2013, 05-21 Study SessionTuesday, May 21, 2013 AGENDA SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION FORMAT CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 11707 East Sprague Avenue, First Floor (Please Silence Your Cell Phones During the Meeting) 6:00 p.m. DISCUSSION LEADER SUBJECT /ACTIVITY GOAL ROLL CALL 1. Doug Powell Building Code Updates Discussion /Information 2. Eric Guth Appleway Landscaping Project Discussion /Information 3. Eric Guth 2013 Construction Projects Discussion /Information 4. Mike Basinger Comprehensive Plan Amendments Discussion /Information 5. Mayor Towey Advance Agenda Discussion /Information 6. Information Only: (will not be reported or discussed): Final 2012 Budget Report 7. Mayor Towey Council Check in Discussion /Information 8. Mike Jackson ADJOURN City Manager Comments Discussion /Information Note: Unless otherwise noted above, there will be no public comments at Council Study Sessions. However, Council always reserves the right to request information from the public and staff as appropriate. During meetings held by the City of Spokane Valley Council, the Council reserves the right to take "action" on any item listed or subsequently added to the agenda. The term "action" means to deliberate, discuss, review, consider, evaluate, or make a collective positive or negative decision. NOTICE: Individuals planning to attend the meeting who require special assistance to accommodate physical, hearing, or other impairments, please contact the City Clerk at (509) 921 -1000 as soon as possible so that arrangements may be made. Study Session Agenda, May 21, 2013 Page 1 of 1 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: 05/21/2013 Department Director Approval: ❑ Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ® admin. report ❑ pending legislation ❑ executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Building Code Updates GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Chapter 19.27 RCW including Chapter 19.27A RCW and WAC's 51 -11C, 51 -11R PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: None BACKGROUND: Staff will be focusing discussion on adopted code requirements that will have impacts on residential developers, commercial developers and the jurisdiction with emphasis on the significant changes to the 2012 Washington State Energy Code. OPTIONS: None RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: None BUDGET /FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Unknown STAFF CONTACT Examiner ATTACHMENTS: Doug Powell, Building Official and Jenny Nickerson, Senior Plans 'IFS J��� OP y�' CD� LEADING UP TO 2012 WSEC ADOPTION: ➢ Senate Bill 5854 passed in 2009 (RCW 19.27A.060) ➢ Mandated 70% reduction in building energy use by 2031 ➢ 3- phased strategic plan developed to implement updated Energy Codes, to be accomplished by utilizing one of two models *: Each Code cycle; reduce target energy use by 8.75% as compared to 2006 WSEC; or 5 Each Code cycle; reduce target energy use by 14% as compared to the previous WSEC edition. *refer to final slide for links to informational sources LEADING UP TO 2012 WSEC ADOPTION: ➢ Federal law requires each state to report that their adopted commercial building energy code meets or exceeds ASHRAE Standard 90.1 -2010. ➢ For residential buildings, each state must certify that the energy code meets or exceeds the 2012 International Energy Conservation Code. ➢ Both certifications are due Juiy20, 2013. Washington State Building Code Council (SBCC) Technical Advisory Group constructed a `mash -up' of the 2009 Washington State Energy Code and the 2012 International Energy Conservation Code as a baseline documentthen amended for increased annual reduction in energy consumption in both residential and commercial buildings (utilizing one of the two models). Asa municipality, we are obligated to enforce this progressive energy code, IMPACTS TO RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION: ✓ Increased Cost: Code compliance parameters for multi - family occupancies (typically apartments) have been shifted to the residential energy code; All residential buildings must undergo specialized testing of the building's thermal envelope for air - leakage. Under the 2009 WSEC, multi - family code compliance parameters were contained in the commercial energy code and were exempt from the air - barrier testing requirement. IMPACTS TO COMMERCIAL CONSTRUCTION: ✓ Increased Cost: All commercial buildings must now be tested to show compliance with "Air- Barrier" requirements. Enclosed vestibules now required at all public entrances to buildings greater than 10,000 square feet in area or 4 stories in height. 4: Under the 2009 WSEC, the requirement for air - barrier testing was limited to commercial buildings greater than 5 stories above grade. Performinga Blower -Door test to determine air leakage rates IMPACTS TO COMMERCIAL CONSTRUCTION: Buildings with a gross conditioned floor area greater than 50,000 square feet are required to be equipped with metering devices to measure, monitor, record and display energy consumption data for each energy source: Electrical energy Gaseous /liquid fuel supply energy District energy (i.e. chilled water loops, hot water systems, other energy sources serving multiple buildings) Site - generated renewable energy (solar, wind, geothermal, tidal or other natural resources) HVAC system energy use Water heating energy use Small Existing Buildings - Metering and data acquisition systems capable of measuring, monitoring, recording, and displaying data for each energy source shall be provided for additions over 25,000 square feet. RCW 19.27A.170 establishes requirements for commercial building energy disclosure at the time of sale or lease or application for lending, which will be further addressed in future energy code editions. IMPACTS TO COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION: ✓ Increased Cost: WSEC compliance an unfunded mandate; SBCC responded to backlash from jurisdictions lacking the staffing levels necessary to perform specialized analysis /testing required under WSEC by amending the code to allow Building Officials to require third party reviews and inspections. CSV currently requires commercial and multi - family projects to undergo a third party review by a qualified individual or agency for Non - Residential Energy Code (NREC) compliance, CSV plan review staff duties include the review of third -party compliance reports to verify accuracy of report with regards to plans provided for permit review; The two most prominent local NREC review agencies are contemplating increases in review time and review fees due to stricter compliance thresholds in this minimum /maximum code. IMPACTS TO THE JURISDICTION: Increased permit application review time; New requirements for documentation and certifications to be provided by the applicant for Building Official approval of both residential and commercial project components mean added review steps related to: c Permit application intake Submittal documents Inspection /inspection records c Final approvals c Issuance of Certificates of Occupancy IMPACTS TO THE JURISDICTION: ❖ Increased staff hours dedicated to performing reviews and inspections; Potential impacts on current plan review timelines to verify report and design documents and certifications. Increased time per- inspection to allow for verification of report and design documents and certifications. Sharp increase in customer inquiries requiring additional staff time for response; Updated codes require retooling of review processes and are just as new for staff as they are for designers, developers, and tradespeople, Updated codes not limited to energy, building, residential, fire, plumbing, mechanical, and fuel gas code updates also come into effect on July 1, 2013! Information is so new that the timesaving guides and resources typically utilized are not yet available; Leaving open the opportunity for differing interpretations among Code officials in the region, thus an increased importance of interjurisdictional communication and interaction. NOTED UPDATES TO OTHER CODES: 2012 Int'I Building Code: 2012 Int'I Residential Code: Ambulatory care facilities, including many dental offices and day - surgery facilities, require specific fire -rated separation from other uses. Storage and display of upholstered furniture in factory, mercantile, and storage occupancies now requires fire - sprinkler systems in all but the smallest buildings. Washington State amendment to Code requires fire - sprinkler systems in portable classroom buildings with the capacityto accommodate more than 50 people Residential fire - sprinkler system requirement notadopted by Washington State. Added opportunity to reduce lot line setback requirements for residential buildings equipped with fire - sprinkler systems. Drywall or wood sheathing required at underside of most floor joists; Unfinished basement ceilings are nearly prohibited under this Code � M M�` Department of Commerce 2011 Strategic Plan for Enhancing Energy Efficiency... http,//www.commerce.wa.gov/Documents/EO-2011-Strategoo-Pla uildin2s.odf Air Barrier Association of America 2012 Washington State Energy Code Legislative Report httr)s://fortress.wa.gov/ga/aoDs/sboc/File.ashx?cid=2498 Washington State Building Code Council httos: / /fortress.wa. Pov /Pa /a n ns 'c hcc /Pa Pe.asox ?n id =14 International Code Council free public a -code viewer http,//publocecodes.giberrePs.com/ocod/ondex.htm Please refer any inquiries to: Building Official, Doug Powell; laowell @spokanevalley.orW72O -5305 Sr. Plans Examiner, Jenny Nickerson; jenny .nickerson @spokdiiuvaiiey.org / 720 -5316 Feel free to email or call eitherofus for more infoimatiop� 11 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: May 21, 2013 Department Director Approval: ❑ Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ® admin. report ❑ pending legislation ❑ executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Appleway Landscaping Feasibility Update GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: June 2011 Council retreat; 24 April 2012 Council request to look at potential landscaping improvements on Appleway Blvd.; 19 Mar 2013 staff report /Council and request to study phasing. BACKGROUND: Council requested that staff evaluate how Appleway Blvd, between Thierman Road and University Road, could be improved