AT&T Franchise (60140) SR290/Trent Ave±RANCHISE No. 6014." (APPROVED 8/7/01) AT &T Corp. CANCELS & SUPERSEDES all of Permit No. I-SR290-8353 (Approved 11/2/00) MP 11.54 — Covering buried (3) 2" HDPE duct XING Washington State Department of TMnsportation Sid Morrison Secretary of Transportation August 7, 2001 Ms. Peggy J. Womack Right of Way Manager AT &T Corp. 1200 Peachtree St. NE, PA 103 Atlanta, GA 30309 Re: SR 290 MP 11.54 to MP 11.58 Franchise No. 60140 AT &T Corp. W/O #HARP -2001 Dear Ms. Womack: Eastern Region 2714 N. Mayfair Street Spokane, WA 99207 -2090 (509) 324 -6000 Enclosed is Franchise No. 60140 which grants permission to construct, operate, and maintain three buried 2" HDPE ducts longitudinal & crossing with one 288 fiber telecommunication cable placed within one of the three empty 2" HDPE ducts within highway right -of -way on SR 290 in Spokane County. In accordance with the Special Provisions, the Utility will provide, in writing or by fax, the following: 1. AT &T Corp.. shall notify this office three working days prior to the beginning of construction (Special Provision No. 42). 2. Name, address and telephone number of contractor /subcontractor if the work is to be done by other than its own forces. Also include name and telephone number of contractors /subcontractors foreman (Special Provision No. 43). AT &T Corp. will also provide this office with the name and telephone number of their representative who shall be present at all times should work be performed by other than their own forces (Special Provision No. 8). AT &T Corp. shall also inform contractors /subcontractors to carefully read and follow all General/Special Provisions as indicated within the approved franchise /permit. AT &T Corp. shall not place any future cable /fiber within the empty ducts without first applying for and receiving an approved franchise /permit covering the new cable /fiber facility. The work authorized by this Utility Franchise shall require an onsite precon with the Department's utility inspector and will require inspection to be performed by the Department. Please contact me at (509) ,124 -6127 or FAX (509) 324 -6126 if you have any questions regarding this matter. David L. Hovda — ' ' - 4*/ . Eastern Region Utilities DLH:dIh Enclosures cc /encl: Gary Clemensen, Spokane Div. Supt. J. Lewis, Utilities Inspector Caleb Armstrong, Pivotal Comm.,LLC File POSTED TO: UFP SYSTEM: EXCEL LIST: STRIP MAP: j9€ T Pivotal Communications, LLC PO Box 871478 Phone: (360) 882 Vancouver, WA 98687 Fax: (360) 882 1101 Tech Center Drive, Suite 160 Vancouver, WA 98683 July 27, 2001 VIA E -MAIL Mr. Dave Hovda Eastern Region Utilities Washington Department of Transportation 2714 N. Mayfair Street Spokane, WA 99207 -2090 Re: Missoula, MT to Spokane, WA Lightguide Cable System Hwy 290 xing @ Flora Rd. Reapplication for Permit (HARP -2001 & HARP -2002) Mr. Hovda, Enclosed you will find the following: -UFD forms for both AT &T and Touch America - Application for Utility or Franchise for both AT &T and Touch America -One full size WashDOT approved plan with proposed installation indicated in red - Exhibit drawings for both plan and profile for the proposed installation No traffic control plan for this proposed construction was included with these items as the contractor was undertaking that responsibility himself. He will be getting it to you shortly and will probably be delivering it in person. Also, as I had only one full size WashDOT approved drawing at my disposal, a second will need to be created to reflect the differences between what AT &T will posess and that which Touch America will posess. It should be understood that the full size WashDOT approved drawing included here contains notations in effect of what will only be AT &T plant. When a second full size drawing indicating what belongs to Touch America is completed, it should be reflected that Touch America will not be installing any fiber at this time. All other factors between the two will be the same. It is my intention that these two new permit applications for both AT &T and Touch America, when in place, will cancel and supersede the two permits formerly granted for Pivotal Communications, LLC PO Box 871478 Phone: (360) 882 Vancouver, WA 98687 Fax: (360) 882 1 101 Tech Center Drive, Suite 160 Vancouver, WA 98683 this location. The two permits to be canceled are 1 -SR290 -8353 and 1 -SR290 -8352 for AT &T and Touch America respectively. In addition to this, all previously submitted applications, drawings, traffic control plans, and utility descriptions falling under these two permit numbers, should be cancelled as well. Again I thank you for working with me through this process. The information you have provided has been most helpful. If you have any questions for me regarding any of the information contained in these documents, don't hesitate to contact me at (360) 882 -4268 ext. 117. Sincerely, CA� C-767) Caleb Armstrong . Project Coordinator Pivotal Communications, L.LC Washington State Department of Transportation Application for Utility Permit or Franchise easiern megion ummes 2714 North Mayfair St. Spokane, WA 99207.2090 Permit/Franchise No. RECEIVED F60 44 loe IM11vitAl kk ' ` Applicant - Please print or type all information Application is Hereby Made For: ❑ Permit ❑ Category 1 UR-002 4 2001 ki Franchise [I Amendment [I Category 2 $300.0 ❑ Franchise Consolidation $300.00 Category 3 $150.00 ❑ Franchise Renewal $250.00 Intended Use of State Right of Way is to Construct, Operate, and Maintain a: (3) empty 2" HDPE duct system with (1) 288 Fiber Telecom. Cable inside one of the (3) empties, and a crossing. on a portion of State Route 290' (at/froin) MilePost 11 .54 to Mile Post 11 .58 in Spokane County, to begin in the Gov't Lot 4 Section 6 Township 25 North: Range 45 4W.9st/East W.M. and end in the Gov't Lot 5 Section 6 Township 25 North: Range 45 - West/East W.M. Fees in the amount of $ $150.00 are paid to defray the basic administrative expense incident to the processing of this application according to WAC 468 -34 and RCW 47.44 and amendments. The applicant