PC APPROVED Minutes 04-11-13 Spokane Valley Planning Commission APPROVED Minutes Council Chambers — City Hall, 11707 E. Sprague Ave. April 11, 2013 I. CALL TO ORDER Chair Bates called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Commissioners, staff and audience stood for the pledge of allegiance. III. ROLL CALL COMMISSIONERS Present Absent CITY STAFF Bill Bates-Chair x John Hohman,Director Joe Stoy—Vice-chair x Cary Driskell, City Attorney Robert McCaslin x r Rod Higgins, City Council Mike Phillips x r Steven Neil x Christina Carlsen x 1- Kevin Anderson x Maiy Swank, Secretary Commissioner Anderson was excused. IV. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Commissioner Stoy made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. This motion was passed unanimously. V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Neill made a motion to approve the March 28, 2013 minutes as presented. This motion was passed unanimously. VI. PUBLIC COMMENT There was no public comment. VII. COMMISSION REPORTS Commissioner Bates reported that on April 4th our Representative, Cathy MeMorris Rodgers was here and it went very well. Ms. Rodgers commented our council did an excellent job on Planning Commission Minutes Page 1 of 5 informing her on our cities priorities and wants to help with the Sullivan Bridge project and have information sent to her. VIII. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Community Development Director John Hohman explained staff is working on shoreline regulations and the 2013 comprehensive plan amendments. We just received a draft on the shoreline regulations and are going through them. It will be a number of weeks before it is ready. We want to make sure it's easy for us to understand and implement for any potential development. Mike Basinger is working on the comprehensive plan amendments. Scott Kuhta is out of town at the SEPA Committee in Olympia, working on Phase II. Our administrative report to Council on SEPA changes on Tuesday went well. They've authorized us to move forward to the first reading. Commissioner Stoy asked how many comprehensive plan amendments we have this year. John Hohman answered we have two privately initiated and 5 to 6 city initiated. IX. COMMISSION BUSINESS Unfinished Business: No unfinished business. New Business: Public Hearing: CTA-2013-0003 — Amending Manufactured Homes Regulations and CTA-2013-0004—Amending Sign Regulations CTA-2013-0003 John Hohman started his presentation on CTA 2013-0003, amending the SVMC 19.40.120 regarding manufactured homes. This is to eliminate the requirement for new manufactured hones in SVMC and eliminate SVMC 19.40.120.C. The proposed amendment language will be changed that these provisions of the code will be removed. Once the language is removed then used manufactured homes will be allowed in the city. Commissioner Bates went over the procedures and opened the public hearing at 6:12p.m. Commissioner Stoy read the rules. Commissioner MeCaslin asked about homeowner covenants and associations. If somebody owns a lot in a preplanned community that they want to put a used manufactured home on does the homeowner associations have the power to deny that? John Holtman explained our code would not supersede any CC&R's or covenants. It would be a private issue. Commissioner McCaslin asked if homeowners associations have the power to keep someone from putting a manufactured home where the association would vote not to have one but what if they owned the lot. City Attorney Cary Driskell explained that CC&R's dictates what you can and cannot do with your property. CC&R's are a binding contract on that property. Commissioner Stoy read the rules of the public hearing. Commissioner Bates opened public testimony. Public Comment was given by Tim B Moyer at 11617 E Rego Court, Spokane Valley. Mr. Moyer stated there are a lot of areas where affordable housing could help first time homebuyers but also provide housing for the rental market. Mr. Moyer is in the process of Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 of 5 short plating a property on Bowdish and Valleyway. It has an existing 1950's home with a big lot. Mr. Moyer is going to split if off the back and put a 2001 used doublewide that is 50' x 24' that he found in the Valley and needs to be moved. Mr. Moyer is in favor and hope it is approved. Commissioner Stoy asked how far Mr. Moyer is on his short plat. Mr. Moyer stated it's in process and being reviewed and it should be in final plat approval in about 3 to 6 weeks. Commissioner Bates asked what Mr. Moyer planned to do with landscaping. Mr. Moyer responded that, he would make it look nice for the neighborhood and have a front and backyard, have a separate 24' x 30' foot garage with a concrete floor, and add sod and fencing to make it look like a rancher. It would be a permanent set foundation. Commissioner Bates closed public hearing at 6:22pm. Commissioner Bates asked do we have a motion for amendment. Commissioner Stay moved to proceed with CTA 2013-0003 to city council. Discussion: Commissioner Neil and Commissioner Stoy commented that they support this project. It would be good for the economy and help those families with less income, new starters and new families. Commissioner Bates supports this and talked about the Land Use in our comprehensive plan that encourages needs and preferences and this does that. Commissioner Bates asked if CTA-2013-0003 should be approved. The motion was passed unanimously. CTA-2013-0004 Chair Bates: Opened public hearing at 6:26 for