12-207.00 Inland Asphalt: Sprague UIC Eliminationley, CHANGE ORDER TO CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO: 12 -031 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PROJECT: Sprague, UIC Elimination Project (Sprague Swales) CONTRACT DATE: 91272012' CONTRACTOR: Inland As lialt Inc. CHANGE ORDER NO: 1 Public Works Project # 163 BID NO.: 12.031 DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES This Change order grants additional contract time for various construction Issues detailed in the attached City letter in response to Inland Asphalt's email dated 10/31/12. Inland Asphalt, Inc., agrees by signing this document that it Is due no additional monetary compensation associated %vith the time granted by this Change Order. Item o Descrintion Unit Quanta Unit Price To CO 1 Miscellaneous Construction Delays LS 1 $0.00 $0.00 Total Amount of this Change Order( Incl. Tax): $0.00 SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION Original Date: 1029/2012 Prior this Change Order: 10/29/2012 Including this Change Order: 11/8/2012 Original Working Days: 35 Working Days Added by this CO: 8 Working Days Including this CO: 93 CHANGES RESULT IN THE FOLLOWING ADJUSTMENTS OF TOTAL CONTRACT PRICE: ORIGINAL TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT „....._- ... -_ - -.„ _. _..... ............. .... .....»................ „...._... 5. 1,272, TOTAL PRIOR CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER AMOUNT S TOTAL CONTRACT PRICE PRIOR TO THIS CHANGE ORDER ~- ......... 1,272, NET THIS CHANGE ORDER .... .........» »...., ... „M..... ....._... „........... .. TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT INCLUDING THIS CHANGE ORDER - $ 1,272, CONTRACTOR ACCEPTANCE: _J Ad The contractor hereby accepts INS adjustment t undder v� RECOMMENDED BY: APPROVED BY: The original contract for all work perfomed. DATE: DATE: 1114 b hOr'a DATE: 11A19012- APPROVED BY: A11A DATE: Mike Jackson, City Manager ATTACHMENTS: Otstnbutkrn: ORIGINALS TO: Contractor, City of Spokane Valley Clerks Office. PW Project File COPIES TO: PW Pro eet File r.a c c :tcatra •a r.; <n tb,:erxmr T�12- �a7 S PS�►� �Uatleva Memorandum Date: November 6, 2012 To: Eric Guth From: Ryan Brodwater Public Works Department Stormwater Utility 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.10001 Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhatl @spokanevalley.org Re; Sprague UIC Elimination (Sprague Swales), Change Order 1 Capital Project # 0163, Contract # 12 -031 Budget Account No. 403.000.163.595.40.63.00 Inland Asphalt Company Change Order 1 is for the addition of 8 working days. Original Contract amount = $1,272,772.00 Previous Change Order Cost = $0.00 Change Order #1 Cost = 1Q.00 Project Cost including Change Order #1= $1,272,772.00 Max Public Works Director Contract authority =15% of Original Contract amount = $190,915.80 Change Order Cost to date = $0.00 Remaining P.W. Director Contract Authority after CO #1 $190,915.00 Publ; Works Director Cc: City Manager Finance Department Project Manager November 1", 2012 Inland Asphalt Company Attn: Al Hughbanks 5111 E. Broadway Ave. Spokane Valley, WA 99220 -3366 Public Works Department Stormwater Utility 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 0 Fax: 509.921.1008 4 cityhatt ©spokanevattey.org Re: Additional Worldng Days, Change Order 1 Sprague Avenue UIC Elimination Project — Swale Upgrade City of Spolcane Valley BId # 12 -031 Dear Mr. Huglibanks, This letter is in response to Mark Bullock's request for additional working days in his email dated October 31, 2012. Based on his email, we have made the following determinations: Added traffic loop and patch —1 additional day Additional concrete renioval/replaeement —1 additional day Additional saw cutting/patching for driveways -- No additional clays This work did not delay any critical path items. Redesigned ADA/control locations at Park and Thierman — No additional days Revised drawings lvere inmrediately provided and did not cause any delay to critical path items. Concrete cure time — 3 additional clays COST ,'feels that Inland should have Incorporated concrete curing times as parl of their critical path schedule. Hotivever, maintaining access to properties lvas an Important part of thls project and has caused delays that were more complicated than initially anticipated Additional catch basins which were not located on the drawings —1 additional clay Weather —No additional Days Inland Asphalt has not claimed any trmvor kable weather days on previous Statements of Working Days. Weather - related ivw* delays wlu continue to be evaluated on f rture Statements. Leland Asphalt Company November V, 2012 Page 2 Century Link utility lid adjustments — 2 additional days This Issue came up the morning of Nov. 1, 2012, the day after all other requests here considered. COSYfeels this Is a substantial scheduling conflict that hill delay completion of the north side curb. All items considered add up to a total of 8 additional worldng days to reach Substantial Completion on the project. This results in a total of 43 contract working days, after which Liquidated Damages can be assessed in accordance with WSDOT Standard Specification 1 -08.9. In the case of this project, this amount shall be $5,454.74 per day beginning on November 9, 2012. If Inland Asphalt is in agreement with these determinations, please sign the attached Change Order 1 so I can begun processing Pay Application #2. If you have any questions, please contact me at 720.5013. Sincerely, Ryan Brodwater, BIT Assistant Stormwater Engineer Encl: Change Order 1 Mark Bullock email dated October 31, 2012