aesthetically with possible landscaping and /or stormwater swale improvements. Staff hired a landscape architectural consultant to review the existing available right -of -way, evaluate the existing swale areas and other potential landscape areas, and develop preliminary cost estimates to beautify Appleway. The consultant and staff finalized a study in December 2012 and reported to Council in March 2013. In March, Council requested staff to look at phasing options and costs associated with construction and long -term maintenance and report back with results. This presentation delivers staff's findings. OPTIONS: Discussion RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: N/A BUDGET /FINANCIAL IMPACTS: TBD STAFF CONTACT: Eric Guth — Public Works Director Art Jenkins — Stormwater Engineer ATTACHMENTS: Presentation Appleway Landscape Feasibility Update City of Spokane Valley Council Study Session 21 May 2013 Previously... . Last discussion w /Council: • Staff Proposed options: Market Led, City Led, and Combination • Council Recommended: 1) Phase the corridor into 3 or more segments 2) Determine cost estimates for each phase, including maintenance costs 2 Improvement Options - Market Led —Allow redevelopment to make improvements • City Led —Find funding, design projects, construct Combination —City works with frontage owner(s) to encourage improvements 3 Cross - Section Example -� APPLEWAY LANDSCAPE a . n OK I FEASIBILITY - 5/21 UPDATE 4 d as � In °1q Dora Rd. to University Rd. o a IF nq p�qP a ti Q r Ll Ll Phase 2 1 ❑ 4gOflild - �� -- R DORA RD. TO PARK RD. Phase 1 Dora Rd. to Park Rd. y„r; ° °V~I Ui CL r� I I � Q n Existing LJ w Hardscape CL 26% rL Q � n Inside ROW Existing 58% Outside Landscape DOW 16% "� 6 Phase 2 - Park Rd. to Dishman Mica Rd. f l Existing Outside Hardscape ROW 21% C 23% l] U �� _ i � fl���d 0 ❑ Existing u Landscape Inside 15% ROW G} i 41% -7- - �� PAP,K RD. TO V15TA PD. Lg L) G V15TA RD. TO D15HMAN MICA RD. f t sr� cr�ra ncrarrrr L 9 co LU a a c� CI') 0 z CIL Phase 3 - Dishman Mica Rd. to University Rd. -- yJ Fff-Jo�.WNzf -.�e �r ED 5 V Co Cn Existing Landscape 7% LU DISHMM MICA TO FAE,f? PD. Existing CC133 Hardscape a Inside 9% ROW 79% � Outside ROW` 5% 7LU riFKAID KT), TO 1JPJIV7=KL-lJTY Improvement Areas (square feet) Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 1 Park to Dishman -Mica Total Project Dora to Park Dishman -Mica to University Outside ROW 0 61,214 15,454 76,668 Inside ROW 29,627 108,153 207,554 345,334 Existing Landscape 81096 39,240 181526 65,862 Existing Hardscape 12,981 55,757 241447 93,185 Total Areas by Phase Existing 300 000 Ha rd sca pe 2501000 ■ Existing Landscape 200,000 Inside ROW 150,000 1001000 Outside ROW 50,000 0 Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Dora to Park Park to Dishman -Mica to . Dishman -Mica University 10 Estimated Improvement Costs Weighted Unit Cost: Est. Avg. Property Cost: $4.71 $7.00 (per square foot) (per square foot) Cost for Inside ROW: $139,540 $509,390 $977,559 $1,626,489 Cost for Outside ROW: $0 $716,810 $151,538 $868,348 Subtotals: 50% Continaencv: $139,540 $69,770 $1,226,200 $613,100 $1,129,096 $564,548 Total Estimates: $209,310 $1,839,300 $1,693,644 $2,494,836 $1,247,418 $3,742,2 Other Considerations Funding . Partnership with Local Businesses Grants Federal Urban Forestry State Ecology Stormwater w/402 Utility Match Economic Development Other? _I Other Considerations, Cont. - Maintenance - $80k /year (100% increase) Commits to look of corridor Discussion CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: May 21, 2013 Department Director Approval: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ® admin. report ❑ pending legislation ❑ executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Public Works capital projects update GOVERNING LEGISLATION: N/A PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: N/A BACKGROUND: This presentation is intended to provide Council with an update regarding the status of current capital projects. OPTIONS: Discussion RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: N/A BUDGET /FINANCIAL IMPACTS: N/A STAFF CONTACT: Eric Guth, Public Works Director ATTACHMENTS: Public Works construction projects presentation Capital Projects Update 2013 Construction Season May 21, 2013 i! 24th Ave Sidewalk - q%*_ Adams to Sullivan • Installation of sidewalk and curb • Sidewalk poured May 3 • Project complete by mid -May 0 0 0 Sprague Ave ADA Curb Ramp Remove, replace and /or upgrade non -ADA compliant curb ramps Construction began on April 15 Anticipated completion - May 31 Sidewalk Infill —Phase 2 • Farr Rd — Appleway to 41h • Perrine Rd — Sprague to Main • Adding sidewalks & 6 bus shelter pads • Completing right -of- way phase a Wellesley Ave & Ada ms Rd Sidewalks • Funded by State - Safe Routes to School • New sidewalk, curb extension and curb ramps • Completing right -of -way phase • Out to bid in July EAF� IM T —F f lJew SidewafkN Sro'ewa7k- I _ WE!lFSLEY I � q I � I I I lONGFELLO�'V e I Ir I I TV �•�IrIJ,I I � � I � r ROCKWELL l TRENT Argonne Rd Corridor Upgrade • Improve congestion and LOS between 190 and Trent Ave. • Project in right -of -way phase • Continued negotiations with property owners impedes 2013 construction start date _ -si si 4 r. T i I V1 is :• xN4 Hd z11E2 IIII I .ig wr]E •� Tyl In Hill �o. M1 RI. �r y7 Caruso's CG .rn T M flMx -H �j � Iln RE p�lE 10; I y� � A0 I r III R nil II* i oor xrr �ivrT wwnrx 3EE 401E it I it it I ■ I dip HILL �i h 1 r � � u �C 4 Y - M � SifWl f1GN bME1F Argonne Rd Safety Project Empire to Knox • Funded by HSIP grant ($180,640) • Upgrade signal equipment; install countdown pedestrian timers; signing of alternate bike routes • Working in conjunction with City of Millwood • Construction starts July 1 Argonne /Mullan Corridor Safety Indianam Broadway • HSIP grant funded ($111,750) • Upgrade signal equipment; install countdown pedestrian timers; bike route signage • Construction starts July 15 Citywide Traffic Safety Improvements • HSIP grant funded ($400,000) • Crosswalk improvements; signage retrofits; bicycle route signs • Construction begins in August rz• Citywide Traffic Sign Upgrade SPEED LIMIT 25 • HSIP grant funded ($200,.000) • Replacement of regulatory and warning signs • Construction begins July 1 10 Pines /Mansfield UPRR Xming • Most of the project completed in 2010 • Restriped Pines in April • Sidewalk work will be done by mid to late May -�_ In 1R 11 2013 Street Preservation —Phase 1 • Sullivan Rd between Flora Pit Rd and Trent Ave • Grind and overlay; stormwater work • Work began April 22 • Complete by mid -June f4� Y r 2013 Street Preservation —Phase 2 • Shim grind and overlay; curb rampJ: upgrades; ITS conduit; stormwater = him k l � ! k.. improvements , En • Waiting on Environmental approval ' 1. " • Right -of -way phase will start after Y Environmental approval • Going out for bids on June 7 M MM,t kk i sr-3 13 2013 Street Preservation —Phase 2 ��� JL �� _ A Sullivan Rd W Bridge Replacement • Replace southbound bridge over river with 4 lanes and bike /ped path i J _ • Federal environmental process : complete • Beginning right -of -way t flaw process � � _ . .� Vl� • Still on track for November bid date Sullivan UP Trachs (SB) Resurfacing • Bridge Rehabilitation grant funded ($461,000) • Remove and replace concrete surface on bridge • Environmental approved • Construction July /August • Traffic will route to northbound bridge — one lane in each direction Pines (SR27) ITS Improvements NOW • Install fiber optic cable, CCTV cameras, and a vehicle counting station • Project 1/3 complete • Boring south of 1 -90 through end of May; trenching north of 1 -90 through completion • Complete mid -July 17 Sprague /Sullivan ITS • Install fiber optic cable and CCTV cameras • Signals and fiber test — week of May 6 • Project complete May 31 IN Sullivan Rd Bridge Drain Retrofit • Remove existing bridge drains and replace with treatment system • Environmental process complete • Preparing final bid documents • Limited access — one lane on northbound bridge • Anticipated ad date — mid -June 1Jorth En e West Bridge 19 Sprague Ave Swale Upgrade Park to 1 -90 • Storm drainage system work; traffic signal upgrades; sidewalks; ped ramp upgrades • Grind and inlay existing roadway • Stormwater infrastructure complete; overlay will be complete by June 30 20 Stor water Utility 2013 Small Works Projects, Phase 1 • Pines Rd, Olive to Alki and Dishman -Mica, south of Appleway • Projects completed on April 30 r � p. Bett anAwDichey • Install storm sewer system to re- establish d ra i n a geway - will alleviate local flooding • Out to bid in early June • 2 -4 weeks to construct • Coordinating with utility companies zz NEW �RYN'ELLS RETEUTON SWAL^ 1 (3) 18" S1'"PIPES N ,N'S I - BETTMAN5 AF)D,TICN 9CTTM ANDS ADDITION EILTTIAAN'S AGDITIDN • Install storm sewer system to re- establish d ra i n a geway - will alleviate local flooding • Out to bid in early June • 2 -4 weeks to construct • Coordinating with utility companies zz Spokane Valley Regional Decant Facility • To be built on WSDOT's property at Pines & 1 -90 • Department of Ecology funding 75 %; WSDOT funding 15% • WSDOT part of design team • Utility phase bidding in June • Project complete in November CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: May 21, 2013 Department Director Approval ❑ Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business E new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information E admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: 2013 Annual Comprehensive Plan Amendments - Overview GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 36.70A, SVMC 17.80.140 and 19.30.010 PREVIOUS ACTION TAKEN: None BACKGROUND: The Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC 17.80.140) establishes an annual comprehensive plan amendment cycle that runs from November 2nd to November 1St of the following year. The Planning Commission considers applications received prior to November 1St, in late spring of the following year, with a decision by City Council in late spring/early summer. The Community Development Department received two privately initiated requests for site - specific Comprehensive Plan amendments. In addition, the City is initiating one site - specific Comprehensive Plan amendment. Sites approved for a Comprehensive Plan amendment will receive a zoning classification consistent with the new land use designation. The Comprehensive Plan text amendments include amendments to six Comprehensive Plan Elements: Chapter 2 - Land Use, Chapter 3 — Transportation, Chapter 4 — Capital Facilities and Public Services, Chapter 7 — Economic Development, Chapter 10 - Neighborhoods, and Chapter 11 - Bike and Pedestrian. The amendments may also entail minor changes to other elements referencing the proposed amendments. Staff presented the proposed amendments to the Planning Commission at a study session on April 25, 2013. The Planning Commission held a public hearing on the amendments on May 9, 2013. PUBLIC NOTICE: Notice for the proposed amendments was placed in the Spokane Valley News Herald on April 19, 2013 and each site was posted with a "Notice of Public Hearing" sign, with a description of the proposal. Individual notices of the proposals were mailed to all property owners within 400 feet of each amendment. SEPA REVIEW: Pursuant to the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA — RCW 43.21C), environmental checklists were required for each proposed comprehensive plan amendment. Under SEPA, amendments to the comprehensive plan are considered "non- project actions" defined as actions involving decisions on policies, plans, or programs that contain standards controlling use or modification of the environment. Additional environmental review may be required for the physical development of the subject properties. 