further promises to pay additional costs incurred by the Department on the behalf of the applicant. Checks or Money Orders are to be made payable to "Washington State Department of Transportation." AT &T Corp. Applicant (Referred to as Utility) Ap ican rize ign ture 1200 Peachtree St. N E. rnn n 201 5 a'a7 0) , Address Print or ri pe Name &n Atlanta GA 30309 '00 7FECH A) I CA k, F City State Zip Code Title (404) 310 -4491 Dated this d,6`'CH day of �,Y Telephone HARP -2001 13- 4924710 Applicant Reference (WO) Number Federal Tax ID Number or Social Security Number Authorization to Occupy Only If Approved Below The Washington State Department of Transportation referred to as the "Department," hereby grants this document (Permit or Franchise as applicable) subject to the terms and conditions stated in the General Provisions, Special Provisions, and Exhibits attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof: Construction facilities proposed under this application shall begin within one year and must be completed within three years from date of approval. For Department Use Only Exhibits Attached Department Approval Exhibit "A" - Special Provisions for Permits & Franchises, Pg. 1 -3 By' Exhibit "13" - Utility Facility Description, Page 1 -2 Exhibit "C" - Requirements Involving Underground Utility JO EPH B. CHATTERTON Encroachments, Page 1 Exhibit "D" - WSDOT Approved Traffic Control Plan, Page 1 -4 tonal Utilities Engineer Exhibit "E" - Utility supplied Plan View & X- Section, Page 1 -2 Title: Exhibit "F" - WSDOT R/W Plan, SR 290, Pines Rd. to Trent Ave. N.P. RY. Overcrossing, Sheet 7 of 7 Sheets, Date: (� -�' Zm O / Page 1 ( *) See Special Provision No. 37 Expiration Date: August 07, 2006 ( *) DOT Form 224 -696 EF Revised 3/97 General Provisions 1. This document is subject to RCW 47.32, RCW 47.44 and WAC 468 -34 and amendments thereto. 2. The Utility, its successors and assigns agree to indemnify, defend and hold the State of Washington, its officers and employees harmless from all claims, demands, damages, expenses or suits that: (1) arise out of or are incident to any negligence by the Utility, its agents, contractors or employees in the use of the highway right of way pursuant to this document or (2) are caused by the breach of any of the conditions of this document by the Utility, its contractors, agents or employees. Nothing herein shall require the Utility to indemnify and hold harmless the State of Washington and its officers and employees from claims, demands, damages, expenses or suits based solely upon the conduct or negligence of the State of Washington, its agents, officers, employees and contractors and provided further that if the claims, demands, damages, expenses or suits are caused by or result from the concurrent negligence of (the Utility, its agents, contractors or employees and or any person whomsoever, in connection with Utility's, its assigns', agents', contractors' or employees of the State of Washington, its agents, officers, employees and contractors, the indemnity provisions provided herein shall be valid and enforceable only to the extent of the Utility's negligence or the negligence of the Utility's agents, employees or contractors. Any action for damages against the State of Washington, its agents, officers, contractors or employees arising out of damages to a utility or other facility located on the highway right of way shall be subject to the provisions of RCW 47.44.150. The Utility, and on behalf of its assigning, agents, licensees, contractors and employees agrees to waive any claims for losses, expenses, damages or lost revenues incurred by it or its agents, contractors, licenses, employees or customers in connection with Utility's, its assigns' agents', contractor's licensees' or employee's construction, installation, maintenance, operation, use or occupancy of the right of way or in the exercise of this document against the State of Washington, its agents, or employees except the reasonable costs of repair to property resulting from the negligent injury or damage to Utility's property by the State of Washington, its agents, contractors or employees. 3. Whenever necessary for the construction, repair, improvement, alteration, or relocation of all or any portion of said highway as determined by the Department, or in the event that the lands upon which said highway is presently located shall become a new highway or part of a limited access highway, or if the Department shall determine that the removal of any or all facilities from the said lands is necessary, incidental, or convenient to the construction, repair, improvement, alteration, or relocation of any public road or street, the Utility shall, upon notice by the Department, relocate or remove any or all of such facilities from said highway as may be required by the Department at the sole expense of the Utility to whom this document is issued or their successors and assigns. 4. All such changes, reconstruction, or relocation by the Utility shall be done in such manner as will cause the least interference with any of the Department's performance in the operation and maintenance of the highway. ' 5. This document shall not be deemed or held to be an exclusive one and shall not prohibit the Department from granting rights of like or other nature or other public or private utilities, nor shall it prevent the Department from using any of its roads, streets, or public places, or affect its right to full supervision and control over all or any part of them, none of which is hereby surrendered. 6. The department may revoke, amend, or cancel this permit at any time by giving written notice to the Utility. The Utility shall immediately remove all facilities from the right of way. Any facilities remaining upon the right of way 30 days after written notice of cancellation will be removed by the Department at the expense of the Utility. 