2013, 05-14 Regular MeetingAGENDA SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING FORMAL FORMAT MEETING Tuesday, May 14, 2013 6:00 p.m. Spokane Valley City Hall Council Chambers 11707 E Sprague Avenue Council Requests Please Silence Your Cell Phones During Council Meeting CALL TO ORDER: INVOCATION: Pastor Isaac Hebden, The Intersection Church PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: ROLL CALL: APPROVAL OF AGENDA: INTRODUCTION OF SPECIAL GUESTS AND PRESENTATIONS: COMMITTEE, BOARD, LIAISON SUMMARY REPORTS: MAYOR'S REPORT: Proclamations: Older Americans' Month PUBLIC COMMENTS: This is an opportunity for the public to speak on any subject except those on this agenda as action items. (Action items include public hearings, and those items under NEW BUSINESS. Public Comments will be taken on those items at the time those items are discussed.) When you come to the podium, please state your name and address for the record and limit remarks to three minutes. 1. PUBLIC HEARING: 2013 Amended Budget — Mark Calhoun 2. CONSENT AGENDA: Consists of items considered routine which are approved as a group. Any member of Council may ask that an item be removed from the Consent Agenda to be considered separately. a. Approval of the following claim vouchers: VOUCHER LIST DATE VOUCHER NUMBERS: TOTAL AMOUNT 01/29/2013 28238 $200.00 02/08/2013 28290 - 28344; 205130014; 205130163 $260,087.11 03/18/2013 28627 -28632 $1,532.45 04/18/2013 4294 -4297; 418130102 $68,012.34 04/19/2013 5550 -5554 $380.00 04/19/2013 28909 - 28952; 415130028 $594,252.53 04/25/2013 28955 -28994 $116,657.82 04/26/2013 28995 -29023 $148,990.56 05/02/2013 29024 -29027 $4,629.69 05/03/2013 29028 - 29074; 4301300500; 502130175 $1,898,272.35 GRAND TOTAL $3,093,014.85 Council Agenda 05 -14 -13 Formal Format Meeting Page 1 of 2 b. Approval of Payroll for period ending April 30, 2013: $404,245.78 c. Approval of April 23, 2013 Council Formal Meeting Minutes d. Approval of May 7, 2013 Council Meeting Minutes, Study Session Format NEW BUSINESS: 3. Second Reading Ordinance 13 -004, SEPA Regulations — Lori Barlow [public comment] 4. First Reading Proposed Ordinance 13 -005, Dangerous Dog — Cary Driskell [public comment] 5. First Reading Proposed Ordinance 13 -006 Amending 2013 Budget —Mark Calhoun [public comment] PUBLIC COMMENTS: This is an opportunity for the public to speak on any subject except those on this agenda as action items. (Action items include public hearings, and those items under NEW BUSINESS. Public Comments will be taken on those items at the time those items are discussed.) When you come to the podium, please state your name and address for the record and limit remarks to three minutes. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS: 6. Manufactured Homes in Individual Lots, CTA 03 -13 — Micki Harnois 7. Update on New Marijuana Regulations— Erik Lamb 8. Advance Agenda — Mayor Towey INFORMATION ONLY (will not be reported or discussed): 9. Planning Commission Minutes (March 28, 2013) 10. Operations and Administrative Services Quarterly Report CITY MANAGER COMMENTS ADJOURNMENT General Meeting Schedule (meeting schedule is always subject to change) Regular Council meetings are generally held every Tuesday beginning at 6:00 p.m. The Formal meeting formats are generally held the 211-d and 41h Tuesdays. Formal meeting have time allocated for general public comments as well as comments after each action item. The Study Session formats (the less formal meeting) are generally held the 1st 3Ld and 51h Tuesdays. Study Session formats DO NOT have time allocated for general public comments; but if action items are included, comments are permitted after those specific action items. NOTICE: Individuals planning to attend the meeting who require special assistance to accommodate physical, hearing, or other impairments, please contact the City Clerk at (509) 921 -1000 as soon as possible so that arrangements may be made. Council Agenda 05 -14 -13 Formal Format Meeting Page 2 of 2 S p6 ane ,,;0oo4FVaIIey, J)rodamatton City of spokone vafiby Washington Oliler,xmerieans' ,Month "unleash the Tower ofgge" WHEREAS, Spokane Valley includes citizens ages 60 and older; and WHEREAS, Spokane Valley is committed to valuing all individuals and recognizing their ongoing life achievements; and WHEREAS, the older adults in Spokane Valley play an important role by continuing to contribute experience, knowledge, wisdom, and accomplishments; and WHEREAS, our older adults are active community members involved in volunteering, mentorship, arts and culture, and civic engagement; and WHEREAS, recognizing the successes of community elders encourages their ongoing participation and further accomplishments; and WHEREAS, our community can provide opportunities to allow older citizens to continue to flourish by: • emphasizing the importance of elders and their leadership by publicly recognizing their continued achievements; • presenting opportunities for older Americans to share their wisdom, experience, and skills; and • recognizing older adults as a valuable asset in strengthening American communities. Now therefore, I, Thomas Towey, Mayor of the City of Spokane Valley, Washington, on behalf of the Spokane Valley City Council and the citizens of the City of Spokane Valley, do hereby proclaim May 2013 as Older Americans' Month And I urge all citizens to take time this month to recognize older adults and the people who serve and support them as powerful and vital citizens who greatly contribute to the community. Dated this 14th day of May, 2013. Thomas E. Towey, Mayor CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: May 14, 2013 Department Director Approval: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ® public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation ❑ executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Public Hearing on Proposed 2013 Budget Amendment. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: In order for the City to amend an adopted budget State law requires the Council to approve an ordinance that appropriates additional funds. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: The Council last took formal action on the 2013 Budget when it was adopted on October 30, 2012. On May 7th an Administrative Report was delivered to Council that conveyed the fact that a number of events have taken place in the normal course of operations that necessitate a second budget amendment. BACKGROUND: Since the adoption of the 2013 Budget on October 30, 2012 a number of events have transpired in the normal course of operations that necessitate a 2013 Budget amendment. They include: #001 - General Fund Provide additional appropriations (expenditures) of $215,102 comprised of both recurring and nonrecurring items. Recurring items totaling $133,140 include: • Adding $70,312 to payroll in a variety of departments as a result of several data entry errors when the 2013 Budget was prepared. • Adding $4,428 in professional services for the Human Resources Department to cover the cost of Discovery Benefits who manage the health reimbursement accounts (HRAs). • Adding $125,000 to economic development which will allow a full year of City promotion. • Reducing the City Hall lease by $66,600 as a result of renegotiating the lease with NW Christian Schools. Nonrecurring items totaling $81,962 include: • $56,962 of Parks and Recreation related expenditures including the master plan ($24,500), Demo /Clean -up of the Brown Property ($9,500), an ADA lift and anchor at Terrace Pool ($1,812), a chiller at CenterPlace ($21,150). • $25,000 to replace carpet at City Hall (reflecting what we anticipate will be'/ of the cost, with NW Christian Schools paying for the balance). Revenue increases total $200,787 and include: • Revising the estimate for sales tax upward by $150,000 from $15.10 million to $15.25 million. • When the City issued limited tax general obligation (LTGO) bonds in 2003 to construct CenterPlace it entered into a covenant (promise) to set aside $300,000 by the end of 2009 that will serve as a back -up to cover CenterPlace operations through the life of the bond issue (final bond repayment will be made December 1, 2033). The City actually ended up setting aside $350,787 (in Fund #120 — CenterPlace Operating Reserve Fund) or $50,787 more than was necessary. Because we're only required to hold $300,000 for this purpose we're proposing the excess balance be returned to the General Fund from whence it came. 11SV- FS21Userslmcalhounl8udgets120130mandmentslAmendment #112013 05 141Public Hearing12013 05 14 RCA public hearing for 2013 budg amendmnt.docx #105 - Hotel 1 Motel Tax Fund Provide an additional appropriation of $50,000 to reflect the total lodging tax awarded by Council on December 11, 2012. The intention behind the additional award amount was to consume a portion of the excess fund balance. #120 — CenterPlace Operating Reserve Fund When the City issued limited tax general obligation (LTGO) bonds in 2003 to construct CenterPlace it entered into a covenant (promise) to set aside $300,000 by the end of 2009 that will serve as a back -up to cover CenterPlace operations through the life of the bond issue (final bond repayment will be made December 1, 2033). The City actually ended up setting aside $350,787 or $50,787 more than was necessary. Because we're only required to hold $300,000 for this purpose we're proposing the excess balance be returned to the General Fund from whence it came. #301 — Capital Projects Fund Os� 1/4% REED Provide an additional appropriation of $150,000 reflecting a transfer to Fund #303 — Street Capital Projects Fund to cover the estimated cost of the Appleway Trail Design. This was approved by the Council at the December 18, 2012 Council meeting. #303_- Street Capital Protects Fund Revenues will increase by a $150,000 reflecting a transfer from Fund #301 — Capital Projects Fund, and appropriations will increase by $150,000 to cover the estimated cost of the Appleway Trail Design. This was approved by the Council at the December 18, 2012 Council meeting. #312 — Capital Reserve Fund Appropriations will increase by $102,150 reflecting: + $60,000 for business route signage. This was approved by the Council at the November 13, 2012 Council meeting. + $42,150 to cover the City's estimated share of the joint site development for the Balfour Park f Library project. #402 — Stormwater Management Fund Appropriations will increase by $630,000 to accommodate: + an additional $200,000 for "various projects" anticipated by Public Works staff, and + $430,000 of underground injection control (UIC) retrofits that are anticipated to take place in conjunction with pavement preservation projects. #403 — Aquifer Protection Area Fund + Appropriations will increase by $1,070,000 to accommodate: o An additional $40,000 for the Sprague Swales project (bringing the total to $1,211,411 between 2012 and 2013). a An additional $100,000 for the W' Avenue Custer to Carnahan project (bringing the total to $300,000). o An additional $40,000 for the Bettman- Dickey storm drain project (bringing the total to $250,000). o $980,000 for the Decant Facility. Revenues will increase by $1,495,331 as follows: o $40,000 of additional Department of Ecology grant money to offset additional Sprague Swale work. o $570,331 of Department of Ecology grant money to offset Sprague Swale work completed in 2012. It was our intention to record this as revenue in 2012 but because lISV- FS21UserslmcalhounkSudgetsl20131AmendmentslAmendment #112013 05141Public Hearing12013 05 14 RCA public hearing for 2013 budg amendmnt.docx the City had not actually received the grant money by the 60th day of 2013, accounting rules prohibited us from reporting it as revenue in 2012. o $885,000 of grant money for the Decant Facility including $735,000 from the Department of Ecology and $150,000 from the Department of Transportation. The proposed 2013 Budget amendment will reflect these and will affect 8 funds resulting in total appropriation /expenditure increases of $2,418,039 and revenue increases of $1,845,618. 001 General Fund Revenue Expenditure Fund Fund Increase Increase No. Name (Decrease) (Decrease) 001 General Fund 200,787 215,102 105 Hotel 1 Motel Tax Fund 0 50,000 120 CenterPlace Operating Reserve Fund (500) 50,787 301 Capital Projects Fund (1st 114% REET) 0 150,000 303 Street Capital Projects Fund 150,000 150,000 312 Capital Reserve Fund 0 102,150 402 Stormwater Management Fund 0 630,000 403 Aquifer Protection Area 1,495,331 1,070,000 1,845,618 2,418,039 OPTIONS: Future options are to accept the proposed amendments in whole or in -part. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: The purpose of this evening's public hearing is to consider input from the public on the proposed budget amendment. No action is required of Council at this time. Anticipated future action by the Council includes: • May 14, 2013 — First reading of Ordinance #13 -006 amending the 2013 Budget. • May 28, 2013 — Second reading of Ordinance #13 -006 amending the 2013 Budget. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: There are adequate funds available to pay for these amendments. STAFF CONTACT: Mark Calhoun ATTACHMENTS: • Fund level line -item detail of revenues and expenditures. • Budget report reflecting budget amendment impact on related funds. IISV- FS21UsersVncalhounl6udgets120130mendmentsWn7endment #112013 05 144Public HearingW13 05 14 RCA public hearing for 2013 budg amendmmt.docx 11SV- FS21Userslmcalhoun\ Budgets 120131Amendments\Amendment #112013 05 141amendment no 1 detail CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 2013 Budget - Amendment #1 Line Item Detail 5/8/2013 Account Account 4,010 Initial - Data entry error in '13 budget preparation Amended Description I Number Justification Budget AmendmentT Bud et #001 - General Fund Recurring Expenditures City Mgr Payroll Legal intern - Payroll Q01.013.015.515.32.xx.xx CD- Planning Payroll PR- Seasonal Payroll 001.076.301.571.20.xx.xx PR -CP Seasonal Payro 001.076.305.571.20.xx.xx HR Professional svc Economic Developmen 001,090.000.558.70.41.17 City Hall Lease - Data entry error in '13 budget preparation 568,870 4,010 572,880 - Data entry error in '13 budget preparation 0 25,980 25,980 - Data entry error in '13 budget preparation 728,293 30,000 758,293 - Data entry error in '13 budget preparation 54,442 6,322 60,764 - Data entry error in '13 budget preparation 46,000 4,000 50,000 70,312 - Discovery Benefit HRA cost 3,000 4,428 7,428 - Allow a full year of City promotion 75,000 125,000 200,000 - Renegotiated 495,000 (66,600) 428,400 Total recurring expenditures 133,140 Nonrecurring -Expenditures 24,500 Professional Services - Master Plan Professional Services - Demo /Clean -up Brown Property ADA lift and anchor - Terrace Pool ADA lift and anchor Capital Outlay - CenterPlace Chiller Facility Repair /Maint - Carpet at City Hall 0 24,500 24,500 0 9,500 9,500 0 1,812 1,812 0 21,150 21,150 56,962 0 25,000 25,000 Total nonrecurring expenditures Total expenditures Revenues Sales Tax - Revised estimate 15,100,000 Transfers in - #120 001.000 .000.597_xx.xx.xx - Transfer from Fund #120 - CenterPlace 0 operating reserve is $50,787 greater than the $300,000 required by 2003 LTGO Bond covenants Total revenues Page 1 of 4 81,962 215,102 150,000 15,250,000 50,787 50,787 200.787 I1SV -FS21 Usersl mcalhounl Budgets12013 1AmendmentslAmendment #112013 05 141amendment no 1 detail CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 2013 Budget -Amendment #1 Line Item Detail 5/8/2013 Account Account I I Initial Amended Description Number Justification Budget Amendment I Bud et #105 - Hotel I Motel Tax Fund Expenditures Tourism Promotion - Reflects total of 2013 awards from 12/11/12 380,500 50,000 430,500 Total expenditures 50,000 #120 - CenterPlace Operating Reserve Fund Expenditures Transfers out - #001 - Transfer to Fund #001 - balance is $50,787 0 50,787 50,787 greater than the $300, 000 required by the 2003 LTGO Bond covenants Total expenditures 50,787 Revenues Interest Income - Revised estimate 500 (500) 0 Total revenues (500) 9301 - Capital Projects Fund 1st 114% REST Expenditures Transfers out - #303 301.000.000.597_xx.xx_xx - Transfer to Fund #303 - for the Appleway 0 150,000 150,000 Trail Design from the 12113112 Council meeting) Total expenditures Page 2 of 4 150,000 11SV- FS21Userslmcalhoun\ Budgets 120131Amendments\Amendment #112013 05 141amendment no 1 detail CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 2013 Budget - Amendment #1 Line Item Detail 5/8/2013 Account I Account I Initial Amended Description Number Justification Budget Amendment I Bud et #303 - Street Capital Projects Fund Expenditures Capital outlay 303.000.176.595.xx.xx.xx - Appleway Trail Design (from 12/18/12 Council meeting) Total expenditures Revenues Transfers in - #301 303A00.1.76.397.xx.xx.xx - Transfer from 1st 114% REET #312 - Capital Reserve Fund Expenditures Capital outlay 312.000.000.595.xx.xx.xx Capital outlay 312.000.178.594.76.41.02 #402 - Stormwater Management Fund Expenditures Capital outlay 402.000.xxx.595.xx.xx.xx Capital outlay 402.000.xxx.595.xx.xx.xx Total expenditures 0 150,000 150,000 iou,uuu 0 150,000 150,000 150,000 - Business Route Signage (from 91113112 0 60,000 60,000 Council meeting) - Balfour Park I Library joint site development 0 42,150 42,150 Total expenditures 102,150 - Various projects - UIC retrofits on pavement preservation proj. Total expenditures Page 3 of 4 150,000 200,000 0 430,000 n su,uuu 350,000 430,000 11SV- FS21UserslmcaIhoun\ Budgets 120131Am end mentslAmendment #112013 05 141amendment no 1 detail CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 2013 Budget - Amendment #1 Line Item Detail 5/8/2013 Account I Account I Initial Amended Description Numbe Justification Budget Amendment I Budget #403 - Aquifer Protection Area Expenditures Capital outlay 403.000.163.595.40.63.00 - Sprague Swale upgrades 0 40,000 40,000 Capital outlay 403.000.000.595.40.63.00 - Capital - various 90,000 (90,000) 0 Capital outlay 403.000.000.595.40.63.00 - 14th Ave Custer to Carnahan 200,000 100,000 300,000 Capital outlay 403.000.000.595.40.63.00 - Bettman- Dickey storm drain 210,000 40,000 250,000 Capital outlay 403.000.173.595.40.63.00 - Decant facility 0 980,000 980,000 Total expenditures 1,070,000 Revenues DOE Grant 403.000.163.334.03.10 - Sprague swale upgrades (2093 reimb) 0 40,000 40,000 DOE Grant 403.000.163.334.03.10 - Sprague swale upgrades (2012 reimb) 0 570,331 570,331 DOE Grant 403.000.173.334.03.10 - Decant facility 0 735,000 735,000 DOT Grant 403.000.173.334.03.10 - Decant facility 0 150,000 150,000 Total revenues 1,495,331 Totals Across all Funds Total revenues 1,845,618 Total expenditures 2,418,039 Page 4 of 4 11SV- FS21Userslmcalhounl Budgets 120131AmendmentslAmendmeiit #11201 3 05 141Budget Report CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 2013 Budget #001 -GENERAL FUND RECURRING ACTIVITY Revenues Property Tax Sales Tax Criminal Justice Tax Public safety Sales Tax Gambling Tax and Leasehold Excise Tax Franchise Fees /Business Registration State Shared Revenues Service Revenues Fines and Forfeitures Recreation Program Fees Miscellaneous & Investment Interest Transfer -in -#101 (street admin) Transfer -in - #105 (h/m tax- CPadvertising) Transfer -in - #402 (storm admin) Total Recurring Revenues Expenditures City Council City Manager Legal Public Safety Deputy City Manager Finance Human Resources Public Works Community Development -Administration Community Development - Engineering Community Development - Planning Community Development - Building Parks & Rec - Administration Parks & Rec - Maintenance Parks & Rec - Recreation Parks & Rec - Aquatics Parks & Rec - Senior Center Parks & Rec - CenterPiace Pavement Preservation General Government Transfers out - #502 (insurance premium) Total Recurring Expenditures Recurring Revenues Over (Under) Recurring Expenditures NONRECURRING ACTIVITY Revenues Transfer in - #120 (excess reserves) Total Nonrecurring Revenues Expenditures Transfers out - #309 (park grant match) Transfers out - #312 (Capital Reserve Fund) Parks & Recreation related Carpet at City Hall Total Nonrecurring Expenditures Nonrecurring Revenues Over (Under) 518/2013 2013 As As Adopted Amendment I Amended 10,943,700 0 10,943,700 15,9 00,000 150,000 15, 250, 000 1,280,000 0 1,280,000 750,000 0 750,000 612,500 0 612,500 1,135,000 0 1,135,000 1,684, 600 0 1,684,600 1,304,000 0 1,304,000 1,494,300 0 1,494,300 571,500 0 571,500 166,000 0 166,000 39,700 0 39,700 30,000 0 30,000 13,400 0 13,400 35,124,700 150,000 35,274,700 390,111 0 390,111 635,984 4,010 639,994 411,171 25,980 437,151 22,139,200 0 22,139,200 609,706 0 609,706 1.089.633 0 1,089, 633 228,041 4,428 232,469 876,443 0 876,443 257,175 0 257,175 850,845 0 850,845 869,743 30,000 899,743 1,162, 582 0 1,162,582 270,717 0 270,717 789,000 0 789,000 224,999 6,322 231,321 485,600 0 485,600 88,143 0 88,143 796,884 4,000 800,884 855,857 0 855,857 1,740,700 58,400 1,799,100 319,000 0 319,000 35,091,534 133,140 35,224,674 33,166 16,860 50,026 0 50,787 50,787 0 50,787 50,787 50,000 0 50,000 7,826,207 0 7,826,207 0 56,962 56,962 0 25,000 25,000 7,876,207 81,962 7,958,169 Nonrecurring Expenditures (7,876,207) (31,175) (7,907,382) Excess (Deficit) of Total Revenues Over (Under) Total Expenditures (7,843,041) 14,315) (7,857,356) Beginning fund balance 28,681,219 28,681,219 Ending fund balance 20,638,178 20,823,863 Page 1 11SV- FS2tiUserslmcalhounl Budgets 120131AmendmentslAmendment #112013 05 14113udget Report CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 5/812013 2013 Budget 2013 As As Adopted Amendment I Amended SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS #105 - HOTEL ! MOTEL TAX FUND Revenues Hotel/Motel Tax 460,000 0 460,000 Investment Interest 500 0 500 Total revenues 460,500 0 460,500 Expenditures Interfund Transfer -out - #001 City directed marketing efforts Tourism Promotion Total expenditures Revenues over(under)expenditures Beginning fund balance Ending fund balance 30,000 0 30,000 50,000 0 50,000 380,500 50,000 430,500 460,500 50,000 510,500 0 (50,000) (50,000) 206,772 206,772 206,772 156,772 9120 - CENTER PLACE OPERATING RESERVE FUND Revenues Investment Interest Interfund Transfer Total revenues Expenditures Interfund Transfer -out - #001 Total expenditures 500 (500) 0 0 0 0 0 0 Revenues over(under)expenditures 500 Beginning fund balance 350,787 Ending fund balance 351,287 Page 2 50,787 50,787 (51 ,287) (50,787) 350,787 300,000 11SV- FS21UserslmcaIhounl6udgets12013 Wm end mentslAm end men t #11\2013 05 141Budget Report CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 2013 Budget 5/8/2013 2013 As As Adopted Amendment Amended CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS #301 - CAPITAL_ PROJECTS FUND Revenues REET 1 - Taxes 500,000 0 500,000 Investment Interest 500 0 500 Interfund Transfer -in - #303 0 0 0 Total revenues 500,500 0 500,500 Expenditures Interfund Transfer -out - #204 92,951 0 92,951 Interfund Transfer-out - #303 742,404 150,000 892,404 Interfund Transfer-out - #311 (pavementpresen 150,000 0 150,000 Total expenditures 985,355 150,000 1,135,355 Revenues over (under) expenditures (484,855) (150,000) (634,855) Beginning fund balance 1,092,264 1,092,264 Ending fund balance 607,409 457,409 #303 STREET CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND Revenues Grant Proceeds 6,597,842 0 6,597,842 Interfund Transfer -in - #301 742,404 150,000 892,404 Interfund Transfer -in - #302 617,479 0 617,479 Total revenues 7,957,725 150,x00 8,107,725 Expenditures 005 PineslMansfield, Wilbur Rd. to fines 300,000 0 300,000 060 Argonne Rd Corridor Upgrade SRTC 06 -31 957,892 0 957,892 061 Pines (SR27) ITS lmporvement SRTC 06 -26 637,288 0 637,288 115 Sprague Ave Resurfacing- Evergreen to Sullivan 188,745 0 188,745 141 Sullivan & Euclid PCC 139,332 0 139,332 142 Broadway @ ArgonnelMullan 219,599 0 219,599 145 Spokane Valley - Millwood Trail 200,000 0 200,000 146 24th Ave Sidewalk - Adams to Sullivan 15,000 0 15,000 149 Sidewalk Infill 337,507 0 337,507 154 Sidewalk & Tansit Stop Accessibility 33,198 0 33,198 155 Sullivan Rd W Bridge Replacement 800,000 0 800,000 156 Mansfield Ave. Connection 1.012,924 0 1,012,924 159 University Rd 1 1.90 Overpass Study 125,000 0 125,000 166 Pines Rd. (SR27) & Grace Ave. Int. Safety 98,100 0 98,100 167 Citywide Safety Improvements 450,995 0 450,995 168 Wellesley Ave Sidewalk & Adams Rd Sidewalk 554,500 0 554,500 169 ArgonnelMullan Safety Indiana - Broadway 104,460 0 104,460 170 Argonne road: Empire Ave - Knox Ave. 172,785 0 172,785 171 Sprague Ave ADA Curb Ramp Project 110,400 0 110,400 176 Appleway Trail Design 0 150,000 150,000 Contingency 1, 500,000 0 1,500,000 Total expenditures 7957,725 150,000 8,1107,725 Revenues over (under) expenditures 0 0 0 Beginning fund balance 73,646 73,646 Ending fund balance 73,646 73,646 Page 3 IISV- FS21UserslmcalhounlBudgets12013 Wmendments\Amendment #112013 05 14lBudget Report CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 2013 Budget CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS - continued #312 - CAPITAL RESERVE FUND Revenues Transfers in - #001 Investment Interest Total revenues Expenditures Business route signage Balfour Park I Library site development Total expenditures Revenues over (under) expenditures Beginning fund balance Ending fund balance 518!2013 2013 As As Adopted Amendmenk I Amended 7,826,207 0 7,826,207 0 7,826,207 0 7,826,207 60,000 60,000 0 42,150 42,150 0 102,150 102,150 7,826,207 (102,150) 7,724,057 0 0 7,826,207 7,724,057 Page 4 11 SV- FS21UserslmcalhounlBudgets12013 1Amendments\Amendment #112013 05 141Budget Report CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 2013 Budget ENTERPRISE FUNDS #402 - STORMWATER FUND RECURRING ACTIVITY Revenues Stormwater Management Fees Investment Interest Miscellaneous Total Recurring Revenues Expenditures Wages 1 Benefits 1 Payroll Taxes Supplies Services & Charges Intergovernmental Payments Interfund Transfers -out - #001 Interfund Transfers -out - #502 Total Recurring Expenditures Recurring Revenues Over (Under) Recurring Expenditures NONRECURRING ACTIVITY Revenues Grant Proceeds Interfund Transfers -in Total Nonrecurring Revenues Exoenditures Capital - various projects Sullivan Bridge Drain Retrofit UIC Retrofits on Pvmnt Pres Projects Total Nonrecurring Expenditures Nonrecurring Revenues Over (Under) Nonrecurring Expenditures Excess (Deficit) of Total Revenues Over (Under) Total Expenditures Beginning working capital Ending working capital #403 - AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA Revenues Spokane County Grant - Sprague Swales Grant DOE - Decant Facility Grant DOT - Decant Facility Grant DOE - Sprague UIC Elimination Investment Interest Total revenues Expenditures Sprague swales Capital - various 14th Ave Custer to Carnahan Bettmen- Dickey Storm drain Decant Facility Total expenditures Revenues over (under) expenditures Beginning working capital Ending working capital 518!2013 2013 As As Adopted Amendment Amended 1,800,000 0 1,800,000 1,800 0 1,800 0 0 0 1,801,800 0 1,801,800 475,604 0 475,604 16,300 0 16,300 1,132,687 0 1,132,687 23,000 0 23,000 13,400 0 13,400 0 0 0 1,660,991 0 1,660,991 140,809 0 140,809 200,000 0 200,000 0 0 0 200,000 0 200,000 150,000 200,000 267,000 0 0 430,000 417,000 630,000 (217,000) (630,000) (76,191) (630,000) 2,697,333 2,621,142 500,000 0 0 0 0 1,000 501,000 0 90,000 200,000 210,000 0 0 0 735,000 150,000 610,331 0 1,495,331 40,000 (90,000) 100,000 40,000 980,000 500,000 1,070, 000 1,000 425,331 (108,658) (107,658) Page 5 350,000 267,000 430,000 1,047,000 (847,000) (706,191) 2,697,333 1,991,142 500,000 0 735,000 150,000 610,331 1.000 1,998,331 40,000 0 300,000 250,000 980,000 1,570,000 426,331 (108,658) 317,673 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: May 14, 2013 Department Director Approval: 0 Check all that apply: ® consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Approval of the Following Vouchers: VOUCHER LIST DATE VOUCHER NUMBERS; TOTAL AMOUNT 01/29/2013 28238 $200.00 02/08/2013 28290 - 28344; 205130014; 205130163 $260,087.11 03/18/2013 28627 -28632 $1,532.45 04/18/2013 4294 -4297; 418130102 $68,012.34 04/19/2013 5550 -5554 $380.00 04/19/2013 28909 - 28952; 415130028 $594,252.53 04/25/2013 28955 -28994 $116,657.82 04/26/2013 28995 -29023 $148,990.56 05/02/2013 29024 -29027 $4,629.69 05/03/2013 29028 - 29074; 4301300500; 502130175 $1,898,272.35 GRAND TOTAL $3,093,014.85 #001- General Fun 001 .016.000., 001.032.000., 001 .076.300.576. 001.076301.571. 001.076.3 02.576. 001.076.304.575. 001.076.305.571. 001-090,000.519. Explanation of Fund Numbers found on Voucher Lists d Other Funds City Council 101 — Street Fund City Manager 103 -- Paths & Trails Legal Public Safety Deputy City Manager Finance Human Resources Public Works Comm. Develop.- Administration Comm. Develop, --- Develop.Eng. Community Develop.- Planning Community Develop.- Building Parks & Rec— Administration Parks & Rec - Maintenance Parks & Rec - Recreation Parks & Rec- Aquatics Parks & Rec- Senior Center Parks & Rec - CenterPlace General Gov't- Council related General Gov't- Finance related General Gov't - Employee supply General Gov't- Centralized Services General Gov't -Other Services General Gov't - Transportation General Gov't - Natural & Economic General Gov't - Social Services General Gov't- Capital Outlay General Gov't - Pavement Preservation 105 — Hotel/Motel Tax 120 — CenterPlace Operating Reserve 121 — Service Level Stabilization Reserve 122 — Winter Weather Reserve 123 -- Civic Facilities Replacement 204 — Debt Service 301 — Capital Projects (1St' /a% REST) 302 — Special Capital Prcj (2 "d' /4% BEET) 303 — Street Capital Projects 304 — Mirabeau Point Project 307 — Capital Grants 309 — Parks Capital Grants 310 — Civic Bldg Capital Projects 311 — Pavement Preservation 312 — Capital Reserve 402 — Stormivater Management 403 — Aquifer Protection Area 501 — Equipment Rental & Replacement 502 —Risk Management RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Approve claims for vouchers as listed above. STAFF CONTACT: Mark Calhoun, Finance Director; ATTACHMENTS: Voucher Lists vchlist Voucher List Page: 1 01/2912013 9:51:14AM Spokane Valley Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund /Dept Description/Account Amount 28238 1/29/2013 001838 GREENWALD, CASSIE Refund 00117.10.96 REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT 200.00 1 Vouchers for bank code: apbank 1 Vouchers in this report I, the undersigned, do certify under penalty of perjury, that the materials have been famished, the services rendered, or the labor performed as described herein and that the claim is just, due and an unpaid obligation against the City of Spokane Valley, and that am aluthorized to� aut a ticate and certify said claim. /,zq- Fi anc Director �>]ate 1 r Ma Date v Council Me r Date Total : 200.00 Bank total : 200.00 Total vouchers : 200.00 Page: 1 vchlist Voucher List Page: 1 02/08/2013 11:32:28AM Spokane Valley Sank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description /Account Amount 28290 2!8/2013 003076 AMSDEN, ERICA EXPENSE EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT. JAN 23.18 Total : , 23.18 28291 2/8/2043 003292 ANDERSON, LAR1 REFUND BOOTH REFUND FOR 10TH ANNIVI 25.00 Total : 25.00 28292 2/8/2013 001540 ARNOLD, DARLA EXPENSE EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT: JAN 20.85 Total : 20.85 28293 2/8/2013 001012 ASSOC BUSINESS SYSTEMS 612374 COPIER MAINT: LEGAL 201.91 612464 COPIER MAINT: CD 186.64 - Total : 388.55,1;r- 28294 2/8/2013 000277 AWC 1,031 -38040 REGISTRATION AWC: ROD HIGGIN 135.00 Total : , 135.00 28295 2/8/2013 000168 BLACK BOX NETWORK SVC SPO- 039763 PHONE SERVICE CALL 118.49 Total : 118.49 28296 2/8/2013 002562 CD'A METALS 553769 SUPPLIES: PW 339.82 555294 SUPPLIES: PW 43.75 555326 SUPPLIES: PW 27.18 555930 SUPPLIES: PW 113.05 Total : 523.80 s/' 28297 2/8/2013 000101 CDW -G W504754 HARDWARE: IT 86.69 ` W626841 HARDWARE: IT 162.15 W799722 001.058.057,558 HARDWARE: IT 60.81 W810664 HARDWARE: IT 1,597.11 Total : 1,906.761�- 28298 2/8/2013 001888 COMCAST FEBURARY 2013 HIGH SPEED INTERNET: CITY HAL 116.56 Total: 116.56v"4- 28299 2/8/2013 001198 CONGRESS FOR THE NEW URBANISM 2013 URBANIST MEMBERSHIP: KUHTA 195.00 Total : 195.0W- Page: 9 vchlist Voucher List Page: 02108/2093 11:32:28AM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund /Dept DescriptionfAccount Amount 28300 2/8/2013 001880 CROWN WEST REALTY LLC 30 COMMOM AREA MA1NT CHARGE: A 169.53 y{ Total : 169.53 v 28301 2/8/2013 003255 DAY WIRELESS SYSTEMS 548480 TOWER RENTAL: FEB 2013 200.00 TotaI : / 200.00 Y� 28302 218/2013 002604 DELL FINANCIAL SERVICES LLC 76379019 LEASE CONTRACT 001- 8922117 -00 1,087.48 Total : 1,087.48 T 28303 2/8/2013 000686 DEPT OF LICENSING 0046907 ENGINEERING LICENSE RENEWAI 116.00 Total : 116.00 v-'-- 28304 21812013 000278 DRISKELL, CARY EXPENSE EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT: JAN 24.30 Total : 24.30- 28305 2/8/2013 003274 EXCHANGE PUBLISHING LD19089 SEEKING RECYCLES ADS 2013 25.95 Total : 25.95 28306 2/8/2013 001232 FASTENALCO IDLEW87142 901.000.000.542 SUPPLIES: PW 84.55 Total : 84.55' 28307 2/8/2013 002507 FASTENERS, INC S3526547.001 SUPPLIES: PW 46.30 Total : 46.301 / 28308 218/2013 001447 FREE PRESS PUBLISHING INC 108799 10 YEAR AN N IVERSARY ADVERTI E 42.75 39086 LEGAL PUBLICATION 7225 39130 LEGAL PUBLICATION 31.45 39131 LEGAL PUBLICATION 25.00 39132 LEGAL PUBLICATION 96.90 Total : 268.35+ 28309 2/8/2013 000179 GFOA 01568060S RENEWAL FOR DUFFEY 55.00 Total : 55.00+ 28310 2/8/2013 001253 GORDON THOMAS HONEYWELL JAN 131042 LOBBYIST SERVICES 3,175.88 Total : 3,175.88 28311 2/8/2013 000007 GRAINGER 9047389284 SUPPLIES: PW 11.80 Page: 2 vchlist Voucher List Page: 3 02108120/3 11:32:28AM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund[Dept Description/Account Amount 28311 2/8/2013 000007 000007 GRAINGER (Continued) Total: 11.80,/ 28312 2/8/2013 000917 GRAYBAR 964577086 001.076.305.575 SUPPLIES: IT 105.90 Total : 105.90 28313 2/8/2013 004728 HP FINANCIAL SERVICES CO JANUARY 2013 JANUARY 2013 LEASE PAYMENT 2,135.66 Total : 2,135.66. 