2002, Election for Incorporation-passed STATE OF WASHINGTON) ss. CERTIFICATE County of Spokane ) The Spokane County Canvassing Board does hereby certify that the following is a true and correct recapitulation of the results of the Special Election held on May 21, 2002 in Spokane County,Washington: PROPOSITION NO. 'I SPOKANE COUNTY INCORPORATION OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY State law establishes a process for the incorporation of cities. That process starts with the filing of a notice of proposed incorporation and ends in an election within the area to be incorporated as established by the Boundary Review Board. The Spokane County Boundary Review Board by decision filed December 13, 2001, under file No. 555-01, established the boundaries of the proposed City of Spokane Valley. The proposed city is to be incorporated as a non-charter code city with a council-manager form of government. The proposed City would comprise approximately thirty-eight and one-half (38.5) square miles and have an estimated population of 80,693. Shall the City of Spokane Valley, having those boundaries as set forth in the Boundary Review Board's decision in File No. 555-01, be incorporated as a non-charter code city with a council-manager form of government? For Incorporation 10,272 Against incorporation 9,680 Dated this 31st day of May, 2002. SPOKANE COUNTY CANVASSING BOARD ZZ County Auditor 1 / / 4 i., I �t/r __ate- / Chair, Boar. of C.unty C'(missioners 11111 A*ros III iecu i orney A E T: G Y 1 aul E. Brandt Supt. of Elections& Registrations cc: File STATE OF WASHINGTON } Principals COUNTY OF SPOKANE )ss Treasurer I,Vicky M.Dalton,Spokane County Auditor,do Assessor herebycertify that the foregoing document is a Boundary Review Board true and correct copy of the document received and filed in my office. In vitae s whereof,1 hereunto set my hand this day of t)ecem et 2 ,20. VICKY DALTON,S arts County Auditor 'Deputy Spokane county- Election Results Page 1 of 1 'v • pokane:org` • ` otes Spokane County Election Reporting WASHINGTON B TAT( LOCAL H4CCTION IhrONYATION MAY 21,2002 SPECIAL ELECTION BALLOT MEASURES Last Updated: 05/31/2002 13:23;34 • Next Update: FINAL _ Measures Votes Percent SPOKANE PUBLIC FACILITIES DISTRICT-PROPOSITION NO. 1 APPROVED 38,566 56.78% EXPANSION OF PURPOSE AND EXTENSION OF SALES AND USE TAX REJECTED 29,360 43.22% SPOKANE PUBLIC FACILITIES DISTRICT-PROPOSITION NO.2 APPROVED • 43,118 63.41 % EXTENSION OF HOTELJMOTEL TAX TO FUND ACQUISITION AND/OR REJECTED 24,882 36.59% IMPROVEMENT OF THE SPOKANE CONVENTION CENTER,THE SPOKANE FAIR AND EXPO CENTER AND MIRABEAU POINT CITY OF LIBERTY LAKE-PROPOSITION NO. 1 YES 362 92.11 % ANNEXATION OF CITY OF LIBERTY LAKE INTO SPOKANE COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT NO 31 7.89% 1 FREEMAN SCHOOL DISTRICT NO.358:PROPOSITION NO.1 APPROVED 569 56.17% GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS-$3,000,000 REJECTED 444 43.83% • LIBERTY SCHOOL DISTRICT NO.362-PROPOSITION NO. 1 APPROVED 745 59.03% SCHOOL AND ATHLETIC FACILITIES BONDS•S4,500,000 REJECTED 517 40.97% ROSALIA SCHOOL DISTRICT NO.320/JT410-PROPOSITION NO.1 • LEVY YES 9 60.00% SPECIAL ELECTION LEVY NO 6 40.00% SPOKANE COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT 1 -PROPOSITION NO. 1 LEVY YES 14,693 68.63% (SPOKANE VALLEY FIRE DEPARTMENT) LEVY NO 6,716 31.37% MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION EXCESS LEVY • SPOKANE COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT 1 -PROPOSITION NO.2 YES 10,850 53.03% ANNEXATION OF CITY OF LIBERTY LAKE INTO SPOKANE COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT NO 9,611 46.97% 1 PROPOSED INCORPORATION OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY FOR 10,272 51.48% INCORPORATION PROPOSITION NO.1 AGAINST 9,680 48.52% INCORPORATION SPOKANE COUNTY • INCORPORATION OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Election Results Index Spokane County Election Remain I tesjka,a I Sp)okane County Home Spokane County www:votespokane.org • littp://www.votespokane.or4resul ts/measures.tpl?id=m3mk 06/14/2002 Spokane county Voters