7. Any breach of any of the conditions and requirements herein made, or failure on the part of the Utility of this franchise to proceed with due diligence and in good faith with construction work hereunder shall subject this franchise to cancellation after a hearing before the Department, of which said hearing the Utility shall be given at least 10 days written notice, if at that time the Utility is a resident or is doing business in the State of Washington; otherwise, by publishing a notice of said hearing once a week for two consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation in Thurston County, Washington, the last publication to be at least 10 days before the date fixed for said hearing. 8. The Utility shall maintain at its sole expense the structure or object for which this document is granted in a condition satisfactory to the Department. 9. Upon failure, neglect, or refusal of the Utility to immediately do and perform any change, removal, relaying, or relocating of any facilities, or any repairs or reconstruction of said highway herein required of the Utility, the Department may undertake and perform such requirement, and the cost and expense thereof shall be immediately repaid to the Department by the Utility. 10. Upon approval of this document, the Utility shall dilligently proceed with the work and comply with all provisions herein. 11. Whenever it is deemed necessary for the benefit and safety of the traveling public, the Department hereby reserves the right to attach and maintain upon any facility by the Utility under this document any required traffic control devices, such as traffic signals, luminaires, and overhead suspended signs, when the use of such devices or attachments does not interfere with the use for which the facility was constructed. The Department shall bear the cost of attachment and maintenance of such traffic control devices, including the reasonable cost of any extra construction beyond normal; such extra cost to be determined jointly by the Department and the Utility of this document. It is not to be construed that the Department is to share in the normal cost of installation, operation, or maintenance of any of the facilities installed under this document. 12. No assignment or transfer of this franchise in any manner whatsoever shall be valid nor vest any rights hereby granted until the Department consents thereto and the assignee accepts all terms of this franchise. Attempting to assign this franchise without Department consent shall be cause for cancellation as herein provided. 13. No excavation shall be made or obstacle placed within the limits of the State highway in such a manner as to interfere with the travel over said road unless authorized by the Department. 14. If the work done under this document interferes in any way with the drainage of the State highway, the Utility shall wholly and at its own expense make such provisions as the Department may direct to take care of said drainage. 15. On completion of this work, all rubbish and debris shall be immediately removed and the roadway and roadside shall be left neat and presentable and satisfactory to the Department. 16. All of the work shall be done to the satisfaction of the Department, and all costs incurred by the Department shall be reimbursed by the Utility. 17. The Utility pledges that performance of routine cutting and trimming work will be accomplished in such a manner that the roadside appearance will not be disfigured. When major work is involved or damage to roadside appearance may become significant, the Utility shall secure the approval of the Department in advance of the work. 18. The Utility hereby certifies that the facilities described in this document are in compliance with the Control Zone Guidelines. DOT Form 224 -696 EF Revised 3197 CPWashington State Department of Transportation Franchise No. 60140 Special Provisions for Permits and Franchises Applicable provisions are denoted by (® ) ® .1, No work provided for herein shall be performed until the Utility is authorized by the following Department representative: Joseph B. Chatterton Regional Utilities Engineer 2714 North Mayfair Street Spokane, WA 99207 -2090 (509) 324 -6128 FAX (509) 324 -6126 ® 2. A copy of the permit or franchise must be on the job site, and protected from the elements, at all times during any of the construction authorized by said permit/franchise. ® 3. In the event any milepost, right of way marker, fence or guard rail is located within the limits of this project and will be disturbed during construction, these items will be carefully removed prior to construction and reset or replaced at the conclusion of construction to the satisfaction of the Department. All signs and traffic control devices must be maintained in operation during construction. ® 4• Prior to construction, the Utility shall contact the Department's representative (listed under Special Provision Number 1) to ascertain the location of survey control monuments within the project limits. In the event any monuments will be altered, damaged or destroyed by the project, appropriate action will be taken by the Department, prior to construction, to reference or reset the monuments. Any monuments altered, damaged or destroyed by the Utility's operation will be reset or replaced by the Department at the sole expense of the Utility. ® 5. During the construction and /or maintenance of this facility, the Utility shall comply with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways (Federal Highway Administration) and Washington modifications thereto. If determined necessary by the Department, the Utility shall submit a signing and traffic control plan to the Department's representative for approval prior to construction or maintenance operations. No lane closures shall be allowed except as approved by the Department representative. Approvals may cause revision of special provisions, including hours of operation. ® 6. Any changes or modifications to the approved franchise /permit shall be subject to prior review and approval by the Department. The Utility shall notify the Department's representative upon completion of the work under this permit/franchise so that a final inspection can be made and shall immediately furnish to the Regional