2013, 05-07 Minutes Study Session MINUTES SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING STUDY SESSION FORMAT Spokane Valley City Hall Council Chambers Spokane Valley,Washington May 7,2013 6:00 p.m. Attendance: Councilmembers Staff Tom Towey,Mayor Mike Jackson, City Manager Gary Schimmels,Deputy Mayor Cary Driskell, City Attorney Dean Grafos, Councilmember Erik Lamb,Deputy City Attorney Chuck Hafner, Councilmember Mark Calhoun,Finance Director Rod Higgins,Councilmember Mike Stone,Parks &Recreation Director Ben Wick, Councilmember Eric Guth, Public Works Director Arne Woodard, Councilmember John Hohman, Community Development Dir Steve Worley, Senior Engineer Mike Turbak,Permit Center Coordinator Rick VanLeuven,Police Chief CaroIbelle Branch,Public Information Officer Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk Mayor Towey called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Roll Call: City Clerk Bainbridge called the roll; all Councilmembers were present. Mayor Towey read a Proclamation, proclaiming the week of May 5 through 11 as "Municipal Clerks' Week" and City Clerk Bainbridge, on behalf of the Clerk's office, thanked him and Council for the proclamation and for their kind words of appreciation. Introduction of New Crime Prevention Officer Chris Johnston—by Chief VanLeuven Police Chief VanLeuven introduced new Crime Prevention Officer Chris Johnston, who replaced Deputy Greg Snyder who now works in the Patrol Division. Deputy Johnson explained that his job is to make people aware of what things they can do to not become victims of crime; said he is proactive in preventing crime and works with various community members groups and individuals, as well as offers crime prevention training. 1. 2013 Budget Amendment—Mark Calhoun Finance Director Calhoun went over the history of the 2013 budget adoption and explained the items which are now requiring the budget amendment, all of which were described in his Request for Council Action. Mr. Calhoun said the Finance Committee met and discussed these items at length and said they were comfortable in bringing this to full Council; he also noted he anticipates the need for an additional budget amendment likely in September, and that one item to include in that budget amendment will be increasing the amount in Community Development for the Shoreline Attorney as well as increasing appropriations for GIS services. Mr. Calhoun mentioned we were required to set aside $300,000 by the end of 2009 in the CenterPlace Operating Reserve Fund, which was done, and that the amount actually set aside is $350,787, or$50,787 more than necessary; and he proposed the excess balance be returned to the General Fund from whence it came; he also noted this was due to the issuance of tax general obligation bonds which we refinanced through the Public Facilities District, so it would be that entity that recognizes Council Study Session Minutes 05-07-2013 Page 1 of 4 Approved by Council: 05-14-2013 the savings. There was no objection to have staff move this forward for a public hearing and first reading as scheduled. 2. Community Development Reports—John Holtman Community Development Director Holunan explained about the City's transitioning to the new permitting tracking software Paladin Data Systems, from the former program of PLUS; and that this new system conversion is now complete and most of the operational issues are resolved, adding that it is also less labor-intensive than the previous software. Mr. Hohman also mentioned the upcoming City and County-sponsored May 16 meeting where staff and members of the development community can discuss the software with the Vice President of Paladin, and that eventually the public will be able to track their permit process. Mr. Holtman said he hopes to come back to Council in a few months with an update. Development Services Coordinator Mike Turbak then explained some of the features of the new system, and about its benefit of bringing a more consistent permitting format for the community's benefit, and of allowing our citizens a direct voice to the Paladin Vice President. Mr. Turbak then gave a demonstration of the SmartGov process, and of the reports showing historical data, as well as trends. Director Hohman said the next step would be performance measures, which was one of those "roadmap for enhanced permitting" goals; and said this system will also allow for continued development based on feedback, and said he is very happy with the direction it is going; that it is an ongoing maintenance contract and we pay about $30,000 annually. Mr. Hohman said there is a limitation on what the company can do as the software company only has a certain number of staff, and they don't have the ability to do an additional contract unless they were to hire more staff. In response to Councilnember Wick's remarks about having a "dashboard" executive summary, Mr. Hohman said that is one of his goals as well, to have the dashboard on our website for citizens. Mayor Towey and Council thanked staff for their report. Mayor Towey called for a recess at 7:27 p.m., and he reconvened the meeting at 7:38 p.m. 3.Farmer's Market Update—Mike Stone Parks and Recreation Director Stone said that Council had expressed an interest in using the Sprague property for community activities prior to the development of the site for a parkllibrary; and that one of the ideas Council wanted staff to consider, was the operation of a farmer's market. After Mr. Stone explained about some of the basics of what would be necessary and what issues to consider to start such an endeavor, such as local support, days and hours of operation, length of season, trash removal, site maintenance, and