28314 2/8/2013 002520 HUSKY INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS 78583 SUPPLIES; PW 38.52 78860 SUPPLIES: PW 7.37- Total: 45.89 ✓\ 28315 2/8/2013 002538 HYDRAULICS PLUS, INC 16054 SUPPLIES: PW 1,402.23 Total: 1,402.23V 28316 2/8/2013 002466 KENWORTH SALES 146083 SUPPLIES: PW 47.78 Total : / 47.78 V 28317 2/8/2013 003185 LAMB, ERIK EXPENSE EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT: JAN 12.05 Total : 12.05J1 28318 2/8/2013 001944 LANCER LTD 0431308 TITLE PLATE: PW 47.83 Total : 47.83 28319 2/8/2013 002552 MDM CONSTRUCTION, INC. 2054 ON -CALL ROAD GRADERS FOR Si` 3,650.00 Total : 3,650.60 v< 28320 2/8/2013 000788 MEDIAJOE, INC. 3517 001.076.305.575 SERVICE CALL FOR RACKS 163.05 Total : 163.05 28321 2/8/2013 000435 NCW CHAPTER OF ]CC REGISTRATION REGISTRATION: POWELL 295.00, REGISTRATION 2013 REGISTRATION: GUE PY 295.00` ; Total : 590.00\ 28322 21812013 002709 NORTHWEST HOSE & FITTINGS 399666 -001 SUPPLIES: PW 224.26 Total : 224.26 28323 2/8/2013 000652 OFFICE DEPOT INC. 640823000001 OFFICE SUPPLIES: PW 17.34 Page: 3 vchlist Voucher List Page. 4 02/08/2013 11:32.28AM Spokane Valley Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund /Dept DescriptionlAccount Amount 28323 2/8/2013 000652 OFFICE DEPOT INC. (Continued) 641707859001 OFFICE SUPPLIES: PW 24.95 Total : 42.29 28324 2/8/2013 000058 OMA A500163 PHYSICAL EXAMS: NEW EMPLOYS 130.00_I Total : 130.007' 28325 2/8/2013 000881 OXARC 058513S SUPPLIES: PW 38.24 06088SS SUPPLIES: PW 331.94 Total : 370.18 v/ 28326 2!812013 000019 PURRFECT LOGOS, INC. 30655 NAME PLATE: HIGGINS 16.31 Total : 16.31 vi' 28327 2/8/2013 002578 REBUILDING & HARDFACING INC 46520 SUPPLIES: PW 844.60 Total : 844.60 1 28328 2/8/2013 002616 ROADWISE, INC 54712 SUPPLIES: PW 5,308.65 54713 SUPPLIES: PW 5,313.30' Total : 10,621.95,7- 28329 2/8/2013 003133 SHAMROCK MANUFACTURING INC 1462 SUPPLIES: PW 3,318.28 Total : 3,318.28V, 28330 2/8/2013 002531 SIX ROBBLEES INC 5- 658363 -1 SUPPLIES: PW 24.11 5- 659036 SUPPLIES: PW 205.83 5- 659487 SUPPLIES: PW 122.60 5- 659487 -1 SUPPLIES: PW 24.10 Total : 376.64 28331 2/8/2013 002679 SPOKANE CO OFFICE OF FINANCIAL 934401525 SCSO IMPAIRED DRIVING 2,784.30 �[ Total : 2,784.30/ 28332 2/8/2013 002835 SPOKANE COURIER SERVICES LLC 3396 001.011,000,511 BROADCASTING SERVICES: JANU, 80.00 Total : 80.00 28333 2/8/2013 000065 STAPLES ADVANTAGE 3192071718 SUPPLIES: COUNCIL 26.28 3192071719 OFFICE SUPPLIESL COUNCIL 7.23 Page: 4 vchlist Voucher List Page: 5 02/08/2013 11:32:23AM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund /Dept Description/Account Amount 28333 2/8/2013 000065 000065 STAPLES ADVANTAGE (Continued) Total : 33.51 ✓ 28334. 2/8/2013 003123 STOLTZ, ASHLEY EXPENSE EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT JAN 28335 28336 28337 28338 28339 28340 28341 28342 28343 28344 2/8/2013 000419 SUMMIT LAW GROUP 2/8/2013 001250 SYTE NET SERVICES 2/8/2013 000335 TIRE -RAMA 2/8/2013 003291 TRANSPORTATION ISSUES DAILY • 3.33 Total : 3.33J� 60303 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 1,326.00 t. Total : 1,326.00 7609 INSTALLATION FOR IT 130.44 Total : 130.44 8080021048 5-�17gn• nii rrunkrr_r_ 189 2/8/2013 002597 TWISTED PAIR ENTERPRIZES L.L.0 10302013 2/8/2013 000087 VERIZON WIRELESS 2/8/2013 003175 VISIT SPOKANE 2/8/2013 001090 WELLS FARGO- NW SIGNAL SUPPLY 2/8/2013 002839 WIND WIRELESS INC. 2/8/2013 003002 XO COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES 205130014 1/31/2013 000001 SPOKANE CO TREASURER 1156453986 6841679186 5704 100026581 78149 02567123352 JANUARY 2013 Page: 5 Total : 26.93J�-, SUBSCRIPTION THROUGH NOV 3C 100.00 Total : 100.00v BROADCASTING COUNCIL- MTGS: , 1,500.06 Total : 1,500.06 JAN 2013 VERIZON CELL PHONES 1,103.17 , JAN 2013 WIRELESS DATA CARDS 560.14. Total : 1,663.31 2013 -14 VISITOR GUIDE ADVERTIS 3,414.00 Total: 3,414.00 TRAFFIC SIGNAL POLE ANAYLSIS 2,500.00 Total : 2,500.00 WI RELESS TELEPHO N Ell NTERN E7 / 84.95 Total : 84.95 001.076.305.575 INTERNETIDATA LINES: FEBURARI 448.27 Total : 448.27 SPOKANE COUNTY SERVICES 208,132.37 Total : 208.132.37'' Page: 5 vchlist Voucher List Page: 5 0210812013 11:32:28AM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice 205130163 2/5/2013 002244 AOT PUBLIC SAFETY CORPORATION SPKVLY -37 57 Vouchers for bank code. apbank 57 Vouchers in this report I, the undersigned, do certify under penalty of perjury, that the materials have been furnished, the services rendered, or the labor performed as described herein and that the claim is just, due and an unpaid obligation against the City of Spokane Valley, and that I amaqthorized to uth rate and certify said claim. I lZl Fina director Date IS ? O!3 i ayor Date uncil Member Date Fund /Dept Description /Account Amount CRYWOLF CHARGES: DECEMBER 4,996.41 Total : 4,996.41— Bank total : 260,087.11 Total vouchers : 260,087.11 I.c55 Lvrre5Cl�, ?2$. ?S� i o�cc� C.C�S� vcxrc�Gr S Page: 6 vchlist Voucher List Page: 1 03/1812013 2:58 :17PM Spokane Valley Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund /Dept Description /Account Amount 28627 3/18/2013 003303 BALES CONSTRUCTION CRYWOLF CRYWOLF REFUND: PERMIT V138• 25.00 Total: 25.00 28628 311812013 003304 CAR WASH PARTNERS, DBA MISTER CP CRYWOLF CRYWOLF REFUND: PERMIT V528• 35.00,JJ /\ Total : 35.00 28629 3/18/2013 003130 CVSD, ATTN: CAROLINE MCROBERTS CRYWOLF CRYWOLF REFUND: PERMIT V166 1,257.45 Total : 1,257.45 28630 3/18/2013 003302 ELIJAH HOUSE MINISTRIES CRYWOLF CRYWOLF REFUND: PERMIT V149' 25.00 Total : 25.00 28631 3/18/2013 001627 STCU CRYWOLF CRYWOLF REFUND: 165.00.x Total: 165.00 28632 3/18/2013 003301 UHAUL INTERNATIONAL CRYWOLF CRYWOLF REFUNDS: PERMIT V52 25.00 Tota I : 25.00 6 Vouchers for bank code : apbank Bank total : 1,532.45 6 Vouchers in this report Total vouchers : 1,532.45 Page: 1 vchlist Voucher List Page: 1 04/18/2013 3:27:39PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Amount Voucher bate Vendor Invoice 4294 4119!2013 000048 VANTAGE TRANSFER AGENTS, 401A PLAN Ben48930 4295 4/19/2013 000682 EFTPS Ben48932 4296 4/19/2013 000145 VANTAGEPOINT TRANSFER AGENTS, 457 PL/ Ben48934 4297 4/19/2013 000162 VANTAGE TRANSFER AGENTS, 401A EXEC Pt Ben48936 28908 4/19/2013 001896 DANIEL H BRUNNER Ben48926 418130102 4!19!2013 003256 DISCOVERY BENEFITS, INC, HRA PLAN Ben48928 6 Vouchers for bank code: apbank 6 Vouchers in this report Fund /Dept BescriptionlAccount Amount 319.231.14.00 401A: Payment 28,947.98 Total : 28,947.98 FEDERAL TAXES: Payment 30,884.19 Total : 30,884.19 457 DEFERRED COMPENSATION: Payr 6,62127 Total: 6,621.27 001.231,14.00 401 EXEC PLAN: Payment 1,083.90 Total: 1,083.90 BONDURANT, MICHAEL 1203245- Payrr 7$.00 Total: 75.00 001.231,28.00 HEALTH REIMBURSEMENT ACCOUNT: 400.00 Total: 400.00 Bank total : 68,012.34 Total vouchers: 68,012.34 Page: 1 vchlist Voucher List Page: 1 04/1912013 11:34:47AM Spokane Valley Bank code: Pk-ref Voucher Date Vendor Invoice FundlDept Description/Account Amount 5550 4/19/2013 003322 AMERICAN MOBILE DRUG TESTING REFUND DEPOSIT REFUND: ROOM 216 2122 52.00 Tota l : 52.00 5551 4/19/2013 003321 LINDLY, CRISSA REFUND 001237.10.99 TUNE TALES CLASS REFUND 56.00 Total : 56.00 5552 4/19/2013 003324 MARY KAY INC REFUND DEPOSIT REFUND: GREAT ROOM 1 210.00 Total : 210.00 5553 4/19/2013 003323 NARPM REFUND DEPOSIT REFUND: ROOM 205 3127 52.00 Total : 52.00 5554 4/19/2013 001235 SPOKANE CO COMMUNITY SVC REFUND DEPOSIT REFUND: ROOM 109 216 10.00 Total : 10.00 5 Vouchers for bank code: pk -ref Bank total : 380.00 5 Vouchers in this report Total vouchers: 380.00 i, the undersigned, do certify under penaEty of perjury, that the materials have been furnished, the services rendered, or the labor performed as described herein and that the claim is just, due and an unpaid obligation against the City of Spokane Valley, and that am authorized to authenticate and certify said claim. Finance Director Date Mayor Date Council Member Date Page: 1 vchlist 311.000.174.595 Voucher List Page: 1 04/19/2013 2:00:40PM Spokane Valley 15186 Bank code: apbank CABLE SERVICE FOR MAINTENAN Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund /Dept Description /Account Amount 28909 4/19/2013 000958 AAA SWEEPING, LLC 2012 RETAINAGE 402.223.40.00 RETAINAGE RELEASE: 12' STORM 9,620.29 FLOOR MATS: BLDG DEPT Total : 9,620.29 28910 4/19/2013 000648 ABADAN 185063 311.000.174.595 SUPPLIES: PW 40567 28911 4/19/2013 002816 ABLE CLEAN -UP TECHNOLOGIES 28912 4/19/2013 001081 ALSCO 28913 4/19/2013 002655 AZTECH ELECTRIC INC 28914 4/19/2013 002517 BROWN BEARING CO INC 28915 4/19/2013 000863 CENTURY WEST ENG CORP 28916 4/19/2013 000603 CONTRACT DESIGN ASSOC INC 28917 4/19/2013 000409 DEPT OF REVENUE 28918 28919 011-11xv 185241 311.000.174.595 SULLIVAN ST PRESERVATION 0172 CHAIR FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOF Total : Tota I 15186 SECURE/BOARD UP HOUSE CABLE SERVICE FOR MAINTENAN Total Total LSP01257835 FLOOR MATS: BLDG DEPT LSP01301004 FLOOR MATS: BLDG DEPT Tota I PAY APP #2 SPRAGUE/SULLIVAN ITS PRO.IECI Total 5172931 SUPPLIES: PW Total : 233575 2013 TIP SERVICES 32744 1 ST QTR 2013 4/19/2013 002920 DIRECTV, INC 20180202655 4/19/2013 002255 ENTERPRISE INFO SOLUTIONS INC. 2013030078 4/19/2013 002507 FASTENERS, INC S3587783.001 568.59 974.26 928.32 928.32 39.55 45.30 84.85 30,616.66 30,616.66 29.16 29.16 9,699.63 9,699.63 698.28 698.28 2,685.82 2,685.82 45.99 45.99 6,944.04 6,944.04 83.75 Page: 1 Total : CHAIR FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOF Total : 001.076.301.586 LEASEHOLD EXCISE TAX RETURN Total CABLE SERVICE FOR MAINTENAN Total TECHNOLOGY BROKERING SERVI Total SUPPLIES: PW 568.59 974.26 928.32 928.32 39.55 45.30 84.85 30,616.66 30,616.66 29.16 29.16 9,699.63 9,699.63 698.28 698.28 2,685.82 2,685.82 45.99 45.99 6,944.04 6,944.04 83.75 Page: 1 vchlist 04/19/2013 2:00:40PM Voucher List Spokane Valley Page: 2 Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund /Dept Description /Account Amount 28920 4/19/2013 002507 002507 FASTENERS, INC (Continued) Total : 83.75 28921 4/19/2013 001447 FREE PRESS PUBLISHING INC 109451 ADVERTISEMENT FOR RECYCLED 28.50 39613 LEGAL PUBLICATION 69.70 Total : 98.20 28922 4/19/2013 000007 GRAINGER 9108891798 SUPPLIES: PW 143.96 Total : 143.96 28923 4/19/2013 000078 HARNOIS, MICKI EXPENSE EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 181.82 Total : 181.82 28924 4/19/2013 002684 HINSHAW, CAR[ EXPENSE EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 16.96 Total : 16.96 28925 4/19/2013 003326 HORTON, DEANNA EXPENSE EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 29.34 Total : 29.34 28926 4/19/2013 000864 JUB ENGINEERS, INC. 0081019 TIP DATA MAINTENANCE AND UPD 5,362.76 Total : 5,362.76 28927 4/19/2013 000635 KUHTA, SCOTT EXPENSE EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 450.19 Total : 450.19 28928 4/19/2013 003325 LEGAL BRIEFINGS FOR BUILDING, EDM 15418970 LEGAL BRIEFINGS BLDG 1NSPECI 98.78 Total : 98.78 28929 4/19/2013 003320 METRO TELECOM & DATA INC 101791 CABLE INSTALL COUNCIL 190.23 Total : 190.23 28930 4/19/2013 002203 NAPAAUTO PARTS MARCH 2013 SUPPLIES: PW 468.85 Total : 468.85 28931 4/19/2013 001035 NETWORK DESIGN & MANAGEMENT 22416 SENTINEL MONTHLY SERVICE APF 998.00 Tota[ : 998.00 28932 4/19/2013 000652 OFFICE DEPOT INC. 651322914001 SUPPLIES: PW 32.45 652385196001 001,013.000.513 OFFICE SUPPLIES: CITYHALL 163.43 Page: 2 vchlist Voucher Dist Page: 4 04/19/2013 2:00:40PM Spokane Valley Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fundlpept Description /Account Amount 28943 4/19/2013 000065 STAPLES ADVANTAGE (Continued) 3197043019 OFFICE SUPPLIES: CD 290.03 3197043020 OFFICE SUPPLIES: CD 52.15 3197043021 OFFICE SUPPLIES: CD 146.75 3197043022 OFFICE SUPPLIES: CD 150.93 3197043023 OFFICE SUPPLIES: CD - 144.31 3197043024 OFFICE SUPPLIES: CD 42.20 3197043025 OFFICE SUPPLIES: CD 111.94 3197043026 OFFICE SUPPLIES: CD 230.92 3197043027 OFFICE SUPPLIES: CD 22.33 3197043028 OFFICE SUPPLIES: CD 45.41 Tota 1 : 1,343.96 28944 4/19/2013 003318 TACOMA SCREW PRODUCTS INC 30320442 SUPPLIES: PW 70.37 Total : 70.37 28945 4/19/2013 000335 TIRE -RAMA 8040033206 47305D: SWAP TIRES 160.88 Total : 1 60.88 28946 4/19/2013 000780 UNION PACIFIC RR CO 90033416 303.303.005.595 PINES RD MP 8.95- PROGRESSIVE 195,555.65 Total : 195,555.65 28947 4/19/2013 000295 VALLEYFEST 2013 VALLEY FEST REGISTRATION FOR 2013 VALLEY 50.00 Tota 1 : 50.00 28948 4/19/2013 003206 VAN NESS FELDMAN, LLP 102858 001.058,056.558 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 2,062.24 Total : 2,062.24 28949 4/19/2013 002625 WA STATE PARKS & REC COMM, LANDS CIP 0155 303303.155.595 PERMIT PROCESSING FEE FOR P4 300.00 Total-, 300.00 28950 4/19/2013 000140 WALT'S MAILING SERVICE 36501 311.000.174.595 SULLIVAN RD ST PRESERVATION 1 666.87 Total : 666.87 28951 4/19/2013 000676 WEST 826952987 MARCH SUBSCRIPTION CHARGES 729.59 Total : 729.59 28952 4/19/2013 003210 WEST CONSULTANTS, INC. 003713 SALTESE CREEK FLATS FLOODPL 2,806.76 Page: 4 vchlist Voucher List Page: 5 04/1912013 2 :00:40PM Spokane Valley Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor 28952 4/19/2013 003210 003210 WEST CONSULTANTS, INC. 415130028 4/15/2013 000001 SPOKANE CO TREASURER 45 Vouchers for bank code : apbank 45 Vouchers in this report I, the undersigned, do certify under penalty of perjury, that the materials have been furnished, the services rendered, or the labor performed as described herein and that the claim is just, due and an unpaid obligation against the City of Spokane Valley, and that I am authorized to authenticate and certify said claim. Finance Director Date Mayor Date Council Member Date Invoice Fund /Dept Description /Account (Continued) Total 51501534 2012 SETTLE AND ADJUST HOUSIP Total : Bank total : Total vouchers : Amount 2,806.76 189,151.78 189,151.78 594,252-53 594,252.53 Page: 5 vchlist Voucher List Page: 1 04/25/2013 3:24.42PM Spokane Valley Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund /Dept Description/Account Amount 28955 4/25/2013 003076 AMSDEN, ERICA EXPENSE EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 43.56 Total : 43.56 28956 4/25/2013 001012 ASSOC BUSINESS SYSTEMS 631365 COPIER COST: LEGAL 74.03 631512 COPIER COSTS: CD 331.93 Total : 405.96 28957 4/25/2013 003330 BARRETT, LINDA CRYWOLF FALSE ALARM REFUND: PERMIT V 25.00 Total : 25.00 28958 4/25/2013 001816 BENTHIN & ASSOCIATES 2006 402.402.000.531 BETTMAN DICKEY STORMWATER 828.00 Total : 828.00 28959 4/25/2013 000168 BLACK BOX NETWORK SVC SPO- 042932 PHONE MAINTENANCE 59.24 SPO- 043381 PHONE INSTALLATION 204.91 Total : 264.15 28960 4/25/2013 001961 BUDANO, RANDY EXPENSE 303.303.146.595 EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 49.76 Total : 49.76 28961 4/25/2013 002562 CD'A METALS 592219 SUPPLIES: PW 104.35 Total ; 104.35 28962 4/25/2013 000101 CDW -G BP51434 IT SUPPLIES 325.27 Total : 325.27 28963 4/25/2013 000322 CENTURYLINK APRIL 2013 2013 PHONE SVCS. ACCT 509 Z14- 500.35 Total : 500.35 28964 4/25/2013 002419 CLARKS TIRES & AUTOMOTIVE 32214 06770D: OIL CHANGE 82.95 32362 3891OD: OIL CHANGE 28.65 Total : 111.60 28965 4/25/2013 000603 CONTRACT DESIGN ASSOC INC 32814 CHAIR FOR FINANCE 698.28 Total : 698.28 28966 4/25/2013 000683 DAVID EVANS & ASSOCIATES 330444 2012 TRAFFIC ENGINEERING SERI 679.50 Page: 1 vchlist Voucher List Page: 2 0412 512013 3:24:42PM Spokane Valley Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund /Dept DescriptionlAccount Amount 28966 4/25/2013 000683 DAVID EVANS & ASSOCIATES (Continued) 330516 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 2,012.00 Total : 2,691.50 28967 4/25/2013 000734 DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION RE- 313- AT830409061 STATE ROUTE ROADWAY MAINT 16,896.27 RE- 313- ATB30409063 SIGNAL & ILLUMINATION MAIN 1,517.03 RE- 313- ATS30409083 INTELLIGENT TRAFFIC SYSTEMS,' 246.05 Total : 18,659.35 28968 4/25/2013 000912 DEX MEDIA WEST APRIL 2013 001.076.304.575 ADVERTISING FOR SENIOR CENTS 31.74 Total: 31.74 28969 4/25/2013 003333 DICKINSON, SCOTT CRYWOLF FALSE ALARM REFUND: V5440 25.00 Tota I : 25.00 28970 4/25/2013 003256 DISCOVERY BENEFITS, INC, HRA PLAN 0000373206 MARCH 2013 HRA SERVICE FEE 369.00 0000379438 APRIL 2013 HRA SERVICE FEE 369.00 Total : 738.00 28971 4/25/2013 000746 EMPLOYMENT SECURITY DEPT 217156-002 502.502.000.517 1 ST QTR 2013 3,184.00 Total : 3,184.00 28972 4/2512013 001925 FARR, SARAH EXPENSE EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 60.46 Total : 60.46 28973 4/25/2013 001447 FREE PRESS PUBLISHING INC 39651 001.011000.513 LEGAL PUBLICATION 36.55 39652 LEGAL. PUBLICATION 40.80 39653 LEGAL PUBLICATION 198.05 39654 LEGAL PUBLICATION 101.15 39655 LEGAL PUBLICATION 96.90 Total : 473.45 28974 4/25/2013 003334 GINNS DESIGN CORNER CRYWOLF FALSE ALARM REFUND: PERMIT V 35.00 Total : 35.00 28975 4/25/2013 002568 GRANICUS INC 44441 BROADCASTING SERVICES 719.59 Total : 719.59 Page: 2 vchlist Voucher List Page: 3 0412512013 3 :24:42PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund /Dept Description /Account Amount 28976 4/25/2013 000692 GUS JOHNSON FORD 791038 40206D: MAINTAND REPAIRS 856.13 Total: 856.13 28977 4/25/2013 000786 K & N ELECTRIC MOTORS, INC. 0109608 SERIVCE CALL 4,068.27 Total: 4,068.27 28978 4/25/2013 000132 MODERN ELECTRIC WATER CO EE -12 -020 303.303.061.595 PRE -JOB ESTIMATE FEE FOR PINE 1,096.56 Total : 1,096.56 28979 4/25/2013 003332 NORTHSTAR LODGE CRYWOLF FALSE ALARM REFUND: PERMIT V 25.00 Tota 1 : 25.00 28980 4/25/2013 000307 OFFICE OF THE STATE TREASURER MARCH 2013 STATE REMITTANCE 65,308.37 Total : 65,308.37 28981 4/25/2013 001604 PACIFIC NW PAPER 139832 PAPER SUPPLIES FOR CITY HALL 1,573.98 Total : 1,573.98 28982 4/25/2013 000256 RAINBOW ELECTRIC INC 128559 ADD OUTLET IN CONFERENCE RC 227.19 Total : 227.19 28983 4/25/2013 001071 ROAD PRODUCTS INC. 7172 303.303.005.595 0005 PINES RD/ UPRR STRIPING R 5,911.99 Total : 5,911.99 28984 4/25/2013 003331 ROBBINS, KAY CRYWOLF FALSE ALARM REFUND: PERMIT V 15.00 Total : 15.00 28985 4/25/2013 000064 SCHIMMELS, GARY EXPENSE EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 142.20 Total : 142.20 28986 4/25/2013 003329 SNAP FITNESS SPOKANE CRYWOLF FALSE ALARM REFUND: PERMIT % 25.00 Total : 25.00 28987 4/25/2013 000308 SPOKANE CO PROSECUTING ATTY MARCH 2013 CRIME VICTIMS COMPENSATION F 982.57 Total : 982.57 28988 4/25/2013 000862 SPOKANE ROCK PRODUCTS, INC_ PAY APP 3 311.000.162.595 2012 STREET PRESERVATION PRC 563.11 Total : 563.11 Page: 3 vchlist Voucher List Page: 4 04/25/2013 3:24:42PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund /Dept Description/Account Amount 28989 4/25/2013 002978 SPOKANE SODA WORKS M13162 53177D: PAINTAND REPAIR 2,453.28 Total : 2,453.28 28990 4/25/2013 000093 SPOKESMAN- REVIEW 351106 311.000.174.595 ADVERTISEMENT: ACCOUNT 4236 689.69 Total: 689.69 28991 4/25/2013 000311 SPRINT 959698810 -065 GPS PHONE: APRIL2013 70.16 Total : 70.16 28992 4/25/2013 001464 TW TELECOM 05472491 001.076.305.575 INTERNETIDATAIPHONE LINES: AF 1,195.54 Total: 1,195.64 28993 4/25/2013 003328 UNITED STATES TREASURY CP161 001.090.000,514 I=MP ID 71- 0914170, 941 MARCH 2C 678.55 Total : 678.55 28994 4/25/2013 001885 ZAYO GROUP LLC APRIL 2013 HIGH SPEED INTERNET CITY HALL 558.37 APRIL 2013 B DARK FIBER LEASE 242.39 Tota 1 : 800.76 40 Vouchers for bank code : apbank Bank total : 116,657.82 40 Vouchers in this report Total vouchers: 116,657.82 Page: 4 vchlist Voucher List Page: 1 0412612013 1:27:44PM Spokane Valley Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund /Dept Description /Account Amount 28995 4/26/2013 000030 AVISTA March 2013 UTILITIES: PW MASTER AVISTA 26,094.85 March 2013 001.076305.575 UTILITIES: PARKS MASTER AVISTA 7,464.52 Total : 33,559.37 28996 4/26/2013 001606 BANNER BANK 0618 MARCH 2013:0618 20.00 0797 MARCH 2013:0797 749.99 4064 MARCH 2013:4064 1,940.86 8861 001.076.304.575 MARCH 2013:8861 3,665.96 Total : 6,376.81 28997 4/26/2013 000918 BLUE RIBBON LINEN SUPPLY INC 9423948 001.076.305.575 LINEN SERVICE AND SUPPLY AT C 466.00 9426004 001,076.305.575 LINEN SERVICE AND SUPPLY AT C 142.83 50051916 001.076.305.575 LINEN SERVICE AND SUPPLYAT C 2.75 S0052310 001.076.305.575 LINEN SERVICE AND SUPPLYAT C 171.26 Total : 782.84 28998 4/26/2013 001169 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY April 2013 PETTY CASH: 8739, 8742 21.50 Total : 21.50 28999 4/26/2013 000109 COFFEE SYSTEMS INC 3820:131551 001.076.305.575 COFFEE SUPPLIES AT CENTERPU 107.75 Total : 107.75 29000 4/26/2013 003083 DEBOISE, BRITTANI Expenses 001.076.305.575 EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 18.65 Total : 18.65 29001 4/26/2013 002889 DOVIA OF THE INLAND NW 2013 001.076.304.575 CONFERENCE REGISTRATION 15.00 Total : 15.00 29002 4126/2013 003136 GIBSON, CARLY Expenses EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 18.65 Total : 18.65 29003 4/26/2013 000007 GRAINGER 9120610754 SUPPLIES FOR PRECINCT 567.05 Total : 567.05 29004 4/26/2013 000741 HONEY BUCKETS 1- 639101 001.076,300.576 HONEY BUCKET RENTAL. PARKS 189.00 Total : 189.00 Page: 1 vchlist Voucher List Page: 2 04/26/2013 1.27.44PM Spokane Valley Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund /Dept Description /Account Amount 29005 4/26/2013 000388 IRVIN WATER DIST, #6 March 2013 UTILITIES: PARKS 166.00 29006 29007 29008 29009 29010 29011 29012 29013 29014 29015 4/26/2013 001635 ISS FACILITY/EVENT SERVICES 4/26/2013 000252 LOWE'S BUSINESS ACCOUNT 4/26/2013 000387 MODEL IRRIGATION DIST. #18 4/26/2013 000240 NAIL LEAGUE OF CITIES Tota I : 571487 001.076.305.575 EVENT SERVICES AT CENTERPLAI 571488 001.076.305.575 EVENT SVCS AT CENTERPLACE Total April 2013 001.076.305.575 OPERATING SUPPLIES April 2013 89378 4/26/2013 000193 NORTHWEST CHRISTIAN SCHOOL INC 1st Qtr2013 CAM April 2013 4/26/2013 003327 NORTHWEST ENERGY EFFICIENCY, CO 7208 4/26/2013 002921 PARKER PAINT MFG. CO. INC. 954057020678 4/26/2013 001860 PLATT 3624014 3639832 3753697 4/26/2013 000415 ROSAUERS 4/17/2013 679769 4/26/2013 000748 ROTO - ROOTER 71825 166.00 256.10 197.00 453.10 236.79 236.79 4.22 4.22 6,697.00 6,697.00 865.20 33,333.33 34,198.53 650.00 650.00 88.72 88.72 107.08 69.81 23.16 200.05 10.08 309.64 319.72 912.26 912.26 Page: 2 Total : 001.076.300.576 EXCESS WATER CHARGE OCT- AF Total 001.011.000 -511 MEMBERSHIP FOR NAIL LEAGUE Total 1 ST QTR 2093 CAM CHARGES CITY HALL RENT Total : 001.076.305.575 2013 BUILDING OPERATOR CERT- Total 001.076.305.575 SUPPLIES AT CENTERPLACE Total 001.076.305.575 SUPPLIES FOR CENTERPLACE 001.076.305.575 SUPPLIES FOR CENTERPLACE 001.076.305.575 SUPPLIES FOR CENTERPLACE Total: 001.076.305.575 OPERATING SUPPLIES: CENTERPI SUPPLIES FOR 10TH ANNIVERSAF Total : 001.076.305.575 SEWER SERVICE AT CENTERPLAC Total: 166.00 256.10 197.00 453.10 236.79 236.79 4.22 4.22 6,697.00 6,697.00 865.20 33,333.33 34,198.53 650.00 650.00 88.72 88.72 107.08 69.81 23.16 200.05 10.08 309.64 319.72 912.26 912.26 Page: 2 vchlist Voucher List Page: 3 04/26/2013 1:27:44PM Spokane Valley Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund /Dept Description /Account Amount 29016 4/26/2013 000324 SPOKANE CO WATER DIST #3 April 2013 001.076.300.576 WATER CHARGES: PARK ROAD PC 23.56 March 2013 001.076.300.576 WATER IRR CHARGES: APPLEWAI 10.06 Tota I : 33.62 29017 4/26/2013 000451 SPOKANE REG SPORTS COMMISSION April 2012 1ST QTR 2013 LODGING TAX REIM 37,500.00 Total : 37,500.00 29018 4/26/2013 000420 SPOKANE REGIONAL HEALTH DIST 2013 001.076.302.576 PERMIT FEES FOR WATER REC Ff- 2,110.00 Total : 2,110.00 29019 4/26/2013 000405 SPOKANE VALLEY PARTNERS April 2013 2013 OUTSIDE AGENCY SOC SER 16,281.18 Total : 16,281.18 29020 4/26/2013 000773 STUDIO CASCADE, INC_ 1804 PLANNING SUPPORT SERVICES 2,836.45 Total : 2,836.45 29021 4/26/2013 001911 THE GLOVER MANSION April 2013 001.076.305.575 ITEMS FOR ADVERTISING 1,085.00 CP749 001.076.305.575 EVENT SERVICES AT CENTERPLA( 156.52 CP786 001.076.305.575 EVENT SVCS AT CENTERPLACE 152.18 Total : 1,393.70 29022 4/26/2013 001444 UNITED LABORATORIES INVO44323 001.076.305.575 SUPPLIES FOR CENTERPLACE 55025 Total : 550.25 29023 4/26/2013 000167 VERA WATER & POWER 2013 UTILITIES: MARCH 2013 2,702.35 Total : 2,702.35 29 Vouchers for bank code : apbank Bank total : 148,990.56 29 Vouchers in this report Total vouchers: 148,990.56 Page: 3 Vchlist Date Voucher List Date Council Member Page: 1 0510212013 19:45 :44AM Spokane Valley Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor invoice Fund /Dept Description /Account Amount 29024 5/2/2013 001606 BANNER BANK 1423 MARCH 2013:1423 1,915.40 2223 MARCH 2013: 2223 2,364.19 Total : 4,279.59 29025 5/2/2013 003317 COEUR D' ALENE PRESS, SHOSHONE I\ 2847496 001.076.305.575 ADVERTISING FOR FEB BUS JOUF 220.79 Total : 220.79 29026 5/2/2013 003338 EVCO SOUND & ELECTRONICS 19438 001.076.305.575 SERVICE AND LABOR AT CENTERF 116.31 4 Total : 116.31 29027 5/2/2013 003339 FLAVOR CAFE, ATTN: JAMIE LOMBARD Refund CSV ENDORSEMENT FEE 13.00 Total : 13.00 4 Vouchers for bank code : apbank Bank total : 4,629.69 4 Vouchers in this report Total vouchers: 4,629.69 I, the undersigned, do certify under penalty of perjury, that the materials have been furnished, the services rendered, or the labor performed as described herein and that the claim is just, due and an unpaid obligation against the City of Spokane Valley, and that i am authorized to authenticate and certify said claim. Finance Director Date Mayor Date Council Member Date Page: 1 vchlist Voucher List page: 1 05/03120/3 2:03:55PM Spokane Valley Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description /Account Amount 29028 5/3/2013 000197 AIRFACTZ 72216 CRIMINAL REPORTS: NEW HIRES 240.00 Total : ✓01111 ' 29030 29031 29032 29033 29034 29035 29036 29037 29038 29039 5/3/2013 003341 ANDERSON ENVIRONMENTAL, CONSUL 332 333 5/3/2013 000050 APA-INLAND EMPIRE SECTION 2013 CONF 5/3/2013 003337 ARROW CONSTRUCTION SUPPLY INC 118201 118282 5/3/2013 001816 BENTHIN & ASSOCIATES 5/3/2013 000173 BINGAMAN, GREG 5/3/2013 000904 BRANCH, CAROLBELLE 5/3/2013 001139 CATS EYE EXCAVATING INC 5/3/2013 000571 CODE PUBLISHING CO 5/3/2013 003319 CONNELL OIL INC 5/3/2013 003340 CONSOLIDATED SUPPLY CO 5/3/2013 000734 DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION 2008 2ND QTR 2013 EXPENSE 2ND QTR 2013 PAY APP 1 303.303.155.595 SULLIVAN BRIDGE WETLAND DETI 303.303.155.595 SULLIVAN BRIDGE WETLAND MITIi Total : 2013 ANNUAL CONFERENCE: PALE Total : SUPPLIES: PW SUPPLIES: PW Total : 303.000.176.595 0176 APPLEWAY TRAIL TOPTGRAF Tota I 2ND QTR 2013 CELL ALLOWANCE EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT Total 2ND QTR 2013 CELLALLOWANCE Total 402.000.000.595 STORMWATER UTILITY CONTRAC- Total : 43389 MUNICIPAL CODE UPDATE Total : C069154 -IN GREASE FOR MAINT SHOP Total CRYWOLF FALSE ALARM REFUND: PERMIT V Total : RE- 313- AT630409110 303.303.061.595 PINES RD (SR27) ITS IMPROVEME 240.00 4,203.54 2,748.00 6,951.54 270,00 270.00 32.15 188.41 220.56 8,436.00 8,436.00 135.00 219.51 354.51 135.00 135.00 187,490.21 187,490.21 312.08 312.08 74.19 74.19 70.00 70.00 46.59 Page: 1 Vchlist Voucher List Page: 2 0510312013 2:03:55PM Spokane Valley Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description /Account Amount 29039 5/3/2013 000734 000734 DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION (Continued) Total : 46.59 29040 5/3/2013 000912 DEX MEDIA WEST APRIL 2013 001.076.305.575 ADVERTISING FOR CENTER PLAC 166.46 Total : 166.46 29041 5/3/2013 000278 DRISKELL, CARY EXPENSE EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 685.10 Total : 685.10 29042 5/3/2013 002296 ELECTRONIC COMMERCE LINK 9971 MAINT & HOSTING: E -GOV BASIC 7 1,440.00 Total : 1,440.00 29043 5/3/2013 002507 FASTENERS, INC S3594882.001 SUPPLIES: PW 102.30 S3595451.001 SUPPLIES: PW 6.78 Total : 109.08 29044 5/3/2013 001447 FREE PRESS PUBLISHING INC 39706 LEGAL PUBLICATION 371.20 39708 LEGAL PUBLICATION 25.00 Total : 396.20 29045 5/3/2013 000609 GENDRONS CO 2979 SUPPLIES: PW 123.86 Total : 123.86 29046 5/3/2013 002235 GRAFOS, DEAN 2ND QTR 2013 2ND QTR 2013 CELL PHONE ALL01 135.00 Total : 135.00 29047 5/3/2013 000007 GRAINGER 9120377214 SUPPLIES: PW 7.98 Total : 7.98 29048 5/3/2013 003177 GUTH, ERIC 2ND QTR 2013 2ND QTR 2013 CELL PHONE ALLOT 135.00 EXPENSE EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 31.08 Total : 166.08 29049 5/3/2013 001296 H.D. FOWLER CO INC 04172867 SUPPLIES: PW 286.69 Total : 286,69 29050 5/3/2013 002682 HAFNER, CHARLES 2ND QTR 2013 2ND QTR 2013 CELL PHONE ALLOT 135.00 Total : 135.00 Page: 2 vchlist Voucher List Page: 3 05/03/2013 2:03:55PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice FundlDept Description /Account Amount 29051 5/3/2013 003297 HIGGINS, LEWIS ROD 2ND QTR 2013 2ND QTR 2013 CELL PHONE ALLOT 135.00 Total : 135.00 29052 5/3/2013 003335 INSIGHT LOW ALTITUDE PHOTOGRAP IP0817 303.000.176.595 PHOTO SERVICES PUBLIC WORK: 885.91 Total: 885.91 29053 5/3/2013 000265 JACKSON, MIKE 2ND QTR 2013 2ND QTR 2013 CELL PHONE ALLOT 135-00 MAY 2013 MAY 2013 AUTO ALLOWANCE 300.00 Tota 1 : 435.00 29054 5/3/2013 000012 JOURNAL OF BUSINESS INC. INV002831045 ADVERTISEMENT; 2013 GSI MAGA 1,620.00 Total : 1,620.00 29055 5/3/2013 003185 LAMB, ERIK EXPENSE EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 258.93 Total: 258.93 29056 5/3/2013 001944 LANCER LTD 0436024 LETTERHEAD 424.35 Total : 424.35 29057 5/3/2013 002259 MENKE JACKSON BEYER EHILS 492 303.303.060.595 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 420.00 Total : 420.00 29058 5/3/2013 000652 OFFICE DEPOT INC. 652805184001 SUPPLIES: GENERAL 1.49 652805679001 SUPPLIES: GENERAL 119.56 653431533001 SUPPLIES: PW 50.97 653431569001 SUPPLIES: PW 4328 Total : 215.30 29059 5/3/2013 000019 PURRFECT LOGOS, INC. 31033 DECALS FOR PUBLIC WORKS 32.61 Total : 32.61 29060 5/3/2013 003342 SAGACITY CUSTOM PUBLISHING 2013 -3346 WA STATE VISITORS GUIDE ADVEF 12,147.00 Total: 12,147.00 29061 5/3/2013 000064 SCHIMMELS, GARY 2ND QTR 2013 2ND QTR 2013 CELL PHONE ALLOT 135.00 Total: 135.00 29062 5/3/2013 003133 SHAMROCK MANUFACTURING INC 1487 SUPPLIES: PW 2,734.89 Page: 3 vchlist Voucher List Page: 4 05/03/2013 2:03:55PM Spokane Valley Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund /Dept Descripbon /Account Amount 29062 5/3/2013 003133 SHAMROCK MANUFACTURING INC (Continued) 1501 SUPPLIES: PW 3,528.40 Total : 6,263.29 29063 5/3/2013 000459 SPOKANE CO TITLE CO 5- 190078 303.303.166.595 PINES RD/ SAFETY PROJECT CIP ( 402.19 Total : 402.19 29064 5/3/2013 000001 SPOKANE CO TREASURER 51501567 MARCH 2013: HOUSING INVOICE 106,447.00 Total : 106,447.00 29065 5/3/2013 003079 SVR DESIGN CENTER 010708 303.000.176.595 0176 APPLEWAY TRAIL - CE & LS A 17,900.00 Total : 17,900.00 29066 5/3/2013 003318 TACOMA SCREW PRODUCTS INC 30352564 SUPPLIES: PW 282.51 Total: 282.51 29067 5/3/2013 001895 TAYLOR ENGINEERING INC 1 303.303.168.595 0168 WELL. SW, ADAMS SW MAPS 2,098.71 2 303.303.149.595 DESIGN SERVICES 1,259.23 3 303.303.168.595 DESIGN SERVICES 2,038.76 Total : 5,396.70 29068 5/3/2013 002254 TOWEY, TOM 2ND QTR 2013 2ND QTR 2013 CELL PHONE ALLOT 135.00 EXPENSE EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 184.79 Total: 319.79 29069 5/3/2013 000468 TRANSOFT SOLUTIONS INC. 94337 NETWORK RENEWAL: TURN MAP 770.00 Tota l : 770.00 29070 5/3/2013 000717 TRANSPO GROUP, INC_ 15191 303.303.061.595 PINES ITS DESIGN CONSULTANT 1,493.24 Total : 1,493.24 29071 513!2013 000087 VERIZON WIRELESS 9703404902 AIR CARD FOR POLICE CHEIF 40.01 9703406093 AIR CARDS FOR POLICE DEPARTN 803.20 Total : 843.21 29072 5/3/2013 002363 WESTERN STATES EQUIPMENT CO PCO60726247 SUPPLIES: PW 21.09 Total : 21.09 Page: 4 vchlist Voucher List Page: 5 05/03/2013 2:03:55PM Spokane Valley Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund /Dept Description /Account Amount 29073 5/3/2013 002960 WICK, BEN 2ND QTR 2013 2ND QTR 2013 CELL PHONE ALLOT 135.00 Total : 135.00 29074 5/312013 002651 WOODARD, ARNE 2ND QTR 2013 2ND QTR 2013 CELL PHONE ALLOT 135.00 Tota 1 : 135.00 430130050 5/1/2013 000001 SPOKANE CO TREASURER 9290200458 LAW ENFORCEMENT: APRIL 1,529,813.00 Total : 1,529,813.00 502130175 5/3/2013 002244 AOT PUBLIC SAFETY CORPORATION SPKVLY -40 CRYWOLF CHARGES: MARCH 201. 