Utilities Engineer a revised franchise or permit plan of the final location or relocation of its facilities if the original permit/franchise plans have been revised during the course of construction. ® 7• Prior to the beginning of construction, a preconstruction conference shall be held at which the Department and the Utility and utility's engineer, contractor, and inspector shall be present. ® 8. Should the Utility choose to perform the work outlined herein with other than its own forces, a representative of the Utility shall be present at all times unless otherwise agreed to by the Department representative. All contact between the Department and the Utility's contractor shall be through the representative of the Utility. Where the Utility chooses to perform the work with its own forces, it may elect to appoint one of its own employees engaged in the construction as its representative. Failure to comply with this provision shall be grounds for restricting any further work by the Utility within the State right of way until said requirement is met. The Utility, at its own expense, shall adequately police and supervise all work on the above described project by itself, its contractor, subcontractor, agent, and others, so as not to endanger or injure any person or property. 9. The Utility agrees to schedule the work herein referred to and perform said work in such a manner as not to delay the Department's contractor in the performance of his contract. ® 10. Work within the right of way shall be restricted to * * * * * * **" * * ** *DAYLIGHT HOURS ONLY * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** and no work shall be allowed on the right of way Saturday, Sunday, or holidays, unless authorized by the Department. Any lane closures must be submitted for approval in advance of use. The hours of permitted closure may differ from the above noted hours. If determined necessary by the Department, any or all of the excavated material shall be removed and replaced with suitable material as specified by the Department. ® 12. Wherever deemed necessary by the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries and /or the Department for the safety of the workers and the protection of the highway pavement, the sides of the trench (or excavation) shall be adequately supported to reduce the hazard to workers and prevent any damage by cracks, settlement, etc., to the pavement. No other work in the trench or excavation area will be allowed until this requirement is met. IN 13. All trenches, boring or jacking pits, etc. shall be backfilled as soon as possible and not left open during non - working hours unless covered with material of sufficient strength to withstand traffic loads or a method of protection approved by the Department. DOT Form 224-030 EF Page 1 Exhibit "A" Revised 12/99 ® 14. All slopes, slope treatment, top soil, ditches, pipes, etc., disturbed by this operation shall be restored to their original cross section and condition. All open trenches shall be marked by warning signs, barricades, lights and if necessary, flagmen shall be employed for the purpose of protecting the traveling public. Roadside operations may be specified by the Department's representative. ® 15. Where applicable, markers shall be placed at each right of way line for all crossings and placed every 500 feet (152.400 meters) for longitudinal facilities to include: company name, pipeline or cable identification, telephone number for contact, and the distance from the marker to the facility in feet (meters). Markers shall be placed so as to minimize interference with maintenance operations. Markers shall also be placed at all changes in offset distance from right of way line or centerline of highway. ® 16. The utility shall install detector tape or cable approximately 12 inches (300 millimeters) above the underground facility. The tape shall conform to the standards of the American Public Works Association Uniform Color Code. ® 17. In the event that construction and maintenance of the highway facility within the proximity of the utility installation becomes necessary during the period which the Utility will occupy a portion of the right of way, it is expressly understood that, upon request from the Department's representative, the Utility will promptly identify and locate by suitable field markings any and all of their underground facilities so that the Department or its contractor can be fully apprised at all times of its precise location. ❑ 18. The shoulders, where disturbed shall be surfaced with crushed surfacing top course inch (mm) minimum compacted depth, or as directed by the Department's representative. The surface of the finished shoulder shall slope down from the edge of pavement at the rate of 5% unless otherwise directed. The restored shoulder must not have any strips or sections less than 2 feet (0.6 meter) wide. The restored shoulder shall be surfaced with ® 19. Utility facilities or casings for facilities crossing under roadways surfaced with oil, asphalt concrete pavement or cement concrete pavement shall be accomplished by use of appropriate equipment to jack, bore, or auger the facility through the highway grade with a minimum depth of 5 feet (1.52 meters) minimum along any point from the top of facility to the finished road grade and a minimum of 3.5 feet (1.07 meters) depth from bottom of ditch to top of facility. Casing requirements for facilities are denoted by special provision 20. Any allowable open trench construction will be specifically provided for by special provision No. 21, if denoted. ® 20. Facilities to be placed within encasement are specified individually or in whole on the attached exhibits. ❑ 21. Open trench construction will be allowed only at those locations identified on the plan exhibits and /or listed on Exhibit(s) , with restoration to be performed as noted on the attached "Open Cut Detail," Exhibit ® 22. The Utility agrees to be responsible for any construction deficiencies as a result of the roadway installation. ❑ 23. No routine maintenance of this facility will be allowed within