1 of 2 Staff reviewed the environmental checklists and a threshold determination was made for each proposed comprehensive plan amendment. Determinations of Non - significance (DNS) were issued for the proposed amendments on April 19, 2013 consistent with the City of Spokane Valley Environmental Ordinance. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT PROPOSALS: Comprehensive plan amendment proposals are organized into individual reports consisting of staff reports, maps, and comments submitted to date to assist the City Council in their review. OPTIONS: Consensus to proceed with first reading scheduled for June 11, 2013 STAFF CONTACT: Mike Basinger, AICP, Senior Planner ATTACHMENTS: (See separate yellow notebook which will be used throughout this process, then returned to Community Development for use in subsequent year's comp plan amendments.) Exhibit 1: 2013 Comprehensive Plan amendments with individual Staff Reports 2 of 2 ky COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 2013 Comprehensive Plan Amendments May 21, 2013 Comprehensive Plan Amendments ky COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Comprehensive Planning The Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan (SVCP) is the City's guide for growth and development. • Residential • Industrial • Commercial • Office • Recreation • Roads • Sewer • Water • Utilities Comprehensive Plan Amendments • Buildings • Services • Financing IN ky COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SVCP Amendment Process • City Council approves official docket • November 1St cut off for applications (60 -day notice) • Planning Commission recommendation • City Council approval • Growth Management Hearing Board Appeals Comprehensive Plan Amendments ky COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Privately Initiated Map Amendment Applicant(s): Application Description Arger Co. Real Estate, Inc. 300 Mullan Road Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Change the west 131 feet of parcel 45143.1328 from Low Density Residential to Office Comprehensive Plan Amendments j.*;,()k0�vn.e1 ky COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT �J _0 v �s 0 V Barker High School and Learning r � n Broadway Ave I i ■� � I rrf �J COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT r JLAjE 2J4a MRAW k,.....�..; _ . Al I 7 W1 Sprin ,gfie r*oAwr MW 11 Comprehensive Plan Amendments 6 1*()k�a�ne COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT .;w0valky �J Comprehensive Plan Amendments 7 ky COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT �J Comprehensive Plan Amendments 8 ky COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT �J Comprehensive Plan Amendments 9 ky COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Privately Initiated Map Amendment Project Number CPA-02-1'P Applicant(s): Application Description Whipple Consulting Engineers 2528 North Sullivan Road Spokane Valley, WA 99216 Change parcels 55181.2602 & 55181.2604 from Low Density Residential to High Density Residential Comprehensive Plan Amendments j.*;.()k0�vn.e1 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 0 j m r� �I I is �J P ===No = OJINA11 -1 E 077m;mmi 10 m I I 10 m Mission Ave i, I I -FF-1 i s M r� �I '44�, �J Stiat•p Boone Comprehensive Plan Amendments r� w - e r-- 4 12 j.*;,()k0�vn.e1 ky COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT m r� �I I la �J 1*()k�a�ne COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT .;w0valky M r-I �I �i a Comprehensive Plan Amendments 14 M r� �I I la 0J COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Ism,= Comprehensive Plan Amendments 15 ky COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT City Initiated Map Amendment Applicant(s): Application Description mA City of Spokane Valley 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Change parcels 35231.0603, 35231.9106, 35242.9010,35242-9011, and 35242.9012 from Office to Community Commercial Comprehensive Plan Amendments j.*;,()k0�Vn.e1 ky COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT I la �J CPA =a3 =13 'Eighth;Ave 1 :il ■ 1 11 1 �illln 11 1111 1 ■ fllll 111 1111 11 1 ■11 1111 1 Ilfl 111 111 ■11� ■1 11 1�1 �� 1 ■1111 ■1 ■ 111111111111 HE 11 111 ■ X111 ��IIII 1 II1 Comprehensive Plan Amendments 17 ky COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT I la 0J Comprehensive Plan Amendments 18 ky COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT I la 0J I la 0J COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENI Comprehensive Plan Amendments ky COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT I la �J Comprehensive Plan Amendments 21 Mi jo - - F 7- Vow-, MIF Comprehensive Plan Amendments 21 ky COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT City Initiated Text Amendments *Add policies to support office uses in MF zones • Update land capacity analysis • Update projected growth Comprehensive Plan Amendments 22 ky COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT City Initiated Text Amendments • Update Development Activity Map policies to support AutoRow policy language for food neighborhood Comprehensive Plan Amendments 23 DRAFT ADVANCE AGENDA For Planning Discussion Purposes Only as of May 15, 2013; 11:30 a.m. Please note this is a work in progress; items are tentative To: Council & Staff From: City Clerk, by direction of City Manager Re: Draft Schedule for Upcoming Council Meetings May 28 2013, Formal Meeting Format, 6:00 p.m. [due Mon, May 201 May Community Recognition, Presentation of Key and Certificate Mayor Towey (5 minutes) I. PUBLIC HEARING: Draft 2014 -2019 TIP — Steve Worley (10 minutes) 2. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes, TPA Appointment (5 minutes) 3. Second Reading, Ordinance 13 -005 Dangerous Dog — Cary Driskell (10 minutes) 4. Second Reading, Ordinance 13 -006 Amending 2013 Budget — Mark Calhoun (10 minutes) 5. First Reading, Proposed Ordinance 13-007, Mfg'd Homes in Ind. Lots — Micki Harnois (15 minutes) 6. Motion Consideration: Approving 2014 -2019 Stormwater CIP — Eric Guth (15 minutes) 7. Admin Report: Lodging Tax Funding Process — Erik Lamb/Mark Calhoun (20 minutes) 8. Admin Report: Advance Agenda — Mayor Towey (5 minutes) 9. Info Only: Dept Rpts; Valley Corridor EA Project Update; PC Minutes [ *estimated meeting: 95 minutes] June 4, 2013, Study Session Format, 6:00 p.m. [due Mon, May 27 1. Advance Agenda (5 minutes) June 11, 2013, Formal Meeting Format, 6:00 p.m. [due Mon, June 31 June Community Recognition, Presentation of Key and Certificate Mayor Towey (5 minutes) I. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) (5 minutes) 2. Second Reading, Ordinance 13 -007 CTA 03 -13 Mfg'd Homes in Ind. Lots — Micki Harnois (10 min) 3. First Reading Proposed Ordinance Comp Plan — Mike Basinger (20 minutes) 4. First Reading Proposed Ordinance, Zoning Map —Mike Basinger (10 minutes) 5. Proposed Resolution Adopting 2014 -2019 TIP — Steve Worley (10 minutes) 6. Advance Agenda (5 minutes) [ *estimated meeting: 65 minutes] June 18, 2013, Special Mtg: Budget Wrkshp, 9:30 a.m. — 4:30 p.m. (no evening meeting) [due Mon, June 101 City Hall Council Chambers June 25, 2013 No Meeting. Councilmembers Attend AWC Conference in Tri- Cities July 2, 2013, Study Session Format, 6:00 p.m. [due Mon, June 24 1. Advance Agenda (5 minutes) 2. Info Only: Department Reports, Planning Commission Minutes (originally due for the June 25 meeting) July 9, 2013, Formal Meeting Format, 6:00 p.m. Proclamation: Parks and Recreation Month I. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) 2. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance Comp Plan —Mike Basinger 3. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance, Zoning Map — Mike Basinger 4. Admin Report: Advance Agenda — Mayor Towey July 16, 2013, Study Session Format, 6:00 p.m. 1. Advance Agenda [due Mon, July 11 (5 minutes) (10 minutes) (10 minutes) (5 minutes) [due Mon, July 81 (5 minutes) Draft Advance Agenda 5/16/2013 1:54:46 PM Page 1 of 2 July 23, 2013, Formal Meeting Format, 6:00 p.m. [due Mon, July 151 July Community Recognition, Presentation of Key and Certificate Mayor Towey (5 minutes) 1. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) (5 minutes) 2. Advance Agenda (5 minutes) 3. Information Only: Dept Reports; Planning Commission Minutes [ *estimated meeting: minutes] July 30, 2013, Study Session Format, 6:00 p.m. [due Mon, July221 1. Advance Agenda (5 minutes) August 6, 2013 NO MEETING (National Night Out) August 13, 2013, Formal Meeting Format, 6:00 p.m. [due Mon July 291 1. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) (5 minutes) August 20, 2013, Study Session Format, 6:00 p.m. [due Mon, Aug 121 1. Advance Agenda (5 minutes) August 27, 2013, Formal Meeting Format, 6:00 p.m. [due Mon, Aug 191 August Community Recognition, Presentation of Key and Certificate Mayor Towey (5 minutes) 1. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) (5 minutes) 2. Advance Agenda (5 minutes) 3. Information Only: Dept Reports; Planning Commission Minutes [ *estimated meeting: minutes] Sept 3, 2013, Study Session Format, 6:00 p.m. 1. Advance Agenda Sept 10, 2013, Formal Meeting Format, 6:00 p.m. 1. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) 2. Advance Agenda Sept 17, 2013, Study Session Format, 6:00 p.m. 1. Advance Agenda Sept 24, 2013, Formal Meeting Format, 6:00 p.m. Sept Community Recognition, Presentation of Key and Certificate Mayor Towey 1. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) 2. Advance Agenda [due Mon, Aug 261 (5 minutes) [due Mon, Sept 21 (5 minutes) (5 minutes) [due Mon, Sept 9 (5 minutes) [due Mon, Sept 161 (5 minutes) (5 minutes) (5 minutes) 3. Information Only: Dept Reports; Planning Commission Minutes [ *estimated meeting: minutes] ADA Transition Plan Appleway Landscaping Appleway Trail Arts Council Bidding Contracts (SVMC 3. — bidding exceptions) Budget 2014, Hearings, etc. CDBG Coal Train EIS Comprehensive Plan Updates (chapters 2 & 5) Economic Development (long term goals) Future Acquisition Areas Gateway, Regional MOU Land Quantity Inventories: Industrial & Residential Manufactured Home Zoning Outside Agencies (Aug or Sept) PEG Funds (Education) Public Safety Contract, Proposed Amendment Revenue Policy, Cost Recovery Sign Code Solid Waste Analysis Speed Limits (overall system) Spokane Valley Day at the Fair (Sept 10, 2013) Sprague Avenue Parking Regional Transportation Issues Townhouses in Garden Office *time for public or Council comments not included Draft Advance Agenda 5/16/2013 1:54:46 PM Page 2 of 2 S pokane jValley 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 1 Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhati@spokanevalley.org Memorandum To: Mike Jackson, City Manager From: Mark CalhouKTinance Director Date: May 14, 2013 Re Final 2012 Budget to Actual Comparison of Revenues and Expenditures Budget to Actual Comparison Report (pages 4 — 16) A report reflecting 2012 Budget to Actual Revenues and Expenditures for those funds for which a 2012 Budget was adopted and subsequently amended is located on pages 4 through 16. This is the final Budget Variance Report for 2012. While we believe that this is a true representation of our final financial position for 2012, it is important to remember that these figures are not audited and are subject to change pending our annual audit. We've included the following information in the report: • Revenues by source for all funds and expenditures by department in the General Fund and by type in all other funds. • A breakdown between recurring and nonrecurring revenues and expenditures in the General Fund #001, Street O &M Fund #101 and Stormwater Fund #402. • The change in fund balance including beginning and ending figures. The beginning fund balance figures are those that are reflected in our 2011 Annual Financial Report. • Columns of information include: • The 2012 Budget as adopted and subsequently amended on October 30, 2012. • December 2012 activity. • Cumulative 2012 activity through December 2012. • Budget remaining in terms of dollars. • The percent of budgeted revenue collected or budgeted expenditures disbursed. A few points related to the General Fund #001 (page 4): Recurring revenues were $1,002,271 (2.87 %) greater than budgeted. Notable variances include: • Property tax collections were $9,777 (.09 %) less than budgeted. • Sales tax collections were $1,217,377 (8.57 %) greater than budgeted. • Criminal justice sales tax collections were $86,302 (7.19 %) greater than budgeted. • Public safety sales tax collections were $65,948 (8,35 %) less than budgeted. • Gambling tax collections were $6,627 (1.04 %) less than budgeted. • Franchise Fee and Business Registration revenue was $52,898 (4.18 %) less than budgeted. • State shared revenues are composed of State of Washington distributions that include items such as liquor board profits, liquor excise tax, streamlined sales tax mitigation and criminal justice monies. These finished the year $253,561 (13.82 %) greater than budgeted. IISV- FSDUserslmcalhounlFinance Activity Reports= M2012 12 Rnal.docx Page 1 Service revenues are largely composed of building permit and plan review fees as well as false alarm fees and right of way permits. These finished the year $258,633 (19.89 %) greater than budgeted. Fines and Forfeitures revenues are composed of monthly remittances from Spokane County. These finished the year $630,359 (33.18 %) less than budgeted. Recreation program fees are composed of revenues generated by the variety of parks and recreation programs including classes, swimming pools (in- season), and CenterPlace. These finished the year $37,672 (6.61%) greater than budgeted. Recurring expenditures were $1,673,753 (4.83°/x) less than budgeted which is a reflection of most departments finishing the year under budget. Non - recurring expenditures were $411,284 (15.44 %) less than anticipated due primarily to the fact we were not required to tap into the 11% Contingency 1 Emergency appropriation of $346,600 that was set aside during the 2012 Budget adoption. Reserve 1 Fund Balance The fund balance at 12/31/2012 was anticipated to be $25,630,608 but actually finished the year at $28,717,917. The difference of $3,087,309 is the result of: • Recurring revenues being $1,002.271 (2.87 %)greater than budgeted with increased sales tax collections being the primary reason. • Recurring expenditures being 1 673 753 4.83% less than budgeted. • Non-recurring expenditures being $411,284 (15.44 %) less than budgeted. investments (page 17) Investments at December 31st total $48,430,776 and are composed of $43,389,339 in the Washington State Local Government Investment Pool and $5,041,437 in bank CDs. Total Sales Tax Receipts (page 18) • For 2012, total sales tax receipts are $17,437,732 including general, criminal justice and public safety taxes. This figure is $596,285 (3.54 %) greater than for the same 12 -month period in 2011. Including the latter half of 2011, sales taxes have shown an impressive increase but an increase of just 1.31 % in the March 2012 remittance and a decrease of 2.49% in the August remittance is a reminder that the economic recovery may still be tenuous. • When comparing 2011 and 2012 receipts for the months of May through July you'll note that 2 of the 3 months reflect reductions from the previous year. The decreases were expected and are the result of a 2011 Department of Revenue tax amnesty program that was in place for the three -month period ending April 30, 2011, in which nearly 8,900 business (state- wide) paid $320.7 million in state and local back taxes. Of the total, $56.8 million was local tax that was forwarded to counties and cities beginning with the May 2011 sales tax distribution and concluding with the July 2011 distribution. Unfortunately the Department of Revenue was unable to provide information on how much this actually generated for the cities or from which businesses. Consequently we have no way of determining how much the City of Spokane Valley benefited from the program. Economic Indicators (pages 19 — 21) The following economic indicators provide information pertaining to three different sources of tax revenue that provide a good gauge of the health and direction of the overall economy. 1. Sales taxes (page 19) provide a sense of how much individuals and businesses are spending on the purchase of goods. 11SV FS21Userslmcalhoun1Finance Activity Reports1201212012 12 Final.docx Page 2 2. Hotel 1 Motel taxes (page 20) provide us with a sense of overnight stays and visits to our area by tourists or business travelers. 3. Real Estate Excise taxes (page 21) provide us with a sense of real estate sales. Page 19 provides a monthly history of general sales tax receipts (not including public safety or criminal justice) beginning with the first remittance received in May 2003. • Compared with calendar year 2011, 2012 collections have increased by $576,969 or 3.89 %. • Tax receipts peaked in 2007 at $17.4 million and dropped oft dramatically in the subsequent three years. Page 20 provides a monthly history of hotel /motel tax receipts beginning with the first remittance in May 2003. • Compared with calendar year 2011, 2012 collections have increased by $32,401 or 7.08 %. • Collections peaked in 2007 and 2008, dropped off in 2009 (although significantly less than the drop in sales taxes) and are currently ahead of the highs of 2008. Page 21 provides a monthly history of real estate excise tax receipts beginning with the first remittance in March 2003, • Compared with calendar year 2011, 2012 collections have increased by $224,956 or 23.41%. • Tax receipts peaked in 2007 at nearly $2.6 million, decreased precipitously in 2008 and 2009, and appear to have leveled off in 2010 and 2011. Debt Capacity and Bands Outstanding (page 22) This page provides information on the City's debt capacity, or the dollar amount of General Obligation (G.O.) Bonds the City may issue, as well as an amortization schedule of the bonds the City currently has outstanding. • The maximum amount of G.O. bonds the City may issue is determined by assessed property values determined by the Spokane County Assessor. The 2012 assessed value for 2013 property taxes is $6,921,825,295. Following the City's December 1, 2012 bond payment, the City has $7,690,000 of nonvoted G.O. bonds outstanding which represents 7.41% of our nonvoted bond capacity, and 1.48% of our total debt capacity for all types of bonds. • The $7,690,000 of bonds the City currently has outstanding is part of the 2003 nonvoted (LTGO) bond issue. Of this amount: • $6,130,000 remains on bonds issued for the construction of CenterPlace. These bonds are repaid with a portion of the 1110 of 1% sales tax that is collected by the Spokane Public Facilities District. • $1,560,000 remains on bonds issued for road and street improvements around CenterPlace. The bonds are repaid with a portion of the real estate excise tax collected by the City. 11SV- FS21UserslmcalhounRhance Activity Reports1201242012 12 Final. docx Page 3 P:1FinancelFor City CouncillCouncil Monthly Reportsl201 2=112 12 31 report FINAL CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA Budget to Actual Comparison of Revenues and Expenditures For the Twelve -Month Period Ended December 31, 2012 #001 - GENERAL FUND RECURRING ACTIVITY Revenues Property Tax Sales