3 089.10 49 Vouchers for bank code: apbank 49 Vouchers in this report I, the undersigned, do certify under penalty of perjury, that the materials have been furnished, the services rendered, or the labor performed as described herein and that the claim is just, due and an unpaid obligation against the City of Spokane Valley, and that I am authorized to authenticate and certify said claim. Finance Director Date Mayor Date Council Member Date Total : 3,089.10 Bank total : 1,898,272.35 Total vouchers : 1,898,272.35 Page: 5 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: 05 -14 -2013 Department Director Approval : ❑ Item: Check all that apply: ® consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Payroll for Period Ending April 30, 2013 GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Approve Payroll Budget/Financial impacts: Employees Council Total Gross: $ 251,483.14 $ 5,475.00 $256,958.14 Benefits: $ 138,161.27 $ 9,126.37 $147,287.64 Total payroll $ 389,644.41 $ 14,601.37 $404,245.78 STAFF CONTACT: Raba Nimri DRAFT MINUTES City of Spokane Valley City Council Regular Meeting Formal Meeting Format Tuesday, April 23, 2013 Mayor Towey called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Attendance: City Staff Tom Towey, Mayor Mike Jackson, City Manager Gary Schimmels, Deputy Mayor Cary Driskell, City Attorney Dean Grafos, Councilmember Mark Calhoun, Finance Director Chuck Hafner, Councilmember Erik Lamb, Deputy City Attorney Rod Higgins, Councilmember Mike Stone, Parks & Rec Director Ben Wick, Councilmember John Hohman, Community Development Dir. Arne Woodard, Councilmember Eric Guth, Public Works Director Lori Barlow, Senior Planner Scott Kuhta, Planning Manager Rick VanLeuven, Police Chief Carolbelle Branch, Public Information Officer Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk INVOCATION: Pastor Bill Dropko of Greenacres Christian Fellowship Church gave the invocation. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Members from Boy Scout Troops 417 and 400 led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: City Clerk Bainbridge called the roll; all Councilmembers were present. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: It was moved by Deputy Mayor Schimmels, seconded and unanimously agreed to approve the agenda. INTRODUCTION OF SPECIAL GUESTS AND PRESENTATIONS: April Community Recognition, Presentation of Key and Certificate Mayor Towey Mayor Towey announced that this month's recipient of the Community Recognition Key and Certificate goes to Jim Custer Enterprises. Mayor Towey briefly summarized the background of the company, which has been holding consumer shows since 1976; he said Jim and Jennifer Custer were founders of the business; they have created an impeccable name for themselves in the consumer show industry; and their daughter and her husband, Cheryl Custer -Branz and Clint Branz, began working in the business full time in 1994; and they took over the daily operations are now the proud second generation owners of the family business. Ms. Cheryl Custer -Branz accepted the key and certificate with thanks, and explained that her parents were unable to be here tonight as they are retired and living in a warmer part of the country; she said she and Clint are honored to continue the tradition of shows that her father started and mentioned that this weekend marks the 38"' anniversary of the antique and collector sale. COMMITTEE, BOARD, LIAISON SUMMARY REPORTS: Councilmember Woodard: reported that he went to the Regional Mayor's Conference; participated in the HCDAC (Spokane Housing and Community Development Advisory Committee) as they worked to allocate funds to 15 applicants. Councilmember Wick: said he attended the Valleyfest Benefit Auction and said this is a great community activity. Council Regular Meeting 04 -23 -2013 Page 1 of 4 Approved by Council: DRAFT Councilmember Grafos: said he went to the I -90 overpass study meeting last week; the ITA (International Trade Association) meeting where they discussed ITA merging with GSI (Greater Spokane, Inc.); and went to the library/Balfour Park meeting yesterday. Deputy Mayor Schimmels: said he attended an SRTC (Spokane Regional Transportation Council) meeting as well as an STA (Spokane Transit Authority) Board Meeting; and went to the I -90 overpass meeting, which he said was well attended. Councilmember Higgins: reported he also went to the I -90 Overpass meeting; the ITA meeting, the library /park meeting, and the highlight of his week was an invitation to address a scout troop regarding Constitutional Rights. Councilmember Hafner: stated that he attended the STA Operations Committee as well as the STA Board meeting; went to the SCOPE Meeting; the Regional Health District staff awards meeting; and said the STA Awards staff dinner was very well attended and people were pleased to receive recognition; that he also went to the library meeting, and today met with two high school students from Central Valley who spoke with him about setting up a student commission related to our city and the area high schools. MAYOR'S REPORT: Mayor Towey reported that he attended the Washington Policy Center meeting at the Valley Hospital and spoke with several Senators who gave an update on what they have been doing; said he participated on a panel of three mayors hosted by GSI, which went very well and was well attended; attended the NE Washington Mayor's Association meeting in Newport, which is the mayors' quarterly meeting; said GSI asked him and the Mayor of Cheney to give a short version of their respective State of the City Addresses, which he said is difficult to condense, adding that he enjoys getting out in the community and telling our story, especially telling about our I& anniversary; said he went to the Health District annual awards; entertained a Northwest Christian Leadership Class of about 30 students where they talked about leadership qualities; participated in part of the opening ceremonies for Japanese Week; went to the Park meeting yesterday; and today visited with Central Valley School Superintendent Ben Small and Liberty Lake Mayor Peterson for their monthly meeting. Mayor Towey then read two separate proclamations: Workers' Memorial Day, which was received with thanks from Beth Thew who works for the Spokane Regional Labor Council; and Drug Endangered Children's Awareness Day which was accepted with thanks from Esther Larsen, of the National Alliance for Drug Endangered Children; and from Linda Thompson, Greater Spokane Substance Council Executive Director. Mayor Towey reminded everyone that the Spokane Valley Video Contest started yesterday and will run through July 31; and said we are looking for videos highlighting what makes our City a unique place to work, shop and play. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Mayor Towey invited public comment. Linda Thompson, 10913 E 46th Avenue: - she explained that this Saturday, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. is the Prescription Drug Take -Back and Shred Event, hosted by the Sheriff's Office and Spokane Valley Police Department; with two locations to choose from, either 44 E. Hawthorne, or the Valley Police Precinct at 12710 E Sprague; and she mentioned that she would leave several flyers on the counter in the Council Chambers for those interested. 1. CONSENT AGENDA: Consists of items considered routine which are approved as a group. Any member of Council may ask that an item be removed from the Consent Agenda to be considered separately. Council Regular Meeting 04 -23 -2013 Page 2 of 4 Approved by Council: DRAFT a. Approval of the following claim vouchers: VOUCHER LIST DATE VOUCHER NUMBERS: TOTAL AMOUNT 04/04/2013 42784281; 4293; 28754 -28759 $267,739.86 04/05/2013 28760 - 28825; 328130237; 329130018 $1,720,781.67 04/08/2013 28826 $95.50 04/12/2013 28827 -28853 $101,622.46 04/12/2013 28854- 28907; 404130026 $425,254.66 GRAND TOTAL $2,515,494.15 b. Approval of Payroll for period ending April 15, 2013: $289,240.66 c. Approval of Resolution 13 -004 Sponsoring the Library for AWC Membership d. Approval of April 2, 2013 Council Study Session Meeting Minutes e. Approval of April 4, 2013 Council Special Meeting Minutes £ Approval of April 9, 2013 Council Formal Meeting Minutes g. Approval of April 16, 2013 Council Study Session Meeting Minutes It was moved by Deputy Mayor Schimmels, seconded and unanimously agreed to approve the Consent Agenda. NEW BUSINESS: 2. First Readina Ordinance 13 -004. SEPA Reeulations — Lori Barlow After City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it was moved by Deputy Mayor Schimmels and seconded to advance Ordinance 13 -004 to a second reading. Senior Planner Barlow explained that this has been before Council several times; that it is important for us to eliminate any redundancies in our permitting process and by increasing the thresholds as proposed, this would allow us to establish a category of projects that would not require an environmental review, thereby making approval of those permits a shorter process by about four to six weeks. Ms. Barlow also noted the clarifying language "if required" added to section 24.50 under SEPA checklist. In response to Councilmember Woodard's question about other requirements concerning protection of the environment. Ms. Barlow explained staff would still need to go through the exercise to show that we have regulations in place to ensure there would be no adverse environmental impacts; and she noted the Findings of Fact which is included in tonight's council packet materials and which is part of the record, having been taken through the Planning Commission process. Mayor Towey invited public comment; no comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed. None. Motion carried. 3. Proposed Resolution 13 -005 Amending Governance Manual — Chris Bainbridge It was moved by Deputy Mayor Schimmels and seconded to approve Resolution 13 -005 Amending the Governance Manual as presented. City Clerk Bainbridge explained that Council has also seen this several times, and asked if there were any other suggested edits. There were no suggestions for further modifications. Mayor Towey invited public comment; no comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed. None. Motion carried. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Mayor Towey invited public comment; no comments were offered. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS: 4. Code Revision Concerning Dangerous Dogs — Cary Driskell City Attorney Driskell explained that the City contracts for animal control services with SCRAPS; and a provision of that agreement requires us to have similar code regulations regarding animal control; and said the City's section dealing with appeals arising from dogs declared as "dangerous" and the registration requirements, are not identical to the County's regulations; and the proposed changes will make our provisions more consistent with those of Spokane County's. Mr. Driskell also noted that Council Regular Meeting 04 -23 -2013 Page 3 of 4 Approved by Council: DRAFT SCRAPS Director Nancy Hill reviewed the proposed changes and agrees with their appropriateness. After Mr. Driskell went over the proposed changes, there were no further suggestions for modifications, and Council concurred that staff bring this item forward for a first reading at a future council meeting. 5. Advance Agenda — Mayor Towey Concerning the recently approved marijuana laws, Councilmember Woodard asked about zoning of medical marijuana; and Councilmember Grafos said he would also like Council to examine the zoning regulations to prevent grow operations. Mr. Jackson said this can be scheduled for a future council meeting for further discussion. Mayor Towey reminded everyone that there is no council meeting next week. INFORMATION ONLY The following items were for information only and were not reported or discussed: (6). Planning Commission Minutes (February 14 and 28; March 13, 2013); (7) Spokane Valley Fire Department Quarterly Report; and (8) Department Monthly Reports. CITY MANAGER COMMENTS In advance of the 2013 budget amendments coming up in the near future, Mr. Jackson said he is working to schedule a Finance Committee meeting for next Thursday, and added that staff is already moving into preparing the 2014 budget, and that budget worksheets should be available for Council in advance of the Council's June budget workshop. It was moved by Deputy Mayor Schimmels, seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 7:10 p.m. ATTEST: Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Thomas E. Towey, Mayor Council Regular Meeting 04 -23 -2013 Page 4 of 4 Approved by Council: DRAFT MINUTES SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING STUDY SESSION FORMAT Spokane Valley City Hall Council Chambers Spokane Valley, Washington May 7, 2013 6:00 p.m. Attendance: Councilmembers Staff Tom Towey, Mayor Mike Jackson, City Manager Gary Schimmels, Deputy Mayor Cary Driskell, City Attorney Dean Grafos, Councilmember Erik Lamb, Deputy City Attorney Chuck Hafner, Councilmember Mark Calhoun, Finance Director Rod Higgins, Councilmember Mike Stone, Parks & Recreation Director Ben Wick, Councilmember Eric Guth, Public Works Director Arne Woodard, Councilmember John Hohman, Community Development Dir Steve Worley, Senior Engineer Mike Turbak, Permit Center Coordinator Rick VanLeuven, Police Chief Carolbelle Branch, Public Information Officer Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk Mayor Towey called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Roll Call: City Clerk Bainbridge called the roll; all Councilmembers were present. Mayor Towey read a Proclamation, proclaiming the week of May 5 through 11 as `Municipal Clerks' Week" and City Clerk Bainbridge, on behalf of the Clerk's office, thanked him and Council for the proclamation and for their kind words of appreciation. Introduction ofNew Crime Prevention Officer Chris Johnston by Chief VanLeuven Police Chief VanLeuven introduced new Crime Prevention Officer Chris Johnston, who replaced Deputy Greg Snyder who now works in the Patrol Division. Deputy Johnson explained that his job is to make people aware of what things they can do to not become victims of crime; said he is proactive in preventing crime and works with various community members groups and individuals, as well as offers crime prevention training. 1. 2013 Budget Amendment — Mark Calhoun Finance Director Calhoun went over the history of the 2013 budget adoption and explained the items which are now requiring the budget amendment, all of which were described in his Request for Council Action. Mr. Calhoun said the Finance Committee met and discussed these items at length and said they were comfortable in bringing this to full Council; he also noted he anticipates the need for an additional budget amendment likely in September, and that one item to include in that budget amendment will be increasing the amount in Community Development for the Shoreline Attorney as well as increasing appropriations for GIS services. Mr. Calhoun mentioned we were required to set aside $300,000 by the end of 2009 in the CenterPlace Operating Reserve Fund, which was done, and that the amount actually set aside is $350,787, or $50,787 more than necessary; and he proposed the excess balance be returned to the General Fund from whence it came; he also noted this was due to the issuance of tax general obligation bonds which we refinanced through the Public Facilities District, so it would be that entity that recognizes Council Study Session Minutes 05 -07 -2013 Page 1 of 4 Approved by Council: DRAFT the savings. There was no objection to have staff move this forward for a public hearing and first reading as scheduled. 2. Community Development Reports — John Hohman Community Development Director Hohman explained about the City's transitioning to the new permitting tracking software Paladin Data Systems, from the former program of PLUS; and that this new system conversion is now complete and most of the operational issues are resolved, adding that it is also less labor - intensive than the previous software. Mr. Hohman also mentioned the upcoming City and County- sponsored May 16 meeting where staff and members of the development community can discuss the software with the Vice President of Paladin, and that eventually the public will be able to track their permit process. Mr. Hohman said he hopes to come back to Council in a few months with an update. Development Services Coordinator Mike Turbak then explained some of the features of the new system, and about its benefit of bringing a more consistent permitting format for the community's benefit, and of allowing our citizens a direct voice to the Paladin Vice President. Mr. Turbak then gave a demonstration of the SmartGov process, and of the reports showing historical data, as well as trends. Director Hohman said the next step would be performance measures, which was one of those "roadmap for enhanced permitting" goals; and said this system will also allow for continued development based on feedback, and said he is very happy with the direction it is going; that it is an ongoing maintenance contract and we pay about $30,000 annually. Mr. Hohman said there is a limitation on what the company can do as the software company only has a certain number of staff, and they don't have the ability to do an additional contract unless they were to hire more staff. In response to Councilmember Wick's remarks about having a "dashboard" executive summary, Mr. Hohman said that is one of his goals as well, to have the dashboard on our website for citizens. Mayor Towey and Council thanked staff for their report. Mayor Towey called for a recess at 7:27 p.m., and he reconvened the meeting at 7:38 p.m. 3. Farmer's Market Update — Mike Stone Parks and Recreation Director Stone said that Council had expressed an interest in using the Sprague property for community activities prior to the development of the site for a park/library; and that one of the ideas Council wanted staff to consider, was the operation of a farmer's market. After Mr. Stone explained about some of the basics of what would be necessary and what issues to consider to start such an endeavor, such as local support, days and hours of operation, length of season, trash removal, site maintenance, and competition; he mentioned that there are several farmers' markets in the area, including a new market just opened in the Veradale area. Mr. Stone stressed the aspect of community support and of the need to have a coordinator, and suggested placing such an ad in the newspaper after tonight's meeting. Mr. Stone further explained that these are just ideas, that it would not be successful in generating large amounts of money but would be a wonderful opportunity to garner a sense of community, and that he looks for input and guidance from Council, adding that if Council is interested, he feels it would be possible to start such a market this year, although it would be a reduced season. Councilmember Woodard remarked that he feels this is "government gone a- muck;" said he loves farmer's markets, but we are making it way too complicated; that we just need to open an area where people can put up booths, and we don't need electricity, and perhaps don't even need water; and said that he knows there are certain things we have to do if this is a City -run project. Director Stone explained that we do not intend to have this a City -run function; that the idea was we would provide the site and get someone who wants to run it; and said whoever wants to run this, will have issues to address, most of which will come from the Health Department. Further discussion ensued with Mayor Towey mentioning that we are just in the first stages, and the community support will tell us what it will look like and how it will proceed. Mr. Stone added that the idea was to just have something in the interim, and not a permanent fixture. Councilmember Grafos said we don't want to spend City money or staff time to pursue this, and Mr. Stone agreed. There was apparent Council Study Session Minutes 05 -07 -2013 Page 2 of 4 Approved by Council: DRAFT Council consensus that if someone comes forward, we will consider this further, but to let the concept be driven by the community. 4. Draft 2014 -2019 Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP) — Steve Worley Senior Engineer Worley went through the TIP process and the first draft of projects with the hope of getting additional comments prior to the upcoming public hearing; he mentioned that the company hired to scan the streets just completed their work last week, and he should have that data soon, which will be reflected into the new draft TIP. Mr. Worley also explained some of the funding levels for various grants; and said that the report now shows the total project cost. Deputy Mayor Schimmels mentioned the Broadway Extension, Flora to Barker project and said he would like to keep that project, and Council concurred. There were no other suggested changes, and Mr. Worley said this is currently set for a public hearing May 28, with approval consideration set for the June 11 Council meeting. 5. Bridging the Valley — Steve Worley Senior Engineer Worley explained that the annual Six Year Transportation Improvement Programs have included Bridging the Valley projects, and by use of an SRTC (Spokane Regional Transportation Council) 2004 Report prepared by HDR, Mr. Worley described how, when and why this project started, what the project would entail, estimated cost, and what the project hoped to accomplish; after which he went over updated information showing the projects, mentioning that the design is 30% complete and has environmental approval; and also explained about the funding of the entire project, and what funding has currently been received. At 9:00 p.m., it was moved by Deputy Mayor Schimmels, seconded and unanimously agreed to extend the meeting for an hour. Discussion ensued regarding pursuing the project, or sections of it, and there appeared to be Council consensus that after the Sullivan Bridge, the Barker Overpass would be their next priority; and that Mr. Worley will attempt to gather further information concerning costs. 6. Stormwater Improvement Plan 2014 -2019 & 2013 Projects — Eric Guth After Public Works Director Guth went through his PowerPoint presentation providing an overview of the Plan, and mentioning that for consistency sake, it will be referred to as the Capital Improvement Plan, there were no objections from Council to bring this forth as a motion consideration at the May 28 meeting. 7. Advance Agenda — Mayor Towey. There were no suggestions for changes to the Advance Agenda. 8. Information Items (a) Public Employees Retirement Systems Memo, (b) Parks & Recreation Quarterly Report, and (c) Greater Spokane, Inc. Quarterly Report were for information only and were not reported or discussed. 9. Council Check -in — Mayor Towey. There were no comments. 10. City Manager Comments — Mike Jackson City Manager Jackson said that Mr. Calhoun had previously mentioned allocating $60,000 for a solid waste study; he explained that the amount is larger than originally discussed as we had estimated our share would be about $15,000; and said as we work through the negotiations with the consultant, he would like to be able to let the County know we have no objections to the larger amount; he said the hope is the work will be completed in about twelve weeks, and that all parties will make a decision before the end of this year. There were no objections from Council to Mr. Jackson's suggestion to proceed as noted. Council Study Session Minutes 05 -07 -2013 Page 3 of 4 Approved by Council: DRAFT It was moved by Deputy Mayor Schimmels, seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 9:23 p.m. ATTEST: Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Thomas E. Towey, Mayor Council Study Session Minutes 05 -07 -2013 Page 4 of 4 Approved by Council: CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: May 14, 2013 Department Director Approval: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ® new business ❑ public hearing ❑ pending legislation ❑admin. report ❑ information ❑ executive .session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Second Reading Proposed Ordinance 13 -004, City Initiated Amendment to the Spokane Valley Municipal Code, (SVMC) 21.20.040.SEPA Categorical Exemptions, to adopt the maximum exemption levels allowed. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 36.70A.106, WAC 197 -11- 800(1) ( c ); SVMC 17.80.150 and 19.30.040 PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: None. BACKGROUND: Washington State Department of Ecology was directed by the 2012 Legislature to complete two rounds of updates to the SEPA rules (Chapter 197 -11 WAC). The Legislature directed Ecology to modernize the rules that guide state and local agencies in conducting SEPA reviews, in light of the increased environmental protections in place under Growth Management Laws (RCW 36.70A), the Shoreline Management Act ( RCW 90.58) and other laws. The update became effective January 28, 2013, and allows the city to increase the maximum exemption levels requiring environmental review as described in the attached staff report, thereby reducing permit review times and eliminating redundancy in the review process. This proposal would amend the current SEPA rules to reflect the maximum thresholds allowed by State Law and address one minor housekeeping item for consistency in chapter 24.50.030.C(9). The Planning Commission conducted a study session on February 28, 2013, followed by a public hearing on March 14, 2013. Following the public hearing, the Planning Commission voted unanimously to approve the proposed amendment (see Attachments). The Planning Commission approved their Findings of Fact on March 28, 2013. The Planning Commission's recommendation was presented to Council at the April 9, 2013 study session, and the Council advanced the 1St Ordinance reading on April 23, 2013. OPTIONS: Adopt Ordinance with or without further amendments; send back to Planning Commission for further review; or direct staff further. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to approve Ordinance 13 -004. BUDGET /FINANCIAL IMPACTS: N/A STAFF CONTACT: Lori Barlow, AICP, Senior Planner ATTACHMENTS: A. Draft Ordinance 13 -004 B. Staff Report dated March 7, 2013 C. Planning Commission Findings D. Planning Commission Minutes DRAFT CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 13 -004 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON AMENDING SPOKANE VALLEY MUNICIPAL CODE SECTION 21.20.040 TO ADOPT THE MAXIMUM STATE ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ACT EXEMPTION LEVELS FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION ALLOWED BY WASHINGTON ADMINISTRATIVE CODE 197- 11- 800(1)(d), AND ADD CLARIFYING LANGUAGE TO SECTION 24.50.030; AND OTHER MATTERS RELATING THERETO. WHEREAS, on September 25, 2007, the City of Spokane Valley (City) adopted Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC) Title 21, pursuant to Ordinance 07 -015; and WHEREAS, on October 28, 2007, SVMC Title 21 became effective; and WHEREAS, on December 8, 2009, the City of Spokane Valley (City) adopted SVMC Chapter 24.50, Land Disturbing Activities, in its current form pursuant to Ordinance 09 -033; and WHEREAS, on January 18, 2010 SVMC Chapter 24.50 became effective; and WHEREAS, such regulations are authorized by RCW 36.70A, RCW 43.21C and WAC 197 -11; and WHEREAS, the amendments set forth below are consistent with the goals and policies of the City's Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, on February 22, 2013, March 1, 2013 and March 22, 2013 notice of the Planning Commission public hearing was published in the Valley News Herald; and WHEREAS, on February 28, 2013, the Planning Commission held a study session; and WHEREAS, on March 7, 2013, the Washington State Department of Commerce was notified pursuant to RCW 36.70A.106, providing a 60 -day notice of intent to adopt amendments to the Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, SVMC 21.20.040 and 24.50.030, as amended, bear a substantial relation to the public health, safety and welfare and protection of the environment; and WHEREAS, on March 14, 2013, the Commission held a public hearing, received a staff report with a recommendation, but no additional public comment, followed by deliberations and provided a recommendation; and WHEREAS, on March 28, 2013, the Commission approved the Findings and Recommendations; and WHEREAS, on April 9, 2013, City Council reviewed the proposed amendment; and WHEREAS, on April 23, 2013, City Council considered a first ordinance reading to adopt the proposed amendment. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley do ordain as follows: Ordinance 13 -004 Page 1 of 4 DRAFT Section 1. Purpose. The purpose of this Ordinance is to amend SVMC 21.20.040 and 24.50.030. Section 2. Findings. The City Council acknowledges that the Planning Commission conducted appropriate investigation and study, held a public hearing on the proposed amendments and recommends approval of the amendments. The City Council hereby adopts the findings of the Planning Commission (See Attached) Section 3. Spokane Valley Municipal Code 21.20.040 is amended as follows: 21.20.040 Categorical exemptions. Categorical exemptions are set forth in WAC 197 -11 -800. A. Application. If a proposal fits within any of the exemptions set forth in this section, the proposal shall be categorically exempt from the threshold determination requirements of WAC 197 -11 -720, except as follows: 1. The proposal includes an activity that is not exempt under WAC 197 -11 -908, Critical areas; or 2. The proposal is a segment of a proposal that includes a series of actions, physically or functionally related to each other, some of which are categorically exempt and some of which are not; or 3. The proposal includes, or is a part of, a series of exempt actions that are physically or functionally related to each other and that together may have a probable significant adverse impact in the judgment of an agency with jurisdiction. B. Flexible Thresholds. The City adopts the following exempt levels for new construction pursuant to WAC 197- 11- 800(1)(c): 1. For single family residential dwelling units, up to 2&30dwelling units. 2. For multifamily residential dwelling units, up to 60 units. 3 F,,,.. „i ±,,,., i 4,..,etid es tip to 30,000 squar-e feet. For barn, loafing shed, farm equipment storage, produce storage or packing structure buildings up to 40,000 square feet. 24. For office, school, commercial, recreational, service or storage buildings, up to 4-2,000 30,000 square feet of gross floor area and with associated parking facilities designed for up to 40 90 parking spaces. This exemption includes stand - -alone parking lots. 5. For landfills and excavations, up to X001.000 cubic yards. C. Procedure. The agency or applicant may proceed with the exempt aspects of a proposal prior to conducting environmental review of the nonexempt aspects of a proposal; provided, that the requirements of WAC 197 -11 -070 are met. D. Written Findings. The lead agency is not required to document that a proposal is categorically exempt; however, the lead agency may note on an application that a proposal is categorically exempt or place such a determination in the agency's files. Ordinance 13 -004 Page 2 of 4 DRAFT Section 4. Spokane Valley Municipal Code 24.50.030 is amended as follows: 24.50.030 Engineered grading permits. A. Applicability. An engineered grading permit is required for the following land disturbing activities: 1. Grading in excess of 500 cubic yards; and 2. Excavations with cut slopes equal to or steeper than 2:1 (H:V) and heights greater than two and one -half feet; and 3. Excavations with cut slopes equal to or steeper than 10:1 (H:V) and heights greater than four feet; and 4. Fill slopes equal to or steeper than 2:1 (H:V) and heights greater than two and one -half feet; and 5. Fill slopes equal to or steeper than 10:1 (H:V) and heights greater than four feet; and 6. Grading in the floodplain; and 7. Grading in critical areas identified in the SVMC Title 21; and 8. Grading in a drainage channel; and 9. Grading to support a building or structure of a permanent nature; and 10. Grading associated with subdivisions pursuant to SVMC Title 20; and 11. Grading for engineered driveways, regardless of the amount of excavation or fill required for construction; and 12. Grading for all ponds, water features, and manmade lakes greater than 500 square feet in surface area; and 13. Major use permits and /or any other project likely to cause major land disturbances as determined by the City; and 14. Grading to support other engineering works such as, but not limited to, tanks, towers, machinery, retaining walls, and paving; and 15. Projects deemed to be a potential hazard. B. Exemptions. An engineered grading permit is not required for the following land disturbing activities: 1. Grading work already included in a building permit or land action application; 2. Grading work exempted per SVMC 24.50.020; and grading work not meeting the requirements of subsection A of this section. In this latter case, the grading would be considered regular grading. C. Engineered Grading Permit Submittal Requirements. The minimum documents required for permit application are as follows: 1. Completed permit application; 2. Two sets of all required plans stamped by a civil engineer licensed in the state of Washington; 3. Two sets of all required reports, specifications, and supporting information prepared and stamped by a civil engineer or geologist licensed in the state of Washington; 4. Plans shall demonstrate compliance with the provisions of this title, SVMC 22.130.040, Street standards, and all relevant laws, ordinances, rules, and regulations; 5. Temporary erosion and sediment control (TESC) plan. The TESC plan shall include all of the minimum elements specified in Chapter 22.150 SVMC, Spokane Regional Stormwater Manual Chapter 9, and plan elements required in Chapter 4 of SVMC 22.130.040, Street standards, as applicable. The TESC plan may also be prepared by a certified erosion and sediment control technician. All erosion prevention and sediment control measures shall be maintained, including replacement and repair as needed. These minimum guidelines are not intended to resolve all project soil erosion conditions. The applicant is responsible for confining all soil on the project site and implementing additional measures as necessary to accommodate changing or unexpected site and weather conditions; Ordinance 13 -004 Page 3 of 4 DRAFT 6. When required by SVMC 22.130.040, Street standards, Chapter 5, and /or the development services senior engineer, a geotechnical evaluation demonstrating compliance with SVMC 22.130.040, Street standards, Chapter 5; 7. Drainage report demonstrating compliance with Chapter 22.150 SVMC, Spokane Regional Stormwater Manual Chapter 3; 8. When required by the development services senior engineer, an engineering geology report including an adequate description of the geology of the site; and 9. SEPA checklist., if required. D. Engineered Grading Permit Final Acceptance. The following items are required prior to final acceptance: 1. Inspection by a qualified professional hired by the applicant; and 2. As- graded grading plans; and 3. A letter from the inspector that certifies that grading was conducted in accordance with the grading plan. Certification requirements shall be in compliance with SVMC 22.130.040, Street standards. Section 5. All other provisions of SVMC Title 21 and Title 24 not specifically referenced hereto shall remain in full force and effect. Section 6. Severability. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance shall be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause, or phrase of this Ordinance. Section 7. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect five days after publication of this Ordinance or a summary thereof in the official newspaper of the City of Spokane Valley as provided by law. Passed by the City Council this day of May, 2013. Mayor, Thomas E. Towey ATTEST: City Clerk, Christine Bainbridge Approved as to Form: Office of the City Attorney Date of Publication: Effective Date: Ordinance 13 -004 Page 4 of 4 3`r okane p Valley STAFI+ REPORT DATE: March 7, 2013 COAMR ITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION CTA -2013 -0002 HEARING DATE AND LOCATION: March 14, 2013, beginning at 6:00 p.m., Spokane Valley City Hall Council Chambers, Valley Redwood Plaza Building, 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 101, Spokane Valley, Washington 99206. PROPOSAL DESCRIPTION: A city initiated text amendment to Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC) 21.20.040 SEPA Categorical Exemptions, to adopt the maximum exemption levels allowed by WAC 197 - 11- 800(1)(d). PROPONENT: City of Spokane Valley Community Development Department, 11707 E Sprague Ave, Suite 106, Spokane Valley, WA 99206 APPROVAL CRITERIA: Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan, Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC) Title 17 General Provisions, SUMMARY OF RECOMAIENDATION: The Planning Division recommends the Planning Commission approve the proposed amendment as put forth. STAFF PLANNER: LoRi BARLow, AICP, Senior Planner, Community Development Department ATTACHMENTS: Exhibit 1: Proposed text amendment to SVMC 21.20.040 A. BACKGROUND INFORMATION 1. APPLICATION PROCESSING: SVMC Chapter 17.80, Permit Processing Procedures. The following summarizes application procedures for the proposal. Process Date Pre - Application Meeting; N/A Application Submitted: N/A Determination of Completeness: N/A Published Notice of Public Hearing: 2/22/2013 and 3/8/2013 2. PROPOSAL BACKGROUND: The proposal is to amend Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC) Chapter 21,20 State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) to increase the thresholds for specific land use categories that would trigger environmental review under SEPA. SEPA is a Washington State law that requires the majority of land use decisions made by every state and local agency to Staff Report and Recommendation CTA- 2013 -0002 be reviewed for environmental impacts, The Department of Ecology is the state agency responsible for SEPA oversight. Ecology was directed by the 2012 legislature to complete two rounds of updates to the SEPA rules (Chapter 197-11 WAC). The legislature directed Ecology to modernize the rules that guide state and local agencies in conducting SEPA reviews, in light of the increased environmental protections in place under Growth Management Laws (RCW 36.70A), the Shoreline Management Act ( RCW 90.58) and other laws. The legislation set up two rounds of rule updates: A narrowly- focused initial round (targeted to be complete by December 31, 2012 and a broader round of SEPA rule updates during 2013. The initial rule making considered -hvo specific topics: • Increasing the thresholds for SEPA review of minor construction projects under Washington Administrative Code (WAC) 197 -11- 800(1) and (23)(c); and • Improving the efficiency of the environmental checklist in WAC 197 -11 -960. Senate Bill 6406 directed Ecology to convene a SEPA Advisory Committee to assist Ecology in updating the SEPA exemption thresholds and the environmental checklist, Scott Kuhta, Planning Manager, participated in the Advisory Committee representing the only jurisdiction from the east side of the state. The reason to increase the thresholds for SEPA review is to make the process more efficient and reduce redundancy. Each SEPA review process requires agency and public notice, followed by subsequent continent and appeal periods. The purpose of the review is to identify impacts that would not be addressed by city regulations. If impacts are identified, jurisdictions can "condition" projects with special requirements, or mitigation. Traffic impacts generated by new development are commonly mitigated tlrr•ough the SEPA process. However, with the resulting code requirements associated with GMA, SMA, and other laws protecting the environment, most jurisdictions have the codes in place to ensure impacts are addressed and/or prevented, As this is the case with Spokane Valley, the SEPA review for minor construction projects is an exercise in redundancy and does not result in any meaningful project modifications or mitigation. The resulting impact of the review is an increase in the time period necessary to complete project review and issue permits by 4 — 6 weeks. Reducing the amount of review time is advantageous to the development community in many ways, including financing, facilitating construction windows, maintaining project schedules, etc.. SEPA rules identify default thresholds for "Minor New Construction" that exempt a project fi'om SEPA review. If the project is equal to, or smaller than tic exempt level, environmental review is not required. The default thresholds are identified in the table below. The rules, even prior to the recent legislative update, allowed jurisdictions to adopt flexible thresholds and increase the applicable project threshold that would exempt a project from SEPA review. These are the thresholds being modified by the legislative update, as well as the city's code text amendment. The City adopted the flexible thresholds in the 2007 Spokane Valley Municipal Code. The current "Mirror New Construction - Flexible Thresholds" adopted by the City and identified in SVMC section 21.20.040 Categorical exemptions are identified in the table below. (i) The construction or location of four detached single family residential (i) 20 dwelling units. units. Page 2 of 4 Staff Report and Recommendation CTA- 2013 -0002 (ii) The construction or location of four multifamily residential units. (ii) 30,000 square feet. (iii) The construction of a barn, loafing shed, farm equipment storage (iii) 12,000 square feet; 40 building, produce storage or packing structure, or similar agricultural automobiles. structure, covering 10,000 square feet, and to be used only by the property owner or his or her agent in the conduct of farming the unincorporated property. This exemption shall not apply to feed lots. Project types (iv) The construction of an office, school, commercial, recreational, service or storage building with 4,000 square feet of gross floor area, (iv) 40 automobiles, and with associated parking facilities designed for twenty automobiles. Single family residential This exemption includes stand -alone parking lots. 20 units (v) Any landfill or excavation of 100 cubic yards throughout the total (v) 500 cubic yards. lifetime of the fill or excavation not associated with an exempt project in subsection (b)(i), (ii), (iii), or (iv); and any fill or excavation classified as a Class I, II, or III forest practice under RCW 766.09.060 or regulations thereunder. The legislative update to the rules revised and clarified language relating to the "residential', "parking lot" and "landfill and excavation" categories of minor new construction by separating thresholds for single fancily projects from multi- family projects, and eliminating the differentiation between stand alone parking lots and parking lots associated with primary uses. As a result of the new categorization, the changes to the flexible thresholds are not just an increase to the units, area, automobiles, etc. The update became effective January 28, 2013, and allows the city to increase the maximum exemption levels requiring environmental review as indicated in the table below. These are the new thresholds proposed for adoption by this amendment. B. FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS SPECIFIC TO THE MUNICIPAL CODE TEXT AMENDMENT L Compliance with Title 17 (General Provisions) of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code a. Findings; SVMC 17.80.150(F) Municipal Code Text Amendment Approval Criteria Pnoa.I nfA Fully planning GMA counties All other counties Other Incorporated and unincorporated Incorporated and Project types unincorporated UGA areas unincorporated areas Single family residential 30 units 20 units 20 units Multifamily residential ;60 units 25 units 25 units Barn, loafing shed, farm 40,000 square feet 40,000 square feet 40,000 square feet equipment storage, produce storage or packing structure Office, school, 30,000 square feet and 12,000 square feet 12,000 square feet commercial, recreational, 90 parking spaces and 40 parking and 40 parking service, storage building, spaces spaces parking facilities Landfill or excavation 1,000 cubic yards 1,000 cubic yards 1,000 cubic yards B. FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS SPECIFIC TO THE MUNICIPAL CODE TEXT AMENDMENT L Compliance with Title 17 (General Provisions) of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code a. Findings; SVMC 17.80.150(F) Municipal Code Text Amendment Approval Criteria Pnoa.I nfA Staff Report and Recommendation CTA- 2013 -0002 The City may approve Municipal Code Text amendment, if it finds that (1) The proposed text amendment is consistent with the applicable provisions of the Comprehensive Plan; Staff Analysis: The proposed amendment is consistent with the applicable policies of the Comprehensive Plan which direct the city to provide effective, predictable, and clear customer service. Relevant Comprehensive Plan goals and policies are shown below: Introduction Goal G -1: Create a govermnent that places a premium on providing effective customer service. Introduction Policy 1P -1: The City should periodically evaluate programs, procedures, processes and other opport-unities of reaching the customer service goal. Economic Goal EDG -7: Maintain a regulatory environment that offers flexibility, consistency, predictability and clear direction. Economic Policy EDP -71 Review development regulations periodically to ensure clarity, consistency and predictability. (2) The proposed amendment bears a substantial relation to public health, safety, welfare, and protection of the environment; Analysis: The amendment bears substantial relation to public health, safety, welfare and protection of the environment. The proposed amendment will provide efficient, predictable, and clear customer service while meeting the requirements for environmental review contained in WAC 197 -11 -800- (1)(d). b. Conclusion(s): The proposed text amendment is consistent with the approval criteria contained in the SVMC. 2. Finding and Conclusions Specific to Public Comments a. Findings: No public comments have been received to date. b. Conclusion(s): No concerns are noted. 3. Finding and Conclusions Specific to Agency Comments a. Findings: No agency comments have been received to date. b. Conclusion(s): No conccrns are noted. C. OVERALL CONCLUSION The proposed code text amendment is consistent with the Comprehensive Plans policies and goals. D. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Planning Division, after review and consideration of the applicable approval criteria, recommends the proposal to adopt the maximum to adopt the maximum exemption levels allowed by WAC 197- 11 -800- (1)(3). Page 4 of 4 PitI+IMINGS AND RECOMMUNDA.TIONS . Or' THE SPOKANE YALLE, Y PLANNMG.COMMISSION 1VIs'cG 2,0; X013 The foll.piving rjndings Are consistent %with the Plpiuiiitg Cai7unissroit's clec1 loll td t`ecalinticnd 'PPPro}+al. Bacic�i�nlititll 1, 'Spulcaiie Volley development rggul tions -Vel'e adopts d Ili Scp eFfeCtive.otl Datobel• 28, 2007, 2. AllSunnt to RCW 43,21C.1l0, the 2012 Washington Legislature dirceted Ilse Department of Ecology to increase the flexible thresholds for ontegorical exemption of SE-PA review for minor construction projects under Washington Administrative Code (WAC)197 -11- 800(1), 3. The Department of Ecology Wolsted amendihants to VAC 197-11 - 800(1) on December .8, 2012, effective Jamialy 20, 2013, 4. Tho animidinents authorize Local j0'Nsdi6li6ns ivllich- (1) document that the requirements far envirantlle,ltnl nnalysis, i3rotectibn and mitigation for impacts to elements of the ealvironmetit, as listed in WAC 197.11 -444) have been adequately addressed In other specific adopted development regulations of the local jurisdiction, and (2) describe the locally established project -lovol publie comment opportunities that are provided for proposals inchldcd in the increased exemption levels to increase the flexible thresholds udder which the local jurisdiction -can exempt certain minor constuletion projects from S &PA review, 5. Tile 6ity4nitiated code text amendment proposes to amend Spokane Valley Meuiclpal Code (SVIVIC) 21,,20.040 SEPA Categorical Exemptions, to sdopt the maxilpmn flexible threshold exemption levels allowable ituderWAC 197- 11- 800(1)(d). G. The Planning Commission llOd a public Iienruig oar Marc 1 i4, 2013, �kl v_oted 7 -U to reconuueitri flpproval of the ampodmerlt to City Coutteil, P1Allning Colinll153lollFill{�illg5: 1. Co ili'l)liflikce Nvitli SVMC 17,80,19or( APpro!val. CrRorla p. The prop%ed city initiated code text amen.dinent is consistoot with flie applicable provisions of the Colnprehenslve plan; I�iniling(s); lr 'rile Staff Report submitted, -by the Planning Division staff sets fol.th relevant goals and policctes of the Cornpreltensive Plan wid folt(id ilia proposal to s(t.istal'Kially lje lit confoirrlatice �vitlt sitclt go9.ls mid policies. Tlie goal J[ t t'releolit to tiro plop6M.l is GOO 6- 1,lvlttch states, "Create a govcl'ntnont Ilia( places. A Iveivium on providing effective Clt$tolllo` Sol' im" b. The ptoposed amendment .rears it substantial relation to public fieflltlt, safety, welfare, std protection of the environment. rhtctings acid Retonntte'' daiions of die Spolcaiie.Valley Ptannhig Commission Cr A -2fl 13.0002 Page 1 ofb Finding(n): i. §tPA review is coad-tide'd On- itinw• fiew colistruction, 1,ioncipulpt ptpjqptq to .1dontify P% m vironeuttill inipacts that wq uld not be, addressed by . ol fy v6pplatio ii, T4P, City lips specitied (1pVelopme lit ropyliati6ils 6q(j utilizes 116gidial? stele, ancl..fecle>ril ,ftulfttiolls 0-1.1d entities to Rd0rP-S.S "ellyll-61,16lental analysis, 'Jil-6te,66611 alfd, lnifi&6011 f0i 11lipacts for each element of the eli"roji'll%ciital r0l i addressed mid required by SEPA Y1 . YMV -. Authority for exempt minor new c6li§truction projects. These regulations and entities are identified In Attichinent "A". W. tile City is.requil-ed by the Growth Manigenmit Ad to ,idoj)t critical 8VOIFIR TOgL6t(O1lR to protect wetlands, fish flild wildlife habitat conservation areas, geologically hazardous areas, critical aqAfer recharge Areas wid floodplains areas. The City adopted critical aro"s kegulations on September 25, 2007, as set forth in SVMC Chapter 21.40 Critical Arras. iv, The Shoreline Management Act reqfilres the City to adopt 11 Shoreline mfistel. Prograin 'With development regulations for tile protection of shoreline ecological functions within 290 feet of the ordinary high water inark. The City acloptedn Shoreline Master Program on September 25, 2007, as set forth in SVMC Chapter 21.50 Shoreline Management mid Restoration Program. The City is ot irreittly In the process, of updating its Shoreline Master Prog•ain. v. The primary purpose of critical areas i•egul.a.flom and the Shoreline Mas"ter Mgrom is protection of tho envilroiffiicht.. vi. Tice public health, safety, valfare, and protection of tile I - Onviro im ient are furthered by 6rskirlog that the City's dov6jo lie lit egilltions tire consistent tvitl. goals gild P 0 IM6 s I'll the hdpj:).ted C6iinprelloti§lve PInn, 2. COmpliancewtH! rqi I'd WAC 197-11-900. .1.1reffielit.8 opt fo hi'll The City has . regulations, _f1ed devolgl3pignt grill fitiliieg regional, Mate, Mid fellepal regola(iolis 4.0 O"fitifleg to bddr6ss- each element . of the cj "rojimpatal re . ow 4(.1dr 9sed and, MQI!ircd ySEW aittil . ority . use re9v 14101 - IP)Af ivi W isateic in AttaGlitrtettt ` -`A ". b. - t6ully established prOlpct-level 1xiblip Comment ogpdrtmiltids &d p'feivid6d f6i• proposals within theAndroOd 6x-elliptI611 lelro-N tbrough the City's specified developiliclit vegulafloats as Went' thed In SVMC UmPtev V-80 Local Project Permit Proeedures for proposals Involving the division of Land, a - lovelifte stfb- stau fia. l d.ev p lopinent permit, Reonditional use penilit, variance, zone change, xylMess CO3►11.1limilpotion RiOliti6s, plamied residential dovelopment, plat alteration 'Hildlor Plat WAC 19-141-806 (1)( )(1!) gnt.[ (iii) MqUIMS IR"iG 11OH943 all(I 0111111011t I)OFIOM be Pfo ided � and doptinionUed.ii iiii liniti.1.1i of 21, cjF1'P Prior to adoliti6h. Notied was published III file 8110 r ka lip, Volley Herold on FobyPar 22, .2013 and routed to. figeilel.0.3 With j LIASdi'dion oil March 7, -?O 13. Afttioll is anticipated blitor b . may , I Affected fto A 20 1.1 ffe te — I A Obs, agencies with expertise, fiffe0fdJurisclictiolls, tile P.015artillOO OfE061p9yS 6.0d.t6o public AVefC gIVOLI all QpPbUldilty to Opnill.0011t on the Proposed -code text mllelldfficlitg M a imbliG headug before the Plain'ling CO-111tilig.sloi! 6fi February A Addito - I to AdOPU611 by tilt City Council. for p6b) io Pomment wl Il be ava HAW prior n idil19 � I � M. i-CTA-2613-000 , SmOeol Coil mism Page 2 of 6 colllinjssjou.Co4pjl Sio The proposed city 11ild4teld Code 0 Ildinolit is -011SWe - t ,test #00 m with th6 pay's fldo tcd ip SVMC- 17.80.15(11?t s lutdi f� y r6q . (tit I aptet 07 I i 'WAC. 3. Tito C'31•0-vvt.1► Mpiiagchi6jit Act sfip(lktos I-Id tho Oh*r6I.►C0sivd Intid if.so plan had d6ve.14111C)IC regulations S1101 b(, Object to Coll Efin, til ag feview f"tild eMontion by tile City. Re-Colul! lei Ida tiolls.: Ttie gpokane Valley Planning Commission (horefol-o' 1.0collilliend8 City 100110.011 W6 proposed ql-W� initiated codo text amulldnients to SVM,C 21.20,040, SRPA Categorical Exeniptims. A.0proved this M'r' dpy of Mirch, 2013 . B► I13,►tes, Chairillail AT )EST: lit A C-14 Hillshmv, Plaiiii hig Commission Secretal' IiEiiliggs{ die SP4AnOVAIIeyP)afj it$ 10l'tTA-mig., 002 . . . . u 61111MISS, I Pag6 3 Oro Auacilmolit "All urrriraary of`enliironinont l tai'otectlOna In ocher cedes /Miles compared to a coirtriloto Ilse ofr topic0" aaidressod by onviroilraorttal 110VI01V pursuarit to the GHPA: SFPA Al thoilty by Element of the F vironinenY from 2-5.05.675 I -low Addressed Icy Oi:her' CodeslRules" Ali- C�r.iality o Regional air duality oversight 19 the rosponslbllily of 51)01(a lie Regional Clean Air Agency (S RCA). SRCA regulates businesses that have potentially 81gi1lfloant air emissions. Addillonal authority provided by !*nvironmontal Protection Agency, Clean Ali- Act, and Construction Impacts - Alr Quality .fhb state Department of Ecology, a I3uilding code contains provisions for the removal of hazardous and combustible materials (Section 3303). a SRCA (Spokane Regional Clean Alr) regulates CUrlutl'LICtiUr1 lm cicts (Noise constructionldemoiition for air quality. n. Noise 1111paCtS are regulated by City nuisance code (SVMC 7.05,040), which refers to WAC 173 -60 -040 and criminal code (SVMC 0.26,060). Construction noise is specifically exempt from noise standards .i atween 7arrr and 10 m. Conslructioh impacts - i'arlcirtgli i'fficlStreetsl Spokane Valley Street standards address traffic Podestrian Safety analysis and construction Impacts Ili the public right -of; way (SVMC 22.130 Development Transportation improvements). Off- street parking and loading impacts are addressed In SVMC 22.50 Off - Street ..P.M(ing and Loading Standards. Earth /Frivironmentally Critical AreFas IWaW o Critical Area regulations (SVMC 21.40) address geo QL1alityli5r8i1169e' lants and Animals hazards, aquifer recharge, water plants and anlinals. Code includes mitigation for landslide hazards, steep slopes, unstable solls, wetlands, flood prone and fishlwildlife habitat areas. o in addition, the Stormwater, Grading A Drainage ordinances (SVMC 21.50 and 24.60), Floodplafn regulations (SVMC 21.30) and Shoroline regulations (SVMC 21.50) Include environmental & water quality Energy protections. o Energy Codes i*tuired by the City and the State mandate high levols of energy.efficlency. Washington State Energy Codes are adopted by the.City (SVMC 24.40.020 ). Rnvirorimental Health o Crltical Materlals regulations ackliress toxic tr► ltei'ials handling and storage (21.40). regulations for tolecomrriun'i cat [oils facllitles In the Un. d.Use Code also apply within this category (SVMC 22;120, Wireless CoMi- nunlcation f=acilitles ). iousiritd 4 City's zoning regulations provide wide range of housing options acid regulations for such housing (SVMC '10.40.020 e- 19.40.110 ). Pin[ lingsgirdItecninnie »riatlonsufiireSpp4c levarleyFlainilrigConiiiitssioriCrA- 2013.00b2 page4oN SGPA Authority by Clement of the �servatlanlAt'cl�aealoglcal Laird Use11-telght, Bulk &acale /Shadows on Open Spaces and ng is Services and 14-.0cllities on ** Applies to public views from desighpted P0110 Viewpoints, parlcs; scenic routes and View oorddors to features such as mountains, skyline & wafer. Doas not apply to views from private vrolieriv. Now Adcli'ossed 13y Othor CodeslRulag" `o CI(y zonirig`i-'egtrlatioins provide 6p' bons and regulations for manufactured ho'mos, ,(SVMC 10.40,120 and 9.40.9 30 67he Shoreline Master Program, Policy 13, Archaeological Areas and Historical Sites requires that all Shoreline Substantial Permits contain a condition such that the City and the State, Parks and l3ocroation 0-orrnlission must be noliflod immediately if ar9lfacts are uncovered during any excavation. SMP r`ogulatiorl;a 13.1 and 2 reciuire no development bo allowed In the shoreline area that destroys archaeolocfical signifloa11t sites, and that all development Imrst loo designed to preserve the environment and visual quality of Its Ourroundings. f=ederal and state I-egulatiorIs address Protection of cultural/archaeological resources (including chapters 27.34, 2.7.53, 27.44, 79.01 qhd 70.90 RCW; and chapter 25.40 WAC a Zoning regulations address built and scale to ensure compatibility between adjacent land uses (SVMC 19.40 Residential Zones, 19,50 Commercial, Office and Mixed Use Zones, and 19.70 Industrial Zones). Municipal code prohibits excessive and nuisance li hung SVMC 22.60 Outdoor Llghting Standards). o Nolse impacts regulated by nuisance code (SVMC 7,05.040), which refers to WAC 173 -60 -040 and in SVMC 8.25.060, Construction nolse is specifically exempt from nolse standards between lam and 10 m. o Parking regulations address minimum parking requirements far uses (SVMC 22.60 Off - Street harlti.rrg and Loading Standards). Authority for requiring utility improvements Is identified In mules, codes and policies and Is applied during permitting reviews and/or platting processes, This Includes water, sewer, storm drain and fire protectlon Improvements (SVMC Title 20, Subdivision' Regulations). o Public service and utility Impact arralysos to address g rowth.Imp acts are most appropriately addressed through area planning initiatives in conjunction with suiiporting area -wide SFPA revlows, as is done for a The Shoreline Management Act requires local SMI -I's to�li4ill height within shoreline jurisdiction to 35' uni.pss otherwise specified. The City has identified aesthetic corridors wheho only Dionurnent signs are allowed (SVMC 22,110.080). Firtdfgs and Reconi iendatrolis of the Spolcarke.varigmamirug eommisslon C PA•2013.0002 Page 9 of 6 r Sr-PA Authority by filament of file l Addressed by Other' codevli�r.rte; lnvironrnent from 25.05.676 I raffic and I ransportation AdegUate traffic facifitieo a .6 `lekOm ned by the Concurroricy Ordinance .(SVMC 22:20). 'Cot1curr'ency haview is required for all j)rojects that will Jenarate M61-0 than 10 Peak Dour vehicular trips. hAll It of from the Spokane Valley Nluriicijial C.OdO (SVMC), unfoss otherwise Indicatod. f;c;W = Roviseci Coda of Washih on. WAC== Washington Acidnfstrative Cocie. 1'Igd[ngs_ iilRecgrQm e- idatEoi► sbf pie Spo,1 anegalleyPlank €ngCoiliiiiissiohCrA-20.93,000T Page 0 r Spoicane'Ypillpy — Vjd�ph _j.iijj Cpihinjssjon ,APPROVED Minutes City Hall, 1-17 Cqvx_�dl Chambers — 0 X107 EE rpg00 MO. FebruakYJ89�2013 _p J. C-AL TO ORD.t, R Chair Bates Wie' ' meeting -dq k 6;00 d the rnb�, to oi. p 11. PtElpoul OF- AL. tgi AAIstCE Q oxhiliUMObefs st.gff anti audience stood forthdg' eplec6fallegiance III, ROLL CALL COMMISSIONERS Present Absept CITY STM4 'Wit Bates -01pir Y I Mill TWIP011, C. oplipurlity J)cvbjjpjjie!it-j)irctt0.r Jou Stoy — Vice Chair f Frik Ltfml , j)ppp.ty City Aftqrpey Steven N.01 IV J_ 1,6d, Barlow; Senior.P.14tifi-er j{oyjp A106YOn r ry r Robeit NIXOS! ill jv CEO Hjnsh,!�Y, §Ocrctary M APPROVAL OF MAK-KIDA (Zwkmosioner 'toy raja a motim to (Tprove tht dgendd as presented This 11 ot l 11jas .7, ov Y. V. APPROVAL OP Mmftris c9mint-gione" RNY 1114.de a motion to aPproye the Fobi'm0y, 14, 2.013 mWite's as p•qsqgoq. T14 ),109)l lvas_pa Wed qn4hjj)jojjsjy.. A PUjRmC_-c,-0MMr1,_ NT There Wag no Pi6llc comment, V11. COMW98ION PORT Thefe was nb CmiliNsim Rqorts, VIII. A])MIN1ST4A:nV_E ftp_ftTS Plahfihig C0111hus- '01-I'multiltes, ._�l . I.