the limited access area. ® 24. Maintenance of this facility will not be permitted from the shoulders, through traffic roadways, or ramps of SR 290 and all service to this facility will be by access from County Road or Private Road Approaches ® 25. Construction of this facility will not be permitted from the shoulders, through traffic roadways, or ramps of SR 290 All construction access will be from County Road or Private Road Approaches ® 26• Bond coverage required to ensure proper compliance with all terms and conditions of said permit/franchise will be furnished by a Blanket Surety Bond held by the Department at the Olympia Service Center. ❑ 27. The Utility shall provide to the Department in the amount of $ a surety bond written by a surety company authorized to do business in the State of Washington or an escrow account with a bank approved by the Department, prior to start of construction, to insure compliance with any and all of the terms and conditions of this permit/franchise. Said bond /account to remain in force for a period ending one year after date of completion of construction, except the Utility shall be required to maintain said bond /account for a period of two years after completion of construction where the installation of the utility facility disturbs the traveled lanes or usable shoulders. ❑ 28. The utility agrees to underground the aboveground facilities covered by this franchise in Scenic Classes "A' and "B ", as defined on attached Exhibit(s) either at the time of major reconstruction of the facility, for that portion of facility to be reconstructed, or prior to expiration of this franchise. ❑ 29. The Utility agrees to underground the aboveground facilities covered by this franchise in Scenic Classes "A ", "AX ", "B ", and /or "BX", as defined on attached Exhibit(s) , at the time the pole owner undergrounds its facility. The existing aboveground facility may remain or be relocated as aboveground in Scenic Classes "AX" or "BX ", if acceptable to the Department. ❑ 30. The Utility agrees to underground or relocate aboveground the existing aboveground facilities in Scenic Classes "AX' and "BX ", as defined on attached Exhibit(s) , to a location acceptable to the Department either at the time of major reconstruction of the line, for the portion of line to be reconstructed, or prior to the expiration of this franchise. The existing aboveground facilities may remain in their present location if acceptable to the Department. ❑ 31. Neutral conductors associated with circuits of 0 to 22 Kilovolts where the neutral is considered to be 0 - 750 Volts may have a vertical clearance the same as guys and messengers, provided the facility is grounded at each pole at each end of the crossing. ® 32. The responsibility of the Utility for proper performance, safe conduct, and adequate policing and supervision of-the project shall not be lessened or otherwise affected by Department approval of plans, specifications, or work or by the presence at the work site of Department representatives, or by compliance by the Utility with any requests or recommendations made by such representatives. ® 33. All material and workmanship shall conform to the Washington State Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction, current edition, and amendments thereto, and may be subject to inspection by the Department. ❑ 34. Any existing Location I and Location II utility objects will be corrected in accordance with the Control Zone Guidelines. ❑ 35. General provision number 18 is hereby superseded and replaced by the following special provision: Any existing Location I and Location 11 utility objects will be corrected in accordance with the Control Zone Guidelines. ❑ 36. The Utility is responsible for compliance with all federal, state, and local laws pertaining to the discharge received by the Department under this permit/franchise. DOT Form 224-030 EF Page 2 Exhibit "A1" Revised 12199 Special Provisions for Permits and Franchises Franchise No. 60141 Applicable provisions are denoted by (X) ® 37. This franchise may be extended by the Utility for four additional five (5) year periods (Extension Period); Provided that the Department finds, (a) the Utility is not in default and has not been in default during the term of this franchise, and (b) there is no public need for the right -of -way, and (c) Utility's use under this franchise does not impair the safety or operation of Department's highway or facility, as determined by Department, and. (d) the terms and conditions of this franchise conform to then existing state policies, practice, laws, regulations and contracts, or Utility is willing to amend this franchise to bring it into compliance with such policies, practices, laws, regulations, and contracts. The Extension Period shall be on the same terms and conditions as set forth herein, except as modified by any changes in policy, practice, laws, regulations or contracts and as reflected in a written amendment signed by both parties. Utility shall give notice of its intent to extend this franchise at least ninety (90) days prior to the expiration of this franchise, or any Extension Period thereof. ❑ 38. This franchise amendment may be extended by the Utility for up to four additional five (5) year periods (Extension Period); Provided that the Department finds, (a) the Utility is not in default and has not been in default during the term of this franchise, and (b) there is no public need for the right -of -way, and (c) Utility's use under this franchise does not impair the safety or operation of Department's highway or facility, as determined by Department, and (d) the terms and conditions of this franchise conform to then existing state policies, practice, laws, regulations and contracts, or Utility is willing to amend this franchise to bring it into compliance with such policies, practices, laws, regulations, and contracts, and Provided Further that any such Extension Period or Periods may not extend the term of the franchise amendment beyond the expiration date stated in the original franchise agreement. The