Tax Criminal Justice Tax Public safety Safes Tax Gambling Tax and Leasehold Excise Tax Franchise Fees /Business Registration Stale Shared Revenues Service Revenues Fines and Forfeitures Recreation Program Fees Miscellaneous & Investment Interest Transfer -in -#101 (street admin) Transfer -in - #105 (h!m tax -CP advertising) Transfer -fn - #402 (storm admin) Total Recurring Revenues Expenditures City Council City Manager Legal Public Safety Deputy City Manager Finance Human Resources Public Works Community Development -Administration Community Development - Engineering Community Development - Planning Community Development- Building Parks & Rec- Administration Parks & Rec- Maintenance Parks & Rec- Recreation Parks & Rec - Aquatics Parks & Rec - Senior Center Parks & Rec - CenterPlace General Government Transfers out - #502 (insurance premium) Total Recurring Expenditures Budget Year Elapsed = 100.0% 2012 Actual Actual thru Budget % of Budget December Dec. 31 Remaining Budget 10,608,900 565,435 10,799,123 (9,777) 99.91% 14,210,000 2,672,769 15,427,377 1,217,377 108.57% 1,200,000 218,942 1,286,302 86,302 107.19% 790,000 122,599 724,052 (65,948) 91.65% 640,000 182,226 633,373 (6,627) 98.96% 1,266,000 299,383 1,213,102 (52,898) 95.82% 1,834,300 460,709 2,087,861 253,561 113,82% 1,300,000 107,718 1,558,633 258,633 119.89% 1,900,000 193,985 1,269,641 (630,359) 66.82% 570,000 2,914 607,672 37,672 106.61% 305,000 49,428 219,334 (85,666) 71.91% 39,600 3,300 39,600 0 100.00% 30,000 30,000 30,000 0 100.00% 15,000 1,250 15,000 0 100.00% 34,908,800 4,910,658 35,911,071 1,002,271 102.87% 386,249 29,214 340,995 45,254 88.28% 631,667 50,031 583,251 48,416 92.34% 434,798 35,558 443,081 (8,283) 101.91% 22,000,000 2,972,009 21,891,299 108,701 99.51% 658,884 37,354 430,063 228,821 65.27% 1,047,107 81,477 920,815 126,292 87.94% 230,231 20,166 212,079 18,152 92.12% 901,519 56,155 641,845 259,674 71.20% 323,743 27,754 308,016 15,727 95.14% 680,796 76,931 691,498 (10,702) 1011.57% 994,245 117,970 894,543 99,702 89.97% 1,260,454 151,460 1,191,928 68,526 94ZG% 263,128 24,910 258,924 4,204 98.40% 803,700 125,465 757,314 46,386 94.23% 229,811 17,206 209,708 20,103 91.25% 442,250 7,083 439,296 2,954 99.33% 92,961 6,297 86,198 6,764 92.72% 1,119,357 110,739 1,108,125 11,232 99.00% 1,840,500 99,358 1,258,669 581,831 68.39% 319,000 26,583 319,000 0 100.00% 34,660,400 4,073,720 32,986,646.64 1,673,753 95.17% Recurring Revenues Over (Under) Recurring Expenditures 248,400 836,938 2,924,424 2,676,024 NONRECURRING ACTIVITY Revenues nla 0 0 0 0 4DiV101 Total Nonrecurring Revenues 0 0 0 0 #DIVIOf Expenditures Contingency ! Emergency (1% of recur exp) 346,600 0 0 346,600 0.00% Transfers out - #303 89,500 0 64,750 24,750 72.35% Transfers out - #309 (park grant match) 100,000 14,583 106,250 (6,250) 106,25% Transfers out - #311 000 %> $26million) 2,045,203 2,045,203 2,045,203 0 100.00% Building permit software purchase 81,692 (50,721) 35,508 46,184 43.47% Total Nonrecurring Expenditures 2,662,995 2,009,065 2,251,710.59 411,284 84.56% Nonrecurring Revenues Over (Under) Nonrecurring Expenditures (2,662,995) (2,009,065) (2,251,711) 411,284 Excess (Deficit) of Total Revenues Over (Under) Total Expenditures (2,414,595) (1,172,127) 672,714 3,087,309 Beginning fund balance 28,045,203 28,045,203 Ending fund balance 25,630,608 28,717,917 Page 4 P:1F!nancelFor City Councll%Council Monthly Reports1201212012 12 31 report FINAL CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 0 0 1,402 (Budget Year #DIV /01 Budget to Actual Comparison of Revenues and Expenditures 522,142 63,180 572,350 !Elapsed = 100.0% J For the Twelve -Month Period Ended December 31, 2012 72,200 79,915 533,716 (461,516) 739.22% Services & Charges 3,310,321 215,929 2012 740,034 77.64% Intergovernmental Payments 847,000 Actual Actual thru Budget % of Interfund Transfers -out - #001 Budget December Dec. 31 Remaining Budget SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS 0 0 0 0 #DIVIO! #101 -STREET FUND 100,000 8,333 100,000 0 100.00% RECURRING ACTIVITY 0 0 0 0 #DIVl0! Revenues 0 0 0 0 #DIVIO! Motor Vehicle Fuel (Gas) Tax 1,897,800 300,547 1,846,990 (50,810) 97.32% Investment Interest 5,000 633 4,056 (944) 81.12% Insurance Premiums & Recoveries 0 0 12,014 12,014 #DIVIO! UtflityTax 3,000,000 447,203 2,735,469 (264,531) 91.18% Miscellaneous Revenue 0 1,693 1,843 1,843 #DIVIO! Total Recurring Revenues 4,902,800 750,076 4,600,372 (302,428) 93.83% Expenditures 0 0 1,402 (1,402) #DIV /01 Wages / Benefits I Payroll Taxes 522,142 63,180 572,350 (50,208) 109.62% Supplies 72,200 79,915 533,716 (461,516) 739.22% Services & Charges 3,310,321 215,929 2,570,287 740,034 77.64% Intergovernmental Payments 847,000 95,919 722,688 124,312 85.32% Interfund Transfers -out - #001 39,600 3,300 39,600 0 100.00% Interfund Transfers -out - #103 (MVFT) 0 0 0 0 #DIVIO! Interfund Transfers -out - #501 (plow replace.) 100,000 8,333 100,000 0 100.00% Interfund Transfers 0 0 0 0 #DIVl0! Streets Misc. projects 0 0 0 0 #DIVIO! Total Recurring Expenditures 4,891,263 466,576 4,538,640 352,623 92.79% Recurring Revenues Over (Under) Recurring Expenditures 11,537 283,501 61,732 50,195 NONRECURRING ACTIVITY Revenues Grants 0 46,859 203,185 203,185 #DIV101 Utility Taxes 0 15 15 15 #DIVIO! Interfund Transfers in - #001 0 0 0 0 #DIVI01 Interfund Transfers in - #122 0 0 0 0 #DIV101 Interfund Transfers in - #302 0 4,597 7,614 7,614 #DIV /01 Interfund Transfers in - #402 0 0 0 0 #DIV10! Miscellaneous 0 18,173 20,558 20,558 #DIVI01 Total Nonrecurring Revenues 0 69,643 231,371 231,371 #DIV10! Expenditures Bridge /StreetMaintenance 0 0 1,402 (1,402) #DIV /01 Interfund Transfers -out - #303 (Evergreen Rd) 500,000 22,815 465,453 34,547 93.09% Grant financed capital 0 29,135 69,544 (69,544) #DIV101 Capital Outlay 40,000 0 18,000 22,000 45.00% Total Nonrecurring Expenditures ! ^_540,000 51,951 554,400 (14,400) 102.67% Nonrecurring Revenues Over (Under) Nonrecurring Expenditures (540,000) 17,892 (323,029) 216,971 Excess (Deficit) of Total Revenues Over (Under) Total Expenditures (528,463) 301,193 (261,297) 267,166 Beginning fund balance 2,489,734 2,489,734 Ending fund balance 1,961,271 2,228,437 Page 5 PAFinance\For City CouncillCouncil Monthly Reports1201212012 12 31 report FINAL CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 430,000 69,733 490,004 Budget Year 113,95% Budget to Actual Comparison of Revenues and Expenditures 700 125 592 Elapsed = 100.0% For the Twelve -Month Period Ended December 31, 2012 430,700 69,858 490,596 59,896 113.91% Expenditures 2012 Interfund Transfers - #001 30,000 Actual Actual thru Budget % of Tourism Promotion Budget December Dec.31 Remaining Budget SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS - continued 570,200 142,720 541,756 28,444 95.01% 102 - Arterial Street Fund (139,500) (72,862) (51,160) 31,452 Revenues 257,932 257,932 Investment Interest 0 0 0 0 #DIWOI Total revenues 0 0 0 0 #DIVIO! Expenditures Interfund Transfers -out - #303 207,447 0 207,447 0 100.00% Miscellaneous 0 0 0 0 #DIV /0! Total expenditures 207,447 0 207,447 0 100.00% Revenues over (under) expenditures (207,447) 0 (207,447) 0 Beginning fund balance 207,447 207,447 Ending fund balance 0 0 9103 - PATHS & TRAILS Revenues Motor Vehicle Fuel (Gas) Tax 8,000 7,790 7,790 (210) 97.38% Investment Interest 0 11 67 67 #DIV /O? Total revenues 8,000 7,801 7,857 (143) 98,21% Expenditures Miscellaneous 0 0 0 0 #DIV /01 Capital Outlay 0 0 0 0 #DIV /01 Total expenditures 0 0 0 0 #DtV /O! Revenues over (under) expenditures 8,000 7,801 7,857 (143) Beginning fund balance 56,084 56,084 Ending fund balance 64,084 63,941 #105 - HOTEL 1 MOTEL TAX FUND Revenues Hotel/Motel Tax 430,000 69,733 490,004 60,004 113,95% Investment Interest 700 125 592 (108) 84.57% Total revenues 430,700 69,858 490,596 59,896 113.91% Expenditures Interfund Transfers - #001 30,000 30,000 30,000 0 100.00% Tourism Promotion 540,200 112,720 511,756 28,444 94.73% Total expenditures 570,200 142,720 541,756 28,444 95.01% Revenues over (under) expenditures (139,500) (72,862) (51,160) 31,452 Beginning fund balance 257,932 257,932 Ending fund balance 118,432 206,772 Page 6 P:IFinance\For City Council\Council Monthly Reports1201212012 12 31 report FINAL CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA Budget Year Budget to Actual Comparison of Revenues and Expenditures Elapsed 10x.0% For the Twelve -Month Period Ended December 31, 2012 2012 Actual Actual thru Budget % of Budget December Dec. 31 Remaining Budget [SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS - continued #120 - CENTER PLACE OPERATING RESERVE FUND Revenues Investment Interest 700 0 0 (700) 0.00% Total revenues 700 0 0 700 0.00% Expenditures Operations 0 0 0 0 #❑IVIO! Total expenditures 0 0 0 0 #DIVI01 Revenues over (under) expenditures 700 0 0 (700) Beginning fund balance 350,787 350,787 Ending fund balance 351,487 350,787 #121 - SERVICE LEVEL STABILIZATION RESERVE FUND Revenues Investment Interest 10,000 1,564 9,103 (897) 91.03% Total revenues 10,000 1,564 9,103 (897) 91.03% Expenditures Operations Total expenditures Revenues over (under) expenditures Beginning fund balance Ending fund balance #122 -WINTER WEATHER RESERVE FUND Revenues Investment Interest Subtotal revenues Expenditures Reserve for Winter Weather Total expenditures Revenues over (under) expenditures Beginning fund balance Ending fund balance #123 - CIVIC FACILITIES REPLACEMENT FUND Revenues Investment Interest Interfund Transfer - #001 Total revenues Expenditures Capital Outlay Total expenditures Revenues over (under) expenditures Beginning fund balance Ending fund balance 0 0 0 0 #D!V101 0 0 10,000 1,564 5,432,428 5,442,428 0 #DIVI01 9,103 (897) 5,432,428 5,441,531 700 152 883 183 126.14% 700 152 883 183 126.14% 0 0 0 0 #DIVIO! 0 0 0 0 #DIVIO! 700 152 883 183 502,005 502,005 502,705 502,888 2,000 361 2,099 99 104.95% 397,000 33,083 397,000 0 100.00% 399,000 33,444 399,099 99 100.02% 0 0 0 0 #DIVID! 0 0 0 0 #DIVIO! 