- Pago I of 4 Community Development Director John Holitnau explaihed that City Hall at the Mall Went Well with a huge influx of people. He stated it was a good eiiv romneiit, -In addition, Mr. Hohman explained: that oil Tuesday IVIq S, Nl3 lie will be doing a epo •t;to city Council bh the sign code, with an update of fhe process ;the :City went thm to adopt the new sign regulations. Also, Mr. HQ an will be updating Cotthcil 'on the educational efforts on the he1v sign teguiations & code ;enfo"rcer#ient process that the city jusi jrecently dbmpleted. W. Rohinaii stated that fhe City 'Council had a workshop oA Tuesday, February �6, 2013 and that there Were tWo items that Q miiiuiuty Development was involved in 1. A discussion-orj inanufactttredhonie park zonil_ig. Some iesiden #s spoke to..Coiiricil several times in the full, looking for a Cotrtprelhei sive data Aniietidrnetrt to provide a specific triobilp home pack ;zone that would provide pi•otectiofi for them. They are conecrned about eases where a property owner tivoiild *ant to do a °different type of tievelopgi it ;oil the .property. Wghfiiow theie is a one year notice that'the s_tge, requires before they can change the use Of a mobile home park. 2. Staff is conducting ;ati ongoing surly foie City Fall, taking .a look at how miich space ,City ball operations require, 'Mr, Hol�niTti stated they are to- hig at different options , -both on ihp,sp, guelAppleway corkidor aiicl elsewhere w tiun the city, to see Whaf s avai[ablc This will .be brought back io City Council within the next few months, IX. COMU.1SSION BUSINESS A. TjOhnisheil Business: - Coral fissianeP , toy n1ca e Motion fo appr -ove the frndl,19s 'of fact for CTA- 01743. This mofiou ipos- passed itneinhnously. B. Ne1V Business: tor: Barlow presented n brief6 -WrOW of't TA -wW- 3, a proposed amendment to increase tho 'Categoiial .Fxef iptioiis .as ,autliorized by tfie :State Envirorvnei_ita_l Policy_ Act tSEPA). lVist Barlow covered the following iteriis; 1, pescription of the Code Text Aiitebdtnetnt, 2. 8ackg6uind for the proposed amon ,dment. 3. - ttipose ofof SEPA; A. tool that identifies the impacts that in- ay.i•esult from goveintiielit decisions pez�nits - regulations policies or plans. In'oitnatioii provided allows agencies, applicants and public to ltttderstatid environmental ifnpacts and to identify nitigation, that wood lessen`the impacts. 4. State and Ioeal agencies conduct SEPA t-eviews. 5. SE -PA reviow process. 6. Poironnierital Checklist SEPA isused in the decision. making process by utilizing :information proYided on the Environmental Checklist to identify if the project should be conditioned'or denied,. Plaivihig Cotntrti §iort Minutes Page 2 of 4 1. A Categorical Exempi on is a. Statutory provision that exeriipts :certain t71'6jeet5 fr017i SEP,A review (RCW 43.21 C). 8. Flexible filuesholds. 9, Proposed Anign4men __ N ;Barlow stated That in iteih nurii.}jOr fpur there Will be a slight ,deviation in the language,, U ` to.30 000 s `hare feet of - '-Toss floor -area qnd p facilties.desi " ed for a ,to 90 arlsin s aces will be exempt irons the erivirorimenf al review, A sentence will be adtlecl that; as standalone par' R facility -tin to 90 narkino s races will also be exerts' t from etivh`oriiiierital review. This -is :conssteri{ with tha WAC, Thei•e will be i o additional p ilil c notice -, uireinents since this Toyision Isjust clarifying file uIterA and.not making any substantive cltariges. MP; Hohman :added. that the City lzas a lot of regulatiolis .ori the books and SEPA duplicates a lot of cffoits, The SEPAprocess takes six weeks and raising the categorical exemptions will streamline the process by eliminating tin Iffin cessary ieview step. Increasing the thresholds restilfs in more exeniltprajects, and icciuces staff woxkload, Commissioner Anderson needed sgme explanation regarding the SEPA _ride aritl adoption. Ms. Barlow explained that the City is not iiiandated to iMrease its th teslioids, Ms. Barlow stated that Spokane coil ity; Airway Heights, City of Spokane and L , rpily Lake are not going through all arr'�elidmeiit process at this time. The other jurisdictions will be waiting ;for the end of this coni4ig year (2013) to see what other cliariges may result from the review of the SEPA rules. The City of Spokane Valley _may be tha first jurisdiction in Clio State of Washington to increase its flexible tlresholds. Conirnissioftdr Anderson asked if there would evev be airy ji%iisd ;coons that wbidd riot adopt the rule.% Ms. Barlow tesponded that each jurisdiction liras diffeient regulat oiis'in ,place and as past of the ptoce$$ one Must establish findings that 849W they Have addressed all of the elemtints which were noted in the presentation, Ms. Barlow doted that many jurisdictions adopt the sniriimutfrs. Mr. Ho}rinaii explained that Tlaiming Manager Scott Kulita is participating in a.lot of discussions and that there may still be a lot of changes coniiiig in the future. If slime are_ changes, staff will coni6 back and revise them at that time. Coinrnissioner Stay wanted -to know when the AOW flexible th re olds became available, aril if the checklist will be changed.. IVIs, Bar�Iow stated the new rvles were adopted JaNt ry 28, 2013 an that the checklist will irot be changed. Corxiniissioner Stoy asked if A tlrc BOAle requiremonts lfave beerr'ioaked at. tVls, Barlow stated yes R of the possible xrraxi mum thresholds are being pi•dposed to be increased. Commissioner McCaslui asked if the thresholds were being loosened because of eotnplaints, Mr. Hohmah explained it was not complaints That prorr►pted them; it was a standpoint of some - movement in the legislature wid would we dike to participate, Mx'. loiunaiz further stated that when you look -at the ecoiiohly acid fostering eegiioI iii clevelopinieirt the city really waists to be on the forefront of that to eliriiinate redundancy. Qohi"ssionetStoystatqdtha i fihis 30ybafsdolf g SEPA's, the biggest coimpiaint was the fees and 1A there is iro staAdardization, Commissioner Bates asked haw the developers will know th at new p ;Kgmptions are in .effec, t; Ms. Barlow stated drat with illis comes a public headug, which means publication and noticing Would take place 1. Plami»g Commission M ntjfes Page 3 44 a O6vblqp6rs Will be alerted to the status thm the -app rabeti ; n98 And notification pr.c ca flu•014h, the Deparhiiefit's e-mail list: Aft. -11ohmgn.4t;�p &qjp§�tdth 's specific to tho, development qpOp and once �.%!- � this I - .1 at this 1 adopted by wditianoe 14 -19 wliat they will be world-I . ig,with. '146 noted that the SOA' ched'-IIJA can be fou d-',04 thb W66-gite wider.: do rmq aunty I.jevelQ,pm,qiA/PIanninv and ZqOig/Applioati6ns and FQrnlafgtAtc -EnvIrpmpntqf Poi, ICY Act (S4PA) Checklist, � (-QiMtiii,ssIoh6I- Bates asked if there any way that flexible fhre. 141dg ea ,n n bc 60il�ffrLiodusa-deivelopot's-ggreojnoiitli' h Witt, 100 thee ate X. GOOP OF THE OjIDER T1n.1c.0 Was p0tilin 9 for the for goad of the order'. .. Vi -AWOURNMENT rhe being no .other business the hippCin g was A OjQpffidd at 7-.04 P-ni. Bill Chairperson I 61, Caril-linshaw, 11C Secretary Date gried- 'Plamling Oplamisdijil miuutes Page 4 of 4 Spohane V01ty Planning chin nis�0 ioll APPROVED lil.inufes Coriricii _ ilamb rs City Hall, 11707 E. Splrfigue Ave. Ma:. eh.1 _4, 2013 I. CALL TO ORDEP, Chair Bates called the meeting to order at 6:00 II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Coi imissionds, staff arid audience Ooodfoi° !he pled ge of allegiai3cP 111. PLOLE CALL COMMIssi oNERs -ciTy �tm BILL BATES -CHAIR ,SCOTT KUHTA, PLANNING MGR, AICP 10E STOY VICE CHAIR LORI BARLo% SENIOR PLANNER STEv,EN NEILL CA4YD1gSKELI,, CITY ATTORNEY MICHAEL PHILLIPS ,KEVEN AWKSON CHI2ISTINA:CARLSEN ROBERT"MCQASLIN CARL HtNSHAIV, SECRETARY Chair Bates welcomed and congratulated Mike Phillips for bb'iq appointed to the Planning Coriiriissian, IV, APPROVAL OF AGENDA Cp oloj ssaoner R4 '1v0de a M0(10n to Pppt•ove tl7e agefie(a cts preSented This naotlora ijrcts passed z ihanittzoilsly. . A -ROVAL OF MINUTES Cotttrfiisstoi�er` Null &ade a motion to approye the Eebruaq 28, 2013 ndmites cis presented. Als inotion iiw passed 110WInously. DTI, PUBLIC COIVlMENT There Was no p4io comriien" VII. COMMISSION REPORT CoroilliSglonek Carlse_n was invited up to Mead High Schools Medical Progi•anr, M8,Carlsorl stated that she i#Vit6d the students to come 'aiid check out a Planning Commission meeting in the future. Ori Match b, 2013 Chair Bates attended the Mayors State of file City presentation out at the Itiall. Coti-Aiiissioner Bates also attended the Open House oil Monday March 11; 2013 for the pi`oposed Appleway Trail. Chair Bates Stated that the tui`riotit Was standing "room only and it �. e� that lieoplc are really interested in the project; Planning Coaunissia11 Mulutes Page 1 of 3 Vit". A 10 NlStkATIVE RtPORTA P14fthing Manager Scott lCullfit shared that the city 18 looking at . doi- ng a sh g red u.s., e - pat h between u1iversity And Evergreen; Ideas from the 00*nanit y were such iliAp like: linear type paricS, PoliffilAity g4r4phs Xocks And benclies for kids, an dog parks,; kuhta i6mfji4d the commissi06 abolit the City's ten year ar anniVersRry Whldh is Mafch 31 _26. `fhb celebration Would be on SaluedayMat6h, 16, 2613, I ., - - - MISSION OWINESN Chair Rates called the Public Rearing at 6:12 p.mi Public 4@#ri,g- -the Public .Hearing was oddreskod by Senior Planner Lori j3aglow, Barlow di&ah­ig_hlight and oVer*)v of CT T -:2013-0002, An ami0idinent to the- Spokane Hey wtii"441 Code, to update 8tPA Categorical Exemptions, changes include YrOPOSC4 !OrOgink the flexible threshold for fnihor'neW consfyUction in the a _1 _­ . - �d C tegorical Exemptions Se,60ii3Of SYMC 21.;-�O 040, consistent w44 197 -i -800, Mg. -Barlow stated that thin the bourse of fho -review, there were §0mb 6a over 6ffeets:in 04-tPr 245.0, some minor housekeeping changes 8 aild that oil April 11, 2013 t4ete wi'll he a gae public licating for f nose proposed chaises, Chair - lifties asked if there, were any questions., Comm 88-10horl"cillas- d if there has been einypcgative -feiedba-ck. Senior Planner Lori Barlow andand Plaftnitig-Maiiqek sobqKuhta stated that there have be no Adgatiye feedbacks here. Mr. - C � ' .. . .. ' - - on Kiffita qxp�;�_'fiied diet thtoiigh thd committee he was involved in over e,.r in Qlyrnpia At the Department of iRpo.16gy Head Quarters the re were some groups that had concerns about increasing the thresholds, this is fairly straightforward for SpOkAftO Valley; Mt, Ituhta itaied thqt Spokand County and the City f 6 Spbh' - did � , ane I not attend the meeting in Olympia, Mr, K-Lilita dismissed 1hat thQ Depaft 0 of Ecology appointed the committee membets and the Agsoclatlft of Washingtoil. -Cities provided the names, If someone from file oitics'Wantedto go they -could havb contacted the AW0. my. ku hta was the lone pity 0b'" entative from eastern W_4ahington. Mr. Kialita has attended flis ep lnopfln$8 in OlYmP71,9, Commissioner MON81in was -wondering if Any pqst projects have been denied due to SA'P'A, 4ow stated she did riot think jilstorically i.fibro liar 'ever hoena project denied, but shared that we -qe- (wer the aquifer 'Atid -PotOfiall ` Y 69 a single source 4quifei-, ghould a project be- � 9 Proposed ftf 'Wd4ld have negative fifipacts iQQ Q - 9 pr �.quifer than -a:jurj;80ict1on could use the SEPA tool as the authority to _06!iy %ht oroj&t, My. 1�phta rxpM­i'iib'd that ir- , wortatign d6liculi envy iequires ille City to look. At llffipacfs 0f ;q d6velopmbfit on intersections'Whl I have P an established level of V1 c service, op�olfj ally -how niv, I delay there is at an intersection. It the 10.09f sqtViceatanintersection drops below the City's standards aga result of a flovelopinent and Th6fe"l§ no `fix for that intersection then legally the City ptinot approve that developm6ilf. M R i-oftefaied,thdt tile Cha --2 . Pi Ballow ow _p(et 2 50 Will e as 4 a0peAte item. oh April l'i, 61� .4 come and it Will be m0god,fogethet in the council review Process, Ch Or 13 ateg c wd the Publid-Hearhig at 7`00 p.A. PIMA I cohimiesionmillutes P9 Page ,2 of 3 Canirtttssiorrer StOy moved to r•ecoifir is CTA -M3 -0002 to .thq City Cozrracil for• ;cipprbv. r . TATS rftotion Was posdd undfilrizously, X GOOD OF `rHE O"Mt Chaim Bates handed out a booklet to the Planning Comm ;ssioii titled 5iigges o s for Sirccessf it Miiriici ell Leader sh p front flip A9sbciatioii of Wpr birigto$ Cities. Mr, Bags stated that ibex °e ar'o some good suggestiolis in the booklet and thought the Plaiui ng Cohithissioli iniglit enjoy taking a look at If, Xf- ADJOIUR' N'MEIm T The being i10 oiher business the meeting alas adjourned at 7;02 p,M Bill Bates, Chairperson Carl Hinshaw, PC Secretary Date sighed Playing Comtll.iplan Minutes Page 3 of 3 Spokane Valley Planning Commission APPROVED Minutes Council Chambers -- City Hall, 11707 E. Sprague Ave. March 28, 2013 - 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair Bates called the meeting to order at 6;00 p.ni. II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Conunissioners, staff and audience stood for the pledge of allegiance III. ROLL CALL COMNIISSIONERS Present Absent CITY STAFF Bill Bates -Chair x John Hohman, Corn Development Director Joe Stoy — Vice Cliair x Micki Harnois, Planner Steven Neill x Eric Lainb, Deputy City Attorney Kevin Anderson x Mike Phillips x Robert McCaslin x Christina Carlsen x Cari Hinshaw, Secretary IV. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Coninzissioner Stoy tirade a motion to approve the agenda as presented. This motion tivas passed zznaninzozisly. V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Cornrnissioner Neill made a motion to approve the March 14, 2013 minutes as presented. This motion ivas passed unaninzously. VI, PUBLIC COMMENT There was no public comment. VII. COMMISSION REPORTS Cbristina Carlson attended the Cities Birthday Party, VIII. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS Community Development Director John Hohman provided an update on the work load items as listed; Plalu►ing Conuuission Muurtes Page 1 of 4 1. Mr. Holumn and Planning Manager Scott Kuhta will be putting together a revised advance agenda for the Planning Commission. The City has fourteen pending code text amendments and five to six major planning projects. 2. The Shoreline Development Regulations are not ready for the Planning Commission. The initial drafts that were reviewed are not up to satisfaction. The consultant will rework them so that they're easier to understand and implement. 3. Mr. Hohman stated that they will be moving forward with the Comprehensive Plan Amendments by Senior Planner Mike Basinger. IX. COMMISSION BUSINESS A. Unfinished Business: Findings of Fact: CTA- 2013 -0002, Amendment to the Spokane Valley Municipal Code, SEPA Categorical Exemptions. Conanissioner Stoy made a motion to accept the findings and fact CTA -2013 -0002 as presented. The motion was passed unanimously. B. New Business: A. Study Session: CTA - 2013 -0003, Amendment to the Spokane Valley Municipal Code, Amending Manufactured Home Regulations. Planner Micki Harnois presented a brief overview of CTA- 2013 -0003 as follows: 1. The city initiated text amendment is to amend SVMC 19.40.120 manufactured homes on individual lots, to eliminate new manufactured homes. 2. Listed the requirements of the designated manufactured homes. 3. Presented some pictures of stick built and manufactured homes from 2005, 1998 and 1996. 4. Staff recommendations and proposed amendment. Commissioner Stoy asked if would be stricken. Ms. Harnois stated that both 19.40.120.B.1 and would be deleted. Commissioner McCaslin asked if there are any neighborhood covenants as far as planned developments, gated communities. Commissioner McCaslin commented, if there was an empty lot and you put a manufactured home on it, would that erase any covenant? Deputy City Attorney Eric Lamb stated, typically the covenants are between the property owners and not something the city can enforce. He said if it is pre - existing then they have that contract already established. Commissioner Bates asked about how many requests we have had on this and how many double wides are there on individual lots in the City? Ms. Harnois stated calls have come in at least once a week and that the GIS database shows a very extensive list. of double wides on individual lots. Commissioner Stoy asked if there were landscaping requirements for residential housing. Ms. Harnois stated that there arc no landscaping requirements for residential. Mr. Hohman stated that the point system for landscaping only applies to commercial and industrial. Commissioner Stoy asked if the homes would be required to be Planning Connnission Minutes Page 2 of 4 on standard footing and foundations or be able to be on the ship concrete footings. W. Hohman replied that it could go either way as long as it is anchored according to the building codes. B. Study Session: CTA- 2013 -0004, Amendment to the Spokane Valley Municipal Code, Amending Sign Code Regulations. Community Development Director John Hohman presented ail overview of topics for discussion for CTA - 2013 -0004 and presented it as follows: 1. Review of 2012 Sign Code Revision Process. 2. Overview of 2012 Changes, 3. Highlights of 2012 Public Education/Code enforcement Process. 4. Issues with 2012 Code. 5. 2013 Code Revisions. There were some concerns Rom some of the PIanning Commissioners regarding signage in the interior of a business. Mr. Holunan clarified that the sign code change is for the exterior of buildings, not the interior and that the City does not regulate the interior signage of buildings. After discussion, it was decided to look into this as a separate issue in the future, possibly a code text amendment in 2014. Commissioner Stoy asked what penalties are involved when it comes to outstanding issues regarding signs. Mr. Holunan stated that a notice of order would be issued. Once the City does that, there is a five hundred dollar fine, He also stated the City does like to work with the business owners and if they are in compliance, the City will waive the five hundred dollar fine. The impact could be monetary. Commissioner Stoy stated that the suggested code revision for the reader boards says, "Reader boards for certain businesses ". Mr. Stay asked what is going to classify what a certain business is. Mr. Hohman explained that the City does not have any code previsions for that. Typically, most businesses already have them mounted on their freestanding signs or maybe they do not need them, It was brought up as a description of the different kind of business that would usually use them. Deputy City Attorney Eric Lamb stated that if a business does not comply then the legal system is used. Wbich means additional legal costs, fees can be increased and a lien can be used against the property. The City may also obtain an order from the court to force the business to take the sign down and comply with the City code. Commissioner Stoy asked how the City would control the amount of Temporary Signs. Mr. Hohman stated that the City would stay with the provision, one banner, one reader board, or two flags with copy. X. GOOD OF THE ORDER There was nothing for the good of the order. XI. ADJOURNMENT The being-no other business the meeting was adjourned at 7:24 p.m. Plannhig Commission Muiutes Page 3 of 4 Bill Bates, Chairperson Cari Hinshaw, PC Secretary Date signed 0 Zi Pianning Commission Minutes Page 4 of 4 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: May 14, 2013 Department Director Approval: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ® new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation ❑ executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: First Reading Proposed Ordinance 13 -005 Amending SVMC 7.30.035, .040, and .045 relating to provisions on dangerous dogs. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: SVMC 7.30.035, .040, and .045; Interlocal Agreement 13 -015; Spokane County Code 5.04. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: prior adoption of SVMC 7.30.035 -.045 in 2008; administrative report regarding proposed changes April 23, 2013. BACKGROUND: The City contracts for animal control services with Spokane County Regional Animal Protection Services (SCRAPS). A provision of that interlocal agreement requires the City to have substantially similar code provisions regarding animal control. With one exception, the City's regulations are nearly identical. The exception is with regard to appeals arising from the SCRAPS Director declaring a dog as "dangerous" or "potentially dangerous," and registration requirements as a result of such a declaration. Under state law, the City is required to adopt its own appeal regulations, which the City did in 2008. Spokane County recently amended its regulations relating to appeals and registration of dangerous dogs and potentially dangerous dogs, and asked that the City make similar changes for consistency. The primary amendment relates to changing insurance requirements regarding the amount of the deductible. Additionally, staff has attempted to make the City's dangerous dog provisions more consistent with Spokane County's, so there are a number of items that are re- ordered, but not changed substantively. A Councilmember inquired at the April 23 meeting whether SCRAPS would impound a dog deemed dangerous by the SCRAPS Director. Director Nancy Hill states that SCRAPS would pick up such a dog, by warrant if necessary, to meet the public safety requirements and goals of the agency. Ms. Hill has reviewed these proposed changes and agrees they are appropriate from the standpoint of SCRAPS performing animal control in the City pursuant to Interlocal Agreement 13 -015. OPTIONS: (1) Advance the ordinance with or without additional changes; (2) take other action deemed appropriate. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: I move we advance Ordinance 13 -005, amending Spokane Valley Municipal Code sections 7.30.035, 7.30.040, and 7.30.045, to a second reading. BUDGET /FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None STAFF CONTACT: Cary Driskell, City Attorney ATTACHMENTS: Draft Ordinance 13 -005 amending SVMC 7.30.035 -.045 DRAFT CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 13 -005 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, AMENDING SPOKANE VALLEY MUNICIPAL CODE SECTIONS 7.30.035, 7.30.040, AND 7.30.045, RELATING TO DANGEROUS DOG DETERMINATION APPEALS, POTENTIALLY DANGEROUS DOG DETERMINATION APPEALS, REGISTRATION OF DANGEROUS DOGS, AND OTHER MATTERS RELATING THERETO. WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley previously adopted Spokane Valley Municipal Code sections 7.30.035 relating to appeals of dangerous dog determinations, 7.30.040 relating to appeals of potentially dangerous dog determinations, and 7.30.045 relating to registering dangerous dogs; and WHEREAS, the City is a parry to an interlocal agreement with Spokane County whereby Spokane County will provide animal control services within the geographic boundary of the City; and WHEREAS, attachment 1 to that interlocal agreement contains a provision requiring that "the City shall adopt and keep current by appropriate legislative action an Animal Control Ordinance substantially identical to that adopted by the County as it presently exists or as it may hereinafter be modified /amended, to include all licenses /fees /penalties. This responsibility shall not be deemed a restriction on the City's legislative power." and WHEREAS, Spokane County recently amended provisions within the County Code relating to appeals of determinations that a dog is either dangerous or potentially dangerous, as well as to provisions relating to requirements for registering a dog that has been deemed dangerous by the Spokane County Animal Control Director; and WHEREAS, the City desires to make its Code provisions regarding these topics consistent with Spokane County's Code provisions, and to make some additional, editorial non - substantive changes; and WHEREAS, the proposed changes are in the best interest of the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the City. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Washington ordains as follows: Section 1. Amendment. Spokane Valley Municipal Code section 7.30.035 is hereby amended as follows: Ordinance 13 -005 Dangerous Dog Amendment Page 1 of 9 DRAFT 7.30.035 Declaration of dangerous dog determination — Appeals relating thereto. A. When the animal control director or designee has sufficient information to determine that a dog is dangerous as defined by Spokane County Code Section 5.04.020, the animal control director or designee shall make a preliminary declaration that the dog is dangerous. In the event a preliminary determination is made that the dog is dangerous, animal control shall notify the dog owner or keeper in writing, either by personal delivery, or by regular mail and certified mail, return receipt requested. Any notice or determination mailed pursuant to this section shall be deemed received by the parry to which it is addressed on the third day after it is placed in the mail, as set forth by declaration of the sender. B. The notice must state: 1. The statutory basis for the proposed action; 2. A description of the dog for which the declaration is sought (breed, color, sex and license number, if any); 3. The reasons the animal control director or designee considers the animal dangerous; 4. If the dog has been determined to be dangerous, then the controls stated in SVMC 7.30.045 shall apply; and 5. An explanation of the owner's or keeper's rights and the proper procedure for appealing a declaration that a dog is dangerous, including an appeal form. C. Administrative Review After Preliminary Administrative Determination. 1. Preliminary Determination of Dangerous Dog. Prior to the animal control director or designee issuing a final determination that a dog is dangerous, the animal control director or designee shall notify the owner or keeper in writing that he or she is entitled to an opportunity to meet with the animal control director or designee, at which administrative review meeting the owner or keeper may give, orally or in writing, any reasons or information as to why the dog should not be declared dangerous. The notice shall state the date, time, and location of the administrative review meeting, which shall occur prior to the expiration of 15 calendar days following receipt of the notice. The owner or keeper may propose an alternative meeting date and time, but such administrative review meeting shall occur within the 15 -day time period set forth in this section, and shall be on a date and time acceptable to the animal control director or designee. 2. After such administrative review meeting, the animal control director or designee shall issue a final determination, in the form of a written order, within 15 calendar days of the administrative review meeting. In the event the animal control director or designee declares a dog to be dangerous, the order shall include a recital of the authority for the action, a brief concise statement of the facts that support the determination, and the signature of the person who made the determination. Ordinance 13 -005 Dangerous Dog Amendment Page 2 of 9 DRAFT 3. An order declaring a dog dangerous shall be delivered to the dog owner or keeper, in writing, either by personal delivery, or by regular mail and certified mail, return receipt requested. D. Any dog that is declared dangerous by the animal control director or designee, whether preliminary or final, shall be immediately impounded until the owner or keeper registers the dog as dangerous in accordance with SVMC 7.30.045. The owner or keeper will have 15 days from the date the dog was declared dangerous to register the dog or appeal the determination pursuant to subsection kF) of this section. If the owner or keeper fails to register the dog or appeal the determination, the dog will be euthanized at the direction of the animal control director or designee. If the owner or keeper appeals the dangerous dog declaration, as set forth in subsection kF) of this section, the dog will be held pending the outcome of the appeal at the shelter at the owner's expense at a rate established by the animal control authority. E. The owner or keeper of a dog subject to a declaration that their dog is dangerous may appeal the final written determination to the hearing examiner within 15 days after issuance of the decision by filing a notice of appeal with the animal control authority. The hearing examiner may adopt appropriate hearing procedures where procedures are not otherwise provided herein. The hearing shall be held within 20 days after receipt of the notice of appeal, unless it is continued for good cause shown. The animal control director or designee shall notify the owner or keeper in writing of the date, time and location of the appeal hearing before the hearing examiner, and said notice shall be received at least five days before the hearing. The appeal hearing shall be recorded, and the hearing examiner may allow testimony and documents that are relevant to the administrative determination that the dog is dangerous. The owner or keeper of the dog may require, by at least two days' written notice, for the officer compiling the record to be present at the hearing. The owner or keeper of the dog may present evidence and examine witnesses present. The burden shall be on the animal control director to establish by a preponderance of the evidence that the dog is a dangerous dog. F. The hearing examiner shall issue a written decision, and mail a copy of the decision to the dog owner or keeper, and to the animal control director or designee, within 15 days of the appeal hearing. The hearing examiner's decision shall accept, reject or modify the administrative determination that a dog is dangerous, and shall include findings of fact and conclusions of law that support the decision. The hearing examiner may modify the determination that a dog is dangerous to a determination that the dog is potentially dangerous, if the facts warrant, and impose any of the requirements set forth in SVMC 7.30.040(D). The decision shall be given the effect of a final decision by the city council, and shall state that the decision may be appealed to superior court pursuant to Chapter 7.16 RCW within 20 days from the date the decision was received. If the decision upholds the administrative determination that a dog is dangerous, and the dog owner or keeper fails to timely register the dog or appeal the decision to superior court, the dog will be euthanized at the direction of the animal control director or designee. If the dog owner or keeper timely appeals the dangerous dog declaration, the dog shall be registered provisionally pursuant to SVMC 7.30.045(G) or the dog will be held pending the Ordinance 13 -005 Dangerous Dog Amendment Page 3 of 9 DRAFT outcome of the appeal at the shelter at the owner's expense, at a rate established by the animal control authority. G. An owner or keeper of a dangerous dog who violates any conditions imposed under this section shall be ug`il , of a gross misdemeanor. Section 2. Amendment. Spokane Valley Municipal Code section 7.30.040 is hereby amended as follows: 7.30.040 Declaration of potentially dangerous dog determination — Appeals relating thereto. A. When the animal control director or designee has sufficient information to determine that a dog is potentially dangerous as defined by Spokane County Code Section 5.04.020, the animal control director or designee shall make a preliminary declaration that the dog is potentially dangerous. In the event a preliminary determination is made that the dog is potentially dangerous, animal control shall notify the dog owner or keeper in writing, either by personal delivery, or by regular mail. Any notice or determination mailed pursuant to this section shall be deemed received by the parry to which it is addressed on the third day after it is placed in the mail, as set forth by declaration of the sender. B. The notice must state: 1. The statutory basis for the proposed action; 2. A description of the dog for which the declaration is sought (breed, color, sex and license number, if any); 3. The reasons the animal control director or designee considers the animal potentially dangerous; 4. A statement that the registration and controls set forth in subsection (Dj of this section may apply; 5. An explanation of the owner's or keeper's opportunity and right, pursuant to subsection (C)(1) of this section, to participate in an administrative review with the animal control director or designee to present information on why the dog should not be declared potentially dangerous; 6. A statement, pursuant to subsection (C)(2) of this section, that a failure by the dog owner or keeper to request and attend an administrative review with the animal control director or designee shall constitute a failure to exhaust all administrative remedies, and that such failure to exhaust all administrative remedies shall preclude any appeal of the administrative determination to the hearing examiner or to court; and 7. An explanation of the owner's or keeper's rights and the proper procedure for appealing a declaration that a dog is potentially dangerous, including an appeal form. Ordinance 13 -005 Dangerous Dog Amendment Page 4 of 9 DRAFT C. Administrative Review After Preliminary Administrative Determination. 