Extension Period shall be subject to the same terms and conditions as set forth in the franchise amendment, except as modified by any changes in policy, practice, laws, regulations or contracts and as reflected in a written amendment signed by both parties. Utility shall give written notice of its intent to extend this franchise amendment at least ninety (90) days prior to the expiration of this franchise amendment, or any Extension Period thereof. ❑ 39. In lieu of a Surety Bond, to ensure compliance with the terms and conditions of the Permit or Franchise, the County agrees that the State may effect reimbursement of the amount necessary to restore the highway from the monthly fuel tax allotments which the County is normally entitled to receive from the Motor Vehicle Fund and in accordance with RCW 47.08.080. ❑ 40. In lieu of a Surety Bond, to ensure compliance with the terms and conditions of the Permit or Franchise, the City agrees that the State may effect reimbursement of the amount necessary to restore the highway from the monthly fuel tax allotments which the City is normally entitled to receive from the Motor Vehicle Fund and in accordance with RCW 47.08.090. ® 41. The Utility shall avoid wetland areas wherever possible. Should it become necessary to place this facility in a wetland area, the Utility shall be responsible for securing all necessary permits from the Washington State Department of Ecology, the Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife and /or the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers prior to the beginning of construction of this facility. The Utility shall provide copies of said permits to the office of the Regional Utilities Engineer. ® 42. The Utility shall be responsible for mitigation measures where wetlands are disturbed. ® 43. If PVC or HDPE casings are utilized, they shall be Schedule 80 or greater or the equivalent. ® 44. The Utility shall notify the Department's representative, in writing or by fax, three working days prior to the beginning of construction. ® 45. The Utility shall notify the Department's representative, in writing or by fax, as to the name, address and telephone number of the contractor, if the work is to be done by other than its own forces. ® 46. The Utility shall reimburse the Department for all actual direct and related costs necessitated by this permit or franchise. Such costs include, but are not limited to plan review and inspection. ❑ 47 The Utility acknowledges that SR is scheduled for future construction All work shall be coordinated with the Project Engineer's Office responsible for this project and all work shall be completed no later than Relocation and /or adjustment of this facility at the time of construction will be at the expense of the Utility. ® 48. No vehicles are to be parked on the shoulders, through traffic roadways, or ramps of SR 290. ® 49. The Utility shall maintain two way traffic at all times. ® 50. The Utility shall submit a Signing and Traffic Control Plan for approval (see Special Provision No. 5). ® 51. The Utility shall be required to secure all other federal, state, local agency and railroad permits which may be required. The Utility shall provide copies of said permits to the office of the Regional Utilities Engineer prior to construction. ❑ 52. The Utility shall use hot mix asphalt for all roadway pavement restoration. The Department will not allow the use of cold mix for any roadway patching longer than 24 hours. ❑ 53. No additional side (service) connections shall be allowed within State right of way once construction of the facility under this franchise amendment is completed. ❑ 54. The Utility shall not place any new poles within the right -of -way. Page 3 Exhibit "A" Adak Washington State -„ Department of Transportation Utility Facility Description - Applicant Field Contact Person MP to MP Field Contact Phone Number Offset Distance Applicant Reference (WO) Number RM Width Permit/Franchise No. Caleb Armstrong From Centerline (360) 882 -4268 Deoth/ Height HARP -2001 (AT &T Corp) Items to be Installed / Constructed 60140 State Route Highway Scenic Class Access Control Begin MP End MP Reference MP 48" Distance and Direction (From nearest reference MP) 290 C None 111.54 111.58 111.54 (Flora Rd.) 14' East of Flora Rd. Facility Description (3) buried 2" HDPE ducts & (1) 288 Fiber Telecommunications Cable (within one of the (3) empty ducts). Including longitudinal, a new handhole, & a buried crossing in 8" steel casing. This is a joint use installation with Touch America Franchise 60141 (WO # HARP -2002) This new franchise CANCELS & SUPERSEDES Permit No. 1 -SR290 -8353 entirely. Facility Detail MP to MP Lt/ Rt/ Xina Offset Distance Description RM Width Remarks Includina PartinPnt Tonnoranhv Info. (Turnouts. Road Approaches, Intersections, Cut, Fill, Culvert, Guardrail, etc.) Xing Technique, Control Zone MI., Enter -Leave R/W From Centerline From Traveled Wa Deoth/ Height D1 Items to be Installed / Constructed Left Right 11.54 Lt. 150' -90' 48" (3) Buried 2" HDPE ducts & (1) 288 Fiber 150' ENTERS R/W Lt. (14' East of Flora Rd.) (within 1 of the (3) ducts) Telecom. Cable Transitions to 26' East of Flora Rd. over 60' (Trench 60'). 11.54 11.55 Lt. 90' -55' 48" (3) Buried 2" HDPE ducts & (1) 288 Fiber 150 -60 Transitions from 26' East of Flora Rd. to (within 1 of the (3) ducts) Telecom. Cable 55' East of Flora Rd. (Trench 45'). 