction;OCI:27.3 2014 $2,885 $2,885 E City Limits Euclid Ave Reconstruction-W end Full Road Reconstruction;OCI:21.42 2015 $602 $602 to Sullivan Flora Road Reconstruction-Euclid Full Road Reconstruction;OCI:27.96 2015 $1,487 $1,487 to Trent Madison Road Reconstruction-40th Full Road Reconstruct;OCI:22.06 2015 $1,680 $1,680 to Thorpe Euclid Ave Reconstruction-Sullivan Full Road Reconstruction;OCI:28.41 2016 $310 $310 to Marietta Farr Road Reconstruction-4th to 8th Full Road Reconstruction;OCI:28.93 2016 $585 $585 Progress Road Reconstruction- Full Road Reconstruct;OCI:17.15 2016 $519 $519 Wellesley to Crown Argonne Road Concrete Pavement- Reconstruct pavement in concrete; 2017 $3,108 $3,108 1-90 to Montgomery OCI:40.35(2012) Broadway @ Argonne/Mullan Reconstruct Intersections In concrete 2017 $285 $2,110 Concrete Intersections(CN Only) pavement Euclid Ave Reconstruction-Marietta Full Road Reconstruction;OCI:29.21 2017 $1,557 $1,557 to Flora Farr Road Reconstruction- Full Road Reconstruction;OCI:29.63 2017 $267 $267 Appleway to 4th Sprague/Fancher Concrete Reconstruct Intersection in concrete 2017 $212 $1,572 Intersection pavement Sullivan!Euclid Concrete Reconstruct intersection in concrete 2017 $211 $1,562 Intersection(RW/CN) pavement The`Total Cost'shown are only for the six years of this TIP. Project costs prior to and beyond these six years are not included In the amounts shown. Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances,and are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions, Monday,April 01,2013 Page 6 of 7 City of Spokane Valley Draft Department of Public Works Six Year Transportation improvement Program ProjectsListed by Category for the 2014-2019 Six-Year TIP Dollars in Thousands Sprague/Argonne-Mullan Concrete Reconstruct intersections in concrete 2018 $2,342 $2,342 Intersections pavement Total: $16,063 $20,680 Traffic Operations and Maintenance Project Name Description Start Year City Cost Total Cost Sullivan Corridor ITS-Indiana to Extend ITS conduit and contols along 2015 $239 $1,766 Trent(SR 290) Sullivan Corridor Citywide ITS Project Install ITS controllers and fiber along 2016 $123 $915 Broadway,University and Argonne/Mullan routes with existing conduit Total: $362 $2,681 Overall Total: $26,098 $68,043 The'Total Cost'shown are only for the six years of this TIP. Project costs prior to and beyond these six years are not included in the amounts shown. Projects and limeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances,and are not Intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. Monday,April 01,2013 Page 7 of 7