399,000 33,444 399,099 99 2,004,848 2,004,848 2,403,848 2,403,947 Page 7 P:1Finance`For City CouncillCovncil Monthly Reports1201212012 12 31 report FINAL_ CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA Budget to Actual Comparison of Revenues and Expenditures For the Twelve -Month Period Ended December 31, 2012 DEBT SERVICE FUNDS #204 - DEBT SERVICE FUND Revenues Spokane Public Facilities District Interfund Transfer -in - #301 Inlerfund Transfer -in - #302 Total revenues Budget Year Elapsed = 1010% 2012 Actual Actual thru Budget °/u of Budget December Dec. 31 Remaining Budget 432,320 0 432,320 0 100.00% 92,652 0 92,652 0 100.00% 92,651 0 92,651 0 100.00% 617,623 0 617,623 0 100,00% Expenditures Debt Service Payments - CenterPlace 432,320 36,311 432,531 (211) 100.05% Debt Service Payments - Roads 185,303 15,231 185,091 212 99.89 % Total expenditures 617,623 51,542 617,623 1 100.00% Revenues over (under) expenditures 0 51,542) 1 (1) Beginning fund balance 0 0 Ending fund balance 0 1 Page 8 P:Tinance\For City Council\Council Monthly Reports=1212012 12 31 report FINAL CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 475,000 89,591 531,442 Budget Year 111,88% Budget to Actual Comparison of Revenues and Expenditures 2,000 303 Elapsed = 100.0% For the Twelve -Month Period Ended December 31, 2012 Interfund Transfer -in - #307 0 2,084 6,477 6,477 #DIVIO! Total revenues 477,000 2012 539,681 62,681 113.14% Expenditures Actual Actual thru Budget % of Budget December Dec. 31 Remaining Budget CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS Interfund Transfer-out - #204 92,651 0 92,651 (0) #301 - CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND Interfund Transfer-out - #303 1,448,059 390,407 1,112,518 335,541 Revenues Interfund Transfer-out - #307 0 (173,470) (173,470) 173,470 REET 1 -Taxes 475,000 89,594 654,264 179,264 137.74% Investment Interest 400 234 1,204 804 301,00% Misc. Revenues 0 9,601 9,601 9,601 #D!V /O! Total revenues 475,400 99,429 665,069 189,669 139.90% Expenditures Interfund Transfer- out - #204 92,652 0 92,651 1 100,00% Interfund Transfer -out - #30$ 363,627 (4,565) 253,429 110,198 69.69% Interfund Transfer-out - #307 0 (1,203) (1,203) Total expenditures 456,279 (5,768) 344,877 110,199 75.58% Revenues over (under) expenditures 19,121 105,196 320,191 79,470 Beginning fund balance 772,072 772,072 Ending fund balance 791,193 1,092,263 #302 SPECIAL CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND Revenues RE ET 2 - Taxes 475,000 89,591 531,442 56,442 111,88% Investment Interest 2,000 303 1,762 (238) 88,10% Interfund Transfer -in - #307 0 2,084 6,477 6,477 #DIVIO! Total revenues 477,000 91,978 539,681 62,681 113.14% Expenditures Interfund Transfer-out - #101 0 4,597 7,614 (7,614) #DIVIO! Interfund Transfer-out - #204 92,651 0 92,651 (0) 100.00% Interfund Transfer-out - #303 1,448,059 390,407 1,112,518 335,541 76.83% Interfund Transfer-out - #307 0 (173,470) (173,470) 173,470 #DIVIO! Total expenditures 1,540,710 221,533 1,039,313 501,397 67.46% Revenues over(under)expenditures (1,063,710) (129,556) (499,633) (438,716) Beginning fund balance 1,630,303 1,630,303 Ending fund balance 566,593 1,130,670 Page 9 P:IF!nance\For City CouncihCouncil Monthly Reports1201212012 12 31 report FINAL CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA Budget Year Budget to Actual Comparison of Revenues and Expenditures Pines /Mansfield, Wilbur Rd. to Pines 463,312 (2,111) Elapsed 419,587 For the Twelve -Month Period Ended December 31, 2012 060 Argonne Rd Corridor Upgrade SRTC 06 -31 802,792 5,405 109,948 692,844 13.70% 061 2012 1,766,201 5,338 196,503 1,569,698 Actual Actual thru Budget % of 0 Budget December Dec. 31 Remaining Budget CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS -continued 0 (7,240) 7,240 #DIV101 069 #303 STREET CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND 0 0 1,019 (1,019) #DIVI01 Revenues West Ponderosa/48th & Sundown STEP 0 1,266 138,303 (138,303) Grant Proceeds 7,828,118 951,035 3,683,274 (4,144,844) 47.05% Developer Contribution 275,000 0 760,768 485,768 276,64% Miscellaneous 0 0 1,650 1,650 #DIVI01 Spokane County Re!mb. 48th & Sundown 0 65,901 65,901 65,901 #DIV101 Interfund Transfer -in - #001 89,000 0 64,750 (24,250) 72.75% Interfund Transfer -in - #101 0 22,615 465,453 465,453 #DIV /O! Interfund Transfer -in - #102 0 0 207,447 207,447 #DIV /O! Interfund Transfer-in - #301 363,627 (4,565) 253,429 (110,198) 69.69% Interfund Transfer-in- #302 1,448,059 390,407 1,112,518 (335,541) 76.83% Interfund Transfer -in - #310 0 140,139 140,139 140,139 #DIVIO! Interfund Transfer -in - #311 811,000 27,074 299,027 (511,973) 36.87% Interfund Transfer -in - #402 0 94,404 113,014 113,014 #DIV /01 Total revenues 10,814,804 1,687,209 7,167,371 (3,647,433) 66.27% Expenditures 005 Pines /Mansfield, Wilbur Rd. to Pines 463,312 (2,111) 43,725 419,587 9.44% 060 Argonne Rd Corridor Upgrade SRTC 06 -31 802,792 5,405 109,948 692,844 13.70% 061 Pines (SR27) ITS Imporvement SRTC 06.26 1,766,201 5,338 196,503 1,569,698 11,13% 063 Broadway Ave Safety Project - Pines 0 0 1,747 (1,747) #DIVIO! 065 Sprague /Sullivan 0 0 (7,240) 7,240 #DIV101 069 Park Road Reconstruction #2 0 0 1,019 (1,019) #DIVI01 106 West Ponderosa/48th & Sundown STEP 0 1,266 138,303 (138,303) #DIVIO! 112 Indiana Avenue Extension 0 270 53,791 (53,791) #DIV /01 113 Indiana/Sullivan PCC Intersection 0 0 1,435 (1,435) #DIVIO! 115 Sprague Ave Resurfacing - Evergreen to Sullivan 1,582,000 29,424 2,825,760 (1,243,760) 178.62% 123 Mission Ave -Flora to Barker 300,000 0 109 299,891 0.04% 141 Sullivan & Euclid PCC 25,289 171 8,720 17,559 33.17% 142 Broadway @ ArgonnelMullan 138,150 109 1,255 136,895 0.91% 145 Spokane Valley - Millwood Trail 447,000 0 3,834 443,166 0.86% 146 24th Ave Sidewalk - Adams to Sullivan 278,520 0 43,091 235,429 15.47% 148 Greenacres Trail - Design 60,000 0 2,816 57,185 4.69% 149 Sidewalk Infill 398,250 128,108 530,347 (132,097) 133.17% 151 Green Haven STEP 0 92,149 93,459 (93,459) #DIV101 154 Sidewalk & Tansit Stop Accessibility 182,290 99,390 233,859 (51,569) 128,29% 155 Sullivan Rd W Bridge Replacement 600,000 395,546 949,390 (349,390) 158.23% 156 Mansfield Ave. Connection 736,000 8,420 21,996 716,004 2.98% 157 Temporary Sullivan Bridge Repairs 200,000 31 192,039 7,961 96.02% 159 University Rd/ 1 -90 Overpass Study 284,000 4,585 5,336 278,664 1.88% 160 Evergreen Rd Pres. 16th -32nd 959,000 24,457 1,677,723 (718,723) 174.95% 166 Pines Rd. (SR27) & Grace Ave. Int. Safety 0 (105) 0 0 #DIV10! 167 Citywide Safety Improvements 0 563 841 (841) #DIV10! 168 Wellesley Ave Sidewalk & Adams Rd Sidewalk 0 25,661 27,137 (27,137) #DIVI01 169 ArgonnelMullan Safety Indiana - Broadway 0 (258) 0 0 #DIVI01 170 Argonne road: Empire Ave - Knox Ave. 0 (286) 0 0 #DIV /0! 171 Sprague Ave ADA Curb Ramp Project 0 5,214 10,429 (10,429) #DIV10! Contingency 1,500,000 0 0 1,500,000 0.00% Total expenditures 10,725,804 B23,348 7,167,371 3,558,433 66.82% Revenues over (under) expenditures 89,000 863,861 0 (7,205,866) Beginning fund balance 73,646 73,646 Ending fund balance 162,646 73,646 Page 10 P:1Finance\For City CouncillCouncil Monthly Reports120121201212 31 report FINAL CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA Budget Year Budget to Actual Comparison of Revenues and Expenditures 0 2,084 6,477 Elapsed = 1oa.o °io I For the Twelve -Month Period Ended December 31, 2012 0 0 4,469 (4,469) #DIV101 Miscellaneous 0 (437) 2012 437 #DIVIO! Total expenditures 0 Actual Actual thru Budget % of Revenues over (under) expenditures Budget December Dec. 311 Remaining Budget CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS - continued 147 147 #304 - MIRABEAU PROJECTS FUND 147 0 Revenues Other Miscellaneous Revenue 0 0 0 0 #DIV101 Investment Interest 14 5 43 29 307.29% Total revenues 14 5 43 29 307.29% Expenditures Capital Outlays 44,361 44,390 44,390 (29) 100.06% Transfers 0 0 0 0 #DIVI01 Total expenditures 44,361 44,390 44,390 (29) 100.06% Revenues over(under)expenditures (44,347) (44,385) (44,347) 58 Beginning fund balance 44,347 44,347 Ending fund balance 0 0 #307 - CAPITAL GRANTS FUND Revenues Grant Proceeds 0 0 183,535 183,535 #DIV101 Miscellaneous 0 1,500 1,500 1,500 #DIVI01 Interfund Transfer -in - #301 0 (1,203) (1,203) (1,203) #DIVI01 Interfund Transfer -in - #302 0 (173,470) (173,470) (173,470) #DIV101 Total revenues 0 (173,173) 10,362 10,362 #DIVI01 Expenditures 068 Interfund Transfer -out - 9302 0 2,084 6,477 (6,477) #DIVI01 088 Broadway - Moore to Flora 0 0 4,469 (4,469) #DIV101 Miscellaneous 0 (437) (437) 437 #DIVIO! Total expenditures 0 1,647 10,509 (10,509) #DIVIO! Revenues over (under) expenditures 0 (174,820) (147) 20,870 Beginning fund balance 147 147 Ending fund balance 147 0 Page 11 P:1FinancelFor City CouncillCouncil Monthly ReportsVO1212012 12 31 report FINAL CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA Budget Year Budget to Actual Comparison of Revenues and Expenditures Elapsed = 10G.0 °10 For the Twelve-Month Period Ended December 31, 2012 2012 Actual Actual thru Budget % of Budget December Dec. 31 Remaining Budget CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS - continued #308 - BARKER BRIDGE FUND Revenues Grant Proceeds 0 0 0 0 #DIV10! Developer Contribution 0 9,601 9,601 9,601 #DIV10! Interfund Transfer -in - #302 0 0 0 0 #DIVIO! Total revenues 0 9,601 9,601 9,601 #DIVI01 Expenditures #DIV /01 Bridge Reconstruction 0 9,601 9,601 (9,601) #DIV10! Total expenditures 0 9,601 9,601 (9,601) #DIVIO! Revenues over (under) expenditures 0 0 0 19,202 Beginning fund balance 0 0 Ending fund balance 0 0 #309 - PARKS CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND Revenues Grant Proceeds 0 0 0 0 #DIV /O! Interfund Transfer -in - #001 129,202 14,583 106,250 (22,952) 82.24% 1nterfund Transfer -in - #304 44,361 0 0 (44,361) 0.00% Investment Interest 0 144 848 848 #DIV101 Total revenues 173,563 14,727 107,098 (66,465) 61.71% Expenditures 079 Greenacres Park 0 (113) 10,529 (10,529) #DIV101 165 Terrace View Park Play Equipment 120,000 61,811 166,933 (46,933) 139.11% 172 CenterPlace South Landsscape Development 73,563 (42,972) 38,365 35,198 52.15% Contingency 50,000 0 0 50,000 0.00% Total expenditures 243,563 18,725 215,827 27,736 88.61% Revenues over (under) expenditures (70,000) (3,998) (108,728) (94,201) Beginning fund balance 411,151 411,151 Ending fund balance 341,151 302,423 Page 12 PAFinancelFor City CounciRCouncil Monthly Reports1201212012 12 31 report FINAL CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA lElapsed BudgetYear Budget to Actual Comparison of Revenues and Expenditures = 100.0% For the Twelve -Month Period Ended December 31, 2012 2012 Actual Actual thru Budget % of Budget December Dec. 31 Remaining Budget CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS - continued #310 - CIVIC FACILITIES CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND Revenues Spokane County Reimb. 