11.55 11.58 Lt. 55' 48" (3) Buried 2" HDPE ducts & (1) 288 Fiber 150i- JO Ducts run longitudinal 5' inside R/W. (within 1 of the (3) ducts) Telecom. Cable (Trench 135'). Place New Handhole at MP 11.58, 55' Lt connecting the longitudinal to the XING. 11.58 Xing 5' Min. (3) Buried 2" HDPE ducts & (1) 288 Fiber 60' 75' Xing begins 55' Lt. and ends 65' Rt. (within 1 of the (3) ducts) Telecom XING Directional Bore 120' of 8" steel Casing. DOT Form 224 -697 EF 4. Revised 3/98 Exhibit "B" Page 1 of _Pages Utility Facility Description - Continued DOT Form 224 -697A EF 1. L. Revised 3/98 EX`I`Ta "B" Page 2 of Pages ADDlicant Reference MO) Number HARP -2001 (AT &T Corp) Permit/Franchise No. 60140 Facility Detail MP to MP Lt/ Rt/ Xina Offset Distance Description RM Width Remarks Inclurlinn PPrtinPntTononranhv Info. Mirnmits Road Approaches, Intersections, Cut, Fill, Culvert, Guardrail, etc.) Xing Technique, Control Zone Obj., Enter -Leave R/W From Centerline From Traveled Way DeDth/ Height D, Items to be Installed / Constructed Left f Right 11.54 11.58 Rt. 70' -65' 48" (3) Empty Buried 2" HDPE ducts *f)ZM 75' Trench longitudinal for 155', 10' inside F {YJ2, Wi M &14L -Of- rft3 iDk(j R/W. Longitudinal ends at crossing, t„'&XYV- t, t MP 11.58, 65' Rt. 11.54 Rt. 70' -115' 48" (3) Buried 2" HDPE ducts & (1) 288 Fiber 80' LEAVES R/W Rt. (80' Rt. of SR 290 & 25' (within 1 of the (3) ducts) Telecom. Cable East of Flora Rd) Ducts extend additional 35' South through easement (Trench 45') This is a joint use installation with Touch America. FR 60141 (WO # HARP -2002) DOT Form 224 -697A EF 1. L. Revised 3/98 EX`I`Ta "B" Page 2 of Pages R1 4 Acceptable 'k I = J cM O Zone B Zone A +� Shoulders. all traffic lanes and medians Variance * -I- Acceptab l e ** R/W LONGITUDINAL N z la Z M :E O Zone .A Zone 81 _7_� Side DETAIL' Connection +Ke "Uniform alignment and grade as near as practicable to the right -of -way line ". Utility facilities shall be buried in accordance•with the Provisions for Permits and Franchises. Zone,A is the area within the foreslope and backslope where routine maintenance operations generally occur. This area is defined as five feet beyond the bottom of the ditch or 15 feet-beyond edge of shoulder, whichever is further. Zone B is the area outside of the roadway and Zone A. I I I^ � 13 I � NOTES: Pipe Cosing Drains, if needed. should connect.to a suitable drainage course. Casing Pipes should be sealed and vented nedr TYPICAL CROSSING DETAIL A/W line if required. Within access control casing shall extend R/W to R/W to allow any future access to buried facility from off RIM See Special Provisions. Requirements involving Underground Utility Encroachments November 1991 FRANCHISE No. 60140 EXHIBIT "C" PAGE 1 -q --q Cj) <D ;0 D rn�o -n vcco2� n r °� 0 r z q .0 CD X o�00 CO r z 0 =D m z drn -m z 0 a� 0 (D LE&etN D: QOgp WOP-44- �4i- EA(> 4w)ow i3/0 RA6-"T- >'Ar fE Ci,Or, ANMpIo 484kg84, B /0 P4'jp -. wrv�y TvZAQ5. CL ) 484 484 Rio 4s¢ it /o �f�vE. U�110'T�.( TYI�z� fR.i g8p71'}$'r jsr0 � CWus►sE�l. -�z�,� �vccars ZS' c�a� seQL)E'U-n+V— 04ettrao} €� CHANNELIZING DEVICE SPACING (FEET) MPH TAPER TANGENT 50/60 40 80 35/45 30 60 SY: CL /FF TYEt5Tc�1 tz)J -`K DATE": 14, p -nmi 9 Do 4M •ro 3:00 RPM VASD-O-r WWOVC) 4' I((C3 lit., I 25/30 20 40 ;Zr l� ��hl P�s;ifhl�. PIPE (ji�QEy2 Te��- rs+�. :$T OFF c l ! So P H�'�T I/ I �D TeEf�ri' 2 1E?f _ i (oD'I I 2 o 3u;D Ft itAa $ V 5o TA°' 4 56� ® o SP• Z90 � IBS =� e e -s-•� 4A• —•�� ° ` ._ _..,_ � _._. . F4GC-'*-1 � S- SET UP To Lk j --I --I cn M X D rn;0o -n w v2,5 r- 0-10 r z o-,00 tenor CO CA �z 02D m dm O O O �P O UV vir r CL d ZCC460 __ I I iOCr I 2G f �CG�Gprq 'B 't UFS:kP. !I ►�P &rz f 4rl Sm'f 1qp, .a--o m— - e Pare Z Iwo -c. NOT TO SOLE --I --I cD D mho -n v o2 n r' z o ( U� .00 o r- -0 °°_r- D 9 z G)iD m z dm O 0 .p 0 pl .�.. r � OOL` r�.,�. 5`� + Soo'T Soo± I t RCps" Pta�-j63 FCW 31T sc -%Jpk s� P�Ifl - r lcoo P41MTeD -MO.F:aL T- SLAND5 NOT TO 5cLe --I --4 CD ;U u cl) m � -a -n v0 K3 a r 0 Z o;00 o = 00 c r c(D z Q =D m dm 0 rn 0 0 �Q'S��T 4ACI-'014h 8/16/0 0. 0 Zq -6 ot TAPER I � -� 7r p-FRC- g Tst sE� pca� m r rya- i NOT- To -� up J UL -e f -eUU 1 V K 1 UO. 1 u ni J vnavnuL vnuLL Cascade Cable Constructors, Inc. E6taWished 1968 P.O. Box 638 Spokane, WA 99210 FAX INFORMATION SHEET 509 -244 -2501 FAX 509244 -3064 Date: h -7 o f Time: 2 15 A .; The following pages are for: Name: TDL C 11- P47T?f1? 0AJ Company: D, Q. 'r Fax Number: JAY - 41A4 From: C %�� =;�_, t� f _Al This fax contains ,. �.� _ pages. if you do not receive all of the pages, please call us . immediately. Telephone: 509- 244 -2501 FAX: 509 -244 -3064 Remarks: r r J U n r ill ra QOAC> WOQ44- A"*A(> 'W)[AW 0/6 T C -p AV MQ s i•FB�r �% +a�E rQr TaqhJg. (L) W F 0TH '[Yids, l jZ) lBrx jq-tr Aa C QeL-(Zlkls- Devices 2$'r ooh ... ^i2 CHANNELIZtNG DEVICE SPACING IF EET) MPH TAPER TANGENT 50/60 40 80 35/45 30 60 25/30 20 40 �r fit.QWM- O� "40, PC Q SR Z 0 SST op T (h A s�13lrt�'t"i�fa l2� tppe.C7�A�L.. s g Lr : c z r F -7VIE40 r6Al W4; r K DATE": A S, 14, P WD04M To 36.00 PM .-.�._ ® IV =-� 0 � e -ems �-♦-� � � � ._ � ,._.., _.._ ---fie FtvmTeo 1-JO-r TO I II �r fit.QWM- O� "40, PC Q SR Z 0 SST op T (h A s�13lrt�'t"i�fa l2� tppe.C7�A�L.. s g Lr : c z r F -7VIE40 r6Al W4; r K DATE": A S, 14, P WD04M To 36.00 PM .-.�._ ® IV =-� 0 � e -ems �-♦-� � � � ._ � ,._.., _.._ ---fie FtvmTeo 1-JO-r TO I II C C CIN c d w C C �btb��al I C- o� r- cy n let a �r r n e .� C C C C C .[ C C 5©N�SS "D "-Ivzt,L cp-aNjvj "Col 14 bb I -zoa 4 3�trd X35 d L vim• i �� o a G�b`z`c S —� i,ogs _. 'b i C n c O r r• c c c r c c c c c c c r .t c c c c c rl 00 _" �1° Moog + rt c 'Now T �b+� � G 1 ■ c i n c n b 11'+ c c c r .t c c c c c N. Q yam w sav D is TAM tl CA 3q 1MSm N uya D m3 ..e E F O .�a 4 O 3 _C 4 O O O CO *7 Tn NOLLYllViSN1 O6Z AMH 40 MA Nid td a S'll r A 70 D 71 b 1 XAH dVl xt Lrvr�r�s �IW I .R /W� —I HWY 290 [ASFMr,dT LIIJr L�-�YKS '�'1w - FNPli s sp%sclAwr L AY -Es Lfvsamux'r TRENCH DETAILS TO SEATTLE X (GREEN TAPE) X X XX � �} X cnw� w N R/L a o 35' s.IH - -- i�RnRoS�o I��lrtnt�oL� UI N in M 1.54- .54 EaP 5' W n �. —1so' I } MP11.58� �— 0 Q N 0 � 75' I EOP L� I T - -r_ _F- - _ _ PLAN VIEW OF HWY 290 INSTALLATION N.T.6. R /L WT.kh Amecfca AW T� _ TRENCI FRANCHISE No. 60140 EXHIBIT "E" _ TO BILLINGS PAGE 1 (YELLOW TAPE) X X X N.TS _ X X X ¢o OLUNGS, MT TO N w SEATRE. WA N MISSOKLA, MT TO SPOKANE, WA DETAIL CONSTWaON DRAWNG PLAN EOP r R/W HWY ?,90 L 60' 75' Nrw dmgoAu, I MP11.58 s5' 45' Lt- \ \ 15' 55' 26 5' 78'- 6 -2'. HDPE IN 120' OF 8" STEEL EOP -i ! R/W 10' PLAN VIEW OF HWY 290 XING N.T.& R/W _-- C/L HWY 290 0 R/W PROFILE VIEW OF HWY 290 XING LOOKING UPSTATION (FAST) N.T.& L PERMIT ISSUE 6/2000 2. CONSMUCRON ISSUE 7/2000 3. AS -BUILT ISSUE Tou AW R/W WIDTH R/W WIDTH _��w _.._...