competition; he mentioned that there are several farmers' markets in the area, including a new market just opened in the Veradale area. Mr. Stone stressed the aspect of community support and of the need to have a coordinator, and suggested placing such an ad in the newspaper after tonight's meeting. Mr. Stone further explained that these are just ideas,that it would not be successful in generating large amounts of money but would be a wonderful opportunity to garner a sense of community, and that he looks for input and guidance from Council, adding that if Council is interested, he feels it would be possible to start such a market this year,although it would be a reduced season. Councilmember Woodard remarked that he feels this is "government gone amok;" said he loves farmer's markets, but we are making it way too complicated; that we just need to open an area where people can put up booths, and we don't need electricity, and perhaps don't even need water; and said that he knows there are certain things we have to do if this is a City-run project. Director Stone explained that we do not intend to have this a City-run function; that the idea was we would provide the site and get someone who wants to run it; and said whoever wants to run this, will have issues to address, most of which will come from the Health Department. Further discussion ensued with Mayor Towey mentioning that we are just in the first stages, and the community support will tell us what it will look like and how it will proceed. Mr. Stone added that the idea was to just have something in the interim, and not a permanent fixture. Councihnember Grafos said we don't want to spend City money or staff time to pursue this, and Mr. Stone agreed. There was apparent Council Study Session Minutes 05-07-2013 Page 2 of 4 Approved by Council: 05-14-2013 Council consensus that if someone comes forward,we will consider this further, but to let the concept be driven by the community. 4. Draft 2014-2019 Transportation Improvement PIan(TIP)—Steve Worley Senior Engineer Worley went through the TIP process and the first draft of projects with the hope of getting additional comments prior to the upcoming public hearing; he mentioned that the company hired to scan the streets just completed their work Iast week, and he should have that data soon, which will be reflected into the new draft TIP. Mr. Worley also explained some of the funding levels for various grants; and said that the report now shows the total project cost. Deputy Mayor Schimmels mentioned the Broadway Extension, Flora to Barker project and said he would like to keep that project, and Council concurred. There were no other suggested changes, and Mr. Worley said this is currently set for a public hearing May 28,with approval consideration set for the June 11 Council meeting. 5.Bridging the Valley—Steve Worley Senior Engineer Worley explained that the annual Six Year Transportation Improvement Programs have included Bridging the Valley projects, and by use of an SRTC (Spokane Regional Transportation Council) 2004 Report prepared by HDR, Mr. Worley described how, when and why this project started, what the project would entail, estimated cost, and what the project hoped to accomplish; after which he went over updated information showing the projects, mentioning that the design is 30% complete and has environmental approval; and also explained about the funding of the entire project, and what funding has currently been received. At 9:00 p.m., it was moved by Deputy Mayor Schinunels, seconded and unanimously agreed to extend the meeting for an hour. Discussion ensued regarding pursuing the project, or sections of it, and there appeared to be Council consensus that after the Sullivan Bridge, the Barker Overpass would be their next priority; and that Mr. Worley will attempt to gather further information concerning costs. 6. Stormwater Improvement Plan 2014-2019 &2013 Projects—Eric Guth After Public Works Director Guth went through his PowerPoint presentation providing an overview of the Plan, and mentioning that for consistency sake, it will be referred to as the Capital Improvement Plan, there were no objections from Council to bring this forth as a motion consideration at the May 28 meeting. 7.Advance Agenda—Mayor Towey. There were no suggestions for changes to the Advance Agenda. 8. Information Items (a)Public Employees Retirement Systems Memo, (b)Parks &Recreation Quarterly Report, and(c) Greater Spokane, Inc. Quarterly Report were for information only and were not reported or discussed. 9. Council Check-in—Mayor Towey. There were no comments. 10. City Manager Comments—Mike Jackson City Manager Jackson said that Mr. Calhoun had previously mentioned allocating $60,000 for a solid waste study; he explained that the amount is larger than originally discussed as we had estimated our share would be about $15,000; and said as we work through the negotiations with the consultant, he would like to be able to let the County know we have no objections to the larger amount; he said the hope is the work will be completed in about twelve weeks, and that all parties will make a decision before the end of this year. There were no objections from Council to Mr.Jackson's suggestion to proceed as noted. Council Study Session Minutes 05-07-20I3 Page 3 of 4 Approved by Council: 05-14-2013 It was moved by Deputy Mayor Schimmels, seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn, The meeting adjourned at 9:23 p.m. ■N, c,agaire _. ATTEST• Thenias E. Ts vey, Mayor PP— ____:4_,t_ Z/1/(_,3 � 1„, Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Council Study Session Minutes 05-07-2013 Page 4 of 4 Approved by Council: 05-14-2013