1. Preliminary Determination of Potentially Dangerous Dog. Prior to the animal control director or designee issuing a final determination that a dog is potentially dangerous, the animal control director or designee shall notify the owner or keeper in writing that he or she may request in writing to meet with the animal control director or designee for an administrative review meeting within 15 calendar days following receipt of the notice, at which administrative review meeting the owner or keeper may give, orally or in writing, any reasons or information as to why the dog should not be declared potentially dangerous. Once an administrative review meeting is requested in writing by the owner or keeper, the animal control director or designee shall provide written notice to the owner or keeper of the date, time and place of the administrative review meeting. Administrative review meetings may be conducted telephonically. 2. A failure by the dog owner or keeper to request and attend an administrative review meeting with the animal control director or designee shall constitute a failure to exhaust all administrative remedies, and such failure to exhaust all administrative remedies shall preclude any appeal of the administrative determination to the hearing examiner or to court. 3. After such administrative review meeting, the animal control director or designee shall issue a final determination, in the form of a written order, within 15 calendar days of the administrative review meeting. In the event the animal control director or designee declares a dog to be potentially dangerous, the order shall include a recital of the authority for the action, a brief concise statement of the facts that support the determination, and the signature of the person who made the determination. 4. An order determining a dog is potentially dangerous shall be delivered to the dog owner or keeper in writing, either by personal delivery or by regular mail. D. The owner or keeper of a dog determined to be potentially dangerous under this chapter shall comply with certain requirements, which may include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Erection of new or additional fencing to keep the dog within the owner's or keeper's property; 2. Construction of a dog run consistent with the size of the dog within which the dog must be kept; 3. Microchip identification, as set forth in Spokane County Code Section 5.04.036; 4. Keeping the dog on a leash adequate to control the dog or securely fastened to a secure object when left unattended; 5. Keeping the dog indoors at all times, except when on a leash adequate to control the dog and under the actual physical control of a competent person at least 15 years of age; and 6. The posting of the premises with at least one clearly visible warning sign that there is a potentially dangerous dog on the property. hi addition, the owner shall conspicuously display a sign with a warning symbol that informs children of the presence of a potentially dangerous dog. Ordinance 13 -005 Dangerous Dog Amendment Page 5 of 9 DRAFT E. The owner or keeper of a dog subject to a declaration that their dog is potentially dangerous may appeal the final written determination to the hearing examiner within 15 days after issuance of the decision by filing a notice of appeal with the animal control authority, subject to the limitation stated in subsection tQ of this section. The hearing examiner may adopt appropriate hearing procedures where procedures are not otherwise provided herein. The hearing shall be held within 20 days after receipt of the notice of appeal, unless it is continued for good cause shown. The animal control director or designee shall notify the owner or keeper in writing of the date, time and location of the appeal hearing before the hearing examiner, and said notice shall be received at least five days before the hearing. The appeal hearing shall be recorded, and the hearing examiner may allow testimony and documents that are relevant to the administrative determination that the dog is potentially dangerous. The owner or keeper of the dog may require, by at least two days' written notice, for the officer compiling the record to be present at the hearing. The owner or keeper of the dog may present evidence and examine witnesses present. The burden shall be on the Spokane County animal control director to establish by a preponderance of the evidence that the dog is a potentially dangerous dog. F. The hearing examiner shall issue a written decision, and mail a copy of the decision to the dog owner or keeper, and to the animal control director or designee, within 15 days of the appeal hearing. The hearing examiner's decision shall accept, reject or modify the administrative determination that a dog is potentially dangerous, and shall include findings of fact and conclusions of law that support the decision. The decision shall be given the effect of a final decision by the city council, and shall state that the decision may be appealed to superior court pursuant to Chapter 7.16 RCW within 20 days from the date the decision was received. G. An owner or keeper of a potentially dangerous dog who violates any of the conditions imposed under this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Section 3. Amendment. Spokane Valley Municipal Code section 7.30.045 is hereby amended as follows: 7.30.045 Registration of dangerous dogs — Requirements — Annual fee. A. The owner or keeper of a dangerous dog shallfntf 4 obtain a certificate of registration for such animal from Spokane County animal control within 15 days of a declaration of dangerous dog or within 15 days of the appeal decision if appealed as provided in SVMC 7.30.035. No dangerous dog shall be returned by Spokane County animal control to anyone prior to the issuance of the certificate of registration. The certificate of registration shall be issued only if the owner or keeper of the dangerous dog presents sufficient proof of the following: 1. A proper enclosure to confine a dangerous dog and posting of the premises with a clearly visible sign that there is a dangerous dog on the property. In addition, the owner shall conspicuously display a sign with a warning symbol that informs children of the presence of a dangerous dog; Ordinance 13 -005 Dangerous Dog Amendment Page 6 of 9 DRAFT 2. A surety bond as required by RCW 16.08.080 as adopted or amended, issued by a surety insurer qualified under Chapter 48.28 RCW in a form acceptable to Spokane County animal control in the sum of at least $250,000, payable to any person injured by the dangerous dog, regardless of whether the injury occurs on or off the owner's or keeper's premises. -Said surety bond shall provide for prior written notification to Spokane County animal control of cancellation or material change; or -3-.-A policy of liability insurance as required by RCW 16.08.080 as adopted or amended, such as homeowner's insurance, issued by an insurer qualified under RCW Title 48 in the amount of at least $250,000, with a maximum $500 deductible, insuring the owner or keeper for any personal injuries inflicted by the dangerous dog regardless of whether the injury occurs on or off the owner's or keeper's premises. -Said policy of liability insurance shall provide for prior written notification to Spokane County animal control of cancellation or material change_pavable to any person for personal injuries:;; In addition, the owner or keener of a dangerous dog shall furnish to Spokane County animal control a complete copy of the surety bond or policy of liability insurance poli specified in this subsection and shall allow Spokane Cog= animal controlflre eeuftb� a reasonable time to review the bond or policy to determine whether the liability coverage is sufficient, prior to issuing the certificate of registration:: a d 34. A muzzle and leash for the dangerous dog which has been approved by Spokane County animal control_- T- aa:: ,_ r a a 4. A microchip implant injected for identification purposes pursuant to Spokane Coun , Code Section 5.04.036: and -95. The Ddangerous dogs shallmus4 be spayed /neutered at the owner's expensew4hil zO da-ys of to complete the registration. If the dangerous dog has previously been shaved /neutered. :ihe owner or keeper of the dangerous dog shall provided sufficient proof of such spaying /neutering promptly to Spokane County animal control. Any pounded dangerous dog may be transported by Spokane County animal control to a veterinarian for spaying /neutering as part of the registration process. GB. In addition to the regular dog licensing fees set forth in Spokane County Code Section 5.04.030, the owner or keeper of a dangerous dog shall pay an annual registration fee in the amount of $100.00. The registration will be valid for 12 months. - Dangerous dog registration shall be renewed every 12 months. A re- inspection of the facili , is required prior to renewal. The owner or keeper shall also provide Spokane County animal control proof of proper insurance or a surety bond as specified in subsection (A) of this section prior to re- registration. -PC. This section shall not apply to police dogs as defined in RCW 4.24.410. Ordinance 13 -005 Dangerous Dog Amendment Page 7 of 9 DRAFT -ED. The owner or keeper of a dangerous dog shallmxffi4 notify Spokane County animal control, in writing, if the dog is deceased or if the dangerous dog is to be relocated or if there is a change in ownership. In the event of a change of ownership and/or relocation of the dangerous dog, the owner or keeper shallmus provide Spokane County animal control with at least 10 days prior written notice that includes with the complete address and phone number of the new owner or keeper prior to the change of ownership and/or relocation of the dangerous dog. The owner or keeper of the dangerous dog under this subsection shalh+pd4 also notify any subsequent owner or keeper of the dog's designation as a dangerous dog. -If change of ownership and /or relocation of a dangerous dog is within Spokane County, all conditions imposed under this section shall be in place for the new owner and at the new location prior to such change. EE. Dogs deemed dangerous by other jurisdictions in the state of Washington shallw44 be subject to the same regulations as if they have been deemed dangerous in Spokane County. Dogs deemed dangerous by jurisdictions outside of the state of Washington, and seeking to re- locate to the Cityn shallwi44 be presented for evaluation by Spokane County animal control. v and may be declared dangerous by the animal control director or his or her designee on an individual basis-to detefm ae whether- they meet toe r ats er a long dog, taking into account the criteria established by Spokane County Code Section 5.04.020(8). Dogs meeting the requirements of a dangerous dog under Spokane County Code Section 5.04.020 (8 shall be registered as such, and are subject to all other restrictions imposed under this section. FF. An owner or keeper of a dog previously deemed dangerous by Spokane County animal control and subsequently relocated outside Spokane County shall register the dog pursuant to this section prior to bringing into the City. Such dogs are prohibited from re- entering the City without prior written consent from Spokane County animal control and /or full re- registration. G. Notwithstanding any other provision in this section, the animal control director may issue a provisional registration certificate under the following circumstances: 1. the dangerous dog declaration has been appealed pursuant to SVMC 7.30.035, provided all conditions of this section have been met with the exception of subsection (A)(5) of this section requiring spay /neuter: or 2. the owner is relocating the dangerous dog outside Spokane County and all conditions of this section have been met with the exception of subsection (A)(2) of this section requiring urety bond or liability insurance. Ordinance 13 -005 Dangerous Dog Amendment Page 8 of 9 DRAFT A provisional permit issued pursuant to subsection SVMC 7.30.045(G(1) shall expire 15 days following the appeal decision. —A provisional permit issued pursuant to subsection SVMC 7.30.045(G(2) shall be valid for the sole purpose of immediate transport and relocation of the dangerous dog from the shelter to a location outside Spokane County. H. An owner or keeper of a dangerous dog who violates any conditions imposed under this section shall be guil , of a gross misdemeanor. Section 4. Severability. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance should be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance. Section 5. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect five days after publication of this Ordinance or a summary thereof in the official newspaper of the City of Spokane Valley as provided by law. Passed this day of ATTEST: City Clerk, Christine Bainbridge Approved As To Form: Office of the City Attorney Date of Publication: Effective Date: 2013. Mayor, Thomas E. Towey Ordinance 13 -005 Dangerous Dog Amendment Page 9 of 9 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: May 14, 2013 Department Director Approval: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ® pending legislation ❑ executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: First reading of proposed Ordinance #13 -006 which amends the 2013 Budget. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: In order for the City to amend an adopted budget State law requires the Council to approve an ordinance that appropriates additional funds. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: The Council last took formal action on the 2013 Budget when it was adopted on October 30, 2012. On May 7�' an Administrative Report was delivered to Council that conveyed the fact that a number of events have taken place in the normal course of operations that necessitate the budget be amended. Finally, earlier this evening (May 14, 2013) a public hearing was held on this topic. BACKGROUND: Since the adoption of the 2013 Budget on October 30, 2012 a number of events have transpired in the normal course of operations that necessitate a 2013 Budget amendment. They include: #001 - General Fund Provide additional appropriations (expenditures) of $215,102 comprised of both recurring and nonrecurring items. Recurring items totaling $133,140 include: Adding $70,312 to payroll in a variety of departments as a result of several data entry errors when the 2013 Budget was prepared. Adding $4,428 in professional services for the Human Resources Department to cover the cost of Discovery Benefits who manage the health reimbursement accounts (HRAs). Adding $125,000 to economic development which will allow a full year of City promotion. • Reducing the City Hall lease by $66,600 as a result of renegotiating the lease with NW Christian Schools. Nonrecurring items totaling $81,962 include: • $56,962 of Parks and Recreation related expenditures including the master plan ($24,500), Demo /Clean -up of the Brown Property ($9,500), an ADA lift and anchor at Terrace Pool ($1,812), a chiller at CenterPlace ($21,150). • $25,000 to replace carpet at City Hall (reflecting what we anticipate will be' /2 of the cost, with NW Christian Schools paying for the balance). Revenue increases total $200,787 and include: • Revising the estimate for sales tax upward by $150,000 from $15.10 million to $15.25 million. 9 When the City issued limited tax general obligation (LTGO) bonds in 2003 to construct CenterPlace it entered into a covenant (promise) to set aside $300,000 by the end of 2009 that will serve as a back -up to cover CenterPlace operations through the life of the bond issue (final bond repayment will be made December 1, 2033). The City actually ended up setting aside $350,787 (in Fund #120 — CenterPlace Operating Reserve Fund) or $50,787 11SV- FS21UsersVncat hounlBudgets12013L4mendmentsL4mendment #112013 05 1412013 05 14 RCA Ord 13 -006 amending 2013 budg,docx more than was necessary. Because we're only required to hold $300,000 for this purpose we're proposing the excess balance be returned to the General Fund from whence it came. #105 - Hotel 1 Motel Tax Fund Provide an additional appropriation of $50,000 to reflect the total lodging tax awarded by Council on December 11, 2012. The intention behind the additional award amount was to consume a portion of the excess fund balance. #120 — CenterPlace Operating Reserve Fund When the City issued limited tax general obligation (LTGO) bonds in 2003 to construct CenterPlace it entered into a covenant (promise) to set aside $300,000 by the end of 2009 that will serve as a back -up to cover CenterPlace operations through the life of the bond issue (final bond repayment will be made December 1, 2033). The City actually ended up setting aside $350,787 or $50,787 more than was necessary. Because we're only required to hold $300,000 for this purpose we're proposing the excess balance be returned to the General Fund from whence it came. #301 — Capital Projects Fund Wt 1/4% REET) Provide an additional appropriation of $150,000 reflecting a transfer to Fund #303 — Street Capital Projects Fund to cover the estimated cost of the Appleway Trail Design. This was approved by the Council at the December 18, 2012 Council meeting. #303 — Street Capital Projects Fund Revenues will increase by a $150,000 reflecting a transfer from Fund #301 — Capital Projects Fund, and appropriations will increase by $150,000 to cover the estimated cost of the Appleway Trail Design. This was approved by the Council at the December 18, 2012 Council meeting. #312 — Capital Reserve _Fund Appropriations will increase by $102,150 reflecting: • $60,000 for business route signage. This was approved by the Council at the November 13, 2012 Council meeting. • $42,150 to cover the City's estimated share of the joint site development for the Balfour Park I Library project. #402 -- Stormwater Management Fund Appropriations will increase by $630,000 to accommodate: • an additional $200,000 for "various projects" anticipated by Public Works staff, and • $430,000 of underground injection control (UIC) retrofits that are anticipated to take place in conjunction with pavement preservation projects. #403 — Aquifer Protection Area Fund • Appropriations will increase by $1,070,000 to accommodate. o An additional $40,000 for the Sprague Swales project (bringing the total to $1,211,411 between 2012 and 2013). o An additional $100,000 for the 14`h Avenue Custer to Carnahan project (bringing the total to $300,000). o An additional $40,000 for the Bettman- Dickey storm drain project (bringing the total to $250,000). o $980,000 for the Decant Facility. • Revenues will increase by $1,495,331 as follows: o $40,000 of additional Department of Ecology grant money to offset additional Sprague Swale work. IISV- FS2lUserslmcelhounV3udgetsl2013lAmendmentslAmendment #112013 05 1412013 05 14 RCA Ord 13 -006 amending 2013 budg.docx o $570,331 of Department of Ecology grant money to offset Sprague Swale work completed in 2012. It was our intention to record this as revenue in 2012 but because the City had not actually received the grant money by the 60th day of 2013, accounting rules prohibited us from reporting it as revenue in 2012. o $885,000 of grant money for the Decant Facility including $735,000 from the Department of Ecology and $150,000 from the Department of Transportation. The proposed 2013 Budget amendment will reflect these and will affect 8 funds resulting in total appropriationlexpenditure increases of $2,418,039 and revenue increases of $1,845,618. 001 General Fund Revenue Expenditure Fund Fund Increase Increase No. Name (Decrease) (Decrease) 001 General Fund 200,787 215,102 105 Hotel 1 Motel Tax Fund 0 50,000 120 CenterPlace Operating Reserve Fund (500) 50,787 301 Capital Projects Fund (1st 114% REET) 0 150,000 303 Street Capital Projects Fund 150,000 150,000 312 Capital Reserve Fund 0 102,150 402 Stormwater Management Fund 0 630,000 403 Aquifer Protection Area 1,495,331 1,070,000 1,845,618 2,418,039 OPTIONS: Options are to accept the proposed amendments in whole or in -part. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to advance Ordinance #13 -006 Amending the 2013 Budget to a second reading. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: This action amends the estimated revenues and appropriations for the 2013 Budget that was initially adopted on October 30, 2012 via Ordinance #12 -024. There are adequate funds available to pay for these amendments. STAFF CONTACT: Mark Calhoun ATTACHMENTS: • Ordinance #13 -006. • Fund level line -item detail of revenues and expenditures. • Budget report reflecting budget amendment impact on related funds. 11SV- FS21UserslmcalhounlBEjdgetsl20131AmendmentsWmendment #112013 05 1412013 05 14 RCA Ord 13 -006 amending 2013 budg.dacx IXIM CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 13 -006 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, AMENDING ORDINANCE 12 -024, WHICH ADOPTED A BUDGET FOR THE PERIOD JANUARY 1, 2013 THROUGH DECEMBER 31,2013; AND OTHER MATTERS RELATED THERETO. WHEREAS, the City Council passed Ordinance 12 -024 on October 30, 2012, which adopted the 2013 annual budget; and WHEREAS, subsequent to the October 30, 2012 adoption of the 2013 annual budget, it has become necessary to make changes by adding new revenue, appropriations, amendments, and transferring funds in order to properly perform City functions, services and activities; and WHEREAS, the budget changes set forth in this Ordinance could not have been reasonably anticipated or known when the 2013 annual budget was passed by the City Council; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the best interests of the City are served by amending the 2013 budget to reflect unanticipated revenue, expenditures, transfers, and appropriating the same as set forth herein. NOW THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Washington do ordain as follows: Section 1. Amended Revenues and Appropriations. Ordinance No. 12 -024 adopted a budget for the twelve months beginning January 1, 2013 and ending December 31, 2013. Each item, revenue, appropriation, and fiend contained in Section 1 is hereby amended as set forth in Attachment A to this Ordinance, which is incorporated herein. Section 2. Severability. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance should be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance. Section 3. Effective Date. This Ordinance sliall be in full force and effect five days after publication of this Ordinance or a summary thereof in the official newspaper of the City as provided by law. Passed by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley this 28th day of May 2013. ATTEST: Thomas E. Towey, Mayor Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Approved as to form: Office of the City Attorney Date of Publication: Effective Date: Ordinance 13 -006 Amending 2013 Budget Page 1 of 2 �-d m N 0 N CITY OF SPOKANE, VALLEY, WA 2013 Budget Amendment Ordinance Ordinance No. 13 -006 Fund Fond No. Title 001 General 101 Street 0 &M 103 Paths & Trails 105 HotcllMotcl Tax 120 CenterPlace Operating Reserve 121 Service Level Stabilization 122 Winter Weather Reserve 123 City Faciritics Repair & Replacement 204 Debt Service LTGO 03 301 Capital Projects T 302 Special Capital Projects _ 303 Street Capital Projects_ 309 Parks Capital Projects 3_10 Civic Facilities Capital Projects 311 Pavement Preservation 312 Capital Reserve 402 Stormwater Management 403 Aquilor Protection Area 501 Equipment Rental & Replacement 502 Risk Management Total of all Funds 51812013 Sources Uses Revenues Approprialions Estimated Bcgninin -, Ending Fund Ad0pled via Amended via Amended via Total Total Adapted via Amended via Amended via Total Fund Balance Ord, 12.024 Ord. 13 -0 ?? Ord, 13 -07? Revenues Sources Ord. 12 -024 Ord. 13-0?? Ord. 13 -0 ?? Appropriations Balance 28,801,231 35,124,700 20_0,767 0 35325,487 64,126,718 42,967,741 2I5,102 0 43,182,843 20,943,875 248,437 4,766,100 0 -- 0 4,766,100 - 094537 4,903,999 0 0 4,903,999 2,0901538 63,941 7,800 0 0 7,800 _ 71,741 0 0 0 0 71,741 206,772 46_0,500 0 _ 0 460,500 667,272 460,500 50,000 0 510,500 156,772 350,787 5_00 OR 0 _ 0 T 350,787 0 50,787 0 50,787 300,000 5,441,531 7,000 i__0_ 0 7,000 5,448,531 0 0 0 0 5,448,531 50888 700 0 0 700 503,588 0 0_ 0 0 503,588 2,403,947 1,600 0 0 _ _ 1,600 2,405547 616.284 0 0 616,284 1,789,263 0 623,023 0 0 623,023 623,023 623,023 _ 0 0 623,023_ _ 0 1,092,264 500,500 0 _ 0 _ _ 500j00 1,592,764 985,355 150,000 0 1,135,355 457,409 1,130,670 501,000 0_ 0 501,000 1,631,670 860,431 0 0 _ 860,431 771,239 73,646 7_957,725 150,000 0 8,107,725 8,181371 7,957,725 150,000 0 8,107,725 73,646 302,423 50,000 _ 0 0 _ 50,000 352,423 50,000 0 0 50,000 302,423 1,110,074 0 _ _ 0. 0 1,110,074 0 0 0 - 0 1,110,074 948,733 1,198,284 0 0 1,198,284 2,147,017 1,198,284 0 0 1,196,284 948,733 0 7,826207 0 0 _ 7,826,207 7,826,207 0 102,150 0 102,150 7,724,057 2,697,3_33 2,001,800 0 0 2,001,800 4,699,133 2,077,991 630,000 0 _ _ _ 2,707,991 _1991,142 (108,658) 501,000 1495,331 0 1,996331 1,887,673 _500,000 1,070,000 0 1,570,000 317,673 1,053,177 178,744 0 0 17a,744 1,231,421 90,000 0 0 _ 50,000 1,181,921 83,212 319,000 0 0 31900 402,212 319,000 0 0 319,000 83,212 48382,408 62,026.193 1,845,618 0 63.S71,901 112254,209 63,570,333 2,418,039 0 65,988372 46265,837 a a n z M 11SV- FS21Userslmcalhounl Budgets 120131AmendmentslAmendment #112013 05 141amendment no 1 detail CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 2013 Budget - Amendment #1 Line Item Detail 5/8/2013 Account Account Initial Amended Description Number Justification Budget Amendment I Bud et #001 -General Fund Recurring_Expenditures City Mgr Payroll - Data entry error in '13 budget preparation 568,870 4,010 572,880 Legal intern - Payroll - Data entry error in '13 budget preparation 0 25,980 25,980 CD- Planning Payroll 001.058 .056.558.60.xx_xx - Data entry error in '13 budget preparation 728,293 30,000 758,293 PR- Seasonal Payroll 001.076.301.571.20.xx.xx - Data entry error in '13 budget preparation 54,442 6,322 60,764 PR -CP Seasonal Payrc 0p1.076.305.571.20.xx.xx - Data entry error in '13 budget preparation 46,000 4,000 50,000 70,312 HR Professional svc - Discovery Benefit HRA cost 3,000 4,428 7,428 Economic Developmen - Allow a full year of City promotion 75,000 125,000 200,000 City Hall Lease - Renegotiated 495,000 (66,600) 428,400 Total recurring expenditures 133,140 Nonrecurring Expenditures Professional Services 001,090.076.576.10.41.xx - Master Plan 0 24,500 24,500 Professional Services - Demo/Clean-up Brown Property 0 9,500 9,500 ADA lift and anchor - Terrace Pool ADA lift and anchor 0 1,812 1,812 Capital Outlay - CenterPlace Chiller 0 21,150 21,150 56,962 Facility RepairlMaint - Carpet at City Hall 0 25,000 25,000 Total nonrecurring expenditures 81,962 Total expenditures 215,102 Revenues Sales Tax - Revised estimate 15,100,000 150,000 15,250,000 Transfers in - #120,xx.xx.xx - Transfer from Fund #120 - CenterPlace 0 50,787 50,787 operating reserve is $50,787 greater than the $300,000 required by 2003 LTG0 Bond covenants Total revenues 200,787 Page 1 of 4 IISV- FS21Userslmcalhounl Budgets 120131AmendmentslAmendment #112013 05 141amendment no 1 detail CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 2013 Budget - Amendment #1 Line Item Detail 5/8/2013 Account Account Initial Amended Description Number Justification Budget Amendment Budget #105 - Hotel ! Motel Tax Fund Expenditures Tourism Promotion Reflects total of 2013 awards from 12/11/12 380,500 50,000 430,500 Total expenditures 50,000 #120 - CenterPlace Operating Reserve Fund Expenditures Transfers out - #001 - Transfer to Fund #001 - balance is $50,787 0 50,787 50,787 greater than the $300, 000 required by the 2003 LTGO Band covenants Total expenditures 50,787 Revenues Interest Income - Revised estimate 500 (500) 0 Total revenues (500) #301 - Capital Projects Fund 1st 114% REST Expenditures Transfers out - #303 301.000.000.597.xx.xx.xx - Transfer to Fund #303 - forthe Appleway 0 150,000 150,000 Trail Design from the 12113112 Council meeting) Total expenditures 150,000 Page 2 of 4 11SV -FS21 Usersl mcalhoun \Budgets120131Amendments \Amendment #112013 05 141amendment no 1 detail CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 2013 Budget - Amendment #1 Line Item Detail 51$12013 Account Account I I Initial 60,000 Amended Description Numbe Justification Budget Amendment I Budget #303 - Street Capital Projects Fund Expenditures Capital outlay 303.000.176.595.xx.xx.xx - Appleway Trail Design (from 12/18/12 Council meeting) Total expenditures Revenues Transfers in - #301 303.000.176.397.xx.xx.xx - Transfer from 1 st 114% REET Total expenditures #312 - CaDital Reserve Fund Expenditures 0 150,000 150,000 150,000 0 150,000 150,000 150,000 Capital outlay 312.000.000.595.xx.xx,xx - Business Route Signage (from 11/13/12 0 60,000 60,000 Council meeting) Capital outlay 312.000.178.594.76.41.02 - Balfour Park/ Library joint site development 0 42,150 42,150 Total expenditures 102,150 #402 - Stormwater Management Fund Expenditures Capital outlay 402AOO.xxx.595.xx.xx.xx - Various projects 150,000 200,000 350,000 Capital outlay 402.000.xxx.595.xx.xx.xx - UIC retrofits on pavement preservation proj. 0 430,000 430,000 Total expenditures 630,000 Page 3 of 4 11SV -FS2\ Usersl mcalhounlBudgets120131Amendments \Amendment #112013 05 141amendment no 1 detail CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 2013 Budget -Amendment #1 Line Item Detail 5/8/2013 Account Account I Initial Amended Description I Number Justification Budget Amendment I Bud et #403 - Aquifer Protection Area 403.000.163.334.03.10 - Sprague swale upgrades (2013 mimb) 0 40,000 Expenditpres DOE Grant 403.000.163.334.03.10 - Sprague swale upgrades (2012 reimb) 0 570,331 Capital outlay 403.000.163.595.40.63.00 - Sprague swale upgrades 0 40,000 40,000 Capital outlay 403.000.000.595.40.63.00 - Capital - various 90,000 (90,000) 0 Capital outlay 403.000.000.595.40.63.00 - 14th Ave Custer to Carnahan 200,000 100,000 300,000 Capital outlay 403.000.000.595.40.63.00 - Bettman- Dickey storm drain 210,000 40,000 250,000 Capital outlay 403.000.173.595.40.63.00 - Decant facility 0 980,000 980,000 Total expenditures 1,070,000 Revenues DOE Grant 