Guide Page 1 of 1 PROPOSED INCORPORATION OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY PROPOSITION NO. 1 SPOKANE COUNTY INCORPORATION OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY State law establishes a process for the incorporation of cities.That process starts with the filing of a notice of proposed incorporation and ends in an election within the area to be incorporated as established by the Boundary Review Board.The Spokane County Boundary Review Board by decision filed December 13,2001,under file No.555.01,established the boundaries of the proposed City of Spokane Valley.The proposed city is to be incorporated as a non-charter code city with a- council-manager form of government The proposed City would comprise approximately thirty-eight and one-half(38.5)square miles and have an estimated population of 80,693. Shall the City of Spokane Valley,having those boundaries as set forth in the Boundary Review Board's decision in File No. 555-01,be incorporated as a non-charter code city with a council-manager form of government? FOR INCORPORATION I 1 AGAINST INCORPORATION 1 • • • • http://www.votespokane.orglguideJmeasures.tpl?id=m3mk 06/14/2002 t e NO. 2 0295 BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COivfMISSIONE OF SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON LLECTION DEPT IN THE MATTER OF CALLING FOR AN ) MAR 2-1 7007 ELECTION IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE ) FILED-RECEIVED PROPOSED INCORPORATION OF THE ) RESOLUTION CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ) WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of RCW 36.32.120(6), the Board of County Commis- sioners of Spokane County has the care of County property and the management of County funds and business; and WHEREAS, chapter 35.02 RCW provides a uniform process for the incorporation of cities or towns within counties of the State of Washington, which procedure is initiated by the filing of a Notice of Proposed Incorporation with the County Commissioners and terminates with an election being held in the area proposed to be incorporated to determine whether the proposed city or town shall be incorporated; and • WHEREAS, a Notice of the Proposed Incorporation of the City of Spokane Valley("Notice") was filed with the Board of County Commissioners on August 24, 2000, together with a$100.00 filing fee and an affidavit from Ed Mertens, the person submitting the Notice, stating that'he was a registered voter in the area to be incorporated; and WHEREAS, on September 5, 2000, the Board of County Commissioners of Spokane County, under Resolution No. 00-0767, forwarded the Notice of Incorporation to the Washington 'State BoundaryReview Board for Spokane County("Boundary Review Board"); and WHEREAS, the Boundary Review Board held a public meeting as provided for in RCW 35.02.015; a petition for incorporation of a non-charter code city with a council-manager form of government and an estimated population of 90,000 to be called the "City of Spokane Valley" was circulated and submitted to the Spokane County Auditor as provided for in RCW 35.02.017, RCW 35.02.020, and RCW 35.02.030; the Spokane County Auditor notified the Board of County Commissioners of the sufficiency of such Petition as provided for in RCW 35.02.035; a Notice of Intention was filed by the Boundary Review Board Director under File No. 555-01; the Boundary Review Board held special and/or other public meetings on July 23, 2001, August 8, 2001, August 27, 2001, October 2, 2001, November 5, 2001, and November 19, 2001 with respect to the proposed incorporation; and the Boundary Review Board on December 13, 2001, filed a RESOLUTION AND HEARING DECISION under File No. 555-01, modifying the proposed incorporation of a non-charter code city with a council-manager form of government and an estimated population of 80,693 to be called"City of Spokane Valley,"such modification being to the boundaries of the proposed city;and WHEREAS, pursuant to RCW 35.02.078, an election shall be held in the area proposed to be incorporated to determine whether the proposed city or town shall be incorporated when the Boundary Review Board takes action on the proposed incorporation, such election to be held at the next special election date specified in RCW 29.13.020 that occurs sixty (60) or more days after action by the Boundary Review Board, the Board of County Commissioners calling for said election;and . 