CTA-2013-0004. Commissioner Stoy read the rules of the Public Hearing. John Hohman started presentation on CTA-2013-0004, sign code provisions. Mr. Hohman briefly reviewed 2012 sign code revision process, an overview of the changes,highlights of the public education code enforcement process, issues that came up with the code and our currently proposed provisions. Mr. Hohman reviewed the proposed sign code changes, revisions from the attorney's office, minor clarifications and corrections and a few other provisions that have not been included yet. The changes would be presented with the Findings, depending on how the Commission moved forward. Commissioner Bates asked if Section D is new, why it is in the document and why scaled drawings are not. Mr. Hohman stated Section D has not been included in the construction drawings. We had that required under a written policy from the first Building Official. Mr. Hohman stated that he asked staff instead of having a written policy to incorporate this in the code. Mr., Phillips asked if scaled drawings are required for every sign application; if an engineer is required to stamp every drawing; and if he would need two drawings if he put a sign in front of his building. Mr. Hohman stated that two scale drawings are required for the proposed sign. When you exceed 30 ft. then you need the engineer to approve that design. Commissioner Phillips asked if we have AutoCAD and computers now, why is a wet stamp required and not just a signed stamp. Mr. Hohman stated this follows the standard code provisions but we will look into it. Commissioner Stoy asked if we still had an issue concerning statistics that were presented at the March 28th meeting. Mr. Hohman stated that it has not been resolved. Commissioner Stoy asked under Section A, if he can have one banner Planning Commission Minutes Page 3 of 5 and two flags. Mr. Holtman stated yes, as businesses were surveyed flags come in pairs and this is how businesses like to display them. It could be distracting but staff felt it would be a good option. Mr. Hohman stated that it depends on how the Commission feels and it could be looked at during deliberations. Commissioner Stoy asked if Section D is Iined out because it is covered in the regulations, if it still a requirement. Mr. Hohman confirmed that it is still a requirement. Commissioner Carlsen inquired about increasing the amount of freestanding signs for arterials and if there is a concern for temporary signs on arterial streets. Mr. Hohman stated that he hadn't heard of that issue, but if they were allowed multiple banners, one would be on one side-street and another on arterial. Commissioner Carlsen asked how balloons are addressed if they are being taken out of Section G. Mr. Hohman stated, the Commission could recommend that change and for clarity the language could be modified. Commissioner Carlsen expressed concern about the number of potential temporary signs at the Fred Meyer at Sullivan and Sprague, that it looks very cluttered. She asked if Fred Meyer Gas and Fred Meyer Store can have more signs and if the store separate from the gas station. Mr. Hohman responded that since they are separate they would be separate signs. It is something staff would look at for interpretation. Commissioner Bates asked if the dimension of reader boards is addressed in prohibited signs. 22.110.020. Mr. Hohman stated that they are not addressed at this time. Commissioner Bates stated that some are permanent and some are temporary but there are no square footage rules at this time. Mr. Hohman responded that reader boards have been considered portable signs that are prohibited. However, through the years they have been allowed to be permanently installed and viewed as a monument sign, which would require a permit. . Commissioner Bates closed the Public hearing at 6:53pm. Commissioner Bates asked if CTA-2013-0004 should be approved. Commissioner Car/sen moved to proceed with CTA-2013-0004 to the City Council. Comments: Commissioner Bates commented that some things have been put off for a later time and some really good points have come up tonight. Commissioner Bates Iiked the idea of businesses having some flexibility on their signs and supports it. It's positive to our city. Commissioner McCaslin commended John on the proposals. Commissioner Phillips stated after the last meeting he drove around and paid more attention to signs. Commissioner Phillips was surprised of the variety of the signs and how they are put up and that he can't even see how Mr. Hohman can come up with ideas for signs because there are so many different kinds. Commissioner Carlsen stated it has made this city look really nice and she has been looking at signs a lot lately. The Sprague corridor is noticeably clean. Commissioner Bates stated most businesses do what they think they need to do and it is amazing how good they are at not blocking sidewalks. He further stated that the Commission hasn't discussed much on clutter but that is a future discussion. Commissioner Stoy stated that the option for temporary signs will alleviate a lot of that clutter once this is accepted from City Council. Planning Commission Minutes Page 4 of 5 Commissioner Bates asked if CTA-2013-0004 should be approved. The motion was passed unanimously. X. GOOD OF THE ORDER There was nothing for the good of the order. XL ADJOURNMENT The being no other business the meeting was adjourned at 7:03 p.m. Bill Bates, Chairperson Mary Swank, Secretary Date signed 5- / , f 73 Planning Commission Minutes Page 5 of 5