403.000.163.334.03.10 - Sprague swale upgrades (2013 mimb) 0 40,000 40,000 DOE Grant 403.000.163.334.03.10 - Sprague swale upgrades (2012 reimb) 0 570,331 570,331 DOE Grant 403.000.173.334,03.10 - Decant facility 0 735,000 735,000 DOT Grant 403.000.173.334.03.10 - Decant facility 0 150,000 150,000 Total revenues 1,495,331 Totals Across all Funds Total revenues Total expenditures Page 4 of 4 ,418,039 11 SV- FS21UserslmcalhounlBudgets 120131Am end men WAmendment #112013 05141Budget Report CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 2043 Budget 5/8/2013 Page 1 2013 As As Adopted Amendment Amended #001 - GENERAL FUND RECURRING ACTIVITY Revenues Property Tax 10,943,700 0 10,943,700 Sales Tax 15,100,000 150,000 15,250,000 Criminal Justice Tax 1,280,000 0 1,280,000 Public safety Sales Tax 750,000 0 750,000 Gambling Tax and Leasehold Excise Tax 612,500 0 612,500 Franchise Fees /Business Registration 1,135,000 0 1,135,000 State Shared Revenues 1,684,600 0 1,684,600 Service Revenues 1,304,000 0 1,304,000 Fines and Forfeitures 1,494,300 0 1,494,300 Recreation Program Fees 571,500 0 571,500 Miscellaneous: & Investment Interest 166,000 0 166,000 Transfer -in -#101 (street admin) 39,700 0 39,700 Transfer -in - #105 (h/mtax- CPadvertising) 30,000 0 30,000 Transfer -in - #402 (storm admin) 13,400 0 13,400 Total Recurring Revenues 35,124,700 150,000 35,274,700 Expenditures City Council 390,111 0 390,111 City Manager 635,984 4,010 639,994 Legal 441,171 25,980 437,151 Public Safety 22,139,200 0 22,139,200 Deputy City Manager 609,706 0 609,706 Finance 1,089,633 0 1,089,633 Human Resources 228,041 4,428 232,469 Public Works 876,443 0 876,443 Community Development - Administration 257,175 0 257,175 Community Development - Engineering 850,845 0 850,845 Community Development - Planning 869,743 30,000 899,743 Community Development - Building 1,162,582 0 1,162,582 Parks & Rec - Administration 270,717 0 270,717 Parks & Rec - Maintenance 789,000 0 789,000 Parks & Rec - Recreation 224,999 6,322 231,321 Parks & Rec - Aquatics 485,600 0 485,600 Parks & Rec - Senior Center 88,143 0 88,143 Parks & Rec - CenterPlace 796,884 4,000 800,884 Pavement Preservation 855,857 0 855,857 General Government 1,740,700 58,400 1,799,100 Transfers out - #502 (insurance premium) 319,000 0 319,000 Total Recurring Expenditures 35,091,534 133,140 35,224,674 Recurring Revenues Over (Under) Recurring Expenditures 33,166 16,860 50,026 NONRECURRING ACTIVITY Revenues Transfer in - #120 (excess reserves) 0 50,787 50,767 Total Nonrecurring Revenues 0 50,787 50,787 Expenditures Transfers out - 4309(parkgrantmatch) 50,000 0 50,000 Transfers out - #312 (Capital Reserve Fund) 7,826,207 0 7,826,207 Parks & Recreation related 0 56,962 55,962 Carpet at City Hall 0 25,000 25,000 Total Nonrecurring Expenditures 7,876,207 81,962 7,958,169 Nonrecurring Revenues Over (Under) Nonrecurring Expenditures (7,876,207) (31,175) (7,907,382) Excess (Deficit) of Total Revenues Over (Under) Total Expenditures (7,843,041) (14,315) (7,857,356) Beginning fund balance 28,681,219 28,681,219 Ending fund balance 20,838,178 20,823,863 Page 1 11SV- FS2lUserslmcalhoun\ Budgets 120131Amendments\Amendment #11201 3 05 141Budget Report CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 5/8/2013 2013 Budget SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS #105 - HOTEL I MOTEL TAX FUND Revenues HotelfMotel Tax Investment Interest Total revenues Expenditures Interfund Transfer -out - 4001 City directed marketing efforts Tourism Promotion Total expenditures Revenues over (under) expenditures Beginning fund balance Ending fund balance #120 - CENTER PLACE OPERATING RESERVE FUND Revenues Investment Interest Interfund Transfer Total revenues Expenditures Interfund Transfer -out - #001 Total expenditures 2013 As As Adopted Amendment Amended 460,000 0 460,000 5no n -nnn 30,000 0 30,000 50,000 0 50,000 380.500 50.000 430.500 0 (50,000) (50,000) 206,772 206,772 206,772 156,772 500 (500) 0 0 0 0 500 (500) 0 0 50.787 50.787 Revenues over (under) expenditures 500 (51,287) (50,787) Beginning fund balance 350,787 350,787 Ending fund balance 351,287 300,000 Page 2 IISV- FS21Userslmcalhounl Budgets 12013\Am end mentsrAmendment #112013 05 141Budget Report CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 2013 Budget 5/8/2013 Expenditures Interfund Transfer -out - #204 Interfund Transfer -out - #303 Interfund Transfer -out - #311 (pavement presen Total expenditures Revenues over (under) expenditures Beginning fund balance Ending fund balance #303 STREET CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND Revenues 92,951 0 92,951 742,404 150,000 892,404 150,000 0 150,000 y155,355 150,uuu 1,135,355 (484,855) (150,000} (634,855) 1.092,264 1,092,264 607,409 457,409 Grant Proceeds 2013 0 6,597,842 As Interfund Transfer -in - #301 As 150,000 Adopted Amendment I Amended CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS 0 617,479 #301 - CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND 71957,725 150,000 8,107,725 Revenues RE ET 1 -Taxes 500,000 0 500,000 Investment Interest 500 0 500 Interfund Transfer -in - #303 0 0 0 Total revenues 500,500 0 500,500 Expenditures Interfund Transfer -out - #204 Interfund Transfer -out - #303 Interfund Transfer -out - #311 (pavement presen Total expenditures Revenues over (under) expenditures Beginning fund balance Ending fund balance #303 STREET CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND Revenues 92,951 0 92,951 742,404 150,000 892,404 150,000 0 150,000 y155,355 150,uuu 1,135,355 (484,855) (150,000} (634,855) 1.092,264 1,092,264 607,409 457,409 Page 3 Grant Proceeds 6,597,842 0 6,597,842 Interfund Transfer -in - #301 742,404 150,000 892,404 Interfund Transfer -in - #302 617,479 0 617,479 Total revenues 71957,725 150,000 8,107,725 Expenditures 005 Pines /MansFleld, Wilbur Rd. to Pines 300,000 0 300,000 060 Argonne Rd Corridor Upgrade SRTC 06 -31 957,892 0 957,892 061 Pines (SR27) ITS Imporvement SRTC 06 -26 637,288 0 637,288 115 Sprague Ave Resurfacing - Evergreen to Sullivan 188,745 0 188,745 141 Sullivan & Euclid PCC 139,332 0 139,332 142 Broadway @ ArgonnelMullan 219,599 0 219,599 145 Spokane Valley- Millwood Trail 200,000 0 200,000 146 24th Ave Sidewalk - Adams to Sullivan 15,000 0 15,000 149 Sidewalk Infill 337,507 0 337,507 154 Sidewalk & Tansit Stop Accessibility 33,198 0 33,198 155 Sullivan Rd W Bridge Replacement 800,000 0 800,000 156 Mansfield Ave. Connection 1,012,924 0 1,012,924 159 University Rd 11 -90 Overpass Study 125,000 0 125,000 166 Pines Rd, (SR27) & Grace Ave. Int. Safety 98,100 0 98,100 167 Citywide Safety Improvements 450,995 0 450,995 168 Wellesley Ave Sidewalk & Adams Rd Sidewalk 554,500 0 554,500 169 ArgonnelMullan Safety Indiana - Broadway 104,460 0 104,460 170 Argonne road: Empire Ave -Knox Ave. 172,785 0 172,785 171 Sprague Ave ADA Curb Ramp Project 110,400 0 110,400 176 Appleway Trail Design 0 150,000 150,000 Contingency 1,500,000 0 1,500,000 Total expenditures 7,957,725 150,000 8,107,725 Revenues over (under) expenditures 0 0 0 Beginning fund balance 73,646 73,846 Ending fund balance 73,646 73,646 Page 3 1 1SV- FS21UsersWcaIhounlBudgets 120131Am end ments\Amendment #112013 05 141Budget Report CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 2013 Budget CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS - continued #312 - CAPITAL RESERVE FUND Revenues Transfers in - #001 Investment Interest Total revenues Expenditures nditures Business route signage Balfour Park 1 Library site development Total expenditures Revenues over (under) expenditures Beginning fund balance Ending fund balance 5/8/2013 2013 As As Adopted Amendment Amended 7,826,207 0 7,826,207 0 0 0 7,826,207 0 7,826,207 60,000 60,000 0 42,150 42,150 0 102,150 102,150 7,826,207 (102,150) 7,724,057 0 0 71826,207 7,724,057 Page 4 41SV- FS21Userslmcalhoun\ Budgets 120131Amendments\Amendment #112013 05 141Budget Report CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 5/8/2013 2013 Budget 2013 As As Adopted Amendment Amended ENTERPRISE FUNDS #402 - STORMWATER FUND RECURRING ACTIVITY Revenues Stormwater Management Fees 1,800,000 0 1,800,000 Investment Interest 1,800 0 1,800 Miscellaneous 0 0 0 Total Recurring Revenues 1,801,800 0 1,801,800 Expenditures 0 0 735,000 Wages 1 Benefits 1 Payroll Taxes 475,604 0 475,604 Supplies 16,300 0 16,300 Services S Charges 1,132,687 0 1,132,687 Intergovernmental Payments 23,000 0 23,000 Interfund Transfers- out - #001 13,400 0 13,400 Interfund Transfers -out - #502 0 0 0 Total Recurring Expenditures 11680,991 0 1,660,991 Recurring Revenues Over (Under) 980,000 980,000 500,000 Recurring Expenditures 140,809 0 140,809 NONRECURRING ACTIVITY (108,658) (108,658) Revenues 317,673 Grant Proceeds 200,000 0 200,000 Interfund Transfers -in 0 0 0 Total Nonrecurring Revenues 20D,000 0 200,000 Expenditures Capital -various projects Sullivan Bridge Drain Retrofit UIC Retrofits on Pvmnt Pres Projects Total Nonrecurring Expenditures Nonrecurring Revenues Over (Under) Nonrecurring Expenditures Excess (Deficit) of Total Revenues Over (Under) Total Expenditures Beginning working capital Ending working capital #403 - AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA Revenues Spokane County Grant - Sprague Swales Grant DOE - Decant Facility Grant DOT - Decant Facility Grant DOE - Sprague UIC Elimination Investment Interest Total revenues Expenditures Sprague Swale$ Capital - various 14th Ave Custer to Carnahan Bettman- Dickey Storm drain Decant Facility Total expenditures Revenues over (under) expenditures Beginning working capital Ending working capital 150,000 200,000 350,000 267,000 0 267,000 0 430,000 430,000 417,000 630,000 1,047,000 (217,000) (630,000) (847,000) (76,191) (630,000) (706,191) 2,697,333 2,697,333 21621,142 1,991,142 500,000 0 500,000 0 0 0 0 735,000 735,000 0 150,D00 150,000 0 610,331 610,331 1,000 0 1,000 501,000 1,495, 331 1,996, 331 0 40,000 40,000 90,000 (90,000) 0 200,000 100,000 300,000 210,000 40,000 250,000 0 980,000 980,000 500,000 1,070,000 1,570,000 1,000 425,331 426,331 (108,658) (108,658) (107,658) 317,673 Page 5 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: May 14, 2013 Department Director Approval: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ® new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ® admin. report ❑ pending legislation ❑ executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Administrative Report - CTA- 2013 -0003 — City Initiated Text Amendment to the Spokane Valley Municipal Code, Manufactured Homes on Individual Lots, to eliminate the requirement of "new manufactured home." GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 36.70A.106, SVMC 17.80.150 and 19.30.040 BACKGROUND: The Planning Commission conducted a study session on March 28, 2013, followed by a public hearing on April 11, 2013. Following the public hearing, the Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval of the proposed amendment (see Attachments). The Planning Commission approved their Findings of Fact on April 25, 2013. OPTIONS: Proceed to first ordinance reading; send back to Planning Commission for further review; or direct staff further. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Consensus to proceed to first ordinance reading. BUDGET /FINANCIAL IMPACTS: N/A STAFF CONTACT: Micki Harnois, Planner ATTACHMENTS: A. Proposed Text Amendment B. Staff Report to Planning Commission C. Draft Planning Commission Findings D. Planning Commission Minutes E. Presentation ATTACHMENT A CTA- 2013 -0003 19.40.120 Manufactured homes on individual lots. A. Pursuant to the requirements of RCW 35.21.684, the City does not discriminate against consumers' choices in the placement or use of a home that is not equally applicable to all homes. This section applies only to manufactured housing units placed on individual lots. B. Homes built to 42 U.S.C. 70 Sections 5401 through 5403 standards (as they may be amended) are regulated for the purposes of siting in the same manner as site -built homes, factory -built homes, or homes built to any other state construction or local design standard; provided, however, that the manufactured home shall: -21. Be set upon a permanent foundation, as specified by the manufacturer, and that the space from the bottom of the home to the ground be enclosed by concrete or an approved product which can be either load- bearing or decorative; and 32. Comply with all local design standards, including the requirement for a pitched roof with a slope of not less than 3:12, applicable to all other homes within the neighborhood in which the manufactured home is to be located; and 43. Be thermally equivalent to the state energy code; and -54. Otherwise meet all other requirements for a designated manufactured home as defined in RCW 35.63.160. C. This section does not override any legally recorded covenants or deed restrictions of record. A "designated manufactured home" is a manufactured home constructed after June 15, 1976, in accordance with state and federal requirements for manufactured homes, which: 1. Is comprised of at least two fully enclosed parallel sections each of not less than 12 feet wide by 36 feet long; and 2. Was originally constructed with and now has a composition or wood shake or shingle, coated metal, or similar roof of nominal 3:12 pitch; and 3. Has exterior siding similar in appearance to siding materials commonly used on conventional site -built International Building Code single - family residences. ATTACHMENT A CTA- 2013 -0003 D. An existing single wide manufactured home may be replaced with a new single wide manufactured home when replacement is initiated within 12 months of the date of damage which represents less than 80 percent of market value, or removal of existing habitable manufactured home. E. Manufactured homes with dimensional features that match or closely match the predominant manufactured home type within a manufactured home subdivision may be placed in the manufactured home subdivision without regard to the age of the manufactured home. (Ord. 13- 001 § 3, 2013; Ord. 12 -007 § 2, 2012; Ord. 08 -026 § 3, 2008; Ord. 07 -015 § 4, 2007). ATTACHMENT B S �i'okan �' ..;0sUalley, COMAWNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION CTA -2013 -0003 STAFF REPORT DATE: March 20, 2013 HEARING DATE AND LOCATION: April 11, 2013, beginning at 6:00 p.m., Spokane Valley City Hall Council Chambers, Valley Redwood Plaza Building, 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 101, Spokane Valley, Washington 99206. PROPOSAL DESCRIPTION: A city initiated text amendment to amend Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC) 19.40.120, Manufactured Homes on Individual Lots, to eliminate the requirement of "new manufactured homes ". PROPONENT: City of Spokane Valley Community Development Department, 11707 E Sprague Ave, Suite 106, Spokane Valley, WA 99206 APPROVAL CRITERIA: Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan, Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC) Title 17 General Provisions, SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Division recommends the Planning Commission approve the proposed amendment as put forth. STAFF PLANNER: Micki Harnois, Planner, Community Development Department ATTACHMENTS: Exhibit 1: Proposed text amendment to SVMC 19.40.120 A. BACKGROUND INFORMATION 1. APPLICATION PROCESSING: SVMC Chapter 17.80, Permit Processing Procedures. The following summarizes application procedures for the proposal. Process Date Pre - Application Meeting: N/A Application Submitted: N/A Determination of Completeness: N/A Published Notice of Public Hearing: 3/29/13 & 4 -5 -13 Sent Notice of Public Hearing to staff/agencies: 3/27/13 2. PROPOSAL BACKGROUND: The proposal is to amend Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC) Chapter 19.40.120, Manufactured Homes on Individual Lots to eliminate the requirement of "new manufactured homes" (see Attachment A). The code defines "new" as not been previously titled to a retail purchaser or set on a property. This amendment will apply to any individual lot located in the City of Spokane Valley which is not located in a manufactured home park or manufactured home subdivisionlcommunity. The requirement of that a manufactured home to be a "designated manufactured home ", as described in SVMC Chapter 19.40.120 (C), will remain. A designated manufactured home is a home constructed after June 15, 1976, in accordance with state and federal requirements. A designated manufactured home must also meet the following standards per SVMC 19.40.120: 1. Is comprised of at least two fully enclosed parallel sections each of not less than 12 feet wide by 36 feet long; and 2. Was originally constructed with and now has a composition or wood shake or shingle, coated metal, or similar roof of nominal 3:12 pitch; and 3. Has exterior siding similar in appearance to siding materials commonly used on conventional site -built International Building Code single- family residences. Single wide manufactured homes do not meet the requirements of a "designated manufactured home ", so the proposed change to allow used manufactured homes on individual lots throughout the City would only apply to "double wide" manufactured homes. The provisions for single wide manufactured homes in manufactured home developments are referenced in SVMC Chapter 19.40.120 (E). 3. Staff has evaluated this change and is recommending allowing previously owned manufactured homes to be placed on individual lots. The Comprehensive Plan supports the diversity of housing types in residential areas and this would allow this flexibility by also increasing affordable housing options. B. FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS SPECIFIC TO THE MUNICIPAL CODE TEXT AMENDMENT 1, Compliance with Title 17 (General Provisions) of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code a. Findings: SVMC 17.80.150(F) Municipal Code Text Amendment Approval Criteria The City may approve Municipal Code Text amendment, if it finds that (1) The proposed text amendment is consistent with the applicable provisions of the Comprehensive Plan; Staff Analysis: The proposed amendment is consistent with the applicable policies of the Comprehensive Plan. The amendment is consistent with the Comprehensive plan goals for encouraging a mix of housing types in residential areas, maintaining a flexible and consistent regulatory environment, and preserving and protecting neighborhoods. Relevant Comprehensive Plan goals and policies are shown below: Page 2 of 3 Land Use Goal LUG -2 Encourage a wide range of housing types and densities commensurate with the community's needs and preferences. Housing Goal HG-I: Encourage diversity in design to meet the housing needs of the residents of the community and region. Housing Policy HP -1.1: Consider the economic impact of development regulations on the cost of housing, Economic Goal EDG -7: Maintain a regulatory environment that offers flexibility, consistency, predictability and clear direction. Economic Policy EDP -7.2: Review development regulations periodically to ensure clarity, consistency and predictability. Neighborhood Policy NP -2.1: Maintain and protect the character of existing and future residential neighborhoods through the development and enforcement of the City's land use regulations and joint planning. Neighborhood Policy NP -2.2: Review and revise as necessary, existing land use regulations to provide for innovation and flexibility in the design of new residential developments, accessory dwelling units, and in -fill development. (2) The proposed amendment bears a substantial relation to public health, safety, welfare, and protection of the environment; Analysis: The amendment bears substantial relation to public health, safety, welfare and protection of the environment. The proposed amendment will provide increased affordable housing options, expand home occupations, and establish a more consistent regulatory environment, b. Conclusion(s): The proposed text amendment is consistent with the approval criteria contained in the SVMC. 2, Finding and Conclusions Specific to Public Comments a. Findings: No public comments have been received to date. b. Conclusion(s); Public noticing has not been initiated for CTA- 2013 -0003 as of this date. 3. Finding and Conclusions Specific to Agency Comments a. Findings: No agency comments have been received to date. b. Conclusion(s): No concerns are noted. C. OVERALL CONCLUSION The proposed code text amendment is consistent with the Comprehensive Plans policies and goals. D. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Planning Division, after review and consideration of the submitted application and applicable approval criteria, recommends the proposal to eliminate the requirement of "new" manufactured homes on individual lots. Page 3 of 3 ATTACHMENT C FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE SPOKANE VALLEY PLANNING COMMISSION April 25, 2013 The following findings are consistent with the Planning Commission's decision to recommend approval. Background: 1, Spokane Valley development regulations were adopted in September 2007 and became effective on October 28, 2007. 2. The city - initiated code text amendment proposes to amend Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC) 19.40.120, Manufactured Homes on Individual Lots, to eliminate the requirement of "new manufactured home ". 3. The Planning Commission held a public hearing on April 11, 2013 and voted 6 -0 to recommend approval of the amendment to City Council, Planning Commission Findings: 1. Compliance with SVMC 17.80.150F Approval Criteria a. The proposed city initiated code text amendment is consistent with the applicable provisions of the Comprehensive Plan; Finding(s): i. Land Use Goal LUG -2 Encourage a wide range of housing types and densities commensurate with the community's needs and preferences. ii. Housing Goal HCM: Encourage diversity in design to meet the housing needs of the residents of the community and region. iii. Housing Policy HP -1.1: Consider the economic impact of development regulations on the cost of housing. iv. Economic Goal EDG -7: Maintain a regulatory enviromnent that offers flexibility, consistency, predictability and clear direction. v. Economic Policy EDP -7.2: Review development regulations periodically to ensure clarity, consistency and predictability. vi. Neighborhood Policy NP -2 -1: Maintain and protect the character of existing and future residential neighborhoods through the development and enforcement of the City's land use regulations and joint planning. vii. Neighborhood Policy NP -2.2: Review and revise as necessary, existing land use regulations to provide for innovation and flexibility in the design of new residential developments, accessory dwelling units, and in -fill development. b. The proposed amendment bears a substantial relation to public health, safety, welfare, and protection of the environment. Findings and Recommendations of the Spokane Valley Planning Cammission Page 1 of 2 ATTACHMENT C Finding(s): i. The amendment is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan policies and goals for encouraging a mix of housing types in residential areas, establishing and maintaining a flexible and consistent regulatory environment and preserving and protecting neighborhoods. ii. The amendment bears substantial relation to public health, safety, welfare, and protection of the environment. iii. The proposed amendment will provide increased affordable housing options and expand hoIne occupations. 2. Conclusions): a. The proposed city initiated code text amendment is consistent with the City's adopted Comprehensive Plan and the approval criteria contained in SVMC 17.80.150)~. b. The Growth Management Act (GMA) stipulates that the comprehensive land use plan and development regulations shall be subject to continuing review and evaluation by the City. Recommendations: The Spokane Valley PIanning Commission therefore recommends City Council adopt the proposed city- initiated code text amendments to SVMC 19.40.120, Manufactured Homes on Individual Lots. Approved this 25'h (lay of April, 2013 Bill Bates, Chairman ATTEST: Cari Hinshaw, Planning Commission Secretary Findings and Recommendations of the Spokane Valley Planning Commission Page 2 oft Spokane Valley Planning Commission DRAFT Minutes Council Chambers — City Hall, 11707 E. Sprague Ave. April 11, 2013 I. CALL TO ORDER Chair Bates called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Commissioners, staff and audience stood for the pledge of allegiance. III. ROLL CALL COMMISSIONERS Present Absent CITY STAFF Bill Bates -Chair x r John Hohman, Director Joy Stoy Vice -chair x Cagy Driskell, City Attorney Robert McCaslin x Rod Higgins, City Council Mike Phillips x Steven Neill x Christina Carlsen x Kevin Anderson x Mary Swank, Secretary Commissioner Anderson was excused. IV. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Commissioner Stay made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. This motion 1vas passed unanimously. V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Neill made a motion to approve the March 2S, .20.13 minutes as presented. This motion was passed unanimously. VI. PUBLIC COMMENT There was no public comment. VII. COMMISSION REPORTS Commissioner Bates reported that on April 4"' our Representative, Kathy McMorris Rodgers was here and it went very well. Ms. Rodgers commented our council did an excellent job on Planning Commission Minutes Page 1 of 5 informing her on our cities priorities and wants to help with the Sullivan Bridge project and have information sent to her. VIII. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Community Development Director John Hohman explained staff is working on shoreline regulations and the 2013 comprehensive plan amendments. We just received a draft on the shoreline regulations and are going through them. It will be a number of weeks before it is ready. We want to make sure it's easy for us to understand and implement for any potential development. Mike Basinger is working on the comprehensive plan amendments. Scott Kuhta is out of town at the SEPA Committee in Olympia, working on Phase II. Our administrative report to Council on SEPA changes on Tuesday went well. They've authorized us to move forward to the first reading. Commissioner Stoy asked how many comprehensive plan amendments we have this year. John Hohman answered we have two privately initiated and 5 to 6 city initiated. IX. COMMISSION BUSINESS Unfinished Business: No unfinished business. New Business: Public Hearing: CTA- 2013 -0003 — Amending Manufactured Homes Regulations and CTA -2013 -0004 — Amending Sign Regulations CTA - 2013 -0003 John Hohman started his presentation on CTA 2013 -0003, amending the SVMC 19.40.120 regarding manufactured homes. This is to eliminate the requirement for new manufactured homes in SVMC 19.40.120.B.1 and eliminate SVMC 19.40.120.C. The proposed amendment language will be changed that these provisions of the code will be removed. Once the language is removed then used manufactured homes will be allowed in the city. Commissioner Bates went over the procedures and opened the public hearing at 6 :12p.m. Commissioner Stoy read the rules. Commissioner McCaslin asked about homeowner covenants and associations. If somebody owns a lot in a preplanned community that they want to put a used manufactured home on does the homeowner associations have the power to deny that? John Hohman explained our code would not supersede any CC &R's or covenants. It would be a private issue. Commissioner McCaslin asked if homeowners associations have the power to keep someone from putting a manufactured home where the association would vote not to have one but what if they owned the lot. City Attorney Cary Driskell explained that CC &R's dictates what you can and cannot do with your property. CC &R's are a binding contract on that property. Commissioner Stoy read the rules of the public hearing. Commissioner Bates opened public testimony. Public Comment was given by Tim B Moyer at 11617 E Rego Court, Spokane Valley. Mr. Moyer stated there are a lot of areas where affordable housing could help first time homebuyers but also provide housing for the rental market. Mr. Moyer is in the process of Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 of 5 short plating a property on Bowdish and Valleyway. It has an existing 1950's home with a big lot. Mr. Moyer is going to split if off the back and put a 2001 used doublewide that is 50' x 24' that he found in the Valley and needs to be moved. Mr. Moyer is in favor and hope it is approved. Conunissioner Stoy asked how far Mr. Moyer is on his short plat, Mr. Moyer stated it's in process and being reviewed and it should be in final plat approval in about 3 to 6 weeks. Commissioner Bates asked what Mr. Moyer planned to do with landscaping. Mr. Moyer responded that, he would make it look nice for the neighborhood and have a front and backyard, have a separate 24' x 30' foot garage with a concrete floor, and add sod and fencing to make it look like a rancher. It would be a permanent set foundation. Commissioner Bates closed public hearing at 6:22pm. Commissioner Bates asked do ive have a motion for amendinent. Commissioner Stoy moved to proceed with CTA 2013 -0003 to city council. Discussion: Commissioner Neil and Commissioner Stoy commcnted that they support this project. It would be good for the economy and help those families with less income, new starters and new families. Commissioner Bates supports this and talked about the Land Use in our comprehensive plan that encourages needs and preferences and this does that. Commissioner Bates asked if CTA -2013 -0003 should be approved The motion was passed unanimously. CTA -2013 -0004 Chair Bates: Opened public hearing at 6;26 for CTA - 2013 -0004. Commissioner Stoy read the rules of the Public Hearing. John Hohman started presentation on CTA - 2013 -0004, sign code provisions. Mr. Hohman briefly reviewed 2012 sign code revision process, an overview of the changes, highlights of the public education code enforcement process, Issues that came up with the code and our currently proposed provisions. Mr. Hohman reviewed the proposed sign code changes, revisions fiom the attorney's office, minor clarifications and corrections and a few other provisions that have not been included yet. The changes would be presented with the Findings, depending on how the Commission moved forward, Commissioner Bates asked if Section D is new, why it is in the document and why scaled drawings are not. Mr. Holniian stated Section D has not been included in the construction drawings. We had that required under a written policy from the first Building Official. Mr. Hohman stated that he asked staff instead of having a written policy to incorporate this in the code. Mr., Phillips asked if scaled drawings are required for every sign application; if an engineer is required to stamp every drawing; and if he would need two drawings if he put a sign in front of his building. Mr. Hohman stated that two scale drawings are required for the proposed sign. When you exceed 30 ft. then you need the engineer to approve that design, Commissioner Phillips asked if we have AutoCAD and computers now, why is a wet stamp required and not just a signed stamp, Mr. Holmian stated this follows the standard code provisions but we will look into it. Commissioner Stoy asked if we still had an issue concerning statistics that were presented at the March 28t" meeting. Mr. Hohman stated that it has not been resolved. Commissioner Stoy asked under Section A, if he can have one banner Planning Commission Minutes Page 3 of 5 and two flags. Mr. Hohman stated yes, as businesses were surveyed flags come in pairs and this is how businesses like to display them. It could be distracting but staff felt it would be a good option. Mr. Hohman stated that it depends on how the Commission feels and it could be looked at during deliberations. Commissioner Stoy asked if Section D is lined out because it is covered in the regulations, if it still a requirement. Mr. Hohman confirmed that it is still a requirement. Commissioner Carlsen inquired about increasing the amount of freestanding signs for arterials and if there is a concern for temporary signs on arterial streets. Mr. Hohman stated that he hadn't heard of that issue, but if they were allowed multiple banners, one would be on one side - street and another on arterial. Commissioner Carlsen asked how balloons are addressed if they are being taken out of Section G. Mr. Holnnan stated, the Commission could recommend that change and for clarity the language could be modified. Commissioner Carlsen expressed concern about the number of potential temporary signs at the Fred Meyer at Sullivan and Sprague, that it looks very cluttered. She asked if Fred Meyer Gas and Fred Meyer Store can have more signs and if the store separate from the gas station. Mr. Hohman responded that since they are separate they would be separate signs. It is something staff would look at for interpretation. Commissioner Bates asked if the dimension of reader boards is addressed in prohibited signs. 