2 0295 WHEREAS, on or about January 9, 2002, the City of Spokane filed an Notice of Appeal of the Boundary Review Board's RESOLUTION AND HEARING DECISION filed on December 13, 2001 in File No. 555-01 in the Spokane County Superior Court under Cause No. 02-2-00119-9. Pursuant to the provisions of RCW 36.93.160, the filing of a Notice of Appeal within the appropriate time frame stays the effective date of the Boundary Review Board's RESOLUTION AND HEARING DECISION until such time as the appeal shall have been adjudicated or withdrawn. On March 20, 2002, a Stipulated Order of Dismissal of Entire Case with Prejudice was entered in Spokane County Superior Court Cause No.02-00119-9;and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners set a special meeting for 9:30 a.m. on Thursday, March 21, 2002 to take action on calling for an election in conjunction with the proposed incorporation of the City of Spokane Valley as set forth in the Boundary Review Board's RESOLUTION AND HEARING DECISION filed on December 13,2001 in File No. 555-01. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Spokane County, pursuant to the provisions of RCW 35.02.078, that the ballot proposition set forth in Attachment "A," attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference be submitted to the qualified electorate within the boundaries of the Proposed City of Spokane Valley as legally described in the Boundary Review Board's RESOLUTION AND HEARING DECISION filed on December 13, 2001 in File No. 555-01, a copy of which is attached hereto as Attachment "B" and incorporated herein by reference, at a special election to be held Tuesday, May 21, 2002, and that the Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners of Spokane County, be and is accordingly instructed to notify the Spokane County Auditor of such fact, and to request said Auditor to call and conduct said election in the manner provided by law and to submit that ballot proposition as set forth in Attachment "A"hereto in the form of a ballot title substantially set forth in said attachment. PASSED AND ADOPTED thir2/571-day oft0Zeb 2002. of comfit/ k%1 ssr , BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS oe:QO; ,,+E c°4y�°� \ )F S'O .4E, COUNTY, WASHINGTON gI �'_ y 0 1 . IIIf . ; t '� .-scu - �P`• - ffig fi r 'eve M. • - M CASLIN, Chair ATTEST: ...`�, VICKY M. DALTON / if CLERK OF THE BOARD Ju RAS. •LL Y, Vice-Chair BY: . ..I A A I � 1r� 41>l saniela Erickson, Deputy �,��• i 1` . HARRIS H:UZaagman\Rcsolutiooslvalley special election 2002.doc r t 2 0295 ATTACHMENT "A" PROPOSITION NO. SPOKANE COUNTY INCORPORATION OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STATE LAW ESTABLISHES A PROCESS FOR THE NCORPORATION OF CITIES. THAT PROCESS STARTS WITH THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF PROPOSED INCORPORATION AND ENDS IN AN ELECTION WITHIN THE AREA TO BE INCORPORATED AS ESTABLISHED BY THE BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD. THE SPOKANE COUNTY BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD BY DECISION FILED DECEMBER 13, 2001, UNDER FILE NO. 555-01, ESTABLISHED THE BOUNDARIES OF THE PROPOSED CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY. THE PROPOSED CITY IS TO BE INCORPORATED AS A NON- CHARTER CODE CITY WITH A COUNCIL-MANAGER FORM OF GOVERNMENT. THE PROPOSED CITY WOULD COMPRISE APPROXIMATELY THIRTY-EIGHT AND ONE-HALF (38.5) SQUARE MILES AND HAVE AN ESTIMATED POPULATION OF 80,693 PEOPLE. SHALL THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, HAVING THOSE BOUNDARIES AS SET FORTH IN THE BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD'S DECISION IN FILE NO. 555-01, BE INCORPORATED AS A NON-CHARTER CODE CITY WITH A COUNCIL-MANAGER FORM OF GOVERNMENT? FOR INCORPORATION [ I AGAINST INCORPORATION [ I •