48th & Sundown 78,500 0 0 (78,500) 0.00% Spokane County Library Dist. Pring Prop. 744,048 5,909 7,577 (736,471) 1.02% Investment Interest 6,000 397 5,349 (651) 89.15% Total revenues 828,548 6,306 12,926 815,622 1.56% Expenditures 164 Capital - West Gateway at Thierman 120,000 69,227 68,559 31,441 73.80% Acquisition of Sprague Property 2,500,000 0 2,501,668 (1,668) 100.07% Prof. Svc related to purchase of Pring Prop 30,000 818 29,109 891 97.03% STEP Greenhaven 118,000 0 0 118,000 0.00% STEP - 48th & Sundown 173,500 0 0 173,500 0.00% Interfund Transfers-out - #303 0 140,139 140,139 (140,139) #DIVIO! Total expenditures 2,941,500 210,184 2,759,475 182,025 93.81% Revenues over(under)expenditures (2,112,952) 203,878 (2,746,549) (997,647) Beginning fund balance 3,856,624 3,856,624 Ending fund balance 1,743,672 1,110,075 #311 -STREET CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 2011+ Revenues Miscellaneous 0 0 300 300 #DIV /01 Interfund Transfers in - #001 (xx %>$26mm) 2,045,203 2,045,203 2,045,203 (0) 100.00% Investment Interest 2,200 0 0 (2,200) 0.00% Total revenues 2,047,403 2,045,203 2,045,503 (1,900) 99.91% Expenditures 162 2012 Street Preservation 2,818,883 146,914 1,826,862 992,021 64.81% 174 2013 Street Preservation 0 55,562 55,562 (55,562) #DIV /0! Interfund Transfers-out - #303- Sidewalklnfill 0 27,043 27,043 Interfund Transfers- out - #303 - Sullivan 200,000 31 192,039 7,961 96.02% Interfund Transfers-out - #303 - Evergreen 111,000 0 79,945 31,055 72.02% Total expenditures 3,129,883 229,549 2,181,451 975,475 69.70% Revenues over (under) expenditures (1,082,480) 1,815,653 (135,948) (977,375) Beginning fund balance 1,084,681 1,084,681 Ending fund balance 2,201 948,733 Page 13 P:1FinancelFor City CouncillCouncil Monthly Reports1201212012 12 31 report FINAL CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA Budget to Actual Comparison of Revenues and Expenditures For the Twelve -Month Period Ended December 31, 2012 ENTERPRISE FUNDS #402 - STORMWATER FUND RECURRING ACTIVITY Revenues Stormwater Management Fees Investment Interest Miscellaneous Total Recurring Revenues Expenditures Wages 1 Benefits I Payroll Taxes Supplies Services & Charges Intergovernmental Payments Interfund Transfers -out - #001 Interfund Transfers -out - #502 Total Recurring Expenditures Recurring Revenues Over (Under) Recurring Expenditures NONRECURRING ACTIVITY Revenues Grant Proceeds Interfund Transfers -in Total Nonrecurring Revenues Expenditures Capital - various projects Interfund Transfers -out - #303 Total Nonrecurring Expenditures Nonrecurring Revenues Over (Under) Nonrecurring Expenditures Excess (Deficit) of Total Revenues Over (Under) Total Expenditures Beginning working capital Ending working capital Budget Year Elapsed = 100.0% 2012 Actual Actual lhru Budget % of Budget December Dec. 31 Remaining Budget 1,750,000 125,301 1,834,740 84,740 104.84% 5,000 447 2,601 (2,399) 52.03% 0 0 57 57 #DIVIO! 1,755,000 125,748 1,837,398 82,398 104.70% 438,614 32,952 373,893 64,721 85.24% 32,540 1,448 12,158 20,382 37.36% 1,242,720 132,938 1,0114,609 228,111 81.64% 23,000 188 24,820 (1,820) 107.91% 15,000 1,250 15,000 0 100.00% 1,567 131 1,567 0 100.00% 1,753,441 168,917 1,442,047 311,394 82.24 ° /a 1,559 (43,169) 395,351 393,792 153,667 0 64,838 (88,829) 42.19% 0 0 #DIV /O! 153,667 0 64,838 (88,829) 4219% 400,000 11,286 32,502 367,498 8.13% 0 94,404 113,014 (113,014) #DIV /01 400,000 105,689 145,516 254,484 36.38% (246,333 (105,689) (80,679) 165,654 (244,774) (148,859) 314,673 559,447 2,382,660 2,382,660 2,137,886 2,697, 333 Page 14 P:1FinancelFor City CouncRCouncil Monthly Reports1201212012 12 31 report FINAL CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA Budget to Actual Comparison of Revenues and Expenditures For the Twelve -Month Period Ended December 31, 2012 Budget Year Elapsed = 100.0% Expenditures Sprague swales 1,171,411 Actual Actual thru Budget % of Revenues over (under) expenditures Budget December Dec. 31 Remaining Budget ENTERPRISE FUNDS -continued 415,037 (108,658) #403 - AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA Revenues Spokane County 500,000 237,593 510,934 10,934 102.19% Sprague Swale Upgrades - DOE Grant 666,622 0 96,290 (570,332) 14.44% Miscellaneous 0 2 2 2 #DIVIOi Investment Interest 2,500 0 0 (2,500) 0.00% Total revenues 1,169,122 237,595 607,227 (561,895) 51.94% Expenditures Sprague swales 1,171,411 229,003 1,133,211 38,200 96.74% Total expenditures 1,171,411 229,003 1,133,211 38,200 96.74% Revenues over (under) expenditures (2,289) 8,592 (525,984) (600,096) Beginning working capital 417,326 417,326 Ending working capital 415,037 (108,658) Page 15 P:IFinancelFor City CouncillCouncil Monthly Reports1201212012 12 31 report FINAL CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA Budget to Actual Comparison of Revenues and Expenditures For the Twelve -Month Period Ended December 31, 2012 INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS #501 - ER &R FUND Revenues Interfund Transfer -in - #001 Interfund Transfer-fn - #101 (plow replace.) Investment Interest Total revenues Expenditures Computer replacement lease Software /Hardware replacement Vehicle Replacement Capital Outlay Total expenditures Revenues over (under) expenditures Beginning working capital Ending working capital #502 - RISK MANAGEMENT FUND Revenues Investment Interest Interfund Transfer - #001 Total revenues Expenditures Services & Charges Total expenditures Revenues over (under) expenditures Beginning working capital Ending working capital Sudget Year Elapsed = 100.0% 2012 Actual Actual thru Budget % of Budget December Dec. 31 Remaining Budget 0 1,612 19,344 19,344 #DIVIO! 100,000 8,333 100,000 (0) 100.00% 0 264 1,498 1,498 #DIVIO! 100,000 10,209 120,842 20,842 120.84% 0 0 0 0 #DIV101 0 0 0 0 #DIV101 0 0 0 0 #❑IV101 0 0 0 0 #DIVIO! 0 0 0 0 #DIV101 100,000 10,209 120,842 20,842 932,335 932,335 1,032,335 1,053,177 0 2 9 9 #D1V101 319,000 26,563 319,000 (0) 100.00% 319,000 26,585 319,009 9 100.00% 319,000 1,542 266,387 52,613 83.51% 319,000 1,542 266,387 52,613 83.51% 0 25,043 52,622 (52,604) 30,590 30,590 30,590 83,212 Page 16 P:1Finance\For City CoundhCouncil Monthly Reports1201212012 12 31 report FINAL CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA Investment Report For the Twelve -Month Period Ended December 31, 2012 5/6/2013 Beginning $ 41,293,369.92 $ 3,036,515.74 $ 2,000,000.00 Total Deposits LGIP' SB CD 2 BB CD 3 Investments Beginning $ 41,293,369.92 $ 3,036,515.74 $ 2,000,000.00 $ 46,329,885.66 Deposits 2,087,713.29 0.00 0.00 2,087,713.29 Withdrawls 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Interest 8,255.93 4,920.82 0.00 13,176.75 Ending $ 43,389,339.14 $ 3,041,436.56 $ 2,000,000.00 $ 48,430,775.70 121 Service Level Stabilization Reserve matures: 6128/2013 191412013 10,000.00 122 Winter Weather Reserve rate: 0.65% 0.29% 700.00 001 General Fund Balance Earnings Budget I Current Period I Year to date 001 General Fund $ 30,681,573.98 $ 15,999.65 $ 88,007.50 $ 145,000.00 101 Street Fund 2,073,856.72 632.96 4,055.96 5,000.00 103 Trails & Paths 37,911.92 11.44 66.60 0.00 105 Hotel /Motel 412,862.68 124,64 591.80 700.00 120 CenterPlace Operating Reserve 332,958.41 0.00 0.00 700.00 121 Service Level Stabilization Reserve 5,182,061.99 1,564.40 9,103.24 10,000.00 122 Winter Weather Reserve 502,652.20 151.75 883.00 700.00 123 Civic Facilities Replacement 1,194,873.22 360.72 2,099.02 2,000.00 301 Capital Projects 774,63135 223.85 1,203.90 400.00 302 Special Capital Projects 1,002,793.36 302.73 1,761.59 2,000.00 303 Street Capital Projects Fund 22,815.45 0.00 0.00 0.00 304 Mirabeau Point Project 0.00 4.51 43.02 0.00 307 Capital Grants Fund 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 309 Parks Capital Project 490,313.82 143.51 848.42 0.00 310 Civic Buildings Capital Projects 1,316,183.86 397.34 5,348.87 6,000.00 311 Street Capital Improvements 2011+ 2,045,202.63 0.00 0.00 2,200.00 402 Stormwater Management 1,480,853.21 447.05 2,601.39 5,000.00 403 Aquifer Protection Fund 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,500.00 501 Equipment Rental & Replacement 874,136.97 263.89 1,498.12 0.00 502 Risk Management 5,091.93 1.54 8.95 0.00 $ 48,430,775.70 $ 20,629.98 $ 118,121.38 $ 182,200.00 `Local Government Investment Pool Page 17 P:IFinancelFor City CounciKouncil Monthly Reports1201212012 12 31 report FINAL CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 2/20/2013 Sales Tax Receipts For the Twelve -Month Period Ended December 31, 2012 Month Received February March April May June July August September October November December January 2011 1,658,132.70 1,130,948.29 1,149,418.90 1,451,954.28 1, 345, 333.29 1,415,961.55 1, 520, 766.09 1,448,728.86 1,464,653.60 1,463,313.06 1, 381, 684.76 1,410, 552.03 16,841,447.41 2012 1,792,084.16 1,145, 747.45 1,208,053.80 1,440,245.01 1,325,266.87 1,458,841.23 1,482,908.83 1,470,215.17 1,556,848.71 1,541,210.69 1, 523, 377.53 1, 490, 932.65 17,437,732.10 Difference 133, 951.46 14,799.16 58,634.90 (11,709.27) (20,066.42) 42,879.68 (37,857.26) 21,486.31 94,195.11 77, 897.63 141,692.77 80, 380.62 596,284.69 Sales tax receipts reported here reflect remittances for general sales tax, criminal justice sales tax and public safety tax. 8.08% 1.31% 5.10% (0.81%) (1.49 %) 3.03% (2.49 %) 1.48% 6.43% 5.32% 10,26% 5.70% 3.54% The sales tax rate for retail sales transacted within the boundaries of the City of Spokane Valley is 8.7 %. The tax that Is paid by a purchaser at the point of sale is remitted by the vendor to the Washington State Department of Revenue who then remits the taxes back to the various agencies that have imposed the tax. The allocation of the total 8.7% tax rate to the agencies is as follows: - State of Washington 6.50% - City of Spokane Valley 0.85% - Spokane County 0.15% - Spokane Public Facilities District 0.10% - Crminial Justice 0.10% - Public Safety 0.10% * 2.20% local tax - Juvenile Jail 0.10% * - Mental Health 0.10% * - Law Enforcement Communications 0.10% * - Spokane Transit Authority 0.60% * 8.70% * indicates voter approved sales taxes In addition to the .85% reported above that the City receives, we also receive a portion of the Criminal Justice and Public Safety sales taxes, The distribution of those taxes is computed as follows: Criminal Justice: The tax is assessed county-wide and of the total collected, the State distributes 10% of the receipts