22.110.020. Mr. Hohman stated that they are not addressed at this time. Commissioner Bates stated that some are permanent and some are temporary but there are no square footage rules at this time. Mr. Hohman responded that reader boards have been considered portable signs that are prohibited. However, through the years they have been allowed to be permanently installed and viewed as a monument sign, which would require a permit. . Commissioner Bates closed the Public hearing at 6:53pm. Commissioner Bates asked if CTA- 2013 -0004 should be approved. Commissioner Carlsen inoved to proceed ii,ith CTA - 2013 -0004 to the City Council. Comments: Commissioner Bates commented that some things have been put off for a later time and some really good points have come up tonight. Commissioner Bates liked the idea of businesses having some flexibility on their signs and supports it. It's positive to our city. Commissioner McCaslin commended John on the proposals. Commissioner Phillips stated after the last meeting he drove around and paid more attention to signs. Commissioner Phillips was surprised of the variety of the signs and how they are put up and that he can't even see how Mr. Hohnran can come up with ideas for signs because there are so many different kinds. Commissioner Carlsen stated it has made this city look really nice and she has been looking at signs a lot lately. The Sprague corridor is noticeably clean. Commissioner Bates stated most businesses do what they think they need to do and it is amazing how good they are at not blocking sidewalks. He further stated that the Commission hasn't discussed much on clutter but that is a future discussion. Commissioner Stoy stated that the option for temporary signs will alleviate a lot of that clutter once this is accepted from City Council. Planning Commission Minutes Page 4 of 5 Connnissioner Bates asked if CTA- 2013 -0004 should be approved The motion ivas passed unanimously. X. GOOD OF THE ORDER There was nothing for the good of the order. XI. ADJOURNMENT The being no other business the meeting was adjourned at 7:03 p.m. Bill Bates, Chairperson Mary Swank, PC Secretary Date signed Planning Conunission Minutes Page 5 of 5 j.*;,()k0�Vn.e1 ky COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT File # CTA 2013 -0003 Text Amendment to the Spokane Valley Municipal Code Chapter 19.40.120 Administrative Report May 14, 2013 Municipal Code Text Amendment ky COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Description of the Code Text Amendment • A city initiated text amendment to amend SVMC 19.40.120 Manufactured Homes on Individual Lots, to eliminate "new manufactured homes ". — Eliminate SVMC Be a new manufactured home; and Eliminate portion of SVMC A "new manufactured home" means any manufactured home required to be titled under RCW Title 46, which has not been previously titled to a retail purchaser, and is not a used mobile home as defined in RCW 82.45.032(2). Municipal Code Text Amendment 2 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 0 j More Information about the Code Text Amendment The requirement of "designated manufactured home" will remain. These standards include the following: Be constructed after June 15, 1976, in accordance with state and federal requirements. — Be comprised of at least two fully enclosed parallel sections each of not less than 12 feet wide and 36 feet long. — Was originally constructed with and now has roofing made of composition, wood shake or shingle, coated metal, or similar roof of nominal 3:12 pitch Municipal Code Text Amendment COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Stick -built 2005 Municipal Code Text Amendment kly COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Manufactured Home 1998 j.*;.()k0�vn.el kly COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Manufactured Home 1996 ky COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Staff Recommendation -Allow previously owned manufactured homes to be placed on individual lots -The Comprehensive Plan supports diversity of housing types in residential areas -This proposed amendment would allow the increase of affordable housing options Municipal Code Text Amendment ky COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Proposeol Amendment Amend Manufactured Homes on Individual Lots eliminating the following language: SVMC 19.40.120. B.1: SVMC 19.40.120.C: II!IIlll[!\ X11 \ --j 00L - 1 tl l�l!l- -J� \���'�'� ■l�l- �Z•l�'1'I • w • - • Municipal Code Text Amendment CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: May 14, 2013 Department Director Approval: ❑ Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ® admin. report ❑ pending legislation ❑ executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Marijuana Regulations GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Initiative 502; RCW 69.51A; Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. § 801 et seq. ) PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: On March 12, 2013, Deputy City Attorney Erik Lamb presented an update on the enactment of Initiative 502 and the current status of medical marijuana. No council action was taken at that time. BACKGROUND: There are two distinct state regulatory schemes governing marijuana in Washington: Initiative 502 governs recreational marijuana and chapter 69.51A RCW governs medical marijuana. Under 1 -502, citizens can now possess and use recreational marijuana, though there is currently no legal way to purchase or grow recreational marijuana. Under 1 -502, the Washington State Liquor Control Board has been charged with creating licensing rules and issuing state licenses for and regulating licensed growers, processers and retail sellers. Rules for licensing must be established by December 2013. The Liquor Control Board continues to push back its timeline and now anticipates having rules in place by December 2013 with licenses to be issued in early 2014. RCW 69.51A, which governs medical marijuana, is separate from and was not modified by 1 -502. Though there are several restrictions on the timelines and placement of recreational marijuana facilities, RCW 69.51A contains no such restrictions and providers may legally operate as designated providers or collective gardens, subject to any local jurisdiction restrictions. The City currently issues business registration endorsements for medical marijuana establishments as retail sales uses, but provides a disclaimer that the City makes no statement on the legality of medical marijuana. Further complicating matters, it is illegal to grow, manufacture, distribute or possess marijuana under Federal law. The Federal government has not made any statement as to its position on recreational marijuana under 1 -502, although it continues to issue cease and desist letters to medical marijuana providers. There is no definitive case law in Washington as to whether the medical marijuana provisions in RCW 69.51A may be preempted by Federal law. The City has broad regulatory authority under state law to enact zoning, health, and safety regulations. RCW 69.51A.140 provides that City has the authority to adopt and enforce zoning regulations, business licensing requirements, health and safety requirements and business taxes as the same relate to the growing, processing and dispensing of marijuana. OPTIONS: Discussion. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Discussion. BUDGET /FINANCIAL IMPACTS: N /A. STAFF CONTACT: Erik Lamb, Deputy City Attorney ATTACHMENTS: PowerPoint presentation Maquana Regulations Erik Lamb, Deputy City Attorney Background Two Different Regulatory Schemes Recreational Marijuana - Initiative 502 • Medical Marijuana - chapter 69.51 A RCW 2 Recreational Marijuana Possession and use of marijuana legal for people over 21 Extensive licensing scheme by Washington State Liquor Control Board (LCB) • Rulemaking is ongoing no state or local licensing until LCB rulemaking is complete in December • Growing, processing, and self not legal until Liquor Control Board adopts rules and issues licenses 3 Recreational Marijuana - LCB Licenses "Marijuana Producer" a person licensed by the LCB to produce (grow) and sell marijuana at wholesale to marijuana processors and other marijuana producers • "Marijuana Processor" a person licensed by the LCB to process marijuana into useable marijuana and marijuana- infused products, package and label useable marijuana and marijuana- infused products for sale in retail outlets, and to sell useable marijuana and products at wholesale to marijuana retailers Recreational Marijuana - LCB Licenses Continued "Marijuana retailer" a person licensed by the LCB to sell useable marijuana and marijuana- infused products in a retail outlet Producer cannot also be a retailer; producer may also be a processor • Liquor Control Board will set number of possible licenses by county • Office of Financial Management originally estimated 100 growers, 55 processors, and 330 retail stores statewide 5 Recreational Marijuana - LCB Licenses Continued No licensed marijuana facilities (growing, processing, or retail sales) or advertising within 1,000 feet of any: elementary or secondary school, playground, recreation center or facility, child care center, public park, public transit center, library, or game arcade that allows persons under age 21 no Recreational Marijuana - LCB Licensing Process Local input to LCB on state licensing: Before the LCB issues a new or renewed state license, it must give notice of the application to the chief executive officer of the city. • The city has the right to file written objections to the license within 20 days after it receives notice. This period may be extended by the LCB. 7 Recreational Marijuana - LCB Licensing Process Continued • LCB is required to give "substantial weight" to objections from the city, "based upon chronic illegal activity associated with the applicant's operations of the premises proposed to be licensed or the applicant's operation of other licensed premises, or the conduct of the applicant's patrons inside or outside the licensed premises." • The city may request a hearing on the license • If the LCB denies the license, the applicant may request a hearing Medical Marijuana (RCW 69.51A) No State oversight or licensing Governor vetoed licensing/ registry provisions in 2011 • Remains affirmative defense to criminal prosecution • Bills to establish registry and have LCB oversight (SB 5 8 8 7) heard in ways and means, unknown current status with special session A Medical Marijuana Continued Collective gardens Limits on number of qualifying patients (10) • Limits on number of plants (15 per patient up to 45) • Limits on amount of useable marijuana (24 oz per patient up to 72 oz) • No delivery of marijuana to anyone other than participating patient 10 Medical Marijuana Continued "Designated Provider" to a qualifying patient • Only one qualifying patient Recent court decision appears to have extended those limits significantly (one patient per transaction) • Limits on number of plants (15 for one patient and additional 15 if designated provider is also a patient) • Limits on amount of useable marijuana (24 oz and additional 24 oz if designated provider is also a patient) 11 Medical Marijuana Continued Vetoed provisions include licensed medical marijuana dispensaries • Were included as part of the state licensing/ registry system 12 Federal Law Issues (Preemption) • Controlled Substances Act classifies marijuana as a schedule 1 drug • No medical benefits • Illegal to grow, manufacture, distribute, or possess marijuana • Case law from other states - "Affirmatively authorize" vs. "merely decriminalize" • No indication regarding response to I -502 • Proposed law to allow use in states where recreational and medical marijuana has been authorized • Still sending some cease and desist letters and prosecuting medical marijuana providers 13 Current Status Liquor Control Board is currently in rulemaking process for recreational marijuana • Rules expected to be in place by December 2013; licenses issued thereafter and production and sale of recreational marijuana beginning in 2014 No recreational marijuana until state begins issuing licenses • Medical marijuana is currently authorized and providers are operating • Both medical and recreational marijuana are illegal under federal law 14 Current Status Continued No City zoning, building, or other development codes specifically related to medical or recreational marijuana • Issue business registrations for operation of retail use in zones that allow retail uses (medical marijuana only) • Disclaimer regarding legality of medical marijuana City's license is not affirmative regulatory statement regarding legality of collective garden 15 Current Status Continued • Zones where retail uses are allowed: No residential Home Occupation issues for growing marijuana • Limits in office and industrial to items manufactured on premises 16 Local Authority • City may adopt and enforce: Zoning requirements Business licensing requirements Health and safety requirements Business taxes • ... as the same relate to the production, processing, or dispensing of cannabis or cannabis products within their jurisdiction. RCW 69.51A.140 • Outright ban? 17 Local Authority Other Jurisdiction Responses • Variety of responses range from promoting and encouraging marijuana business to strict regulations limiting use • Seattle extensive regulations based on local impact • Most recent limits use in residential areas and historic districts; limits indoor manufacturing facilities • Shoreline 1,000 foot buffer for medical marijuana similar to recreational marijuana • Spokane Six -month moratorium to allow time to develop comprehensive recreational and medical marijuana regulations • Olympia One -year moratorium to allow time to develop regulations Considerations • Federal preemption? Unknown Still issuing cease and desist letters; still prosecuting medical marijuana providers • Use issues Light (power usage /fire danger), noise, security, size, odor, permits, signage, separation from specified uses, nuisance regulations, confidentiality, taxes? 19 IN Discussion of Options - Comprehensive regulations over both recreational and medical marijuana Limits in location e.g., no marijuana (including home growing) is allowed in residential zones • Limited regulations over just medical marijuana Mirror existing requirements in I -502 such as buffer Limits in size /scope /impact of medical marijuana providers Signage limits — e.g., mirror I -502 signage limits (one 1600 sq. in. sign) • No additional regulations until further guidance from federal government and /or LCB 1 t_ I �x _ I �I_ '• -II�� -_ — - ri r s g r �-4 —! ■ J IIr —lr 1 � rt 1 yf I - �- 4—.i Frnll ml lrary RfRrljuarw Rasp l+lanel r■ fru Kl V " �•y1� wJ b I l ■ Iwj i '� t Tr Lip rilY• Ieti—= ■•-0- rt4 -# F }- p �- ?' �+■n `''.` } "` i i a � �rlr:,, r� r�+sl■y r+a ■.uwl. 1.u.1 kx • �• +. �■•o- �v.1■r�rl•r Irrw�anariurw Yl�aoss■a naar wr■■v��w� q�n...p.�.■.e�..Y�rar. r+ for- *- ,•++•�w4.ru,�++'r4- •YV+-+•• �° -'fir .��°-�,�' T= - u.,... r.�... ■ -�qow lm. Questions? 22 DRAFT ADVANCE AGENDA For Planning Discussion Purposes Only as of May 8, 2013; 3:00 p.m. Please note this is a work in progress; items are tentative To: Council & Staff From: City Clerk, by direction of City Manager Re: Draft Schedule for Upcoming Council Meetings May 21, 2013, Study Session Meeting Format, 6:00 p.m. [due Mon, May 131 1. Comp Plan Amendments — Mike Basinger (45 minutes) 2. Appleway Landscaping Project Update — Eric Guth (20 minutes) 3. 2013 Construction Projects Update — Eric Guth (20 minutes 4. Advance Agenda (5 minutes) [ *estimated meeting: 90 minutes] May 28 2013, Formal Meeting Format, 6:00 p.m. [due Mon, May 201 May Community Recognition, Presentation of Key and Certificate Mayor Towey (5 minutes) I. PUBLIC HEARING: Draft 2014 -2019 TIP — Steve Worley (10 minutes) 2. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) (5 minutes) 3. Second Reading, Proposed Ordinance, Dangerous Dog — Cary Driskell (10 minutes) 4. Second Reading, Proposed Ordinance Amending 2013 Budget — Mark Calhoun (10 minutes) 5. First Reading, Proposed Ordinance CTA 03 -13, Mfg'd Homes in Ind. Lots — Micki Harnois (15 minutes) 6. Motion Consideration: Approving 2014 -2019 Stormwater CIP — Eric Guth (15 minutes) 7. Admin Report: Lodging Tax Funding Process — Mark Calhoun (20 minutes) 8. Admin Report: Advance Agenda — Mayor Towey (5 minutes) 9. Info Only: Dept Rpts; Valley Corridor EA Project Update; PC Minutes [ *estimated meeting: 95 minutes] June 4, 2013, Study Session Format, 6:00 p.m. [due Mon, May 27 1. Advance Agenda (5 minutes) June 11, 2013, Formal Meeting Format, 6:00 p.m. [due Mon, June 31 June Community Recognition, Presentation of Key and Certificate Mayor Towey (5 minutes) 1. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) (5 minutes) 2. Second Reading, Proposed Ordinance CTA 03 -13 Mfg'd Homes in Ind. Lots — Micki Harnois (10 min) 3. First Reading Proposed Ordinance Comp Plan — Mike Basinger (20 minutes) 4. First Reading Proposed Ordinance, Zoning Map — Mike Basinger (10 minutes) 5. Proposed Resolution Adopting 2014 -2019 TIP — Steve Worley (10 minutes) 6. Advance Agenda (5 minutes) [ *estimated meeting: 65 minutes] June 18, 2013, Special Mtg: Budget Wrkshp, 9:30 a.m. — 4:30 p.m. (no evening meeting) [due Mon, June 101 City Hall Council Chambers June 25, 2013 No Meeting. Councilmembers Attend AWC Conference in Tri- Cities July 2, 2013, Study Session Format, 6:00 p.m. [due Mon, June 24 1. Advance Agenda (5 minutes) 2. Info Only: Department Reports, Planning Commission Minutes (originally due for the June 25 meeting) July 9, 2013, Formal Meeting Format, 6:00 p.m. [due Mon, July 11 Proclamation: Parks and Recreation Month I. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) (5 minutes) 2. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance Comp Plan —Mike Basinger (10 minutes) 3. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance, Zoning Map — Mike Basinger (10 minutes) 4. Admin Report: Advance Agenda — Mayor Towey (5 minutes) Draft Advance Agenda 5/9/2013 11:26:35 AM Page 1 of 2 July 16, 2013, Study Session Format, 6:00 p.m. [due Mon, July 81 1. Advance Agenda (5 minutes) July 23, 2013, Formal Meeting Format, 6:00 p.m. [due Mon, July 151 July Community Recognition, Presentation of Key and Certificate Mayor Towey (5 minutes) I. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) (5 minutes) 2. Advance Agenda (5 minutes) 3. Information Only: Dept Reports; Planning Commission Minutes [ *estimated meeting: minutes] July 30, 2013, Study Session Format, 6:00 p.m. [due Mon, July221 1. Advance Agenda (5 minutes) August 6, 2013 NO MEETING (National Night Out) August 13, 2013, Formal Meeting Format, 6:00 p.m. [due Mon July 291 1. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) (5 minutes) August 20, 2013, Study Session Format, 6:00 p.m. [due Mon, Aug 121 1. Advance Agenda (5 minutes) August 27, 2013, Formal Meeting Format, 6:00 p.m. [due Mon, Aug 191 August Community Recognition, Presentation of Key and Certificate Mayor Towey (5 minutes) 1. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) (5 minutes) 2. Advance Agenda (5 minutes) OTHER PENDING AND /OR UPCOMING ISSUES/MEETINGS: ADA Transition Plan Appleway Landscaping Appleway Trail Arts Council Bidding Contracts (SVMC 3. — bidding exceptions) CDBG Coal Train EIS Comprehensive Plan Updates (chapters 2 & 5) Economic Development (long term goals) Future Acquisition Areas Gateway, Regional MOU Land Quantity Inventories: Industrial & Residential Manufactured Home Zoning PEG Funds (Education) Public Safety Contract, Proposed Amendment Revenue Policy, Cost Recovery Sign Code Solid Waste Analysis Speed Limits (overall system) Spokane Valley Day at the Fair (Sept 10, 2013) Sprague Avenue Parking Regional Transportation Issues Townhouses in Garden Office *time for public or Council comments not included Draft Advance Agenda 5/9/2013 11:26:35 AM Page 2 of 2 Spokane Valley Planning Commission APPROVED Minutes Council Chambers — City Hall, 11707 E. Sprague Ave. Mareb 28, 2013 I. CALL TO ORDER Chair Bates called the meeting to order at 6:00 pan. II. PLEDGE Or ALLEGIANCE Conunissioners, staff and audience stood for the pledge of allegiance III. ROLL CALL COMMISSIONERS Present Absent CITY STAFF Bill Bates - Cllair x I John Holnnau, Coin Development Director Joe Stoy— Vice Chair x i- Micki Harnois, Planner Steven Neill x r Eric Lamb, Deputy City Attorney Kevin AiidersU» x 1- Mike Phillips x Robert McCaslin x r Christina Carlsen x I Carl 1- lir►shaw, Secretary IV. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Commissioner Stoy inade a rnotion to approve the agendci as presented. This motion was passed unanirrrausly. V. APPROVAL Or MINUTES Commissioner Neill inadle a rrrotion to approve the March 14, 2013 fninules as presented. This nrolion tipers passed unanirxously. VI. PUBLIC COMMENT There was no public comment. VII. COMMISSION REPORTS Christina Carlsen attended the Cities Birthday Party. VIII. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS Community Development Director John Holunan provided an update on the work load items as listed: PlanningComrnission Minutes Page I of 1. Mr. Hohman and Planning Manager Scott Kultta will be putting together a revised advance agenda for the Planning Commission. The City has fourteen pending code text amendments and five to six major planning projects. 2. The Shoreline Development Regulations are not ready for the Plaruiing Commission. The initial drafts that were reviewed are not tip to satisfaction, The consultant will rework them so that they're easier to understand and implement. 3. Mr, Nohnian stated that they will be moving forward with the Comprehensive Plan Amendments by Senior Planner Mike Basinger. IX. COMMISSION BUSINESS A. Unfinished Business: Findings of Fact: CTA -2013 -0002, Amendment to the Spokane Valley Municipal Code, SEPA Categorical Exemptions. Compnissioner Sloy inade a motion to accept the findings anal firer CTA - 2013 --0002 as presented. The motion }vas passed unaninionsly, B. New Business: A. Shady Session: CTA -2013 -0003, Amendment to the Spokane Valley Municipal Code, Amending Manufactured Home Regulations. Planner Micki Harnois presented a brief overview of CTA - 2013 -0003 as follows: The city initiated text anlendinent is to amend SVMC 19.40.120 manufactured homes on individual lots, to eliminate new manufactured homes. 2. Listed the requirements of the designated manufactured homes. 3. Presented some pictures of stick built and manufactured homes from 2005, 1998 and 1996. 4. Staff recommendations and proposed amendment. Commissioner Stoy asked if would be stricken. Ms. Harnois stated that both 19,40.120,8.1 and would be deleted. Commissioner McCaslin asked if there are any neighborhood covenants as far as planned developments, gated communities. Commissioner McCaslin commented, if there was an empty lot and you put a manufactured home on it, would that erase any covenant? Deputy City Attorney Eric Lamb stated, typically the covenants are between the property owners and not something the city can enforce. He said if it is pre - existing then they have that contract already established. Commissioner Bates asked about how many requests we have had on this and how many double wiles are there on individual lots in the City? Ms. Harnois stated calls have collie in at least once a week and that the GIS database shows a very extensive list of double wides on individual lots. Commissioner Stay asked if there were landscaping requirements for residential housing. Ms. Harnois stated that there are no landscaping requirements for residential. Mr. Ilohman stated that the point system for landscaping only applies to commercial and industrial. Commissioner Stoy asked if the homes would be required to be Planing Commission Minutes Page 2 of on standard footing and foundations or be able to be on the strip concrete footings, Mr. Hohman replied that it could go either way as long as it is anchored according to the building codes. B. Study Session: CTA - 2013 -0004, Amendment to the Spokane Valley Municipal Code, Amending Sign Code Regulations. Community Development Director John Hohman presented an overview of topics for discussion for CTA - 2013 -0004 and presented it as follows: I . Review of 2012 Sign Code Revision Process. 2. Overview of 2012 Changes. 3. Highlights of 2012 Public Education /Code enforcement Process. 4. Issues with 2012 Code. S. 2013 Code Revisions. Them were some concerns from some of the Planning Coi-nmissioners regarding signage in the interior of a business. Mr. Holtman clarified that the sign code change is for the exterior of buildings, not the interior and that the City does not regulate the interior signage of buildings. After discussion, it was decided to look into this as a separate issue in the future, possibly a code text amendment in 2414. Commissioner Stoy asked what penalties are involved when it conies to outstanding issues regarding signs. Mr. Hohman stated that a notice of order would be issued. Once the City does that, there is a five hundred dollar fine. He also stated the City does like to work with the business owners and if they are in compliance, the City will waive the five hundred dollar fine. The impact could be monetary. Commissioner Stoy stated that the suggested code revision for the reader boards says, "Reader boards for certain businesses ", Mr. Stoy asked what is going to classify what a certain business is. Mr. Hohman explained that the City does not have any code previsions for that. Typically, most businesses already have them mounted on their freestanding signs or maybe they do not need them, It was brought up as a description of the different kind of business that would usually use them. Deputy City Attorney Eric Lamb Stated that if business does not comply then the legal system is used. Which means additional legal costs, fees can be increased and a lien can be used against the property. The City may also obtain an order from the court to farce the business to take the sign down and comply with the City code. Commissioner Stoy asked how the City would control the amount of Temporary Signs. Mr. Hohman stated that the City would stay with the provision, one banner, one treader board, or two flags with copy. X. GOOD OF THE ORDER There was nothing for the good of the order. X1. ADJOURNMENT The being no other business the meeting was adjourned at 7:24 p.m. Pia1113ing i;onuitiMion Minutes Page 3 of Bill Bates, Chairperson Carl Hinshaw, PC Secretary Date signed a rI111 3 Planning Commission Minutes Page 4 of 4 SCITY OF pokalne ..;0OValley Administrative Projects: Operations & Administrative Services 2013 — 1St Quarter Report • Completed Indirect Rate Change for Animal Control, District Court, Emergency Management, Hearing Examiner, and Pre -Trial Services Interlocal Agreements • Completed Implementation of New District Court Cost Methodology • Submitted Contract Liability Calculations to Finance • Presentation on Solid Waste Rate Change Request • Presentation on Public Defender Caseload Standards • Information Item to Council on Property Crime Trends • Assessed Usage of County ISD Licenses and Worked with Departments to Reduce Costs • Council Workshop material preparation • 2013 Business Plan finalization • Assisted with Employee Event and Coworker Appreciation planning • Participated in City Hall at the Mall • Assisted with Planning and Participated in Ten -Year Birthday Party Human Resources: Recruiting /Employment — Existing Unfilled Positions Recruitment Filled or Recruiting Assistant Engineer — Development Filled Limited Term Sr. Engineer Project Manager Closed, unfilled Permit Facilitator Closed, unfilled Accountant/Budget Analyst Filled Recreation Intern Recruiting Park Program Lead Recruiting Park Ambassador Recruiting Summer Day Camp Staff Recruiting Part-Time Plans Examiner Recruiting Construction Inspector Recruiting Temporary Maintenance /Construction Inspector Recruiting Traffic Intern — Public Works Recruiting Storm Water Intern — Public Works Recruiting Deputy City Manager On hold Special Projects: • City of Spokane Valley Mobile App development • Human Resources Intranet development • Employee Appreciation evening event and luncheon planning • WellCity Award application • Wellness program planning for 2013 campaigns • Health care plan implementation Public Information: Key Reporting Areas ■ Media relations • Media contacts: 26 (does not include those that were subsequently referred to another City resource) • Media releases & traffic: Media Releases — 36 SnowInfo - 9, Traffic Alerts: -3, Calendar Requests - 11 for a total of 59 • Total media stories: 227 plus one that went national, including to USA Today • Earned media stories: 134 plus thousands from the one that went national (does not include all television/radio /web) • Hot Topic Community ENewsletter Subscribers: 558 OTHER: • Citizen contacts: 77 plus City Hall at Mall, State of the City, SVCC Biz Buzz Breakfast and City Birthday Party • Website Updates: 11, not including PIO- initiated or those by departments with their own posting authority • Areas of Significant focus: • City Hall at the Mall • State of the City • Public Works Construction Season outreach • Ten Year Birthday Party Web Site Web Site Summary Jan Feb Mar 1st Quarter 2013 Year to Date Unique User Sessions 11063 9669 11714 32446 Top Five Pages Viewed Employment 6112 5209 6218 17539 Police 1555 1437 1468 4460 Parks & Rec 1058 985 1194 3237 Pools 824 1048 1293 3165 Planning 1090 1050 1000 3140 Top Five "Referrer" Web Sites Spokane County — employment 899 989 1524 3412 Municipal Research (MRSC) 1280 915 1003 3198 County Ideas 211 176 185 572 WM NW 137 106 101 344 Google 109 74 75 258 Central Reception: Business Registration 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 Call Volume New & Renewed Business Licenses New Renew 1st Qtr Visitor Volume Jan, 147 2013 Total, dj I Feb, 83 Mar, 97 Spokane Valley C.A.R.E.S — January -147 February - 83 March - 97 (Year to Date — 327) March ■ February Nk January TOTALS r'13 Misc. Illicit Discharge Street sweeping Public Records Requestsa Snow plowing damage Snow comments 15 1 15 Plowing - valley floor 1 14 Plowing -prim. &sec. 17'' Snow berms 4 Deicing - valley floor S Deicing -prim. & sec. 11 C.A.R.E.S. (general) 1 Graffiti 1 Stormwater / erosion 9 4 Traffic - various 13 0 Signs 1 25 Road hazard ?251 12 Animal Removal , 29 IF! Potholes 24 Gravel Shouldering ] (t 50 100 _'' 150 47