__....._, ..._ PERMITS PERMITS - crewv TRENCH DETAILS TRENC' FRANCHISE No. 60140 EXHIBIT "E" TO SEATTLE TO BILLINGS PAGE 2 (GREEN TAPE) (YELLOW TAPE) XX XX .TS. XX XX 2X X oQ ¢o MT TO Ld N N w T SEAti_ WA n SSOKA MT TO SPO O N WA A0. CONSTRUCTION T DRAWING PROFILE MPII.. 54 tOMP11.5 LiW PROPOSE ss;c i • o' I I LONGITUDINAL 1112" HOPE 181h. III DUCTS MP 1 64 a. fQ]N FIBER TEL 1112 TELECOMMUNICATION CABLE "t.lcallas'es"Ohn the FRANCHISE Htllililt a empty duct Isti" will, Much Am.do. a 114ti This led joint usiluona '" TO ENTERS ROW See FR 641 ----- - ---------- IR 119A 01 Al MP 11,64,115'•90, Lt. & 48" Depth s R i E 5t P11 PROPOSED BURIED LONGITUDINAL (3) 2" HOPE (Sch. 80) DUCTS & (1) 268 FIBER TELECOMMUNICATION CABLE '05.02 Depth PROPOSED BURIED LONGITUDINAL M IL (3) 2"�HDPE Ent.. R/W 150. Lt and suns longitudinal 0 Fla. Rd trom - (Sch. 80) DUCTS & FIBER I to 2s.atf.,jedIn. 22 1288 TELECOMMUNICATION CAB LE s, ,,t4'...t (piece the thTrsa=,duc This 1. a with dint' stnials'nonf a' 4ce Sea FR 60141 6 eH INDHOL- MP 11- 58,55'11 On It fiber h,- In — of the tho, This Is is of Inshil llcnwlhToa`h`A`.fY.`d`.-" sae SR29� F., Ift v,..d —il- -- Sa.FR60141 N.PRLj-C�.—...j,O,s at 'T.A�cah. N WI07F Ak, MP1 1800 1.54 00 sl .58 PROPOSED BURIED CROSSING FRANCHISE N 60140 No. "9 IS E (3) 2" F DPE (Sch. 80) DUCTS & (1) 288 FIBER TELECOMMUNICATION MP 11,54 70'- 115'Rt 1 (4;740 Cs,,, i's LEAVES CABLE DIRECTIONAL 20RE 120- of ir STEEL CASING. - XING connocle tokoga'd1nal duct. at 69' ft and at now PROPOSED BURIED LONGITUDINAL J • I 1 He ZVO 19 (Place fib,, cabtd�in`one (3) 2" HOPE (Sch. 80) DUCTS & (1) 288 FIBER TELECOMMUNICATION CABLE I IT • .4— MP 11.54 to MP 11.58, 70'-65' Rt. of' a three (IMPly cults) -- - This J- Joint Una Ca,Ingll-landho . will, Touch Amadc. Lee 1`4W 11Rl ""n -amil 11,11s, 1, A 48" Depth See FR 6014; ,I no, 25- _l) 11,1ough th. WaG.T'll."hass _cm.0 (place a in one Ihm a) flon—Ill Of the a empty dud PROPOSED BURIED LONGITUDINAL 'IT TUNAL 2' H E OF �TA. L 44 This 1. Joint Installation will Touch Ames. Sao FR 60141 l3) (Sch. 80) C CTS & (1)288 FIBER TELECOMMUNICATION 'U -Al I.. CABLE 4S 00 41, 00 ox (Pl.oefib.—bf obodofth.th, 0 a t j a) ,a am, 9 3Z 26,5. 99 W E '/4 Touch ,a,. Jointlmsaiwibo with T( h Amos. So. FR 80141 'A T T .3 TV 0 �1 Gov+, L f 32ctlo G 55 301 LEGEND Properly Ownership Numbers Properly Lines FRANCHISE No, 60140 Coordinate �Syf�- Used Assumed NOTE; For Total Area OF Ovvnerzhii�,% EXHIBIT "I'" Sae PARCEL DETAILS Shed 0. PAGE 1 WNERSH PS ,fR 9901 AR[EL 110. NAME Al TOTAL AREA 70— 7Y. TEHAIR59R RT. PINES R04 TO IRENT AVE. N.P. RY. OVIRCRO$SING RR,4 I,') A. 0.?.4 Aa 0 A,: Na. W4KA111 (NNIY 6-1228 6- 22') MWALCOTT A,�. JOHNSON 0.5e, I, A, RIGHT OF WAY 6- 1230 MACKE MAN .55 Ac. 0.10 A, r 5+aiion 43Z+00 +o Woficin 44.4+87.7 6 1231 YFCROOK .5 A, G.04 A�. 1. lin—Al —tl. 2 A.W.KATKE 0.5 U�Z46 a e33 - 14 0 -1234 K-H, FREDRICk D. D. PRAT 0 " A 1. i. A 11 A onix.) COB A.. 5�.-122G- IZT4 NORT tilt 5POKAN FO CO. VALIEY 4" CO CD, 2.12 Ac. 0,06 A 12,12. Ac. (F., E4--cl— �'! —'e -.1 1.8s 1 16 r= ': I .­Api4d V,194 -03220 114LI I. JVi • • 1 Gov'+ 'Lo+ 1 Sac +10r1 1 1 Gov't Loh 657 2' I� SaC +.10n ro � I c... s .. ! i�l M.P. i L54 Be•in 1 _ '! (3) le HDPE ducts Est of Fiber Telecom I cable enter R/W 14' East of Flora Rd. (150' LL of C/L) Bgn transition to 26' East of Flora Rd. g "7 r if P j '. t L- .aax/ • —. µ 11 HDPE d.54 to M288 Fiber Telecom. y r ,) 3 9 11 (3) 2" P w/ (tF) 5 7M • le transition from 26' East of Flora Rd. to 55 ast of Flora Rd. (9o' Lt. of C/L to 55' Lt N l 1 fn 4i ofC /L) 6-1226 M.P. 11.54 Q" 43je V!, � :; v,, x (3) 2" H ➢PE ducts w/ (I) 288 Fiber Telecom. 1.55 to M.P. 11.58 •j•. » ! (3) 2" HDPE ducts w/ (1) 288 Fiber Tele cable end transition at 26' East of Flora Rd I cable ends transition at 55' East of Flora i SR 295 O t (90' Lt. of C /L). I L437t Z 8S (55' Lt. -1704 maintains 55' Lt. offset. 3 6^ ,2 3 4 �i I C9 'it) For. R \W.a►hcad sec. 4361t7 18 �r Tren+ Ave. N.P, v r resstnq cc Ry.O e c a . Buried cros PE ducts w/ (1) �- L457+ OO.O" A.R 1i0. • 288 Fiber T irectional Bore ; I F. d' o ` " I r I L Appl ar"1 cppe Feb. 19G% 2l00 1' �° 2.2. f3 h P 120' of 8" s ; begins at 55' Lt r J • (° E3 I 3 and ends at N L .85 i N0. s SR 29tD .,_— E 3149Cj• 111 IE tt N a ,i +.'' Sane k 2 . _, Q V "— s'1',. - -n r •.•�_._ I� , ' 1 M� ; ° PINES RD i0 AVE- N.P. Y. VER SSING p ►. b t� P TRENT AVE R 0 tR0 Exist H�;4. £ 1 �u�r'�/{1h' _ ,,r. St -9 �_ I 8 sz. 31 SPOKANE COUNTY _ �,_,. �1 •1. ' _ 1 To fSPOkAJ1/6 E`C!`' i PvCz �. t 3c�. 2- �' '? .r !� _AN a : _ 6: _ ox *t.�E M_ Qx - - - -' �`t - _ _ _ -- ='_" -. I. -ldaho =-' RIGHT OF WA o- l- .� -t--.— ~- `� r 1Q s/ s� J3 R Z9a .01 _- 440 + k -t �, - - - -- : 85 °13'E .l�k. =. L1 ss• 4.32 +00 +o Sfoi-ion 444+ 877 O . �o -OS220 La3s +2s U.S. " i I ` WASHINGTON STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION N -RR 3877* 9 r Q •4` txlS yyy �a'•1 ••• DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS k '¢ OLYMPIA. WASHINGTON r, ._ O i. A. CownL. CMI? n•• t -� '�' �I a. a. sAlw �p\v' _� 4 .l8 O.' t ,D LONG /Tt10 /N fflN OVINaCLARKtR •••.. �f M. &LAM. fK. 1 R R 3 8 >7 98. 82. E ME t -� CO tt1. �. t. MiKALSON +J .:,• +,t 368 �I% / r ! BVRL/N6TDN ier11,6f'N 3870 Ja,ap To P.tRAD /S #� 'I� �wu a Inch = 100 Foe+ —7a SROI(WAI T�aNAL tM April t1,1964 N APPleovtto+ L too I I t 3 M.P.11.58toM.P.11.54 Cj tDN ■KC,ow oP fflawwAri RR, -5877+ 99 1 ! 4 7+ Z2 , b) 2 "HDPE ducts W/ (1) 288 Fiber Telecom t 11 gns at 65' Rt. of C/L and ends at 70' Rt. ofC N to O� pp . -r SHEETS 1 \RR.'3a7(, 1IGZiu. \ SHEET T . 4.3 +fo3 18 100.99 Rt.) �j 'p KK -50_1b+ 60. 87- _ .Exlsi'• .R Wl y - -- C N L43&4(oZ.l8(t15.9•b'Rt. N .o �__ .. tY— twi �EN ®� PLAND ®� ���N RR387lo +61.82 r o fn __-- r- ST L 444 +. 87.7 P L_4310 +92.18 u5.93',Rt) 1 " M.P.1� 11.54-End 582.. O _ • t .. KK3$7(o *3i.Cs2. 1 ( 1 (3) 2 HDPE ducts - (1)288FiberTelecom cableextendsm W 2.G 100. G4.5._ D. m 70 Rt. of C/L to 80' Rt. of C/1, 1\ i at 25' East of Flom Rd. Duo E 32285.499 ' °� " _ ° • =• - _ • a*::: i 35' to casement extend additional ent line on Rt. "TA PLAT . SEE 1/4- N E' /4 Sac +l an .i 59 Gov 'f. I. 5 Sectio 6 58 p � at 5 �36 30- �