to Spokane County, with the remainder allocated on a per capita basis to the County and the cities within the County. Public Safety: The tax is assessed county -wide and of the total collected, the State distributes 60% of the receipts to Spokane County, with the remainder allocated on a per capita basis to the cities within the County. Page 18 I1SV- FS21Userslmcalhoun\T2x RevenuelSales Tax120121sales tax collections through 12 2012 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 20,000,000 2/14/2013 Sales Tax Collections - December -.. November 16,000,000 For the years 2003 through 2012 j1 ■October 14,000,000 - ----- � September 12,000,04Q " 10,000,000— — ■July 2012 to 2011 8,000,000 ■Jun e Difference 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011--T- 011 2012 $ % January 0 1,145,888 1,367,929 1,572,609 1,759,531 1,729,680 1,484,350 1,491,059 1,460,548 1,589,887 129,339 8.86% February 0 962,431 917,747 1,068,743 1,155,947 1,129,765 1,098,575 963,749 990,157 1,009,389 19,232 1.94% March 0 909,472 1,015,573 1,072,330 1,196,575 1,219,611 1,068,811 1,018,468 1,015,762 1,067,733 51,971 5.12% April 0 1,080,745 1,322,070 1,371,030 1,479,603 1,423,459 1,134,552 1,184,137 1,284,180 1,277,621 (6,559) (0.51°/x) May 519,943 1,263,176 1,159,647 1,392,111 1,353,013 1,243,259 1,098,054 1,102,523 1,187,737 1,174,962 (12,775) (1.08 %) June 747,486 1,123,171 1,212,663 1,362,737 1,428,868 1,386,908 1,151,772 1,123,907 1,248,218 1,290,976 42,758 3.43% July 821,741 1,301,359 1,377,753 1,555,124 1,579,586 1,519,846 1,309,401 1,260,873 1,332,834 1,302,706 (30,128) (2.26 %) August 1,306,427 1,162,356 1,395,952 1,405,983 1,516,324 1,377,943 1,212,531 1,211,450 1,279,500 1,299,678 20,178 1.58% September 1,390,452 1,160,787 1,372,081 1,487,155 1,546,705 1,364,963 1,227,813 1,191,558 1,294,403 1,383,123 88,720 6.85% October 1,172,591 1,274,680 1,520,176 1,526,910 1,601,038 1,344,217 1,236,493 1,269,505 1,291,217 1,358,533 67,316 5.21% November 963,163 1,091,721 1,095,566 1,369,940 1,443, 843 1,292, 327 1,155,647 1,139,058 1,217,933 1,349,580 131,647 10.81% December 973,505 1,085,827 1,286,191 1,366,281 1,376,434 1,129,050 1,070,245 1,141,012 1,247,920 1,323,189 75,269 6.03% Total Collections 7,895,308 13,561,613 15,043,348 16,550,953 17,437,467 16,161,028 14,248,244 14,097,299 14,850,409 15,427,377 576,969 3.89% Budget Estimate 9,100,000 11,000,000 12,280,000 16,002,000 17,466,800 17,115,800 17,860,000 14,410,000 14,210,000 14,210,000 Actual over (under) budg (1,204,692) 2,561,613 2,763,348 548,953 (29,333) (954,772) (3,611,756) (312,701) 640,409 1,217,377 Total actual collections as a % of total budget 86.76% 123.29% 122.50% 103.43% 99.83% 94.42% 79.78% 97.83% 104.51% 108.57% % change in annual total collected nla 71.77% 10.93% 10.02% 5.36% (7.32 %) (11.84 %) (1.06 %) 5.34% 3.89% Chart Reflecting History of Collections through the Month of December Page 19 20,000,000 December 18,000,000 November 16,000,000 - ■October 14,000,000 - ----- � September 12,000,04Q ■August 10,000,000— — ■July 8,000,000 ■Jun e 6,000,000 ■May 4,000,000 ■ April � 2,000,000 ■March 0 ■February 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Page 19 115V- FS21Users%mcalhoun%Tax Revenue\Lodging Tax12 01 211 05 hotel motel tax through 2012 12 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 211 412 01 3 Hotel /Motel Tax Receipts through - December Actual for the years 2003 through 2012 60�' 2012 to 2011 Difference 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 $ % January 0.00 16,993.58 20,691.03 20,653.49 25,137.92 28,946.96 23,280.21 22,706.96 22,212.21 21,44232 (770) (3.47 %) February 0,00 18,161.04 19,976.81 20,946.09 25,310.66 24,623.06 23,283.95 23,416.94 22,792.14 21,548.82 (1,243) (5.46 %) March 0.00 18,182.01 22,828.15 24,308.48 29,190.35 27,509.99 25,272.02 24,232.35 24,611.28 25,654.64 1,043 4.24% April 0.00 26,897.82 29,748.41 34,371.82 37,950.53 40,406.02 36,253.63 39,463.49 38,230.49 52,130.37 13,900 36.36% May 11,527.32 16,440.37 29,017.66 32,522.06 31,371.01 36,828.53 32,588.80 34,683.32 33,790.69 37,478.44 3,688 10.91% June 32,512.11 53,284.01 35,330.35 34,256.71 36,267.07 46,659.88 40,414.59 39,935.36 41,403.41 43,970.70 2,567 6.20% July 38,580.48 42,120.26 43,841.82 49,744.62 56,281.99 50,421.37 43,950.26 47,385.18 49,311.97 52,818.60 3,507 7.11% August 54,974.74 43,649.84 46,852.10 45,916.16 51,120.70 50,818.35 50,146.56 54,922.99 57,451.68 57,229.23 (222) (0.39 %) September 30,718.23 39,390.66 46,746.18 50,126.53 57,260.34 60,711.89 50,817.62 59,418.96 58,908.16 64,298.70 5,391 9.15% October 36,960.11 33,004.62 34,966.85 38,674.17 43,969.74 38,290.46 36,784.36 41,272.35 39,028.08 43,698.90 4,671 11.97% November 23,044.56 32,176.61 26,089.36 36,417.11 36,340.64 35,582.59 34,054.79 34,329.78 37,339.36 39,301.22 1,962 5.25% December 28,825.30 23,142.70 31,740.18 29,147.15 31,377.41 26,290.11 27,131.43 26,776.84 32,523.19 30,432.13 (2,091) (6.43 %) Total Collections 257,14235 363,443.52 387,828.90 417,084.39 461,578.36 467,089.21 423,978.22 448,544.52 457,602.66 490,004.07 32,401 7.08% Budget Estimate 419,000.00 380,000.00 436,827.00 350,000.00 400,000.00 400,000.00 512,000.00 380,000.00 480,000.00 430,000.00 Actual over (under) budg (161,857.15) (16,556.48) (48,998.10) 67,084.39 61,578.36 67,089.21 (88,021.78) 68,544.52 (22,397.34) 60,004.07 Total actual collections as a % of total budget 61.37% 95.64% 88.78% 119.17% 115.39% 116.77% 82.81% 118.04% 95.33% n/a % change in annual total collected n/a 41.34% 6.71% 7.54% 10.67% 1.19% (9.23 %) 5.79% 2.02% n/a Chart Reflecting History of Collections through the Month of December Page 20 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 1st and 2nd 114% BEET Collections through Actual for the years 2003 through 2012 IISV- FS21UserslmcalhounlT2x RevenuelREE 82012/301 and 302 REET through 12 2012 December 1/15/2013 3,000,000.00 December 2,500,000.00 _ = November ■ October 2,000,000.00 - September 2012 to 2011 a August 1,500,000.00 July a ■lune 1,000,000.00 ■May Difference ■April 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 $ % January 0.00 119,387.05 147,819.56 243,894.16 228,896.76 145,963.47 55,281.25 59,887.08 64,128.13 46,358.75 (17,769) (27.71 %) February 0.00 83,795.78 128,082.35 172,154.72 129,919.79 159,503.34 45,180.53 64,121.61 36,443.36 56,114.56 19,671 53.98% March 0.00 195,121.93 198,013.09 182,065.71 263,834.60 133,513.35 73,306.86 86,204.41 95,879.78 71,729.67 (24,150) (25.19 %) April 112,721.05 144,167.21 192,012.44 173,796.61 211,787.08 128,366.69 81,155.83 99,507.19 79,681.38 86,537.14 6,856 8.60% May 136,982.04 155,089.15 240,765.59 306,871.66 222,677.17 158,506.43 77,463.58 109,624.89 124,691.60 111,627.22 (13,064) (10.48 %) June 159,923.98 177,702.06 284,268.67 226,526.64 257,477.05 178,202.98 105,020.98 105,680.28 81,579.34 124,976.28 43,397 53.20% July 156,636.66 197,046.43 209,350.53 2,104.30 323,945.47 217,942.98 122,530.36 84,834.48 79,629.06 101,048.69 21,420 26.90°% August 198,506.47 171,521.07 280,881.50 451,700.06 208,03987 133,905.93 115,829.68 72,630.27 129,472.44 106,517.19 (22,955) (17.73 %) September 190,932.75 176,002.43 214,738.94 188,066.23 165,287.21 131,240.36 93,862.17 75,812.10 68.019.83 63,516.73 (4,503) (6.62 %) October 155,243.97 199,685.81 244,590.39 211,091.20 206,442.92 355,655.60 113,960.52 93,256.02 61,396.23 238,094.79 176,699 287.80% November 115,054.43 217,019.02 190,964.73 141,729.09 191,805.53 147,875.00 133,264.84 72,021.24 74,752.72 104,885.99 30,133 40.31% December 111,788.66 173,502.55 159,381.40 161,285.23 179,567.77 96,086.00 71,365.60 38,724.50 65,077.29 74,299.65 9,222 14.17% Total distributed by Spokane County 1,337,790.01 2,010,040.49 2,490,869.11 2,461,285.61 2,589,681.22 1,986,762.13 1,088,222.20 962,304.07 960,751.16 1,185,706.66 224,956 23.41°% Budget estimate 1,127,112.00 1,680,000.00 4,006,361.00 2,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 760,000.00 800,000.00 950,000.00 Actual over (under) budget 210,678.01 330,040.49 (1,515,491.89) 461,285.61 589,681.22 (13,237.87) (911,777.80) 202,304.07 160,751_16 235 706.66 Total actual collections as a % of total budget 118.69°% 119.65°% 62.17% 123.06% 129.48% 99.34% 54.41% 126.62% 120.09% 124.81°% % change in annual total collected nla 50.25°% 23.92% (1.19 %) 5.22°% (23.28 %) (45.23° %) (11.57 %) (0.16 %) 23.41% Chart Reflecting History of Collections through the Month of December 3,000,000.00 December 2,500,000.00 _ = November ■ October 2,000,000.00 - September a August 1,500,000.00 July a ■lune 1,000,000.00 ■May ■April 500,000.00 � March ■ February D.DO - ■lanuary 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Page 21 \\SV- FS2\tlsers\mcalhoun\Bonds\ debt capacity CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA Debt Capacity 2012 Assessed Value for 2013 Property Taxes 212212013 6, 921, 825,295 Maximum Outstanding Remaining Debt as of Debt % Capacity 12/31/2012 Capacity Utilized Voted (UTGO) 1.00% of assessed value 69,218,253 0 69,218,253 0.00% Nonvoted (LTGO) 1.50% of assessed value 103,827,379 7,690,000 96,137,379 7.41% Voted park 2,50% of assessed value 173,045,632 0 173,045,632 0.00% Voted utility 2.50% of assessed value 173,045,632 0 173,045,632 0.00% 12/1/2010 110,000 519,136,896 7,690,000 511,446,896 1,48% Bonds Repaid Bonds Remaining 2003 LTGO Bonds 60,000 85,0 0 Road & 12/1/2005 Period 90,0 Street 12/1/2006 Ending CenterPlace Improvemen s Total 12/1/2004 60,000 85,0 0 145,000 12/1/2005 75,000 90,0 165,000 12/1/2006 85,000 90,00 175,000 12/1/2007 90,000 95,00 185,000 12/1/2008 95,000 95,00 190,000 12/1/2009 105,000 100,00 205,000 12/1/2010 110,000 100,000 210,000 12/1/2011 120,000 105,000 225,000 12/1/2012 130,000 110,000 240,000 870,000 870,0001 1,740,000 12/1/2013 140,000 115,000 255,000 12/1/2014 150,000 120,000 270,000 12/1/2015 160,000 125,000 285,000 12/1/2016 170,000 130,000 300,000 12/1/2017 180,000 135,000 315,000 12/1/2018 220,000 140,000 360,000 12/1/2019 250,000 145,000 395,000 12/1/2020 290,000 150,000 440,000 12/1/2021 325,000 160,000 485,000 12/1/2022 360,000 165,000 525,000 12/1/2023 405,000 175,000 580,000 12/1/2024 450,000 0 450,000 12/1/2025 490,000 0 490,000 12/1/2026 535,000 0 535,000 12/1/2027 430,000 0 430,000 12/1/2028 340,000 0 340,000 12/1/2029 295,000 0 295,000 12/1/2030 280,000 0 280,000 12/1/2031 240,000 0 240,000 12/1/2032 190.000 0 190,000 12/1/2033 230,000 0 230,000 6,130,000 1,560,000 7,690,000 7,000,000 2,430,000 9,430,000 Page 22